What insulation is better in the steam room of a frame bath. We make the insulation of the walls of the frame bath: the right “pie”. Thermal protection of the ceiling and floor

Heating radiators - a model range for apartments and private country houses from Russian and European manufacturers.

Our product range includes a large selection of heating radiators for both apartments (central heating in an apartment building) and for a country private house (autonomous heating system). Well-known Russian and European brands, there is an exposition with exhibition samples.

Types of heating radiators presented in the Dom-Termo store:

  • Bimetallic heating radiators.
  • Aluminum heating radiators.
  • Steel tubular design radiators.
  • Water heating convectors.
  • Antique Cast Iron Retro Batteries

Among the classic radiators, deserve special attention, which not only fulfill their main role, namely heating the room, they are also able to decorate your interior, becoming a bright element of decor!

Such design radiators are most often quite demanding on the quality of the coolant, they are often not designed to work in a system with high pressure. European brands today have become quite expensive.

As an alternative to expensive designer radiators from Europe, you can consider Russian ones. The collection includes models in vertical and horizontal versions, the front panel of the radiator can be made of painted steel, tempered glass, artificial stone and natural wood.

Of particular note is the possibility of drawing a picture or photograph on the front panels of designer radiators. An important point is the possibility of using these devices in centralized heating systems of apartment buildings, because. admissible working pressure pressure is 16 atm.

For heating apartments (with a centralized heating system), the most popular option for heating radiators are bimetallic radiators, they usually have an optimal price / quality ratio.

Among radiators of this type, it is better to choose devices with steel manifolds, i.e. they completely lack the contact of aluminum with the coolant, for example, or GLOBAL STYLE. The first option is produced in Russia, using modern European equipment, RIFAR Monolit radiators are fully welded (without twists between sections), this is a great advantage over classic sectional radiators, namely:

  • Enormous margin of safety - up to 100 atm.
  • The absence of a "left-hand thread", on both sides of the radiator BP 3/4 "right.
  • The absence of gaskets between sections, this undoubtedly adds reliability to heating radiators.
  • Possibility to install battery without using

In today's market, saturated with varieties of heating devices from many manufacturers, it is sometimes very difficult for an ordinary homeowner who has decided to replace batteries to find suitable products for his home. Our goal is to help solve this problem and figure out which batteries are better to install in an apartment or in a private house.

Overview of heating radiators

When you go to a large heating equipment store, you get the feeling that there are countless types of heating batteries. In fact, there are only five of them:

  • cast iron products;
  • steel heaters;
  • aluminum radiators;
  • bimetallic batteries;
  • electrical heating appliances.

All these types of heating radiators have different technical characteristics, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, which determine the scope of their application. Let's take a closer look at each of them, and clearly define which type of device is best placed where.

Cast iron radiators

This type of water heaters, well known to us since childhood, is still used to this day, despite the emergence of many modern competitors, whose technical characteristics are much better. This is due to several reasons, for example, the high corrosion resistance of cast iron and the ability to work in systems with high coolant pressure. In addition, a tribute to traditions is important for many people and, despite any explanations, they are still convinced that cast iron batteries are the best.

This opinion is justified, since these devices are very reliable and durable, according to these criteria they are unmatched, since they serve from 30 to 50 years. In addition, cast iron heaters retain heat for a long time, having great massiveness and inertia. This advantage is also a disadvantage: cast-iron batteries warm up for a long time and cool down just as long, so it is very difficult to organize automatic climate control in a room where such devices are installed.

If earlier the appearance of cast-iron batteries left much to be desired, now many companies offer cast-iron heating radiators with various powder coatings or decorative castings.

True, this improvement brought traditionally cheap heaters out of the category of budget ones, since such products are much more expensive. Their other shortcomings are well known: a lot of weight and water capacity, although recently they have been reduced to a minimum.

What is good about cast-iron batteries is that they can be placed everywhere: in an apartment, house, cottage. But it is best to use them for heating a private house, where a gravity system is organized. It is inertial in itself and has a large volume of coolant flowing at a low speed. This is just what a massive cast iron appliance needs.

Steel Batteries

This type of heater is divided into two types

  • panel;
  • tubular.

Panel radiators are good radiators for a private house, where the operating pressure of the coolant does not exceed 3 bar. The fact is that their device and manufacturing technology provides for work in a system with a maximum pressure of up to 15 bar. This is often not enough in district heating environments, especially in high-rise buildings.

The panels have good heat dissipation, relatively small weight and size, and also have an aesthetic appearance. There are also steel radiators with a bottom connection, which makes it possible to install them in apartments with individual heating and pipelines hidden in the floor.

In addition, among all heating devices, steel panels have the lowest cost, so they often remain the only viable option. Among the disadvantages are sensitivity to corrosion and a relatively short service life (up to 15 years).

When it is required to put a steel radiator in the central heating system, it is better to choose a tubular type device with thick massive walls that can withstand high pressure and water hammer. Therefore, such batteries can be placed anywhere, they are reliable and durable.

Another thing is that the cost of tubular devices is quite high, while there are disadvantages similar to cast-iron batteries: inertia, large capacity and considerable weight. Because of this, they are rarely installed in country houses and other buildings with an individual heating system, preferring the same cast iron or aluminum heaters.

Aluminum radiators

One of the most popular heating devices - sectional aluminum batteries - are distinguished by the best degree of heat transfer, fast heating and cooling, low weight and wonderful appearance.

All these advantages are realized thanks to the body of the device made of aluminum alloy. It has vertical channels with a cross section close to round, and outside these channels are equipped with many fins that intensively transfer the energy of the coolant to the room air. In turn, the flat surfaces of the aluminum battery give out a uniform flow of radiant heat. The physical properties of aluminum make it possible to organize automatic control of the heating power, since inertia in this case is practically absent. Promotes rapid heating and a small capacity (up to 0.25 liters of water in each section).

Aluminum radiators for the home are easy to assemble and install due to their simple design and low weight. They can be attached to any building structure, even drywall partitions. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the required number of sections for heating the room, in this you will always be assisted by sales representatives or online consultants of online stores.

As for the shortcomings, there are only two of them. The first is akin to steel panels: a low threshold for maximum operating pressure (up to 16 bar), which makes the installation of aluminum batteries in district heating systems risky. The second is the usual and electrochemical corrosion of the alloy due to exposure to low-quality coolant from central heating networks. Therefore, aluminum ones are the best radiators for any individual heating systems, where the quality of the coolant is controlled by the homeowner himself, and the pressure in the system is controlled by the boiler automation. But in apartments with central heating it is better to install bimetal.

Bimetal radiators

In fact, bimetallic batteries are the same aluminum products, inside of which there is a welded frame made of steel pipes with thick walls. As a result of this modernization, the shortcomings associated with the quality of the coolant and its pressure were successfully eliminated.

At the same time, heaters have a slightly lower heat transfer than pure aluminum, but much more than steel or cast iron appliances. Therefore, in the case of centralized heating systems for heating, it is better to install bimetal radiators, they will serve for a long time and reliably, while giving off heat much more intensively than other types of devices. But it should be said that the cost of bimetallic batteries is significantly higher than aluminum ones.


Before drawing a line, it is worth saying a few words about products such as electric heating radiators. They are very efficient and easy to install, all they need is a 220 V socket. Another thing is that the cost of electric heating is quite high, so heaters are often used as additional heat sources.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the choice of batteries largely depends on the type of heating system. If there is a financial opportunity, then it is better to put aluminum appliances in a private house as the most economical. When this is not possible, then steel panels will fit, and with a gravity system, cast-iron heating appliances. The same applies to apartments with an individual heat source. But in centralized networks, cast-iron or bimetallic batteries, as well as steel tubular ones, will be appropriate. The choice largely depends on the budget of the homeowner.

Replacing batteries that have ceased to perform their functions is an important part of repairing the heating system. Therefore, their choice should be taken with all seriousness and responsibility. And in order not to make a mistake when buying and choose the option that best suits the individual characteristics of your home, you need to determine for yourself which heating radiators are best for an apartment. Moreover, the range of products of this type, presented in specialized stores, is quite wide.

Modern industry produces several types of heating batteries made of various materials and having a specific set of characteristics. These include:

Cast iron sectional radiators

Their advantages:

  • Reliability and durability. The average life of radiators is about 50 years.
  • Undemanding to the quality of the coolant. Therefore, until now they are installed in buildings with a gravitational heating system (acting on the principle of natural circulation).
  • Sufficient thermal conductivity and high inertia. They do not warm up very quickly, but retain heat well (for systems with automatic control, high inertia is a disadvantage and for this reason cast-iron radiators are not used in this case).
  • Relatively low price, averaging 2000-3500 rubles for 4-7 sections (with the exception of design options, the cost of which starts at 5000 rubles).

Read in a separate article: and his example.

Disadvantages of cast iron radiators:

  • Fragility, insufficient resistance to powerful.
  • The need for periodic touch-up.
  • Due to the roughness of the inner walls of the radiator sections, impurities can linger in them, clogging the coolant channels, which can lead to a decrease in heat transfer.
  • Large weight and large required volume of coolant.

Steel radiators

Although this type of heating batteries is also found in our country, many residents of the United States, in response to the question: “Which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment?” they will answer without the slightest hesitation: "Only steel panel." And in some ways they will be right.

The design of these heaters consists of two sheets of high-carbon steel with stamped channels designed for the movement of the coolant. To provide additional resistance to corrosion, the outer surface of the batteries is degreased and coated with a phosphate compound. The coating material is powder enamel.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  • Diverse range of sizes.
  • Good heat dissipation.
  • Ability to work with a small amount of coolant.


  • Low operating pressure (no more than 6-10 atm.). With a hydraulic shock with a force of 13 atm. sections may break.
  • The lack of protection of the inner walls from the effects of water, leading to the gradual destruction of devices.
  • The need to use shut-off valves on the supply and return pipelines.
  • The need to remove dust from the back of the device.
  • The operating period is on average about 10 years.

Please note: Tubular steel radiators are of better quality and reliability compared to panel ones. The range of their working pressure can be from 10 to 15 atm. In addition, they have a more spectacular, original design and more durable painting.

If you are thinking about which radiators to give preference to - steel tubular or panel, feel free to choose the first option.

Aluminum radiators

Another popular answer to the question: “Which radiators are better to choose for an apartment?” are, which are sectional-type structures that can be independently assembled, taking into account the characteristics and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room, in order to heat it efficiently and efficiently.


  • The ability of such radiators to quickly take heat from the coolant and heat the premises as quickly as possible.
  • Light weight and compact dimensions.
  • High thermal power (about 190 W).
  • Attractive and discreet design.
  • Working pressure of modern aluminum radiators: 16-20 atmospheres.
  • Low cost (the price of one section - starting from 120 rubles).

Disadvantages of aluminum radiators:

  • Rapid cooling when the system is turned off.
  • Susceptibility to corrosion and exactingness to the pH of the coolant (the maximum allowable indicator is up to 7.5 units).

Important: When using aluminum radiators, it is strictly forbidden to install copper or brass fittings together with them, which are antagonists of this metal. As a result of the resulting reaction, the batteries will begin to corrode from the inside, which will lead to their rapid deterioration.

Bimetal radiators

Heating devices of this type consist of a steel pipeline and aluminum fins. Bimetal radiators are often used in apartments connected to central heating systems.

Their advantages:

  • High heat transfer coefficient of radiators.
  • The unique margin of safety of radiators, which guarantees reliable protection against water hammer. (functional pressure in such a device is 35 atm., test - up to 52.5 atm.).
  • Inertness to the composition of the coolant.
  • Sufficiently long service life (about 20-25 years).
  • Ability to work with a small amount of coolant.

Disadvantages of bimetallic radiators:

  • Susceptibility to clogging of the collectors due to the narrow cross-section of the inter-collector tubes.
  • Sensitivity to an increase in the amount of oxygen in the composition of the coolant.
  • The rather high cost of radiators (the price of one section is about 450 rubles).

Criteria for choosing radiators

To decide which heating radiator to choose for an apartment, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that have a direct impact on the efficiency of these devices in the future. It:

  • Functional pressure declared by the manufacturer. This indicator must necessarily exceed the working and test pressure in the system. Example: In houses of the old layout, consisting of five floors, the average operating pressure in the heating system is about 5-8 atm. However, new skyscrapers are heated under a pressure of 10-12 atm.
  • The ability of radiators to withstand water hammer. The problems that have arisen in the heating system may be indicated by clicks and buzzing in the batteries. In this case, it is better to contact the utility company to check the pressure level in the system.
  • Resistance to low quality coolant. For multi-apartment houses, it is better to use batteries with a special protective layer in their inner part. In addition, their walls must be of sufficient thickness so that the particles of sand and pebbles present in the coolants do not rub them during use.
  • Heat transfer level. This indicator will determine how quickly and efficiently the radiators used will heat the rooms.
  • Design solution. The times of ugly cast-iron "monsters" remained in the Soviet past. Modern heating radiators are distinguished by external attractiveness and ergonomics. So, when deciding which heating radiators to install at home, choosing the option that best fits into the architecture of any room is not difficult at all.
  • Life time. One of the main criteria when choosing radiators.

Calculation of power, number of sections

Before choosing a heating battery for an apartment, it is necessary to calculate how many sections should be installed in each particular room and determine the power and pressure indicator of this device. This is done as follows:

Choosing the power of the radiator

In this case, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Type of building (brick or panel).
  • The area of ​​the heated room.
  • number of windows.
  • The presence of external walls.
  • Type of glazing in the apartment (double-glazed windows or wooden windows).

According to the standard, in a room with a ceiling height of 3 m, which has one window with a wooden frame and one door, a radiator with a power of 90-125 W per 1 m 2 is usually placed.

Useful information: To choose the battery of optimal power for the room for ease of calculation, you need to multiply its area by 100 watts.

If there is one window and two external walls, this figure should be increased by 20%.

In the presence of two windows and two external walls - by 30%.

If the window is located on the north or northeast side: + 10%.

When placing a radiator in a niche: + 5%.

With a solid screen on the battery: + 15%.

Decide on the number of sections

The average power of a section of radiators of various types:

There is another option for calculating how to choose the number of sections of the heating battery so that it is comfortable in the heated room, which is considered more accurate. This calculation is also made taking into account their heat transfer. At the same time, not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but its “cubic capacity”, that is, the volume of air mass to be heated, is used as a unit of space. Each room is calculated separately: first, the power of the heater is selected, and then the number of its sections is calculated.

Practical example:

Considering that 39-41 W of energy is needed to heat 1 m 3 of the air space of a living room, in order to heat a room with an area of ​​10 m 2, with a ceiling height of 3.0 m, 1230 W is needed.


  • We calculate the cubic capacity: 3 x 10 \u003d 30 m 3.
  • We determine the energy consumption: 41 x 30 \u003d 1230 watts.

Let's agree that each section of a modern heating battery produces approximately 200 W of energy. That is, to calculate the optimal number of sections, you need 1230:200 = 6.15 sections. Rounding up. It turns out that in a room with a cubic capacity of 30 m 3 you need to install a radiator with 7 sections.

Useful information: When installing a battery in a corner-type room, the heat loss coefficient (1.1-1.3) is added to the formula for calculating the number of sections, the value of which must correspond to the climatic zone. The result will be: 1230 1.3: 200 = 7.995. That is, a radiator of 8 sections is suitable for such a room.

Dealing with working pressure

When purchasing heating radiators, you need to take into account the indicator of their working pressure, which should be higher than the pressure of the heating system at home. This is especially important when conducting hydraulic tests, when the load on the system is particularly intense..html

Features of central and autonomous heating systems

To figure out how to choose the right heating batteries for an apartment, it is important to take into account the features of the central heating system and its differences from an autonomous heating system operating in a private house.


With centralized heating, heat from the coolant through the pipeline enters the apartment from an external heat source (boiler room or local thermal power plant).

The advantages of this type of heating system:

  • Low cost of installation and maintenance.
  • The ability to work on inexpensive fuel (for this purpose, coal, gas, wood waste, etc. can be used in boiler rooms).
  • The absence of harmful combustion products during the operation of the system.


  • The presence of chemically active impurities in the coolant, leading to corrosion of pipes and radiators.
  • The presence of small pebbles and grains of sand in the circulating fluid, contributing to the abrasion of the working elements of the battery.
  • Instability of operating temperature (it may fluctuate during the heating season).
  • Fairly high pressure.
  • The possibility of water hammer - powerful pressure surges in the system.

Benefits of an autonomous system:

  • Independence.
  • Possibility of regulation of heating.
  • Possibility of year-round provision of hot water at home (when using a double-circuit heating boiler).
  • Payment savings.
  • Low pressure in the system and the absence of water hammer.
  • Higher quality of the heat carrier in comparison with the centralized system.


  • Difficulty in installation.
  • Additional costs for repairs and maintenance.
  • The need for permits when installing such a system in an urban-type apartment.

Thus, the main factors based on which it is possible to answer the question of which heating radiators are best for an apartment are the price, power and reliability of these devices, as well as their compliance with the requirements in each specific case. And speaking of which manufacturer of heating radiators is the best, we recommend paying attention to well-established manufacturers such as Sira, Global (Italy), Rifar (Russia).

Therefore, for an apartment in a multi-storey building, it is recommended to choose batteries that can withstand high pressure, water hammer and aggressive coolant - bimetallic radiators meet all these criteria. For houses of an old building with a small number of storeys, where the pressure is not so high, cast-iron radiators are also suitable.

And for a private house, you can consider installing aluminum batteries, since their cost is quite acceptable, heat transfer is high, the design is modern, plus, they can be used for systems with temperature control.