Frequent diseases of anthurium. Anthurium: diseases and their treatment Atrium flower disease treatment

Often found in anthurium brown spots on the leaves. Such a phenomenon is considered a bad symptom, since anthurium is a luxurious houseplant that has weighty shiny leaves and beautiful flowers. Therefore, it is important to know why anthurium has brown spots on the leaves, as well as how to fix the problem. If you do not know how to solve the problems that have arisen on your own, contact experienced flower growers for advice.

Plant care rules

Anthurium is a capricious plant. Some of its species are grown only in greenhouse conditions. It is also important to consider when growing a plant that its juice consists of toxins that can adversely affect human mucous membranes.

Anthurium care features:

  1. It is recommended to grow a flower in partial shade or on a window sill with diffused light, as it does not like bright lighting. At the same time, it is important to provide additional lighting to the anthurium in winter. Otherwise, the plant will not start flower stalks.
  2. In summer, the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter the plant can develop at a temperature of 14 - 16 degrees.
  3. In order for the anthurium not to die, it is necessary to avoid places with drafts.
  4. It is recommended to water the flower with slightly warm water. In summer, watering is carried out every three days, and in winter - once every seven days. The remaining water from the pan after watering must be poured out so that the roots do not rot.
  5. It is also important to ensure good air humidity in the room where the flower is grown. Spray the leaves systematically, but in such a way that water does not fall on the flowers.
  6. Twice a month, do with a mineral solution or organic fertilizer. It is necessary to feed during flowering and active growth of the plant.
  7. Anthurium grows best in self-prepared soil. Mix humus (two parts) with leafy soil and peat (one part each), as well as sand (half part). Crushed bricks or cones are added as drainage.
  8. After buying an anthurium, it is important to transplant it into a new, suitable size pot with the right soil.

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At home, the plant can be propagated using cuttings. Cut the cuttings from the tops of the flower along with aerial roots. Plant them according to the rules in prepared containers.

In order for the plant not to disappear, it must be protected from the attack of aphids, scale insects, and fungal infections.

If mistakes are made with watering, the fertilizing schedule is violated, the air in the room is excessively dry or the plant is not properly lit, the leaves of the anthurium gradually dry.

Often, the development and beauty of the leaves of a plant is affected by a sharp temperature drop, as well as growing a flower in a cold room.

If the rules for growing a plant are violated, it begins to hurt and disappears. Therefore, it is important to know the main reasons due to which the leaves of the anthurium dry or become covered with spots of different colors.

Wrong fertilizer

A lack of nutrients is indicated by slow plant growth, small young leaves. The leaves turn brown due to a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, as well as calcium or magnesium.

With an excess of fertilizer, anthurium leaf plates can also change their color. To save the plant, transplant it into new soil, washing the roots first.

Causes of blackening of the leaves

The following reasons lead to the blackening of the leaves of anthurium:

  • the influence of direct sunlight;
  • drafts;
  • incorrect air temperature;
  • the presence of calcium salts in the substrate.

If there is black plaque on the leaves, which has arisen due to an excess of calcium salts in the soil, replace the substrate with the content of leaf humus and peat. Further, the flower is watered only with softened water.

If the leaves of the anthurium turn black due to a draft, the pot needs to be moved to another cozy place.

When the leaf plates turn black due to sunlight, make a shaded place for the flower. It is important to ensure that the flowerpot gets diffused sunlight or partial shade.

If the leaves become covered with yellow spots and begin to curl up, it means that aphids attacked the plant. To save the plant, treat it with special products or tobacco tincture.

If the shoots are covered with cracks, and the leaves are stained, the flower was struck by a mealybug. To destroy it, karbofos is used.

Dark spots on the leaves of anthurium appear as a result of an attack by a scale insect. Pests need to be removed, and the plants should be treated with laundry soap mixed with kerosene.

