Modern gingerbread dough is prepared only with honey. Gingerbread dough: recipe. Gingerbread house dough recipe. Gingerbread dough - a simple recipe

For all fans of healthy eating, I am collecting old recipes for Russian gingerbreads, which are prepared with honey. This is a treat can be stored for years and quite simple to prepare.

Personal note - if you want to try REAL gingerbread, do not use store-bought flour: take wheat, grind it in a food processor or coffee grinder, and knead the dough on it. Wheat makes the dough dark - almost like black bread. But if that’s not possible, store-bought flour will certainly do. Homemade gingerbread is delicious anyway.

The high content of honey makes the finished gingerbread crumbly, soft, aromatic and does not stale for a long time. Honey acted as a natural leavening agent; sometimes a little sour cream was added (100-200 g per 1 kg of flour), which, in combination with honey, gives a light fermentation that loosens the dough. The effect of weak leavening is very important, because if you overdo it, the characteristic gingerbread density will turn into biscuit softness.

According to the method of preparing gingerbread dough They are divided into raw, prepared from dough kneaded with cold sugar syrup, and custard - with hot sugar syrup.

Gingerbread cookies are being baked at 200-250° immediately after cutting and before crust formation. During baking, gingerbread cookies acquire a spongy structure. With a small amount of leavening agents or an incorrect technological process, the products turn out dense and damp.

Small and thin gingerbreads are baked at a temperature of 220-240° C for only 5-15 minutes, and large products and gingerbreads - at a temperature of 180-220° C. Immediately after baking, wipe the surface of the gingerbread with a soft napkin. This increases the shine of the products.

We do not grease the baking sheets with anything; they should be cold. We sculpt the gingerbread cookies themselves in flour and place them on a baking sheet; they are lightly coated in flour on the bottom. The technology can also be as follows: at the very beginning, the average baking temperature, then the oven heats up to maximum, bake for 7 - 10 minutes at maximum temperature and then reduce the heat and bake until done. Gingerbread cookies do not change color much, they just become a little darker, on average they bake for 30 - 35 minutes. Readiness is determined this way: if the thinnest part of the figurine has become hard, you can turn off the oven and take it out. The thickest part may still be soft, it will then harden.

Basic gingerbread dough has three varieties: honey, sugar (without honey) and honey-sugar.

"Eternal" gingerbread

To prepare gingerbread you need: 1200 g of honey, 2 kg of wheat flour, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoons of soda and a little of any spice powder.

Honey is heated to the temperature of fresh milk and poured into a bowl with flour. Eggs are broken there, soda dissolved in warm water is poured and spices are added. The dough is thoroughly kneaded, wrapped in a napkin and placed in a warm place for 0.5 hours. When it has risen, knead it, divide it into pieces and roll it into circles with a diameter of about 20 cm, place it on an iron sheet, greased with oil and sprinkled with flour, and allow it to rise again. They put it in the oven. To prevent the dough from swelling, prick it with a fork. When the gingerbread is browned, take it out and cover with a towel until it cools down. Gingerbread can be stored for years.

Honey gingerbread "Princess Olga"

To bake this gingerbread, prepare 200 g of honey, 100 g of granulated sugar, 200 g of wheat and rye flour, 100 g of butter, 3 egg yolks, 1/2 teaspoon of a mixture of ground cloves and cinnamon, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon of soda . Bring honey to a boil over heat, add spices, cool to room temperature. Mix rye, wheat flour and soda. Beat the yolks with sugar and butter, add chilled honey, flour and knead the dough well. Place it on a greased baking sheet and bake at medium temperature.


Here are the ingredients:

  • 700 g flour
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    4 tablespoons ground ginger
    2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
    1 teaspoon ground cloves
    300 g butter, cut into pieces
    350 g granulated sugar
    4 tablespoons light syrup
    2 eggs

Collection of texts about gingerbread

The composition of the gingerbread is quite simple. It is based on a mixture of rye flour (or wheat) and honey (in old recipes the ratio was equal, but then less honey was added), yolks and milk (in some types of gingerbread).

Over time, many types of gingerbread appeared in Russia, which conditionally can be classified by production technology (raw, beaten, brewed); by appearance (written, curly, printed, embroidered); by composition and filling (mint, honey, almond, raspberry, molasses). Most often, gingerbreads were distinguished by place of origin: Tula, Moscow, Vyazma, Rzhev, Gorodets.

Spices in gingerbread. Raw and custard gingerbreads

Aromatic crushed spices rich in essential oils were used as flavoring and aromatic additives: cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamom, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, anise, lemon, vanilla or decoctions of aromatic herbs (oregano, mint).

A noticeable spice content is a distinctive feature of gingerbread dough.

The dough can be prepared in two ways: raw (simplified) and choux. Gingerbreads made from raw dough quickly dry out and become hard, while gingerbreads made from choux pastry remain fresh and fragrant for a long time.

