Find out the registration number of the military mortgage. How can I find out the status of my military mortgage account? Contacts of Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka

A document is issued for each serviceman in a military unit.

Accordingly, to check whether a serviceman is a member of the NIS or not, it’s simple - he has a notice with a 20-digit number and a personal card - which means he is included in the register.

Since February 9, 2012 on the basis of this, military personnel are also included in the register, entered military service voluntarily from the reserve , if they were excluded from the register of participants in the mortgage system and did not receive the required monetary payment or did not exercise the right to become participants, but entered into a new contract for military service, and also if the duration of their military service reached 20 years. a new procedure for implementing the NIS was approved.

The date of occurrence of the corresponding basis for inclusion of a military personnel in the register is the date of conclusion of the new contract and the date of achievement of 20 years of service.

Notes: 1. In the position "NIS participant category" the category is indicated :
01 - persons who graduated from military educational institutions of professional education and entered into the first contract for military service after January 1, 2005, who were awarded the first military rank of officer;
02 - officers called up for military service from the reserves or who voluntarily entered military service from the reserves and entered into the first contract for military service;
03 - warrant officers and midshipmen who entered into the first contract for military service after January 1, 2005, the total duration of military service under the contract is 3 years;
04 - sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors who entered into a second contract for military service no earlier than January 1, 2005 and have expressed a desire to become participants in the NIS;
05 - persons who graduated from military educational institutions of vocational education starting from January 1, 2005, who entered into the first contract for military service before January 1, 2005 and who expressed a desire to become participants in the NIS;
06 - warrant officers and midshipmen whose total duration of military service under the contract will be 3 years starting from January 1, 2005, if they entered into the first contract for military service before January 1, 2005 and expressed a desire to become participants in the NIS;
07 - military personnel who are members of the NIS who are transferred from another federal executive body;
08 - military personnel who do not have the military rank of officer and received the first military rank of officer in connection with enlistment in military service under a contract and appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, starting from January 1, 2008;
09 - military personnel with a total duration of military service under a contract of less than 3 years, who received the first military rank of officer in connection with appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, starting from January 1, 2008;
10 - military personnel who received the first military rank of officer in connection with the completion of junior officer training courses starting from January 1, 2008;
11 - persons who graduated from military educational institutions of professional education in the period after January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008, received the first military rank of officer during the training process and expressed a desire to become participants in the NIS;
12 - military personnel who do not have the military rank of officer and received the first military rank of officer in connection with entry into military service under a contract and appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, in the period after January 1, 2005 until January 1, 2008 and those who have expressed a desire to become participants in the NIS;
13 - military personnel with a total duration of military service under a contract of less than 3 years, who received the first military rank of officer in connection with appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, in the period after January 1, 2005 until January 1, 2008 and who expressed desire to become participants in NIS;
14 - military personnel who received the first military rank of officer in connection with the completion of training courses for junior officers in the period after January 1, 2005 until January 1, 2008 and who expressed a desire to become participants in the NIS;
15 - military personnel who voluntarily entered military service from the reserve, if they were excluded from the register due to dismissal from military service for health reasons, or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, or for family reasons, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on military service duties and military service and have not received payment of funds specified in paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 4 of the Federal Law;
16 - military personnel who voluntarily entered military service from the reserve, if they were excluded from the register in connection with dismissal from military service on grounds other than those specified in paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law, and did not receive the payment of funds specified in paragraph 3 Part 1 Article 4 of the Federal Law, or did not take advantage of the right to become participants in the NIS;
17 - military personnel who voluntarily entered military service from the reserve, if they were excluded from the register due to dismissal from military service and received the payment of funds specified in paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 4 of the Federal Law.

Notes: 4. The paragraph “Date of occurrence of the basis for inclusion in the register” indicates the date of occurrence of the basis for inclusion of military personnel in the register, which is for NIS participants of the following categories:
01, 08, 09, 10 - the date of assignment of the first military rank of officer;
02 - the date of entry into force of the first contract for military service;
03 - the date of reaching 3 years of the total duration of military service under the contract;
04, 05, 06, 11, 12, 13, 14 - the date of registration in the register of service documents of the military unit of the request (in writing) of a military serviceman for inclusion in the register;
07 - the date of enrollment in the federal executive body to which they are transferred;
15, 16 - the date of the order for the entry into force of a new contract for military service;
17 - the date of reaching the total duration of military service of 20 years.

