Blinds for balcony doors. The choice of roller blinds for the balcony door. The electric motor is controlled

A good platform for a flight of creative imagination is the design of curtains for a balcony door. Why her? Everything is very simple: the balcony block is asymmetric. Complicating the work with this object is its versatility and the presence of a battery.

A room with a balcony block can become both a highlight of the interior of any apartment, and its disadvantage. In order not to spoil the interior of the room with the wrong design, you need to know the small nuances.

There are several important requirements, due to the functions of the balcony, which should be considered when designing a window with a balcony door:

To better understand what is needed specifically for your room, consider everything on the window with a balcony door.

Veils, curtains and thread curtains.

Traditional methods of decorating a window with a balcony door have always been very popular. And, if we take into account the requirements already known to us, then everyone can do it.

Important in this type of design is the selection of materials that will be used in the design. Curtains that go to the balcony door are often used, so fabrics need to be selected that are wear-resistant, durable, slightly absorbent of dirt and dust, and easy to clean. To decorate a window with a balcony door with curtains, it is better not to create lush and massive draperies, this will complicate their use. But this does not mean that the curtains on the balcony door should be in the style of strict minimalism.

Rooms with access to the balcony are often less bright. They do not require curtains at all. But it is they who set a peculiar style and comfort. With a weak hit of sunlight, it is worth using curtains of light colors. For miniature rooms with low ceilings, curtains - veils are an excellent solution. It is they who will create style, comfort, atmosphere and at the same time let the rays of the sun through as much as possible.

Filament curtains or thread curtains are very popular in this matter.

They solve many issues at the same time: unhindered access to the balcony, great for washing / cleaning, do not require ironing, create comfort and a sense of intimacy.

Living room and bedroom.

Here you can already take care of beauty! Remember that in a small room it is not advisable to use complex, dark shades in the design of windows. This can act depressingly on both hosts and guests, keeping them in constant tension. Decoration with lambrequins is also not very good in rooms with low ceilings. They will put pressure on those present.

Do not forget that the clothes of the windows should allow you to freely use the balcony, as well as freely allow you to close and collect curtains in order to adjust the light illumination of the room.

The ideal solution would be curtains with an Austrian touch, Or a translucent composition of curtains with soft or hard pelmets and contrasting curtains.


This is the only room in which the design depends not on the designer or the owner, but on the child. Therefore, there are a lot of nuances that cannot be predicted without knowing the preferences and needs of the little man.

In our opinion, the curtains on the window with a balcony door in this room should be divided into several stages:

If it is not possible to change the curtain decor depending on the growing up of the child, it is better to immediately choose a composition of blinds / Roman blinds (for a good adjustment of the flow of sunlight) and fabric design (to ensure comfort and completeness of the interior of the room).

To decorate the window of a room with a balcony door, you can spend more time than to decorate any other window, but it's worth it. The balcony is a definite plus. It allows you to play with the color and texture of the fabric. And, taking into account all the needs of this architectural unit, you can get a non-standard, unique compositional solution. Which will give harmony of warmth, comfort and practicality.

The living rooms of most typical houses have a balcony. Its presence cannot be attributed to the shortcomings of the interior or architectural flaws in the layout, however, it still creates some difficulties in decorating the opening with curtains. We offer you a selection of photos with new beautiful curtains in the hall for a window with a balcony door. The photo clearly shows that it is possible to beat a rather complicated opening not only practically, but also very beautifully.

Design Requirements

When choosing a way to decorate a window located next to a balcony door, two main factors should be taken into account.

  1. 1 Illumination of the room. The amount of sunlight entering the hall depends not only on the location of the room. Even if the windows face south, the balcony, especially glazed and curtained, will “let through” only part of the rays - in this case, it makes no sense to choose blackout curtains.

    If the balcony is not glazed, and the windows of the hall are large enough, you will have to think about more reliable protection from bright glare and prying eyes.