When preparing dough using the raw method. Place honey in a bowl or saucepan, add pre-mashed butter, eggs, spices and mix everything for 1-2 minutes, then add sifted flour mixed with soda and knead a not very stiff dough. If the honey is candied, it is heated until the crystals dissolve, but in no case do they boil, since the honey then loses its aroma.

When making sugar gingerbread, bring sugar and water to a boil, skim off the foam, add butter to the syrup, stir, cooling the syrup to room temperature. Add spices, eggs, and then flour mixed with soda to the cold syrup, stirring.

Preparing gingerbread dough using the custard method. Put honey, sugar in a saucepan, pour in water and heat to 70-75° C, add half the sifted flour and finely ground spices and quickly mix with a wooden spatula. Cool the kneaded dough to room temperature, add eggs, baking powder, remaining flour and knead until the dough has a soft consistency. The dough must be cut immediately, otherwise the product will be of poor quality.

The essential ingredients in gingerbread are black and white molasses and burnt sugar (but you can do without them). Gingerbread cookies were often prepared filled with berries (jam, marmalade); sometimes nuts, candied fruits, raisins and other dried fruits were added.

Most Russian gingerbread was made meatless (without eggs or milk). The main binding component of gingerbread dough was honey, molasses or sugar. If milk and eggs were added, then very little (1 glass of milk and 1-2 yolks per kilogram of flour). The components were mixed until homogeneous, after which the dough had to be kneaded into a homogeneous plastic mass. After kneading or, as they say, “beating,” the dough should be allowed to rest for about 15 minutes, and then the gingerbread cookies should be baked.

You can use the composition of seasonings suggested below or come up with your own - the main thing is that the prepared spices are pleasant to you when prepared and mixed.

  • 35% coriander,
    30% cinnamon,
    10% cardamom,
    10% nutmeg,
    5% cloves,
    5% star anise,
    5% allspice.

All components must be thoroughly ground into dust and kneaded into the dough when it is still quite liquid.

Tula gingerbread

There were several recipes for Tula gingerbread, but only one has survived to this day, and even then not much was known about the recipe honey, flour and molasses.

Tula gingerbread recipe

Sugar - 1 glass
Egg - 2 pcs
Soft margarine (butter) - 125 g
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.
Soda (do not extinguish!) - 1 tsp.
Sugar (for glaze) - 4 tbsp. l.
Milk (for glaze) - 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 2.5 cups (about that)
Jam (any thick) - 1 cup.

Mix sugar, eggs, soda, cinnamon and honey. Add margarine. I prefer butter. Mix well and place in a boiling water bath for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally. You will get a homogeneous air mass.

Add one glass of sifted flour to this mixture. Stir and cool. Gradually add the remaining sifted flour to the cooled, warm dough, stirring well with a fork, and at the end of kneading - with your hands. The amount of flour is approximate, you may need a little more. If you pour flour into hot dough (without cooling it first), then much more flour will be used, and the dough will turn out very tight, but we need soft and elastic.

Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut into squares. Dust the table well with flour, otherwise the dough may stick. Place jam on one half of the square, cover with the other half and press well on the sides with your fingers. The dough forms and sticks together very well, the filling will not leak out.

Place on a greased sheet of parchment and bake in a hot oven at 180 degrees 10-15 minutes, no more! Tula gingerbreads bake quickly - they will rise well and brown. While baking, prepare the glaze: mix sugar and milk, put on fire and stir until the sugar dissolves, bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. As soon as the gingerbread cookies are baked, immediately brush them with hot glaze and let them cool.

Do not reduce the amount of cinnamon - the taste will not be the same! You can add nutmeg and ginger to the cinnamon - 1/2 tbsp. l. cinnamon + 1/2 tsp. nutmeg + 1/2 tsp. ginger

Store gingerbread cookies in a plastic bag - they remain soft and fragrant for a long time.

As additional elements you can add to the gingerbread dough: lemon zest, chopped fried nuts (for example, walnuts), a little vanilla. If you couldn’t find rye flour, you can tint the dough made from wheat flour with zhzhenka (burnt sugar). However, as I wrote above, if you made the flour yourself from wheat, it will be very dark and without coloring. Burnt sugar is added along with spices to the still liquid dough.

Gingerbread errors and their correction

Types of marriage Causes
Products are dense, not streamlinedReduced humidity of the dough: the brew was not cooled enough: there are few sugary substances; lots of leavening agents.
Products are blurryDough with high humidity; too much soda, poor gluten: low oven temperature.
Hard, rubbery productsNot enough sugar: high dough temperature during kneading; long kneading
The top crust is separated; raw crumbVery soft dough; the oven is overheated.
The products shrank and fell offThe dough is soft and has a lot of leavening agents; high oven temperature, the product was removed from the oven early.
Products with empty bottomsThe dough is dense; the oven is not heated.
Products have few poresNot enough leavening agents provided.

