English language proficiency levels. Determining the level of English. Building levels: types, choice and purpose Which building level is the best

When thinking about how to choose a building level, it should be noted that this tool is an indispensable tool for almost all construction and repair work. They resort to it, starting from the first stages of the construction process and ending with the finishing.

A common type of bubble level is its rectangular modification, which is inexpensive.

The choice and purchase of a building level must be approached carefully, having previously familiarized yourself with the conditions of its operation and the tasks that will be assigned to it. This is due to the fact that a certain type of levels will better cope with different types of work (for example, a laser level is the best option for laying tiles, and a water level for leveling the floor in a large room). So what types of building levels exist today and how to choose a building level for a particular case?

Varieties of building levels

The modern market of construction equipment is represented by various models of levels, both domestic and foreign. All of them have a certain set of technical characteristics and different cost. However, despite the great diversity, all building levels according to the principle of operation are divided into:

  • water (hydraulic levels);
  • bubble;
  • laser.

Let's consider each type in more detail.

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Choosing a water level

This tool has a very simple and understandable design, consisting of a transparent plastic hose from 5 to 25 m long and two glass flasks with markings applied to them. The flasks are equipped with lids through which water at room temperature is poured into the device before use. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no air bubbles form in the hose during filling, as they can lead to measurement errors.

The water level is excellent for determining the evenness and level of deviation of horizontal planes, however, neither the vertical nor the beveled plane can be checked with such an instrument. A huge advantage of water levels is that when working with large surfaces, they give very accurate results. This is especially important when pouring the foundation, leveling the floor, installing piles. However, their use in small spaces can be somewhat difficult.

The advantages of hydraulic levels include:

  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • high accuracy when working at long distances;
  • the ability to use in hard-to-reach places (for example, when it is required to take measurements from different corners of the building, where there is no direct visibility).

If you plan to work with large horizontal areas, you can safely buy a water level. At the same time, as in the case of any other construction tool, it is recommended to give preference only to trusted manufacturers. These are Zubr (Russia) and Stayer (China). The cost of the first is about $ 8, and the second - $ 2-5.

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How to choose a bubble type building level?

A bubble level is a versatile tool that is used to draw vertical and horizontal lines, as well as to check the flatness of a particular surface. The principle of its operation is based on an air bubble placed in a liquid, for which many manufacturers use technical alcohol. The liquid is in a special flask with marks applied to it. It is by the position of the bubble relative to the marks that measurements of horizontal and vertical evenness are made.

Almost all modern models of bubble levels are equipped with three measuring flasks. In this case, one flask is placed in the middle (used to measure the horizontal), the second - at one end of the instrument (designed to control the vertical), and the third is installed at an angle to the other two (used to measure inclined surfaces).

To choose the right bubble level, you need to pay attention to its following characteristics:

  1. Length. This indicator can vary from 20 cm (pipe levels) to 4 m (folding modifications). When choosing the length, it is necessary to take into account the tasks that will be assigned to the tool. For work on leveling floors, walls and ceilings, it is recommended to buy a level 150-250 cm long. For installing windows, doors, installing furniture, the best option would be a device 50-80 cm long. If you need to properly lay water, gas or sewer pipes, then in this case, buy a small pipe level, which is one of the varieties of bubble levels.
  2. Base material. The level can be made of plastic, wood or metal. The most durable and reliable is a metal tool with stiffeners located inside, which is why it should be chosen.
  3. Flask marking quality. The applied strips should be placed at the same distance from each other and be clearly visible. The best option is the location of the strips inside the flask, and not on its surface, because the surface markings will quickly be erased with the active use of the tool.

Before finally choosing a bubble level, you need to make sure that it works correctly. In specialized points of sale there should be a stand where you can do this. Even if there is no such stand, it's okay, because the check can be carried out on the floor or windowsill. To do this, the device is placed on a horizontal surface and the position of the bubble is noted, after which the level is turned 180 ° and again set to the same place. In this case, the position of the control bubble should be the same in all cases.

When choosing a bubble level, you should not try to save as much as possible, because cheap models will have a strong measurement error and poor build quality.

Of the available models, the firms Stayer, Matrix and Brigadir should be noted, which are characterized by an optimal ratio of the price of the product to its quality. Of the more expensive models, you can opt for Stabila products.

Surely many have heard about the international system of levels of the English language, but not everyone knows what it means and how to classify it. The need to know your level of English proficiency may arise in some life situations. For example, if you need to pass an interview at work or at the embassy, ​​if you need to pass some international exam (IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CPE, BEC, etc.), when entering a foreign educational institution, when getting a job in another country, and also for personal use.

The international system for determining knowledge of the English language can be divided into 7 levels:

1. Beginner - Initial (zero). At this level, the student knows almost nothing in English and begins to study the subject from scratch, including the alphabet, basic reading rules, on-duty greeting phrases and other tasks of this stage. By the end of the Beginner level, students can usually answer questions easily when meeting new people. For example: What is your name? How old are you? Do you have brothers and sisters? Where are you from and where do you live? etc. And they can also count up to a hundred, spell their name and personal data. The latter in English is called spelling.

2. Elementary - Elementary. This level follows immediately after zero and implies knowledge of some basics of the English language. The Elementary level gives students the opportunity to use previously learned phrases in a more free form, and also instills a whole range of new knowledge. At this stage, students learn to briefly talk about themselves, their favorite colors, dishes and seasons, weather and time, daily routine, countries and customs, etc. In terms of grammar, at this level there is an initial acquaintance with the following tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple (will, to be going to) and Present Perfect. And also some modal verbs (can, must), different types of pronouns, adjectives and their degrees of comparison, categories of nouns, forms of simple questions are considered. Having firmly mastered the Elementary level, you can already take part in the KET (Key English test) testing.

