The main causes of bad breath. Causes of bad breath and how to deal with the problem. Rinses and toothpastes

The success of a person in our world is determined not only by the mind and quickness of thinking, purposefulness, charisma and efficiency. Self-confidence, charm, energy play a significant role in this. We are embarrassed by bad breath in the morning or at the dentist. We are worried about bad breath at the time of important negotiations or romantic meetings, distracting from work or not allowing us to express our thoughts at the right time. Halitosis is the medical definition of this problem. Bad breath is for some people already a psychological problem and it is not only possible, but necessary to solve it.

Are the reasons always the same?

Sometimes the smell from the mouth is heard by others only during close contact with a person, and he, in turn, greatly exaggerates the scale of the problem.

Bad breath can come on suddenly, appear intermittently, or be a constant companion throughout the day. There are different types of halitosis:

  1. True halitosis (when objectively others notice unpleasant breathing in a person). The reasons for it can be both in the peculiarities of physiology, human metabolism, and act as a symptom of diseases.
  2. Pseudogalitosis (there is a subtle bad breath felt on close contact with a person, to a large extent the patient himself exaggerates the scale of the problem).
  3. Halitophobia (the patient is dominated by fear and the belief that he has bad breath, and the dentist does not find obvious evidence of this).

Depending on whether the patient complains of "morning" breath (lack of freshness in the mouth upon waking up) or "hungry" breath (unpleasant smell on an empty stomach), the doctor may suggest possible causes of its occurrence.

The main culprits of physiological halitosis are plaque on the teeth and the back third of the tongue, tartar, food debris in the oral cavity, “odorous” foods that a person ate the day before, microorganisms, tobacco, and alcohol. Saliva normally cleans the surface of the teeth and tongue, constantly reducing the activity of microbes due to its composition.

With poor oral hygiene and the accumulation of plaque, microorganisms (mainly anaerobic bacteria) as a result of active life produce hydrogen sulfide, which gives the exhaled air an unpleasant shade. During sleep, a person is at rest for a long time, the secretion of saliva and its movement in the mouth decreases, bacteria take advantage of this and, as a result, bad breath in the morning. After brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, all processes set in motion, the smell disappears.

Pathological halitosis can occur as a result of diseases of the teeth, gums, tonsils (oral), or be a symptom of diseases of other organs and systems (gastrointestinal tract, liver, respiratory organs, etc.).

We are looking for the cause in the oral cavity

The main causes that are in the human oral cavity and are associated with the appearance of bad breath are the following:

  • carious cavities in the teeth;
  • accumulation of plaque in pathological gingival pockets, formation of tartar (with periodontitis);
  • the formation of a gingival "hood" over the erupting wisdom tooth and the ingress of food debris under it;
  • stomatitis of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the salivary glands, in which the viscosity of saliva and its cleansing ability are sharply reduced;
  • tongue diseases;
  • the presence of orthopedic structures in the oral cavity (crowns, dentures, plates and braces in children);
  • increased sensitivity and exposure of the necks of the teeth with loss of bone tissue and atrophy of the gums, which makes it difficult to care for the teeth and contributes to the accumulation of plaque.

Both medications taken (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines) and stress can have a temporary effect on the composition and properties of saliva. Saliva becomes viscous, viscous, it is produced much less, which causes the development of xerostomia (dry mouth).

Halitosis as a symptom of diseases

Bad breath can be a symptom of various diseases. In ancient times, doctors could diagnose an onset disease by assessing breath and smell.

Allocate extraoral causes of the development of halitosis, i.e., not directly related to the oral cavity.

These include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, insufficiency of the gastric sphincter, in which food is thrown back into the esophagus, which is accompanied by belching and heartburn);
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (liver failure, hepatitis,). They are characterized by a "fishy", "fecal" smell from the mouth, the smell of rotten eggs;
  • chronic infections of the nasopharynx and areas adjacent to the oral cavity (, rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • respiratory infections;
  • (the smell of ammonia in the exhaled air);
  • metabolic diseases (diabetes).

How to evaluate breathing?

Many people who have unpleasant repulsive breath are not even aware of the problem. It is good if a close person or friend points to it. But this is not always possible, relatives are afraid to offend a loved one, and colleagues prefer to reduce communication with him to a minimum. But the problem remains.

There are several ways to test yourself:

  • ask someone close to evaluate the smell of the mouth;
  • lick the wrist (spoon, napkin), let dry and smell;
  • clean the gaps between the teeth with odorless dental floss, dry, evaluate the smell;
  • use a pocket apparatus (halimeter) to measure the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in exhaled air. Evaluation is made on a scale from 0 to 4 points;
  • if you want to know exactly the degree of bad breath, you can be examined on special ultra-sensitive equipment by a specialist.

How to treat bad breath?

To get rid of bad breath, first of all, due attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

First of all, take care of oral hygiene. Regularly brush your teeth according to all the rules, using not only a brush and paste, but additional tools: dental floss, a tongue scraper, rinses that reduce the concentration of bacteria in saliva. Many people do not suspect that the main accumulation of plaque occurs at the root of the tongue, on the back third of its back.

You need to clean your tongue every day. You can use a toothbrush for this, on the back of the head of which there is a rubber studded pad specifically for this purpose. But in some people, such cleaning causes a strong gag reflex. Specialists have developed special scrapers for cleaning the tongue for such patients. As an option to reduce vomiting at the time of cleansing, use toothpaste with a strong mint flavor or hold your breath while the scraper comes into contact with the root of the tongue.

Even the familiar rinsing of the mouth with water after eating has a significant effect, removing food debris from the folds and preventing microbes from converting them into acids and hydrogen sulfide.

Rinses and toothpastes

For people suffering from halitosis, it is recommended to use products containing antiseptics such as Triclosan, Chlorhexidine, and baking soda. It has been proven that a 0.12-0.2% solution of Chlorhexidine reduces the number of anaerobic bacteria by 81-95% for 1.5-3 hours. A good effect is the use of rinses and toothpastes with Triclosan (0.03-0.05%). Antihalitic effect is exerted by toothpastes and gels, which contain 3-10% carbamide peroxide. But alcohol-containing rinses with constant use cause dryness of the mucous membranes in the mouth and a decrease in saliva.

Help from nature

To combat bad breath, even our ancestors actively used preparations of plant and animal origin - propolis, alfalfa, chamomile, echinacea, myrtle, fresh dill infusion, decoction of tansy with wormwood and yarrow (brewed for 15 minutes). A good, but short-term deodorizing effect is given by freshly brewed strong tea. Essential oils (essential) reduce bad breath for 90-120 minutes (mint, tea tree, clove, sage, grapefruit seed extract). The use of chewing gums in this case gives an even shorter result, masking the smell itself, but not eliminating the cause of its appearance.

