How to eat healthy while traveling. Meals while traveling. Travel should be delicious! What to drink on the road

If you do not eat local cuisine while traveling, then the image of any country will be incomplete. Food is part of culture. You need to try everything - from sushi in Japan to “live delicacies” in Thailand.

Some travelers don't even try local cuisine. This is a big mistake. You are stealing at least 20% of the impressions of the country from yourself. And why? “Everything is expensive,” they said. But that's not true. If you know some little tricks, you can try a lot of dishes for little money.

Ways to save on food

Buffets. You may not find the highest quality food here, but you will certainly find cheap food. Moreover, the food in the buffets is high in calories, so two meals will be enough for the whole day.

Mobile shops. In Europe and the USA, almost at every step you can see mobile “mini-stands” selling cheap and nutritious hot dogs, sausages, sandwiches and the like. Cheap, but not very useful.

Street shops. In many countries, mainly in Asia, you will see small shops and restaurants selling food along the streets. Local cuisine is prepared almost in the open air. In some countries, such as Thailand, these shops are a feature and without them there would be no such idea of ​​this country.

Tips for saving on food

Discounts for lunch. Many restaurants offer large discounts (30-50%) on their dishes during certain hours, most often during lunch. Such discounts have become widespread in European countries. The same food that you would get in the evening for 30-50% more is sold cheaper at lunch.

Eat in company. There are services ( and ) that allow you to have lunch with locals. They create their own mini-restaurants at home. This is a great way to socialize and eat delicious and cheap food.

Drink water, not soda. It seems that soda is not very expensive, but, firstly: if you drink it throughout the entire trip, then a decent amount of money will accumulate, and secondly: soda in the sun does not fully quench your thirst, and you will want it after it. drink even more, so it’s better to drink water right away: it’s cheaper and better for your health.

Carry a bottle of water with you. Buying a bottle of water several times every day is quite expensive if you do not set the goal of your vacation to spend everything on drinks. It's better to spend this money on the vacation itself. Just fill a plastic bottle at your hotel or hostel with water and carry it with you.

Say no to snacking. Firstly: it’s harmful, and secondly: it’s small but numerous purchases that make up the lion’s share of expenses while traveling. Even if you spend 50 rubles on a small snack, then adding up the expenses for such snacks for the entire trip, you will be surprised how much it cost your budget.

Cook for yourself sometimes. Although I'm not a fan of constantly cooking in the kitchen, sometimes it's worth doing. Even occasionally hosting your own dinner will save you a lot of money over the course of your entire trip.

Picnic. Go to your local supermarket and buy everything you need for a small picnic in the park. Grab it, make some sandwiches and grab a drink and head to the park. This is a great way to save money (sandwiches are inexpensive, if anyone didn’t know), and you can also observe the life of the local population.

Use tourist maps. Such cards give discounts not only on transport and attractions, but also on meals in restaurants. Usually the discount is 20% on all dishes, in some cases more, in some less. Such cards are inexpensive, but they more than pay for themselves. They can be purchased on the official websites of tourist cities, at airports, train stations, and tourist centers.

Saving on food while traveling does not mean eating bad food. You need to strike a balance between cheap food and going to restaurants. Then you have enough money for good food, and you also don’t remain hungry. Just watch your budget. All the best!

As a rule, during a long move the question arises: what to take with you on the road? Chips, noodles, instant cereals, soda - all this is not for us. And if you have been eating right for a long time, then you shouldn’t fall out of the regime and eat anything, even for 1-2 days.

Food on the road must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be as useful and safe as possible;
  2. Be ready to eat (fruits, for example, washed and dried);
  3. It can be stored for a long time and keep its shape (do not crumble or melt).

How to organize food on the road?

On the road you spend much less energy than in everyday life, so the number of calories you eat should be less. You shouldn’t take a lot of food with you, because boredom on the road can cause you to eat a lot of unnecessary things. And if you are driving, you should generally avoid eating large and frequent snacks, as they make you very sleepy.Eat once every 4-6 hours.

Have a hearty snack before leaving, but within reason, you shouldn’t eat in reserve. For the first half of the day, you can take containers with freshly prepared dishes. They will not deteriorate in a few hours on the road. It’s good if you can take a cooler bag or at least a thermal bag.

What products to take on the road:

1. Nuts, seeds, dried fruits and granola bars

2. Fruits and vegetables with thick skins

Oranges, bananas, pears, apples, cucumbers, peppers, firm tomatoes, and radishes are perfect.

3. Jacket potatoes

Don't forget to wash it well first! It is better not to take boiled potatoes. Foods boiled in water automatically become perishable, since water creates optimal conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

4. Crispbreads and whole grain cookies

5. Cheese

This is one of the few fermented milk products that you can take with you.

