Layout of the house with a garage. Practical project of a house with a garage. Entrance to the garage

Each owner of a country house knows how important it is to have not only a car, but also a territory specially equipped for it, where you can create comfortable conditions for storing and servicing the car. Today, there are several options for placing a garage on the site. The article will consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof: the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, as well as the features of planning and construction.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage under one roof: advantages and disadvantages

Ventilation device in the cellar and basement of the garage. Metal garage ventilation.

What requirements should the project of a house with a garage for 2 cars meet?

In order for the use of garages in subsequent years to be comfortable, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards even at the planning and construction stage, among which the main ones are:

  • the area allocated for one car should not be less than 18 m². This is necessary first of all so that almost any car can be put in the garage. After all, even if today the dimensions of your car are very modest, in a few years everything can change, and this must be taken into account;

With garage for 2 cars

  • the standards provide for the presence of free space as follows: on the right and left of 70 cm, and at least 70 cm more margin for the front and rear of the car;
  • the gate to the garage should be such that the exit does not present any difficulties. Usually the standard dimensions are 2.5x2 m in width and height, respectively. The garage height standards in a private house also provide that the ceiling of the car box must be at least 2.2 m.

Useful advice! Since the car is made of metal, it is easy to corrode if stored in inappropriate conditions. Therefore, it is desirable to provide high-quality heating and ventilation systems.

Styles and materials for building a house with a garage under one roof: photo examples

When viewing photos of garages in private houses, it should be noted that often this part of the building looks inorganic with its environment. Often the garage looks unnatural against the backdrop of an exquisite house, spoiling the perception of the whole picture with its appearance.

Consider what materials can be used for construction, as well as which design styles are most suitable for construction.

  1. Russian estate or, more simply, a house made of timber, with or without a garage. As a rule, such buildings made of wood are popular outside the city and are rarely built within the boundaries of large settlements. Looking through the projects of houses from a bar with a garage, you can see that such a familiar material as wood can be used to implement very unusual, but rather practical ideas.
  2. The house in the English style is distinguished by its simplicity and at the same time sophistication. Simple lines and geometric shapes can be complemented by columns or stucco that sets the house apart from the rest. A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Including can be found with a garage.
  3. Empire style is the most solemn style, in which every feature of the building should create a festive mood. Far from the easiest solution when it comes to the need to arrange a garage attached to the house. The photos, however, perfectly demonstrate how spectacular the result can be if you approach this issue with due attention.

Useful advice! Among non-standard ideas, you can consider the project of a one-story house with an attic and a garage. The implementation of such an idea will create additional living space even if the garage and upper rooms have to be attached to an existing house.

The best materials for the implementation of house projects with a garage: photo examples

As for the choice of the most suitable building material, it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Briefly consider the most popular:

  • wooden houses "breathe" best of all and are highly environmentally friendly. As for the main claims - combustibility and tendency to rot, modern processing compounds have long solved these problems. So the only significant drawback of such a solution is the high cost of the material;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks - materials with excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Among other advantages, it is worth noting excellent soundproofing properties, incombustibility and a rather high strength index. However, do not forget about the disadvantages, for example, in the case of using a cement-sand mortar for masonry, the presence of cold bridges is ensured, and special glue will cost several times more;

  • Brick remains the undisputed leader for many years. The features of this material include a large weight, which is the reason for the need to lay a reliable foundation. In addition, the cost of a brick cannot be called low, which, nevertheless, is fully justified by its strength, thermal insulation properties, and long service life.

Projects of houses with a garage and a bathhouse under one roof: combination features

Despite the fact that the implementation of the plan for a one-story house with a garage is not an easy task in itself, many owners do not stop there, additionally creating other buildings - a gazebo, a sauna, a veranda, etc. It is often provided for in projects of one-story houses with a garage and a terrace with a bath, which by themselves would take up too much free space on the site.

Country can be designed with maximum convenience, for example, with a built-in bathhouse and a garage

Such a solution has its own difficulties, but at the same time it retains the advantages that are in the case of any combination - saving time, effort, building materials. In addition, there is no need to overcome a serious distance from one object to another.

You can also consider an interesting option for a more rational use of available resources. For example, you can heat the garage from the stove, which is located in the bath. Sometimes this option is also used for partial heating of the house. However, in this case, it is important to design this moment so that the heat from the furnace does not disappear, but can be used.

