40 days after death in Orthodoxy. What to do within a year after the funeral. Answered by priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of Sretensky Monastery

According to Orthodox traditions, on the fortieth day the fate of a person’s soul is decided. And it is we, living people, who through our actions can achieve a better fate for the deceased. We will tell you what needs to be done and how to spend this day in this article.

40 days from the date of death is a very important and responsible date, because it is on this day, according to Orthodox canons, that the soul of the deceased is given a verdict regarding its future location. And if the soul itself is no longer able to change and correct anything for the sake of a better fate, then the relatives of the deceased can do this. We will tell you what to do after 40 days, as well as how the living can save the soul of the deceased.

The first, and most important thing to do not only on this particular day, but also on all previous ones, is to pray. Prayer is the simplest and surest way to persuade higher powers to be merciful and change the verdict for the better. Prayer for the 40th day can be either at home or in church. If you pray at home, you can read kathismas from the psalter, but in church the magpie is ordered. For everyone, in addition to suicides, the priest and parishioners will pray with you. Also, funeral notes cannot be submitted for people who independently decided to die. However, in this case there may be exceptions. If you have received a blessing from a priest, then you have every right to ask for a service for a loved one. If you were unable to obtain such permission, remember that no one can forbid you to independently pray for the soul of the deceased. It will also be useful to confess yourself and bring your loved ones to confession.

Along with prayer in the name of saving the soul of the deceased, you can sacrifice your renunciation of any sin at least for a while. For example, you can give up cigarettes or alcohol - this will also benefit the soul of your loved one. Even a simple refusal to watch TV in favor of prayer will be a great consolation and joy for the deceased.

Another important tradition for 40 days is holding a wake. Believers should be present at the funeral dinner, since those who do not believe in God will not be able to help a person’s soul with their presence alone. Celebrating 40 days is necessary with fasting and simple food, without culinary delights, especially when the commemoration falls during fasting. If there are no posts at this time, also try not to spend a large sum on pleasing guests. Know how to set priorities: it is better to give the money that you are going to spend on expensive dishes to those in need (the poor, the disabled, orphans). This will bring much more benefit to the soul of the deceased. The main dish should be kutia, which symbolizes the rebirth of the soul. Each of those present must eat at least one spoonful of it, after which they can proceed to other dishes.

Don't view the 40 days as an opportunity to gather with friends and family. Remember that this is not a social event or a feast. Fun, songs and alcohol, of course, are prohibited by the church, but you yourself must understand that remembering the deceased cannot in any way be combined with jokes and laughter. Pay close attention to the flow of the conversation. It often happens that during a wake people gather who have not seen each other for a long time. And when conversations about the deceased smoothly turn into conversations about everyday affairs, pressing problems, or, even worse, about what and who will inherit from the deceased, the wake should be completed.

Be sure to visit the cemetery for 40 days. Bring a candle and flowers with you. The most popular flowers for the dead are carnations, tulips and orchids, but you can also bring irises, violets, callas and roses to your loved one's grave. It is customary to bring an even number of flowers for the deceased, for which there is a simple explanation. The fact is that even numbers are a symbol of life and death, that is, the beginning and end, but odd numbers indicate continuation and movement. By placing flowers on a gravestone for 40 days, you show respect to the deceased, demonstrate your great love for him, and also emphasize the importance of the loss.

All 40 days of mourning for the deceased must be observed. It implies special behavior and clothing. The things we wear help create a certain mood for us and even encourage us to pray. Therefore, all these days, try to wear simple, strict and closed clothes without frills.

In preparing and celebrating the fortieth day, it is first of all important to think about the deceased and his soul, and the details of the menu, the number of flowers and other similar things are a secondary matter.

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You will find a canteen, cafe or restaurant for organizing a funeral table in the section Holding funerals of our portal

Orthodoxy considers the fortieth day after the funeral an extremely important date, the same as the ninth. The accepted canons of the Christian faith say that it is on this day that the soul of the deceased receives an answer about where it will spend eternity. It is believed that the soul is still on earth for 40 days, but after this day it leaves it forever and moves to its designated place.

A wake for 40 days after death is a mandatory event that should be done correctly.

How does a believer approach death?

