Making a wooden porch in a private house. How to build a wooden porch with your own hands Porch for a private house from a log

The house always begins with a porch, this is its main entrance, this is its calling card, one might say. And, at the same time, the final chord of construction. Point in the work done. In addition, it has a purely functional purpose - protecting the entrance from wind, rain, snow, so it must be beautiful, comfortable, and durable. Of course, the design should not conflict with the design of the whole house. A powerful red brick building will look strange near a wooden house with carved shutters, for example. But a wooden object attached to a brick house can well serve as its decoration. If the house is small, then the porch should not be made a kind of monument that outweighs the proportions of a private house. And most importantly: a house without this element has an unfinished look.

How to build a porch for a private house with your own hands

There are a lot of options for construction and materials. Choose the most suitable for you, prepare everything you need and get to work.


It is easy to assemble the design of such a porch

The simplest wooden structure can be made by yourself, even if there are no special skills in construction. Let's choose a structure first.

There are three main types: simplified, built-in and attached porch. A simplified design is a platform and a canopy over the entrance. Consider the most common option: a platform, steps and a protective visor, which is located above the door.

Porch option with a small terrace

Even for such an easy and simple structure, we need. It will not be difficult at all, because for such a wooden porch we can make a foundation of piles. We will impregnate the support bars with an antiseptic. Having calculated where the supports should be, we will dig holes under them to a depth of 80–90 cm. We immerse the supports in these holes strictly vertically, checking for level. At 30 cm, we fill the hole with gravel first, compact it tightly, then a layer of soil, and then concrete.

For the porch you need to make a foundation

After the cement is completely dry, you need to level all the supports in height, make cuts for spikes, sockets and other preparatory work.

Making steps

Now it's time to choose the bowstring on which the steps will be located. It is of two types: with embedded steps and with carved ledges. Since the second option is simpler, we will do it. Let's pick up a few thick edged boards for the bowstring and oblique angles. The length must be chosen in accordance with the number of steps. The rules here are simple: quantity:

Oblique angles are needed so that the steps have additional internal supports. On the first edged board, using a construction square, mark out the profile of the stairs. We cut off the excess and use the first board as a template for preparing the rest of the details.

The bowstrings are attached to the lags with a tenon-groove connection, for which a transverse board with selected grooves must be nailed to the lags, and spikes should be cut at the ends of the oblique angles and bowstrings. After the bowstrings and oblique angles are fixed on the logs, it is necessary to install their lower ends on a fortified and leveled platform. Now the frame of the future staircase for the porch is ready. It's time to lay the floor and steps. Boards for the floor of the site should be tried to be laid as tightly as possible so that cracks do not appear when drying out. After the site is ready, it is necessary to install risers and treads, which are also connected according to the “thorn-groove” principle, like the riser with a bowstring: this will give the joints the very rigidity that is needed. Here, in fact, everything is ready.

If there are more than three steps in the porch staircase, it is worth making a railing.

Installation steps


concrete porch

We count materials. The volume of concrete required for pouring depends on the width and height of the structure, as well as on the number of steps. If we make concrete on our own, then we must remember that for 1 cubic meter. m of concrete is 340 kg of concrete, 1.05 cubic meters. m of sand and 0.86 cubic meters. m of rubble. It is also necessary to calculate the necessary waterproofing and fittings. If the frame is reinforcing, then 2 bars of reinforcement go to each step.

The porch of their concrete base

We make the foundation for the future porch. At the place where we will arrange the object, it is necessary to dig a small pit with a depth of 30–40 centimeters. We fill a layer of gravel 10 cm to the bottom and carefully tamp it down, a layer of sand on top, and then moisten it so that the sand completely clogs all the gaps between the gravel.

We make a frame formwork. We will install plank formwork on the sides. You can use plywood or chipboard for formwork. The main thing is that the formwork should follow the shape of the steps. We strengthen the formwork with the help of pegs and spacers. The formwork must be leveled in height and level. We cut pieces of boards equal to the length and width of the risers and nail them to the formwork itself. The entire formwork must be treated from the inside with a lubricant so that the concrete does not stick to the tree. Roofing felt must be laid down to waterproof the concrete.

Step-by-step actions for the construction of a concrete staircase

Please note: the steps of the stairs must be made with a slight slope so that water flows freely from them.

We reinforce the formwork. This is necessary so that the concreted sections have a rigid structure. It is better not to spare reinforcement during the construction of a concrete structure. Approximately 150 meters of reinforcing bars will go to a medium-sized porch. In order to make a canopy and railings in the future, it is necessary to leave outlets from the corner or pipes on each side.

Strapping preparation

We concrete. The prepared concrete solution is placed in the formwork. You need to start from the bottom step, evenly distributing the solution and constantly tamping. In no case should you leave empty spaces. After the entire formwork is filled, we level the surface and now it is necessary for the structure to dry for about a week. After that, you can remove the formwork and start finishing this object.

Staircase with forged elements

Metal with forged elements

A metal staircase can decorate both a brick and a wooden house. Starting to build a metal porch, you should also first make a sketch. With its help, it is easier to calculate the amount of material needed and avoid mistakes when installing parts.

A simple staircase with forging elements

Decide on the size of the stairs. It is necessary to calculate everything in such a way that two people can safely disperse on it, and the steps are convenient for descent and ascent.

  • the width of the stairs must be at least 1 meter;
  • the number of steps is odd;
  • stairs - from 26˚ to 45˚;
  • the height of the steps should be from 12 to 20 cm;
  • the width of each step is not less than 25 cm;
  • the overhang of one step over the other should be about 30 mm.

Just like under any other, you need to lay it under a metal porch.

The metal structure consists of three elements: the staircase itself, the railing to it and the visor, the stairs are usually made from channels.

Arrangement of the entrance to the house

Consider one of the design options for a metal staircase, which we will do on our own. Let's prepare two channels equal in length to the future stairs. We put them on the width of the future stairs, say, 1 meter apart. Now you need to mark and cut the corner to the size of the step, not forgetting to make an allowance for the weld. We weld one end along the office to the channel. Then we take the next cut piece of the corner and weld it along the office to the previous corner, then to the channel. So gradually weld all the corners.

Installation of the base of the metal staircase

Now you can connect the L-shaped elements to each other with an equal angle. Please note that the bottom of each step is connected by a corner with a shelf outward. You can fill the steps with any suitable material: wood, porcelain stoneware, chipboard, plywood. It is better to fix with self-tapping screws and silicone glue.

