Where can you use potato peels. Potato peels are a great fertilizer! Video: how to prepare fertilizer from potato peels

So-called organic farming is gaining more and more popularity. The essence of the method is to use the minimum amount of chemical fertilizers on the garden plot. Chemicals need to be replaced with something. Preference is given to natural organic matter. We do not hesitate to send food waste to the trash can. But if you spend a little time processing potato peels, then they can be used as fertilizer. With a minimum of effort, you will get an excellent natural remedy for top dressing.

What are the uses and benefits of peeling potatoes?

Any summer resident wants to consistently receive a good harvest from his garden plot, spending a minimum of money and effort on this. Therefore, instead of buying fertilizers in the store, all kinds of folk remedies are used. Chemical and organic fertilizers, in addition to high cost, have other disadvantages. On the soil in which you make them, not only agricultural crops, but also all kinds of weeds begin to grow well. If you do not exactly follow the dosage, an excess of chemicals gets from the soil into vegetables, berries and fruits, and from there into your body. As you can easily guess, there is nothing good in such an “overdose”. This will not benefit either your health or the soil.

Potato peelings, the benefits of which have been time-tested for the garden, are absolutely safe for humans and completely free fertilizer. Unlike chemicals, organic matter decomposes much faster, being processed by the bacteria contained in the soil. This means that the necessary trace elements will quickly reach their destination through the root system. A "side effect" of rapid decomposition is the release of heat. If you fertilize in the spring, the soil warms up noticeably faster.

The structure of the soil is also improved. It becomes lighter, looser. This is especially important for peaty, clay, silty soils.

Everyone knows that potatoes are very useful. It contains many trace elements useful for humans - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium. But the same substances are necessary for the proper growth and development of plants. The most common chemical fertilizers contain precisely nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

Potato peelings contain many useful substances that are so necessary for the plant.

In addition, 10–25% (depending on the variety) of the mass of potatoes is starch, and 3–5% is glucose. It is these substances that plants store in seeds, bulbs or tubers. Starch and glucose are the main food for the developing embryo. Therefore, potato fertilizer will be useful for crops at all stages of development.

Another important point is the availability of potato peels. Potatoes in one form or another are present on the table of every family, regardless of financial situation, almost daily. Even if you remove the peel in a very thin layer, about a tenth of the mass of tubers will still go to waste. A more likely option is 15–20%. Now calculate how many cleanings you can accumulate by next summer, if you set yourself a similar goal from the beginning of autumn.

Video: potato peelings to help the gardener

Pest control

Another useful property of potatoes is a wonderful bait for pests. Slugs, the click beetle (its larvae are popularly known as the wireworm) and the Colorado potato beetle are especially fond of it.

You need to start setting traps as soon as the first shoots appear or seedlings are planted in the ground. So you are guaranteed to protect the future harvest.

The potato peel pest trap is very easy to make.

Making traps is easy. Dig into the ground glass jars, old unnecessary buckets and pots, cans or cut plastic bottles so that the edge of the container approximately coincides with the top edge of the hole. The container should be deep enough and without holes. Put potato peels on the bottom every evening. To enhance the effect, you can pour them with sweet water (a tablespoon of sugar per glass), syrup, or add a little old jam that no one will eat. In the morning, you just have to go around the containers, collect the pests caught in them during the night and destroy them. Just do not throw the collected over the fence. After a few hours, the slugs and insects will return to your yard.

Another option for a trap is to bury a long piece of wire with cleanings strung on it in the ground. Leave one end sticking out of the ground or mark the place where the trap is buried. Once every 2-3 days, dig it out, collect the pests that have come across and change the bait to a fresh one.

How to prepare and use fertilizer?

Raw materials for the preparation of fertilizer must be collected all winter

Not suitable as a fertilizer for peeling boiled potatoes. Prolonged heat treatment destroys all useful trace elements.

Of course, if you just lay out fresh potato peelings in the beds, you won’t wait for a good harvest. They will start to rot very quickly, especially in summer, in the heat, spreading the appropriate "aroma". In addition, mice, rats and other rodents that live in the vicinity will come running to your site - for them this is a wonderful delicacy. And in general, landings “processed” in this way look very unaesthetic.

At the same time, fresh potato (like any vegetable) peelings can and should even be added to the compost heap.

Potato peels are a good addition to compost

There are different fertilizer options. But in any case, cleaning, before feeding, must be thoroughly washed and disinfected using boiling water, dry heat or cold to destroy bacteria and / or fungi present on them. Otherwise, you will only infect the soil and healthy plants.

