Mantras for treatment. Healing mantras. Tibetan mantra for health

Healing mantras came to us from the East. It is not for nothing that these treatment methods have earned such enormous popularity and respect, but all because their effectiveness has been tested in practice. Treatment with mantras will not cause harm to health, unlike the use of medications.

Why do mantras have such great potential? Because the word heals.

Correctly chosen words and their sounds can bring a healing effect.

Although the majority of readers are Christians, there is no need to throw away the wisdom that has been accumulated over thousands of years. After all, yoga contains the wisdom of generations and has been successfully used since the dawn of humanity. Millions of times of use have proven that healing mantras help get rid of many diseases.

Mantras have different functions and are conventionally divided:

  • Techniques that dispel torment;
  • Practices that develop the power of the mind;
  • Secret mantras.

Secret practices are performed in solitude. No one bothers the person, no one eavesdrops - then the effect of the techniques will be most effective. If you want to use healing mantras, then you need to comply with certain conditions for their implementation. It is important to follow a diet. Avoid the following foods for a while: garlic, onions, chicory and smoked meats. When using mantra treatment, one completely abstains from alcoholic beverages. Any. They don’t even drink low-alcohol drinks.

Before starting to use healing mantras, you must rinse your mouth and then read the mantras to cleanse. The best mantra for cleansing is the alphabetic one, which is recited in Sanskrit. Read 7 or 21 times. Clears speech and opens the throat chakra.

Healing mantras and their practice

For treatment with mantras to help, follow certain rules of execution. When you use healing mantras, keep your back straight - in an upright position. Follow this rule, because this way vital energy will circulate freely throughout the spine.

The face is facing east. Always try to finish your singing before the end. Don't stop singing. Did you make a mistake in the calculation? Then start the ritual again.

Don't think about your problems, because the power of the mantra will drop several times. Clear your mind of thoughts with special meditations.

Choose a quiet, secluded place so that no one will disturb you. Healing mantras can be read in 3 ways: out loud, mentally or in a whisper. Never use mantras or meditations to harm people. Remember that having done evil to them, sooner or later it will return to you.

Mantra treatment can kill germs or viruses in the body and fill your cells with divine light.

Here is the mantra for pneumonia:


If you have a weak immune system and often experience respiratory diseases, then read:


Toothache is not a gift, and these words can relieve it:


The following phrase will help calm your headache:

The disease takes away the last of your strength and you don’t have to go to a sanatorium to restore it. Good alternative:


In extreme heat, this combination helps, which is read by placing your hand to your forehead:


Protective mantra against various diseases:


Healing mantras for 100 diseases and all types of cancer:


Read at least 108 times, and preferably 100 thousand times. Then blow on the water and drink it.

Therapy with the Khat mantra

If you are overexcited, mentally overtired, or have nervous exhaustion, then read the Hat mantra. Treatment with mantras can restore the nervous system.

A very useful technique for making mistakes in yoga practice or improperly performing meditations. Harmonization of the astral body will have a positive effect on the health of your body. Turn the proverb around: a healthy mind in a healthy body and get the same result.

Take a meditative sitting pose - Vajrasana. Your hands should be closed - place your palms on your knees so that they face the inside of the knee. Now start reading the mantra with your voice. Say X - exhale, which is very similar to the English (h). The X should smoothly transition into a long A - all on the same note. A slight rise at the end of A turns into T. The letter T at the end is hard, which is pronounced with a sharp exhalation of air. The mantra is recited for approximately 4 to 5 seconds.

Read Mantra Khat 3-6 times before going to bed. Read during the day if there is a psychic attack on your astral body. When you start practicing HAT, at first no more than 5-6 times a day, then you can increase the amount.


Tibetan techniques

In healing, you can use classical Tibetan techniques, for example, Nada Brahma meditation. Sit comfortably and begin to chant the mantra AUM, which must be hummed. Listen to the rustling vibrations. Imagine yourself as an empty vessel filled with humming vibrations. You seem to dissolve in them. The duration of the stage is 30 minutes. Then slowly draw a circle with your palms, spread your arms to the sides - from Manipura chakra to Ajna. Manipura is located between the breast bone and the navel. Ajna - between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose - the third eye.