Read also: Asparagus - care, reproduction, problems

Appearance of brown spots

Anthurium produces brown spots on the leaves due to the following reasons:

  1. improper feeding. It is recommended to fertilize with fertilizers with balanced substances;
  2. when the temperature in the room is too low, the leaves become covered with small brown dots.

If brown spots were noticed, the stem may have suffered from a mealy worm, which can be destroyed with special chemicals.

Appearance of yellow spots

Anthurium leaves turn yellow due to lack of light in winter. Watering the plant with water with chlorine and heavy metal oxides also leads to this phenomenon. To avoid the yellowness of the leaf plates, it is recommended to water the flower with rain, melt or settled water.

If water accumulates in the pan, the roots of the flower rot and the leaves turn yellow. It is important to moisten the soil moderately, and drain excess liquid from the pan.

A plant in a small pot may also produce yellow leaves. In this case, it needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

Anthurium leaves dry due to dry air, insufficient watering, diseases or aphids.

The frequency of watering depends on the season. The soil between waterings should dry out to the third part of the pot. To increase the humidity of the air, spray the leaves daily with water.

In the case when the leaves dry at the edges, and then begin to dry completely, it means that the plant has suffered from anthracnose. To destroy the disease, treat with a systemic fungicide.

Dry tips on the leaves can form due to a lack of oxygen in the root system. In this case, transplant the anthurium into soil with cones or charcoal.

Age changes

Most often, leaf plates turn yellow in anthurium due to aging. Age-related changes affect more foliage, which is closer to the ground.

Yellowness spreads over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leaf, due to which it loses elasticity and juiciness, and becomes brown. After a while, it disappears on its own, if it is not removed earlier.

If the anthurium is well and properly cared for, the loss of old leaves does not harm the plant, as young healthy leaves begin to grow at the top of the stem.

Since yellowing leaves do not benefit the plant, but only take strength, they are best removed in time. If you remove the old leaves, the flower will begin to develop better and become more attractive.

Anthurium - the flower of kings, which pleases with a long noble flowering, regardless of the time of year. Red, white, pink, purple plates appear on a mature bush and last for several months without characteristic signs of aging. But only a healthy plant can please with abundant and rich flowering. That is why every grower should know not only how anthurium grows, but also study leaf diseases (see the photo below) and ways to treat a bush so as not to lose the plant completely.

Anthurium flower diseases, as a rule, arise as a result of violations of the rules of care. The flower with all its appearance asks for help, signaling a loss of comfort. Common causes of trouble are:

But it happens that brown spots appear on the leaves of the anthurium due to the invasion of insects or the presence of diseases. It is worth noting that despite the presence of third-party negative factors, it is improper care that leads to a general weakening of the supporting forces of the plant and to the development of infections.

In order to avoid questions about what to do when the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for keeping your green pet.

Signs of noncommunicable diseases:

Non-infectious diseases of anthurium occur when agricultural technology is violated. The plant reacts especially painfully to drafts in winter.

Infectious diseases of popular culture are caused by the introduction of spores into the body of a plant. Microbes develop very rapidly and can destroy not only the infected specimen, but also their neighbors on the windowsill. In a closed space, fungal spores multiply and are transmitted from plant to plant very quickly. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, treatment with special chemicals is necessary.

Causes of fungal infections:

The development of fungal infections is much easier to prevent. For these purposes, professionals recommend adding charcoal to the ground or using the prolonged Glyocladin remedy, which will help protect against phytovtora, fusarium and other troubles.

Fungal diseases of anthurium and their treatment

With a decrease in immunity, the plant may be subject to fungal diseases, such as:

A healthy plant is extremely rarely exposed to fungal infections, and therefore the grower should make every effort and create optimal conditions for the bush.

Leaf yellowness

Yellow spots on anthurium leaves are the first signs of grower errors. The most common reasons for their appearance are:

  • Illiterate watering or the use of hard, cold water.
  • Irregular application of nutrients.
  • Dryness of the ambient air, especially in winter when the central heating is turned on.
  • Content in a dark place.