In the ancient world there was no such thing as a birthday, and people did not celebrate this date. There is a theory according to which it is for this reason that the time of the birth of Jesus Christ was not precisely indicated. But another date was much more important - the moment of death, when the spirit met the Creator.

Ancient people believed in the afterlife, so their whole life was preparation for this transition. Today's Christians also believe in the transition to another life, through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, therefore believers should not be afraid of death, because this is only the moment of meeting God.

The wake on the 40th day after death is a celebration of this transition, after forty days of preparation of the soul for this.

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Most Christian denominations believe that after the soul leaves the body, nothing can be done to influence eternal life, much less bring repentance to the Creator. However, after this, emotions and memories are retained, so that the person is aware of everything.

Advice! Thus, death is the transition of the spirit from the body to another world, where it reaps the fruits of its earthly actions. That is why she should not be afraid, and believers should not feel horror, but everyone should prepare by doing good deeds and giving alms.

Memorial service

Why 40 days and what happens during this time

Why is this date so important and why exactly this number of days?

It is the Orthodox faith that has a unique view of the afterlife and believes that prayer on the fortieth day can influence the verdict that our God will pronounce on the soul.

The countdown starts from the day of death, i.e. it is considered the first day, regardless of the time recorded by doctors or loved ones, even if the person died in the evening. It is also determined that both dates, together with the day of repose, are considered memorial, i.e. On these dates it is customary to remember the deceased. A Christian is remembered through prayer, church and home, as well as dinner and alms.

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Tradition says that 40 days is the time needed to prepare the soul to receive the Divine gift from the Heavenly Father. This is the number that appears repeatedly in the Bible:

  • Moses fasted for forty days before his conversation with Yahweh at Sinai, during which he was given the 10 commandments;
  • 40 days after death, Christ ascended (which is especially important);
  • The Jewish campaign to the Promised Land lasted 40 years.

Theologians took into account all these facts and decided that 40 days are needed for the soul to receive a decision from the Heavenly Father about where it will spend eternity. And at this time, the church and relatives are praying for her, trying to beg the Creator for mercy and for the cleansing of the deceased from sins.

What happens during this time? The soul wanders: in the first nine days it worships God, on the ninth day the angels show it hell, and on the 40th day the Heavenly Father pronounces its verdict on it. During this time, the resting spirit will have to endure the most terrible test - to visit hell and watch how sinners suffer. It is this test that the prayers of the church and the Guardian Angel help to withstand.

It is important to ask the church to pray for the deceased, so it is worth ordering services in the church:

  • funeral services.

But it is much more important for relatives and friends to sincerely and fervently ask the Lord for mercy for the deceased. In addition, you can read a prayer to Saint War for the repose of your soul.

Prayer service to Saint War

“Oh, venerable holy martyr Uare, we kindle with zeal for the Lord Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you suffered earnestly for Him, and now the Church honors you, as you are glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him , and now you stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the Highest, and clearly see the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance, remember also our relatives' yearning, who died in wickedness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatrine, the unfaithful race was freed from eternal torment by your prayers You, therefore, remember those who were buried against God, who died unbaptized, striving to ask for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we may all praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen".

Icon of the martyr Huar

Procedure: funeral rules

On the fortieth day, the spirit of the deceased returns home for a day and after that leaves the earth forever. Legends say that if the spirit does not attend the funeral itself, it will suffer for all eternity, so it is definitely worth setting the table on this day and gathering to remember the deceased, but this must be done correctly.

  1. Pray: on this day, for all 40 days and in the future, remember the deceased;
  2. Bring a priest to the grave to perform a service or order a prayer service in the temple;
  3. When ordering a memorial service, you must renounce any of your sins, for your own benefit and to console the soul of the deceased;
  4. Make a donation to the temple;
  5. Gather at a common table all those who are close to the deceased and Orthodox Christians;
  6. Prepare special dishes;
  7. Don't sing songs.

A wake is not a celebration or a celebration, it is a moment of grief and petition. It is highly inappropriate to drink alcoholic beverages, sing songs or listen to music at this time. They take place for 1-2 hours, when believers remember the departed and pray for him.

Therefore, it is important that only Christians are present at the dinner who can share this time of grief with the family and support them spiritually.

What to cook

The meal is simple, especially if there is a general church fast. Even if there is no fasting, you should avoid eating meat and under no circumstances donate it to the temple.