Removal of stones and plaque

On their own, a person can clean soft plaque, and more dense formations can be removed only by a doctor using special tools. This is done mechanically or using ultrasound. At the time of cleaning above and subgingival stones, pathological pockets formed along the roots of the teeth during periodontitis are simultaneously washed.

Treatment of common diseases

If the smell from the mouth is a symptom of any chronic disease of the internal organs or systems, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment. The dentist eliminates all causative factors in the oral cavity (plaque, stones, chronic inflammation of the gums), selects the means and hygiene items, and the treatment of the underlying disease is carried out by the therapist together with other specialists.

The problem of bad breath is a common phenomenon familiar to many. But more often we pay attention to another person and do not suspect the presence of bad breath in ourselves. Do the smell tests yourself, it's not hard at all. It is possible that an attentive attitude to your health will return to you a hundredfold. Halitosis, which suddenly appeared in a person, may be the first symptom of a serious illness, and a person who notices it in time significantly increases the chances of early detection of the problem. Hence, its timely decision. Love yourself and take care of your health!

The problem of bad breath is quite common and reaches 80-90% of the adult population, but only in 25% of cases bad breath is persistent and its cause is the presence of a chronic pathological process in the human body. Halitosis is caused, as a rule, by a disease of the digestive organs (stomach, liver, intestines, teeth and oral cavity). In most cases, it occurs due to the accumulation in the human mouth - on the tongue, around the teeth and between the teeth - a large number of anaerobic bacteria.

This condition is also known as "halitosis" or "halitosis", "ozostomy", "stomatodisody". The problem of bad breath is by no means intractable. The methods of its treatment are usually very simple and effective - you just need to correctly recognize the main cause of the unpleasant odor.

Do you have bad breath?

Of course, under certain circumstances, each of us may develop bad breath - and we ourselves will often be able to find out about this only by the reaction of the people around us. Determining if you have bad breath is often difficult, primarily because the mouth, the source of all these odors, is connected to the nose through an opening located at the back of the mouth, in the soft palate. And since the nose "filters" the odors that arise in the back of the mouth, it also filters this most unpleasant odor. That is, you, quite possibly, have this smell from your mouth - but you yourself do not know about it.

If even our own noses can't tell us with certainty what our breath smells like, can we still know? One way is to get the opinion of one of your closest relatives on this matter. You can also make the same request to a close friend, or to your dentist at the next visit to him. If this question seems too personal to you and you are afraid to "entrust" it to adults, do not be embarrassed and ask your children about it. As we well know, it is through their mouths that the truth often speaks.

Is it possible to independently determine how your breath smells?

Such methods are also known. For example, lick your wrist, let the saliva dry for about five seconds, and then smell the area. Well, how? This is exactly how you smell. Or, to be precise, this is what the front of your tongue smells like.

Now try to figure out what the back of your tongue smells like. Take a spoon, turn it over, and use it to scrape the furthest part of your tongue. (Don't be surprised if you choke on this.) Look at the stuff you've scraped off your tongue on the spoon - it's usually thick and whitish. Now sniff it. This is the smell of your breath (as opposed to the smell of the front of the tongue) that others are most likely to smell.

The main cause of bad breath

Now you know that in most cases, the source of bad breath is the white matter that covers the back of the tongue. Or, to be more precise, the bacteria that live in this white substance.

There is another, also very common cause of bad breath - these are bacteria that accumulate in other areas of the mouth.

What conditions or circumstances can cause or exacerbate bad breath? Many of these factors are somehow related to:

Oral bacteria.
- Conditions that stimulate the growth of these bacteria.
- Poor cleaning of those areas where bacteria accumulate.

Can food cause bad breath?

Certain foods have a long history of causing bad breath, such as onions and garlic. When food is digested, its constituent molecules are absorbed by our body and then removed from it by the blood stream.

Some of these molecules, which have very characteristic and unpleasant odors, enter our lungs with the blood stream. They are excreted from the lungs during exhalation - hence the unpleasant odor. Although this kind of bad smell is a rather annoying problem, we will not discuss it in detail in these pages. The unpleasant smell caused by the use of certain foods usually disappears by itself in a day or two - as soon as the body removes all the "bad-smelling" molecules. And getting rid of such a smell is quite simple - you just need to exclude such products from your diet or reduce their use to a minimum.

Does smoking contribute to bad breath?

You probably had to meet people who smoke heavily, whose breath has a specific smell. Although many factors contribute to the formation of bad breath associated with smoking, the main ones are nicotine, tar and other foul-smelling substances found in tobacco smoke. These substances accumulate on the teeth and soft tissues of the smoker's mouth - gums, buccal tissue, tongue. And again, we will make a reservation - we will not discuss this type of unpleasant smell in detail on these pages either. The only way to completely get rid of this smell is to stop smoking (although with perfect oral hygiene, this smell can be somewhat reduced). Note also that smoking itself dehydrates the tissues of the mouth. This weakens the moisturizing and disinfecting effect of saliva, which washes away bacteria and their waste products. Dry mouth is discussed in more detail below. It is known that people who smoke are more likely to have problems associated with periodontal disease ("gum disease").

Periodontal disease is also caused by bacterial activity. Gum disease and its association with bad breath is discussed in more detail below.

Does xerostomia (dry mouth) contribute to bad breath?

Even if you don't have any particular odor problems, you've probably noticed that in the morning, when you just woke up, your breath is much less fresh. This happens because our mouth "dries up" at night - because during sleep our body produces less saliva. The result of this drying is "morning breath". A similar "drying out effect" is often noticed in themselves, for example, by teachers or lawyers who have to talk for several hours - this also dries up the mouth. Some people suffer from chronic dry mouth - this condition is called xerostomia. It is even more difficult for them to solve problems with fresh breath. The moisture in our mouths aids in cleansing. We constantly swallow saliva - and with each sip, millions of bacteria are washed out of our mouths, as well as food particles that these bacteria feed on. In addition, saliva dissolves and washes away the waste products of bacteria that live in the mouth.

Saliva is a special form of moisturizing mouth fluid, a kind of natural mouth cleaner. Any moisture can have a cleansing and dissolving effect; saliva, in addition, contains special components that kill bacteria and neutralize their waste products. When the mouth dries out, the beneficial effect of saliva is greatly reduced. The neutralization of bacteria slows down and the conditions for their growth improve.

Chronic drying of the mouth - xerostomia - can also be a side effect of taking certain medications. Xerostomia can be caused by antihistamines (allergy and cold medicines), antidepressants, blood pressure medications, diuretics, tranquilizers, and narcotics. Dry mouth can get worse with age. Over time, our salivary glands stop working with the same efficiency, and the composition of saliva also changes. This leads to the fact that the cleansing properties of saliva weaken. People who have had xerostomia for a long time are more likely to develop periodontal disease (gum disease). Gum disease can also be the cause of bad breath.

