Living room main wall. Rules and ideas for decorating walls in the living room (photo). Wall photo gallery

The desire to follow fashion is understandable and normal for a person. It can manifest itself in clothes, books, films, or maybe in the interior of an apartment. Not everyone will be able to regularly update the interior to match the latest trends, but one day it is still worth updating an apartment in accordance with trend trends. Moreover, the decor of the walls in the living room in a modern style is not so complicated and expensive.

The main principle of the modern interior style is the absence of flashy, bright colors. Everything should be restrained, concise, minimalistic. It is permissible to beat one wall - it is the design of the wall in the living room that is the highlight of the style. There are other features:

  • There are no frames for finishing materials - any, even the most unusual ones, can be used;
  • It is forbidden to decorate too actively, an overabundance of accessories and colors;
  • The decoration of the room should be functionality;
  • The presence of an accent wall in this style is a must. How to decorate the wall in the hall is a modern style.

You can use modern style in a room with any area. Thanks to color schemes, the space can be visually enlarged, and the bright wall decor in the living room will divert attention from the total area of ​​​​the room.

Choosing the color of the walls in the living room

Thanks to the color, the space can be beaten visually and light shades are more often used for the room. But the accent of the interior - one surface - can have deeper colors. Dark walls in a modern style interior are quite common. There are other options for how to get a beautiful wall in the living room.


A classic choice for a modern living room. The combination with a white ceiling and light furniture will create a beautiful interior. And the dark wall in the interior of the living room is perfectly decorated with functional items - a TV, a fireplace, shelves;


Blue walls in the interior of the living room are not often used, but they look ultra modern. This shade enhances concentration, and it will be possible to decorate the surface with contrasting white objects. The blue wall in the living room symbolizes wisdom and depth;


Choosing white walls in the living room is better for families without pets. You can decorate only 3 walls in the living room with white, and move the focus to one by painting it in a dark color;


A bright shade, but the yellow walls in the interior can become an unnecessary stimulus for the nervous system. It is better to “dilute” such a decision with an empty wall with decorative brickwork.

And other options

Other colors - blue, gray and all shades of coffee look amazing.

Colors should be combined with the rhythm of life, but not be too active and bright. It is better to balance the room with a combination of deep color on one wall with pastel decoration on the rest of the surfaces. Don't choose black.

Basic materials for wall decoration in the living room

To make a pleasant wall design in the living room, it is not necessary to use only one type of finish. You can combine two options - painting and wallpaper, making an individual design of one wall. But in order not to spoil the interior of the walls in the living room, you need to choose the right finishing materials.


Modern wall decoration in the living room can be made in the classic version - wallpapering. It is better to use their modern types - non-woven, vinyl, 3D wallpaper. It is important that the surface is pre-levelled. To decorate the walls with wallpaper in the living room, it is better not to choose floral motifs, but to give preference to imitation of natural stone or wood.


Considering that the design of the walls in a modern style living room requires minimalism, painting will be a great option. You can decorate the walls in one tone, and use structural paint or painting for the accent part.

Decorative rock

Some ideas for decorating the walls in the living room are to use decorative stone. Such a decision will give the interior of antiquity, but will seriously increase the budget for decoration. The stone is combined with white walls in the interior of the living room.

Ceramic tile

To properly maintain a modern style, ceramic tiles should be used to decorate an empty wall in the living room. It is better to choose tiles with imitation of natural materials - wood, bamboo, stone - or abstraction. The dark wall in the room, tiled, will become a special element of the room.


The decor of the walls in the hall can be done in an unusual way - lay out with a laminate. This material will set the background for the entire room, and the laying method - vertical, horizontal or herringbone - will allow you to stretch or expand the space. Laminate is a great way to beat a wall.

Decorative plaster

Many variations of decorative plaster will allow you to realize any ideas. It can be decorated only with a decorative wall in the living room or the whole room.


Among the options on how to decorate the wall in the living room with your own hands, you can also find offers of plastic finishing. It is easy for a non-professional to work with him, but it is undesirable to use plastic to decorate a wall in a hall. This is a cold and cheap material that has no place in a cozy living room.


