Schemes of projects of brick houses with a garage. Practical project of a house with a garage. Two-storey cottage with garage, terrace and cellar

Own land, an original project, the use of classic building materials and innovative technologies will allow you to build a brick house with a garage. Brick is resistant to flame, has thermal insulation properties, and has a beautiful appearance. If you have to think about building a country house, then a reasonable building is a brick mansion with a garage.

Pros and cons of the solution

A car garage on the ground floor of a private house makes it possible to save building materials. The extension and the beautiful cottage will be separated by a common wall covering. As a result, it is easy to turn a car storage place into a heated room. The door leading from the garage to the living rooms is convenient and adds comfort. There is no need to go outside in the rain or snow, open the room, warm up the car. This project also has its downsides. When building a garage under the same roof as a house, it occupies an area of ​​land or a room that could be used for other purposes. The garage is a fire hazardous place and its location in the house is associated with some risks. Such a project is not suitable as a parking lot for two cars.

If the size of the land allotment is small, then the basement floor would be an ideal option for placing a garage. Under the house there is parking for a large car and use it not only to protect the car, but also as a storage room or workshop. In this option, a brick garage will be significantly more expensive than the previous project, because it will need to be equipped. Interfloor ceilings are well sealed due to the fact that when a car is repaired indoors, toxic fumes can leak and enter the dwelling.

A car room can be attached to a wooden house. Wooden buildings are modern, environmentally friendly and beautiful solutions. On the sites of architectural companies, small one-story houses or multi-story cottages with various outbuildings are presented. The completed premises have a common roof with the house or are designed with two separate ones.

Preparatory stage

After the general construction plan, its detailing is developed.

At this stage, plans are made for brick houses with a garage. At the stage of drafting the project, the wishes of the owner are carefully considered. Then they develop an exact plan and visualize the layout. The project of a residential two-story or one-story cottage provides scope for the implementation of bold design decisions. With their own hands or with the help of an architect, they develop a general plan of the building, and then a detailed layout.

Construction companies have an arsenal of techniques to design comfortable housing. The project of two-story houses with a garage allows you to see the future architectural ensemble on paper and correct mistakes in time. Brick cottages have a presentable appearance. Examples of work with detailed plans are posted on the websites of architectural companies. For novice designers, they will:

  • avoid gross mistakes;
  • get the exact amount of building materials;
  • see the result of the design;
  • prepare a package of building permit documents.

Projects of brick houses with a garage

More often they are building cottages measuring 150 square meters. m. This is the area where you can comfortably accommodate all the necessary premises. Such a building would be cheaper and more practical than huge villas. If they are not satisfied with the standard designs of two-story houses, they are changed according to the wishes of the customer. Experts in the field of architecture and construction will help to draw up a plan correctly, correctly calculate the load on the walls and foundation.

The finished building can be lined with clinker tiles.

When choosing a typical plan for a house with a garage, it is taken into account that the projects of brick houses must be adapted to local conditions and to create a brick dwelling. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises will appear in the future, leading to the destruction of the building. The facade according to a standard project is finished using facing red or yellow bricks, plaster for painting, clinker tiles.

After determining the size of the house, one-story or two-story, they decide how to attach a garage. It can be adjacent to the wall of the building, located at the level of the basement or be freestanding. For the construction of a parking space located separately from housing, the technique of frame construction is used. A frame garage needs a foundation in the form of a concrete slab, and support beams are being erected around it. After deciding on the placement of two street structures - a dwelling and a garage, the premises inside the buildings are distributed and grouped.

Nowadays, when everyone is tired of the bustle of the city, I want at least a little peace and solitude. In this regard, a country cottage seems to be the ideal solution. The construction of an individual house on your own site provides an opportunity to implement all the most daring ideas and wishes.

The presence of your own land, the creation of a unique project, the use of traditional, the latest materials and construction technologies will give you the opportunity to create your own home of any level of complexity.

Despite the emergence of new modern construction technologies, brick houses are still in great demand. Brick is rightfully considered to be an almost ideal building material, since it is completely non-flammable, retains heat well for a long time, and besides, it has a very attractive appearance. Constructions made of this material are reliable, durable and repeatedly tested.

If you chose to build a house from traditional brick, then the most rational solution would be a two-story brick house with a garage.

Brick as a building material

Photo of a brick prepared for construction

as a building material. During this time, its new types have appeared, but the main characteristics and advantages have not changed.

  • Versatility. It is used for the construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities, as well as buildings for cultural and community purposes.
  • Strength. There are various brands that can withstand huge loads without collapsing, without losing their basic qualities.
  • Durability. The service life of brick structures is at least 100 years.
  • Environmental friendliness. Production is carried out from natural materials, therefore it does not contain any harmful substances. Due to its good throughput, it is not subject to rotting and pests.
  • Frost resistance. It does not collapse under repeated exposure to low temperatures, so it can be used in areas with a very harsh climate.
  • Fire safety. Absolutely non-flammable, which makes it even more attractive building material.
  • High sound insulation. Does not let extraneous sounds into the room, and especially silicate brick.
  • Aesthetics. The use of various masonry techniques allows you to create houses of various architectural styles and the most incredible shapes.

Project preparation

The project of a two-story brick house with a garage

Let's take a closer look at brick two-story houses with a garage. Before proceeding to any action, it is necessary to consider all your wishes and preferences in as much detail as possible. And then you can proceed to the development of the project of the future structure.

Projects of residential two-story cottages provide unlimited possibilities for design solutions. It is possible to most effectively and effectively plan and equip the living space of the house. You can apply interesting layouts based on your personal idea of ​​​​comfort and coziness.

The appearance of such a structure is always striking in its solidity and impressiveness. A two-story cottage looks very aesthetically pleasing, and with high-quality construction work and interesting design solutions, you will get a real luxury villa.

Now it is quite easy to find projects of brick houses and cottages with a garage. Specialist architectural firms have a wide range of different techniques that allow you to design truly comfortable and practical housing.

In addition, such organizations quite often provide standard designs for free. This will allow you:

  • reduce construction costs;
  • have an accurate layout of the required amount of materials;
  • know exactly the appearance of the building and its internal arrangement;
  • without problems to obtain special permits for construction.

If you are not satisfied with the standard project, then you can change it at the request of the customer, within the total area. For those who prefer an individual style, the project can be exclusive, according to your personal wishes.

Important: When choosing a standard project as a basis, do not forget that it must be an adapted project, that is, it must be developed specifically for the construction of a brick house. Otherwise, in the future, you may expect unpleasant surprises associated with insufficiently good heating at home in the winter.

Create a project

A set of drawing documents should include architectural and structural sections.

The architectural section displays detailed floor plans, with exact measurements.

The constructive section complements the previous one. It contains information about the design of stairs, roofs, foundations, with detailed diagrams of all elements and assemblies, as well as the specification of the materials used.

The set of documents must include:

  1. scheme for laying water supply and sewerage systems;
  2. wiring diagram of the power supply system;
  3. detailed plan of the heating system;
  4. construction gasification plan (if necessary).

Important: the internal maintenance of the house (the arrangement of rooms, the interior of the premises) is planned at the stage of creating the project.

When preparing a project, it is necessary to take into account not only the number of floors, rooms, total area and type of building materials. But it is necessary to take into account your financial capabilities, climate features and terrain structure.

Design Rules and Cost Calculation

Features of designing and calculating the cost of a house

In practice, when creating a residential building project, two main principles are based:

  1. floor distribution of premises;
  2. selection of building materials and calculation of their needs.

Floor distribution can be done in two ways. In the first case, there is a total building area, and it is distributed into separate rooms, and they should be grouped as optimally as possible.

And the second method involves first determining the number of rooms, their grouping and distribution by floor, and then the final calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

The dimensions of the premises must not be less than the minimum allowable. There are certain standards:

  • height of living rooms;
  • the size of the rooms (living room, nursery, bedroom, kitchen);
  • width of utility rooms;
  • geometric parameters of flights of stairs;
  • the location and size of window openings.

In order for the customer to know how much it will cost to build a house, use the following sample for estimates

The finished project, in addition to various schemes, includes a final cost estimate. It must be said right away that it is very difficult to determine the size of the cost of building a house as accurately as possible on your own.

Let's try to determine the cost of building a brick garage. To do this, we will compose an algorithm for calculating the cost of a brick.

  1. Determine the perimeter of the walls by adding twice the length and width.
  2. Multiply the resulting value by the height of the structure.
  3. Determine wall thickness.
  4. Calculate the consumption of bricks per square meter and multiply by the surface area of ​​the building obtained above.

Important: if these calculations are too complicated for you, you can use ready-made brick consumption tables per 1 sq.m. Then it will be enough to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface being constructed, the type of masonry and the type of brick (ordinary, one and a half or double).

Choice of building materials

Choosing the right material for building a house: aerated concrete or brick?

After the area is determined, the premises are distributed and grouped, one should proceed to the choice of building materials. The main building material is brick, but like any other material, it has several types. It is important to decide which type, and for what purposes it will be used.

The outer walls of the house are best built from ordinary ceramic bricks with slotted holes, which significantly increase thermal insulation.

Bearing structures are best made of solid ceramic or silicate bricks. The strength of a solid brick is much higher than that of a material with holes.

For the construction of interior partitions, experts recommend using silicate brick, as it has higher soundproofing performance.

Important: choose bricks from the same manufacturer, because they will have the same dimensions (length, width, height). Be sure to check the material. Even in the same batch, bricks can vary significantly in color.

Based on the type of base material, choose the type of insulation, material for waterproofing.

After choosing the main material and insulation, you can proceed to the choice of facing materials for the facade and interior surfaces of the premises.

When buying materials, be sure to check the certificates with the seller. If they are missing, then it is better not to take risks and refuse to purchase these materials.

Construction stages

The main stages of planning and building a country house can be defined as follows:

  1. Acquisition and registration of ownership of land. It is good if a passport is attached to it, indicating the main aspects.
  2. Preparation of documents permitting construction, otherwise problems may arise in the future when registering property.
  3. Geological surveys are necessary to know the location of groundwater, as well as the terrain. But if there is a site passport, then this is not necessary.
  4. Preparation of a project with reference to the area.
  5. Home construction. This stage includes all types of work from the acquisition of materials to the completion of construction. At the same time, even if the work is performed by professional builders, this does not negate your mandatory control.
  6. Acceptance of the finished house, registration of its ownership, as well as housewarming.

Building a two-story brick house or a cottage with a garage is a difficult and troublesome business. It is built for a long time and its service life depends on the quality of the work performed at all stages. Therefore, it would be most optimal and reasonable to entrust the creation of the project and the construction of the house itself to experienced professionals.

Renting a garage in a parking lot or parking a car in front of the entrance is equally inconvenient. Our projects of brick houses with a garage will show you their main advantages at a glance.

The advantages of brick houses from the company "Dachny Sezon"

  1. Your house will not have a stereotyped Soviet-style garage, in which there is no way to turn around, but an extension that will be built taking into account your needs. You can easily place any vehicle in it, and if necessary, you can carry out complex repairs.
  2. On our site you can appreciate photos of 2-storey mansions with an attic terrace and two garages and small beautiful turnkey red brick buildings. The price of construction of any project remains incredibly affordable, as the process itself is ideally optimized and brought to automatism.
  3. The project of a brick house with a garage is very different from an old-fashioned summer house. It can comfortably accommodate a family of four. At the same time, each tenant will have their own bedroom and space for leisure activities.
  4. A one-story brick house with a garage has full protection against insects and rodents. It also does not rot and does not contribute to the spread of mold. Such a building will last you longer than 100 years without a general overhaul.
  5. A two-story brick house with a garage looks amazingly stylish. The material used allows you to implement any architectural idea. Classic, modern, European style. There are no more barriers between your dreams and reality.
  6. If you make a choice in favor of a building with a built-in boiler room, you can live in such a house throughout the year and at the same time not suffer from rolling hot water cuts and other achievements of “modern apartments”.

A brick cottage has always been considered one of the most practical options for suburban real estate. Moreover, it can be easily understaffed with a garage for 1 or 2 cars. This will save free space on the site, which in the future will be used, for example, under a gazebo or orchard. You can see the finished projects of brick houses with a garage and order the one you like in our catalog.

Advantages and disadvantages

A brick house built by professionals will be as energy efficient as possible, since such walls reduce any heat loss to a minimum. But this is not the only advantage of this property:

  • you can build on 1 or 2 floors, or choose the option with an attic;
  • there is no need to go outside in winter if you need to warm up the car or take something in the trunk;
  • reduced design costs, one project plan with an extension will cost less than two separate ones;
  • affordable price of building materials and works.

To buy a project of brick cottages with a garage, simply fill out an application on our website. We present a large selection of project plans for any area or shape of land.

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand from developers. After all, it is simply not possible to imagine the life of a modern person without a car, and even living outside the city. That is why, the presence of a garage in a house project is an important factor when buying. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But the garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

A house with a garage is planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is arranged from the kitchen or hallway. There is another positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, products from the store, then it is very convenient to transfer them immediately to the kitchen.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that the garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m 2. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, to the left and right - 70 cm each, you can limit yourself to 20 cm at the back. Usually, the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done in order to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. The standard width of the gate is 2.5 m. The height is calculated so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide convenient access to the racks and think not only about electric, but also about natural lighting. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of sockets in which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on a power tool, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care of installing a socket designed for three-phase current in advance.

By the way, a heater may not be needed if you provide for heating the garage. Moreover, it is quite simple to connect it to the general heating system of the house. And, in addition, in the garage you can equip an additional workshop or pantry for inventory.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve problems with parking once and for all, and save you from looking for a suitable place for a garage for a second car.