Military personnel entitled to participate in accordance with Part 1 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. of August 20, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) are divided into the following categories:

No. Categories of participants (numbering of categories in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2013 No. 166
Grounds for inclusion in the register Date of occurrence of the basis for inclusion in the register
1. 01 persons who graduated from military educational institutions of professional education and entered into the first contract for military service after January 1, 2005, who were awarded the first military rank of officer receiving the first military rank of officer
2. 02 officers called up for military service from the reserve or who voluntarily entered military service from the reserve and entered into the first contract for military service conclusion of the first contract for military service effective date of the first military service contract
3. 03 warrant officers and midshipmen who entered into the first contract for military service after January 1, 2005, the total duration of military service under the contract is 3 years the total duration of their military service under contract is three years date of reaching 3 years of the total duration of their military service under contract
4. 08 military personnel who do not have the military rank of officer and received the first military rank of officer in connection with enlistment in military service under a contract and appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, starting from January 1, 2008. date of assignment of the first military rank of officer
5. 09 military personnel who received the first military rank of officer in connection with appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, starting from January 1, 2008. receiving the first military rank of officer date of assignment of the first military rank of officer
6. 10 military personnel who received the first military rank of officer in connection with the completion of junior officer training courses starting from January 1, 2008. receiving the first military rank of officer date of assignment of the first military rank of officer
II. Voluntary Participants (REPORT WRITING REQUIRED)
7. 04 sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors who entered into a second contract for military service no earlier than January 1, 2005 and expressed a desire to become participants appeal in writing about their inclusion in the register of participants registration date in the journal of official documents of their requests (in writing) for inclusion in the register
8. 05 persons who graduated from military educational institutions of professional education starting from January 1, 2005, who entered into the first contract for military service before January 1, 2005 and expressed a desire to become participants
9. 06 warrant officers and midshipmen whose total duration of military service under the contract will be 3 years starting from January 1, 2005, if they entered into the first contract for military service before January 1, 2005 and expressed a desire to become participants
10. 11 persons who graduated from military educational institutions of professional education in the period after January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008, received the first military rank of officer during the training process and expressed a desire to become participants
11. 12 military personnel who do not have the military rank of officer and received the first military rank of officer in connection with enlistment in military service under a contract and appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, in the period after January 1, 2005 until January 1, 2008. , and have expressed a desire to become participants
12. 13 military personnel who received the first military rank of officer in connection with appointment to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer, in the period after January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008 and who expressed a desire to become participants
13. 14 military personnel who received the first military rank of officer in connection with the completion of training courses for junior officers in the period after January 1, 2005 until January 1, 2008 and who expressed a desire to become participants

The savings and mortgage system, which is briefly called NIS, contains data on all participants in the state program.

Military departments have their own registration authorities, but all information still goes into a single register.

If you study the document, it becomes clear that all military personnel were divided into two categories. In some cases, the decision to join the NIS may be mandatory, but people also join the program on a voluntary basis. In the latter case, the contractor must submit a report to the command. You must attach a copy of your passport, as well as a photocopy of the first contract.

Depending on the basis on which the serviceman will be included in the NIS, a copy of the second contract may be required. After a participant in the state program is included in the register, a personal account will be opened for him to accumulate funds.

In a number of cases, the following persons may be excluded from the State Program Register:

  • those who were fired;
  • deceased military personnel or missing persons.

Situations are possible when a serviceman was transferred from one federal agency to another, which also provides for military service. In this case, information about the program participant will be transferred to the registration body of the new executive authority.

Registration in the serviceman's mortgage registry

If a serviceman uses the system for the first time, he must register.

The created account will allow the participant of the state program to find out the following:

  • how much money have you been able to accumulate over the entire period of participation in NIS;
  • what amount comes to the account;
  • what funds are currently available;
  • deductions in allowances in cash.

You can enter your personal account from the main page of the site, the entrance is located at the top right.

Personal account

It was created so that a participant in the system could find out about savings without contacting the institution.

On the main page of the site you can get information about the application and get acquainted with offers for military mortgages.

The site is convenient to use; you can find up-to-date data in your personal account.

The opportunity to use the funds comes after the serviceman has been in the system for three years. After a specified time, the soldier or officer can begin to manage the funds.