As a result of keeping the flower in a room with the wrong conditions for a long time, it is depleted, yellowness spreads and fungal infections occur or rot forms.

But before determining the disease of anthurium and the way how to treat the trouble, one should observe the nature of the leaf drying out. Perhaps this is the natural aging of the leaf plate. Age yellowness starts from the edge of the sheet and spreads to its center. Over time, the leaf plate loses its juiciness, turns brown, dries and falls off. Many gardeners are interested in: is it necessary to remove yellow leaves? Professionals recommend using a clean tool for the procedure, and sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. It is necessary to remove the yellow plates, as they not only reduce the decorative effect, but also draw nutrition from the plant.

If the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, and the reason is improper care, the grower should improve the conditions of detention as soon as possible and help the plant renew its strength. If the cause is fungal infections, then you can’t do without the use of chemistry.

Foliage blackening

Improper maintenance of anthurium leads to the appearance of diseases. One of the most common is the blackening of the sheet plate. Causes of twisting, blackening and drying of the leaves of a flowering bush:

Insects - pests of anthurium

Anthurium or the flower of "male happiness" is quite resistant to pests. However, it can become a "home and dinner" for:

Indoor flowers, which are served by people from distant countries, are beautiful, but they are slaves who were placed in a cramped pot and a different climate. Can a plant thrive in conditions alien to it? Only imitation of the native climate allows you to get a healthy beautiful flower. At the slightest deviation from normal conditions of detention, anthurium diseases occur. At the first changes in the type of bush, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention.

Anthurium diseases at home

A healthy flower captivates with its beauty. Suddenly, the state of the plant can change. Any disease occurs for reasons:

  • non-compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • insect pests introduced from outside.

There are people who fundamentally do not keep animals and flowers in their living quarters. They believe that the zoo, and room content is a violation of wildlife. A bouquet of fresh flowers is unacceptable for them, one cannot rejoice at a ruined life, even plants.

Non-infectious plant diseases are associated with the appearance of spots on the leaves, a change in their color, or growth retardation. Sometimes brown spots or mold on the neck of the plant become noticeable. What to do if there are spots on the anthurium? Much can be learned from the nature of the deformation:

  1. If dark dots appear on the leaves of the anthurium, gradually expanding, it is cold. The same spots can appear from sunburn with direct contact of the summer sun with the leaves.
  2. The reason for the appearance of spots can be watering with unsettled water or water of increased hardness. If scale forms on the kettle over time, then this is a sign of hardness. Before watering, such water must be defended for a long time or passed through a filter - softener. Another way, mainly for rural areas with hard water from wells, is the incomplete freezing of water in a container. In this case, the ice will have a lower salt content than the remaining water.
  3. Other physiological reasons for the appearance of dark spots and drying of the plate from the edge may be drafts and low temperatures in winter. Abundant watering is also accompanied by a signal of dark dots on the leaves. What to do if spots appear on the anthurium? Remove the provoking causes and patiently wait for the results.
  4. Yellow or pale leaves of plants or spots of this color indicate that the anthurium does not have enough lighting. In addition, this may be a signal that the roots are sick and do not provide nutrition to the plant.
  5. The general pallor of the leaves signals a lack of nutrition. The same is indicated by the absence or weak growth of the plant, the absence of flowering. If the plant was transplanted recently, then it needs to be fed. Sometimes it is better to replant the plant. At the same time, prepare the desired composition of the substrate or buy ready-made soil. Disinfection of the soil and the planting pot is necessary.
  6. If the irrigation regime is violated and the roots of the anthurium are rotten, then this will affect the yellowing and drying of the leaves, the brown neck of the anthurium, mold may appear. The plant needs urgent resuscitation. In this case, all the affected parts must be removed and the wounds sprinkled with an antiseptic, crushed charcoal, or cinnamon powder.

