Types of home insulation Types of insulation for residential buildings and their characteristics. Features of internal insulation

Thermal insulation materials perform one of the most important functions that are necessary to ensure a comfortable existence of a person in his home.

They allow you to protect the house from freezing, heat loss, etc. Without insulation, we would have been very tight. It is not surprising that now all construction organizations have turned to this topic so seriously and are trying to popularize such materials wherever possible. By the way, we recommend.

1 General information

Heaters, if you look at a special GOST, are materials for fencing load-bearing and non-bearing structures of a house.

Their main task is to cut off cold air flows and protect the external structures of the house.

That is, heat-insulating materials are used to prevent hypothermia at home. This applies to almost all of its parts. So, most often, GOST recommends insulating external walls. Are the walls in constant contact with the outside temperature? and the point of contact they have is all over the area.

If the temperature outside is too low, then no brick will be able to withstand it. The wall will gradually freeze and cool. At one point, its temperature will drop so low that the structure will already give cold inside the room.

As a result, you will have to spend simply fabulous amounts on heating, although all this could have been avoided if you used GOST and insulated the walls as it should be.

Similarly, roofing structures also need to be equipped with thermal insulation materials, and it is best to install here. Here, the use of heaters is even more necessary. After all, unlike walls, the roof could never boast of high density.

It's just ramps stuffed onto the boardwalk and a topcoat. Through such structures, cold penetrates much faster. It is not surprising that GOST recommends using heat-insulating materials for roof insulation, which is almost twice as thick as those that need to be installed for wall decoration.

They also insulate foundations, ceilings, balconies, and other similar structures. That is, all elements of buildings that are in contact with the street, and therefore can freeze if the temperature drops.

If everything is done correctly and all the points indicated by GOST were taken into account, then the house will be protected by a kind of thermal cocoon.

The thermal characteristics and properties of the rooms inside it will increase dramatically. It has been proven that competent insulation of the walls alone increases the average temperature in the house by 2-3 degrees.

1.1 How does insulation work?

After all of the above, it may seem to you that insulation is some kind of super-expensive material with incomprehensible thermal insulation properties, but in fact it is not.

Characteristics of heaters are quite trivial. These are just special materials that are almost half air. Far from all heat-insulating representatives that are presented on the modern market have such a structure, but there are enough of them.

First of all, such high thermal insulation characteristics are possible due to thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of heaters is a parameter that is responsible for the possibility of interaction of the material with the environment, or rather, its temperature.

High thermal conductivity, as specified by GOST, is found in almost all building materials. This means that a material with this characteristic quickly equalizes with the environment in temperature. It quickly gains heat, but also quickly gives it away.

In heaters, the thermal conductivity is extremely low. The average characteristics of all known species indicate that their thermal conductivity is at the level of 0.04-0.045 W / m as in. This indicator indicates that the material does not react at all to external temperature.

That is why it will be very unpleasant to sit on concrete or brick in winter, and you can sit on foam plastic without any problems.

It is these properties that allow heaters to have such characteristics. Due to their low heat transfer, thermal insulation materials protect structures from external temperature, forming a protective barrier against the cold.

2 Types of insulation and their properties

Now we should consider the types of heaters. There is a whole table of thermal insulation materials. You can find it by looking at the current GOST, which is focused on heaters. Just remember that GOST can have its own separate number, and therefore focuses on different parameters.

One GOST will normalize the dimensions of heat-insulating materials, and will also help to calculate the thickness of the insulation, while another document may focus on individual brands of insulation that are used in specialized areas.

It is necessary to select normative documentation very carefully, so as not to make mistakes when making calculations.

Types of thermal insulation can be divided into several subgroups. We will indicate here not all types of heat-insulating materials, but only the most popular ones. Each material has a whole list of its properties, which we will also consider, but only briefly.

So, most often heaters are divided into:

  • Organic like ;
  • Inorganic.

2.1 Organic insulation

This group includes types of heat-insulating materials, whose properties classify them as organic. There are both wood insulation and polymer insulation or other similar compounds based on recently invented chemical formulas.

Organics has a difference in thermal insulation properties, but it can burn in a fire, and this is already a serious nuance.

There are the following types:

  • Arbolite;
  • Styrofoam;
  • From chipboard;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Foam insulation;
  • Polyethylene foam;
  • From ecowool like.

Arbolite materials are created from wood chips, straw, light fillers and other similar materials.

All these components are kneaded in a mold and poured with cement mortar with special additives. The output is a finished heat-insulating plate, which has excellent heat-insulating properties.