Can periodontal disease cause bad breath?

Periodontal disease, commonly referred to simply as "gum disease," can also be a cause of bad breath. Ask any dentist - the smell of gum disease is very specific, and an experienced doctor can determine the presence of such a disease even before examining the patient.

Diseases of the oral cavity are the second most common cause of bad breath (the first, as you remember, is the accumulation of bacteria).

More often they occur in people over 35 years old - that is, the older the person, the more likely it is that problems with fresh breath are caused by the condition of his gums. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the soft tissues surrounding the teeth. If such a disease is started, it can lead to serious damage to the bone into which our teeth are “inserted”. Often, as the disease progresses, gaps (called "periodontal pockets" by dentists) form between the teeth and gums, in which large numbers of bacteria accumulate. These pockets are so deep that they are difficult to clean properly; bacteria and their waste products that accumulate in them also cause an unpleasant odor.

Can a respiratory disease cause bad breath?

Of course it can. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, allergies - all these diseases lead to the fact that mucous secretions begin to flow from the nasal cavity into the oral cavity, through an opening in the soft palate. The accumulation of these secretions in the mouth can also cause bad breath.

People with sinus disease often have a stuffy nose, forcing them to breathe through their mouths. Breathing through the mouth causes it to dry out, which, as we already know, also causes bad breath. People with sinus disease often take antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs, which also dry out the mouth.

What dental diseases can cause bad breath?

In most cases, the occurrence of an unpleasant odor in the mouth is associated with various diseases of the oral cavity itself. Any active infection in the mouth, such as a tooth abscess or a partially erupted wisdom tooth, can cause bad breath. Extensive untreated cavities in the teeth can accumulate a large amount of bacteria and food debris, which also cause bad breath. If you have such diseases, during the examination, your dentist will definitely identify them and suggest effective methods of treatment.

Can other untreated diseases cause bad breath?

Some diseases of the internal organs can also cause an unpleasant odor. If the patient has tried all the usual ways to eliminate an unpleasant odor in such cases, but they have not led to anything, then a visit to the therapist will not hurt. Your doctor, of course, knows which diseases are most likely in your case; but, for general information, bad breath can occur with diseases of the respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases.

Can dentures cause bad breath?

Dentures (full, partial, removable, etc.) can have a significant impact on the freshness of your breath. If you wear any type of denture, a simple test can be done to see if your denture is causing bad breath:

Remove your dentures and place them in a covered container, such as a plastic lunch box. Close it tightly and leave it like that for five minutes. Then sharply open it and immediately smell it. About the same smell from your mouth and feel the people with whom you speak.

Although in most cases bad breath is caused by bacteria accumulating on the tongue, on or around the teeth (periodontal disease), bacteria can also accumulate on the surface of dentures and this can also cause bad breath.

What is actually the main cause of bad breath?

In most cases, the occurrence of bad breath is associated with the condition of the oral cavity. Namely - an unpleasant odor is usually caused by bacteria that live in it. Bacteria, like humans, consume food and excrete its waste throughout their lives. The waste products of certain types of bacteria are sulfur compounds, and they are the cause of an unpleasant odor. Remember how a rotten egg smells? This odor is also caused by the formation of a sulfur compound, hydrogen sulfide, in the egg. The characteristic smell of compost heaps or barnyards also owes its "fragrance" to the presence of a sulfur compound - methyl mercaptan. And both of these compounds secrete bacteria that live in our mouths. These substances are collectively referred to as "volatile sulfur compounds" (VSCs). The term "volatile" means that these substances evaporate quickly, even at normal temperatures. The "volatility" of these compounds explains their ability to quickly penetrate, so to speak, into the noses of the people around us. Although these substances mainly form bad breath, bacteria. living in the oral cavity, emit other products that have a very unpleasant odor. Here are some of them:

Kadavrin is a substance that forms a characteristic putrid odor.
- Putrescine - forming a stench when meat rots.
- Skatol is the main component of the smell of human feces.

You will probably be quite surprised to learn that in an ordinary human mouth there can be such a "bouquet" of unpleasant odors - but this is true, and, unfortunately, there are no exceptions. Each person, to one degree or another, has these, so to speak, aromas in his breath. Fortunately, the human sense of smell does not pick up these odors if their concentration in the breath is low. Only when it rises does the same characteristic unpleasant odor form.

What types of bacteria cause bad breath?

Most of the chemical compounds that cause an unpleasant odor (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, cadavrine, putrescine, skatole) are secreted by anaerobic bacteria (their more accurate name is gram-negative anaerobes). The term "anaerobic" means that they live and reproduce best in places where there is no oxygen. In our mouths, there is a constant struggle for living space between bacteria that secrete products that form an unpleasant smell, and other bacteria that do not. The freshness of our breath is determined, in fact, by the degree of balance in the presence of both bacteria. A buildup of plaque (the white film that forms on the tongue and teeth - at the gum line and below) can tip this balance in favor of bad breath bacteria. Imagine - a layer of plaque only one or two tenths of a millimeter thick (that is, about a banknote thick) already contains no oxygen at all - that is, there is no better place for bacteria to be found. Therefore, as plaque builds up, more and more odor-forming bacteria colonize it - which means that each of our exhalations contains more and more compounds secreted by these bacteria.

What do anaerobic bacteria feed on that produce bad breath?

Most of the foul-smelling substances that cause bad breath are excreted by bacteria after the consumption of proteins. That is, when we eat foods such as meat or fish, the bacteria living in our mouth get their share of food. And what they secrete after eating, and there are those same compounds. which cause an unpleasant odour. Anaerobic bacteria will find proteins - their favorite food - in anything, even the cheeseburger you ate. In addition, in our mouths there will always be "natural" protein food for them - for example, dead skin cells, or numerous protein components contained in saliva. If you use your toothbrush and floss irregularly, a real feast for bacteria forms in your mouth - food leftovers from today's breakfast, yesterday's dinner, the day before yesterday's lunch ...

What foods contain the most protein?

Meat, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products (milk, cheeses and yogurts) - there is a lot of protein in all these products. Most people get about two-thirds of the proteins they need from them. Other sources of protein are cereals and products from them, nuts, leguminous plants (peas, beans and lentils). The ingredients found in many of our favorite desserts (like cakes and pies) turn these delicious meals into true protein pantries.

Where do the bacteria that cause bad breath live?

In most cases, these bacteria accumulate on the tongue, but they have many other "habitats".


