Rules for the operation and storage of gas cylinders. Storage of gas cylinders: legal framework, rules and conditions of storage, compliance with safety requirements and terms of operation Premises for storing propane cylinders requirements

Cylinders must be stored in a vertical position in a fixed state in special closed rooms (Fig. 2). Joint storage of oxygen cylinders

with other materials and equipment is strictly prohibited.

Empty and filled cylinders that do not have shoes can be stored in a horizontal position in stacks with a height of not more than 1.5 m, and all cylinder valves must face the same direction.

Joint storage of empty and full cylinders is prohibited.

Warehouses for storing cylinders filled with gases should be one-story with a light type coating and not have attic spaces. At a distance of 10 m around the warehouse it is forbidden to store combustible materials and carry out work with open fire. Walls, partitions, coverings of warehouses must be made of non-combustible materials not lower than the second degree of fire resistance. Windows and doors should open outwards. Window and door glass must be frosted or painted over with white paint. The height of the warehouses must be at least 3.25 m(from the floor to the lower protruding parts of the roofing). The floors of warehouses must be flat with a non-slip surface, and in warehouses for cylinders with combustible gases - from materials that exclude sparking when they are hit by any objects.

The air temperature in closed warehouses should not exceed +35°C. If the temperature rises above +35°C, measures must be taken to cool the warehouses. The lighting of warehouses for cylinders with combustible gases should be natural. Warehouses for cylinders with gases must have natural or artificial ventilation.

Rice. 2. Rack for storing gas cylinders.

Warehouses should display instructions and rules for handling cylinders, as well as no-smoking posters, etc.

There should be one fire extinguisher and a box of sand in the warehouse.

Warehouses for cylinders filled with gases should be located at a distance of at least 20 m from any other warehouse, not less than 50 m from a residential building and at least 100 m from a public building.

At the construction site, gas cylinders must be stored in specially ventilated storerooms, isolated from sources of open flame and welding places.

All cylinders released from the warehouse or received into the warehouse must have their safety caps screwed on and must not have an expired test date. If contamination of oxygen cylinder heads is found during storage, the cylinders should be removed from the warehouse and the heads should be rinsed in air with ether.

Cylinders with liquefied propane-butane should be stored in an upright position in a specially equipped, fire-safe room located in a lightning protection zone.

All cylinders must be protected from contact with live wires. All empty cylinders stored in warehouses must be written in chalk "Empty".

At the entrance to the warehouse of cylinders with chlorine there should be buckets with a solution of hyposulfite with soda, you must also have a supply of clean rags.

At least once a month, it is necessary to carry out a thorough external inspection of chlorine cylinders for gas leaks.

Gas is an explosive substance lighter than air. For transportation and storage, gas is liquefied and pumped into gas cylinders. Storage of gas cylinders is organized in warehouses equipped with devices that prevent unauthorized movement of cylinders. For such warehouses, the rules for storing gas cylinders are prescribed and standards for finishing materials are being developed.

Consequences arising from improper storage of gas cylinders.

  • damage and destruction of surrounding objects during the explosion of gas cylinders;
  • gas leakage causes: ignition of objects, poisoning, creation of explosive mixtures, etc.;
  • harmless gases, can cause asphyxiation due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the room;
  • there is a group of gases containing narcotic substances or emitting toxic substances during combustion;
  • in nature, there are heavy gases that, when leaking, accumulate in depressions and pits, light gases dissipate in the air.

Packing of gases and requirements for it

Liquefied and compressed gases are packed in containers made of the following materials:

  • carbon steel;
  • copper alloys;
  • small glass containers.

To understand what gas is in the cylinder, the cylinders are painted. For each gas, a specific color of paint is used.

