Constant dryness. Constant dry mouth: causes of the phenomenon and how to get rid of the problem? Cause of dryness - drugs

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Dry mouth (xerostomia) - this unpleasant sensation can be temporary or signal the presence of some pathological conditions occurring in the body. Dryness in the mouth occurs due to a deficiency in the production of saliva by the glands. Normal saliva production per day is 2000 ml.


Xerostomia can occur for the following reasons that are not associated with diseases:

Why dry mouth can torment constantly? Pathological conditions in which dryness occurs in the oral cavity:

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Neoplasms in the oral cavity, in which the submandibular and parotid salivary glands are affected;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus, in which the level of glucose in the blood rises, there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. Xerostomia occurs against the background of a decrease in the level of fluid in the body and inhibition of the functions of the salivary glands;
  • Sjögren's disease is an autoimmune disorder in which dryness of the mucous membranes occurs, a disorder in the functioning of the external secretion glands;
  • Diseases of the salivary glands: sialostasis, mumps, Mikulich's disease. Characteristic signs of pathologies are soreness and enlargement of the gland, partial or complete extinction of the functions of saliva production;
  • Violation of innervation - after surgery, the nerve fibers of the neck or head may be damaged, which leads to a breakdown in the functioning of the glands;
  • Infectious diseases, which are accompanied by intoxication (dehydration) of the body;
  • Injury to the large salivary glands - can lead to rupture of the tissues and ducts of the glands;
  • Deficiency of vitamin A (retinol) - there is an overgrowth of epithelial tissue, which clogs the lumen of the salivary glands;
  • Nervous overexcitation - xerostomia passes along with signs of depression;
  • Surgical resection (removal) of salivary glands(with neoplasms, extensive injuries);
  • HIV - the virus infects the salivary glands, inhibiting their functions, while the body is depleted;
  • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic (transmitted from parents to children) disease that is characterized by damage to the external secretion glands;
  • Systemic scleroderma - fibrosis (proliferation of connective tissue) of the skin and mucous membranes occurs.

During pregnancy, the causes of xerostomia can be:

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Preeclampsia (toxicosis in the later stages, pathological condition);
  • Violation of water-salt metabolism (excessive consumption of smoked, salty);
  • The pressure of the uterus on the bladder, leading to frequent urination;
  • An excess of magnesium;
  • Potassium deficiency.

Associated symptoms

Most often, xerostomia is combined with other signs:

What diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can indicate

Xerostomia occurs with the following diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • (infection of the duodenum);
  • Dyskinesia (motor function disorder) of the biliary tract;
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Treatment Methods

The treatment of dry mouth directly depends on the cause of its occurrence, usually 3 therapeutic areas are distinguished for these purposes:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease that caused xerostomia. If the condition occurs against the background of taking medications, then a new remedy is selected, the dosage is adjusted, but if it is not possible to adjust the course of treatment (after an injury, surgery), then measures are prescribed to increase salivation;
  • Rejection of bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • Prevention of caries - brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, cleaning the interdental spaces with a floss. It is also recommended to use mouthwashes, use fluoride-containing toothpaste, undergo preventive examination at the dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Moisturizing lips with hygienic lipsticks, wet wipes;
  • Increased salivation - prescribe artificial saliva substitutes in the form of aerosols, rinses, moisturizing gels: evoksac, salagen, pilogel.

Quick relief from dryness

In order to quickly get rid of dry mouth, you can use the following recommendations:


Nutrition for xerostomia should be fractional, minimum portions of at least 5 times a day, food should be in a warm, wiped form. Dishes are boiled, stewed or baked.

Allowed products:

  • Bread 1 and 2 grades;
  • Legumes;
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • Groats, cereals;
  • Soft-boiled eggs;
  • Sour-milk drinks;
  • Butter, vegetable, ghee;
  • Vegetarian soups;
  • Vegetables, non-acidic berries, fruits;
  • Honey, jam, jam, marmalade;
  • Tea, rosehip broth, juices, mineral water.