Expanded polystyrene needs no introduction - this is a slab insulation made of polystyrene balls. Very cheap, with surprisingly low thermal conductivity, it is extremely popular in modern construction.

Heaters are rarely made from chipboard, as they are quite expensive, but such solutions are also found. For insulation, chipboard is used from their waste chips, which slightly lightens the weight of the plates and improves their properties.

Polyurethane foam is a newly invented chemical formula. This material is applied to the walls in liquid form, where it solidifies, forming an elastic soft form.

Penoizol is in many ways similar to polyurethane foam. Especially when it comes to application. It is in the same way first kneaded, and then applied with sprinklers.

Only penoizol initially has foam concentrates in its structure. And its properties bring this material closer to modern polyurethane foam.

Foamed polyethylene has unique properties. With extremely low weight and excellent thermal conductivity, the density of the insulation is too low to be used as capital materials.

But the foamed polyethylene serves as a reflective thermal insulation, in conjunction with the foil, and is also an excellent vapor barrier.

Ecowool is produced from waste paper and pulp production, as well as. The properties of ecowool cannot be called outstanding, but it is very cheap, completely safe for humans and weighs almost nothing. The dimensions of ecowool insulation materials allow them to be used almost everywhere.

2.2 Inorganic insulation

GOST refers to inorganic materials all heaters that were created from glass, stone, rocks, etc. Inorganics are more expensive, as more resources have to be spent in their production.

However, her performance is very high. Plus, inorganic materials practically do not burn in a fire. It is also important to consider that it does not matter what sizes of inorganic insulation boards will be used, in any case it will be vapor-permeable, which is also extremely convenient.

The following samples are distinguished:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Glass wool.

Mineral wool is so popular in modern times that almost every second house is insulated with its help. This is possible due to the unique combination of favorable characteristics.

Low thermal conductivity, convenient dimensions of the final material, hydrophobicity, lightness, incombustibility - these are just some of the useful properties of mineral wool.

The only drawback of stone wool insulation materials is their cost. To create a heater from basalt, and even of high quality, you need to go through a complete process of remelting and isolating stone fibers, and this is not at all cheap.

Glass wool is in many ways similar to the previous sample, only it is produced from glass waste. It is also easy to manipulate, glass wool has good properties, and is not much inferior to other heaters, if you look only at the characteristics table.

Moreover, the fiber sizes of glass wool tend to be larger than those of the same mineral wool, which means that glass wool will better withstand tensile loads.

But she has one extremely unpleasant drawback. Glass wool, being a derivative of glass, can only be mounted in protective gear.

During installation, the fibers tend to break, which at the microscopic level leads to the formation of small glass particles. These particles can get on the skin, mucous membranes and even the lungs of a person, causing irritation and even illness.

2.3 Choosing a stone wool insulation (video)

In the building materials market today, there are many different types of materials for insulating various types of houses.

These heaters differ in their characteristics, types (plates, mats and others) and places of application. They insulate walls, roofs, pipes (technical insulation), foundations, partitions and other elements of building structures.

By choosing the right insulation for your home or cottage, you can reduce your heating costs in winter and keep your home cool in summer.

Which insulation is better, what characteristics should it have?

Which insulation is better, and what characteristics it should have, is asked by everyone who is going to insulate their home.

When choosing a heater for a particular surface, many are mistaken that the maximum density and thickness of the insulation will keep more heat in the house. But this is not so, because all materials can be of the same density, but different in terms of thermal conductivity, water absorption, mechanical strength, and other parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a heater. Below are also the main characteristics of heaters, which you should pay attention to when insulating a house.

The main characteristics of heaters:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material (the amount of thermal energy passing through units of area, thickness, time and temperature difference)
  • density
  • mechanical strength
  • water absorption
  • vapor permeability
  • fire resistance
  • low caking for a long time
  • harmlessness to humans (environmental qualities)
  • ease and convenience in working with the material

The main types of insulation for the house

In most cases, home insulation is used:

Mineral wool

Mineral wool- these are various types of heaters from mineral substances, which are conventionally divided into two groups:

Mineral wool

To obtain mineral wool, slags from metallurgical industries are used, the melts of which are blown through an extruder, forming wool fibers, which are produced in the form of rolls, mats and plates.

Mineral wool in rolls , as a rule, are used for insulation of pipes, industrial equipment and roofs, and minplates and mats for insulation of facades, walls, floors, roofs and ceilings.

This heater, like any other, has its pros and cons.

