Eastern horoscope of the snake. Personal eastern horoscope. Snake Year of the Green Wood Snake

Publication date: 11/13/2012

What does astrology say about people born in the year of the Snake? What qualities did the stars give them? Our horoscope will not only answer all these questions, but will also tell you about areas of success, compatibility with other symbols of the eastern horoscope, and also give an accurate description of the Snakes from the point of view of their zodiac sign.

Let me introduce: Snake

The snake is an impassive and cold creature. However, at a critical moment, she exhibits a lightning-fast reaction. With incredible speed, she makes a throw towards the intruder of her peace, and often this turns out to be fatal for him.

It is the snake - according to the Eastern and Western traditions too - that is the personification of wisdom and insight. Probably, this opinion was established because initially she is not aggressive and does not do evil without a reason.

There is also something devilish, but at the same time fascinating, about the snake. One only has to remember who exactly was Adam’s seducer, or imagine the notorious pair of boa constrictor and rabbit.

Well, the “bouquet” turns out to be extraordinary and unique. So what are they, these astrological Snakes? Let's try to figure it out...

Dates of birth

Next year, 2013, the Snake will come into its “rights” on February 10th. The Year of the Black Snake will end on January 31, 2014.

Those who were born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, as well as those who will be born in 2013 can consider themselves to be Snakes. -m.

Character traits of those born in the year of the Snake

Snakes are, above all, thinkers. They are attentive to themselves and sometimes do not notice the impressions and influences they have on others. They are taciturn and to a certain extent selfish. However, such a characteristic does not at all indicate that they are evil. Moreover, if the Snake finally understands that it has become the cause of someone’s problems, it will definitely help, in any case, in any way it can.

Snakes are thoughtful and appreciate beauty. They willingly visit exhibition halls, galleries, theaters, wanting the stream of high impressions from the outside to their hearts not to dry up for a minute. And in everyday life they are aesthetes and love to surround themselves with interesting people, good, expensive things, exquisite smells and the like. In addition, Snakes never fall “face in the dirt” in a conversation; they are always role models in clothing, manners, and speech. But, at the same time, the innate snake cunning makes itself felt, forcing them, when they suspect another person of simplicity, lack of taste, or his other “sins,” to immediately begin to treat him with contempt and arrogance.

Snakes are considered calculating creatures, for whom everything is always planned, thought out and who cannot be taken by surprise. They have an excellent sense of critical or difficult moments and quickly navigate such circumstances.

Obviously unfavorable for Snakes are situations when they are placed in some strict framework of restrictions. In such conditions, they become highly fatigued, they are completely lost, this makes them irritable or angry, and their activities lose most of their possible effectiveness.

Areas of success

After everything that has been said about Snakes, it is not surprising that the optimal professional activity for them is the intellectual sphere. First of all, they are excellent organizers, and this more than satisfactorily explains why there are so many executives among the Snakes.

The snake will never mark time; it will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to improve its professional level and expand its area of ​​general knowledge. In addition, such a person is able to keep a lot of useful and simply interesting information in his mind and successfully operate with it. As a result, Snakes make wonderful financiers, practical scientists, teachers, thinkers in philosophy and theology, and lawyers.

And the ability to subtly feel and analyze their impressions forces many Snakes to devote themselves to the world of art. Therefore, there are quite a few of them among artists, actors, singers, and critics.

Snake and love

In love, Snakes are romantic and know how to woo the person they have their eye on. Having achieved what they want, they sometimes show an extreme degree of jealousy and possessiveness.

Snakes approach the choice of a partner carefully; they are very demanding, even picky; as a rule, they always have a clear set of requirements and rules, the observance of which they demand from their lover or beloved without fail. However, they usually do not burden themselves with such conventions, reserving the right to be free in actions and words. And, naturally, it is precisely this system of double standards that often becomes a real stumbling block in the Snake’s relationship with its “half.”

But if, nevertheless, the Snake managed to reach a compromise in the family or love affair with a partner, then such an alliance will be stable and interesting for both.

Compatibility for Snake according to the Eastern horoscope

The best partners for the Snake are the Ox, Dragon, Monkey, and Rooster. The Ox is hardy and efficient, he is able to provide the Snake with the lifestyle that she would like, and this is usually the key point for her. The Snake and Dragon will always be proud and admire each other. The Monkey and the Snake will “find” each other first as intellectual partners, and only then the resulting relationship will strengthen, and in such a way that this couple will be able to go hand in hand through any difficulties and adversity. It is difficult to find a more elegant and memorable couple than the Snake and the Rooster, in whom, moreover, any likelihood of disagreement is minimized.

More or less suitable for the Snake are Rat, Snake, Rabbit, Horse, Sheep and Dog. The Rat and the Snake are one of the illustrative examples of how people know how to adapt to each other; but whether they will want to and how long they will be able to adapt is a question that sometimes has no answer. Two Snakes can also live side by side for years, however, if even a hint of rivalry arises between them, this will mean complete collapse, and love and other tender feelings will be completely forgotten. The Snake and the Rabbit have a lot in common - patience, aesthetics, prudence; but the Rabbit often sins with indecision, and the Snake is very irritated by this quality. The Horse and the Snake will be quite happy with each other, but only if one day the Horse does not feel that it is ringed by the snake’s jealousy and total control. The Snake and the Sheep will have a seemingly ideal union, which in fact can fall apart overnight for one banal reason - due to low family income. The Dog is ready to put up with a lot in the Snake, but she will not be able to forgive her for betraying her, and the Snake is far from being a one-woman man.

If a Tiger or a Pig meets on the Snake’s path, then it is better for her to bypass them. The Tiger is impulsive, the Snake is prone to contemplation, they live at different paces and will not be able to keep up with life. The Snake will not be able to get along with the Pig due to the fact that it will be very angry at the simplicity and gullibility of such a partner.

