Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. Orthodox akathist to the icon of the Mother of God, the weightless bride Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos read a prayer book

Kontakion 1

In the chosen Voivode, victorious, as if we had been delivered from the evil ones, let us write thanksgiving to Thy servants, the Mother of God; but, as if you have an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call to You:

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 1

And a representative angel was sent from Heaven and quickly said to the Mother of God: Rejoice, and with an incorporeal voice, You were incarnated in vain, Lord, terrified and standing, calling to Her like this:

Rejoice, whose joy will shine forth; Rejoice, Her oath will disappear.

Rejoice, proclamation to fallen Adam; Rejoice, deliverance of the tears of Eve.

Rejoice, height beyond the reach of human thoughts; Rejoice, depths beyond comprehension and angelic eyes.

Rejoice, for you are the King's seat; Rejoice, for you bear Him who bears all.

Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun; Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation.

Rejoice, even the creation is being renewed; Rejoice, we worship the Creator.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 2

In eating the Holy One in purity, she says to Gabriel boldly: the glorious thing of your voice is displeasing to my soul; The seedless birth of Christmas is like a verb, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Understand the misunderstood mind. Seeking virgin, cry out to the servant: from a clean side, how can a Son be born powerfully, O Lord? He spoke to Neizha with fear, both calling for sece:

Rejoice, ineffable advice to the Mystery; Rejoice, silence of those who ask for faith.

Rejoice, the beginning of the miracles of Christ; Rejoice, His commandments are supreme.

Rejoice, heavenly ladder, from which God descended; Rejoice, bridge, lead those who are from earth to Heaven.

Rejoice, prolix miracle of angels; Rejoice, much-lamentable defeat of demons.

Rejoice, who gave birth to the Light inexpressibly; Rejoice, you who have taught not a single person.

Rejoice, thou who surpassest the understanding of the wise; Rejoice, illuminating meanings for the faithful.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 3

From the power of the Most High autumn then to the conception of the Braconial, and the fertile Toya is false, like a sweet village, to all who want to reap salvation, never to sing to her: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And the God-pleasant Virgin's womb rose to Elizabeth; And the baby, Abiye, having known this kiss, rejoiced, and played like songs, crying out to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, branches of unfading rose; Rejoice, acquisition of immortal fruit.

Rejoice, Worker of Work, Lover of Humanity; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Gardener of our life.

Rejoice, O field, growing the bounty of bounty; Rejoice, table, bearing abundance of purification.

Rejoice, for you are flourishing as a food paradise; Rejoice, for you are preparing a haven for souls.

Rejoice, pleasant censer of prayer; Rejoice, purification of the whole world.

Rejoice, God's favor towards mortals; Rejoice, mortals have boldness towards God.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 4

I rush inside with doubtful thoughts, the chaste Joseph is confused, to You in vain the unmarried one, and thinking about the stolen marriage, Immaculate One; Having taken away Your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The shepherd heard the Angels singing the carnal coming of Christ, and, flowing as if to the Shepherd, they saw Him, like a blameless lamb, fallen in Mary’s womb, and singing:

Rejoice, Lamb and Shepherd Mother; Rejoice, courtyard of verbal sheep.

Rejoice, torment of invisible enemies; Rejoice, the doors of heaven are opening.

Rejoice, as those in heaven rejoice in those on earth; Rejoice, for the earthly things rejoice in heavenly things.

Rejoice, silent lips of the apostles; Rejoice, invincible boldness of the passion-bearers.

Rejoice, firm affirmation of faith; Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace.

Rejoice, hell has been laid bare; Rejoice, You are clothed with Her glory.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 5

Having seen the great star, it followed the dawn, and like a lamp holding it, I tested the mighty King, and having reached the Incomprehensible One, rejoicing, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The youths of Chaldeystia went into the hand of the Maiden Who created with the hands of men, and the Master, understanding Him, even if a slave accepted the form, trying to serve Him freely and cry out to the Blessed One:

Rejoice, Mother of Never Setting Stars; Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious Day.

Rejoice, thou who has extinguished the delights of the furnace; Rejoice, enlightening the mysteries of the Trinity.

Rejoice, thou who destroyest the inhuman tormentor from the authorities; Rejoice, you who showed Christ the Lord the Lover of Mankind.

Rejoice, deliverer of barbaric service; Rejoice, timenia that takes away matters.

Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of worship; Rejoice, thou who changest the flame of passions.

Rejoice, faithful teacher of chastity; Rejoice, joy of all kinds.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 6

The God-bearing preacher who was once a wolf, returned to Babylon, having finished Your prophecy and preached Your Christ to everyone, left Herod, as if she were unspoken and did not sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

When you saw the enlightenment of truth in Egypt, you drove away the darkness of lies; idolize him, O Savior, not tolerating Your strength, falling, having delivered these, I cry to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, correction of men; Rejoice, fall of demons.

Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the charms of the empire; Rejoice, you who denounced idolatry flattery.

Rejoice, sea that drowned the mental Pharaoh; Rejoice, stone, who gave water to those thirsty for life.

Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide those who are in darkness; Rejoice, cover of the world, who rustled the clouds.

Rejoice, receiver of food and manna; Rejoice, holy sweets to the servant.

Rejoice, land of promise; Rejoice, honey and milk flow from nothing.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 7

X I will force Simeon from this present age to repose the charming one, you were like a child to him, but you were also known to him as a perfect God. I was also amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new creation has appeared, the Creator has appeared to us, who came from Him, from the seedless vegetative womb and having preserved You, as if incorruptible, and knowing a miracle, let us sing to You, crying out:

Rejoice, color of incorruption; Rejoice, crown of abstinence.

Rejoice, thou who shinest the image of the resurrection; Rejoice, you who reveal the life of angels.

Rejoice, bright-fruiting tree, from which the vernias feed; Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which many trees are covered.

Rejoice, you who bear in your womb the Deliverer to the captives; Rejoice, you who gave birth to a Guide to the lost.

Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins.

Rejoice, clothing of the naked of boldness; Rejoice, beloved, conqueror of every desire.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 8

Having seen a strange Christmas, let us withdraw from the world, turning our minds to Heaven: for this, for the sake of the high God, a humble man appeared on earth, although he would attract those crying out to Him on high: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

In all things below and above, the indescribable Word has in no way departed: the descent was divine, but not a local passing away, and the nativity from the Virgin of God, hearing this:

Rejoice, God is the inconceivable container; Rejoice, honest sacrament of the door.

Rejoice, doubtful hearing of the unbelievers; Rejoice, well-known praise of the faithful.

Rejoice, O holy chariot of Jehovah upon Cherubim; Rejoice, glorious village of Existence on Seraphimech.

Rejoice, you who gathered the opposite in the same way; Rejoice, you who combined virginity and Christmas.

Rejoice, for the crime was resolved; Rejoice, heaven has already opened.

Rejoice, key of the Kingdom of Christ; Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the great work of Your incarnation: for the unapproachable Man, like God, who is seen by all, is present to us, hearing from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the events of many things, like fish, we see silent things about You, Mother of God: they are perplexed to say that the Virgin remained and was able to give birth. We, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out:

Rejoice, friend of the wisdom of God; Rejoice, His providences are His treasure.

Rejoice, you who reveal the wise to the unwise; Rejoice, thou who accusest the cunning of the wordless.

Rejoice, for you have overcome the lute seeker; Rejoice, for the creators of fables have faded away.

Rejoice, tearer of the Athenian weaving; Rejoice, fulfiller of fishermen's waters.

Rejoice, you who draw forth from the depths of ignorance; Rejoice, you who enlighten many in their understanding.

Rejoice, ship of those who want to be saved; Rejoice, haven of worldly voyages.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 10

Although the world, who is the Decorator of all, has come from the shepherd of all, he has come to this self-promise, and this Shepherd, like God, has appeared for us for our sake: having called upon like like, as if God hears: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are with the shadow of the virgins, the Virgin Mother of God, and of all who come running to You: for the Creator of heaven and earth created You, the Most Pure One, who dwells in Your womb, and teach all to invite You:

Rejoice, pillar of virginity; Rejoice, door of salvation.

Rejoice, director of mental creation; Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness.

Rejoice, for you have renewed those who were conceived in cold; Rejoice, for you have punished those who were stolen by their minds.

Rejoice, thou who exercisest the cultivator of meanings; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Sower of Purity.

Rejoice, Devil of seedless disgrace; Rejoice, you who united the faithful of the Lord.

Rejoice, good nurse of young virgins; Rejoice, bride-blesser of the souls of the saints.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome, striving to meet the multitude of Thy bounties: songs equal to the sand of the sand that we bring to Thee, the Holy King, do nothing worthy of what Thou hast given to us, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the wind-receiving lamp, who appears in the darkness, we see the Holy Virgin, who burns the immaterial Fire, instructs all to the Divine mind, enlightening the mind with the dawn, and revered by these titles:

Rejoice, ray of the intelligent Sun; Rejoice, shining light of the never-setting Light.

Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls; Rejoice, for the thunder is terrifying to enemies.

Rejoice, for you have shone with many lights of enlightenment; Rejoice, for you are a multi-flowing river.

Rejoice, image-painting font; Rejoice, you who take away sinful filth.

Rejoice, bath that washes the conscience; Rejoice, cup that draws joy.

Rejoice, smelling the fragrance of Christ; Rejoice, belly of secret joy.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 12

By grace, having rejoiced the debts of the ancients, all debts, the Decider of man, came with Himself to those who had departed from His grace, and, tearing apart the handwriting, hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your Nativity, we all praise You, like an animated temple, the Mother of God: for in Your womb, the Lord holds everything with His hand, sanctify, glorify and teach everyone to cry out to You:

Rejoice, village of God and the Word; Rejoice, great holy of holies.

Rejoice, ark, gilded by the Spirit; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of the belly.

Rejoice, honorable one crowned with pious kings; Rejoice, honest praise of the reverent priests.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church; Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the Kingdom.

Rejoice, victories will arise from her; Rejoice, from where enemies fall.

Rejoice, healing of my body; Rejoice, salvation of my soul.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Having accepted this present offering, deliver everyone from all misfortune and remove future torment from those who cry out for You: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Representative Angel...” and the 1st kontakion “To the Chosen Vodevoda...”.


