Pressed plywood painting. How and what is the best way to paint plywood with your own hands? Tools needed for coloring

Plywood is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly natural material that does not need complex processing.

Usually it is worth deciding how to paint the plywood and you can get to work.

Plywood sheets are a collection of wood veneer sheets bonded with a special mixture.

The cost-effectiveness of wood material has led to its widespread use in the manufacture of furniture, interior decoration and facades.

For processing and protection of the plate, painting is most often used. Compared to the treatment of other wooden surfaces, painting plywood sheets is not difficult and does not require professional skills.

A simple processing method will increase the durability of the property and emphasize its natural natural pattern.

Before self-painting plywood, you should take care of the cleanliness of the surrounding area and nearby objects by covering them with a wide film.

Processing of plywood sheets is carried out in several stages:

  • Drying;
  • grinding;
  • Treatment;
  • Painting.

High-quality coloring of wood-laminated boards is not presented without preparatory work. The surface of the material by its nature has many irregularities and chips.

Therefore, the processing of the material is carried out with special attention and patience.

Phased technology

Initially, plywood sheets should be dried well, especially if the material was stored in a closed and unventilated warehouse.

To do this, the purchase is placed in a warm, dry room for several days. After drying is complete, the material is carefully sanded with coarse sandpaper in two stages.

By hand or using a special machine strictly perpendicular to the texture. During processing, the sheets must be cleaned of dust and wood debris.

Then proceed to re-sanding along the wood grain pattern, using a finer sandpaper. We must not forget about the edges of plywood.

Before painting, the edges of the material are well sanded and covered with several layers of putty.

The primer of the wood board is an obligatory stage of work. It fills small cracks and qualitatively adheres the paint to the surface of the product.

As a result of priming, reliable protection against cracking and drying is provided, the surface is leveled and the service life of the finished product is increased.

On sale you can find prepared plywood products that do not need the first stages of preparation. The item has already been treated with the necessary layers that protect the plywood from cracks.

The disadvantage of such a product is a significant cost.

After the primer has dried, they begin to process the plywood sheet with special antiseptics. These funds protect the material from fire and from and fungus.

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In the case of plywood stained with transparent paint, antiseptic treatment is especially necessary from biological irritants.

Choosing a paint

When discussing how to paint plywood, it is important to take into account the operational features of the future product: will the material be used outdoors or indoors, is it necessary to emphasize the beauty of a wooden sheet?

In addition, the paint must also correspond to the class of the wood board.

Products intended for outdoor use are coated with oil or enamel paint.

Products used in the manufacture of furniture or home decoration are painted with water-based paint to prevent pungent odors.

Painting of the plate is carried out with a paint brush, roller or sprayer in several layers, paying special attention to the ends.

What plywood is painted with is determined from the amount of painting and the shape of the material. Each tool is almost equal.

If it is necessary to arrange two or more paint colors, then masking tape is used when painting.

On sale, you can find paints of the desired color in finished form or choose your own shade using tinting.

In some cases, plywood sheets are stained with varnish. Before varnishing, the material is carefully ground and degreased its surface.

Then one layer of varnish is applied to the product and left to dry. After the surface has dried, re-sanding is carried out to eliminate hairiness and give a dull finish.

If you want to get a glossy finish, then the application of varnish is repeated. The final coat of lacquer can be applied with a sprayer, which allows you to evenly cover the surface with a coloring matter.

If such a tool is not available, then varnishing is carried out using a roller, and hard-to-reach places are lubricated with a brush.

Consider important points

For beginners, some subtleties of work can lead to poor-quality staining. Using some recommendations, finished plywood sheets will last a long time and decorate the interior:

It is convenient to paint over medium-sized surfaces with a roller.

Curly elements and corners of the material are qualitatively painted over only with a brush.

To paint the product, it is better to use a foam roller to avoid lint residue from fur tools.

For uniform staining, work is carried out in the longitudinal direction of the plywood fibers.

To obtain a rich color, do not apply a thick layer of dye, it is enough to paint the product in two layers.

The second coat of paint is applied only after the previous one has thoroughly dried.

Find, prepare a place and tools for painting in advance.

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Painting plywood is an interesting and easy task. Accuracy and patience will give excellent results!