Of course, money from the account is used only for the purchase of housing. For example, they can be used to pay a down payment on a military mortgage. Other loan payments are also made through your personal account.

How can I view the military mortgage registry information in a serviceman’s personal account?

Rosvoenipoteka has opened a website for system participants; to gain access to information, you must enter the NIS participant number. Detailed account status will be available only after registration.

In order to edit the data that was specified when registering your account, you need to go to the “User Profile”.

Here you can change the password that was saved earlier.

To do this, you must enter 10 digits of the program participant number, as well as the date of inclusion in the NIS.

You can find out the status of your account, receive a duplicate certificate in electronic form, and clarify the debt in the “Requests to the Financial Institution” section. In the “Standard Questions and Answers on NIS” tab, you can find out the answers to the questions that system users ask most often.

To select and purchase their own housing, NIS participants need to know their financial capabilities. Therefore, the question of how to find out savings on a military mortgage by registration number is very relevant for military personnel.

In order to buy your own home, you need to understand what financial opportunities exist. That is why many NIS participants are interested in the question of how to find out how much money has accumulated on a military mortgage. In order to receive an answer to it, a serviceman must be registered in the register of applicants for housing or a preferential loan. The Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” is responsible for this procedure.

How to register in the registry and open a savings account

The question of how to find out how much savings on a military mortgage involves using a registration number. It is assigned to the NIS participant after he is included in the register of applicants for housing. This procedure is under the jurisdiction of Rosvoenipoteka and includes several stages:

  1. Collecting documents and submitting a report on adding a serviceman to the register.
  2. Transfer of necessary copies and certificates to Rosvoenipoteka.
  3. Opening a savings account.
  4. Transferring a notification to the serviceman and including him in the register and the details of the registration number assigned to him.

The initial step - collecting documents and drawing up a report - is the responsibility of the serviceman himself. There are certain categories that are required to become participants in the NIS. Then you will not need to fill out an application.

The unit commander must submit the following package of documents:

  • a duplicate of the first page of the serviceman’s passport;
  • a duplicate of the first contract (for those who serve in the rank of petty officer, sergeant, or sailor - the second contract);
  • duplicate report.

Next, these documents are sent to the regional Housing Administration, and from there to the specialists of Rosvoenipoteka. The latter, in turn, open a savings account for the serviceman and credit funds to it.

Upon completion of this procedure, via the reverse chain, or by mail, the serviceman is sent an official notification about his inclusion in the register with the assignment of an individual registration number.

According to current regulations, the entire registration process cannot take longer than three calendar months from the date of the report.

How to find out how much money is in your military mortgage account

After completing the procedure for entering a representative of the armed forces into the register, amounts of money from the federal budget are transferred to his individual account on a monthly basis.

By the time the need to purchase housing arises, the question arises of how much you can count on a military mortgage and how to find out how much money is in your account.

There are three possible ways to obtain this type of information:

  • independent request from the personal account of an NIS participant;
  • request to the unit commander;
  • receipt of annual official notification.

How can I find out the balance of savings on a military mortgage using the registration number and personal account of an NIS participant? You need to go to the official website of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” and go through the authorization procedure or create a personal account. Then in the questions section you need to leave a request for this type of information. In this case, you must indicate the registration number.

The response will be sent to the email address that was specified when registering your account. The period for receiving information is 4 working days.

If there is no access to the Internet and it is not possible to enter the personal account of the Rosvoenipoteka website, then the serviceman can send a request to the unit commander to receive information about the amount of his savings. However, the answer will come a little later than if you independently clarify this information using the site.

You can also obtain information about the available amount of NIS from the annual notice. They are received in written form to military personnel annually in the first half of April.

Conditions for the formation of savings according to NIS

A military mortgage is assistance from the state to military personnel in purchasing their own housing. As part of preferential lending, financial funds are received monthly into an individual savings account, which can later be directed to:

  • making an advance payment on a mortgage;
  • making a contribution to shared construction;
  • acquisition of a finished residential property.

Incoming funds are accumulated over a 20-year period. The serviceman can use the savings before the expiration of this period or after it. At the same time, the money does not expire at the end of the accumulation period.

A representative of the armed forces who has been a participant in the funded mortgage system for at least three years can use the money provided by the state.

Throughout the entire 20-year period of the program, money is received monthly into the participant’s account, which forms savings for a military mortgage. The amount of these revenues, as a rule, is indexed annually, and in 2016 it amounted to just over 240 thousand rubles per year.