Horoscope: Snake and Zodiac


Aries is very serious and thoughtful, and this to some extent softens the Snake's selfishness. As a rule, the Snake, born under the constellation Aries, is even more contemplative and attentive to details. Thanks to Aries, a certain amount of practicality is added to the aestheticism of the Snake. This affects everyday life and resonates in the professional sphere. That is, the Snake-Aries, for example, will no longer acquire a simply beautiful thing, but certainly one that it could also use. Such a person has stable taste preferences in terms of fashion, vacation spots, etc. The sign of Aries, among other things, makes the Snake less wasteful.


Snake-Taurus is even more elegance and even more developed intuition. In addition, Taurus adds conscientiousness to the Snake, and the Snake “blesses” Taurus with financial success. These people are inquisitive, open to new ideas and knowledge, so their range of interests is extremely wide. And since Taurus is subordinate to the elements of the Earth, the Snake-Taurus has many chances to comprehend completely earthly beauty - the beauty of the body. And because of this, Snakes born under the sign of Taurus often become unsurpassed lovers.

Snake Gemini

The sign of Gemini enhances the Snake's charm. The Gemini Snake becomes inimitably attractive, but without the frightening mystery. These people, as a rule, have an excellent sense of humor, know how to speak convincingly and conquer their interlocutor with their charm. True, such Snakes become somewhat talkative, but many people with whom fate brings them together are ready to tolerate this lack in them.


Cancer is melancholic, absent-minded, and overly sensitive. But the Snake manages to perfectly adjust the personal qualities of the representatives of this sign. Snake-Cancer appears to us as an original person in a good sense, with his own style, with a considerable amount of self-confidence. The Snake even gives Cancer the ability to influence people, and the most pleasant thing is that, due to its own decency, Cancer will never use this ability to harm. In fact, Snake-Cancer is an excellent psychologist, reasonable and sincere.


Leos, who have the Snake as their symbol of the year, are, as a rule, self-sufficient, straightforward and deeply decent people. They feel comfortable in large companies, but can do just fine without them, without being at all burdened by loneliness. These are wonderful friends who have enough strength to support and help in difficult times, they have the courage to tell the truth to your face, without hypocrisy or feeling false shame.


Virgo is a philosopher whose theory is based on mercy, hard work, and benevolence. The snake represents readiness for responsibility and speed of reaction. As a result, the world sees a person who is capable of quick adaptation in any conditions, resourceful, and deep-thinking. In a word, he is almost a universal personality, quickly “grabbing” everything new and capable of achieving success with a guarantee. Such people have everything in moderation - the desire for material wealth, the desire to surround their lives with comfort, attempts to realize their ambitions. Now, if only we were less critical of ourselves...


Snake-Libra is a type of person who is optimistic about life and quite benevolent. The Snake brings some stability to this character, Libra brings unpretentiousness in the field of professional fulfillment. That is, such people no longer suffer from the increased mood swings characteristic of “pure” Libra, and they know how to enjoy any activity or pastime. But to understand their true nature, you will have to spend some time with them first. The Snake-Libra is by no means an open book; moreover, to “read” it you will have to be attentive and observant.


Scorpio Snakes are distinguished by pronounced charisma and ability to control themselves. They seem to have an answer ready for everything, and they will only say what they want to be heard from them. True, there, in the soul, everything is not so smooth, but an outsider would never guess about it. However, an outsider will not be allowed even to the threshold of this ambiguous and crafty soul, because the circle of people who could rightfully be called friends among the Scorpio Snakes is small and very clearly delineated.


Snake-Sagittarius is a very interesting person. Such a person is curious and inquisitive, he is always in search of new emotions and sensations. But thanks to the Snake, she develops a steady craving for material wealth. Therefore, the range of interests of such a Sagittarius often definitely shifts specifically to the sphere of earnings and profits. And it is being implemented quite successfully. In addition, Sagittarius Snakes believe in fate and, as a result, sometimes let the search for a life partner take its course. But if (in their opinion) such a meeting has taken place, then Sagittarius’ partner can be confident in his almost lifelong devotion.


Capricorn Snakes are intellectuals and pragmatists. Their personal space and professional (and, of course, material) success are still valuable to them. However, now they have become much more charming and sociable. Among other things, Capricorn-Snake is a fairly self-confident person. So confident that he approaches the search for a partner for family life very selectively and does not waste money on someone whose intellectual level is lower than his own.


Snake-Aquarius is very lucky. This is expressed primarily in the business sphere. It is believed that such people are simply doomed to success in business. Indeed, they have everything necessary for this - convincing motivation for their actions, energy, the ability to perceive and process information in any volume, and a willingness to bear responsibility. Among other things, Aquarius Snakes feel like masters of the situation in their personal lives. They are not afraid to be the first to express their feelings and demonstrate interest in developing relationships.


A snake born under the constellation Pisces becomes more soft and impressionable. But Pisces, whose symbol is the Snake, is already a fairly insightful person, more self-confident, with high demands on life. Well, it’s a good symbiosis, especially since it imparts to the character of such people purposefulness, readiness for long-term relationships, high sociability and, as a result, success.

Famous Snakes

The eccentricity of Snakes can lead any of them to a variety of areas of activity. History knows Snake artists, actors, politicians, outstanding scientists and thinkers, etc. So…

Who doesn’t know the actors - Snake A. Abdulov, R. Bykov, Audrey Hepburn, O. Borisov, V. Solomin, Greta Garbo, O. Dahl, A. Mironov. Is it possible to forget about P. Picasso, J. Brahms, G. Heine, I.V., who were born in the year of the Snake? Goethe, N.V. Gogole, F.M. Dostoevsky, G. Flaubert, V. Mayakovsky, S. Zweige, J.P. Sartre!

What are A. Kerensky, J. Kennedy, G. Kotovsky, A. Nobel, V. Roentgen, Madame M. Tussaud, L. Yashin, K. Tsiolkovsky worth...

And it would be a sin not to mention our contemporary Snakes D.N. Medvedeva, A.N. Pakhmutov, V. Meladze, A. Makarevich, Y. Lyubimov, B. Grebenshchikov.

Western and Eastern cultures have always identified the snake with a cunning person, a tempter with bad intentions. One has only to remember the biblical story about Adam and Eve. Despite the prevalence and reasoning of this opinion, the Chinese do not support it, considering the amphibian a wise and majestic animal. Does someone born in the year of the Snake have such qualities? To find out the answer, let's delve into the Chinese horoscope.

