Transplanting cedar in spring. Siberian cedar - a resident of taiga forests in our gardens Is it possible to transplant an adult cedar

A coniferous tree that can live up to 500 years. It reaches a height of 45 meters, a diameter of 180 cm. Transplantation of cedar takes place from early spring (as soon as the soil thaws) until early May, or from late September to late October, shortly before frost.

Transplanting a cedar seedling

Cedar seedlings can be obtained from the nursery or brought from the forestry. By the way, seedlings dug from sunny places will be the best. The fact is that they are strong, stocky and after transplantation will not suffer from the bright sun. Before digging up a cedar, a fabric ribbon is tied on its southern branch in order to correctly orient the seedling in the north-south direction during transplantation.

At the age of one year, it reaches a height of 4 cm, and its roots are about 20 cm long. Such seedlings are sold in a nursery, in pots with special soil. If a seedling is bought in winter, it is kept until spring on a cold balcony, in an unheated greenhouse, or left on the street, buried in the snow. A seedling brought in the summer is placed until planting on the street, in the shade; the pot is turned with the label to the south; the crown is sprayed with a spray bottle as often as possible.

If the seedling stands on a glazed balcony in summer, then the window to the street should be constantly open, and the soil in the pot should be constantly wet. A wide bowl of water is placed next to the seedling to maintain the required level of humidity for the crown.

In forestries, it is better to purchase seedlings at the age of 2 - 5 years. Dig up the seedling carefully so as not to damage the roots, and it is more convenient to do this together. First, they dig in a tree at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from the trunk (depending on the age of the cedar), then they undermine the ground in depth, freeing the roots with their hands. The central root must be completely released, then place the seedling with an earthy clod on cellophane. Next, you need to moisten the ground and tie the bag well so that the soil does not crumble. At the same time, cedar needles are collected from the soil into bags. The seedling is planted on the same day.

If it is planned from cedar, then you need to dig out several seedlings from different places: cedar is a cross-pollinated plant, and you can wait for good nuts only if there is no inbreeding during pollination.

How to choose a place for transplanting cedar

For transplantation, choose an open, well-ventilated place with fertile soil. Keep in mind that cedar does not like to grow on sand. It is not recommended to plant cedar near large enterprises. The fact is that it is very demanding on air pollution. If the cedar is planted in the garden, then the distance to the currant and gooseberry bushes should be at least 8 m, the distance to the buildings - more than 3 m.

Technology of planting cedar

Transplantation of cedar is carried out in groups of 3 - 4 trees; distance between trees - 5 - 8 meters. Between them, you can plant honeysuckle, shadberry, raspberries or undersized fruit trees. It is very useful to sow lupine - it will supply the soil with nitrogen. This will bring closer the fruiting time of the cedars.

For planting, they dig a hole 60x60x60 cm, loosen its bottom on the bayonet floor and pour humus, peat, a handful of ash, needles and the top layer of fertile soil into it. This mixture should occupy one third of the depth of the hole. The components are mixed, half a bucket of water is poured out and a seedling is placed on this pillow. One person should hold it vertically - so that the root collar is at ground level. The second person will fill the roots of the seedling with earth, carefully compacting it around the trunk with a shovel and trampling around the perimeter of the pit with his foot.

After planting, the seedling is watered; the root circle is mulched with a thick layer of humus or peat and needles. In the future, its watering should be constant so that the soil does not dry out. Mineral fertilizers can be applied simultaneously with watering, and organic fertilizers in spring. In subsequent years, watering and fertilization is carried out along the perimeter of the crown.

A seedling grown in a pot is carefully removed during transplantation without damaging the roots. Then they are placed in the prepared hole. All other actions are performed in the same order as when transplanting wild seedlings. But seedlings from pots are recommended to be protected from exposure to direct sunlight. For example, they can be fenced with wooden bars or covered with a cloth.

If the seedling takes root well, its needles will be dark green, and the growth per year will be 5-10 cm.

A bright representative of evergreen coniferous trees is a member of the order Pine family. Siberian cedar (lat. Pínus sibírica) also known as Siberian cedar pine. The culture is widespread on the territory of Eastern and Western Siberia. A distinctive feature of a coniferous tree is a massive, multi-tiered crown with large branches. The whorled structure (a special arrangement of branches, in which several leaves depart from each shoot) makes the plant especially attractive. The slow development of culture is caused by a short period of vegetative growth - only 45 days a year. Under favorable conditions, pine lives up to 800 years. An adult representative often reaches about 40 meters in length. There are cases when the diameter of the Siberian cedar was more than 3 meters. You can not be afraid to grow a bulky, giant tree at home. Breeders have bred no less useful dwarf subspecies of the culture.

For growing at home, low-growing varieties of Siberian cedar have been bred.

There are several reasons for growing a conifer at home:

  1. Special decorative effect of evergreen culture.
  2. Nutritious and healthy fruits.
  3. Therapeutic effect of nuts and needles.


The tree has a very branched crown. Therefore, you should choose a free spacious area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

The minimum distance between green spaces should be at least six meters. From the foundation of buildings should retreat 3 meters. Dwarf representatives can be planted a little closer.

Optimum lighting

Siberian cedar pine prefers brightly lit areas. Young representatives can perfectly tolerate semi-shaded areas. The plant is frost-resistant and not demanding on microclimatic conditions.

Watering rules

Cedar Siberian pine belongs to moisture-loving crops. In the summer season, the tree absorbs a lot of moisture. Therefore, in the hot months, it is necessary to water the plant regularly as the soil dries.

In autumn, in preparation for the dormant phase, watering should be reduced. You can notice a slowdown in the process of draining the earthen coma.

In the winter dormant period, a plant planted in a container practically does not need watering. The soil mixture in the tank can dry out from low air humidity. Trees absorb moisture from the ground in very small quantities.

Siberian cedar is a moisture-loving culture. But excessive soil moisture or stagnant water will destroy the pine tree.

Excessive soil moisture can kill the plant.

Cedar pine in winter

The absence of a dormant stage leads to a slowdown in growth in the next growing season. Therefore, for several months a year, it is necessary to provide the coniferous representative with cooler climatic conditions.

Siberian cedar, planted in a container, can be transferred to a glazed loggia, cellar, veranda or winter garden. Watering should be done only as needed. With the onset of spring heat, it is necessary to gradually move the flowerpot to a sunny place.

How to transplant Siberian cedar

Transplanting seedlings with a closed root system for a constant time should be immediately after the retreat of morning frosts - in early spring. You can also plant the acquired Siberian cedar in the fall, immediately after the end of the growing season.

The ideal age for transplanting pine trees is around 5 years old. The height of the trunk is not more than one meter. The stem diameter is about two centimeters. When planting, there is a chance to keep the root system intact.

With large representatives of conifers it is much more difficult. Transplantation of an adult cedar is performed, as a rule, in winter. In the cold season, you can dig a large earthen ball and save most of the rhizome. As a rule, the root system of the cedar is severely damaged.

The ideal age for transplanting pine is 5 years.

During the recovery period, the plant releases a component that attracts pests. If the culture is severely weakened, bark beetles can penetrate the bark and lay larvae. Save the pine will not succeed. Therefore, replanting an overgrown cedar is extremely risky.

Before planting, you should:

  1. Weed the weeds and carefully work the soil around the seat.
  2. Dig a suitable size hole. It is necessary to focus on the size of the root system with an earthen clod. The depth of the hole should exceed the size of the cedar roots by 40%.
  3. The bottom of the hole must be carefully loosened.
  4. Lay out the drainage in a thick layer (about 15 cm). As a material, you can use crushed stone, gravel, shells, bottle caps.
  5. The ideal composition of the soil mixture is greenhouse soil with peat and leaf humus. You can add organic ingredients. Ideal bedding made of pine forest.
  6. For the subsequent tying of the seedling, a wooden support should be driven into the hole.

How to cut

For the natural formation of a dense, even crown, the plant should be allowed to grow freely in an open area. The coniferous plant is unpretentious. Therefore, additional intervention in the development process is not required. It is enough to periodically clean the coniferous from damaged and dead branches.

If the plant is used as an element of garden design, you can give the crown an appropriate shape. Pruning plants under five years old is not recommended. The best time of year for pruning is early spring.

It is advisable to use a sharp garden pruner. The instrument should be thoroughly disinfected with alcohol. Affected areas must be treated with a healing component (var).

Cedar pine is an excellent representative of the flora for creating dwarf miniatures.

An amazing miniature of the Siberian pine.

With the help of oriental techniques, you can create a skillful bonsai. The flexibility, elegance of the trunk and shoots contributes to the design of a reduced exact copy of a coniferous tree.