Remember the "experiment" we recommended you do at the beginning of this section. Although the smell produced in the anterior region of our tongue may not be the most pleasant, it is usually not the main source of problems with freshness of breath. The main "component" of an unpleasant odor is formed in the back of the tongue. Go to the mirror, stick out your tongue and examine it carefully. You will surely see a whitish coating on its surface. Closer to the back of the tongue, this plaque becomes more dense. The number of bacteria that accumulate on the human tongue depends on the texture of its surface. In people whose tongue surface has more folds, grooves and indentations, this number will be greater than in people with a smoother surface of the tongue. In order to create a favorable environment for the life of bacteria in the white layer on the tongue - i.e. devoid of oxygen - this layer can be only one to two tenths of a millimeter thick. Such an "oxygen-free" environment is also called "anaerobic"; It is in it that bacteria live and multiply best. Studies have shown that the number of bacteria on the human tongue directly depends on the thickness of the white layer covering it. And as you can guess, the freshness of your breath depends on the number of bacteria: the fewer of them, the fresher it is.

Periodontal sources

Bad breath bacteria thrive in other areas of the mouth besides the tongue. You may have noticed that flossing also sometimes causes an unpleasant odor. And perhaps this smell becomes more noticeable when you start brushing between the back teeth. In the gaps between the teeth, bacteria that form an unpleasant odor also find refuge. Dentists call these areas "periodontal" ("paro" means "about" and "dont" means "tooth"). Even in a more or less healthy mouth, bacteria can find an oxygen-deprived (anaerobic) environment, such as under the gum line, around and between teeth. And in people suffering from periodontal disease ("gum disease"), the number of such anaerobic "corners" increases many times over. Periodontal disease often results in damage to the bone that surrounds the teeth. This, in turn, leads to the formation of depressions between the teeth and gums (dentists call them "periodontal pockets"). These pockets are generally very difficult or impossible to clean and make an ideal anaerobic environment for odor-causing bacteria to live and multiply.

How to get rid of an unpleasant smell?

Since the main source of bad breath is the foul-smelling secretions of bacteria (volatile sulfur compounds), the main way to get rid of them is to clean the mouth so that:

Deprive bacteria of nutrients.
- Reduce the number of bacteria already accumulated in the mouth.
- Weaken the anaerobic environment in which bacteria live and multiply.
- Do not allow the formation of new foci of reproduction of bacteria.

In addition, cleaners can be used that reduce the activity of odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds.

How to deprive bacteria of nutrients?

As you remember, the main source of bad breath is the foul-smelling waste products of the vital activity of bacteria, which they secrete during the digestion of proteins. Therefore, people who eat a vegetarian diet (consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables) are less likely to have problems with fresh breath than those who consume a lot of protein foods, such as meat. In addition, it is very important to clean the oral cavity in a timely and correct manner - especially after consuming protein-rich foods. After finishing breakfast, lunch or dinner, tiny particles of food remain in our mouths, which get stuck between the teeth, and also settle in a white coating on the back of the tongue. And since it is in these places that anaerobic bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor accumulate, not cleaning your mouth properly after eating will provide them with enough nutrients for a long time.

To get rid of bad breath, brush your teeth and gums. The bacteria that produce the products that cause bad breath also live in the plaque that builds up on the teeth and at the gum line. In order to reduce this plaque, prevent its further accumulation and remove food debris that "lingered" in the mouth and serve as food for bacteria, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums with a toothbrush and dental floss. Let me remind you once again about dental floss. If you do not clean carefully and daily the gaps between the teeth, where the toothbrush cannot penetrate, it is unlikely that you will be able to part with bad breath.

Diagnosis of the causes of bad breath

Particular attention should be paid to diagnostic methods. First of all, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about the presence of chronic diseases. It has been established that the appearance of bad breath is largely influenced by nutritional and hygienic factors, so patients are advised to refrain from eating, drinking, rinsing the mouth and smoking at least two hours before carrying out diagnostic measures.

The first is a hedonic research method, conducted by a doctor who evaluates the quality and strength of an unpleasant odor, and gives a score on the Rosenberg scale from 0 to 5 points. The main drawback of the method is subjectivity.

The next step is to measure the amount of sulfur compounds in the exhaled air using a special sulfide monitoring device "Halimeter". Hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide account for 90% of all oral volatile sulfur compounds, so determining the concentration of these gases is the main way to determine the severity of halitosis.

The next step is a microbiological study. The diagnostic stage is very important, because depending on the source of the unpleasant odor and the reasons that caused it, the treatment tactics will depend.

Visit Your Dentist

If, after all the measures taken, the smell from the mouth does not disappear, call and make an appointment with your dentist for an appointment, where you can not only discuss the problem in detail, but also carry out the necessary procedures to clean your mouth. This may be the best solution because:

1) Not all people know how to most effectively use dental floss and a tooth cheek. After examining your mouth, the doctor will teach you the necessary techniques.

2) Effective cleaning of the teeth can be hindered by tartar that has grown on them. Your dentist will remove it.

3) If you have signs of periodontal disease ("gum disease"), the doctor will identify them and offer you appropriate treatment. Periodontal disease can seriously damage your teeth and the surrounding bone. This creates deep "pockets" between the teeth and gums where bacteria can accumulate - and they are so deep that they are difficult or even impossible to clean.

4) During the examination, your doctor will identify - if any - other untreated diseases that may increase bad breath.

5) If your doctor finds it unlikely that these diseases are the cause of the bad breath, he will suggest that you make an appointment with a therapist and give appropriate explanations.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the tongue

Since most people tend to ignore this procedure, try making it part of your daily oral care routine. Very often, the use of this method alone - without additional measures - helps to eliminate an unpleasant odor. Recall again the "experiment" we recommended you do at the beginning of this section. Then we found that the front of the tongue has a less unpleasant odor than the back. This is because the anterior region of the tongue is constantly self-cleaning - and therefore less anaerobic bacteria accumulate on it. In the process of moving the tongue, its front part constantly rubs against the hard palate - this is how cleansing occurs. preventing the accumulation of bacteria. Unlike the front, the back of the tongue during its movement comes into contact only with the soft palate. In this case, effective cleaning is not obtained. Therefore, bacteria that cause bad breath accumulate mainly on the back of the tongue, and therefore this area needs periodic cleaning.

How to properly clean the tongue? In order to clean the back of the tongue, there are several ways, but they all have the same goal - to remove bacteria and food debris that accumulate in this area. When cleaning the tongue - no matter what method you use - you need to try to penetrate as far as possible in order to clean as much of its surface area as possible. If you start to choke, don't be surprised. This is a natural reaction, but over time this reflex should weaken.

How to clean the tongue with a toothbrush or a special brush.

To clean the surface of the tongue, you can use a toothbrush or a special tongue brush. Start brushing as far back as you can reach, then gradually move the brush strokes (directed forward) towards the front of the tongue. Movements should be made with some pressure on the surface of the tongue - but, of course, not too strong, so as not to cause irritation. To clean your tongue more effectively, you can use toothpaste, since it contains the same ingredients as mouth-cleansing liquids. You can learn more about this on the oral cleaners page. Pastes neutralizing volatile sulfur compounds. Because it is LSS that causes bad breath, toothpastes containing neutralizing LSS, such as chlorine dioxide or zinc, improve the freshness of your breath.

