Rizvan Ibragimov. Who are you, Mr. X? Rizvan Ibragimov: Lies, forgeries and falsifications are the tools of judges of the Chechen Republic Message about the Nokhchi people

A court in Grozny found publicist Rizvan Ibragimov guilty of inciting hatred and enmity and sentenced him to 2 years and 6 months of probation. He has already announced his intention to appeal this decision of the court.

"The verdict will be appealed. I don't have hopes for the appellate instance... I only hope for the cassation instance (the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) and the ECHR. We will fight," Rizvan Ibragimov wrote.

He also expressed his gratitude to those who supported him. "To everyone who worried about me, supported, ... came to the trial, I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation. ... I think that within a month the court will make such a decision, which I will also appeal, but it will take time. In the meantime, I am determined to seek justice by legal means. And be that as it may, the main task has been solved. The story of Nokhchi has escaped from imprisonment. It cannot be pushed back," Rizvan Ibragimov wrote.

Historians previously interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" were critical of the scientific value of Ibragimov's works, saying that the persecution of the publicist by the authorities brought him more popularity than his works themselves, while other authors in Chechnya saw "the limits of what is permitted" in Ibragimov's example.

Recall, on May 25, Rizvan Ibragimov said that the Supreme Court of Chechnya returned for review the case on recognizing his books as extremist, adding that the proceedings in this case were suspended pending a verdict in the criminal case against him.

News about human rights violations in Chechnya, attacks by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov on the opposition and his fight against dissent in the republic are published by the "Caucasian Knot" on a special thematic page

December 29, 2017 Views: 2066

Rizvan Ibragimov: I'm starting to upload my still unpublished book "On the Noah's Testament, Nokhchi and Biblical Eden" in LiveJournal. It was written more than three years ago, but taking into account its judicial epic, it is necessary to change its text somewhat in order to prevent "well-wishers" from subsuming it under an article on extremism. Yes, and new materials and discoveries that have happened during this time also need to be reflected. I will post as chapters are ready. I hope that with the publication of the last chapter, the book will ready for paper publication. Maybe by then the sponsor will show up.

Criticism is welcome. Comments will help to more clearly state obscure points and eliminate errors, if any.

I especially appeal to the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic Shakhrudin Gapurov, to the notorious Supyan Magomadov and the Chairman of the Union of Writers of the Chechen Republic Kante Ibragimov. Since I do not work in the system of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, I am not a member of the Writers' Union of the Czech Republic and do not count on financial support from these structures, your approval is not required for the publication of my books. However, respecting the position of the Head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, expressed by him at a well-known meeting, I give you and your specialists the opportunity to express their motivated objections and criticisms on each chapter either here on my page, or in the CHIO group, or on my blog in LiveJournal. The absence of motivated and well-founded comments can be considered by me and the entire Internet community as your approval of each chapter and the entire book as a whole.

* * * * * *


Chapter 1

The assumption that any of the small
mountain peoples of the Caucasus (generally very
tied to their specific
natural environment) could spread
its power over a vast territory
East European Plain,
there is a real absurdity.

And when the time comes, you need to know Noah's family,
I will reveal secrets to the peoples of history,
It will become clear then to all the peoples of the Earth -
Noah's race delivered them from a great misfortune.
That people rejected the offer to go to Paradise.
He saved life at the cost of such a world,
And he took on the sins of all peoples,
He paid for this solution for hundreds of years.
It is necessary to know all the peoples of the Earth from now on,
That the people of that Nokhchi have been called since then.

A number of well-known scientists of the 19th-20th centuries, who studied the ancient history of mankind, drew attention to the similarities in motifs, ornamentation, customs, religious beliefs of various peoples scattered across the vast expanses of the Oikumene. In turn, linguists discovered parallels in languages ​​that pointed to a single source of their origin. Archaeologists literally fell into a stupor, discovering identical household items throughout the planet from the Pacific to the Atlantic, from the Arctic to the Indian. Asian-American parallels in art were recorded by American scholars Leonard Adam, Karl Gentze, Paul Rivke, José Imbellione and others. K. Gentze and L. Adam noted the similarity of the distinctive features of various products of the peoples of East Asia, the northwestern coast of America and Mexico. As Fomenko and Nosovsky write, the course of ancient history, according to this concept, looked primitively simple: the "giving" East and the "receiving" periphery, which included almost our entire planet ...

In other words, all ancient cultures were created by a certain Center located in the East. A great contribution to the development of this concept was made by German and Austrian ethnographers, the creators of the so-called theory of "cultural circles" - F. Grenber, W. Schmidt, B. Ankerman, W. Koppers and others. They argued that throughout the history of mankind there were seven or eight successive waves of civilizations of gigantic proportions, emanating from this mysterious center, creating the cultures of all the peoples of the world.

Very eloquently the role of this Center in history was described in his book by one very famous

“Everything that we are amazed at in this world - science and art, technology and discoveries - all this is only a product of the creativity of one people. The existence of our entire culture depends on it. If this people perished, then all mankind would go down with them into the grave. All the great cultures of the past perished only as a result of the fact that the creative people died out as a result of blood poisoning.

Everything that we now have in the sense of human culture, in the sense of the results of art, science and technology - all this is almost exclusively the product of the creativity of the Aryans. From this, of course, one can conclude, not without reason, that in the past it was the Aryans who played the highest role, i.e. that the Aryans were the founders of mankind. The Aryan is the Prometheus of mankind. His clear head was endowed with a divine spark of genius, he was given to kindle the first flames of the human mind, he was the first to throw a bright ray of light into the dark night of the mysteries of nature and show man the way to culture, teaching him the sacrament of dominance over all other living beings on this earth. Try to eliminate the role of the Aryan race for the future, and perhaps in just a few hundred years the earth will again be plunged into darkness, human culture will perish and the world will be empty.

If we divide mankind into three groups: 1) the founders of culture, 2) the bearers of culture, and 3) the destroyers of culture, then the representatives of the first two groups will probably be only the Aryans. It was the Aryans who created, so to speak, the foundation and walls of human creations. Other peoples left their mark only on the walls and form. All the basic plans for human progress, all the largest stones needed for construction - all this was given by the Aryan. Other races belonged only to the execution of plans.

A more careful acquaintance with the destinies of the development of individual peoples has to state the fact that almost all of them were initially only carriers of culture, and not its founders.

Almost everywhere one can observe the following picture of development. Aryan tribes - often in numerical terms, ridiculously small - manage to subjugate foreign peoples. Relying on the special conditions inherent in these territories (degree of abundance, climatic conditions, etc.), and using in an appropriate way the large labor force now at their disposal, the Aryans awaken in the conquered peoples spiritual and organizational abilities that have been dormant until now. sleepless sleep. In the course of centuries, the Aryans manage to create a new culture, which at first has all the internal features of the Aryans, and which only to a certain extent adapts itself in the above sense to the properties of the earth and to the human properties of the conquered peoples. But then a certain time passes, the conquerors themselves begin to violate the principle of blood purity, which they previously adhered to very strictly, gradually they begin to mix with the conquered peoples, and thus their own existence ends. It is known, after all, that after the Fall in Paradise came the expulsion from Paradise.

One or two thousand years will pass. And we can only ascertain the last traces of a once civilized people only in the white color of the skin, resulting from the mixing of the blood of “gods” and people, and in the ossified culture brought by the once chosen people. All the spiritual advantages of the former civilizers were dissolved in the blood of civilized peoples. The torch of human progress was steadily fading.

It happened many times in history that after the next Apocalypse, the peoples for the second, third, and fifth time came into contact with the race that had once brought culture to them, and neither side even remembered the previous ones. meetings. Now the remnants of the blood of the former rulers unconsciously flowed towards the newly arrived Aryan blood. A new wave of civilization was rising in the country, and it exerted its beneficial influence until the moment when the carriers of culture again dissolved among foreign peoples.

V.Ya. Bryusov. He notes the commonality of their cultures, the identity of the gods, the similarity of pottery, and much more. At the same time, I found out that these cultures did not originate from one another, did not adopt each other's achievements, but had a common root. Consecrating the question, Bryusov writes:

“To all these questions there is, apparently, only one plausible and acceptable answer for science: analogies in the cultures of Aegean and Egypt should be explained not by the influence of one people on another, but by the common origin of these cultures. Both, developing independently over millennia, set off from the same starting point. There was, in immemorially ancient epochs of history, a certain X, a certain cultural world, which equally influenced both Aegea and Egypt, gave them both the first impetus to the development of their spiritual powers. Such an assumption explains both the circumstance that the religious thought of both the Egyptians and the Aegeans followed the same path and led to similar results, and those individual facts that almost identical phenomena turned out to be in the culture of the two peoples, in particular - that some of the written signs of the Egyptians and the Aegeans coincided. By assuming that the Egyptian and Aegean cultures are based on one thing, we solve most of the mysteries presented by the history of the Aegean. Not only that: by the hypothesis of the existence of this X, this ancient cultural world that powerfully influenced the historical cultures of antiquity, we also solve many other mysteries of historical science. The relationship between the Aegean and Egypt is only a special case when historical facts require the acceptance of this hypothesis. It is enough to briefly review other ancient cultural worlds of mankind to make sure that their history also urgently requires the admission of the same, so far unknown to us, "X".

No matter how in detail we restore the evolution of pyramidal architecture, the fact that suddenly Egypt had the opportunity to create one of the seven "wonders of the world" was a mystery: on the banks of the Nile, at a great distance from places where it is possible to extract the material needed for construction, to erect artificial mountains from gigantic boulders according to a definite, strictly executed plan, with a remarkable, fully achieved, technical perfection. Suddenly, pharaohs are born in Egypt, conceived of such an unprecedented enterprise; suddenly architects appear who dare to undertake such a feat and prove able to carry it out successfully; suddenly relations are opened with a distant overseas country (Punt), from where, by a special fleet and along newly laid roads, they bring the necessary material mined in special quarries; suddenly there are hundreds of thousands of working hands, submissive to a single will; the main thing is that suddenly the builders find themselves fully armed with the necessary mathematical, purely geometric and various kinds of technical knowledge, without which such structures are unthinkable, and at the disposal of the same builders are devices for transporting heavy blocks over a thousand miles, all kinds of tools for cutting and cutting hard stone, powerful machines for lifting terrible weights to a height of hundredths of floors, workshops for producing copper sheets with which the sides of the pyramids were lined, and much more.

The Egyptians immediately show themselves to be a highly cultured people, possessing great knowledge, great technical skill and immeasurable means; the great pyramids rise to the sky, to the marvel of all future travelers, up to modern tourists ... But one century, a century and a half passes, and just as suddenly, just as suddenly, the courageous construction ends. None of the later pharaohs dares to compete with Cheops. Egypt, as a state, grows, grows stronger, turns into an empire that includes within its borders a significant region of Western Asia and part of the Aegean Islands; Egyptian culture flourishes brightly and magnificently, subordinating the neighboring countries to its influence; science and art in Egypt are making giant strides forward; but the feat of the ancient builders remains unsurpassed. In the 29th century BC, the Egyptians could build great pyramids, in later centuries they could not.

And I want to repeat Maspero’s question: “Shouldn’t we conclude from this that in the period between these two epochs (i.e., between the “pre-dynastic” and the era after the first dynasties), some people who came from outside imposed their influence on the inhabitants of Egypt, bringing to them that understanding, in this case, of the great and that ability to realize it, which until then the Egyptians did not possess?

... the Egyptians, Aegeans and Mayans do not exhaust the family of peoples whose cultures, in ancient times, already turn out to be interconnected by secret analogies. We meet the pyramid for the third time, again in the Old World, on the hills and in the valleys of Etruria; there are the triumphal arches of the Etruscans with the same high-relief masks that are placed on the walls of the May palaces; the Mayan calendar reveals a relationship with the Babylonian calendar; ornaments common in Central America are repeated on the buildings of the ancient Caucasus; May letters - in the books of ancient India; features of Chinese art are reflected in the works of the Aymara peoples who once inhabited modern Peru, in South America, etc. A cursory review of all the most ancient cultures of mankind will show the unity of the principles underlying them.

Turning in the opposite direction, to the east from the Aegean coast and Egypt, we also meet in early antiquity a number of cultural centers connected by various analogies with those considered earlier. As you know, not so long ago, thanks mainly to the truly brilliant insights of Acad. prof. N. Ya. Marr, it was as if a new world opened up for science: the culture of the Japhetids in the Caucasus and in the regions of ancient Armenia. History gets the opportunity to observe this culture in the 2nd millennium BC, but it is undoubtedly much older, and its beginning is lost in the 3rd, if not in the 4th millennium.