Water snake

We will talk about 1953 and 2013. The period of dominance of such a species of reptile is always characterized by instability and danger. A year under the auspices of the water element is a time of increased risk, especially in the field of business and finance. Enemies activate their powers and can strike unexpectedly. Crash of global plans and financial losses are possible. It’s better to hide and wait out the “storm” that threatens your career and personal relationships.

Despite this, outstanding personalities are usually born in the years of the Snake. It was these years that gave the world geniuses, researchers, teachers and philosophers - people who know how to think, invent, and lead. “Snake” individuals have an analytical mind, create many useful innovations, and can change the world for the better. As for character, people born in the year of the Black Water Snake are not always endowed with positive personal qualities. Their unusual talents often border on immorality, excessive licentiousness and arrogance.

Wooden reptile

1965 was under his management. What kind of Snake was he? Astrologers say: then the Wooden Blue, cold-blooded animal reigned. Likewise, 2025 will take place under his auspices. Unlike previous time periods, these periods are quite calm. They are ideal for normalizing personal life and social connections. Communicate with loved ones and friends, make new acquaintances. Work and finances always fade into the background and do not require active action.

People born in the year of the Wooden Blue Snake are very gentle and good-natured. They are distinguished by exceptional loyalty and lack of conflict. They can become the most faithful and reliable comrades, partners, and colleagues. Such individuals should choose a profession related to communication: journalist, psychologist, teacher. Their innate gift of eloquence and oratory skills will help them make their way in these fields. Such Snakes very skillfully convince an individual or even a whole crowd to make this or that decision, lead them, and become leaders.

Fire reptile

It is her prerogative, as in other cases, every 60th year: 1977 and 2037 in particular. The Red period can throw up unexpected obstacles, so it will not be possible to do without losses. For example, if you have been doing what you love for many years in a row, it is within these hours that you will encounter increased competition, unprofitability, or legal restrictions. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on personal relationships, finding a soul mate, giving birth and raising offspring.

The Fiery Snake Year (1977 and 2037) endows born babies with increased activity and enterprise. They are capable of conquering and winning. But they are often too proud, selfish, ambitious and self-confident. In order not to conflict with the environment, such individuals are advised to carefully monitor their words: do not criticize or needlessly offend relatives and friends. By saying something rashly, they are capable of destroying even the strongest union.

Year of the Snake: Earth element

1989 - what kind of Snake is he? According to the Chinese horoscope, the Yellow Earth Reptile ruled at this time. The same applies to the future 2049. These periods are very favorable for career advancement: promising prospects open up and there is hope for solid earnings. But all plans will fail if you show even the slightest mistake. The year will be negative for representatives: officials in uniform may succumb to temptation and commit official crime. Under no circumstances accept bribes or gifts, even if it is a small trinket.

For newborns, what year is 1989? Snakes born at this time are prone to bad habits. Sometimes it is difficult for them to cope with manic cravings for alcohol or smoking, so often such people turn to psychologists for help. Despite their susceptibility to pathological addictions, children are very talented. True, they are difficult to educate: for them there are no authorities or prohibitions. Unfortunately, even parental influence often becomes ineffective.

Metal cobra

She ruled in 2001. This material is strong and unbending, so the years of the Snake (White and Metal) require the same qualities from people. Be prepared for serious conflicts, shocks, and trials. Danger lurks in any area of ​​life: at work, in marriage, in social activities. You will be severely punished for inattention: it can even lead to dismissal. In addition, a huge number of divorces occur precisely in the year of the Metal Snake. Be patient and positive to get through it peacefully and painlessly.

As for the kids who come into our world during these years, they are often secretive individuals. They are quiet warriors. Therefore, it is undesirable to have such enemies: it is impossible to predict their maneuvers, the blows struck are often powerful and unexpected. This is especially true for women: they are the most cunning, vindictive and merciless. Representatives of both sexes are too serious. They completely lack a sense of humor, so such individuals are offended by even the most innocent jokes.

Snake Man

Representatives of the stronger sex born during these years are called truly lucky. charming and intelligent. They have a strong influence on others, so they often use it for personal purposes. In addition to physical attractiveness, they are very cheerful and sociable. Women stick to them like flies. But if a young lady managed to snatch the championship from her rivals and hook a Snake man, she must be prepared for the constant intrigues of her chosen one on the side. Snake men are unfamiliar. Being the favorites of young ladies, they skillfully use this.

They usually don't like to lose. As paradoxical as it may sound, they do not strive to win, because they are afraid of various obstacles. Before the first failure, Snake men give in: they absolutely do not know how to take the blows of fate. They remember insults for a long time, hate insults, prefer to observe rather than act. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex are successful in business: their intuition rarely lets them down, so financial transactions are their favorite hobby.

Characteristics of a “snake” woman

Like the man, she is very beautiful. And also smart, seductive, knowing her worth. She loves to dress stylishly and tries to keep up with fashion trends. It is not surprising that such a young lady is incredibly popular among members of the opposite sex. She is able to turn them into slaves, ready to obey any demands of their adored mistress. Men compete for her affections, but she chooses only the best.

A woman born in the year of the Snake knows how to listen carefully, joke well and give practical advice. Possessing natural wisdom, she easily finds a way out of the most difficult life situations. Unlike “snake men” who love to go to the left, she does not stoop to cheating. He will flirt, but only within the bounds of decency. The young lady is purposeful and calculating. Always achieves assigned tasks. Despite this, she is too vulnerable and deeply worries about failures. He remembers good and will definitely take revenge for the evil caused.

Year of the Snake and zodiac constellations

The character of each person is formed not only under the influence of the Chinese horoscope, but also due to the influence of the zodiac signs. Thanks to this, the Year of the Snake gives the world completely different personalities. Aries, born precisely during this period of time, becomes a real thinker. Taurus-Snake is prone to magical sciences; he can become a talented seer. Gemini is a sober pragmatist, and Cancer is calm, like a boa constrictor. Leo-Snake is very poisonous, it is better not to touch it. Virgo is eccentric and flighty, cheerful and sociable.