Pastes with antibacterial properties

If the toothpaste you use contains antibacterial agents - such as chlorine dioxide or cetylpyridone chloride - you can both expel and kill anaerobic bacteria when cleaning your tongue.

Although cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush can be quite satisfactory, many people prefer to use a special tongue scraper, believing this method to be more effective. Some patients claim that they choke less when scraping their tongue with a spoon than when cleaning it with a toothbrush or special brushes. In order to test your reaction to this method, you can conduct a simple experiment. Take an ordinary spoon in the kitchen (better than a teaspoon), turn it over and try to scrape her tongue. To do this, touch the back of the tongue with a spoon, press it lightly and pull it forward. Do it carefully, but without effort. Do not scrub too hard - this may irritate the surface of the tongue. If scraping as a method is not objectionable to you, buy a special spoon from the drugstore designed for this purpose. It is quite possible that it will clean the tongue more effectively than a teaspoon.

What types of liquid mouth cleaners can help get rid of bad breath?

Liquid mouthwashes, when used along with regular and effective tongue cleaning, brushing and flossing, can also help a lot in getting rid of bad breath. You should not just rely only on rinse aids and neglect the rest of the measures listed. The ability of liquid mouthwash to effectively fight bad breath is associated with some of its properties, namely:

A) antibacterial properties. If the mouthwash has the ability to kill bacteria, it can help reduce the amount of anaerobic bacteria in your mouth. Since it is these bacteria that secrete volatile sulfur compounds, which in turn form bad breath, the less of these bacteria in the mouth, the better.

C) The ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds. The composition of rinse aids includes components that have the ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds and the substances that form them. As you remember, volatile sulfur compounds are foul-smelling substances that form an unpleasant odor. If the purifier is able to reduce their content in your breath, then it will naturally be fresher.

Listed below are some substances that have the ability to effectively neutralize unpleasant odors. These substances are usually included in rinse aids sold in pharmacies.

A) Mouthwashes containing chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite (Antibacterial / Neutralize volatile sulfur compounds)
Many dentists believe that mouthwashes containing chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite, which produces chlorine dioxide, play a critical role in eliminating bad breath. Research data suggests that chlorine dioxide has a dual effect:

Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing substance (meaning that it releases oxygen). Since most odor-causing bacteria are anaerobic (meaning they prefer to live in places where there is no oxygen), exposure to an oxidizing agent helps to reduce their numbers, which consequently reduces odor.

Chlorine dioxide also affects the level of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. It neutralizes those compounds that the bacteria have already isolated, and at the same time destroys those substances from which these compounds are subsequently formed. The result - the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth is sharply reduced, and breathing, of course, becomes cleaner.

B) Zinc rinses (Neutralize volatile sulfur compounds)
Studies have shown that rinses containing zinc ions can also reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds. It is believed that this is due to the ability of zinc ions to destroy those substances from which bacteria "make" sulfur compounds.

C) "Antiseptic" type rinses (Antibacterial)
"Antiseptic" cleaners (eg "Listerine" and equivalents) are also considered suitable odor neutralizers. The effectiveness of these products is related to their ability to kill bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds. However, "antiseptic" rinses themselves cannot destroy these compounds. Many dentists believe that "antiseptic" rinses are not the best choice. These statements are also caused by the fact that "antiseptic" rinses have a high alcohol content (often around 25 percent). Alcohol is a strong desiccant (dehydrating agent) and therefore dries out the soft tissues of the mouth. And if you remember our section on xerostomia, it is dry mouth that can be one of the causes of bad breath.

D) Rinses containing cetylpyridone chloride (antibacterial)
Cetylpyridinium chloride (cetylpyridinium chloride) is a component that is sometimes included in liquid rinses. With antibacterial action, it helps to reduce the number of anaerobic bacteria.

Do mints, lozenges, drops, sprays, and chewing gum help get rid of bad breath?

As well as liquid rinses, mints, lozenges, drops, sprays, chewing gum, etc. By themselves, they are not the most effective means of eliminating unpleasant odors. However, when used in combination with thorough and regular tongue cleaning, brushing, and flossing, these products can be very beneficial—especially if they contain substances (such as chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite, and zinc) that can neutralize volatile sulfur compounds. In addition, mints, lozenges, and chewing gum stimulate saliva production. And we already know that saliva cleanses the oral cavity of bacteria and their secretions, which means it helps to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

How to use liquid rinse to achieve the greatest effect?

Bad breath bacteria live both on the surface and in the depths of the white plaque that accumulates on and around the teeth, gums, tongue. An antibacterial rinse by itself cannot penetrate into the depth of this plaque, and therefore, before using such a cleaner, it is better to remove as much plaque as possible in your usual ways - by scraping your tongue, brushing your teeth and flossing. By rinsing your mouth with mouthwash after these procedures, you can remove the remaining bacteria. Rinse aid should not just be typed into the mouth, but should be rinsed thoroughly. Before rinsing, say "ah-ah-ah" - this will allow you to stick out your tongue, so that the rinse aid gets on its back area, where bacteria accumulate. After rinsing, the rinse aid should be spit out immediately. That is why children should not be allowed to use mouthwash - they may accidentally swallow it.

How to clean dentures

If your dentist has placed dentures in your mouth, they should definitely explain to you how to properly clean them. Because bacteria build up on your dentures just like on your natural teeth, on your tongue and gums, your doctor will advise you to clean both the outside and the inside of your dentures with a regular toothbrush or special brush. After cleaning the dentures, they must be placed in a container with an antiseptic liquid (which one - your dentist will also advise you).

What steps can you take to get rid of bad breath?

Drink more water
Oddly enough, drinking plenty of water throughout the day will also help you reduce bad breath. With a lack of water, your body will try to retain it, which will reduce the production of saliva, and it will be less effective in dissolving and washing away bacteria and their secretions that form an unpleasant smell. Daily water intake in sufficient quantities is especially important for those suffering from xerostomia (chronic dryness of the mouth).

Rinse your mouth with water
Rinsing your mouth with plain water will also help you reduce bad breath for a short period of time. Rinsing also dissolves and washes away bacteria secretions that harm the freshness of your breath.

Stimulate salivation
It will also help you reduce bad breath. You remember that saliva cleanses the mouth, dissolves and washes away bacteria and their secretions. The easiest way to stimulate salivation is to chew something. When chewing - anything - your body thinks that you are eating, and therefore it gives a signal to increase the production of saliva. (Saliva is a very important component in the digestion of food). You can, for example, chew clove seeds, dill, mint or parsley. Peppermints, chewing gum, and mints can help salivate. But: if you prefer these foods, make sure they are sugar-free. Sugar promotes the growth of those bacteria that can cause cavities.