Decorating the walls in the hall with leather will be very expensive. But to decorate one wall like this will be an original solution. It is only important to find craftsmen who will be capable of such work.

natural wood

In a practical modern interior, the use of natural wood is very useful. Such a design of a wall with a fireplace will be successful, however, the tree will need to be impregnated with special substances to protect it from fire.


With the help of drywall it is convenient to make partitions in modern rooms. Space zoning is a feature of the current fashion, and inexpensive materials in the form of plywood and GVL make this approach affordable. GVL can also be an excellent base material to decorate the wall in the living room with something unique.

3d panels

A practical option on how to decorate the wall in the living room beautifully is to use 3D panels. In this way, it is better to finish only one wall, otherwise the room will be oversaturated.

Decor options for walls in the apartment

The same wall, which should be accented in a modern living room, has a lot of ways to decorate. Its decoration can be combined with functional objects, such as a fireplace, or left empty as a center of attraction. Several options for decorating the wall in the living room look like this:


Previously, with their help, classical interiors, baroque style were designed, but now moldings can have bizarre shapes that fit perfectly into a modern room;

Photo printing

Decorating the wall in the living room with personal archival photographs printed in large format and pasted is a great idea. Today you can print any material on any medium. It can be both personal photos and beautiful pictures of professionals;


On plain wallpaper, you can apply any pattern you like. You can do this with your own hand using stencils or invite an artist;


We are talking about modular paintings or posters. There is no place for tapestries or classical masterpieces in a modern room. It is better if the wall is decorated with a set of images;

And other options

These are decorative clocks, some kind of modular structures made of metal or wood, panels. You can also create something large-scale with your own hands and decorate the surface with it.

When making a painting, it is necessary to take into account the texture of the wallpaper. Too textured will not allow a quality drawing.

Options for combining materials and decor elements when decorating walls in the living room

Deciding how to decorate the wall in the living room will not be easy. For the idea to be successful, you need to achieve a combination of the active part of the room with all the rest. To do this, it is important to choose discreet, “calm” materials for general decoration - wallpaper, decorative plaster or paint - and not to restrain yourself in the design of the accent wall. You can draw attention to it with a catchy pattern or an original panel made of unexpected materials - cork, bamboo, fabric.

If tiles are chosen as an option on how to decorate a wall in the living room, it is important to remember that it is better not to choose a pattern that is too active. A large area, tiled, deprives the room of comfort.

Wall decoration options with a fireplace in the living room

A fireplace is a great accent in any room. When creating a wall design with a fireplace, it is worth considering some features:

  • The fireplace is an accent in itself. It is better to decorate a wall with it with a minimum number of elements;
  • Near the fireplace there should be no curtains, a sofa with a fluffy bedspread;
  • To install a fireplace, the room must have sufficient height. If this is not the case, it is better to purchase false models;
  • It is more convenient to install a TV on a wall perpendicular to the one where there is a fireplace;
  • A good option for decorating a wall under a fireplace in the interior of a living room is a massive clock, a mirror or mirror modules, paintings.

The fireplace can be installed not only in the center, but also in the corner. Corner models take up less space, and around them it is easier to create a corner for relaxation.

Design options for an empty wall in the living room

In addition to the methods described, how to decorate an empty wall in the living room, there are a few more tricks:

  • Along the wall you can put an unusual sofa. It is better to hang pictures above it or make an original painting;
  • It looks good if a huge map of the world is drawn on an empty wall. It is not only beautiful, but also practical;
  • An unusually shaped shelf or a whole set of them is also one of the options for a beautiful and practical design of a room.

If the living room is sometimes used as a bedroom - guests stay or the owners like to take a nap on the sofa - it is worth considering beautiful and suitable rugs for the interior.