Prohibited Products:

  • Salted, smoked, pickled, fatty, fried foods;
  • Spices, spices;
  • Ice cream, chocolate;
  • Sausages;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bread, crackers, cookies;
  • Pastries, cakes;
  • Pasta;
  • Canned food;
  • Products from cottage cheese;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Coffee, sour juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.


For xerostomia, the following alternative medicine recipes are used:

  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sage, chamomile, calamus root, blueberries, brew each ingredient separately with a mug of hot water, except for blueberries. Infuse for 40–60 minutes, filter, rinse the oral cavity with decoctions throughout the day, and eat the berries;
  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plantain, rosehip, chamomile, mint, calendula, sea buckthorn and red rowan. Grind everything, 1 tbsp. brew a spoonful of the finished mixture ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 2-4 hours, filter. Take ¼ cup throughout the day, you can rinse your mouth with this decoction;
  • 1. Art. brew a spoonful of rose hips with a mug of hot water, leave for a couple of hours, filter. Buy an oil solution of chlorophyllipt in a pharmacy, alternately drip these 2 products into the nasal passages: first, rose hips, after 15 minutes, a pharmacy solution. After instillation, you need to take a horizontal position;
  • Squeeze juice from fresh vegetables, fruits: white cabbage, apple, potatoes. Add ¼ cup of juice with water to make ½ volume, take it warm before each meal.


If dry mouth torments you for a long time, consult a doctor!

If xerostomia is observed for a long time, there is no treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • Caries, tooth loss;
  • Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • Infectious processes in the oral cavity (thrush).

Dry mouth is familiar to many. Usually it is not considered a separate disease, but it serves as a signal of serious disorders and a symptom of the onset of many diseases, including those with extremely serious consequences.

In medical language, dry mouth is called "xerostomia" and is expressed as follows:

  • You are thirsty
  • The tongue and mucous membranes in the mouth feel swollen and sticky
  • You have difficulty swallowing
  • There may be a strong burning sensation in the nasopharynx
  • Severe hoarseness or lack of voice

Why does dry mouth occur?

Xerostomia can be episodic. In this case, it is rather not associated with chronic diseases, but is a temporary or one-time salivation disorder. Also, dry mouth is often observed in the presence of bad habits and violations of sleep and nutrition. For example:

  • Excessive consumption of salty, sour, fatty foods, caffeine and strong tea
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Improper breathing (at night during snoring or nasal congestion)
  • Side effects when taking certain medications
  • High fever with colds
  • Bouts of intense anxiety
  • Hormonal surges during menopause and pregnancy

If dry mouth is permanent and is accompanied by other disorders, it should be taken more seriously. Certain ailments are of an age-related nature and appear only in adulthood, some of the diseases that cause dry mouth can also occur in children.

Chest pain and dry mouth

  • Chest pain and dry mouth are indicative of heart problems, hypertension, stroke, ischemic disorders.

Pressure and dry mouth

  • Most of the drugs prescribed for the treatment hypertension(high blood pressure), cause dry mouth as a side effect

Shortness of breath and dry mouth

  • At diseases of the cardiovascular system also experience shortness of breath, shortness of breath, weakness in the limbs and dizziness

Dry mouth and tongue

  • Dry mouth, combined with a coating on the tongue, heartburn, nausea, speaks of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Tinnitus and dry mouth

  • Dry mouth and dizziness, tinnitus, pale skin, weakness are sure signs anemia and beriberi(lack of iron and vitamins in the body)

  • With hypotension (low blood pressure), in addition to dry mouth, weakness, dizziness, severe headaches and constant drowsiness are also observed.

Runny nose and dry mouth

  • For rhinitis ( runny nose) of various etiologies, inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa occurs, which in turn leads to dry mouth. It usually goes away with the underlying disease.

