Parapet definition. What is a building parapet: parapet lattice. Types and types of roof fencing

Roof parapet - a structure that performs not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function, can be installed on roofs of any shape and size. In our article, you will find out why exactly it is mounted, what varieties exist, what requirements are imposed on these products in building codes. In addition, you will be able to find out the nuances of arrangement, creation options, get acquainted with the advice of professional installers and find out whether it is possible to do without the construction of a parapet or this design is mandatory.


Design purpose

Installation of a parapet is possible on any roof, regardless of its size, degree of inclination, shape and material of manufacture. Main functions of the product:

    Protection of people who walk on the roof, perform construction work or repairs there, from falling to the ground.

    Retention sliding under their own weight snow masses, their one-time collapse, capable of harming the life and health of passers-by, as well as property.

    visual masking pipelines, air ducts, cooling equipment and other items that impair the appearance of the building.

    Additional resistance strong wind load which is especially important in regions with a harsh climate.

    Improving waterproofing properties roof structure, protection of joints from leakage.

    The ability to create a safe and beautiful observation deck, if the roof has a flat design with a zero angle of inclination.

A properly installed parapet on the roof will protect the structure from precipitation, hurricane winds and other external influences, and will also become a decorative decoration of the building itself.

Structure and varieties

Today, two types of parapets are common - from stone materials and from various types of metals. Most often, the former perform a predominantly practical function, and the latter - a decorative one. The appearance of the product depends on the features of the facade of the house, most popular types:

  • Figured form.


On a note! The roof apron is most often made of a metal sheet, which has a thickness of up to 0.7 mm.

The figured parapet usually has the form of a railing, it is distinguished by many bends, indirect lines; the simplest system combines two slopes and a rectangular dropper. A more complex option involves bending the drip under the visor: the installation of the system is more expensive, but it will be more resistant to external influences.

A parapet is considered a mandatory structure on any building if the height of the building exceeds 10 meters. The dimensions of the product itself depend on what function it performs: for example, structures designed to protect roofing from wind and precipitation are lower than systems that serve for safety on roofs with walking areas.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing and performing roofing works of any complexity. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Any parapet, regardless of its shape, size and design has a single structure:

    Shelf- main element.

    overhangs- parts located in a perpendicular position of the shelf.

    droppers- side parts that are used for drainage.

Most often, the structure is made of steel, aluminum, brick, concrete or blocks, combined materials can be used (for example, a concrete base with metal railings). The upper part is usually covered with a galvanized sheet or reinforced concrete slab, as this protects the product from corrosion and mechanical damage. A metal profile of a horizontal, single or gable design can also be used.

SNIP requirements

According to building codes, a parapet must be installed on buildings over 10 meters in height and with a slope of up to 12 degrees. In the case of a larger roof slope, the structure is also suitable for houses of lower height. In addition, decorative parapets can be placed on buildings with a flat roof and low height, since they perform an aesthetic function, and not only have a practical purpose.

Parapet with tempered glass railing - durable and beautiful Source

One of the important parameters is the height of the parapet on a flat roof; SNIP defines a value of 45 cm, while the maximum size is 1.2 meters. It is not necessary to make a parapet structure on the roof if it is not in use, i.e. at the top there is no observation platform, a walking place and other structures. If the roof is used as a place of rest, part of a summer cafe, a parapet is made with a height of 120 cm to protect people from accidental falls.

Arrangement of the junction

An important point when creating a parapet is the connection of the structure to the roof. For finishing with a galvanized sheet, strobes are cut in the structure, the edges of metal products are brought there, bending them at an angle. In order for the junction of the roof to the parapet to be equipped in accordance with all the rules, and the connection to be reliable, several rules should be observed:

    The niche where the edge of the apron is inserted should be not less than 100 mm deep.

    Strobes in the parapet are needed fill with cement so that the wall does not deform and crack during the first long downpour.

On a note! Along the entire length of the system, it is necessary to fix corks made of wood in increments of 100 cm: they are needed for nailing the bars and then laying the apron on them. The sheets themselves are overlapped with a margin of 10-12 cm.

If we are talking about a flat roof, then you need to use additional waterproofing with mastic, reinforce the structure with geotextiles or other materials containing fiberglass. The insulating layer is made with an overlap of 120-150 mm, the joints are coated with mastic, the cake itself is fixed with an apron. High-quality waterproofing of the junction is especially important if a coating in the form of soft tiles or rolled roofs is used: a support part must be provided at the junction point.

Is it possible to make a parapet on a sloping roof

A parapet on the roof can be arranged regardless of the degree of inclination, however, when creating a structure on a pitched surface, it is important to observe increased security measures and take into account a number of nuances. For example, with a seam roof with a ledge, it is required to compress it with perforated metal corners and fasten it with bolts. The fence itself is mounted on the corners.


Another installation method is practiced if the roof is made of corrugated board or metal tiles. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket. The use of such fasteners allows you to seal the coating as much as possible, protecting it from precipitation.

In order for the installation of the parapet to take a minimum of time and be carried out correctly, it is recommended to take into account the following nuances:

    Required before installation calculate roof area, determine the average amount of precipitation during the year and clarify the load per square meter: these indicators will be required when determining the amount of materials for arranging the parapet itself.

    For mounting climbing equipment required and skills at work at height, so the task of installing a parapet can only be entrusted to professionals who have the appropriate equipment and a license for such activities.

    Often the structure is a continuation of the wall, so its construction is carried out at the stage of building construction. This means that the system needs to be thought through at the design stage of the house.


Metal parapets are considered to be very popular: they are durable, lightweight, resistant to temperature fluctuations, moisture, mechanical stress, and have a long service life. It is allowed to sheath the structure with a metal profile, the joints are made folded to ensure maximum tightness. In addition, parapets can be equipped on the building, for example, made of armor-resistant glass or especially durable plastic: the supports are made of metal, and the space between them is covered with sheets of such material. The apron on the roof, which serves for drainage, is usually made of galvanized steel.

Video description

An example of finishing parapets in the following video:


The roof parapet is a solid structure that serves to decorate the building, ensure the safety of people, including during high-altitude work, snow retention and resistance to wind load. The product can be made of brick, block, have a monolithic structure, often the parapet is made of metal or a combination of materials. Due to the increased requirements for the reliability of the design, it is necessary to entrust the installation to experienced craftsmen.

If you're determined to build your home with a trendy and functional flat roof, then it's time to put some thought into fencing! So an open area at a height will be safe, comfortable and suitable even for children's games. Moreover, the roof parapet will simultaneously play an important aesthetic role, giving the exterior of the building a complete, logical and stylish look.

You will be surprised to learn how many types of parapets exist, what design masterpieces are made from them and which option is best for you!

So, let's start with what exactly is called a parapet on the roof, and what it should be like. In fact, this is a low perimeter fence, which is equipped not only on roofs, but also on terraces, balconies, bridges and even embankments. The parapet is rightfully considered one of the architectural elements of buildings, because it is always visible, even from afar.

Rain and melt water often falls not only on the cornices, but also on the attics and walls, which are gradually filled with moisture. After some time, the surface begins to crumble, and the masonry begins to collapse. That's just in order to protect the walls and install parapets.

The profiles themselves are often used as lightning rods. To do this, they are grounded, the profiles themselves are selected from a rather thick metal with a seam or terminal connection, high-temperature soldering, welding or threaded connection. But in Russia, there is no official permission to use a metal parapet as a lightning rod yet, as in many other countries.

What is, in fact, a lightning rod? This is a metal part that intercepts the lightning discharge and does not allow the structure to come into contact with the high-temperature channel. And any lightning rod should include three main elements: a lightning receiver, down conductor and grounding.

According to Russian legislation, a lightning rod can be made of steel, aluminum or copper with a thickness of 50, 70 and 35 mm2, respectively, and a minimum thickness of at least 0.5 mm.

At the same time, neither a layer of plastic up to 1 mm, nor a layer of anti-corrosion paint or even an asphalt coating up to 0.5 mm is an obstacle for lightning. In principle, a metal parapet meets these requirements if there is no combustible building structure underneath. But often it is made from other materials too:

Types and types of roof fencing

You have probably noticed that most often the edges of a flat roof are trimmed with metal profiles in the form of attics. This is necessary in order to effectively separate rainwater from the walls, protect the roofing material from mechanical damage and provide the most reliable waterproofing for the parapet.

It will be interesting for you to know that in Western countries the shape of the parapet profile is not chosen based on economic considerations or design ideas - everything is dictated by the codes of construction work.

The profiles for the parapet themselves are load-bearing and non-bearing. If they are mounted on special, corrosion-resistant fasteners and brackets, these are load-bearing systems. The profile itself must be of sufficient thickness, from 1.25 mm, and resistant to any wind.

But non-bearing profiles are attached to auxiliary and supporting structures. They are much thinner, from only 0.4 to 0.8 mm, made of anti-corrosion metal, as well as wood. The compensation bar is glued below the main profile.

The main requirement for the corners and joints of the parapet is water tightness. Therefore, the edging fasteners are always mounted flush. A tWhere the metal edging is glued to the edges of the roof, the width of the overlap must be from 120 mm, and all joints must be waterproof.

If in the process of arranging the parapet you have to install elements with a length of 3 meters or more, then additional structures will be needed.

In total, the thickness of the metal directly depends on the purpose of the parapet:

To solve a problem of any complexity, companies today offer a wide choice: parapets of various shapes, corners, decorative strips and special elements for fixing.

The main requirement for the parapet is that the edging should be sloped to a horizontal surface and equipped with a cornice.

Technical requirements and building codes

With a minimum or zero angle of inclination, a metal parapet is able to withstand increased atmospheric loads.

Modern parapets are made of copper, aluminum and titanium-zinc. Depending on the material of manufacture, the method of connecting the profile is selected: riveting, double fold, welding and high- or low-temperature soldering.

For a copper profile, it is necessary to install a cornice with a size of 50 mm or more. Separately, we also note titanium-zinc, for which there are installation rules: installation with a slope of at least 3 °, and up to 15 ° it is necessary to lay a separating layer with a drainage function.

In Russia, they are rare, but still there are wooden parapets. Naturally, a cover must also be installed on top of them, but this time with an anti-condensate superdiffuse membrane. To do this, you need to install the strips on which the top cover will be attached. Next, a part of the membrane is laid on the corner.

Now, metal strips are also installed on the sides of the parapet, which will protect the tree. A cover is made from a metal sheet (in this case, titanium-zinc is suitable):

To connect the profiles of the parapet end-to-end, you need a standing, double or recumbent fold, as well as trim strips. Abroad, some rules for arranging a parapet recommend connecting the corners of the attics by welding, or cutting the corners of the attic from a single canvas, while others say that only internal corners should be made from two parts. In a word, both options are acceptable to some extent.

The main thing is to take into account the linear expansion and contraction of the metal, because the parapet is in the open air, and most of all of all the structures of the house heats up in the heat and rapidly loses temperature in the cold.

Therefore, if you fasten the roof parapet too rigidly, for example, with a standing seam, or place metal profiles directly on the edge of the roof, then material distortion cannot be avoided.

That is why, if the standing seam technique has already been applied, the use of overlapping butt strips and expansion joints is also necessary:

Arrangement of a parapet on a residential building

Additional supporting and auxiliary structures are made of steel, aluminum and wooden profiles. If you chose wood, the bars should be at least 30 mm thick, plus treat them with bio- and fire retardants.

If you consider metal substructures more reliable, then take a steel profile or stainless aluminum. Ideally, if it is the same metal as the parapet, otherwise consider the compatibility of such materials.

By the way, in Russia most often the parapets are simply glued together. To do this, produce special adhesives for fixing metal products to almost any surface. Those. the parapet, cornice and ebb can be securely fixed to a concrete, wood or brick surface.

For this purpose, moisture-resistant plywood is most often laid on the supporting base of the roof perimeter and fixed. Such a base for the parapet is almost perfect, and metal is attached with Enke glue. This method, unlike others, allows not only to achieve a flat surface and provide the desired reduction in wind noise.

By the way, the easiest option for arranging a parapet is to cover it with mastic or modern liquid rubber:

Parapet roof fastening methods

Parapets are recommended to be made of a metal profile and installed with a slope of 3 ° towards the roof. At the same time, the height of the parapet and the extension beyond the roof depends on the height of the building. There is such a thing as the elevation of the parapet roof.

Let's look at each type of parapet roof attachment.

Method number 1. crutches

We are talking about special products made of steel strip with a width of 40-60 mm and a thickness of 4-5 mm. These strips are welded into a T-shaped profile, which is quite laborious, but most practical, because this increases the contact area.

But crutches have such disadvantages as low corrosion resistance, which causes rusty streaks on the facades of the building, plus the need for a large number of point fasteners. And this leads to loosening of fasteners, separation of the profile in strong winds and the frequent need for repairs.

The main requirement for the installation of crutches is tightness:

Method number 2. False planks

The roof of the parapet is also fastened to false strips made of stainless and galvanized steel with a thickness of at least 1 mm. This method requires welding, but is more reliable in the wind, because here the entire load is evenly distributed over all corners.

Method number 3. overlap

This is the simplest and most affordable profile, but it is far from the most airtight. It is allowed to be used only with a ventilated base and a profile width of up to 300 mm. An additional mount for finishing is mounted on the slats themselves, and at the end of the installation, the tightness of the entire parapet is carefully checked.

Method number 4. sticking

With parapet widths from 600 mm, parapet covers are glued to the base in combination with T-profiles or false strips. Such fastening is the most resistant to wind load and moisture, because there is already an additional layer of waterproofing - glue. Adhesive based on rubber, bitumen and polyurethane fills the pores of the base.

In combination with gluing and a false strip, a UDS connector and an underlay profile are also used.

Here is another good example where sticking is applied:

Only gluing helps when foam is used as a parapet roof. This method is often resorted to when the parapet itself is a continuation of the load-bearing wall of the house, and then it can serve as a bridge of cold. Even more: condense moisture!

Here's how to make such a roof:

  • Step 1. Connect the planks at the junction of the corner with mounting glue.
  • Step 2. Also put the foam strips on the glue themselves, and cut off the excess from the side of the street.
  • Step 3. Stitch the excess foam on top and sweep away debris.
  • Step 4. Tape the inner and outer corners with tape, and apply mounting foam on top.
  • Step 5. Cut the roofing membrane into pieces of the desired size, and stick on top of the foam.
  • Step 6. Carefully seal all seams.
  • Step 7. Smooth out the entire surface by hand.

Here's what such a process looks like:

Method number 5. Single or double fold

Single rebate is one of the most popular methods, suitable for profile widths up to 450 mm and ventilated spaces.

A double rebate is recommended with a parapet width of 600 mm or more and with a ventilated space. Another type of fastening with such initial data is prohibited, because temperature fluctuations and additional stresses easily arise here, and, as a result, the nodes are loosened.

Method number 6. Mounting in the inner or outer bar

This method is suitable for adhesive bonding, the presence of a ventilated base and a profile width of up to 600 mm.

Method number 7. Laying a waterproofing membrane

One of the most reliable ways to protect a parapet is to wrap it with a PVC membrane. This must be done in such a way that the PVC membrane either goes on a horizontal surface by 80-100 mm, or on the outer surface of the parapet:

  • Step 1. First of all, you need to fix it with a metal rail.
  • Step 2. Cut the metal rail to the desired length and fix it on the parapet.
  • Step 3 Attach the membrane strip to the parapet between the metal strips.
  • Step 4 Lay the membrane tape over the parapet.
  • Step 5. Cut out special corners from the membrane and secure them with stitching rollers and a welding machine.
  • Step 6. Treat all the edges and folds of the membrane with the same tools.
  • Step 7 Lay the canvases at the bottom of the parapet in two layers.
  • Step 8 Cover additionally all corners.

Such a membrane can be left like the rest on the roof surface, or additionally covered with metal covers:

We also mention the modern fashion to use a flat roof with a parapet for practical purposes, equipping it with recreation areas and additional open space for personal tasks. In this case, a special glass railing is attached to the parapet:

This is the technology of the device, protection and waterproofing of the parapet of a residential building. Study! And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

During the construction of buildings and structures, special attention is paid to the design of the roof. This means not only appearance, but also functionality. So, in the past, parapets were equipped for beauty, but now this is provided for by GOST. Simply put, they perform a protective function, both for the building as a whole, and for people who carry out roofing work.

What are parapets

The parapet in the photographs allows you to better understand what it is and what role it plays in urban development. It is also a decorative component of the roof, but its main purpose is to protect the building from the penetration of precipitation and depressurization of the roofing "pie". Without this structure, roofs may be damaged or even blown off by strong gusts of wind. It is possible to equip a parapet both on flat surfaces and on a pitched roof.

What types of parapets are

Being an important part of the building, the roof parapet is divided into:

  • simple - consisting of two slopes;
  • complex - with a two-way drainage system and droppers located under the visor;
  • ridge - having a covered visor (lower mount);
  • flat - with droppers on different sides;
  • curly - has complex curves and lines, outwardly resembles a stair railing.

The materials used in the production are selected based on the main material of the roof and the functionality of the product itself. Most often it is equipped with bricks directly on top of the flooring. At the same time, the minimum height of the fence is 0.5 m, there are no restrictions on the maximum height. In addition, the manufacture of parapets from various metals, concrete blocks and reinforced concrete is practiced.

Separately, parapets for the fence and the embankment of the bridge can be distinguished, which protect part of the fence wall (fence) from climatic influences.

Device and design features

Choosing the shape of the fence, you need to consider its main purpose. As you know, the parapet on the roof performs a protective and decorative function. To increase the strength of the structure, it is supplemented with reinforcing components.

The metal parapet is mainly used in the arrangement of the roof of public buildings. In this case, the thickness of the metal structure should exceed 0.3 cm. Braces and racks are also required, since they are used for fastening. In addition, the surface is painted to protect against corrosion.

Brick elements are built directly in the process of building the building itself. Its advantages are recognized:

  • low height;
  • the presence of a metal apron;
  • a groove for the installation of a roofing, fixed with a special bar.

If a parapet is installed on the roof of a multi-storey building (business centers, residential buildings), then it is imperative to use a special product - an apron from precipitation. It is usually made from a metal profile, concrete slabs, steel sheets or copper caps. It is also recommended to mount metal handrails to enhance the safety of work at height.

When it is necessary to equip an appropriate parapet

According to the rules in force in the field of construction, the installation of parapets is mandatory for:

  • flat roof (with a slope angle of up to 12%) with a structure height of more than 10 m;
  • all roofs, regardless of the height of the building, which are planned to be used (for example, to accommodate cafes, observation decks, and others);
  • roofs with slopes above 12% on a building above 7 m. It is allowed to use special metal fences instead of a parapet to retain snow.

If these norms are violated, then the delivery of the building will have to wait until the deficiencies are corrected. The commission will refuse to issue a commissioning permit.

Why do we need fence parapets

When installing monumental fences in private and administrative buildings, it is at least illogical to leave the fence walls open - water and dust will constantly get into the microcracks of the source material, destroying it from the inside. In the cold season, the expansion and narrowing of the cavities inside the concrete will lead to its complete destruction.

Therefore, a parapet for a fence must be purchased along with building materials for constructing a fence. The advantages of having this element on the fences are the same functions: protection from ice and rainwater; attractive appearance; reinforcement of the structure.

The purpose of the parapet for the roof

Here is a list of the functional features of the arrangement of the parapet:

  • fencing to protect people while on the roof;
  • the retention of snow mass and the prevention of a one-time descent of precipitation down;
  • decoration of the building, the possibility of arranging viewing platforms and other entertainment facilities, in accordance with safety requirements;
  • improving the waterproofing of the roof by protecting its side surfaces;
  • protection of the coating from strong winds;
  • masking unsightly communications and systems (ventilation, air conditioning installations, etc.).

Materials for the manufacture of ebbs

The main materials for casting moldings are aluminum and galvanized sheets. From malleable metal, almost any shape is obtained in a matter of minutes. For production, special sheet-bending equipment is used. In addition, ebbs are made of steel, concrete, polymers, plastisol and copper.

Parapets for concrete and brick fences

The standard components with which the installation of parapets is carried out are defined:

  • the fence itself, which is a side fixed on top of the roof or a continuation of the outer wall;
  • an junction unit installed at the junction of the fence and the roof covering;
  • waterproofing parapet apron, built over the horizontal part of the structure;
  • a protective visor (parapet cover), made of metal with anti-corrosion treatment, is mounted on top of the apron;
  • if necessary, a parapet decorative and technical grating of the height specified by the project is installed.

Proper and consistent execution of installation work guarantees a long service life of the structures.

Protective strips for the foundation

Fences installed on the foundation, in addition to the main features, must have additional protection from aggressive environmental factors. For these purposes, ceramic, steel or concrete parapets are used. Without such “armor”, the structure will not last long, because cracks in the base do not contribute to safe and long operation.

Supports and foundations must be protected with special products (sills, caps) along the entire length of the fence. low tide or the parapet on the fence is made to order for a specific fence.

The parapet bar can be installed both on an already finished fence, and in the process of construction. The modern building materials market offers various solutions to protect bulky fences from destruction.

Basic steps for installing a parapet

Building codes and rules provide for the following nuances when arranging parapets on the roof:

  • industrial buildings with gutters inside will require a parapet up to 0.6 cm high with an additional lattice fence from the roof surface;
  • for public buildings - from 0.9 m;
  • in residential apartment buildings - from 1.2 m.

In all cases, the parapet must be continuous and able to withstand significant loads.

Safe Installation Rules

According to SNiPs, on the observance of which all construction activities in the Russian Federation are based, the height of the parapets can be different - 0.6 m, 0.9 m, 1.2 m. These criteria directly depend on the roof slope:

  • with a slope of less than 12%, the height of the parapet structure is allowed over 10 m;
  • with a slope of more than 12%, the parapet cannot be more than 7 m.

Such norms are provided for by fire safety requirements for flat roofs, loggias, balconies, open stairs and the like.

Preparatory work

Preparation for the installation of parapets on the roof begins with the selection of high-quality material. In parallel, a drawing of the future parapet is being prepared. Since the fence will be operated in a deliberately aggressive environment, the components of the fence itself and the insulating components should be carefully studied. Otherwise, the first serious downpour or snowfall will ruin the structure and everything underneath. Waterproofing should be at least two layers (bitumen plus roofing material, the use of modern polymer coatings instead of roofing material is encouraged).

It should be possible to use industrial climbing equipment (if the house is higher than three floors) or to attract a special organization to install a fence.

Dimensions of barrier structures on flat roofs with concrete floors

Despite the large range of sizes of fences, there are regulations in GOST on this matter. The minimum allowable height is 45 cm, and the maximum is 120 cm. The choice of parameters is based on the functional purpose of the roof. So, for a flat roof, which will later act as an observation deck, the maximum the height of the guardrail plus metal handrails to improve the safety of people on the roof.

The insulating layer is laid vertically with an overlap, it must be at least 25 cm. The more airtight the surface is, the longer the building structures will last.

How to properly equip the junction on a soft roof

An extremely “delicate” place in the roof surface is the place where the parapet and its details are attached to the roof. The so-called junction, if installed incorrectly, can cause a rupture of the waterproofing, the occurrence of leaks. As a result, it will be necessary to carry out refurbishment, which is fraught with additional cash costs.

The correct implementation of the junction points to the soft roof is particularly technically difficult. Rolled roofing is plastic, but in some cases even this property is not enough. In case of improper docking, the material will deform and collapse.

In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to reduce the contact angle using a concrete tide (45 degrees) or a triangular wooden plank. Next, the ebb (bar) is covered with insulating material and a “roofing carpet” is laid. The insulating sheet is fused onto the roof with a slight approach to the ebb, then blind areas are laid on the side to cover the corner. This design allows you to increase the strength of the junction of the soft roof to the parapet and the waterproofing of the joints, and thereby qualitatively protect the structure from precipitation.

Roof junction with brick parapet

A brick parapet is constructed, as a rule, during the construction of the building, but after the installation of all the required ceilings and the laying of the "roofing cake". Its installation is quite simple, but there are some nuances (known to builders):

  • with a parapet height of less than 0.5 m, waterproofing is spread over the entire side part and reinforced with bitumen or mastic composition;
  • if a fence is planned above 0.5 m, then a “groove” is made at a level of 0.25 m from the roof. In this case, the insulation is laid up to the groove and fixed with an overlap on the edges with a galvanized metal strip. Joints must be shed with bitumen (mastic).

Compliance with the rules for arranging the junction node will provide the entire coating with a long service life without additional repair work.

How to Install a Parapet on Sloped Roofs

On a sloping roof, the fastening of the parapet is carried out using self-tapping screws (on a roof made of corrugated board or metal tiles) or with metal perforated corners (on seam roofs). In the first case, a rubber seal is required for a tight connection. The use of special corners allows you to enhance the safety of the structure in various weather conditions.

Installation of parapet covers and possible colors of the standard version

Being an important detail in the arrangement of the parapet, special parapet covers are made in accordance with the appearance and architecture of the building. The main materials of the covers are metal, decorative stone and concrete. Each of them is popular among consumers, as a variety of external design allows you to choose what will most competently fit into urban architecture.

Directly covers can be rectangular and square. A separate item is the so-called caps on the supporting pillars. They are produced in various forms: pyramid, cone, sphere, square and so on. Each product successfully imitates different materials and is decorated with unique details. Therefore, the customer can choose the most suitable parapet covers for his installation.

Galvanized steel parapet aprons

Above the parapets, laying a special apron is required. It is a metal coating that protects against the penetration of moisture and snow inside. Profile, reinforced concrete slabs, copper, galvanized steel are used as materials for the manufacture of protection. The last of the metals, due to its wear resistance, low weight and low cost, is a favorite material for such work.

After installation, the parapet acquires a certain configuration. The upper part has a pitched or horizontal shape, and the parapet apron is hermetically attached to the roof and parapet.

How to attach a parapet to a fence

Mounting manipulations directly depend on the type of structure and its condition. So, there are parapets for the fence, which are fixed with a special "strip". That is, first self-tapping screws (dowels) are mounted, after which the parapet itself remains snapped onto them.

The simplest types of fencing include a parapet bar with versatile drips. They are fastened with matching screws, which, as a rule, are supplied in the kit. Complicated and non-standard products require the involvement of specialized equipment. In this case, it is better to contact a construction company.

How to protect the parapet from rain

Being on the fence or on top of the roof, parapets are the most unprotected part of the building. Regardless of the material from which the superstructure is made (concrete, brick, metal, etc.), the main prerequisite for long-term operation is the protective coating of the parapet and its correct installation. It is possible to prevent premature destruction of parapet fences if the joints are properly waterproofed and special products are used - low tides. This approach can significantly increase the life of the parapet.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word parapet

parapet in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


m. railings, handrails, balustrades, baluster, fence, low wall;

military low cover, stone, earthen, from shots.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


parapet, m. (from the Greek para - against and petomai - I fly).

    A fence, a railing along something, a fence that protects against falling. Bridge parapet. There is a parapet along the edge of the roof.

    A cover that protects against bullet damage (military).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. Low barrier wall, railing. P. bridge.

adj. parapet, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A low wall enclosing a balcony, bridge, embankment, roof of a building, etc.

    A low stone wall that served as a parapet on the fortress walls.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PARAPET (French parapet, from Italian parapetto) a low solid wall running along the edge of a roof, terrace, balcony, embankment, bridge (as a barrier); on the crest of a dam, pier, dam (for protection against the destructive action of waves), in shipping locks (for fencing chambers).


(French parapet, from Italian parapetto, from parare ≈ protect and petto ≈ chest),

    a low solid wall enclosing the covering of a building, a terrace, a balcony, an embankment, a bridge, etc. Often serves as a pedestal for decorative vases and statues.

    A wall located on the crest of a dam, breakwater, dam, etc. and protecting it from being washed away by waves. P. is also called a wall, arranged in shipping locks to enclose the territory adjacent to the chamber.



Parapet :

  1. The same as the parapet.
  2. Low wall enclosing the roof of a building, terrace, balcony, embankment, bridge, etc. The parapet often serves as a pedestal for decorative vases and statues.
  3. Fencing on a highway where lane separation is provided (motorway, expressway, etc.). At the same time, the parapet can be made of metal (most often, steel) or reinforced concrete. The parapet is installed between traffic lanes. Same as breaker.
  4. A wall located on the crest of a dam, pier, dam, etc., and protecting it from erosion by waves. A parapet is also called a wall arranged in shipping locks to enclose the territory adjacent to the chamber.
  5. Cannot have balusters.

Examples of the use of the word parapet in the literature.

After all, you yourself dreamed of hearing, old man, How at dawn the waves knock on parapet

Well, let's go, the dawn is already ending, After all, you yourself dreamed of seeing, old man, How at dawn the waves knock on parapet, And the backstay rings a little, like the first string.

A bridge built of brick and stone was thrown across the moat with parapet on balusters, so wide that two carriages could pass over it.

Along the embankment, shyly crouching to parapet, a frenzied man, completely naked, was running back in a frenzy, and behind him, whistling anxiously, was the police.

Glancing over their faces with an absent look, Gerstner climbed onto parapet, pressed the project and the roll of drawings to his chest, sighed and said hoarsely: - Farewell.

durable, surviving parapet bordered the river bank, and the water level rose so high that the waves washed over the walls of the piers.

They were all rectangular, of the same height, all ended parapet with flutes - formidable, like fists raised to the sky.

And Paul, grabbing Kantele, stepped with one foot on parapet, and the other into a sixty-story abyss.

The reason was simple: three meters above him, a massive Elemental placed the claw-shaped gauntlet of his battlesuit on the stone parapet and peered into the jungle covering the low hills as far as the eye could see.

And it is no coincidence - although Zeb Stump might think so - the basket that the Creole, without letting go of her hands, put on parapet, slipped out and fell down onto the stone slabs of the yard.

Recognizing him, the young Creole woman hid behind parapet and a stifled cry escaped her chest.

And then the stretching of time ended, time compressed like a spring and, straightening up, scorchingly hit Erast Petrovich on the right side, so hard that he fell back and hit the back of his head painfully on the edge of the porch. parapet.

Yielding to a frivolous and cheerful mood, Aiken Drum ordered the lights in the city to be turned off, Mercy to be roused from bed and brought to the narrow parapet, bordering the highest spire of the Glass Castle.

Five minutes later, without finishing his speech, Mishima jumped off parapet and returned to the room.

Almost sixty meters high, masonry of red brick and granite on a foundation of Missouri limestone, lancet windows under the domed roof of the observatory, and wide stairs lead past a low balcony at the base of the tower to the upper parapet at a height of twenty meters.

Fencing of a balcony, roof of a building, bridge, embankment, etc. In some cases, it is solved as a decorative artistic element.

Watch value Parapet in other dictionaries

Parapet- parapet, m. (from the Greek para - against and petomai - I fly). 1. Fence, railing along something, a fence that prevents falling. bridge. There is a parapet along the edge of the roof. 2. Cover protecting……..
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Parapet- m. railings, handrails, balustrades, baluster, fence, low wall; | military low cover, stone, earthen, from shots.
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Parapet M.- 1. A low wall enclosing a balcony, bridge, embankment, building roof, etc. 2. A low stone wall that served as a parapet on the fortress walls.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Parapet- -a; m.
1. A low wall, a fence along smth. P. balcony. P.

What is the purpose of a parapet on a roof?

roofs. Granite parapets of the Neva.
2. Military. obsolete Shaft to protect against enemy bullets, cores and……..
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Parapet- (French parapet - from Italian parapetto), a low solid wall running along the edge of the roof, terrace, balcony, along the embankment, bridge (as a barrier); on the crest of the dam……..
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Parapet- - fencing, a low solid wall on the edge of a roof, embankment, balcony, terrace, on the crest of a dam, dam, breakwater, etc.
Historical dictionary

Parapet- (from French parapet, Italian parapetto, from parare - to protect and petto - chest) - a fence, railing or a low solid wall running along the edge of a roof, terrace, balcony, along a bridge, embankment ...... ..
Architectural Dictionary

PARAPET- PARAPET, -a, m. Low barrier wall, railing. P. bridge. || adj. parapet, th, th.
Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Battlement parapet- The battlements are the completion of the walls of fortresses, feudal castles of individual towers, an element of a fortification that covers the defenders. Combat slots on the teeth and……..
Architectural Dictionary

See the Wikipedia article for Parapet

Translate Parapet to language:

The word "parapet" of French-Italian origin, its literal translation would sound like "to protect the chest."

Roof parapet: what is it and how is it arranged?

In the field of construction, the term "parapet" means a small fence (wall) around the perimeter of the roof of a building (both residential and public). In other words, this is a kind of continuation of the walls that protrude above the level of the roof. Such a barrier structure is intended for both flat and pitched roofs.

Types of parapet and its functions

Experts distinguish several types of parapet, depending on the building structure:

  • flat (with a flat surface, additionally equipped with droppers for water drainage);
  • ridge (covered with an additional visor);
  • complex (ridge with built-in drippers, bent under the visor);
  • simple or gable;
  • figured (in the form of a railing).

See also: Detailed description of ondulin

The choice of the shape of the parapet fence depends on its functional purpose. Consider the main functions of the parapet for the roofs of any buildings:

  1. Protective:
  2. from roofing failures by strong gusts of wind;
  3. from fire in the event of a fire in a neighboring building;
  4. from free precipitation to maintain the integrity of the roof.
  5. Decorative - for individualization of the design solution (decorated with decorative elements in the form of stucco molding, figured overlays, etc.).

Depending on the material of manufacture, such fences are brick or metal.

Roof railing materials

For roofs of public buildings, the parapet should be made of metal materials:

  • steel - stainless, galvanized or powder-coated (to increase the service life and give the desired color shade);
  • copper;
  • various alloys (provided for by the relevant building codes) - aluminum, finished metal profiles.

The thickness of the metal structure should be from 3 mm. In addition, it is covered with a layer of special paint to prevent corrosion. Also, these structures require equipment with struts and racks, as they are attached to the roof with their help.

Such a parapet, used on the roof, combines both main functions - both protective and aesthetic.

Brick is used most often in the construction of residential buildings. The parapet of this material is built directly in the process of building the house itself. Features of the brick fence are:

  • small height;
  • metal apron;
  • a groove for the establishment of a roofing, which is fixed with a special bar.

Concrete blocks and monolithic reinforced concrete can also be used to create a parapet.

Features of installing a parapet on the roof

Russian construction is subject to special building codes and regulations, which are adopted by local executive authorities in the form of technical regulations - SNiPs. According to these standard norms, the height of the parapets can be different - 60 centimeters, 90 centimeters, 1 meter 20 centimeters. These criteria depend on the slope of the roof and the height of the eaves:

  • if the slope is up to 12%, the height of the parapet fence on the roof is allowed over 10 meters;
  • if the slope exceeds 12%, then the parapet can be more than 7 meters.

Such standards are provided for by fire safety for roofs with a flat roof type, balconies and loggias, as well as open flights of stairs, etc.

See also: What is better to choose for the roof: metal tiles or corrugated board

SNiP also provides for a number of nuances in the construction of a parapet fence on the roof:

  1. For industrial buildings with internal drains, a parapet with a height of up to 60 centimeters is needed with an additional fence in the form of a lattice from the surface of the roof itself.
  2. For residential apartment buildings - a height of 1 m 20 centimeters (with handrails for stairs from 90 centimeters).
  3. For public (administrative) buildings - from 90 centimeters.

In all cases, the parapet railing must be continuous, and flights of stairs with handrails capable of withstanding horizontal loads of more than 0.3 kN / m.

Before installing the parapet on the roof, experts recommend paying attention to such significant points:

  • the choice of high-quality materials (otherwise, the operation of such a fence will be relatively short);
  • the possibility of using climbing equipment with a house height of more than three floors (or calling a professional high-altitude installer);
  • the need for mandatory two-layer waterproofing, consisting of a layer of bitumen and a layer of roofing material (in modern construction it is possible to use polymeric materials instead of roofing material, which have a higher service life).

See also: What is better ondulin or metal tile

And finally, experts advise watching a special video on installing a parapet fence for review:

The parapet is presented in the form of a fence located on flat or pitched roofs and ensuring safe movement along them during repair work. Parapet designs can be any and depend directly on building requirements. So, what are parapets for, and how to install them correctly?

Properly assembled roof parapet fencing reliably protects the roof from wind, with strong gusts of which even deformation and tearing of the coating is possible. No less important is the aesthetic purpose of the parapet - due to it, the roof of high-rise buildings is ennobled, blocks of air conditioning systems and other communications are hidden under it.

On high-rise buildings, there must be an apron from precipitation from galvanized steel sheets, metal profiles, concrete slabs, copper caps. In construction practice, brick parapets are in high demand - they are laid on top of the finished roofing. In height, such a parapet should be at least 0.5 m, and inside it there will be a roofing carpet, on top of which a special clamping bar is laid - as can be seen in the photo. To improve the strength of the structure, masonry can be performed with wooden or metal reinforcing parts. The installation of metal handrails is a mandatory procedure, then due to them the height of the parapet will be at least 1.2 m.

Assembling the parapet structure

The metal parapet is mounted quite simply - from the main part, the so-called shelf, and figured or straight bends located at 90 degrees.

Rules for the parapet:

  • parapets not lower than 1.2 m are installed on the exploited roofs;
  • on a non-operated flat roof of a building that is less than 10 m, a decorative metal fence can perform the function of a parapet, and the absence of any fence at all is also acceptable; if the building is higher than 10 m, then the parapet is installed without fail;
  • where there is an adjoining of a soft roof to a parapet, a waterproofing carpet is laid, and special crutches are used for fastening (for more details: “How to make an adjoining roof to a parapet - arranging knots in practice”);
  • if a PVC material or a TPO membrane is laid as a roofing, then an additional waterproofing carpet will be required to fix the drip;
  • if galvanized steel parapets are installed above 45 cm, then a protective apron is required, on top of which a clamping metal rail is attached to the screws and all joints are sealed (read also: “Roof drips”).

Coating the parapet with copper, in detail on the video:

Performing installation work

To build a parapet, you need to prepare in advance:

  • the required number of bricks and mortar for their laying;
  • metal fittings;
  • clamping bars;
  • to close the parapet assembly of a flat roof, there must be an apron (read: “How does the parapet assembly on the roof work”);
  • waterproofing material;
  • metal caps;
  • material and tools for fasteners.

The work is carried out after the complete installation of the ceilings and the main roofing. The laying of each row requires reinforcement with steel rods, while their height should not be less than 50 cm, otherwise it will be necessary to install additional fences (for more details: “Height of the roof fence - what you need to know”).

Parapet on the roof - all ways of high-quality finishing in the photo review!