3. Pre-Intermediate - Below Intermediate. The level following the Elementary is called Pre-Intermediate, literally translated as Pre-Intermediate. Having reached this level, students already have an idea of ​​how many sentences and phrases are built, they can speak briefly on many topics. The Pre-Intermediate level adds confidence and expands the learning potential. There are longer texts, more practice exercises, new grammatical topics, and more complex sentence structures. Topics encountered at this level may include complex questions, the Past Continuous, different forms of the future tense, conditional sentences, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, repetition and reinforcement of the Past Simple tenses (regular and irregular verbs) and Present Perfect, and some others. In terms of oral skills, after passing the Pre-Intermediate level, you can safely go on a journey and look for any opportunity to use your knowledge in practice. Also, a solid knowledge of English at the Pre-Intermediate level makes it possible to participate in the PET (Preliminary English Test) test and the BEC (Business English Certificate) Preliminary exam.

4. intermediate. At the Intermediate level, the knowledge gained at the previous stage is consolidated, and a lot of new vocabulary is added, including complex ones. For example, personal characteristics of people, scientific terms, professional vocabulary and even slang. The object of study is active and passive voices, direct and indirect speech, participial and participle phrases, phrasal verbs and prepositions, word order in complex sentences, varieties of articles, etc. Of the grammatical tenses, the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous, Past Simple and Present Perfect, Past Simple and Past Continuous, as well as between various forms of expression of the future tense, is considered in more detail. Texts at the Intermediate level become longer and more meaningful, and communication becomes easier and freer. The advantage of this stage is that in many modern companies, employees with knowledge of the Intermediate level are highly valued. Also, this level is ideal for avid travelers, as it allows you to freely understand the interlocutor and express yourself in response. From international exams, after successfully passing the middle level, you can take the following exams and tests: FCE (First Certificate in English) for B / C, PET Level 3, BULATS (Business Language Testing Service), BEC Vantage, TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), IELTS (International English Language Testing System) by 4.5-5.5 points and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) by 80-85 points.

5. Upper Intermediate - Above average. If students progress to this level, it means that they are able to understand fluent English fluently and communicate easily using the vocabulary that they have already acquired. At the Upper-Intermediate level, it becomes possible to use English much more in practice, since there is a little less theory, and if there is, it basically repeats and reinforces the Intermediate level. Of the innovations, Narrative Tenses (Narrative tenses) can be noted, which includes such difficult times as Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. It also covers the Future Continuous and Future Perfect, the use of articles, modal conjectural verbs, indirect speech verbs, hypothetical sentences, abstract nouns, causal voice, and more. The Upper-Intermediate level is one of the most popular in both business and education. People who are fluent in English at this level can easily pass any interviews and even enter foreign universities. At the end of the Upper-Intermediate course, you can take exams such as FCE for A / B, BEC (Business English Certificate) Vantage or Higher, TOEFL for 100 points and IELTS for 5.5-6.5 points.

6. Advanced 1 - Advanced. The Advanced 1 level is required for professionals and students who want to achieve high fluency in English. Unlike the Upper-Intermediate level, a lot of interesting turns appear here, including idioms. Knowledge of tenses and other grammatical aspects studied earlier is only deepened and considered from other unexpected angles. Discussion topics become more specific and professional, for example: the environment and natural disasters, legal processes, genres of literature, computer terms, etc. After the Advanced level, you can take a special academic exam CAE (Cambridge Advanced English), as well as IELTS for 7 and TOEFL for 110 points, and you can apply for a prestigious job in foreign companies or a place in Western universities.

7. Advanced 2 - Super advanced (native speaker level). The name speaks for itself. We can say that there is nothing more than Advanced 2, because this is the level of a native speaker, i.e. a person born and raised in an English-speaking environment. With this level, you can pass any interviews, including highly specialized ones, and pass any exams. In particular, the highest test of English proficiency is the CPE (Cambridge Proficiency Exam) academic exam, and as for the IELTS test, it can be passed to the highest score of 8.5-9 with this level.
This gradation is called ESL (English as a Second Language) or EFL (English as a Foreign Language) level classification and is used by ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe). The level system may vary, move around depending on the country, school or organization. For example, some organizations reduce the presented 7 levels to 5 and call them a little differently: Beginner (Elementary), Lower Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Lower Advanced, Upper Advanced. However, the meaning and content of the levels does not change from this.

Another similar system of international exams under the abbreviation CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) divides the levels into 6 and has other names:

1. A1 (Breakthrough)=Beginner
2. A2 (Waystage)=Pre-Intermediate - Below Intermediate
3. B1 (Threshold)=Intermediate
4. B2 (Vantage)=Upper-Intermediate
5. C1 (Proficiency)=Advanced 1 - Advanced
6. C2 (Mastery)=Advanced 2 - Super Advanced

A good tool is a great help in any job, and a good building level is necessary in any household (to hang a mirror or a locker), when repairing. And for the construction of a bath you will need at least two or three different levels. There are quite a few types of this tool and each has its own characteristics.

Bubble levels are the most popular. Most likely, this is due to their not very high price and sufficient measurement accuracy. These instruments come in very different lengths - from a few tens of centimeters to 3 meters. During construction or repair, levels of several sizes are usually needed: short ones are convenient if you need to check the compliance of not small areas, but long ones are indispensable, for example, when plastering, when installing a crate for lining in a bathhouse, etc.

Bubble levels have one, two or three transparent chambers with a scale filled with liquid with a bubble. The position of the bubble relative to the applied divisions determines the deviation from the vertical and horizontal. If the tool has only one camera, only horizontal surfaces can be controlled, if there are two cameras, vertical and horizontal. There are levels with three flasks. The third, if fixed, serves to determine the deviation from an angle of 45 degrees. But there are models with movable flasks that allow you to determine the deviation from the selected angle of inclination. These will be needed during the construction of the truss system and some other work.