To get the right, useful fertilizer, you need to act as follows:

  1. Rinse the cleaners in cool running water until visible traces of dirt disappear.
  2. Wait for them to dry and lay them out in a single layer on newspapers or a thin cloth. If weather permits, dry outside in a well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight and possible rain. When it's already cold, do it in an apartment on a battery or on a balcony. Complete drying takes 7-10 days outdoors and 2-3 weeks indoors. The exact time depends on the thickness of the peels. Those who wish to speed up the process can dry them in the oven. Arrange the cleaning on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, place inside and leave for 3-4 hours at a temperature not exceeding 100ºС, with the door loosely closed. The procedure will take even less time if it is carried out in a special electric dryer or microwave oven. The main thing is to choose the right mode. The finished fertilizer becomes noticeably lighter, the peels are translucent and break easily.
  3. You can simply freeze cleaning. The disadvantage is that there is probably not enough space in the freezer to store them. Another most suitable place is a balcony. But as soon as a positive temperature is established on the street, the fertilizer will have to be used for its intended purpose. It is strongly not recommended to defrost cleanings and freeze them again.
  4. If drying at home was carried out naturally, cleanings are stored on the balcony, in an unheated garage, shed, and so on, so that the cold destroys pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Arrange the future fertilizer dried in the oven in linen bags and keep in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place. The ideal option is a pantry.
  5. Grind dry cleanings in a meat grinder, blender or food processor to a powder. This ready-made fertilizer is the so-called flour. In addition, in this type of cleaning they take up much less space, they are easier to store and transport.
  6. In spring and summer, use dry cleanings to prepare the infusion. Put them in a bucket or barrel, filling the container about a third, pour boiling water to the top and close tightly. Wait 3-4 days for a characteristic odor to appear. Without stirring the contents of the barrel, scoop a liter of infusion from the top, pour into a 10-liter bucket and add water (9 liters). Now mix thoroughly and water the plants.
  7. The gruel remaining at the bottom of the container will also come in handy. It is dug into the ground under bushes and trees and added to the holes when planting seedlings.
  8. Another option for preparing the infusion is to pour boiling water over the cleaning, wait until it cools down to a temperature of 35-40ºС, and strain.

Bury dried cleanings in the ground or prepare an infusion

What plants need to be fed?

For which plants is potato peel fertilizer useful and how to feed them so that the benefits are maximized?

Table: how to feed crops with potato peels?

Agriculture Type of feeding
Cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, squash, zucchini, watermelons, melons. When planting seedlings in the ground, a “porridge” is placed at the bottom of the hole from dried peelings filled with boiling water. It is sprinkled with a layer of earth of the same thickness, then another portion of "porridge" is needed. The last layer is soil again. Then a sprout is placed in the hole, and it is covered with earth.
Onion, garlic, turnip, radish, radish. Watering with an infusion of dried potato peels every two weeks since the end of May. It is better not to water individual bulbs, but to pour the fertilizer into the furrows between the rows of plantings. The infusion must first be filtered so that the pieces do not fall into the garden. On the surface, they are absolutely useless, and besides, they attract pests. Remove the nozzle from the watering can - it clogs very quickly. Despite straining, the infusion is quite thick.
Raspberry. Cleaning in the form of flour is applied to the root zone, then the soil is well loosened. An infusion of fresh cleanings is used for irrigation (about 5 liters per 1 p / m).
Strawberry. Under each bush in the spring, flour is poured from cleanings. For small ones, one handful is enough, for those that are larger - two. In addition, dried scrapings will successfully replace mulch.
Currant. White, and pink, and red currants love cleaning, but the effect of top dressing is especially noticeable on black. The berries will become noticeably sweeter and larger, reaching the size of sultana grapes or even cherries. Dried cleanings are buried at the roots to a depth of 15-20 cm, after slightly moistening with water so that they do not take moisture from the plant. The procedure is carried out in the spring, as soon as the soil has melted sufficiently. If you are satisfied with the condition of the plants, you can feed the bushes every two years. It is possible to feed the bushes in winter, if the soil around them is cleaned in the fall and covered with polyethylene. As fresh cleanings accumulate, shovel the snow, spread them on the ground and bury them again. Dig up the soil well in the spring. Watering with infusion of potato peels every 12–14 days is also effective.
Fruit trees. Dried peelings are buried within a radius of 0.5–1 m from the trunk, depending on the size of the tree. Or sprinkle the resulting circle with “flour”, immediately after that loosening the soil well. The norm per tree is 0.7–1 kg.
Tomatoes (tomatoes), eggplant, nightshade, Bulgarian and hot peppers. Feeding is not recommended. Since potatoes and these plants belong to the same nightshade family, they are affected by the same diseases. Even disinfection in the form of scalding with boiling water and drying at high temperature does not fully guarantee the destruction of bacteria and fungi that cause late blight, black scab and verticillium. In addition, these crops naturally contain the same micro- and macroelements as in potatoes. Therefore, fertilizer from cleanings will not have a noticeable effect on them.
Annual and perennial flowers and ornamental shrubs. Watering with an infusion of dried potato peels. Sprinkle flour under perennials in spring and autumn.
Houseplants. Watering with an infusion of dried potato peels. The procedure is carried out every 3-6 weeks, depending on the condition of the foliage. They can also be watered with cooled water, in which jacket potatoes were boiled. This top dressing stimulates the growth of greenery. Sometimes it is advised to bury fresh cleanings in flower pots, but such a “fertilizer” will soon give off a very unpleasant smell, and midges will start in the apartment. An exception is saprophytic or epiphytic plants, for which decaying organic matter is vital for growth and development (orchids, dracaena, and so on). They can be distinguished by the presence of aerial roots and the ability to grow in water. In this case, you can not do without good drainage. Apply cleaning in very small quantities.