  2. 2 Ability to move freely. The balcony is a very functional part of the apartment: it is on it that many people prefer to dry clothes, store some things, spend their free time (especially if it is equipped with everything necessary for this). When designing an opening, think about how many times a day each family member will “ply” back and forth. If there is a lot, make the exit as functional as possible and make sure that the textile curtains do not have to be “wrapped”, wrapped around the heating pipe, so that they cannot even accidentally be pinched by the door.

You can take any idea as the basis for the future design of your hall, however, do not forget to determine the degree of illumination of the room and choose the material for the curtains already taking into account this parameter.

Blinds, Roman and roller blinds

Vertical, horizontal blinds made of various materials and roller blinds are concise, occupy a minimum of usable space without overloading the interior of the hall, and are very easy to maintain. Undoubtedly, they meet all the requirements for the decor of a window combined with access to a balcony:

  • do not interfere with free passage;
  • have the ability to control the degree of illumination (some modern models can even be equipped with a control panel - you can open and close them remotely).

The only drawback: roller blinds and blinds (even if they are of the “warmest” and “coziest” colors) look very formal without additional decor. It is for this reason that we recommend framing them with light curtains that will not block the exit to the balcony, however, will complete the opening. However, if you like minimalistic interiors, feel free to refuse additional curtains.

An excellent option would also be a combination of curtains and Roman blinds.

Traditional straight curtains

Owners of apartments with disproportionately small windows compared to the balcony door should pay attention to classic straight-cut curtains. Dense side canvases in combination with light, light, but opaque tulle will hide this dissonance and unite the exit to the balcony and the window opening into a single harmonious composition.

Direct curtains in the hall on the window with a balcony perfectly complement the pickups on magnets. It not only looks stylish, but is also very practical.

Curtains on the grommets, although they can not be called a novelty, but they are back in fashion again. And this is not at all surprising, since they look great in any modern interior. In addition, grommets are a very good choice for a window with a balcony door, since such curtains will be easy to push back.

When choosing a fabric for tulle and curtains, remember that the balcony will have to be opened quite often: the length of the curtains should take into account the possibility of completely opening the sash without damaging the textiles with excessive tension. Don't forget two other factors:

  • sufficient light permeability of curtains;
  • color scheme, combined with the main interior.

Undoubtedly, this option is not as practical as the previous one, but it is traditional curtains that can “smooth out” a clear disproportion in the size of the door and windows. In addition, using this decor method, you can hide an oversized radiator, which is a dubious decoration for the living room.

Asymmetric compositions

The obvious discrepancy between the size of the door and the adjacent windows, described in the previous paragraph, is found everywhere and needs to be “masked”. If the option with ordinary straight curtains seems too casual for the hall, take a closer look at all sorts of asymmetrical options.

You can balance the entrance to the balcony, which is too large compared to the window opening, using an asymmetric lambrequin (its longer side should go down to the window, and the short side should cover the door without interfering with the passage). Make up the tulle that complements the design in two parts - this way you will greatly simplify the exit to the balcony and protect the delicate fabric from damage. Lambrequin can go down to the floor and only on one side - the opposite door. This decor also looks very attractive and organic. If desired, a veil or organza covering the entrance to the balcony can be secured with a tie-back made of the same material as the lambrequin. This will give the design not only practicality, but also a complete look.

Light curtains

If the balcony, the exit to which is located in the hall, is glazed and curtained, the window of the room can be decorated with one tulle from or. This will allow you to beautifully decorate the opening without darkening the room.

Since this option does not provide for the presence of thick curtains, you will have to forget about the “separate” tulle from two parts - it simply will not work to combine two light canvases into one composition.

When choosing a solid tulle, add one and a half to two meters to the width of the wall with an opening. The material of sufficient length can be assembled with beautiful folds - not only aesthetic, but also allowing you to open the balcony without damaging the delicate thin fabric.

Plastic or metal grommets should be chosen as fasteners for light curtains: if the door needs to be opened as wide as possible, you can move the tulle without any problems. The main thing is that the color of the tulle should be in harmony with the interior of the room: it is not necessary to give preference to snow-white material!