Watch your oral hygiene especially carefully after eating protein foods.
Anaerobic bacteria release volatile sulfur compounds - the cause of bad breath - as a result of the consumption of proteins. After you have eaten meat, fish, or any other protein-rich food, clean your mouth thoroughly so that the smallest particles of protein food do not serve as a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria.

Treatment of helminthiases helps to eliminate bad breath in children
Scientists note that parents often notice bad breath in children with intestinal helminthiasis (especially with enterobiasis), which disappears after the eradication of helminths. Scientists suggest that the cause of an unpleasant odor may be stagnation of intestinal contents due to the presence of worms.

What diseases cause bad breath?

  • Diseases of the teeth and gums (caries) Pathology of the respiratory system (any infectious and inflammatory diseases, tumors)
  • Trimethylaminuria and lactase deficiency

Taking many medications can also adversely affect the freshness of breath.

Treatment for bad breath

First of all, for diagnosis and treatment, you need to contact your dentist. The doctor will identify whether there is caries or gum disease, will sanitize (disinfect) the oral cavity, remove tartar if present. As a rule, after this, the smell ceases to bother most patients.

If the dentist concludes that the smell does not originate in the oral cavity, but in deeper structures of the body, he will refer you to a general practitioner.

The therapist will prescribe an examination to determine the cause of your concerns and will treat the disease that he identifies. Many will be disappointed that they did not find the name of the pill for bad breath here, but smart people will realize that this treatment will be different depending on your personal cause of smell. A whole range of drugs may be needed, including antibiotics, which, as you know, cannot be used without determining the pathogen, and this can only be done through medical tests.

Which doctor should I contact if bad breath occurs:

  • Dentist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Therapist (general practitioner)

Various terms. Dentistry, ozostomy, halitosis, fetor oris are all names for the same phenomenon, which turns into a real problem. And if we are talking about an important meeting, then the situation can become generally catastrophic.

Many are trying to find ways to cope with this scourge. However, chewing gum and spray do not always look appropriate and decent, and besides, they do not solve the problem. To combat the smell, you need to find out the cause.


In the first place in the list of reasons - insufficient hydration of the mouth. If you are not drinking enough fluids, then your body cannot produce the normal amount of saliva. Because of this, the cells of the tongue die, which become food for bacteria. The result is a disgusting smell.

In general, halitosis can be caused by any processes of decay that occur in the mouth.

So, if pieces of food are stuck between your teeth, they will become a delicacy for bacteria, which will be no less delighted that you have not given enough time to hygiene.

It is well known that it is also on the list of the main causes of bad breath, as well as eating garlic and onions. But the diet can also be the cause of such a stench. For example, following strict diets that border on starvation can cause your body to start consuming the fat it has stored up for such a case. This process produces ketones, the presence of which will not be pleasant to smell. Many diseases, and of various types, can cause halitosis. For example, damage to the lungs, liver, kidneys and diabetes. The latter is indicated by the smell of acetone.

By the way, by the smell you can determine what diseases are. So, if your breath smells like rotten eggs, this is the smell of hydrogen sulfide, indicating rotting proteins. If abdominal pain, belching and nausea appear along with it, this may indicate an ulcer or gastritis. A metallic smell indicates periodontal disease, in which the gums can bleed. The smell of iodine indicates that it has become too much in the body and you should immediately consult an endocrinologist.

In the presence of a putrid odor, one should think about possible diseases of the stomach with low acidity. In the case of dysbacteriosis, intestinal dyskinesia and its obstruction, there will be a smell of feces. A bitter smell hints at trouble with the kidneys. Sour indicates hyperacid gastritis or an ulcer.

Caries, tartar, periodontitis, gingivitis, pulpitis lead to an unpleasant odor. Even dentures can affect the freshness of breath, because without proper care they become a breeding ground for bacteria that produce waste products - sulfur compounds. Hence the nasty smell.

Bacteria are also very comfortable on the tongue, in the areas between the teeth and along the gum line. In the presence of diseases, depressions can occur at the transition of the gums to the teeth, the so-called periodontal pockets, where anaerobic bacteria live and multiply with pleasure. Only a dentist can clean them.

Diseases of the nasopharyngeal mucosa are also a common cause of odor, as well as all diseases associated with the ENT organs, as a result of which pus is formed. With such diseases, a person is often forced to breathe through the mouth, which leads to increased dryness in it.

Often bad breath occurs in the morning. The reason is simple: less saliva is produced during sleep, resulting in dry mouth. The less saliva, the more bacteria in the mouth, the more unpleasant the smell. In some people, this phenomenon, which is called xerostomia, becomes chronic.

How to know about smell

There are many ways to find out that bad breath is coming from your mouth. The worst option would be a message about it from another person. However, there are ways to determine this yourself, but not everything is so simple. After all, a person usually does not perceive his own smell. The problem lies in the peculiarities of the structure of the human body. When a person does not want to feel something unpleasant in the air around him, he, as a rule, begins to breathe through his mouth, which makes it impossible to smell from it. However, there are proven options.

Covering your mouth with your palms and breathing into them will not help: you will not smell any. Better look in the mirror at your tongue. It should not have a white coating. You can lick your own wrist and sniff it. Run the spoon over your tongue so that saliva remains on it, wait for it to dry, and see if the smell remains.


Remember that there is no way to completely and permanently eliminate bad breath. You will have to constantly monitor yourself and take appropriate measures.

  • Consume.
  • Buy a tongue scraper. Considering that it is the tongue that is the habitat of a huge number of bacteria and this is the most common cause of a bad smell, it is recommended to use a scraper regularly.
  • Use dental floss. A considerable amount of bacteria collects between the teeth, on stuck pieces of food.
  • Eat the right food. Apples, berries, cinnamon, oranges, green tea, and celery are at the top of the list of foods to help eliminate bad breath. Bacteria are very fond of protein and it is after eating it that they emit a particularly unpleasant odor. Therefore, vegetarians have almost no problems with bad breath.
  • Use mouthwash. Rinse your mouth every day for 30 seconds, after which you should not smoke or eat for half an hour.
  • There is nothing more pointless than chewing gum when you have bad breath. If there is a need to chew something, then you can choose dill, cardamom, parsley, cinnamon stick or anise for this. This is an essential aid for the production of saliva.
  • Use herbal infusions. Since ancient times, people have been using natural remedies in order not to exude an unpleasant odor. So, in Iraq, cloves were used for this purpose, in the East - anise seeds, in Brazil - cinnamon. If we talk about our country, then this is St. John's wort, wormwood, dill, chamomile.
  • To reduce bad breath, you can drink a cup, rinse your mouth with water, and the taste in your mouth will decrease if you chew on a coffee bean.
  • Have breakfast with oatmeal porridge, which promotes salivation, because saliva is a natural means of cleaning and disinfecting the mouth.
  • If you don't have a toothbrush handy, at least rub your teeth and gums with your finger. At the same time, you will not only reduce the unpleasant odor, but also massage the gums.
  • Rub your gums with a walnut. From this, your breath will acquire a nutty flavor, and the oral cavity will receive the vitamins contained in the nut.