There are several modifications of bubble levels: some of them have built-in magnets and it is convenient to fix them on metal surfaces. Such levels are also called magnetic levels. There are special tools for masons and tilers: there are places where you can hit with a hammer, which is very convenient.

How to choose a bubble level

The range of prices for these tools is quite large. Definitely, it is hardly worth buying the cheapest ones, unless you need them for one-time work. If you have construction or major repairs coming up, you should choose one of the professional levels. Although they cost many times more, they will also serve much longer: they have thick-walled cases for which bumps and falls are not so terrible, some are equipped with rubber pads that soften the blows. The building level stabila proved to be the best. Not bad is the Kapro tool (the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on flasks) and Kraftool. These are probably the best building levels available on the market today. If we talk about the middle price category, then Zubr, Stayer and Matrix have proven themselves well.

When choosing a tool, pay attention to the fastening of the flasks: they shouldn't wobble. It is better if they are mounted tightly, without screws. At first glance, the flasks reinforced with screws are good because they can be adjusted independently, but in practice such tools go astray very quickly, and you have to repeat the entire setup procedure again and again. In order to work with the level it was convenient, you must clearly see the flask, the divisions on it and the position of the bubble. The farther apart the stripes on the flask are, the more difficult it is to determine how displaced the bubble is.

Important! Even after a slight drop, the bubble level may begin to "lie", especially for cheap models. For this reason, check the level for accuracy right in the store.

How to check the bubble level

To check the accuracy of the level, you need to put it on any horizontal surface (for example, on a shop window), note the place where it lies, and remember the position of the bubble. Rotate the tool 180 degrees (the part that was on the right should be on the left), set it in the same place and look at the position of the bubble again. If the readings match, the horizontal bulb is set correctly. Repeat the same test on a vertical plane (for example, on a wall). If the readings match there, you can buy this level. If there are deviations somewhere, ask for another one.

For details on checking the bubble level, see the video.

Laser building level

Laser building levels are the most modern and accurate, but also the most expensive. The most budget options cost the same (or more) as professional bubble levels. But it's a compact device that attaches to any surface and has a range of up to 100 meters. Laser levels allow you to perfectly set a straight line, some models have the function of scanning the direction in a plane, there are cross models with 2 or more (up to 10) lines, with which you can perform any work. Their only drawback is their high price.

The world leader in the production of laser levels is the German company Bosch - it produces a huge line of laser levels. Compact models include the Bosch PPL5 model.

This device is quite compact, as you can see by watching the video.

The laser level can be mounted on the wall, and along the guide to glue the tiles on the walls in the bath or sauna.

If you are not a professional builder, there is no need to buy expensive levels, which include Bosch products. If you need a laser level only for the construction of a single bath, then it is quite possible to buy a laser level in China. The price of this level on eBay is only 8-9 dollars, and delivery to Russia is free.

Chinese laser level with tape measure (click on the picture to enlarge)
The laser requires three coin-cell batteries to operate.

Water or hydro level

This tool is suitable for determining the presence of deviations of horizontal surfaces. Neither verticals nor planes located at an angle can be checked by them. The water level is a set of a hose (from 5 to 25 meters long) and two glass flasks with a scale printed on them.

Water is poured into this design (be sure to fill in water at room temperature and make sure that bubbles do not form). You can draw a horizontal line by setting the same water levels in both flasks.

Water levels are useful when working with large surfaces (for example, when laying foundations or piles), but they are inconvenient when working in small spaces. Their main drawback: sensitivity to temperature changes: it is impossible to check surfaces located at a distance of less than 1.5 meters from heaters or other heat sources.

A huge advantage of water levels is that, if used correctly, you can perfectly level out the horizontal on large planes. For this reason, for marking, it is advisable to use the water level, and not the bubble level.

When buying a hydraulic level, check that there are no cracks on the plastic flasks.

Pipe levels

They work on the principle of bubble ones, but they are small and most often made in the form of a rectangle. Some models are foldable.

They are useful when working with pipes or when laying profiles (some have appropriate holes and / or magnets to make them easier to attach).

There are many types of levels and their various modifications. The main thing is to determine for what purposes you will use them, and choose the most suitable option for them.

Level on Android

What progress has come to ... This is what I want to say when you find out that you can now download and install the building level program on a device running the Android operating system (Android).

The building level program in a smartphone

A fairly large number of such programs have already been created, but there are not as many high-quality ones as you would like. One of the most popular levels for a smartphone is the program bubble level, which can be installed by following this link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.androgames.level&hl=en .

The Bubble level program allows you to switch the level view.

The Bubble level program allows you to switch the level view

The smartphone is oriented in space with the built-in camera. After installing the program, you need to calibrate the device by placing it on a flat surface.

As you understand, the level for android cannot be considered as a full-fledged tool in the construction of a bath. Although using this level it will be quite possible to hang pictures evenly in the rest room.


During the construction of a bath, as in any other construction, one cannot do without a building level. Since our site is designed for amateur builders, we dare to offer the following gentleman's set:

  1. Hydraulic level (required);
  2. Bubble level (required);
  3. Chinese laser level (you can do without).

This whole set can be bought for only 1000 rubles and it will be enough for all types of work, from pouring the foundation to laying tiles.

When wondering how to choose a building level, any person is aware of the consequences of a wrong decision.

A common type of bubble level is its rectangular modification, which is inexpensive.