Another fashionable novelty of 2017 is filament curtains or, as they are also called, muslin. Such curtains look very unusual and beautiful. Thin flowing threads create an extraordinary play of light in the room. You can choose a one-color curtain option or create a composition of two or more colors. In addition, there are thread curtains with beads, flowers or other decorative elements. This option for decorating a window with a balcony is not only beautiful, but also very practical. You will not need to constantly move the curtain to get to the balcony.

The photo shows a beautiful combination of muslin with curtains and curtains. This combination makes the design of windows elegant and interesting.

The photo shows a combination of muslin and Roman curtains in the hall with a balcony door.

The photo shows a two-tone muslin, which beautifully frames the window in the hall.

The photo shows the usual one-color version of the curtain-threads, which contrast with the bright walls of the hall.

You can decorate the muslin with the help of various pickups or clamps.

Japanese curtains

A rather non-standard option for decorating a balcony door is Japanese curtains. This is exactly your option if you are an adherent of minimalist interiors in oriental or European style.

In the photo, the fashionable novelty of 2017 is Japanese panels, such curtains look great on windows with a balcony in modern interiors.

It is worth making a choice in favor of Japanese curtains if your family uses the balcony very actively:

  • the fabric fixed on the frame moves along the guides: it is simply impossible to damage it by opening the door;
  • the material is impregnated with a special compound that repels dust and prevents pollution: with the door often open almost to the street, this is important.

Estimate the sizes of windows and a balcony door in your hall, their proportionality; think about how - light or dark - you want to see yours. Based on this information, choose the method of registration of the opening that suits you.

Any of the five options presented above is thoughtful, functional and at the same time not without aesthetics: giving it individuality and modifying it in accordance with your own requests, you can make the room really beautiful and harmonious.

In the ways of organizing interior space, roller blinds have recently been increasingly strengthening their positions. With the problem of mounting the door in the opening between rooms or to decorate the balcony door, many designers strongly recommend using roll-up structures as the simplest and at the same time original solution.

Features and Benefits

Roller blinds on a doorway are called a freely hanging piece of canvas of a dense or translucent structure, which is attached to a roller from above. That is, they do not have fundamental differences with the roll type of curtains for window openings.

The fastening mechanism can be closed and hidden under a plastic box, or it can be open. With the help of a chain or spring control, the curtain installed on the doorway can be raised and lowered, as well as fixed in a certain position. Some models are equipped with a remote control, due to which you can adjust the lifting height remotely

The advantages of using roller blinds instead of a door include:

  • Space saving. Often, the decision to hang roller blinds in the opening comes because of the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the inability to install a full-fledged door.
  • With the help of roller blinds, you can easily zone the space in the room into functional areas, for example, allocate a dressing room or divide the room into a bedroom and a living room. If two children are forced to live in the same room, then in this way you can give each of them their own personal space.
  • Such an unusual decoration of the doorway can protect from drafts.. And if roller blinds are installed on the balcony door, then they will become an obstacle for mosquitoes and flies to enter the apartment in the warm season. In addition, a curtained balcony window will allow you to maintain a comfortable room temperature and protect from the annoying sun and prying eyes.
  • Curtains on the aisles can create additional comfort and style of the room.. Today, the variety of materials, colors and prints on the blinds makes it easy to choose a substitute for an interior door that is suitable for the pattern, which will fit perfectly into the interior.


For the manufacture of roller blinds, a wide variety of materials is used, among which there are fabrics of artificial and natural origin, and their combination is also found.

  • Natural fabrics include products from linen and cotton. Light and relaxed, they are able to set a relaxing atmosphere and therefore are often used to decorate cottages or houses on the ground. However, high humidity in the room can adversely affect such curtains, and they will sit down.
  • It is very popular with manufacturers of curtains in rolls. polyester. It is valued for its practicality and good light absorption performance, as well as durability.
  • Combined materials usually consist of polyester and cotton, viscose or satin. Each resulting combination has a different softness and texture, so it is suitable for decorating certain interiors. For example, the combination of viscose and polyester allows you to create a canvas that looks like rice parchment. Therefore, such models will perfectly fit into the interior in the Japanese style.