A baby born under the sign of Libra is slow. This is the Snake in meditation. But if she wakes up, she is capable of feats. Scorpio loves expensive jewelry and luxury things. Sagittarius-Snake is cunning and sophisticated, you should stay away from him. Capricorn is capable of surprising with its truthfulness, while Aquarius is capable of surprising with its passion and temperament. Pisces is a purposeful Snake that can even reach sky-high heights.

Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope

The best partners for the Snake will be the Rooster and the Dog. With the first, love will be eternal and strong. Both are ambitious and hardworking. In this favorable union, the Snake will lead, the Rooster will execute. Together we will achieve the desired results. As for the Dog, it easily builds warm relationships with people born in the year of the Snake. The pair's compatibility is ideal. They are united by common goals, while each is able to put up with the shortcomings of the other.

Instead, an unsuccessful love affair awaits the Snake and Tiger. They look at the world around them differently, not understanding each other one iota. Even more complex relationships arise between two Snakes. Their love is doomed to failure. But they become friendly colleagues and business partners. With other representatives of the Chinese horoscope, the chances of building relationships are directly proportional to the 50/50 ratio. That is, it is possible if both show patience and endurance. Horse, Monkey, Pig and those born in the years of the Snake often do not find a common language. However, it is quite possible to find harmony with the Cat, Ox and Rat.

The Year of the Snake is the sixth in the cycle of the eastern calendar. However, since each year the year of the Snake is influenced by a certain element, each time we are dealing with a new Snake. Star cycles endow snakes with different qualities, rewarding them with advantages or strengthening their weaknesses.

People born in the year of the Snake make excellent spiritual leaders, analysts, jewelers, scientists, sociologists, nutritionists, astrologers, magicians, researchers, artists, musicians, that is, creative and intellectual individuals. Collage: Kirill Belan. The Epoch Times

The inner world of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake have a number of characteristic traits. For example, these people are often introverted and have good intuition. They are usually graceful, outwardly non-emotional and prone to contemplation. They are also not easily angered. They can appear cunning and secretive, and sometimes just appear very modest. Snakes love to plan and scheme to get things done exactly the way they want.

When it comes to home furnishings, Snakes are elegant and graceful individuals. They often focus on their comfort. They like muted colors and prefer to have one very expensive chair rather than three for the same amount. As we know, snakes love peace and tranquility, so a relaxing environment or sounds of nature from a record player help them. Snakes do not deprive themselves of luxury, but at the same time they are thrifty and economical.

At work, snakes are quite conscientious and diligent. However, if they are not interested, they quickly become bored and can easily quit. They are organized and precise. Snakes can solve problems very quickly and use a creative approach. Sometimes they like to work alone, which leads to secretiveness. The Snake can be successful if he does not lose his cool mind and avoids unplanned expenses. Although, in principle, they themselves understand this.

When it comes to health, the Snake needs to get enough sleep and rest to live a long and healthy life. Snakes are easily stressed and should avoid busy schedules or noisy environments. From this they will not get a rush of adrenaline, but a banal headache. They must live a calm and quiet life in order to prosper and prosper.

Since snakes are picky in choosing a life partner, they quickly get used to it and consider it their property. Therefore, they can be very jealous and obsessive, but they can also be reserved.

People born in the year of the Snake make excellent spiritual leaders, analysts, jewelers, scientists, sociologists, nutritionists, astrologers, magicians, researchers, artists, musicians, that is, creative and intellectual individuals.

To better imagine the character of the Snake, let's remember famous personalities who were born under this sign. Muhammad Ali, Indira Gandhi, Lyudmila Zykina, John Kennedy, Artyom Mikoyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, France Schubert, Charles Darwin, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Brahms, Denis Diderot, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Nikolai Gogol, Martin Luther King.

All these people were born in the year of the Snake, but they can hardly be “put on the same level.” The fact is that each year is also associated with one of the Five Elements (U-Xing). The character of people born in the year of the Snake is influenced by Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, forming a general cycle of 60 years. Over the past hundred years, the Year of the Snake has occurred in 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001. However, each of them was influenced by a certain element.

Snakes are different

The Metal Snake fell in 1941 and 2001. The Metal Snake is a very cunning person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. She pays attention to material values ​​because money gives her opportunity and influence.

The Wood Snake was encountered in 1905 and 1965. The Wood element gives the snake a bit of solidity and foundation. Vanity is not her style. The Wood Snake has a strong group of friends and family members with whom he enjoys spending time. However, she rarely comes to her loved ones for advice, preferring to overcome life's difficulties alone. Kindness and family ties are two key characteristics of this snake.

The year of the fire snake fell on 1917 and 1977. These snakes have a bright and dynamic character, fueled by the element of Fire. Of all the snakes, they usually have the most pronounced amount of extroversion. These people also have great wisdom. They are interesting conversationalists and can captivate anyone with their stories. Fire snakes can make even the most stubborn people change their beliefs. This may make them a little selfish. They can manipulate people to achieve success.

The Earth Snake appeared in 1929 and 1989. These snakes are the calmest of all. They lead a measured life. Therefore, they usually seem friendlier, which puts others at ease. They also avoid unnecessary risks, but sometimes they can relapse. They believe that their common sense and ethics will pay off, bringing them happiness and material satisfaction.

The Year of the Water Snake fell in 1953 and the coming year 2013. The Water Snake is often influential and insightful. She is able to manage other people well and is generally an ideal leader. Water snakes are quite motivated and intelligent, determined and determined to succeed. They strive to get what they want, despite the circumstances. They are affectionate with their family members and friends, but rarely open up to colleagues or business partners.

The stars give snakes precisely these qualities, but this does not mean that they cannot work on themselves. Education, high aspirations and self-confidence can help change even the most stubborn aspects of character. If you think you have something to work on, go for it.