After all, any, even the smallest deviation from a flat surface can lead to the most deplorable consequences, up to a complete rework of a just completed repair. Therefore, the question of how to choose a building level should be taken with all care, because this tool can be of several different types, the properties, purpose and price of which can vary significantly.

Currently, the market has a fairly wide range of these construction tools. One of the most common measuring instruments of this type is the bubble level. It consists of a body and a flask filled with a liquid in which an air bubble floats. This level is very simple and at the same time quite accurate and reliable.

What are the types of levels

The principle of operation of the water level.

Bubble levels. The most common type of this level is its rectangular modification. Its length varies widely and can be 2.5 meters. The minimum size is 20 cm. However, occasionally you can find devices of a telescopic design, the length of which reaches 4 meters. Their flasks are made of impact-resistant transparent material. Alcohol is used as a filler.

Some of these tools are equipped with magnets, which makes them much easier to use on steel surfaces. There is also a variety of levels that are used when working with pipes: such tools are usually small in size and have a semicircular recess running along the body. Thanks to it, the device is well kept on the surface of the pipe. These tools have a low price, but versatility is not their strong point, so it is better to choose a different type of level.

water levels. This type of measuring instrument, otherwise known as a hydraulic level, is well suited for measuring the deviations of large horizontal surfaces. It consists of two containers filled with liquid, which are connected by a hose. The main feature of these levels is that their length ranges from 5 to 25 meters, which makes them indispensable when working with extended surfaces and at the same time absolutely useless for use in an apartment.

The principle of operation of the laser level.

They are sensitive to heat, so keep them away from heat sources. You also need to ensure that no air bubbles enter the water when filling the containers, as this significantly affects the readings of this measuring device.

laser levels. Measuring devices of this type are among the most accurate and at the same time the most expensive. Their main advantages are small size and large range, which can reach several tens of meters. They are also best suited for measuring large and extended surfaces, since the laser beam emitted by this instrument can be turned into a plane. In addition, they show themselves perfectly when laying directions. For ease of use, such measuring instruments are equipped with tripods and magnetic suction cups.

Top tools have not one laser beam, but several. They can intersect with each other, facilitating and refining measurements.

This device can definitely be called the best among all levels. It is versatile, accurate, compact and practical. It has only one drawback: its high price.

Choosing a level in the store: what to look for

The type of measuring device largely depends on how large-scale tasks will be solved with it. After all, it is one thing when the level is chosen for frequent use in large-scale construction work, and quite another when it is needed only to level the floor in the apartment.

There is no need to fall under the influence of products of well-known brands and choose the most famous brand, because the main thing in any thing is its quality, and this indicator often has nothing to do with a big name.

How to choose a bubble type building level

Diagram of a bubble level.

First of all, you need to decide for which tasks you need this measuring tool. If you are going to level the walls with it, then you need to choose the maximum length level, but if the question is posed much more modestly and you just need to attach a bookshelf, then the tool, accordingly, should also be smaller.

The air bubble itself should be clearly visible, and the marks on the level flask should be black and there should be several of them. These marks should be very close to each other, forming a kind of scale.

After this verification step, you can proceed to the next one and test the accuracy of the instrument. If the purchase is made in a specialized store, then for sure he has special stands that are specifically designed to test such measuring instruments.

For the test, the device should be placed horizontally and accurately remember the location of the air bubble on the flask scale, then turn the level 180 degrees. If everything is in order with the device, then the bubble will not change its position relative to the scale.

After that, you need to check its work in a vertical plane. For this, an appropriate stand is selected, to which the device is applied. Further, everything happens, as in the previous case: the location of the bubble is remembered, then a 180-degree turn follows. If the bubble remains in its place in this case, it means that the level is made with high quality and you can safely buy it.

In the absence of such a stand in the store, upon arrival home, you need to invite a person who has a level or laser level and use these tools to check the correct operation of the purchased one. If something does not suit you, then there is always the opportunity to return the purchased device back to the store.

What to look for when buying a laser level?

If you have made a choice in favor of a laser measuring device, then when buying, first of all, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics, the main of which are measurement error and range. The accuracy of the laser level must be at least 3 mm for every 10 meters, and the range must be at least 20 meters.

Often, this device comes with special glasses that allow you to better see the laser beam.

In addition, these devices are equipped with two types of lasers, which differ in the color of the beam they emit. Red emitters are the most common, but if possible, it is better to choose an instrument with a green beam, since this color is more visible and contrasting to the human eye. However, levels with a green laser are somewhat more expensive than their "red" counterparts.

It is worth taking a closer look at what is included in the package of the device.

Often it is very diverse and includes both many useful items and those that you can do without.

If, along with the purchase of a laser level, you are going to purchase some kind of addition to it, then be sure to consult with sellers or friends who understand such things in this regard, so that it does not happen that the purchased accessory does not fit your type of device.

Buying a level is a very important step, on which the quality of the upcoming repair directly depends.


Rating of the best building levels according to user reviews

It is necessary to reliably build a house or repair an apartment, evenly assemble furniture or hang a picture, create a high-quality screed or paste wallpaper - of course, you can’t do without a building level. The building materials market is constantly changing, offering new models, time-tested devices are left, non-competitive ones are thrown away. Having studied the latest rating, you can find out the latest situation in the world of measuring instruments and look at the spirit level you like.