Bitterness and dry mouth

  • Xerostomia with a taste of bitterness signals gallbladder diseases

Lack of appetite and dry mouth

  • With severe nervous disorders ( bulimia, anorexia, depression a) dry mouth is usually accompanied by a lack of interest in food and loss of appetite

Stomach pain and dry mouth

  • Dryness plus pain in the abdomen - signs gastritis or ulcers stomach

Dry mouth and lump in throat

  • In acute thyroiditis ( inflammation of the thyroid gland) there is dryness in the mouth, a sensation of a coma in the throat, difficulty in swallowing

Bloating and dry mouth in pancreatitis

  • Dry mouth accompanied by bloating, loose stools is a sign pancreatitis

Constipation and dry mouth

  • At thyroid disorders, which affects the functioning of the digestive organs, various disorders of the stool can be observed. For example, in hypothyroidism, dry mouth is present in combination with frequent constipation.

Dry mouth in diabetes

  • If your dry mouth is accompanied by frequent urination, a sudden change in body weight, extreme thirst in the morning, sleep disturbances, constipation, you may have diabetes

Frequent urination and dry mouth

  • With chronic kidney disease inflammatory processes significantly disrupt the body's water balance, which leads to constant dry mouth

Dry mouth and nausea

  • If irritability, sweating, loss of appetite, trembling of the extremities and bouts of fear are added to nausea, you should be examined. endocrine system

Dry mouth and menopause

  • On the onset menopause in women, the drying up of all the mucous membranes of the body begins, so dryness will be felt not only in the mouth, but also in the eyes, throat, and vagina. Other characteristic symptoms will also be present: hot flashes, chills, increased anxiety

Dry mouth after alcohol

  • A pronounced poisoning of the body is hangover syndrome, in which the body, in particular the liver, is trying hard to cope with excess ethyl alcohol and its decay products

Itching and dry mouth

  • With a lack of vitamin A in the body, dry mouth is accompanied by itching, dryness and flaking of the skin, dull color and brittle hair and nails, inflammation of the eyes. Long vitamin A deficiency can lead to severe damage to epithelial tissues with irreversible consequences

Red tongue and dry mouth

  • At candidiasis(fungal lesions of the oral cavity), along with dry mouth, there will be a light coating on the tongue, burning and itching on the oral mucosa and the surface of the tongue. Some forms of candidiasis, in the absence of plaque, stain the mouth and tongue bright red. Candidiasis can be an independent disease, or develop against the background of other diseases due to a decrease in immunity.

Dry mouth after eating

  • With functional disorders of the salivary glands dry mouth is observed directly during eating. This can be provoked by various types of tumors, neurology, mechanical damage during operations.

Heartburn and dry mouth

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which causes gastric juice to reflux into the esophagus, gives heartburn and dry mouth as the main symptoms.

Dry mouth and SARS

  • At airway inflammation, viral infections, dry mouth is usually accompanied by difficulty in swallowing, a slight cough, a feeling of heaviness and burning in the larynx

Temperature and dry mouth

  • For bacterial infections ( angina, pneumonia, whooping cough) dry mouth may be due to the high temperature characteristic of these diseases

Dry mouth in the morning

  • The feeling of dry mouth in the morning, which goes away on its own, indicates that the breathing pattern was disturbed during sleep ( snoring, mouth breathing stuffy nose) or room humidity mode ( too dry air)

Dry mouth after poisoning

  • One of the initial signs poisoning of any kind is dry mouth, combined with profuse sweating, convulsions, a sharp change in complexion. In the future, stool disorders, vomiting and stomach cramps may appear. Any type of poisoning requires immediate medical attention.