6. Hard-boiled eggs (at least 10 minutes)

But if the shell is cracked during the cooking process, it is better not to take such eggs, since microbes will actively multiply in the cracks.

7. Meat or poultry baked in foil with seasonings

Be sure to use seasonings that have a high bactericidal effect. These can be hot pepper, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, cloves. Remember that it is better to wrap all cooked foods in foil or parchment paper rather than in plastic wrap or a bag.

Not worth taking on the road:

— salads (especially seasoned with mayonnaise and sour cream);

- boiled (without peel) potatoes and other boiled vegetables;

- boiled fish (meat);

- fruits and vegetables with damaged skins;
- soft-boiled eggs.

What to drink on the road?

Taking drink on the road is even more important than food! Enough fluid is necessary to avoid overheating and dehydration. As a rule, buying bottled water on the road is not a problem, but for the first time it is better to take a bottle of water from home. You can also take tea in a thermos. By the way, ginger tea is a good option on the road! It not only quenches thirst, but also helps to cope well with the symptoms of nausea that occur during motion sickness.

And a few more tips

It is quite possible to eat at train stations, airports and roadside cafes. But if you are not sure about the sanitary condition of the latter, then it is better to refuse the snack altogether. Periodic light fasting will only benefit you.

Don't be tempted by overseas delicacies while you're on the road! Choose more familiar dishes, because you will still have time to try the local cuisine during your stay in the country, and on the road the body can react unpredictably to unfamiliar dishes and products.

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Traveling is not a cheap pleasure, especially when visiting European countries and the Western continent. In the current economic situation, traveling has become much more difficult, mainly due to the collapse of the ruble and rising prices. In order to fulfill your long-time dream, you often need to take out a loan.

People with average salaries most often cannot afford such pleasure. If we talk about the most memorable vacation, with visits to various attractions, then it is better not to look at the prices, so as not to be scared.

Let's say you were able to pay for the move and still have money left in your wallet. Now all that's left is food and accommodation, and their prices are very steep.

In this article you will find 10 simple tips , which will help you save on food, but at the same time allow you to enjoy it.

“Native” food for home cooking

Of course, a couple of boxes of food is not the lightest burden, but you don’t need so many of them. However, if you plan to cook your own meals, it is best to stock up on some items before your trip.

Carrying meat and minced meat for cutlets is not the best idea, but why not take some fruits, cereals, vegetable oil, salt and sugar?

On the same buckwheat you can save 10-15 euros, if we talk about European countries. In Western countries, cereals are considered exotic.

The most satisfying meal of the day is lunch.

Probably everyone knows that in the evening prices in cafes and restaurants are much higher than during the day. Therefore, it is better to leave visiting such places for the first half of the day. In the evening you can get by with a light snack.

Cheap dish - dish of the day!

In almost every restaurant, chefs make a special offer for visitors - a dish of the day. Most often, they are not the most expensive, but have a truly great taste.

Forget about tourist cafes

Why? Because they always increase the price for tourists. The cost of meals can be 2 times higher than in a regular cafe. If you want to eat cheaply and tasty, then it is better to move away from the tourist centers, or even look for some gourmet restaurant away from the city center.

Cheap street food

If you are planning to walk along the central streets, then look around. You can often find street stalls where you can eat cheaply and tasty.

In some cities, such as Vienna and Amsterdam, you can find national dishes in mobile stalls at very low prices.

Eat at “local” cafes

Take the same European countries. If you think that only people with high incomes live there and eat in gourmet restaurants, then you are deeply mistaken. People there also know how to save money and know where to eat the cheapest.

If you want to save on visiting a cafe, it is best to interview locals.

Only “Duty wine” and plain water

“Duty wines” are considered the most inexpensive, which are served in almost every restaurant. Such wines are very easy to identify; they are sold under the brand name of the establishment.

Plain water in a glass is served free of charge, but bottled water will cost you a small penny.


As you can see, you don't have to overpay for good food. You can eat to your heart's content, while saving a couple of thousand rubles, or even more. This works everywhere, even in Europe and the USA. Have a nice trip!

Traveling on vacation may disrupt your diet and routine, but you can still enjoy your vacation without the risk of gaining extra weight.

When you go on vacation, you probably plan your vacation program in advance and find out the places you could visit. However, you, like many of my clients, are unlikely to plan to gain excess weight during the holidays. I'm going to tell you how you can avoid weight gain and still have a wonderful vacation.

Tips for controlling your calorie intake while traveling

Regardless of where you're going or how you're getting there, you just need to try to stick to your usual routine as much as possible. Monitor your calories in the car, in the air and while in hotels.

