How to kick a bad person out of work. Conspiracies and rituals to prevent you from being fired from your job. Rituals for dismissing a specific person

In our life, in order to achieve something or get something, we need to work and earn a lot of money. To do this, you need to go to work every day. The work of the average person takes place in a small office or a large company, in a work shop at a factory, well, it doesn’t matter where, and the main thing is that the same ordinary people work in such work. Some people have good character, some don't. An ordinary person will not be able to adapt to all people, and in most cases, minor conflicts occur between employees. Conflict that occurs every day at work will not bring anything good. For some people, constant quarrels in the team make them reluctant to come to work every day and fulfill their immediate responsibilities. And it often happens that a conflict appears for no reason, but it’s not without reason. If a person is being bullied at work, why not show character. And the best punishment is to take revenge, and we will take revenge with the support of mysterious forces.

How to identify an angry person in a team

You began to notice that one of your colleagues is spreading bad, untrue gossip about you, discussing your work and family around the corner, insulting you - this means that you have crossed the employee’s path and he is asking for conflict. In order to punish the enemy, you must determine who exactly this is, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to punish the entire team. For help, you can turn to magic yourself or seek the help of a professional. I will offer you several options for ritual rites that will help resolve the conflict radically, that is, by eliminating your opponent from work altogether.

Magic rituals for dismissing a person from work

Before you magically punish a bad person, you need to find out who this person is, who exactly provokes that very conflict, the effect of which is reflected on you and your work. After you have found your ill-wisher, you will need to perform a magical ritual to fire your colleague from work. This ceremony is carried out right at the workplace.

Ritual on a sheet of paper

This ritual is unique in that it can be done quickly and relatively hidden. But it is quite effective and operates with high power.

What is needed for the ritual

For this ritual you will need what is on every desktop, namely:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • black pen.

How to perform the ritual

Before you begin performing the ritual, you will need to do a not entirely pleasant thing, namely, challenge your opponent to an open conflict.

  1. In the process, try to hook him as strongly as possible, wound him as deeply as possible, the stronger his rage, the more effective the ritual you perform will be.
  2. When the conflict is in full swing, simply turn around and leave your table, leaving a final phrase, you can even say it to yourself:

    “What am I doing here in front of an empty space? Three times scum, scum on you!

  3. Now go to your workplace.
  4. Take a sheet of white paper and place it in front of you.
  5. Take a pen and draw the image of your opponent as best you can.
  6. When the drawing is finished, draw a cross directly on the image. Cross out the person you drew.
  7. And then start sketching and drawing it with all your anger, uttering a conspiracy:

    “Go, go, find another job for yourself, and leave this one, forget about it and don’t remember it. Amen"

  8. Next, you need to take this piece of paper and go to the toilet with it. There, just tear it into pieces and flush it down the toilet with the words:

    “This is where you belong!”

    After reading the plot, your colleague will begin to experience some changes in his behavior. He will start making mistakes at work, be late, or simply quit his job right away.

If he didn't quit after a while the magic ritual must be repeated several more times. For conspiracies to work correctly, you must do everything, and most importantly, you must believe in them.

Complex rituals for dismissal

In magical practice, there are also other rituals for dismissing a person from work. I will tell you about some of them now.

Complex rituals for dismissal

Witchcraft ritual for the name

Having found a religious holiday in the church calendar, read the following plot before going to bed:

“I walk, the slave of the Lord (name) and look around according to the ranks. From among the ranks, Saint Samson appears to me. I call on the name of the Almighty for support and ask Samson to give me a prophetic dream. I'm going to watch in my dreams the face of my damned enemy. Let the Holy Trinity orient me on the path that allows me to free myself from my harmful adversary. May Jesus bless my dream and give me the enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever. Amen".

After reading the text of the conspiracy to the end in silence, without talking to anyone, go to bed. This night you should have a prophetic dream. Try to remember it, as it will show the true events and the image of your hater.

When you come to work the next day, observe the behavior of your colleagues. One of them must definitely feel bad, get sick, and talk about quarrels and problems in the family. This will be the person who wished you harm or wanted you to be fired. But you will be left with the job, not your evil enemy. This person can resign himself.

Magic ritual to earth from the crossroads

What to do if a work colleague continues to work and ruins your nerves or tries in every possible way to set you up to get fired? It is necessary to think about this issue and begin to perform a magical ritual. To carry it out, you will need to go to an intersection at night, which does not have an asphalt surface, and collect three handfuls of earth with your bare hands. During this you need to read the magic plot:

“Mother Earth, I take you not for my own ambitions, but to fight for justice.”

After the ritual, go home to sleep. Along the way, there is no one to talk to, no looking back. Place a small piece of black cloth on a clean and empty table and pour out the soil from the intersection. With your index finger or knife, draw three upside-down crosses and say the spell words three times:

“I appeal to you, unclean spirits and dark forces! Pounce on my hated enemy (name) and frighten him. Torment him from early morning, don’t let him go in broad daylight and don’t spare him in the dark at night.”

When you have done everything, we move on to the next stage of conducting a strong ritual to fire the ill-wisher from work. Upon completion of reading the plot, take a sheet of white paper, write all the information about the enemy, starting with the first and last name. Next you need to write where he works, by whom, where he lives, with whom he communicates, what he did and said to you that was bad. Take the written sheet, light a match, set it on fire, and mix the resulting ashes with the charmed earth. While you are performing this ritual, whisper the magic words:

“Just as pedestrians and riders used the crossroads without knowing the way, so you, my adversary (name), will lose your way to life. Either hurry up to leave the service, or expect everything bad that can happen to a person. Let your journey to ... (place of work) tire you and become overwhelming. Don’t reach for your familiar place, enemy. Let the devil beckon you over the threshold. From this second I am blocking for you every path and road leading to our threshold. May my strong words be spoken on time, may they carry my evil intent into the Universe. And let it be this way and not otherwise.”