Gingerbread cookies were prepared for all holidays and were made in different shapes and sizes. They owe their name to the spices that have been part of the recipe since ancient times. Gingerbread, which originally included honey and molasses, has today undergone some changes. The fact is that sugar has become much more accessible than honey, and products began to be made using it. Below we will look at different test options.

Gingerbread dough: a recipe from time immemorial

As mentioned above, gingerbread is one of the most ancient sweets in Rus'. According to some sources, they were baked back in the 10th century. When modern housewives prepare gingerbread dough, the recipe, of course, differs from that of old Russian sweets. However, three can be distinguished - honey, sugar and sugar-honey. It contains both sugar and honey. You can prepare the dough in two different ways. With the simplified version, the products become stale faster. The second option takes more time, but the gingerbread cookies stay fresh and soft longer. Below we will look at both methods.

Choux pastry

This is the most complex option that can be used by a housewife who decides to make gingerbread dough. This recipe is easy to master and will delight you with seven delicious gingerbread cookies in the future.

  • So, you need to take 750 g of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 60 g of honey, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 0.5 tsp. spices to taste, 60 ml water. If all proportions are observed, you will get approximately 1 kg of dough.

As you can see, the gingerbread dough recipe is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. So, in order to make it, put honey, sugar, water in a saucepan and heat it without bringing it to a boil. Then it is recommended to add half the flour and spices to the mixture. It is best to stir the product for the product with a wooden spatula. Moreover, if you leave the flour in the syrup without stirring for at least a couple of minutes, then lumps will appear in the dough, which will be difficult to get rid of. Cool the resulting mixture to room temperature, and then add the rest of the flour, eggs and baking powder. The finished dough should be soft. To make a tasty dish, you need to start cutting the dough right away, otherwise the finished gingerbread cookies will be of poor quality. This gingerbread dough recipe is closest to the original old version.

Simple test option

For housewives who do not want to spend a lot of time preparing dough, the following recipe is suitable. You need to put honey in a saucepan, add butter, mashed with sugar, spices and knead all the ingredients for a couple of minutes. Then add flour (preferably sifted) and soda and knead the dough. If crystals have formed in the honey, then it must be heated, but in no case should it be brought to a boil. This will cause it to lose its aroma, which means the product will not be as tasty. Honey for gingerbread cookies should be at room temperature. What consistency the gingerbread dough should be - the recipe with photo will demonstrate only approximately. You need to be able to determine this by touch.

Making a Christmas treat

The dough recipe for a gingerbread house differs from the usual one in that here it should be more fragrant and festive. There are many options, and every housewife can choose exactly the one she likes. For example, excellent gingerbread dough (recipe from Gerda) is obtained if all proportions are strictly observed.

  • So, we will need: 0.5 kg of honey, 0.3 kg of butter and 0.3 kg of cane sugar, 50-100 g of cocoa (depending on whether you want to make the house chocolate or not). You will also need 3 tablespoons of rum, a little baking powder, a pinch or two of cinnamon, a pinch of ground cardamom, a little ground cloves, a pinch and a little fresh grated root. For spices, it is also recommended to add a pinch of ground anise seeds, a little star anise (ground), ground nutmeg, vanilla, the zest of one orange and lemon. This proportion will require a little more than 1 kg of flour.

Of course, every housewife makes a unique gingerbread dough. Skripkin’s recipe, for example, can be slightly modernized by removing such a large number of spices. The dough recipe with modifications is given below.

  • We will need: 500 grams of honey, 300 grams of sugar, 300 grams of butter, 50 grams of cocoa, zest of one lemon, zest of an orange, vanilla to taste.

Thus, it is clear that gingerbread dough (recipe) and products made from it do not require high culinary skills and can be done even by a novice housewife.

Making gingerbread dough: recipe for cookies

Many people know gingerbread men only as characters from the cartoon "Shrek". Meanwhile, these are traditional cookies for Catholic Christmas, which can be used to please children on any other day.

So, how to make this gingerbread dough? See the recipe below.

We will need:

  • 3 eggs.
  • 1.5 cups molasses.
  • 6 cups sifted flour.
  • Approximately 300 g margarine.
  • 250 g sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa or instant coffee.
  • 4 spoons of soda, quenched in vinegar.
  • A little ground ginger.
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon.
  • A pinch of clove powder.

How to make the cookies themselves?

For cookies, we first need a template and, of course, gingerbread dough. The recipe was given above, but we will duplicate it again. Thanks to the template, the little people will turn out identical and beautiful. Gingerbread dough and products made from it are distinguished by the fact that they hold their shape perfectly, and any figures can be made from them. The dough preparation process itself is simple. You need to mix oil, spices, soda and salt in a saucepan, and then add sugar and honey.