Entrance staircase with canopy or closed

For such a porch, the foundation is especially important. Of course, it is best if it is planned along with the whole house. But there are often cases when it is attached to an existing house, in which case we call it an "extension".

Seating area near the entrance to the house

Closed entrance to the house

One way or another, the extension is a fundamental structure. Therefore, having calculated the parameters of the glazed porch area, we fill the foundation under it. Of course, the glazed extension is not for permanent residence with heavy furniture. Therefore, the foundation can be made pile. After the foundation is prepared, all the bindings are made, the concrete is completely dry, you can lay out the walls. We choose the material so that it does not contradict the design of the house. Of course, this is a frame building. The frame can be made from wooden beams, from a metal profile. Some owners, wanting to make the porch more capital, lay out such a porch of brick, timber. If we talk about frame construction, then it is certainly cheaper and much easier to install.

Frame extensions are of two types: frame-panel and frame-frame. In the first case, the panels are already ready, you just need not be too lazy to assemble them; in the second case, the fitting is done on the spot.

The main work has been done. Now we need to do the glazing and the door. For glazing we use - wooden or plastic. We order the door with glass and according to the verified dimensions. We choose the stairs from all possible options.

The glazed porch-veranda is very convenient because in summer you can sit here and drink tea in bad weather, and in winter, when you enter the house, you don’t drag snow with you.

Porch construction scheme

The steps should be 30 cm long and 16 cm high, but do not forget that when making the first step, it is necessary to take into account the addition of sand and tiles. Because of this, the first stage is always slightly higher than the others.

Brickwork in the construction of the porch

Very often, cinder blocks remain after construction. They can be laid in the foundation: it will be stronger, and we will dispose of the remains of cinder concrete.

We lay out the porch platform from the brick. At the same time, we also lay the side wall, which can immediately be overlaid with facing material - brick, for example. Gradually we form steps with the help of backing and face bricks. In the middle we lay out two rows of backing bricks, and lay out the outer part with a face brick.

So, gradually form the rest of the steps. Do not forget to treat the brick with a special remedy for the appearance of salt stains. After the masonry is completed, we complete the construction or finishing bricks. For fastening we use special glue. We complete the construction of the visor device.

Video: building a brick porch

Arrange a small flower garden nearby, put a flowerpot or flowerpots with flowers. Add unusual cute little things to complete the look.

The porch is the first thing guests see, it can be considered the hallmark of any home. The design of the porch gives the impression not only of the house, but also of its owner. And the neater and more attractive it looks, the better.

Sculptures, flowers, columns, carved balusters are often used for decorative purposes. But at the same time, you need to take into account the general style. For example, a chic stone porch is not suitable for a simple wooden house, and, on the contrary, for a huge brick structure, a small wooden porch will look ridiculous.

The main components of the structure are:

  • steps;
  • railing;
  • Visor;
  • Area.

Varieties of porches

There are many types of porches. They differ in size, materials from which they are made, additional elements and functionality.

Let's start with the most common. It is suitable for a small house or cottage. It's the easiest to build.

brick porch will look organically next to a brick house. However, with the right decoration, you can do the same for a wooden house and buildings sheathed with other materials.

Porch with columns not suitable for every home. Firstly, because it is not easy to fit into the overall design. Secondly, not many materials in style are combined with columns. Columns fit well into a brick or stone building.

glazed porch especially true for cold climates. Designing it is more difficult than usual, but in terms of its functionality, such a porch surpasses the main types.

Porch design

Before proceeding directly to the construction, it is necessary, at least, to have in mind the entire plan of the structure. But it is better to depict it on paper and calculate all sizes, pay attention to all the nuances.

For the project, it is important to provide:

  • Location of adjacent parts (doors, walkways);
  • building materials;
  • Tools;

An example project is shown in the figure. This porch is made up of:

  1. base part;
  2. steps;
  3. handrail;
  4. side part in the form of a flower garden;
  5. canopy.

The porch, as a rule, is made so that it is on the same level with the 1st floor of the house, but you need to take into account the margin for the front door, which should be at least 5 cm from the porch platform (since, in accordance with fire safety regulations, the front door should open outward).

When designing, you should consider a canopy or a full roof to protect against precipitation. You definitely need to think about fences, since in winter the steps often freeze over. It will be dangerous to move on them without support at this time.

How to choose materials for the porch

When choosing materials for the porch, it is best to rely on what the main building is made of. As already mentioned, a tree is suitable for a wooden house, a brick for a brick house. At the same time, it is possible to choose compositions from different materials. But for this they need to be properly assembled and adjusted. So, for example, a porch of typical staircase steps will harmoniously fit into a spacious stone house, and ceramic cladding will make such a structure original.

A wooden structure is the easiest to build, as it does not require much support, which means that you can do without a foundation. But this material also has obvious disadvantages - low strength.

As an additional material, metal is quite suitable. It is usually mounted on a concrete base.

Important! Do not forget about waterproofing, in a humid and cold climate it plays a big role.

How to calculate the size of a porch

It would seem that you don’t have to worry too much about the size, but this is not so, because the porch must first of all be safe. And also convenient.

Area at the door. Let's start with an observation: to open a door, a person first approaches the door, turns around, inserts the key, opens it, and then takes a step back. To do all these actions, you need a certain space both to the left and to the right of the door, as well as in front of it.

There are building codes that regulate the size of the porch. They differ depending on whether the door is single leaf or double leaf.

For the first, the depth should be at least one and a half meters, the width should be from one and a half to one meter and sixty centimeters. For the second at the same depth, the width should be over two meters. Of course, these parameters should not be taken as ideal. It would be better if they become at least a little higher. You should definitely take care of this if the porch is high.

Steps. Their width differs from the structures inside the buildings, the outer ones should be more comfortable and safer. It is recommended to make a tread of at least 30 centimeters.

While the number of steps is often small, their height, on the contrary, should be reduced compared to internal stairs. A good height in this case is in the range of 14 to 17 centimeters.

Railings and fences. If the porch is more than 3 steps high, then it is necessary to make fences on it. The size of the railing is standard - 80-90 centimeters.

Light . Lighting is important when building a porch, as this is a place of particular injury risk. The same rule of 3 steps applies here, that is, if there are 4 or more steps in the stairs, then one lamp is not enough. You need to hang at least two so that they illuminate the porch from different sides. This is due to the fact that the lighting fixture located above the door gives a large shadow, as a result of which the steps are not properly visible.

Visor. What is it for? The first answer that comes to mind is to hide from the rain. But, besides this, it is also designed to protect the steps from precipitation, which is especially important in winter. Therefore, the visor should be made wider than the porch. It is recommended that it be at least 30 centimeters longer than the porch on all sides.