Building level of which company to choose

The list of manufacturers whose products are especially in demand among builders:

1. Stabila is a German construction measuring equipment company founded in 1889. Thanks to the revolutionary discoveries of its engineers, it has many patents and is one of the leaders in its industry. A rare installer does not know this manufacturer, and many of them use the high-end levels offered;

2. Kapro is a modern Israeli company that has managed to become a “top” in the measuring equipment market over its 30-year history. Ergonomic design, high quality and manufacturability of spirit levels were appreciated by both professional and novice builders in many countries;

3. Stanley is an American manufacturing giant with over 170 years of experience in the manufacture of various tools. The key to success is successful management, advanced technologies and excellent quality. That is why the building levels of the company are in demand in the construction of important facilities and for domestic purposes;

4. Sola is a well-known Austrian company for the production of measuring instruments, which sells its products in more than 40 countries. Since 1994, the production complies with the ISO 9001 standard, so the owners of modern spirit levels have no doubts about their quality.

Rating of the best building levels

  • Experience in using tools from different manufacturers and the possibility of buying counterfeit products.
  • Purpose: control of ceilings and walls, screeds and masonry, stretch and suspended ceilings, door and window openings, as well as for the correct installation of household appliances, furniture, paintings.
  • Dimensions and weight of the level; the measurement accuracy declared by the manufacturer; number, size and impact resistance of capsules.
  • Basic design features: box or I-profile, plastic or aluminum material, static or adjustable ampoules.
  • The presence of technical amenities in the form of magnets, clear markings, tinted liquid, lighting, ergonomic handle, ruler, shockproof plugs.
  • Comfort during manual fitting and during use.
  • Mandatory verifiable build quality.
  • Cost, warranty and service.


Best little bubble levels


The Stanley 0-42-130 is a small gauge with a simple design: a molded plastic body, a magnetic V-shaped metal base and 2 (horizontal and vertical) capsules securely fixed in the holes. During transportation, the tool is placed in a pocket or attached to a belt with a clip.


  • L / G / α = 0.09 m / 0.1 kg / ≈0.5 mm/m;
  • price: 0.4 ... 0.5 thousand ₽;
  • strong magnet; thanks to the hollow, tight fastening to the pipes; good overview for reading information; measurement accuracy sufficient for domestic needs;
  • compactness; convenience; mobility; practicality;
  • easy to clean from dust and dirt; with careful use, it is used for a long time; adequately worth it.


  • sometimes bubble "sensors" scroll.

According to reviews: the level in question is indispensable for use in hard-to-reach places. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the fastening of the flasks.


Kapro 340-08 is a professional tool that determines angular deviations using 2 horizontal and 1 vertical ampoule. It is made of plastic, equipped with 4 magnets, like a book cover it folds in half or unfolds, forming a plane. For fixing to non-metallic surfaces, an elastic band is used.


  • L / G / α = 0.08 m / 0.2 kg / ≈0.5 mm/m;
  • cost: 0.7 ... 0.9 thousand rubles;
  • locks with a click in 15° increments; not exposed to UV rays;
  • small dimensions; easy to carry and use; practical; dust is easily wiped off;
  • permissible error in measurements; optimal combination of price, quality and efficiency.


  • during manufacture, geometric rigor is not always maintained. This factor must be taken into account when testing.

According to reviews: the device is good and useful, since it is often used not only for its intended purpose - working with round elements, but in a wider range.


Stanley 0-43-511 is a small-sized magnetic vetarpas, consisting of a plastic case, an aluminum base and 3 capsules - 2 perpendicular to each other and 1 at an angle of 45 °. The tool with concave extruded plates is securely attached to the pipes, thanks to the rubber end caps and the impact-resistant central ampoule, it does not fail when dropped.


  • L / G / α = 0.23 m / 0.13 kg / ≈0.5 mm/m;
  • price: 0.5 ... 0.7 thousand rubles;
  • when working with metal structures, there is no need for manual support; deviations in measurements within the limits of the standard; good visual accessibility of all scales;
  • lasting; compact; comfortable in using;
  • ergonomic design; democratic value.


  • in some instances, the build quality is “lame”.

According to reviews: the operating parameters correspond to the purpose, size and price category of the device.

The best medium length bubble levels

L = 0.4 m

Sola MM40 is a trapezoidal cast aluminum instrument with 1 horizontal bulb and 1 spirit level. Features include a neodymium magnet and unbreakable acrylic sleeves. In addition, the central luminous eye has a magnifying lens.


  • L / G / α = 0.4 m / 2.4 kg / ≈0.5 (1.0) mm/m;
  • price: ≈2.0 thousand ₽;
  • epoxy red finish; milled working canvas;
  • resistance to various influences, including bending and torsion;
  • consistently high measurement accuracy.


  • when interacting with chemically aggressive substances, the paint "lets out" color.

According to reviews: the tool in question is a necessary “thing” in the household: small, durable and accurate.

L = 0.8 m

Stabila 70MAS 1411 is a universal spirit level with a feature in the form of a measuring scale printed on 1 of the surfaces and 2 sliders, with which the required size is transferred, for example, to the wall. The device itself is an effective bubble instrument with a box-shaped body, closed at the ends with plastic plugs. Equipped with 2 eyes - horizontal and vertical.


  • L / G / α = 0.8 m / 0.4 kg / 0.5 mm/m;
  • cost: ≈1.5 thousand ₽;
  • 2 marking plastic sliders; 2 centimeter scales opposite in direction;
  • simplicity and ease of use; strength and durability of the rail; the accuracy of the work performed; electrostatic powder coating.


  • sometimes the running gear gets stuck.

According to reviews: a very convenient and practical device - if necessary, the engines can be easily removed.

L = 1.22 m

Stabila R-300 18374 is a new R-shaped model, which is an aluminum body with 3 capsules (2 vertical, 1 horizontal) and removable end caps that can prevent slipping and absorb shock. The electrostatically painted spirit level has 5 internal chambers, 2 wide working surfaces, a longitudinal recess for gripping. The effectiveness of the removable caps is ensured by side overlays.


