Instructions for business communication etiquette. Business ethics: concepts and principles. Etiquette and protocol of business communication

Business and professional life needs organization and order.

In business, it regulates business etiquette. It is designed to organize interaction at work, in the performance of their official duties.

Ethics is a system of moral norms accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of specific rules and laws of behavior adopted in society.

There are many types of etiquette: everyday, diplomatic, military, guest and others.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowing the rules of business etiquette, it is impossible to succeed in the chosen field of activity.

Compliance with all the rules and norms of communication in a professional environment guarantees respect and authority among colleagues. The right choice, relevance and timeliness of a word, gesture, posture, other ethical sign reveals the business and personal qualities of a person from the best side.

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, as they:

  • contribute to the formation of positive;
  • favor successful negotiations, business meetings;
  • insurance in case of force majeure, awkward moments;
  • enable more successful and faster achievement of goals.

Violation of the generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship and doing business makes it unsuccessful. Unethical entrepreneurs fail to establish themselves in the market.

Etiquette includes universal universal moral and ethical standards:

  • respectful respect for elders;
  • helping a woman
  • honour and dignity;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • benevolence and others.

Features of the ethics of communication in a business environment

In a business environment, it is not enough to just be a well-mannered, cultured, polite person. Business etiquette has a number of features and differences. The rules of business etiquette require strictness and accuracy in execution.

Features of the ethics of communication in the organization are determined by the specifics of the economic sphere of people's lives and the traditions that have developed in the cultural environment.

Basics of business etiquette - general principles of a culture of behavior in a corporate environment:

  • Politeness

The tone of communication with colleagues, partners, clients is always friendly and welcoming. A flawless smile is the hallmark of a successful business person. Politeness helps to increase the profitability of the enterprise, maintain good relations with partners and customers. Nervousness, irritability and panic rules of business etiquette exclude.

  • Correctness

In a corporate environment, it is not customary to be rude and inattentive even in relation to a dishonest partner. It is necessary to be able to control oneself, restrain emotions and regulate behavior by willpower.

  • Tact

Business people do not forget about the sense of proportion and tact in relationships with people. Prudently avoid awkward, negative, unacceptable topics in conversation.

  • Delicacy

Delicacy implies softness, smoothness, flexibility, ornateness of speech. It is customary to say compliments that do not turn into flattery and hypocrisy.

  • Modesty

The ability to behave modestly characterizes a person as well-mannered, favorably emphasizes his business and personal qualities. A modest specialist and a professional in his field is perceived as a balanced, harmonious, holistic, mature personality.

  • obligatory

If an employee or manager has taken on an obligation, made a promise, he must keep it. The extent to which the head or employee of the organization is required can tell about his ability to analyze, predict, assess the situation, forces, and opportunities.

  • Punctuality

In a business environment, it is considered indecent to be inaccurate in time, not to be able to properly manage it, because this is a sign that a person does not value either his or someone else's time. For example, waiting for an important meeting for more than five minutes is defined as a gross violation of the rules of business etiquette. Time is especially valuable in business.

Laws and rules of ethics

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, as their violation can lead to the rupture of partnerships, loss of reputation, sales markets and other negative consequences.

All business people follow job descriptions, act according to the charter of the organization and follow the oral and written rules of corporate etiquette.

The rules of business etiquette provide for the following working points:

  • Dress code

The style of clothing is classic, restrained, neat. A strict suit, an acceptable color scheme in clothes (usually black, gray, white), a neat hairstyle. Each organization can prescribe its own dress code rules, but they are always within the framework of the appearance features generally recognized in business.

  • Attitude towards work

A conscientious, responsible, decent attitude to work is perhaps the main sign of professionalism. At work, it is not customary to solve personal matters, visit social networks, talk a lot with colleagues not on business, often take tea breaks.

  • Time management

Nobody likes unpunctual people. And in business, every minute is precious, and therefore the value of time cannot be exaggerated. The rules say: time is money; every professional and specialist must master the basics; you need to plan your day.

  • Written speech

An educated and cultured person always writes correctly. There are rules and canons for the design of business letters and other documentation.

  • Oral speech
  • telephone etiquette

Business etiquette involves the rules of negotiations and telephone conversations. They prepare for a telephone conversation in advance: they determine the time when it is more convenient for the interlocutor to talk, prepare questions that need to be asked, note the main points that need to be discussed.