You can mash everything with a spoon, or you can beat it with a mixer. Dissolve cocoa in a couple of tablespoons of boiling water, let cool to room temperature and add to the dough at the same time as the eggs. After this, add 3.5 cups of flour, continuing to beat the mass with a mixer. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough with your hands. It should not be too dense so that it rolls out easily. Place the finished product in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours, after wrapping it in cling film. After this, take out the dough and place it on a board, rolling it out into a thin layer. To prevent it from sticking, sprinkle flour on the rolling pin. However, you need to handle flour more carefully so as not to spoil the taste of the cookies. Cut out little people from the rolled out dough and bake until done. Afterwards, you can separately make glaze and decorate the finished cookies.

Variations in the recipe

Some components can be replaced. For example, take vegetable oil instead of butter, and add baking powder instead of soda. But ginger must be present in any case. It is this that gives cookies a unique taste that is loved by both adults and children all over the world. If you don’t have molds, you can make a template yourself from thick paper or cardboard.

Not every housewife has one in her kitchen. But you shouldn’t be upset, as it can be replaced with a so-called pastry bag. To do this, simply cut off a corner of a plastic bag, and the icing is already squeezed out of it.

Colored glaze is made by adding food coloring to it. If the cookies are large, then multi-colored buttons can be laid out from candies.

Gingerbread house No. 2: ideas for inspiration

Gingerbread dough and products made from it are an excellent gift option for family and friends for any occasion. Below we will look at the technology for making a gingerbread house. The dough recipe for a gingerbread house is not very different from a simple gingerbread recipe.

Heat honey, margarine and sugar. Whisk, adding cocoa, until all lumps disappear. The mass should be homogeneous and should not boil.

Mix flour with spices and baking powder. If desired, you can add orange zest.

Add eggs and rum or cognac into the heated honey mixture in two steps.

Add flour and spices to the honey mixture and knead the dough thoroughly. It shouldn't leak. On average it takes 15-20 minutes to knead. However, do not try to mix in all the flour at once. The dough will gradually cool down. It must be placed in the refrigerator, first wrapped in cling film. Let the dough rest for at least 5 hours.

"Construction" of a sweet house

Make a template of the parts of the house - walls, roof and other figures that you see fit. Roll out the dough and cut out the details of the house. Bake for 20-25 minutes until done.

The foundation of the future house should be gingerbread. It is to this that the walls are attached.

The windows are made from marmalade or caramel. True, in conditions of high humidity it will most likely melt. Therefore, it is best to take candies without filling or marmalade slices.

Transparent caramel should not be used. It does not melt well, and even if it does melt, it still flows out of the “windows” of the house, ruining the entire product. If there is high humidity in the house, it is not recommended to cook caramel yourself - it will still melt and leak out. This means that the work will go down the drain. But in any case, the most important thing is well-prepared gingerbread dough. The recipe (Pokhlebkin suggests slightly different proportions) assumes a dense and non-sticky dough. We must constantly remember this.

For the house you need to make glaze or icing. To do this, powdered sugar with proteins, lemon juice and starch is ground so that there are no bubbles. The finished mass is placed in or in a milk bag with a corner cut off. You can also use a regular paper file; it is quite dense and easy to work with.

Gingerbread cookies with sugar

We looked at several ways to make gingerbread dough. The recipe without honey is very popular nowadays, since honey is a rather expensive product. Below we will look at an old recipe for gingerbread without honey. They turn out somewhat unusual, but also very tasty. So, for the test we need:

  • 300 g of sifted flour (in principle, the recipe may indicate more, but then the dough will turn out very tough).
  • 40 g butter.
  • 50 g sugar.
  • Cinnamon and cardamom to taste.
  • 50 g raisins.
  • 1 egg.

Mix sugar, cinnamon and cardamom.

Then mix sugar with spices, flour and egg with butter. The dough should be quite dense, but not stiff, otherwise the product will be harsh and quickly become stale.

Place small dough balls on a greased baking sheet. Alternatively, you can roll out the dough into small flat cakes and make shaped edges.

Bake for 15-20 minutes. However, if you are making balls, they will need to sit in the oven a little longer to bake completely.

If desired, cover the finished products with icing, sugar pearls and chocolate. If you strictly follow the recipe, they will turn out almost unsweetened. Therefore, chocolate and icing are a must. You can change the amount of sugar, proportionally increasing the amount of other components.

The tradition of using honey to bake bread and flatbreads has been around for a long time. The ancient Egyptians smeared unleavened cakes with honey, and the famous gingerbread cookies cannot do without it. In Russian gingerbread, honey is contained in large quantities in the dough, and you will not find such a variety of baked goods as in Russia anywhere.

The first gingerbread baked in Rus' back in the 9th century had a fairly simple recipe and was made from a mixture of berry juice, rye flour and honey. The composition of modern gingerbread has become more complex and rich. Its basis is a mixture of honey and rye flour, yolks, butter and milk (in certain types of gingerbread). The following are flavoring and aromatic additives:

  • Decoctions of mint and oregano;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Cardamom;
  • Ginger;
  • Allspice;
  • Carnation;
  • Vanilla;
  • Star anise.