Then lower your hands. For the first 7-8 minutes, your palms should be facing up, then you give out energy. Then the energy intake is down. Feel the exchange of energy with the Universe. Release illnesses into space, and take health in return. Then exit after complete relaxation, which lasts 15 minutes. Remember that healing mantras use the forces of the Cosmos.

A good technique that will relieve many diseases is a stream. Imagine that you are lying in the bed of a forest stream. You are showered with streams of pleasant, cool water that is as clear as rock crystal. Water completely saturates your body, penetrates through, even flows through your head and other organs. First in small streams, and then in a whole stream. Water completely takes away your illnesses, any toxins, fatigue and bad mood. In return, it fills you with joy and energy.

After meditation, read the mantra AUM, or HAT. Then meditation will be much more effective if treatment with mantras is applied to it. May your body be filled with health.

Healing mantras can sometimes help where medications cannot cope with the disease. Sometimes treatment with mantras turns out to be much more effective than classical medicine. Although you should not neglect modern methods, and always consult your doctor.

Healing mantras will help get rid of illness and improve health. They can be combined with traditional treatment so that healing occurs as soon as possible and the ailments recede. In Tibet and India, healing mantras are most often used to charm medicines and water.

How healing mantras work

A wide variety of mantras that can be used for meditation, harmonization, and so on have survived to this day.

It is worth noting that most mantras, when read regularly, have a positive effect on the human body, strengthen it and get rid of negative energy, which is a provocateur of disease. There are certain prayers that are aimed specifically at healing.

But why do they help? Everything happens due to the fact that a certain combination of sounds creates unusual vibrations. Practitioners believe that it is this vibration that appears after repeated repetition and is capable of positively influencing human energy. As a result, physical or mental illnesses can be healed.

Of course, this is the mantra of the Buddha of Medicine and the First is most often used if you need to be treated for a specific ailment. Practitioners advise reciting the sacred text over food, water and medicine, and not just directly over the patient himself.

If we talk about the Gayatri mantra, it is most often used to generally strengthen the immune system, health, and prolong human life. It is believed that the Gayatri mantra can even make childbirth less painful. The text of this prayer is depicted on a cup into which water is poured, which the woman in labor must immediately drink.

If you want to improve your health, then be sure to use a prayer that is written in Sanskrit. Practitioners agree that it is necessary to use spells in the original. In this case, literary translation into no other language in the world has such magical power.

However, before you start reading any mantras, check out the literary translation. After all, it will help you understand what is said in the prayer and you will no longer mindlessly repeat unfamiliar sounds, but will understand to whom and for what purpose you are addressing.

In addition, there are 3 prayers often used to heal the sick. It's called. It is considered not only one of the strongest, but one of the most ancient. A sick person must practice the death-conquering mantra for three months.

Important: never interrupt. If you miss one day, you will have to repeat it all over again. You can also use the mantra for prevention.

It was popular in ancient times in India. It was often used to treat various mental illnesses.

  1. If a child has a strong fear, then you can get rid of it by using the following words:


  2. Are you suffering from colds? No problem. You can get rid of them with the following text:


    It is read for ten days at dawn.

  3. As a preventative measure and for the healing of the whole body, practitioners recommend this prayer:

    Om vasugra chonha mantra rayam shaso kevi guvabo

  4. The following spell is suitable if a person wants to get rid of any addiction:


  5. In order to cleanse yourself of negative energy, which often attracts various diseases, use the words:


  6. Prayer will also help get rid of toothache:


  7. To normalize digestion, the following spell is recommended:


  8. Mantra to strengthen the heart:


There are special mantras that only women read. This is due to the fact that men simply won’t need them. Among such texts:, capable of reviving all beauty and femininity.

There are also special texts that can strengthen women's health. Every woman, when she becomes pregnant and bears a child, takes care of her health and the health of the unborn baby. Unfortunately, not all women are strong, strong, and can easily survive pregnancy. It may happen that there is a threat of miscarriage.