Oh, Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, you are the highest of all Angels and Archangels and all the most honest creatures, you are the Helper of the offended, the hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry Nurse, the naked robe, the healing of the sick, the salvation of sinners, the help and intercession of all Christians. Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God and Lady, by Your mercy save and have mercy on the most holy Orthodox patriarchs, the most Reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops and the entire priestly and monastic rank, and all Orthodox Christians through the robe of Your honest protection; and pray, Lady, from You, without seed, Christ our God, incarnate, may gird us with His power from above against our invisible and visible enemies. Oh, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos! Raise us from the depths of sin and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attacks of the enemy, and from corrupting winds, and from deadly plagues, and from all evil. Grant, O Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and the eyes of their hearts, leading to salvation; and we, Thy sinful servants, have been made worthy of the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God, for His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 2

Warm prayer and an insurmountable wall, source of mercy, refuge of the world, we diligently cry out to Thee: Mother of God, Lady, advance us and deliver us from troubles, the only one who will soon intercede.

Troparion, tone 8

The commanded secret reception in the mind, in the blood of Joseph with diligence, the incorporeal one presented himself, saying in the most unartful way: He who bowed down by the descent of heaven is invariably contained entirely in Thee; Seeing Him in Your wombs, having assumed the form of a slave, I am horrified to call You: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Kontakion, tone 6

The intercession of Christians is not shameful, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but advance, as the Good One, to the aid of us who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer and strive to entreaty, interceding ever since, the Mother of God, who honor Thee.

Kontakion, tone 6

There are no other help, no other hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

The Christian akathist Bride of the Bride is read at the icon of the Mother of God, which has the same name. For centuries, a nationwide veneration of the Mother of God developed in Rus'. Temples were built in her honor, golden vestments and frames for her blessed icons were made, and Orthodox chants of praise were dedicated to her. The Icon of the Unbrided Bride was held in special esteem by St. Seraphim of Sarov and was the main icon in his cell. With oil from the lamp that burned near the icon, Saint Seraphim anointed the sick, thereby relieving them of their ailments. The Icon of the Mother of God, the Unbrided Bride, received from Seraphim of Sarov its second name - the Joy of all Joys. In the Orthodox world, the icon is still venerated. The day of celebration in honor of this miraculous icon is celebrated by the Orthodox Church in. In her honor, prayers and songs of praise are offered, including the akathist Bride of the Unbrided, which glorifies the Mother of God and her shrine.

How does an akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God help? The Unbrided Bride

The prayers that are offered at the icon called the Unbrided Bride help women who want to find the happiness of motherhood. Families in which girls grow up must have this icon.

Mothers should read the akathist to the icon and ask for female happiness for their daughters. With the help of Our Lady, the Unbrideless Bride, adolescence, which is a particularly difficult period for both children and parents, is easier to survive. By reading the akathist before the icon of the Mother of God, the Unbrided Bride, people are healed of various ailments because it is also endowed with miraculous grace.

How to read the akathist Bride Unbride

All akathists are read only while standing, including the Christian akathist The Unbrided Bride. An exception is made only for sick people who are unable to stand up, as well as for elderly and infirm people. Akathist was originally the oldest form of church poetry, which meant a song of praise and thanksgiving or glorification. In meaning, an akathist is equal to a hymn, which is why you need to stand. The first text of the akathist to the Mother of God was created at the beginning of the seventh century, and it was called the Great Akathist. It was written in honor of Constantinople, which was liberated from the Persian attack.

The Russian Orthodox akathist at the icon of the Mother of God, the Unbrided Bride, is read along with general prayers that are said before and after all akathists. The best time for reading is in the morning because after sleep, human thoughts are not yet distracted by daily problems that can accumulate during the day. Be sure to read the church akathist “The Unbrided Bride” specifically at the icon of the Mother of God with the same name because it was written in her honor, and the rest of the icons of the Virgin Mary are glorified by other akathists.

Listen to the video of the akathist to the icon of the Mother of God, the Weatherless Bride

Church text of the akathist Bride Unbrided

Kontakion No. 1

To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil ones, let us sing thanksgiving to Thy servants, the Mother of God; but as if you have an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call to You: Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

A representative angel from heaven was sent quickly saying to the Mother of God: Rejoice, and with an incorporeal voice you were incarnated in vain, Lord, terrified and standing, calling to Her like this: Rejoice, whose joy will shine forth; Rejoice, Her oath will disappear. Rejoice, proclamation to fallen Adam; Rejoice, deliverance of the tears of Eve. Rejoice, height beyond the reach of human thoughts; Rejoice, depths beyond comprehension and angelic eyes. Rejoice, for you are the King's seat; Rejoice, for you bear Him who bears all. Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun; Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, even the creation is being renewed; Rejoice, we worship the Creator. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 2

Seeing the Holy One in purity, he says to Gabriel boldly: the glorious voice of yours is inconvenient to my soul: the birth of the seedless conception is like saying, calling: Alleluia.

The misunderstood mind is understood by the Virgin, seeking, cry out to the servant: from a pure side, How can a Son be born powerfully, O Lord? He spoke to Neizha with fear, both calling to her: Rejoice, ineffable counsel to the Mystery; Rejoice, silence of those who ask for faith. Rejoice, beginning; Rejoice, His commandments are supreme. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, from which God descended; Rejoice, bridge, lead those who are from earth to heaven. Rejoice, prolix miracle of angels; Rejoice, much-lamentable defeat of demons. Rejoice, who gave birth to the Light inexpressibly; Rejoice, you who have taught not a single person. Rejoice, thou who surpassest the understanding of the wise; Rejoice, illuminating meanings for the faithful. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 3

The power of the Most High autumn is then for the conception of the Braconial, and the fertile Toya is false, like a sweet village, to all who want to reap salvation, always sing to your heart: Alleluia.

Having the womb of the God-pleasing Virgin, she came to Elizabeth: and the baby aby knew this kiss, rejoiced, and played like songs and cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, branches of unfading roses; Rejoice, acquisition of immortal fruit. Rejoice, O worker who makes the lover of mankind; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Gardener of our life. Rejoice, O field, growing the bounty of bounty; Rejoice, table, bearing abundance of purification. Rejoice, for you are flourishing as a food paradise; Rejoice, for you are preparing a haven for souls. Rejoice, pleasant censer of prayer; Rejoice, purification of the whole world. Rejoice, God's favor towards mortals; Rejoice, mortals have boldness towards God. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 4

Having a storm inside with doubtful thoughts, the chaste Joseph was confused, to You in vain, unmarried, and thinking about the stolen marriage, Immaculate; Having taken away Your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

Hearing the shepherd angels singing the carnal coming of Christ, and as they flowed to the Shepherd they saw Him like a blameless lamb, fallen in Mary’s womb, and singing: Rejoice, Lamb and Shepherd of the Mother; Rejoice, courtyard of verbal sheep. Rejoice, torment of invisible enemies; Rejoice, the doors of heaven are opening. Rejoice, as those in heaven rejoice in those on earth; Rejoice, for the earthly things rejoice in heavenly things. Rejoice, silent lips of the apostles; Rejoice, invincible boldness of the passion-bearers. Rejoice, firm affirmation of faith; Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace. Rejoice, hell has been laid bare; Rejoice, You are clothed with Her glory. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 5

Having seen the divine star, it followed the dawn, and like a lamp holding it, I tested the mighty King, and having reached the Incomprehensible One, rejoicing, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Seeing the youths of Chaldeystia at the hand of the Maiden Who created with the hands of men, and the Master who understands Him, even if the slave has accepted the form, they strived to serve Him freely, and cry out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, Mother of the never-setting Stars; Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day. Rejoice, thou who has extinguished the delights of the furnace; Rejoice, enlightening the mysteries of the Trinity. Rejoice, thou who destroyest the inhuman tormentor from the authorities; Rejoice, you who showed Christ the Lord the Lover of Mankind. Rejoice, deliverer of barbaric service; Rejoice, timenia that takes away matters. Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of worship; Rejoice, thou who changest the flame of passions. Rejoice, faithful teacher of chastity; Rejoice, joy of all kinds. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 6

The preachers of God-bearing, formerly wolves, returned to Babylon, having finished Your prophecy, and preaching Your Christ to everyone, leaving Herod as if she were unspoken, unable to sing: Alleluia.

Having shone forth in Egypt the enlightenment of truth, Thou didst drive away the darkness of lies: for his idols, O Savior, did not tolerate Thy strength, falling, and those who were delivered cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, correction of men; Rejoice, fall of demons. Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the charms of the empire; Rejoice, you who denounced idolatry flattery. Rejoice, sea that drowned the mental Pharaoh; Rejoice, stone, who gave water to those thirsty for life. Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide those who are in darkness; Rejoice, cover of the world, covering the clouds. Rejoice, receiver of food and manna; Rejoice, holy sweets to the servant. Rejoice, land of promise; Rejoice, honey and milk flow from nothing. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 7

I want Simeon from this present age to pass away from the charming one; you were like a child to him, but you also became known to him as a perfect God. I was also amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, calling: Alleluia.

A new creation has appeared, the Creator has appeared to us from Him, from the seedless vegetative womb, and having preserved You, as if incorruptible, and having seen a miracle, let us sing You, crying out: Rejoice, flower of incorruption; Rejoice, crown of abstinence. Rejoice, thou who shinest the image of the resurrection; Rejoice, you who reveal the life of angels. Rejoice, bright-fruiting tree, from which the vernias feed; Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which many trees are covered. Rejoice, you who bear in your womb the Deliverer to the captives; Rejoice, you who gave birth to a Guide to the lost. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins. Rejoice, clothing of the naked of boldness; Rejoice, beloved, conqueror of every desire. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 8

Having seen a strange Christmas, let us withdraw from the world, turning our minds to heaven: for this, for the sake of the high God, a humble man appeared on earth, although he would attract to the heights of Him crying: Alleluia.