  1. Nitrogen - the color of the cylinder is black, the inscription "NITROGEN" is yellow, brown stripe, brass valve with right-hand thread.
  2. Acetylene - the color of the cylinder is white, the inscription "ACETYLENE" is red.
  3. Hydrogen - the color of the cylinder is dark green, the inscription "HYDROGEN" is red, the brass valve with a left-hand thread.
  4. Air - the color of the cylinder is black, the inscription "COMPRESSED AIR" is white, the brass valve with a right-hand thread.
  5. Propane/butane - cylinder color is red, "PROPANE" lettering is white, brass valve with left-hand thread.

Each cylinder has a passport in the form of a metal plate, on which information about the cylinder is stamped:

  • manufacturer;
  • balloon number;
  • date of manufacture and date of the next survey;
  • bottle volume in liters.


A label with a gas hazard class is attached to gas containers.

Propane tank storage requirements

Premises for storing gas cylinders should be one-story with a flat floor surface. Should not have attic space. Warehouse windows are painted white.

Payday loans gallatin tn cylinders without shoes are stored horizontally on wooden racks. Under each cylinder, a separate cell is equipped with a fastening strap that fixes the cylinder in a fixed position. The height of the rack does not exceed 1.5 m. Cylinders are stacked in a strictly horizontal position with valves in one direction. The valves must be closed, the valves are protected by caps.

Shoeed gas cylinders store a fixed annuity interest rate in an upright position. For each cylinder, a cell is made of metal or wood. The cells are equipped with fasteners that hold the cylinders in a vertical position.

Warehouses must be equipped with forced ventilation. Constant operation of ventilation ensures a safe concentration of gas in the air.

Storage of gas cylinders at the construction site is organized in a well-ventilated area. If there is no room, then the cylinders are stored under a canopy protecting from the sun. The storage is located on the north side away from sources of open fire.

Combustible gases are stored separately from inert gases. For each type of gas, a separate storage facility is equipped.

Group balloon installations are stored in metal cabinets.

Warehouses are equipped according to the rules for the safe operation of pressure vessels.

Fire safety

On the territory of the warehouse where the storage of cylinders with oxygen and propane is organized, it is forbidden to use open fire. Install warning and prohibition signs.

It is forbidden to fill the cylinders more than the norm according to the established fire safety rules.

Contact of gas cylinders with fatty compounds is prohibited.

It is forbidden to store foreign objects together with gas cylinders.

Firefighting equipment is stored freely and in a well-lit place.

The fire shield includes:

  1. Fire hydrant - 1 pc.
  2. Sand container - 1 pc.
  3. Conical bucket - 2 pcs.
  4. Spade bayonet with handle - 1 pc.
  5. Fire extinguisher - 2 pcs.
  6. Gaff - 1 pc.
  7. Scrap - 1 pc.


Firefighting equipment is painted red.

Gas cylinders are cylindrical steel vessels with a semicircular bottom and neck. Liquefied gas is classified as an explosive, therefore, in order to avoid dangerous situations, cylinders are operated in accordance with safety rules. Failure to comply with the regulations is fraught not only with huge fines, but also with irreparable consequences.

Gas storage rules

Gas cylinders are often used in the construction and industrial sectors. In addition, people install them in country houses to provide themselves with a source of heating. According to the current GOST, the operation of one cylinder is allowed for 40 years.

At the enterprise

The operation of liquefied and technical gas on the territory of enterprises has a number of regulated standards. The volume of the tank can be up to 50 liters or more than 100 liters.

Below are some of the requirements under which cylinders are allowed to be stored:

  • Gas must be stored either in a warehouse or in a dedicated room. The room must be equipped with ventilation and not have an attic. The walls are necessarily made of non-combustible materials, and the floors are laid at least 0.1 m from the ground level. Window frames are repainted white. Outdoor storage is allowed, but under a canopy to protect the cylinder from precipitation and sunlight.
  • Oxygen cylinders, acetylene and liquefied gas are stored in different rooms. It is dangerous to have all types of gases in one space.
  • The tanks are installed in a vertical position. To prevent falling, they are fixed with clamps and protected by barrier structures. The distance between the cylinders should be 10 cm. Tanks that do not have shoes, on the contrary, are stored in a horizontal position on special racks.
  • Warehouses should be located 100 m from a public building. The allowable distance between warehouses is 20 m.
  • Empty tanks are stored separately from filled ones.
  • It is forbidden to install cylinders at fire exits, as well as near the main facades of the building.
  • It is not allowed to carry out welding, soldering and other work related to the use of open fire near the warehouse. The distance to the storage room should be more than 25 m.