  • Chatting in Internet

For the etiquette of communication on the Internet, a new word has been coined - netiquet. It is already impossible to imagine a civilized life without the Internet. The modern worker uses e-mail, the company website, internal chat, and so on.

The rules for writing business emails partially coincide with the rules for writing paper letters. It is customary to sign an e-mail not only with the name of the author, but also leave contact information (name of organization, postal code, phone numbers, Skype nickname, company website address, work schedule).

  • Desktop

On the desktop, according to the rules of etiquette, there should be order. Even stacks of papers, books, folders - everything is in its place. The desktop of the employer and the employee will tell about how he works. The unspoken rule says: the more order on the desktop, the more it is in the head.

  • trade secret

Confidential information and trade secrets are not subject to disclosure.

  • Respect

In behavior and communication, a cultured person expresses respect for the interlocutor, partner, opponent, client. Business etiquette obliges you to be an attentive listener, respect the opinions of others, help a colleague with work, and so on.

  • Business negotiations, meetings, events

The ability to competently conduct negotiations and effectively complete them is a special art. Business etiquette says that negotiations and meetings should have a goal, a plan, a specific time frame and a place that is convenient for both parties.

Business events, such as meeting business partners at a train station or airport, introducing members of a delegation, presenting flowers and other actions, are carried out according to the protocol. For example, there are certain rules for seating at the negotiating table.

  • Subordination

The relationship "boss - subordinate" involves smooth communication with a certain distance. An ethical boss makes comments to a subordinate only tete-a-tete. Gives oral and written assignments specifically, concisely, clearly. An ethical subordinate unconditionally fulfills the orders of the leader, but can express his point of view, give useful advice, and make a proposal.

  • Relationships in the team

The microclimate in the team is of great importance, it affects the productivity and performance of employees. Business etiquette involves friendly, respectful relationships, help and support in solving tasks. Taboos: gossip, intrigue, intrigues, the Cold War, as well as office romances (personal life is assumed outside of work hours and not at the workplace).

  • business gestures

Gestures should be vigorous, but not excessive or sweeping; the gait is even, swift, the walking speed is average (not running and not walking); posture is straight; confident look.

The only touch allowed in a business environment is a handshake. At the same time, there are rules here too. When shaking hands, it is not customary for the hand to be lethargic, wet, cold. The hand of the interlocutor should not be squeezed and shaken for a long time and strongly. There is a lot of psychological literature on body language that deals with business gestures and how they can be interpreted.

To be ethical in a professional environment, you must comply with all laws and adhere to the rules of etiquette.

Ethics and business etiquette are studied in general educational institutions, when attending relevant courses, trainings, seminars and are mastered independently by a business person.

Ethics as a personality trait

The business qualities of a person are the ability to perform tasks and achieve goals determined by the specifics of work, specialty, and qualifications.

There are two types of business qualities:

  1. personal, congenital;
  2. professional acquired.

When hiring new employees, self-respecting companies conduct psychological testing, which allows diagnosing innate and acquired business qualities.

The general and business culture of an employee is no less important than qualifications, ability to work and work experience.

Undoubtedly, when hiring, the moral and ethical qualities of a person are taken into account. But these qualities can also be acquired, nurtured, instilled in the process of professional activity.

The ethics of a person is expressed in such manifestations of his morality:

  1. conscience, a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  2. will, developed self-control, clear regulation of behavior;
  3. honesty, the ability to tell the truth and act accordingly;
  4. collectivism, social orientation of activity, friendliness, desire to strive for a common goal;
  5. self-control, stress resistance, control over feelings and emotions;
  6. adherence to principles, consistency, upholding ethical positions, correspondence of words to actions;
  7. industriousness, desire to work, interest in work;
  8. responsibility, seriousness, stability;
  9. generosity, tolerance, humanity, tolerance;
  10. optimism, faith in the best, self-confidence.

Morality and ethics are the basic characteristics of the personality of a cultural leader and worker. A successful person in business has a developed need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, to be kind and honest.

Compliance with the ethics of business communication is the basis of a successful team. Relationships built on the rules of professional ethics and mutual respect create a comfortable working atmosphere and support motivation in the team.

The article presents the basic principles of business communication ethics, tips and rules that will be useful to both employees and managers.