Gardeners practicing organic farming in their summer cottages know firsthand what a huge amount of organic matter is required per season. Therefore, nothing is wasted with them: rotten pieces of wood are burned to obtain ash, chips and small branches are sent to the raspberries as mulch, kitchen waste goes to the compost heap, etc.

But then winter comes, summer residents return to their city apartments, where all the useful waste that could help in or improve soil fertility turns into ordinary garbage. After all, you can’t make a fire in an apartment and you can’t build a compost heap.

And yet ... Some organic matter can and should be stored in the winter, so that later it can be used for the benefit of your garden.

Dry onion peel does not rot or deteriorate. It keeps well in cloth or open plastic bags, so it can easily be saved all winter.

Phytoncides contained in onion scales will subsequently help fight pests. Onion infusion is used, for example, for spraying currant bushes or cucumbers,.

Any crops can be watered with infusion of onion peel to increase their productivity, this procedure is especially useful for tomatoes.

Potato peelings - the best fertilizer for currants

Potato peelings are a source of starch that currants like so much that its berries become the size of cherries. Want to ? Do not be too lazy to dry the potato skins over the winter.

Cleanings dry perfectly on a radiator or simply laid out in one layer on a windowsill; when dry, they are best stored in cloth bags.

During the spring-summer season, dry potato peelings can be buried under the bushes or brewed with boiling water, cooled and the resulting broth can be used to water currants.

Potato peelings are also recommended to be used as fertilizer when planting cabbage and cucumbers. To do this, dry cleanings are soaked and crushed into gruel. When preparing the holes, “potato porridge” is laid on the bottom, sprinkled with earth on top, and then seedlings are planted.

Eggshells as a source of calcium

Accumulating a large number of eggshells over the winter is very simple. First, you should dry the shell a little so that the protein remaining inside does not begin to exude an unpleasant odor, and then simply put it in a regular plastic bag and grind it well. So the shells will not take up much space, and in the spring they will go to the dacha as an excellent organic fertilizer, especially valuable on acidified soils.

Egg shells are used for crops demanding calcium. These are eggplants, peppers, melons and watermelons, beets.

Crushed egg shells are brought into the near-stem circles of fruit trees, especially cherries, plums and other stone fruits, and also buried under rose bushes.

If there was no better use for eggshells, they are simply laid in compost.

Pumpkin seed husks - future mulch

So a lover of pumpkin seeds for a long winter can provide a whole garden with vegetables with excellent mulch. You can also store pistachio and hazelnut shells, dry peanut pods, etc. in the same way.

Pest control citrus peels

We are no strangers to drying citrus peels: many people like to add them to tea because of their excellent unique aroma.

And lemon, orange and tangerine peels will help to cope with some pests, especially aphids.