Advantages of mineral wool
  • the possibility of using it in the interior of residential premises
  • incombustibility
  • low thermal conductivity
  • excellent sound absorption
  • Environmental friendliness
  • application temperature from -60 to 500 degrees
  • cheap cost compared to basalt insulation.
Cons of mineral wool

High water absorption and caking. These two indicators greatly reduce its life.

Mineral wool manufacturers

In the building materials market, a large amount of mineral wool is currently being produced, with which you can solve various types of tasks for insulating the facade, walls, floor, roof, and other house structures.

At the moment, the most famous leaders in the production of mineral wool are the companies: TeploKnauf, Izover (ISOVER) and Ursa (URSA).

Basalt or stone wool

Basalt and rocks of the gabbro group are the most durable in the world. From their melt is made stone wool , which is produced in mats and slabs, using binder resins that are harmless to human health, and therefore it is used to insulate houses in all structural elements.

Advantages of basalt insulation
  • Does not conduct heat
  • Passes steam and does not absorb moisture
  • Does not burn
  • Not poisonous
  • Does not cake
  • Much denser and stronger than mineral wool
  • Application temperature from -160 to 1000 degrees
Cons of basalt insulation

The only disadvantage of stone wool is the increased cost compared to other heaters.

stone wool manufacturers

Today, there are many manufacturers of stone wool, which produce it in a fairly large assortment, with which you can solve any problem related to the insulation of a house, industrial equipment, ventilation and pipes.

The most famous brands of stone wool are ROCKWOOL, PAROC and TECHNONICOL.

In most cases, when choosing stone wool, they stop at choosing a brand ROCKWOOL, because this stone wool is the cheapest among others, the manufacturer has a fairly large range of basalt mats and slabs, which can be produced in foil and wire, which is very convenient for insulating technical insulation of pipes and chimneys.

Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene)

Heaters in the form of plates of various sizes and thicknesses are produced on the basis of polystyrene. They are labeled PSB-S , which means expanded polystyrene suspension non-pressing self-extinguishing (EPS).

According to a special technology, polystyrene granules are foamed and pressed into slabs, which, as a rule, are used to insulate walls, foundations and attic floors with further plastering, because. This material is flammable and is afraid of direct sunlight on it.

Pros of Styrofoam

  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Ease of material and installation
  • Good strength
  • Does not let steam through (therefore, it is not recommended for warming the facade of residential buildings)
  • Does not rot
  • Does not deform or shrink
  • Does not break down under UV light
  • cheap cost

Cons of foam

  • Flammability, although it self-extinguishes in the absence of a source of fire
  • When burned, it emits a toxic odor that is hazardous to human health.
  • Doesn't absorb noise well
Producers of expanded polystyrene PSB-S

The largest manufacturer of expanded polystyrene today is the KNAUF company (KNAUF), which produces a wide range of foam under the trademark KNAUF Therm, of various thicknesses, densities and sizes, with which you can insulate lightly loaded surfaces.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Special production technologies make it possible to obtain extruded polystyrene foam (EPS or XPS), which has all the same properties as polystyrene, only it is much stronger, has the properties of vapor permeability, low water absorption and does not burn, so it is perfect for insulating plastered facades, basements, flat roofs and floors.

Cons of extruded polystyrene foam

  • Doesn't absorb noise well
  • when melted, it emits a toxic odor that is dangerous to human health
XPS manufacturers

The leaders in the production of EP today are PENOPLEX and URSA XPS. They produce a fairly large line of extruded polystyrene foam of various thicknesses, densities and sizes, which help to solve the problem of insulating surfaces with increased load.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay- this is one of the types of traditional insulation for horizontal surfaces, which is a small porous balls of baked clay. Usually this material is used for insulation of attic floors, foundations, basements and floors.

Expanded clay has an affordable price and has all the positive properties. It does not conduct heat well, does not burn and is not poisonous.

Topics with a choice and description of the features of a particular type of insulation are deservedly popular on our portal. These questions become more urgent the higher the growth in energy prices and the desire of homeowners to save on heating. FORUMHOUSE has already talked about and about.

Choosing the best insulation for the walls of the house, which is right for you, we suggest looking at the nuances of insulating a private house from a slightly different angle. To do this, consider the following questions:

  • How to start choosing a material.
  • What are the types of heaters.
  • Is it possible to do without using it.
  • Should I use eco-insulators?
  • What is lacking in modern means and methods of wall insulation.

Choosing a material

The modern market of thermal insulation materials offers a lot of options and types. Conventionally, they can be divided into artificial (man-made) and natural. Artificial include: mineral wool (stone and glass wool) and polystyrene foam insulation (PPS, or polystyrene, EPPS - extruded polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam), foam glass, sprayed polyurethane foam, ecowool, expanded clay, etc. Natural materials include sawdust, straw, moss, flax, hemp and other eco-materials.