All in all, in the lower and higher, the indescribable Word departed in no way: the descent was divine, not a local passing, and the Nativity from the Virgin of God, hearing this: Rejoice, God is the inconceivable container; Rejoice, honest sacrament of the door. Rejoice, doubtful hearing of the unbelievers; Rejoice, well-known praise of the faithful. Rejoice, O holy chariot of Jehovah upon Cherubim; Rejoice, glorious village of Existence on Seraphimech. Rejoice, you who gathered the opposite in the same way; Rejoice, you who combined virginity and Christmas. Rejoice, for the crime was resolved; Rejoice, heaven has already opened. Rejoice, key of the Kingdom of Christ; Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the great work of Your incarnation; unapproachable as God, a Man who is visible to all, abides for us, hearing from everyone: Alleluia.

The prophets of many things, like dumb fish, see about You, Mother of God, they are perplexed to say that the Virgin also abides, and was able to give birth. We, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out: Rejoice, companion of the wisdom of God, Rejoice, treasure of His providences. Rejoice, you who reveal the wise to the unwise; Rejoice, thou who accusest the cunning of the wordless. Rejoice, for you have overcome the lute seeker; Rejoice, for the creators of fables have faded away. Rejoice, tearer of the Athenian weaving; Rejoice, fulfiller of fishermen's waters. Rejoice, you who draw forth from the depths of ignorance; Rejoice, you who enlighten many in their understanding. Rejoice, ship of those who want to be saved; Rejoice, haven of worldly voyages. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 10

To save the world, Who is the Decorator of all, has come to this self-promise, and this Shepherd, like God, has appeared for us for our sake: having called upon like like, as if God hears: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall to the virgins, O Virgin Mother of God, and to all who come running to Thee: for the Creator of heaven and earth made Thee, O Most Pure One, dwell in Thy womb, and teach all to invite Thee: Rejoice, pillar of virginity; Rejoice, door of salvation. Rejoice, director of mental creation; Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness. Rejoice, for you have renewed those who were conceived in cold; Rejoice, for you have punished those who were stolen by their minds. Rejoice, thou who exercisest the cultivator of meanings; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Sower of Purity. Rejoice, devil of seedless disgrace; Rejoice, you who united the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, good nurse of young virgins; Rejoice, bride-blesser of the souls of the saints. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 11

All singing is conquered, striving to meet the multitude of Thy bounties: songs equal to the sand of the sand that we bring to Thee, the Holy King, do nothing worthy of what Thou hast given to us, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

The light-receiving candle, which appears to those in the darkness, we see the Holy Virgin, the immaterial one who burns fire, instructs all to the Divine mind, enlightening the mind at dawn, revered by the title, with these: Rejoice, ray of the intelligent Sun; Rejoice, shining light of the never-setting Light. Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls; Rejoice, for the thunder is terrifying to enemies. Rejoice, for you have shone with many lights of enlightenment; Rejoice, for you are a multi-flowing river. Rejoice, image-painting font; Rejoice, you who take away sinful filth. Rejoice, bath that washes the conscience; Rejoice, cup that draws joy. Rejoice, smelling the fragrance of Christ; Rejoice, belly of secret joy. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 12

The grace of repaying the desires of the ancient debts, of all debts, the Solver of man, who came with Himself to those who departed from His grace, and dismantled the handwriting, hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Singing Your Nativity, we all praise You, like an animated temple, the Mother of God: for in Your womb, uphold everything with the hand of the Lord, sanctify, glorify and teach everyone to cry out to You: Rejoice, village of God and the Word; Rejoice, great holy of holies. Rejoice, ark, gilded by the Spirit; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of the belly. Rejoice, honest one, crowned with pious people; Rejoice, honest praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church; Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the Kingdom. Rejoice, victories will arise from her; Rejoice, from where enemies fall. Rejoice, healing of my body; Rejoice, salvation of my soul. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion No. 13

Oh, All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Having accepted this present offering, deliver everyone from all misfortune, and remove future torment from those who cry out for You: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

/This kontakion is read three times/

1st part of Akathist

Kontakion: To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil, let us write thanks to Thy servants to the Mother of God: but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Ikos 1: A representative angel was sent from heaven, saying to the Mother of God: Rejoice! and with an incorporeal voice you are embodied in vain, Lord, horrified and standing, calling to Her like this: Rejoice, whose joy will shine: rejoice, whose oath will disappear. Rejoice, proclamation of fallen Adam: Rejoice, deliverance of the tears of Eve. Rejoice, height incomprehensible to human thoughts: Rejoice, depth inconceivable and beyond the eyes of angels. Rejoice, for you are the King's seat; Rejoice, for you bear all the One Who Bears. Rejoice, star revealing the Sun: Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, by Her the creation is renewed: Rejoice, by Her we worship the Creator. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 2: Seeing the holy one in purity, he says to Gabriel boldly: the glorious voice of yours is inconvenient to my soul: the birth of the seedless conception, as you say, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2: Misunderstood mind, understand the Virgin, seek, cry out to the servant: from the side is pure, how can a son be born powerfully, O Lord? He spoke to Neyzha with fear, both calling to her: Rejoice, ineffable advice to the mystery: Rejoice, silence of those asking for faith. Rejoice, the beginning of Christ’s miracles: Rejoice, His commandments are the main thing. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, with which God descended: Rejoice, bridge leading those who exist from earth to heaven. Rejoice, prolix miracle of angels: Rejoice, much-weeping scab of demons. Rejoice, who gave birth to the Light ineffably: Rejoice, who taught you not a single thing. Rejoice, you who surpass the understanding of the wise; Rejoice, you who illuminate the meanings of the faithful. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 3: The power of the Most High autumn then leads to the conception of the unskillful one, and the fertile Toya is false, like a sweet village of showing, to all who want to reap salvation, never sing to the mother: Alleluia.

Ikos 3: Having the God-pleasant womb, the Virgin rose up to Elizabeth: the baby, having known this kiss, rejoiced, and played like songs and cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, branches of unfading roses: Rejoice, acquisition of the immortal fruit. Rejoice, O worker who makes the Lover of mankind: Rejoice, O one who gave birth to the Gardener of our life. Rejoice, field, growing the bounty of bounty: Rejoice, table, bearing an abundance of cleansing. Rejoice, for you are flourishing as a food paradise; Rejoice, for you are preparing a haven for souls. Rejoice, pleasant censer of prayer: Rejoice, purification of the whole world. Rejoice, God's favor towards mortals: Rejoice, mortals' boldness towards God. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 4: Having a storm inside with doubtful thoughts, the chaste Joseph was confused, to You in vain the unmarried one, and thinking about the stolen marriage, Immaculate One: having taken away Your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

And again the kontakion: :

2nd part of Akathist

And again we say the verb kontakion: :

And other ikos and kontakia, 6:

Ikos 4: Hearing the shepherd angels singing the carnal coming of Christ, and flowing as if to the Shepherd, they see this as the blameless Lamb, fallen in the womb of Mary, and sing: Rejoice, Lamb and Shepherd of the Mother: Rejoice, courtyard of verbal sheep. Rejoice, torment of invisible enemies: Rejoice, opening of the doors of heaven. Rejoice, as the heavenly rejoices in the earthly; Rejoice, as the earthly rejoices in the heavenly. Rejoice, unsilent lips of the apostles: Rejoice, invincible boldness of the passion-bearers. Rejoice, firm affirmation of faith: Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace. Rejoice, Who has laid bare hell: Rejoice, Who has been clothed with glory. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 5: Having seen the divine star, it followed the dawn: and like holding a lamp, I tested the mighty King: and having reached the Incomprehensible, I rejoiced at Him crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 5: Seeing the youths of Chaldeystia at the hand of the Maiden, who created the hands of men, and the Lord who understands Him, even if the slave’s form is accepted, they strive to serve Him freely, and cry out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, never-setting stars Mother: Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day. Rejoice, thou who has extinguished the delights of the furnace: Rejoice, thou who enlightenest the mysteries of the Trinity. Rejoice, thou who has driven away the inhuman tormentor from the authorities: Rejoice, thou who hast shown Christ the Lord, the Lover of Mankind. Rejoice, thou who deliverest barbarous service: Rejoice, thou who taketh away the work of the time. Rejoice, thou who has extinguished the fire of worship: Rejoice, thou who hast changed the flame of passions. Rejoice, faithful teacher of chastity: Rejoice, joy of all kinds. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 6: The God-bearing preachers, who were once wolves, returned to Babylon, having finished Thy prophecy: and having preached Thy Christ to everyone, leaving Herod as if he were talking, not leading the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6: Having shone forth in Egypt the illumination of truth, Thou hast driven away the darkness of lies: for the idols are His Saviour, not tolerating Thy strength, O fallen one. Those who have been delivered cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, correction of men: Rejoice, fall of demons. Rejoice, you who have trampled down the charms of the power; Rejoice, you who have exposed the idolatry of flattery. Rejoice, the sea that drowned the mental Pharaoh: Rejoice, the stone that gave water to those thirsty for life. Rejoice, pillar of fire, instruct those who are in darkness: Rejoice, covering the world, covering the clouds. Rejoice at the food, the receiver of manna: Rejoice, the sweets of the holy servant. Rejoice, land of promise: Rejoice, from nowhere flows honey and milk. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 7: I want Simeon from this present age to become adorable, and you appeared like a Child to him; but you also became known to him as a perfect God. I was also amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, calling: Alleluia.

And again the kontakion: :

3rd part of Akathist

And after the exclamation, kontakion: :

And we honor the other six ikos and kontakia.