Anthurium leaf diseases in the photo show characteristic damage, but often the help of specialists is required to accurately determine the disease. Drafts are detrimental to plants. This is especially dangerous in winter. Insufficient humidity of the ambient air is the answer to the question of why the leaves of anthurium dry. On the other hand, leaves may die naturally due to aging. If the leaves are curled up, remove the anthurium deep into the room, the light is too bright, he closed his eyes.

Anthurium infectious diseases include problems caused by the introduction of spores and microbes into the flower body. The difference between these diseases is that they can destroy the entire home green world if they are not dealt with. Spores are transmitted and multiply in cramped conditions quickly.

The initial causes of diseases depend on the gardener. The brought shoot, taken from a diseased plant, may already harbor viruses, from which there are no effective remedies yet. They affect the vascular system. And the infection can be transmitted through a dirty tool or insects. The acquired plant must be quarantined for two weeks, in isolation from other plants. And only then move into the overall composition.

A purchased or self-composed earthen mixture should be subjected to heat treatment, poured with hot, strong potassium permanganate, crushed charcoal should be added, and a long-acting drug "" from rot. It will protect the roots from late blight, fusarium and similar diseases. Competent care for anthurium - a barrier to diseases .

Diseases that are transmitted to anthurium from the external environment can be:

  • septoria;
  • anthracosis;
  • rust.

The causative agent of septoria, the fungus Septoria, spreads in a humid and warm atmosphere. Characteristic brown spots with a yellow rim on the leaves signal an anthurium disease. The leaf dries up, when watering the spores move to other parts of the plant. The plant will die if it is not treated in time with copper-containing fungicides.

Anthracosis is a very common disease called powdery mildew. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletorichus. The spread of this disease will lead to the rapid drying of the leaves, stems and root system. Anthracosis begins on leaf blades, the appearance of brown spots with black dots in the center. These are disputes. They scatter and germinate when wet, and for the atrium this event is vital.

Atrium care for septoria disease is to reduce watering and spraying with the addition of copper fungicides. The earth is treated with Abiga-Peak. If the plant cannot be cured, it should be destroyed by burning. The ceramic pot needs to be well calcined. Dishes that cannot be burned, destroyed.

If the plant is infected with rust, then orange loose pads on the leaves will be visible. Such a plant must be wiped with a fungicide solution, but not sprayed so as not to infect healthy leaves. Sick, infected leaves are best burned.

Fusarium wilt is a formidable anthurium disease at home. It affects all plants, affecting the root system and leaves. Signs are the sudden withering of the entire bush. The first signs may be unnatural bending of peduncles, strong and rapid yellowing of the foliage. Copper preparations, soil treatment with glyocladin are suitable for the fight. The best way would be to wash the plant from all particles of the earth, soak a little in a weak solution of foundationol, cut off the affected parts and plant them in a new dish. The old earth and plant remains must be destroyed.

Insect pests of anthurium

Insects common on house flowers include:

  • thrips;
  • scab;
  • spider mite;
  • root nematodes.

All of them suck the juice from the plant, depriving it of nutrition. At the same time, signs of the presence of pests can be found with hygiene procedures that are regularly carried out with good care.

We grow healthy anthuriums - video

Indoor anthurium - a native of tropical thickets of southern countries. Being placed in a cramped pot and climatic conditions completely alien to him, he feels like a slave and often gets used to a new environment for a long time. You need to try hard to provide him with comfortable conditions, necessary not only for life, but also for magnificent continuous perennial flowering. Anthurium flower, some call it differently, male happiness, is very demanding to care and needs constant attention to itself. At the slightest deviation from the norm, problems can arise in the form of various diseases, which the flower usually tolerates very hard. This article will be about methods of treating anthurium diseases.

There are fungal, viral and non-infectious types of anthurium disease.