Eastern horoscope Snake: zodiac year of the Snake; money, career, legend; compatibility horoscope for Snakes

1929 – earthen

1941 – metal

1953 – water

1965 – wood

1977 – fiery

1989 – earthen

2001 – metal

2013 – water

2025 – wood

Horoscope Snake: legend

The snake is the sixth animal that came to the Buddha, receiving its year of control as a reward and endowing those born in its year with its characteristic disposition.

In China and other cultures, there are a lot of chronicles, myths, and beliefs that present the Snake as a source of wisdom and enlightenment. The snake awakens knowledge leading to the absolute “liberation” of the soul.

According to legend, Buddha himself spent 5 weeks under the Bodhi wisdom tree, meditating. After many trials passed during this time, on the last day all five natural disasters - lightning, darkness, cold, wind, rain - rose up against the Buddha, trying to break the Buddha in a violent outburst. Then Mucalinda, the king of snakes, crawled out of his domain and wrapped himself seven times around the body of Gautama Buddha, protecting him from bad weather. And at that moment, under the protection of a snake, the Buddha reincarnated as an enlightened one, achieving enlightenment.

Krishna is related to Ananta, the serpent of infinity.

Eastern horoscope Snake: character

The Snake endows its charges with hard work, persistent strong character, and incredible determination. The goal can be any - noble, loving, scientific, mercantile - but for the Snake it will always be the most important in the universe. The snake is ready, one might say, to do anything to achieve its plans. Having outlined such a goal, the Snake will be faithful to it in everything, therefore its game may not be entirely pure: the Snake is a master of discreetly using people, their feelings, and the general situation for the benefit of the Cause.

The snake has excellent taste and ability to hold on. The Snake is usually dressed impeccably, skillfully knows how to support small talk, diplomatically defuse situation, preventing conflict. The snake has an inner core, a gloss, it is respected, but beware. However, you cannot call her a socialite: the Snake has a very serious worldview, she is as demanding of herself as she is of others, and does not tolerate empty chatter. The snake is characterized by restraint and taciturnity, even with loved ones. In any communication, she considers it correct to maintain distance. The Snake's feelings are always strong, but she perfectly keeps herself within limits. It is difficult for those around her to guess what is in the heart of this beauty: failures, joys, disappointments - everything is deep.

The Snake's intuition is incredibly developed; the Snake trusts it more than logic, usually without making mistakes. Sometimes the abilities and miracles of the Snake’s intuition manifest themselves at the extrasensory level.

The snake has the clarity of an analytical mind and the gift of persuasion. The Snake acts without fuss, does not get excited, but knows how to quickly make the right decisions. She is a valuable worker in a field where organization, attention and high precision are required: medicine, science, etc., in leadership and responsible positions as well. From the outside, someone will decide that money sticks to the Snake on its own, it’s so easy for her to find a high-paying job. And only the Snake itself knows how many sleepless nights and labor this imaginary ease costs.

The snake is strong, persistent, wise, perspicacious, true to its ideals, but can, however, show incredible flexibility. She is used to achieving everything she wants.

Zodiac year of the Snake

Capricorn is the Philosopher Snake. An intellectual, she has a lot of intelligence, but it is more abstract than practical.

Aquarius is an esoteric Snake, mysterious. Her intuition and insight are troubling. With appropriate education, he can become a seer and practice spiritualism.

Pisces - Water Snake. Very cold-blooded.

Aries - Python. His blows are dangerous, beware.

Taurus - the beautiful Viper. She is irresistible in her charm, but she will be faithful.

Gemini – The Snake is “restless”, mobile. Her inconsistency is baffling.

Cancer - Snake-somnambulist. He won’t exhaust himself. It would be nice to shake her up.

Leo - Spectacled snake. This Snake is stylish, has a weakness for accessories, and uses it with taste.

Virgo is the ideal of beauty and sophistication. Very smart, insightful. Responsible for everything.

Libra - Snake hypnotist, beware. Besides, she’s too polite, hardly honest.

Scorpio is a lustful snake. Her partner will always be tested by her for feelings of jealousy.

Sagittarius is a decisive Snake. Capable of achieving the chosen goal, but the method will not always be perfect.

Eastern horoscope Snake: money, career

Snakes are natural careerists in the best sense. The basis of their achievements is high efficiency and undeniable professionalism. Snakes are sharp in mind, have excellent memory, excellent oratorical skills, therefore, if they wish, it is not at all difficult for them to become successful in any direction - from embroidery to politics, business, acting. Snakes choose their own business, then rarely leave this path, climbing the career ladder to reach heights. Their innate instinct, insight, and diplomacy are very useful here.

Snakes usually have no shortage of money - they know their worth and will not work for small amounts. They spend a lot, but much less than they earn. Thanks to this, they have a substantial capital in their accounts. Snakes are far-sighted, their expenses are rational: if large sums are spent on appearance, it is because Snakes are well aware that they always meet people based on their clothes, especially in a business society.

Celebrity Snakes

Alexandra Pakhmutova, Charles Darwin, Gustave Flaubert, Greta Garbo, Pablo Picasso, Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Muhammad Ali, France Schubert, Giacomo Casanova, Lyudmila Zykina, Mahatma Gandhi, John Kennedy, Henri Matisse, Christian Dior, Nicolaus Copernicus, Edgar Allan Poe, Aristotle Onassis.

Snake compatibility horoscope

Good – Rooster, Ox (Bull)

Not bad – Cat (Rabbit), Snake, Dragon

Tense – Rat, Sheep (Goat), Horse

Bad – Boar (Pig), Tiger, Monkey

Compatibility horoscope for snakes in more detail

In love, Snakes choose their partner themselves. Snakes are intolerant, jealous and no longer even love.

Snakes always try to completely subjugate their partner and bind them with children.

The Ox, trusting and cheerful, will bring happiness to the Snake; he works and has great energy, material and spiritual benefits. The Snake is smart enough to be faithful and give the main role to the Ox, who will become an ideal companion.

Excellent relationship with the Rooster, especially in business. The Snake is smart, it is not difficult for her to manipulate the Rooster: the main thing is to gild and embellish the reality. In general, this union is favorable for correcting each other’s shortcomings.

The Snake and Dragon complement each other well. The Snake is the Dragon’s ally in the embodiment of his grandest ideas. And the Dragon is proud of his companion.

