How to welcome your husband home from a business trip after a long separation? How to attract a man into your life? The law of attraction and how it works A touching meeting from the army after a long separation

And if separations are coming again in the future, he will rush to his beloved, remembering the last amazing meeting.

Long distance relationships - are they possible?

Long-distance relationships are not a new phenomenon. Back in the 19th century, there were correspondence brides who met and communicated with their betrotheds through letters. Now they have been replaced by SMS, social networks, ICQ and Skype. But will these means of communication help preserve real feelings?

Tatyana Khvatinina

When a man leaves far and for a long time, before returning home he is overwhelmed by a variety of feelings. On the one hand, he is in a hurry to see his beloved, hug her, and be close to her. On the other hand, he doubts whether her feelings have cooled during the separation. He is afraid that he will hear unpleasant news or realize that he is no longer needed. In order for a man to immediately feel upon arrival that love has not disappeared anywhere, the meeting must be carefully prepared.

Feels like home

If you live together, it is very simple to make a man feel cozy and comfortable in his own home. First, you need to prepare his favorite dishes. Find out approximately what time your loved one plans to be home, and set a beautiful holiday table by this time. Pay special attention to serving. After all, this is not an ordinary meal, but the first dinner together after separation. A man will definitely appreciate how carefully you thought through the menu and decorated the table.

The second thing you should take care of is the household little things that your loved one needs. Make sure your toothbrush and shaving accessories are in the right place. Look in the closet to see if there are clean, ironed shirts, socks, or if your suits are in order. Change bedding. It is best to lay a new set. A man must see that his arrival was expected and prepared for. And these, at first glance, little things will tell him about it.

Love is alive

So that the man not only sees that there is a delicious dinner for his arrival, but also that his beloved is happy, tell him about your feelings. This can be done in an original way by writing short love notes and placing them in the most unexpected places. For example, in his nightstand, in the sugar bowl, in his shoe. Write the tests on bright paper so that your loved one does not mistake them for ordinary pieces of paper and throw them away. Then for several days he will find these notes and remember the warm welcome.

If you meet your loved one at the airport or train station, surprise him. The easiest way is to draw a beautiful poster. In the center is the name of a dear man, and there are hearts around it. You don’t have to draw them, but cut them out of red paper. In addition, you can write tender words on the poster - “beloved”, “only”, “long-awaited”, “dear”, etc. To make the poster visible from afar, it needs to be decorated with balloons. Not the usual round ones, but those in the shape of hearts or stars look especially beautiful. Balloons inflated with helium stay in the air perfectly: such a composition can be seen even in the densest crowd of people greeting you.

Most Favorite

With all the preparations, don't forget about yourself. After all, it is you that a man strives for after a long separation. And this means that he must see his beloved in all her glory and understand that it was not in vain that he was in a hurry to return. Get yourself in complete order, manicure, pedicure. Touch up your hair if necessary. Go to the solarium to give your skin a beautiful shade. Buy new underwear and an elegant dress. Do your hair and makeup. Drop a little perfume on your wrists, neck, collarbones. Choose the scent that has always attracted your man. He must understand that the most beautiful woman in the world was waiting for him. If he is sure of this, he will try to be away less often and during the separation he will not forget about his beloved.


Then suggest a romantic dinner. There is no need to worry too much about preparing dishes. You can order everything at the nearest cafe or buy it at the supermarket, and spend the free time on creating extraordinary beauty on your face and stunning hairstyle.

But when decorating the table you will have to work hard. Light candles, place a vase of flowers (which he, of course, will bring), set the table with beautiful dishes and glasses, and put out original napkins. Be sure to turn on some nice music.

Well, then everything depends on the degree of your intimacy and your imagination. If you have a fairly intimate relationship, then prepare the bedroom in advance. You can decorate it with rose petals, arrange scented candles, even pick up balloons. Be sure to think through your bedding set and, of course, choose the perfect, exquisite linen. After all, you must be irresistible.

This part of the evening is the most important, so try not to be distracted. Turn off your mobile and landline phones. That's it, you belong only to each other, you are alone in the whole world, there is no one else in the world except you. For this case, you can take several striptease lessons from the Internet in advance. The guy will really like this.

If the relationship is not yet close enough to move on to sex, then you can offer to look at photographs of your trip on vacation, to the sea or to your grandmother’s dacha, offer to watch a new film or listen to new recordings.

A great option could be a walk around the city. If the guy is here for the first time, then you will show him the sights, your favorite corners where you like to go, the most beautiful streets of the city. Maybe some interesting entertainment center has opened in your area; visiting it is also not a bad option.

Men, of course, are not romantics, but anyone would appreciate such a meeting. And he will want to meet with you more often. And maybe he will invite you to his next date. And he will also come up with something interesting.

Please note

How to beautifully ask a girl to date? If you nicely ask a girl to meet, the chance of a positive response naturally increases. This is quite easy to do if you know the girl’s character, her tastes and sense of humor. For calmer, quieter and shy girls, a romantic evening by candlelight in a restaurant is suitable, where you confess your feelings to her and invite her to meet.

Useful advice

If you don’t know how to ask a girl to meet you, but you want to do it, won’t you tell her about your feelings on the football field, recess, or near the entrance? It is also important to decide on the place where you confess your feelings to the girl. You need to choose the words with which you start speaking in advance. Of course, this must be the sincere truth that you like the girl, she is beautiful, smart and not like everyone else, that is, there is something about her that attracts you. Don’t shower with compliments, but speak “from the heart.”


  • met my ex-boyfriend

The return of a young man from the army is a very significant event for both his lover and family. So, how to meet a guy from the army so that he remembers it for a long time?

I was waiting for a guy from the army - how unforgettable it was to meet him

A touching meeting from the army after a long separation

Of course, many girls and guys who are waiting to meet each other in such situations admit that this thrill is similar to the sensations of a first date. Of course, the soldier will be glad if his beloved approaches this event with special responsibility and shows imagination - he will remember such a day for the rest of his life!

So, no matter whether you are meeting a young man alone or in the circle of his other close friends, we advise you to prepare! You can write posters in advance with text like: “Come to the soldier!”, “Finally, you’re home!”, “And I love the military!” and the like.

Surprise at home when your loved one returns from the army

There is no doubt that during the period of absence the young man missed not only you, but also his close friends and relatives. Of course, he wants to communicate with everyone, and it would be stupid to be offended by him for this! Nevertheless, you can be sure that most of all he is looking forward to the moment when you can be alone.

Plan in advance how the soldier's meeting will take place - it is better to discuss this with his relatives and friends. Having decided on a plan of events, make time for your date alone in all this turmoil. This could be the same evening when the guy returns, or the next.

Be that as it may, it is important to decide in advance for yourself where you want to have a date - whether it will be intimate or not depends on the degree of closeness of your relationship. If you were already close, then, of course, the guy expects this when you first meet alone. You have the power to create an unforgettable date full of passion. It is important to make sure that no one disturbs you at these moments. Either organize a romantic evening at home (if there is definitely no one there except you two), or give your lover a gift in the form of an intimate date in a cozy hotel or rented apartment (for a night or a day). Don’t forget to decorate the room in advance with candles and other paraphernalia that will create a special romantic mood for you.

If possible, take care of beautiful bed linen and a delicious dinner. This could include light snacks, fruit and a bottle of wine. Most likely, this will be enough for you - otherwise, you can take a romantic walk to the nearest cafe. Believe me, your culinary delights this evening will not be in the first place for the guy.

Of course, don't forget to take care of your appearance. Surely, after a long separation, the guy will be pleased to see you “in all your glory.” Take care of your hair, manicure, pedicure, depilation and other little things in advance. Buy a set of beautiful underwear. If you are overweight, go on a diet some time before your lover arrives, and do a set of facial and body skin care procedures in advance. Undoubtedly, all this will not go unnoticed by the young man.

Romantic walk

It is quite possible that for some reason you cannot arrange an intimate date with your guy - perhaps your relationship began just before he left for the army, or you somehow met during his service. In general, be that as it may, you are not yet ready for such a step, or other circumstances are interfering.

In this case, the date may take a slightly different format. So what options are there? You can just walk around the local amusement park, ride the rides, talk. After serving in the army, most likely, a young man will like this change of scenery, and riding on a carousel often lifts everyone’s spirits. Even if you spend more time socializing than trying out new attractions, the atmosphere of fun will contribute to an enjoyable time.

You can also go to the cinema, choosing a film that your lover is likely to enjoy. In a dimly lit cinema hall, you will have the opportunity to hold hands, just be close to each other, feel each other’s warmth. You probably yourself know how intimate the atmosphere can be between two lovers in such a place - you are among the crowd, but at the same time it’s like just the two of you.

You can also have a romantic date in a cozy coffee shop or small restaurant. Invite a guy to a place you both know and love.

You can also opt for a coffee shop that opened during the young man’s absence - go there in advance with a friend, make sure you like it there, and then feel free to invite the guy. It is important that the chosen establishment is not noisy, with a pleasant interior, good cuisine and polite staff, so that nothing spoils your romantic evening.

What to give a guy after the army

A wonderful gift for a soldier would be an album for his army photographs. Surely, during the period of his service he collected some photographs - print out all that you can. Even if he doesn't like them now, over time he will look at them with special nostalgia. You can choose an album in a store, or make it yourself. The second option is not too simple, but much simpler than you might imagine - watch the corresponding master classes on the Internet. During the period of your boyfriend's absence, you can start filling out this album yourself. And if you do do it yourself, the guy will undoubtedly appreciate it highly.

You can also make a more practical gift. During the period of service, it is unlikely that the guy bought new clothes for himself, and the size of his clothes could have changed. Be that as it may, he will probably be happy to receive new things as a gift - trousers, a jumper, a shirt, a T-shirt, shorts or something else. In addition, sneakers or boots can be a wonderful gift. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the right size when choosing such surprises.

How to greet your son (brother) from the army in a beautiful and original way

Meet the whole family with friends at the station

Of course, you can understand if you want to meet a guy from the army alone, but if he has family and friends, then they would probably want this too. To avoid various misunderstandings and insults, it is better to meet a young man who has served in the company of everyone. Do not think that in this case your lover will not have enough time and attention for you - you will definitely feel his special attitude. However, as you know, girls who have waited for their lovers from the army are respected by those around them, so, for sure, the guy’s company and family will more than once note this fact in front of him, which will undoubtedly only benefit you.

Bring bright posters and balloons to meet the soldier

As we already mentioned, the young man will be happy if he understands that they were preparing for the meeting with him. You can prepare posters for everyone who meets you, writing heartfelt words of welcome on them. It would also be a good idea to stock up on armfuls of brightly colored balloons in advance. It will be great if he sees loved ones with banners and balloons through the train window. However, even if this festive picture opens in front of him only on the platform, it will be no less impressive and pleasant!

Create a meeting and celebration script

To avoid confusion, of course, it is better to agree in advance with all participants in the event about the task of each of them. Let someone meet the soldier at the station, while others wait for him at home with firecrackers and balloons, thereby arranging an additional surprise. Someone should make sure that the table is ready for the arrival of those meeting with the culprit of all this fuss, because, for sure, the guy will be hungry from the trip. If you want to throw a small party in honor of your beloved’s return from the army, then you can arrange a small concert for him - especially if among your mutual friends there are artistic people who are easily given various scenes. However, it is important to remember that the soldier will be tired, so you should not start a multi-hour concert.

Throw a small party for the demobilizer and his friends

Surely, the young man and his loved ones (friends and family) will want to celebrate such an important event as returning from the army. Together, you can easily organize a home celebration. The guy is most likely tired from the road, and he doesn’t need any extra introductions, but a soulful feast with his favorite dishes is a great idea.

Do not try to surprise the soldier with any special culinary delights. Undoubtedly, the guy has already formed food preferences, and most of all he will be happy with his favorite dishes. If you are on good terms with his mother, then you can easily prepare a “table” for the company together or consult with her in choosing dishes. However, it is possible that you yourself already know what your lover likes. Be that as it may, devouring his favorite dishes, many of which he was deprived of during the period of absence, will certainly finally make him truly feel at home. Of course, a couple of “new items” on the table won’t hurt either. Don’t forget about alcoholic drinks, although you shouldn’t get carried away with this point - let everything be in moderation. It wouldn’t hurt to take care of the music that will be played that evening in advance - put on a flash drive or disk compositions that will be appropriate for your holiday, not forgetting about your beloved’s favorite tracks.