There are several recipes for healthy citrus peel infusions:

  • 100 grams of dry lemon peels pour 1 liter. water and insist in a dark place for 3-4 days;
  • 1 kg. Pass citrus peels through a meat grinder, put in a 3-liter jar, pour water and insist in the dark for 5 days. Dry peels should be pre-soaked. Then strain and dilute in a proportion of 100 ml. infusion for 10 liters of water. You can add 40 grams of laundry soap to the resulting liquid;
  • Pour the peel of 2 oranges with a liter of water and keep for a week in a dark place. Then add some liquid soap and strain.

Infusion of citrus fruits should be sprayed or rubbed on infected plants at least 2-3 times.

Sleeping tea and coffee for top dressing and fertilizer

The most hardworking and painstaking gardeners are not too lazy to procure tea and coffee for the benefit of the business. Any tea is suitable for this purpose, even in bags. The main thing is to dry the used “tea tea” well so that it does not become moldy during subsequent storage.

Sleeping tea and coffee is very useful to mix with the soil when preparing the land for seedlings.

You can put dried tea leaves in the moons when planting seedlings in the ground - they will serve as a good fertilizer.

Seedlings of vegetable crops are fed with brewed sleeping tea. To prepare such top dressing, a glass of dried tea leaves is poured with three liters of hot water and insisted for 4-5 days. Then filtered and mixed with nitrogen fertilizers.

In addition, currant cuttings are treated with sleeping tea before planting to prevent infection with a kidney mite. To do this, the sleeping tea is brewed at the rate of 2 grams per liter of water and infused for a day. It is not worth taking fresh tea for this purpose, it can harm. Currant cuttings are dipped in tea infusion for 3-4 hours, then planted in moist soil.

Banana skins - organic potash fertilizer

Like potato peels, banana peels can be dried and stored in cloth or paper bags. If you periodically visit the country house in winter, you can simply freeze banana skins on the balcony and take away how much has accumulated with each trip.

Hearing such a phrase from experienced gardeners as, potato peelings are the best fertilizer for currants, a novice gardener will definitely be surprised. But in fact, there is nothing to be surprised at. Since potato peelings are the best organics for plants planted in the country.

So, below we will take a closer look at how to properly use potato peelings as fertilizers, how to feed a currant crop with this component, and what properties potato peels have.

    Properties of potato peels

    How to prepare potato peels

    How to use

    After freezing

    After drying

    Tips from seasoned gardeners


    Cons and pros of potato feeding


Properties of potato peels

It is quite difficult to find a person in whose diet there is no product such as potatoes. Perhaps it would be superfluous to list how much benefit it brings to a person, since even a small child knows about it.

But not every adult knows that potato peels are absolutely not inferior to the fruit in terms of the content of nutrients. They contain a huge number of such elements as:

  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

And this is just a small list of useful substances that are contained in potato peels. But it is they who are so necessary for the full growth of crops, and not only for the currant variety. Fertilizing, for example, raspberries, currants or gooseberries with potato waste, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest of large and very tasty fruits.

Moreover, the peel of a potato can be safely called an organic growth stimulator, since it helps to increase the green mass of blackcurrants more intensively, and the branches of this crop grow much faster.

By the way, it is worth highlighting that cleaning also has a great influence on the taste of berry crops, making them sweeter and juicier.

And all because the cleanings contain a high percentage of glucose, of natural origin. As a result, the gardener enjoys delicious and very sweet fruits.

Thanks to all the properties described above, potato lumps will become simply indispensable in the spring as a top dressing for such crops:

  • for almost all fruit trees;
  • all types of berry bushes;
  • for vegetable crops;
  • for flowers, including for indoor;
  • and of course, for blackcurrant.

But how to prepare a fertilizer mixture from potato peels and consider further. And which is better, the use of raw or processed, let's figure it out together.

How to prepare potato peels

Currant-like potato peel can be harvested all year round. The main thing is to save them correctly until the onset of spring. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  • potato peelings are thoroughly washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy all fungal spores that are often found on the peel;
  • then, the washed peel must be spread out in a thin layer on paper in a dry and well-ventilated place;
  • further, when the cleanings are completely dry, they must be folded into pre-prepared paper envelopes in which they will be stored until spring.

It is worth noting that if you want to dry the potato peel faster, then chop it with a knife into small cubes, so it will dry several times faster. Or use the freeze method.

To do this, thoroughly rinse the cleaning and twist them into a meat grinder. The finished gruel is folded into a container and sent to the freezer until spring.

How to use

In order to feed the currant bushes with potato peelings in the spring, it is necessary to properly prepare organic fertilizer.