To control oneself so as to respect others as oneself, and to treat them as we would like to be treated, is what can be called philanthropy.


What it is?

Business communication, like any other, needs regulation. Business communication etiquette is a set of open and unspoken rules for those who have to work together every weekday.

Without regulated norms, business communication turns into a messy exchange of information. Each person in his own way perceives the world around him, his colleagues, managers and subordinates.

So that a different worldview does not interfere with work and does not force everyone to speak different languages, it is important to observe the etiquette and culture of business communication. This applies to both relationships within the same team and external contacts (between employees of different departments or branches, between an employee and a client).

Rules and basic principles of business communication ethics

The ethics of business communication is primarily practical purpose. Its observance greatly simplifies the work of the entire team as a whole and each employee in particular, since it is easier and faster to act according to generally accepted patterns. At the same time, employees will know what to expect from each other. Such a step helps to increase overall productivity, saving employees from thinking like “What did he mean?”.

The second task of business ethics- to create a working atmosphere in the team, in which all the time is devoted to the cause, and the allotted hour is given to fun. Moral comfort plays a greater role in life than physical comfort, and due to the observance of business ethics, employees will always feel comfortable in terms of job satisfaction.

Moreover, the moral side of the action of business ethics also affects productivity: an employee who feels comfortable in the workplace will be more committed to the company, will strive to do his job better. A pleasant atmosphere, achieved through the observance of ethical principles of business communication, makes employees strive for excellence in their work.

We offer for viewing a video review of the 5 basic rules of etiquette in business communication according to D. Carnegie:

The main types of business communication

There are three main types of business communication, they are based on the generally accepted hierarchy within the team.

So, business communication can take place:

  1. "Top down";
  2. "Upwards";
  3. "Horizontally".
For these three categories, there are different ethical standards for business communication, although there are general principles. First of all, the general principles respect for the employee, regardless of the role of the latter in the company.

It is important to be correct in relation to employees, colleagues from other companies and clients with whom you work. This, for example, implies that it would be unethical to ask the interlocutor about his personal affairs, especially about problems, just because you are interested.

General rules for all apply to telephone business etiquette. "Hello" or "yes" is not an appropriate greeting for a business person. You should politely introduce yourself, name your position, the name of the company, department.

When talking on the phone, you need to be careful, if you are talking to a person for the first time, be sure to remember his name and patronymic and contact them. Your thoughts should always be expressed clearly, concisely. If, for good reasons, you cannot keep up the conversation, you must apologize to the interlocutor and offer to contact him later.

Communication "boss-subordinate"

The boss is "above" the subordinate

Or top to bottom. Any good leader should try to create a comfortable atmosphere in the team. It is the self-discipline of the leader that is the most powerful motivator and example for subordinates.

Therefore, it is important for people holding leadership positions to observe the ethical rules of business communication in the first place.

Tip: The effective work of the entire company begins with the self-discipline of the leader. Only by learning to manage yourself can you manage other people. Familiarity, being late, postponing decisions "for later" should disappear from habits. All this will help strengthen your authority, win the favor of employees - everyone wants to strive for a brighter future for an ideal leader.

The leader is the one who manages the work process and gives orders.
You can do this in several ways, including:

  • Order;
  • Request;
  • Question or request;
  • Volunteer call.
An order is a strict form of an order. Orders should not be abused, but in a good way - they should generally be avoided. Most often, direct orders are used in relation to unscrupulous employees in critical situations. But if it came to problems and orders - think about what good such a clearly conflicting employee can bring to the company?

Request is the most common form of command., especially if the team already has a fairly trusting working relationship. In response to the request, the employee, if necessary, can provide a comment. The leader can also present the request in such a way that it will be tantamount to an order, while maintaining a friendly tone.

Question usually given to those employees who have shown themselves to be competent and proactive people, the same applies to calling a volunteer.

Advice to the leader: it would be quite useful to study your subordinates in order to find out which of them adequately perceives questions. For example, a qualified subordinate who is enthusiastic about his job and who has earned the trust of the manager can give good advice on how to solve a particular problem. An employee who is not proactive and unscrupulous is more likely to see in the question the weakness of the leader and a reason to shirk from work.