Lunch can be arranged both at home and in a cafe. If the deceased was a regular parishioner, the priest may allow the memorial to be held in the church house after the end of the memorial service. Lunch is a continuation of the rite of worship, so it must be done with dignity.

There are a number of dishes that have been prepared for such dinners since ancient times. They are simple and satisfying.

A mandatory dish is considered to be fish, which is cooked in a large pan, and fish, which can be served in any form. Baked or fried meat is not welcome on tables. You need to make your meal as lean as possible in order to benefit not only the spirit, but also the body.

In addition to kutia and fish, you can put on the table:

  • rich pancakes;
  • fish sandwiches (with sprats or herring);
  • vegetable salads: beets with garlic, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, Olivier salad;
  • cutlets: regular meat or stuffed with mushrooms and cheese;
  • peppers stuffed with rice and meat;
  • fish aspic;
  • lean cabbage rolls (filled with vegetables and mushrooms with rice);
  • baked fish;
  • pies: fish, cabbage, rice, mushroom, potato or sweet (charlotte).

There are also a number of drinks that should be on the funeral table:

  • kvass;
  • lemonades;
  • sbiten;
  • fruit drink and juice;
  • jelly: can be made from both berries and oatmeal.
Important! It is imperative to remember that the church prohibits drinking alcoholic beverages at such events, as well as leaving vodka on the grave of the deceased. During dinner, they remember the deceased, and with him other deceased relatives and friends.

Funeral meal

Funeral speech

At such meals, it is necessary to make a speech, after which everyone should honor the deceased with a minute of silence.

It is best if there is a manager, someone close to the family, but who controls his emotions and maintains sobriety. His responsibilities will include not only monitoring preparations for the meeting (supervising staff if the event is in a cafe), but also giving the floor to family members.

Usually everyone in the family tries to say something about the deceased. And the manager controls the time of speaking and the order (close relatives should come first - spouse, parents or children, etc.

Grief is quite expected at such an event, so the manager must prepare and divert attention from the crying person to himself in time. It is worth remembering that a person did not die forever, but moved on to a better life, and this fact can be recalled in especially sorrowful moments.

Important! If a priest is invited to a meal, then he must serve a prayer service and deliver a sermon. If the remembrance takes place in a small circle, then all those gathered should pray for the deceased and, if possible, read a memorial service or prayer service on their own. At this time, it is recommended to light church candles.

What to talk about in such a speech? The man suddenly passed away and it would be appropriate to remember what he was like, his good deeds and distinctive qualities. You should not remember grievances and strife, if they have left resentment in your heart, this is the best time to talk about forgiveness. It is necessary to remember a person only on the good side, to describe some joint affairs, to remember a funny incident or a particularly touching one.

A funeral speech is a sad speech, but not melancholy. Man has not ceased to exist, he is simply now in a different form and world.

Who is not remembered

  • suicides;
  • those who died under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Important! If a person independently decided to neglect God’s main gift - life, then the Church has no right to remember him as a believer. You can pray for such people in person and do alms in memory of them, but prayer services are not held for them.

Questions usually arise about whether the church serves prayer services for dead babies, and the ruling bishop answers: one should definitely pray for the baby, regardless of age or cause of death. It is believed that the Lord, by taking children, protects them from a difficult fate in adulthood.

It is extremely important for parents to humbly accept His will and pray for their child.


The tradition of the Orthodox Church says that on the 40th day Christians should sort out the belongings of the deceased and distribute them to those in need.

At the same time, asking people to pray for him and asking the Lord to grant him eternal life in paradise. This is a good deed, which can also influence the final decision of the Lord God about the spirit of the deceased.

You can leave personal items and those that are valuable as a memory of the deceased to the family. If there is no needy person nearby, then the things can be taken to the temple and left with the priest, who will find them a new owner.

Important! Almsgiving is a good deed, which, like prayer, affects the eternal life of the deceased.

Watch the funeral video

Everyone knows that we are all mortals and everyone is destined to leave this world in due time. But I want this to happen as late as possible in order to fully enjoy life. And here the question arises - did we come to this world in order to spend our earthly life satisfying our desires and passions? And what happens when a person dies, does life end or continues, but in a different form and in another dimension? These questions have interested humanity since time immemorial. What happens 3, 9, and then 40 days after death, is there an immortal soul and what are its actions after it leaves the mortal body?