Such a large visor reduces the amount of light, especially if there are windows under it. To solve this problem, you can use polycarbonate for the purpose of building such a roof.

We build a porch for the house with our own hands

Consider the option of building a porch, the price of which is most consistent with the quality. To do this, it is necessary to make a base from a conventional foundation, strengthening it with reinforcement and several layers of cement poured with mortar.

Such a porch can be finished with tiles, stone or any other suitable material.

Preparatory work

The construction of a porch, like any other object, begins with clearing the place and marking. This is done in order to save time in the future. All the necessary tools and material (rebar, sand and cement) are also purchased.

concrete foundation

It is easy to guess that it all starts with the creation of a foundation, under which the first step is to dig a foundation pit (the depth is equal to the size of the foundation of the house itself). Then, according to the rules, a pillow of gravel and sand should be poured, and then concrete should be poured, setting the formwork.

You should follow the rules and regulations so that in the next few years you do not have to restore the porch.

To base the foundation, you will need a broken brick, on top of which a mesh of ribbed reinforcement is installed. This will strengthen the foundation and secure it to the foundation of the main building. Next, you need to remove the reinforcement from the foundation of the building, the future threshold will be poured along it. After the finished “floor” under the base has turned out, it is necessary to drive in more vertical pieces of reinforcement into it, which we fill with a good cement solution from above.

Porch base

After the base of the foundation is filled, it's time to move on to the formation of the base of the porch. For this purpose, a backing brick is suitable. They should lay out the base of the structure, taking into account the required dimensions. At this stage, do not forget about waterproofing, since the brick is sensitive to high humidity. Both horizontal and vertical types of waterproofing are needed - the base is cut off from the porch, the entire base is treated with aquasol or a double layer of roofing material.

masonry stairs

It's time for the steps. A high-quality brick is useful here; it is not recommended to take already used one. In principle, almost any type of brick will do. It is placed on an ordinary solution, in a way convenient for the builder. This stage should be approached with special care, because the steps are the main part of this structure.

Finishing and decoration

There is no big difference whether it is a wooden or a brick porch, because the main thing is ease of use, high quality, reliability and durability. But also not in the last place is the aesthetic component.

Therefore, it is necessary to decorate the porch of the house. To increase the service life, it is worth trimming the edges of the steps with a metal corner.

For the integrity of the architectural ensemble, it is necessary to carry out coordinated color solutions in the decoration. So, if there are elements of forging in the enclosing structures, then it would be nice to use similar elements in the design of the railings and pilasters for the canopy.

Different directions in the decor of the porches

Examples of beautiful design can be seen in the video

Classic. In this case, a gable canopy, chiseled railings and round balusters are required. As a cladding, stone or tile is suitable.

Castle style. Sufficiently massive construction, decorated with natural stone. For decorative purposes, you can use torches, grilles, heavy furniture.

Old Russian era. In Russia, the main entrance of a traditional wooden house was made high, on large heavy supports, and at the same time it was quite spacious. It was customary to use patterns and carved elements in large quantities as decorations.

Patio porch. Such a structure looks like an open terrace adjacent to the house. It has benches, tables and chairs. At the same time, not in all cases a roof is made over the structure.

European style. This design is characterized by restrained lines and regular features. As a rule, such a porch is a low structure. For cladding, ceramic tiles or a suitable type of stone are taken.

french style. A special feature here is the "French window". Although in fact it is a door made with an openwork lattice design. For additions, flowers are used in hanging flower pots, wicker and wooden furniture.

Whatever design of the porch is chosen, it is important to remember the observance of construction technologies and the quality of materials. Provided that these requirements are met, the porch will last a long time. And finally, I would like to post photos of various designs of porches for wooden, brick and other houses.

Almost no country house can do without a porch. This structural element of the building can be made of a variety of materials. However, the most popular, due to the ease of construction, can be considered wooden options for stairs.

There are also several varieties of such porches. Installation of some of them requires experience. Others are simply assembled. In this article, we will talk about how to make a wooden porch with your own hands and what such structures are in general.

Types of wooden porches

Wooden stairs can be made of logs, timber or knocked down from boards. They differ in design and design. This can be confirmed by these pictures with different porch options:

Production material

Log ladders are usually attached to log houses and baths. This option is difficult to manufacture and is quite expensive. However, this is also the most solid type of wooden stairs. It is somewhat easier to make a structure from a bar. If a chopped wooden porch is more of a tradition of our country, then the block option is more typical for Western construction.

Solid wood porch. Photo of the simplest design

The third type of wooden porch - plank, the most common. The popularity of this type of construction is primarily due to the ease of assembly and low cost. But a porch made of boards will not last as long as a log or block porch.

Wooden porch of a private house. Photo of a plank structure

What kind of wood can be used

For the manufacture of a porch in the country, a wide variety of wood can be used. Budget designs are made of pine, birch or spruce. More solid options can be assembled from larch, cedar or oak.

Design features

According to the design features, there are only three main types of wooden porches - built-in, attached and simplified. Built-in most often is a porch made of timber. With your own hands, such a structure can be erected exclusively at the stage of construction of the village house itself. Chopped versions of stairs are also built-in. The attached porch is attached to the wall later.

Advice: With a lack of experience in working with wood for do-it-yourself construction, it is better to choose the third option - a simple staircase, which is an ordinary platform near a house with several steps.

Views of the porch of a wooden house. Photo of the attached and simplified version

The attached wooden staircase, like the built-in one, always has a railing with balusters and a canopy. In some houses, you can see a porch closed by a permanent extension or combined with a veranda.

Varieties of designs

The design of the stairs at the house is the most diverse. You can build, for example, a beautiful carved wooden porch. Lacquer or paint is also often used to decorate wood.

Beautiful wooden carved stairs

It is interesting: In our country, steps, railings and other structural elements of the porch usually have a plain design. In the West, the porch is often decorated in two different shades.

The canopy of a wooden porch is sometimes made in a semicircle or is gable, straight beveled or has a complex shape. Railings and balusters often perform not only a purely practical function, but also serve as a stylish decoration for the entire structure. In general, finishing the porch of a private house is a creative procedure and provides a lot of opportunities for realizing the design fantasies of its owners.

Wooden porch. Photo of a wide radial visor


The best option for a wooden porch of a private house can be considered an attached structure with a railing and a canopy. We will talk about the assembly of just such a porch below. To begin with, let's see how to properly draft the porch of a wooden house. First of all, you should draw a design drawing in compliance with all proportions. The scheme is built taking into account the safety and maximum practicality of the stairs.