  • The best option for doorways is roll PVC curtain or products from fiberglass. These materials are not afraid of moisture, are distinguished by their extreme strength, reliability and durability. In addition, PVC and fiberglass curtains perfectly keep their shape and reflect light, are protected from accidental ignition.

Where to hang?

Roller blinds for doorways have a fairly wide scope, which allows you to experiment and create a unique design.

Popular rooms equipped with roller blinds include:

  • Kitchen. In many houses built in the last century, the kitchen space is quite cramped. This leads to the fact that the kitchen door is dismantled and a curtain is installed in its place. Roller blinds are a great replacement door option, as the kitchen is the most-trafficked space in the home, and endless door slamming can be annoying. If you need to limit the space from the smells of food or light, you can lower the curtain. Also, a relevant solution would be to install a roller blind on the door to the kitchen, if it has a glass insert. Then in the evening hours the light from the kitchen will not enter the room.
  • Storage corner. Often, interior designers install roll structures instead of doors in the pantry or dressing room. When cleaning, you can raise the curtain for convenience, and before the guests arrive, hide any rubbish behind a beautiful curtain.

  • Built-in wardrobes. In some situations, a roller curtain comes to the rescue and replaces cabinet doors in rooms with a small area. So, roller blinds are suitable for cabinets on a balcony space or a loggia, a small kitchen or an attic. Safe and easy to use blinds are suitable for cabinets in the children's room. When choosing blinds for a closet, you should pay attention not only to lifting, but also to sliding mechanisms that open to the side. Especially this option will be convenient for small kitchen cabinets.
  • Balcony door. Often, for additional light and noise insulation, balcony doors are equipped with a roll structure. Such a design solution looks good both separately and in composition with other window curtains or curtains. Such an interior detail can be installed both from the inside and from the street. True, curtains on the balcony are more prone to pollution, and to adjust it, you need to constantly open the balcony door.

Mounting Features

Roller blinds, like conventional models for windows, have several ways of fastening:

  • Installation of the mechanism using double-sided mounting tape.
  • Mounting using rails with a hook.
  • Installation with hangers. It should be noted that this method is not suitable for all types of openings.
  • Using self-tapping screws for mounting curtains is the most familiar and handy way for many.

When repair work remains in the distant past, the furniture stands in its place, it seems that the room is completely ready for living, but one glance thrown towards the balcony spoils the whole picture. The choice of curtains for a window with a balcony door requires special attention, and this is due to the asymmetry of the opening. The place of entry and exit to the balcony / loggia should not only be aesthetically attractive, but also be decorated correctly - nothing should interfere with the free movement from the room to the balcony and vice versa. Meanwhile, the style of all interior details must match.

Roller blinds have become an ideal option for decorating a modern balcony door - this is the interior detail that can transform any room in an original way, make it more spectacular.

Features and Benefits

Roller blinds are gaining momentum in popularity. They are in high demand and mainly because of their practicality and ease of use. Given the countless number of manufacturers in this market, you can see a huge selection of these decorative products.

In appearance, these are simple and strong structures in which the fabric web, being the main element, is wound on a roller suspended from above. Such curtains are made of durable material that does not fade over time and is cleaned without much effort. Roller blinds differ in density, bright color, size, fastening, light-transmitting capabilities.

Buyers have the opportunity to choose a canvas of a uniform color for a balcony door and a window opening or create an interesting picture from products that differ in some way.

Wide windows will look advantageous if you hang on them not one, but several designs. In addition to the aesthetic function, they will act as luminous flux regulators.

PVC blinds are produced in several versions:

  • internal and external;
  • window and door;
  • partitions.

