Standard solutions from 1C are presented. Review of standard 1C solutions. Standardization of standard solutions

The effective benefits of automation are visible within just a few days. The software is a ready-made solution that can be put into operation very quickly, and if you change the scale of the business, approaches to organizing and managing work, you can reconfigure it without spending much money and time!”

Thanks to one program, you can replace dozens of tables, reports and documents on your computer and desk - all this information is registered and stored in a single information base. On the site you can save everything - contracts, obligations, orders, discounts, prices and each customer! This 1c program implements everything you need for planning, analysis, control and accounting in an enterprise. website The software is not overloaded with unnecessary functions; it is easily customizable to the peculiarities of accounting and management organization in the company, which ensures the possibility of a “quick start” and convenience of daily activities.

Standard 1C solutions are easy to use, compact and comply with Russian principles of management and accounting methodology. Standard solutions include the truly necessary functions for a significant part of enterprises, which makes it possible to: Ensure that standard solutions comply with the specifics of the business and the peculiarities of the legislation, both in terms of managing the general activities of the enterprise, and as part of the accounting methodology;

Make such solutions quite simple and compact to use; Ensure their effective development and support; By standardizing application solutions, you can simplify technical updating and support, training users, and facilitate the creation of new individual and specialized application solutions based on standard 1C solutions.

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GC "Center of Computer Technologies"- business automation!

Standard application solutions from 1C are designed to automate typical accounting and management tasks of enterprises. When developing standard application solutions, we took into account both modern international management techniques and the real needs of enterprises that do not fit into the standard set of functionality of these techniques.

The functionality included in standard solutions has been carefully worked out. The 1C company analyzes the experience of users using programs of the 1C:Enterprise system and monitors changes in their needs.

For use at Russian enterprises, 1C offers the following application solutions:

  • "1C:Accounting 8"(including the KORP version, “1C: Simplified 8” and “1C: Entrepreneur 8”)

"1C: Accounting 8" is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of regulated reporting in organizations engaged in any type of commercial activity: wholesale and retail trade, commission trade, provision of services, production, etc. Accounting and tax accounting is carried out in in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • "1C: Managing a small company 8"

“1C: Small Firm Management 8” (UNF) is a ready-made solution for automating operational management in small businesses. The program implements everything necessary for maintaining operational accounting, control, analysis and planning at an enterprise. The solution is not overloaded with unnecessary functionality; it can be easily customized to suit the specific management and accounting organization of the company - this provides the possibility of a “quick start” and convenience of daily work. UNF helps improve company performance by providing owners and managers with a wide range of management tools, and employees with new opportunities for productive daily work.

  • "Trade Management"

“1C: Trade Management 8” is a modern tool for increasing the business efficiency of a trading enterprise. “1C: Trade Management 8” allows you to comprehensively automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise.

  • "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8"

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” supports all the main processes of personnel management, as well as the processes of personnel accounting, payroll calculation, tax calculation, generation of reports and certificates to government bodies and social funds, planning of labor costs. The requirements of legislation, the actual practice of enterprises and promising global trends in the development of approaches to personnel management are taken into account.

  • "1C: Integrated Automation 8"

Management, accounting and tax accounting of both one and several organizations are maintained in a single information base. This significantly reduces the complexity of accounting due to the use of common information sets. Management accounting for an enterprise can be maintained in any chosen currency, accounting and tax accounting is maintained in national currency. Regulated reporting for each organization is generated separately.

  • "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management"

"1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management" is a comprehensive application solution covering the main contours of management and accounting at a manufacturing enterprise. The solution allows you to organize a comprehensive information system that meets corporate, Russian and international standards and ensures the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The application solution creates a unified information space for displaying the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, covering the main business processes. At the same time, access to stored information is clearly delineated, as well as the possibility of certain actions depending on the status of employees. At enterprises of a holding structure, a common information base can cover all organizations included in the holding. This significantly reduces the labor intensity of record keeping due to the reuse of common information sets by different organizations.

  • "1C: Payment documents 8"

The program is designed for preparing, printing and storing basic accounting documents:

  • payment orders;
  • payment requirements;
  • accounts;
  • acts on the provision of services;
  • waybill (TORG-12);
  • waybill (1-T);
  • invoices;
  • incoming and outgoing cash orders;
  • advance reports;
  • powers of attorney.
  • "1C:Taxpayer 8"

The program is designed for preparing and submitting reports to government agencies.

  • "1C: Retail 8"

The application solution is designed to automate the trading activities of stores and other retail outlets, including those integrated into a trading network.

  • "1C: Document Flow 8"

"1C: Document Flow 8" allows you to:

  • streamline the work of employees with documents, eliminate the possibility of losing versions or crossing fragments when working simultaneously;
  • reduce the time required to search for the necessary information and the total time for collective processing of documents;
  • improve the quality of finished material (projects, documentation, etc.) by resolving a large number of controversial issues and streamlining the work of users.

The program has no industry specifics and can be effectively used both in the public sector and in commercial enterprises.