The width of a person's step is usually about 60-64cm. Therefore, the porch safety formula looks like this: 2a + b \u003d 62, where "a" is the height of the step, and "b" is its width. Thus, it turns out that marches with a step height of about 15-18 cm and a width of 20-32 cm are the most convenient to use. Its optimal length is considered to be a meter and a half. Also, a comfortable porch should have a railing about 90 cm high.

The project must also take into account the number of steps themselves. This parameter is determined based on the height of the base. However, in any case, there must be at least two steps.

Scheme of a ladder with steps fixed on a bowstring

Important: The project is drawn up taking into account the fact that its upper platform should be located at least 3 cm below the threshold of the house. Otherwise, when the door swells in wet weather, it may simply stop closing.

Look at these photos, perhaps they will help you decide on the design and construction of a wooden porch:

So, the project is done. Now let's look at the technology of making a wooden porch with your own hands in stages.

Assembly technology

Building a march from boards and timber with your own hands includes the following steps:

  1. Support manufacturing. For them, you need a bar 50 * 150mm;
  2. Digging holes and arranging a "cushion" for supports. Filling the support platform for the march;
  3. Installation of supports;
  4. Manufacturing and installation of bowstrings or stringers;
  5. Installation of steps;
  6. Installation of balusters and railings;
  7. Visor installation;
  8. Porch painting.

Under the bottom step of the wooden porch, a concrete platform is arranged to decide on the design and construction of the wooden porch

Manufacturing and installation of supports

The assembly of the frame of a wooden porch begins with knocking down the supports. For their manufacture, two bars 50 * 150 are fastened with self-tapping screws. For knocking, both ordinary nails and self-tapping screws are used. You can also just take one bar 100-150 * 150.

Under the pillars you need to drill holes half a meter deep

Under the supports they dig holes 50 cm deep. A pillow of flat stones is arranged at their bottom. How to make it if there are none? In this case, rubble concrete can be used by simply pouring a cement-sand mortar into the pits and throwing some stones there. As a support for the march of the porch to the house of wood, a rubble-concrete slab buried in the ground (under the lowest step), poured in the same way as the “pillows”, is arranged.

Before installation, the ends of the supports are treated with an antiseptic composition.

Pillars must be treated with an antiseptic

Advice: Often the ends of the supports are treated with bituminous mastic. However, this is not entirely correct. The fact is that this tool blocks the access of air to the wood, which causes it to rot from the inside. The result is a not too durable wooden porch for a summer residence.

Making bowstrings or stringers

The steps of a wooden march can be attached to a bowstring or stringers. The latter is a board with supporting nests sawn along the upper edge.

On the bowstring, the bars filled with the desired step serve as the basis for the steps. A do-it-yourself porch made of wood turns out to be quite aesthetic in both cases.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands. Photo of installed stringers

March Assembly

Cut bowstrings or stringers are attached at one end to the supporting pillars. To do this, you can use screws or nails. Their second end rests on a rubble concrete platform.

On a note: When making the porch of a wooden house with your own hands using a bowstring, the steps begin to be fixed from top to bottom. They are installed on the kosour from the bottom up.

Almost finished wooden porch. Photo of the installation process of steps on stringers

First, the upper platform is mounted on the bowstrings. Then install the step. A step is stuffed between them. Then again they mount the step and steps, etc. On the stringers, all the treads are first drilled and only then all the steps are fixed. Finish the installation by installing the top platform. It should be based on two beams, one end fixed to the supporting pillars, and the other to the wall of the house (corners to the wooden or to the beam to the concrete).

Riser and steps are fastened with self-tapping screws

On a note: Fasten steps and risers with self-tapping screws. In order to make the march more reliable, you can additionally use wood glue.

Installation of balusters and railings

With the use of railings, a more harmonious and comfortable wooden porch is obtained. It is also not difficult to put them with your own hands:

  1. At the bottom end of a baluster cut out of a bar, a hole with a diameter of 12 mm is drilled to a depth of 80 mm;
  2. Next, the end is sawn off at an angle to match its surface with the surface of the bowstring;
  3. A metal pin coated with PVA glue is inserted into the hole. Its end should protrude 70mm;
  4. Holes 80mm deep and 14mm in diameter are drilled in the upper edge of the bowstring.
  5. The baluster pin is smeared with glue and inserted into the bowstring hole.

Balusters are mounted on metal studs or wooden dowels

On a note: First, the extreme balusters are attached, and then the intermediate ones. The bowstring itself should be pre-marked. Before installation, the upper ends of the balusters should be sawn off at an angle under the railing.

Railings can be mounted on balusters simply with glue, or you can also use studs.

Visor installation

Next, we will step by step consider how to properly assemble a canopy over a wooden porch near the house. The device of the simplest involves knocking the frame and lining it with boards. The frame is assembled from 50 * 50 bars. From above, it is sheathed with a board about 25 mm thick.

Closed porch of a wooden house. Photo of a log version with curly poles and a rectangular visor

The resulting shield is attached with one side to the wall of the house, and the other over the support pillars of the stairs.

How to decorate a wooden porch?

If you know how to work well with wood before installation, all elements of the porch structure (except for steps and risers) can be carved.

Advice: When cutting patterns on a bowstring or stringers, do not overdo it with the number of through holes. Otherwise, you can weaken the structure of the porch.

Design with carved balusters

The finished porch, carved or ordinary, must be varnished or painted. What is the best way to handle it in the last case? The decoration of the porch of a wooden house is most often done using oil paint or acrylic paint (intended for outdoor use). It is also very important to know how to cover surfaces before painting. Usually the tree is pre-treated with drying oil. You can also use some wood primer. If you do not skip this step, the repair of the structure (replacement of rotten elements and tinting) will have to be done much less frequently.

Wooden porch device (video on how to build a veranda porch):

What is a porch, why is it and what functions does it perform?

The porch is an extension to the house, which through the steps makes it easier to enter / exit the door. Since the porch usually has a canopy, this is an additional protection for the doorway from the sun, rain and snow.

In addition, the porch acts as a decorative element that makes the exterior of the house complete and its operation convenient.

As a rule, the parameters of the porch are thought out even at the stage of building a house, cottage or cottage. But often the porch is attached to an existing building.

Traditionally, the same material from which it was built is used to build a porch in front of a house (for example, a wooden or brick house). The porch can be made of wood, concrete, metal, brick. It is important that the selected material (for steps, cladding, porch trim) is in harmony with the overall design of the house.