The required components of the delicacy are white and black confectionery molasses and burnt sugar. Gingerbread cookies may contain berry filling, nuts, raisins, and other dried fruits.

The bulk of Russian gingerbread recipes involve meatless delicacies (without milk or eggs). The binding component of the dough is honey, sugar or molasses. All ingredients are mixed and the dough is kneaded until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained. Gingerbread cookies are baked after the dough has “rested” for 15 minutes after kneading.

Thanks to the high honey content, the gingerbread cookies of those times were soft, crumbly, and aromatic. The products retained their freshness for a long time and did not become stale.

Honey dough for gingerbread is prepared using the custard and raw method:

  • For raw honey dough, mix honey with softened butter, add eggs and spices. The mass is whipped until smooth, after which baking powder and flour are added to it. The finished dough is quite stiff.
  • Chouxed honey dough involves heating honey, sugar and water to 75 C. Some of the sifted flour along with spices is added to the resulting composition. When the dough has cooled, add eggs, remaining flour and baking powder. The kneaded dough turns out soft, as soon as it is ready, immediately begin baking gingerbread cookies.

Honey dough recipe

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Spices - 0.25 tsp;
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Honey - 1 glass;
  • Oil - 50 g.

Mix oil, spices and eggs in a separate bowl, add honey. Mix or beat the mixture well. Add flour combined with soda, knead the dough. You need to knead the dough manually; the longer the kneading process lasts, the fluffier and softer the finished gingerbread cookies will be.

Russian honey dough recipe

  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Ghee - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Dry black currant - 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Soda - 0.25 teaspoon;
  • Sugar for glaze;
  • Natural honey - 0.75 cups;
  • Nutmeg (ground) - 0.25 teaspoon;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Ground ginger - 2 teaspoons;
  • Ground walnuts - 0.5 cups;
  • Ground cloves - 0.25 teaspoon;
  • Brown sugar (optional) - 0.5 cups;
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Raisins - 10 tbsp. spoons

Dilute honey in a water bath until liquid, using a saucepan with thick walls. Add oil, soda and spices.

Pour the flour onto the table in a heap, make a depression by driving 3 egg yolks into it and adding the honey mixture. Mix everything carefully with your hands and knead the dough. Knead the dough thoroughly until a homogeneous soft mass is obtained. Add nuts, berries, raisins, knead the dough again and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours, wrapped in cling film.

If you want to please your loved ones with delicious gingerbread cookies with natural filling, or surprise your business partners by presenting a fragrant delicacy as a gift, the Bogorodsky Gingerbread company offers a wide range of gingerbread products for every taste. . We work with wholesale and retail customers, and also invite dealers to cooperate.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))

Gingerbread owes its name to the spices that must be in this delicacy. In addition to them, the composition initially also included molasses with honey, but today sugar is more often used to add sweetness. What is the most delicious and simple gingerbread recipe? You can choose any one you like from the options below.

How to make gingerbread dough

In general, there are three types of gingerbread dough: sugar-honey, honey and sugar. The latter is made on the basis of burnt oil, i.e. burnt sugar. When honey is added it resembles caramel. Whey is also often used. In general, preparing gingerbread dough at home has two main options:

  1. The base turns out to be hard, which is convenient for baking various gingerbread houses, snowflakes or stars.
  2. A soft base that is mixed according to the recipe without adding eggs. Only white flour, honey, spices and sugar are used.

Gingerbread dough recipe

As for specific ways to prepare gingerbread dough, there are also two of them. These are raw and custard methods. For the latter, the flour is pre-brewed. The starch in its composition is partially gelatinized, as a result of which the gingerbread does not go stale for a long time. According to the raw method, the delicacies are loose in consistency, but viscous. You can choose a specific recipe for gingerbread dough from the ranking of the most popular ones.

Goat dough

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 359 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a festive table / for tea.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Roes are those classic northern Christmas cookies. They are also prepared on the basis of gingerbread dough. The goat cookies themselves are often made in the shape of animals. They are believed to protect the house from evil spirits. Goat gingerbread dough is based on sugar and honey. As a composition for dry perfumes, i.e. flavoring additives, take a mixture of nutmeg with cinnamon and cloves.


  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • coarse rye or wheat flour – 1 kg;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix honey, water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Then, stirring occasionally, cook over medium heat until the mixture turns brown.
  3. When the mass has cooled to a warm state, add softened butter with spices and stir.
  4. Add flour next. Stir again and let cool completely. It is better to leave for an hour in a cool place.
  5. The base should become elastic and soft, then it can be rolled out and cut out into shapes.
  6. Bake the goat dough for 10 minutes at 210 degrees. Decorate with a glaze of egg whites whipped with sugar.