Features of planting a tree can be found in the video:

Cedar pine in open ground

For outdoor cultivation, it is enough to provide a minimum of conditions:

  • open area;
  • uniform solar illumination;
  • loamy and loose soil;
  • lack of groundwater. Often, young conifers develop well on the site, and adult representatives die. The main reason is that the root system is damaged by the accumulation of liquid in the upper soil layer.

Siberian cedar is a very stable crop. The plant is not afraid of severe frosts.

Siberian pine is a frost-resistant plant.

For the winter period, it is not necessary to cover the plant with mulch and protective material. In open soil, cedar does not need regular feeding and pruning.

Planting cedar at home

Flower pot

The coniferous plant has a large and branched root system. Therefore, the choice of container should be taken seriously. For young cedars, it is advisable to choose small containers with drainage holes and side openings for air circulation.

The kit must include a tray to collect excess liquid. As the root system and crown develop, a larger capacity must be used.

Ideal soil

Cedar pine prefers loose and fertile soil. For cultivation, it is not recommended to use mixtures containing peat. A multi-component fossil causes root system rotting.

To protect the plant from pests, a little oxidizing agent should be added to the soil. You can use a natural solution of citric acid and pine needles.

Feeding cedar

During planting, a growth biostimulator should be added to the soil. The ideal combination of components is contained in the Kornevin preparation.

The plant does not require regular feeding. It is advisable not to experiment with chemicals. Preparations for indoor crops can harm conifers. Especially for the cultivation of cedar, products with a natural composition have been bred.

To feed the cedar, you should use a special biohumus.

Biohumus "Kedronic", made from the waste of pine nuts, is ideal for cedar wood. The composition of the fertilizer also includes Siberian soil. The drug can not only be applied to the soil, but also sprayed on cedar needles. It has a particularly effective effect after the appearance of yellowness on the leaves.

Cedar diseases and main pests

bark beetles

Most often, cedar affects an ordinary engraver. Mass attacks of conifers begin at the end of May. Spotting pests is pretty easy. The beetles make small holes in the bark.

Cedar will produce resin for self-pest control. Failure to act will lead to the penetration of females inside the stem. After the larvae have been deposited, it is almost impossible to save the tree.

As preventive measures, you can use systemic insecticides, inject biological means of protection into the trunk, and also clean the culture from affected areas in a timely manner.

Mass attacks of bark beetles can destroy a pine tree.

Pine Hermes

At the initial stage, it is possible to mechanically collect and destroy all the affected areas. If the insect population has covered the entire plant, it is necessary to treat the soil with "Aktara" and spray on the cedar "Decis" or "Iskra". Spraying should be repeated after a month. You will need to continue the procedure until the pests are completely eliminated.

Pine is also affected by scale insects, moths and aphids. Systemic insecticides should be used for treatment.

Pests rarely appear on a healthy plant. Therefore, biological preparations should be purchased in advance to strengthen the immunity of a coniferous tree.

needle rust

A characteristic disease for a warm and humid climate. Yellow marks appear on the tree. After a while, a white coating forms on the bubble points. Fungal cells infect all parts of the tree. At the initial stage of infection, the needles will turn yellow and begin to fall off.

As a rule, infection occurs from thistle and coltsfoot. It is necessary to destroy all plants in the area that contribute to the spread of spores of the fungus. Affected branches must be removed and destroyed. Cleaning the tree will help prevent further spread.

Resin cancer or seryanka

The culture should be immediately cleared of spore-infested areas. For prevention, it is necessary to clean the plant from dry branches and stems with cancerous ulcers. Inaction attracts many pests. A weakened pine can die from insect infestation.

Allergic manifestations

Pine nuts are a very useful product. In people with individual intolerance, an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock may occur.

It is quite difficult to determine the relationship with the cedar fruit. The reaction to peeled nuts can occur only after two days. The first sign is the appearance of a metallic taste.

Not only fruits can cause a reaction. The so-called wood allergy affects the upper respiratory tract. Redness and itching appear on the skin and mucous membranes. After the onset of characteristic symptoms, direct contact with the culture should be avoided.

Breeding options

There are several ways to grow a pine tree. To breed coniferous cedar, you need to purchase seeds or seedlings in a garden nursery.

Planting cedars from seeds

Long term cultivation. Planting material must be treated with potassium permanganate. As a soil, a mixture with coarse-grained sand should be used. Nuts should be placed in the holes and sprinkled with a small layer of sawdust. To stimulate growth, you can place the seed container in a cold room.

Periodically you need to moisten the soil.

Germination of Siberian cedar seeds.

After the first shoots appear, you can transfer the container to a warm room. After strengthening the sprouts, young cedar should be dived into separate containers.

You can experiment and sow treated seeds in open soil. But this is very risky. Often the planting material does not germinate.

Growing cedar seedlings

It is preferable to buy seedlings with a closed root system. The ideal age of planting material is three-year-old trees. The average size of a pine tree should be from thirty centimeters to three meters, depending on the subspecies.

Flowering and fruiting of cedar pine

Cedar do not produce inflorescences. Nuts are formed as seeds.

You will be able to try nuts from your cedar only after 60 years.

Adult crops begin to bear fruit only at the age of 60 years. To speed up the process, you can pin a tree. The ripening process of the cones occurs in autumn. As they form, most of the fruit falls to the ground.

How to choose Siberian cedar

Planting material should be purchased from nurseries specializing in coniferous trees. Siberian cedar seedlings 15-25 cm high can be purchased at a price of 50 rubles. Grown seedlings in a container with a closed root system sell an average of 1,500 rubles. Siberian cedar seeds "Shepard" are in the catalogs of online stores. The cost of one package is 42 rubles.

Cedar is a coniferous evergreen tree of the Pine family. In the wild, it grows in the Mediterranean countries, in the western regions of the Himalayas, in Siberia, the Crimea, and the Far East.

General information

Cedar is a fairly decorative tree that can live 500 years and grow up to 50 meters in height. In addition to decorative properties, the tree is valued for tasty and healthy nuts, which are used both in medicine and in cooking.

Therefore, cedar is actively grown both in forestry farms for planting in the wild, and in household plots.

Cedar is a monoecious tree with a spreading, lush crown, dark gray bark, needle-shaped needles. The needles of the cedar are prickly and hard, silver-gray, dark green or blue-green.

Cedar cones are erect, cylindrical, or oval-elongated, ripen in the second or third year, the seeds are edible. Cedar blossoms in autumn.

Planting seedlings

Seedlings for planting cedar can be purchased at a nursery or forestry, with a special permit. The best quality are seedlings growing in a sunny place. Under the influence of the sun, they turn out to be strong and dense, and after transplanting to a new place, they will easily get used to the bright rays of the sun.

Before digging up a cedar seedling, a ribbon is tied to one of the branches in order to plant the cedar, correctly orienting it to the cardinal points. The south side and the new location should face south.

Cedar does not grow quickly, a one-year-old seedling grows up to 4-5 cm, while its roots reach 20 cm. For planting, it is better to buy a cedar seedling at the age of 2-5 years with a well-developed root system and a strong trunk.

A potted seedling purchased in autumn or winter can be kept on a balcony, in an unheated room, and even on the street.

A seedling bought in spring or summer is left outside in the shade before transplanting, correctly orienting it to the cardinal points. In warm and hot weather, its crown must be sprayed frequently with a spray bottle. There should always be a container of water next to the seedling to maintain the desired level of humidity.

If a seedling is taken in the forestry, where it grows in the open air, they begin to dig it in at a distance of 30-40 cm from the trunk, and gradually deepen the hole. This operation can be done with your hands, not with a shovel, so as not to damage the roots.

The central root is completely released, the lateral ones can be slightly cut off. It will be correct to dig up a seedling along with an earthen root, moisten it, and immediately put it in a plastic bag. The bag is tied up so that the earth does not spill out.

At the same time, cedar needles are collected in a separate bag, which is useful for fertilizing and mulching the hole. The seedling is brought home, and immediately transplanted to a new place.

To get seeds from a cedar, it is better to take seedlings from different places, the fact is that this is a cross-pollinated plant, and high-quality nuts will be obtained only when closely related crossing can be avoided.

On the site, cedars are planted in groups, in which at least 3-4 trees. The distance between them should be 5-8 meters - these openings can be filled with shrubs - irga, honeysuckle, raspberries. It is impossible to plant a cedar mixed with deciduous trees, they will interfere with each other. If you sow lupine next to cedars, it will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which is necessary for good growth and fruiting of cedars.

Cedar loves light, permeable soil, and does not tolerate stagnant moisture, it grows well on soil poor in lime. So, Himalayan cedar can get sick with chlorosis and die on dry calcareous soil. On calcareous soil, the Lebanese and Atlas cedars do not grow well and develop poorly.

The place for planting cedar should be open, well lit and well ventilated. The tree needs fertile soil, poor soil will not be able to “nourish” the tree to its natural size. Dislikes cedar and polluted air. In a garden or summer cottage, cedar is planted at a distance of about 5 meters from buildings, and at least 8 meters from gooseberries and currants. If the site is damp, the cedar can be planted on an artificial hill about 1 meter high and 3 meters in diameter.