After freezing

If you have frozen the peel, then it should be removed from the chamber and allowed to completely thaw. Then, start preparing top dressing. First you need to boil 10 liters of water. Then 2 kg of gruel from potato peels are added to hot water. Next, mix everything well and let it brew for a day. Currant bushes are poured with the finished mixture at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer under the bush.

After drying

In the case when potato peelings were harvested for future use by drying, the cooking method will be similar, only potato raw materials will need half as much, or more precisely, 1 kg. As for watering with this remedy, currants should be watered with potato infusion for 10 days, from the end of March.

It is worth noting that thanks to such top dressing, currant fruits will grow larger and sweeter. Potato infusion has a particularly good effect if the fertilization procedure is repeated during the formation of the ovary and a week before harvest.

At the same time, keep in mind that when re-fertilizing, the number of watering days is reduced to 3.

To enjoy currant berries, you do not have to purchase various preparations of chemical origin. To do this, you have a wonderful product in the form of potato peels.

Almost any crop can be fed with potato lumps. But if you don’t have time to harvest healthy potato raw materials, then a little trick from experienced gardeners will help you.

When autumn comes to your front garden and the time comes to prepare the currant crop for hibernation, perform the following manipulations:

  • remove all fallen leaves and other fragments from the currant beds;
  • dig the ground around the bushes;
  • then, make a shallow groove around the stem circle of the currant;
  • next, put fresh potato peelings in a 5 cm layer, previously washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, into the dug groove;
  • and bury the groove;
  • and lay a thick layer of dry grass on top of the buried groove.

Having performed such a manipulation, in the spring you will be pleasantly surprised at how intensively the currant culture will grow. As already described above, potato skins are an excellent growth stimulant for almost all crops. And most importantly, it is absolutely natural.


Most seasoned gardeners have experienced first hand that a top dressing like potato skins can really work wonders. In fact, it is universal. Since the cleaning contains potassium, glucose, starch and many other equally useful components for the full growth of fruit and vegetable crops.

Some gardeners claim that with the help of potato waste, almost all crops can be fully fertilized and chemical fertilizers can be completely abandoned.

Moreover, you can fertilize with this component not only in spring, but also in summer and even in autumn. In addition, potato peeling can increase soil fertility several times. Therefore, most gardeners recommend: before planting a fruit crop in the front garden, fertilize the ground with potato top dressing.

For these purposes, an infusion is prepared from it according to the above recipe. Or they put 200 g of cleanings on the bottom of the hole. At the same time, no matter which method you choose, the result will surely please you in the form of a good harvest.

Cons and pros of potato feeding

Despite the fact that the benefits of potato peel for your garden are simply colossal, there are still several disadvantages to such top dressing, which should always be remembered, namely:

  1. The vast majority of potato skins contain spores of defects of fungal origin. And if, before preparing such a product for future use, and not treating the skins with a solution of potassium permanganate, it is likely that the culture may become infected with a dangerous defect.
  2. Potato dressing has a small side effect in the form of a significant release of heat during decomposition. As a result, if such a fertilizer is applied in early spring, the root system will quickly warm up, and may die during night frosts. For this reason, you should plan the time to apply this top dressing so as not to harm the culture.

Of course, it is worth noting that the above disadvantages are easy to eliminate if you correctly approach the process of harvesting and using raw materials.

Well, as for the pluses, then potato peelings have just a lot of them, namely:

  • profitable financial means;
  • natural growth stimulator;
  • improves the taste of fruits;
  • potato fertilizer is safe and does not contain toxins.

It is worth highlighting that this is only a small list of the advantages of using potato peels. In fact, all the advantages of such top dressing are quite difficult to list.


Well, now you know how useful potato peelings are for your front garden and vegetable garden. Such free top dressing helps not only to reap a good harvest of natural fruits, but also fertilizes the soil, making it more fertile.

Therefore, the next time before you throw away potato peels, do not rush to do this, use them in your country house. And your berry crops will surely thank you in the form of a good and generous harvest.

Before any happy owner of a summer cottage, every season there is such a great task as getting not just good, but the best harvest from his land allotment. And everyone wants it to happen at the lowest cost. In order to achieve this, the gardener is ready to go to any tricks and tricks. And first of all it concerns soil fertilization. After all, everyone is well aware that not only the quantity, but also the quality of the crop depends on its fertility.