The materials of the second group are most often used by enthusiasts in the construction of environmentally friendly houses.

To determine the type of material, you need to pay attention to the following parameters: thermal conductivity, hygroscopicity, density, flammability class, efficiency, environmental friendliness, durability. You also need to understand in advance what and how you are going to insulate. Those. – choose the scope of the material. To do this, we ask ourselves the question in which structural unit of the house should work. To the materials that are used for and insulation of the foundation (), etc. working in the ground, in an aggressive environment, there are certain requirements. These are non-susceptibility to moisture accumulation, rotting, high compressive strength, thermal efficiency, durability.

The main (perhaps even the only) disadvantage of foam plastics is their combustibility (under certain conditions) and limited thermal stability. In the event of a fire, first of all, interior items (furniture, curtains, etc.) burn. Therefore, measures must be taken in advance to protect polystyrene foam (in case it is used for internal insulation) from an open source of fire. To do this, the foam must be covered with a good layer of concrete or plaster. It is better if PPS is used for external insulation. It must also be covered with non-combustible material (concrete, plaster), and not used as an element of a ventilated facade!

In civil housing construction, expanded polystyrenes are widely used for insulation of foundations and flat roofs (EPS). Facades of houses, as the basis for thin-layer plaster, the so-called. "wet facade" (PPS).

  • In a number of situations (especially in the field of low-rise housing construction), it is necessary to insulate frame structures, where, instead of rigidity, elastic options mounted by surprise are more technologically advanced. Here, it is most widely used on the basis of stone () or glass fibers - this material combines high manufacturability of installation (no special experience and special professional tools are required) with incombustibility (including fire resistance) and low production cost.

When using mineral wool materials, care must be taken to prevent moisture from entering them. In the event that water enters the insulation, the "pie" of the frame structure and the vapor transparency of the layers should ensure that excess moisture escapes to the outside. Why should steam and waterproofing films and membranes be used correctly?

The above methods are far from the only effective option for warming a room.

Alexey Melnikov

To a lesser extent, such insulation methods are now common as: poured (such as a screed from a solution of polystyrene concrete) and filling options (expanded clay gravel, foam glass chips, aerated concrete block rejection, etc.). Because they, in my opinion, are more appropriate as additional sound insulation in horizontal structures.

44alex FORUMHOUSE User

I would choose perlite for ceilings and for backfilling stone walls, but not under the floor on the ground, because. this is an excellent material in terms of price / thermal conductivity / combustibility / environmental friendliness / service life.

Recently, blown versions of heaters are also gaining popularity. Type of cellulose fiber (the so-called ecowool) or its mineral counterpart. According to Alexey Melnikova, these materials should be used for thermal insulation of hard-to-reach places.

natural materials

It is also necessary to highlight materials based on natural fibers (flax, sea grasses), which are now being promoted under the ideology of ECO-construction. Due to the limited choice and significant price tag, these materials have not yet become widespread.

The main disadvantages of natural materials:

  • shrinkage;
  • unpredictability of behavior in the long term;
  • susceptibility to rodents.

Let's see how true this is.


Unexpectedly, the following experiment came out: in the summer they folded substandard linen insulation in the corner, in a stack 1.5 meters high. In winter, a water pipe leaked, which passed nearby. We noticed this only in the summer, i.e. the bottom layer of flax has lain for at least 6 months in water. And here are the results:

  • For a material 5 cm thick, under the pressure of the upper layers, only 1 cm sat down;
  • The material that had taken in water turned dark and was left to dry until morning. The next morning he regained his form, i.e. again became 5 cm thick;
  • Breaking loads have not changed either.

After drying, the linen insulation remained practically unchanged, because the structure of the linen material is fixed by melted lavsan fibers. This structure can be changed only when heated to 160-190 ° C or when the flax is destroyed. And flax, as you know, is still used in plumbing work when sealing water pipes.

Extensive experience has been accumulated abroad in the use of this material. Mice do not eat it, they make passages in it and make their dwellings. To avoid this, appropriate measures are taken - in the form of installing a fine-mesh steel mesh, etc.


I believe that the use of sawdust is a very environmentally friendly way to insulate. The main thing is to follow the technology. It is better to fill up sawdust in layers, with careful tamping of each layer with a shovel handle.