Standard application solutions from 1C are designed to automate typical accounting and management tasks of enterprises. When developing standard application solutions, we took into account both modern international management techniques (MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, ERP II, etc.), and the real needs of enterprises that do not fit into the standard set of functionality of these techniques, as well as the experience of successful automation accumulated by the 1C company and the partner community. The functionality included in standard solutions has been carefully worked out. The 1C company analyzes the experience of users using programs of the 1C:Enterprise system and monitors changes in their needs.

For use at Russian enterprises, 1C offers the following application solutions:

  • "1C: Accounting 8" (including the KORP version, the basic version and specialized supplies of the basic version "1C: Simplified 8" and "1C: Entrepreneur 8");
  • (including version);
  • "Trade Management" (including version);
  • "1C: Retail 8" (including version);
  • "1C: Salary and HR Management 8" (including version and version);
  • "1C: Consolidation 8" (including PROF version);
  • (including version and version);

The following application solutions are offered for Russian budgetary institutions:

Standardization of standard solutions

Standard solutions implement functions that meet the mass needs of enterprises. This makes it possible to ensure that standard solutions comply with domestic specifics both in terms of accounting methodology and in terms of managing the activities of the enterprise, while at the same time making these solutions quite compact and easy to use. At the same time, it is possible to provide effective support and development of standard solutions.

A typical application solution can be represented as a set of standard elements - configuration objects that provide the implementation of a particular functionality. The same standard element can be present in different production application solutions. Standardization of elements of application solutions makes it easier for users to master standard application solutions, simplifies technical support, updating and modification by certified specialists from partner companies, and also facilitates the creation of new specialized and individual application solutions based on standard application solutions from 1C.

Automation of individual tasks or complex automation

When choosing an automation system, you need to make a decision about separating various automation subsystems or, conversely, about centralization by implementing a comprehensive solution. Modern trends in the development of economic systems and world experience show that there is no universal recipe for solving this problem.

The use of separate solutions is simpler and more effective if individual automation tasks in the enterprise have little overlap. Integrated solutions are more effective when various automation tasks are strongly linked and the enterprise is ready to form a unified information space. To make a decision on the choice of general principles and specific automation systems, it is advisable to contact competent representatives of the partner community of the 1C company. The 1C:Enterprise 8 software system provides the opportunity to implement both approaches: both the implementation of a comprehensive solution and the implementation of individual application solutions that will work autonomously or integrated with other 1C solutions and third-party developers.

Support and service

When choosing a system, it is important to assess the prospects for operation and development of the system.

Standardization of the platform and application solutions in all 1C:Enterprise 8 programs makes it possible to effectively support the system from 1C and the partner community. The 1C company provides regular support for standard application solutions and the platform itself. The 1C:Enterprise 8 platform provides the ability to combine updates to an application solution produced by 1C or the developer of a specialized solution with individual changes made during system implementation.

In Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries, there are tens of thousands of specialists who are professionally involved in the implementation and adaptation of 1C:Enterprise application solutions. In each region, there are a large number of franchise companies that provide a full range of complex automation services based on 1C:Enterprise system programs - from consultations on choosing the most suitable system programs to training and individual system configuration. Many of the specialists involved in the implementation of 1C:Enterprise solve not only problems related to the support or development of application solutions, but also provide consulting services, helping to make the right decisions when setting up accounting and management at the enterprise. The 1C company provides regular training and certification of specialists.

The ability to quickly attract specialists to develop and support an application solution can be very important. The design of the 1C:Enterprise system allows you to quickly bring new specialists up to speed and transfer support of the application solution to someone who can provide the best service. Thus, the presence of a real industry for implementing and supporting solutions of the 1C:Enterprise system is a guarantee of the absence of problems in the maintenance and development of the information system.

In addition to using industry-specific construction solutions in automation projects, the 1C: Accounting and Trade (BIT) company sometimes uses standard 1C solutions, such as 1C: Accounting 8, 1C: Salary and HR Management 8 and others. The fact is that these software products, although they do not take into account the industry specifics of construction enterprises, solve basic automation problems, such as automation of regulated accounting, payroll, and warehouse accounting.

1C: Accounting 8

A universal solution for automating accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory reporting. The software product is suitable for most Russian companies, including construction companies. One program supports various taxation systems: general, simplified, taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income.

It is worth noting that when applying this standard solution in construction organizations, difficulties arise in maintaining object-by-object accounting, and there are also no auxiliary tools, such as industry forms (KS-2, KS-3, etc.), accounting according to PBU 2/2008 and other industry specifics.
Based on 1C:Accounting 8, several solutions have been developed that take into account the specifics of construction companies.

  • Accounting for a construction company.

1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8

This standard solution allows you to automate the calculation of personnel wages and the process of managing the company's personnel policy. It should be noted that there are limitations when using this software product in construction companies: without special settings, the system does not allow taking into account the work of employees at different sites during the month.

1C: Trade Management 8

The solution can be used to automate the OMTS service and maintain inventory records at on-site warehouses with receiving all the necessary reports, for example, a material report from a foreman. At the same time, it will be difficult to obtain one of the main forms - the M-29 form - without additional customization. The system also allows for data exchange with configurations for accounting, therefore it is extremely convenient for end-to-end control of the use of materials, reducing the labor intensity of accounting and increasing the efficiency of providing information from construction sites.

1C: Integrated automation 8