Ikos 7: The Creator appeared to us as a new creature, who came from Him to us, from the seedless vegetative womb, and preserved it, as if it were imperishable. Yes, seeing a miracle, let us sing Yu, crying out: Rejoice, flower of incorruption: Rejoice, crown of abstinence. Rejoice, you who shine upon the image of the Resurrection: Rejoice, you who reveal the life of angels. Rejoice, tree of bright fruit, from which the verlies feed; Rejoice, tree of blessed leaves, with which many trees are covered. Rejoice, who in your womb carried the Deliverer to the captives: Rejoice, who gave birth to the Mentor to the lost. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication: Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins. Rejoice, robe of the naked of boldness: Rejoice, love conquering every desire. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 8: Having seen a strange Christmas, let us withdraw from the world, turning our minds to heaven: for this, for the sake of the high God, a humble Man appeared on earth, although he attracted to the heights, To him crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 8: All in the lower, and in the upper, the indescribable Word departed in no way: the descent was divine, not a local passing away, and the birth from the Virgin of God, hearing this: Rejoice, God is the inconceivable container: Rejoice, the honorable sacrament of the door. Rejoice, doubtful hearing of the unbelievers: Rejoice, well-known praise of the faithful. Rejoice, most holy chariot, existing on the cherubim: Rejoice, glorious village, existing on the seraphim. Rejoice, you who have gathered in the same way: Rejoice, you who have combined virginity and Christmas. Rejoice, for the crime was resolved: Rejoice, for the heaven was opened. Rejoice, key of the Kingdom of Christ: Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 9: Every angelic nature was amazed at the great work of Your incarnation: for the unapproachable One, like God, who is seen to be approachable by all, is present to us, hearing from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 9: The prophets of many things, like mute fish, we see about You, Mother of God: they are perplexed to say, how did the Virgin remain, and were you able to give birth? We, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out: Rejoice, friend of the wisdom of God: Rejoice, treasure of His providences. Rejoice, you who reveal the wisdom of the unwise; Rejoice, you who denounce the cunning and wordless; Rejoice, for you have overwhelmed the wicked seeker; Rejoice, for you have withered the creators of fables. Rejoice, thou of Athens, who tears apart the weaving; Rejoice, thou who fulfillest the fishermen's dreams. Rejoice, thou who bringest forth from the depths of ignorance: Rejoice, thou who enlightenest many in the mind. Rejoice, ship of those who want to be saved: Rejoice, haven of worldly voyages. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 10: Although He has come to save the world, Who is the Decorator of all, He has come to this self-promise, and this Shepherd, like God, has appeared for us for our sake: having called upon like like, as if God hears: Alleluia.

And again the kontakion: :

4-part Akathist

And again we sing kontakion: :

And honor the remaining six ikos and kontakia.

Ikos 10: Thou art the wall of the virgins, the Virgin Mary, and of all who come running to Thee: for the Creator of heaven and earth made Thy Most Pure One, dwelling in Thy womb, and teaching all to invite Thee: Rejoice, pillar of virginity: Rejoice, door of salvation: Rejoice, head of the mental creation: Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness. Rejoice, for you have renewed those who were conceived in cold; rejoice, for you have punished those who were stolen by the mind. Rejoice, thou who exercisest the smolder of meanings: Rejoice, thou who has given birth to the sower of purity. Rejoice, thou who art of seedless disgrace: Rejoice, thou who hast united the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, good nurse of young virgins: Rejoice, bride-blesser of the souls of saints. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 11: All singing is overcome, striving to meet the multitude of Thy bounties: songs equal to the sand of the sand, if we bring to Thee the Holy King, we do nothing worthy of what Thou hast given to us crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11: We see the holy Virgin, a light-receiving candle that appears to those who exist in the darkness: the immaterial one, burning fire, instructs all to the Divine mind, illuminating the mind with the dawn, and revered by the title, these. Rejoice, ray of the intelligent sun: Rejoice, luminary of the never-setting light. Rejoice, lightning of the soul enlightening: Rejoice, like thunder, terrifying enemies. Rejoice, for you have illuminated enlightenment with much light; Rejoice, for you have flowed from a multi-flowing river. Rejoice, thou who paintest the image of the font: Rejoice, thou who taketh away sinful defilement. Rejoice, bath, washing the conscience: Rejoice, cup, drawing joy. Rejoice, smelling the fragrance of Christ: Rejoice, belly of the secret joy, rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 12: The grace of giving, having rejoiced the debts of the ancients, the resolver of all debts by man, came with Himself to those who had departed from that grace: and the handwriting was discorded, and heard from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 12: Singing Your Nativity, we all praise You, like an animated temple of the Theotokos: in Your womb, the Lord upholds everything with His hand, sanctify, glorify, teach everyone to cry out to You: Rejoice, village of God and the Word: Rejoice, great holy of holies. Rejoice, thou art gilded by the Spirit: Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of life. Rejoice, honorable crown of pious kings: Rejoice, honest praise of reverent priests. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church: Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the kingdom. Rejoice, through whom victories will rise; rejoice, through whom enemies will fall. Rejoice, healing of my body; Rejoice, salvation of my soul. Hail Unbrided Bride.

Kontakion 13: O all-sung Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word, having accepted the present offering, deliver everyone from all misfortunes, and remove future torments, who cry out to You: Alleluia.

Say this kontakion three times.

And again the 1st Ikos is read: Representative Angel:

Ikos 1: A representative angel was sent from heaven, saying to the Mother of God: Rejoice! and with an incorporeal voice you are embodied in vain, Lord, horrified and standing, calling to Her like this: Rejoice, whose joy will shine: rejoice, whose oath will disappear. Rejoice, proclamation of fallen Adam: Rejoice, deliverance of the tears of Eve. Rejoice, height incomprehensible to human thoughts: Rejoice, depth inconceivable and beyond the eyes of angels. Rejoice, for you are the King's seat; Rejoice, for you bear all the One Who Bears. Rejoice, star revealing the Sun: Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, by Her the creation is renewed: Rejoice, by Her we worship the Creator. Hail Unbrided Bride.

And again the kontakion: :

The translation into Russian of the Akathist to Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is one of the many works of the Hierarch of the Russian Land, the greatest figure of the Russian Church of the 19th century, Philaret (Drozdov), Metropolitan of Moscow. The multi-volume collections of works that came from the pen of Saint Philaret demonstrate the thoughtfulness and multifaceted activity of a church hierarch, preacher, learned theologian, and devotee of the highest holiness and moral purity.

Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos
Ever-Virgin Mary

Kontakion 1

To the military leader who fights in battle for us, gifts of victory, and, as those delivered from troubles, we bring gifts of gratitude to You, Mother of God, we are Your servants: but You, as You who have an invincible power, free us from all dangers, and let us cry to You:

Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Ikos 1

The Primate Angel was sent from heaven to say to the Mother of God: Rejoice. And contemplating You, Lord, with the disembodied voice of the Incarnate One, I was in horror, and stood, shouting the following speech to Her:

Rejoice, through Whom joy will shine forth.
Rejoice, through whom the oath will disappear.
Rejoice, proclamation to fallen Adam.
Rejoice, deliverance from Eve's tears.
Rejoice, height unattainable by human thoughts.
Rejoice, depth, difficult to contemplate even with angelic eyes.
Rejoice, for You are the King's seat.
Rejoice, for you bear Him who bears everything.
Rejoice, star manifesting the sun.
Rejoice, receptacle of the Divine Incarnation.
Rejoice, through Whom creation is made new.
Rejoice, in whom the Creator is born as a child.

Kontakion 2

The saint, seeing herself in purity, boldly says to Gabriel: your extraordinary word is inconvenient for my soul. How do you talk about pregnancy from seedless conception? and you cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The Virgin seeks unknown knowledge, and cries out to the minister of the sacrament: from a clean womb, how can a son be born? Tell me. And the Angel, although he speaks to Her with fear, nevertheless calls out like this:

Rejoice, Mystery of ineffable advice.
Rejoice, faithful guardian of that which requires silence.
Rejoice, forerunner of Christ's miracles.
Rejoice, reduction of His dogmas.
Rejoice, ladder above heaven, by which God descended.
Rejoice, bridge that leads from earth to heaven.
Rejoice, multi-pronounced wonder for the Angels.
Rejoice, much-lamented defeat of the demons.
Rejoice, you who inexpressibly gave birth to light.
Rejoice, you who did not reveal it to anyone: how?
Rejoice, thou who surpassest the knowledge of the wise.
Rejoice, illuminating the minds of the faithful.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Almighty then overshadowed the woman who had not experienced marriage to conceive, and her fertile womb showed, as it were, a pleasant field for all who wished to reap salvation, while they sing: alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a God-receiving womb, the Virgin flowed to Elizabeth. The sowing child, immediately recognizing her kiss, rejoiced: and with leaps, as if in songs, he cried out to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, stem of unfading vegetation.
Rejoice, acquisition of immortal fruit.
Rejoice, thou who cultivates the earth, and who loves mankind.
Rejoice, you who planted the planter of our life.
Rejoice, field that increases the abundance of bounties.
Rejoice, table full of propitiations.
Rejoice, for You grow a meadow of food.
Rejoice, for you are preparing a refuge for souls.
Rejoice, God-pleasing incense of prayer.
Rejoice, purification of the whole world.
Rejoice, calling upon God's favor to mortals.
Rejoice, you who give mortals boldness towards God.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of doubtful thoughts inside, the chaste Joseph was confused, in vain of You, immaculate, unmarried, and tempted to think of You as one who had been robbed of marriage: but having learned of Your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The shepherds heard the angels chanting the coming of Christ in the flesh, and running to Him like a shepherd, they saw Him like a blameless lamb in the womb of Mary, and, chanting Her, they said:

Rejoice, Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd.
Rejoice, fence of verbal sheep.
Rejoice, reflector of invisible enemies.
Rejoice, opener of the gates of heaven.
Rejoice, for those in heaven rejoice with those on earth.
Rejoice, for the earthly rejoices in the heavenly.
Rejoice, for through You the Apostles have silent lips.
Rejoice, for through You the ascetics have invincible boldness.
Rejoice, strong affirmation of faith.
Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace.
Rejoice, through Whom hell is laid bare.
Rejoice, through whom we are clothed with glory.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 5

Seeing the God-moving star, the Magi followed its brilliance: and, holding it like a lamp, through it they sought the Strong King: and having reached the unattainable, they rejoiced and exclaimed to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The sons of the Chaldeans, seeing Him who created men with the hand of the Virgin, and realizing in Him the Master, although He took the form of a slave, hastened to serve Him with gifts and cry to the Blessed One:

Rejoice, Mother of the Unstoppable Star.
Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day.
Rejoice, you who extinguished the furnace kindled by delusion.
Rejoice, enlightener of the mysteries of the Trinity.
Rejoice, thou who cast out the inhuman tormentor from the authorities.
Rejoice, you who showed the Lord who loves mankind, Christ.
Rejoice, deliverer from cruel evil.
Rejoice, thou who deliverest from the slumber of unclean deeds.
Rejoice, you who extinguished the worship of fire.
Rejoice, you who deliver us from the flames of passions.
Rejoice, teacher of the faithful to chastity.
Rejoice, joy of all generations.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 6

The Magi, having become God-bearing preachers, returned to Babylon, fulfilling Your revelation and preaching Your Christ to everyone, leaving Herod as an empty talker who did not know how to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having illuminated Egypt with the enlightenment of Your truth, Savior, You drove away the darkness of lies; for his idols, unable to bear Your power, fell. And those delivered from these evils cried out to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, correction of men.
Rejoice, casting down demons.
Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the power of deception.
Rejoice, you who exposed the idolatry’s deceit.
Rejoice, sea that drowned the mental Pharaoh.
Rejoice, stone that gives drink to those thirsty for life.
Rejoice, pillar of fire, guiding those in darkness.
Rejoice, cover of the world, vast cloud.
Rejoice, you who provide food that succeeds manna.
Rejoice, servant of holy sweetness.
Rejoice, land of promise.
Rejoice, from Whom honey and milk flow.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 7

Before Simeon had to repose from this seductive age, You were given to him like a child, but you were also known to him like God. Therefore, he was amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, and exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Creator who appeared showed us the new creation, created by Him. He grew from a seedless womb, and kept it incorruptible, as it was: so that we, seeing the miracle, would sing about it, crying:

Rejoice, color of incorruption.
Rejoice, crown of abstinence.
Rejoice, You, in Whom the image of the resurrection shines forth.
Rejoice, manifesting angelic life.
Rejoice, bright-fruiting tree from which the faithful feed.
Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, under which many take refuge.
Rejoice, womb-bearing guide to the lost.
Rejoice, you who give birth to the redeemer of the captives.
Rejoice, imploring the righteous Judge.
Rejoice, you who grant forgiveness of many sins.
Rejoice, clothing for those who, like naked people, lack boldness.
Rejoice, love, conquering all love.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 8

Seeing a strange Christmas, let us withdraw from the world and transfer our minds to heaven: for for this very reason the High God appeared on earth as a humble man, wanting to lift to the heights those who cry out to Him: alleluia.

Ikos 8

The Indescribable Word was all in the lower regions of existence, and did not deviate at all from the higher ones. For this was not a local passing, but a Divine condescension, and a birth from the Virgin who received God, who hears this from us:

Rejoice, container of the incontainable God.
Rejoice, door of the venerable sacrament.
Rejoice, You, about Whom the unbelievers are wavering in their thoughts when they hear.
Rejoice, in whom the faithful do not hesitate to boast.
Rejoice, Most Holy Chariot resting on the Cherubim.
Rejoice, most beautiful village residing on the Seraphim.
Rejoice, you who brought the opposite objects into unity.
Rejoice, you who combined virginity and Christmas.
Rejoice, through Whom the bonds of crime are loosed.
Rejoice, through Whom paradise has been opened.
Rejoice, key of Christ's kingdom.
Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature is surprised by the great work of Your incarnation: for it saw the unapproachable God as a man accessible to all, Who abides with us and hears from everyone in heaven and on earth: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

We see the oracles of many-pronounced voiceless fishes before You, Mother of God. For they do not find a way to explain how You remain a virgin and could give birth. But we, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out:

Rejoice, friend of God's wisdom.
Rejoice, secret repository of His providence.
Rejoice, You, before Whom the wise are unwise.
Rejoice, before Whom the artists of words find themselves deprived of words.
Rejoice, for the cruel interrogators have gone mad.
Rejoice, for the creators of fables have faded away.
Rejoice, thou who tearest apart the intricacies of the Athenians.
Rejoice, filler of the fishermen's ponds.
Rejoice, thou who bringest forth from the depths of ignorance.
Rejoice, you who enlighten many with knowledge.
Rejoice, ship for those who want to be saved.
Rejoice, haven of life's voyage.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 10

Wanting to save the world, the self-proclaimed Decorator of all creatures came to this: and being a shepherd, like God, for our sake he appeared as a man like us. For, having called like to like, He, like God, accepts the praise: alleluia.

Ikos 10

Most Pure Mother of God! You are a wall for the virgins and for all who resort to You: for this is how the Creator of heaven and earth designed You, Who dwelt in Your womb, and taught everyone to cry out to You:

Rejoice, pillar of virginity.
Rejoice, door of salvation.
Rejoice, leader of the intelligent re-creation.
Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness.
Rejoice, for You have given birth to those who were conceived shamefully.
Rejoice, for You have enlightened those whose minds were stolen.
Rejoice, making the corrupter of understanding ineffective.
Rejoice, you who gave birth to the sower of purity.
Rejoice, palace of seedless bridehood.
Rejoice, you who united the faithful with the Lord.
Rejoice, beautiful nurse of virgins.
Rejoice, bride-adorner of the souls of the saints.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 11

Every song, when it tries to follow the many bounties of Thy, is overcome by their abundance. For if we had brought hymns equal to the sand to You, Holy King, we would not have yet accomplished anything worthy of Your gifts to us, who cry out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We see the luminous lamp, which appeared to those in darkness, in the face of the Holy Virgin. For she, kindling an immaterial light, guides everyone to Divine knowledge, enlightening the mind with the dawn, and is honored by these invocations:

Rejoice, ray of intelligent sun.
Rejoice, brilliance of the everlasting radiance.
Rejoice, lightning that illuminates souls.
Rejoice, you who destroy enemies like thunder.
Rejoice, for from You arises a multi-illuminated enlightenment.
Rejoice, for You bring forth a multi-streamed river.
Rejoice, painting the image of the font.
Rejoice, you who take away the filth of sin.
Rejoice, laver that washes the conscience.
Rejoice, cup that draws joy.
Rejoice, aroma of Christ's fragrance.
Rejoice, life of the mysterious sweet food.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 12

Wishing to grant forgiveness of ancient debts, the Lord of all men Himself approached those who had departed from His grace: and, tearing apart the handwriting, He heard this from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your Generation, we also glorify You, Mother of God, as an animated temple: for the Lord, who contains everything with His hand, dwelling in Your womb, sanctified You, glorified You, and taught everyone to cry out to You:

Rejoice, tabernacle of God and the Word.
Rejoice, thou who exceedest in holiness the Holy of Holies.
Rejoice, ark, gilded by the Spirit.
Rejoice, inexhaustible treasury of life.
Rejoice, precious crown of pious kings.
Rejoice, venerable praise of the reverent priests.
Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church.
Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the Kingdom.
Rejoice, You by Whom signs of victory are erected.
Rejoice, by whose power enemies fall.
Rejoice, healing of my body.
Rejoice, salvation of my soul.
Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 13

O all-sung Mother, who gave birth to the most holy Word of all saints! Having accepted the present offering, take away from all misfortune, and deliver from future torment all who collectively cry out: Alleluia.

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Icon of Praise of the Mother of God, 1709, fresco icon, Church of the Annunciation, Yaroslavl school.

Today, on Saturday Akathist, on the day of Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos, we offer our readers the text of the Akathist with translations. One of them belongs to Saint Philaret (Drozdov). Reading this translation, sometimes it seems that the saint did not dare to change the original source, its music, its breathing, its structure. In other places, you understand that the “harp of Seraphim” brings its chords to the hymn to our Most Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Kontakion 1:
To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil, let us write thanks to Thy servants, the Mother of God, but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call to Thee:

Kontakion 1, translation:
To the Military Leader who defends us, for deliverance from terrible troubles, we institute for You celebrations of victory, grateful to You, we, Your servants, Mother of God! But You, as having irresistible power, free us from all dangers, so we cry to You: “Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage!”

Kontakion 1, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
To the military leader who fights in battle for us, we bring gifts of victory, and, as having been delivered from troubles, we bring gifts of gratitude to You, Mother of God, we are Your servants: but You, as You who have an invincible power, free us from all dangers, and let us cry to You: Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Ikos 1:
A representative angel from heaven was sent quickly saying to the Mother of God: Rejoice, and with an incorporeal voice you were incarnated in vain, Lord, terrified and standing, calling to Her like this: Rejoice, whose joy will shine forth; Rejoice, Her oath will disappear. Rejoice, proclamation to fallen Adam; Rejoice, deliverance of the tears of Eve. Rejoice, height beyond the reach of human thoughts; Rejoice, depths beyond comprehension and angelic eyes. Rejoice, for you are the King's seat; Rejoice, for you bear Him who bears all. Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun; Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, even the creation is being renewed; Rejoice, we worship the Creator. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 1, translation:
The leading angel was sent from heaven to say to the Mother of God: “Rejoice!” And, contemplating You, Lord, with this disembodied exclamation incarnate, he was amazed, and stood, crying out to Her: Rejoice, for through You joy will shine; Rejoice, for through You the curse will disappear. Rejoice, fallen Adam was called to salvation; Rejoice, deliverance from Eve's tears. Rejoice, height unattainable for human thoughts; Rejoice, depth, impenetrable even to angelic eyes. Rejoice, for You are the seat of the King; Rejoice, for Thou bearest the Bearer of all. Rejoice, star representing the Sun; Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, for through You creation is renewed; Rejoice, for in You the Creator becomes a Child.

Ikos 1, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The Primate Angel was sent from heaven to say to the Mother of God: Rejoice. And contemplating You, Lord, with the disembodied voice of the Incarnate One, I was in horror, and stood, shouting to Her the following words: Rejoice, You, through Whom joy will shine forth. Rejoice, through whom the oath will disappear. Rejoice, proclamation to fallen Adam. Rejoice, deliverance from Eve's tears. Rejoice, height unattainable by human thoughts. Rejoice, depth, difficult to contemplate even with the eyes of angels. Rejoice, for You are the King's seat. Rejoice, for you bear Him who bears everything. Rejoice, star manifesting the sun. Rejoice, receptacle of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, through Whom creation is made new. Rejoice, in whom the Creator is born as a child.

Kontakion 2:
Seeing the Holy One in purity, he says to Gabriel boldly: the glorious voice of yours is inconvenient to my soul: the birth of the seedless conception, as you say, calling: Alleluia.