Both industrial materials and “folk” materials have pros and cons. “Commercial” materials are already a finished product, with known properties and a certain installation technology, following which you can be sure of the final result. Eco-insulations are more of an experiment, with a possible lower cost (sawdust), you will have to sweat during installation. The construction itself can take time. Again, you can not guarantee 100% of the final result, because. we still have little experience in using such materials in different climatic zones.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: any material has the right to life. It all depends on the area of ​​​​its application, the prevalence of one or another type of material in a particular area, its price, thermal characteristics, etc. Hence: when choosing a heater, first of all, it is necessary to build on economic calculation and the expediency of its use in the long term.

You should also check your tasks with our questionnaire:

  • Where will the material be used?
  • what is it for;
  • what structure needs to be insulated.

Having puzzled with such questions, you will understand which material is suitable specifically for your case and specifically for your building.

Is there a universal heater

If you dream and imagine an “ideal” insulation, with a set of universal properties, then it will be a material whose various characteristics will not be stable - they must change flexibly depending on the operating conditions. In one situation, the material needs strength, high density, rigidity, clear geometry, and increased moisture resistance. In other conditions, it requires vapor transparency, low density (which means it will not work “in the ground”), workability in hard-to-reach places, flexibility, and good environmental friendliness. With all this, an affordable price for the masses remains important. It turns out mutually exclusive requirements. So it is hardly worth chasing after some special and new materials.

From our videos you will learn

Proper insulation of the walls of private houses and apartments provides a comfortable environment in the home, and also reduces the cost of heating it.

The building materials market currently offers various types of new and traditional insulation for a private house. Choosing the best thermal insulator can be quite difficult. It is required to take into account a lot of nuances, to understand the technical characteristics of a particular insulation, to understand which products are suitable for the walls of living rooms, and which ones are more reasonable to use to protect balconies and loggias.

The right choice of thermal insulation material guarantees the inhabitants of the home a pleasant coolness in summer and fertile warmth in winter.

Such an idyll is achieved due to the fact that insulating products eliminate drafts and reduce heat loss. They also provide a healthy microclimate in the house, eliminate the risk of mold and dampness.

With the right choice of material for thermal insulation, the house will be cool in summer and warm in winter.

The qualities of a good heat-shielding material are as follows:

  1. 1. Density from 30 kg/sq. m. If this indicator is less, cold bridges will begin to appear on the walls very quickly due to the slipping of the insulation from the vertical surface and its deformation.
  2. 2. High moisture resistance. The optimal water absorption coefficient of the insulator is 0. In practice, it is quite difficult to find such a material. Choose those products in which the specified coefficient tends to zero. Then they will perform their duties for a long time, protecting wall surfaces from cold and moisture.
  3. 3. Thermal insulation index up to 0.032–0.039 W/m*K. The higher this value, the greater the thickness of the protective material will be. This means that you will have to spend extra money on buying expensive products, as well as suffer (in the literal sense) with the installation of thick and uncomfortable heaters. Moreover, the quality of thermal protection when using them will not increase significantly.
  4. 4. Operational safety. Choose such types of modern heaters that are non-flammable and non-toxic, with an increased level of environmental friendliness. The safety of thermal insulation for walls is evidenced by a special certificate issued by the sanitary and epidemiological services. This document indicates harmful compounds and elements (ammonia, xylene, phenol, toluene, formaldehyde, and so on) released during the use and combustion of the material.

An important property of insulating products is durability. Many irresponsible manufacturers of heat-shielding materials claim that their products last 50-60 years. There are very few such products on the construction market, believe me. The actual period of effective operation of heaters is 10–20 years. And even then, subject to strict observance of the rules for their installation.

Varieties of insulation products - what do consumers need to know?

Modern heat insulators for walls are for interior work and for exterior insulation. The materials of different groups differ from each other. There are generic items. They can be used for both outdoor and indoor work. External insulation of wall surfaces is usually carried out with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene), loose mixtures, basalt heat insulator, and special thermal protective plaster. For internal work, mineral wool, polyethylene foam, carbamide foam or penoizol are used.

Insulating materials are also divided into organic and inorganic. The first of these are not very durable and functional. At the same time, they are characterized by a high level of environmental friendliness. Organic heat insulators include tow, moss, cork, fiber, jute, rubber. Inorganic products - polyurethane foam, glass wool, polystyrene foam and others are more toxic. But their service life is significantly longer. Next, we will take a closer look at the types of the most popular heaters and describe their main characteristics.

Mineral wool has been used for internal insulation for a very long time. Such material is produced by heat treatment of basalt or various metallurgical slags and their subsequent pressing on special units. Finished products are sold in the form of plates and rolls up to 20 cm thick. Nuance: mineral wool can be used as an external insulation. But in this case, it is required to additionally protect it from getting wet with a vapor barrier film or membrane, as well as line it with plasterboard sheets (other finishing products).