Also, subordinates always appreciate justice. So the reward must always be adequate to the merit, just as the punishment is adequate to the failure. At the same time, the mistakes of employees should not be left completely unattended - such behavior can show the manager as inattentive or tell the employee that he can work carelessly, shirk and go unpunished.

Among other things, the boss must show his subordinates that he respects and appreciates their opinion and contribution to the common cause, and in this case he will achieve reciprocal loyalty.

Communication "subordinate-boss"

Of course, the rules of business communication must be observed by all subordinates. A good employee, like a leader, is interested in establishing and maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the team, therefore, within the framework of the ethics of business communication, one of the tasks of a subordinate is to help the leader maintain it.

In no case should a subordinate try to manage his leader, this is a manifestation of disrespect, non-compliance with the hierarchy and, accordingly, a violation of the ethics of business communication. Subordination should always take place: you can express your opinion in the correct form, but you cannot tell the boss. By the way, in this case, the ethics of network communication is no exception. It may seem that some of the rules of ethics can be neglected in Internet correspondence, but this is not so. There is still a boss on the other side of the screen, and you need to behave with him accordingly.

It is not recommended to be categorical with the boss. It is not necessary to always agree with him, otherwise you may seem like a flatterer. But it's not worth arguing with management all the time. Here it is important to find a fine line and show that the subordinate respects the leader, has an inner core, and a strong character. Such employees are valued, they are trusted as loyal and reliable people.

I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them
of course, if they are willing to admit that they have problems.
J. Soros

If there is a senior management in the company, then it is not worth contacting him, bypassing the immediate supervisor. This is a direct demonstration of disrespect for the leader, so you can call into question the competence of the leader, which can negatively affect relationships within the entire team.

It would be reckless not to mention the main weapon of some employees is a lie. If an employee allows himself to lie in the workplace, promise to complete all tasks (with subsequent failure), talk about how he did something that he didn’t actually do, a rare manager will deny himself the pleasure of getting rid of such an assistant. Honesty and trust are the basis of business communication. By adhering to these principles, an employee can go even further than he planned, but if you try to be cunning, then you only have yourself to blame.

Communication "employee-employee"

In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to what, in fact, determines the relationship between employees: their rights and obligations. They must be clearly distributed among colleagues, otherwise a conflict will inevitably arise. Everyone should mind his own business, even if he intersects with the rest of the employees at work.

Often there is a business rivalry or competition between employees, during which they try to achieve, for example, a promotion. Here it is necessary to understand that the transition to the individual is unacceptable. Respect must be valued above all else. The etiquette of business communication during a presentation, in particular, suggests that a colleague should not be interrupted or interrupted. All questions and objections can be expressed in the correct form after the presentation or during a specially designated for questions.

Also, one should not take on more than one can fulfill, one should not make promises that will not be kept. You need to adequately assess yourself, your capabilities, as well as the capabilities of employees.

Business etiquette is an integral part of doing business. So says the opinion of experienced entrepreneurs. This is not surprising, since the ability of employees to communicate with customers and among themselves affects the work of the company as a whole. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette allows you to nullify conflicts, significantly increase efficiency. That is why so much attention is paid to their study.

Why do you need business etiquette

It seems to young businessmen that there is no need to observe the norms of business etiquette. They don't see anything wrong with showing up to a meeting in jeans and a T-shirt with an obscene pattern. They do not know the nuances of business correspondence, so they insert emoticons into messages. In addition, they do not understand subordination and respect. What can we say about business etiquette.

In certain circles, this behavior may be considered normal. However, a person doing business needs not only with colleagues, but also with officials, investors, and older people. There is no place for emoticons, pats on the shoulder and other liberties.

The first mention of business etiquette dates back to the 11th-12th century AD. At that time, the division of labor began. In each area there are separate requirements regarding communication. They were formed on the basis of experience and the need to communicate with a variety of people. Public opinion played a significant role.

Generally speaking, business etiquette performs two important functions:

  1. Helps to impress partners and colleagues.
  2. Helps to establish relationships in the team, avoid conflicts.

We can say that compliance with the rules of business etiquette is the formation of a good reputation, image. Anyone who does not comply with them risks losing the face of the company, good relations with others.

Ethics and etiquette

These two concepts have significant differences. Ethics is the moral norms accepted in society. Etiquette - specific rules of conduct. This is one part of ethics.