Roller blinds on the balcony door differ in their appearance from similar products for window frames. More often they are dense opaque models that practically do not let in sunlight, harmoniously fit into any interior. have the following advantages:

  • complement the curtains on the windows;
  • do not release heat outside the room;
  • prevent the penetration of street dust into the apartment;
  • exclude the possibility of light rays entering the room;
  • they are inexpensive, since their production does not use such a large amount of fabric and auxiliary parts than in the production of full-fledged curtains;
  • ease of use. The design of roller blinds is quite simple, and the mechanism of their operation does not cause difficulties;
  • multifunctionality. Roller blinds can be hung in a doorway instead of a full door. Thus, they will be able to cover the entrance to the dressing room or the kitchen in an original way;
  • space saving. Due to their compact size and convenient placement, the curtains do not overload the room;
  • ease of care. Curtains are very easy to care for, it is enough to periodically sweep dust off them and occasionally wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • long service life.


Nothing is perfect, and roller blinds also have their little flaws:

  1. Models of some unscrupulous manufacturers are equipped with a weak mechanism for twisting / unwinding the curtains, so such products may periodically become unusable.
  2. There are interior styles, such as Gothic, Baroque, which exclude the use of roller blinds indoors.

Big and wide

The design possibilities of roller blinds allow them to completely follow the contours of the door and block the access of sunlight into the room. In addition, they do not interfere with opening / closing balcony doors.

They can be used for their intended purpose, hung on window openings, and also used as an interior partition, using curtains to divide one room into two small ones. Thanks to this feature, square meters are successfully divided, while the space itself does not decrease in size.

Large roller blinds use special weighted materials, usually in dark colors, and special fasteners facilitate the use of this type of product.


Curtains with electronic control are distinguished by the presence of an automatic movement of the canvases, which opens / closes the curtain. Externally, the design does not differ from conventional models, with the exception of the built-in drive.

The electric motor is controlled:

  • switch;
  • control panel;
  • electric block.

The latter option is more popular among buyers, since it is equipped with a timer that, at the right time, will open and close the curtains on its own, without human intervention.

When choosing curtains that will hang on the balcony door, you need to adhere to certain principles:

  • Curtains should fit into the interior of the room, not spoil the intended picture;
  • The color of the walls and the canvas should differ by at least one tone.
  • A large pattern on the fabric looks advantageous on modest openings. For large ones, it is better to buy curtains with small ornaments.
  • Curtains on the balcony door and on the windows may vary in color, pattern and density. The length of the leaf for a full glass door does not always have to reach the floor, 3⁄4 is enough.
  • You should not decorate the curtains with a large number of decorative elements - they will take up extra space and create a feeling of chaos.


The canvas of roller blinds is impregnated with special dust-repellent substances, therefore wet cleaning is undesirable for these products. They also cannot be washed in a washing machine, because after water procedures, roller blinds are deformed and lose their beautiful appearance. Manufacturers recommend cleaning this type of curtain with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. It is better to carry out these activities weekly so that the curtains do not become so dirty that they can only be cleaned by wetting.

If a stain appears on the roller blind, you can try to remove it with an ordinary clerical eraser. To do this, you need to rub the pollution with an eraser, like a pencil from a sheet of paper. This method does not always live up to expectations, but sometimes it saves the owners of the house from buying new curtains.

In some models of roller blinds, the fabrics have an antifungal coating. These can get wet. If the fabric becomes soiled, it can be lightly wiped with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water. After that, with clean water, you need to rinse off the detergent and dry the curtain. Wet product must not be twisted.

We must not forget that the construction mechanism also needs to be cleaned of dust and at least once a year all hinges should be lubricated with a special agent.

Designer's tips on choosing roller blinds for the balcony and loggia can be seen in the video below.

The main requirement that curtains on a window with a balcony door must meet is ease of use. It is important that the desire to effectively decorate the window does not cause violations of the functionality of the balcony block.

Successfully selected curtains meet a number of criteria:

  • move freely along the eaves;
  • dense and practical;
  • regulate the solar fluxes entering the room;
  • mask the entrance to the balcony, leaving access to it free.

What can be the design of a window with a balcony in the kitchen, living room and bedroom? Interesting ideas below.