Here are some tips to help you avoid weight gain during your travels.

  • Finding one for sale at the airport is a problem. Of course, you can buy fruit, yogurt, salads, sandwiches, but you have to admit, it’s not difficult to prepare it at home in advance, and you can save cash.
  • It is enough to simply take with you packaged foods rich in protein: nuts, soy, cheese, and fruits. This makes a great snack for flights and road trips.
  • Flights are often delayed, but instead of visiting restaurants with bright signs, take a stroll in the terminal. You can easily walk a couple of kilometers walking along the airport halls.
  • If your plans include a hotel stay, you risk suffering from a dangerous combination of fatigue and tempting buffet items. Better spend your free time walking or visiting the hotel gym after you've settled into your room.
  • Ask your hotel staff about healthy food options in the area where the hotel is located and where you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Which ones do you usually eat?

Which Herbalife products will solve your nutrition problem while traveling?

  • If you are traveling by car, try to avoid “road food” as much as possible. Instead, pack healthy snacks and plan ahead. Don't leave home hungry, be sure to have a snack, or if you're in a hurry, it's better to drink a protein shake, so you can avoid the temptation to buy food at fast food along the way. And it’s best for you to take cocktail substitutes with you on your trip - Formula 1 Express chocolate bars - this is a healthy, nutritious meal.
  • Make sure you drink enough water while traveling, especially when flying. It is recommended to drink a glass of water every hour while you are in the air, but avoid carbonated drinks. Give preference to purified mineral water, iced tea or sports drinks. The best sports drink option is H3O Pro Isotonic Drink. This drink quenches thirst better than water and restores water-salt balance.
  • Many hotel rooms have a refrigerator, so bring fresh fruit, chopped vegetables or yogurt for snacks. And also, don’t forget to buy some soy or plain milk so that you can quickly make a Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake right in your room. But the best option for snacking would be Herbalife Protein Bars. They are healthy, satisfying, don’t require cooking and don’t take up space.

Image source official website Herbalife

  • Pay attention to the number of calories you consume, especially where they offer complementary breakfast. It is very difficult to stay fit in places where you are staying at an all-inclusive hotel and have no food restrictions. Very often, free breakfasts include rich bagels, waffles, oatmeal, and all of this you will certainly eat more than your body requires, especially when you do not pay for food. Instead, it wouldn't hurt to find and choose fresh ones, or eat a hard-boiled egg or yogurt. And if it’s very difficult for you to resist the temptation to try everything, eat two tablets of Herbalife Activated Fiber before lunch and drink two glasses of water. The fiber will swell in your stomach and you will be less likely to overeat. In addition, like a sponge, it will absorb fats from the food you eat and remove them from the body without allowing them to be absorbed. Drink Thermojetics drink from morning to 6 pm, it will break down your fats and give you extra energy.
How much and what kind of exercise do you need to do to burn calories from some of the most popular travel foods?

Below is a table that shows the calories and fat in typical foods, along with the type and amount of exercise you need to do to burn that number of calories.

Keep in mind that while you're sitting in a car or plane, you're burning about 150 calories per hour.

Many people often complain to me that they simply cannot stick to their diet while on vacation. But when people are already confident that they will gain excess weight while traveling, then to me it sounds as if they are not even planning to try to resist the circumstances and maintain their shape. Vacations change our daily routine, which may be why we love them, but the fact that you're just on vacation shouldn't cause you to gain back those extra pounds and inches around your waist.

Do you want to lose weight without starving? Is it tasty, healthy and at the same time losing weight?

Looking at me, you wouldn’t say that I like to eat. But it's a fact, eating food is one of my favorite things to do and also my favorite part of any trip.

In this article you will find 12 accessible ways to save on food while traveling.

How to save on food while traveling?

Food is so integrated into many world cultures that it is impossible to ignore this aspect. And if, while traveling, you go to restaurants with exclusively familiar cuisine, then you lose a huge chunk of the pleasure of traveling.

I always feel sorry for travelers who constantly cook food that is so familiar to them in hostel kitchens, avoiding experiments. Can you come to Italy and not try pasta? No sushi in Japan? Can't taste a steak in Argentina? Passing by paella in Spain? You're crazy!

Many travelers have the idea that buying ready-made food all the time is expensive. Eat like this for a week and you'll go broke.

Even though I mostly travel as a backpacker, I don't cook in the kitchen all the time, as is expected of me. Firstly, I'm lazy, and secondly, I can't stand poorly equipped hostel kitchens. So I had to resort to other methods to eat well and save on food while traveling.

Eating while traveling: where to eat inexpensively?