  • L / G / α = 1.22 m / 0.3 kg / ≈0.5 mm/m (0.029°);
  • price: 6.2 ... 6.4 thousand rubles;
  • accurate readings when working overhead; comfortable grip; tinted alcohol in ampoules; high-quality powder coating; rigidity and strength of the structure;
  • high marking accuracy; tightness of flasks; ergonomic contours.


According to reviews: users who have experienced a novelty in business do not regret the money spent. – The rack works properly when performing any tasks and in various conditions.

The best long bubble levels

L = 1.5 m

Stabila 70 02290 is a classic aluminum model, assembled from a smooth powder-coated body, oppositely located plastic plugs and 2 ampoules filled with alcohol - vertical and horizontal. The first is located at the end of the rectangular profile, the second - in the middle.


  • L / G / α = 1.5 m / 1.0 kg / 0.5 mm/m;
  • cost: 2.3 ... 2.4 thousand rubles;
  • ease of use; accuracy of measurements; strength; reliability;
  • not "afraid" of falls and operation in extreme conditions;
  • ascetic design; long service life.


  • paint wears off over time.

According to reviews: the spirit level is very popular among both professionals and amateurs in the construction business. There are no complaints about the instrument - only positive words.

L = 2.0 m

Stanley FATMAX XL 0-43-681 - aluminum box model with shock absorbing plugs, through handle and 3 ampoules. The body is milled on 2 surfaces and is larger in comparison with analogues, the gripping hole is finished with double linings, the flasks are recessed in acrylic blocks. Larger central horizontal ampoule, side vertical ampoule with improved visibility.


  • L / G / α = 2.0 m / 2.1 kg / 0.5 mm/m;
  • cost: 5.2 ... 6.7 thousand rubles;
  • reinforced profile; high accuracy and wear resistance; long service life without repair; indelible markup;
  • spectacular appearance; affordable real price.


  • it is difficult to completely remove the dirt from the handle linings.

According to reviews: the tool is the heaviest in its class, and this property is highly appreciated by specialists. Working with him, they feel comfortable and enjoy.

L = 2.5 m

Capro Plumbsite Hercules 986-44-250 is a professional device milled from 2 sides, in an aluminum case of which 4 capsules are installed (2 horizontal, 2 vertical), shock-absorbing end caps and an ergonomic handle in the form of a hole rubberized along the edges. Epoxy-sealed impact flasks are made of polyacrylic and filled with bright Nite-glo oil. Readings are easy to read in uncomfortable working postures and poor lighting conditions.


L / G / α = 2.5 m / 2.7 kg / ≈0.029°; cost: 6.1 ... 7.5 thousand rubles; unique Plumbsite system; box-shaped effective profile; reinforced heavy construction; minimum error in the readings; resistance to sunlight, as well as torsion and bending; ease of use;

Longevity; affordability.


  • the horizontal end peephole is not always reachable for review.

According to reviews: the rail is solid, has an optimal weight, does not fail when it falls.

The best electronic building levels

high precision

Kapro 985D 60 L is a professional electronic spirit level with illuminated display and 2 Plumb Site polyacrylic capsules. Efficient thanks to 2 milled surfaces, built-in magnets, optimal length and calibration. It has additional practical options: comfortable grip, low battery indicator, automatic flipping dial and 9x memory. It is provided: for a tripod - 1/4-inch hole, for storage and carrying - a compact case.


  • L / G / α = 0.6 m / 1.1 kg / 0.1 mm/m;
  • price: 6.5 ... 8.8 thousand rubles;
  • measurement in percent, degrees and the ratio "in/foot"; sound signal at an angle of 45 °, as well as absolute horizontal and vertical positions;
  • "false 0" function; box profile; laser ray; side view;
  • high measurement accuracy; convenience and comfort in work; UV and impact resistance;
  • long service life; relatively low cost.


  • paint is not always evenly applied.

According to reviews: this level is a real assistant, performing work of any complexity. Among the amenities, buyers especially noted the presence of a cover.

Which building level to buy

The choice of instrument depends on many of the above factors and may have the following options:

  • For control work with walls, ceilings, floors, including screed and plaster, you can use: Plumbsite Hercules 986-44-250 from Capro and FATMAX XL 0-43-681 from Stanley;
  • To check the geometry of brickwork and ceilings (tension and suspended) will fit: Stabila 70 02290;
  • For even installation of furniture, windows and doors, the best option: R-300 18374 from Stabila;
  • For driving dowels with a certain pitch, the following are suitable: 70MAS 1411 from Stabila;
  • For working with metal structures, it has proven itself well: MM40 from Sola;
  • Effective for leveling pipes: Kapro 340-08;
  • For local household tasks, the following are good: Stanley 0-42-130 and Stanley 0-43-511.

When buying a device, you must definitely test it - put it in the store on a control surface, read the indicators on the flask, turn it 180 ° and install it strictly in its original place - the bubble should not change location.

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How to choose a building level? And which one is better?

The final result of the work of a number of industrial specialists depends on the accuracy of measuring instruments: a builder, a bricklayer, a carpenter, etc. The building level of various modifications is a simple but indispensable tool for any serious team or individual craftsman, which allows you to determine the accuracy of the location of horizontal and vertical surfaces. The history of the appearance of the first spirit level dates back to the second half of the 17th century, and the vertical plumb line is the well-known primitive prototype of later inventions.

The generally accepted classification for building levels:

  • Bubble (water level) - with flasks installed in a rigid case filled with liquid, and the presence of a floating air bubble in each flask;
  • Laser level - with fast and clear marking by a point of a laser beam of working surfaces;
  • Water level (hydro level) - the principle of operation is based on Pascal's hydrostatic law and checks the compliance of the planes of horizontal surfaces.