To prevent this from happening, you should read prayers that protect against miscarriage throughout your pregnancy, from the first day you learned that you will soon become a mother:

Sri shukle mahashukle kamala dala nikasini sri mahalakshmi namo namah punah lakshmi mayi sata ki sachai ayo cheto karo bhalai bhalai na karo to sata samudrana ki riddhi siddhi kheto wo natha chourasi sidadhom ki duhai

Many women face another problem - severe pain during menstruation. Unfortunately, these days do not go smoothly and unnoticed for all girls.

If you experience very severe pain, the drugs take a very long time to act, or do not work at all, then you can enhance the effect of the medications or speed it up using special texts. Feeling pain during your period? be sure to say these words:

Varaha sarasom teraha rai pata ki mati masana ki chhai shatakara mamsa kara talabara amuka kutai na dekhou amuki ka vara meri bhakti guru ki shakti phurou mantra isvarou-vaca satya nama adesh guru ka

So how does treatment with Indian prayers work? If you decide to practice mantras, then first of all fill out that if you want to get a positive result, you need to read the texts or listen to them online (click on the video button) regularly. If you do this once a month, there will be no effect.

The ideal number of repetitions is 108 times. However, if you feel you need more, repeat more times. Reading a prayer can occur mentally in silence. In order not to go astray, a rosary with wooden balls is used.

You can read on your own, singing along to the audio or video recording. You can practice mantras in the company of other people, when you recite the text together. If you want to achieve healing, then use the last option. This option is suitable if water and food are being charmed.

Healing mantras are a special set of spells. Healing mantras are created on the basis of sound vibrations, which are designed to induce mental peace in a person. Through healing prayers a person can feel unity with the cosmos. In the article we will talk about what treatment with mantras helps with.

How to cure various diseases with mantra

Healing mantras are vibrations of sound designed to cure a specific ailment. A person is required to reproduce some vowels. Thus, with healing mantras, the tonsils can be made to vibrate, which encourages the body to rid itself of waste.

Treatment with mantras is beneficial not only for the nasopharynx, but also for other organs. Singing healing mantras is beneficial for the nervous system, brain, and endocrine glands, since treatment by chanting mantras causes oscillatory processes throughout the body.

Healing mantras from consonants and vowels:

  • E-I-I - can cause vibrations in the head;
  • O-O-O - in the middle of the chest;
  • 3-3-3 - in the glands, brain;
  • Su-Su - Su - treats the lower part of the lungs;
  • O-O-O - improves the condition of the diaphragm;
  • A-A-A - in the head;
  • U-U-U - improves the condition of the larynx;
  • M-M-M - lungs.

What prayer helps overcome illness?

Bharat Yoga Healing uses the powers of Buddhist prayer and healing chants to focus energy fields. Sacred texts, powerful in themselves, are used to raise energy levels and vibration.

Some healing prayers are so powerful that they can be compared to fire and should be used with caution. Systematic treatment with mantras may not always lead to a positive result. Fire can be friend or foe, depending on what you do with it. You can cook with it or set your house on fire.

Healing prayers will help your whole family

This same fire power used in Bharat can speed up healing or work negatively and lead to energy depletion. These healing mantras, which have both positive and negative effects, can only be transmitted by a qualified teacher to a student who wants to be healed.

These well known and effective mantra treatments have been chosen for their beneficial effects. Healing Buddhist prayers can be heard absolutely safely.

They are so precise and so effective that they excite the pranas, which in Sanskrit means nourishment for life energy in the narrow sense, and in the broadest sense, it is the life force of the universe. Prana energy can produce an instantaneous, dramatic effect on a Buddhist practitioner.

The results were felt after a period when a person began to listen to healing spells:

“OM Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam Loka Bhi Ramam sri Ramam Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham.”

This is the longest prayer for those who are just getting used to listening to them, but we brought it to our readers because it is a powerful healing healing prayer that we have ever encountered.

Very rough translation:

"Om, O most compassionate Rama, send healing energy right here on earth."

Practitioner results

Many have seen this spell completely cure one person diagnosed with mental illness.