Anthurium cannot be cured with folk remedies, you just miss the time, and it will die. Therefore, remove and destroy all affected parts of the plant. Spray the flower with any fungicide. The most effective drugs are Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B and Fundazol. Carry out the spraying procedure outdoors or in non-residential premises. Place the pot with anthurium in a large plastic bag, treat it with a fungicide, close the bag tightly and leave it in this state for 15 to 20 minutes. Then open the package, carefully remove the flower, let it dry and only then put it in place. Repeat the treatment after 7-10 days. Watch the diseased plant - you may need a third treatment in a couple of weeks.

fungal diseases

The most common fungal infections are stem rot, root rot, septoria, fusarium, powdery mildew and rust.

For the treatment of fungal diseases, fungicides are used, special preparations for diseases of indoor flowers, and only them!

stem rot

If you regularly fill the flower, if after watering the excess water stays in the pan for a long time, if the temperature in the room is below the permissible level, the anthurium will almost certainly get sick with a disease such as stem rot. Watery black spots will appear on the stem. The rot will gradually spread to other parts of the plant, the leaves will begin to rot. The affected parts of the plant will die. On the affected areas, under a magnifying glass, small sporangia are visible, initially white, then blackening.

What to do? Isolate the diseased flower. Cut off all affected parts of the plant. Spray the plant with a fungicide, such as phytosporin, twice a week apart. Check the plant for pest infestation. Perhaps he was attacked by thrips. If the disease is running, the flower must be destroyed. Check the living conditions of other flowers to prevent their diseases.

root rot

Frequent watering, low temperature, poor drainage in a flower pot and other deviations from the norm can cause this disease. When the roots of the plant rot, its leaves turn noticeably pale, and then turn yellow and begin to fade. Roots become soft and rotten. The root shell peels off from its middle, the roots look frayed.

If the disease has not yet started, sharply reduce the watering of the plant, reduce the humidity in the room. Cut off dead leaves. Remove the plant from the pot, free the roots from the ground, cut off its damaged and rotten parts, and if there are areas of a healthy root system, plant the anthurium in a new pot with suitable healthy soil. Don't forget drainage! Water the plant with Fitosporin-M or Alirin-B preparations. Wait, the result should be positive. If the disease is running, and rotting has covered all the roots of the anthurium, it will not be possible to save the flower, it will most likely die.


Irregular brown spots with a yellow or brown border appear on the leaves. Under a magnifying glass on the spots, you can see tiny black dots of sporangia.

What to do:

Severely affected leaves are plucked and removed. Reduce air humidity. Stop spraying the plant with water. Feed the flower with fertilizer for flowering plants. Check for insect pests. If there are none, spray with Fitosporin-M or copper-containing preparations.


With Fusarium on Anthurium, mass wilting of the leaves begins. They turn yellow and dry, and then fall off. A white coating with a pink tint appeared on the root neck. A very dangerous disease. The infection is spread by water when watering plants, when air humidity and temperature are too high.

If the disease is in its early stages, try spraying the ground part of the plant with a fungicide, and apply a soil pesticide to the soil. Repeat the treatment after 5 - 7 days. But, keep in mind that there is no effective way to treat Fusarium. A diseased plant will most likely die and will need to be destroyed!

powdery mildew

At anthurium, the leaves began to turn yellow and curl. Their defeat is similar to chlorosis. But if the leaves not only turned yellow, but became noticeably smaller, the internodes grow shorter and shorter, then this is not chlorosis, but powdery mildew. Light gray spores are clearly visible on the back of the leaves - this is a fungus. With severe infection and no treatment, the leaves will dry out completely. What to do? Treat! using fungicides. (for a description of the treatment of fungal diseases, see above)


If light spots appear on the upper side of the leaf, and brown spots-pustules appear on the lower side, most likely your anthurium has contracted a fungal infection called rust. On the underside of the leaves, spores develop rapidly, the spots merge together and the leaves dry completely. This disease must be treated with fungicides. (for a description of the treatment of fungal diseases, see above)

Viral diseases

Bronzing virus

If the leaves of your pet began to partially discolor, wrinkles and small holes appeared on the surface - it is possible that the anthurium has become infected with the leaf bronze virus. This disease is usually carried by thrips from other affected plants.