If there are heating devices in the room, then gas containers are placed at a distance of more than 1 m from them. The air temperature in the storage room should not exceed +35°С. Only persons who have completed professional training and have received permission are entitled to store, issue and receive tanks. Transportation by one person is prohibited - there must be at least 2 employees.

At the construction site

The construction of buildings involves the performance of hot work, which requires gas. The principle of storing a substance largely coincides with the safety rules for enterprises. However, a few more requirements have been added to the construction industry:

  • If there is no storage room at the construction site, the cylinders may be stored in open and semi-open places with sheds. The main condition is to prevent direct sunlight and exclude the presence of heating devices nearby.
  • Combustible mixtures can be placed in special cabinets made of refractory materials.
  • During storage and operation, it is necessary to ensure that the containers do not come into contact with materials impregnated with fatty and oily substances.
  • To deliver the cylinders to the welding and cutting areas, you need to use special stretchers or carts equipped with clamps. When moving, shocks and sudden movements should not be allowed; workers must wear special gloves for this. During transportation, it is necessary to ensure that the cylinders have protective caps.
  • After the end of the work shift and during breaks, welding and soldering equipment should be completely turned off.

Near the location intended for the storage of gas tanks, it is necessary to install signs with the inscriptions: “No smoking”, “Explosive”. On empty containers they write with chalk: "Empty".

At home

Gas cylinders used for domestic purposes are installed either for stoves or for water heaters. Vessels are of large volume (50 l) or small (5.27 l).

  • It is forbidden to install containers in apartment buildings, namely on landings, balconies, loggias or attics and basements. Also, you can not bury the cylinders in the ground.
  • Installation in country houses is carried out near a blank wall, 5 m from the entrance.
  • Tanks should only be filled with gas to 85%. The fact is that gas has the ability to expand. A full tank becomes dangerous to operate.
  • Cylinders attached to gas stoves are installed in special cabinets. This requirement does not apply to 5 liter tanks. The length of the hose for connection to the gas stove must be at least 2.5 m.
  • The room must have natural ventilation. If a strong smell of gas appears, stop using the cylinder. Testing parts and pipes with open flame is prohibited. You need to entrust this work to specialists.
  • Cylinders must be tested for suitability every two years. For added security, gas detectors should be installed closer to the floor.
  • It is not recommended to connect cylinders with traces of rust to the stove, as well as with a faulty valve. During the connection process, it is worth checking the tightness of the seams. You can do this with soapy water.

Filling of empty cylinders is carried out at special gas stations. Most often, propane is used for household needs. Sometimes technical gas is used to repair water supply networks.

Storage types

There are several types of storage tanks for LNG (liquefied natural gas). All of them differ in volume and environmental factors.

Tank designs

LNG storage tanks can be of different designs. For example, according to the type of roof, they are divided into self-supporting and suspended.

In a self-supporting inner roof design, the excess gas pressure is absorbed by the inner reservoir. Suspended have a hole through which product vapors freely penetrate.

Underground and above ground tanks

Both above ground and underground tanks require a high level of safety. However, the former are the most convenient and less flammable. For example, during an earthquake, tanks practically do not suffer from destruction. In addition, underground can contain hundreds of million cubic meters. meters of gas.

Despite the many advantages, above-ground tanks are built more often. The fact is that the costs of building underground are quite high. If the tanks are built on the basis of high-quality materials, and also include facilities for containment of spills, then they are absolutely safe for the environment.