Diarrhea and dry mouth

  • At rotovirus infections, accompanied by profuse diarrhea and vomiting, there is severe dehydration of the body, and as a result - dry mouth. Prolonged dehydration can cause dysbacteriosis and irritable bowel syndrome

Dry mouth when smoking

  • When smoking dry mouth can be caused by functional disorders of the respiratory system and chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, as tobacco tar has a devastating effect on the respiratory system and oral cavity

Dry mouth in the elderly

  • Increased dry mouth may indicate serious autoimmune disorders in the body: systemic scleroderma, Sjögren's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. With such diseases, successive damage to various organs and systems occurs. Autoimmune diseases can appear at any age.
  • The list of ailments that accompany dry mouth can be continued for a long time. It is very important to distinguish ordinary thirst from the symptoms of a serious chronic disease in time.
  • With a timely visit to the doctor, you will solve two problems at once: firstly, stop the development of the underlying disease, and secondly, prevent oral diseases caused by excessive dry mouth (gum disease, mouth ulcers, etc.)

Dry mouth in a child

Dry mouth in a child is most often caused by mouth breathing. If the baby suffers from adenoids, sinusitis, violations of the nasal septum, he cannot breathe through his nose. In this case, the oral cavity quickly dries up and there is a lack of saliva. The first symptom of dry mouth in a child is the appearance of an odor.

Why dry mouth during pregnancy

  • During pregnancy, the usual biological processes in the mother's body undergo changes, and as a result, lead to various health disorders.
  • Dry mouth in the early stages may be the result of toxicosis, which, through various eating disorders, causes dehydration
  • If pregnancy significantly affected the change in taste preferences, dry mouth may be caused by excessive consumption of salty or spicy foods. In this case, it is necessary to bring the water-salt balance back to normal and monitor your diet.
  • At a later date, dry mouth may be due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, especially when other symptoms are present: redness of the skin, foreign tastes in the mouth, burning and itching on the skin. A detailed blood test will help pinpoint the problem.
  • It is also extremely important to observe the correct drinking regime in the last trimester, since at this time the fetus reaches its maximum size, compressing the internal organs and changing the usual metabolic processes.

What to do with the constant feeling of dry mouth?

To get rid of dry mouth, you must first eliminate its causes, that is, change your habits, balance your diet and medication, consult a doctor for a full diagnosis.

  • Give up bad habits: smoking and frequent drinking. Avoid overeating, limit yourself to fatty, spicy and salty foods. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean drinking water per day
  • Monitor the condition of the air in the room, ventilate it more often and do wet cleaning, eliminate possible sources of allergies and strong odors.
  • If you are taking medications, talk to your doctor about the dosage or ask to change them.

Which doctor should I contact with dry mouth

If your dry mouth is accompanied by the symptoms described in this article, make an appointment with the appropriate specialist:

If you find it difficult to choose a specialist, contact a therapist who will give you the appropriate referral after the initial diagnosis.

Medications for dry mouth

If you are sure that dry mouth is not associated with serious diseases, you can try to eliminate it yourself.

  • Drugs that stimulate salivation or replace saliva: Bioxtra, Oralbalance, Bromelaine, ACC, Biotene
  • Some manufacturers produce special lines of oral care products for patients suffering from xerostomia, such as Lakalut
  • Dry mouth causes an increased reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms in the oral cavity, so it is important to take care of proper brushing of the teeth and the surface of the tongue in daily hygiene, as well as the use of drugs that prevent fungal infections and caries, such as fluoride products.

Treatment of dry mouth with folk remedies

  • Hot red peppers, sugar-free lozenges, sugar-free chewing gum contribute to salivation
  • Lemon, papaya and grapefruit juice causes increased salivation
  • Rinsing with tinctures of antiseptic herbs helps well: echinacea, chamomile, sage, calendula
  • Do not use mouthwashes containing alcohol. You can use this folk recipe: half a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm water

Video. Why dry mouth during sleep

Video. Dry mouth due to infections

Whatever the causes of dry mouth, no matter what diseases this symptom indicates, it always deserves attention. After all, the drying of the oral cavity is associated with a lack of saliva production. And this deficiency can lead to digestive problems, dental ailments, fungal diseases, etc.

Lack of saliva also significantly impairs the quality of life, as it makes it difficult to chew and swallow food, and changes the taste of food. Can lead to bad breath, which often negatively affects interpersonal relationships.