Upon completion of the work, a smooth connection of the enclosing elements and the roof is performed. To do this, the roofing is attached at an angle of 45 degrees to a sand-cement mortar, then two layers of roofing material are placed on top of it, and the entire system is smeared with a bitumen composition. Remember that the junction of the roof to the parapet must be carefully processed - the quality of the entire structure depends on this (more: "The junction of the roof to the wall - installation").

As soon as everything dries, the waterproofing must be fixed with self-tapping screws, a clamping bar and an apron must be installed. Caps can be different: flat, gable, decorative, but, regardless of the choice, they are also fastened with self-tapping screws. A galvanized parapet and other similar roof railings are installed in a similar way.

The design, despite its great importance in creating a safe roof, is quite simple to install. The basic rules for the installation of elements should be observed, the most important of which are the adjoining of the roof to the parapet and high-quality fastening.

Recall that parapets are mandatory during the construction and repair of high-rise buildings (more than 10 m), in other situations, decorative metal handrails can be dispensed with.

What is a parapet

Safety on the street, at work and at home is the main requirement for a fulfilling life. The construction industry is actively assisting in this matter, together with the employees of ZhEKs and executive authorities, since the level of accidents on roads and roofs is beyond the permissible. Building builders and road builders combat this problem with parapets.

What is the parapet of the building

The word itself came to us from the French language “parapet”, and this word is also found in Italian, which is defined as “elevated wall”. In our everyday language, parapet refers to an elongated wall on rooftops and roads that functions as a safety guard against falls and accidents, as does a handrail on bridges, rooftops, stairs, and high ground. Often during the construction of private houses, between the second and first floors, it is used to create a recreation area, instead of a balcony, because the parapet in this case allows you to expand the space. In other cases, it narrows the space and limits it somewhat.

According to SNiP, the device of parapets is necessary for roofs:

  • with a height of over 10 m (to the eaves) and a slope of up to 12%;
  • with a height of more than 7 m and a slope of slopes of more than 12%;

The history of the development of the parapet in buildings

For the first time, the parapet began to be used in the construction of buildings at the end of the 15th century AD in France in the town of Staibulein. Later this idea was picked up by Greece, Spain and Italy. Turkey decorated the parapets of the building with national and religious patterns and drawings. Since the 20th century, there has been an intensive "spurt" in the development of the auto industry, which has introduced many rules and adjustments to the charter of society's behavior on the roads. So, there were rules of the road. The main rule on the road has always been considered - the safety of the life of a pedestrian and a driver. And bridges, uneven paths in contact with the sidewalk, carried a huge danger to society. At high speed, the car often fell into a pond, rates, river due to the fact that there were no restrictive elements on the roads. For this purpose, curbs and roadside fences were invented. In order to eliminate accidents on buildings and multi-storey buildings since the 1950s in the USSR, architects have necessarily used this element of "insurance" on the roofs of buildings and balconies. To this day, builders and architects adhere to this building rule. And also on balconies and bridges they use railings, which are also a subspecies of the parapet.

What are the parapets of the building:

  1. flat, their surface is completely flat, they are equipped with drippers responsible for draining water, which are separated in opposite directions;
  2. ridge, which are attached from below and covered with a visor;
  3. complex, the water in them is discharged from two different sides, and the droppers are bent under the visor;
  4. simple, having two slopes;
  5. curly, outwardly resembling a railing.

Types of parapet

  • Fence;
  • Fundamental;
  • For roof and roofing;
  • curb;
  • Roadside.

The fence most often has some kind of ornament or pattern, since it ends with the scheme of the structure of the fence. The use of a wrought iron fence made of metal not only decorates the external form of the fence, but also ensures the safety of property and does not penetrate into private territory.

Foundation reinforces the structure and provides an additional area of ​​​​space for use in waterproofing. This type is also often used in playgrounds: in sandboxes and play areas. In this case, the parapet represents the role of the playground boundary. During the construction of professional pools, a parapet is necessarily created for it, which helps to retain the water of the pool.

Curb and roadside differ only in height, but in general, that one, that - is performed on a motorway and on roads. Curb protects pedestrians from car collisions on the sidewalk, and roadside protects the car from dangerous sections of the road: a bridge, a cliff, a sharp and dangerous descent, a faulty road. The rules of the road indicate the places where the parapet on the road must be present in good condition, which are equipped with special night vision lights.

Parapet manufacturing methods

A parapet is made from almost any building material. For office buildings, a lightweight construction of metal pipes covered with plastic or glass is usually used. The safety regulation requires that the parapet on the roof of the building be at least 0.60 cm high. On an unsafe roof, the design of metal pipes ensures the safety of staying on the roof.

Another fairly common form is a forged parapet made of metal products: this type of manufacturing not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also has the longest service life. Carry out forged products from stainless material. The most common type is made of bricks or concrete mass. This type is considered the most affordable, economical, from a material point of view, and easy to build. Only now it requires regular maintenance of the appearance with the help of special solutions and paints. This type is used in the construction of roads and private houses.

For the roof and roofing, the parapet is mainly used in the construction of high-rise buildings, since the roof is unsafe for residents and people around, as well as in order to organize a sewage vault. Usually, this type of parapet has special plinths with a sewer hole for sewage.

It is best to entrust the fasteners and the structure of the parapet to professionals, despite the fact that it is not so difficult to remove it yourself. The whole problem lies in the quality and safety of fastening. Basically, companies specializing in installation work carry out the fastening and installation of parapets on any part of the building. They also provide a guarantee of the safety of the performance of this work and insurance. Thanks to special fasteners, this type of work is carried out with the main goal - to protect people from accidents.

What is a parapet: definition, standards and types

What is a parapet? In order to explain this concept, it is necessary to turn to the construction topic. This is a wall that encloses the roof of a building, its walls, a balcony and additional forms of architectural structures.

It is worth considering in more detail what it is - a roof parapet. This design is a fence in order to avoid an unforeseen fall of a person, as well as to protect the building from various climatic conditions.

To answer the question “the parapet of the building - what is it?”, It is necessary to study the construction topic again. First of all, it is a guarantee of safety, security, and in some cases also an interesting design solution.

Analysis of the state and choice of a way to strengthen the parapet. Required material for laying a parapet

In order to clarify what a parapet is, it is necessary to conduct its qualitative analysis. In order for the subsequently installed fence to serve for a long time and with high quality, it is worth noting a few basic details that you need to pay attention to:

  • The first thing to examine is the presence of visible damage. As well as assess the condition of the old mounts.
  • It is also worth considering the quality of previously used materials. And design features in general.
  • It is necessary to take into account the fact that it will not work to independently assess the condition of the balcony. This requires permission from the Housing Commission. After all, such a design is technically located in a public place. And with an unacceptable load, it can lead to unforeseen, dangerous consequences.

It should be noted the parameters that are recommended for installing the parapet in accordance with GOST 25772-83. It is indicated that the height should be 1 meter in buildings that have no more than 10 floors. When the building is higher than 30 meters, the fence must be at least 1.1 meters.

After carrying out all the necessary measurements and checks, it is necessary to choose a method of strengthening, based on what a parapet is and what types of it exist. There are several types of suitable materials.

Metal reinforcement of the parapet

This method is suitable for leaving the balcony open or installing cold glazing. With a sufficiently strong state of the parapet, it is simply necessary to strengthen it with metal corners in the necessary places. When the deterioration of the object is at the limiting level, then the structure is simply completely replaced with a new one. With the help of welding and fastening to the wall. This option is quite stable in terms of weather conditions, changing seasons, operation.

Strengthening the parapet with a foam block

Another common option for strengthening the structure is the use of foam blocks. This is a modern version, which is distinguished by its strength, heat resistance, sound insulation. Such material is environmentally friendly and durable.

It is worth noting the optimal cost for this product. It is cheaper than many analogues, but this does not affect its quality in any way. It is worth noting the positive qualities of the foam block:

  • The first thing to note is its fire resistance.
  • Also, its environmentally friendly components can be considered an advantage. It does not pose a threat to the environment or human health.
  • Note a fairly long service life. The material is durable.
  • Strengthening with foam blocks can be carried out without certain skills. It is enough to have an idea about this process. But for the quality of the work performed, it is recommended to use the services of professionals.

It is necessary to consider the main technical features of strengthening the parapet when using a foam block.

First you need to calculate and measure the parameters of the object in relation to the window openings. It is also required to lay an insulating layer on the balcony slab. When working with foam blocks, you need to use a level for accurate calculation. Holes in the outer wall must be removed by drilling. It is required to use adhesive (capable of connecting dissimilar substances) plaster. The outer side is usually sheathed with galvanized sheets or siding.

Balcony parapet insulation

Due to changing weather conditions, it is necessary to insulate the parapet. This happens in order to avoid getting cold into your own home, as well as to preserve items stored on the balcony. The main option is complete thermal insulation. It concerns not only the above object, but also the floor, ceiling, walls. Most often, sheet materials are used for this process, which are divided into foam plastic, foam plastic, finished panels, and sometimes mineral wool. If a foam block was used to strengthen the structure, then the insulation should be carried out from the inside. It is worth considering the points of the process in detail:

  • Penofol must be applied to the inside of the parapet using self-tapping screws.
  • In order to reduce material consumption and speed up the work process, it is required to build a crate. It is assembled from several bars laid vertically and horizontally, which helps to reduce the amount of time for measurements.
  • Then you need to cut the insulation into pieces of a certain size. And lay it in the crate.
  • Fill the seams with foam. Remove excess after complete drying.

It is worth noting that due to the fact that the balcony, by its design, protrudes beyond the boundaries of the house, it is quite difficult to achieve its complete isolation. If we talk about the loggia, then complete insulation is possible here, due to the fact that the object is located inside the building.

Technical specifications

What is a parapet, the definition of the concept and its technical parameters should be considered in more detail in order to know the technology of a possible installation.

For a process such as strengthening, it is necessary to comply with all established standards. Especially if the work is carried out independently, without the intervention of specialists. It is worth adhering to the instructions of the SNiP of January 31, 2003, where paragraph 8.3 specifies the height of the parapet in meters. It is required that the fences be solid, without interruptions. Loads are calculated on the basis of not less than 0.3 kN/m. This is required for the insulation of the parapet.

Balcony railing

Knowing the definition of what a parapet is, it will not be difficult to carry out its competent sheathing.

For its high-quality insulation, it is customary to use the following materials: siding, corrugated board, plaster - the most popular of them. There are several options for cladding the structure: internal and external. First you need to consider the option outside.

For this process, siding is most often used. Its advantages are ease of use, relatively low price, the ability to choose different options for colors and shades. When choosing a material for covering a balcony from the outside, you can seek help from a specialist, and there is also an option to come up with your own design.

As for the interior decoration, this is a definite completion of the restoration repair work, which relates to the insulation, reinforcement and cladding of the balcony and loggia. It can be carried out using certain materials:

  • PVC panels.
  • Drywall to be painted after installation.
  • Wooden lining.

In some cases, decorative stone or tile can be used. But these materials are quite expensive. They are not easy to install, since such a work process requires certain skills. Decorative stone looks very beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, expensive. But at the same time it is difficult to apply it, it is very whimsical in everyday life. Requires some care.

If we talk about tiles, then it also looks beautiful. Its weight plays an important role. This material is quite massive, which is why it is necessary to correctly calculate the volumes and structure of the parapet so that the tile does not damage it and jeopardize the entire concept of the structure.

If we talk about what a standard parapet is, then it may not fit modern glazing. It is worth paying special attention to a special opening designed for window blocks.


In general, if you answer the question, parapets - what is it, then it is an integral part of any modern structure. It serves to protect, improve the building.

Parapets - what is it? parapet height. Parapet: photo

Most elements of buildings are difficult to imagine without components such as parapets. What is it - a functional element or just a means of decoration? First of all, it is still an important detail that allows you to protect the roof, fences, walls, foundation, window openings from the outside from various mechanical damage and the negative effects of environmental factors. What is the meaning of the word parapet? This is a wall of a small wall or a fence along something.

A little more.

This element is a solid wall, for the manufacture of which metal is most often used, for example, galvanized steel. First, it is resistant to corrosion. Secondly, it is reliable in operation, and therefore the parapet will last much longer. Thirdly, a modern parapet (the photo confirms this) can be of very different shapes and functional purposes. At the same time, it is important to choose a design that will not change the appearance of the building and can become its important element.

What kinds?

The design of any building and structure will be incomplete if the parapets are not properly equipped. We have already understood that this is an important functional part of any design. Now let's figure out what types of parapets exist:

  1. A flat parapet is a flat surface on which droppers are spread out to the sides.
  2. Flat design, the drip of which is rectangular. It is more reliable in fastening to the surface.
  3. The simplest parapet has two slopes and is used to protect the walls of fences from the effects of precipitation.
  4. The parapet-horse is distinguished by the presence of a lower mount, which is covered with a visor from above.
  5. The complex design is the presence of two droppers, while the water will drain in two directions. To date, these are the most durable parapets.

That this additional tool significantly improves the appearance of a house or structure is immediately evident from the photographs. At the same time, it is used both for decorating a roof or stairs, and for arranging a terrace or balcony.

Roof, foundation and fence solutions

Parapets for the foundation are spanning strips, thanks to which the foundation will be protected from moisture. In this design there is a main part, limbs and droppers. They are made of galvanized steel, which means that the service life will be high. The parapet is created so that attention is not focused on it, but at the same time the structure is reliably protected.

The roof parapet is a solid bar that serves to protect the roof. As a rule, the most vulnerable place of any house is the junction of the roof and the facade, and it is thanks to the parapet that it is possible to protect it from the negative effects of atmospheric phenomena. In the standard version, the roof parapet consists of the main part, bends, which are located at an angle to the main bar, and side drips through which water is drained.

Why is a fence needed?

Most often, parapets are mounted on the roofing system, as well as along the edges of terraces and balconies as a fence. If the roof is flat or pitched, then parapets are installed only if their height reaches 10 meters: this will protect a person from falling, for example, during work. In addition to the direct protective function, the parapet is also needed in order to give the building an attractive appearance. At the same time, the shape and execution of this element should be chosen in accordance with the style and architectural decision adopted for decorating the house. Parapets are subject to the following requirements:

  1. The height for operated roofs must be at least 1.2 m.
  2. If a flat roof is not in use, you can do without a parapet and replace it, for example, with a decorative metal fence.
  3. The parapet node (that is, the place of its junction with the roof) must be reliably waterproofed and strengthened.
  4. A roof parapet with a height of 45 cm or more must be equipped with a protective apron, which is usually fixed with a metal nut.

Mounting Features

At its core, installing a parapet is not difficult, but it is still better to entrust this work to professionals. The quality of the waterproofing of the structure depends on the quality of the installation. If you do not take into account that various parapets have their own installation features, that this fence must be reliable and of high quality, then the walls and ceiling on the balcony, for example, will get wet, which means that certain difficulties will arise in operation, which will lead to the need for repairs.

What about the balcony?

On the balcony, a parapet is needed not only for security purposes. For example, you decided to put double-glazed windows in this room, and earlier there were simple frames. Most likely, in this case, the balcony parapet will have to be increased so that the installation of plastic structures is of high quality, and the window is installed tightly and tightly. Most often, this section on the balcony is made of concrete, metal or wooden beams, and in terms of their technical characteristics, these materials are similar to each other.

When arranging a balcony, one should proceed from the quality and safety of the structure, and not from its decorative properties. So, the height of the parapet should be approximately 80-120 cm - these are the most optimal dimensions for the equipment of the barrier. In addition, it is important to consider what load will fall on the parapet and the balcony as a whole. For the construction of a new parapet, you can use such a versatile material as a foam block. First, it's lightweight. Secondly, it is flame retardant. Thirdly, it is not afraid of moisture, especially if you additionally wrap it with glassine. Masonry can be done using glue, so that the masonry seams will not freeze through.

