Why do arrowroot leaves turn yellow? What to do? Praying herb: arrowroot care at home. Biological characteristics of arrowroot

Description of the most common arrowroot diseases, consultation with specialists on their identification and treatment..

The arrowroot flower is covered with a white coating, and there is a curdled discharge on the leaves. Cause of the disease: mealybug. Treatment: the flower must be isolated and treated with the drug "Aktara". This is spraying with a solution of 4 g of the drug per 5 liters of water and watering with a solution of 1 g per 10 liters of water. Four times treatment is required with an interval of 5 days.

The tips of the leaves of the arrowroot flower dry out. Over time, the leaf dries out completely. Reasons: dry air, violation of the irrigation regime (lack of it). To prevent arrowroot leaves from drying out, it is necessary to spray it frequently, especially in summer. In winter, you should not place the arrowroot flower near heating appliances. In indoor conditions, it is necessary to place a container filled with wet expanded clay near the pot and constantly add water to it. This will increase the humidity in the room and have a positive effect on the well-being of the flower.

The arrowroot flower loses its intense color. Over time, arrowroot leaves dry out or turn pale. Reason: lack of light, if overall the plant looks healthy. Leaves may turn pale due to old age, if we are talking about their lower tier. Ways to solve the problem: provide the flower with sufficient lighting, but not direct sunlight. If necessary, increase watering, spraying and fertilizing, according to proper plant care.

The arrowroot flower drops its leaves. They remain in this state for a long time (from several days to 1 week).
Causes of the problem: waterlogging of the soil, drafts or cold air flow. Ways to solve the problem: the arrowroot flower can drop its leaves when the weather changes, or more precisely, this is a reaction to air humidity. If the leaves are always drooping, this is not a good sign, indicating problems in caring for the flower. It is necessary to adjust watering, remove the plant from drafts or increase air humidity.

The arrowroot flower curls and then leaves dry
. Reason: lack of watering. Ways to solve the problem: in the pot where the flower grows, the lump of earth should not dry out. It needs watering 2 times a week in summer and once every 5 days in winter. With proper care, the soil should only dry out slightly on top. Its total volume should always be moist. If the leaves curl and dry out, water the arrowroot and spray it with warm water.

The arrowroot leaves began to dry out and curl. In the sun they shine and are covered with a sticky coating.
Reason: false scale insect, which feeds on plant sap. The sticky coating is the result of its vital activity. Sooty fungus often settles on it. Treatment of the disease: a severely affected plant must be destroyed. At the initial stage of the disease, the arrowroot flower is washed under a warm shower to wash away the pest larvae. Next, wipe its leaves with an alcohol solution (70%). Spray with insecticide. These are actara, permitrin, etc. Spraying is repeated after a week.

The leaves of the arrowroot flower dry and curl, some of them lose their intense color. On the reverse side, arrowroot leaves are covered with an invisible cobweb
. Cause of the disease: spider mite. It settles on the bottom of the leaf and feeds on the sap of the plant. Ways to eliminate the disease: immediately isolate the flower, treat its leaves and stems with acaricides or insecticides.

Arrowroot is a favorite of many gardeners, but this plant requires careful care. In the process of growing it, the question often arises as to why arrowroot leaves turn yellow. The main thing is to identify the negative factors that caused this phenomenon and eliminate them.



Arrowroot is a very interesting plant, but at the same time whimsical. With proper care, it will delight the eye with beautiful leaves. There are several varieties of the flower, but the most common is. At the top of the leaf there are dark green spots and white stripes extending from the central vein; at the bottom the color of the leaves is bluish-green. Arrowroot flowers are inconspicuous; they form between the leaves.

By evening, the arrowroot foliage rises to the top and folds together. And in the morning the leaves straighten out again and take their usual position. For this feature, the British call arrowroot a “prayer plant.”

Its homeland is tropical Brazilian forests, and the plant is named after the physician Bartolomeo Maranta.

Arrowroot leaves sometimes turn yellow. In this case, it is imperative to analyze external factors that could negatively affect the plant.

How to care for arrowroot at home

  • lighting;
  • temperature regime;
  • humidity;
  • soil composition;
  • acceptable capacity.

Each criterion is described in more detail below.