Thus, using one of the available methods for submitting a request, a serviceman will always be able to find out how much money is available to him to purchase his own home. This knowledge will help you make the most optimal choice when buying your own apartment or house.

Personal account and personal account of NIS participant

The presence of the official website of the savings-mortgage system and the personal account of the military mortgage participant created in 2012 make the system quite transparent. The ability of any military member included in the NIS registry and his authorized representatives to obtain the necessary information has relieved tension among the military, who often ask questions on forums, express opinions, and share problems:

Some people have the feeling that the money given out under the program is less than what was promised;
- another is outraged that there is no confirmation of enrollment in the Mortgage Register of Military Personnel.

All these problems can be easily resolved if the serviceman has access to the system’s personal account.

According to the military mortgage program, a participant number is assigned when the report is reviewed and the serviceman is included in the NIS register.

About the personal account of a military man

The functionality of the personal account of the official website of Rosvoenipoteka, which initially worked in test mode, was already able to provide answers to many pressing questions.

The most common question regarding the program is how much money do they give? After all, the following indicators directly depend on the amount received:

Living space size,
- comfort of housing,
- ability to select the desired region.

The information on the site is constantly updated and presented in the most current form.

To find out the amount of a military mortgage, just send a request in your personal account. The only inconvenience is that the request is considered for at least a month. This is not an initiative of the site’s creators, but a requirement of current legislation.

Receipt of contributions

You should know that the personal account under the savings-mortgage system is replenished quarterly, from the moment the serviceman is included in the register of NIS participants.

The date of basis for inclusion of various categories in the register is established by order of the Minister and Government resolutions. And you can find out how much money has accumulated in your military mortgage account online by going to your personal account on the Military Mortgage website.

The earlier a service member is included in the register of participants, the greater the amount available to him.

Easy registration

Creating a personal account on the official military mortgage website is quite simple. For this purpose, there is a registration wizard, following the recommendations of which you can easily register a system user account.

When registering, you should pay special attention to the password, which the system will also warn you about. The password, as on other resources, needs to be generated quite complex and, accordingly, remembered. The official resource Military Mortgage - only registered participants in the system can find out the account.

To activate, you will need to enter your mailing address in the registration form. If you don't have an email account, you should create one.

Personal account features

A system user account on the military mortgage website allows you to not only find out:

The amount of savings in your personal account,
- how much money is received monthly,
- how much funds are currently available in your personal account,
but also to obtain information about accruals and deductions in salary.

The serviceman, the user of the system, has the opportunity to provide feedback and make additions.

Other information can be obtained by phone or by writing a letter to the email address indicated on the website.

Personal account

It is worth noting that the transfer of money to an NIS participant is strictly regulated, i.e. The amount of the annual contribution, taking into account indexation, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for using funds from a personal account are clearly defined by current legislation.

The main feature is that funds begin to flow after the serviceman is included in the register of NIS participants. Military mortgage official website allows you to track the amount of savings in your personal account. The opportunity to receive money for military personnel who want to buy housing through a mortgage loan comes after three years of membership in the NIS.

That is, an officer, warrant officer, or soldier, after the specified time has passed, can begin to manage the funds received from the account. Naturally, this money can only be used to purchase housing.

For example, to pay the down payment on a mortgage loan.

Other loan payments are also made through the participant’s personal account. If you have your own savings, they can also be used to purchase housing, thereby increasing the down payment for the purchase of more expensive housing.

Savings on a personal account

The amount accumulated in a military service member’s personal account is established annually on the basis of the Federal Budget Law. Moreover, the contribution is constantly increasing and cannot be less than the amount of the previous year.

Every month, based on the total annual contribution, the program participant receives 1/12 of the money calculated for the current year.

If in 2005 a little more than three thousand rubles were received per month, which was 1/12 of 37 thousand rubles, then based on the amount of funds this year, which amount to 222 thousand rubles, a serviceman receives 18 and a half thousand rubles per month through the savings system.

The work of the NIS is ensured by the state institution Rosvoenipoteka, whose task is to account for the funds accumulated in the personal accounts of NIS members, as well as the registration and issuance of a certificate of life certificate, and the provision of savings to NIS participants.

Coordinates of the Voenipoteka Office and contact telephone number are available in the Contacts section of the official website.