At least twice a year you need to visit a dentist for prevention and diagnosis. As in the case of other diseases, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity are best prevented or treated at an early stage, when they are almost invisible and an experienced eye of a specialist is required to recognize them and take timely action.

But the most important thing is to carefully monitor the oral cavity. Dentists say that by the way a person looks after his teeth and mouth, we can talk about how attentive he is to his own health.

Smelly foods can be the cause of bad breath. Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. Treatment for halitosis will depend on what is causing the bad breath. The treatment for bad breath is very simple. If bad breath persists, you should see a doctor to identify the cause of bad breath and treat it. And treatment is necessary if the smell from the mouth is constant and if you cannot determine the cause of this smell from the mouth, consult a doctor to identify the cause of bad breath and treat it. Smell from the mouth. Methods of treatment with folk remedies. The causes of bad breath can be divided into two groups: those associated with diseases of the oral cavity or those associated with diseases of the internal organs. Consider below not only all the possible causes of bad breath, but also the methods of its treatment.

Bad breath - causes and treatment

Bad breath can destroy any, even a well-formed image. With the help of the advice of professional doctors, we will help you, at a minimum, not to attract the attention of others with your breath.
halitosis is a medical term for an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
Morning bad breath is a purely physiological phenomenon and is eliminated with an ordinary toothbrush. In addition, certain foods such as garlic, onions, or cabbage can also be the cause of bad breath. All these manifestations are related to the physiological odor from the mouth (halitosis (bad breath) y). Eat less of these smelly foods.
However, more than a quarter of the world's population suffers from pathological halitosis (bad breath) and (oral odor). In this case, neither tons of chewing gum, nor mountains of mint candies, nor newfangled mouth sprays help - the smell still remains unpleasant.

The cause of bad breath can also be neglected caries. Carious cavities accumulate a large number of anaerobic bacteria and food debris. These cavities are difficult to clean with conventional hygiene products, which makes the disease highly resistant. The same applies to periodontitis - microbes actively multiply under the gum, causing a sulfurous smell. In this case, even blood and purulent inflammatory exudate in the gum pockets smell unpleasant.

Wearing dentures can also lead to halitosis - firstly, the smell will be absorbed by the polymer base of the denture, and secondly, pieces of food can remain under the dentures and decompose there, exuding “aromas”.

Another cause of halitosis is decreased secretion of saliva and dry mouth syndrome. When saliva is not secreted quickly enough and in small quantities, the natural cleaning of the oral cavity from food residues is disrupted, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of microorganisms, and local immunity is reduced.

Common causes of halitosis include mainly chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, ENT diseases, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, etc. For example, in women, bad breath may appear against the background of the onset of the menstrual cycle, which associated with elevated estrogen levels. These hormones contribute to increased desquamation of the epithelium, including on the oral mucosa, and this is a favorite breeding ground for anaerobic microorganisms.

In many cases, halitosis should make the patient check his health - the smell also signals a more serious illness. So, in about 8% of cases, the cause of halitosis is the pathology of the ENT organs. Chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, nasal polyps often make themselves felt with an unpleasant odor.

Many people know that the consequence of diabetes is often the smell of acetone, released during breathing. Dysfunctions of the liver and gallbladder are also accompanied by a "pungent" heavy odor, and kidney failure is accompanied by a putrid "fishy" odor. So, before you run to the pharmacy for a new toothbrush and advertised paste that kills germs on the spot, go to the doctor.

Food is also of great importance. For example, garlic and raw onions contain substances that belong to the group of sulfur compounds. They are able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted through the lungs when breathing.

Alcohol, nicotine, coffee, and certain drugs (antibiotics and sulfonamides, antidepressants, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory drugs) cause dry mouth and, as a result, lead to bad breath.

Stress, nervous tension, or excessive dieting and starvation also lead to the occurrence of halitosis. During starvation, a deficiency in the intake of proteins and fats is created, the utilization of endogenous reserves begins, which can also cause an unpleasant odor. It appears at the moment of transferring a stressful situation and disappears after the cessation of emotional stress. Causes include impaired salivation and dry mouth.

Now in medicine, effective methods for diagnosing halitosis are used. To assess the intensity of an unpleasant odor, you can use a special device - a halimeter. It is not only useful for diagnosis, but also allows you to evaluate how well the treatment is progressing.

To identify the bacteria that caused halitosis, some dentists use microbiological studies, for example, analyze the composition of dental plaque. Using a mirror, the back of the tongue is examined - it should be the same color as the oral mucosa. White, cream or brown color indicates glossitis. The condition of the patient's teeth is also assessed for the quality of hygiene.

It is also necessary to consult an ENT doctor (for the presence of sinusitis and polyps) and a gastroenterologist - he must rule out systemic diseases such as diabetes, liver and kidney failure.

Treatment for halitosis will depend on what caused the disease. If these are advanced ENT diseases, then you will have to undergo treatment with an otolaryngologist. Other chronic diseases require consultation and treatment from the relevant specialists.

If the cause of the unpleasant odor lies in the oral cavity, then it is necessary to eliminate the foci of infection, remove decayed teeth that cannot be restored, undergo a course of professional oral hygiene with the removal of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque.

Any smell is volatile compounds. This problem is solved in different ways. Often people try to mask the smell with mouthwashes or chewing gum. But few people know that the effect of chewing gum is temporary and they adversely affect the digestive tract. As for rinses, they kill the natural flora of the oral cavity, and this can only increase the unpleasant odor. To date, CB12's bad breath remedy is the only product that completely neutralizes volatile compounds rather than masking them. With daily use of the product, fresh breath will become your constant companion. Unlike other rinses, it retains its effect for 12 hours, acts directly on the cause of the smell, while not disturbing the normal flora in the mouth.

Of great importance is the observance of hygiene rules: brushing your teeth should be done with a toothbrush and floss (dental floss) to remove plaque and food debris from the teeth. And cleaning the tongue should be a mandatory everyday procedure. This not only eliminates odor, but also reduces the overall number of bacteria in the oral cavity, which favorably affects the health of periodontal tissues. If periodontitis has already been diagnosed, it is worth starting to use special oral irrigators to more effectively remove infected masses and food debris from periodontal pockets. In addition, these irrigators will help get rid of dry mouth.

Do not forget about proper nutrition: an excess of fast carbohydrates (sugar and processed foods) increases the amount of plaque on the teeth and leads to cavities. Eat more fibre. Fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits will help normalize bowel function and reduce bad breath.