With the Rat, the Snake must keep its distance, showing respect.

The Monkey's restless mind disturbs the Snake's calm, moreover, accurately determining the Snake's intentions. Complete mutual distrust.

The Pig does not trust the Snake, sensing its unseemly intentions. However, if the Pig comes across the Snake, it will be paralyzed, captured, and twisted by the Snake, confident of impunity.

In general, the Snake must bypass the Tiger seven miles. The Tiger is the destroyer of the Snake's life.


1977 is the year of the fiery red Snake. Those born during this period are characterized by slowness in ordinary life, but in extreme situations they instantly gather themselves and act according to the circumstances. For these people, nothing is impossible; they soberly assess their own strengths and set real goals for themselves both in their personal lives and in their careers.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Typically, fire Snakes are quite successful in material terms. The cunning and determination of this sign helps a person find the best solutions for financial investments. The Snake's innate intuition allows her to predict events, so she chooses the right path in life.

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    Signs and talismans

    Significant aspects in the life of a fire snake:

    The influence of a magical beast on character

    Fire Snakes do not like noise and fuss; they try to achieve peace and balance in everything. It is difficult to anger them, but the temper of this sign sometimes manifests itself at the most unexpected moments. The snake accumulates irritation in itself for a long time, and then splashes it out on the one who unfortunately comes under its hand. Most often, close people suffer from the incontinence of this sign, while strangers are sure that this person behaves calmly in all situations. This is not surprising, because the Snake never shows emotions to those whom it does not fully trust.

    It is quite difficult to get close to a representative born in 1977. He does not allow strangers near him; this person’s entire life passes in the closed space of his personal world. The fire sign does not need the support of others, it tries to solve all its problems on its own, and perceives imposed help as hostile. The snake is extremely independent; it does not like to be obligated to anyone.

    This person is suspicious of everyone and immediately sees the worst sides in people. This is due to the fact that in the soul the Snake is selfish and greedy, but judges others by itself, therefore it looks out for selfish motives everywhere. Cynical views prevent this person from enjoying the joys of life, but if he manages to meet a faithful comrade-in-arms and friend, new sides of the sign are revealed to him, securely hidden from others.

    With close and reliable people, the Snake becomes:

    • friendly;
    • devoted;
    • sincere.

    However, few people manage to discern these features in her. Typically, the Fire Snake is characterized as a cold and withdrawn person. This is how attentive vipers behave, observing what is happening from the sidelines, but never missing their own. If prey turns up (lucky chance), they immediately grab onto it with a death grip.

    This is especially evident in love relationships. Fire Snakes look closely at their chosen one from the outside for quite a long time, and take the initiative unexpectedly when the “victim” is unable to refuse.

    For those born in 1977, a loved one becomes the center of the Universe. For the sake of their beloved, Snakes are ready to sacrifice everything they have. However, they demand no less in return. This is an extremely jealous and insightful sign; he instantly grasps the mood of his companion, and if he has suspicions of infidelity, an unenviable fate awaits the traitor. The snake is quite vengeful and resourceful; it does not let the traitor go just like that. If she was offended, the retaliatory punishment will be cruel.

    1977 is the period of the Stinging Hornet according to the Slavic calendar, therefore those born at this time are particularly “poisonous”. They do not know how to forgive and always hit back at their offenders.

    Only a kind and honest partner should be near a representative of this sign: the Red Snake recognizes tricks and lies extremely quickly. But those who behave with her with dignity can count on her help and support at any time. She never betrays her loved ones, and if necessary, always comes to their defense.

    The advantages and disadvantages of fire Snakes are expressed in the following qualities:

    Features of behavior

    According to the eastern calendar, the year of the fire animal has mystical manifestations. Often people born in 1977 have psychic abilities. The Red Snake will never get involved in a dubious deal; it will sense the impending disaster in advance. However, her rational view of the world does not allow her to develop her gift. A person can trust his inner feelings and get carried away by something unknown only if he was born under the constellations of Pisces or Cancer.

    In a close circle, fiery Snakes show all their extraordinary abilities, but try to do it in a playful manner. These people consider themselves superior to others, so they behave arrogantly towards others. Only humor saves them from complete isolation, because if you recognize the true nature of this sign, you will no longer want to communicate with him.

    Behavior of the Red Snake in relationships with people:

    SphereFeatures of behavior
    LoveUsually the fiery Snake does not waste time on petty feelings and affairs. She is waiting for her chosen one, who seems ideal to her. However, with age, representatives of this sign become more lenient towards people, so they connect their lives with those who simply inspire confidence in them. In love, the Snake is extremely romantic and tender. With her loved one, she behaves completely differently than with others. Her chosen one is surrounded by care and warmth, but no particular passion is shown in the relationship. The Red Snake is looking not only for a lover, but also for a friend. She wants her life partner to replace everyone else, but for him she also dreams of becoming the center of the Universe. If before meeting the Snake the chosen one had close friends, in a relationship with her they should not just fade into the background, but completely disappear. The selfish representative of this sign demands complete dedication from his loved one. If the Snake fails to completely capture the attention of the companion, she says goodbye to him
    MarriageFire Snakes make good family men, but it is difficult to live with them. The spouse of this person must completely refuse to communicate with the opposite sex, otherwise conflicts based on jealousy will constantly arise in the family. The Snake builds marriage ties on mutual respect and devotion, but her own interests are more important to her than the desires of her chosen one. The most successful unions for these people develop in adulthood. If the spouse is much older and wiser than the Snake, then she manages to get along with him, but with young peers this sign is unlikely to build her happiness
    SexThe intimate life of the Red Snake is full of passions. It is in bed that a representative of this year of birth throws off his coldness and plunges into the world of sensuality. If a partner is active and insatiable, in return he will receive all the ardor that a fire sign is capable of.
    FriendshipThe Red Snake has few friends and acquaintances; it does not seek to expand its social circle with new acquaintances. She usually manages to meet the right person in her youth. The Snake carries childhood friendships throughout his life and treasures them reverently. Adult representatives of the sign rarely find friends; they have enough communication in the family. They ignore strangers and try to keep a significant distance from everyone
    JobThe fire sign is quite hardworking. All the Snake’s achievements in her career or business are deservedly earned. This person tries to be the best in his chosen profession. The Red Fire Snake does not recognize secondary positions in her work: she needs the team to value and respect her, and for this she makes every effort. It is this person who will finish the work when everyone has long gone home. It is important for the snake that everything is done efficiently and delivered on time. Thanks to this approach to business, she quickly moves up the career ladder; managers highly value her dedication and perseverance. You can trust her with the most complex and important projects