Many amateur gardeners have heard that potato peels can also be used as fertilizer. For which plants is this method of feeding best suited and why is the usual fertilizer worse? Every summer resident scrolls such a question in his head, preparing in the winter for the spring-summer season. After all, the question of saving is interesting to everyone. It is worth sorting it out in order.

What is the disadvantage of organic and

In order to increase the yield, mineral (phosphates and nitrates) and organic (manure and peat) fertilizers were usually used. But both of these types of fertilizers have a common minus - the monetary cost. In addition, organic matter usually heavily clogs the earth with weeds, and chemical fertilizers tend to accumulate in vegetables and fruits, and then enter the human body, thereby creating huge problems for it.

Therefore, modern summer residents are looking for more economical and safer ways to fertilize the land. One of them, which has proven itself very well, is to use potato peels as fertilizer. This method is known to many, but there were no negative reviews about it. Only from year to year more and more positive reviews are heard about him. In addition, it helps to protect the crop from certain pests. Therefore, most summer residents turned to such an unconventional method as fertilizer with potato peels.

How to turn waste into food for plants?

If you make an effort to save the waste that is potato peelings until spring, and not throw it in the trash, they will be of great benefit. In the spring and summer, on the garden plot, they will serve as an excellent top dressing, which does no harm at all, for many horticultural crops. Yes, and protection from pests such as slugs, wireworms, and Therefore, if you are thinking about the question of whether potato peelings can be used as fertilizer, prepare them in the offseason.

To do this, it is not necessary to freeze the skins of potatoes. It is enough to dry them. This will not be difficult at all, because the oven will destroy fungi and bacteria that may have fallen on the tubers from the soil. And they will take up much less space.

What benefits do they bring to the garden and the garden?

During the summer season, potato peelings are used as fertilizer and as protection against certain pests. Yes, and as a bait for the Colorado potato beetle or slugs, potato skins proved to be excellent. One has only to spread them on the surface of the earth before the appearance of sprouts, and when the pests stick around them (usually this happens at night) - destroy them. This will protect your crop from such a scourge.

It is good to dig them into the ground near those plants that love the starch contained in potatoes in large quantities. Rotting, they will give it to the soil, thereby making up for the lack of this product in it. And soaked cleanings are an excellent means for the seedlings of some plants to take root well and quickly grow stronger.

How to prepare fertilizer from potato peels?

Potato peelings have proven themselves in the best way for a long time. No wonder summer residents are trying to find out the best recipe for its preparation. Of course, you can just bury it in the ground. But in this case, along with the cleaning, the phytophthora preserved on them will also get into the soil. And besides, it will take longer for them to completely decompose than when they get into the soil in the form of a properly prepared fertilizer.

Therefore, it is worth remembering a few rules for its preparation:

  • Dried cleanings should be crushed to make transportation to the country house and further work with them easier.
  • Shredded dry potato peel is placed in a barrel and poured with boiling water. This will help to cope with both late blight and other pests that have survived since autumn.
  • The thickening formed after soaking is placed in the holes when planting seedlings, and the plants are watered with liquid from above, which helps not only to fertilize the soil, but also to cope with some pests.

What are the benefits of feeding pumpkin potato peels?

Potato peelings also proved to be excellent as a fertilizer for cucumbers and other members of the pumpkin family. Use them as top dressing when planting seedlings of these plants. It is prepared as follows:

  • Dried and finely chopped during the off-season, potato peelings are poured into a barrel in the spring and poured with boiling water so that all pathogenic bacteria that have survived on them from last year die.
  • After they are soaked under the influence of hot water, the contents of the container must be mixed well so that it turns into porridge.

When seedlings begin to be planted, a handful of this substance is first placed in each hole, sprinkled with earth, then porridge from potatoes is put again and earth again. Only now seedlings are planted in this mixture. It will be wonderful to grow after this procedure, because the mashed potatoes, which are mixed with the ground in the garden, will appeal to all our helpers in the soil. Like it and worms loosening the earth, and billions of soil bacteria.

This top dressing is good not only for cucumbers and pumpkins. Magnificent growth thanks to it will be in cabbage and even onion crops.

The right fertilizer for berry crops

But not only in garden beds, summer residents use such a wonderful fertilizer as potato peelings. They also took root in garden plots. Excellent reviews from many gardeners received potato peelings as a fertilizer for currants. After all, they are an excellent source of starch, as well as glucose, which this shrub likes so much.