Treatment, unfortunately, does not exist, the diseased plant will have to be destroyed. Inspect the rest of the flowers for infection with thrips, if necessary, fight these pests with insecticides (actara, actellik).

Noncommunicable diseases


If you notice that yellow spots appear on the green leaves of your pet in bright light, this is evidence that the plant lacks nutrition, in particular magnesium and iron.

Feed your flowers regularly with an ornamental flowering plant fertilizer containing these elements.

Smallpox vegetable

If yellow-green bulges and yellowish annular spots suddenly began to appear on the beautiful leaves of your anthurium, it means that you made a mistake somewhere in caring for it. This happens at low ambient temperatures and high humidity. If, moreover, you forgot about the regular feeding of anthurium, he will not have the strength to resist such a disease as smallpox.

Correct the mistakes in caring for the plant and patiently wait for the results.

If the leaves of your anthurium began to grow unevenly, twisted, became ugly and humpbacked in appearance, most likely your anthurium fell ill with enation. If the temperature often fluctuates in a room with a flower, there are drafts, then it is too humid, then it is too dry - then this is the reason. To be honest, the real cause of this disease is still not well understood. Try to establish proper care for the plant, and everything should return to normal.

Other problems with improper care

  1. Dark spots and dots appeared on the leaves. Perhaps your pet is cold. Move it to a warmer and brighter place. Do not water more often than necessary.
  2. The leaves turn yellow, their edges dry out. Perhaps the flower was exposed to direct sunlight and got burned. Remove the pot from the sun or shade the blinds, create diffused lighting.
  3. The tips of the leaves are blackened. It is possible that an excess of nutrients, in particular calcium salts, has formed in the soil. Transplant your anthurium into new soil with a suitable potting mix.
  4. Leaves turn yellow and wither. The room temperature may be below comfortable. The optimum temperature during the growing season is 22 - 25 degrees, during the winter dormancy 16 - 18 degrees.
  5. Lack of flowering. There are many reasons: low light, poor soil, large pot, low humidity and others. Read about the reasons for the lack of flowering in anthurium in the corresponding article on our website. Eliminate these causes and get lush blooms for many years.
  6. Anthurium leaves turn black. There are several reasons. Perhaps the water you use for irrigation is too hard; perhaps the water is too cold; perhaps it is chlorinated, did not have time to settle. Or perhaps you are not removing excess water from the pan. She stagnates there, and this provoked rotting of the roots. Soften hard water with a drop of lemon juice or acetic acid. Water should have a temperature not lower than room temperature, and be settled. Water infrequently, but plentifully so that excess water seeps out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot into the pan. After some time, remove the water from the pan.
  7. Anthurium leaves turn yellow in a number of cases: waterlogging of the soil; lack of soil in the pot, the roots stick out; drafts, lack of lighting; poor water for irrigation; bad soil; inappropriate ambient temperature. Analyze your conditions for keeping a tropical guest, eliminate errors - and everything will return to normal.
  8. Anthurium leaves curled into a tube. Perhaps too bright lighting provoked the anthurium to turn on the protective mechanism. Position your flower away from direct sunlight and the leaves will unfurl again.
  9. Black spots appeared on the flowers. Perhaps you sprayed your plant carelessly, and large drops of water fell on the flowers. You need to spray the plant with a small sprayer carefully, without falling on the flowers. Another such embarrassment is obtained when the soil mixture is incorrectly selected for the flower - there is a lot of calcium in the ground. This soil will have to be replaced.
  10. Thickenings and tubercles appeared on the roots of anthurium. This means that the anthurium was struck by root nematodes. This disease is not treatable. Destroy the plant along with the pot.

Some General Tips for Preventing Common Diseases


As you already understood, anthurium at home requires special attention. But if you are not afraid of difficulties and strictly follow all the rules of its comfortable content, success is guaranteed to you! Anthurium will thank you for your love and delight you with its exotic beauty during magnificent flowering!