Many customs are associated with the behavior of the soul after death. For example, it is customary to remember the deceased not only after 40 days have passed after death, but also on the third and ninth days. What is this connected with, is it just folk traditions, or is there an explanation for this? Of course, there are explanations and they are connected with the Church explains that after a person leaves the body. In the first two days, she gains complete freedom and can walk wherever she wants, visiting places that are close to her. On the third day, a person is usually buried, and his soul, accompanied by heavenly angels, ascends to worship God.

On this path the soul has a hard time - its path is constantly blocked by demons who show the soul its sins and try to drag it into the underworld. The angels who are next to the soul try to save it, in contrast to the demons, showing the good deeds that the person did while alive. Thus, they help the soul go through the ordeals of the air. The soul is also helped by prayers and good deeds in the name of the person who died on earth by his loved ones, as well as by the saints to whom the person prayed and glorified them while alive. Having passed this difficult path, the soul stands before the face of the Lord.

Then, for six days, the soul is shown all the joys and beauties of paradise. The righteous soul rejoices, but the sinful soul is sad because it spent its earthly life in vain in vain vanity and did not take care of its heavenly future. She cries and groans, regretting her unworthy earthly life, and grieves, sensing that she will not stay in heaven, but she does not want to go to hell. After six days, she again appears before God and then goes to inspect hell. This is why day 9 is important. The 40th day after death determines the place where the soul will be until the Second Coming, when its place of stay will be forever determined.

Wanting to provide all possible assistance to the soul of the deceased, his relatives organize a wake 40 days after death, at which they remember him and pray for his soul. By this they help the soul of the deceased to pass all the tests and receive some relief before the Lord. This number of days is not accidental; it is associated with great dates in the Holy Scriptures. For example, Jesus Christ fasted in the desert for the same forty days, tempted by demons, the Lord stayed on earth for 40 days after the resurrection with his disciples, Moses stayed on Mount Moses for 40 days before receiving the sacred tablets from the Lord.

From all this it is clear that it is not at all accidental that the dead are commemorated 40 days after death. On this day, memorial services are ordered in the church, during which the priests, together with the relatives of the deceased, pray for his soul and ask the Lord to have mercy on it. This is very important for the soul, as it helps determine its future place in heaven. For the same purpose, the deceased are remembered on both the third and ninth days, alms are given out for them, and the poor and relatives of the deceased person are treated.

It’s very good when loved ones order magpies for a deceased person. These are church commemorations that take place 40 days after death. They are called upon to ease the lot of the soul before it appears before the Lord for a private trial and its place is determined before the Second Coming. When the Lord comes into the world for the second time, then the Last Judgment will take place, at which all those resurrected from the dead will be assigned a place in which they will abide forever. Thus, by remembering the dead these days, people help their deceased relatives, making future eternal life easier for their souls.

From a spiritual point of view, a person’s earthly life is the preparation of his soul for a future eternal life. The death of the body in the Orthodox tradition is not an antagonist of life. This is only part of life, the meaning of which is the temporary separation of body and soul until the Last Judgment and General Resurrection.

Where does the soul go at the end of its earthly journey? What is the significance of the third, ninth and fortieth days after physical death? What traditions must be observed in this case and why? What happens on day 40? Let's figure it out.

Where does the soul go on the third, ninth and fortieth days

After leaving the body, the soul does not immediately leave the world of the living. The transition occurs gradually. Many people are interested in the question of how many days the soul of the deceased remains at home, among family and friends. What is the soul doing all this time?

  1. In the first three days, the connection with what was significant and dear during life is still very strong. The soul of a deceased person remembers its earthly existence: actions, events, environment. She is still capable of experiencing earthly human emotions: attachment to loved ones, fear, confusion, the need to complete important matters, etc. During this period, the soul gains freedom and can be wherever it wants. Many souls visit places they loved while alive or are close to grieving family members.
  2. On the third day, the soul of the newly deceased worships God. She also meets other souls - righteous people and saints. Then, within 6 days, she sees the heavenly abode and glorifies the Creator. During this period, she moves away from earthly sorrows and finds peace. But souls, burdened with many sins, repent and mourn.
  3. What does the ninth day after a person's death mean? The soul of the deceased is again accompanied by angels to worship the Lord. By His command, the soul is now sent to hell. There she surveys the torment of sinners, and she herself experiences ordeals while looking at them. This test lasts thirty days.
  4. On the fortieth day after death, the soul ascends to God and worships Him. After this, the Judge finally determines the place where the soul will be until the Second Coming. This is why 40 days after death is an important date.