When can a cedar transplant be performed? Cedar seedlings can be transplanted from early spring to early May, and in autumn - in September-October, so that the plant has time to take root before the first frost.

The dimensions of the hole for planting cedar seedlings depend on the length of the central root and the diameter of the root system. When the hole is dug, its bottom must be loosened with a shovel on the floor of the bayonet, and a little ash, humus, needles, peat, and the top fertile soil layer should be poured into it. This mixture should cover about a third of the depth of the hole. The components can be mixed in advance, poured out and poured with water.

The seedling is placed on a wet mixture and covered with earth so that the root neck is flush with the surface of the earth. At the same time, the earth is compacted with feet or a shovel.

At the end of planting, another 1-2 buckets of water are poured into the hole, the earth is filled up if it has subsided, and mulched with needles, peat or humus. Care of seedlings consists in constant watering so that the soil is always wet, and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In the spring, organic fertilizers are needed. The first two years after planting, water and fertilizers are applied to the soil along the perimeter of the crown.

If the seedling was purchased with a pot, it can be watered before transplanting and carefully removed from the pot. It is planted in a hole along with a clod of earth in the same way as a seedling that grew in open ground.

When planting in a hole, you can bury a peg to which the seedling is tied for stability. A seedling grown in greenhouse conditions for the first time must be sheltered from the direct rays of the sun, enclosing it with a wooden grate.

In a well-established seedling, the needles will have a dark green color; in a year it will grow by 10-15 cm.

A layer of mulch must be constantly added so that adventitious roots develop well in the cedar, because the mulch will retain moisture well. This is especially important if the cedar is planted on sandy loamy soil. On clay soil, mulch will prevent squeezing out of its root system in winter.

The soil under the trees is not dug up - this way you can damage the roots, you can only slightly loosen its top layer. Side branches cannot be removed, the more branches and needles, the better and faster it will grow.

Cedars are resistant to diseases and pests, but can be susceptible to small sucking insects - Hermes. If you notice small cotton balls on the needles, wash them off with water and treat with Actellik.

Journal of Landscape and Gardening

Cedar is currently one of the most common trees. It is often grown by gardeners. Often there is a need to transplant cedar. However, not every gardener knows how to properly carry out this operation.

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Spring is a good time to clean dead needles from under hedges. Using a small rake, try clearing out any buildup of dead cedar bits. A cleared hedge will allow more air to reach the branches and trunk and result in a happier, thicker, greener hedge.

Depending on how tall your hedge is, pruning may be a project you can tackle on your own, but if the hedge is fairly tall, it's better to call a professional company to take care of it for you. There are endless stories of people falling off their ladders while working to trim cedar hedges.

At the moment, most often gardeners transplant trees with an earthy clod. This method can also be applied to coniferous large-sized trees. Ephedra are considered rather capricious trees, so they endure transplantation very painfully. You are required to minimize possible damage. If you decide to plant a cedar in your plot, then be sure to consider some rules. The main rule is the maximum preservation of the earthy coma.

Because prices and quality of work can vary greatly, it's a good idea to ask friends to refer you to landscaping companies they've been happy with cutting their hedges. Or contact 2 companies and ask for an estimate and also learn about the person and learn about their past experience and quality of work. One of the most difficult parts of trimming cedar hedges is cleaning up afterwards, which can quickly become overwhelming once you understand the amount of material that needs to be removed.

This is another benefit of having a professional company do the work for you, as you can ensure that your garden remains immaculate. I hope you have found this information useful in regards to pruning your cedar hedges. Oriental red-cedar trees have become more numerous in many swordsmen and pastures. This now very common tree was once restricted to rocky bluffs, deep canyons and other areas where fire did not occur historically. Since the beginning of European settlement in North America, fire has been suppressed, allowing the Eastern Red Cedar to expand its range outside of these protected areas.

Siberian cedar has a very sprawling root system. It is located near the soil surface and is much wider than the crown. That is why it is very difficult to calculate the diameter of the excavation. These actions are urgently needed. The fact is that the nutrition of the Siberian cedar goes through small, renal roots, which are located along the periphery of the root system. Urinary roots grow very slowly and break easily. A shovel can accidentally cut off the roots, which will lead to the death of the cedar. That is why it is necessary to dig out very carefully so that the root system is not damaged.

Many people have the misconception that trees are equal to wildlife habitat. Unfortunately, when we talk about cedars in southern Oklahoma and northern Texas, this is not always the case. Cedars are native but become invasive and, when left unmanaged, have the ability to form dense stands. These stands can be considered as monocultures - plant communities dominated by one species. Native rangelands, however, consist of a variety of many native species of grasses, herbs, shrubs, and trees.

It is best to transplant a cedar tree when it is about 5 years old. It was at this time that he has a trunk that is not wider than 2 centimeters in diameter, and the height is not more than 1 meter. Such a tree has a completely transportable earthen room.

Try to imagine what size and weight an earthen lump will have in mature and tall seedlings. It is not at all realistic to save it during transportation and landing. The earth will dry out and shed along with the roots. Large roots will be exposed, which in any case will lead to a weakening of the entire tree. Note that even artificially grown cedars can be difficult to adapt to new terrain. That is why it is necessary to purchase several cedars at once from a reliable supplier who guarantees survival.

Once this diversity is lost, forage production may decrease and the quality of wildlife habitat will decrease. Bidwell looked at the loss of herbaceous production after the cedars were mechanically felled. Cutting cedars below their lowest growing limbs kill them, but a dead tree lying on the ground still takes up about 70 percent of the area it was when standing. Leaving cut trees where they fall can reduce access to forage for cattle, bison, or horses, but can offer rooftops for many wildlife species.

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There are three methods for controlling or destroying cedars: fire, mechanical, and chemical. The fire was initially controlled by the cedars. With sufficient fuel and under safe prescribed burning conditions, fire will control most cedars less than 6 feet in height. Unfortunately, many cedars have grown so large that the prescribed fire is no longer an effective management tool. The prescribed fire is now seen as a maintenance tool for managing new and young cedars, but not the best choice for destroying large, established trees.

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Collaboration service in Oklahoma. Invasion of Oklahoma Grasslands and Woods by East Redseedar and Ash Juniper. Landowners have access to a wide variety of trees and shrubs from nurseries throughout the province. However, decisions about which plant species should be based solely on planting tasks should not. Landowners must also consider the characteristics of the landing site. Different species are genetically adapted to thrive, or at least tolerate some site conditions.

If you respect this genetic adaptation, your plantations will be more successful. There are three main planting site characteristics that will affect how one tree species thrives over another. These three characteristics are soil type, moisture content, and light availability.

Cedar pines grown from seeds need to be transplanted. Usually they are grown first in containers, then in shkolka, and only later they are transplanted to a permanent place. Transplantation methods are somewhat different, depending on the size of the cedar. The less you disturb the cedar, the better for it.

How to transplant cedar? First you need to prepare a landing site. The soil for cedar should be fertile and nutritious. These trees grow well on loamy and sandy soils.

Trees require soil to provide them with the necessary moisture and nutrients to survive and grow. Soil structure affects water movement, aeration and rooting. Each tree species is adapted to a specific range of soil conditions, and understanding soil characteristics will help you plan your planting project.

All soils are made up of four main ingredients - mineral particles, air, water and organic matter. However, it is the amount of each element in the soil that is used to determine its type. For example, sandy soils are more abrasive to the touch because they have large mineral particles. Clay soils are much smoother in texture due to the presence of very fine particles. While there are many combinations of different soil classes, for the purposes of most planting projects, soils can be divided into three very simple types: sand, loam, and clay.

When transplanting cedar, you need to follow some rules. This will help the seedlings take root better and develop well. It is important to carefully dig up the seedling, while keeping all the roots intact. It is advisable to dig with an earthen lump. The seedling must be planted on the same day, moistened with an earthen ball with water.

Small trees up to 70 cm tall, provided that they grew in a container, from where they were taken along with the ground, do not need careful soil preparation. A seat measuring 50 x 50 cm must be dug up so that the layer of earth is turned upside down and the roots of the weeds are on top. The soil prepared in this way will not quickly overgrow with weeds, which means that the young cedar will not have competitors for the first time. Make a small hole, insert a seedling there and straighten the roots. It is important that the root neck is at ground level, otherwise its decay will lead to the death of the plant. Top the roots with loose earth. If the roots are completely in the ground, you do not need to straighten them, immerse the earthen ball with the roots into the hole and fill in the voids. It is best to plant several seedlings side by side, they need this for pollination and fruiting. Next to each seedling, nail a peg so as not to accidentally trample or mow down the tree. After a month, carefully weed the seedlings, after a couple of weeks, repeat the weeding.

Here are a few key characteristics of these three soil types. Have easily detectable particles and have a sandy texture; water retention is very poor and they are more resistant to compaction and have minimal nutritional value. They have relatively equal proportions of sand, silt and clay; feel smooth, but there are signs of graininess; have some nutritional value and have good moisture content.

Moisture or drainage conditions

They have very small particles, smooth texture, slow water movement, contain high nutritional value and shrink easily when wet. Soil type also affects drainage. It is very important to choose species adapted to the humidity conditions in the room. As a general rule, soils that are not well-drained will remain wet for some time, while a well-drained site dries out quickly at any time of the year. site in spring, autumn and after significant rainfall to get a good indication of site drainage.

Transplantation of cedar seedlings of larger sizes and with a well-developed root system looks somewhat different. The dug up area should be larger (80x80 cm). In the center of the dug up area, make a hole equal in width and depth to the size of the bayonet. Plant a seedling, straighten the roots and cover with earth, choosing all plant debris. After planting, pour 2-5 liters of water, depending on weather conditions, and add more soil. Tall seedlings need less weeding. They should be tied to a peg so that the wind does not knock down the plants until they are well entrenched. Young cedars will grow and develop better if lupins are sown between them.

light requirements

Different species require different amounts of light to survive and grow in their early stages of establishment. Some species that naturally regenerate in the shade of existing trees are adapted to low light levels and will struggle to establish themselves in an open, exposed situation. Other species need full light and will not survive long in the shade. The term used when describing the amount of light required by a species is called shade tolerance. The shade tolerance of a species simply means the ability to "survive" and grow in the shade of another tree.

How to transplant a cedar to another place?

Cedar is a fairly popular coniferous tree belonging to the pine family. It grows in the Far East, in the Crimea and Siberia, as well as in the Mediterranean countries. Many owners of country houses and cottages are interested in how to properly transplant a cedar tree to another place, whether it is possible to transplant it from a forest to a site. Let's dwell on this in more detail in our article.


Cedar is in high demand among homeowners. It can reach a height of up to 50 meters and live for 500 years. Many simply adore exquisite pine nuts. They are often used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Today, cedar is quite common both in garden plots and in the wild.

Cedar refers to monoecious trees. Its crown is quite spreading and lush. The needles have a needle-like shape, and the bark has a dark gray tint. Stiff and prickly needles can be represented by blue-green, dark green or silver-gray. Cedar seeds are represented by oval-elongated or cylindrical cones. Already in the second or third year they are edible. But the flowering of cedar falls in the fall.

The nuances of a transplant

Even in the early stages of development, the cedar can already be transplanted. This tree is growing quite fast. So, the height of a seedling up to 1 year can reach one meter. For this reason, experts do not advise delaying the transplant. It's better to make it early.

It is best to purchase a seedling in a forestry or in a nursery. It is not recommended to dig up a small tree in the forest - as a rule, such specimens do not take root and die.

The process of transplanting a cedar into a permanent place of residence includes several steps.

  • Land preparation. Initially, you should pay attention to the ground. It should be dug up and fertilized before planting a tree. You can fertilize the soil with humus, peat or ash, while it is better to use these components in turn, and not all together. After that, it is worth sprinkling the place for planting with fresh fertile soil. When a hole is dug for replanting, then 1/3 of the part should be exactly fresh soil.

  • Pit preparation for transplanting. If you need to transplant a tree in the spring, then the hole should be 60x60 cm in size. It is worth remembering that the width of the hole can be slightly adjusted, but its depth should be at least 60 cm. If this rule is neglected, then the root system will not be able to properly consolidate.

  • Moisture of the earth. When the hole is ready for planting, it is worth pouring enough water into it to moisten it well. One bucket of water will be enough.

  • Direct transplant. Initially, the cedar should be dug up, while trying not to harm the root system. The roots of the cedar will be with a clod of earth, in principle, there is nothing wrong with that, but it is better to clean the earth a little. However, if you overdo it, you can lose small roots.

  • It is better to transplant cedar together, so you should call a friend or someone from relatives. So, one person holds the tree upright, while it is important to keep it level. After that, the tree must be slowly lowered into the hole. The second person is already instilling, while it is worth forming a small tubercle near the stem. Burying cedar is fresh earth. It must be tamped down and a new one added, while patting movements should be made, gradually moving from the edges of the hole to the center.

Working together when transplanting cedar allows you to properly prepare the hole, as well as plant the tree evenly. This is very important, because at the slightest angle of inclination, the cedar will eventually tilt to the side, which may become unsafe over time.

After planting, it is worth feeding the tree again. This is usually done on the third day. It is worth using organic fertilizers, which will contribute to rapid rooting and growth. Seedlings need careful care, because it will help save them from drying out.

Choice of landing time

It is important not only to choose the right location for the cedar, but also the time of disembarkation. Experts advise digging a hole for planting in the fall. When winter comes, the walls of the hole will break through with frost, and the soil will be disinfected. If it is not possible to do this in the fall, then transplantation is possible both in spring and summer, but the hole must be dug at least two weeks in advance, which will allow it to be well ventilated. And also the walls of the hole will become looser, which will only be a plus.

Subtleties of care

Caring for a cedar in the country is easy, if you follow the following advice from experts.

  • A newly transplanted tree needs careful watering, the soil must be moist.
  • It is better to use mineral fertilizers for top dressing.
  • If you need to transplant a seedling in a country house from a pot, then it is better to water it well in order to easily get a seedling for transplantation.
  • To give the seedling stability, you can bury a peg next to it, and then tie a cedar stalk to it.
  • If the seedling grew in greenhouse conditions, then it needs protection from direct sunlight. A good solution would be the presence of a wooden grate.
  • If the engraftment process goes well, then the cedar needles will have a dark green tint. On average, a tree should grow by 10-15 cm in one year.
  • You will need to monitor the presence of a layer of mulch and add it if necessary, which will promote the development of adventitious roots. Mulch does an excellent job with the main task - to keep moisture inside the soil, this recommendation should be followed if the cedar is planted on sandy loamy soil.
  • Do not dig up the soil near the tree, so as not to damage the root system of the cedar. Light loosening of the upper layer is allowed.
  • It is forbidden to remove side branches, since the growth of a cedar directly depends on the number of needles and branches.
  • Cedar rarely gets sick, but exceptions are possible: it happens that a tree suffers from a small Hermes insect. If lumps are visible on the needles, as if from cotton wool, you should immediately wash them off with water, and then use the Aktellik preparation.

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Siberian cedar has a number of healing properties. Its needles secrete phytoncides, which purify the air of harmful bacteria. In its natural habitat, cedar pine grows up to 40 m, but low-growing varieties have been bred for summer cottages.

We will reveal all the secrets of how to grow cedar on your own.

Planting and growing Siberian cedar from a seedling

Siberian cedar pine belongs to evergreens. Healing properties are possessed not only by the needles of the plant, but also by resin, as well as nutshells. In folk medicine, raw materials are used for infusions and decoctions. If you are planting cedar for medicinal purposes, it is very important that the plant begins to bear fruit early. Therefore, it is better to purchase and plant a finished seedling.

Choose seedlings with a closed root system, but if there are none, then you can buy another one. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the roots. Higher requirements are placed on seedlings with an open root system. Ideally, they are dug right in front of you. The plant tolerates a transplant worse, so you need to save an earthen clod. If transportation is to be carried out, then the root system is carefully packed in burlap, then wrapped in a bag. An earthen ball is moistened with water.

In order for the seedling to quickly take root in a new place, choose a tree no older than 6 years and create suitable conditions for it:

Choose a landing site with good lighting, but without direct sunlight;

Dig up the site with the addition of peat, rotted manure, coniferous soil and humus;

Make planting pits a third larger than the root system, install a support for seedlings.

If you plant not one cedar, but several, then between them you need to leave from 3 to 8 m.

This is the optimal distance for growth and development. After planting, the seedling is tied to a support, well watered and mulched with coniferous litter.

At first, the soil is moistened every 3 days if there is no rain. A year later, nitrogen fertilizers can be applied for better growth.

How to grow cedar from seeds: step by step instructions with photos and basic rules

Cedar pine can be grown from seed. This occupation is troublesome, requires special skills and knowledge, but it delivers much more pleasure. Moreover, not every gardener can boast of his own grown cedar. If you want to enjoy the process and do not pursue other goals, then be patient.

Cedar seeds germinate slowly. Nuts from the supermarket are not suitable for sprouting, they will not germinate at all. Buy a cedar cone or ready-made seeds in a specialized store.

Before planting, the seeds must be prepared:

Pour the seeds with warm water and leave for 3 days, change the water periodically. Empty seeds will float, while good ones will swell.

Treat good seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours, dry.