The lack of saliva manifests itself in different ways. Moreover, sometimes a person may experience precisely dryness, supplemented by other symptoms. And sometimes he will be dominated by other sensations. And he does not even immediately understand that he suffers from insufficient salivation.

Symptoms and signs of dry mouth include:

  • feeling of sticky tongue;
  • thick, as if fibrous, saliva;
  • bad breath;
  • difficulty chewing food;
  • trouble swallowing a food bolus (dysphagia);
  • problems with speech, especially fast and loud;
  • dryness and sore throat;
  • hoarseness;
  • dryness of the tongue, which becomes rough, often grooves and expressions appear on it;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • intolerance to salty, sour and spicy foods;
  • problems with wearing dentures;
  • cracking of the lips;
  • problems with applying lipstick (it sticks to the teeth all the time);
  • inflammatory diseases of the gums;
  • tooth decay.

Many people mainly complain of dry mouth at night or in the morning. It is natural. Since during sleep, the production of saliva always decreases.


Natural age changes

Dry mouth in the morning, at night, and during the day is normal for older people. Since the activity of the salivary glands decreases with age . This is an inevitable consequence of aging.

Taking medication

Causes of dry mouth are not always associated with some disease or advanced age. Often this problem is caused by taking medications. Particularly strongly affect the production of saliva:

  • antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • countercurrent means;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease;
  • methamphetamine.

Activities and medications used to treat cancer can also be the cause of persistent dry mouth. Sometimes, after the end of a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, saliva production returns to normal, sometimes the problem of dryness remains forever.


A problem with saliva production can occur due to damage to the nerves that innervate the salivary glands, as a result of trauma or surgery. And also because of a stroke, when the center of the brain that regulates salivation is affected.

  • Diabetes. This disease is characterized not only by dry mouth, but also by constant thirst.
  • Fungal lesions of the oral cavity.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Sjögren's syndrome.
  • Osteoporosis, especially in menopausal women.
  • Problems with the gallbladder. Including the usual biliary dyskinesia. In this case, dry mouth usually complements the bitterness.
  • Like, drying out of the mucous membranes of the mouth can be caused by acid reflux.

Often the problem with salivation occurs on a nervous basis. She is a character for anxious, suspicious people, those who suffer from VVD. Moreover, in this case, both the intake of anti-anxiety drugs and increased mouth breathing, dehydration, acid reflux - that is, all those conditions that are characteristic of people who are in constant agitation, can lead to a decrease in saliva production in this case.

Mouth breathing is what causes dry mouth very often. And it is typical not only for anxious people, but also for those who suffer from chronic rhinitis, snoring or doing intense sports. All of these people are at risk for decreased salivation.

Tobacco and alcohol

The cause of constant dryness and bitterness in the mouth is often tobacco smoking. As well as drinking alcohol. Moreover, alcohol does not have to be introduced into the body in the form of alcoholic beverages. Often, prolonged use of mouth rinses containing alcohol leads to a decrease in salivation and drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

How to get rid of dry mouth?

A truly effective treatment for insufficient salivation can only be performed when the exact cause of the problem is found and the underlying disease is treated. Obviously, if dry mouth in the morning is associated with high blood sugar, then the methods for eliminating this symptom will be different from those that will help increase salivation during anxiety.

Therefore, there are no universal methods of treatment. However, there are general guidelines for moisturizing the oral mucosa that are beneficial for all people.

  1. Introduction to the body of a sufficient amount of fluid. At least 2000 liters daily.
  2. Drinking water at the same time as eating. It is very desirable, especially for the elderly, to take small pieces in the mouth and drink each of them with a sip of any soft drink. It is good to use natural bone broth.
  3. Avoiding completely dehydrated dry foods that cause a feeling of dryness in the mouth, such as crackers. If such products are nevertheless included in the diet, then they must be washed down with plenty of liquid at the time of use.
  4. Prevention of mouth breathing. This task is difficult. Since for its solution it is necessary to get rid of the common cold, snoring. Normalize your mental state.
  5. Use of humidifiers. It is especially useful to include at bedtime to prevent the occurrence of dry mouth at night and in the morning.
  6. Refusal of mouthwashes containing alcohol.
  7. Inclusion in the diet of foods that enhance the production of saliva. These products include:
  • apples;
  • cucumbers;
  • fresh carrots;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • fennel;
  • ginger.