The psychiatrist said that he would never live the same life as before. In the middle of the 60-day period of sadhana or spiritual discipline, he was discharged from the ward and began to live partly at home, a similar treatment with mantras is prescribed for those who are on the road to recovery.

Listen to healing Buddhist prayers

After 60 days he began to live independently. Since then, he graduated from a technical school and works as a computer repairman. A woman experienced constant pain for four years. She did this discipline and after a few weeks felt less pain than at any time she could remember in years.

She still listens to healing prayers in order to live painlessly relatively quickly. To call a mantra long is simply to evaluate it phonetically. You can say that treatment with prayers is the need to repeat the same thing 108 times. If you're just starting to listen, this can take up to one hour. After you learn to listen to prayer, it will take you 30 minutes.

You need to be able to use healing prayers. It is best to pronounce them not as a song, but as a cry from afar.

Buddhist healing prayers may well complement more traditional healing methods.

Treatment with mantras can also be carried out in combination with Ayurvedic massage sessions. They relax the body well and make it feel light.

You can try treatment with mantras without even leaving your home. For this you only need a tape recorder and complete calm.

Connection of voice, any sound, acoustic vibration with nerve centers
established in ancient times. Individual sounds and sound combinations that
were developed in ancient India and are still used in yoga today
for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. They based not on the meaning of words, but on the healing effects of vibrations that occur when pronouncing sound combinations called mantras.

First of all, you need to believe that mantras have inherent energy and can provide the necessary help. Before pronouncing mantras, you need to sit down, lower your arms along your body,
Relax completely, mentally focus on the diseased organ.
Recite mantras clearly, in a low voice, with active exhalation, 8-12 times with
at intervals of 2-3 seconds. Such therapy should be carried out no more than 3-4
once a day. Only for advanced and acute diseases, the number of procedures
can be increased to 7-8 times a day. This is how it should happen.
The patient places both palms on the diseased organ, the left one is pressed to the body, and
the right one lies on the left palm. It is with this position of hands that a person
begins to pronounce a sound combination (or letter combination).

But keep in mind: incorrect pronunciation of sounds at best will not bring any
results; at worst, it can contribute to the development of the disease. So Sound therapy must be done very carefully.

Mantra "DON"- helps with diseases of the spleen, stomach, and mouth muscles.
Pronounced 12 times. Hands are placed on the solar plexus. At
in the treatment of the spleen and mouth muscles, you need to repeat the sound combination “Thang”. A
for stomach diseases - “Don”. Repeat 16 times a day
(required in the afternoon - from 16 to 24 hours) without duration limitation.

"SHEN"- used to treat diseases of the lungs and colon. monotonously
pronounce “Shen” - 4 minutes for 9 days in a row, always at 16.00.
Then 16 days - break.

"YU"- sound is used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, bone
system, relieves pain spasms. Pronounced 9-12 times. Palms at the same time
located on the coccyx area.
To heal the kidneys, the entire genitourinary system, and the skeletal system, pronounce the sound “YU” three times a day.
day (after sunrise during daylight hours for 15 minutes) This
sound reduces the formation of diseased cells, stops their growth and
And in order to improve the function of the genitourinary system, you need to pronounce “Gong” for 15 minutes, 2 times a day. Moreover, under the influence
This sound has a strong effect on the skeletal system,
Therefore, during fractures, bones heal 4 times faster than usual.

Mantra "LAM""- helps in the treatment of prostatitis, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the appendages, constipation.

"HE"- the sound combination is used to treat cancer.
The sound should be pronounced 9 times for each procedure. You need your left hand
place on the diseased organ, the right one on top of it. If after use
chemotherapy, the composition of the blood changed for the worse, after
To pronounce this sound nine times, you should pronounce it 6 times
sound combination "SI".

"GUO"- used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gall bladder, tendons and eyes. When pronouncing
hands should be placed on the liver area in the above manner.
For diseases of the liver, gall bladder, tendons and eyes
pronounce "Ha-O" or "Goo-O". 18 times exactly at noon, daily 4
months in a row, then a 6 month break, etc.