Twenty days from the date of death - a date that came from paganism

Many people are interested in what 20 days after death means and whether this date is included in the memorial days after the funeral.

There is no such date in the Orthodox tradition. It refers to pagan folk beliefs - it is believed that the soul has not completely left the world of the living. On the eve of the twentieth day after death, close relatives went to the cemetery to use special spells to call the dead to a meeting. The souls of previously deceased relatives and the newly deceased were summoned.

On this occasion, pies were baked, jelly was placed on the table and special incantations were sung on the eve of the ceremony. They also prayed and asked God for the deceased.

The next day, food was placed on the table especially for the deceased - pie or pancakes and a drink - tea or jelly. Candles were lit near the icons. In the evening, the soul of the deceased was escorted to another world. To do this, they read prayers and said farewell words when leaving the house.

Nowadays, it is not customary to celebrate 20 days from the date of death. This custom is rare in rural areas.

The deceased should be commemorated on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day

In the Orthodox tradition, the deceased are commemorated on the third, ninth and fortieth day after death, as well as on their anniversary.

Why are they commemorated on 9 and 40 days? The custom is connected with the fact that the soul of a person after death, up to 40 days, has not yet completely left the world of the living. It was discussed above where the soul of the deceased remains for up to 40 days.

The third day is associated with the beginning of worship of the Lord and the “acquaintance” of the soul with the heavenly abode. The funeral on this day symbolizes the resurrection of the Savior.

On the ninth day, the soul appears before God for the second worship. On this day, the loved ones of the newly deceased should pray and ask the Lord for mercy towards him. The funeral represents the intercession of the angelic ranks for the soul before the Judge.

Forty days after death mean the third worship of the Lord and His final determination of the further fate of the soul until the General Resurrection. On this day, the prayers of loved ones can greatly help the soul of the deceased. With their help, many sins can be forgiven, and the path to the heavenly abode will be opened for the soul.

You should also understand what happens to the soul of the deceased on the anniversary of death. For a deceased Christian, this day is the birth of eternal life. His soul ascends to God to join other similar souls. Therefore, for the family and friends of the deceased, this is the date of the final farewell to him. Godins complete the annual liturgical circle and are the last day on which a wake is held for the deceased.

How to properly remember the dead - the main thing is prayer, not food

It is a mistake to consider food and alcoholic drinks to be the main attribute. Not everyone knows how to properly remember the dead. The most important thing is prayer - both in church and at home. Of particular importance is the memorial service - a special all-night service. The first time it is performed before the burial, then on the third, ninth day and forty days after the funeral.

Then a memorial service is ordered for a year from the date of death, and then it can be held annually on the anniversary.

The first forty days after death are the most important for the soul of the deceased. It is necessary that not only the priest in the church, but also the relatives of the deceased at home read prayers daily and ask God for mercy for his soul.

Along with prayer, almsgiving is of great importance for the soul. On fortieth day they usually give away the things of the newly deceased, asking people to pray for him.

Prayer for forty days

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of Thy eternal newly departed servant (or Thy servant), named, and as good and a lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming iniquities, weaken, forgive and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, exposing him to Thy holy second coming into the communion of Thy eternal blessings, for the sake of the One who has faith in Thee, the true God and Lover of mankind. For You are the resurrection and the life and the rest of Your servant, named Christ our God. And we send glory to You, with Your beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Prayer after forty days

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession.

Be merciful to him, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as You give generous rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Rules for the funeral meal

  1. Lenten treat. The meal at the wake is simple and lean.
  2. Kutya and pancakes. For the 40-day funeral, kutia and pancakes are always prepared. Kutya is prepared from wheat, rice or barley, adding raisins, nuts, poppy seeds and dried fruits.
  3. Alcohol is not allowed. Contrary to the ingrained worldly habit, it is not customary to use it at Orthodox funerals. There is no need to turn the wake into a noisy feast with alcohol, and there is no need to put a glass of vodka “for the deceased” on the table.
  4. Kissel, fruit drink, kvass, juice. Jelly, fruit drink, kvass or juice are appropriate at the funeral table. And for the soul of the deceased, good memory and prayer for repose will be much more important.
  5. Funeral words for 40 days. They should be short and warm - grieving relatives will listen to them. It is appropriate to remember a good episode from the life of the deceased. You can even compose poems for the occasion.