Metal cylindrical ground tanks - a type of insulated buried tank. It, in turn, has two designs: with a suspended platform and a roof. They do not need bunding, while they are installed not so far from public facilities.

Packing of gases and requirements for it

For the packaging of liquefied gases, containers made of:

  • copper alloys;
  • carbon steel;
  • glass.

In order for users to understand what kind of gas a particular cylinder is filled with, the containers are painted in different colors.

A certificate is provided for each cylinder, in which the following data are entered:

  • room;
  • manufacturer;
  • date of manufacture;
  • volume.

Also, a label is attached to each cylinder indicating the hazard class of the gas.

Published: 31.12.2016 11:56

Requirements for the storage of gas cylinders are established by several documents:

  • Order of Rostekhnadzor "On Approval of the Federal Norms and Rules in the Field of Industrial Safety Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Equipment Operating Under Excessive Pressure" dated March 25, 2014 N 116;
  • Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 80 "On the adoption of building codes and rules of the Russian Federation Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. SNiP 12-03-2001» from 23.07.2001;
  • « Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01-03"(Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters).

The order of Rostekhnadozr establishes the following rules (paragraphs 509-540):

509. Operation (filling, storage, transportation and use) of cylinders must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of the organization (individual entrepreneur) carrying out the specified activity, approved in the prescribed manner.

510. Employees servicing cylinders must pass a test of knowledge of the instructions and have a certificate of admission to independent work, issued in the prescribed manner.

511. Placement (installation) of gas cylinders at the places of consumption (use) as an individual cylinder installation (no more than two cylinders (one working, the other reserve) of each type of gas used in the process), a group cylinder installation, as well as in the field storage of the technological stock of cylinders must be carried out in accordance with the plan (project) for the placement of equipment, taking into account the requirements of these FNR and the requirements of fire safety standards.

512. When using and storing cylinders, they are not allowed to be installed in the places where people pass, the movement of goods and the passage of vehicles.

513. Cylinders (when individually installed) must be located at a distance of at least 1 m from heating radiators and other heating appliances, stoves and at least 5 m from heat sources with open fire.

514. Placement of group cylinder installations and storage of cylinders with combustible gases should be carried out in rooms specially equipped in accordance with the project and fire safety standards or in an open area, while it is not allowed to locate group cylinder installations and store cylinders with combustible gases in the room where the technological process of using the combustible gas contained in them.

515. A gas cylinder at the place of use, prior to use, must be installed in a vertical position and securely secured from falling in the manner prescribed by the production instruction for use. During the production of repair or installation work, a cylinder with compressed oxygen may be laid on the ground (floor, platform) with the provision of:

a) location of the valve above the cylinder shoe and prevention of cylinder rolling;

b) placing its upper part on a gasket with a cutout made of wood or other material that excludes sparking.

The use of cylinders with liquefied and dissolved under pressure gases (propane-butane, acetylene) in a horizontal position is not allowed.

516. During the operation of cylinders, it is not allowed to use the gas contained in them completely. For a specific type of gas, taking into account its properties, the residual pressure in the cylinder is set in the operating manual (instruction) and must be at least 0.05 MPa, unless otherwise provided by the technical specifications for the gas.

517. The release (supply) of gases from cylinders to a vessel, as well as to process equipment with a lower working pressure, must be carried out through a reducer designed for this gas and painted in the appropriate color. At the inlet to the reducer, a pressure gauge with a scale must be installed that makes it possible to measure the maximum working pressure in the cylinder; and the low pressure chamber of the reducer must be equipped with a spring-loaded safety valve adjusted to the appropriate allowable pressure in the vessel or process equipment into which the gas is vented, as well as a pressure gauge corresponding to this pressure. The type of pressure gauge and safety valve is determined by the designer of the project and the manufacturer of the gearbox.