Anthurium is a beautiful tropical plant that can be a great decoration for any home. For all its external attractiveness, this flower is quite capricious, and a violation of the rules of care can cause yellowing of the leaves or the occurrence of viral and fungal diseases.

In order to prevent the development of anthurium diseases, you need to learn how to correctly identify pathologies and treat them. This article will help you with this: it describes in detail the main diseases of the flower, as well as tips to help cure the plant.

Diseases of the leaves of the Anthurium flower

A healthy anthurium is amazingly beautiful. But under certain conditions, its appearance can change dramatically. A change in the color or structure of the leaves can provoke improper care, exposure to pests or pathogens.

All the reasons that can provoke yellowing, blackening or drying out are usually divided into infectious and non-infectious. The first occurs when the plant is affected by fungi or viruses. The second group of factors is provoked by the owner himself, who could inadvertently violate the rules for caring for a flower.

Since the determination of the method of treatment directly depends on the establishment of the cause of the disease, we will consider each group of factors in more detail.

Noncommunicable diseases

Improper care most often causes leaf diseases in anthurium. Since this flower is found in nature in the tropics, at home it should be provided with conditions similar to the tropical climate.

In addition, in case of violation of agricultural technology, the plant weakens as a whole, and becomes more susceptible to pests and diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment, the culture care schedule should be reviewed. It is possible that it was the non-compliance with the basic recommendations for growing that caused the pathology (Figure 1).

temperature violation

Anthurium is very sensitive to temperature conditions, and if it is not observed, above-ground plants may begin to turn yellow. It is important to remember that in the summer, + 20 + 28 degrees is considered a comfortable temperature for a flower. In winter, this figure is reduced to + 15 + 16.

Figure 1. Yellowing of the leaves in case of violation of the temperature regime, dry air, aging of the culture and improperly selected substrate

Any significant deviation from these indicators can not only provoke yellowing of the leaves, but also cause a lack of flowering. In addition, you should not put the pot with anthurium in a draft, as this culture is very sensitive to cold air currents. Yellowing can also appear in summer if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. This process is called leaf burn, and to eliminate it, it is enough to rearrange the flower to another place where the sunlight will be diffused. If this cannot be done, it is enough to lightly shade the plant.

dry air

As mentioned above, under natural conditions, anthurium grows in the tropics, so high humidity is considered habitual for it.

Note: In winter, when the heaters are turned on, the air in the room becomes too dry for the anthurium, and its leaves may begin to turn yellow.

To provide the plant with the necessary level of humidity, it is necessary not only to develop an optimal irrigation schedule, but also to regularly spray the leaves with settled water at room temperature. In addition, from time to time it is necessary to arrange a warm shower for the plant, and if the roots of the culture begin to protrude above the soil surface, they must be covered with wet sphagnum moss.

plant age

Yellowing of the leaves can also be provoked by an absolutely natural cause - the aging of the plant. In this case, the lower tiers of the leaves of the culture begin to gradually turn yellow and die. This is a completely natural phenomenon of leaf cover renewal, which does not require any treatment.

However, if you notice that not only the lower, but also the upper leaves turn yellow, or uncharacteristic spots and stripes appear on them, you should take action, since such a process is provoked by a fungal or viral disease.

The wrong substrate

Improperly selected soil for growing anthurium can also cause yellowing of the leaves. No matter how strange it may sound, but too fertile soil is not very suitable for anthurium. Quality soil for a flower should be loose and light.

But most often, leaf problems are not caused by the composition of the substrate, but by its density and lack of drainage. In this case, moisture begins to stagnate at the roots. They gradually begin to rot and do not provide the leaves with the necessary amount of nutrients. As a result, they turn yellow, and if measures are not taken in time, the plant may die.