In addition to business etiquette, there is military, diplomatic, everyday, guest. All concepts include respect for older people, help for women, modesty, tolerance, kindness.

Ethics as a personality trait

A person can be ethical from the very beginning. For many, this quality is innate. Others have to learn to build relationships with others. In this case, ethics is called professional or acquired. When hiring a new employee, companies often offer him to pass several psychological tests. Based on the results, they determine what kind of ethics he possesses. It is as important as experience and professionalism.

A person for whom compliance with the rules of business etiquette is not difficult has many important qualities:

  • conscience, responsibility;
  • , self-control;
  • honesty in thoughts and actions;
  • friendliness, ability to make contact, collectivism;
  • self-control, resistance to stressful situations, the ability to control feelings and emotional impulses;
  • adherence to principles, sequence of actions, combination of words and actions;
  • diligence, interest in the activities of the company;
  • seriousness, stability;
  • humanity, tolerance;
  • optimism, ;
  • positive thinking.

It turns out that an ethical person is a godsend for the company. Moreover, he can occupy any position, whether he is a manager or an ordinary employee. In both cases, the business will be successful.

Features of the ethics of communication in a business environment

The qualities listed above are, of course, important. But they are not enough to run a successful business. Business etiquette is not only positive thinking, honesty, friendliness. This is a whole series of indications regarding tone, manner of communication, behavior.

  1. Politeness. An entrepreneur must speak with partners and colleagues in a friendly manner. You also need to smile, because a smile is considered the hallmark of a successful person. Nervousness, panic, excessive irritability should be excluded.
  2. Correctness. Business etiquette does not recommend being rude, making fun of the interlocutor or throwing out your emotions. An ethical person is attentive even to those people who cause outright hostility in him.
  3. Tact. Do not bring up awkward or controversial topics in a conversation.
  4. Delicacy. In this case, business etiquette implies fluency and flexibility of speech. In particular, this applies to compliments. It is important that they are sincere, and also not turn into open flattery and hypocrisy.
  5. Modesty. A successful businessman never flaunts his virtues and achievements. He behaves modestly, thus emphasizing good breeding and dignity.
  6. Mandatory. This instruction applies to both managers and subordinates. All promises made must be kept. This once again proves that a person is able to soberly assess the situation, calculate time and effort.

Punctuality is another important quality of a business person. In business, there is no place for delays and inaccuracies. Waiting for more than 5 minutes is regarded as a gross violation of business etiquette. This is evidence that a partner or colleague does not value either their own or other people's time.

Appearance rules

At home, a person can walk in anything: in pink pajamas or socks with funny ears. But at work, his appearance must meet certain requirements. Otherwise, he will be considered frivolous, untrustworthy, superficial, or even incompetent.

Dress code

Business dress code rules:

  1. Men must wear a business suit or a separate shirt with trousers (can be replaced with jeans if desired). Women are allowed to bring a suit or a blouse and a pencil skirt. Deep necklines and mini lengths are prohibited.
  2. Don't use too many accessories. The representatives of the stronger sex have enough watches and cufflinks. Women are allowed to wear earrings and a ring or earrings and a chain. The main thing is that there should be no more than two decorations.
  3. Women and men should have a neat hairstyle and manicure. The latter also need to monitor the condition of the mustache and beard.
  4. According to the rules of business etiquette, shoes should always be clean. This applies even when it is slushy or raining outside.
  5. Piercings and tattoos should not be in prominent places. It is better to hide them under clothes. You can show it only when friendly relations are established with the partner.

Appearance directly depends on the importance of the meeting or negotiations. The more responsible they are, the stricter the dress code should be.

Gestures, movements, facial expressions

According to statistics, a large number of transactions did not take place due to inappropriate gestures or familiar behavior. Therefore, you must always take care of yourself.

An ethical person looks like this:

  • the posture is straight, the movements are unhurried, without fuss;
  • a look directed directly into the eyes, firm and confident;
  • facial expressions and emotions are restrained.

Particular attention should be paid to tactile contact. In business, it's just a handshake. Pats on the shoulder, hugs, kisses are not allowed here.

Workplace is ok

Presentable should be not only the appearance, but also the desktop. It is unlikely that partners will be delighted with a creative mess. Maintain order in the workplace at all times. Any small items, such as paper clips or pens, should be stored in the place intended for them. The same goes for folders and papers.