    Snake Man

    The representative born in 1977 is a true gentleman. He is silent and secretive, but at the right moment he is always there and offers a helping hand. Women love such men for their thoroughness and reliability, but in noisy companies they rarely pay attention to them. Usually this gentleman looks unapproachable and withdrawn, and girls do not take the initiative to communicate with him, fearing his coldness. However, this guy's serious appearance is deceptive: when you get to know him closely, he knows how to look after you beautifully and joke pleasantly.

    A lady next to him will never be bored. The Snake man is an excellent conversationalist, able to listen carefully and give useful advice, but never imposes his point of view. If he trusts a woman, in him she will find a decent, faithful and caring partner. He is attracted to girls by their external beauty, but he will never connect his life with a stupid and flighty lady. The chosen one of the Snake man must be reasonable and serious, and if she manages to prove her devotion to him, she can win his heart forever.

    Snake Woman

    The lady born in 1977 is an insidious temptress. She knows her worth, her appearance is always impeccable. Men admire her when they look at her, but not everyone dares to approach her. This fatal beauty can put a person in his place with just a glance. She does not allow gentlemen to make obscene jokes about her. If someone wants to get to know her, this must be done according to all the laws of the genre: beautifully, politely and with a certain amount of flattery.

    She divides men into elite and unpromising: she is interested in the financial situation of the chosen one. If the gentleman cannot boast of an enviable fortune, the Snake woman will not even look at him. This lady is proud, calculating and greedy; you can win her heart only with generosity and sincere compliments. She immediately recognizes deceit, so the Fire Snake cannot be deceived. The chosen one of this woman should not only be rich, but also madly in love with her.

    Constellation influence

    Each Snake has special character traits depending on the zodiac sign, so the influence of constellations in characterizing a person is of no small importance.

    Zodiac features characteristic of the fire Snake:

    Zodiac signCharacteristic
    Aries (21.03 - 19.04)This person is willful and stubborn. If he gets into an argument, he never gives in to his opponent. It is impossible to convince him, but often this is not required. Aries is reasonable and fair, he is a reliable and faithful partner you can rely on
    Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)Taurus-Snake is secretive, withdrawn and uncommunicative. He feels uncomfortable in the company of people, communication with others is a burden to him. Taurus loves solitude, in which no one distracts him from his favorite activities. This is a true workaholic, dedicated to his work. This person finds his happiness in work
    Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)The combination of these signs adversely affects a person’s character. The Gemini Snake is distinguished by its irresponsible attitude towards loved ones and always behaves unpredictably. It is impossible to predict her actions, and she herself has no idea what will come into her head. However, these representatives of the constellations are easy to communicate with, they are welcoming and friendly
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)Cancer is a peace-loving and home-loving sign. The representative of this constellation does not like entertainment outside the home; he is created for a happy family life. In combination with a fire sign, this person is more sociable than the typical Snake, but you can hardly expect hospitality from him. Such a Cancer protects his home from strangers: only his closest friends and relatives can visit him.
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)Leo is proud and ambitious. This person needs the main role everywhere and in everything. If someone does not recognize his leadership, he is expelled from Leo society. It is difficult to get along with such a Snake, because this constellation, like the year of birth in 1977, is under the control of the fire element. This is an extremely hot-tempered and unyielding personality
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)Virgos are practical and thorough; they have everything sorted out, planned and scheduled for many years to come. It is difficult for a person of this constellation to get along with representatives of the opposite sex. He loves to criticize and teach people, but his demands are too high, so his loved ones cannot satisfy his needs.
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)Snake-Libra is a kind and reasonable person. You can talk to him about anything, he is a wonderful friend and interlocutor, but his personal life does not work out. Libras tend to be indecisive. If they do not meet a persistent partner who takes the initiative, they remain alone for many years. Representatives of this constellation are afraid to take the wrong step, so they prefer to go with the flow
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)This is a burning mixture of two jealous and vengeful signs. Scorpio is witty and sarcastic, those around him are afraid, and sometimes even openly hate him. It is dangerous to get involved with such a person: he does not forgive people’s shortcomings, and his straightforward remarks often hurt loved ones
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)The constellation Sagittarius does not allow the Snake to remain in solitude. The influence of a perky sign always pushes a person to some kind of adventure. Sagittarius loves fun and entertainment, he has a wide circle of friends, but he cannot really get close to anyone. He lacks perseverance, is fickle and changeable
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)The Fire Snake, born under the constellation Capricorn, is a reliable and committed person. You can safely go on reconnaissance missions with him, he will never let you down. However, living together with a Capricorn can seem like hell. This person is always dissatisfied with something, it is impossible to please him, because he will definitely find a reason for criticism
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)The lightness and carelessness of Aquarius have a positive effect on the character of the Snake. This is a purposeful person who does not forget about the joys of life. Aquarius knows how to alternate between work and entertainment, he is sociable and friendly. The representative of this constellation does not like to be at home; he is always attracted to some company, travel and various hobbies. However, it can hardly be seriously considered for family life. Aquarius does not know how to be faithful, so he often changes partners
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)Dreamy Pisces lives in a world of its own fantasies and illusions. A representative of this constellation often thinks about people better than they really are. However, in combination with the sign of the insightful Snake, this person is much less likely to be mistaken. Pisces born in 1977 are distinguished by highly developed intuition, they accurately guess the future, and therefore rarely make mistakes

    Compatibility with representatives of other signs

    The compatibility of people according to the eastern horoscope is influenced by the ruling elements. Fire Snakes get along well with representatives of Fire, but they will also have successful relationships with those born in years ruled by:

    • Tree.
    • Metal.
    • Earth.