Kontakion 2, translation:
The saint, seeing Herself in purity, boldly says to Gabriel: “Your strange word seems unacceptable to my soul; for how do you speak of pregnancy from seedless conception, exclaiming: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 2, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The saint, seeing herself in purity, boldly says to Gabriel: your extraordinary word is inconvenient for my soul. How do you talk about pregnancy from seedless conception? and you cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 2:
The misunderstood mind is understood by the Virgin, seeking, cry out to the servant: from a pure side, How can a Son be born powerfully, O Lord? He spoke to Neizha with fear, both calling to her: Rejoice, ineffable counsel to the Mystery; Rejoice, silence of those who ask for faith. Rejoice, the beginning of the miracles of Christ; Rejoice, His commandments are supreme. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, from which God descended; Rejoice, bridge, lead those who are from earth to heaven. Rejoice, prolix miracle of angels; Rejoice, much-lamentable defeat of demons. Rejoice, who gave birth to the Light inexpressibly; Rejoice, you who have taught not a single person. Rejoice, thou who surpassest the understanding of the wise; Rejoice, illuminating meanings for the faithful. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 2, translation:
Seeking to know the inaccessible to knowledge, the Virgin exclaimed, turning to the minister of the sacrament: “Tell Me, how is it possible for a Son to be born from pure bowels?” He answered Her with fear, but still shouting:Rejoice, Servant of the mysteries of the ineffable plan; Rejoice, deeds that require silence, fidelity. Rejoice, the beginning of the miracles of Christ; Rejoice, the basis of dogmas about Him. Rejoice, heavenly ladder along which God descended; Rejoice, bridge that brings those from earth to heaven. Rejoice, much praised miracle by the Angels; Rejoice, much lamentable defeat of demons. Rejoice, Thou who inexplicably gave birth to the Light; Rejoice, you didn’t reveal it to anyone. Rejoice, thou who surpassest the knowledge of the wise; Rejoice, illuminating the thoughts of the faithful. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 2, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The Virgin seeks unknown knowledge, and cries out to the minister of the sacrament: from a clean womb, how can a son be born? Tell me. And the Angel, although he speaks to Her with fear, nevertheless calls out like this: Rejoice, O Mystery of ineffable counsel. Rejoice, faithful guardian of that which requires silence. Rejoice, forerunner of Christ's miracles. Rejoice, reduction of His dogmas. Rejoice, on the ladder above heaven through which God descended. Rejoice, bridge that leads from earth to heaven. Rejoice, multi-pronounced wonder for the Angels. Rejoice, much-lamented defeat of the demons. Rejoice, you who inexpressibly gave birth to light. Rejoice, you who did not reveal it to anyone: how? Rejoice, thou who surpassest the knowledge of the wise. Rejoice, illuminating the minds of the faithful. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 3:
The power of the Most High autumn then for the conception of the marriageable, and the fertile Toya is false, like a sweet village, to all who want to reap salvation, always sing to the mother: Alleluia.

Kontakion 3, translation:
The power of the Almighty then overshadowed the one who had not known the concept of marriage, and Her fruitful womb, as if it were a sweet cornfield, appeared for all who wished to reap salvation, chanting like this: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 3, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The power of the Almighty then overshadowed the woman who had not experienced marriage to conceive, and her fertile womb showed, as it were, a pleasant field for all who wished to reap salvation, while they sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3:
Having the womb of the God-pleasing Virgin, she came to Elizabeth: and the baby aby knew this kiss, rejoiced, and played like songs and cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, branches of unfading roses; Rejoice, acquisition of immortal fruit. Rejoice, O worker who makes the lover of mankind; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Gardener of our life. Rejoice, O field, growing the bounty of bounty; Rejoice, table, bearing abundance of purification. Rejoice, for you are flourishing as a food paradise; Rejoice, for you are preparing a haven for souls. Rejoice, pleasant censer of prayer; Rejoice, purification of the whole world. Rejoice, God's favor towards mortals; Rejoice, mortals have boldness towards God. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 3, translation:
Having a womb that accepted God, the Virgin hurried to Elizabeth; that baby, immediately recognizing Her greeting, rejoiced, and with leaps, as if in songs, cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, branch of the unfading sprout; Rejoice, fruit of the immortal destiny. Rejoice, cultivator of the humane-loving Farmer; Rejoice, giving birth to the Planter of our life. Rejoice, field that grows a rich harvest of compassion; Rejoice, table that brings abundance of propitiation. Rejoice, for You make the luxurious meadow bloom; Rejoice, for You are preparing a refuge for souls. Rejoice, pleasing incense of intercession; Rejoice, redemption of the whole world. Rejoice, God's favor towards mortals; Rejoice, mortals have boldness before God. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 3, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Having a God-receiving womb, the Virgin flowed to Elizabeth. The sowing baby, immediately recognizing her kiss, rejoiced: and with leaps, as if in songs, he cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, stem of unfading vegetation.Rejoice, acquisition of immortal fruit. Rejoice, thou who cultivates the earth, and who loves mankind. Rejoice, you who planted the planter of our life. Rejoice, field that increases the abundance of bounties. Rejoice, table full of propitiations. Rejoice, for You grow a meadow of food. Rejoice, for you are preparing a refuge for souls. Rejoice, God-pleasing incense of prayer. Rejoice, purification of the whole world. Rejoice, calling upon God's favor to mortals. Rejoice, you who give mortals boldness towards God. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 4:
Having a storm inside with doubtful thoughts, the chaste Joseph was confused, to You in vain, unmarried, and thinking about the stolen marriage, Immaculate; Having learned your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

Kontakion 4, translation:
Having a storm of doubtful thoughts in himself, chaste Joseph became confused, looking at You, celibate, and suspecting that you had violated purity, You, Immaculate; Having learned about Your conception from the Holy Spirit, he exclaimed: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 4, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Having a storm of doubtful thoughts internally, the chaste Joseph was confused, in vain of You, the virgin, unmarried, and tempted to think of You as one who had been robbed of marriage: but having learned of Your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

Praise of the Mother of God with Akathist, 14th century icon

Ikos 4:
Hearing the shepherd angels singing the carnal coming of Christ, and as they flowed to the Shepherd they saw Him like a blameless lamb, fallen in Mary’s womb, and singing: Rejoice, Lamb and Shepherd of the Mother; Rejoice, courtyard of verbal sheep. Rejoice, torment of invisible enemies; Rejoice, the doors of heaven are opening. Rejoice, as those in heaven rejoice in those on earth; Rejoice, for the earthly things rejoice in heavenly things. Rejoice, silent lips of the apostles; Rejoice, invincible boldness of the passion-bearers. Rejoice, firm affirmation of faith; Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace. Rejoice, hell has been laid bare; Rejoice, You are clothed with Her glory. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 4, translation:
The shepherds heard the Angels singing the coming of Christ in the flesh, and, hastening to Him as to the Shepherd, they see Him as an immaculate Lamb raised in the womb of Mary; chanting Her, they exclaimed: Rejoice, Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd; Rejoice, court of intelligent sheep. Rejoice, protection from invisible enemies; Rejoice, key that opens the doors of heaven. Rejoice, for everything heavenly shines along with the earth; Rejoice, for everything on earth rejoices along with the heavens. Rejoice, unceasing lips of the Apostles; Rejoice, invincible boldness of the martyrs. Rejoice, solid foundation of faith; Rejoice, clear knowledge of grace. Rejoice, for through You hell has been laid bare; Rejoice, for through You we have been clothed with glory. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 4, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The shepherds heard the Angels chanting the coming of Christ in the flesh, and flowing to Him as a shepherd, they saw Him as an immaculate lamb in the womb of Mary, and, chanting Her, they said: Rejoice, Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd. Rejoice, fence of verbal sheep. Rejoice, reflector of invisible enemies. Rejoice, opener of the gates of heaven. Rejoice, for those in heaven rejoice with those on earth. Rejoice, for the earthly rejoices in the heavenly. Rejoice, for through You the Apostles have silent lips. Rejoice, for through You the ascetics have invincible boldness. Rejoice, strong affirmation of faith. Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace. Rejoice, through Whom hell is laid bare. Rejoice, through whom we are clothed with glory. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 5:
Having seen the divine star, it followed the dawn, and like a lamp holding it, I tested the strong King, and having reached the Incomprehensible, rejoicing, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Kontakion 5 translation:
Having seen the star moved by God, the Magi followed its radiance and, holding it like a lamp, looked for the mighty King with it; and, having reached the Unattainable, they rejoiced, shouting to Him: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 5, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Seeing the God-driven star, the Magi followed its brilliance: and, holding it like a lamp, through it they sought the Strong King: and having reached the unattainable, they rejoiced and exclaimed to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5:
Seeing the youths of Chaldeystia at the hand of the Maiden Who created with the hands of men, and the Master who understands Him, even if the slave has accepted the form, they strived to serve Him freely, and cry out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, Mother of the never-setting Stars; Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day. Rejoice, thou who has extinguished the delights of the furnace; Rejoice, enlightening the mysteries of the Trinity. Rejoice, thou who destroyest the inhuman tormentor from the authorities; Rejoice, you who showed Christ the Lord the Lover of Mankind. Rejoice, deliverer of barbaric service; Rejoice, timenia that takes away matters. Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of worship; Rejoice, thou who changest the flame of passions. Rejoice, faithful teacher of chastity; Rejoice, joy of all kinds. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 5, translation:
The sons of the Chaldeans saw in the arms of the Virgin the Creator of people with His hand, and having perceived the Master in Him, although He took the form of a servant, they hastened to honor Him with gifts and exclaim to the Blessed One: Rejoice, Mother of the never-setting Stars; Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day. Rejoice, thou who has extinguished the furnace of deception; Rejoice, enlightener of the ministers of the mysteries of the Trinity. Rejoice, you who have deprived the inhuman tyrant of power; Rejoice, you who have revealed the Lord who loves mankind - Christ. Rejoice, freer from barbaric rites; Rejoice, you who deliver from unclean deeds. Rejoice, thou who hast ceased the worship of fire; Rejoice, you who deliver us from the flames of passions. Rejoice, leading the faithful to chastity; Rejoice, joy of all generations. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 5, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The sons of the Chaldeans, seeing Him who created men with the hand of the Virgin, and realizing in Him the Master, although He took the form of a slave, hastened to serve Him with gifts and cry to the Blessed One: Rejoice, Mother of the Unstoppable Star. Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day. Rejoice, you who extinguished the furnace kindled by delusion. Rejoice, enlightener of the mysteries of the Trinity. Rejoice, thou who cast out the inhuman tormentor from the authorities. Rejoice, you who showed the Lord who loves mankind, Christ. Rejoice, deliverer from cruel evil. Rejoice, thou who deliverest from the slumber of unclean deeds. Rejoice, you who extinguished the worship of fire. Rejoice, you who deliver us from the flames of passions. Rejoice, teacher of the faithful to chastity. Rejoice, joy of all generations. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 6:
The preachers of God-bearing, formerly wolves, returned to Babylon, having finished Your prophecy, and preaching Your Christ to everyone, leaving Herod as if she were unspoken, unable to sing: Alleluia.