Gingerbread dough

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 353 kcal.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for honey and gingerbread is also a holiday recipe. In Western countries, such a delicacy is already considered a sweet symbol of Christmas. But you don’t have to wait for this bright holiday if you suddenly want delicious gingerbread. Find out how to prepare this delicacy. There is one win-win recipe where honey and ginger are mandatory.


  • egg yolk – 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt – 0.25 tsp;
  • flour – 175 g;
  • butter – 65 g;
  • powdered sugar - 75 g for glaze and 100 g for dough;
  • ground ginger – 1 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • maple syrup – 2 tbsp;
  • soda – 0.25 tsp;
  • egg white – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour with baking soda, ginger, salt and cinnamon into a bowl.
  2. Add softened butter, powdered sugar and maple syrup to the resulting mixture.
  3. Lightly beat the yolk and also add to the flour mixture, knead into a thick dough, and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. Next, roll out the gingerbread base on baking paper in a layer about 5 mm thick.
  5. Cut out shapes into shapes and place them on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake gingerbread cookies at 180 degrees. This will take about 10-12 minutes.
  7. Beat the egg whites until stiff, gradually adding powdered sugar.
  8. Decorate the finished treat with protein glaze.

Gingerbread dough for a house

  • Preparation time: 2 days 9 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 353 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a festive table / for tea / for children / for the New Year.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

On New Year's holidays, the whole house is decorated with a variety of little things, including the festive table. The gingerbread house occupies a special place on it. This is a stunningly beautiful Christmas dessert. The dough for a gingerbread house is important, because thanks to it the structure of the dessert will not fall apart. You will find the process and technology of how to prepare the base in the recipe with photos.


  • ground cloves – 0.25 tsp;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • egg white – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 250 g;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • vodka – 50 ml;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • ground ginger – 0.25 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 180 g;
  • cognac – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 0.25 tsp;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • ground cardamom – 0.25 tsp;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • ground allspice – 0.25 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all the spices in a small bowl and grind them thoroughly.
  2. Sift the flour into another bowl, add soda to it.
  3. Pour sugar into the spices, add honey and vodka. Add melted butter and eggs to this and beat everything with a fork until smooth.
  4. Add flour next, knead the mixture for about 15 minutes, wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Cling film will also work.
  5. For now, get busy with the details of the gingerbread house - draw them on cardboard and cut them out.
  6. In the morning, you can take the base out of the refrigerator and let it warm up at room temperature.
  7. Next, roll out the layer 0.5 cm thick and place cardboard parts on it.
  8. Using a sharp knife, cut out the elements of the gingerbread house along the outline.
  9. Next, bake the products at a temperature of 180 degrees. This will take 10 minutes. Then leave them for a day under a towel.
  10. Make the glaze - add lemon juice to the whites, beat them gradually, adding powdered sugar, let stand for 1 hour to thicken.
  11. Lightly “file down” the edges of the parts with a grater for better fastening, and coat these places with glaze. She can decorate everything at her own discretion.
  12. After the decorative layer has dried, assemble the gingerbread house. Let the structure stand for 1 day.

Honey gingerbread dough

  • Preparation time: 1 day 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 336 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Honey gingerbreads are no less fragrant. They also fit perfectly into the holiday menu. But besides the table, you can decorate a Christmas tree with them or give them to friends. The base for gingerbread decorations is prepared in advance. It should sit for about a day to be completely saturated with spices. This way the taste of the finished delicacy will be more intense, not to mention the aroma. The recipe for honey gingerbread dough will help you prepare it.


  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1.5 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 4.5 tbsp;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • egg white – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 3.5 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • powdered sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • ground ginger – 0.5 tsp;
  • cloves – 0.5 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix honey with water and granulated sugar, put in a saucepan on fire, cook until the latter dissolves.
  2. Next, add all the spices, add butter and remove from heat when it melts.
  3. Sift the flour into a separate bowl along with baking powder and soda, add to the honey-sugar mixture.
  4. Knead the base, roll it into a ball and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. In the morning, roll out a thin layer, cut out the gingerbread cookies and place them on a baking sheet with parchment.
  6. Bake for 5-6 minutes at 200 degrees.
  7. Decorate the finished treats with a mixture of whites whipped with lemon juice and powder.

Gingerbread dough using choux method

  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 336 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Experienced chefs believe that real gingerbread is made only from choux pastry. Its preparation includes three main stages - brewing flour, cooling and direct kneading. For the first step, you need a saucepan without a lid. In it, molasses is heated with water and sugar, everything is mixed, then cooled to 70-75 degrees. The resulting syrup is used to brew the flour. It is important to mix it quickly so that the choux gingerbread dough does not turn out with lumps.


  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 3/4 tbsp.;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • honey – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • cardamom, cloves, dry mint, star anise, ginger powder - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place water with honey and sugar in a saucepan, stir and heat over low heat to 70-75 degrees.
  2. Next, sift half the flour, add spices, and quickly stir with a wooden spoon.
  3. Then cool to room temperature, add the remaining flour, softened butter and eggs. Stir for about half an hour until smooth.
  4. Roll out, cut out gingerbread cookies and bake at 200 degrees. This will take 7-10 minutes.