How serious is a dry mouth problem?

Serious enough.

Persistent dry mouth, whatever its cause, can lead to negative health effects such as:

  • gum disease;
  • tooth decay;
  • fungal infections of the oral cavity;
  • deterioration of digestion.

Especially dangerous is the strong and constant drying of the mouth for the elderly, in whom it can lead to the inability to chew and swallow food normally. This often leads to nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to life-threatening pneumonia in later life.

Since the problem of decreased salivation often creeps up insidiously, so that it is not immediately noticeable, you can take a test to see if you have cause for concern.

Dryness of the oral mucosa (xerostomia) is considered by many people to be a minor and easily remedied inconvenience. This is a misconception: a symptom may indicate the presence of serious diseases. We should not forget that saliva performs important functions in the body: it cleans the surface of the teeth from food plaque, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, normalizes the acid-base balance, dilutes food and helps to break down the carbohydrates contained in it. Chronic saliva deficiency leads to serious health problems.

The causes of xerostomia can be very different. Let's consider the most common of them.



The drying effect of alcohol and its decay products (in particular, acetaldehyde) is familiar to every person who has abused alcohol at least once in his life. The result of such immoderation is not only general dehydration of the body, but also inhibition of the function of the salivary glands.

Almost all drugs have a similar effect.

Breathing problems

People who suffer from chronic nasal congestion, as well as sleep apnea or nighttime snoring, often experience dry mouth and sore throat in the morning. Discomfort is due to the fact that breathing through the mouth contributes to too rapid evaporation of fluid from the mucous membranes.


The action of nicotine and tobacco combustion products is manifested by a decrease in saliva production. In addition, these substances cause general intoxication of the body and irritation of the mucous membranes upon direct contact with tobacco smoke.

For older smokers, the feeling of dry mouth becomes habitual.

Wrong eating behavior

Drying of the oral mucosa provokes not only salty foods, but also excessively sweet, fatty or spicy foods, that is, any food that requires increased salivation to digest.

Especially harmful in this sense are chips, crackers, fish delicacies “for beer” (dried or dried), various sweet bars, lollipops, chewing sweets and other “sweets”. These products (except for excess salt or sugar) contain flavors that have a negative effect on the functioning of the salivary glands.


The list of ailments that can lead to xerostomia is very wide. It includes:

  • SARS, influenza and other infections accompanied by fever;
  • diseases that cause diarrhea and, consequently, dehydration;
  • pathological processes that provoke severe sweating. These include heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, etc.;
  • conditions that impair the function of the salivary glands (AIDS, cancer);
  • inflammatory processes in the salivary glands or surrounding tissues, as a result of which the outflow of saliva is disturbed (the ducts of the glands are blocked);
  • head and neck injuries;
  • diabetes mellitus (including gestational);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Sjögren's syndrome (an autoimmune disease, one of the symptoms of which is the drying of all mucous membranes);
  • pathology of the digestive tract (stomach, liver, pancreas).

Age changes

Women suffering from violations of thermoregulation during menopause (experiencing the so-called hot flashes) lose a lot of fluid through sweat. This condition can cause a feeling of dry mouth.

With age, the brain's response to signals sent by various organs weakens. This is why very old people often have a false lack of appetite or thirst (while they need water and food). If a person in such a situation does not consume water in the amount necessary for the body, xerostomia occurs.


The body loses fluid during physical exertion. In addition, dry mouth occurs when you stay in the open sun for a long time or in a room with an unfavorable microclimate (for example, when the air in the room is dried out by electric heaters).