Business communication rules

Respect the other person's time

In business etiquette, time is rightfully considered the most important resource. He is constantly missing. Therefore, successful businessmen plan a schedule in advance, painting the day by seconds. Being late for a meeting with them even for 5 minutes greatly affects the work.

If there is a problem with punctuality, you need to get acquainted with.

Learn to listen and hear

This rule applies to every field. It doesn't matter what it is: signing a contract, getting to know partners or investors, meeting with suppliers or a serious conversation with subordinates. In any case, you need to hear the information, to capture the essence.

It is important to let the interlocutor speak. In his conversation there will definitely be something that will help to continue communication and build relationships.

Speak wisely

Being literate should not only be in conversation, but also in correspondence. For most entrepreneurs, this business is handled by secretaries or deputies. But it happens that you have to draw up a document yourself.

Train your diction

It is important to exercise regularly. This is especially true in situations where there are speech defects, such as burr, lisp or stuttering. If you can’t cope with them on your own, you should contact a speech therapist.

Telephone ethics

Based on several rules:

  1. You need to start the conversation with a greeting. It is important to call a person by name, patronymic, and also introduce yourself.
  2. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to say on behalf of which company the call is being made.
  3. It is important to clarify whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to speak.
  4. If a person is ready to continue the conversation, you need to talk about his goal.

In the end, it is worth arranging a personal meeting or another way to continue communication.

As in a normal conversation, you need to listen carefully to the interlocutor, ask leading questions, ask again if something is not clear. This will help to get more information on the topic of conversation and about the person himself. Speak clearly and concisely. It is not recommended to talk about things that have nothing to do with the essence.

Ethics of business correspondence

Electronic and paper business letters must meet a number of simple requirements:

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the design. It is better to write on a letterhead with the company logo. An alternative is a blank sheet with sender information and contact details at the top.
  2. The addressee is addressed exclusively by name and patronymic.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use slang words.
  4. You shouldn't get into arguments. Thoughts should be short and clear.

At the end of the letter, the date of writing and signature must be put.

Internet communication rules

Business etiquette imposes the following requirements on Internet communication:

  1. As with other types of correspondence, you need to address the interlocutor by name, patronymic. This also applies to those cases when their name on the social network does not cause anything but a smile.
  2. Don't use too many emoticons. It is enough to insert 1-2.
  3. Even what you need to pay attention to cannot be highlighted in capital letters (Caps Lock). Often they are mistaken for a cry or expression of negative.

And one more requirement. Before you start a conversation, you need to study the information on the page of the interlocutor. This will help to understand his thoughts and aspirations.


Being a professional in some industry and developing a company development strategy is half the battle. It is impossible to succeed without following the rules of business etiquette. It is important to know how to behave in a given situation, how to look and talk in such a way that from the first meeting you earn the respect and trust of partners and investors. Friendliness, the ability to listen and hear will help bring the company to a new level.

The posture, gestures, signs of attention rendered to a business partner matter and carry a semantic load. Even silence is part of the interaction. Businessmen do not forget that they communicate with partners, even if the topic of conversation shifts to an area that is not related to the case.

Communication rules

The more competent a person behaves in a professional environment, the better others treat him.

5 rules of communication in a business environment:

  • Commitment to mutual understanding

Business communication is aimed at finding a compromise. It is customary to be ready, open to the perception and exchange of information with a partner. It was unethical to provoke the interlocutor into a conflict or avoid contact. Attention, respect and interest in the speech of the interlocutor is expressed in the look, gestures, the ability to listen without interrupting.

  • Speech should be clear, legible, unhurried and non-monotonous.

In general, any extremes in speech should be avoided. When a person speaks too quietly, indistinctly, quickly, or, conversely, too slowly, his speech is hard to perceive, becomes incomprehensible and unpleasant.

In addition, if the subject speaks moderately loudly and extremely clearly, his partners get the impression that he is a mature person and a self-confident person.

  • Thoughtfulness of speech

The speech must be composed, but rather written down. Before starting a conversation, business people note for themselves topics and issues that require discussion. The report or public speech is built according to the plan, the introduction, main part and final conclusions, results are signed.