Despite all the obvious innovative advantages of the same laser level, skilled craftsmen never refuse to use a high-quality bubble level - this versatile tool that has stood the test of time.

The main characteristics of the building level

  • Measurement accuracy (from 0.3 mm / m, the longer the building level and the heavier it is, the higher the accuracy of its readings);
  • Impact resistance. As a rule, levels have a hollow body, but with walls of sufficient thickness;
  • Wide resistance to the slightest bending and torsion;
  • Measuring flasks with a high degree of transparency and resistance to discoloration, haze, cracking and leakage when exposed to low and high temperatures, as well as ultraviolet rays.


A rigid monolithic, most often rectangular case with a milled bottom edge is made of light and durable materials (aluminum, polystyrene, plastic, wood) with an anti-corrosion coating. In the case, depending on the required accuracy, a certain number of transparent sealed glass flasks (level eyes) are securely fixed with an air bubble floating in a colored alcohol-containing liquid:

  • one flask - only for a horizontal guide (180 degrees);
  • two - for horizontal (180 degrees) and vertical guides (90 degrees);
  • three - for more complex work, with an additional third camera that controls the measurement of the angle of inclination (rigidly fixed at 45 degrees, or swivel - to measure any angle of the controlled surface).

In order to minimize errors in angular vision, limiting lines - risks - are applied on the surface of the measuring flasks. Eyes for checking the position of surfaces of the vertical plane and the angle of inclination have built-in mirror reflectors for simultaneous control of the position of the bubbles.

Plastic plugs at the ends of the level protect the structure in case of accidental drops.

Some level manufacturers also provide additional conveniences: for example, a built-in magnifying lens for more comfortable bubble control, magnetic systems or a fluorescent flask liquid for the possibility of continuing work even in the dark.

The principle of operation of the bubble building level is simple: measuring and adjusting surfaces relative to the horizontal and vertical planes occurs by moving the bubble inside a certain level eye. The result of the correct adjustment will be the presence of the bubble exactly in the middle between the measuring marks of the flask.

Building level. Which is better?

Having decided to purchase a building level, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with some recommendations for choosing it:

  1. Flask - must be securely fastened in the body. When buying, it is worth abandoning the level at which the flask is screwed with screws, because of which it can become loose over time. Flasks made of polyacrylic should be chosen, which is stronger than glass and more transparent than plastic.
  2. Level length - it is necessary to take into account the type of work to be done, since the larger the working area, the longer the level should be chosen;
  3. Defects - the building level is a measuring device, so when buying a tool, you must make sure that there are no factory defects, as well as errors in the readings.
  1. Case material - the tool can be made of plastic, metal or wood. The most reliable and durable is, of course, the metal level, inside which there are stiffeners
  2. Markup - the best option is to place control strips inside the bubble itself. The divisions applied to the surface of the flask should be clear and located close to each other.

The run-up in the cost of building levels is quite diverse. At the same time, it is not worth asking for a choice of more economic models, especially if you need to use the tool repeatedly. If you have to carry out a thorough repair, then experts strongly recommend purchasing a professional tool. For him, a characteristic difference is the presence of a shock-resistant case with special rubber pads, which, during operation, are able to soften the blows from falls, etc.

In operation, it is better than others, the construction level of the famous German brand "Stabila" has proven itself. For such a tool, on average, you will have to pay from 700 to 1800 rubles. This measuring device is famous for such advantages as:

  • high-quality and stable reading of indications (high degree of measurement accuracy);
  • good ergonomic characteristics;
  • precision in the geometry of the aluminum profile housing.

In addition, this brand also produces magnetic building levels, which make it possible to work with electricity, and are equipped with special slots for marking switches and sockets.

In addition to "Stabila", another good option could be the building level of the company "Shark". The levels of this brand are good because they are not afraid of falls and bumps. Also, good models are produced by Ermak, Bosch or Kapro. For example, the Kapro company constantly updates its models and often introduces the latest innovative solutions, releasing household and professional tools. The models of the German company Bosch are distinguished by high quality. A similar tool with Bosch models is also produced by the Russian company Condtrol, which is more affordable.

In the middle category of such instruments, it is worth highlighting the levels manufactured by Matrix, Brigadier and Stayer, which are distinguished by their high measurement accuracy and optimal cost-to-quality ratio.

However, when buying a building level, a well-known brand should not be a decisive aspect. The main thing is to decide on the type of future work and the frequency of using the tool.

180 degree method

You can check the accuracy of the level in the simplest way, called the 180 degree method:

  1. It is necessary to put the building level tightly, without gaps, on a flat horizontal surface and remember the position of the bubble relative to the marks.
  2. In the horizontal plane, turn the level 180 degrees and place it clearly on the same area.
  3. In a qualitative and accurate level, the position of the bubble should remain the same.

In the same way, you can check the accuracy of the vertical readings.

Round bubble level

This kind of building levels is designed to control only horizontal surfaces and differs somewhat from the usual levels in the design of the body with the same principle of operation. The round level is a sealed hemispherical capsule made of impact-resistant glass with a fixed flask, inside which the position of the bubble is determined by a bounding round line.

The scope of the round bubble level is not only construction work and control of the degree of shrinkage of already rebuilt buildings. Such levels are widely used in photo and video shooting for strict adjustment of the horizontal position of the equipment tripod. The use of round levels is also very common when installing trade or control scales, as well as for constantly monitoring the stable horizontal position of stationary machines, industrial tools and even jewelry surfaces - for example, polishing wheels.

A round bubble level often has the possibility of local attachment to a controlled surface and a very low cost with high measurement accuracy. A knowledgeable person will appreciate this simple and necessary tool.