Lighting, temperature, humidity

These factors are the basis for proper maintenance of arrowroot. She does not like drafts and temperature changes. Strong lighting can cause the leaves to become less saturated in color and the size of the leaf blades to decrease. Therefore, it is advisable to keep it in diffused light, avoiding direct sunlight. Maranta treats very well. The gardener can use conventional fluorescent lamps, thereby providing the plant with light for up to 16 hours a day.

Sometimes the arrowroot stops raising its leaves. This means that it is necessary to find the detrimental factors.

The optimal temperature for keeping arrowroot is 23-24° C.

Watering the plant in winter should be limited; the water should be of moderate softness and room temperature. Excess moisture can harm the roots. Leaves that have wilted or dried out must be carefully removed.

Experts advise spraying the flower with a special fine spray so that drops of water do not leave marks on the leaves.

To prevent the bush from growing, it is necessary to trim it. The cuttings are cut together with the node from which the leaves grow. This measure promotes faster formation of new leaves.

It is not uncommon for the tips of arrowroot leaves to dry out. This is the first sign that the main foliage will soon wither. Identifying the cause is the main task of the flower owner. Possible negative factors are described in more detail below.

Soil and container

The soil must be rich in composition, but the presence of lime is unacceptable. The soil should be slightly acidic with a pH of about 6.

When planting arrowroot, you can add a few pieces of charcoal, bark, or a couple of handfuls of sand to the soil mixture to make it lighter and airier.

In the off-season, it is advisable to feed the flower with fertilizers for house plants a couple of times a month.

Arrowroot is transplanted once a year or two years in the spring.

If arrowroot leaves curl, this is due to a violation of the conditions of its maintenance. Each of them should be checked and brought back to normal.


Most often, arrowroot is propagated by cuttings. They can be placed directly into the soil and covered with any container (jar, plastic bottle or regular bag). It is also possible to place the cuttings in water until roots appear. At home, arrowroot takes a very long time to take root.

It is advisable to immediately take several cuttings for cultivation and place them in conditions of high humidity.

Another method of propagation is by dividing the bush itself. In this case, growing a new plant is somewhat easier.

What to do if the arrowroot dies? For various reasons, the plant may fade, wilt or turn yellow. Then it is best to cut it at the root. It is advisable to do this closer to winter. It is recommended to put the trimmed plant in a dark place and water it periodically. Within 1-1.5 months, arrowroot will give new leaves. After such tonsure, the bush will grow more magnificent with large leaves.

Why do arrowroot leaves turn yellow?

The plant will “warn” the grower in advance that the arrowroot leaves will soon turn yellow. The tips of the leaves will initially turn slightly pale and then turn slightly yellow. This shade will gradually spread over the entire surface of the leaf.

As a rule, the reason why arrowroot leaves turn yellow is improper care:

  1. When transplanting or even simply moving a potted plant, it gets stressed, which can lead to yellowing of the leaves. In this case, you need to wait until the flower adapts and returns to normal.
  2. Too low air temperatures and cold drafts have an extremely adverse effect on the foliage of the plant.
  3. If the arrowroot is in a sunny place, then the cause of yellowing may be sunburn. The foliage of the flower is very sensitive to scorching rays.
  4. Insufficient spraying has a negative impact on both the general condition of the plant and the appearance of the leaves.
  5. A likely cause may be excessive soil moisture, as a result of which the roots begin to rot. In this situation, you should water the flower less often.
  6. Pest infestation is the most obvious factor. Insects can be seen with the naked eye. In this situation, it is recommended to wash the leaves with soapy water. In extreme cases, treatment with insecticidal gentle agents will help.

Thus, there are several factors why arrowroot leaves turn yellow. They must be identified in time and efforts must be made to eliminate them. Proper care will allow the flower to grow stronger, and it will please the eye for a long time.

Caring for arrowroot - video

Description of the most common arrowroot diseases, consultation with specialists on their identification and treatment..

The arrowroot flower is covered with a white coating, and there is a curdled discharge on the leaves. Cause of the disease: mealybug. Treatment: the flower must be isolated and treated with the drug "Aktara". This is spraying with a solution of 4 g of the drug per 5 liters of water and watering with a solution of 1 g per 10 liters of water. Four times treatment is required with an interval of 5 days.