Witchcraft ritual with poppy seeds and salt

You came to a new job, and your colleagues looked at you, began to discuss, report to the boss about every step, envy your family and financial well-being? Do such people interfere with your work and life? There is a conflict between you and a colleague, and you want to get rid of these problems? Don't be sad, there is a way out. There is no need to immediately run to your superiors and write an application for settlement. Black magic will help you get rid of this problem.

The word black magic definitely scares you. You shouldn’t be afraid of such words, magic is magic, it’s one energy, just like the two sides of the moon. It will not bring you any negative consequences if you properly prepare for the ritual and carry it out correctly. Everything you do will affect your unfriendly colleague. If you have already decided to have the person leave his job on his own, or if you are trying to get him fired from his job, then you need to start performing magical rituals.

Using a poppy you can plot to quit your job

How to conduct a ritual

  1. It is necessary to carry out a witchcraft ritual with poppy seeds and salt on the waning moon.
  2. Buy one pack of salt and poppy seeds at the store. Come home and open the packages of poppy seeds and salt.
  3. Take three large pinches from each bag.
  4. Place in a small bowl or bowl and stir counterclockwise with the tip of a knife.
  5. While stirring the mixture, you need to bend over a bowl or bowl, so that while reading the spell, your exhaled air lightly touches the prepared mixture. The plot must be read seven times in a row:

    “I overcome all obstacles, thresholds and doors in the form of a black viper. I bring to the servant of God (name of the enemy) tears, misfortunes and quarrels for every reason. I command the poppy to be tears, and the salt to be grief. I stir up trouble on them and give it to the slave (so-and-so). I lock my mouth and throw my valuable key into the depths of the sea. No one will interrupt my action or thwart my plan. Let it be three times stronger.”

  6. Scatter the poppy mixture enchanted by this conspiracy at work in the corners of the office of the person who wished you harm and wanted you to be fired from your job.
  7. Place the rest of the poppy mixture, a few grains at a time, in drawers of tables, on shelves, cabinets, sprinkle under the threshold and on it, and also scatter the remaining grains on the other side of your office.

After the work done, wait for the result. Don't worry if it doesn't appear right away. It will take some time.

Black candle ritual

The magic program also has the most powerful rituals that allow you to quickly remove a person you don’t need from a high position or remove them from work altogether. You can use this magical ritual.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform this ritual you need:

  • a blank sheet of white paper;
  • black candle, vinegar;
  • nettle;
  • black wool thread;
  • empty small jar or bottle;
  • pen with black paste.

How to perform the ritual

  1. On a blank piece of paper, we write with a pen the name of your work colleague who always set you up or offended you. We write the name seven times.
  2. Then, crosswise we write the words:

    "go away"

    also seven times.

  3. Pour a pinch of nettle herb onto the written paper.
  4. Fold the sheet of paper away from you, turn it to the other side and also fold it in half. We carefully tie the resulting small bundle with black woolen thread.
  5. Then, put the package in an empty jar or vial and fill it with acetic acid. Close the lid of the jar tightly and place a black candle on it.
  6. We light a candle and mentally pronounce a magic spell:

    “Burn, burn my candle, drive away bad and evil people from me. Let them bypass me and never touch me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  7. Repeat the magic words until the candle burns out completely.

After such a ritual, something will happen to your colleague. He may get sick, will not perform his job duties at work, is threatened with dismissal or his boss will fire him, and he may also suddenly move to another city, find another job, and you will remain at your job. No one will touch or touch your soul, you will work calmly and prosper. Your energy will be healthy and intact.

After such rituals, if they are fulfilled, the person who performed them acquires a new source of energy, happily goes to work, puts all his effort into it and comes home not tired, but joyful and cheerful.

For the ritual you will need a black candle

Magic ritual from photography

Have you found out who doesn’t love you, who is jealous and puts a spoke in your wheels, provoking you into conflict? Did you want to take revenge on this man, so much so that his spirit would not remain at your work in your office? Practical black magic will help you with this. She will perfectly reveal to you her dark sides of magical rituals and spells. Seek help only when you have no more strength left and you can no longer communicate and fight with your enemy.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct a ceremony based on a photograph, you will need to prepare:

  • photo of your employee;
  • a thick light candle;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • water.

How to perform the ritual

  1. First, take a photo, light a candle and hold the candle over the photo three times, counterclockwise.
  2. Take the threads, cut off two small threads and place them crosswise on the photo.
  3. Move the knife over the photo three times and say the words:

    “Just as I follow a photograph, so you, servant of God (name), leave me once and for all. Get away from me so far that they can’t find you. Let it be so. Amen".

You need to read the plot three times. After such a black ritual, a person will suffer from headaches, toothaches, and his health and mood will also deteriorate. He will no longer be able to work at his job if you do everything correctly. Don’t be afraid, you won’t be able to kill him with such rituals and spells, but you will only scare him a little so that he knows that people don’t need to do bad things.

Work is a very important part for any of us who wants to feel financially independent. But sometimes even after finding a good job, there is that fly in the ointment that ruins everything, in the person of an always dissatisfied boss or an obnoxious employee.