Balcony block in the bedroom - decor options

In the bedroom, special attention is paid to creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere, conducive to relaxation. Curtains in the bedroom must be able to cope even with the bright daytime sun, tightly closing the window, creating twilight if necessary. That is why the curtains in the room for rest and sleep must be selected from dense, opaque fabrics.

However, the constant twilight is tiring and in some ways even depressing, therefore, complete with thick curtains for the bedroom, it is advisable to purchase a light tulle that allows light to penetrate the room.

In the mornings, when it is important to cheer up and recharge with the energy of a new day, the curtains can be moved aside, letting the rays of the morning sun into the room, refreshing and even visually expanding the space.

By adjusting the light fluxes with a combination of thick curtains and tulle, you can create the right atmosphere in the bedroom at any time of the day.

In order for the textiles used in the sleeping room to last as long as possible, while maintaining a presentable appearance, cutting flaps are used for decoration. Colored tulle, for example, looks festive and spectacular, but at the same time it is more convenient to use due to its resistance to dirt.

Decoration of the balcony block in the hall - features

A balcony in the hall or living room is a frequent occurrence for apartment buildings. Usually it is this room that has the largest quadrature and is intended for receiving guests, active pastime of family members.

You can choose curtains for a hall with a balcony door using ready-made photos, or you can come up with your own options for combining products, taking into account the features of the interior. Unlike the bedroom, in the hall you can do without heavy curtains made of dense fabric that protect from the sun. Rather, on the contrary, in this room it would be right to choose light-transmitting canvases that expand the space.

What kind of curtain options will be appropriate? Much depends on the features of the interior, on the size of the window-balcony unit, the shape of the windows. From the curtain options below, you can choose the one that will be combined with the balcony door in the living room in the best way.

Classic curtains in the living room - elegant and always fashionable

Classic curtains for a window with a balcony door (see photo) do not go out of fashion. The main thing is to choose products that emphasize the features of the interior, decorated in the same style.

Traditionally classic curtains are heavy flowing fabrics, elegant lambrequins, tails and fringe. A window with a balcony, decorated in this way, looks noble and luxurious, but they will only be appropriate in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Given the need for regular use of a balcony door, classic curtains must be selected with a special incision at its location.

Only in this case it will be possible to freely pass to the balcony without shifting the entire structure. It is appropriate to place in the exit area only a tulle for the hall with a balcony door (as in the photo), through which it will be easier to pass to the balcony.

Roller blinds, roman and blinds - options

In the design of modern interiors, roller blinds on the balcony door are used quite often. The high level of demand is primarily associated with the simplicity and practicality of the design. Curtains are easily mounted on the balcony block without blocking the exit to the balcony. Easy-to-care products regularly cope with the main functions for many years, they look stylish and fashionable, and most importantly, they are suitable for decorating a hall in almost any style.

Roman and roller blinds for a room with a balcony door (see photo) are made of dense fabrics, they can have textured patterns, stylish decor from ribbons, lace, lambrequins. Depending on the needs and mood, the curtains can be raised, semi-lowered or lowered completely. In any form, they look impressive and outstanding.

As for the blinds, vertical-type products made of fabrics, bamboo, plastic or wood are more suitable for decorating a living room or hall. The length is adjusted, as well as the width of the slats. The convenience of the design lies in the mechanism of operation. The exit to the balcony is easy to open, just move the blinds to the side. The designs are easy to care for, practical, reliably protect from the sun and are a complete completion of the interior picture of the room.

Both Roman blinds and roller blinds or blinds will be appropriate not only in the hall, but also in the bedroom or in the kitchen, subject to the correct selection of fabric and shade.

Thread curtains - ideas for the living room, kitchen bedroom

Analyzing the options for curtains suitable for decorating a balcony block, it is worth noting a novelty - filament ones. Their main advantage is lightness. Products weigh almost nothing, easy to care for and practical to use. Curtains are the best fit for decorating a window block with a balcony, as they leave free access to the balcony.