Prepare the substrate for germination, it can be sphagnum, sawdust or peat.

Place the substrate in a container, moisten well and sow the seeds. Leave for 3 months in the cold.

Sprouted seeds sow in school under cover. Planting depth - 3 cm. Mulch the bed until shoots appear.

Preparation for sowing takes place in two stages, it is better to do this in the fall. After the seeds have swollen and you have selected high-quality ones, rinse well and rub them with your hands. This is necessary to wash off resins and other substances that slow down the germination process. Quality seeds are subjected to stratification for three months. It is better that it takes place in natural conditions. Dig the seed container in the snow or put it in the cellar. In the spring, sort out the seeds, remove all rotten ones and those that have not pecked. Plant seeds with white sprouts in school.

For planting, take a lot more seeds than you want to get seedlings. As you can see, many of them are discarded during the growing process. In a greenhouse or under a film cover, cedar is grown for up to two years, only after that you can remove the film. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent place only at the age of 6 years. All this time, tender sprouts need proper care.

Caring for cedar seedlings

Shoots appear in May, grow very slowly. They are demanding on the humidity of air and soil.

The first year of life, the sprouts are carefully watered, not forgetting to ventilate the greenhouse. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the seedlings will be struck by the "black leg".

Getting rid of this insidious disease will not be easy. At the end of the first year of life, seedlings reach a height of only a couple of centimeters.

These are thin sprouts with a palm tree on top. But the plants overwinter perfectly and do not need additional shelter.

Cedar is a winter-hardy crop that tolerates temperatures as low as -60 °C. If the sprouts are insulated, they will dry out.

Important! If you grow seedlings of cedar at home in pots, after planting in the ground, it must be covered with dry foliage. She has not yet had time to adapt to street conditions.

During the second year, the sprouts will grow by another 5-7 cm. You can start feeding. Use a liquid potassium sulfate solution under each plant 3 times per season.

It is not necessary to dig the soil under the seedlings, a shallow loosening of the soil is enough. Cedar seedlings do not need special care, standard procedures are enough. By the end of 4 years of cultivation, they should gain 20-30 cm in height.

The cedar grown from seeds bears fruit late, at the age of 20 years. The first cones may be empty.

Transplanting cedar in open ground

When the seedlings reach 6 years, they are transplanted into open ground. Follow the planting rules for seedlings with an open root system.

It is better to transfer plants to a permanent place in the evening or in cloudy weather, save the earthen ball as much as possible. The best time to plant is spring. If it turned out to be dry, then the trees will have to be watered additionally. After that, the top layer of soil is loosened so that a crust does not form.

Watch for weeds, remove them in time. If you do not restrain their growth, then they will be clogged with the root system of a fragile plant. Do not remove large weeds with the root, otherwise you will damage the young roots of the tree, just cut them under the root.

Problems when growing cedar from seeds

Cedar seedlings are very sensitive to fungal diseases. The peak of the disease is in the spring. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the plants and carry out treatments on time.

To prevent the disease of seedlings, it is not necessary to plant them in wetlands or areas with high groundwater. The needles begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Cedar seedlings also suffer from fusarium, in a short period of time all seedlings will fall. As a preventive measure, treat the seeds before planting and the soil with approved preparations, do preventive spraying and ventilate the greenhouses in time.

Of the pests, young seedlings are harmed by pine aphids - Hermes. You can notice its presence by the white bloom on the needles. The aphid sucks the juice from the young needles, the seedling dies. Get rid of pine aphids, as from a common pest. Carry out a series of treatments with complex insecticides.

Proper planting of walnut and cedar seedlings in the garden

Cedar - why is it so difficult

Cedar pine - the biological name of the cedar, which is successfully cultivated in the territory of central Russia. Before the revolution, such cedars were planted in manor estates. Today, the former manor houses are badly destroyed, but the trees have survived and grow, there are separate cedars and small groves.

In nature, cedar pines grow in the Far East, the Himalayas and the Mediterranean. The experience of pre-revolutionary plantations suggests that these trees can grow everywhere in Russia. It is important to provide them with the necessary care in the first 10-15 years after landing. Then they will successfully grow on their own.

A good seedling is half the success

A good quality seedling, with growing buds, a clod of earth is the basis for the successful growth of cedar. For planting on the site, it is better to buy cedar pine in the nursery. Its survival rate will be higher than that dug out in the forest. However, forest cedar can also be replanted if it is dug up in a clod and the root system is completely preserved.

Sapling from the forest

Why do not take root many seedlings of conifers that are dug in the forest? Because together with the earth, the roots lose small absorbent roots. This is important for all trees. It is especially bad to lose small roots for conifers, and catastrophically for cedars. They must be transplanted with soil on the roots.

It is not always possible to dig a tree with a lump. Conifers love loose soil. Often sown in sandy soil. Therefore, when digging, the earth crumbles, exposing the root.

In order to transplant a cedar from a forest, use the following technique. In autumn, when it's warm, dig a tree to the width of a shovel along the perimeter, according to the size of the future coma. Do not take it out of the ground, leave it like that until frost. When the temperature drops below -5 ° C, take the seedling along with the frozen ground.

Despite the frost, in order to avoid scattering the coma, it is worth wrapping it with canvas or polyethylene, tying it with twine, rope, to transport the tree to the site.

Note: the size of the earth clod should be wider than the diameter of the projection of the crown on the ground. The projection of the crown gives the approximate size of the roots of the tree.

How to plant a cedar from the forest: compass and pruning

When transplanting a forest seedling, one must take into account its location relative to the cardinal points (measure with a compass). We must try to turn it to its north-south just as it grew in the forest. This will increase the chances of the tree taking root in the new location.

After transplanting, cut the branches in half. It will also make survival easier. New branches will grow by next summer.

Nursery seedling

When buying a seedling from a nursery, you get it in a container. By the way, this is one of the factors by which the quality of the seedling is determined. If the cedar is sold without a container, if there is no clod of earth tied with burlap on the roots, do not buy. A seedling with bare roots will not take root. Other factors are living growth buds located at the ends of branches. And live green needles, without yellowness and other signs of drying.

Note: If you are in doubt whether a seedling is a cedar or an ordinary pine, count the number of needles that come out of one bunch. Cedar has 5 of them, pine has 2. Due to the dense arrangement of needles in a bundle, cedar forms a denser crown, and therefore looks more decorative.

So, by purchasing a seedling in a container, you get a plant ready for transplanting. You only need to properly prepare the hole and plant a tree.

How to prepare a hole for a cedar seedling

  1. Dig to a depth, 10 cm more than the depth of the cedar container. The width of the pit should be at least 15-20 cm larger than the width of the container.
  2. Prepare a soil mixture of black earth, sand and clay. The ratio of components is 3 parts of soil, 3 parts of sand and 1 part of clay. There is no need to add fertilizer when planting. In the first year, the cedar will have enough substances that are contained in fertile soil and clay. The sand will provide air to the cedar roots. Note: For conifers, it is very important that there is enough air in the soil. Therefore, in nature, they "choose" sandsome soils. Moisture and soil ventilation are two important conditions for the growth of a cedar tree.
  3. If the seedling is in a container, spill the ground with water so that it does not crumble better when removed from the box.
  4. Take out the seedling, put it in a hole, fill it with soil mixture.
  5. Pour several buckets of water from a watering can. Pour on the ground and on the needles.
  6. Mulch. Mulch is a prerequisite for the survival of cedar. Under the mulch, soil moisture is retained and conditions are created for the growth of fungi. They are symbiotes of the cedar and supply its roots with nutrients.

Next - watering as the soil dries. In the first year, the soil moisture under the cedar should be 70-80%. With such humidity, a lump of earth, compressed in the palm of your hand, retains its shape without crumbling. In the next 2-3 years, it is also desirable to water the seedling so that the soil at its roots is damp. This will help him grow faster. The soil itself must be covered with mulch at least 10 cm thick. Read more about mulch later.

What else to consider in the subsequent care? A feature of the mineral nutrition of cedar is the need for potassium. But an excess of nitrogen in the soil has a depressing effect on the development of its root system. Therefore, seedlings can be fertilized once a year with potassium complexes.

Mulch and mushroom symbiotes

Mulch for a small cedar performs two important functions:

  1. Stores soil moisture.
  2. Creates and maintains conditions for the life of mushroom mycelium - a symbiote of cedar.

From the course of school biology, we remember that symbiotes are organisms that mutually help each other. There are certain types of mushrooms that settle in the near-stem circle of cedar pines. They absorb nutrients from the soil that are inaccessible to the conifer, process them and supply food ready for absorption to the roots of the tree. That is why the mycelium of the symbiote is also a necessary condition for the survival and growth of the cedar pine.

Coniferous mulch is necessary for the growth of cedar mycelium. It can be mixed with sawdust or sprinkled under the seedling with clean needles from cedar, pine, spruce.

Mushroom mycelium can be ordered or bought at a specialized garden farm. Or bring from the forest. Collect mushrooms in a cedar grove, pour water, insist for a day. After - pour the infusion on the ground next to the trunk circle. Another option is to put some overripe mushrooms in the planting hole.

Important: it is necessary to plant those types of mushrooms that are suitable for conifers and cedar.

When to transplant

Transplantation of forest seedlings is carried out in late autumn, with the onset of frost. Planting a seedling from the nursery is possible in early spring and autumn. Autumn transplants are suitable for central Russia. In the northern regions, they practice spring transplants or sowing nuts in open ground.

Is it possible to grow seedlings from nuts

Growing cedar trees yourself from nuts is one option to get your own seedlings. Germination technology has the following features:

  1. In order to select germinating nuts, they are poured with water before stratification. Some nuts will float, some will sink to the bottom. It is necessary to take “sunken” nuts for further processing and planting.
  2. For germination, pine nuts need long-term stratification. To do this, they are immersed in snow and kept in the cold for 3-4 months. Note: before digging with snow, the seeds are placed in a bag. Another option for stratification is in wet sand in a container, in a freezer. The same 3-4 months.
  3. Before stratification, the nuts are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The need for antiseptic treatment is associated with the tendency of cedar seedlings to be affected by the fungus. Soaking nuts in potassium permanganate reduces the likelihood of fungus on the roots of a tree. Note: soaking in potassium permanganate should not be too long. No more than 15 minutes with the obligatory rinsing of nuts in running water after manganese.
  4. After stratification, the nuts are planted in a container with soil and drainage. Soil is a mixture of soil and sand in equal quantities. The nuts are lightly pressed into the soil mixture and watered. If the air is dry, cover the container with foil.

Note: even with the most strict adherence to technology, no more than 30% of the planted nuts germinate. Of the seedlings, they will grow to adult trees - another third. Get ready for it. No wonder they say that growing a cedar is very difficult.

So let's recap

If you decide to grow a cedar from a nut, you must definitely stratify the planting material. It is better to transplant a cedar seedling in late autumn. Definitely with a clod of earth. The planted cedar must be looked after in the first 15 years of its life - watered, sprinkled with mulch, oversowed with mycelium of symbiote fungi.

  • Cedar pines grown from seeds need to be transplanted. Usually they are grown first in containers, then in shkolka, and only later they are transplanted to a permanent place. Transplantation methods are somewhat different, depending on the size of the cedar. The less you disturb the cedar, the better for it.

    How to transplant cedar? First you need to prepare a landing site. The soil for cedar should be fertile and nutritious. These trees grow well on loamy and sandy soils.

    When transplanting cedar, you need to follow some rules. This will help the seedlings take root better and develop well. It is important to carefully dig up the seedling, while keeping all the roots intact. It is advisable to dig with an earthen lump. The seedling must be planted on the same day, moistened with an earthen ball with water.

    Small trees up to 70 cm tall, provided that they grew in a container, from where they were extracted along with the ground, do not need careful soil preparation. A seat measuring 50 x 50 cm must be dug up so that the layer of earth is turned upside down and the roots of the weeds are on top. The soil prepared in this way will not quickly overgrow with weeds, which means that the young cedar will not have competitors for the first time. Make a small hole, insert a seedling there and straighten the roots. It is important that the root neck is at ground level, otherwise its decay will lead to the death of the plant. Top the roots with loose earth. If the roots are completely in the ground, you do not need to straighten them, immerse the earthen ball with the roots into the hole and fill in the voids.
    It is best to plant several seedlings side by side, they need this for pollination and fruiting. Next to each seedling, nail a peg so as not to accidentally trample or mow down the tree. After a month, carefully weed the seedlings, after a couple of weeks, repeat the weeding.

    Transplantation of cedar seedlings of larger sizes and with a well-developed root system looks somewhat different. The dug up area should be larger (80x80 cm). In the center of the dug up area, make a hole equal in width and depth to the size of the bayonet. Plant a seedling, straighten the roots and cover with earth, choosing all plant debris. After planting, pour 2-5 liters of water, depending on weather conditions, and add more soil. Tall seedlings need less weeding. They should be tied to a peg so that the wind does not knock down the plants until they are well entrenched. Young cedars will grow and develop better if lupins are sown between them.

    When is the best time to transplant cedar in autumn or spring? How to transplant Siberian cedar with a clod of earth

    The most common, but not the easiest way to transplant trees, is still a transplant with an earthen clod. It is also used for all coniferous large-sized trees. Sufficiently capricious conifers tolerate transplantation very painfully. The main task, therefore, is to minimize the possible damage. Therefore, if you decide to settle Siberian cedar on your site, you need to consider some rules. The main one is to preserve the earthen clod as much as possible.

    The Siberian cedar has a very sprawling root system. It is close to the soil surface and much wider than the crown. Therefore, it is very difficult to correctly calculate the diameter of the excavation. And, it is necessary to do this, because the nutrition of the Siberian cedar goes through small, urinary roots located along the periphery of the root system. Urinary roots grow slowly, but break easily. A shovel will easily cut these roots, which is similar to death for a cedar. Therefore, it is vital for the cedar that the digging is carried out without damage to the root system.

    The best age to plant a cedar in a new place is considered to be 5-7 years old, at this time its trunk is not wider than 2 cm in diameter and not higher than 1 meter in height. An earthen ball of such a tree will be quite transportable. The calculation of the size of a coma for more mature specimens is as follows: the diameter of the trunk at a height of one and a half meters from the ground is multiplied by 12. But this formula is applicable only to seedlings from the nursery. Under natural conditions, the roots are usually wider and it is better to multiply by 15 - 20.

    Now imagine what size and weight an earthen clod can reach in mature and tall seedlings (up to a ton or more) and how realistic it is to keep it during transportation and planting. The earth will dry up and crumble, moreover, along with the roots. It's almost impossible to notice. Larger roots are exposed, resulting in a weakening of the entire tree. In addition, even artificially grown cedars do not always easily adapt to new terrain. A “wild” tree may even experience long problems with survival or die. Therefore, it is more expedient to buy several cedars at once from reliable suppliers who will give a guarantee of survival.

    Experts will competently dig up a seedling and take the necessary measures to preserve the earthen coma and roots. Or it will be a careful placement of a coma in a shipping container. In the same way, for larger planting material, the lump is carefully wrapped with burlap or wire mesh and fixed with steel hoops. If the tree is very large, then it is simply placed in a temporary wooden box. For greater reliability, the earth is moistened and slightly frozen, but such a tree will need to be planted as quickly as possible.

    Cedar is currently one of the most common trees. It is often grown by gardeners. Often there is a need to transplant cedar. However, not every gardener knows how to properly carry out this operation.


    At the moment, most often gardeners transplant trees with an earthy clod. This method can also be applied to coniferous large-sized trees. Ephedra are considered rather capricious trees, so they endure transplantation very painfully. You are required to minimize possible damage. If you decide to plant a cedar in your plot, then be sure to consider some rules. The main rule is the maximum preservation of the earthy coma.

    Siberian cedar has a very sprawling root system. It is located near the soil surface and is much wider than the crown. That is why it is very difficult to calculate the diameter of the excavation. These actions are urgently needed. The fact is that the nutrition of the Siberian cedar goes through small, renal roots, which are located along the periphery of the root system. Urinary roots grow very slowly and break easily. A shovel can accidentally cut off the roots, which will lead to the death of the cedar. That is why it is necessary to dig out very carefully so that the root system is not damaged.

    It is best to transplant a cedar tree when it is about 5 years old. It was at this time that he has a trunk that is not wider than 2 centimeters in diameter, and the height is not more than 1 meter. Such a tree has a completely transportable earthen room.

    Try to imagine what size and weight an earthen lump will have in mature and tall seedlings. It is not at all realistic to save it during transportation and landing. The earth will dry out and shed along with the roots. Large roots will be exposed, which in any case will lead to a weakening of the entire tree. Note that even artificially grown cedars can be difficult to adapt to new terrain. That is why it is necessary to purchase several cedars at once from a reliable supplier who guarantees survival.

    Advice 2: How to grow a cedar seedling from a pine nut

    Cedar is the tree of our grandchildren. Cedar has a number of unique properties, such as a special woody structure, ripening of pine nuts and an unusually healthy, healing smell of its evergreen needles. Our ancestors knew that milk does not sour for a long time in cedar dishes. Moths do not start in a cabinet made of cedar boards. Cabbage, sauerkraut in a cedar tub, is wonderfully crunchy and has a delicate taste. Mosquitoes and ticks are afraid of the cedar oil secreted by this tree like fire. The resinous husks of the cones are good for smoking hams and fish.

    You will need

    • Fresh, better stratified, not hardened, pine nuts (preferably with a young cone)
    • Capacity with fertile land - about 2 buckets based on 1-2 cedar cones
    • Water for irrigation


    Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for two hours.
    After that, place in a bucket of water at room temperature for about 2-3 hours
    In this case, it is better to remove the floating nuts, since they probably will not sprout.

    We take out the nuts from a bucket of water and put them in a container with prepared soil
    We prepare the land by mixing 50% fertile land for planting flowers plus 50% river sand
    We do not bury the laid out nuts, but simply lay them out in an even layer on the surface of the earth, applying a little earth to each of them on the sides
    All stacked nuts must be poured with water at room temperature, without eroding the ground strongly.
    We leave the nuts in this state for several days, constantly watering and watching them in order to see the green sprouts hatched from them.
    Nuts should germinate in half a month or a month from the beginning of planting

    We carefully take nuts with green sprouts that have hatched into separate containers with similar soil and plant them, deepening no more than 5 cm into the ground
    At the same time, we try to position the hatched sprout with the direction upwards.
    We plant one nut in each container with earth.

    After the appearance of young shoots of cedar, it is necessary to continue to care for young shoots, watering them and observing the above temperature.
    In such a container, young shoots of cedar can be kept for two to three years.
    After that, they can be planted on your site.


    It is necessary to acquire such cones that have not undergone heat treatment. that is, not dark and shiny, but gray-brown, dull, with whitish, cloudy shells, with traces of unmelted resin. It is better to purchase already stratified (prepared for sowing)
    A container with nuts for germination must be placed in a fairly bright place at room temperature, but not under direct sunlight
    It is necessary to constantly monitor the container with nuts for germination, preventing the soil from drying out and removing extraneous hatched weeds from it.

    Useful advice

    Buy no more than 1 cone to start
    Check the nuts for ripening by biting 1-2 pieces
    As containers for planting hatched nuts, you can use plastic one and a half and two liter bottles, cutting them off by two thirds
    For the winter, sprouted shoots with young thorns that have appeared are best placed in the basement, where they should be at a temperature not lower than zero degrees and it is advisable to periodically turn on lighting close to the daily norm.


    • Stories about plants Egakov / N.V. Stepanov. Krasnoyarsk: RASTR, 2010. 144 p.

    When to transplant cedar in spring or autumn. Planting seedlings

    Seedlings for planting cedar can be purchased at a nursery or forestry, with a special permit. The best quality are seedlings growing in a sunny place. Under the influence of the sun, they turn out to be strong and dense, and after transplanting to a new place, they will easily get used to the bright rays of the sun.

    Before digging up a cedar seedling, a ribbon is tied to one of the branches in order to plant the cedar, correctly orienting it to the cardinal points. The south side and the new location should face south.

    Cedar does not grow quickly, a one-year-old seedling grows up to 4-5 cm, while its roots reach 20 cm. For planting, it is better to buy a cedar seedling at the age of 2-5 years with a well-developed root system and a strong trunk.

    A potted seedling purchased in autumn or winter can be kept on a balcony, in an unheated room, and even on the street.

    A seedling bought in spring or summer is left outside in the shade before transplanting, correctly orienting it to the cardinal points. In warm and hot weather, its crown must be sprayed frequently with a spray bottle. There should always be a container of water next to the seedling to maintain the desired level of humidity.

    If a seedling is taken in the forestry, where it grows in the open air, they begin to dig it in at a distance of 30-40 cm from the trunk, and gradually deepen the hole. This operation can be done with your hands, not with a shovel, so as not to damage the roots.

    The central root is completely released, the lateral ones can be slightly cut off. It will be correct to dig up a seedling along with an earthen root, moisten it, and immediately put it in a plastic bag. The bag is tied up so that the earth does not spill out.

    At the same time, cedar needles are collected in a separate bag, which is useful for fertilizing and mulching the hole. The seedling is brought home, and immediately transplanted to a new place.

    To get seeds from a cedar, it is better to take seedlings from different places, the fact is that this is a cross-pollinated plant, and high-quality nuts will be obtained only when closely related crossing can be avoided.

    On the site, cedars are planted in groups, in which at least 3-4 trees. The distance between them should be 5-8 meters - these openings can be filled with shrubs - irga, honeysuckle, raspberries.

    It is impossible to plant a cedar mixed with deciduous trees, they will interfere with each other.

    If you sow lupine next to cedars, it will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which is necessary for good growth and fruiting of cedars.

    Cedar loves light, permeable soil, and does not tolerate stagnant moisture, it grows well on soil poor in lime. So, Himalayan cedar can get sick with chlorosis and die on dry calcareous soil. On calcareous soil, the Lebanese and Atlas cedars do not grow well and develop poorly.

    The place for planting cedar should be open, well lit and well ventilated. The tree needs fertile soil, poor soil will not be able to “nourish” the tree to its natural size.

    Dislikes cedar and polluted air. In a garden or summer cottage, cedar is planted at a distance of about 5 meters from buildings, and at least 8 meters from gooseberries and currants.

    If the site is damp, the cedar can be planted on an artificial hill about 1 meter high and 3 meters in diameter.

    When can a cedar transplant be performed? Cedar seedlings can be transplanted from early spring to early May, and in autumn - in September-October, so that the plant has time to take root before the first frost.

    The dimensions of the hole for planting cedar seedlings depend on the length of the central root and the diameter of the root system. When the hole is dug, its bottom must be loosened with a shovel on the floor of the bayonet, and a little ash, humus, needles, peat, and the top fertile soil layer should be poured into it. This mixture should cover about a third of the depth of the hole. The components can be mixed in advance, poured out and poured with water.

    The seedling is placed on a wet mixture and covered with earth so that the root neck is flush with the surface of the earth. At the same time, the earth is compacted with feet or a shovel.

    At the end of planting, another 1-2 buckets of water are poured into the hole, the earth is filled up if it has subsided, and mulched with needles, peat or humus. Care of seedlings consists in constant watering so that the soil is always wet, and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In the spring, organic fertilizers are needed. The first two years after planting, water and fertilizers are applied to the soil along the perimeter of the crown.

    If the seedling was purchased with a pot, it can be watered before transplanting and carefully removed from the pot. It is planted in a hole along with a clod of earth in the same way as a seedling that grew in open ground.

    When planting in a hole, you can bury a peg to which the seedling is tied for stability. A seedling grown in greenhouse conditions for the first time must be sheltered from the direct rays of the sun, enclosing it with a wooden grate.

    In a well-established seedling, the needles will have a dark green color; in a year it will grow by 10-15 cm.

    A layer of mulch must be constantly added so that adventitious roots develop well in the cedar, because the mulch will retain moisture well. This is especially important if the cedar is planted on sandy loamy soil. On clay soil, mulch will prevent squeezing out of its root system in winter.

    The soil under the trees is not dug up - this way you can damage the roots, you can only slightly loosen its top layer. Side branches cannot be removed, the more branches and needles, the better and faster it will grow.

    Cedars are resistant to diseases and pests, but can be susceptible to small sucking insects - Hermes. If you notice small cotton balls on the needles, wash them off with water and treat with Actellik.

    Video Cedar. Transplanting into soil for coniferous plants.

    Transplanting seedlings with a closed root system for a constant time should be immediately after the retreat of morning frosts - in early spring. You can also plant the acquired Siberian cedar in the fall, immediately after the end of the growing season.

    The ideal age for transplanting pine trees is around 5 years old. The height of the trunk is not more than one meter. The stem diameter is about two centimeters. When planting, there is a chance to keep the root system intact.

    With large representatives of conifers it is much more difficult. Transplantation of an adult cedar is performed, as a rule, in winter. In the cold season, you can dig a large earthen ball and save most of the rhizome. As a rule, the root system of the cedar is severely damaged.

    The ideal age for transplanting pine is 5 years.

    During the recovery period, the plant releases a component that attracts pests. If the culture is severely weakened, bark beetles can penetrate the bark and lay larvae. Save the pine will not succeed. Therefore, replanting an overgrown cedar is extremely risky.

    Before planting, you should:

    1. Weed the weeds and carefully work the soil around the seat.
    2. Dig a suitable size hole. It is necessary to focus on the size of the root system with an earthen clod. The depth of the hole should exceed the size of the cedar roots by 40%.
    3. The bottom of the hole must be carefully loosened.
    4. Lay out the drainage in a thick layer (about 15 cm). As a material, you can use crushed stone, gravel, shells, bottle caps.
    5. The ideal composition of the soil mixture is greenhouse soil with peat and leaf humus. You can add organic ingredients. Ideal bedding made of pine forest.
    6. For the subsequent tying of the seedling, a wooden support should be driven into the hole.

    Cedar in the country looks great. This evergreen tree will delight you with its beautiful view all year round. It belongs to the pine family and can live up to 800-1000 years. This long-liver, as it grows, acquires several peaks and a dense crown.