    The Chinese horoscope is dominated by five elements, each of them is indicated by a separate color in the following table:

    Determining the color of the corresponding element:

    The Red Fire Snake manages to create a marriage, but with its behavior in relationships it often pushes away its lover. Her compatibility with other signs is quite low. Despite this, the Snake knows how to adapt, therefore, with sincere feelings, it changes for the better for the sake of a loved one.

    Characteristics of the relationship of the red fire Snake with representatives of other signs:

    SignCharacteristics of relationships

    Bull (Buffalo)

    In an alliance with the Ox, protracted and insoluble conflicts are expected. Partners irritate each other with inflated self-esteem; each considers himself smarter and better than the other. There is always an open struggle for leadership in this pair, but it is almost impossible to win here. Neither one nor the other will give up their positions. Representatives of these signs will be able to make a couple only if both understand that they do not need to fight, but to negotiate. Mutual compliance allows the Buffalo and the Snake to get closer and come to harmony
    TigerThe tiger is an independent and passionate nature. A representative of this year of birth will never allow the Snake to approach him to a level of trust. These partners are able to exist together, but distance and coldness will always be felt between them. The union of these signs is distinguished by a business approach. Here everyone takes on certain obligations and fulfills them if the other does the same. There is no warmth and closeness here, but both feel free, without limiting each other to any limits.
    Rabbit (Cat)This partnership can be called ideal. However, only the Snake feels happy here, while the Rabbit has a hard time. The fire sign suppresses the chosen one. The Snake demands complete submission from the Cat, but in return provides him with confidence in the future, support and reliable protection. If by the time he meets the Snake, the Rabbit has already walked in the wild, he feels comfortable and cozy next to her, otherwise he cannot withstand the pressure for long, so one day he runs away
    The DragonThe compatibility of these signs is quite controversial. In this union, the Dragon will invariably occupy a leading position, but the Snake also strives for the throne, so battles for power are inevitable. They rarely manage to reach a precarious equality: the Dragon is too arrogant to allow someone to control him. If the Snake resigns itself to the role of a subordinate, very quickly both come to peace of mind and happiness. The Dragon is a strong, brave and responsible partner, next to him the Snake can relax and live for pleasure
    SnakeThe union of two Snakes has a high chance of a happy future, but it is quite difficult for representatives of the same sign to come together. They look down on each other and don't even try to get closer. Each sees the other as a rival, and sometimes a sworn enemy. However, if circumstances allow them to communicate, Snakes immediately understand that they have a lot in common. The most important stage in this couple's relationship is the first three years. During this time, partners usually manage to separate, but if they survive a critical threshold, they later become inseparable
    HorseThe Horse is a hardworking and purposeful sign. She is kind and simple, any partner can get along with her, but she will not tolerate arrogant and tough people next to her. The Snake instantly falls in love with the Horse: it is this representative of the Chinese horoscope that inspires her complete trust. You can reveal any secrets to a horse, it will never give them away. The relationship of this couple is built on honesty, friendship and mutual respect. Both partners are wise and reasonable, rarely argue, as they reason almost the same way
    Goat (Sheep)The Goat does not take into account anyone's opinion, jumps through life cheerfully and cheerfully, and perceives current events superficially. This is an extremely frivolous and unstable sign, so the Sheep is unlikely to get along with the Snake. These partners often begin whirlwind romances, but they all quickly end. The Snake cannot stand the emotional manifestations of the Goat, and the latter is annoyed by the constant control from its partner. They often quarrel, but ignore each other's nagging, so no changes occur in their couple. As a result, the partners separate
    MonkeyThe Fire Snake should not mess with the treacherous Monkey. Representatives of these signs are unable to understand and accept each other. The Monkey always tries to deceive his partner in order to get some benefit, but the insightful Snake sees right through it, so he always suppresses any actions harshly and aggressively. The Monkey is angry that his tricks are not successful, but instead of calming down and living normally, he begins to offend the Snake with caustic witticisms. In the end, both understand that separation is inevitable.
    RoosterThe union of two selfish signs is unlikely to work out successfully. Experts note that the Rooster and the Snake are incompatible, but these partners often begin relationships against the backdrop of mutual passion. Both are quite ardent and temperamental, so at first their romance shines with bright fires, but the idyll does not last long. Pretty soon all the shortcomings of the partners appear. The Snake and the Rooster constantly quarrel over little things, they are not inferior to each other in principle, so small disagreements turn into grandiose scandals. One day, one of the couple cannot stand the eternal intensity of the relationship and leaves
    DogThe Dog is ideal for the Snake, but this person, born under the sign of the faithful beast, does not always agree to build a relationship with a cunning and resourceful partner. A union develops if both are committed to marriage. The dog is unlikely to date his chosen one for a long time and wait for something. In her life, everything is extremely clear: if you love, get married, if you don’t love, separate. The Snake in this pair is destined for the role of an unreasonable student, whom the Dog will guide on the true path all his life. The relationship between the partners is unlikely to reach complete harmony, but if both are interested in them, the union will be strong and long-lasting
    Pig (Boar)The relationships of these signs are built quite successfully if the partners immediately correctly distribute the roles. The Pig should be the performer, and the Snake should be the leader. In this case, they complement each other perfectly and develop for the better. The Pig is energetic and cheerful, but if he is not directed in the right direction, he will definitely do something stupid. With the Snake, he is reliably protected from wrong steps: she skillfully controls him and always leads him to his desired goals. However, if a fire sign abuses its power, the Pig will leave it
    Rat (Mouse)Representatives of these signs immediately find a common language. The life goals and worldviews of the Snake and the Rat are surprisingly similar. These partners often become best friends, but things rarely develop into closer relationships. The Rat and the Snake are equally suspicious, it is difficult for them to trust each other, so they prefer to keep their distance. If passionate love breaks out between them, it rarely develops into marriage. Usually these partners meet for a long time, look closely, but eventually go in different directions. They see each other's shortcomings too clearly, so they fear that they will not be able to come to terms with them.

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