The food here is not always the most delicious, but nevertheless, you can save a lot on food, especially since they operate an all-you-can-eat system, or, more simply put, a buffet. Usually, this pleasure will cost you 15 dollars, but you can eat for the whole day. True, I can’t do this, but I know the precedents.

Shops and kiosks

Small shops and kiosks selling hot dogs, sausages, sandwiches and other similar goods that allow you to quickly and cheaply have a snack. In such an expensive country as Sweden, I lived happily only thanks to these hawkers; one juicy sausage cost me 4 dollars. In Amsterdam I ate meatballs at FEBO (food vending machines). In Costa Rica, an empanada vendor fed me to my fill for just a dollar. And I was glad. It is clear that none of these establishments had Michelin stars, but I did not burn through my budget so quickly.

Street food

In many parts of the world (especially Asia), the streets are lined with small stalls where food is sold and prepared in front of your eyes. You buy a plate of delicious food from one of these shops, sit on a plastic chair and enjoy. In my opinion, street food is the best way to eat tasty and inexpensive food.

Street food often costs less than a dollar per serving and is a great way to experience local cuisine. Many countries, such as Thailand, will no longer be as attractive if small stalls and street food stalls disappear from their streets.

Fast food

Not the best option, but still acceptable if you find yourself in a part of the world that is rightfully considered a road. For only 5 dollars (in some countries, such as Norway, it is more expensive), you can taste nourishing and high-calorie food.

I would like to avoid philosophical debates on this topic, understand correctly, I do not advise you to eat at McDonald's every day, but sometimes this food helps a lot. By the way, in Asia it is cheaper to eat on the street than in fast food restaurants.

Local cuisine

Of course, sometimes I get sick of Greek food, and sometimes I can no longer cram a single piece of Thai food into myself, then a burger saves me, and that’s okay. Another thing is that local cuisine, most often, turns out to be much cheaper than “European” cuisine. For example, a gyros in Greece costs 2.5 euros, and a pizza costs 6. In Vietnam, a plate of pho is cheaper than a dollar, and a burger is 3 times more expensive. So, if it's important for you to save on food while traveling, eat local cuisine.

Meals while traveling: other ways to save money?

Special offer during lunch

Many restaurants, especially in Europe, offer heavily discounted lunchtime meals. You can order a delicious lunch in the afternoon and pay 30-40% less.

No soda

Sometimes I can buy Coca-Cola because I like it, but more often than not, I'm not willing to pay $2 for popularity. Moreover, in the perspective of a long-term trip, it is simply stupid to spend money every day on such a useless thing.

Refill your water bottles

Although water is cheaper than soda, buying 3 bottles a day will cost you a lot. Firstly, constantly buying new bottles of water is an environmental waste, and secondly, it is another stupid waste that you can do without. Just do the math, on average, a bottle of water costs about 75 cents, if you buy 3 bottles a day for a month, that's $67.50. And in some parts of the world, bottled water costs even more. So just take a bottle and fill it from the tap, in almost all countries, thanks to filters, the water is clean and good.

Avoid snacking

Ice cream here, ice cream there. Soda. Chocolate. More ice cream. Small cake. It's all inexpensive, some unfortunate dollar! We all think that snacking doesn't really affect the budget, but with every inexpensive ice cream, you're getting closer to the bottom of your wallet. Few travelers think seriously about it, but in the long run, all those snacks add up to a pretty penny. So avoid snacking in favor of nutritious meals.

Cook it yourself

As I already said, I prefer not to cook on the road and do not like hostel kitchens. I always miss something in them, and I don’t want to move around with a camp kitchen either. But if I stay in one place for a long time or use couchsurfing, then I cook myself. Cooking is a great way to save money on food, and supermarkets are the best place to see what the locals are eating. The only place where cooking your own food is more expensive is Asia. Still, no one has yet surpassed the magic of street food.

Have a picnic

This is another great way to save on food while traveling. I often have picnics during lunch. Usually, I go to the local market, buy the necessary ingredients for sandwiches and head to the park. This way I not only save money (sandwiches are inexpensive), but also observe the daily life of the locals.

Tourist cards

Many people think that travel cards like iAmsterdam or VisitOslo only help you save on transportation or entertainment. Fortunately, this is not true and with such cards you can get discounts in many restaurants. Usually the discount is about 15-25%, and sometimes as much as 50%.

I love cozy restaurants and have nothing against trying delicious food with a glass of good wine. But going to restaurants every time I want to eat is too expensive for me. I'm no Bill Gates, but by following the tips above, I manage to eat well while traveling without spending too much on food.

I hope these tips will help you keep a reasonable balance between cheap (maybe not the best) and really good food. Your wallet and stomach will definitely thank you.

Well, as usual, if you have your own ways to save on food while traveling, share them in the comments.