Dryness of the mucous membranes of the body is an unpleasant phenomenon that most often goes unattended, but in vain. This symptom is a signal from your body that a certain problem has arisen that needs to be addressed. However, in fairness, it is worth saying that dryness can also occur due to adverse climatic conditions and other wrong actions of the person himself.

But whatever it is, this phenomenon can significantly complicate a person’s life, causing constant discomfort. Next, let's talk about the dryness of the mucous membranes of the body, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment.

Perhaps almost every one of us has met with this phenomenon -. In addition, this is also the most common complaint that doctors have to hear.

Deviation can be caused by various reasons

Most often, this condition occurs with colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections, etc.

Just remember how this terrible dryness is added to the sore throat and nasal congestion, as if a whole desert had formed inside.

However, this is not the only reason for the development of such a phenomenon. Since everything in our body is interconnected, the reason may be quite unexpected, as it seems to us, but quite logical in the opinion of our body.

Dry mouth

The medical name for this disorder is xerostomia., which is defined as dryness of the oral mucosa as a result of a decrease or stop in the functioning of the glands that produce saliva.

Reference. If the phenomenon is chronic, then it is difficult for the patient to talk, eat, taste, which turns ordinary daily activities into hard labor.

Dry oral mucosa is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • feeling of "stickiness" in the mouth;
  • a feeling of drying up not only in the mouth, but also in the throat;
  • itching and burning, especially on the tongue;
  • cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth;
  • redness and drying of the tongue, the appearance of roughness;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • halitosis.

Constant dryness of the oral mucosa causes some discomfort and causes the development of some pathological processes.

The oral mucosa primarily reflects the development of various pathologies and malfunctions in the functioning of many systems.

Drying factors not associated with diseases Pathologies, a symptom of which this phenomenon may be
Low water consumption, especially during the hot season, and when eating highly salted food Diseases of the salivary glands(, Mikulich's disease, sialolithiasis), characterized by a violation of the formation of saliva, even until the complete cessation
The use of drugs, a side effect of which is dry mouth Infectious pathologies(flu, tonsillitis, etc.) - this phenomenon develops due to a lack of water in the body due to high temperature, increased sweating
Mouth breathing(due to the inability to breathe through the nose due to polyps, deviated nasal septum, etc.) Systemic diseases(Sjögren's disease, cystic fibrosis, systemic scleroderma)
Mouth rinses for no reason Tumors in the oral cavity- salivary glands (parotid and submandibular) are often affected
Smoking Endocrine diseases(thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus)
Alcohol intoxication Anemia(lack of iron causes not only dry mouth, but dizziness, pale skin)
Menopause Dehydration due to bleeding, burns, fever, vomiting, diarrhea

In addition to the above factors, it is also possible to distinguish such conditions that cause the development of such a condition:

  1. Vitamin A deficiency.
  2. Injury to the salivary glands.
  3. Damage to various types of nerves (facial and glossopharyngeal).
  4. Strong psycho-emotional stress (excitement, stress).

Reference. A feeling of constant dryness in the mouth can cause the development of a variety of gum pathologies (periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis).

Dryness in the nose

Dryness in the nose brings a lot of discomfort to a person's life.

The dryness of the nasal mucous membranes makes it difficult to breathe and prevents them from fulfilling their main purpose: to filter, warm and humidify the inhaled air before it enters the lungs.

It follows that this phenomenon causes an almost 100% chance of "catching" any infection by airborne droplets, since the mucosal epithelium in such a situation is not able to retain pathogens.

Dryness in the nose is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • cracked skin on the nostrils;
  • burning sensation and the formation of dry crusts in the nose;
  • sneezing
  • deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • headache;
  • nosebleeds.