Checking your breath

In order to determine the freshness of breath, it is enough to bring your palm to your face in such a way as to cover your mouth and nose at the same time. Then exhale deeply through your mouth. Did you smell? If you can’t clearly determine what and how much it smells, get a disposable mask at the pharmacy and breathe into it for a minute. The smell under the mask will exactly match the smell that others around you feel during communication.

To date, specialized breath indicators are being produced that can determine the level of freshness on a five-point scale. The manufacturers of this device claim that its use is a sign of good taste. In fact, it is easier to talk about the smell with your loved ones, ideally with a child, because children are less diplomatic in these matters and will tell the whole truth.

In medical institutions, a more complex device is used - a gas analyzer. With it, you can determine the chemical composition of the air that is exhaled, and based on the analysis, determine the causes of bad smell.

Why bad breath?

The main causes of halitosis (bad breath) are:
- insufficient level of hygiene;
- diseases of the teeth and gums;
- xerostomia - insufficient level of hydration of the oral mucosa;
- inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

In these cases, the cause of the fetid odor is bacteria accumulated in the oral cavity and residual fragments of food. It is almost impossible to deal with these phenomena in "home" conditions. Such halitosis (bad breath) can only be cured in dental clinics.

But it must be borne in mind that halitosis (bad breath) can cause not only diseases of the oral cavity.

In one case out of ten, the causes of the smell are:
- ENT diseases: tonsillitis, sinusitis, runny nose;
- diseases of the intestines and stomach;
- lung diseases;
- disorders of the endocrine system;
- all kinds of diets;
- some medicines;
- smoking.

What does sickness smell like?

Hydrogen sulfide smell - the smell of rotten eggs. The cause of the smell is the process of decay of protein substances. If the smell is accompanied by pain symptoms in the abdomen after eating, belching and nausea, then it can cause gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcer, diverticulosis of the stomach or esophagus, etc.

Very often, such an unpleasant smell can occur after a banal "holiday" overeating. In such cases, you can get rid of it with the help of absorbent substances (activated carbon, Smecta), as well as enzyme-based preparations (Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim, etc.).

A sour smell and taste in the mouth can cause: gastritis with high acidity, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the esophagus.

The smell and taste of bitterness is a manifestation of diseases of the gallbladder and liver, this can also be indicated by a yellow coating on the tongue.

The smell of feces from the mouth can occur with dysbacteriosis, intestinal motor neurosis (dyskinesia) and intestinal obstruction.

Acetone smell with a sweet taste can cause pancreatic diseases and diabetes.

The smell of urine from the mouth indicates kidney disease.

Treatment of bad breath (halitosis - bad breath)

First of all, try adding a tongue cleaning routine to your daily two-time brushing routine. It is better to do this in the evening with an ordinary teaspoon. With light gentle movements from the root to the tip, clean the tongue from the daily plaque. The procedure is not very pleasant, but effective.

Cleansing your tongue will rid you of bacteria, which in a favorable environment of the oral cavity could increase significantly overnight. Believe me, thanks to this evening procedure, your breath will be much fresher the next morning.

Clean the gaps between your teeth with a special floss. If you didn’t have this tool at hand, use the old people’s method: tear off a strip of pure polyethylene, stretch it into a thread and remove food debris and plaque from the interdental space.
- Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating. Do not use tea for this purpose, it darkens the tooth enamel.

Making your own mouthwash

1. A tablespoon of mint, chamomile, sage or strawberries is poured with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is filtered. Use for rinsing after meals 3-4 times a day.
2. A tablespoon of oak bark is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and heated in a water bath for up to 30 minutes. Strain after cooling and rinse the mouth and throat. Oak bark has a strengthening effect on the gums and cleanses the tonsils of plaque, which can serve as sources of bad breath due to the large accumulation of infectious components.

An irrigator provides a more effective cleaning of the oral cavity at home. This is a tool similar to a toothbrush, which cleans the gaps between the teeth with a strong jet of water, which, by massaging the surface of the gums, ensures the activation of blood circulation.

Choosing a toothpaste for bad breath
For halitosis (bad breath), you should choose a toothpaste that does not contain alcohol. Alcohol dries out the mucous surface of the oral cavity, as a result of which the smell intensifies.

In addition, pay attention to pastes that contain antibacterial agents based on chlorine compounds.

When choosing a rinse, the same principles are used as when choosing a paste. In addition, modern rinses may contain components (zinc- and chlorine-containing) that reduce the activity of halitosis (bad breath) due to chemical reactions.

Quick effect of fresh breath
There are a large number of modern means of quickly getting rid of bad breath: aerosol fresheners, chewing gum, lollipops, etc. They are characterized by both rapid effectiveness and low stability, due to the short duration of action.

What to do when at the right time they were not at hand?

First of all, try drinking a cup of strong tea, then rinse your mouth and throat with clean water.

Apples and carrots will help get rid of the smell. The aroma of onion or garlic can be neutralized with parsley or celery root.

By chewing on a coffee bean, you can muffle the unpleasant smell and taste in your mouth.

Not infrequently, people who have to talk a lot during the day are distinguished by bad breath. This is due to the drying of the oral mucosa due to a decrease in the amount of saliva.

Saliva is a natural mouth cleanser. Saliva contains the antibacterial enzyme lysozyme, which ensures the destruction of bacterial cells. In addition, saliva ensures the dissolution of food debris and toxins released by bacteria. Lack of saliva is one of the main causes of increased bad breath.

In such situations, you should just drink more often. A small amount of liquid will protect the oral cavity from drying out, remove unpleasant aftertaste and freshen breath.

Include oatmeal porridge in your morning diet, this product significantly activates the production of saliva.

If there is no toothbrush nearby, you can wipe your teeth, gums and tongue with your finger. Thus, you will not only get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also massage the gums.

Use the pulp of a walnut to rub the gums. In this way, you can provide your mouth with the necessary vitamins and freshen your breath with a pleasant nutty taste.

You need to understand that bad breath is a problem that interferes with your normal life. Halitosis (bad breath) is a direct threat not only to personal self-esteem, but also to the social status of a person. Sociable communication, attractiveness and sexuality can be destroyed in an instant by a repulsive breath.

Halitosis (bad breath) is a problem that requires mandatory solutions. At the same time, one should not go to extremes, traditional methods of hygiene procedures have been familiar to us since childhood, and they should not be neglected.

If the smell persists, even after daily oral hygiene, you should contact your dentist. Nine times out of ten your problem will be solved within a few visits. If your oral cavity and teeth are healthy, and the smell continues to bother you, you will have to look for reasons inside the body.

Start visiting doctors with an ENT. Diseases of the nose, throat and ear most often provoke problems with fresh breath. If no claims are found from these bodies, then it's time to visit a therapist. It is possible that the cause of the unpleasant odor is an exacerbation of the disease, which has taken a chronic form and to which you have long been accustomed.