518. In order to prevent fire and explosion of cylinders with combustible gases and oxygen, the equipment connected to them, as well as the pipelines and (or) flexible hoses used for its connection, must be in good order and correspond (in terms of materials and strength) to the gas used in them.

519. If it is impossible due to malfunction of the valves to release gas from the cylinders at the place of consumption, the latter must be returned to the filling station separately from the empty (empty) cylinders with the appropriate temporary inscription (marking) applied to them in any available way that does not violate the integrity of the cylinder body. The release of gas from such cylinders at the filling station must be carried out in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

520. Filling stations that fill cylinders with compressed, liquefied and soluble gases are required to keep a cylinder filling log, which, in particular, must indicate:

a) the date of filling;

b) cylinder number;

c) date of examination;

d) mass of gas (liquefied) in a cylinder, kg;

e) signature, surname and initials of the person who filled the balloon.

If cylinders are filled with different gases, a separate filling log must be kept for each gas.

The procedure for keeping records of the filling (refueling) of cylinders (fuel tanks) of motor vehicles at gas stations is established by production instructions, taking into account their specifics, determined by the requirements of project documentation and other regulatory legal documents that establish requirements for these objects, subject to the requirements of paragraph 523 of these FNR.

521. The filling of cylinders with gases must be carried out according to the instructions developed and approved by the filling organization (individual entrepreneur) in the prescribed manner, taking into account the properties of the gas, local conditions and the requirements of the operating manual (instruction) and other documentation of the cylinder manufacturer.

Before filling oxygen cylinders, the absence of combustible gases in them must be checked with a gas analyzer in the manner prescribed by the instructions. When filling cylinders with medical oxygen, they must be purged with the pressure of the medium being filled in the manner prescribed by the instructions.

The filling of cylinders with liquefied gases must comply with the standards established by the manufacturer of the cylinders and (or) the technical specifications for liquefied gases. In the absence of such information, filling rates are determined taking into account the permitted pressure of the cylinder in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to these FNR.

522. Cylinders filled with gas must be firmly fixed and tightly attached to the filling ramp.

523. It is not allowed to fill with gas cylinders in which:

a) the term of the assigned survey has expired, the service life (number of refuelings) established by the manufacturer;

b) the period for checking the porous mass has expired;

c) the cylinder body is damaged;

d) valves are faulty;

e) there is no proper coloring or inscriptions;

f) there is no excess gas pressure;

g) there are no established hallmarks.

Filling of cylinders in which there is no excess pressure of gases is carried out after their preliminary check in accordance with the instructions of the filling station.

524. Changeover of shoes and rings for caps, replacement of valves, cleaning, restoration of color and inscriptions on cylinders should be carried out at the points of examination of cylinders.

The valve after the repair associated with its disassembly must be checked for tightness at operating pressure.

525. It is allowed to fit shoes on cylinders only after the gas has been released, the valves have been turned out and the cylinders have been adequately degassed.

Cleaning and painting of gas-filled cylinders, as well as strengthening rings on their necks, is prohibited.

526. Cylinders with gases (with the exception of cylinders with poisonous gases) may be stored both in special rooms and in the open air, in the latter case they must be protected from precipitation and sunlight.

Warehousing in one room of cylinders with oxygen and combustible gases is prohibited.

527. Cylinders with poisonous gases must be stored in special closed rooms.

528. Filled cylinders with shoes mounted on them, as well as cylinders having a special design with a concave bottom, should be stored in an upright position. To protect against falling, cylinders must be installed in specially equipped nests, cages or protected by a barrier.

529. Cylinders that do not have shoes may be stored horizontally on wooden frames or racks. When stored in open areas, it is allowed to stack cylinders with shoes in stacks with gaskets made of rope, wooden beams, rubber or other non-metallic materials with shock-absorbing properties between horizontal rows.

When stacking cylinders in stacks, the height of the latter should not exceed 1.5 meters, the valves of the cylinders should be turned in one direction.