How to make wall decor in the living room with your own hands

There is a lot of information on how to decorate an empty wall in the living room with ready-made items and accessories. And here's what you can do with your own hands:

  • Panel from personal photographs. You can use several children's photos of different ages or vacation pictures. It is enough to print them in different sizes and place them in organic frames;
  • Unusual in shape, but empty frames are an extravagant way of decorating. The search for such frames can be made your hobby, and the wall - a board of achievements;
  • Shoe box lids can be covered with fabric or covered with different paints, and then fixed to the surface.

It will be especially interesting to develop decor elements if there are children in the house. With their involvement, you can make voluminous garlands, color a stenciled drawing, or place beautiful crafts from kindergarten.

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How to decorate the walls in a modern living room

The living room is the face of the whole house, so its interior should be conducive to relaxed and comfortable conversations with guests and loved ones. The main role in the repair of the living room is given to the issue of decorating the walls, which are the background of the entire room. Leading experts offer ways to decorate the walls in the living room in a modern style, with which you can bring style and harmony to the room.

Light walls in a modern living room interior

The use of two types of wallpaper in a modern living room interior

Painting the walls in the living room

Using decorative stone for walls in the living room

Choice of colors

Before choosing a palette in which the walls will be decorated, pay attention to the following features of the room:

  • The side facing the living room windows. Correctly chosen, taking into account the location of the room relative to the cardinal points, the color scheme can bring harmony to the living room. So, for a room whose windows face the north side, or darkened by trees growing under the windows, the best option would be warm pastel shades: yellow, olive, peach, beige, etc. Cold shades are acceptable only for a sunny, southern room;
  • Living room size. You can visually enlarge the space by painting the walls of the room in the lightest possible colors. Dark shades visually reduce the volume of the room;
  • The color of the furniture in the living room, desired or existing. If you plan to focus the attention of guests on furniture, then decorate the walls of the living room in colors that contrast with the furniture. Furniture made in soothing colors will go well with bright and saturated colors of the walls. If you prefer furniture made in rich colors, the color of the walls, on the contrary, should be neutral.

Dark walls in the interior of the living room

Light artificial stone on the walls in the living room

When choosing a color palette, households do not always manage to come to a consensus. In this case, do not be afraid to experiment, try to take into account all the wishes of loved ones. Try to combine colors and change shades.

Attention! You can add an accent to a too featureless living room by placing creative panels on the walls. Such an element will bring bright colors to the interior, but will not clutter it up. An example of a panel correctly selected for the interior of the living room is shown in the photo.

Original wall decoration in a modern living room


It is necessary to raise the question of how best to cover the walls of the room while planning the repair. Most often, preference is given to such popular materials as wallpaper and paint. Of course, the choice should be made on the basis of the future interior of the room. For example, wallpaper with embossed embossing or a large abstract pattern is suitable for a spacious living room. On the contrary, wallpapers with small patterns are no longer relevant, because they visually reduce the space and make it too colorful.

Attention! In a modern interior, it is fashionable to use the combination technique, when one of the walls or a separate area in the room is highlighted with contrasting wallpapers.

Combined wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a modern living room

A truly unique atmosphere can be created with the help of modern photo wallpapers. Exotic or native rural landscapes, large metropolitan areas or a luxurious still life can be used here. Bright wallpaper in the style of minimalism or hi-tech will dominate the design of the space.

The image and photo of flowers is very popular in living room design. For example, a rose can decorate a room both in a classic style and in modern minimalism.

Decorative plaster

Wall surfaces in a modern living room can be decorated with decorative plaster, characterized by a variety of reliefs and color palettes. Textured and mineral plaster is suitable for covering wall surfaces in the living room. The indisputable advantages of innovative plaster solutions are their naturalness and long service life. They can give the walls an original relief or a noble mother-of-pearl shine, create a perfectly smooth surface or a “wet silk” effect, and also make the desired paintings voluminous.

An ideal option for decorating the living room walls would be to use a Venetian glossy plaster mixture, which can visually make the room much more spacious. The spectacular surface of the walls can be given using coatings of silver, golden or mother-of-pearl shades. Coziness and tranquility can be added to the interior by painting the surface of the walls under “stone”, “skin” or “sand”.