Plywood is an environmentally friendly, durable and inexpensive material that is currently very common. It is used for the manufacture of partitions, furniture and flooring. Plywood sheets consist of sheets of wood veneer that are held together with a special mixture. When processing this building material does not require much effort. Moreover, products made from plywood have a very attractive appearance, and especially after it is painted. Painting plywood sheets does not require skills and does not cause difficulties. How to paint plywood and how to do it right - we'll talk in this article.

What to paint?

The main task of painting plywood is to protect it from cracking. How to paint plywood? The choice of dye depends on the purpose of the sheets and the place of their operation.


Paints by type of thinners are divided into the following types:

  • Water-dispersion. Diluted with water. Odorless, environmentally friendly, forms a strong thin film after drying.
  • Alkyd. Differs in the high durability and preservation of appearance long time. The disadvantages are that they are dissolved with turpentine, white spirit, drying oil, which have pungent odors. It is best to use this type for outdoor use.

Important! This type is suitable for protecting plywood sheets from moisture.

Water-dispersion paints are further divided into the following types:

  • Water emulsion. Resistant to temperature extremes, non-toxic, applied to almost any surface, other types of paints easily fall on them.
  • Latex. Resistant to abrasion, close cracks up to 1 mm, moisture resistant and create a glossy finish. The disadvantage of this type is the possibility of mold and fungus formation, as well as intolerance to low temperatures.
  • silicate. They have a high level of quality and a relatively low price. Disadvantages - incompatibility with other types of paints and the presence of alkali in the composition, which requires compliance with safety measures when working with this type of paint.
  • Silicone. They hide cracks up to 2 mm, provide a high level of elastic coating, are durable, with a water-repellent effect, and are also resistant to temperature extremes. The downside is the high cost.
  • Acrylic. Resistant to moisture and create a high-quality layer when dried.
  • Polyvinyl acetate. Suitable for rooms with low humidity. May acquire a yellow tint over time.

Plywood painting in living quarters is done using water-based paints. This category includes acrylic paints, which are endowed with the following properties:

  • Dry quickly.
  • They do not have odors.
  • Fit comfortably.

How to paint plywood for the street? Ordinary enamel for wood products, which is easy to apply, is perfect. This type of coating is sold both in a ready-made color solution, and it is possible to perform tinting.

Important! Plywood boards must be dry before painting.


Also on the building materials market there are varnishes that can be used to paint plywood. There are two groups of varnishes, which differ in the way the layers appear:

  • Layers are formed in the process of polycondensation and polymerization. The varnish layer is hardening. They are made on polyester, oil, urea-formaldehyde and polyurethane bases.
  • The layers are formed due to weathering of the solvent. Such varnishes are made on the basis of nitrocellulose or alcohol.

Important! How to paint plywood correctly to emphasize and refresh the natural texture of a plywood sheet? To do this, it is necessary to paint the surface completely, without intentionally emphasizing the uniqueness of the texture on the veneer.

The most popular manufacturers of varnishes and paints:

  • Galamix.
  • Alpina.
  • Dufa.
  • Ceresit.
  • caparol.
  • Bayris AQUALAK.

Preparatory work

Painting plywood is necessary to extend its service life. Before painting this building material, it must be properly processed.

Important! After buying plywood, leave it to dry for a while. To do this, place the sheets in a warm room with dry air.

Plywood base preparation provides:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Strength.
  • Smooth, beautiful surface.
  • Longer service life.

The processing process consists of the following steps:

  • Grinding.
  • Padding.
  • Drying.
  • Puttying and drying.
  • Grinding.
  • Padding.
  • Coloring.

Before answering the question of how to paint plywood, we will consider all the steps in more detail.

Grinding process

After drying, you can proceed to grinding. For this:

  1. Sand the top of the material perpendicular to its structure with coarse sandpaper (#80-100).
  2. Then use fine-grained sandpaper to make the surface perfectly even.
  3. The edges of the plywood need to be planed from the edge to the center, and then coated with acrylic paint.
  4. Repeat the painting process 2-3 times.

Primer and putty

The process of priming and putty is necessary for:

  • Leveling a wooden surface.
  • Closing cracks on the inside of the surface.
  • Protection against mechanical damage and extension of service life.
  • Better adhesion of paint to the surface.

After priming, let the surface dry. To eliminate the appearance of a blue tint and mold, treat the sheets with antiseptics and fire retardants.

Important! These funds will protect plywood from fire.