The tips of the leaves of the arrowroot flower dry out. Over time, the leaf dries out completely. Reasons: dry air, violation of the irrigation regime (lack of it). To prevent arrowroot leaves from drying out, it is necessary to spray it frequently, especially in summer. In winter, you should not place the arrowroot flower near heating appliances. In indoor conditions, it is necessary to place a container filled with wet expanded clay near the pot and constantly add water to it. This will increase the humidity in the room and have a positive effect on the well-being of the flower.

The arrowroot flower loses its intense color. Over time, arrowroot leaves dry out or turn pale. Reason: lack of light, if overall the plant looks healthy. Leaves may turn pale due to old age, if we are talking about their lower tier. Ways to solve the problem: provide the flower with sufficient lighting, but not direct sunlight. If necessary, increase watering, spraying and fertilizing, according to proper plant care.

The arrowroot flower drops its leaves. They remain in this state for a long time (from several days to 1 week).
Causes of the problem: waterlogging of the soil, drafts or cold air flow. Ways to solve the problem: the arrowroot flower can drop its leaves when the weather changes, or more precisely, this is a reaction to air humidity. If the leaves are always drooping, this is not a good sign, indicating problems in caring for the flower. It is necessary to adjust watering, remove the plant from drafts or increase air humidity.

The arrowroot flower curls and then leaves dry
. Reason: lack of watering. Ways to solve the problem: in the pot where the flower grows, the lump of earth should not dry out. It needs watering 2 times a week in summer and once every 5 days in winter. With proper care, the soil should only dry out slightly on top. Its total volume should always be moist. If the leaves curl and dry out, water the arrowroot and spray it with warm water.

The arrowroot leaves began to dry out and curl. In the sun they shine and are covered with a sticky coating.
Reason: false scale insect, which feeds on plant sap. The sticky coating is the result of its vital activity. Sooty fungus often settles on it. Treatment of the disease: a severely affected plant must be destroyed. At the initial stage of the disease, the arrowroot flower is washed under a warm shower to wash away the pest larvae. Next, wipe its leaves with an alcohol solution (70%). Spray with insecticide. These are actara, permitrin, etc. Spraying is repeated after a week.

The leaves of the arrowroot flower dry and curl, some of them lose their intense color. On the reverse side, arrowroot leaves are covered with an invisible cobweb
. Cause of the disease: spider mite. It settles on the bottom of the leaf and feeds on the sap of the plant. Ways to eliminate the disease: immediately isolate the flower, treat its leaves and stems with acaricides or insecticides.

Maranta is a perennial herbaceous plant about 20 cm high. The name is given in honor of Barthalomeo Maranta, a Venetian physician. The root system is tuberous. Shoots can be straight or creeping. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, oval-rounded, oblong-elliptic. The color is spectacular: against the general background (from white to dark green) there are bright spots and veins.

Why is arrowroot called a prayer plant?

With sufficient lighting, the leaf plates are located almost horizontally, and under unfavorable conditions they rise up and close, like palms. Hence the second name - praying grass. Another popular name is the Ten Commandments, since one species of this plant has 10 spots on the leaves.

Favorable conditions promote flowering, but it is not particularly decorative. Small flowers of white, light pink or light yellow color bloom on a thin peduncle. most often the peduncle is cut off before the flowers bloom, since after flowering the arrowroot sheds its leaves and goes into dormancy mode.

The plant belongs to the arrowroot family (Marantaceae), the genus includes about three dozen species. It is native to the swamps of South America.

Caring for an arrowroot plant at home

Choosing a location and lighting

Lighting needs to be diffused. They do well in light shade. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. If the lighting is very bright, the size of the leaf blades will decrease and the color will fade. Arrowroot grows well in artificial light: use fluorescent lamps, provide 16 hours of daylight.


The plant loves warmth and is sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes. In the warm season, the optimal temperature range will be 22-24°C. During the rest period (October-February), it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18°C, the maximum temperature drop is possible to +10°C.

How to water

In the warm season, abundant soil is needed; keep the top layer of soil moist, but do not allow it to become waterlogged. With the onset of autumn, reduce watering. During cool wintering, it is enough to occasionally moisten the earthen ball to prevent the roots from overcooling.


The plant needs high air humidity. Spray arrowroot regularly; if the air is dry, do it twice a day. Periodically place the pot with the plant on a tray with damp expanded clay, moss, and pebbles, avoiding the bottom of the pot coming into contact with water. To provide additional moisture and simply clean the plant from dust, occasionally bathe it in a warm shower, and do not forget to protect the earthen ball from water (cover it with a bag).