A good substrate for anthurium should consist of hardwood, peat and sand, and a drainage layer must be laid on the bottom of the pot to remove moisture. Without these conditions, every watering will pose a risk to the crop.

Infectious diseases

This group of diseases is provoked by viruses or fungi, but is inextricably linked with the previous paragraphs. The fact is that if the anthurium is not properly cared for and the plant is weakened, it will be more susceptible to the effects of diseases or pests.

Consider the symptoms of the most common infectious diseases of anthurium so that you can independently determine possible problems with the flower.


This disease is of fungal origin, and fungal spores spread very quickly in heat and moisture. If it is too hot in the room where the anthurium grows, and the plant itself is watered too intensively, after a while the first signs of fungal pathology may appear on the leaves - brown spots with a specific brown rim (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Signs of septoria

The affected leaf gradually dries up, but the spores of the fungus continue to spread through the air and can infect not only the anthurium itself, but also other plants in the house. To cope with the disease, you need to remove and burn all affected parts of the plant. Next, the aerial parts of the culture are treated with fungicides containing copper. The soil should also be cultivated. For this, the drug Abiga-Peak is used.


This is one of the most common diseases that occurs not only on indoor flowers, but also on plants that are grown in open ground.

Figure 3. Symptoms of rust on leaves

A characteristic symptom of the disease is a characteristic rusty coating on the lower part of the leaves (Figure 3). The upper part begins to gradually lighten and turn yellow. Over time, the rusty spots completely merge and the leaves dry out. You need to start saving the flower after the first symptoms are detected. In this case, it is necessary to spray the flower with systemic fungicides, after removing the affected parts.

powdery mildew

This disease is also provoked by a fungus and occurs if the room is too hot, and moisture stagnates in a pot with anthurium. It is noteworthy that powdery mildew can spread rapidly, so the fight against it should begin after the first signs are detected.

Distinguishing powdery mildew from other diseases is quite simple: a characteristic powdery coating appears on the leaves. At the same time, the leaf plates themselves begin to deform, decrease in size and gradually dry out.

As with other fungal diseases, powdery mildew should be treated with systemic fungicides. However, it should be borne in mind that this disease develops very quickly, so treatment cannot be postponed.

Virus bronze

Unlike previous diseases, which are most often triggered by improper growing conditions for anthurium, the bronze virus is carried by thrips pests.

This disease also has characteristic symptoms: the leaves begin to gradually discolor, become covered with wrinkles and small holes. You should not wait until the symptoms become more pronounced before starting treatment. Unfortunately, there are no effective methods to combat the bronze virus, so the affected plant must be destroyed along with the soil as soon as possible so that it does not become a source of infection for other crops in the house.


This disease also applies to fungal infections. It is manifested by the formation of brown spots with black dots on the leaves, which contain spores of the fungus (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Plant damage by anthracnose

It is noteworthy that the fungus develops at high humidity and a temperature of + 23 + 27 degrees, which is comfortable for anthurium. Therefore, when growing such a flower, you need to carefully monitor that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to carry out a therapeutic treatment with fungicides, strictly observing the dosage indicated in the instructions, and then carry out an extraordinary top dressing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Fusarium wilt

This disease is accompanied by massive yellowing and wilting of the leaves (Figure 5). Another characteristic feature is the formation of a white-pink bloom on the root neck. As with other anthurium diseases, increased temperature and humidity contribute to the spread of pathology.

Figure 5. Signs of Fusarium wilt

To eliminate Fusarium wilt, fungicide treatment should be carried out, and spraying is carried out several times at two-week intervals in order to completely destroy the pathogen.

Insect harm

Anthurium can become a victim of pests, and in most cases it is inhabited by insects common to indoor crops. These include thrips, scale insects, aphids and spider mites.

The danger of pests is not only that they feed on the sap of the plant and spoil its appearance, but also that such an impact significantly weakens the culture, making it more susceptible to diseases.

The video discusses the main factors that can cause yellowing of the leaves, as well as the main ways to solve this problem.