The easiest option is to quit yourself and try yourself in another business or at another job. But it’s better not to change your job too often, so as not to spoil your work history. And then, if the work is really worthwhile, then isn’t it better to fight for your place in the sun? And magic is a reliable assistant in this.

Conspiracy to fire a boss or employee

It happens that staying at work is unbearable and everything would be fine if not for the nagging of one particular person. But on the other hand, why exactly should you leave your job, and wouldn’t it be better to get your offender fired? On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, it’s better not to get carried away with such magical rituals of black magic; it can drag on, but don’t indulge.

But if you decide, prepare for the ceremony:

Scissors and black thread.

Spring water.

One thick candle in light shades.

Photo of the boss or employee.

Conspiracy against a boss or employee:

1. Place the photograph on the table or floor and place a small bowl of spring water on it and pass a lit candle three times over the photograph and water counterclockwise.

2. Then cut two pieces of thread and fold them crosswise on the photo.

3. Then take the needle and, moving it around the photo counterclockwise, say three times:

“I’ll tell you from your photograph, I’ll tell you a slander. Servant of God (name) leave forever, you and I will never get along here, you leave, but I will stay. And if you want to stay, you won’t get back your peace, he will leave you forever, until your soul disappears into the abyss. Amen"

4. Then stick the needle into the head in the photograph.

5. Remove the photograph and store it without removing the needle until you are satisfied with the result.

6. Come to work early in the morning and take spring water with you, lightly sprinkle it on the threshold of the office, the threshold of the entrance to the organization, the corners of the boss’s office.

And if possible, add a little charmed water to your boss’s tea or coffee. To do this, you can drop a few drops into a common teapot or the one from which the boss drinks; there will be no harm to other people. Usually office workers come in the morning and change the water in the kettle or change it around 10 am, you can do this in advance.

The ritual is black and guarantees your offender health problems, in particular headaches, possibly toothaches, general depression and deterioration in health in general. He simply will not be able to be at work, especially next to you. On an instinctive level, your offender will begin to avoid you and find fault less, until he leaves work altogether.

A conspiracy to fire your abuser

There are also special rituals in magic that allow you to remove a person from your path, even one who occupies a high position, or even achieve his dismissal. In order to get out of the way or fire your offender you will need:

A white sheet of paper, naturally clean.

Pen with black ink.

A little vinegar and a black candle.

A small jar or bottle.

Black wool thread.


Conducting a conspiracy to leave a boss or employee:

1. Write with a pen on a piece of paper the name of your offender exactly seven times.

2. Then also write the words crosswise seven times:

"Get away from me"

3. Then sprinkle a pinch of nettle grass onto a piece of paper with your inscriptions.

4. Then roll the sheet of paper away from you, turn the sheet to the other side and fold it in half again. You should end up with a small bundle that needs to be tied with black thread.

5. Then put the leaf in a jar, fill it with vinegar and close the lid tightly. And place the candle on this lid.

6. Light a candle and say:

“Burn my candle, take all evil away from me, drive bad people away from me. Let no one touch me at work, let no one offend me with a word, let no one see me as an enemy. Let all the bad and bad things of the servant of God (your name) pass me by, and the servant of God (the name of your offender) quickly leave work, find another job, and begin a new life. Amen"

7. Repeat the spell slowly while the candle is burning.

Even if your offender is in good standing with management, you can still get rid of him one way or another. For example, in my practice, it happened when a woman was offered a promotion in another organization. Or when another woman’s brother found a job in another city.

There was even a case when a very demanding and picky boss simply annoyed everyone, so many people could not stand it and quit because of her. But it so happened that the superior boss was called for promotion to another position, and the new head of the organization, who came in her place, simply fired this picky lady, or rather asked her, and instead called his own man.

In one way or another, a conspiracy to fire your boss or any other employee will help you even when it would seem that this person will never be removed. It happens that a person has a very bad and complex character and everyone knows it, but the supreme leadership values ​​him (her). Because he does a very important job that no one else can do or in fact he may be very hardworking and work a lot, but he has such a picky character. Even in this case, magic will still find a way and the right approach and save you from such a person.

How to turn your boss's anger into favor

Even if it is your boss who often screams at you. There is no need to panic or get very upset about this. For such people, as a rule, it’s not that it becomes a habit, but they can often break down, but meanwhile they move away faster than ordinary people. That is, if your boss yelled at you in the morning, by the evening he has long since “forgiven” you and forgotten, and even somewhere in the depths of his soul he feels, if not remorse, then he understands that he is not doing very well.

With the help of magical spells against your boss, you can even turn his anger to your advantage, and you may even be able to become his (her) favorite (favorite), while you won’t have to sleep with your boss in any vulgarity.

Since the plot intends to evoke feelings close to love in the boss, it must be carried out on the waxing moon. In front of the boss’s door, before entering, say:

“Lord, in difficult times I trust in you and call on you for help. Remember the meekness and generosity of King David. How kind and merciful he was to the people who served him. So let my boss, the servant of God (name), be kind and merciful to me, and let his anger turn into favor towards me. May he be merciful, meek and fair to me. Amen"

Soon you will no longer suffer from your boss's anger and attacks. And his rage will turn into mercy and favor towards you. Even hot-tempered and angry people are not strangers to manifestations of kindness and good attitude, it’s just that sometimes people need to help reveal these feelings in themselves, at least with the help of the same conspiracy from an evil boss.

Quarrels and squabbles in the work team negatively affect not only psychological, but also physical health. It's no secret that in almost any team there is a person who constantly spoils everyone's nerves and creates problems. Such a person undermines all established work, which cannot but affect the entire work activity of employees.