You can decorate the opening with filament curtains not only in the kitchen, but also in the living room and even the bedroom. In the latter case, it is important to choose products made of dense threads that can cope with the ruthless morning sun. As an option, you can additionally consider tulle on the window in combination with curtains or blinds to solve the problem of sun protection.

Filament curtains not only add exclusivity to the interior, they visually expand the room.

Products are successfully combined with various elements of decor, ranging from classic ones - photos of lambrequins in a composition with muslin only confirm this and ending with newfangled ones - butterflies, flowers, elegant brooches.

Pleated curtains - original and functional design

A worthy solution for a room with a balcony block is pleated curtains. Such curtains on a balcony door without a window are the best fit. The mechanism of operation of products is similar to that of blinds - horizontal strips of dense fabric rise to the desired level, which, as a result, strongly resembles the usual pleating.

It is easy to operate the system with ordinary cords, opening and closing. It is possible to regulate the light flux by stretching the fabric folds.

Such curtains in the hall will fit just as well as in the bedroom, in the kitchen and even in the nursery. A wide choice of colors, as well as the ability to order products with individual colors, prints and coatings, allow you to choose not to be limited. To extend the service life, pleated blinds are treated with anti-dust compounds, so using them is simple and convenient.

Curtains for a kitchen window with a balcony - interesting ideas

If curtains are selected for the living room with a balcony door, guided primarily by showiness and style decisions, then curtains for the kitchen need practical and easy to use.

A good option is the roller blinds described above. They meet the requirements for practicality, perfectly complement the kitchen interior, making it modern and cozy at the same time.

It is necessary to select the design of roll-type curtains, taking into account the design of the kitchen. These can be classic options with plain canvases, or exclusive products with original prints and textures. Roller blinds will be appropriate indoors, regardless of the height of the ceilings and the quadrature.

An equally good option for the kitchen is Roman-style window curtains. In combination with classic fabric canvases, they will look more than spectacular without blocking access to the balcony.

Adherents of the rational use of every square meter in the kitchen will appreciate the functionality of Japanese curtains. Simple and convenient sliding design will fit perfectly into modern interior design. Such curtains are compact and practical, look aesthetically pleasing and stylish.

In a classic kitchen with a balcony, asymmetric curtains on the grommets will be appropriate. The asymmetry of the products will add some sharpness to the traditional interior design, and the method of fastening will not become an obstacle to using the balcony.

Romantics and connoisseurs of vintage art can experiment with curtains made of fabric with tiebacks. On the kitchen window, they will look harmonious in combination with a short tulle. The design is convenient and practical, allows you to freely use the exit to the balcony.

An interesting solution for the kitchen is bamboo curtains for the balcony door. With their help, you can elegantly and in a new way decorate the window opening with a completely natural and environmentally friendly material. For the manufacture of curtains, reed, straw, bamboo are used. The structures are different:

  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • exoticism.

The interior with the addition of bamboo curtains becomes warm, cozy and homely, which is especially important when it comes to decorating the kitchen.

Colors and accessories - what is useful to know

To design a kitchen, bedroom or living room with a balcony, it is important to use curtains that are in harmony in color with the shades in the room. It is important not to overdo it with colors, taking into account the texture of fabrics, design, design features that can act as independent, complete compositions.

If original filament curtains or single pendants were used to decorate the window, additionally suitable for decor:

  • beads;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • paper clips with particles of colored postcards in retro style;
  • avant-garde knotted twine;
  • shells, etc.

You can save and decorate a window with a balcony in an apartment in a unique way with elements of the chosen style if you sew curtains with your own hands. The easiest option is roller blinds. Even a person without special education and experience in such work will be able to carve out products.

The system is easy to fix on the wall, it does not “eat up” space and requires a small amount (preferably natural dense) fabric, fittings.

In conclusion, we note that the fashionable decoration in the room, the spectacular glazing of a balcony or loggia will seem incomplete if the decoration of the balcony block with curtains is ignored. The right choice of curtains for decorating a window with a balcony door guarantees the creation of a beautiful interior. Video can "t be loaded: How to decorate a window with a balcony door (