Raw gingerbread dough

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 270 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The raw method of preparing gingerbread dough differs from the custard dough in temperature. With the latter method, flour is poured into a hot syrup of sugar, honey and water. In the raw method, these ingredients are heated, but then allowed to cool. What is the basis then? Its consistency is loose and viscous at the same time. It is important to stir the mixture thoroughly so that all the sugar dissolves.


  • vanillin – 1/4 tsp;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1.25 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar with vanilla, add water, put this mixture in the microwave for 7 minutes, then cool completely.
  2. Next, add softened butter and mix.
  3. Next add flour and soda, knead the base, then roll it out into a layer about 6 mm thick.
  4. Using molds or a knife, cut out the products and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake at 190-200 degrees. The optimal time is 12-14 minutes.

Gingerbread dough without honey - recipe

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 298 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Gingerbread dough without honey is no less tasty and soft, and has a fragrant smell. It is made tender by kefir. It also contains soda, which is extinguished with vinegar. As a result, the base rises, and the gingerbread cookies themselves come out tall and fluffy. Cocoa powder gives the delicacy a light chocolate taste. Its proportions can be changed at your discretion.


  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 6 tbsp;
  • kefir – 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa powder – 1 tbsp;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. for the base, 0.5 tbsp. for glaze;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the kefir into a deep bowl, add sugar and butter, and mix.
  2. Next, add cocoa powder, yolk and soda slaked with vinegar.
  3. Mix until smooth, and then add flour and knead into an elastic mass.
  4. Next, form small balls, place them on an oiled baking sheet, place in the oven for 35 minutes and bake at 200 degrees.
  5. Meanwhile, make the glaze - beat the egg white until stiff, gradually adding a glass of sugar.
  6. Place the gingerbread cookies in a saucepan and pour in the protein mixture.

Shortbread gingerbread dough

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 245 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Shortbread gingerbread dough can be classified as a quick recipe. The finished base is infused for only half an hour, and only then it can be rolled out. The baked goods are soft, tender and crumbly. The store-bought one cannot be compared with it. The basis of the delicacy is baking, i.e. a mixture of butter with flour, sugar and eggs. You can also use margarine, but the delicacy will have a slightly different taste.


  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • egg yolk – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks, grind the latter with sugar.
  2. Next, add softened butter and vanilla sugar.
  3. Gradually add flour and knead the base. When ready, roll into a ball, wrap in cling film and place on the refrigerator shelf for half an hour.
  4. After the specified time, roll out the gingerbread cookies using molds, bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Gingerbread dough - a simple recipe

  • Number of servings: 12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Simple gingerbread dough is prepared without honey. Moreover, it is even suitable for creating structures in the form of houses or boxes. To do this, you just need to roll out a layer about 0.5 cm thick and cut out the necessary elements from it. Although just gingerbread cookies will also turn out very tasty. You can decorate them with the same protein glaze or make them with filling, for example, jam.


  • sugar – 250 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • water – 125 ml;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • spice mixture – 30 g;
  • flour – 500 g;
  • orange – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt half the sugar in a small saucepan. Then add boiling water and cook for a couple more seconds.
  2. Add the remaining sugar and continue dissolving it.
  3. Next, add oil, spices and orange zest.
  4. Sift the flour along with soda and salt, add 1 whole egg and 2 yolks.
  5. Leave the kneaded base in the refrigerator for a day.

Sugar-honey gingerbread dough

  • Preparation time: 1 day 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 345 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday table / for tea / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Gingerbread dough with sugar and honey is valued for its thick consistency, bright taste and amazing aroma. Another advantage is that even without freezing it can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. This is very convenient, because you can knead more at once, so that you can treat yourself and your loved ones with a delicious treat at any time. And it’s also easy to make a gingerbread house from it.


  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • spices – 2 tsp;
  • honey – 450 g;
  • quicklime soda – 1 tsp;
  • cocoa – 30 g;
  • sugar – 450 g;
  • flour – 1.3 kg;
  • butter – 160 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry a glass of sugar in a frying pan until dark brown.
  2. Next, pour a glass of boiling water into it. Cook until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Add remaining sugar. Stirring, cook until it dissolves.
  4. Add honey and butter to the hot syrup, add spices and flour.
  5. Next, beat in the eggs, salt and add cocoa and soda, mix until smooth.
  6. Place the resulting mass on a surface sprinkled with flour and gradually knead into a thick, thick base.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

Making gingerbread dough - the secrets of delicious baking

It is important not only to combine the products, but also to properly knead the gingerbread dough. If it is wet, the cut out figures will begin to spread during baking. A base that is too dry will simply crack in the oven. To avoid this, cook only with room temperature ingredients. You shouldn't beat the sugar and butter too much either. Baking will take 5-10 minutes, no more, otherwise the products will dry out.