It is still difficult to reconstruct the chronology of the Japhetids. But there is no doubt that their kingdoms were already on the decline, therefore, they had long survived and considered in the distant past the times of their heyday - in the XII century. BC, during the era of the wars of the Khald king Tughlat-Palassar (about 1100 BC). From the inscriptions of this king, we know that he made a series of campaigns against the kingdom of Nairi, located around Lake Van and further to the Northeast, to the massif of the Caucasus Mountains, a kingdom whose peculiar culture was the late flower of the common Japhetid culture. Drawing a line from this date into the past, we get, confirmed by archeological data, the era of the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, i.e. again the same times when the labyrinth cities flourished in Crete. From other inscriptions of the Chaldian and Assyrian kings, we recognize the names of other Japhetid kingdoms, and among them, as especially significant, the kingdom of Urartu, later identified, of course, geographically, with Armenia. The prosperity of these kingdoms preceded the Chaldean-Babylonian power, and various indirect data allow us to conclude that there was a period when the Japhetid peoples stood at the center of the entire mental movement of modernity, to a distant space, up to the banks of the Jordan and to Semirechye in Hindustan.

Today we are witnessing an intensified dragging of the history of the state of Urartu by the Armenians. Having started the mass settlement of the Armenian Highlands only in the middle of the 19th century, after the Russian troops had driven the Muslims out of there, they composed a lot of “ancient” historical chronicles, creating a false history for themselves. Bryusov directly tells us: Urartu and Armenia are not the same thing.

In his search for the mysterious X, apparently logically realizing that he should be connected with him, Bryusov turns to the personality of Noah, but he could not make a final conclusion, leaving him at the mercy of future researchers:

“It remains to recall the biblical story about Noah's Ark, which stopped at the top of Ararat. Perhaps, a grain of historical truth is hidden in the legend: it was a memory of the exceptional role played by the “kingdoms of Ararat” (also a biblical term) in the cultural life of early antiquity. According to the Bible, the entire human race again settled on the earth from Ararat, and, consequently, the whole earthly civilization spread from there. Jewish narrators, who so modified the Chaldean legends about the global flood, had to remember that once the light of enlightenment poured to them from Ararat, that from there they waited for the revelations of science and art. The peoples living around Ararat - the Japhetid tribes - were presented to the ancient Jews as the most enlightened among all others. The Chaldean kings, having crushed the kingdoms of Nairi and Urartu, destroyed one of the most ancient centers of civilization on earth, and, probably, future excavations on the shores of Lake Van will bring science as unexpected revelations as the expected archaeological discoveries on the other side of the earth, in the extreme west of Europe.

The world of the Japhetids is not the only cultural world of this type lying to the east of Mesopotamia. Similar conclusions would also have been given by consideration of the culture of Elam, and especially of ancient India. But what is most remarkable is that the same "historical analogies" are noted by the latest research in the cultures of the Far East, among the peoples who settled along the shores of the Pacific Ocean, that is, among the Chinese, Japanese, tribes of the Indochinese Peninsula, Malacca, some islands of Polynesia (Easter Islands ) and the western coast of South America. A recently published brilliant book by the Portuguese scientist Fenollose establishes as an irrefutable fact that the most ancient, in his terminology, "Pacific" culture captured a huge space, exerting a powerful influence on all the peoples surrounding the Pacific Ocean, and being in mysterious relationships with the cultures of the Mediterranean. Fenollose himself is inclined to find in the Aegean, Egyptian and Hellenic cultures traces of the direct influence of the Pacific culture on them ... It is very likely that the researcher, carried away by his undeniably curious discoveries, goes too far in his conclusions. But that the Far East was not alien to the unity of the most ancient cultures of mankind, this can now be considered proven.

Thus, the entire "Old World", the most ancient cultures of the three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa (in its northeastern part), turned out to be connected by mysterious threads of "historical analogies". But we have already seen that this connection continues further: it spreads to the "New World", capturing the peoples of Central America, the Mayans, and through them the Aztecs. Fenollose's book adds to this the connection of the Pacific culture with the ancient culture of South America. Even the commonality of the cultures of the Old World, as we have seen, cannot be fully explained by the mutual influence of peoples on each other; joining this family of American peoples urgently requires a different interpretation. In this fact, the mystery of history rises to its full height, and historians either have to be content with a modest "ignoramus" ("we do not know"), or go towards the ancient tradition they reject about a cultural world even older than "early antiquity". After a cursory review of the cultures of the "Old World", the proximity of the ancient Mexican culture to them becomes especially striking: it is revealed how many different threads ancient America was connected to the world of the Mediterranean, separated from it by insurmountable, in those days, the depths of the ocean.

The final conclusion of our entire review is again the same. That commonality of principles that underlies the most diverse and most distant from each other cultures of "early antiquity": the Aegean, Egyptian, Babylonian, Etrurian, Japhetid, ancient Hindu, Mayan, and perhaps also the Pacific and the culture of the South American peoples, cannot be fully explained. borrowings of some peoples from others, their mutual influence and imitations. One must look for some common influence at the basis of all the most ancient cultures of mankind, which alone can plausibly explain the remarkable analogies between them. It is necessary to look beyond the "early antiquity" for some "X", a cultural world still unknown to science, which first gave impetus to the development of all civilizations known to us. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Aegeans, Hellenes, Romans were our teachers, the teachers of our modern civilization. Who were their teachers? Whom can we call the responsible name “teachers of teachers?” .

Since Bryusov, unable to cope on his own, left the task of finding Mr. X to future researchers, we have the right to take over from him in order to put the last point on this issue. For this we have all the completeness of information, an exhaustive evidence base, and are ready to name those whom Bryusov rightly calls teachers of teachers. And we will have to start with the antediluvian period of human history.

1. Vasilyeva N.I. "Russian Khazaria". A new look at history "- M .: Metagalaxy, 2001. - 320 p. (The True History of the Russian People, issue 2-3.2001). P. 159-254.
2. G.V. Nosovsky, A.T. Fomenko. Reconstruction of the World History (New Chronology) Moscow, 2000.
3. In the German translation the book is titled Fenollose, Ursprung und Entwicklung der chinesischen und japanischen Kunst. Verl. v. Karl W. Hiersemann. Leipz. 1913.
4. In South America, the Aymara tribes are the bearers of the most ancient culture. Their civilization, the fall of which dates back to the 1st century. BC, presents a number of analogies with Chinese culture and with the culture of ancient Indo-China. As for the state of the Incas, which was found in South America by the Spaniards, it arose only in the 10th century. ad.
5. Bryusov Valery. Collected works in seven volumes. Volume 7. Articles about Pushkin. Teachers of teachers. - M.: Fiction, 1973. - 528 p.

Today, a year after those events, I consider it possible and necessary to reveal some details of what happened.

I will note in advance that I will not name those organizers of our "abduction" who cannot be prosecuted due to lack of evidence and their official position. The names of the perpetrators against whom there is evidence necessary to bring to justice will not be named either. This category of people refers to law enforcement officers of the middle and lower levels, who, against their will, were forced to violate the Law in pursuance of commands descended from above. To avoid misunderstandings, I note that the source of these commands was not the Head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. They were people of a lower level, but who had the opportunity to influence the content of the information transmitted upward.

I warn you in advance that I will not file any statements with law enforcement agencies regarding these persons, nor will I testify against them. I have no right, since the issue of responsibility of each of them was transferred to the discretion of the Almighty. It is up to him to decide who and how to punish. To Him and seek forgiveness for those who realized their wrong and repented of their deeds.

Before proceeding to the presentation of the facts, I will explain the reason, or rather one of the reasons why I, a representative of the exact sciences, not a historian by profession, turned to the study of the history of my people. Russian historians, politicians and the Russian media are to blame for this. And here I can not do without quotes:

“In the academic history of the Chechens, unlike the Jewish one, the Chechens have nothing to be proud of: “From the destroyed Jerusalem, the Torah scrolls were carried by men - the surviving servants of the Temple, the priests of the provincial synagogues. They told their pupils about what they themselves had religious disputes about, about the greatness of David and Solomon, and the Chechens have no myths of greatness, no myths at all, not even history - it is not written down. There is nothing here that calls for great deeds. So one should not expect in the future, even in the distant future, from the descendants of the Chechens such great people as the Jews, most likely, we are present at the death of the nation, which did not take place culturally and historically. It is possible that world civilization has lost in the face of many Chechens those who could multiply its successes. But we can't change anything.

The Jews retained their "Jewishness", i.e. a culture that the rulers of the Middle Ages and the New Age could not ignore, and after centuries, in the end, they recreated their state. And what can Chechens be proud of in order not to dissolve, to be reborn? Indeed, in Chechen history, only “the struggle of the Chechen people for independence from Shamil to Dudayev is documented. Yes, and documented, it's ridiculous to say, in the language of the "occupiers" - in Russian.

So wrote a certain Kirill Kolikov in the Literary newspaper No. 22 for 2000. Somewhat later, Valery Demin "walked" through the Chechens in his book "From the Russians to the Aryans" (Publishing house: "Russkaya Pravda", Moscow, Omsk; 2008):

“I also ask you not to confuse the clan with the Chechen teip (clan). The fact is that the Chechen teip is a gang of robbers, formed during the period of the Hurrian-Semitic (Sarmatian) invasion, which later assumed only reproductive functions. There was no spiritual and moral upsurge at the same time. Robber psychology as it was, and remains.

In 2000, the president of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, Sergei Goncharov, was worried that this generation would not be able to do away with the Chechens:

"Chechens are a warlike nation, they know how to fight. Unfortunately, in this generation we will not be able to put an end to them. Their children are already at the age of seven ready to hold weapons and avenge their father and brother. The war with Chechnya has been going on for more than one century, but to destroy the spirit confrontation is beyond our power ... "(Kommersant" No. 55 (1940) dated 03/31/2000).

And a number of Russian journalists and high-ranking figures found it necessary to express their attitude towards the stay of my long-suffering people on Earth:

“General Yermolov didn’t want to destroy this evil tribe in vain, he understood that there was no hope of re-educating the Chechens. All the troubles in the Caucasus and in Russia because of them. The Chechens, as they were savages, have remained.” A.V. Kvashnin (quoted from the book by V.V. Kurochkin “Mission in Chechnya”, M., 1997).

“A Chechen can only kill. If he is not able to kill, then he robs. If he is not able to do this, then he steals, and there is no other Chechen. Thus, Chechens are either murderers, or bandits, or thieves.” M.I. Barsukov. From a public speech on Russian TV on January 20, 1996.

“In Chechnya, it is necessary to use the scorched earth tactics without any hesitation, passing through it like a fiery rink. And all Chechens - to be deported ... Chechnya must be subjected to a local nuclear strike, and what is left must be rolled into asphalt. S. Dorenko. From speeches on ORT 1999-2000.

“A missile attack on the Grozny market is not quite a barbaric action, as the world perceived it. The news from Chechnya about the bombings and the death of the civilian population is just the most joyful news. For in this case, the Chechens themselves will bring the heads of Maskhadov and Basayev and say: “What else can we do to stop the bombing?” M. V. Leontiev (quoted from the book. Eternal War. Chechens through the eyes of friends and enemies ”Kh. Bakaev).

“A good Chechen is a dead Chechen. Chechnya must be struck with a nuclear strike and turned into one black pit” V.V. Zhirinovsky, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, July 1, 1999.

“... Destroy all these bastards. Get ready for a day and a half, as it should, so that you don’t do something there, you know, to your own detriment. “Chechnya is a center of international terrorism, corruption and mafia! Chechens are all gangsters, you understand! These black bandages, you know, they put them on their heads! We will destroy them all! I myself am a hostage of this crisis, and my friend Bill is supporting the Russian counterinsurgency." B. Yeltsin.

“I can only negotiate with the bandits on one topic - the surrender of weapons. The alternative to this is the wholesale extermination of bandits, and since, as FSB chief General of the Army Barsukov recently stated, the entire population of Chechnya is bandits, draw the appropriate conclusions.” V.V. Tikhomirov. July 1996 press conference statement

These are the public statements in which none of the persecutors of Rizvan Ibragimov saw signs of inciting hostility towards the Chechens, did not see signs of extremism and a call for violent action. None of these characters was brought to justice, none of them became a defendant in a criminal case. Many are still in positions of responsibility. None of these “works” has been classified as extremist.

In this situation, I had a question about the reasons why my people are plunged into slaughter under various pretexts every 50 years.

There were several other reasons that, taken together, forced me to abandon the business and turn to the analysis of publicly available historical and religious sources. The hard daily work between 2009 and 2016 paid off. Her findings have resulted in five published books:

Message about the people of Nokhchi;
The Jewish people are not who they claim to be;
Palestine? No, Chechnya!;
Secrets of the genealogy of the prophets;
Berke, Jochi or Bers Sheikh?

In addition to them, 5 more unpublished books have been written, the first of which was written at the request of the late Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov:

Vainakhs - people of the bee swarm;
About Noah's Testament, Nokhchi and biblical Eden;
The Hidden History of the Prophets-2;
How the story of Nokhchi was hidden;
Ivan the Terrible or Caliph Bers?

All of them are available in electronic form on the Internet.

The conducted research has undeniably shown that the ancient history of the Chechens, which is considered lost, is simply attributed to other peoples. One of them is Jewish, hence the title of the book "The Jewish people are not who they say they are." This is the main secret, carefully hidden by the forces that now rule the world. Its discovery and publication is the main reason why state structures of federal subordination, using local executors, are persecuting Rizvan Ibragimov. The reason was the negative statements allegedly contained in my books against the Jews. Decided to start after seeing my

I will not write about the previous events, I will start from the moment of the abduction of me and Abubakar Didiev. It is rather difficult to call this a kidnapping in the conventional sense, but from the point of view of the criminal code, this is a real kidnapping.

So, on April 1, 2016, they called me and made an offer that could not be refused due to the official position of the person from whom this offer came. I was ordered to arrive at the “Heart of Chechnya” mosque for the evening prayer to have a discussion on Chechen history with Ruslan Zakriev. It was he who was used as a decoy duck. I cannot know whether Ruslan played his role consciously, or whether he was used in the dark. The fact is that after that it got the job done by the person who used it. Then, on the Proza.ru website, Ruslan erupted in my address with an angry article entitled "Rizvan Ibragimov and his religion."

As a result of our discussion, I was declared an apostate from Islam, and the representative of the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs, who was present there, was instructed to take me into custody, search my house, seize the computer and the rest of the circulation of my books. They ordered to find Abubakar Didiev and also take him into custody. Representatives of the ROVD, together with my son, who was present there, went to our house to conduct a search. Naturally, there was no talk of any sanctions for our arrest, search, etc.

To mine: “Do you understand what you have done?” Ruslan Zakriev replied: “This is the will of God.” There was, of course, nothing to hide here. Nothing happens in this world without the permission of God.

I was immediately taken to the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs, and after some time Abubakar Didiev was taken there. Then they took me in for an interrogation. They demanded the name and address of a woman mentioned anonymously in one of my books. Having not achieved success, they connected him to a high voltage source and began to torture him with electric current, alternating this with assault, but to no avail. A couple of hours later, Didiyev and I were placed in a detention center set up in the basement of the police department, where we spent four days. These are the very days when the whole world was looking for us together with Khusein Betalgiriev.

One night we were awakened and I was taken for interrogation to the room where the fighters, young boys, lived. They asked for a device to connect to the current, but the office where it was located turned out to be locked. Then the fighters were ordered to watch, and I was connected by wires to a 220 V household electrical network. Again they demanded to give the name of that woman. After a while, under stress, I lost consciousness. Pouring water, brought to life. At that moment, as in a dream, I heard: "Enough, otherwise he will die." Threatening me to come again, the team of executors, who were not employees of the ROVD, left.

Already after my release from the police department, I found out that the story of torturing me with electric current became public on the same day. It was transmitted by the same fighters who, with tears in their eyes, watched the twitching and screaming elderly man, unable to help. By the way, we fed the parcels transmitted for us from home to these guys, since we ourselves kept the post.
In the early morning of the same day, we were taken to a meeting with another group of people. Of all that happened there, I will mention only one episode. One of those present, hoping to scare me, took out a pistol, and, pointing it in my direction, said: “I will shoot and throw the corpse into Sunzha.” Like lightning, the thought flashed through my head: “Does he really not understand that the dates of life and death are determined by Allah? If my time has come, I cannot escape death, and if not, then Allah will not allow him to pull the trigger.” At that moment, the drum of the pistol fell out of its socket, and the cartridges spilled onto the floor.

Then in the evening we were taken to the residence of the Government. As we drove into the yard, we thought we were being taken for a talk with the Head of the Republic. But they brought me into the hall, where almost the entire intelligentsia of the Republic was gathered. The rest is known from a video posted on the YouTube network, but the media misrepresented something. It's about apologies. According to the official version, we apologized to the scientific community and the clergy of Chechnya. In fact, I apologized, and sincerely, to Ramzan Kadyrov for the inaccuracies in my books related to the mention of the names of him and his father. I had nothing to apologize to the scientific community and the clergy.

After that, we were required to make a statement in front of the TV cameras of the ChGTRK, repent, re-convert to Islam and confirm the Arab origin of the Prophet Muohmad, may Allah bless him and welcome him. Naturally, the situation did not allow "bullying".

In his speech, Ramzan Kadyrov noted that I was guilty of spreading a rumor about our abduction in the media, and ordered me to take measures to stop this false rumor. It was unacceptable not to fulfill the order of the Head of the Republic, therefore, having taken my laptop from the District Department of Internal Affairs on this basis, I posted the following message on the nohchidu.com website:

The next day they called me and demanded to urgently arrive at the police department with my computer. I'm coming. Complain about posting. I explain that this was done at the request of the Head of the Republic. It turned out that the text was written incorrectly. In their opinion, it should have been written that I myself voluntarily came to the police department every morning and left in the evening. It turned out that during this period I was still hiding from the whole world in order to create the impression of my abduction. As a result, I had to remove the message from the site and wait for some "cool hackers" who cleaned my computer of all content, and at the same time, destroyed the site. I was told to log out of all social networks except FB and not change the passwords of my email boxes so that they could check the contents.

Further more. I was instructed to come to the police department every day, work on the FB social network during the day, and go home only in the evening. This went on for a whole week. Probably, in their opinion, it was possible to hide my illegal detention in the bullpen from April 1 to April 4, 2016. After all, in the following days, a lot of people saw that I “voluntarily” visited the police department for a whole week.

But there is one point that, before the publication of this article, was not known to anyone, even to Abubakar Didiev, who was with me. Before I was placed in the detention center, I turned off and handed over my phone to the head of the police department for safekeeping. On his table, he lay all four days. Thus, attention was diverted from the second one, which was later used as a voice recorder. I was not subjected to inspection, so some episodes were recorded and saved. As mentioned above, I have no right to initiate proceedings against the participants in those events. The records are my guarantee of safety. Since none of the participants revealed themselves in subsequent actions to persecute me, when the IC of the RF Investigative Committee for the Chechen Republic, the Prosecutor's Office and the Center for Pediatrics took over the baton, the records remain unclaimed.

Further meetings of scientists and writers followed, stigmatizing me. For some reason, only the most “disgraced” person was not invited to these meetings. In the language of the clergy, this is called "g1ibat" - slander behind the back, which is an act for which Allah imposes a curse. The so-called Chairman of the Union of Writers Kanta Ibragimov agreed that Rizvan Ibragimov was a spy for the West. So he said that Ibragimov could not publish so many books in ten thousand copies (in fact, only 2000) without financial assistance from Western intelligence services. But nonsense, it is nonsense in Africa, exactly the same as the following phrase from the conclusion of this meeting:

“The inconsistency of the works of Rizvan Ibragimov and Abubakar Didiev has been proven through a comprehensive commission analysis of the texts and free discussion.”

These persons will also not be honored with my punishment. I have nothing but contempt for them. They also have a responsibility to God.

Such, in general terms, are the events of that first week in April. It would seem that everything is left behind, I can’t maintain a website, I can’t write about the history of the Chechens, since such is the condition of power. In my perception, it turned out to be a kind of agreement: we don’t touch you anymore, and you don’t write anymore. However, in May it became clear that there was no agreement. I was summoned to the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic, and the investigator for especially important cases notified that, based on the results of the check, a criminal case could be initiated against me under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation at the request of a certain Zaira Paizulaeva. And so it happened.

However, I should have expected this, since the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, Apti Alaudinov, reported to the Head of the Republic in advance that my books would be banned:(from 37 to 40 minutes).

“Even a cursory study of this book led me to the fact that I already know for myself that I will send this book for research and it will receive a 99.9% result as extremist and this literature will be banned both for publication and for study on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, Ramzan Akhmadovich, we completely study his literature, not only his literature. Last night, after you gave me the task this morning and sent it, I studied it and looked at it. You told me to give an answer when we meet. Not only their literature, but also others who call themselves historians, written without any agreement, without any confirmation of the published majority of the literature, if it is the Will of Allah, then after conferring with the minister, we instructed the literature to be given for study. Definitely, his literature will be recognized as extremist, as it calls for interethnic, interfaith, to put it bluntly, further time bomb. If our young people go away listening to such people, then later on we will definitely have to enmity and fight, and all peoples will have to attack us.

An enviable human ability is to study 837 pages of analytical scientific texts in one evening, saturated with links to more than 500 primary sources.

Everything that happened next was a complete crime with the participation of employees of the Department for Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Chechen Republic, the CPE, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic, prosecutors, district judges, psychiatrists, Dagestan experts and television. The purpose of this disregard for justice is to create the appearance that Ibragimov’s books are indeed extremist in order to fulfill Apti Alaudinov’s promise to the Head of the Chechen Republic: “Definitely, his literature will be recognized as extremist, since it calls for interethnic, interconfessional…”.

But this is the second pre-trial part of my "play". In the meantime, I state directly that Apti Alaudinov, to put it mildly, misled the Head of the Republic. In the books of Rizvan Ibragimov there is no extremism, not a single negative statement about any of the peoples. Every doubter can be convinced of this by studying the books themselves, but not in one evening.

Where and why did Moses lead his people

Chapter from the book "The Hidden History of the Prophets-2"

Rizvan Ibragimov

And God said to him (Abraham) that his descendants

will be settlers in a foreign land and will

in enslavement and oppression for four hundred years.

Bible, Acts 7:6

The reader should have already understood that the history of mankind is a series of periods of spiritual decline of earthlings, followed by times of subsequent rebirth. These periods were called the Golden Age or the times of the Earthly Paradise.

The Earthly Paradise has happened many times in history. This happened some time after the appearance of each of the great prophets. Hearts were cleansed, spirituality was revived, poverty left people, a true unity of peoples became a fact. But before that, the Almighty exterminated the planetary Evil. The main bearers of it at all times were the powerful of the world. Their destruction was never entrusted to either the prophet or the chosen people. The Torah and the Bible are outright lies in this regard.

Allah transferred this function to the forces of nature. Volcanoes, earthquakes, asteroids, waters of the oceans performed their duties properly. Only after that did the Almighty introduce the chosen people into action. He performed only protective, messianic and enlightening functions. He helped to revive the remnants of former peoples that survived after the cataclysms. Such a revival is otherwise called renewal. In Chechen it sounds like "c I invina", hence the Latin " civil ”, and the Russian “civilization”.

Here lies the reason for the centuries-old persecution of the Nakhs. On the eve of the coming transformations, before the coming of the last Messiah (Mahdi), the forces of nature became active again. World Zionism, the current representative of World Evil, has also become more active. It has other names as well - the Nadi Jewish elite, the Global Predictor, the Committee of 300, the Masonic Lodge, the Illuminati, etc. The head is the Windsor family, represented by Queen Elizabeth II . The Jewish people, which is so hated by many in this world, is, in essence, their victim and a screen. The main enemy is God's people, the people of the prophets, who will soon become their successor on Earth.

The moment has come, fearing which for four centuries they have not ceased to oppress him, trying to destroy him in the bud. It is here that lies the reason for the periodic destruction of the Nakh ethnic group over the past 400 years, which was sought by the post-war President of Chechnya A. Kadyrov. Here lies the reason for the Caucasian War, and the eviction of 1944, and the last Russian-Chechen wars, and the destruction of millions of Nokhchi at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. The latter became clear just recently and is the subject of the book "Ivan the Terrible or Khalif Bersa".

Soon the present oppressors of the peoples must lose power. This is the true reason for their hatred of the Chechens, which led not only to the tragedy of God's people, but also to the current situation in historical science. The expression "ma bu ka", with which the angels stopped the prophet Ibrahim, who was trying to sacrifice his son to God, readers will not find in modern editions of the Torah and the Bible. The texts of these Scriptures are corrected by the Vatican in accordance with "the dictates of the times." He strictly ensures that the true information about the Nakh history does not spill out. Therefore, historians at every step are faced with the facts of the absence of documents on many issues of ancient history and are convinced of the falsity of most of the available ones.

The worst nightmare for those in power is the threat of losing power. It would seem, how could such a threat come from a small people living in the mountains of the Caucasus, never unnoticed in aggression against their neighbors? At least, these are the existing historical ideas. The Dagestan provocation of Shamil Basayev does not count, since the actual organizers and financiers of it were representatives of the same Zionists who were looking for a pretext for another genocide of the Nakhs. Here is the main formula that makes them act in this way:

The number so that the Chechens do not increase,

We will follow strictly, let there be few of them.

The victory of Islam cannot be avoided,

The whole world will completely enter into orthodoxy,

Wealth and power will be taken from us.

Every reader has the right to regard these lines as nonsense. The Nakhs do not have and are not expected to have the strength to defeat the current masters of the world. Moreover, such an idea cannot occur to any sane person, even as a joke. Everything is so ridiculous. But everything turned out to be much more complicated. To deal with this, we must go back to the time of Musa and Pharaoh.

Today there are no reliable historical documents that could shed light on the reason why the chosen people were under the rule of the unrighteous Pharaoh. But the answer is in the Quran. This happened due to the departure of the sons of Israel from the fulfillment of the Covenant with God. Allah fulfills his side of the Covenant to the extent that his chosen one, the people of Nokhchi, fulfills it. Long before Pharaoh, in early Scripture, He revealed to the descendants of Ibrahim some of their future:

“We revealed to the children of Israel in the Scripture: “Twice you will commit iniquity on the earth, and you will be full of great arrogance.” When the time of the promised first (iniquity) came, We sent against you those of Our servants who had great power, and they entered your houses. Thus the promise came true.

Then We again gave you power over them and gave you wealth and descendants and increased your number. When you do good, then you do it for yourself, and when you do evil, then it is for you (to your detriment). And when the time came for the second promised iniquity, We again sent enemies against you to distort your faces, and they entered the temple as they entered the first time, and destroyed everything that they had captured. Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you (if you repent). If you do the same again, We will do the same again. We have made hell a prison for the unbelievers." (Quran, 17:4-8)

The forces that came to power knew that someday Allah would forgive his chosen ones and return the situation to normal, and they themselves would be plunged into hell. Hoping to avoid this, they tried to exterminate the sons of Israel in the bud. The people of the Pharaoh subjected them to severe torment, killing their sons and leaving alive (only) women. This was a great test for them from the Lord. Through suffering they were to be cleansed from sins.

Pharaoh knew that the growth in the number of the sons of Israel was a sign that the time of the coming of a new prophet was near. This frightened him greatly. By ordering the midwives to kill the children of the sons of Israel at birth, he regulated their population:

"And a new king arose in Egypt, and said to his people: the people of the sons of Israel are numerous; let us outsmart them so that they do not multiply. He commanded the midwives: when you intervene with the Hebrew women, then watch at childbirth: if there is a son, then kill him "But if the daughter, then let her live. But the midwives were afraid of God and did not do as the king of Egypt told them. Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying: throw every newborn son of the Jews into the river, and leave every daughter alive. " .(Bible)

We will not pay attention to the substitution in the text of the Bible hereinafter of the sons of Israel by Jews and Jews. We already know who is who.

In his tafsir, Maududi notes:

"FROMThe sons of Israel were killed, and the lives of his daughters were spared, gradually exterminating the people in such a way that the survivors mixed with other nations. During excavations in Egypt in 1896, the following inscription was found: "The sons of Israel are destroyed, and there is no seed left to continue their kind."

The latter to this day is the cherished dream of the powerful world. I didn’t have to see it myself, but according to Baudi Batyrov, at the very beginning of the First Russian-Chechen War, a story with Mikhail Gorbachev was broadcast on television. Offended by the actions of B. Yeltsin, he decided to tell the truth. Back in the late 80s of the last century, generals of the General Staff came to him with a proposal to start a war in Chechnya. He asked:

Why is this?

But there are already three and a half million.

They don't bother anyone.

Mikhail Gorbachev did not give consent to unleashing a war. Given by Boris Yeltsin. How this war was fought, we know. Every male Chechen between the ages of 12 and 60 was declared a potential victim.

Instead of the territories where the militants were located, city blocks were methodically destroyed, civilians captured in different places disappeared without a trace. To this day, we find mass graves of innocent victims. This is known to everyone. The true purpose of these atrocities was unknown. From now on, we will know her. To prevent this from happening again, we must remember whatMusa reminded his relatives, oppressed by the Pharaoh, who refused to believe that they had such a story:

“Oh my people! Remember the mercy of Allah when He placed prophets among you, made you kings (masters) and gave you what he did not give to any other (people) in the world. (Quran, 5:20)

Already after the Second Russian-Chechen War, almost in the peacetime of hydra Zionism, concerned about the high birth rate in Chechnya and Ingushetia, it will again begin to take measures to limit their numbers. Babies will not be drowned in rivers, nor will missile attacks on maternity hospitals resume. The political situation does not allow this. But the women of the sons of Israel will be deprived of the benefits provided for stimulating the birth rate in other regions of Russia. Without stopping there, through the mouth of oats passed through a horse , will require the introduction of legislative measures to limit the birth rate among the Nakhs. In fact, this would mean the same thing that the Pharaoh did. The murder of Nakh children through abortion.

In the previous chapter, we talked about how Musa, having got into the Pharaoh's family, became his adopted son. So Allah secured his future prophet. Having matured, he somehow stumbled upon a fight between his fellow tribesman and a local man in the city and helped him. Musa's blow turned out to be fatal for him. Hiding from the authorities who sentenced Musa to death, he was forced to leave the city. Quoting the Quran:

“And he grew up and gained strength, We gave him wisdom and knowledge. Thus We reward those who do good deeds. And he went into the city, unnoticed by the inhabitants, and in it he found two people fighting; one of them belonged to his people, and the other to the enemy people, and one of his people called for help against the one from the enemy people, and Musa struck him with his fist and killed him. He said:

- This is the work of the devil! He is, indeed, an open enemy, which leads to delusions. My Lord, I did this to myself. I'm sorry!"

And He forgave him, He truly forgives and He is merciful.

Musa said:

- My Lord, such is the grace that You showed me, I will never again help unbelievers!

And Musa was in fear, not knowing what awaited him, when the same yesterday called again for help. Musa says to him:

You are indeed delusional!

And when Musa wanted to seize a common enemy, he said to him:

- O Musa, will you kill me as well as yesterday you killed a man? You want to act on earth by force, and do not want to act peacefully.

And one man from the outskirts of the city came running and said:

- Oh Musa! The leaders agree to kill you. Run, I'm a good adviser to you.

And Musa, frightened, left the city. He called out:

- My Lord! Save me from people who don't believe!"

We do not know for sure where these events took place, since the generally accepted version cannot be accepted due to the reasons outlined in the previous chapter. Pharaoh spoke of building a tower to heaven. History does not mention another such tower, except for the Babylonian one. Because of this, we attributed the events to Ancient Babylon. But its exact location has not been established. It is believed that he was in Iraq. However, we now have data that allow us to recognize that Ancient Babylon is the Dagestan city of Derbent. This is indicated by the Sumerian texts, in particular the Enuma Elish poem and the Magan text:

70 Lord, in the sanctuary that became his dwelling,

He made a feast there for the gods, his fathers:

“Here is Babylon -“ The Gates of God ”- your dwelling now

Rejoice in it, rejoice, rejoice.”

The great gods took their places...

Marduk - The victor took the Signs of Fate
And hung them around his neck.
He was exalted by the Elder Gods.
He was the first of the Elder Gods.
He divided the defeated TIAMAT in two
And created heaven and earth,
With Gates to keep the ancients out.
With the Gate, the key to which he hid from everyone,
Except the Sons of Marduk. (Text "Magan").

The toponym Babylon is deciphered as "Tower of God", but it does not follow from the Qur'anic text that the tower was built. Pharaoh simply taunted Musa, saying:

“O nobles, I don’t know if you have another god besides me, but you, O Haman, burn bricks and build me a tower so that I can rise to the God of Musa, because I think that he is a liar!”

As for the biblical version, here, too, not all "Glory to God." It is believed that God destroyed the tower and, in punishment for its construction, scattered people around the world. But careful reading reveals a forgery:

“Coming from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, Let us make bricks and burn them with fire. And they became bricks instead of stones, and earthen tar instead of lime. And they said, Let us build ourselves a city, and a tower as high as the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of all the earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men were building. And the Lord said, Behold, there is one people, and all have one language; and this is what they began to do, and they will not lag behind what they have planned to do; let us go down and confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other. And the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth; and they stopped building the city [and the tower]” (Gen. 11:1-8).

It can be seen from the text that the decision to disperse throughout the earth was made even before the construction of the tower. They were going to scatter to bring the Word of God to all other peoples in accordance with their duties under the Noahic Testament. Hence the conclusions: scattering is in no way connected with the construction of the tower, the very fact of building the tower can be considered fiction.

The Tower of Babel (in English - Babel) in ancient times was also called Ba Bel, which meant "Gate to the Gods." Component " El " is nothing but the Nakh "Ela". This is how the Nokhchi call themselves for a long time, as God's people. Its translation in the meaning of "god" does not change the essence, since the latter is a derivative of the Nakh "god, god" in the meaning of leader, leader . Therefore, Derbent is a "gateway" between the two lands of the Nakhs and the rest of humanity.

The main Caucasian ridge from Derbent to the Crimea is the original territory of the people of Noah since the Flood. Marduk the Conqueror is the eldest son of Noah Sham, from whose name the well-known Shema Are, Sumeria, is derived. He was Noah's successor as Caliph, and the great gods are his people.

Closing the narrow passage between the Caspian Sea and the mountains made it possible to protect oneself from an invasion from that side. Therefore, it is no coincidencethe Greeks and Romans called Derbent the Alanian, Albanian or Caspian gates, the Georgians called Dzgvis-Kari (sea gates) and Daruband; Arabs - Bab el-Abwab (main gate) and Bab el-Hadid (iron gate); the Turks - Demir-Kapysi, also an iron gate; Russians - Iron Gates, Derben. The current name is believed to be Persian. The first part of the "der" is a door, the second, "bend" is a shutter, outpost, barrier.

The name "Iron Gates" makes it possible to identify Derbent with the territory that was blocked by the Koranic Zul-Qarnayn. Traveling the world, he stumbles upon people who ask to be protected fromyajuj and majuj (biblical Gog and Magog). Using iron and copper, he erects a barrier:

“They said: “O Dhu-l-Qarnayn! Truly, they create wickedness on earth. Perhaps we will pay tribute to you so that you will erect a barrier between us and them?” He said, "What my Lord has given me is much better. Help me (labour) force. I want to erect a barrier between you and them. Give me iron ingots." When he filled the place between the slopes, then he said: "Set fire (it)". When they became red-hot and turned into fire, he said: "Bring molten copper to me to pour on them." And they could neither climb over them nor break them. (Quran, 18:94-97)

Based on the foregoing, we believe that the residence of the Pharaoh was in Derbent. Bek Firudinov comes to a similar conclusion, but from different considerations:

"Derbent is still called Demir-Kapu (Iron Gates)" (A.A. Bakikhanov "Gyulistan-i Iram" B.91. p. 39). ... we found out that the Derbent wall was built to protect against Gogs and Magogs , who in turn are the sons of Japheth. But on the other hand, according to the logic of the Sufis, the word "Demir - Kapu" will be deciphered as "Tamar-Kaf", where the word "Tamar" means "Egypt". And the word Kaf - the Caucasus Mountains. It turns out , the true ancient Egypt is located on Mount Kaf, i.e. in Derbent. [v]

Forced to flee, Musa ends up in Madyan. There he marries the daughter of a rich man on the condition that he will serve him for eight or ten years. At the end of the term, Musa goes home with his family. On the way, noticing the fire, he goes to it, with a reliable firebrand to make a fire. And then a miracle happens, Allah himself turns to him. As a result of the dialogue, Musa receives the status of a prophet and is forced to go to the Pharaoh with a mission from God. On the instructions of Allah, one should call on the presumptuous ruler to return to the path of the Almighty and bring his people out of his power. In confirmation of the prophetic status of Musa, nine signs are granted:

« And going to Midyan, Musa said:

- My Lord will show me the right way.

And when he reached the Madyan water, he found many people there who were watering the cattle, and a little further from them he saw two women who were away from the water.

- What are you doing?

We won't drink until the shepherds leave. Our father is very old.

And he watered the cattle with them, and then went into the shade and said:

- My Lord, give me any boon, truly, I need it.

- And one of them came up to him after that, bashfully, and said:

My father is calling you and wants to reward you for watering our cattle.

When he came to him and told him what had happened, he said:

- Do not be afraid, you escaped from the people who do not believe!

O my father! - said one of them, - Hire him, it is better to have a strong and reliable one.

- I want to marry you to one of my daughters, but you have to serve me for eight years. And if you endure ten years, it will be according to your will, but I don’t want to make it difficult for you. You will see, if Allah wills, that I am kind.

Let it be between us. Which of these two terms I will fulfill, I have no objection, and Allah is a witness to what we agreed on.

And when Musa fulfilled the term of the contract, he saw a fire on one side of the mountain and said to his family:

“Wait, I saw a fire, maybe I will bring you some news about it or a lit torch for heating.”

When he got there, he was called:

- Musa! Verily, I am the Lord. So take off your shoes. You are in the sacred valley of Tuva. I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed to you. Verily, I am Allah, there is no god but Me. So serve Me and pray to remember Me. The hour will certainly come - such is My will to keep it secret - when every soul will be rewarded according to its merits. Therefore, do not let yourself be turned away by someone who does not believe in this, but follows his passions, because then you will perish. And what is in your right hand, O Musa?

- This is my staff. I lean on it and knock it down (leaves) for my sheep, and I need it for other needs.

- Throw it on the ground, oh Myca.

He dropped it - and now it has become a writhing snake.

Take it and don't be afraid. We will soon return it to its previous state. And put your hand under your arm. It will turn white without any damage. Other the Omen. To show you just some of Our biggest signs. Go to Fir "aun. He, truly, has surpassed all measure.

- My Lord, expand my chest, and make my mission easier. And untie the knot of my tongue so they can understand my speech , and give me a helper from my relatives, Harun, my brother And strengthen me through him, and give him a share in my work, so that we always praise You and always remember you, for You see us.

- Your wish is granted, O Myca! We showed you Our favor before when We inspired your mother: “Put him in the ark and throw him into river, and the river will wash him ashore, and he who is My enemy and his enemy will find him. But I have surrounded you with love so that you grow before My eyes. And how your sister went and said, "Should I show you someone who could feed him and take care of him?" So We brought you back to your mother to cool her eyes so that she would no longer yearn. And you killed a man, but We delivered you from the calamity. And We subjected you to a severe trial, and you remained for several years with the people of Madyan. Then you came here by command, O Musa. And I have chosen you for My mission. Go, you and your brother, with My signs, and do not forget Me. Go to Fir "an, for he has surpassed all measure. But speak friendly words to him, maybe he will let himself be reasoned or afraid (Me)."

- Our Lord, we are afraid that he will be hostile to us or resort to violence.

- Do not be afraid. I'm with you. I hear and see (everything). So go both to him and say: “We are truly the messengers of your Lord, therefore let the sons of Israel go with us and do not torment them. We have come to you with a sign from your Lord. Peace be with those who follow the guidance on the path to salvation. It has indeed been revealed to us that punishment will befall the one who rejects (the truth) as a lie and turns away.”

Beginning to tell the story of Musa and Pharaoh, Allah says:

- Fir "aun on the inhabited land behaved in such a way that he divided its inhabitants into groups. He oppressed some, killed male children, and left the female ones. Truly, he was a troublemaker. And We wanted those who are oppressed on Earth to be showered with mercy and make them models for the heirs, and we will give them power on Earth, and let Fir "aun and Haman and their troops survive what they feared.

Musa should serve the solution of this problem, having come to the Pharaoh, he asks:

“Let the sons of Israel go with us!”

- Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you remained among us for many years of your life and did the deed that you did, and you are ungrateful.

- I did it when I was among the astray. And I fled from you when I was afraid, and the Lord gave me my knowledge and made me from among the messengers. And this mercy with which you reproach me is only a part of the fact that you have enslaved the sons of Israel.”

- “And what is this Lord of the worlds?

- Lord of heaven and earth and what is between them, if you believe in the Truth.

Firaun said to those around him: "Don't you hear?"

Musa said:

- Your Lord and your Lord ancestors.

- Verily, your messenger, who is sent to you, is possessed!

- Lord of the east and west and what is between them, if you understand.

- If you take a god other than me, I will make you a prisoner.

- What if I come to you with something obvious?

"Bring it, if you're not lying!"

And he (Musa) threw down his staff, and behold, a snake was evident. And he pulled out his hand, and behold, it was white before the beholder.

Firaun said to the nobles around him:

- Of course, this is a skilled sorcerer! He wants to take you out of your land with his witchcraft. What do you advise?

- Respite him and his brother and went to the cities of messengers.

Pharaoh understands that a prophet has been sent to him, which means that this is the beginning of the revival of the sons of Israel. His main concern is the danger of losing power, which he directly voices, referring to Musa:

“Have you come to us to turn us away from what our fathers adhered to, so that you could seize power in the country? But we will never believe in you.”

The pharaoh sends messengers to the cities, demanding that skillful sorcerers be brought to him. With their help, he expects to shame Musa. But the staff of Musa, having turned into a snake, devours the requisites of magicians. The following is a quote from the Quran:

The nobles said:

“Truly, these two are great sorcerers who, with their magic, want to drive you out of your country and put an end to your wonderful life. Therefore, gather all your skill and act together, the one who prevails will have success today.

They asked:

- Oh Musa! Do you want to be the first to throw or should we be the first to throw?

- No, drop it. And behold, their ropes and staves seemed to him through their sorcery as if moving.

Then Musa felt fear in his soul. But We said:

- Do not be afraid, because you will be the one who will prevail. So drop what you have in your right hand. It will absorb what they mislead. For what they have produced is truly (only) sorcery and a sorcerer will never succeed wherever he is."

Thensorcerers prostrated themselves to worship. They said:

- We believe in Lord Harun and Musa!

(Firaun) said:

"How can you believe in him until I give you permission?" He is your teacher who taught you sorcery. Therefore, I will definitely order you to cut off your hands and feet crosswise, and crucify you on the trunks of palm trees. Then you will know which of us is more severe in punishment (and who is more durable).

-We will never choose you over the clear signs that have come to us, or the One who created us. Therefore, decide what you want, for, truly, you can decide only in this life.

But Pharaoh was not going to give up. At first, he even rushed to kill Musa:

And Firaun said:

- Leave me, I will kill Musa, and let him call his Lord; I fear that he will change your religion or spread wickedness on the earth.

And Musa said:

- I resort to my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning!

And a believer from the family of Firaun, who hid his faith, said:

- Will you kill a man because he says: "My Lord Allah!" - and came to you with clear signs from your Lord? If he is a liar, then his lies will turn on him; if he is truthful, then at least part of what he promises will befall you. Indeed, Allah does not guide those who are excessive and deceitful! O my people! You have authority today by which you preside over the earth; who will protect us from the punishment of Allah, if it strikes us?

Firaun said:

“I only show you what I see myself. I lead you only on the path of righteousness.

And he who believed said:

- O my people! I fear that what happened once to the ancient peoples will not happen to you, similar to the deed of the people of Nuh, and Ad, and Thamud, and those who came after them. Verily, Allah does not desire injustice for his servants!

- O my people! I fear for you the Day of calling each other for help. The day you turn back; you do not have a protector from Allah - whom Allah knocked down, he does not have a driver! Yusuf came to you earlier with clear signs, but you did not cease to be in doubt about what he came with; and when he died, you said: "Allah will not send a messenger after him!"

So Allah brings down the one who is excessive, the doubter! Those who argue about the signs of Allah without the authority given to them - great is the hatred of Allah and those who believe! So Allah has sealed the heart of every arrogant, tyrant! And Firaun said:

- O Haman, build me a tower, maybe I will reach the paths - the paths of heaven and rise to the god Musa; I do think he is a liar.

Thus was Firaun adorned with the evil of his deeds, and he was led astray; and all the intrigues of Firaun only in death!

For several years, Musa begged him to let the sons of Israel go. Again and again, Allah sent various disasters to the country and averted them after the requests of Musa. But each time Pharaoh broke his promise to let the people of Israel go. It would seem, why does he have such problems? The tyrant understood why Musa wanted to take them away. The prophet was to purify them in preparation for assuming dominion over the world. Their departure marked the beginning of the end of his own power:

“Indeed, We have already afflicted the family of Firaun with years of drought and crop failure. so that they would let themselves be enlightened. When good comes to them, they say: "We deserve it." When evil befell them, they attributed it to Musa and those who were with him. But verily, Allah is sovereign in their misfortunes, but most of them do not understand. And they said, "No matter how many signs you give us to bewitch us, we won't believe you." Then We sent a flood, and locusts, and insects, and frogs, and blood on them, as clear signs. But they were arrogant and remained a sinful people. And when the punishment befell them, they said: "O Musa! Pray for us to your Lord according to the promise that He gave you. If you remove the punishment from us, we will believe you and let the sons of Israel go with you." And when We removed from them the punishment within the prescribed period, which they had to fulfill, behold, they broke the word.

At the same time, the Israelis themselves did not line up to accept Musa's prophecy either. Fearing the Pharaoh, they did not turn to face God:

“But no one believed in Musa, except for a few of his people, from fear of Firaun and his nobles, so that they would not expose them to disasters. Firaun had great power in the country and he was one of the willful (transgressors)."

Understanding this, the prophet turned to Allah:

“Oh, our Lord! You gave Firaun and his nobles splendor and wealth in this life, our Lord, therefore they deceive others and deviate them from Your path. Our Lord, destroy their wealth and harden their hearts. So they will not believe until they suffer a painful punishment.”

Apparently, Musa's prayer was heard, and the number of his followers began to grow. The alarmed nobility of the Pharaoh turned to him with a demand to take serious measures, and he made a decision:

“And the nobles of the people of Firaun said: “Will you allow Musa and his people to spread wickedness in the country and leave you and your gods?”

He said, "We will kill their sons and let their women live. We have every power over them."

Messengers were again sent to the cities with orders to destroy the Nakh tribe everywhere:

« And Firaun sent messengers through the cities, (and said): “After all, this is a small handful, and they angered, and together we are prudent.

For the Israelis themselves, this did not remain a secret. All they could do was rely on Allah:

And Musa said: “O my people! If you believe in Allah, put your trust in Him, if you surrender to Him." Ask Allah for help and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He gives it as an inheritance to whom He wants among His servants. And the end will be (good) for the God-fearing "".

They said: "We suffered both before your coming to us and after your parish".

He said, "May your Lord destroy the enemy yours, and will make you vicegerents on earth, that He may see how you will do."

Further events until the secret departure of Musa with the people are not described in the Koran. I believe that they may be contained in its version in the Nakh language. Otherwise, where could such information appear in the Bible? From there we will borrow it. It must be said that the Bible itself and its commentators attribute the events described to another territory and to other times. However, the names of the acting characters betray the truth. The most righteous of women, the wife of Pharaoh Asiya, appears there under the name Esther. Pharaoh's assistant Haman, who oppressed the sons of Israel, being himself one of their number, is called Haman. Pharaoh was remade into King Artaxerxes, Musa into Mordecai. However, the story is a fiction based on the Qur'anic text. Guessed in it and the motives associated with Maryam and Zakaria.

« To create the allegory they needed, the Levites invented a new character - the pagan and persecutor of the Jews Haman, who allegedly gave advice to King Artaxerxes: “There is one people, scattered and scattered among the nations in all areas of your kingdom. And their laws are different from the laws of all peoples, and they do not fulfill the laws of the king; and the king should not leave them like that.” (Book of Esther, III, 8). Many statesmen have said and thought the same about the chosen people and its strange laws for many centuries, right up to our days. But these words of Haman, according to the book of Esther, are followed by others: “If it is pleasing to the king, then let it be ordered to destroy them ...”, to which Artaxerxes agrees and issues an appropriate order (both Haman’s advice and Artaxerxes’ order are needed, of course, only for to be followed by Jewish revenge). Letters are sent to governors: all Jews are to be killed on the same day, "in the first month, on its thirteenth day."

However, the text is useful to read. The full version is available in the Bible, and we give only the most important points. They allow us to understand the events of the time of the Pharaoh, in particular, and the attitude of the rulers of the world towards the people of Nokhchi at all times, in general. (Bible, Esther)

“There was in Susa, the city of the throne, a Jew, his name was Mordecai, the son of Jairus, the son of Semey, the son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin. He was removed from Jerusalem along with the captives brought out with Jeconiah, king of Judah, who were transferred by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. And he was the tutor of Hadassah - she is Esther - the daughter of his uncle, since she had neither father nor mother. This girl was beautiful in shape and pretty in face. And after the death of her father and her mother, Mordecai took her to him instead of his daughter.

When the command of the king and his decree were announced, and when many maidens were gathered to the throne city of Susa under the supervision of Gegai, then Esther was also taken to the royal house under the supervision of Gegai, the guard of women. And this girl pleased his eyes and gained favor from him, and he hastened to give her ointments and everything assigned to her part, and assign to her seven girls worthy to be with her from the royal house, and moved her and her girls to a better place. section of the women's home.

Esther did not tell about her people, nor about her kindred, because Mordecai ordered her not to tell. And every day Mordecai came to the court of the women's house to inquire about Esther's health and what was being done to her. When the time came for every maiden to go in to King Artaxerxes, after everything that was determined for women had been done over her for twelve months - for so many days the days of rubbing them continued: six months with myrrh oil and six months with fragrances and other ointments of women, then The girl went to the king. Whatever she demanded, she was given everything to get out of the women's house to the king's house. In the evening she entered and in the morning returned to another women's house under the supervision of Shaazgaz, the royal eunuch, the guard of the concubines; and no longer entered the king, unless the king desired her, and she would be called by name.

When the time came for Esther, the daughter of Aminadab, the uncle of Mordecai, who took her to him instead of his daughter, to go to the king, then she did not ask for anything, except what Gegai, the king's eunuch, the guard of the wives, told her about. And Esther gained favor with herself in the eyes of all who saw her. And Esther was taken to King Artaxerxes, to his royal house, in the tenth month, that is, in the month of Tebethe, in the seventh year of his reign.

And the king loved Esther more than all women, and she acquired his favor and favor more than all the maidens; and he put a royal crown on her head and made her queen in the place of Vashti (also Asiya?, author). And the king made a great feast for all his princes and for those who served under him - a feast for the sake of Esther, and made a privilege to the regions and distributed gifts with royal generosity.

And when the maidens were gathered for the second time, and Mordecai was sitting at the royal gate, Esther still did not tell about her kinship and about her people, as Mordecai ordered her; and Esther fulfilled the word of Mordecai even now, just as when she was in his upbringing ...

After this, the king Artaxerxes exalted Haman, the son of Amadath, the Bogean, and exalted him, and set his seat above all the princes that he had; and all the servants of the king who were at the king's gate bowed and prostrated themselves before Haman, for the king had commanded so. But Mordecai did not bow or fall on his face.

And the servants of the king who were at the king's gate said to Mordecai, Why do you transgress the king's commandment? And as they told him every day, and he did not listen to them, they reported to Haman to see if Mordecai would stand in his word, for he told them that he was a Jew.

And when Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow down and bow down before him, Haman was filled with anger. And it seemed to him insignificant to lay a hand on Mordecai alone; but since they told him what people Mordecai was from, then Haman conceived to destroy all the Jews (sons of Israel, auth.), who were in the whole kingdom of Artaxerxes, as the people of Mordecai.

[And he counseled] in the first month, which is the month of Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Artaxerxes, and they cast pur, that is, lots, before Haman from day to day and from month to month, [to destroy the people of Mordecai in one day, and the lot fell] in the twelfth month, that is, in the month of Adar.

“And Haman (Haman, ed.) said to King Artaxerxes (Pharaoh, ed.):

- There is one people, scattered and scattered among the peoples in all areas of your kingdom; and their laws are different from [the laws of] all peoples, and they do not fulfill the laws of the king; and the king should not [so] leave them. If it is pleasing to the king, then let it be prescribed to exterminate them, and ten thousand talents of silver I will weigh into the hands of the stewards to deposit in the royal treasury.

Then the king took off his ring from his hand and gave it to Haman, the son of Amadath, the Bogean, to seal the decree against the Jews.

And the king said to Haman (Haman):

- I give you [this] silver and people; do with him as you please.

And letters were sent through messengers to all areas of the king to kill, destroy and destroy all the Jews (Nokhchi, author), small and old, children and women on one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, and the estate plunder them. [Here is a list from this letter: the great king Artaxerxes to command from India to Ethiopia over one hundred and twenty-seven regions and their subordinate governors. Reigning over many peoples and dominating the whole universe, I wanted, not exalting the pride of power, but always ruling meekly and quietly, to make the life of my subjects constantly serene and, keeping my kingdom peaceful and navigable to its limits, to restore the world desired by all people. When I asked the advisers how to carry it out, then distinguished among us by wisdom and enjoying unfailing favor, and having proved firm loyalty, and having received a second honor by the king, Haman explained to us that in all the tribes of the universe one hostile people was involved, according to its laws, it is contrary to every people, constantly neglecting the royal commands, so that co-government, which we are impeccably performed, is not well-organized. So, having learned that only this one the people always oppose every person, lead a way of life alien to the laws, and, opposing our actions, commits the greatest atrocities, so that our kingdom does not achieve prosperity, we ordered Haman, who was put in charge of affairs and our second father, indicated to you in the letters, to completely destroy everyone with their wives and children with enemy swords, without any pity and mercy, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar of this year, so that these hostile people, both before and now, having been forcibly thrown into the underworld on one day, do not prevent us in the following time from leading a life peacefully and serenely to the end.]

A list with a decree to give to each region [as] a law announced to all peoples so that they are ready for that day.

The messengers set off quickly with the royal command. A decree was also proclaimed in Susa, the capital city; and the king and Haman (Haman) sat and drank, and the city of Susa (Derbent, author) [was] in turmoil.

When Mordecai knew all that had been done, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the middle of the city and cried out with a great and bitter cry: [the people are destroyed for nothing!]. And he reached the royal gates [and stopped], since it was impossible to enter the royal gates in sackcloth [and with ashes]. Similarly, in every region and place, where only the command of the king and his decree reached, there was great mourning among the Jews (Nokhchi, author), and fasting, and weeping, and crying; sackcloth and ashes served as a bed for many.

And Esther's maidservants and her eunuchs came and told her, and the queen was greatly alarmed. And she sent garments for Mordecai to put on and take off his sackcloth. But he didn't accept. Then Esther called Gatach, one of the eunuchs of the king, whom he assigned to her, and sent him to Mordecai to find out: what is this and why is this?

And Gatach went to Mordecai in the city square, which is in front of the royal gates. And Mordecai told him about everything that happened to him, and about a certain amount of silver, which Haman promised to weigh in the royal treasury for the Jews (sons of Israel), in order to destroy them; and handed him a list from the decree promulgated in Shushan for their destruction, to show Esther and let her know about everything; moreover, he punished her so that she would go to the king and beg him for mercy and ask him for her people, [remembering the days of her humility, when she was brought up under my hand, because Haman, the second king, condemned us to death, and to call Lord and told the king about us, may he deliver us from death].

And Gatach came and told Esther the words of Mordecai. And Esther said to Gatakh and sent him to say to Mordecai: All those who serve under the king and the peoples in the king's regions know that for everyone, both male and female, who enters the king's courtyard without being called, one judgment is death; only the one to whom the king extends his golden scepter will live. And I have not been called to the king for thirty days.

And they told Mordecai the words of Esther. And Mordecai said in response to Esther: - Do not think that you alone will be saved in the royal house from all the Jews (Nokhchi, author). If you remain silent at this time, then freedom and deliverance will come for the Jews (Nokhchi, author) from another place, and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows, is it not for such a time that you have reached the dignity of a king?

And Esther said in answer to Mordecai:

- Go, gather all the Jews (Israelis) who are in Susa, and fast for me, and do not eat or drink for three days, day or night, and I will also fast with my maids * and then I will go to the king, although it's against the law, and if you die, I'll die.

And Mordecai went and did as Esther commanded him. [And he prayed to the Lord, remembering all the works of the Lord, and said: Lord, Lord, King, Almighty! Everything is in your power, and there is no one who resists you when you want to save Israel; You created the heavens and the earth and all that is wonderful in the heavenly places; You are the Lord of all, and there is no one who would resist You, the Lord. You know everything; You know, Lord, that I did it not for offense and not out of pride and not out of vanity, that I did not worship the vain Haman, for I would willingly kiss his footprints for the salvation of Israel; but I did it in order not to give glory to man above the glory of God and not to worship anyone but You, my Lord, and I will not do this in pride. And now, Lord God, King, God of Abraham, have mercy on your people; for they plot destruction for us and want to destroy your original inheritance; do not despise your possessions, which you redeemed for yourself from the land of Egypt; Hear my prayer and have mercy on Your inheritance and turn our mourning into joy, so that we, while living, sing Your name, Lord, and do not destroy the lips that glorify You, Lord. And all the Israelites cried out with all their strength, because their death was before their eyes.

And Queen Esther ran to the Lord, seized with mortal grief, and, having taken off her clothes of glory, put on clothes of sorrow and mourning, and, instead of valuable ointments, sprinkled ashes and dust on her head, and greatly exhausted her body, and every place adorned in rejoicing, she covered her with her loose hair, and prayed to the Lord God of Israel, saying: My Lord! You alone are our King; help me, lonely and having no helper but You; for my trouble is near me. I heard, Lord, from my father, in my native tribe, that You, Lord, chose Israel for yourself from all peoples and our fathers from all their ancestors for an eternal inheritance, and did for them what you told them about. And now we have sinned against You, and You have delivered us into the hands of our enemies because we glorified their gods.: You are righteous, O Lord! But now they are not satisfied with our bitter bondage, but have put their hands in the hands of their idols, to overturn the commandment of your mouth, and to destroy your inheritance, and to stop the mouth of those who sing to you, and to quench the glory of your temple and your altar, and to open the mouths of the peoples to glorify vain gods, and the king of the flesh to be magnified forever. Do not hand over, O Lord, Your scepter to gods that do not exist, and let them not rejoice at our fall, but turn their design against themselves: and put the accuser against us to shame. Remember, Lord, reveal yourself to us during our sorrow and give me courage. King of the gods and Lord of all authorities! grant my mouth a favorable word before this lion and fill his heart with hatred for the persecutor of us, to his death and his like-minded people; deliver us by your hand and help me, lonely and having no helper but You, Lord. You have knowledge of everything and know that I hate the glory of the lawless and abhor the bed of the uncircumcised and every foreigner; You know my need, that I abhor the sign of my pride, which is on my head in the days of my appearance, I abhor it, like a garment defiled by blood, and do not wear it in the days of my solitude. And Thy servant did not eat from the table of Haman and did not value the royal feast, and did not drink wine sacrificed to idols, and Thy servant did not rejoice from the day my fate changed until now, except for You, Lord God of Abraham. God, having power over all! hear the voice of the hopeless, and save us from the hand of the evildoers, and deliver me from my fear.]

*I remember how at the beginning of the first Russian-Chechen war, the local imam in the village of Goyty called on the entire population to fast for a week.

The prayers of Mordechai and Esther reached the Lord. The sons of Israel were saved, and Haman was hanged. But these are biblical stories. In reality, Musacried out to his Lord:

These people are sinful people! Save us with Your mercy from the people of the faith! O our Lord, do not make us a temptation for an unrighteous people!

(Allah suggested to him):

- Come out with My servants at night, because they will pursue you.

Having fulfilled the instructions of the Almighty, Musa and the sons of Israel secretly left the city at night. Of course, there were neither millions nor hundreds of thousands, as the Bible claims. Such a crowd of people could not have gone unnoticed.

The next morning, having learned about the flight, Pharaoh with his army hurried in pursuit. He almost caught up with the fugitives, stopped by a water barrier. The situation was tense and very dangerous. Musa's nerves were on edge, so Allah is testing his slaves, and he again turned to the Lord:

- They're chasing me.

And We inspired him:

“Go away with My servants and make a dry path for them across the sea, and do not be afraid that you will be overtaken, and do not be afraid.”

- And the army of Fir "auna caught up with them at sunrise. And when the two armies saw each other, the comrades of Musa said:

- We, of course, overtaken!

- No, because my Lord is with me, He will lead me on a straight path!”

And We inspired Musa:

- Strike the sea with your staff.

And it opened up, and every part was like a mountain. And We gave the children of Israel to cross the sea, and Firaun and his army followed them, burning with revenge and enmity. But the streams of water swallowed them up without a trace. And We saved Musa and those who were with him - all. Indeed, in this is a sign, but most of them were not believers!

And the Pharaoh, drowning, shouted: “I believe that there is no god but the One Allah, in whom the sons of Israel believed, and I am one of the Muslims.”

Then he was told:

- Finally! Formerly you were stubborn and were among the wicked. Today We will save your body so that you may be a sign for those who follow you. But many of the people neglect Our signs.

We truly showed Fir "aun all Our signs, but he considered them a lie and refused to recognize them. And he led his people astray instead of directing them to the right path.

Further developmentshidden from human understanding through the efforts of the authors of the current Torah and the Bible, falsifiers of the meanings of the Koran and history. To the best of our understanding, we will try to restore them.

It is believed that Moses and his people wandered in the desert for 40 years, but this is far from being the case. Having passed the water barrier, the sons of Israel followed on. If the reader is not yet tired of being surprised, then now is the time to do it again. It's about their itinerary. According to popular notions, the end point of the path of the people of Israel was Palestine, the blessed land promised to them by the Almighty. However, by no means does Palestine fit the role of the biblical Canaan. Palestine is a desert rocky area that cannot be called fertile, as the Bible describes it:

“And that you may live a long time in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give them and their seed, in a land flowing with milk and honey. For the land into which you are going to possess it is not like the land of Egypt, from which you came out, where you, having sowed your seed, watered [it] with your feet, like an olive garden; but the land into which you are crossing to possess it is a land with mountains and valleys, and from the rain of heaven it will be filled with water, - a land for which the Lord your God cares: the eyes of the Lord your God are unceasingly on it, from the beginning year to the end of the year. If you will obey my commandments which I command you today, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, then I will give your land rain in its season, early and late; and you will gather your bread and your wine and your oil; and I will give grass in your field for your livestock, and you will eat and be satisfied.”

And the very name Canaan treacherously betrays biblical falsifiers, because in the reverse reading it turns into and Ana Nach - Heavenly people of Noah - Nokhchi. In Nokhchimokhk, on the Holy Land, the center of which is Ichkeria, he was sent by the Almighty. Details in our book “Palestine? No, Chechnya .

Thus, the route ran from Derbent to mountainous Ichkeria. And this leads to the understanding that the mountain masquerading as Sinai is the Main Caucasian Range. In the Quran it is called altoori - al TTur. We have a lot of evidence for this, but now we will give only one. Let's pay attention to the picture. The main Caucasian ridge looks like the upper line of the letter T - tau. Hence such names as taumens, tavlins, taurs, Taurida and the Turkic "tau" - mountain. But the meaning of the toponym al TTur is much deeper. It will be painted in the book of Supyan Ibragimov, through whom Allah revealed much that modern pharaohs hid from us.

On the way to the Holy Land, our travelers met people who honored the idol and asked Musa to create a similar god for them:

Oh Musa! Make us a god like theirs."

- Verily, you are an ignorant people. What these people are doing will be ruined and everything they do will be futile. Shall I seek for you another deity besides Allah, when He exalted you above the whole world?

No need to think that we are talking about an idol. People have never been so naive as to seriously worship statues. What could Musa's people want? They might want the opportunity to engage in the acquisition of material goods, which is very close to us today. Figuratively, this is called the worship of the golden calf. But Musa had another task. He had to spiritually cleanse his people, make God's army out of them. The people of Musa were to return to the duties of the Noahic Testament, renewed with Ibrahim. As exalted above the world, they were to become leaders of other nations, despising profit. This is why Musa reminded them of the role of ancestors:

Oh my people! Remember the mercy of Allah, when He appointed (appointed) prophets among you, appointed you kings (lords) and gave you what he did not give to any other (people) in the world.

The sons of Israel arrived at the place and were ordered to enter the Holy Land. But frightened by the local inhabitants, they categorically refused to do so, despite the warning from Above. Probably there were Narts who inhabited those places until the 16th century AD. Musa said to them:

My people! Enter the Holy Land that Allah has ordained for you. Do not turn back, otherwise you will return at a loss."

Oh Musa! There are giant people there, and we will not enter it until they leave it. When they come out, then we will go in there."

Then two men who were God-fearing and whom Allah favored said:

Go against them through the gate, and when you enter, you will be victorious. And trust in Allah if you are believers.

Oh Musa! We will never enter it as long as they remain in it. So go you and your Lord and fight, but we will stay here.

The irony is that, despite their huge size, the Narts were very good-natured creatures. There was no danger for our travelers. Musa's people were not ready to believe the Creator, although considering themselves Muslims, they recognized His existence. There is a big difference between believing in Allah and believing in His existence. A sincere believer cannot fear anyone.

Musa had no choice but to turn to the Lord with the following words:

- My Lord! I have power only over myself and over my brother. Decide between us and this wicked people.

- Verily, this land will be forbidden to them for forty years. They will wander the earth. Do not mourn for this wicked people.

This is how the Nokhchi of the time of Musa were forced to turn back and settle in another place.

The prevailing opinion claims that the people of Musa wandered in the desert for 40 years, but the Qur'an version of the desert is not confirmed. It's about wandering the earth. And there is one oddity: the word " yateehoona ”, translated as “to wander”, is used only once in the Qur'an. The analogous "wandering" in another verse is represented by the word " yadriboona ". Why am I paying attention to this? Some distortion of the text is possible here, since the requirement to wander or wander is not supported by a further description of the history of the people of Musa. And there is no point in this wandering, since the people were originally taken out for its spiritual purification and preparation for the fulfillment of the main mission - to return humanity to the original spirituality. Agree that in the process of traveling around the planet this problem cannot be solved.

There is another question. Why are they excommunicated from the Holy Land for exactly forty years, no more, no less? The answer seems to be this. Allah saw that this generation of the people was so bogged down in wickedness that it was no longer capable of perceiving the Truth, of recognizing itself as God's people. Therefore, it took time for a new generation to be born and grow up in order to restore order on Earth with their hands. It is at the age of forty that a person reaches maturity:

“And We commanded man to do good to his parents. His mother carries him (in her womb) and gives birth to him in pain. Carrying it in the womb and breastfeeding it is thirty months. And when he reaches fullmaturity, reaching the age of forty he says, “God! Inspire me to give thanks for Your mercy, which You showed me and my parents, inspire me to do good that pleases You, and make my offspring righteous. With repentance, I turn to You, I am from among the Muslims (submissive to You). (Quran, 46:15).

Alan Alford came to a similar conclusion, only Allah is Yahweh and he was a little mistaken with the desert:

“Of course, Yahweh's plan went far beyond the desire to save the Israelites. From his Ten Commandments and his exposition of new laws found in Exodus 20-23, it can be inferred that he was disappointed with mankind. In particular, it seems that Yahweh was annoyed by the fact that people worship idols, as well as by their widespread practice of divination. Judging by his actions, he desired to return humanity to the traditional values ​​of the early days of Sumer. But times have changed. The ancient Sumerians were completely innocent and believed in the gods who always protected them. Now, after a thousand years of chaos and war, people were confused, insecure and superstitious. Yahweh's only option was to create a new pact of trust and allegiance to one single god. That is why he subjected the Israelites to 40 years of isolation in the Sinai desert. Only in this way could a new generation be obtained that was not corrupted by the polytheism of the Egyptians. Only through the medium of monotheism could people return to the "golden age" they had long lost.

It is not yet possible to restore the sequence of events that occurred after. Yes, it does not matter, the main thing is to understand the essence.

It is impossible to know for sure where our travelers went, but from the Koran it can be understood that Allah settled them in a certain city on the western side of the Main Caucasian Range. They were told:

"Settle in this city, and eat (whatever you like) and ask for forgiveness, but enter the gate in humility so that We forgive you your evil deeds. For those who do good, We will increase the reward."

But some of the sons of Israel made fun by changing the formula for asking for forgiveness. We do not know what these words were, but perhaps instead of “gechdehya thuna” (forgive us), they said “ge chu lohya thuna” - give us something for the stomach, for which they were subjected to God's punishment:

“But those of them who did injustice replaced the word with another that was not said. And We sent punishment to them from heaven for the injustice they did."

Then Allah inspired Musa and Charon to build houses in the city and make them houses of prayer:

“And We inspired Musa and his brother: “Build houses for your people in the settlement and make your houses houses of prayer, and pray and proclaim the good news to the faithful ».

According to the commentators of the Koran, the Pharaoh did not allow the construction of a public mosque, and therefore the sons of Israel were ordered to pray in their homes. This is not true. Here it is said that the inhabitants of each house turn their face to Allah, stand on His path. They are instructed to turn themselves into real Hanifs, true Muslims, whose faith is based not on simple observance of rituals, but on the acceptance of God in the heart.

Not everyone was obedient to Musa, people were tormented by doubts, he was reproached, blamed for all his troubles, declared crazy. Again and again he turned to his relatives with exhortations:

- “My people, why do you offend me when you know that I have been sent to you by Allah?”

Those who did not accept his admonitions, Allah sealed their hearts. Such people were forever deprived of the ability to perceive the Divine:

“When they turned away, Allah turned away their hearts. Indeed, Allah does not lead the wicked people.

The time came, and Allah ordered Musa to go into seclusion for forty days, the so-called halbat. The messenger of God also needed to be cleansed. Nothing happened for the first thirty days. Musa did not take food, cleansed the body. Therefore, Allah divides forty days into 30 and 10:

And We stayed with Musa thirty nights and added ten more. Thus the time of his Lord was completed in forty nights.”

Then the conversation with God began. It took place on the western side of the mountain, which is why we believe that his people were settled there.

“You were not on the western side when we entrusted Musa with the messenger, and you were not his witness.”

Musa wished to see the Lord and asked Him to appear. But the Lord is incorporeal, it is the Spirit that penetrates everywhere and everywhere, it is impossible to see Him by definition:

- "My Lord! Show yourself to me so that I can see You!"

"You will never see Me. But look at the mountain. If it remains standing, you will see Me."

When the Lord revealed himself to the mountain, He turned it intodust. Musa fell unconscious. When he recovered, he said:

- "You are great! With repentance I turn to You, I am the first of the believers.

Recognizing oneself as the first of the believers does not mean that there were no other Muslims in those days. Each of the sons of Israel, like us today, considered himself a Muslim, but this was only an external form. Islam did not reach their hearts, and even more so did not penetrate inside. Otherwise, they would not dare to transgress any of the prohibitions of the Almighty. They did not have the fear of God and the righteousness accompanying it. For such a case, Allah gives the verses:

“The Bedouins said: “We believed.” Say: “You disbelieved. Say rather: “We surrendered (to the will of Allah). But faith has not entered your hearts yet. If you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not diminish the reward for your deeds. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful! Believers are only those who believed in Allah and His Messenger and then did not doubt, sacrificing their property and life in the way of Allah. Only they are sincere (Quran, 49:14,15).

Musa came to his senses and received an order from God:

- "O Musa! I have truly chosen you from (all) people with My message and My words. So take what I have given you and be grateful.Be my viceroy among my peopleand do good, but never follow the way of those who spread wickedness.”

And He wrote for him on tablets of all things exhortation and explanation, and said:

“Hold fast to this and command your people to keep to this. Soon I will show you the abode of the wicked.”

Meanwhile, the people of Musa, left in the care of Harun, again created the calf. Either they took bribes, or they got carried away with kickbacks, or they began to withhold money from salaries. Or maybe they fraudulently embezzled state money or took loans from banks. The Quran does not specify this. Probably because there is no difference. And it doesn't matter if he cheated on a ruble or a couple of billions. Otherwise, why would He kick Adam and Hava out of Paradise for just one apple? In any case, this is the golden calf.

Perhaps the very fact of the crime is important. He transgressed through His prohibition, which means he became unfaithful. I didn't stop believing in God, of course. It was God who began not to believe, not to trust, that is, that is why he called him unfaithful. When a wife cheats on her husband, she is also called unfaithful. And what difference does it make who changes? There is probably a difference. You can live without a wife or a wife without you, there is always a replacement. How can one live without God? Without His Spirit, we are nowhere, even a leaf, with His knowledge, does not move. So, know that you deliberately violated the Law of God, at least in a small way, even in a big one, which means that you began to worship the Taurus. And he mumbled or he did not mumble, there is no difference.

Who does not believe, let him pay attention to this fact. Taurus, calf Vainakhs call "Esa", "wickedness" sounds like " I esa". Therefore, the Russian “created a calf” is equivalent to the Nakh “ I esa boyla" - became wicked. And here is the related verse:

“Moses came to you with clear signs, but in his absence you began to worship the calf and turned into wicked people.”

Musa learned about this from the Lord himself. He said to Musa:

We have indeed subjected your people in your absence to temptationand the Samaritan led them astray. They made little bodies out of their ornaments. Didn't they see that he couldn't speak and couldn't lead them straight?They did it and did iniquity."

Then Musa, in anger and frustration, returned to the people. He said:

“O my people! You acted badly in my absence. Couldn't you wait for your Lord's decision.Did not your Lord give you a sure promise? Did it seem too long to you, or did you want your Lord's wrath to fall on you when you broke your promise to me?

We didn't break our promise to you voluntarilybut we were made to carry the heavy ornaments of (all) the people. And we left them, as the Samaritan told us. Then he made a calf, which seemed to be lowing.

Here is your god and the god of Musa, but he (this) forgot.

Did they not see that he could not answer them a word, that he had no power to harm or help them? And Harun had already strongly admonished them:

O my people! You are being tested. Your Lord is truly Merciful. So follow me and obey what I command.

We will not leave this worship until Musa returns to us.”

Then Musa, angry and dejected,dropped the tablets, grabbed his brother by the hair and pulled him towards him:

Oh Harun! What held you back when you saw how wrong they werefollow me? So you resisted what I ordered?”

- O son of my mother! Don't grab my beard and hair.The people thought I was weak and nearly killed me. Do not allow enemies to laugh at me and do not rank me among those who do lies. Indeed, I was afraid that you would say: "You sowed discord among the children of Israel and did not obey my words."

- So what made you about Samaritan?

I saw what they couldn't see. Then I took a handful (sand) from the footprints of the messenger and threw it (into the molten gold). That's what my soul taught me.

- Go away! You are instructed in this world to say: “Do not come near me! And you have a deadline that you will never leave. So look at your god to whom you prayed so fervently. We command that it be burned and the ashes thrown into the sea. Indeed, your God is Allah. There is no god but Him. He comprehends all things with (His) knowledge.

Then Musa began to pray: "My Lord! Forgive me and my brother and bring us into Your mercy, for You are the most merciful of the merciful."

Verily, those who have made a bullock (an idol) will suffer the wrath of the Lord and humiliationIn this life. Thus We reward those who devise falsehood. And to those who do evil deeds, and then turn and believe to those your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

When Musa's anger subsided, he took the tablets of the covenant. In what is written on them is guidance and mercy for those who fear their Lord.And Musa said to his people:

O my people! You have done yourself an injustice by taking the calf. Turn to your Creator and kill yourselves: it is better for you before your Creator. And He turned to you: after all, He is turning, merciful!

When they repented deeply and saw that they had been in error, they said:

If our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgive us, we will be among the losers.

And Musa chose seventy people from the people by the time appointed by Us. And when the shaking came upon them, he said: “My Lord! If You had wanted, You would have destroyed them and me before.Do you want to destroy us for what the ignorant have done among us? Verily, this is only a test from You.. Through him You allow whoever You like to err and guide whoever You like. You are our patron. So forgive us and have mercy, because You are the best of those who forgive!

And give us good things in this lifeand in the future. We turned to You in repentance." He said: "By My punishment I strike whomever I want, but My mercy encompasses every thing. I have prepared it for those who fear God, give zakat, and for those who believe in Our signs."

Then Allah forgave them after that with the hope of their gratitude! And they gave Musa the Scripture and the Discrimination, with the hope that they would go the right way. But the sons of Israel rebelled again and again. They could not believe in their chosenness and recognize their debt to Allah, stretching from the time of the forefather Noah. And they said:

Oh Musa! We will not believe you until we see Allah openly. Let Him Himself tell us about it.

And they were struck by lightning while they were watching. Then Allah raised them up after their death, and overshadowedcloud, and sent down to them manna and quails. Offered to eat the blessings with which He endowed them!

And so Musa asked for a drink for his people, and Allah said:

Hit your stick on the rock!

And twelve fountains gushed out of it, so that all the people knew the place of their source of water.

Eat and drink from the inheritance of Allah! And do not do evil on earth, spreading wickedness.

We do not know how the children of Israel were resurrected, we do not know what is meant by manna and quails. In any case, these are blessings from Allah. But the sons of Israel were not satisfied with this; their souls yearned for more. They were ready to exchange the pleasure of Allah for onions and lentils, expensive foreign cars. By any means, robbing the poor and weak, they got money to spend on weekends for entertainment in Pyatigorsk with women.

They hardly agreed to slaughter a cow on Eid al-Adha, killed a man and bickered over him. And Allah said to them to show his might:

- Hit him with something from her. This is how Allah revives the dead and shows His signs so that we may understand!

Then their hearts hardened after that: they are like a stone or even more cruel. Yes! And among the stones there are those from which springs are beaten out, and among them there is that which is split, and from there water comes out, among them there is that which is thrown down for fear of Allah. Allah does not neglect what we do!

And so they said:

Oh Musa! We cannot tolerate the same food. Cry for us to your Lord, let Him bring out to us what the earth grows from its vegetables, cucumbers, garlic, lentils and onions.

Are you really asking to replace what is lower with what is better? Go down to any city, and here is what you ask for.

Others have broken the Sabbath. They are lived in a city that was near the sea. Testing them, Allah forbade them to fish on the Sabbath. They only sailed on Saturday. Just think, fish, they decided, Allah will not become poor, he has a lot, He is forgiving, and we are embarrassed. Others have not only fish, even caviar on the table. And they transgressed the ban, and were turned into monkeys. And He made this punishment a clear example for contemporaries and future generations, and an edification for the God-fearing.

Of course, Allah has a lot of fish, He Himself does not eat it. He does not feel sorry for the fish, but He tests some with an apple in the Garden of Eden, others with fish by the sea, others with kickbacks with bribes, others with foreign cars or high positions. He needs to know who to bet on.

When they forgot what they were reminded of, He saved those who kept from evil. And those who did iniquity, He punished with a cruel punishment for being wicked. When they transgressed what was forbidden to them, They said to them: "Be like despicable monkeys!"

But enough of the sad stuff. Still fixable. That is what happened then. In the end, the new generation of the sons of Israel entered the divine track. And Allah made a Covenant with them on the right side of Mount Tur. Yes, he bent her over them so, demonstrating his power, that he frightened them to death:

“And when We curved the mountain over them like a cloud, and they thought that it would fall on them. We said: “Hold fast to what We have given you (in the Revelations) and remember that in them (contains) it may be that you will pious."

And He returned them to the Holy Land and said:

“Live on this earth.” When the time of the Hereafter comes, We will gather you all together.

And he made them kings and lords again, and raised them above the worlds according to Knowledge. And He gave to the people, who were considered weak, as an inheritance the land from east to west, which He blessed. Thus the word of the Lord was fulfilled over the children of Israel because they were patient. And He destroyed everything that Fir "Aun and his people built and erected. And He brought them out of the gardens, and deprived them of sources, and treasures, and a noble position. And He gave all this as an inheritance to the sons of Israel.

And He divided them on earth according to the nations, in order to bring the Word of God to them. Among them are the righteous and the unrighteous. They were tested both good and bad, with the hope that they will turn.

But after them came generations who, although they inherited the Scriptures, still longed for the perishable things of this world and said at the same time: “We are sureforgiven." And when they are offered earthly goods, they take them.

Are they not obligated toin Scripture say nothing about Allah but the truth? But they studied what was written there. But the habitation of the Hereafter is better for the God-fearing. How do you not want to understand?

And thy Lord declared that He would raise up against them until the Day of Resurrection those who would subject them to evil punishments. Verily, your Lord is swift in punishment, but verily, forgiving, merciful.

And humiliation and poverty were erected over them. And they were under the wrath of Allah. This is because they did not believe in the signs of Allah and killed the prophets without justice! This is because they disobeyed and were criminals! They did not injustice to Allah, but offended themselves.

And Allah turns to them again:

O children of Israel! Verily, We saved you from your enemies, and We made a pact with you on the right Tur (right sword?) And We sent down on you manna and quails. Eat from the good things that We have given you, but do not exceed the measure of Allah, otherwise My wrath will come upon you, and whoever comes to My wrath, verily, perishes. But I am truly Forgiving in relation to the one who turns with repentance and does good deeds, and then remains on the right path. But I will turn away from My signs those who are exalted on earth without right. If they see all the signs, they will not believe in them, and if they see the path of righteousness, they will not walk in it. And if they see the path of sin, they will follow it. This is a punishment for those who reject Our signs and constantly neglect them. And those who consider Our signs and meeting in the Hereafter a lie, their deeds will be fruitless. Can they be rewarded otherwise than what they used to do?

And no prophet came to them, so that they would not laugh at him. And they always said: "We found that our fathers adhered to a certain faith, and we, of course, go right in their footsteps." And before Mohammad, he did not send any exhorter to the sons of Israel, so that the prosperous people there would not say: "We found our fathers in some doctrine, and we follow in their footsteps."

Bad, bad, a lot of things that the children of Israel did, but alsoMusa's people had a community that led to the truth and acted justly. It was thanks to her that the sons of Israel received after the Pharaoh the whole Earth, which Allah then blessed.

The earth from east to west is the whole planet. The blessing of the Earth is the establishment of an Earthly Paradise on it. The Sons of Israel oppressed by the Pharaoh - a people considered weak - received power over the whole Earth. The Pharaoh's successor, the sole ruler on the planet, was the prophet Musa. Perhaps King Sargon was the prophet Musa, perhaps he appears in history under a different name, today it does not matter. Today it is important to listen to the Lord and take the path of purification, this is what the Almighty expects from us.

The story of Musa's people is placed in the Qur'an as a signal to us who are living today. It's not just a signal, it's an alarm. This is not just a sign, but a super sign. For the same 400 years as the people of Musa, we were in persecution under the yoke of the pharaohs of the last centuries. The same thing that is required of them from us today is to make their homes houses of prayer, to turn to face Allah, to prepare themselves for entering the path of the spiritual rebirth of mankind. Wars are not our lot. Caliphate is not created on blood. The holy war is a trick of Iblis. War is not sacred. At all times, Islam has won not by military victories, but by the purification of human souls through the demonstration of its divine beauty.

It has never been so difficult for the chosen people to remember their chosenness as today. We are confused by the Arabic language of the Qur'an. The former Scriptures were in the language of God's people, everything was clear. The Nakh version of the Koran was hidden from us behind seven locks. We do not know about it, and even the idea of ​​its existence seems blasphemous to us, an attack on the purity of Islam. Therefore, we distributed the prophets, some to the Arabs, some to the Jews. So great we were deprived of memory. But the time has come, and Allah is knocking at our door: “Hey, Nokhchi, wake up, stop dozing. Vacation is over, time to go to work.The time has come for the half-asleep to rise, all the evil will perish forever. The last words were brought to us through Evgeny Gusev.

It is for us today that Allah described in such detail in the Koran the history of the people of Musa. There are many analogies, it is impossible not to see this. History repeats itself. The people of Mohammad did not need such analogies. They had an amazing text of the Qur'an, read in their language in six versions in addition to the seventh in the language of the surrounding people.

At a certain stage, the sons of Israel, who are called the ancient Jews, disappeared from history. About where they have gone, Douglas Reed writes in his "Controversy about Zion":

The "Children of Israel" disappear from history at this point, and if Jehovah's promises are to be fulfilled, then salvation must take place among the peoples in which they have merged. And since over the past 27 centuries the main flow of human masses has gone from east to west, it is very likely that a significant part of the Israeli blood passed to the peoples of Europe and America. Judaists, however, argue that Israel was “lost”, having deserved its fate because it rejected the teachings of the Levites and went to “rapprochement with neighboring nations” ... How, after all, is this “disappearance” of Israel to be understood?

To understand this issue, the modern historian needs to understand that Zion always speaks two languages, one for the "pagans" and the other for the initiates. Whatever Dr. Castaing writes, neither the ancient Levites nor modern Zionists believe that the Israelites "disappeared without a trace." They were only pronounced "dead," as a Jew who marries outside an Orthodox community is declared dead. They were excommunicated, and only in that sense did they "disappear."

Nations don't disappear. This is proved by the fate of the North American Indians, the Australian Aborigines, the New Zealand Maori, the South African Bantu and many others, and how could the "Israelis be taken into captivity" if they were exterminated? Their blood and ideas live in some part of modern humanity.

Israel did not merge with Judah by its own decision and for the same reasons that Judaism has always caused mistrust and condemnation among other peoples. Let us not forget that the Israelites "were not Jews," while the Jews "in all probability were not Israelites."

Quite right. The sons of Israel in their mass were not Jews, they did not disappear anywhere, they really are part of today's humanity. Douglas Reed is not mistaken when he says that Zion has two languages. We know both. With pagans they speak the language of the Torah and the Bible. The Initiates themselves use the Koran. It's time for us to turn to face him. Then the hidden history of the prophets will be revealed. The time has come.

Ibragimov R. Palestine? No, Chechnya.- Elista: CJSC "NPP "Dzhangar", 2014. - 152 p. ISBN 978-5-94587-550-0