If this is the case, why not actually get rid of the incompetent employee? In order for a person to be fired from work, special rituals and conspiracies must be carried out.

Not everyone knows, but our ancestors used this method to identify a bad worker. After all, it often happens that a subordinate, seeing his superiors, begins to behave ingratiatingly and creates a halo of work activity around himself. Although in reality he is completely useless and, as they say, “eats other people’s bread.”

The ceremony to identify the “extra” employee can be performed on any Orthodox holiday. The procedure for performing the ritual action is as follows.

When going to bed on the eve of an Orthodox holiday, read a special prayer:

“I look around the rows, looking for a bad worker. I see Saint Samson, I call on him to open my eyes, to send me a prophetic dream. I want to see the one who is plotting against me. The Holy Trinity will show the way, and I can remove the accursed adversary. Give me the enemy, Christ, I will give you eternal praise. Amen".

When the last words are spoken, go to bed and watch your dreams. This night they will be prophetic.

  • The image of a rival or a careless colleague may flash in your dreams sporadically, so you need to be extremely careful.
  • In addition, an unfriendly and lazy colleague may appear before you in an absolutely incredible role and behave very nicely and good-naturedly.
  • Remember, these are all tricks, and since after reading the prayer you dreamed of this person, it means that he is the most useless link in the team.

There is no way an innocent person should be allowed to survive. Sometimes it seems to us that some colleague comes to work just to “sit out.” But if this person did not visit your prophetic dream, it means that he deserves to occupy his position.

Magic rituals for dismissing an employee

There are many magical rituals associated with the dismissal of a co-worker. We have selected the most effective of them.

On paper

In order for the ritual action to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the entire prescribed algorithm of actions:

After the magical ritual on paper, the colleague will begin to make irreparable mistakes and will soon leave his workplace.

By the way, to get rid of a colleague even faster, after each of his mistakes you can read the following plot:

“Get out of here, find yourself a new job. Leave this work to me, don’t you dare think about it again. Amen".

Ritual to the ground

To perform this ritual, you will have to go to the crossroads of four roads at night on the waning moon. Where the asphalt covering has not yet been laid or is completely absent, you need to take a little earth while pronouncing the following words: “I’m taking a piece of land without ambition for the sake of justice.”

  • Afterwards, without looking at anyone, without talking to anyone, go home.
  • At home, cover the dining table with black material and pour soil onto it.

Take a knife and draw 3 inverted crosses on the ground, while saying the following prayer:

“Dark forces, otherworldly spirits, fall on my adversary (colleague’s name), let him want to quit. Torment him, scare him, force him to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this and this world. Day and night, don’t feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement. My word is strong."

Then take a blank paper and write on it everything you know about the employee (full name, place of work, position, etc.)

The paper with information must be set on fire and mixed with earth, and then thrown out at the same intersection.

With the help of this powerful ritual, you can even influence the imminent dismissal of a director or a careless boss. However, you must understand that this magical action is somewhat akin to damage and should not be carried out in vain.

Ritual on poppy seeds and salt

To provoke the dismissal of an employee, you can use a magical ritual with poppy seeds and salt:

  1. The ritual is performed on the waning moon.
  2. Buy one package each of poppy seeds and salt.
  3. Take three handfuls from each of them and put them on a plate.
  4. Using a sharp knife, mix the contents of the plate counterclockwise.

“I overcome thresholds and obstacles, I penetrate you like a black snake. I bring quarrels, sadness and the collapse of all plans. Salt will be your grief, poppy will be your burning tears. I mix and mix the trouble, I send it to the servant of God (name is called). So that you are kicked out of work, and good people do not shake hands. I lock my lips and throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can interrupt my plans. Let it be so".

Take the charmed mash with you to work and scatter it as discreetly as possible in the office of your annoying employee.

Throw the remaining mixture into a latrine or outside the office gate.

Ritual for a black candle

For this ritual you will need:

The sequence of the ritual is as follows:

  1. Write the name of the disgusted colleague seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Write "go away" in a cross pattern seven times.
  3. Sprinkle a sheet of paper with nettles.
  4. Fold the piece of paper and tie it with black thread.
  5. Immerse the package in a jar, fill it with vinegar and seal the lid.
  6. Place a candle on the lid and read the spell until the candle burns out.

“Blow, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen".

Ritual for dismissal from work using a photograph

For the ritual action you will need the following items;

  • Employee photo;
  • Scissors;
  • Pure water;
  • Wool threads;
  • Thick white candle.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Light a torch.
  2. Run the candle across your colleague's photo three times counterclockwise.
  3. Take scissors and cut two threads.
  4. Place the threads in the shape of a cross on your opponent's photo.
  5. Take a knife and draw an imaginary cross over the photograph three times, while simultaneously saying the following words:

“I run a candle over your face (employee’s name), seal it with a cross and a knife. You don’t come here anymore, don’t plot intrigues, don’t disturb me. Goodbye forever, leave this job, leave me alone. Amen".

Getting rid of a bloodsucking leader

It happens that the team is united and the work is going well, but the boss still rages and does not allow his subordinates to live. Times are difficult now and I don’t really want to quit my job because of a bloodsucking leader.

And many people endure all the bullying of a careless boss, thereby undermining their health. But in fact, there is always a way out.

Damage to a bloodsucker leader (for stomach upset)

If the manager is completely tortured, but you still don’t really want to cause severe damage, you can do him a small, but rather unpleasant dirty trick. Let him better dwell on his worries and finally stop bothering you and your colleagues.

The ritual is performed on a debilitated moon. For a magical performance you will have to purchase a scythe, you can take a mini version. So:

  1. When the sun is still at its zenith, go to any cemetery or burial ground and mow some grass.
  2. Take the grass and braid it into a long braid. The longer the weave, the longer the bloodsucker will empty.
  3. Next, focus on your boss. Remember all his evil and unfair deeds and from the bottom of your heart wish “all the best” to his stomach. But under no circumstances should you mention your name.

Ritual for the dismissal of a director

In everyday life, it’s not easy for a simple subordinate to get the director fired. It is for such cases that there is a powerful magical ritual for the dismissal of a managerial person.

But, if your answer is positive, proceed to the ritual action, the effect of which will not take long to arrive.

The order of the ceremony:

  1. On the flawed moon, collect earth from the crossroads and, when going home, pour it onto the black matter.
  2. Visually draw an inverted cross above the fabric with a ritual knife.
  3. Burn the boss’s photo and mix its ashes with the ground, while reading the following plot:

Magic text: “People on horseback and on foot wander through forest crossroads, they don’t know the paths, they get lost and get lost. So let my boss (name) stray from the true path and begin to make mistakes. If you leave the service, you will not be able to avoid losses. When you get tired of the road to work, you want to step outside the threshold. I’m closing your way back, sealing it with crosses. Amen".

Afterwards, pour out the entire contents of the black cloth at the intersection where you took the soil.

This ritual is quite effective and in the very near future the leader will leave his post.

On the one hand, it may seem that assisting in the dismissal of a person is something sinful. Although in fact, in this way you are simply protecting yourself from stupid bosses and lazy employees, thereby saving the entire work process.

  • However, after any magical actions it is necessary to carry out cleaning.
  • For example, it wouldn’t hurt to go to church for Sunday services or take communion.
  • It is also unnecessary to abuse practical magic.

Remember, magical rites for dismissal are carried out exclusively in hopeless situations, when any other methods of solving the problem are no longer able to help.

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How to initiate the dismissal of a colleague using a conspiracy with employees? What legal ways can help remove an employee who is not performing his duties well? Those who want to restore justice should learn about the most insidious plans to fire another person.

Layoff planning

The first thing you should understand is that you should not force another person to fire on the basis of simple hostility. It is necessary to resort to extreme measures only in the case when a subordinate really interferes with work, or uses some personal circumstances to obtain undeserved privileges from his superiors (for example, he very often skips work, explaining this by the fact that his house is being renovated, and so on ).

Advice! Before you think about how to arrange the dismissal of an employee, you need to answer the question of why to do this.

In what cases can you try to remove a person from his position:

  • if an employee interferes with others’ work;
  • creates the ground for conflicts;
  • often lazy, late a lot;
  • threats from a subordinate (verbal and physical);
  • attempts to repeatedly encroach on someone else's property.

If one of the above situations occurs at work very often, then you need to think about what to do in this case.

Find a reason

The first thing you need to do is talk to your colleagues; it is quite possible that this person is also bothering others. Just don’t talk about it directly; it’s better to ask what others think about the subordinate. If among your colleagues there are those whom the employee threatened or stole something, then you need to team up with them and come up with a plan of action together. For example, everyone should write a collective letter to the director.

If the appeal reaches the boss, but he can influence the situation very little, then you can try to solve the problem yourself - look at the work of the subordinate and write down all the comments that you have for him. In addition to this, it is also possible, in the presence of witnesses, to confirm the employee’s systematic tardiness (if there really is one), which may serve as a reason to fire him.

To prove to the manager and at the same time give a reason to end the relationship with a negligent employee, you can use a camera on your phone, a voice recorder, and so on. All this will either help the boss legally terminate the contract, or encourage the person to quit himself if the offense was very serious.

But in no case should you embellish events or find fault with trifles - this will not add confidence to the director, but will only aggravate the situation.

If an employee systematically bullies another employee, the other employee must immediately report this to the manager, as such behavior is a serious offense and may be grounds for disciplinary action.

Help from management

One conspiracy to dismiss between employees may not be a very effective measure. To make a person more likely to leave, you can involve people in leadership positions in the case. If any evidence of violations on the part of the employee whom they want to get rid of has been collected, then it is necessary to show it to the director. It’s best to do this anonymously, but ensure that all the necessary materials are delivered to the manager personally. It is better not to send via email, as the director may not see the desired message or will not attach much importance to it.

If the employer agrees to listen to dissatisfied subordinates, then you need to think about how and what to tell him. It is necessary that the speech be brief and the essence of the conflict be clear.

Advice! You should not denigrate your colleague in front of your boss; it is better to pay attention to the person’s merits, but at the same time tactfully draw attention to his misdeeds.

If the director asks what he needs to do, then he needs to say his intentions directly, but without getting too carried away - the tone should be neutral. Otherwise, the manager will decide that in this way personal scores are being settled with his employee.

After the team’s opinion has been expressed, you can calm down and wait for a decision or action from management.

If management is in no hurry to take any action, then you can try to lead the situation to the point where the employee leaves. You can continue to monitor his lateness, and then report it to the manager. Another way is to offer a subordinate a position in another company if there is information about a vacancy. But for this person you need to get to know him better in order to convince him to leave the organization of his own free will.

The most detailed description: how to remove a bad person from work, a conspiracy or prayer - for our readers and subscribers.

If you need a person to be fired from work - strong conspiracies from our ancestors

There are work colleagues with whom it is impossible to get along in the same office. They bother you and create a lot of unpleasant situations, so why not get rid of them forever? Now you will learn how to get a person fired from his job - conspiracies for this have existed for a long time.

Quarrels in the work team undermine our health, but we can quickly get rid of a harmful employee. Remove the enemy using an occult ritual. This is what many witches with secret knowledge do. We will start by identifying who is “hooking” you.

Learning to identify enemies at work

Before using a dismissal plot, you need to determine the target for the strike. There is a special ritual to identify the enemy. Procedure:

  1. Find the nearest Christian holiday on the calendar.
  2. In the evening (on the eve of the holiday), read the plot to identify the enemy.
  3. Go to bed.
  4. Take a closer look at your visions this night - they will be prophetic.

The image of an ill-wisher may flash occasionally, so be extremely careful. You shouldn't fire someone from your job without a good reason. The one you dreamed about will subsequently have to be punished. Conspiracy text:

“I look around the rows, looking for a bad worker. I see Saint Samson, I call on him to open my eyes, to send me a prophetic dream. I want to see the one who is plotting against me. The Holy Trinity will show the way, and I can remove the accursed adversary. Give me the enemy, Christ, I will give you eternal praise. Amen".

Types of magical rituals associated with dismissal

There are many rituals associated with the dismissal of someone who interferes with your ability to work peacefully. Some people cast spells on salt, others on paper. In the second case, you will have to stock up on a black pen and a white sheet of paper. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Openly quarrel with the enemy (hook him harder, let him throw out his rage).
  2. In the middle of an argument, turn around abruptly and leave the office.
  3. Mentally cast a spell (“I’m standing in front of an empty place, I’m blaming you three times”).
  4. Go to your workplace, sit at the table, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you.
  5. Draw a diagram of your enemy and cross out his image.
  6. Now start sketching the picture angrily, repeating the main part of the spell three times.
  7. Go to the toilet with the sheet, tear the paper and flush it down the toilet.
  8. As you do this, say: “From now on, your place is here.”

After reading the plot, a colleague will begin to make irreparable mistakes. Watch for his mistakes and point them out to his superiors. Conspiracy text:

“Get out of here, find yourself a new job. Leave this work to me, don’t you dare think about it again. Amen".

Ritual with soil taken at a crossroads

To perform this ritual, go late in the evening to an intersection that has not yet been paved. Collect some land there, whisper the spell: “I take a piece of land without ambition for the sake of justice.” Now go home (talking to passers-by or looking around is prohibited). Further procedure:

  1. Wait for the waning moon.
  2. Spread a black cloth on the kitchen table.
  3. Pour the collected soil onto the material.
  4. Using a ritual knife, draw three inverted crosses (directly on the ground).
  5. Read the second part of the spell.
  6. Write information about the enemy on a piece of paper (first name, last name, place of work, etc.).
  7. Burn the paper with the information.

To guarantee dismissal of your opponent, mix the ashes with the enchanted earth. If you have a photograph of the enemy in your arsenal, remove the paper and set the photo on fire. Text of the second conspiracy:

“Dark forces, otherworldly spirits, fall on my adversary (colleague’s name), let him want to quit. Torment him, scare him, force him to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this and this world. Day and night, don’t feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement. My word is strong."

Poppy and salt

There is a solution to how to make a person quit his job - a conspiracy to salt. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl. Mix everything with a knife, oriented counterclockwise. After this, you need to bend over the container and cast the spell seven times. The ritual takes place during a debilitated moon - this is an important point.

The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent’s office and scattered in the four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in desk drawers, on bookshelves. The remains of the mixture are scattered on the opposite side of the office. Conspiracy text:

“I overcome thresholds and obstacles, I penetrate you like a black snake. I bring quarrels, sadness and the collapse of all plans. Salt will be your grief, poppy will be your burning tears. I mix and mix the trouble, I send it to the servant of God (name is called). So that you are kicked out of work, and good people do not shake hands. I lock my lips and throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can interrupt my plans. Let it be so".

Ritual with a black candle

For witchcraft you will need an empty jar, a white leaf, nettles with vinegar, black woolen thread, and a pen. The refill in the pen should be black. You also need to stock up on a black (not church) candle. Procedure:

  1. Write the name of the enemy employee seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw the phrase “go away” in a cross pattern (also 7 times).
  3. Place a handful of dried nettles on a leaf.
  4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
  5. Place the package in a jar and fill it with vinegar.
  6. Screw the lid on the jar and place a black candle on top.
  7. Say the spell several times (the candle should burn out completely).

Text of the spell: “Blow, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen".

Fired based on a photo

This ritual, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted. You will need:

  • scissors;
  • photo of an angry colleague;
  • water;
  • threads;
  • thick white candle.

Pass a burning candle over the photo (do this three times counterclockwise). Cut two threads from the spool and place them in a cross on the photo. Arm yourself with a ritual knife, draw an imaginary cross three times over the image of the enemy. Cast the spell:

“I run a candle over your face (employee’s name), seal it with a cross and a knife. You don’t come here anymore, don’t plot intrigues, don’t disturb me. Goodbye forever, leave this job, leave me alone. Amen".

How to get rid of your boss

The most difficult situation is when your manager needs to be kicked out of the office. In reality, this is difficult to do, but even here dark magic comes to the rescue. Go to the crossroads of paths (the nearest park will do) and get some soil there. Having taken three handfuls, go home and after sunset begin the ritual itself. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Pour the soil onto a black cloth (a similar ritual was described above).
  2. Draw inverted crosses with a ritual knife.
  3. Burn the boss's photograph.
  4. Mix the ash with the soil.
  5. Read the plot.

Magic text: “People on horseback and on foot wander through forest crossroads, they don’t know the paths, they get lost and get lost. So let my boss (name) stray from the true path and begin to make mistakes. If you leave the service, you will not be able to avoid losses. When you get tired of the road to work, you want to step outside the threshold. I’m closing your way back, sealing it with crosses. Amen".

The last rite is considered the most powerful - soon the boss will leave his home. Remember that black magic is fraught with various bad consequences. Visit temples, periodically atone for sins.

How I got rid of herpes using lipstick

Hi all! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years. I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears. She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now there is no hint of herpes!

Conspiracies against enemies in the workplace

If you have moved to a new place of work or already in your current team you feel hostility from the team, then you can use magic rituals. In this case, a conspiracy from enemies at work is necessary. Such a conspiracy will provide you with energy protection, you will be able to feel calm.

Conspiracy from enemies at work

How does the conspiracy work?

A conspiracy from ill-wishers at work is a text with special energy. By reading it, a person clears his energy field of negativity that an outsider can bring.

What does it mean to have an unfriendly attitude at work from colleagues? It means that they envy you. Envy is quite a destructive feeling. Like a bullet, it makes holes in the energy of someone who is envied. As a result, this affects the psychological and physical well-being of a person. He feels worse and often finds himself in a bad mood.

It must be said that envy destroys not only the one at whom it is directed, but this feeling is also destructive for the one who experiences it. Therefore, if you notice that you like to envy people, then it is better to perform a magic ritual against envy on yourself.

How to correctly read a conspiracy against envy?

In order for conspiracies against enemies at work to work especially well, you need to read and do them, observing the following rules:

  1. It will be better to remove envy against you if you perform this ritual during the period when the moon is waning. Thus, the moon, along with itself, will take the negative consequences of envy to the dark side. All bad things will subside along with the heavenly body.
  2. If you yourself decide to read a conspiracy out of envy at work, from enemies, then it is important to understand every word that is written in the conspiracy. The more consciously you treat the text you read, the more likely it is that it will work one hundred percent. If some word in the text is not clear, then be sure to figure out its meaning, otherwise the energy protection will work much less.
  3. Before reading the plot directly, you can read prayers. Prayers will help you get rid of the negativity that you received during envy. This means that when pronouncing the spell you will be cleaner, the vibrations will be higher, which means the sentence will work much better. Prayers are a very good way to improve the effect of a spell. Prayers especially help when you want the ritual to work forever against envious people.
  4. Even if a person has very unkind feelings towards ill-wishers and envious people, you need to read the text with bright feelings. Protection will work even better if you simply try to get rid of envy, but not to send new evil to your ill-wishers. By the way, getting rid of them will be even more effective.

In what situations is a conspiracy against envious people used?

A person himself clearly feels when he is envied, but sometimes people are naive and do not understand that protection in the form of a conspiracy will help here. Here is a list of such situations:

  • A strong conspiracy, the defense can be used if a person has been promoted. Alas, in such a situation there will always be people who will be against you. You may not know about it, but you need to protect yourself from them.
  • If you work in a women's team, and lately your personal life has been going very well, then you also need to use protection in the form of a conspiracy from enemies. The women around you will envy your personal happiness, this is obvious. Sometimes women's envy is so strong that you find out that a person quit because of the bad attitude of the team. Here, a conspiracy at work will help you feel more confident.
  • Perhaps in real life you don’t notice that people envy you. But I have a dream, more than once, that something bad is happening at work. This means that the subconscious throws up information that not everything is going well at work. In this case, for prevention, you can also perform a magical ritual for protection.
  • If you are behind at work, but there is no way to connect this with external reasons, that is, you are working as before, then perhaps you have been damaged. A magic ritual against enemies is also suitable here.

Ritual from envious people for salt

It is very easy to carry out conspiracies to protect t enemies at your work on salt. This substance absorbs information remarkably well. With salt, you can even make not a whole big conspiracy with a ritual, but just a small whisper. If you whisper energetically, with the right feelings, then it will sometimes bring even more results than if you perform a big ritual.

In order to perform this ritual, you need a new pack of salt and a church candle. This magical ritual must be performed at home; be sure to choose a day when the moon is waning.

Stay alone with yourself in the evening. In the room where you will cast the salt, you need to make sure that there is no one else. Not people, not even pets. It is also important to turn off all electrical appliances in this room.

Light a candle. Just look at the burning candle for two or three minutes. This will help you calm your mind and you will come to your senses. When the thoughts in your head subside and your soul becomes calm, this means it’s time to start the ritual.

Place some salt on a saucer. Close your eyes, now you need to remember your enemies and envious people. It is important that the feeling you experience when you are envied comes back now. When your soul is filled with these feelings, open your eyes and say the following text:

“He who has salt in his eyes, has salt in his soul. So that everything you want comes back. Leave, retreat, pick up, take away.”

Sit in a calm position for a few more minutes. After this, the salt that you said needs to be poured into a linen bag; it should be tight.

The next day you need to come and sprinkle this salt at work. Of course, so that it is hidden from the eyes of prying eyes. You can even sprinkle it in the toilet to cleanse the energy in the entire office at once. After this ritual, people will be much less likely to gossip in such an office. There are real cases when, after such a conspiracy, envious people themselves repented and asked for forgiveness from those to whom they did nasty things. If they did, of course.

Envy conspiracy on a red thread

Conspiracy from ill-wishers at work, how to read? Another strong and effective way to get rid of envious people is to perform a ritual against enemies using a red thread. The ritual is strong, but very easy to perform.