Kontakion 6, translation:
Having become divinely inspired heralds, the Magi returned to Babylon, fulfilling what was predicted about You, and preaching You to everyone as Christ, they left Herod as an idle talker who did not know the song: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 6, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The Magi, having become God-bearing preachers, returned to Babylon, fulfilling Your revelation and preaching Your Christ to everyone, leaving Herod as an empty talker who could not sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6:
Having shone forth in Egypt the enlightenment of truth, Thou didst drive away the darkness of lies: for his idols, O Savior, did not tolerate Thy strength, falling, and those who were delivered cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, correction of men; Rejoice, fall of demons. Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the charms of the empire; Rejoice, you who denounced idolatry flattery. Rejoice, sea that drowned the mental Pharaoh; Rejoice, stone, who gave water to those thirsty for life. Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide those who are in darkness; Rejoice, cover of the world, covering the clouds. Rejoice, receiver of food and manna; Rejoice, holy sweets to the servant. Rejoice, land of promise; Rejoice, honey and milk flow from nothing. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 6, translation:
Having shone in Egypt with the light of truth, You dispersed the darkness of lies; for his idols The Savior, unable to bear Your power, fell, and those delivered from them cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, restoration of people; Rejoice, casting down demons.Rejoice, you who have corrected the deception of lies; Rejoice, you who have exposed the deception of idolatry. Rejoice, sea that drowned the immaterial Pharaoh; Rejoice, rock that gives drink to those thirsty for life. Rejoice, pillar of fire guiding those in darkness; Rejoice, cover of the world, most expansive cloud. Rejoice, food that replaced manna; Rejoice, delight of the holy Servant. Rejoice, land of promise; Rejoice, land from which honey and milk flow. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 6, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Having illuminated Egypt with the enlightenment of Your truth, Savior, You drove away the darkness of lies; for his idols, unable to bear Your power, fell. And those delivered from these evils cried out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, correction of men. Rejoice, casting down demons. Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the power of deception. Rejoice, you who exposed the idolatry’s deceit. Rejoice, sea that drowned the mental Pharaoh. Rejoice, stone that gives drink to those thirsty for life. Rejoice, pillar of fire, guiding those in darkness. Rejoice, cover of the world, vast cloud. Rejoice, you who provide food that succeeds manna. Rejoice, servant of holy sweetness. Rejoice, land of promise. Rejoice, from Whom honey and milk flow. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 7:
I want Simeon from this present age to pass away from the charming one; you were like a child to him, but you also became known to him as a perfect God. I was also amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, calling: Alleluia.

Kontakion 7, translation:
When Simeon was about to migrate from the deceptive age of this present, You were given to him as a Child, but You were also known by him as a perfect God. Therefore he was amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, exclaiming: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 7, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Before Simeon had to repose from this seductive age, You were given to him like a child, but you were also known to him like God. Therefore, he was amazed at Your ineffable wisdom, and exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 7:
A new creation has appeared, the Creator has appeared to us from Him, from the seedless vegetative womb, and having preserved You, as if incorruptible, and having seen a miracle, let us sing You, crying out: Rejoice, flower of incorruption; Rejoice, crown of abstinence. Rejoice, thou who shinest the image of the resurrection; Rejoice, you who reveal the life of angels. Rejoice, bright-fruiting tree, from which the vernias feed; Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which many trees are covered. Rejoice, you who bear in your womb the Deliverer to the captives; Rejoice, you who gave birth to a Guide to the lost. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins. Rejoice, clothing of the naked of boldness; Rejoice, beloved, conqueror of every desire. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 7, translation:
The Creator showed an unprecedented deed, appearing to us, created by Him, growing without a seed from the womb of the Virgin and preserving Her, as She was, intact, so that, seeing the miracle, we would glorify Her, exclaiming: Rejoice, color of incorruption; Rejoice, crown of abstinence. Rejoice, reflecting the radiance of the resurrection; Rejoice, you who manifest angelic life. Rejoice, tree with beautiful fruits, from which the faithful feed; Rejoice, tree with shady foliage, under which many take refuge. Rejoice, thou who bore the captives in the womb of the Redeemer; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Guide of the Lost.Rejoice, propitiation of the Judge of the righteous; Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins. Rejoice, clothing for those lacking boldness; Rejoice, love that surpasses every desire. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 7, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The Creator who appeared showed us the new creation, created by Him. He sprang from a seedless womb, and kept it incorruptible, as it was: so that we, seeing the miracle, would sing about it, crying out: Rejoice, flower of incorruptibility. Rejoice, crown of abstinence. Rejoice, You, in Whom the image of the resurrection shines forth. Rejoice, manifesting angelic life. Rejoice, bright-fruiting tree from which the faithful feed. Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, under which many take refuge. Rejoice, womb-bearing guide to the lost. Rejoice, you who give birth to the redeemer of the captives. Rejoice, imploring the righteous Judge. Rejoice, you who grant forgiveness of many sins. Rejoice, clothing for those who, like naked people, lack boldness. Rejoice, love, conquering all love. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 8:
Having seen a strange Christmas, let us withdraw from the world, turning our minds to heaven: for this reason, for the sake of the high God, a humble man appeared on earth, although he would draw to the heights those crying out: Alleluia.

Kontakion 8, translation:
Having seen an extraordinary birth, let us withdraw from the world, directing our minds to heaven. For this is why the Most High God appeared on earth as a humble man, wanting to attract to the heights those who exclaimed to Him: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 8, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Having seen a strange Christmas, let us withdraw from the world and transfer our minds to heaven: for for this very reason the High God appeared on earth as a humble man, wanting to lift to the heights those who cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8:
All in all, in the lower and higher, the indescribable Word departed in no way: the descent was divine, not a local passing, and the Nativity from the Virgin of God, hearing this: Rejoice, God is the inconceivable container; Rejoice, honest sacrament of the door. Rejoice, doubtful hearing of the unbelievers; Rejoice, well-known praise of the faithful. Rejoice, O holy chariot of Jehovah upon Cherubim; Rejoice, glorious village of Existence on Seraphimech. Rejoice, you who gathered the opposite in the same way; Rejoice, you who combined virginity and Christmas. Rejoice, for the crime was resolved; Rejoice, heaven has already opened. Rejoice, key of the Kingdom of Christ; Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 8, translation:
Everything was in the lands below, and the Infinite Word did not leave anything above; for the Divine descent, but not a change of place, took place, and the birth of the Virgin, who accepted God, hearing from us these words: Rejoice, inconceivable abode of God; Rejoice, door of the sacred sacrament. Rejoice, doubtful news for the unbelievers; Rejoice, there is undoubted praise for the faithful. Rejoice, most holy chariot of the One seated on the Cherubim; Rejoice, most beautiful dwelling of Him who sits on the Seraphim. Rejoice, you who have brought together the opposite; Rejoice, you who combined virginity and birth. Rejoice, for through You the crime has been atoned for; Rejoice, for through You paradise has opened. Rejoice, key of the Kingdom of Christ; Rejoice, hope for eternal blessings. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 8, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
The Indescribable Word was all in the lower regions of existence, and did not deviate at all from the higher ones. For this was not a local passing, but a Divine condescension, and a birth from the Virgin who received God, who hears this from us: Rejoice, container of the incontainable God. Rejoice, door of the venerable sacrament. Rejoice, You, about Whom the unbelievers are wavering in their thoughts when they hear. Rejoice, in whom the faithful do not hesitate to boast. Rejoice, Most Holy Chariot resting on the Cherubim. Rejoice, most beautiful village residing on the Seraphim. Rejoice, you who brought the opposite objects into unity. Rejoice, you who combined virginity and Christmas. Rejoice, through Whom the bonds of crime are loosed. Rejoice, through Whom paradise has been opened. Rejoice, key of Christ's kingdom. Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 9:
Every angelic nature was amazed at the great work of Your incarnation; unapproachable for God, a Man who is visible to all, abides for us, hearing from everyone: Alleluia.

Kontakion 9, translation:
The whole angelic world was amazed at the great work of Your incarnation; for he contemplated the One who, as God, is unapproachable, as a person accessible to all, abiding with us and hearing from everyone: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 9, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Every angelic nature is surprised by the great work of Your incarnation: for it saw the unapproachable God as a man accessible to all, Who dwells with us and hears from all those in heaven and earth: Alleluia.