Mineral wool is one of the oldest insulation

Minvata is described by such operational advantages:

  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to influence of chemical compounds and high temperatures.

The disadvantage of mineral wool is that it eats up the space inside the room, since its thickness is quite large. In addition, the installation process of this heat insulator is objectively time-consuming (the need for waterproofing, the use of finishing materials, the complexity of fastening).

A cheaper analogue of mineral wool is glass wool. It is obtained by melting glass waste, dolomites, sand, borax, limestone, soda. Glass wool is an environmentally friendly material for walls. It is suitable for insulation of external surfaces and internal partitions. Such a fibrous insulator does not burn, has a high sound and heat protection potential. But working with him is difficult and unsafe. Sharp and thin cotton wool fibers can injure a person. And small particles of brittle material easily penetrate the respiratory system, causing harm to health. For these reasons, the installation of glass wool is always carried out in gloves, tight overalls, a respirator and goggles.

Classic insulation - technical foam PSB. It is made from a plastic foam mass, pressed, in finished form it is a monolithic dense (15–50 kg / cubic meter) slab. PSB can be used for external and internal insulation measures. It does not lose its properties at temperatures from +80 to -40 ° C, it is easy to install, has a low weight, and an acceptable cost. – no more than 0.039 W/m*K.

Polyfoam can be mounted both inside and outside the room

Cons of the material:

  • fragility;
  • tendency to thermal destruction;
  • low vapor permeability.

Installation of foam plastic is carried out with anchor dowels and fungi (outside), adhesive composition (indoors). Sometimes the PSB is installed on a wooden crate prepared on the wall in advance.

Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex, EPP) is also popular. According to a number of characteristics, it is similar to the foam plastic discussed above. It has higher strength, resistance to moisture, thermal conductivity. Compared to mineral wool, its thickness is less (maximum - 8–10 cm). Due to this, it takes up little space when installed inside the house. is a simple operation. EPP is easily attached to any wall surfaces (brick, concrete, plastered bases). Expanded polystyrene plates are fixed on hardware (if external walls are insulated) and on glue (internal partitions).

Penoplex easily attaches to any surface

Particularly noteworthy is the relatively new heat protector for the walls of residential buildings - polyethylene foam. It is compatible with most building products, is described by excellent vibration, heat, hydro and sound insulation, low thermal conductivity, and absolute safety for human health. Polyethylene foam is sold under the trade brands Energoflex, Szopenol, Isolon. Such heat insulators are usually used to insulate internal surfaces. They can protect walls from the cold in brick, concrete, frame, wooden houses.

Important point! All polymeric heaters belong to the category of combustible products. In case of fire, they release toxic compounds into the air. This should be taken into account and it is mandatory to protect the insulation layer with hinged systems, plaster, which eliminate the risk of accidental ignition of heat-insulating polymer plates.

Rare types of heat insulators - meet innovations!

Now the owners of residential facilities are beginning to actively develop new varieties of insulating products for walls. For example, lovers of environmentally friendly materials use cork heat insulators, the raw material for which is Mediterranean oak wood. Such heaters are available in the form of plates, bulk mass and plastic spray. Advantages of cork heat-shielding materials:

  • do not become moldy, do not rot;
  • very durable (no shifts, kinks during shrinkage of the house);
  • not spoiled by rodents;
  • do not emit harmful substances, carcinogens, toxic compounds;
  • completely natural.

An excellent level of environmental friendliness is characterized by ceramic liquid heat insulators. These innovative compositions are applied to various wall substrates (wood, brick, concrete) without the slightest difficulty using a conventional paint brush. Liquid heaters under the brands Tezolat, Korund do not ignite when exposed to direct fire, have one hundred percent antibacterial protection and uniquely high heat-shielding properties. Such compositions have only one drawback - high cost.

Choose the right insulation and enjoy the comfort of your home!

To protect housing from heat loss and high humidity, it is covered with various types of insulation. It is very difficult to choose the best of them, because each product has its own unique properties and scope. Thermal insulation materials that are used in modern construction, on the one hand, are environmentally friendly, on the other hand, they are easy to install. Having studied the main types of insulation, you can choose the best thermal insulation material that meets your needs.

Modern thermal insulation materials for use in construction and repair are divided into many varieties: industrial and household, natural and artificial, flexible and rigid thermal insulation materials, etc.

For example, according to the form, modern thermal insulation is divided into such samples as:

  • rolls;
  • sheet;
  • unit;
  • loose.

The structure distinguishes the following types of thermal insulation with its unique feature:

  • fibrous;
  • cellular;
  • grainy.

According to the type of raw materials, such products of various quality classes are distinguished:

  1. Organic, natural or natural heaters are cork bark, cellulose wadding, polystyrene foam, wood fiber, foam plastic, paper pellets, peat. These types of building insulation materials are used exclusively indoors to minimize high humidity. However, natural building thermal insulators are not fireproof.
  2. Inorganic thermal insulation materials - rocks, fiberglass, foam glass, mineral wool insulation, foamed rubber, cellular concrete, stone wool, basalt fiber. A good heat insulator from this category is characterized by a high degree of vapor permeability and fire resistance. Particularly effective is insulation with a product with water-repellent additives.
  3. Mixed - perlite, asbestos, vermiculite and other heaters from foamed rocks. Differ in the best quality and, of course, increased cost. These are the most expensive brands of the best thermal insulation materials. Therefore, such a heater covers the premises much less often than more economical materials.

If you need to make thermal insulation of the pipeline in the wall, then special "sleeves" of increased density are used for this.

Determining the best product depends on more than just price. They are chosen for their quality characteristics, ergonomic properties and environmental friendliness.

Top 10 Thermal Insulation Materials

Consider the main properties of the best heat insulators that are used in modern construction and repair:

  1. Mineral wool. This name refers to all flexible fibrous heat-insulating materials that are made from mineral raw materials. Mineral wool heaters are classified as highly porous materials, due to which they do an excellent job with their functions, and therefore are very popular.

In addition, mineral wool has many other advantages:

  • affordable price due to ease of production and low cost of raw materials;
  • ease and convenience of installation;
  • high degree of fire resistance;
  • well passes air;
  • does not pass water and moisture;
  • frost resistance;
  • soundproofing;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of this product include the need to install a waterproofing film during installation, as well as a small margin of safety.

  1. Glass wool and basalt slabs. Like ordinary glass, this product is made from quartz sand, lime and soda. Glass wool is produced both as flexible rolled heat-insulating materials, and in the form of a cylinder or plate. The positive properties are the same as those of mineral wool, but the noise transmission and safety margin are much greater, but the thermal stability is lower.

Basalt slab is a subspecies of glass wool, which has such positive qualities as:

  • resistance to deforming influences;
  • durability;
  • high degree of strength;
  • low moisture absorption;
  • resistance to high temperatures.

Basalt slabs are used, as a rule, outside to protect facades, foundations, roofs.

  1. Foam glass. This insulation is made by gasification of glass powder at high temperature. The result is a material with a porosity of up to 95%.

The main advantages of foam glass:

  • water and frost resistance;
  • ease of processing during installation;
  • high strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • long service life;
  • biological stability;
  • chemical neutrality.

Of course, there are also disadvantages - high price and airtightness, so this material is used mainly for thermal insulation of industrial buildings.

  1. Cellulose wool has a fine-grained structure and consists of several components: wood fiber - 80%, flame retardant - 12%, sodium tetraborate - 7%. This product can be installed dry or wet. In the first case, I simply fall asleep and tamp down cellulose wool, but in the second case, it is blown out of a special gun.

Ecowool has the following advantages:

  • low price;
  • production safety;
  • moisture exchange without loss of heat-insulating properties.

However, such material burns well, is easily damaged by compression, and it is very difficult to lay it.

  1. Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene. These materials include two types of products - thermoplastic and thermonon-plastic heaters. The former soften when reheated (polystyrene foam, polyvinyl chloride foam), and the latter harden initially and do not soften when reheated (polyurethane foam, silicon, epoxy, organic, phenol-formaldehyde resins).

Extruded polystyrene is the most popular of the foams, as it has a lot of advantages:

  • low degree of moisture absorption;
  • high degree of thermal insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • a large margin of safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages include flammability, non-permeability of air and fragility during freezing (if frost hit the wet foam).

  1. Polyurethane foam. This product consists of air-filled microcapsules formed by the interaction of a polyol and an isocyanate.

Among the advantages of polyurethane foam are:

  • ideal for thermal insulation of uneven surfaces;
  • installation speed;
  • elasticity and flexibility;
  • lack of joints and seams;
  • protects from temperatures in the range from -250 °С to +180 °С;
  • biological resistance.

The disadvantages include the release of harmful substances in the event of combustion, the lack of air flow and the need to use special equipment for blowing during installation.

  1. Cork. This material is classified as an environmentally friendly product, so it is very popular in the West and in European countries, both for insulation and for surface finishing. For insulation, cork slabs with a thickness of up to 5 cm are used.