As for the factors for the development of dryness in the nasal cavity, they can be completely diverse. The most common are the following:

  1. Climate- winter frosts and too hot summers with low humidity are real tests for the respiratory system.
  2. Inappropriate indoor climate- this problem can be provoked by dry air in the home, especially if there is an air conditioner in it.
  3. Harmful working conditions- chemicals, building materials or the constant presence of dust have a negative effect on the nasal and respiratory mucosa. Therefore, a respirator in this situation is a prerequisite.
  4. Prolonged use of medications- excessive use of nasal vasoconstrictor drops, especially when the dosage is exceeded, causes the formation of dryness in the nose. In addition to local drugs, this phenomenon can also be caused by systemic drugs: hormonal and antihistamines.
  5. Pathological conditions- atrophic and hypertrophic rhinitis, rhinoscleroma, keratoconjunctivitis, Sjögren's disease and diabetes mellitus.
  6. Stressful situations and weak protective functions of the body- Against the background of frequent or constant emotional overload, this condition may develop.
  7. Damage to the walls of the nasal passages- mechanical impact, burns, thermal effects.

In addition, deviations can be provoked allergic reactions to various irritants (pollen, dust, animal hair) and h excessive passion for the cleanliness of the nasal cavity(endless blowing and rinsing for no apparent reason).

Reference. Drying can occur in the elderly (thinning of the mucous membrane) and in expectant mothers (hormonal changes).

Treatment of dry mucous membranes

First of all, in such a situation, treatment should begin with the neutralization of the main cause of this deviation.

Reference. In case of pathologies of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to seek appropriate medical help.

Since this phenomenon can be a symptom of many systemic pathologies, and may be the result of external factors, a person is not able to determine this on his own.

Thus, if possible, as soon as possible, it is better to contact a doctor, where a full consultation and a scheme of actions will be received in each specific case.

The true cause of the phenomenon can only be established by a doctor

Dry mouth treatment

The treatment of dry mouth that has arisen is always carried out in a complex manner, under the guidance of a doctor and includes the following items that are mandatory for the patient:

Treatment of the phenomenon begins with the search for the disease and the implementation of a list of rules

  • therapy of the underlying disease (if any);
  • complete rejection of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • if the reason is taking certain drugs, then the doctor can either reduce the dose or choose another remedy;
  • reduce the intake of highly salted foods;
  • consume enough liquid;
  • avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes;
  • reduce irritation of the mucous membrane will help peach, apricot, sunflower oil and honey applications;
  • use drugs that replace saliva (at the discretion of a specialist).

In addition, it is necessary to maintain certain climatic conditions in the house: temperature conditions and humidity. To do this, you need to often perform wet cleaning and ventilation of the living quarters. Also, special devices will help with humidifying the room.

Reference. Seasoning food with hot pepper also helps to activate salivation, but the main thing here is not to overdo it so that there are no problems with the digestive system.

Treatment for dry nose

The choice of therapeutic measures for the most part depends on the factors in the development of dryness. Only a doctor can choose a complex of effective drugs.

However, the basis of the treatment of this problem will always consist of local symptomatic treatment to moisten the mucosa, reduce swelling and restore breathing.

To eliminate this condition, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Eliminate trigger factors- increase the humidity in the house (using humidifiers or wet towels and water containers);
  2. Compliance with the drinking regime- consume more water, decoctions, rose hips, tea.
  3. The use of drugs that prevent dryness- Drops and sprays from sea water (Aquamaris, Humer, Salin), as well as ointments (Pinosol, Traumeel S) work well with this.
  4. Inhalations- You can soften the drying if you do inhalations using essential oils (sage, mint, eucalyptus) or herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile).
  5. The use of solutions- you can dig in sea buckthorn oil, olive oil, and also lubricate the nasal passages with cotton or gauze (pre-soaked).

Drugs that eliminate dryness of the nasal mucosa

The above measures will help alleviate the person's condition while the main factor is being established and treated (in the event that dryness is a symptom of the disease).

This problem can both arise and disappear by itself. However, if dryness torments you constantly or occurs with systemic frequency, then you should still pay attention to it.

A visit to the doctor takes a lot of time, and the treatment of the problem itself may not take, but you will get rid of the unpleasant sensation, significantly improving the quality of your life.