    Old cedars are brown, with a grayish tint, cracked bark in the form of rough scales. Young shoots are dark brown in color with a huge amount of long red hairs. The needles are dark green soft, grow in bunches of 5 needles, triangular with small notches, reach a length of 5 to 15 cm.

    Cedar is a monoecious plant, both female and male cones grow on it. The female cone of cedar is at the end of the shoot, and the male one is at the base. The wind causes pollination. The kidneys are conical, up to 10 mm long. The ripe cone reaches 15 cm in length and 5-10 cm in width. They are diamond-shaped, have a brown tint. Young cones are egg-shaped and purple in color. Full maturation occurs within 15-16 months. The cedar begins to bear fruit, the planting and care of which are carried out according to all the rules, at the age of fifty.

    The seeds of the evergreen handsome are large, dark brown, ovoid in shape. In one cone, from 50 to 150 seeds can ripen.

    The popularity of cedar due to its high decorative qualities, as well as the fact of the widespread use of its wood in the construction of cottages, is rapidly increasing. In order to admire this majestic representative of conifers and use it for practical purposes, you must first grow a tree. By itself, agricultural technology will not be difficult, but transplanting a cedar requires special efforts and knowledge, read more about this in the article.

    When to transplant cedar: in summer, autumn and spring

    Cedar belongs to crops that can be transplanted at any time of the year. Experienced gardeners, foresters and nursery owners recommend transplanting from early spring to early summer. This is the optimal time for the seedling to take root well, get stronger and grow. You can carry out the procedure in the fall (in September - early October), but there is a risk that the tree will not have time to take root well before the onset of frost and cold weather.

    Important! When transplanting, it is worth considering the fact where the seedling came from to your site: if it is forest, then it should be transplanted in late autumn, even at the beginning of winter. It is recommended to move the plant from the nursery to a new place in early spring, summer and early autumn.

    How to transplant a cedar to a permanent place

    The procedure for transplanting cedar pine to a permanent site has its own characteristics, which may vary depending on the age and growing conditions of seedlings. The main rule is that the sprouts must be dug out together with an earthen clod, otherwise the tree will not take root.

    Sapling from the forest

    Many gardeners complain that seedlings from the forest do not want to grow in a new area, not suspecting that the reason lies in the violation of the rules of transplantation, or rather, digging, the process of which should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the rhizome of the plant, most importantly - the smallest roots. The function of small roots is to absorb nutrients and moisture from the soil. Their damage is fraught with death for cedars.

    The best age for transplanting a cedar seedling from the forest to a new place is the 5–6th year of life. You can guess how old a young tree is based on its dimensions: its height should be about 1 m, and the trunk width should be about 2 cm.

    Is it possible to dig a cedar in the forest

    If you decide to plant a forest seedling of cedar in your dacha or garden plot, then you must be aware that you can dig a tree in the forest only after obtaining permission from the forester. Otherwise it will be considered theft.

    Did you know? Wooden dishes made from cedar wood are ideal for storing fresh milk: it will not sour for a long time.

    How to dig a cedar in the forest for transplanting

    Before you begin the procedure for digging up a five-year-old or six-year-old cedar, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the rhizome of the plant in order to minimize the possibility of causing damage to the tree.

    The seedling must be dug out so that the clod of earth around the roots is preserved as much as possible.. Small cedar roots grow very slowly, and at the same time they are quite fragile, it is easy to damage and cut them with a shovel. And without them, the nutrition of the seedling is impossible.

    Everyone who decides to dig a cedar in the forest should know that the plant has a very spreading root system located close to the upper soil layer. The rhizome of a tree is much wider than its crown, so the diameter of the digging soil must be correctly calculated.

    It is recommended to use a formula according to which you need to measure the diameter of a cedar trunk and multiply this number by about 20. The earth ball will be quite large, but transportable. Now you can understand why cedars need to be replanted at the age of five or six: replanting an adult tree is a very time-consuming process.

    When digging, you may encounter the problem of severe shedding of the soil. The fact is that conifers can be arbitrarily sown on sandy soils, the integrity of which is impossible to maintain. In order to transplant such a tree, it is necessary to dig it in the autumn, when the weather is still warm, and not pull it out of the ground. Then you need to wait until the air temperature drops to -5 ° C and only then take out the tree along with the frozen soil around its roots.

    Important! It is necessary to take care not only of digging, but also of the correct transportation of the cedar: it is important that during transportation the earth does not crumble and does not expose the roots. Also make sure that the urinary roots are not damaged.

    Nursery seedling

    Due to the low survival rate of forest cedars, it is best to purchase seedlings in specialized nurseries so as not to transfer trees and thereby cause damage to the environment. Give preference to plants with a closed root system, that is, buy seedlings in special containers. Even if the sprout is sold without a container, it must be with an earthy clod tied with burlap. Buying plants with bare roots will be a waste of money as they will not take root in the new location.

    In addition to the rhizome, pay attention to the appearance of a young cedar: its needles should be green, without yellowness, the branches should be fresh and resilient. Inspect the branches, shoots and needles to make sure they are not damaged or withered parts. At the tips of the branches of a healthy seedling, there must be growth buds. The optimal time for transplanting cedar purchased in the nursery is early spring - early summer.

    Important! If you doubt the honesty of the seller and are not sure whether he really offers you a cedar seedling, look at how many needles come out of one bunch. In cedar, their number is 5, in pine - only two.

    Selecting a landing site

    The success of growing cedar largely depends on the correct choice of seat. The tree prefers well-lit areas, open and ventilated.. It is important that the air is not polluted - an evergreen plant will feel bad, which will affect not only its decorative qualities, but also growth and development rates.

    It is not recommended to plant cedar close to deciduous crops or alternate them - the plants will interfere with each other. It is better to group conifers, and even more profitable - to plant 3-4 cedars of different varieties together, keeping a distance of 8-10 meters. Planting varietal varieties is necessary for cross-pollination. On the resulting openings, you can plant shadberry, raspberry, honeysuckle. But not currants or gooseberries, culture does not like such a neighborhood.

    The soil on the site must be fertile and nutritious, otherwise the tree will not grow to its natural parameters. Culture prefers loose and light, well-drained soil types.

    Did you know? The cedar is the national tree of Lebanon and is featured on the flag. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, there are practically no cedar trees left in the country due to massive felling.

    If groundwater lies close to the topsoil or the site may be flooded, then before planting the cedar, pour a hill of soil at the chosen place, 1 m high and 3 m in diameter. Place a seedling in the center of the hill.

    Pit preparation and planting process

    The procedure for planting a cedar in a permanent place consists of the following steps:

    1. Digging a hole. Its parameters depend on the size of the earthen clod or container in which the seedling grows. The pit should be 10 cm deeper and 20 cm wider than the earth ball.
    2. Substrate preparation. It is necessary to add black earth or peat, sand and clay to the composition of the soil mixture in proportions of 3: 3: 1. The sandy base for coniferous plants is very important, as it is responsible for water and breathable functions.
    3. Placement of a seedling in a new place. The plant that you purchased in the container must be watered before planting so that the lump of soil on the roots does not crumble during the movement. A forest tree can be planted without moistening the soil clod.
    4. Watering planted tree with 2-3 buckets of water.

    Pine symbiotes, including cedar, are special mushrooms, the mycelium of which is located in the trunk circles of coniferous trees. The functions of the mycelium are to absorb useful substances from the soil that are necessary for the conifer in order to grow qualitatively, but he cannot take them on his own. Mushrooms process nutrients and transport them to the root system of the tree.

    In addition to mulching, the cedar will also need timely watering. In order to understand whether a tree needs moisture, take a lump of soil and squeeze it in your fist: if the earth, after you open your fingers, crumbles, then the culture needs to be watered with 2-3 buckets of water.

    Features of transplanting an adult tree

    Replanting an adult cedar is not recommended: a large tree does not take root, and in most cases such an undertaking ends with the death of the plant. Culture belongs to large-scale. The average height is 30–40 meters. Digging up and moving such a giant tree without special equipment is unrealistic. Even if you manage to dig up an adult tree, then it will be almost impossible to deliver it to a new place, given that the clod of earth around the roots can weigh even more than a ton.

    If you still decide on such an adventure and an adult cedar is delivered to your site, then you need to take care of preparing a landing hole, which is dug out using an escalator. The size of the hole should be about half a meter larger than the dimensions of the earthen coma. You need to choose for planting the cedar that grew in a well-lit open area.

    Did you know? Cedar belongs to long-lived trees: its age can reach 900 years.

    Transplanting cedar is a responsible matter. It is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the rules for carrying out such a procedure so that the tree takes root and takes root. All your efforts will be rewarded: the tree will grow and delight more than one generation of the family not only with its decorative qualities, but also with a pleasant aroma of resin and delicious pine nuts.