You will need a new red thread. This magical ritual against ill-wishers is carried out immediately at work; nothing needs to be done anywhere before. This is where its convenience lies.

The most difficult part of this ritual is that you need to be at work before everyone else. Use the new red thread to create a circle around your work area. Sit in the middle and say the following words:

“Where there is a thread, there is a circle, where there is a circle there is no envy, there is no grief, everything bad, everything bad is fought off from the round circle. It fights up high or low, like never falling. Nothing came back to anyone, everyone is protected, the circle protects everyone, especially me.”

With the help of such a circle, you will protect yourself first of all, but together with you you will make the entire office space much cleaner and better. Now the power of gossip and conspiracies will definitely not affect you. But it must be said that after this ritual there will be, in principle, less such envious energy in this work space.

Consequences of the ritual against enemies

One cannot but be pleased with the consequences of the ritual against enemies. After it, relationships with people become simpler and more understandable. It becomes much easier for people in a clean space to show sincerity, love, and care.

Powerful video prayer from enemies and evil people at work

Prayer from enemies at work and during difficulties in business,

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If before the ritual a person would unconsciously and quickly do something bad to another person, now he will act completely differently. After a conspiracy, people first learn to track negative emotions, and they get better at it. A person feels that he is beginning to envy, but instead of stupidly expressing his envy, he simply feels it within himself. That is, the number of negative actions on his part decreases noticeably. So, this is an incredibly powerful conspiracy against enemies at your work, which is even worth carrying out periodically for prevention.

A conspiracy to remove a bad person from work

Our life is designed in such a way that a person must work. However, both in a small office and in a reputable enterprise, disagreements sometimes arise between employees. These can be minor misunderstandings related to production, or acute conflicts that seriously spoil life and cause reluctance to go to work.

If you suddenly begin to realize that someone is plotting against you and doing all sorts of dirty tricks on you, it seems that you have crossed the path of a colleague. You can know your enemy for sure, or you can only guess who the source of evil is. And if you don’t have the strength to endure the enemy’s antics, try resorting to magic. Unknown defenders will help eliminate the enemy.

Identifying and punishing the enemy with a magic word

First, make sure who exactly is negative towards you. To do this, perform a ritual to identify the enemy. Subsequently, you will be able to pronounce his name when reading conspiracies aimed at dismissing the “pest” from work.

Having learned from the calendar that tomorrow is a religious holiday, say the following magic text before going to bed:

“I am walking, servant of God (name) and looking around the rows. Among the rows I see Saint Samson. I call on the name of the Lord for help and ask Samson to give me a prophetic dream. I want to see the face of my damned enemy in my dreams. Let the Holy Trinity show me the way to get rid of the harmful adversary. May Christ himself bless my dream and give me the enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From now on and forever. Amen".

After reading the last lines, go to bed. Dreams this night should be significant. The image of an ill-wisher will definitely flash through them.

So, when you know who exactly is ruining your life, try to punish the enemy with a magical spell. Read it three times in a row after the red sun sets below the horizon.

“I read the words of a magical conspiracy not for the sake of my own meanness, not from envious thoughts and not from an insincere heart. I, the servant of God (name), took this text out of necessity. Having taken the path of despair, I understand that I have my own place in the sun and my own destiny. No one should harm me or ruin my life. I also do not accept bad deeds. I order anyone who tries to cross my path: roll to the sidelines of fate and suffer there for years. Don’t meddle in my life, but destroy yours, deprive yourself of eternal peace for centuries. I complement my words with the desire to punish everyone who tries to offend me. I am confirmed as a servant of God (name), who walks under the Lord God and is protected by the Creator. From now on I’m not afraid of anyone, but I won’t do any harm myself. However, anyone who does something wrong to me, I will kill with one thought. My intercessor is the One God, and he is the judge of everyone. Let it be so! Amen".

After watching the prophetic dream and reading the plot for punishment, observe the events in the team. Perhaps someone from your work environment will begin to get sick, complain about financial difficulties, and talk about discord in the family. This is your ill-wisher. Also, unforeseen circumstances must arise on his life path that will force him to vacate his workplace.

Ritual to the ground from the crossroads

What if your opponent stays at work and continues to “harass” you? Proceed to the next mysterious action. Its essence is that in the evening and alone you need to go to an unpaved intersection and collect three handfuls of earth from it with your bare hands. While you take the earth, whisper:

“Mother Earth, I take you not for my own ambitions, but to fight for justice.”

Now go home (without looking back and without talking to your fellow travelers) and wait for the waning moon to appear in the sky. Spread a piece of black cloth on an empty table and pour out the soil you brought. Using a ritual knife or index finger, draw three inverted crosses and say three times:

“I appeal to you, unclean spirits and dark forces! Pounce on my hated enemy (name) and frighten him. Torment him from early morning, don’t let him go in broad daylight and don’t spare him in the dark at night.”

In the next stage of witchcraft, write basic information about the enemy on white paper, starting with the full name. Then burn the leaf and mix the ashes with the soil. If there is a photo of a hostile person, do not write information about her. Instead of paper, set the photograph on fire and let its ashes connect with the ground. While your hands are busy with this work, repeat:

“Just as pedestrians and riders used the crossroads without knowing the way, so you, my adversary (name), will lose your way to life. Either hurry up to leave the service, or expect everything bad that can happen to a person. Let your journey to ... (place of work) tire you and become overwhelming. Don’t reach for your familiar place, enemy. Let the devil beckon you over the threshold. From this second I am blocking for you every path and road leading to our threshold. May my strong words be spoken on time, may they carry my evil intent into the Universe. And let it be this way and not otherwise.”