With the help of plaster, you can create a fresco that will make the interior unique. The subject of the fresco can be chosen according to your taste:

  • Nature (Summer, autumn, winter and spring landscapes, meadows, rivers, waterfalls, groves, etc.);
  • Seascapes;
  • Mythological or biblical themes;
  • Figured pattern or ornament;
  • Urban architecture (palaces, pavilions, etc.);

Attention! For greater texture of the future fresco, it is recommended to use decorative plaster with admixtures of ceramics, stone, wood chips or mother-of-pearl.

Wood panels or MDF boards

If you are planning to create an interior in a classic or ethnic style, wood paneling is a wonderful solution for wall decoration. The texture and color palette of these products is diverse and depends primarily on the wood: it can be both familiar to us and outlandish species. The advantages of wooden wall plates include reliability, environmental friendliness and long service life.

Narrow lining on the walls will bring comfort and texture to the appearance of the living room, and rectangular large-format plates will give it a stylish and solid look.

In the interior of the living room, you can also use budget MDF boards, which create the effect of natural wood. This type of wall decoration is attractive both externally and internally: the panels are durable in use, easy to maintain or highly wear-resistant. MDF panels can be given an extra luxurious sheen by coating them with varnish or mother-of-pearl. In addition, a non-standard solution in the design of the walls is the combination of different MDF boards in one living room and experimenting with how they are laid.

Exotic Coatings

Extraordinary materials fit perfectly into the interior, where ecological, ethnic, Asian or African style is used. Here you can use wallpaper made by hand from bamboo trunks, dry straw or grass. Exotic wallpapers have an original and extraordinary appearance, are characterized by a variety of reliefs and colors and help to realize the most daring design solutions.

Another direction of exotic wall decoration is the use of natural materials in their purest form. Materials such as stone and wood are perfect for connoisseurs of eco-style. Walls decorated in this way will create a feeling of solitude with nature, antiquity, since these materials were used by our ancestors to create a house.


The use of drywall in the decoration can compensate for the dissatisfaction of the owners with the layout of the apartment. A fairly popular technique in the design of walls is the formation of decorative and at the same time functional niches. With the help of drywall, columns, bas-reliefs and other elements that decorate the space are created.

In order to make the interior of your living room unique, satisfying your taste preferences, combine a variety of wall decoration methods. When making repairs in the living room, do not get hung up on one design technique and look for your own solutions. Only then will you be able to achieve harmony between your mood and the result.

Photo gallery (55 photos)

There are times when, after the repair in the living room, there is a feeling that something is missing. Sometimes the lack of any detail makes the living room look like a hotel room, a little uncomfortable.

In order for the sensations of discomfort to disappear, you should dilute the interior with various accessories that will give the room comfort and warmth.

As accessories it is meant to use:

  • a variety of soft, shaggy rugs;
  • blankets;
  • various pillows and more.

Decorations in the form of flowers will help to revive the interior of the living room. It is best to use live plants. But artificial colors are allowed. A dry bouquet placed in a large outdoor vase will also give the room more comfort.

You can decorate the living room with candlesticks, various figurines and other pleasant little things. The presence of these accessories will significantly improve the atmosphere of the living room, but to complete it you will need to decorate the walls.

Those people who are independently engaged in repairs are always faced with the problem associated with the design of the walls.

But they have the opportunity to show their creativity and imagination and create a unique design of the room, giving it a sense of the desired atmosphere.

To make the interior of the living room look complete, it is recommended to take care of filling the space on the wall where the TV is located, as well as above the sofa. But at the same time, it should be noted that wall accessories must fit into the overall interior of the room.

How to decorate the walls to match the classic interior?

Many people have an idea of ​​what a classic style means, which means they know what should be placed on the walls in such a room. As a rule, the classic implies a placement on the walls:

  • mirrors;
  • paintings painted in watercolor or oil;
  • carpets;
  • tapestries;
  • candlesticks.