"CHEM", in some sources "CHEN", "CHAN"- recommended for diseases of the heart, small intestine, and tongue.
Pronounced 9 times. Hands are placed on the heart area. In case of illness
skin, colon, nose, pronounce, repeating monotonously,
letter combination “Chan” for 4 minutes for 9 days in a row, always at 16.00.
Then 16 days - break. This letter combination promotes the flow of mucus
from the body.
If you have a disease of the colon, you can enhance the effect by additionally pronouncing the letter combination “Wong”.
In case of disease of the heart, small intestine, or tongue, it is necessary to monotonously
pronounce the sound combination “Chen” for 3 minutes once a day immediately after
upon awakening, preferably lying in bed, on your back. Course of treatment - 6
months, then 1 month break.

Sound combination "OM"- activates the functioning of the body as a whole, effective against brain tumors and high blood pressure.

Mantra "SI"- relieves tension, especially after experienced fear.

The sound combination “OH”- has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the rectum, treats hemorrhoids. (At
when pronouncing this sound, you can sort of howl and pronounce it
somewhat louder.)

Mantra "MPOM"- has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. It should be pronounced as if you were playing the trumpet.
If it is difficult to pronounce such a sound combination, it can be replaced with
simplified "PA". The heart can hurt both from a lack of energy and from its excess, so you need to try both options and choose for
yourself the most suitable

Ancient Chinese qigong therapy also uses other sounds to heal internal organs. Six types of exhalations are practiced, accompanied by sound combinations XU, SY, KE, CHUI, HU, SI.

To treat the liver, open your eyes and exhale slowly with a sound. "XU."

When working on the lungs, raise your hands up with your palms, saying as you exhale "SY".

The heart is healed through exhalation "CE" which is carried out with a wide open mouth.

The kidneys are stimulated by exhalation "CHUY", clasping your knees with your hands and holding your head straight.

Exhalation has a beneficial effect on the spleen "HU."

To treat the gallbladder, pronounce while exhaling "SI", while the person should lie on his back or side.

Sounds are pronounced from 12 to 36 times, concentrating as much as possible
on the internal organ that exhalation is aimed at treating.

Healing mantra is a Sanskrit word. It relieves the human mind and consciousness from illness and suffering. Mantras are very diverse in their effect. And according to their functions they are divided into three main types: the first type - dispels suffering, the second type - develops the power of the mind and the third type belongs to the so-called. When using secret practice, a person must ensure that no one disturbs or eavesdrops on him, otherwise it will not bring the desired effect.

Powerful mantras are very often used in treatment. During such rituals, diet is very important. It is necessary to avoid foods such as onions, garlic, chicory, and smoked meats. You also need to completely eliminate the use of any alcoholic beverages, even low-alcohol ones. Before you start reading healing mantras, you need to rinse your mouth and read cleansing mantras. The most effective cleansing is the alphabetic mantra pronounced in Sanskrit. It must be read seven or twenty-one times before starting meditation. It effectively purifies a person’s speech, helping to open the Vishuddhi throat chakra.

Practice Tibetan healing mantras

When you practice reading them, make sure that your back is straight and upright. In this way, vital healing energy will circulate freely through your spine. Your face should always be facing east. Once you start chanting very powerful healing mantras, never stop without finishing the ritual. If something distracts you, or you make a mistake, you need to start the countdown again.

The power of the mantra is lost if you are not focused on it or thinking about your problems. You must be completely immersed in the process. For your practices, choose a quiet, secluded place where no one will disturb you. You can read powerful healing mantras in three ways: out loud, whisper and mentally. The last method involves focusing on her, as well as visualizing the Deity related to her. With the help of mantras you can be cured of serious illnesses. Their singing activates Divine vibrations that penetrate the physical and spiritual body of a person, thereby relieving him of suffering.

Healing mantras and mudras are considered the best antiseptics with bactericidal properties. Penetrating into human cells, they kill all microbes and fill them with divine light. You cannot use healing mantras to harm other people. After all, sooner or later evil will definitely return to you.

Text of some healing mantras

  • This mantra will help with pneumonia:


  • In order to improve the functioning of the immune system, regularly practice this mantra:


  • In order to restore strength after illness, this effective mantra for treatment:


  • To relieve toothache, repeat the following words: