How to sew curtains with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. How to sew curtains with your own hands: pattern, step-by-step instructions Measuring and cutting

Everyone wants their home to be the most comfortable and beautiful. And many understand that this requires a pleasant environment in the house: a high-quality interior, furniture and textiles that fit harmoniously into it, and sufficient lighting.

In the case when the furniture has been selected, but textiles, pillows and cute little things have not yet been purchased, you have the opportunity. The task is not very difficult and quite realistic if you carefully read the instructions and choose a task that is not too difficult for the first time.

There will be no special skills or a long learning process; the main thing here is the ability to sew and care when calculating the fabric. It is also important to choose the material, and after all the effort, the curtains you sew will become the highlight of the interior.

Curtains are the finishing touch to the bedroom interior.

If you are interested in doing this yourself, this article will definitely come in handy.

If you decide to start sewing curtains with your own hands, it is important to understand that the curtains will either move along the eaves or rise up. Window framing is a necessary touch when creating home comfort, so you will have a special task. You can show your imagination by imagining what curtains and drapes will be like, creating interesting color combinations.

And the final sketch will depend on your imagination, and the execution will depend on your efforts. Even if you just know how to hold a thread and a needle in your hands, you can sew a simple model. And this will only be the beginning.

To sew, you will need some knowledge, equipment and step-by-step instructions. Depending on your skills, you can sew not only, for example, Roman blinds, but also something more complex. The choice of model will be influenced by the interior and purpose of the room.

Before you start sewing curtains or curtains with your own hands, prepare all the tools and equipment that you may need: when everything is at hand, the process will go faster. Check what you have before you go fabric shopping so you can immediately buy everything you need.

To sew curtains you will need equipment and materials.

Let's think about what will be needed in order to sew simple curtains. This will be your first experience in this matter:

  1. Sewing machine. Of course, this advice is for those who don't have it. If desired, and using a regular sewing machine, you can sew curtains correctly. But still, when purchasing, pay attention to the fact that there is a zigzag function and, which is absolutely ideal, a buttonhole foot. Modern, multifunctional equipment will make your first experience more enjoyable, and the work will go faster.
  2. Ruler. It’s better to have several of them: you’ll need a small school ruler, a one and a half meter ruler, and a square. It is important that the divisions are clearly visible, then the cut will be correct.
  3. Pattern. This is a special tool that will allow you to beautifully create curved lines. This will be necessary if the corners of the product are rounded.
  4. Chalk. A special tailor is required. If you don’t have it at home and couldn’t buy it, a soap with a sharp edge will do. Don’t worry about how to sew beautiful curtains if there is a mark left on them - everything is very easy to clean up after the first ironing of the finished product.
  5. Centimeter tape. It should also be contrasting so that the divisions are clearly visible on it. And even, this will allow you to take measurements correctly.
  6. Scissors. It is optimal to have several pairs, and they should all be well sharpened so that the fabric can be cut easily. Tailors will be needed for fabric, ordinary ones will be needed to create a pattern from paper.
  7. Pins. You will use them to hold the parts together. A little tip: choose bright heads that are easy to spot on the floor or furniture.
  8. Needles. With their help, curtain parts are sewn together before stitching them. It is important to have different ones so that they are suitable for thick fabric, thin fabric, and basting.
  9. Needles for the machine. Their thickness also depends on the density of the fabric. If you have already purchased a machine and will use it, buy sets of needles.
  10. Threads. They sew both by hand and by machine. The thickness of the threads will depend on the choice of fabric and the operation performed.
  11. Thimble and seam ripper. These devices are available to seamstresses who do this kind of work all the time. The thimble protects your middle finger, and the seam ripper helps you unravel the seam faster.
  12. Iron. You will need to iron the finished product and even the fabric before sewing beautiful curtains if it has been wrinkled.

These are the tools you'll need before you get started. You probably have an ironing board and a spray bottle at home.

Carry out the cutting on a large table or on the floor, if you don’t have one at home. At the initial stage, this set of tools and equipment will be sufficient.

How to take measurements

So, after you have prepared the tools or written down what you need to buy, or come up with the appearance of the curtains, you need to take measurements. This is important to do before sewing and purchasing fabric for them.

The width of the canvas will be equal to the length of the cornice; you can choose the length of the curtains yourself:

  • to the beginning of the window sill;
  • to the floor;
  • the curtain can lie on the floor.

After this, it is important to decide whether the curtain will be straight: after all, in order to lay the drapery, it is important to double the width. And we’ll add another ten centimeters on each side to process the edges. If the fabric is light, the width must be tripled.

This is how measurements are taken for sewing curtains.

It is also worth taking extra fabric if the fabrics are crossed. The fact is that, crossing, they overlap each other, so the width of the fabric needs to be large. How much they will touch depends on your idea.

When you are not entirely sure of the measurements, take fabric with a reserve; you can use the leftovers to make a lambrequin and tiebacks.

A little about choosing fabric

Before you sew curtains, it is important to understand that you should find mixed fabrics for them. Which contain both natural fiber and synthetics. The former make the material environmentally friendly, they are hypoallergenic and look good in any interior. Thanks to the second component, your curtains will fade less under the influence of the sun and will not shrink as much as natural fabric.

The most durable is considered to be polyester with cotton and viscose. When planning to sew curtains, also choose jacquard and velvet, tapestry or calico. If you are thinking about how to sew curtains, pay attention to organza, chiffon and veil.

Curtains made from calico will be the most practical, but it is worth remembering that such material shrinks: before you start sewing, it is better to wash the fabric. When taking measurements, take the fabric with a large margin.

Don’t forget that not only the quality of the fabric is important, but also its texture and color, so that the finished curtains you sew fit well into the interior. Each style has its own characteristics, and this should be kept in mind.

When choosing fabrics, also focus on the size of the room: if it is small but has high ceilings, we sew from light materials or not very dense ones. If the sun shines heavily in the room, you can dim the light using blinds.

Curtains are a bright accent in the interior.

It is also worth remembering that dark fabric will visually make the space smaller. That is, in order to increase it, choose pastel and light colors. A horizontal pattern will help expand the room, and a vertical pattern will help to visually raise the height of the ceilings.

Operating procedure

Once you have purchased the fabric and prepared all the equipment, start sewing. First of all, cut the fabric using the sketch. You need to make the pattern on the reverse side.

Synthetic fabric must be ironed before cutting. Next, it is folded, matching the edges, the edges are folded and cut into two sheets. Then each of them is cut according to the measurements. You also use the leftovers.

Side edge finishing

There are no rules on how to properly sew the side edges: determine the processing width yourself. But usually it does not exceed two or three centimeters.

First, the edges are folded inside out, ironed and pinched, then the sides are stitched.

Processing the edges from below

The fabric is pinned at the bottom about five centimeters, ironed, folded in another five centimeters, and pinned. Then sew the bottom.

Finishing the edge from above

The fabric is folded at the top by about one and a half centimeters, ironed and stitched. Apply a tape with loops and attach it, first chopping it with the canvas. Trim and secure the edges. Next, sew the top, bottom, and then the edges. After that, tighten the thread to the desired width. Here also keep in mind that the width of the crossed panels will be more than half the cornice.

This is how the ribbon with loops is sewn.

As you can see, the process is simple: just read everything carefully, select equipment and fabric, and sew curtains. Do not forget to pay attention to the edges, iron the product after sewing.

From leftover fabric, create decor for a room or curtains; you can sew sofa cushions; they will combine furniture with textiles. You can also make tiebacks from fabric.

Of course, you can sew more complex versions of curtains or create lambrequins or combine fabrics. But first, try something simple so that failure does not ruin your interest in decorating your own home.

Curtains are an important home accessory. Properly selected curtains can visually expand a room, create a warm, pleasant environment and add coziness. There are many stores where you can buy drapes, curtains and curtains. There is a studio where you can sew custom curtains. If you can’t find a suitable sample in the store, and you can’t afford the atelier’s services, you should start sewing it yourself.

Sewing curtains is not anything complicated; it is important to adhere to the basic rules when choosing fabric, taking measurements, have minimal cutting skills and be able to sew on a sewing machine.

To sew curtains yourself, you should follow the following procedure:

Fabric selection

To make curtains last longer, you should choose semi-synthetic fabrics. Viscose and polyester are the best fabric options for sewing curtains. For curtains and curtains, you can choose satin, velvet, calico, jacquard or tapestry. Natural fabrics can fade in the sun over time, require special care and can shrink in size after washing, so when purchasing them you should add up to 60 cm to the calculated original measurement.

If the environmental friendliness of the material matters, then calico would be the best option. In addition to being environmentally friendly, calico itself has the excellent ability to protect the room from sunlight. Calico curtains lend themselves well to repeated washing. When purchasing calico, you need to take into account that it can shrink, so you should purchase fabric with a reserve.

When choosing a fabric, you need to compare the material and its decorative elements with the style and interior of the room where the curtains will be located. The texture of the canvas should match the overall style of the room; if the interior is dominated by ecological and natural materials, then synthetics will not always look harmonious with the decor, or many multi-colored decorative elements on the fabric will not be combined with the image of the room in a minimalist style.

Natural fabrics are most often sold in specialized stores with a small width. When sewing, the panels will have to be sewn together. For small rooms with low ceilings, you should not choose dense fabrics; it is better to opt for light ones, so as not to visually burden the room.

It is advisable to choose dense fabrics for those rooms that face south, this way it will be possible to reduce the amount of sunlight and properly disperse it around the perimeter of the entire room.

Impact on room size

It is important to remember that the color scheme can visually either reduce space or increase it. When choosing dark colors, the space decreases, and when choosing pastel, light colors, it visually increases. The color of the curtains should stand out against the background of the main color of the room; it should be either lighter or darker than the color of the walls.

The placement of the pattern can also affect the size of the room. In particular, horizontal patterns tend to expand the room, while vertical ones will help create the effect of high ceilings.

When choosing silk for curtains, you should think about caring for them in advance. Natural silk curtains cannot be washed; they should only be cleaned yourself or with the help of dry cleaning services. In addition, silk tends to fade and such curtains will require additional lining. The same rule should be followed for velvet.

Furniture fabrics look beautiful on windows if the overall interior of the room allows it, but for curtains made of furniture fabric you need to install a reinforced cornice.

Made with the addition of lavsan, they are perfect for any kitchen. This fabric looks shiny and creates a feeling of lightness.

Transparent fabrics will help create the final look of the window, and tulle can complement the curtains. For this purpose, fabrics such as Turkish chiffon, organza or guipure are well suited.

Patterns for the living room, bedroom or children's room

The image shows a model of window decoration with curtains and tulle. To sew such curtains with your own hands, you will need the following parts:

First you need to cut out the parts and process their edges. The image details where the folds are to create the desired wave and drapery effect. To obtain the effect of the presented drapery, the coefficient of the width of the panel should be 2.5 times greater than the length of the cornice.

The pattern image shows the second window design option. This model will fit well into a living room, bedroom or children's room. To make curtains you will need the following parts:

After the necessary parts have been cut out, their edges need to be processed. The image of the pattern describes in detail the assembly of the curtain parts to achieve the desired effect of waves and drapery. To obtain the effect of the presented drapery, the fabric width coefficient should be 2–2.5 times greater than the length of the cornice.

Curtains for the kitchen

To sew curtains with your own hands for the kitchen you will need the following parts:

  • 1 curtain;
  • 3 swags;
  • 1 de jabot;
  • 1 curtain.

The picture of the pattern shows how to assemble and cut out the parts in order to sew curtains with your own hands. To drape such curtains, the width of the fabric should be 2-3 times the length of the cornice.

It is important to remember that after the fabric is sewn, before hanging it on the curtain rod, the panels need to be ironed.

The pictures show:

  • Master class pattern de jabot
  • Master class classic tie pattern
  • Master class asymmetrical swag pattern

Processing the side edges

There are several important rules that must be followed when sewing curtains with your own hands:

  1. Processing width should be at least 2 cm. It is important that you need to sew slowly, since when you remove the threads, unnecessary holes will form on the fabric.
  2. Fold the side edge should go to the wrong side.
  3. To begin with, the folded edge should be ironed. Then bend it again to the same size, pin it with sewing pins and stitch it.
  4. Bottom edge bend it at least 5 cm. Next, you should do the same as with the side edge: iron it, tuck it again and stitch.
  5. Top edge folded in 1.5 cm, ironed and stitched. should be folded 1.5 cm and the loops up on the front side, aligning the edge of the curtain and the tape. Attach the ribbon with pins in a checkerboard pattern. Sew with a margin of 1.5 mm from the edges. Unfasten the pins, fold the curtains to the wrong side, attach the pins again and sew. Next, you should stitch the curtain tape along the sides. The last step is to remove the pins and tie the threads in a knot; when they are tightened, a drapery will form.

Curtains are a decoration for any room, as they give it a beautiful and cozy look. If there are no suitable options in the store, you can sew them yourself. The main thing is to follow certain rules.

It is impossible to imagine a living space in which the windows would not be protected from prying eyes or excess light by curtains. No designer can do without this item when choosing an individual interior. Today, stores and studios offer many different variations on the theme of curtains, curtains and other things that can decorate a window opening in a room, but sometimes a person wants to independently express his vision of beauty, which is why you need to know how to sew practical curtains with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions: choosing a design

Before you begin the practical embodiment of your dream of ideal curtains, you need to study a little of the presented assortment. It is necessary to choose the types of curtains that suit the existing interior. The most popular today are:

  • English curtains;
  • Roman blinds;
  • classic curtains with ties;
  • various lambrequins;

Sewing each of these types of curtains is not difficult. With detailed patterns and step-by-step instructions for each of them, it will take very little effort and time to work, and the result will be excellent. Having studied the features in detail and thoughtfully, you can quickly sew curtains with your own hands, which will not differ in quality from those produced in the studio.

Lambrequins: how to sew?

Lambrequins are one of the most popular types of curtain finishing in rooms. In order to sew them, you will need:

  • Fabric that matches the shade;
  • Pattern;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads, pins, needles.

The process of performing all the necessary actions is very simple, but the result will exceed all the owner’s expectations, because lambrequins successfully complement most of the styles used today.

The first step in the work is the selection of fabric; here many variations open up, limited only by imagination. So, to sew the main part of the lambrequin, you can use a plain material, and make the side part or the top and bottom patterned or contrasting in color. There are no strict rules at all.

After this, you can start calculating. Usually, in order to sew a lambrequin, measure out an amount of fabric equal to a fifth of the length of the curtain. Additionally, you should add 10 cm for hems and hems, and the width is calculated based on the window in the room. Each step is described in detail in the appendix to the pattern or demonstrated in a master class. The upper part of the structure is hemmed so that a kind of pocket is formed where the beam for the curtain will be placed. You can create this design with your own hands in a few minutes.

Folds can be made, but you can do without them. In the first case, you will need to secure them with threads and iron them. At the end, when the lambrequin is sewn to the main curtain, it is time to finish it, decorate it, and emphasize the style. It is necessary to focus on the chosen fabric - decorate light ones with beads, and decorate heavy ones with decorative cords or fringes.

How to sew Roman blinds

As a rule, Roman blinds are sewn by lovers of privacy in the room, since this type of curtain tightly covers the window. The first step to creating a Roman shade for your window is to measure it. After this, another 5 cm should be added to the resulting width for allowances, and the length should be increased by 10-15 cm. The fabric, as in the previous version, is chosen by the hostess herself, based on the desires or interior of the room.

Sewing Roman blinds with your own hands is not difficult, so you shouldn’t be afraid of the name. There are many options to choose from, so you can use your imagination here too. The purchased material must be ironed well to avoid wrinkles. The outlines of the pattern are highlighted using soap or chalk, taking into account allowances.

You should attach adhesive tape to the block or stick to which the Roman blind will be attached in the future. The same tape is attached to the top of the curtain. The entire operation, done with your own hands, will take a few minutes even for a housewife who is inexperienced in sewing Roman curtains. The bottom edge must be ironed and a finishing tape must be sewn to it. The rings are attached to the insertion points of the slats. At the end, a cord is threaded through them and pulled tightly, the excess ends are secured to a knot and cut off.

English curtain: nuances of work

This type of curtain is suitable for those whose interior is the embodiment of coziness and comfort characteristic of the style of London houses. Such curtains will bring no less mystery to the interior than Roman ones, so sewing them with your own hands will be the right decision.

To get started you will need:

  • Satin fabric and ribbon;
  • Natural muslin.

Of course, the guideline for the height and width of the canvas will be the window opening, which needs to be measured by adding about another 10 cm to the existing fabric, since the fabric will shrink due to the hems being produced and the formation of folds characteristic of this style. The place for sewing satin ribbons must be indicated in advance.

In order to do this, you will need to carefully pull out 2 threads from the fabric: one along the upper edge of the fabric, the second at a distance of approximately 15 -17 cm from it. Using the same pattern, you will need to mark the locations and directions of the horizontal satin ribbons. Even a novice seamstress can do all this with her own hands.

The pattern of English curtains is made on the basis of a drawing at hand, which can be found in a special magazine or on the website. After this, you will need to take the satin ribbons and tuck them 1 cm, then carefully iron them and carefully, slowly hem them, trying to make small stitches so that they are not visible. The main tapes should be pinned to the main fabric, and then sewn on a machine. If there are free spaces between the vertical strips of ribbon, it is recommended to sew several more ribbons to create symmetry. The work instructions do not regulate the quantity; it all depends on the width and height of the window opening. Next, you should cover and pin the ribbons with a strip of satin of suitable width, you need to focus on the elongated threads. The upper edges of the ribbons are secured with a knot. The bottom of the curtain needs to be hemmed. It’s not difficult to create such beauty with your own hands. The English curtain, just like the Roman curtain, is often used in country houses, dining rooms or kitchens, as it gives the interior a unique coziness that is characteristic of a quiet and measured life.

How to create simple curtains?

Step-by-step instructions for sewing simple and beautiful curtains with your own hands are also very easy to implement. It is suitable for those who are just trying on the role of a designer and a tailor rolled into one. Simple curtains, of course, do not contain complex designs, so there will be no problems with cutting out and sewing the product according to the existing pattern. If you want something unusual, then you can play a little, giving preference to curtains with a design in the form of bows. Such curtains will ideally complement, for example, a nursery or kitchen. They do not require luxurious furnishings, and therefore will give the interior the harmony and beauty of ordinary life.

Every housewife can create them with her own hands; all it takes is a little attention and perseverance. The material is measured in accordance with the window opening in the room, with an addition of 10 cm in width. As for the height, here you can show your imagination and create short curtains or vice versa, covering the window completely. For decoration you will need a decorative cord or ribbon, as well as fabric to match the main one chosen for sewing curtains.

Patterning a simple curtain will not take much time; it is only important to remember that the drapery in this option has its own characteristics and depends on the chosen style. So, for the kitchen or dining room, cotton fabric is ideal, while for the living room you can choose massive and heavy velvet options or flowing silk.

A satin ribbon or cord is used as a decorative element; it is desirable that it be bright or in a contrasting color. First, you will need to take a piece of fabric of a suitable size, lay it out on a flat surface and smooth it out carefully to prevent folds that will “eat up” the fabric and ultimately ruin the appearance of the future curtain. The side and bottom parts should be sewn with an overlock stitch, being careful not to tighten the threads too much. Next, you should hem the top edge, taking into account the width of the cornice in the room. The side seams are slightly gathered into an accordion using thread. The number of stitches should not exceed 6, and the distance should not exceed 15 cm. After this, the main work can be considered complete. Now all that remains is to hang the resulting curtains on the cornice in the room. As a final touch, you will need to carefully throw a ribbon of satin fabric over the cornice with the curtain already placed on it and pull it tightly, forming those very decorative elements - beautiful and light bows.

Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, having minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology. Almost every housewife can easily master the technology of sewing curtains on her own. Having figured out how to sew curtains with her own hands, a woman is able to independently prepare and decorate a room for the whole family to live with original products that will give it uniqueness and can perfectly complement the interior of the room for living. Unique curtains can surprise the hostess's guests.

You can choose the design of the curtains yourself according to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied thoroughly. There are a large number of different types of window curtains, all of these varieties are based on several basic models.

Having thoroughly studied the sequence of technological operations when sewing basic curtain models, a woman will be able to sew any product with her own hands.

  • What types of curtains can you sew yourself?
  • How to sew curtains with a lambrequin?
  • How to make Roman style curtains?
  • Sewing curtains in English style yourself
  • Sewing simple and beautiful curtains - step-by-step instructions
  • Making curtains with eyelets yourself

When solving the problem of which curtains to sew with your own hands, you should decide on the required style of curtains. There are a large number of different options for curtains, but there are no more than 10 main ones. Many of the main styles are very similar to each other and differ in small design nuances. All the rest differ slightly from the 10 primary sources, so if it is necessary to make adjustments to the design of the curtains, this will not be a problem.

For beginning seamstresses, before learning the process of how to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains. The most common styles of window curtains are:

  • English style curtains.
  • Roman style curtains.
  • Simple curtains secured with ties.
  • Lambrequins.
  • After studying all the design features of each type of curtain, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for the work.

    Before carrying out the curtain manufacturing process, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

    • sewing machine;
    • cuts for sewing curtains and matching threads;

    • pins;
    • pencil for marking;

    • ruler and tape;
    • nail polish;

    • scissors.

    Important! If this is your first time doing sewing, it is recommended to look for curtain patterns that suit your tastes.

    How to sew curtains with a lambrequin?

    Very often housewives wonder how to sew a lambrequin for curtains. Sewing curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands is quite simple. This design has a simple design, but at the same time has a sophisticated and attractive appearance. In order to sew curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands, you should first prepare appropriate patterns that will facilitate all technological operations.

    Lambrequins are a decorative element that fits perfectly into most of the most popular residential design styles. This element complements very well and organically shapes the interior of the room.

    When making lambrequins, special attention should be paid to the selection of material. Most often, those women who decide to sew curtains make all the decorative elements for them with their own hands. The same material is most often used to make all curtain elements, but if you wish, you can experiment by using different materials to create different elements. For example, for the main part a plain material is used, and the lambrequin is made of patterned fabric. There are no special rules or requirements in this regard; the only condition is that the curtains with all the decorative elements on them must fit perfectly into the overall design of the room.

    After choosing the main material for making curtains for the room, you should calculate everything correctly. A lambrequin requires 1/5 or 1/6 of the total length of material required for sewing curtains. When calculating the material, you should remember that a supply of fabric will be required to make the hems.

    Before making curtains, you should consider whether pleats are needed on the curtain, and in what quantity. The location of the folds and their number can be marked using tape.

    At the initial stage, you should fold the fabric on top of the future curtain and make a pocket for the curtain beam. The size of the pocket must be slightly wider than the beam. When making a pocket, the element should be processed using a reverse seam.

    Folds, if they are planned to be formed, must be secured with threads and processed efficiently using an iron. Before securing the fold, you must carefully stitch the edge of the lambrequin.

    In the process of making a lambrequin, some effort and care should be taken to make it original and unique. When choosing decorations for curtains, you should focus on the material used in the manufacture of curtains.

    Note! Light fabric used for sewing curtains can be supplemented with beads and flowers made from organza; heavy fabric can be decorated with fringe.

    How to make Roman style curtains?

    Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind. First of all, you should remember that these Roman blinds are sewn taking into account that they cover the window tightly enough. For this reason, before purchasing the required amount of material for sewing curtains in the Roman style, you should accurately measure the window opening, and add 5 cm to the resulting width on each side for allowances. In addition, the length of the fabric should be increased by 12 cm.

    The fabric for making curtains in the Roman style can be chosen to suit your taste. Today, fabric manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of fabric options. Any housewife can choose the fabric to her taste without any problems.

    Using chalk or soap, mark the lines along which the curtains need to be hemmed.

    An adhesive tape is attached to the beam, and a similar tape is also attached to the upper edge of the curtain. At the point of fastening, the curtain fabric is attached to the beam.

    After this, the lower side is ironed and hemmed. The next step is hemming the finishing border. The rings are attached to the curtain using wide stitches. Then the curtain is attached to the beam.

    The final stage of making curtains is threading the cord into the rings, after which the cord is pulled together and the excess ends are cut off.

    The resulting curtains look solid and expressive.

    Sewing curtains in English style yourself

    Curtains made in the English style look elegant, light and airy. Curtains of this type are perfect for any room; the use of this interior element allows you to add a certain zest and uniqueness to the design of the room.

    There is nothing complicated in the process of sewing this type of curtain and almost any housewife with sewing skills can sew such curtains.

    To make curtains, you should prepare the required amount of satin, natural muslin and satin ribbon. When calculating the length of curtains, you should take into account the parameters of the window opening. When preparing the material, be sure to take into account the material used for folds and hemming.

    On the curtain canvas you should mark the places where you plan to sew satin ribbons. After this, the prepared ribbons are folded one centimeter on each side, ironed and hemmed. The ribbons are pinned to the main fabric and sewn on a sewing machine.

    At the final stage, the upper edges of the satin ribbons should be secured. After the entire curtain is ready, its lower edge should be hemmed and thoroughly steamed.

    In order to decorate the curtain, you can place several additional satin ribbons.

    Sewing simple and beautiful curtains - step-by-step instructions

    If you do not want to create complex and binding compositions, you should opt for simple designs that can be decorated with delicate bows. Very often, such curtains are used to create a cozy interior in the kitchen. For this reason, very often you can hear from housewives the question of how to sew simple and beautiful curtains for the kitchen with your own hands. Simple curtains can have an unpretentious appearance, but they will be both beautiful and ideal for decorating a kitchen space. If you want to decorate the curtains, you can additionally use a variety of decorative elements for this purpose, which will give the curtains uniqueness and add a special zest to the interior.

    Note! The fabric for making canvases should be chosen in a width that corresponds to the window opening in the kitchen.

    The length of the curtains in the kitchen is selected by housewives to their taste. Depending on the overall interior of the room, you can make curtains that are short or up to the window sill. If necessary, you can decorate the windows in the kitchen with floor-length curtains. If desired, kitchen openings can be decorated with a narrow ribbon made of satin. This tape is sewn to the curtain fabric using threads of the appropriate color.

    Lightweight curtains for kitchen windows can be perfectly combined with blinds of various designs and with tulle. You can decorate the curtains in the kitchen with the help of bows, which can add uniqueness and tenderness to even the simplest curtain.

    You can choose any fabric for making curtains for the kitchen at your discretion. It should be noted that the best material option for making curtains for the kitchen is blended or cotton fabric.

    This type of fabric perfectly allows air to pass through, which creates an atmosphere of lightness in the room. Ribbons made from satin are recommended for use as decoration; when choosing a satin ribbon, it is advisable to give preference to contrasting colors.

    To sew a curtain, you should take the fabric prepared for this and smooth it, and then baste the entire perimeter with the exception of the top edge.

    After basting the entire curtain around the perimeter, hem the top edge in accordance with the width of the cornice on which it is planned to fasten the curtain.

    Making curtains with eyelets yourself

    Curtains with eyelets have recently become very popular. It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often begin to wonder how to sew curtains with grommets with their own hands.

    There is nothing complicated in sewing curtains, the main and fastening elements of which are eyelets. If all technological operations that need to be performed when sewing curtains with eyelets are followed, any housewife can make this element of the interior of the room.

    To facilitate all operations, it is recommended to use photographs of the step-by-step implementation of the entire process. Such photos can be easily found on relevant websites dedicated to interior decoration and the development of room designs.

    Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles. Such curtains can organically complement rooms decorated in styles such as:

    • hi-tech;
    • minimalism;

    • Scandinavian;
    • loft;

    • madder.

    The folds of waves that form on curtains, when used to attach eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea waves; as a rule, they are pleasant for almost every person.

    In order to secure the finished curtains to the grommets, the housewife will need to prepare:

    • curtain fabrics;
    • cornice;

    • fixed rings;
    • threads for sewing and hemming curtain fabrics;

    • scissors;
    • sewing needles;

    • hammer.

    When the finished curtains are secured to the cornice, uniform and homogeneous folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight. Such folds are formed due to properly carried out drapery.

    Every needlewoman dreams of decorating the windows in her space with beautiful curtains; to do this, it is enough to have minimal skill and the desire to sew them yourself. In our article you will find useful tips and practical recommendations for sewing various curtains.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating patterns and a detailed description of the process will help every housewife to transform the room in an original way.

    Check out the main points that need to be done if you decide to sew curtains for windows yourself.

    1. Use all your imagination, imagine and think over original curtains so that they perform not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function.
    2. Based on the selected model, select the appropriate fabric and cornice.
    3. Find a ready-made pattern or develop a custom version based on the basic model.
    4. Calculate the amount of fabric needed taking into account the parameters of your window and the desired folds and gathers.
    5. Make a life-size pattern; for this you can use wallpaper left after renovation or glue newspapers together.
    6. When purchasing material in a store, select the appropriate color of thread and, if necessary, buy chalk, pins, a tape measure, and scissors. You may also need curtain tape, braid, braid, interlining or similar accessories.
    7. The next step is to proceed to. A hard table surface or a flat floor is best for this. For beginners, in order not to make mistakes when marking parts on fabric, you can draw on the wrong side of the material. To do this, the pattern pieces are pinned and outlined with chalk, taking into account seam allowances. Once all the details are taken into account, start cutting.
    8. Now it is important to connect the parts and folds with needles, then iron them.
    9. When you are satisfied with the resulting look of the product, machine sew the seam and pull out the basting. To evaluate the resulting masterpiece, use the back of the sofa or a long wooden slat on which you can lay out the finished curtain.

    Before purchasing fabric for curtains, several main factors are taken into account:

    • practical and aesthetic purpose of the room;
    • general style of the room;
    • ceiling height, size and location of windows.

    Decide on the main functions of curtains for the room. Will they protect from sunlight and dust or is it important for them to keep warm in the winter? Sometimes they are used to mask the imperfections of a window opening, increase or decrease the size of the window, and visually raise the ceiling. Take a close look at your window and decide what you would like to bring into your space.

    When choosing a fabric, immediately pay attention to softness and pliability for drapery.

    • For the sunny side, choose fabrics impregnated with a protective agent against fading in the sun.
    • To maintain heat during the cold season, they are used thick fabrics having a wool lining. In the summer, such curtains are removed, replacing them with light, lace options.
    • The most practical curtains consist polyester(a small admixture of cotton is allowed). This material does not deteriorate during washing (at temperatures up to 40 degrees).
    • The most capricious and sensitive to external influences fabrics: velvet linen and cotton, they are cleaned only by dry method.

    Fabric selection

    By decorating the windows in a room, the overall atmosphere and mood of the interior is set. Sewing curtains with your own hands is not only profitable in terms of cost, but it also gives you the opportunity to bring individuality and your own worldview into the space of your home.

    Silk fabric beautiful and pleasant to the touch, but also defenseless when exposed to sunlight. Intense light destroys the structure of the material, and it quickly burns out.

    Taffeta usually effectively used for window decoration in offices and studies. It blocks the sun's rays, is easy to wash and looks presentable.

    Viscose- an artificial material with high practical functions. Very easy to care for, resistant to fading and adverse external influences.

    The appearance of natural fabrics retains its nobility even over time. Although if synthetics are added to natural fibers, they last longer and do not lose their qualities.

    Before buying fabric

    Please note that the material decorating the windows looks different than in the small patch from the catalog. Before purchasing, it is worth seeing the fabric in full width - this is possible in stores with hanging canvases. In some retail outlets you can ask for a piece of the selected fabric as a deposit in order to try on the material in real conditions.

    For example, silk fabric changes its appearance greatly depending on the lighting and surrounding shades. In one space it may be greenish, in another it may be blue, and in a third it may be gray. Therefore, take such nuances into account in advance.

    Remember that the choice of fabric is determined by the style of the curtains.

    • For soft folds, elastic fabric is selected, and for hard lambrequins, dense fabric is selected.

    When combining several types of fabrics in one curtain (by sewing or making a lining), take into account the maximum compatibility of their care.

    To make unique curtains with your own hands from scrap materials, you can add your own decorations to the purchased material. For example,

    • sew beads or decorative elements,
    • paint designs on the fabric that are in harmony with the interior,
    • sew on lace or appliqués...

    There are countless such options. Your artistic taste and skill will help transform any room and create an exclusive and stylish interior.

    Basic types of curtains

    There are many ways to sew beautiful curtains. For beginning needlewomen, it is better to start mastering simple designs. Nowadays, there is a huge selection of different curtains for windows, although all the variety is based on several main types.

    The pictures below show a huge variety of window design options; choose the right model for yourself and determine what main type the curtain is.

    Many styles are similar to each other and differ in small nuances. If you master sewing a basic model, then all varieties and modifications of this type will become available to you.


    Suitable for any interior. Curtains are represented by a combination of two types of fabrics: a transparent base that covers the window and a dense sliding fabric. The presence of a lambrequin and not very complex designs are allowed.

    French curtains

    Usually they are a lush composition with drapery, tiebacks or lambrequins. This type also combines fabrics that differ in color and texture, for example, light translucent and denser.


    This is a design made of rectangular horizontal fabric strips with a lifting mechanism. Easy to lower and raise thanks to a special device. When folded, even folds are formed.


    They are presented as straight, even sheets stretched over a frame. The curtain moves along the slats along the window.


    The fabric is gathered in wavy horizontal folds in the form of scallops. These curtains are sewn quite simply and look very original.

    We sew classic models

    When you imagine the desired version of the curtains and imagine what kind of curtains you want to make, then it is easy to decide on the fabric and color scheme.

    After this, it is time to calculate the material consumption.

    It is necessary to measure the installed cornice and multiply its length by assembly factor.

    The coefficient depends on the density of the material and the density of the folds on the curtain:

    • for light fabrics with small drapery and fixed curtains, the coefficient is 1.3-1.5;
    • for more magnificent folds, the coefficient is taken equal to 2.5;
    • for tulle and deep drapery the coefficient is 3.

    Now it is important to determine the length:

    For hems in height, an allowance of 15 to 20 cm is added.

    If your curtain fabric needs to be sewn across the width, take into account the matching pattern and combine patterns. In this case, the following value is added to the calculated footage of the material: the size of the pattern report is multiplied by the number of stitched canvases minus one repeat.

    If you plan to use tiebacks or garters, calculate the length of the material just below the floor.

    Now it’s important to think about how the curtain will be positioned on the curtain rod.

    Curtains with lambrequins

    Any classic curtains can be complemented with lambrequins. These elements add originality and style to the interior of the room.

    Below in the pictures you will see several different simple patterns for creating beautiful decorative lambrequins.

    Lambrequins make up 1/5 or 1/6 of the entire length of the curtain. When calculating the material, remember the amount of fabric needed to create hems. Think about the number and depth of folds on the curtain; their location can be noted on the pattern.

    Remember! Before cutting, you should wash or steam iron the fabric to see how it fades or shrinks.

    When choosing fabric, take into account the specifics of the pattern and the shape of the finished product. In any case, the material should create soft folds.