Kutia - a traditional dish for a funeral meal

Menu forties

Typical dishes that are on the table on this day:

  1. Kutya with honey.
  2. Meat broth with meatballs.
  3. Butter or lean pancakes.
  4. Potatoes with meat - mashed or stewed. Sometimes you can replace it with buckwheat porridge.
  5. Fried chicken or cutlets.
  6. Fried fish.
  7. Kissel or compote.

Funeral table for forty days. Please note - there is no alcohol on the table, this is not encouraged

The meaning of the number 40 in the Bible

The number 40 has a special meaning in the events described in the Bible:

  1. Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven forty days after his resurrection.
  2. The prophet Elijah came to Mount Horeb after the same number of days.
  3. Finally, Moses fasted for 40 days before God gave him the tablets of the Ten Commandments.

A deeply believing Christian should not be afraid of death - this is only the transition of the soul to another world. The body is subject to decay, but not the soul.

Despite what the deceased looks like after 40 days and beyond, his soul remains in immortality and receives reward for its earthly deeds. This should be remembered and prepared by doing good deeds during earthly life.

You can find out in detail where a person’s soul is for up to 40 days by carefully studying Orthodox texts. You can also understand from them why it is necessary to remember the deceased on the 3rd, 9th, and also 40th day.

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that the soul of a deceased person, having separated from the physical shell, goes to judgment carried out by God. It is then that her future fate is determined. However, the trial does not occur immediately after death. Within the prescribed 40 days, the soul must prepare for this event.

So, from the 1st to the 3rd day after death, the soul remains in the place where the person died. Starting from the 3rd day, the soul inspects the heavenly tabernacles. From the 9th day to the 40th day, she watches the torment of sinners in hellfire.

A soul that has just left the body experiences grief over its earthly life during the first 3 days. Therefore, until the 3rd day, she is most often in the house where her body remains or near this place. People who subtly sense the presence of an energetic entity often see the deceased at this time. However, on the 3rd day, she is called to Heaven. Here, over the next 6 days, she has the opportunity to contemplate the wonders of the Garden of Eden and appreciate how useful it is to spend earthly life in righteous prayers. It is possible that awareness of one’s own sinfulness will lead to repentance and suffering.

After this, the soul is sent to Hell, where the soul of the deceased remains for up to 40 days. During this time, she manages to familiarize herself with all types of punishments for various sins and fully experience what a life full of entertainment, lust, deception, theft, etc. leads to. On the 40th day, the soul hurries to appear before the judgment of God. That is why it is customary in Orthodoxy to remember the deceased and pray for his soul these days.

It is difficult to say how true these ideas about the afterlife are. Until now, not a single reliable fact is known about the return of the human soul from the other world. Some idea of ​​what happens to the soul after death can be given by the memories of people who visited the border as a result of clinical death, but returned safely.

According to their testimonies, after death a person literally flashes his whole life, in the smallest detail. Sometimes the soul sees the people around it. However, this does not last long. Soon she begins to be pulled with irresistible force into a kind of pipe, at the exit of which the soul is greeted by a bright light. It does not burn and, on the contrary, seems incredibly warm and kind. Here the soul again remembers the events of its life, observing them from the outside. The Light does not criticize the soul and does not threaten punishment. On the contrary, it seems to allow the soul to independently evaluate how its earthly existence passed.

By the way, those who were on the verge of death, describing their journey, claim that they did not experience any inconvenience due to the lack of a physical shell. On the contrary, they maintained clarity of mind and thoughts flowed in a fairly orderly manner. More often than not, they felt no fear. Rather, there was curiosity and awareness of something important that was bound to happen inevitably. However, modern official medicine continues to adhere to the theory that the soul is nothing more than an invention of mystics and religious figures, and death brings with it complete oblivion.

Although no one is able to say exactly what can happen for up to 40 days with a soul that has left its mortal body, I would like to believe that life does not end there. It is much more pleasant to know that your own soul is eternal.