If there are large dents or cracks on the plywood surface, they must be leveled using wood putty. Also, for extra strength, you can cover the entire base with putty. After - it is necessary to dry the sheet thoroughly.


After the putty has dried, in order to remove small irregularities, it is necessary to grind with fine-grained sandpaper to the desired smoothness of the surface.

Important! Remove dust after completing this step.


Apply primer in 2-3 coats to increase adhesion with the dye. Dry the plywood sheets thoroughly.


How to paint plywood white is of interest to many. The method of applying paint does not depend on the color, it depends on the composition of the base that is being painted.

Tools needed for coloring

To properly paint plywood, you need to prepare the tools that will be needed in the process:

  • Spray.
  • roller.
  • Paint brush.

The area and type of surface to be painted will depend on which tool to use:

  • Use a spray gun to save time when painting large flat areas. With it, you can achieve a high level of quality painting.
  • The roller is suitable for painting medium-sized flat surfaces.

Important! It is best to use foam rubber.

  • Corners, ends and various curly elements are most conveniently painted with a paint brush.

Important! Cover furniture and flooring with film to avoid contamination during painting.

How to paint plywood is now of interest to many, because it is this material that has good characteristics and a wide range of applications in construction work.

Preparatory work for the surface

  • grinding;
  • priming process;
  • drying process;
  • puttying with drying after;
  • application of grinding robots;
  • priming process with drying after it;
  • staining.

Priming process

Mark the main stages of this process:

  • To prevent the possibility of contamination of raw materials with types of fungal bacteria and swelling under the influence of humidity, it is advised to prime with alkyd materials;
  • The primer is applied with special rollers;
  • After the surface is covered with acrylic or alkyd type paint.

Attention! When developing in the structure of the relief, there is no interference, painting is reduced by some processes, because it becomes enough to complete just one layer of primer and paint.

Grinding process

Grinding is carried out manually or using an electric machine for special purposes:

  • Using coarse grit sandpaper #80-100, the top of the material is sanded in a perpendicular direction to its structure;
  • After that, fine-grained paper is applied to create the perfect evenness, which is necessary for the subsequent varnishing process;
  • After grinding, it is recommended to remove the irregularities that are available.

Handle the edges

It is necessary to plan the edges of building materials from the extreme part to the central one, then sand and cover the ends with acrylic paint with additives, repeat the painting process 2-3 times.

Primer and putty

If the question arises, how to paint plywood on the floor, you need to pay attention that the acrylic primer is applied to the sanded surface, This process is necessary for:

  • leveling the surface of wood;
  • closing available cracks on the inside of the surface;
  • increase the service life and protection from mechanical damage.


If you are interested in how to paint plywood inside the house, this process depends on the purpose of the plywood before painting. Covering the material with layers of paint helps to create its safety from the effects of moisture.

Attention! For the possible use of plywood sheets indoors with a high level of moisture or outdoors, the material must be coated on all sides in several layers.

Coating of plywood with varnish is carried out in a number of the following processes:

  • Initially, the surface must be sanded with fine-grained sheets of sandpaper;

Note! The dust formations obtained after processing are qualitatively removed, only after that the material is varnished.

  • Then follows the application of paint;
  • After the paint dries, varnish is applied to create additional shine. When using glossy paint, varnish should not be applied.


To figure out how to properly paint plywood, you first need to note what types of tools In this process, you must use:

  • spray;

  • roller;

  • tassel.

When using a sprayer, a sufficient level of result quality is achieved, because the coloring liquid can be evenly distributed over the surface. The cost of this type of tool can be quite high, so it is recommended to use standard foam rollers without lint. Hard-to-reach areas of the surface are recommended to be painted with a brush.

For this process, you will need to use masking tape in case of painting sheets in several colors.

Important! To avoid contamination of the room, it is advised to cover the flooring and furniture with a film.

Paints for plywood sheets

According to the type of thinners, paints are divided into the following categories:

  • Alkyd type. On this basis, paints have a sufficiently high strength, retain their appearance for a long period of time. The negative qualities include the fact that white spirit, turpentine and drying oil, which are distinguished by a pungent odor, are used as their solvent. This product is not classified as environmentally friendly, and it is better to use them for outdoor use of the painting procedure. This option is suitable for those interested in how to paint plywood from moisture.
  • Water-dispersion. Can be diluted with water. They are environmentally friendly, odorless and, after drying, contribute to the formation of a sufficiently strong thin film.