If a balcony is small in size, then in order to increase the usable space, it is possible to carry out glazing with removal, while the entire structure will be taken out of the parapet. Thanks to this solution, you can visually make the balcony space larger, and besides, it will look much more attractive.

Fence: how to arrange?

A beautiful fence is an opportunity to create a harmonious architectural ensemble in your suburban area. To protect your fence from moisture and precipitation in general, parapets are a must. That this is a very important component of the enclosing structure is also clear because as a result of the accumulation of moisture and its further freezing in frost, the pores of concrete will either expand or narrow. And this means that over time, cracks will go along the fence.

That is why most homeowners prefer to install ebbs or caps on the fence. With their help, you can cover the horizontal surface of the fence around its entire perimeter and at the same time give the structure an attractive look. It is important that the parapet is chosen correctly - in accordance with the size of the fence. First, it will evenly distribute the load. And secondly, it will be possible to make the joint as high quality as possible.

Features of the parapet for the fence

In the standard version, the parapet consists of a shelf (that is, the main part) and drips. It is attached by means of bends, which are located at right angles to the shelf. It must be remembered that if the fence is lined with stone, you should first install the parapet elements. Otherwise, in the first winter, the entire lining will simply disappear. It is best to choose steel parapets for the fence, but aluminum, copper, polyester and other variations are also suitable. For example, a parapet with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm will serve for about ten years if it is also protected with a special bar.

What does the law say?

According to federal law No. 122-FZ, in industrial buildings the height of the parapet may be less than 0.6 m, but at the same time it will need to be supplemented with a lattice fence. On the operated roofs of residential buildings, fences and ventilation outlets must be arranged. In public buildings, the height of the parapets of stairs, terraces, roofs, balconies must be at least 0.9 m. In this case, the fence must be continuous and equipped with handrails. Regardless of the height of the building, the fence must necessarily form flat roofs, outdoor galleries, open outdoor stairs, flights of stairs, landings, balconies and loggias.

What is a parapet on the roof of a flat roof and what is its height according to SNiP

One of the most important conditions for a decent human life is a guarantee of safety in the working area, on the street and indoors.

Employees of construction companies, repair workers, who are on a flat roof, cannot feel completely safe there.

Parapets play a huge role, they are actively used in various construction processes, thereby protecting buildings, territories, ensuring their maximum safety and integrity.

Then, in order to protect the roof of a single building along the perimeter, a parapet is equipped.

Roof parapet - purpose

The parapet is a kind of side that is placed along the edge of the roofing pie. This design, as a rule, is constructed after the construction of the walls, the installation of the ceiling, as well as after the completion of thermal and waterproofing works for the roof.

Actually this building is a kind of continuation of the existing wall. It is for this reason that the parapet on the roof is in most cases made of brick. Occasionally, the barrier may be metal, stone, concrete panels or solid reinforced concrete structures.

On some buildings, erected in a peculiar manner of execution, the enclosing railings are made of stainless steel, glass, or a combination of two or three materials.

Functions that this design performs:

  • The main purpose of the parapet is guarantee of people's safety.
  • Railings are able to delay the simultaneous convergence of a large amount of precipitation and snow cover from the roof.
  • Decorates the building.
  • Disguises unattractive communication systems located on the roof.
  • Provides active resistance to strong wind gusts. Heavy winds can break the tightness of the roofing cake.
  • The presence of a parapet allows you to create cafes or viewing platforms on the roof.
  • Guardrails protect the sides of the roof, and this in turn improves the waterproofing of the roof.

Initially, parapets began to be used in the construction of buildings in France in the second half of the 15th century AD. A little later, the builders of Greece, Spain and Italy took advantage of this idea.

Since 1950, in the Soviet Union, architects in their projects have mandatory provided for this component of insurance on flat or pitched roofs of buildings and structures with an increased number of storeys.

These canons, established in construction, are still adhered to.

Railings are also considered a subspecies of parapets; they are usually used on balconies and bridges.

What are the types of parapets

When is it necessary to equip an appropriate parapet?

  • Where the slope angle is up to 12% and buildings that are higher than 10 meters.
  • If the height of the object is more than seven meters, and the angle of the roof is more than 12%, then on the roof install a parapet or fence, which will delay the snowfall in large quantities at a time.

If the building is built in gross violation of the relevant standards, then it cannot be put into service. Therefore, the existing standards in construction must be observed.

Minimum parapet height on a flat roof SNiP:

  • Not less than 45 cm for uncommissioned roofs.
  • If people are located on the roof, the height of the building envelope is 120 cm.

The parapet is considered a continuation of the wall and its width corresponds to the width of the wall. This indicator is not less than 50 cm.

Device and design features

In the prescriptions for the building of the enclosing structure prescribed in SNiP II-26-76, it is said that this element includes:

  1. barrage. These are scaffolds all over the roof of the building. This elevation performs barrier and also protective functions.
  2. waterproofing apron. Made from moisture resistant material. Its purpose is protection against moisture penetrating the structure. Usually roofing material or other soft roofing material is used.
  3. roof wedge(gusset). This special device protect the parapet from damage at the attachment points. As a rule, cement or a bar of wood with a triangular section is used. With the help of a wedge, it is possible to cut a ninety-degree angle that forms between the roof and the parapet. Rubbish is clogged in this corner and water accumulates in it.
  4. Protective canopy. It is made of strong, very resistant steel.

The weakest point is the area where the roof connects to the parapet.

On this segment, damage to the cake as a result most often occurs and leaks occur., which lead to rotting of a flat roof.

In this case, you can not do without repairing the parapet, and possibly without dismantling it.

To avoid unforeseen situations, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology when performing the installation of the junction node.

Roof junction with brick parapet

As mentioned above, it is necessary to build a structure from bricks after the installation of floors and further coating of all layers of the roof.

Here you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • When the height of the enclosing structure is less than 50 cm, the waterproofing layer must be wound on the entire side surface of the parapet and fix it with bituminous mastic.
  • With a fence height above 50 cm, the groove is best done at a height of 25 cm from the existing roof level. In this case, the waterproofing must reach the height of the groove, and the edges of the insulating material must be led into this recess and pressed with a metal bar. Places where there are joints must be smeared with bitumen.

If the junction of the roof to the parapet is carried out in compliance with all the rules, then the roof can be operated without repair for a long period of time.

Attachment of the roof to the fence

How to properly equip the junction on a soft roof

It is much more difficult to perform unmistakable work on adjoining this parapet to a soft roof. This design has a "weak" point - the angle between the barrier and the roof.

Roll-type roofing materials are distinguished by a certain flexibility. But the situation can be easily corrected. It is about reducing the angle of contact. To achieve this, you need to pour a concrete tide at an angle of 45 degrees.

The ebb should be closed with a strip of insulation, the sides of which must be brought to the parapet.

Your next steps:

  • It is necessary to fuse a heat-insulating sheet on the roof;
  • A roofing carpet is laid on the sidewall of the blind area (the corner must be closed).

Using this design, you will be able to get a reliable junction of the soft roof to the parapet. The joints in this case will have high-quality waterproofing.

Designing a parapet in stages:

  1. The basis of the barrier is the ceiling and roof covering, and work must begin with it.
  2. It is necessary to lay a row of reinforcement with a height of more than 0.5 meters.
  3. It is necessary to carry out the laying of the enclosing structure. The material can be chosen at your discretion, but it is better to consult a specialist on this issue.
  4. The masonry must be connected with a fence.

Junction node on a soft roof


The parapet is considered an important and in most cases an indispensable component of flat and pitched roofs. It is very important when mounting the structure to comply with the norms prescribed in SNiP. Particular attention should be paid to the abutment of the roof to the fence.

This issue cannot be left without proper participation. There is also another important point in the implementation of work on the arrangement of a galvanized steel parapet - this is the phased implementation of all your actions.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to install the parapet adjoining the roof: