Shark Squalene Orihiro is a powerful health and beauty product! Shark liver oil - useful properties and applications in cosmetology and medicine, composition and action The best of nature for human health

Shark Squalene (SQUALENE) by ORIHIRO - deep sea shark liver oil (fat) capsules

​Japanese Shark Squalene (SQUALENE) from shark liver produced by ORIHIRO for immunity, prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. 100% deep sea shark liver oil (fat) capsules to support health, oxygenation and slow down the aging process of cells. Relieves arthritis pain and strengthens bones.

Squalene supplement from ORIHIRO- extract from the liver of a shark - an effective and unique drug in its effects on the body:

  • proicleanses the body, has an antioxidant effect;
  • inhibits the formation of cancer cells;
  • reduces the negative impact of radio-chemotherapy;
  • protects from radiation;
  • slows down the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • relieves arthritis pain andand strengthens bone tissue;
  • reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • improves the condition of chronic fatigue, as well as fibromyalgia;
  • protects the respiratory tract from infections;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • protects against fungal and bacterial infections;
  • improves the regeneration process, accelerating wound healing;
  • recommended in the complex treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, eczema;
  • promotes the healing of trophic ulcers;
  • enriches cells with acid genus om,moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves the condition of vision, skin, nails and hair;
  • prevents the development of diabetes.

For years, scientists thought that the secret to sharks' amazing immune system was in their cartilage. It is now known that in the liver of a shark there are substances responsible for its immunity. In 1922, two Japanese researchers discovered alkyl glycerol (AKG) in sharks caught in clear water depths in New Zealand. It is known that theUly are remarkably resistant to a variety of diseases. Moreover, an attempt to artificially inoculate them with cancer cells has failed. In 1986, in Germany, at the first international symposium on the use of ether lipids in oncology, a report was made on the ability of alkyl glycerol from shark liver oil to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

The advantage of this drug is that it contains a unique substance alkylglycerol (AKG) and squalene (SQUALENE), stimulating the functions of the immune system and having a pronounced antitumor effect.

Squalene blocks the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis) that feed the tumors, so their starvation leads to their disappearance. It is used to treat benign tumor-like processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibroids). More than 70 years of research, in Japan, New Zealand and Europe, have shown unforgettable results. For example, scientists have found that when alkylglycerol is given to patients who have been exposed to radiation, the effects of radiation on white blood cell count are reduced.

Alkylglycerol (AKG) reduces dangerous formations in white blood cells (leukopenia), which gives the overall effect of the treatment. Recommended for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy.

Squalene (SQUALENE) is a unique antioxidant. It is also a natural antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal preparation. Effective as a means of combating fungal and bacterial infections. Promotes healing of wounds. The drug is necessary for people (often ill children, the elderly, etc.) . It is recommended for all people suffering from a decrease in immunity, as well as for immune-dependent diseases - asthma, allergies, psoriasis, arthritis and AIDS.

Compound :

  • squalene (SQUALENE) - 99.6% purified deep sea shark liver extract,
  • alkylglycerol (AKG) - 15%,
  • omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) - 47%,
  • vitamin A - 3.5%,
  • vitamin D - 5%,
  • vitamin E - 3%,
  • copper, zinc, iron.

Mode of application: Adults: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Children: 1 capsule 3 times a day. Take with meals with water.

Package: 360 capsules for 60 days.

Production: ORIHIRO, Japan

It is not a medicinal product. Ask your doctor about contraindications and side effects!

As a result, the concentration of the active substance in our supplements reaches 99%, which allows you to personally evaluate the therapeutic properties of the drug.

Squalene Seedcoms (Squalene Seedcoms)

Reception and storage

  • Take 2 capsules during or after a meal divided by meals. Drink water. With this mode, one package is enough for a monthly (180 capsules) course.
  • For people who do not consume fish oil on a regular basis, it is worth eating only 1 capsule in the first week, increasing the dose to 2 capsules the next week. If you feel discomfort in your throat, then drink plenty of water. If you are using this product for the first time, then start with a lower dosage.
  • After opening the package, store the product with the lid tightly closed and in the package. Try to use it as soon as possible.


One capsule (405 mg) contains:

Squalene Orihiro (Squalene Orihiro)

Reception and storage

  • Take 2 capsules during or after a meal divided by meals. Drink water. With this mode, one package is enough for a monthly (180 capsules) or two-month (360 capsules) course.
  • For people who do not consume fish oil on a regular basis, it is worth eating only 1 capsule in the first week, increasing the dose to 2 capsules the next week. If you feel discomfort in your throat, then drink plenty of water. If you are using this product for the first time, then start with a lower dosage.
  • Refrain from taking large doses on an empty stomach.
  • Before use, it is necessary to consult with specialized doctors.
  • After opening the package, store the product by tightly closing the lid and packaging. Try to use it as soon as possible.
  • Keep the product out of the reach of children.