The second variant of paints, in turn, is divided into the following types:

  • Water emulsion. Apply to almost any surface. Resistant to temperature changes. A different kind of paint easily falls on it. The material is non-toxic.
  • latex. They have high moisture resistant properties and abrasion resistance. Contribute to the closure of cracks up to 1 mm. Creates a glossy finish. The disadvantages include the ability to form fungus and mold. Does not tolerate low temperatures.
  • Silicate. Relatively low price and high quality coverage. The disadvantages include the presence of alkali in the composition, which requires the use of security measures during operation, as well as incompatibility with other types of paints.
  • Silicone. High level of elasticity of the coating, able to hide cracks up to 2 mm. The material is durable. Differs in water-repellent characteristics. Resistant to high temperatures. Accordingly, a considerable price.
  • Acrylic. When dried, it creates a high-quality layer that is resistant to moisture.
  • Polyvinyl acetate. Use for a house with low humidity. Over time, it may acquire a yellow tint.

For painting plywood in a residential building, it is advised to use water-based paints. Acrylic type of paints belong to this category of coatings, since it has the following properties:

  • high drying rate;
  • practically odorless;
  • convenient to apply.

Those who are interested in how to paint plywood on the street can use ordinary enamel for wood products. This type of material is also called pentaphthalic paint, which is easy to apply. This type of coating can be purchased both in a ready-made color solution, and by performing tinting with your own hands. To do this, you need to take into account that the plywood boards have a dry structure. If they are stored in a room with humid air, it is recommended to dry them.

Varnishes for plywood

If the question arises, how can plywood be painted, there are varnishes on sale on the building materials market, which can be divided into two groups, which differ in the way the layers appear:

  • Layers are formed due to the weathering of the solvent. These types of varnishes are based on alcohol or nitrocellulose;
  • Layers are formed during polymerization and polycondensation. Due to this, the varnish layer hardens. These products are made on oil, urea-formaldehyde, polyester and polyurethane bases.

How to paint plywood under a tree to refresh and emphasize the natural texture pattern of a plywood sheet. Usually the surface is painted completely without showing the unique texture of the veneer.

How to paint plywood white so that minor defects in the material are not visible. To do this, use a matte texture type of paint. Since with the consumption of glossy paint, the defects of the material cannot be completely hidden.

Plywood is a building material made from several sheets of veneer glued together. It is used for interior decoration, construction of various structures, furniture, etc. Over time, plywood loses its original appearance, becomes dark, can become covered with fungus and small cracks. To make the material in question last longer, it is dyed.

Consider how and what is better to paint plywood and preparatory work.

Preparing plywood for painting

The whole cycle of work consists of sanding, coating the surface with an acrylic primer, drying, processing with an acrylic-based putty, re-sanding, priming, drying and painting.

When carrying out all of the above operations, you can achieve the highest result, but the preparatory work does not always include the items discussed. For example, an alkyd primer layer helps protect plywood from moisture and the spread of fungus. If the surface of the material does not have cracks and roughness, then it is not necessary to go through all the stages, it is enough to cover with a primer and paint.

Grinding with sandpaper, first coarse-grained, and then fine, allows you to remove all irregularities. The first operation, with coarse sandpaper, is performed perpendicular to the texture of the wood, and then proceed to grinding with fine sandpaper, along the texture of the material. The edges of the plywood are planed in the direction from the edges to the center, sanded and coated with acrylic paint.

After grinding, a layer of acrylic primer is applied to the surface of the material using a brush or roller. This material is necessary to level the surface of the tree, close all cracks, and protect against mechanical damage. After the surface has dried, you can proceed to its coloring.

What paint to paint plywood

The type of paint will depend on the operating conditions of the plywood. For example, when using the material in residential premises, experts recommend coating it with water-based acrylic dyes. Such paints are environmentally friendly, dry quickly, cover the surface well. If plywood is used outdoors, it can be painted with enamels, pentaphthalic paints. In the case when the material was in wet rooms, it is dried, and then dyes are applied. When operating in a humid environment, it is necessary to paint plywood on both sides in several layers.

The paint is applied to the surface with a paint brush, roller or spray gun.

To protect plywood from various influences, you can use a transparent varnish. First, the surface of the material is sanded, dust is removed, and then varnished. Lacquer is often used to create a shiny surface. For this purpose, it is applied to dried paint.