Cork has such positive qualities as:

  • does not shrink over time;
  • does not rot;
  • light in weight;
  • quick and easy to cut when laying;
  • high strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • does not react with chemicals;
  • does not burn even when exposed to direct fire;
  • does not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

However, the maximum use temperature is only 120 °C.

  1. Liquid insulation TSM Keramik. This insulation is one of the most modern heat-saving materials. This solution contains special impurities with hollow ceramic balls that adhere to each other with the help of special substances.

TSM Ceramic has such unique properties as:

  • high degree of extensibility;
  • the thickness of the insulator is only 2-3 mm;
  • easy to apply to any surface;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures, including open flame;
  • economical use - 1 liter of TSM Ceramic is enough to insulate two square meters of surface.

At the same time, special equipment is required for spraying, such as a paint sprayer or a tray and roller.

  1. Reflective heat-insulating materials. A special group of heat-insulating materials that act on the principle of reflectors: reflectors first absorb heat, and then return it back into space. The external surface of polished aluminum, which is applied to the foamed polyethylene, reflects up to 97% of heat.

Such heaters, very thin in appearance, amaze with their properties:

  • 2 cm of reflective material acts as a fibrous heat insulator 15-20 cm thick;
  • high sound and vapor barrier protection.

The most popular brands in this category are Poriplex, Ecofol, Armofol and Penofol.

  1. Slag. Vitreous heat saver made of blast-furnace slag, which remains after iron smelting. Since slag is a production waste, the cost of the material is very low. Slag wool perfectly retains heat in the building, but this insulation also has disadvantages.

First of all, it is the fear of water and moisture, which reacts with metal inserts inside walls or floors. In addition, slag wool is terribly prickly during installation, so mandatory protection is needed during installation work.

However, despite many shortcomings, the low price of this insulation makes it one of the most popular modern materials for thermal insulation.

What parameters to pay attention to when choosing?

The choice of high-quality thermal insulation depends on many parameters. Installation methods, cost, and other important characteristics are taken into account, which are worth dwelling on in more detail.

When choosing the best heat-saving material, it is necessary to carefully study its main characteristics:

  1. Thermal conductivity. This coefficient is equal to the amount of heat that passes through 1 m2 of an insulator with an area of ​​1 m2 in 1 hour, measured by W. The thermal conductivity index directly depends on the degree of surface humidity, since water transmits heat better than air, that is, raw material will not cope with its tasks.
  2. Porosity. This is the proportion of pores in the total volume of the heat insulator. Pores can be open or closed, large or small. When choosing, the uniformity of their distribution and appearance is important.
  3. Water absorption. This parameter shows the amount of water that the heat insulator can absorb and retain in the pores in direct contact with a humid environment. To improve this characteristic, the material is subjected to hydrophobization.
  4. Density of thermal insulation materials. This indicator is measured in kg/m3. Density shows the ratio of the mass and volume of the product.
  5. Humidity. Shows the amount of moisture in the insulation. Sorption humidity indicates the balance of hygroscopic humidity under conditions of different temperature indicators and relative air humidity.
  6. Vapor permeability. This property shows the amount of water vapor passing through 1 m2 of insulation in one hour. The unit of steam is mg, and the air temperature inside and outside is taken as the same.
  7. Resistant to biodegradation. A heat insulator with a high degree of biostability can withstand the effects of insects, microorganisms, fungi and in conditions of high humidity.
  8. Strength. This parameter indicates how the product will be affected by transportation, storage, installation and operation. A good indicator is in the range from 0.2 to 2.5 MPa.
  9. Fire resistance. It takes into account all the parameters of fire safety: the flammability of the material, its combustibility, smoke-generating ability, as well as the degree of toxicity of combustion products. So, the longer the insulation resists the flame, the higher its fire resistance parameter.
  10. Thermal stability. The ability of a material to resist heat. The indicator shows the temperature level, after reaching which the characteristics of the material will change, the structure will change, and its strength will also decrease.
  11. Specific heat. It is measured in kJ / (kg x ° C) and thus demonstrates the amount of heat that is accumulated by the thermal insulation layer.
  12. Frost resistance. This parameter shows the ability of the material to endure temperature changes, freeze and thaw without losing its basic characteristics.

When choosing thermal insulation, you need to remember a whole range of factors. It is necessary to take into account the main parameters of the object to be insulated, the conditions of use, and so on. Universal materials do not exist, since among the panels, loose mixtures and liquids on the market, it is necessary to choose the type of thermal insulation that is most suitable for a particular case.