Video: Dough for soft gingerbread

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flour - 3 cups

butter (or margarine) - 100 g.

honey - 0.75 cup

egg - 1 pc.

soda - 0.5 teaspoon

Need to know in advance:

1. The dough can be prepared in two ways: raw and choux.

Gingerbread products made from raw dough dry quickly and become hard.

2. Real gingerbread cookies are prepared without chemical leavening agents (without the addition of soda, ammonium carbonate, etc.).

For additional loosening, it is always useful to add 4 tbsp per 1 kg of flour. spoons of vodka, cognac or rum.

3. Gingerbread cookies, as a rule, are made from first-grade wheat flour, but you can also use second-grade flour, and the gingerbread cookies will be slightly darker.

4. The amount of flour may vary depending on the thickness of the honey, the amount of fat and eggs.

5. Finely ground dry spices are added as aromatic substances. For the spice mixture, take 35% coriander, 30% cinnamon, 10% cardamom, 10% nutmeg and 5% each of cloves, star anise and allspice. You can change the spice ratio to taste. In addition, for aroma and taste, you can add another ½ cup of peeled, roasted chopped nuts, peanuts or almonds, candied fruit, lemon or orange zest and 5-10 g of vanilla sugar.

6. If the honey is candied, it is heated until the crystals dissolve. Honey should not be boiled, as this will cause it to lose its flavor. After heating, the honey is cooled to room temperature.

Cooking method:

Place honey in a bowl or pan, add pre-mashed butter, egg, spices and mix everything for 1-2 minutes, then add sifted flour mixed with soda and knead a not very stiff dough.

To prepare you will need:

flour - 3 cups

honey - 0.75 cup

eggs - 1 piece

soda - 0.5 teaspoon (or sour cream - 50-150 g without adding soda)

vodka, cognac or rum - 2 tbsp. spoons (useful to add for loosening)

chopped spices - 0.25 teaspoons

water (or kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk) - 0.25 cups (when adding vodka, cognac or rum, the amount of water decreases accordingly)

The yield of baked products is 850 g.

Need to know in advance:

1. Gingerbread cookies made from choux pastry are much tastier than gingerbread cookies made from raw dough; they remain fresh and aromatic for a long time.

2. Real honey gingerbreads are prepared without chemical leavening agents (without adding soda, ammonium carbonate, etc.).

Preparing gingerbread dough only with honey (without sugar or molasses) with the addition of thick (fat content not less than 20%) sour cream makes the addition of baking powder unnecessary. In combination with honey, sour cream produces a slight fermentation, accompanied by slight gas formation, which moderately, almost imperceptibly, loosens the dough. It is this slight loosening that creates the special consistency of real gingerbread dough.

For additional loosening, it is always useful to add 4 tbsp per 1 kg of flour. spoons of vodka, rum or cognac.
Adding soda to such a dough will prevent “gingerbread” sour cream and honey fermentation.

3. Any gingerbread dough must be kneaded well until the products are evenly distributed in it, i.e. until complete homogeneity is achieved. Actively kneading the dough with your hands can take from 10-20 to 40 minutes.

The better the dough is kneaded, the softer and fluffier the gingerbread cookies will be.

4. You can add twice as many eggs to the dough or not at all, changing the dosage of water accordingly.

5. Gingerbread cookies, as a rule, are made from first-grade wheat flour, but you can also use second-grade flour, and the gingerbread cookies will be slightly darker.

6. The amount of flour may vary depending on the thickness of the syrup or honey, the amount of fat and eggs.

7. Finely ground dry spices are added as aromatic substances. For the spice mixture, take 35% coriander, 30% cinnamon, 10% cardamom, 10% nutmeg and 5% each of cloves, star anise and allspice. You can change the spice ratio to taste.

Cooking method:

Put honey in a saucepan, pour water and heat to 70-75°C, add half the sifted flour and finely ground spices and stir quickly with a wooden spatula or a strong spoon.

If, after pouring flour into hot syrup, you leave it unstirred for 1-2 minutes, lumps will form that will be difficult to stir.

The kneaded dough should be cooled thoroughly to room temperature ( so that no warmth is felt in it- this is important), only then add an egg, fat sour cream (from 100 to 300 g per 1 kg of flour - according to the consistency of the dough) or baking powder, remaining flour and knead until the dough has a soft consistency (depending on the amount dough, knead vigorously for 10-20-40 minutes).

You cannot knead very stiff dough, as it will not rise well and the finished product will turn out unsatisfactory in appearance and hard in taste. Very soft dough is difficult to shape; when baking, it spreads, and the gingerbread turns out shapeless and without a pattern.

The finished dough should be plastic, not very sticky to the table or hands, and easy to mold.

The kneaded dough should be immediately cut up and started baking, otherwise it will take longer and the products will turn out to be of poor quality.