530. Warehouses for the storage of cylinders filled with gases must comply with the project, developed taking into account the requirements of these FNP and fire safety standards. The warehouse building should be one-story with light-type coatings and not have attic spaces. Walls, partitions, coverings of gas storage warehouses must be made of fireproof materials that comply with the project; windows and doors should open outward. Window and door glass must be frosted or painted over with white paint. The height of storage facilities for cylinders must be at least 3.25 meters from the floor to the lower protruding parts of the roofing. The floors of warehouses must be flat with a non-slip surface, and warehouses for cylinders with combustible gases - with a surface made of materials that exclude sparking when hit by any objects.

531. Equipping warehouses for cylinders with combustible gases that are dangerous in relation to explosions is determined by the project.

532. In warehouses, instructions, rules and posters for handling cylinders in the warehouse should be posted.

533. Warehouses for cylinders filled with gas must have natural or artificial ventilation.

534. Warehouses for cylinders with explosive and flammable gases must be located in the lightning protection zone.

535. A storage room for storing cylinders must be divided by fireproof walls into compartments, each of which can store no more than 500 cylinders (40 liters) with flammable or toxic gases and no more than 1000 cylinders (40 liters) with non-flammable and non-toxic gases.

Compartments for storing cylinders with non-flammable and non-toxic gases can be separated by fireproof partitions with a height of at least 2.5 meters with open openings for the passage of people and openings for mechanization. Each compartment must have its own exit to the outside.

536. Gaps between warehouses for cylinders filled with gases, between warehouses and adjacent industrial buildings, public premises, residential buildings are determined by the project and must comply with urban planning standards.

537. The movement of cylinders at the objects of their application (places of work) must be carried out on trolleys specially adapted for this or with the help of other devices that ensure the safety of transportation.

538. Transportation of cylinders filled with gases within the boundaries of the HIF, the production site of the enterprise and at other installation and repair facilities must be carried out on spring vehicles or on autocars in a horizontal position, always with gaskets between the cylinders. As gaskets, wooden blocks with carved nests for cylinders can be used, as well as rope or rubber rings with a thickness of at least 25 mm (two rings per cylinder) or other gaskets that protect the cylinders from hitting each other. All cylinders during transportation must be stowed with valves in one direction.

It is allowed to transport cylinders in special containers, as well as without containers in a vertical position, always with gaskets between them and protection against a possible fall.

Transportation of cylinders filled with gas on public roads by road (rail) transport does not apply to activities in the field of industrial safety and is carried out in accordance with the requirements of other regulatory legal acts and international agreements in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

539. Transportation and storage of cylinders must be carried out with screwed caps, unless the design of the cylinder provides for other protection of the cylinder shut-off body.

Storage of filled cylinders before issuing them to consumers is allowed without safety caps.

540. When operating, filling, storing and transporting cylinders made of metal-composite and composite materials, additional requirements established by the project developer and (or) cylinder manufacturer and specified in the operating manual (instruction) and other manufacturer's documentation must be met.

Clause 9.4 of the Gosstroy Resolution contains the following safety requirements when working with gas cylinders:

9.4.1. Gas cylinders must be stored and used in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels.

9.4.2. When storing cylinders in open areas, sheds protecting them from exposure to precipitation and direct sunlight must be made of non-combustible materials.

9.4.3. Flammable gas cylinders with shoes must be stored in a vertical position in special nests, cages and other devices that prevent them from falling.

Cylinders that do not have shoes must be stored in a horizontal position on frames or racks. The height of the stack in this case should not exceed 1.5 m, and the valves should be closed with safety caps and turned in one direction.

9.4.4. Empty cylinders should be stored separately from cylinders filled with gas.

9.4.5. Gas cylinders may be transported, stored, issued and received only by persons who have been trained in handling them and who have the appropriate certificate.

9.4.6. The movement of gas cylinders must be carried out on carts specially designed for this purpose, in containers and other devices that ensure the stable position of the cylinders.