Due to the fact that wood is the most popular, as well as affordable and inexpensive material, most often the porch is built from wood. Therefore, we will consider in detail (step by step) how to organize the construction of a wooden porch. Another argument in favor of lumber is the ease of working with wood, which makes it possible to make a wooden porch with your own hands.

Wooden porch to a private house - project

Construction begins with the development of a project that takes into account:

Porch types

Porch construction

  • built-in porch - built together with the house, has a common foundation with it;
  • attached (attached porch) - completed during the operation of the house.

Material for porches in a private house

  1. wood;
  2. concrete;
  3. metal (forging, steel, iron);
  4. brick (stone).

Methods for arranging a wooden porch

Implementation is possible in two versions:

This method is simpler and consists in the fact that a wooden box (or a porch frame made of a metal profile) is installed on the prepared site, on which steps are installed.

This option is also more budgetary, it can be implemented at any stage of construction or operation of the house. A closed wooden porch makes it possible to hide all the flaws that arise during the construction phase;

The peculiarity of this method is that the base frame is prepared only for the lower part of the kosour / string, and the upper one rests on beams or a floor slab. This way of building a porch gives more opportunities for the implementation of original solutions.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands without mistakes

Before we tell you how to build a wooden porch, we will describe the main mistakes that novice craftsmen may encounter.

  • stylistic mistakes. The dimensions, appearance, material of the porch should be in harmony with the general appearance of the building (house design);
  • errors in the size of the porch. The porch should be proportional to the main building;
  • measurement errors. Each parameter is measured several times and plotted on the diagram;>

    Note. Professionals advise putting on the diagram not only the dimensions of the porch, wooden frame, but also other parameters: the size of the doorway, the distance from the porch to plants or protruding decorative elements. This information is useful, if necessary, correct the drawing of the porch.

  • waste of material. Eliminated by careful planning.
  • ignoring the requirements for structural strength. The porch is the most exploited part of the building. In addition, it is exposed to external factors, which means that the material must be chosen with a margin of safety and taking into account the dimensions of the porch;
  • provide additional protection to the wooden porch. Untreated wood gradually loses its properties, therefore it needs protection and constant care;

    Note. Both open parts of the structure and load-bearing parts need protection, i.e. those that are placed in the ground or rest on a foundation.

  • dissociation of the foundations of the house and the porch (on different (separate) foundations) will lead to uneven shrinkage of the porch and the appearance of a crack between the elements. To avoid this, the threshold installed at the junction of the porch to the house will allow. Or setting the threshold without a march, with the first step 150-170 mm below the threshold. But this is fraught with injuries, because, leaving the door, the user is forced to go down;
  • the absence of a foundation leads to the fact that the porch "floats" under the influence of soil displacement (shear);
  • door jamming (blocking, jamming). Occurs due to geological changes (frozen soil is able to raise the porch a couple of centimeters).

How to build a porch in the house

Porch material

To make a beautiful wooden porch you will need building material:

  • for supports, a beam with a section of 100x200 mm is suitable. The size depends on the type of porch, the expected load, the number of supports, etc. When choosing wood for supports, it is better to give preference to larch or pine, due to the presence of resins, they withstand all-season operating conditions well;
  • for the entrance platform from the steps, you can use a board with a thickness of 30-50 mm;
  • finished balusters and railings. Or timber and rail for their manufacture. The dimensions of the lumber depend on the parameters of the future product.
  • solutions, compositions and impregnations for wood protection;
  • cement mortar (concrete);

Note. The use of 50 mm boards both on supports and on steps will avoid calculation errors, reduce waste and, in general, use lumber more rationally.

Drawing of a wooden porch

Even a simple (typical) drawing, drawn by yourself, will help to avoid difficulties in its construction.

The drawing of the porch must contain the data:

  • porch appearance. It makes it possible to visualize the final view of the structure;
  • porch width - should be one and a half times wider than the doorway (you can calculate how wide the porch should be in this way: multiply 1.5 by the width of the door, this will be the minimum allowable width). This width will allow you to open the door while on the porch platform;
  • the width of the stairs to the porch (flight of stairs) - must be at least 700 mm. Otherwise, there will be difficulties in moving people and objects along the steps;
  • the location of the platform (flooring) of the porch. The floor of the porch should be 30-50 mm below the threshold (doorway). The porch platform lowered down will prevent the doors from blocking due to snow or raising the porch structure;
  • the angle of the porch;

Note. Professionals advise making the slope of the porch and steps 2-3 ° to avoid water accumulation. An alternative would be to install deck boards with a gap of 2-3 mm.

  • foundation. Types, depth of laying, characteristics of the soil under it;
  • the number and size of steps of the porch. The standard recommends adhering to the following dimensions of steps: height - 170-180 mm, step depth (tread) - 300-350 mm. It is desirable that the number of steps be odd. Such dimensions will make the movement on the steps comfortable;
  • the presence and place of installation of the fence (balusters and railings).

Note. In construction practice, there are no norms and rules governing the parameters of the porch. The recommendations concern only the parameters of the steps.

A drawing of a wooden porch, as a good example:

Scheme of a wooden porch

It is convenient to work when the scheme of the wooden porch is made on a large sheet of paper and is always in front of your eyes.

A good alternative would be a life-size cardboard template. A paper template is indispensable in the manufacture of a flight of stairs on a bowstring.

Foundation under the porch of the house

Properly selected and poured foundation for a wooden porch is the key to its strength and durability.

A wooden staircase to the porch can be installed without a foundation. But its filling will avoid the displacement of the porch due to seasonal movement of the soil.

When building a porch, you can choose one of the following types of foundation:

Columnar. Good for lightweight construction. The number of support pillars depends on the size of the porch.

Slab. Structurally, it is a monolithic concrete slab. Designed for heavy (massive) structures. The slab foundation in most cases does not need to be tied to the foundation of the main structure (house).

Tape. It has a significant margin of safety, while requiring less material costs. A connection with the foundation of the house is required.

The material was prepared for the site

What is the best foundation for a porch?

Some users recommend equipping a strip foundation for the porch. In this case, the likelihood of a discrepancy between the porch and the house is eliminated, as when using a columnar one. And also the consumption of material is reduced, in comparison with slab. The complexity of arranging this type of foundation is that it needs to be tied to the house.

How to tie (tie) the foundation of the porch and the house?

First of all, the adjacent foundations of the porch and the house must have a single depth.

It is better not to fill the place of attachment (fastening, connection) of the foundations immediately, but leave a technical gap (a gap of 20-30 cm), in which there will be connecting elements (studs, reinforcement).