Carry out all water procedures with softened, warm (room temperature) water.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Despite the use of all measures to maintain humidity, the tips of the leaves may dry out in room conditions. Arrowroots feel best in florariums, terrariums, and mini-greenhouses.


In spring and summer it is necessary to feed every 2 weeks, alternating complex mineral fertilizers with organic ones.


How to transplant arrowroot photo

Plant the plants every 2 years in the spring. Choose a shallow, plastic pot (it holds moisture better), increasing the diameter by 1-2 cm each time. Withered and dried leaves must be cut off. Be sure to lay a drainage layer at the bottom consisting of expanded clay, ceramic fragments, and coarse sand.


A slightly acidic soil is required. The following compositions are suitable: leaf soil, peat soil, humus in equal proportions or garden soil, sand, peat in a ratio of 3: 1: 1.5. You can add a little coniferous soil, charcoal, or dry mullein to any soil.

If you grow a flower on hydroponics or an ion-exchange substrate, fertilizing and replanting will not be required for 2-3 years.


How to divide an arrowroot bush

Arrowroots are grown vegetatively: by dividing the bush and using apical cuttings.

Divide the bush during transplantation. Plant the cuttings in small pots with soil, as for adult plants. For successful rooting, cover the plantings with film and place in a warm place (air temperature not lower than 20° C). When the plant begins to grow, the cover must be removed.

Propagation of arrowroot by cuttings

Propagation is carried out in late spring and summer. Each cutting should have 2-3 leaves. Root in water - roots will appear in 5-6 days. Plant young plants in accordance with the transplantation rules.

Diseases and pests of arrowroot

Arrowroot leaves curl and turn yellow, leaf tips dry out

Yellowed leaves with dry tips, their curling, falling, slowing growth rates of arrowroot indicate dry air - do not forget about spraying, place the pot with the plant on a tray with humidifiers (moss, pebbles, expanded clay). A completely exhausted arrowroot can be bathed in a warm shower, and then covered with a plastic bag to maintain high humidity. Such a “bath” can revive a dried out flower. But don’t forget to look in and water and spray the plant. When you see that the arrowroot has come to life, remove the bag, but do not allow the same problem in the future: place an air humidifier nearby or keep the beauty on a tray with wet pebbles.

The second possible problem is a compressed, dried earthen lump. If the plant has not been replanted for a long time, the soil can become very compacted from many years of watering, so that even with watering it will not be moistened: water will run down the walls of the pot, bypassing the roots of the plant. Check how permeable the soil is. If the problem is obvious, urgently replant the plant and replace the soil.

If the leaves wither, the stems rot– watering is too diligent, or the air temperature is low. urgently needs to be replanted: rinse the roots under water, carefully inspect, cut off all suspicious, rotten parts of both the root and the above-ground parts. Keep the roots in a phytosporin solution, treat the green part and plant it in a disinfected pot with fresh soil, cover with a plastic bag until it is ready.

If the light is too bright, the arrowroot leaves fade, and when exposed to direct sunlight, brown spots (burns) appear. In this case, you need to choose a place for the flower with diffused sunlight.


The arrowroot plant may be susceptible to spider mites. It settles on the underside of the leaf plate, envelops the plant with white cobwebs, while the leaves become covered with dark drying spots. It is necessary to treat with insecticides and repeat the procedure every other week. It is better to prevent a problem than to solve it: to avoid pest damage, keep the plant clean, spray it regularly, and do not place it near heating systems.

Types of arrowroot with photo and name

Maranta bicolor

It has oval or ovoid leaves. Leaf plate color: the main background is light green, stripes of a darker shade extend from the central vein. The species requires very careful care and is best suited for growing in a greenhouse.

Arrowroot tricolor or tricolor Maranta Tricolour

The most unpretentious and popular species in home floriculture. The leaves are dark green with a border of a lighter shade, the veins are dark red and become darker towards the edges.

White-veined arrowroot or white-veined Maranta Leuconeura

Dark green leaves with pink veins and a white-silver stripe running down the center. The shape of the leaf plate is oval, the length reaches 15 cm. It is unpretentious in care.