With a garage and a sauna under one roof

Important! This method of heating is best used as an additional one. Moreover, this method is not very effective when it comes to rooms whose area exceeds 100 m².

Looking through photos of one-story houses with a garage, as well as more complex buildings that include an attic or a bath, one cannot fail to notice that such a solution is not only an opportunity to save money. For many, this is an opportunity to design the most comfortable house in operation, which allows you to conveniently store and maintain the cars in the family.

People more often began to build cottages in a quiet countryside place, preferring them to apartments in noisy cities. There are many worthy projects. Successful options include the construction of a Finnish house. It is conveniently planned, cozy and economical, besides being built from modern materials. You can choose a project of a brick or wooden cottage from glued beams. Both options have good reviews. Many prefer one-story buildings with a garage under one roof.

The plan can provide for the presence of a bay window and a terrace.

There are two types of garage location relative to residential development- under the living quarters and next to it. The option under the house will take up less space on the site, but will cost more. It will need a deep basement, a solid foundation, thoughtful ventilation. The entrance to the garage is at an angle of 12 degrees, which makes it difficult to move during ice. The project is difficult to implement on soils with underlying groundwater.

The garage, combined with the house, is lined with the same materials and looks like a single building with it. It becomes a continuation of the building, has a common project with it, a foundation, a roof, which reduces the cost of building construction costs. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house can be increased by including a bathhouse, an attic, a bay window and a basement floor under the garage in the project. For summer holidays organize a terrace on its roof.

Advantages and disadvantages

Even before the start of construction work, it is worth considering all the pros and cons of a 1-storey house with an attached garage:

  • One building takes up less space than two separate ones. The yard looks more organized.
  • Savings on the project and reducing the consumption of building material (foundation, roof and walls are common with the cottage).

  • The garage has a single heating and communication system with the house.
  • In the annex to the cottage, in addition to the car, there may be household items or vegetables in the winter.

  • A garage in the house is comfortable, because you can get into the car without putting on warm clothes. It is convenient to unload and load the car.
  • The car is more reliably protected from robbers, it is easy to hear fuss in the garage from the rooms. It is possible to connect a single security system.
  • The garage space is suitable for a workshop or gym.

The disadvantages include the need for heat and sound insulation, otherwise the noise and cold from the extension will enter the house. Such a project is not suitable for a site with a complex landscape; work on leveling the territory will entail additional costs.

One-story houses have their advantages:

  • Living on the same level promotes communication and unites the family.
  • If old people and small children live in the building, it is more comfortable to use it without stairs.

  • The absence of a second floor will economically affect the construction of walls.
  • In a low building, it is easier to clean and carry out repairs.
  • There is no need to strengthen the foundation, which means overpaying.

Of the minuses, we can say about the large area that the house occupies in the allotted territory, about the cost of roofing.


The plan of the house is developed independently or contacted by special organizations to create an individual project. If the relief of the site is even, standard options will do, they will cost less, but sometimes they have to be adjusted to suit your needs.

First you need to properly position the building in the allotted area. This is specified in the project. The cottage should be built on a hill for sufficient sunlight and to avoid flooding with melt water. If the landscape is flat, the north-eastern part of the site will be the best place for building, and it is better to highlight the south side for the entrance.

The entrance to the garage should be closer to the gate. Short term parking required. It is better to place a garage relative to the house from the north, and leave the south side for the living room. The bedrooms will suit the eastern part of the house. The western direction will remain for the kitchen and dining room. This arrangement of the building will help provide it with maximum daylight.

When creating a project, consider the following:

  • Communication needs to be well planned. The heating system, water supply from the house can be brought to the garage. Planning gas and ventilation systems in order to avoid accidents, it is better to entrust specialists. It is necessary to consider sewerage and electricity supply.
  • Even before creating a project, it is necessary to determine the type of foundation and building materials for it.

  • The layout of the combined building should be as functional as possible, ill-conceived voids and corridors should be avoided.
  • It is advisable to have a small vestibule between the garage and living rooms, it will help to retain cold air, technical smells and sounds coming from this room.

  • When planning a garage, it is worth considering a viewing hole for car repair, a place for shelving with tools and automotive equipment.
  • Bedrooms should be placed at the maximum distance from the garage so that extraneous sounds do not interfere.

  • Simultaneously with the house, access roads and paths are planned. It would be ideal to plan the entire landscape design during construction. Even if the garden, gazebos and other garden elements appear gradually, in the final version the site will take on a thoughtful and harmonious look.

When contacting the bureau to create an individual project, architects draw up estimates, prepare drawings and technical documentation with the development of structures and a draft plan.


This document is a product of the joint work of the customer and the architect. At this stage, the number of rooms, their purpose and location are discussed, the internal and external cladding of the building is negotiated. Having worked out the draft plan, you can already be interested in the average cost of building an object.

Working drawings

The drawings are provided to government agencies, on their basis, an assessment of the level of safety of living in the building will be made. Each region has its own requirements, so it is better to check with local supervisory authorities in advance what documents they need.

Working drawings contain projects for the layout of rooms, windows, doors, garage, utility rooms, all the details of the structure in it are thought out to the smallest detail. With their help, the amount of building materials is calculated. These drawings will be used by workers during the construction of the building. They take into account ventilation, water supply, gas supply, heating system, sewerage, electricity supply. Designs and types of the foundation, roof, basement are indicated. Documents related to architecture and structures are being prepared. The drawings are created at the same time as the accompanying documentation.

Working on the project, the specialist calculates the type of foundation, roofing, load on the foundation and floors, calculates the cost of work. Soils, groundwater level, climatic conditions are being studied.

In the drawings related to the construction of walls, load-bearing structures are distinguished, their rigidity, and the location of the supports are noted. The amount of fastening material and mixture, as well as methods of fastening, are indicated.

Before purchasing materials, a thorough measurement is carried out. The documentation describes in detail the types of construction work and their procedure, the list of materials used and other working moments.

Design is considered to be one of the most difficult activities in the construction of a building. If there is no need for individual development, standard projects are offered.

For example, beautiful and economical options for Finnish houses, which combine the latest building technologies and comfortable layout.

As statistics show, today more and more people want to move from busy metropolitan areas with polluted air to their own country house. Clean air, solitude with nature, the absence of noisy neighbors, the presence of a bathhouse on the site - this is only a small part of the advantages of a private house. Of course, living outside the city, having a car is a vital need for a person, so there should also be a garage for a car. Freestanding garages have long gone out of fashion for a variety of reasons, some say it's not practical, others argue that it ruins the aesthetics of the site. An excellent solution is to build a garage adjacent to the house. In this article, we suggest that you consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof, which are in perfect harmony with each other and it is quite possible that you would like to see something of what you saw on your site.

Advantages of house projects with a garage under one roof

We will understand in more detail all the advantages of the joint construction of the house and the garage, we will try to determine all the advantages or identify the disadvantages of this neighborhood.

In the event that the garage is attached to the house, in any bad weather you can easily get into your car. To do this, buildings only need to have a common door, which is desirable to provide at the design stage.

A house with an attached garage is always practical and convenient

The roof of an attached garage can also be rationally used by placing an open terrace or an upper extension on it, which can be used as a workshop or personal office, where you can retire and spend time with benefit.

Placing an open terrace above the garage will perfectly fit into the overall interior.

Rational use of any space will allow you to solve the problem of free space on the site

Of course, every car owner thinks that he himself knows how and where it is better to equip his garage. Despite this, it is still worth sometimes listening to the opinion of experienced experts in the field of architecture and design. Their opinions and advice may help to avoid ridiculous mistakes, which are often impossible to correct.

Attached garage - an integral part of the house

The joint building of the house and the garage is an excellent solution from a practical and aesthetic point of view. A huge number of advantages, as well as a large number of positive reviews about such projects, makes it possible to believe that a detached garage will quickly lose its relevance.

A garage attached to the house, decorated in the same interior, will always look expensive and attractive.

The choice of one type of roof is a priority condition for designing houses with a garage under one roof. So the structure will look like one common whole.

Making garage doors in the same color scheme as the roof will emphasize their overall style.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage under one roof are very popular.

Garage with a second floor is a great solution

Projects that have a garage and a house under one roof do not exclude the possibility of arranging living space above the garage. Such houses have found their wide application abroad. For some time now they have been popular in Russia.