In the old foundation of the house, holes are drilled at a distance of 50-60 mm and studs with expanding anchors are hammered. From the new porch foundation, make a reinforcement tap to these studs. Simply wired (do not twist or weld).

After the new foundation "settles" (stands) for a year (or at least winter), preferably under load, you can connect the reinforcement (tie, twist, weld). Pour the bond with concrete mortar.

The diagram below shows how to make a wooden porch with the foundation tied to the house.

What is the depth of the foundation under the porch

The depth of the foundation for the porch should correspond to the depth of the foundation of the house and is below.

A strip foundation is definitely a great solution for building a porch. However, not everyone needs a massive structure. After all, most of the flights of stairs of the porch are built using stringers or bowstrings. In this case, it is not necessary to fill in a strip foundation, but to give preference to a pile or column foundation. Equipping such a foundation, you need to make concrete "cushions" for the supports and the base of the stringer / bowstring.

The method of constructing a concrete cushion is shown in the diagram.

How to build a wooden porch for a house

Consider the technology of erecting porches on pillars (piles, supports, beams) made of wood.

The construction of a porch on a foundation in the form of a support cushion for pillars (support pedestals) will be justified only if a number of rules are followed:

  • the base of the kosour should rest against the waterproofing laid between the foundation and the wood of the kosour;
  • for supports it is better to take coniferous wood, it is preferable in conditions of high humidity;

Advice. When choosing lumber for a support, it is better to give preference not to a 100x100 mm beam, but to two 50x100 boards fastened together.

  • the wood of the supports should be treated with an antiseptic;

Note. The support should be processed to a height of 150-200 mm from the soil level. In this case, it is undesirable to use only It prevents the entry of air, and the process of wood decay begins from the inside. It is better to use drying oil or used engine oil.

  • installation depth of supports at least 800 mm;
  • the wider and more massive the structure, the more supports should be;
  • after the concrete with which the supports are poured dries, you need to check their height. Correct height difference;

Note. When making a wooden porch, it is necessary to consider waterproofing and a drainage system. This will avoid distortion of the porch structure.

It is worth noting that there is no fundamental difference in how to build a porch for a wooden house or a brick one. It is important to make an informed choice of the type of foundation and, if necessary, correctly bind it to the foundation of the house.

Porch decking and step installation

User opinions differ on this issue. Some advise to fit the flooring boards as closely as possible to each other in order to prevent the appearance of cracks characteristic of dry wood, as well as to make a slope of 1.5-2 ° allowing water to flow calmly from the flooring.

Others recommend leaving a gap of 2-3 mm so that water flows down unhindered. At the same time, they argue that these gaps do not entail the risk of injury when walking on the flooring (except for stilettos). Wooden steps for the porch - you can buy ready-made or make your own. If the latter option is selected, the detailed description is given below.

How to make steps for a wooden porch

Steps are installed, starting from the lower edge of the kosour / bowstring. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, which must be sunk into the wood to avoid injury.

First, the riser is mounted, then the step. This is due to the fact that it is easier to maintain dimensions.

When arranging a ladder on a stringer, the steps are attached to it. Options for attaching steps to the bowstring are shown in the diagram.

Wooden porch railing

It is important to note that if there are more than 3 steps at the flight of stairs, it is desirable to equip it with a fence. Porch fencing can be metal (forged, stainless steel), wood, brick, stone (or concrete). Wooden railings for the porch can become not only a guarantee of the safety of movement, but also an additional decoration.

Recommendation. Provide safety elements - anti-slip coating on the steps of the porch (non-slip, anti-slip, rubber, rubber coating, tile, rug). After all, frozen moisture (icing) makes movement on them dangerous.

With the question of how to make a wooden porch sorted out, now it is important to learn how to extend the period of its operation.

How to protect a wooden porch - care

A canopy over the porch will protect the wooden steps and the structure as a whole from the effects of external factors (from the sun, snow and rain). A wooden canopy over the porch of a wooden house will look especially good. For buildings made of other materials (for example, for a stone house), polycarbonate, corrugated board, tiles or other roofing materials are suitable. The visor can be made on racks or without them. The main thing is that the visor supports do not interfere with movement.

Wood processing is divided into pre-operational and operational. The first involves the application of special compounds before the construction of the porch begins. The composition of the solutions will reduce the tendency of wood to rot, warp, dry out, etc. And the second - will make it possible to preserve the original appearance of the structure. Such processing can include painting, waxing or varnishing.

Wood porch painting

  • pine wood needs to be opened (covered) with paint in several layers and periodically updated layer;
  • before applying the paint, you need to open (treat, impregnate) the wood with a primer;

    Advice. The primer will retain the properties of the wood, but the surface will need to be painted every 3-6 years. Without impregnation, the paint will last up to 10 years, but the properties of the tree will deteriorate significantly.

  • covering pine with transparent compounds is not recommended. Sand and dirt are pressed into soft rock;
  • larch or hardwood wood can be opened with transparent compounds. The Vermeister Deck.Oil impregnation oil has proven to be excellent;
  • when choosing how to paint a wooden porch on the street, you need to know that the compositions for coating wood outside and inside the house may differ. To paint a wooden porch from the street (outside), use the following paints, enamels:
  • oily (due to the pungent odor, they are gradually losing popularity);
  • water-based (need to be constantly updated);
  • alkyd (resistant to moisture and mechanical abrasion);
  • polyurethane (used mainly in industrial conditions);
  • reactive (consist of two components, their distribution is limited by high cost and short time for application after mixing the components).
  • each update of the coating on wood is carried out only after cleaning the surface from the previous layer of old paint.

How to attach a wooden porch - video

Compliance with the steps listed above will allow you to create a beautiful, reliable and functional wooden porch with your own hands.

The porch is a necessary architectural element, without which no building is conceivable. Of course, the most correct decision is when the porch is provided at the design stage of the house, and the foundation for the porch to the house is laid at the same time as the foundation for the main structure. But in practice, for a number of reasons, it is attached with its own hands to the finished building.

Self-construction of a porch to the house, see the photo of the most popular and beautiful solutions in the article, must be carried out in compliance with the rules and regulations that apply to the construction of additional outbuildings. Next, we will tell you in detail, make an overview of the materials from which the porch of a private house is most often arranged with our own hands, and conduct a comparative analysis of construction technologies. We will pay special attention to the questions of what foundations are laid for a makeshift building, how to make the foundation yourself, and how to properly tie the porch to an existing house.