Reed arrowroot Maranta arundinacea photo

The bush reaches a height of about 1 m. The leaves are solid green, oblong-oval in shape, reaching a length of about 25 cm. It is not often found in indoor cultivation. The roots of the plant are used to produce starch, which is an alternative to corn.

It is distinguished by its original flowering, which consists of purple flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences. When they fade, the cellular bed is exposed, forming something like a cone. The leaves are oval or ovoid, light green in color with darker stripes. Maintenance of the species is standard.

Maranta kerchoveana maranta leuconeura kerchoveana

A variety of white-veined arrowroot. Capable of reaching a height of 25 m. Oval-shaped leaf plates are attached to short petioles. The upper part is painted bright green and covered with strokes of a brownish tint, creating a feather pattern. The plant loves warmth, shade, and regular water treatments.

Arrowroot massangeana aka black arrowroot maranta leuconeura Massangeana = Black Maranta photo

A wide strip of white-yellow shade runs through the center of the oval leaf blade, dark brown spots extend from it, the edges of the leaves are dark green, the veins have a silvery tint.

Benefits of the plant

Arrowroot is used for culinary (starch production) and medicinal (treatment of intestinal anemia, anorexia, insomnia) purposes. The plant is rich in calcium, folic acid, vitamins PP, B9.

Signs and superstitions about arrowroot

It is believed that the plant is able to absorb aggression, protecting the house from quarrels and disagreements. According to the practice of Feng Shui, the energy of the tricolor arrowroot species prevents the occurrence of colds and is capable of purifying the blood.

Arrowroot is a very interesting, but, unfortunately, demanding plant. But if you are ready to satisfy her whims, she will thank you with very beautiful leaves. It’s difficult to even say what other indoor flowers can compete with arrowroot in the whimsicality of painted patterns on the leaves. Above there are dark green spots and white stripes on both sides of the central vein, below there are bluish-green leaves.

Description of arrowroot

Most often, white-veined arrowroot and its species are found on our window sills. But its flowers are inconspicuous, they form between the leaves. Arrowroot also has one interesting feature: in the evening it lifts its leaves up and folds them together. In the morning the leaves straighten and fall again. For this, the British call it Prayer plant - a plant that prays.

The plant received its name in honor of the physician Bartolomeo Maranta. The plant's homeland is the tropical rainforests of Brazil. Therefore, it loves humid air (up to 90 percent). Arrowroot is often recommended for growing in so-called “bottle gardens”, where high humidity is created. They also recommend spraying arrowroot frequently, but only with a fine spray, since large drops of water leave marks on the leaves.

General rules for caring for arrowroot at home

The plant is afraid of drafts and temperature changes. In winter, in rooms where arrowroot grows, the air temperature should drop no lower than 12 degrees, preferably 16-18; in summer, the most optimal temperature is 23-24. To preserve the beauty and brightness of the leaves, you must follow several rules.

Since excessive lighting can cause the color of the leaves to fade, the plant must be shaded. At the same time, excessive shadow also negatively affects its color.

If the tips of arrowroot leaves become dry and brown or the leaves fall off, this may indicate excessive dry air. Yellow-brown tips indicate a lack or, conversely, an excess of nutrients. In drafts, the leaves curl and dry out.

Maranta. © Steven Rodriquez

The plant should be watered with moderately soft water, at approximately room temperature; in winter, watering should be limited. Excess moisture may cause the plant's roots to rot. Dry and wilted leaves should be removed. To prevent the bush from stretching, it is cut off. The cuttings are cut together with the node from which the leaves grow. This promotes more intensive formation of new leaves.

So, to successfully grow arrowroot you need: penumbra, high air humidity, rich soil, quite spacious pot.

Also, the plant cannot tolerate the presence of lime in the soil.

A little secret: add a couple of pieces of charcoal to the soil mixture for planting arrowroot. In spring and summer, it should be fed with flower fertilizers once every two weeks. Arrowroot shoots are creeping, so it is better to plant it in wide containers. Replant once every 1-2 years in the spring. The plant itself is compact, growing only 30 cm tall.

Maranta. © elka52

Arrowroot propagation

Arrowroot is propagated by dividing bushes and stem cuttings with 1-2 internodes. The leaves are cut by a third and the cuttings are planted in a box with sand. After about 2-3 weeks at a temperature of 20-24 degrees, they sprout roots. They can also be rooted in water. Good drainage is also needed.