Passport of lightning protection. Documentation of lightning protection. Checking and inspection of lightning protection devices


Lightning protection, regardless of whether it is an industrial facility, a public building or a private cottage, is necessary - primarily because it will prevent the loss of life and fire, which can occur with a direct lightning strike.

Options for creating lightning protection

For each version of roofing, there are certain types of lightning protection. For example, the creation of protection against the consequences of a lightning strike for a soft roof is performed using a special mesh or special holders. As you can see in the photo, lightning protection nets consist of metal conductors, which are laid along the roof ridge, and electrical outlets, grounded separately. Their fixation is carried out using the material used for the installation of the roof. There is another way of arranging lightning rods, which is considered universal, this is the installation of masts on two gables of the building, between which a cable-wire is attached.

The design of lightning protection is different, and it is chosen based on the specific situation. So for a galvanized roof, the following method is used: steel wire with a diameter of 6 millimeters is rolled around the perimeter into roofing iron and grounded at the corners of the roof. In this case, the lightning protection of the chimney, which rises above the ridge, is created by mounting the lightning rod on the chimney, it is also grounded. A roof protected in this way will not be affected by a thunderstorm.

It has a number of features lightning protection of a warehouse and an industrial building when the roof is made of metal tiles. The fact is that this roofing material is durable and easy to install, but it is not always safe in operation, since the design of its sheets has a number of features.

Metal tiles are made of corrugated aluminum or steel plates, and they are covered with plastic on top on both sides (they are similar in functionality to capacitor plates). Roof sheets isolated from each other and from the ground are capable of accumulating electrical potential in the event of a lightning discharge - we should not forget that in some cases an electrostatic discharge reaches tens of thousands of volts.

It is known that there are regions in the country where thunderstorms occur more often than in other areas - before choosing metal tiles as a roofing material, it is necessary to take into account the above risks. Such objects belong to the 1st and 2nd class in terms of lightning protection, and the creation of lightning rods on them must be done correctly. At the same time, a lightning protection passport is entered for each grounding device in operation.

Lightning protection systems: active and passive

To make a decision on the admission to the operation of public and industrial buildings and structures, a lightning protection protocol is required, only certified laboratories can draw it up (read: "").

The passive system has been used for several centuries.

Lightning protection of a dacha, a residential building, a production facility may have one of such lightning rods as:

  • cable;
  • rod pin;
  • special mesh.

Relatively recently, an active one appeared and very quickly became popular. Its design is a mast mounted on the roof with a lightning rod attached to it. An active system differs from a passive one in quick installation and a wider protection zone. Compared to a rod lightning rod, it covers an area 5 times larger. An active system is relevant when lightning protection of churches, bell towers, water towers, television centers, etc. is required.

Lightning protection of a soft roof

Information on how to create an active or passive lightning protection of a cottage with your own hands on a soft roof can be found on the Internet. If a passive system is mounted, then it is used from 6 mm steel wire in increments of 6x6 meters to 12x12 meters. It is placed under a layer of insulation (necessarily fireproof or slow-burning).

We install grounding in a private house, a fairly detailed video instruction:

It is desirable that the installation of the grid is carried out in the process of roofing. If the soft roof is laid, then problems are possible. The biggest one is that there is a possibility of surface damage during the installation of the lightning protection mesh. This is due to the fact that such materials for lightning protection as steel wire are supplied in coils and they have to be straightened directly on the roof. Also, when carrying out work, it is necessary to move along the roof, and the integrity of the coating is not always possible to maintain (read also: "

The lightning protection passport is a document that is drawn up by the parties after the installation of the object’s lightning protection system in order to confirm its compliance with safety standards and subsequent protection of the customer in case of claims (disputes) from the fire safety supervisory authorities. The installation company provides guarantees, which indicate the parameters of the object, as well as its specifics. Work is underway to strengthen and ground positions. All this is formalized, after which it is transferred directly to the customer. All data and indicators that were at the time of the verification are entered into the protocol. It is evidence that the operation of the facility is absolutely safe.

Guarantees provided by the lightning protection passport

Passport for lightning protection is issued during the acceptance of work. Before that, experts inspect not only the object itself, but also the surrounding area. Only representatives of the relevant authorities or specialized companies can perform such work.

Certification is carried out during test work during the commissioning of the building (structure). It repeats after a certain time period. The exact dates must be indicated in the issued document. It will guarantee that everything is in order with the house (or any other object), and in the event of a lightning strike, the building will be reliably protected.

Drawing up an act involves mutual responsibility, because a deliberate violation of its conditions can lead to problems.

An annex is also added to the passport document, in which there will be detailed instructions in case of unforeseen situations. Lightning protection is provided by the following devices:

  • down conductor;
  • lightning rod;
  • grounding element.

The principle of operation is as follows: the lightning rod intercepts. Then the down conductor contributes to the removal of the lightning charge, after which the ground electrode connects it directly to the ground. The charge fades and is no longer dangerous. All parts of the system must be properly connected to each other.