It is also important to decorate the room where your intimate party will take place. You can choose military-themed decorations, balloons, streamers, and so on. The main thing in all this is not to overdo it - it’s unlikely that a guy needs a holiday similar to a wedding. Let everything be moderately solemn and bright - the main thing is to create the right atmosphere.

Nobody likes long separations, during which all sorts of stupid things pop into your head, even if there is no reason. In any case, business trips allow the husband to earn more, so they should be considered as a necessary measure and a way to keep the relationship fresh. Your task is to make sure that your spouse is always happy to return to their common home. We will tell you how to welcome your husband home from a business trip in an original way.


Even if you were really really bored, give the person time to recover and relax, especially if the trip was long and difficult, and your husband drove home by car or by train. A hot bath, a relaxing massage, delicious favorite food, sleep in a clean bed. All these methods magically help you experience the bliss of home warmth and comfort. At such moments, every man understands what happiness, family, love, a caring wife and understanding children are.

Delicious dinner

The first piece of advice on how to welcome your husband back from a business trip: feed him hearty and tasty meals. Many people compare comfort to what's in their refrigerator. If you spend a little time buying and preparing foods that your husband likes, then this will be an indicator of how much you missed and waited for him.

Try to make the dinner really delicious because your spouse deserves it. Don't be distracted by anything while cooking, try not to let any ingredients get overcooked or burnt. Consider what your husband loves most. For example, if he prefers manti, then set aside a few hours to mince fresh meat and knead a delicious, tender dough.

Most men prefer a good and hearty dinner instead of romance and foreplay. This is because on a business trip they have to eat food from the canteen or semi-finished products. Homemade food will be a real gift and surprise.

Complete rest

A long-awaited meeting with your beloved husband may drag on until he has rested. If possible, host a dinner where the children can be present. This will help the whole family relax and make sure that the meeting has finally taken place. Then put the children to bed early or send them to visit grandparents.

You can even call a babysitter for a few hours or ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your kids. At this time, go with your husband to the nearest cozy restaurant or bar, where you can simply relax and sit in an intimate atmosphere. It is very important that your husband has a clean, fresh bed waiting for him at home.

If your spouse is very tired, then postpone family dinner until the next day. But also be prepared for affection, because the husband may have been so bored that he will not pay attention to all the fatigue for the sake of intimacy and a pleasant relaxing massage.


How to meet your husband from a business trip in an unusual way? You can prepare a surprise at home, where your spouse will have a set table and a nice gift waiting for you. Think about what a man loves most, what he has dreamed about for a long time? If he is a fan of computer games, then give him a symbolic rug or mouse. If he is an avid fisherman, then do not skimp on a set of good gear. If your husband is an athlete and a fan of games, then give him a ticket to a match, a new uniform or vitamins.

Intimacy and caresses

Many girls wonder how to welcome their husband home from a business trip after a long separation. Good and high-quality sex is a common answer.

It is not necessary to start sex immediately as soon as a man steps on the threshold. Give him the opportunity to rest, gain strength, and then begin caresses. Please him with relaxing treatments and massages. Light scented candles, dim the lights, turn on some light music.

Try not to be distracted by anything, especially children. Wait until they are asleep or ask them to be quiet while you massage their father. Explain that he is tired after a long journey and exhausting work, he needs proper rest. Of course, intimacy is excluded in the presence of children, but you can still please a man with a light and relaxing massage.

Look 100%

Several months have passed since your spouse went to work in another city or country. How to meet your husband from a business trip? While he's away, use your free time to your advantage.

Don't sit at home, go to clubs, a swimming pool, a spa, visit a cosmetologist. Keep yourself in shape because a man will be pleased that his wife is trying to become better. Children can also be involved in sports activities - it is good for their health.

So, how to welcome your husband home from a business trip? Keep it clean, get rid of old things and trash. If possible, call a cleaning company to do a thorough cleaning.

Meet your spouse in beautiful linen and clean things, do not forget to make sure that there is hot water and light in the house. Of course, no one has canceled force majeure, but everything within your power must be done. Get rid of stretched T-shirts, old oversized pants and the weird bun on your head.