  • Ability to ask both open and closed questions

How the question is asked will determine the answer. If the question requires a “yes” or “no” answer, the interlocutor will have to answer clearly, if the question remains open, he will have the opportunity to express his point of view. Too direct, tactless questions should be avoided.

  • Unacceptability of long phrases and complex sentences. Short meaningful phrases save time and make it easier to perceive information.

Compliance with all the principles and rules may seem problematic, but difficulties are overcome by working on oneself. The ability to communicate in a business environment comes with experience in business interaction.

Language of communication in a business environment

The concept of "language" is used to refer to the system of signs through which people think and speak. It is also a way of expressing the self-consciousness of the individual.

The language of business communication is an official business style of speech intended for communicative interaction in a professional business environment, as well as in other related areas.

Business language is a system of oral and written communication that regulates working relationships.

The formal writing style has the following features:

  • concise presentation of information;
  • strictly obligatory form;
  • special terminology, cliches, clericalism;
  • the narrative nature of written speech;
  • almost complete absence of emotionally expressive means of speech.

Business speech has three components:

  • content component (characterized by clarity and logic);
  • expressive component (characterizes the emotional side of information);
  • incentive component (recognized to influence the feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor).

The language of business communication of the subject of interaction is evaluated according to the following indicators:

In a professional environment, it is customary to adhere to etiquette, general norms of morality and ethics.

Business communication is based on the following moral standards:

  • honesty;
  • decency;
  • justice;
  • a responsibility.

But the concept of business communication also includes the psychological aspect of interpersonal relationships. They can be not only neutral-friendly, but also have the character of fierce competition and struggle.

Business communication is not only the ability to speak well, look good and conduct business, but also the ability to build interpersonal relationships.

Overcoming Communication Difficulties

Even following all the rules of business communication, you can encounter such psychological barriers:

  1. motivation barrier. When the interlocutor is simply not interested in the subject of conversation and it is impossible to interest him. Such a barrier is an indicator that one partner treats the other not as a person, but as a means to an end.
  2. moral barrier. When the interlocutor turns out to be an unscrupulous, dishonest, prone to deceive person. He uses business communication as a way to hide malice. The better the immoral intent is “disguised” behind the ability to speak and behave beautifully, the more difficult it is to overcome this barrier.
  3. Emotion barrier. Negative emotions, feelings, thoughts in relation to the interlocutor do not allow building harmonious relationships. Business communication will be useless, ineffective if partners treat each other badly.

To overcome the difficulties of business interaction and win over the interlocutor, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Address by name

Such treatment is a sign of respect and consideration. All people like to hear their name and better perceive the information uttered immediately after it.

  • Smile

It is not always appropriate. More often, important issues require concentration and seriousness, which, naturally, is expressed in restrained facial expressions. But a smile is a means that evokes sympathy and a willingness to make contact.

  • compliments

Kind and unobtrusive pleasant words will brighten up any communication, especially strictly business ones. It is customary to say sincere, but restrained compliments.

  • Attention to the individual

When communicating on business topics, one should not forget that its subjects are people with their own characteristics. Everyone and everyone likes to be listened to attentively, interested in him, supported and respected.

  • Honesty and Integrity

Concealment or distortion of information sooner or later turns out, and once damaged reputation and lost trust is difficult to return.

You can learn the basics of business communication on your own or get the necessary knowledge in educational institutions, courses or seminars.

The art of communication in a professional environment is comprehended in practice, when an individual begins to act and behave like an honest, reliable and cultured person, and a professional in his field.

Business etiquette is the thing that a true professional cannot do without. After all, even if you are an excellent specialist in your field, but at the same time regularly expose yourself in a bad light, communicating with colleagues, bosses or clients, then you are unlikely to be able to achieve great success in your career. We bring to your attention the rules of business etiquette that should be followed.

Stand up when someone introduces you

Getting up from your seat will enhance the effect of your presence. If, during the acquaintance, you remain seated, then it will be easier to ignore you. If you are caught off guard and you cannot get up immediately, then just lean slightly and lean forward, indicating that you would definitely get up if you could.

Always state your full name

In a business setting, you should always use your full name. However, one should also pay attention to whether it is easy for people to remember and pronounce it. So, if your name is too long and complicated, then do not forget to hand over your interlocutor and your business card so that he can perceive it in written form.

A higher-ranking representative or host must always be the initiator of the handshake

In today's business world, a handshake is an official greeting, regardless of gender. The first to give a hand, according to etiquette, should be a person occupying a higher position or a representative of the host. If, for some reason, he hesitated, then, without wasting time, stretch out your hand for a greeting. After all, be that as it may, the handshake should take place.

Dress appropriately

Clothing is an important form of non-verbal communication. It can both improve your professional reputation and worsen it. Therefore, when going to a meeting or event, be sure to find out what the dress code is supposed to be there, and dress in accordance with it.

Say "thank you" no more than once or twice during the conversation

Do not abuse gratitude in a business conversation. Otherwise, your interlocutor may begin to perceive you as a helpless person who needs constant support.

Send individual thank-you notes to all negotiators

Remember that after negotiating or interviewing for a job, you must send a message within 24 hours to everyone you would like to thank. In today's world, this is most often done via email.

Don't take out your phone

We all carry mobile phones with us everywhere. However, do not take your phone out of your pocket or bag during a business meeting. Of course, you might think that you will be able to discreetly reply to a letter or type a message, but from the outside it will look rude. Also, don't put your phone on the table during a meeting. After all, this way you will demonstrate to the interlocutor that you are ready to switch your attention from him to your mobile phone at any moment.

Use professional photos

Always post only high-quality professionally made photos on business websites. After all, you should look like a reliable and trustworthy business person, and not like a carefree person who has just returned from the beach or a party.

Use a professional email address

If you work for a company, use the corporate address. But if you need to give a personal email address, then make sure it looks correct. So, it must contain your name. Never use nicknames.

Always check the correctness of the selected addressee when sending e-mail.

This simple action will never be superfluous. After all, it is not difficult to confuse the addressee, but the consequences of an error can be very serious.

Follow the rules of business correspondence when sending emails

Don't use colloquial expressions like "Hey guys!" or "Hey folks!" Even if you are closely acquainted with the addressee, remember that other people can see your correspondence. Therefore, it must be kept in a businesslike tone.

If you forgot someone's name then admit it

Each person can forget the name of his interlocutor. If this happens to you, then just politely admit it.

Greet people at work

When you come to the office, always say hello to both those you know and people you don't know. After all, in a few minutes it may turn out that a stranger will be sitting next to you at a meeting or meeting.

Keep fingers together when pointing at something

Do not point at someone or something with your index finger. It is best to do this with an open palm, keeping your fingers together.

Don't be late

Always arrive on time for meetings. You don't want to waste other people's time. In addition, lack of punctuality is seen as a sign of unprofessionalism. However, it may happen that the situation gets out of your control, and you still can't show up on time. In this case, immediately send a notification to the persons concerned about the planned time of your arrival, apologize and briefly explain the situation.

Do not pull up a chair for partners and colleagues

It's okay to hold the door for someone. However, regardless of gender, you should not push a chair to your colleagues, partners or clients.

Always break bread with your hands

During a business lunch or dinner, never use a knife to cut bread. It should be broken by hand.

Don't over-order

During a business lunch, you should not order, for example, an expensive steak or lobster. In this case, it may seem that you are simply trying to take advantage of the situation when the person who invited you to the restaurant will have to pay for you.

Don't Forget Table Rules

If you do not often have to visit restaurants, having lunch with business partners, then ask about the rules of table etiquette in advance. This will allow you to make a good impression on the interlocutor.

Order as much food as your interlocutor

If your partner orders an appetizer and dessert, then you should follow suit. Otherwise, he may experience discomfort while waiting for you to also eat, for example, first and second courses.

Never ask the waiter to pack the leftovers of your lunch

You come to a restaurant for business negotiations. Therefore, in no case do not ask to pack what is left for you to take with you.

The inviter must always pay the bill

If you invite someone to dinner, you should always pay the bill. And this applies to both women and men. If your interlocutor insists on being able to pay for lunch himself, then you can tell him not to worry, because the company covers the expenses for you, or something like that.

stay sober

Many deals have been broken and many careers have been ruined due to the fact that people during business negotiations abused alcohol and behaved inappropriately as a result. Therefore, always stay sober during business events and informal communication with partners.

Prepare polite care

When leaving the room, always say some suitable phrase. This will allow you to remain in control of the situation and remain polite. So, for example, you can say “Nice to meet you” or “See you at the meeting on Monday”, etc.