9.4.7. Placement of acetylene generators in driveways, places of mass location or passage of people, as well as near places of air intake by compressors or fans is not allowed.

9.4.8. During the operation, storage and movement of oxygen cylinders, measures must be taken to protect cylinders from contact with materials, workers' clothing and cleaning materials that have traces of oils.

9.4.9. Gas cylinders must be protected from shock and direct sunlight. Cylinders must be installed at a distance of at least 1 m from heating appliances.

9.4.10. During breaks in work, at the end of the work shift, the welding equipment should be turned off. The hoses must be disconnected and the blowtorches completely depressurized.

9.4.11. Upon completion of work, gas cylinders should be placed in a place specially designated for storage of cylinders, excluding access to them by unauthorized persons.

"Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01-03" establish the following regime for handling gas cylinders:

18. Employees of organizations, as well as citizens, must:

  • comply with fire safety requirements at work and at home, as well as observe and maintain the fire-fighting regime;
  • take precautions when using gas appliances, household chemicals, working with flammable (hereinafter referred to as flammable liquids) and combustible (hereinafter referred to as FL) liquids, other fire-hazardous substances, materials and equipment;

25. Smoking is not allowed on the territory and in the premises of warehouses and depots, grain receiving points, objects of trade, extraction, processing and storage of flammable liquids, combustible liquids and combustible gases (hereinafter referred to as GGs), production of all types of explosives, fire and explosion hazardous and fire hazardous areas, as well as in non-smoking places of other organizations, in preschool and school institutions, in cereal arrays.

29. In the territories of residential buildings, summer cottages and garden settlements, public and civil buildings, it is not allowed to leave containers (containers, canisters, etc.) with flammable liquids and combustible liquids, as well as cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases, in open areas and in courtyards.

40. In buildings, structures of organizations (with the exception of individual residential buildings) it is prohibited:

  • storage and use in basements and basements of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, gunpowder, explosives, gas cylinders, goods in aerosol packaging, celluloid and other explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials, except as specified in current regulatory documents;

120. In individual houses, apartments and living rooms ...

  • it is not allowed to store cylinders with combustible gases (hereinafter - GG) in individual residential buildings, apartments and living rooms, as well as in kitchens, on evacuation routes, in basements, in basements and attics, on balconies and loggias.

121. Gas cylinders (working and spare) for supplying gas to household gas appliances (including cookers, hot water boilers, gas water heaters) should, as a rule, be located outside buildings in extensions (cabinets or under casings that cover the top of the cylinders and reducer ) from non-combustible materials at a blank wall pier at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the entrances to the building, basement and basement floors.

Outbuildings and cabinets for gas cylinders must be locked and have shutters for ventilation, and also have warning signs “Flammable. Gas".

122. The placement and operation of gas-cylinder installations, which include more than two cylinders, as well as installations located inside buildings for people to live, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents on safety in the gas industry.

At the entrance to individual residential buildings (including cottages, dachas), as well as to the premises of buildings and structures in which gas cylinders are used, a fire safety warning sign with the inscription “Flammable. Cylinders with gas.

123. When using installations for the combustion of GG, it is prohibited:

  • operation of gas appliances in case of gas leakage;
  • attaching parts of gas fittings using a sparking tool;
  • checking the tightness of connections using open flame sources (including matches, lighters, candles);
  • repair of gas-filled cylinders.

124. When closing dachas, garden houses for a long time, the power supply must be de-energized, the valves (valves) of gas cylinders must be tightly closed.

162. In trade enterprises it is prohibited:

carry out hot work while customers are in the trading floors;

  • when placing trading enterprises in buildings for other purposes, store flammable liquids, combustible liquids, gaseous gases (including gas cylinders, paints and varnishes, solvents, goods in aerosol packaging), pyrotechnic and other explosive products.

(Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01-03)

It is not allowed to store cylinders with combustible gases in individual residential buildings, apartments and living rooms, as well as in kitchens, on escape routes, in basements, in basements and attics, on balconies and loggias.

Gas cylinders for supplying gas to household gas appliances, including cookers, water-heating boilers, gas water heaters, should, as a rule, be located outside buildings in outbuildings - in cabinets or under covers that cover the top of the cylinders and the gearbox, made of non-combustible materials near the deaf a wall at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the entrances to the building, basement and basement floors. Annexes and cabinets for gas cylinders must be locked and have ventilation shutters in the lower part, and also have warning signs “Flammable. Gas".

The placement and operation of gas-cylinder installations, which include more than two cylinders, as well as installations located inside buildings for people to live, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents on safety in the gas industry. At the entrance to individual residential buildings (including cottages, dachas), as well as in the premises of buildings and structures in which gas cylinders are used, a fire safety warning sign with the inscription “Flammable. Cylinders with gas.

When using installations for burning combustible gases, it is prohibited:

  • operation of gas appliances in case of gas leakage and check the tightness of connections using open flame sources - matches, lighters, candles, and, of course, do not dry clothes over gas;
  • repair of gas-filled cylinders.

When operating a gas stove, it is much safer to first light a match, and then only open the tap. No less caution should be exercised when moving kitchen utensils on the stove: thereby reducing the likelihood of clothing on a person catching fire.

In accordance with the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels (PB 03-576-03), the following requirements are imposed on gas cylinders:

clause 10.3. Operation, storage and transportation of cylinders must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions approved in the prescribed manner

Workers servicing cylinders must be trained and instructed in accordance with paragraph 7.2.2. Rules.

Cylinders with gases can be stored both in special rooms and in the open air, in the latter case they must be protected from precipitation and sunlight.

Warehousing in one room of cylinders with oxygen and combustible gases is prohibited.

Gas cylinders installed indoors must be at least 1 m from radiators and other heating appliances and stoves and at least 5 m from heat sources with open fire.

0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2) During the operation of the cylinders, the gas contained in them must not be completely consumed. The residual gas pressure in the cylinder must be at least 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2).

The release of gases from cylinders into containers with a lower working pressure must be carried out through a reducer designed for this gas and painted in the appropriate color.

The low pressure chamber of the reducer must have a pressure gauge and a spring-loaded safety valve adjusted to the appropriate permitted pressure in the container into which the gas is bypassed.

If it is impossible due to a malfunction of the valves to release gas from the cylinders at the place of consumption, the latter must be returned to the filling station. The release of gas from such cylinders at the filling station must be carried out in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

Filling stations that fill cylinders with compressed, liquefied and soluble gases are required to keep a cylinder filling log, which, in particular, must indicate: the date of filling; balloon number; date of examination; mass of gas (liquefied) in a cylinder, kg; signature of the person filling the balloon.

If one of the stations fills cylinders with various gases, then a separate filling log should be kept for each gas.

The filling of cylinders with gases must be carried out according to the instructions developed and approved by the organization in the prescribed manner, taking into account the properties of the gas, local conditions and the requirements of the standard instructions for filling cylinders with gases.

It is forbidden to fill with gas cylinders for which: the term of the appointed examination has expired; the period for checking the porous mass has expired; the cylinder body is damaged; valves are faulty; there is no proper coloring or inscriptions; there is no excess gas pressure; no established marks.

Filling of cylinders in which there is no excess pressure of gases is carried out after their preliminary check in accordance with the instructions of the organization that performs the filling (filling station).

Control over compliance with the Rules is carried out by the Gosgortechnadzor bodies of Russia by conducting periodic inspections of organizations operating pressure vessels, as well as manufacturing organizations, design, commissioning, installation, repair and diagnostic organizations in accordance with methodological guidelines, instructions and other guidance materials of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

If you are in an emergency and you need the help of firefighters or rescuers - a single number to call all emergency services from a mobile phone "112", "101" and "01" - from a landline.