Meeting of the century

If the separation was very long, then here is another tip on how to meet your husband from a business trip. Make sure your spouse is in a good mood, give him time to get himself in order - eat, take a shower, get some sleep.

When your husband is ready, you can invite close people home - friends, relatives. Some people prefer a noisy company, while others, on the contrary, prefer a homely lamp atmosphere. Choose the theme of the evening at your discretion. For example, watching movies with friends, a quiet family dinner, an evening at a bar, enjoying pizza or Japanese cuisine.

Some women carefully prepare for the arrival of their spouses, memorizing songs, forcing children to memorize poems, baking pies and loaves, arranging a sudden surprise, meeting them at the train station or at the airport with gifts and balloons. Let the kids and relatives help prepare everything they need - bake a cake, draw posters, go shopping, do a general cleaning of the house, prepare small crafts with your own hands.

Now you know how to meet your husband from a business trip. Try to make your common home filled with love and comfort. This is just a fraction of the gratitude you can show your husband.

Separation is a nasty thing. During a long separation, all thoughts and feelings follow the loved one. It is impossible to concentrate on anything - neither at work nor at study, evenings and holidays become dull and tiring, and there is only one desire - he would soon return to be with him. You count down the days: there is a month, a week, a day left. An involuntary “jitter” begins: how to meet your man after everything you both have experienced? Let's figure out what he was really missing.

In the modern world, long separations are not felt as much as they used to be. Previously, there were only letters with a huge delay or expensive long-distance conversations for about three minutes, when you are trying to say something, but your thoughts are confused. Meeting after such a separation was a huge stress: there was not enough to see, not enough to talk about—everyone was excited.

It’s easier now: with the advent of mobile phones, the Internet and, most importantly, Skype, even during a long separation there is no acute feeling of missing a loved one. Conversations last for hours, and when we meet, there seems to be nothing to say: in daily conversations everything is clear. But there are, of course, exceptional cases: for example, if your man was in places not so remote, or served in the army. And now everything is possible.

So, what will your loved one miss when they meet? Absolutely what you want - touch and body smell. That is why, when meeting, they hug and kiss for a long time. So, when going to the railway station or the airport, be sure to put on your favorite perfume, even if you “change perfume like gloves.” From the first moment of meeting, your loved one should catch the familiar aroma - this excites and at the same time calms. If you suddenly have tears of happiness, don’t be shy about it - many men are even touched by such manifestations of feelings.

Hugs and long kisses. At the station, of course, it is impossible to express all desires: there is a crush, and not everyone can suppress the embarrassment of showing affection in public. Some confusion and bustle at the station is followed by a trip home (usually by car). There, of course, you can also find it difficult to relax, but tactile sensations can continue: hugs, touching hands. This is how you can express to each other all the hardships of the past separation. As you can see, you don’t need much in the first minutes of a meeting. Even if your man came to you without flowers, it doesn’t matter to a truly loving heart whether he gave them or not. And did he have the opportunity to buy them somewhere along the way?

Your scent and touch are what your lover has been missing for a long time.

The meeting does not end with just the station. It generally lasts the whole day and the first evening. And if during the day you are caught up in the everyday routine (work, study), then the evening should definitely be just for the two of you. Again, the exception is the “resting place” after forced separations - the same army or “zone”. There is no way to get rid of the guy's friends and family. Well, what can you do - just be next to him.

Many people advise preparing dinner by candlelight, making something delicious and then gradually moving on to bed. But who will withstand this sequence if intimacy comes first for lovers, and when left alone they want to fall into bed from the doorway? It is for this case that you need to prepare differently:

  • cold cuts, fruits, snacks, salads and champagne are already in the refrigerator, and for hot items you can order pizza.
  • It is advisable to place a table for a feast by the bed - there will be no time for ceremonies.

Loyalty issues

What pitfalls can there be when meeting after a long breakup? Even if you and your loved one communicated a lot via Skype or phone, issues of jealousy and fidelity may still be raised. If you had sins “on the left front” and you regret it, then try to keep this secret for him, so that the first happy day does not turn out to be the last. If there is nothing to hide, then happiness to you and your beloved, and may separation never affect you again.