Ikos 9:
The prophets of many things, like dumb fish, see about You, Mother of God, they are perplexed to say that the Virgin also abides, and was able to give birth. We, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out: Rejoice, companion of the wisdom of God, Rejoice, treasure of His providences. Rejoice, you who reveal the wise to the unwise; Rejoice, thou who accusest the cunning of the wordless. Rejoice, for you have overcome the lute seeker; Rejoice, for the creators of fables have faded away. Rejoice, tearer of the Athenian weaving; Rejoice, fulfiller of fishermen's waters. Rejoice, you who draw forth from the depths of ignorance; Rejoice, you who enlighten many in their understanding. Rejoice, ship of those who want to be saved; Rejoice, haven of worldly voyages. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 9, translation:
We see loud voices like silent fish before You, Mother of God, for they are unable to explain how You remain a virgin and were able to give birth. We, marveling at this mystery, exclaim with faith: Rejoice, receptacle of the Wisdom of God; Rejoice, treasury of His providence. Rejoice, you who show philosophers to be foolish; Rejoice, you who convict those who are skilled in words of foolishness. Rejoice, for the clever interrogators have gone mad; Rejoice, for the writers of tales have faded. Rejoice, thou who destroyest the intricacies of the Athenians; Rejoice, filler of fishermen's nets. Rejoice, thou who bringest forth from the depths of ignorance; Rejoice, you who enlighten many in knowledge. Rejoice, ship for those who want to be saved; Rejoice, harbor for swimmers on the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 9, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
We see the oracles of many-pronounced voiceless fishes before You, Mother of God. For they do not find a way to explain how You remain a virgin and could give birth. But we, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out: Rejoice, friend of God's wisdom. Rejoice, secret repository of His providence. Rejoice, You, before Whom the wise are unwise. Rejoice, before Whom the artists of words find themselves deprived of words. Rejoice, for the cruel interrogators have gone mad. Rejoice, for the creators of fables have faded away. Rejoice, thou who tearest apart the intricacies of the Athenians. Rejoice, filler of the fishermen's ponds. Rejoice, thou who bringest forth from the depths of ignorance. Rejoice, you who enlighten many with knowledge. Rejoice, ship for those who want to be saved. Rejoice, haven of life's voyage. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 10:
Although He has come to save the world, the Decorator of all, He has come to this self-promised, and this Shepherd, like God, has appeared for us for our sake: having called upon like like, for God hears: Alleluia.

Kontakion 10, translation:
Wanting to save the world, the Organizer came to him according to His own promise; and, being a shepherd like God, for our sake he appeared as a man like us; for having called upon like like unto Himself He, like God, hears from everyone: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 10, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Wanting to save the world, the self-proclaimed Decorator of all creatures came to this: and being a shepherd, like God, for our sake he appeared as a man like us. For, having called like to like, He, like God, accepts praise: And lilluia.

Ikos 10:
Thou art a wall to the virgins, O Virgin Mother of God, and to all who come running to Thee: for the Creator of heaven and earth made Thee, O Most Pure One, dwell in Thy womb, and teach all to invite Thee: Rejoice, pillar of virginity; Rejoice, door of salvation. Rejoice, director of mental creation; Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness. Rejoice, for you have renewed those who were conceived in cold; Rejoice, for you have punished those who were stolen by their minds. Rejoice, thou who exercisest the cultivator of meanings; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Sower of Purity. Rejoice, devil of seedless disgrace; Rejoice, you who united the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, good nurse of young virgins; Rejoice, bride-blesser of the souls of the saints. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 10, translation:
You are a wall to the virgins, Virgin Mary, and to all who come running to You. For the Creator of heaven and earth raised You up, O Most Pure One, dwelling in Your womb and teaching everyone to proclaim to You: Rejoice, pillar of virginity; Rejoice, gate of salvation. Rejoice, Leader of spiritual re-creation; Rejoice, Giver of Divine goodness. Rejoice, for You have renewed those conceived shamefully; Rejoice, for You have given understanding to those deprived of understanding. Rejoice, eliminating the corrupter of thoughts; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Sower of Purity. Rejoice, chamber of seedless marriage; Rejoice, uniting the faithful with the Lord. Rejoice, beautiful teacher of virgins; Rejoice, you who dress holy souls as brides. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 10, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Most Pure Mother of God! You are a wall for virgins and for all who come running to You: for this is how the Creator of heaven and earth designed You, Who dwelt in Your womb, and taught everyone to cry to You: Rejoice, pillar of virginity.Rejoice, door of salvation. Rejoice, leader of the intelligent re-creation. Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness. Rejoice, for You have given birth to those who were conceived shamefully. Rejoice, for You have enlightened those whose minds were stolen. Rejoice, making the corrupter of understanding ineffective. Rejoice, you who gave birth to the sower of purity. Rejoice, palace of seedless bridehood. Rejoice, you who united the faithful with the Lord. Rejoice, beautiful nurse of virgins. Rejoice, bride-adorner of the souls of the saints. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 11:
All singing is conquered, striving to meet the multitude of Thy bounties: songs equal to the sand of the sand that we bring to Thee, the Holy King, do nothing worthy of what Thou hast given to us who cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Kontakion 11, translation:
Every song faints, striving to expand to the measure of the multitude of Thy abundant mercies; for if we began to bring songs equal to sand to You, Holy King, we would not have accomplished anything worthy of what You have given to us, who cry to You: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 11, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Every song, when it tries to follow the many bounties of Thy, is overcome by their abundance. For if we had brought hymns equal to the sand to Thee, O Holy King, we would not have yet accomplished anything worthy of Thy gifts to us, who cry out to Thee: A Lilluia.

Ikos 11:
The light-receiving candle, which appears to those in the darkness, we see the Holy Virgin, the immaterial one who burns fire, instructs all to the Divine mind, enlightening the mind at dawn, revered by the title, with these: Rejoice, ray of the intelligent Sun; Rejoice, shining light of the never-setting Light. Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls; Rejoice, for the thunder is terrifying to enemies. Rejoice, for you have shone with many lights of enlightenment; Rejoice, for you are a multi-flowing river. Rejoice, image-painting font; Rejoice, you who take away sinful filth. Rejoice, bath that washes the conscience; Rejoice, cup that draws joy. Rejoice, smelling the fragrance of Christ; Rejoice, belly of secret joy. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 11, translation:
We see a luminous candle appearing in darkness in the Holy Virgin; for, kindling the immaterial Light, She leads everyone to the knowledge of the Divine, like the dawn, illuminating the mind, and is honored with such an appeal: Rejoice, ray of the spiritual Sun; Rejoice, radiance of the never-setting Light. Rejoice, lightning, illuminating souls; rejoice, like thunder, striking down enemies.Rejoice, for You radiate a radiant radiance; Rejoice, for You are pouring out a great river. Rejoice, you who paint the image of the font; Rejoice, remover of sinful filth. Rejoice, pool that washes the conscience; Rejoice, cup that contains joy. Rejoice, aroma of Christ's fragrance; Rejoice, life of the mysterious feast. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 11, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
We see the luminous lamp, which appeared to those in darkness, in the face of the Holy Virgin. For she, kindling the immaterial light, guides everyone to Divine knowledge, enlightening the mind with the dawn, and is honored by these invocations: Rejoice, ray of the intelligent sun. Rejoice, brilliance of the everlasting radiance. Rejoice, lightning that illuminates souls. Rejoice, you who destroy enemies like thunder. Rejoice, for from You arises a multi-illuminated enlightenment. Rejoice, for You bring forth a multi-streamed river. Rejoice, painting the image of the font. Rejoice, you who take away the filth of sin. Rejoice, laver that washes the conscience. Rejoice, cup that draws joy. Rejoice, aroma of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, life of the mysterious sweet food. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 12:
The grace of repaying the desires of the ancient debts, of all debts, the Solver of man, having come by Himself to those who had departed from His grace, and dismantling the handwriting, hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Kontakion 12, translation:
Grace to bestow, having desired to forgive the ancient debts, the debts of all people, the Resolver Himself came to those who had withdrawn from His grace, and, tearing up the debt receipt, heard from everyone: Hallelujah!

Kontakion 12 translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Wishing to grant forgiveness of ancient debts, the Lord of all men Himself approached those who had departed from His grace: and, tearing apart the handwriting, He hears this from everyone: A lilluia.

Ikos 12:
Singing Your Nativity, we all praise You, like an animated temple, the Mother of God: for in Your womb, uphold everything with the hand of the Lord, sanctify, glorify and teach everyone to cry out to You: Rejoice, village of God and the Word; Rejoice, great holy of holies. Rejoice, ark, gilded by the Spirit; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of the belly. Rejoice, honest one, crowned with pious people; Rejoice, honest praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church; Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the Kingdom. Rejoice, victories will arise from her; Rejoice, from where enemies fall. Rejoice, healing of my body; Rejoice, salvation of my soul. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Ikos 12, translation:
Glorifying Your birth of Christ, we all praise You as an animated temple, Mother of God; for having dwelled in Your womb, the Lord holding everything with His hand, sanctified You, glorified You and taught everyone to cry out to You: Rejoice, tabernacle of God and the Word; Rejoice, great Holy of Holies. Rejoice, ark, gilded by the Spirit; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of life. Rejoice, precious crown of pious kings; Rejoice, sacred praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, unshakable stronghold of the Church; Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the kingdom. Rejoice, for thanks to You trophies are raised; Rejoice, for thanks to You the enemies are overthrown. Rejoice, healing of my body; Rejoice, salvation of my soul. Rejoice, Bride, who has never known marriage.

Ikos 12, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
Singing Your Generation, we also glorify You, Mother of God, as an animated temple: for the Lord, who contains everything by His hand, dwelling in Your womb, sanctified You, glorified You, and taught everyone to cry out to You: Rejoice, tabernacle of God and the Word. Rejoice, thou who exceedest in holiness the Holy of Holies. Rejoice, ark, gilded by the Spirit. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasury of life. Rejoice, precious crown of pious kings. Rejoice, venerable praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church. Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the Kingdom. Rejoice, You by Whom signs of victory are erected. Rejoice, by whose power enemies fall. Rejoice, healing of my body. Rejoice, salvation of my soul. Rejoice, unbridled Bride.

Kontakion 13:
Oh, All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Having accepted this present offering, deliver everyone from all misfortunes, and remove future torments from those who cry out for You: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Kontakion 13, translation:
Oh, all-glorified Mother, who gave birth to all saints the most holy Word! Having accepted the present offering, deliver from all misfortune everyone and free from future punishment those who cry together (to You): Hallelujah!

Kontakion 13, translation of St. Philareta (Drozdova):
O all-sung Mother, who gave birth to the most holy Word of all saints! Having accepted the present offering, take away from every misfortune, and deliver from future torment all who cry together: Alleluia.

A figurative expression defining St. Philaret in the poetic response of A.S. Pushkin, on the poetic letter of the saint to A.S.

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