Therefore, in order to have an excellent harvest of delicious berries, you should not be too lazy in the spring, at the time when fruit and berry plantations are dug in, to bring dry peelings of potatoes into the ground. Then in July, the bush will reward you with a magnificent harvest of large, selected berries.

In addition, potato peelings are used as in this case, they are also introduced into the soil during its spring loosening. It is also good to use an infusion of potatoes for irrigation in the summer. Any gardener who has ever tried this method of plant nutrition will never refuse it again.

A few rules for the use of potato peelings on the site

In order for potato fertilizer to bring only benefits and not make the summer resident who wants to start using it disappointed, you should remember a few rules for using them on the site:

  • Potato peelings are undesirable to lay out on the surface of the soil. This, firstly, will make the appearance of the site untidy, and secondly, it will attract numerous rodents to the territory who want to feast on.
  • Potato peelings as a fertilizer for currants and other fruit and berry crops are added dropwise next to the roots in a dry form. This is done so that, decomposing in the soil during the summer, by the time the fruits ripen, they give all the accumulated glucose and starch to the ground.
  • The remaining vegetable crops are recommended to be watered with infusion of potato peels from a watering can, after removing the strainer so that it does not clog.

Having fulfilled all these simple rules, an amateur gardener will certainly find himself with a large and excellent harvest by autumn.

Are potato peelings suitable for all plants as a fertilizer?

What must be remembered? Potato peelings as a fertilizer are not suitable for all plants. Do not use them for plants belonging to the nightshade family. Such as eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and similar representatives of this family. The thing is that by nature they have a lot of common diseases. Therefore, there is always a danger that pathogenic bacteria will remain on well-dried and steamed with boiling water cleanings.

Are Potato Peelings Fertilizer for Houseplants?

Potato peelings as a fertilizer are perfect not only for garden and garden crops. Houseplants will also respond well to this kind of organic top dressing. To do this, it is also worth diluting a solution of dry potato peelings at home and fertilizing every month by watering all domestic plants. From such care, their greens will be more magnificent, and you can get rid of many pests without problems without using purchased chemicals for this.

How convenient is this fertilizer?

No wonder this type of soil fertilization and plant nutrition is gaining more and more popularity. It is very economical, because potato dishes are the basis of the diet in any family, regardless of its income level. And given the fact that even with the ideal quality of tubers, about a fifth of them are subject to disposal, a fairly decent amount of cleaning is collected during the winter season.

To ensure the rapid growth and development of currants, it is necessary to carry out its regular fertilization. Potato peels are the best fertilizer for this crop. With the help of this top dressing, not only the level of yield of the berry increases, but also its taste improves.

Feed preparation

Potato is one of the main crops that are widely used as food by people. After processing this vegetable, cleaning remains. They can be used to fertilize a variety of berry crops, including currants. This is due to the fact that in the skin of the potato and the layer that is under it, there is a huge amount of nutrients that have a positive effect on plants. The composition of the waste includes micro and macro elements, as well as a huge amount of vitamins.

With the rational use of waste, you should not throw it away. Potato peels can be used to fertilize soils. If you live in a private house, then they can be used to make compost. For this purpose, a special heap or pit is used. It is necessary to dump these wastes into it, as well as mowed grass, humus, soil. After several months, the gardener will be able to get high-quality mineral top dressing.

The use of waste in the country

Very often, people stay in the country seasonally, and they do not have the opportunity to prepare a compost pit. That is why it is recommended to dry or freeze potato peelings. At sub-zero temperatures, you can lay out waste on the balcony, which is not heated. Due to the low temperature, freezing and preservation of dressings will be carried out.
The preparation of new portions of purifications can be carried out as waste appears. With the onset of spring and the decline of frost, it is necessary to export waste to the dacha, with the help of which currants will be fed. It is impossible to save cleanings after they have been thawed, as this will lead to their decay.

When drying waste, the amount of trouble for the summer resident is added. At the same time, the highest quality preservation of all nutrients in mineral fertilizers is ensured. To dry the cleanings, you can use an oven or a hot radiator, which will provide them with the highest quality storage. After drying, it is necessary to grind the cleanings using a meat grinder. Next, the potato peelings are re-dryed.