The ubiquity of levels

Whatever work you have to do (check the correspondence of the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the walls, floor and ceiling; install a washing machine without distortions, hang a bookshelf or a picture) - the simplicity and ease of use of the bubble building level will help you do it quickly and with the highest quality. Even in the presence of a laser level or a plane builder that is more complex in execution and principle of operation, the building level, unchanged in the arsenal of any master, will not remain idle.


Without a spirit level, or building level, it is difficult to imagine the quality of many construction, finishing and repair work. Its working purpose is to accurately determine the possible deviation of any surface from the vertical or horizontal. Using it, you can create perfectly straight lines on a plane, measure the desired angles and inclinations.

Levels are absolutely indispensable for the arrangement of surfaces that have special requirements for the angle of inclination. You can’t do without them when installing equipment that vibrates during operation, which needs a perfectly parallel to the floor location of the installation surface. This device is necessarily present in the arsenal of tools of both professional craftsmen and amateurs. Therefore, it is important to be able to correctly choose the building level.

For professionals, special shockproof models are very relevant. During transportation, or while working at a construction site, devices are often subjected to shocks, vibrations, falls, from which they often break. Larger models are especially affected: the impact force that occurs when they fall will be greater, due to their size. The price of an anti-shock device will be slightly higher, but it's worth it. It is better to spend money on a reliable device once than to endlessly replace failed ones.

The base of the device is usually made of wood, aluminum or modern plastic. Wooden elements are made solid, bases made of other materials are hollow inside. Products with an aluminum component are more common. Not the last role in the choice of the device is played by its mass, because the heavier it is, the more reliable its readings. Professionals consider the best devices to be those that are cross-shaped and equipped with rubber grips: they are more accurate and comfortable.

Types of magnetic levels

Special magnetic levels designed to work with metal surfaces. An addition that is quite necessary for work is a ruler located on the long side of the tool. It turns out to be very useful when carrying out various measurements, and is quite capable of replacing a tape measure. The simplest representative of these devices is equipped with only one measuring ampoule. Such modifications are extremely rare on the shelves.

Most often, manufacturers offer devices with two or even three working ampoules. On the wide long side there is one ampoule, which serves to determine the quality of horizontal planes. On the short narrow side, which is at right angles to the main one, there is a second container for working in the vertical.

On the reverse side of the narrow part, a third ampoule can be located, which should control the correct operation of the device itself. The industry offers devices not only of various modifications, but also of different dimensions.

The small standard model is 20 cm long and about 4 cm wide. The dimensions of the level determine its narrower purpose. For the correct installation of household appliances, and for the implementation of minor repairs in the premises of a residential building or apartment, a small device is enough. To work with finishing materials, when laying tiles, devices from 40 to 100 cm are more convenient. Professional, the most dimensional of their bubble levels, are needed for large-scale construction events. It is believed that the length of the building level correlates with its accuracy: the longer it is, the more reliable the readings of the device.

How to choose a building level?

Building levels have always enjoyed a certain demand from buyers. After all, these devices are used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary citizens who may need the product for simple repairs. The industrial production of levels is not an extremely difficult task, but it requires quality materials, accurate calculation and careful processing. These components guarantee the high performance of the instruments, ensuring the accuracy of the readings.

Choose a level

The following brands supply high quality products:

  • Stabila
  • Bosch
  • Shark (Israel)
  • Kapro
  • Ermak
  • Gross Laser
  • Leader.

Even knowing the leading manufacturers, in order to make the right choice, you need to know certain important features.

Indeed, many buyers do not at all dream of buying a product of a famous brand at an incredible price: people do not want to overpay for an item that is occasionally required in the household.

  1. First, we determine the size of the desired device. They depend on its purpose, on the tasks and goals set for it. If you have to level the surface, carry out finishing work, then you need a sufficiently large device. If minor repairs are to be done, such as installing sockets and switches, installing hanging shelves, attaching paintings, installing individual pieces of furniture, then a medium-sized level will suffice. The most suitable tool for household and household needs is about 60 cm long.
  2. In the store, you should look at all the details of the device made of glass. They must be intact, not damaged, without traces of extraneous influence. It is necessary to check the reliability of their fastening, all elements must be tightly fixed, and not hang out to the sides. On sale, you can find options for devices with the function of adjusting capacities, but its expediency is rather doubtful. It would seem that the possibility of adjustment allows you to correct the lost level of the device? But at the same time, the device becomes more sensitive to mechanical stress and shaking. Professionals recommend a tool with rigidly fixed parts.
  3. Not only the flask is subject to careful inspection. Pay attention to the calibration applied to it, and to the air bubble inside. Everything should be clearly visible and be located at a certain, strictly verified distance from each other. Very convenient is the variant of the product, in which the control strips are located inside, being thus protected from mechanical influences. With such an arrangement, you can be sure that they will not be erased.
  4. Another important factor is what the base of the building level is made of. Whatever material is used to make it, it must be strong and heavy enough. Good options for devices that have special stiffeners inside. Each manufacturer chooses their own, individual design for their products. But it should not in any way affect the reliability of the readings of the device.
  5. When the external study of the device is completed, you can proceed to its verification. Profile construction stores should be equipped with special stands with a flat surface to check the products sold. If there is none, the check can be carried out as follows. The instrument is placed horizontally and the position of the air bubble is noted. It's okay if he moved from the center position. Then the device is turned 180 degrees in the same place. If the air has not changed its position, then the tool is adjusted and working correctly.
  6. Without the presence of a verified surface, with known indicators, it will not be possible to determine the accuracy of the instrument readings. However, you can check them later by comparing them with data from other devices. You can use a laser level or level, the performance of which has already been tested. Do not neglect the check, even when it comes to expensive branded products: the technical characteristics that determine the operational properties may well be violated during the transportation of goods.