One capsule (440 mg) contains:

  • Refined deep sea shark liver oil (99% squalene);
  • Minor doses of gelatin and glycerin.

Nutritional value of 6 capsules:

Contraindications and side effects

Squalene has not revealed any contraindications or side effects.

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Orihiro SQUALENE (Squalene). Deep sea shark liver oil 360pcs for 60 days.

  • Manufacturer: Orihiro
  • Product code:
  • Availability: In stock
  • 2300.00 rub.

    This dietary supplement contains 99.6% pure shark squalene, extracted from deep sea shark liver oil. Stimulates the functions of the immune system and has a pronounced antitumor effect. It has strong plastic properties. Maintains silkiness and elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Remarkably strengthens the human immune system, increases the number of red blood cells, provides the body with resistance to colds, flu, diseases associated with the deterioration of the immune system, such as asthma, allergies, cancer. Great natural moisturizer.

    Orihiro squalene

    › Slows down the aging process of the skin

    › Removes harmful substances from the body

    › Inhibits tumor growth

    Shark Squalene Orihiro is a powerful health and beauty product!

    The star magnitude in the world of the most useful substances is squalene (squalus)! This is an amazing hydrocarbon that can really improve immunity, normalize the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and protect the human body from many serious diseases, including cancer.

    It is able to saturate our cells with oxygen as much as possible, for which it was called the “vitamin of oxygen”. As you know, oxygen deficiency is the main factor that triggers the aging process in our body. Squalene can become the guardian of our health!

    A highly effective anti-aging agent is also Squalene!

    It effectively rejuvenates, as it saturates the skin cells with oxygen, acts as a powerful antioxidant, has a powerful moisturizing and healing effect, and therefore belongs to the revolutionary substances of cosmetology.

    This amazing valuable hydrocarbon was discovered by Japanese scientists in the liver of deep-sea sharks. Thus, in the 1920s, the mystery of the powerful immunity of sharks and their ability to survive at depths without oxygen was revealed. Shark oil is included in the segment of expensive drugs in medicine and cosmetology.

    Orihiro squalene for your lasting health and unfading youth!

    The Japanese pharmaceutical brand Orihiro gave the world a unique product based on squalene extract. Japanese shark squalene capsules are over 99.6% squalene extracted from shark liver oil, which is 100% purified. It is useful and recommended for everyone, including children and the elderly. Orihiro Squalene is not only taken for illnesses. It is recommended for children who often catch colds, as it perfectly stimulates the immune system. It is a progressive panacea for diseases for the elderly. It effectively helps with recovery after surgery or the intake of toxic substances, with chemotherapy. It is able to inhibit cancer cells. The natural Japanese drug has no contraindications, no side effects were found.

    Online store of Japanese vitamins "Arihime"

    Shark Squalene (SQUALENE) BY ORIHIRO - deep sea shark liver oil (fat)

    • Description
    • Characteristics

    Japanese Squalene (SQUALENE) from shark liver produced by ORIHIRO for immunity, cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.

    100% deep sea shark liver oil (fat) capsules to support health, oxygenation and slow down the aging process of cells. Relieves arthritis pain and strengthens bones.

    Bioadditive Squalene from ORIHIRO - an extract from the liver of a shark - an effective and unique drug in its effects on the body:

    • cleans the body, has an antioxidant effect;
    • inhibits the formation of cancer cells;
    • reduces the negative impact of radio-chemotherapy;
    • protects from radiation;
    • slows down the development of atherosclerosis;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • relieves pain in arthritis and strengthens bone tissue;
    • reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack;
    • improves the condition of chronic fatigue, as well as fibromyalgia;
    • protects the respiratory tract from infections;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • protects against fungal and bacterial infections;
    • improves the regeneration process, accelerating wound healing;
    • recommended in the complex treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, eczema;
    • promotes the healing of trophic ulcers;
    • Enriches cells with oxygen, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin;
    • improves the condition of vision, skin, nails and hair;
    • prevents the development of diabetes.

    For years, scientists thought that the secret to sharks' amazing immune system was in their cartilage. It is now known that in the liver of a shark there are substances responsible for its immunity. In 1922, two Japanese researchers discovered Alkylglycerol (AKG) in sharks caught in clear waters in New Zealand. Sharks are known to be remarkably resistant to a variety of diseases. Moreover, an attempt to artificially inoculate them with cancer cells has failed. In 1986, in Germany, at the first international symposium on the use of ether lipids in oncology, a report was made on the ability of alkyl glycerol from shark liver oil to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

    The advantage of this drug is that it contains a unique substance Alkylglycerol (AKG) and Squalene (SQUALENE), which stimulates the functions of the immune system and has a pronounced antitumor effect.

    Squalene blocks the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis) that feed tumors, so their starvation causes them to disappear. It is used to treat benign tumor-like processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibroids). More than 70 years of research, in Japan, New Zealand and Europe, have shown unforgettable results. For example, scientists have found that when alkylglycerol is given to patients who have been exposed to radiation, the effects of radiation on white blood cell count are reduced.

    Alkylglycerol (AKG) reduces dangerous formations in white blood cells (leukopenia), which gives the overall effect of the treatment. Recommended for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy.

    Squalene (SQUALENE) is a unique antioxidant. It is also a natural antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal preparation. Effective as a means of combating fungal and bacterial infections. Promotes healing of wounds. The drug is necessary for people (often ill children, the elderly, etc.) .

    ​Ingredients: refined shark oil (SQUALENE - 99.6% pure - deep sea shark liver extract), Alkylglycerol (AKG) - 15%, Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) - 47%, vitamin A - 3.5%, vitamin D - 5%, vitamin E - 3%, copper, zinc, iron.

    How to use: Adults: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Children: 1 capsule 3 times a day. Take with meals with water.

    Packing: 360 capsules for 60 days.

    Production: ORIHIRO company, Japan.

    It is not a medicinal product. Ask your doctor about contraindications and side effects!

    BAA Squalene "ORIHIRO"

    Shark squalene (Squalene) is an effective tool that can improve human health due to its ability to normalize the functioning of the vascular system, strengthen immunity and antioxidant effects on the body. This supplement allows you to restore and fully nourish and moisturize dry skin that is prone to peeling and irritation. The name "squalene" comes from the Latin word Squalus, which translates as "shark".

    In the liver of deep-sea sharks, the amount of squalene is very high, since it is actively involved in saturating the body of the shark with oxygen, which is not enough at depth.

    A person has open skin, which is exposed to various environmental factors. Protects the skin sebum, which is distributed over the entire surface layer of the human body in the form of a film. This unique protective film contains squalene.

    Discovered in the 1920s, squalene proved to be an important factor in good health, and hence the quality of human life.

    1. It saturates the cells of the body with oxygen, soften, smooth and moisturize the skin.

    2. It is a natural antioxidant - removes harmful substances from the body;

    3. Provides good conditions for healing nails and hair;

    4. Actively fights pathogenic bacteria and strengthens the immune system;

    5. Qualitatively regulates cholesterol, prevents obesity;

    6. Slows down the aging process of the skin;

    7. Inhibits the growth of tumor formations (including cancer).


    Delivery by courier Khabarovsk.

    Effective and unique in its effects on the body, Squalene is produced on the basis of shark liver oil. Let's try to figure out what is the uniqueness of this drug. For years, scientists thought that the secret to sharks' amazing immune system was in their cartilage. It is now known that in the liver of a shark there are substances responsible for its immunity. In 1922, two Japanese researchers discovered alkyl glycerol (AKG) in sharks caught in clear water depths in New Zealand. Sharks are known to be remarkably resistant to a variety of diseases. Moreover, an attempt to artificially inoculate them with cancer cells has failed. In 1986, in Germany, at the first international symposium on the use of ether lipids in oncology, a report was made on the ability of alkyl glycerol from shark liver oil to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

    The advantage of Squalene is that it contains the unique substance Alkylglycerol (AKG). Squalene (SQUALENE), which stimulates the functions of the immune system and has a pronounced antitumor effect, blocks the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis occurs) that feed the tumors, so their starvation leads to the disappearance of the tumor. Squalene is used to treat benign tumor-like processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibromyoma). More than 70 years of research, in Japan, New Zealand and Europe, have shown unforgettable results. For example, scientists have found that when squalene is given to patients who have been exposed to radiation, the effects of radiation on white blood cell count are reduced. Squalene reduces dangerous formations in white blood cells (leukopenia), which gives the overall effect of the treatment. Squalene is also recommended for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy.

    a drug. Squalene is effective as a means of combating fungal and bacterial infections. This unique drug will help heal wounds. Squalene is necessary for people (often ill children, the elderly, etc.) stress. Squalene is recommended for all people suffering from reduced immunity, as well as immune-dependent diseases - asthma, allergies, psoriasis, arthritis, AIDS.

    Due to fatty polyunsaturated acids, squalene prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, reduces angina pectoris, and, therefore, reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, and normalizes metabolic processes in women during pregnancy.

    Squalene (SQUALENE) also has strong plastic properties. Maintains silkiness and elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Increase skin resistance to ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

    Shark liver oil, on the basis of which squalene is created, is unique in its composition, it is the best supplier of vitamins A, E, D, which improve vision, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen blood vessels and bone tissue, and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Squalene is indispensable in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis.

    Benefits of using squalene:

    Inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors

    Reduces side effects of radio-chemotherapy

    Against radiation

    Antioxidant effect, cleansing the body

    From toxic substances (removal of mercury from the body)

    Prevents the development of diabetes

    Inhibits the development of atherosclerosis

    Normalizes blood pressure

    Reduces the chance of heart attacks and strokes

    Relief of arthritis pain

    For chronic fatigue syndromes, fibromyalgia

    Protects against respiratory tract infections

    Strengthening the immune system

    Against hay fever, sinusitis,

    other allergic diseases.

    Lowering blood cholesterol

    Against various fungal and bacterial infections

    For fast wound healing

    Indispensable in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis

    Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails

    Ingredients: Purified deep sea shark liver extract 99.6%-1800 mg, gelatin, glycerin. The package contains 360 capsules for 2 months.

    Adults: 3 capsules 2 times a day (up to 6 capsules a day), after meals. Children: 1 capsule 3 times a day.

    The duration of the course is 1-2 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Shark Squalene (Deep sea shark liver oil

Manufacturer: ORIHIRO (Japan)

Package: 180 capsules (per month)

Shark liver oil of high 99.6% purity, living in deep, clean seas. Freshly processed Deep Sea Shark Liver Oil to promote and maintain health.

The advantage of this drug is that it contains a unique substance (AKG) and squalene (SQUALENE), which stimulates the function of the immune system and has a pronounced antitumor effect. They block the formation of blood vessels (angiogencis) that feed the tumors, so their starvation leads to their disappearance. It is used to treat benign tumor-like processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibroids). Recommended for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy.

Squalene (SQUALENE) is a unique antioxidant. It is also a natural antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal preparation. Effective as a means of combating fungal and bactericidal infections. Promotes wound healing.

The drug is recommended for those who have a weak immune system, as well as frequently ill children, the elderly (frequent infectious, chronic diseases. The drug has a positive effect on the body of people who have undergone serious illnesses or surgeries, with great physical exertion, prolonged stress,subject to chronic intoxication (smoking, alcohol, etc.).

Due to fatty semi-saturated acids, shark liver oil prevents the development of diabetes, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, reduces angina pectoris, and therefore reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, normalizes metabolic processes in women during pregnancy.

Squalene (SQUALENE) also has strong plastic (cosmetic) properties. Maintains the silkiness and elasticity of the skin, has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Deep sea shark liver oil is finally the best supplier of vit. A, E, D., improves vision, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthens blood vessels and bone tissue, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, is indispensable in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis.

The drug does not give any side effects.

  • inhibits the growth of cancer
  • reduces the side effects of radio-chemotherapy
  • against radiation
  • antioxidant effect, cleansing the body of toxic substances (removal of mercury from the body)
  • prevents the development of diabetes
  • inhibits the development of atherosclerosis
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • protects against respiratory infections
  • with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
  • relief of arthritis pain
  • strengthens the immune system
  • against allergic sinusitis
  • reduces blood cholesterol
  • against various fungal and bacterial infections
  • for fast wound healing
  • in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis
  • improves the condition of skin, hair, nails
  • improves eyesight

100% shark liver oil from deep, clear seas. Pack of 360 capsules for 2 months.

Freshly processed deep-sea shark liver oil from 300-1000 meters deep to promote and maintain health.


  • alkylglycerol (AKG)
  • squalene 99.6%, (SQUALENE)
  • vitamins A, E, D
  • fatty acid
  • iron.

How to use: take before meals, during meals or after (as you prefer). Do not take more capsules at one time than

  • adults - 2 capsules 3 times a day (6 capsules per day)
  • children - 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Contraindications: possible individual intolerance, allergy to the components of food additives. The recommended intake is one to three months per year.

Indications for use:

  • inhibits the growth of cancer cells
  • reduces the side effects of radiochemotherapy
  • promotes the removal of heavy metals from the body
  • has a powerful antioxidant effect
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances (removal of mercury from the body)
  • reduces the risk of developing diabetes
  • inhibits the development of atherosclerosis
  • contributes to the normalization of blood pressure
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • protects against respiratory infections
  • has a general strengthening effect on the body
  • relief of arthritis pain
  • strengthens the immune system
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • blocks fungal and bacterial infections
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds
  • improves the result in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis
  • improves the regeneration of skin, hair, nails
  • improves eyesight
  • slows down the aging process of the whole organism
  • improves the condition of the body in case of radiation damage
  • used to treat benign tumor-like processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibromyoma)
  • reduces angina.

For years, scientists thought that the secret to the amazing immune system of deep sea sharks lay in their cartilage. In 1922, Japanese scientists discovered (AKG) in sharks caught in the clear, deep waters of New Zealand. It is known that the shark has an amazing resistance to a variety of diseases. Moreover, an attempt to artificially inoculate them with cancer cells failed. In 1986, in Germany, at the first international symposium on the use of essential lipids in oncology, a report was made on the ability (AKG) of shark liver oil to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

The advantage of this drug is that it contains a unique substance (AKG) and squalene (SQUALENE), which stimulates the function of the immune system, and has a pronounced antitumor effect. It blocks the formation of blood vessels (angiogencis) that feed the tumors, so their starvation leads to their disappearance. It is used to treat benign tumor-like processes and precancerous conditions (including cervical erosion, mastopathy, fibroids). More than 70 years of research in Japan, New Zealand, Europe, showed the best results. For example, scientists have found that when alkylglycerol is given to patients who have been exposed to radiation, the effects of radiation on white blood cell count are reduced. AKG reduces dangerous formations in white blood cells (leukopenia), which gives the overall effect of the treatment.

Squalene (SQUALENE) is a unique antioxidant. It is also a natural antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal preparation. Effective as a means of combating fungal and bactericidal infections. Promotes rapid healing of wounds. The drug is necessary for people who often get sick, children and the elderly, suffering from frequent infectious, chronic diseases.

It is also recommended for people who have undergone serious illness or surgery, with great physical exertion, prolonged stress. Recommended for all people suffering from reduced immunity. Due to fatty semi-saturated acids, shark liver oil prevents the development of diabetes, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, reduces angina pectoris, reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, and normalizes metabolic processes in women during pregnancy.

Squalene (SQUALENE) also has strong plastic properties. Maintains the silkiness and elasticity of the skin, has a stimulating regenerating effect on the skin. Deep-sea shark liver oil, finally, is the best supplier of vitamins A, E, D, improves eyesight, skin, hair, nails, strengthens blood vessels and bone tissue, lowers blood cholesterol, is indispensable in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis.

The drug does not give any side effects. Possible individual intolerance to the drug.

Storage method: avoid direct sunlight and humidity, store in a cool place.

The star magnitude in the world of the most useful substances is squalene (squalus)! This is an amazing hydrocarbon that can really improve immunity, normalize the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and protect the human body from many serious diseases, including cancer.

It is able to saturate our cells with oxygen as much as possible, for which it was called the "oxygen vitamin". As you know, oxygen deficiency is the main factor that triggers the aging process in our body. Squalene can become the guardian of our health!

A highly effective anti-aging agent is also Squalene!

He effectivelyrejuvenates, as it saturates skin cells with oxygen, acts as the strongest antioxidant, has a powerful moisturizing and healing effect, and therefore refers to the revolutionary substances of cosmetology.

This amazing valuable hydrocarbon was discovered by Japanese scientists in the liver of deep-sea sharks. Thus, in the 1920s, the mystery of the powerful immunity of sharks and their ability to survive at depths without oxygen was revealed. Shark oil is included in the segment of expensive drugs in medicine and cosmetology.

Orihiro squalene for your lasting health and unfading youth!

The Japanese pharmaceutical brand Orihiro gave the world a unique product based on squalene extract. Japanese shark squalene capsules are over 99.6% squalene extracted from shark liver oil, which is 100% purified. It is useful and recommended for everyone, including children and the elderly. Orihiro Squalene is not only taken for illnesses. It is recommended for children who often catch colds, as it perfectly stimulates the immune system. It is a progressive panacea for diseases for the elderly. He effectively helps with recovery after operations or ingestion of toxic substances, during chemotherapy. It is able to inhibit cancer cells. The natural Japanese drug has no contraindications, no side effects were found.

"Shark Squalene" Orihiro (360 caps.): The most important properties

  • Activation and strengthening of immunity
  • Enrichment of cells with oxygen, stimulates cell growth
  • Moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin
  • Removes toxins/harmful substances from the body (great blood purifier)
  • Reducing the risk of obesity
  • Pronounced resistance to cancer
  • Improvement of hair and nails
  • Prevents cholesterol deposits in blood vessels
  • Excellent anti-aging effect
  • Powerful fighter against bacteria and unhealthy flora
  • Normalizes the production of hormones.