In the spring, waste that was previously frozen or dried must be brought to the summer cottage. They are placed in a container and poured with boiling water. The container must be tightly closed with a lid and left for several days. This time will be enough for the potato waste to completely soak. During this period, the mixture is periodically stirred. Thanks to this method of storing waste, they save salts, starch, minerals, vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of currants.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Currant fertilizer with potato peels and ash

Domestic use of waste

With the help of the resulting slurry, soil fertility is increased. Most often it is used before planting currants. To do this, you need to dig holes, at the bottom of which gruel is placed, and plant a plant. This fertilizer is an organic top dressing, the use of which ensures the qualitative development of berry crops. This infusion provides large fruits of the culture. When using it, the taste of berries becomes sweet. It is recommended to add top dressing when the ovaries are formed on the plant.

External use of cleaners

To ensure the highest quality fertilization of currants, it is possible to bury potato waste. Surface fertilization of plants will also be quite effective. If the currant grows in rows, then to feed it, it will be enough just to spread the feed between them. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the spring. Useful substances from potato waste will penetrate into the soil with melt water and rain. In addition, potato waste will be an ideal food for worms and other beneficial microorganisms.

Feeding Benefits

Many summer residents claim that when using potato waste as a fertilizer, you can get a good result in growing currants. This is due to the beneficial effects of glucose and starch on the berry bush. Burial of pre-dried waste under currants can be carried out both in spring and in summer. When the skins are decomposed in the soil, it is saturated with useful microelements. Also, to feed this plant, you can use watering with infusion from these wastes.

This fertilizer is characterized by a high level of safety and is completely non-toxic. That is why it is an alternative to chemicals.

Make-up rules

In order to ensure the highest quality effect of potato peeling on currants, it is necessary to use them correctly. To do this, you need to follow only a few simple rules. Despite the effectiveness of the fertilizer, many gardeners do not recommend laying it out on the surface. This is because they can attract rodents. In addition, this type of use of top dressing can negatively affect the aesthetics of the garden.

It is recommended to drip potato peelings near the roots of the plant dry. This will ensure uniform decomposition of the feed in the soil and its full return to the plant during the fruit ripening period. You can also water the berry crop of this top dressing. For this purpose, a watering can without a strainer is used, which will eliminate the possibility of clogging. When all these simple rules are followed, the gardener is given the opportunity to get a rich harvest of large berries.

Features of caring for currants

Currant belongs to the category of fast-growing plants. Its fruiting is carried out the next year after planting. In order to ensure the correct growth of this plant is produced:

  • Soil fertilizer;
  • Destruction of weeds;
  • Soil loosening.

Currants also need regular pruning of dried branches. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the spring. In order to ensure a full-fledged harvest of this crop, it is necessary to protect it in a timely manner from the effects of pests and diseases. For this purpose, the berry crop is sprayed with pesticides.

How to properly care for currants

After 15 years after planting, the bushes are aging and the yield level is reduced. To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly update the bushes of the berry crop. In the summer, it is recommended to ensure the looseness of the soil around the bushes of this crop. In order not to produce regular loosening, you can use organic mulch, which is laid around the bushes. In order to ensure high-quality flowering of bushes and a rich harvest of crops, it is necessary to provide them with shade.

Plant growing secrets

Currant is a garden plant that is often exposed to powdery mildew. To avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to regularly remove branches that are more than three years old. You can also plant garlic or dill near the bushes of this berry crop. The formation of plant bushes should be carried out for three years.

When growing this crop, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the soil. It must be constantly moist and loose. For watering the plant, you can use an infusion of potato waste. It is recommended to loosen the soil after watering and rain. This will remove the top layer of soil, which does not allow air to pass well to the roots of the plant. Also, with timely care, the watering of this plant is replaced.

If the crop is grown on heavy soil, then it is recommended to dig it in the autumn. In light soils, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the bush shallowly. Since the root system of this plant is located close enough to the surface of the soil, it is necessary to loosen it no deeper than 15 centimeters.

More information about growing a plant

In order to retain moisture under the bush of this crop, it is necessary to mulch the soil around. When planting a berry crop in heavy soils, mulching is not recommended. In order for the berry culture to fully develop, it is necessary to feed. For this purpose, phosphorus-potassium supplements are most often introduced. After a certain time, it is necessary to make the introduction of nitrogen supplements. It is also necessary to use a balanced diet with various microelements.
In autumn, before digging the soil, superphosphate is applied. All of the above top dressings can be replaced with complex feeds. It is best to use natural ingredients to feed the crop, which include potato waste, urea, and manure.

Currant is a fragrant berry crop. In order for it to have sweet and large fruits, it is necessary to fertilize. The best option in this case is the waste of their potatoes.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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