General form

One of the basic rules for building a porch is that it should echo the exterior of the house. The most common option for making an aesthetically correct completion is to use the same materials from which the house is built in the manufacture of the porch. But in construction there are extensions with an eclectic design, for example, they are often attached to a structure made of concrete or stone. In such cases, it is important to observe the proportions and shape of an independent extension so that it harmoniously fits into the general appearance and dimensions of the house.

Before you build a porch to the house, you need to consider the design of the extension.

But besides aesthetics, the practical side of the issue is very important. , which is constantly under the influence of an aggressive environment, experiences systematic mechanical loads. Therefore, the material for home-made construction must be resistant to moisture, to alkaline and acidic environments, to corrosion, microorganisms, UV rays, fungi, rodents, refractory and durable to abrasion loads. Of course, not a single, even the most innovative material, can meet all the requirements without exception, therefore there is no universal recipe,. Next, we will consider common materials for home-made construction, and analyze their main advantages and disadvantages.

Combinations of a log house with forging and tiles


Do-it-yourself porch, the photo in the gallery is a good example of this, most often attached. These materials for construction, with certain skills, are quite simple to work with, and have a relatively low cost, they tolerate physical, mechanical and chemical loads well, which is why they are so popular for porch construction.

How to build a wooden porch

The most popular material for homemade extensions is wood. with your own hands it is perfectly combined with houses made of timber, rounded logs, bricks, adobe, frame structures, concrete plastered structures, sheathed with siding, clapboard with wooden imitation of all stripes.

For the construction of the porch, logs, glued laminated timber, hardwood, mainly larch, are usually used. Of course, this is a fairly common material for home-made construction, wood is easy to install and does not require any special complex tools. And hardly anything can compare with the beauty and warmth of natural wood. In addition, the modern building materials market for homemade outbuildings offers a huge selection of carved elements - all this opens up great prospects for.

But before you make a wooden porch with your own hands, in stages the tree needs to be treated with antiseptics, fire-resistant solutions, and impregnated with moisture-repellent compounds. Of course, this entails additional time and financial costs for construction, but without preliminary preparation, a wooden porch is unlikely to last a long time.

How to make a porch with your own hands correctly, high structures are built if the house has a high base, and in snowy regions

They install a home-made wooden porch on a special base, it can be rubble stones for supports, and a slab, columnar and pile foundation. Before starting construction, all parts of the wooden elements that will be immersed in the ground must be treated with bituminous mastic, wrapped with roofing material, and the seam fastened with a blowtorch. The choice of the type of base for the arrangement of the porch depends on the design features of the extension, and of course, on the weight of the materials, we will talk about the nuances a little later.

DIY wooden porch, photo of a large extension

Depending on the design of the porch, the device of a home-made extension begins with the construction of the upper platform, then it is attached to it either on a bowstring, and then it goes. In conclusion and As you can see, the technology for building a wooden porch is quite simple, but when arranging an extension, it is important to follow all the stages of wood preparation, and then the finish should be applied correctly to protect the structure from external influences.

Homemade concrete porch

In general, concrete is a huge opportunity in the construction of home-made. The plasticity of the material allows you to make not only rectangular, but also semicircular, oval, broken, curved structures with your own hands. Concrete home-made extensions fit without problems even into the most complex exterior of the house, as they can be lined with various materials, including simply painting, or arranging special steps made of sculptural concrete, which, depending on processing, can imitate granite, malachite, marble etc.

How to make a porch to the house, photo of a large homemade terrace

After the foundation pit is made, and the sand and gravel cushion is laid to give shape to the makeshift porch, formwork is made of boards, plywood, and plastic. A reinforcing frame is knitted in the crate, which is poured with concrete. But it is also possible to lay ready-made concrete blocks in the crate, which are attached to each other, and only then are poured with mortar. Monolithic construction of a porch is cheaper, in addition to buying ready-made blocks, they must also be delivered, unloaded, laid, and for this, if you are not a descendant of three heroes, you will need special equipment.

Important: The frame is best made from ribbed rods, with a cross section of 8-12 mm, it is recommended to use knitting wire for fastening, welding significantly weakens the metal. It is necessary to fill the reinforcing frame so that it is surrounded on all sides by concrete, with a layer of at least 50 mm, before installing the frame, put pebbles or special supports on the bottom.

Concrete structures cannot be loaded until the solution is completely formed, and this takes 28 days. In addition, a special frost-resistant mortar or heating cables will be required to install a porch in winter, which will significantly increase the cost of a homemade extension. Any violations of the pouring technology will lead to inevitable.

Construction of a concrete porch with a wooden half-closed canopy

How to make a metal porch

Considering the question of how to make a metal porch with your own hands, first of all, it should be noted that its construction is possible only on a pile foundation.

How to make a porch with your own hands, a homemade version of the frame

Of course, other options for foundations are possible, if there is an urgent need, if there are rocks on the ground, or your country house is located in the permafrost zone. For example, slab or tape, but this is not always advisable, so sometimes it is better, and even cheaper, to consider options for building home-made outbuildings from other materials. Pile foundations are always buried below the level of soil freezing by 20-30 cm, and this level depends on the climatic zone.

It should be noted that a home-made porch made of high-quality rolled metal and treated with anti-corrosion compounds has a long safe operation life. In addition, they go well with, etc. The metal porch can be cut along the racks and moved to another place, no extension from any other material can boast of such an advantage.

Do-it-yourself porch in the country house, an easy way to make an extension on a metal frame

Other materials for building a homemade porch

Speaking about the construction of a porch with your own hands, it is impossible not to mention such materials as. For the extension, it is recommended to use backfill red or silicate white brick. It is very convenient that the height of the two bricks together is equal to the height of the step, this circumstance greatly facilitates the laying.

Advice: When building a porch with your own hands, in order for the extension to be strong and reliable, the seams of the first layer should be covered with a whole part of the bricks or blocks of the next row.

How to build a porch with your own hands, an extension of silicate brick

After the masonry is completed, it will be required which material to choose for facing depends on the design and budget for the porch. It should be noted that a do-it-yourself brick porch in fact comes out more expensive than home-made outbuildings and, but you can use a brick that has already been in use. Building a porch from foam blocks with your own hands requires much less time and financial costs, but cellular concrete absorbs moisture well, which can go sideways during rainy autumn and severe frosts in winter.

We offer you to watch a video on how to make a porch with your own hands, the video will help you avoid major mistakes in construction.

How to make the right foundation

The foundation is an important component of any structure, it is a kind of guarantor of the reliability and safe operation of the structure, whether it is a multi-storey building or a home-made wooden porch.