    • In single-section lambrequins, the width of the element coincides with the length of the cornice.
    • For two sections, one part of the swag overlaps the other by 1/3 of the width. The distance of the cornice is divided by 5 and multiplied by 3, this is how the width of 1 section is determined.
    • If you have 3 sections of swags in mind, then the length of the cornice is divided by 7 and multiplied by 3. The result is the size of each section.

    Cut the lambrequins along an oblique cut at an angle of 45 degrees, taking into account a seam allowance of 2 cm.

    Create a swag pattern yourself

    Use large sheets of paper to create a life-size pattern. For ease of marking, it can be attached to a free wall.

    1. Draw a horizontal, straight line equal to the width of one section (1 and 2).
    2. Attach the cord (1 – 2) to the sides and trace its deflection on paper with a dotted line.
    3. Now mark the middle of the section (3) and draw a line down until it intersects with the bottom edge (4).
    4. Continue drawing the line down to the desired seam allowance (4a). This size affects the pomp of the swag and can be from 50 to 80% of the width of the section.

    The indicator depends on the thickness of the fabric (for thin materials the allowance is larger, for dense materials it is smaller):

    1. Divide the width of the section into 3 equal segments and place points 5 and 6.
    2. From point 3, through the lower point 4a, mark a semicircle of the lower edge with a compass.
    3. Now from 4a to the right and left, mark segments equal to the length of 1-4, put 1a and 2a.
    4. Connect point 5 with 1a and point 6 with 2a with lines.
    5. Carefully round the corners at points 5 and 6.

    Remember that the side seam allowance for swag is 2 cm, and the bottom seam allowance is 10 cm!

    The pattern is ready, so the sketch allows for the fabric to be gathered together.

    When making a lambrequin, ensure the neatness and symmetry of the folds and the evenness of the seams.

    Remember that ready-made curtains made of light fabric can be decorated with beads and decorative flowers, and for thick fabrics, fringe can be the best decoration.

    Sewing French curtains

    To create such an option yourself, basic skills will be enough. The main thing is to have the desire and be able to sew straight lines, and everything else will work out with ease!

    This type of curtain is characterized by an abundance of decorative folds. Lush draperies with horizontal folds add romance to the window. They fit perfectly into classic and retro interior styles.

    The manufacturing technology is represented by draping the material in wavy folds and further fixing it with threads or cords.

    • Such curtains can be lifted due to a special mechanism.
    • The length of the awning varies: from the floor itself to a shortened model touching the window sill.

    Very often complemented by classic curtains and lambrequins.

    For French curtains, both dense heavy fabrics and light transparent materials are used. The main thing is that the drapery holds up well.

    On large windows, wide sections of folds look good, and for tall narrow openings, small smooth waves are suitable.

    • the width is taken 1.5 times larger than the size of your window;
    • the height depends on the folds, the length of the fabric is usually taken 2 times longer than the size of the finished curtain.

    Take seam allowances into account: 3 cm for finishing the top, 5 cm for finishing the bottom and side seams.

    Before cutting the fabric, make decatification- This is the processing of the material to prevent subsequent shrinkage. Soak for 10 minutes in warm water, squeeze and dry, or iron with steam.

    Step by step sewing process

    1. Process the side cuts and bottom. Make a double fold of 1.5 cm on the side and sew it. The lower part is also folded twice by 2.5 cm and sewn.
    2. We create drawstrings. Equal segments are marked on the fabric with a ruler. Using strips of fabric about 3 cm wide, sew along the marked lines, bending the side sections.
    3. The height of the curtain is adjusted with cords threaded into the drawstring. The drapery is also formed by rings sewn on the drawstring or using a special single drapery tape.
    4. We reinforce the upper part of the canvas with strong tape to secure it to the cornice.
    5. Now carefully pull the ribbons together and align them in height and width.

    The product is ready; it can additionally be decorated with fringe, strings of beads or rhinestones.

    Austrian curtains are very similar in appearance to French ones, only in the former the waves of folds are located mainly along the bottom, not like in French ones - along the entire height.

    Sewing Roman blinds

    The appearance of such curtains creates a unique style and sophistication. They open and close very conveniently, thanks to which the flow of light into the room is regulated. You can create them from scrap materials quickly and inexpensively.

    This is a flat type of curtains; they are gathered into straightened horizontal folds, which are formed by rigid rods sewn into the drawstrings from the wrong side.

    The lifting mechanism of Roman blinds consists of thin tension cords located vertically on the wrong side, threaded through metal rings and secured in a wooden strip or cornice.

    Such curtains are always sewn so that they tightly cover the window. Translucent or opaque. There are two mounting methods:

    • Inside the window opening, on the frame. The size of the fabric is determined by measuring the window opening, taking into account the window sill, plus add 10 cm to the width;
    • Above the window opening. To calculate the material consumption, measure the window frame, add side allowances of 5 cm on each side and 12 cm in height to the data obtained.

    The entire mechanism is shown in the figure below:

    The fabric is selected at your own discretion, any texture and color.

    If you succeed at least once, the further process will bring you even more pleasure.

    Handmade products will decorate any interior and will in any case be the most valuable to you. This opens up enormous possibilities for decorating and combining different textures and colors. Such a space will always be original and exclusive!