The fact is that there is not so often you will find a private house with a large plot of land, so they know how to use every meter of usable area rationally very well.

Living space on top of the garage is a great solution to increase the total area of ​​​​the house without losing precious meters on the land

Two-story house with two garages underneath can be easily used by two families

When considering finished projects, it is necessary to take into account the fundamental principles of such housing construction:

  • A carefully planned air ventilation system is very important. It must be designed in such a way that the carbon monoxide gases of your car cannot enter the house;
  • The garage must be functional and have enough free space for convenient use for its intended purpose.

A wide and spacious garage will accommodate many other useful things.

Use free space efficiently. A large number of items can be placed on the wall, ranging from garden tools to a bicycle.

Each wall of the garage is a usable area. You just have to learn how to use it properly.

Compliance with these principles will allow you to plan everything correctly and practically. After all, mistakes made in the design can bring all your expectations to naught.

Garage placement options

Garage and house under one roof do not imply the mandatory use of one common wall. The garage can be placed at a direct distance from the house, and they can be connected by the so-called walk-through gallery.

A one-story house with a garage united by a walk-through gallery takes up much more space on the site

Beautiful one-story house with a garage

Entrance to the garage

Another important value is a good entrance to the garage for the car. Try to choose a project where the entrance gate will be located as close to the road as possible. This will save space in your backyard.

After all, if you take it deep into it, it will no longer be possible to use the place to drive up to it, it must be concreted or laid.

The driveway to the garage is an integral part of it.

Properly calculated projects make it possible to practically place a building with a garage under one roof, even on a plot with a small area. At the same time, the functionality of the garage will not be violated in any way.

Double garage under one roof with a house is quite well placed on a small plot

The remaining space near the garage can be sown with a lawn. It will definitely give the appearance of the site elegance and attractiveness. In addition, in such a place it will always be nice to spend free time.

  • When choosing a project, it is better to pay attention to one that provides for a full-fledged garage with a large area;
  • Between the garage and the house, it is desirable to have a vestibule. It will help to avoid unnecessary heat loss in the winter;
  • The presence of a good one is a prerequisite for design;
  • Projects of houses with a garage under one roof should be considered only those that can be placed on your site without violating the established urban planning standards;
  • It is not necessary to highlight the garage room with other colors from the general style with the house. Its facade and roof must be made of the same building material as the house itself.

A classic example of a good garage project under one roof with a house

A great combination of coffee wood and natural stone

The location of the garage, however, as well as the house itself, it is desirable to plan on a hill, this will protect the building from water getting inside during heavy rains. The device will also not be superfluous.

Good designs, always provide reliable protection against flooding during rains

We have selected for you a couple more finished projects that you can view directly on our website:

Don't make hasty decisions. Think carefully about every little detail in your project. Only in this way you will get exactly the house that you have dreamed of all your life.

A two-story house with a garage is the embodiment of a modern dream of comfort and security. In such a room there is a place for a large family, and for a garage, which will be securely sheltered from snow and rain.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many options for the location of the garage on the site. Some people prefer it to stand separately, under a canopy, others prefer everything to be under one roof. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of a single structure is the saving of free space. Since the garage is located close to the house, the territory is freed up, which is important for small plots. Also, most often it is possible to maintain a single style, which makes the yard look neater and more beautiful.

The advantage is that this type of garage is very multifunctional. It can be converted into a storage space, a workshop and so on. Even if the main space is occupied by a car, some garden accessories, tools or fishing rods will still fit in it.

Among the undoubted advantages of this type of garages:

  • heating from house communications;
  • the presence of one roof for the entire building;
  • access to the car without going outside, which is convenient in the cold season.

The disadvantage of the house, which is located under the same roof with a garage, is only one. If the partition is not very tight, there are ventilation holes, then the unpleasant smell of gasoline, exhaust gases can gradually penetrate into the living space. To avoid this, you need to finish the garage walls from the inside with a very high quality and carry out a good ventilation system.


For the construction of a 2-storey house with a garage space, different building materials are used, but the same for the entire building. The final choice, as a rule, depends on what means the family has. The most environmentally friendly are natural wood and brick.


The tree allows air to pass through, but does not release heat from the house, so in such a building one sleeps well and breathes easily. The atmosphere is healthy and conducive to relaxation. Yes, and it is worth building a wooden house of small size relatively inexpensively. Especially when you consider the fact that you can get by with installing a light foundation.

Houses built from timber look beautiful. There are several types of it used in construction. The most budget option is a rectangular bar. But it also has an obvious drawback - the material is short-lived. In order to at least slightly extend its life, the surface must be varnished.

The second option is a high-quality profiled beam. It does not look as attractive as all other types of wood. It, as a rule, is used simply for additional warming of the room, which eliminates the need to waste time caulking cracks. Due to the profiled timber, the walls are reliably protected, do not rot and retain heat better.

The last type of timber is glued. This is the most expensive and high quality option. It is used to decorate garages and two-story houses by those who are willing to pay for quality. Building a house from glued beams is much faster.


A brick house is considered the most reliable and durable. This material does not need any additional protection. You don’t even need to paint it, the brick itself looks attractive.

Types of garages

In relation to the main part of a two-story building, there are three main types of garage locations.


Aboveground garages can be divided into two subspecies: the side - in the form of an extension, and the lower box. The first option is a room that is located close to the house, on the right or left. Such a garage is convenient in that it can be attached even a few years after the main building was erected. Often, homeowners complement the garage with a door that leads into the house. As a rule, the entrance is combined with a hallway, rarely with a kitchen.

The lower above-ground garage is part of the first floor. Its construction should be thought out in advance, because other rooms will be located above it. This arrangement of the box can increase the height of the entire building, but the option is good because the garage is part of the house, which means that the space in the yard remains free.


This type of garage is built under the house. Under it, either the basement floor or the basement is allocated. In order for the car to freely drive inside, you need to equip a flat driveway at the right angle. It is worth considering that in the cold season such a descent can be slippery.

As a result of the efforts made, the owners of the house save space and reduce the amount of work with the soil, and often also reduce the height of the entire building. In some cases, the garage may be combined. You can attach a sauna or a workshop to it, for example. This saves space.

Planning and construction

The plan of a two-story house with a garage always turns out to be much more complicated than usual. There are many nuances that should not be forgotten in any case. After all, comfort and safety depend on it.

Location selection

The first step in building a house with a garage is choosing a location. First you need to decide: it will be above ground or underground. At the same time, we must not forget that, according to safety rules, living quarters cannot be located above the garage.

The size of the building is also calculated in advance. If the family has more than one car, but several, this is also worth considering, and not only allocate a larger area for the garage, but also make an exit for two cars.

The gate can go both directly to the street and to the courtyard. You need to decide on the entrance in advance. Everything is done to make the car owner more comfortable. So, if the house is being built closer to the road, then it is more rational to make a garage with access to the street and save on the driveway

Project preparation

In order to build a two-story house with a garage on the site from scratch, it is not enough just to take this step. Be sure to obtain the necessary permits and collect all the papers.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the drawing documents. Their list includes floor plans with accurate markings and the correct scale, schemes for conducting communications in the house. You will also need additional information about the design of the foundation, stairs and other elements.

Communications and security

For comfortable use, the rebuilt garage needs to be adapted to your needs. Their list is usually short, and it is enough that the room is warm, bright and safe.

It is at this stage that heating pipes are installed in the garage, if necessary, and plumbing is installed. If you plan to make the box heated, then you must not forget that you need to calculate all the costs so that later you do not run into monetary problems due to high tariffs.

It is also worth having a good ventilation system. All unpleasant odors and gas vapors must be removed to the street and in no case should they enter the house. This can lead to health problems.

For additional comfort, the compact garage can also be supplemented with soundproof panels. So fussing with the car will not interfere with those who are in the house or want to sleep longer.

Arrangement of the second floor

Above the garage, it is also quite possible to arrange some kind of room. Safety rules prohibit only placement on top of a dwelling. But no one forbids to equip a workshop, or, for example, a winter garden in a room upstairs.

It is convenient to use the space above the garage to place an attic there. You can also do with a balcony. On the attic or balcony, a greenhouse with a garden is set up, although it is smaller than in a full-fledged room. This technique will fill the uninhabitable space and at the same time create a beautiful corner that will enliven the house.

Despite the existing shortcomings and prejudice associated with the location of the garage and the house under one roof, many still choose this type of building. In order for the chosen result not to disappoint, you need to listen to the advice of professionals.