The choice of the type of foundation directly depends on the geodetic conditions on the site, and on the extension project, where the weight is calculated and the design features of the porch are indicated, the load from the extension should be evenly distributed.

How to pour a porch with your own hands, a slab for an extension

For example, a pile foundation is suitable for swampy areas. But if you make an analysis of the construction of St. Petersburg, which is all located on swamps, then the old houses in this city are installed on a slab, but meanwhile they have been standing for more than one century. Or the pyramids, located on quicksand, are also all completely installed on the slabs. Therefore, no matter what type of foundation for a home porch is chosen, the main thing is to strictly follow the technology when constructing and pouring it.


As for the types of foundation, there are only four of them: tape, columnar, pile and slab. But each of them has a number of varieties. And each of them in certain cases is suitable for the construction of a porch.

Tape is a composite or monolithic tape, which is laid along the perimeter and under the load-bearing walls of the building. According to SNiP, the tape should be 100 mm wider on each side of the structure. As a rule, it has 2 or more horizontal reinforcing belts interconnected by vertical rods. The optimal width of the tape is 300-400 mm.

Do-it-yourself porch, photo of the strip foundation for a large extension

The columnar foundation can be made of rubble, logs, bricks, concrete, metal and asbestos pillars, the masonry material is interconnected with reinforcement. The principle of the device is quite simple: along the perimeter, at a distance of no more than 2 m of a friend, pits are dug into which the pillars are installed.

How to make a column foundation

The pile foundation is not so easy to arrange with your own hands. Firstly, the piles must be installed strictly vertically, and secondly, to drive a pile, you need remarkable strength, therefore, in order to install piles even under a makeshift extension, you will need to involve special equipment. There are driven and screw piles with special blades at the end, they are installed around the perimeter and under the supporting structures at a distance of 2 m from each other, after installation they are connected to each other by heads with a grillage: concrete tape, beam or metal channel.

How to make a slab for a veranda

The slab foundation is a monolithic concrete slab, 100-400 mm thick, poured over the entire area of ​​​​the building. To make an extension, it is enough to fill a thin slab. Before pouring concrete, a mesh of reinforcement is installed at the bottom of the pit, with cells of 200 * 200 mm, which can be tied by hand, for thicker bases, 2 horizontal reinforcing layers are required.


Depending on the depth of occurrence, the foundations are shallow - up to 500 mm, shallow - 700 mm, buried 200-300 mm below the level of soil freezing.

Shallow foundations can be columnar, slab and strip foundations. The slab is only non-buried or shallow-buried. The pile foundation is made exclusively deepened.

How to make a strip base with an open loop

How to make a base for a porch

Before pouring the foundation with your own hands, the first step is to clear the site for the construction of a makeshift porch, remove the fertile soil of about 200 mm. Further, the drawings of the extension are transferred to the area, pegs are hammered in the corners, and a rope is pulled around the perimeter.

Regardless of the type and type of foundation, with the exception of piles, it is necessary to make a recess in the ground for the foundation. For a tape - a trench, for a columnar - a pit, for a slab - a foundation pit. The bottom of the site is carefully rammed, leveled horizontally. Then a geotextile is laid, on which a layer of crushed stone 100-300 mm is poured, and the same layer of sand. The pillow is rammed so that there are no traces of the shoes of a person weighing 75-80 kg on the surface.

If a columnar foundation was chosen for the porch, then a little concrete is poured into the bottom of the pit, the pole is aligned vertically, and the pit is filled with concrete. If the pillars are hollow, then reinforcement is thrown inside, and it is also poured with concrete. For the installation of pillars made of brick and stone, the first 4 layers of masonry are placed on the concrete layer, then it is necessary to make a reinforcing belt, bricks are laid again, and according to this algorithm, the pillars rise to the desired height.

Before making a tape, a crate is installed on the pillow, leveled, supported from the outside with struts, pulled together with bars so that the base does not lose its geometry. A reinforcing frame is knitted in the crate, it is better to use corrugated rods with a cross section of 8-12 mm, which is poured with concrete. When the concrete has risen, this requires approximately 7 days, the crate can be removed.

For the device of the slab, after laying the pillow, several supports or stones 50 mm high are installed on the bottom, a reinforcing mesh is placed on them. For a slab foundation, smooth reinforcement cannot be used, only corrugated reinforcement. The pit is then filled with concrete.

How to lay a reinforcing frame

It is better to entrust the construction of a pile foundation to professionals. But if you decide to screw the piles with your own hands, then the main rule is that the pile must stand strictly vertically, and be deepened 300 mm below the freezing level of the soil. If something went wrong, then the pile should be unscrewed, and it is no longer possible to twist it into this place again, only nearby.

Screw pile for homemade extension

After the installation of any base, it is necessary to perform vertical waterproofing: coat the sides of the base with bitumen, or glue it with roofing material, and you can insulate it by spraying a layer of polyurethane foam. At the end, backfilling of the soil is done, and you can start building a homemade porch.

How to do it right: tie or not tie foundations

When examining regulatory documents, there is a definite answer to the question of whether two foundations can be connected: it is categorically not recommended to connect two foundations with a rigid hitch. Between them it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 20 mm, and to fasten the structures so that the seam does not diverge, it is better with anchors or special hinged corners.

Photo how to make a hitch of bases

But after reading the reviews on numerous forums where craftsmen share their practical experience, we decided to describe one, the most popular way, how to make a do-it-yourself rigid hitch of two independent foundations. Before pouring the foundation under the porch, it is necessary to dig out the base of the house, clean it, hollow out the concrete to the reinforcement. Further, perpendicular rods are tied to this reinforcement, and released onto the foundation of the porch, then the reinforcing frame of the extension is attached to them. We illustrated the ways on how to properly make ligaments in the diagram below.

How to make a porch with your own hands, rigid hitch drawings

I must say that this method of fastening the foundations found its ardent defenders, and no less ardent critics. But from the point of view of building codes, such a binding can damage both foundations, firstly, buildings have very different weights, heaving forces will act unevenly, which will lead to cracks. Secondly, a seam is formed due to the difference in the freshness of the concrete, which cannot ensure the integrity of the structure.

To summarize, a rigid connection of the bases is possible if, in the process of research and calculations, it is established that the foundation of the main house is built with a margin of safety, the foundation of a makeshift porch is calculated in accordance with current standards, and on the basis of geodetic and engineering studies. Among other conditions, it is important that the shrinkage of the main structure has already occurred, and if precipitation wash the soil under the base of the makeshift porch and it freezes, then its weight should not exceed the allowable loads (margin of safety) on the main foundation.