To date, there are practically no lovers of pure classics. And those who own a small apartment are unlikely to be interested in pure classics.

Urban style in the decoration of the walls of the living room

A small apartment is perfect for an urban style living room. This style is characterized by the presence of modern furniture. Furniture in urban style is not pretentious, without stucco and rounded corners.

The room has light colors. The use of straight curtains that do not have any drapery is encouraged. Instead of curtains, peculiar blinds to the floor will look good.

As for lighting devices in the presence of an urban style, it is possible to use various decorative elements.

Urban style can provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of romance or an oriental direction. Also, with such an interior, it is possible to focus on the love of travel or wildlife.

In the urban style, the use of narrow shelves designed for photographs, as well as various small things, is allowed. Large mirrors are allowed. Mirrors create the impression of a large living room space.

As a rule, the selection of items that will decorate the walls of the living room is based on the overall interior of the room, as well as on the color scheme of the living room design.

Walls in the living room, for Country and Provence styles

Provence is a French style, as well as one of the varieties of country style. Currently, this style is gaining more and more fans. And it is not for nothing that people prefer to use the Provence style in creating the interior of their apartment.

It is filled with romance, sophistication, sophistication. In the style of "Provence" there is exclusively light shades of furniture, as well as wickerwork.

The presence of lavender is one of the important criteria for this style. Wallpaper in the interior, designed in this style, pastel colors.

To fill the empty space on the walls, use decorative plates. As an addition to the style, the installation of dried flowers, as well as botanical images, is provided.

To give the room, the interior of which is designed in the Provence style, freshness, a textile drapery is placed on an empty wall.

Retro style as a living room design option

The living room, made in retro style, looks unusual and at the same time bewitching. Unfortunately, it is impossible to thoroughly recreate this style in an ordinary city apartment.

But you can use some pieces of furniture, as well as decor, to make the living room look like an "echo from the past." For this, furniture from the seventies is used, if possible.

It is allowed to use only one piece of furniture - a floor lamp or an armchair. Also, it is advisable to use such interior accessories as a typewriter, a gramophone, and purchase vinyl records. And the walls in such a living room should be decorated with black and white photographs.

If you have imagination and desire, renovating the living room on your own can turn into a little pleasant adventure.

And the result will please for many years not only the owners, but also the welcome guests.

Photo of beautiful wall decoration in the living room

The living room can be called the face of the house. Therefore, the design of the walls in this room should be approached with all responsibility. To make the room stylish, cozy and comfortable in every way, it is important to take into account the basic rules of design. They are quite simple, but at the same time their observance will help bring harmony to the house.

Wall decoration in the living room

Wall decoration in the living room can be done in different ways. In the modern world there are many of them, for every taste. By carefully studying this issue, you can create a cozy place in the very heart of your home, conducive to relaxation and friendly communication.

multi-colored insert enlivens the living room

trees in the interior of the living room

huge flowers in the living room

Unity in the interior

You can not talk about the design of the walls in the living room abstracted from the rest of the interior. It is necessary to take into account the color and stylistic solution not only in this room, but also in the rooms adjacent to it. All together should form a single harmonious picture. First of all, pay attention to the colors. They should match well with each other. It is better if there are no more than 3 different shades in one room. As for the neighboring rooms, their color scheme may vary, but the visible areas should not create a conflict with the living room.

Also keep in mind that the room looks best in which the emphasis is on one thing. It can be floors, walls or furniture. It is this main element that is best highlighted with brighter colors and textures than all the others. If you want to focus on the walls, then the various techniques described below will help you with the use of contrasting colors. When they should serve only as a background, you should pay attention to calm neutral shades. But even in this case, careful work on the design is required.

Speaking of styles, it is worth noting that several different directions can now be present in one room at once. The main thing is a clear understanding that the objects are harmoniously combined with each other. Both special knowledge and an intuitive sense of taste will help here.

bright and comfortable living room

Accounting for the opinions of all household members

The living room is a common room for all. Therefore, when decorating the walls in it, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of all family members. This approach will help create a friendly atmosphere that is pleasant for everyone in the room. Therefore, when choosing the type of wall covering and decor elements, be sure to consult with everyone who lives in the house.

paintings in the living room

The location of the living room windows

The design of the walls in the living room also depends on which side of the world the windows are located. In particular, this affects the choice of color. If the room is located on the south side, and throughout the day it is filled with sunlight, then the walls can be made in cold colors (blue, blue, purple and their derivatives). When the windows face north or for other reasons, the room remains dark for most of the day, warm colors are best suited. These include red, orange, yellow and green, as well as their various shades.

round mirrors in the living room

Room dimensions

Depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room, you should choose the design for the walls. Almost any technique can be chosen for decorating large rooms, including the use of large bright color accents, massive picture frames, expressive textures, and more. If the room is small, then it is best to stick to light pastel colors and minimalism in details. For wall decoration, it is desirable to use a glossy coating - plain or with a small non-contrasting pattern.

: stone trim in the living room

imitation of red brickwork in the living room

dark stone finish in the living room

Stylish tricks for decorating walls

Paintings and photographs

The classic option is to decorate the walls with paintings and photographs. If you choose it, then the main coating should serve only as a background. In other words, you should give preference to wallpaper or paint in neutral tones. Suitable decorative plaster or finishing panels with a fine texture.

Images in photos and paintings should be selected so that they are in harmony with the overall decor of the room. The same applies to their design. For modern styles, paintings in simple frames or without them at all are suitable. Classical and historical trends in design most often require framing with characteristic patterns.

photographs and framed paintings decorate the living room


In some areas, the empty space of the walls can be perfectly filled with sconces and lamps. They will not only become an ornament, but also perform useful functions. They are best placed in reading areas, socializing areas, and cozy nooks and crannies.

interesting finishand lampin the living room

Borders and frames from molding

In classic interiors, the walls of the living room are often decorated with decorative moldings. Of these, you can make a border that runs along the border of two different types of coatings or a frame. The latter can be filled with interesting textiles or expressive contrasting wallpapers. Such molding frames resemble the framing of paintings and photographs.

picturesque frames are in harmony with the ceiling decoration and furniture in the living room

Single wall selection

Currently, the technique of highlighting one wall has become popular. In this case, it has a coating different from the other three - brighter and more expressive. It can be photo wallpaper or ordinary wallpaper, but with a contrasting pattern.

patterned wall in white living room interior

wallpaper with drawings in the living room

painted brick, fireplace and plenty of shelves in the living room

Wall decoration in the living room in most cases is carried out using several methods at once. This allows you to find new unique combinations and make the interior inimitable and unique. When renovating, look for your own solutions. Rely on your taste and consider the opinions of all family members when decorating the living room. In this case, the harmony of the external space will certainly affect your mood.

The living room is a special room in any home, it should be cozy and have an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Important for this is the decoration of its walls. Boring solutions in their design will not bring the expected comfort, it is necessary to think over interesting accents during the repair, choose a pleasant color and various surface textures.

Choosing the color of the living room walls

It is the color of their surfaces that will create a mood for the whole room. Using certain shades and harmoniously coordinating them with each other, you can embellish any interior and make it exclusive.

When choosing a color, there are several important living room factors to consider:

  • Compliance with the furniture of the room and the shade you like. It is not always possible to replace a sofa or upholstery on it, and if it suits the owners of the hall, then the main color in the room is selected for it.
  • Determining the direction of natural light so that when choosing a dark color, it does not make the room gloomy. In a too sunny room, you can choose the finish in dark shades, but in a darkened room it is better to choose light and pastel colors.
  • The color of the walls should complement the overall style of housing.
  • Dark shades make the space of the room smaller, while light shades visually push its boundaries.

Designers use three methods of combining shades:

  1. Monochrome. At the same time, the walls are decorated in one shade, most often they go white or any bright tone. The ceiling should be light and the floor dark. If a light primary color is chosen, then you should definitely provide bright accents in the room, in the form of decorative pillows, ottomans, chandeliers and sconces.
  2. Analog. One color is chosen as the basis, in which part or the entire wall is decorated, and the remaining space is filled with its shades. The main thing is the use of one group of warm or cold shades.
  3. contrast. This technique is suitable for modern living rooms, in which it will be possible to beat a combination of red, gray, black and white.

If, nevertheless, the color of the walls after their complete design is not entirely satisfactory, you can think of artificial lighting in such a way as to compensate for the dark places of the room and transform them.

Wall decor options in the living room: materials

They must meet certain criteria: be environmentally friendly, practical, hygienic and aesthetic. The main factor influencing their acquisition is the financial solvency of the owner of the living room. Given the huge selection of various finishing materials for the walls, you can realize any wishes and dreams.

Among the popular materials worth considering are: wallpaper, artificial stone, decorative plaster and paint, wood paneling and drywall. Each of them has an individual specific application.


They have been tested by more than one generation, and even their paper versions look great in living rooms and are environmentally friendly. The variety of colors and numerous options for their base make wallpaper the most acceptable option for any budget.

For those who may get bored with color, you should take a closer look at the relief wallpaper for painting and change their shades by repainting to suit your mood. Their common types are: non-woven, paper, vinyl, liquid, photo wallpapers and fabric options (velvet, linen and silk) stand out separately.

Textured plaster

It is easy to apply and dries to create voluminous reliefs. Puzzled with its use, you can recreate wood, sand from a Japanese garden, stone, reptile and animal skin, and many other textures. Now in European countries for living rooms it is used as an imitation of concrete walls. With the help of it, decorating the arches in the hall becomes easier, joints and kinks are nowhere to be seen. Plaster has a long service life.


It happens on a water and natural basis, its acrylic, water-dispersion and water-based varieties do not emit harmful substances. This is an economical option for those who have even walls in the hall, although if you prepare the surface of the walls in advance or use drywall to level them, then applying paint will only be a joy.

wood panels

Their version of natural breed looks luxurious, they are practical and durable. The material has a high cost, but enjoys steady popularity in the design of living rooms. Panels can be used in conjunction with wallpaper, they are placed below. They demonstrate wear resistance and high thermal stability properties. As their basis, chipboard or MDF is used. Among the interesting variations are bamboo and cork panels.

Decorative rock

It is used to decorate walls, they often decorate corners and sections of walls near fireplaces and sofas. After laying, such material demonstrates a sophisticated look and endurance.

The choice of one of the considered materials will depend on the style of the room and the preferences of its owners.

wall decoration

Their artistic design is also an important point. The perception of the living room will depend on the favorably placed accents. His creative manifestation can be expressed in architectural decorative elements. False walls decorated with shelves, paintings or a TV can come with small niches. The use of pilasters delimits the hall into functional areas.

Photo wallpapers are back in fashion today, only now they capture their 3D versions with their three-dimensional image. Most often, they make out a free wall or that part of the room in which the TV is installed. Ordinary floral motifs or landscapes can add some zest to the interior of the living room, and young families prefer the image of the city at night or the modern capitals of the world.

Decor elements and lighting

The use of mirrors in wall decor is permanent, many hang them on empty walls and frame them with weightless foam frames, decorating them with gilding. The mirror surface must be positioned so that the light from it is reflected into the dark corners of the room.

Postcards and photos of loved ones are also often used in the interior of this room, they can be arranged both sequentially and diagonally. It makes sense to buy special group frames for them. One such frame can contain a dozen photos.

Sconces and spotlights located in the niches of the walls can provide local illumination of dark areas of the room and add mystery to it, their choice must be consistent with the design of the chandelier and ceiling.

An artificial or electric fireplace in the living room is a classic of the genre, where you can not only enjoy the view of the fire, but also warm up on cold evenings.

The flight of design ideas in the design of the walls is unstoppable, the main thing is not to overdo it in small details. The end result should please not only the owner of the home, but also all household members, and also give them comfort so that they have a desire to constantly return to such a living room.