Advantages of the grounding passport

The lightning protection passport of a building has a number of advantages:

  • guarantees the safety of the client;
  • insures against potential threats (lightning);
  • makes the structure resistant to external influences.

Now it is required by many representatives of public services (fire, gas inspections). The document is filled in several copies at once. This is necessary so that all parties can control the process. A sample filling can be found on our official website. You can also view all of the items on the form.

If you do not draw up such documents, then there is a high probability that you may suffer during a thunderstorm.

Lightning protection is issued not only for residential, but also for industrial facilities. This rule is established in accordance with GOST. The right choice of category, as well as the competent installation of all systems, will provide reliable protection even during serious disasters. High-quality electrical installation will prevent all sorts of problems. Every year, thousands of people around the world become victims of the elements, where ball lightning also poses an increasing danger.

A person must himself understand that in the absence of the necessary lightning protection devices, he puts himself at great risk. Many buildings do not meet modern safety requirements for a long time, so we actually live on a powder keg. If you do not check for a long time, then the risk of lightning strikes increases. The mains neutral can also fail. Her inspection is carried out exclusively by professionals.

The passport contains a certificate that the company can carry out such work, as well as a document that the devices meet all modern requirements. An example of filling it out can be viewed on our website, where you can also apply for lightning protection, which will make your life safer.

Registration of a lightning protection passport

The company's specialists will conduct a ground loop and issue a passport. Experienced employees have been doing this type of work for a long time. Their main tasks include:

  • implementation of all required measurements;
  • production of a lightning rod project, which will be agreed with the customer;
  • installation of a structure that brings the proper result;
  • coordination of the installation with the relevant authorities.

The measurements contained in the passport will record the current state of affairs. So, for example, protection can also be carried out with the help of specific devices, for example, a mast. This option is more suitable for rural areas. All ports will be securely connected to each other, which will make the design resistant to even the most serious threats.

A sample of filling out a lightning protection passport, its form and the text of the application can be downloaded on our website. The standard format is mainly used, but it can be supplemented with some specific items.

Alef-M employs only experienced employees who use the most modern equipment, which is a guarantee of high-quality and durable results. The lightning protection passport includes:

  • device layout plan;
  • date of installation;
  • information about the specifics of grounding conductors;
  • corrosion index;
  • report on the work carried out and tests;
  • resistance value;
  • grounding device diagrams.

The specialist enters data on the work performed, and what faults were eliminated (if any). More detailed information can be found in the material "Documentation of lightning protection". The site has a PDF file, which shows the prices of all goods and services.

The implementation of the work will improve the safety of the power facility.

Contact the professionals, in "Alef-Em" - an individual approach to each client. Thanks to this, it is always possible to get exactly what you need.

To call an experienced master, just call the indicated phones. All your questions will be answered. We use devices with a foreign passport, as well as the best domestic products.

The lightning protection passport is a document that is transferred to the Customer (the owner of the building or structure) from the organization that installs or checks (control tests) the lightning protection and grounding system, with the data of visual inspection, checks and measurements of the system elements for compliance with their requirements of the project and regulatory documents ( basic RD 34.21.122-87, SO 153-34.21.122-2003 and others).

This organization must have a certified electrical laboratory and the necessary devices for control and verification, duly verified.

When is certification required?

It is carried out during acceptance work, comparative or control tests, as well as after a certain service life for compliance with operational characteristics.

The document has recently been required by representatives of inspecting departments, especially fire and gas supervision.

What does the document include

The lightning protection passport contains the following blocks:

  • Title page
  • Protocol No. 1 visual inspection
  • Protocol No. 2 for checking the transient resistance of the elements of the lightning protection system
  • Protocol No. 3 for checking the resistance of grounding conductors and grounding devices
  • Schemes with the designation of control points of measurements

Be sure to attach copies of the certificate of registration (attestation) of the electrical laboratory and verification certificates for instrumentation used for measurements.

All protocols and the title page must be signed by the responsible engineer and the head of the electrical laboratory.

How to fill out measurement protocols

Visual Inspection Protocol

Includes the following marks:

  • Compliance of installation with project documentation
  • Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation in the context of the lightning-receiving part, down conductors, grounding device, indicating specific points of the rules
  • Identified violations or remarks that do not interfere with operation, but which require attention
  • General conclusion on further operation or acceptance

Transition Resistance Test Protocol

Measurements are made, moving from the lightning-receiving part to the ground electrode, at the junctions of the conductor with lightning rods, with the metal elements of the building and fittings, as well as among themselves. Usually these are places for welding or installing connectors, holders, terminals and other fasteners.

It is necessary to specify:

  • the purpose of the tests (acceptance, comparison, control tests, operational, for certification purposes)
  • climatic conditions (temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure)

As a result, the table indicates the locations of measurements and the elements of the system for which they were made, the number of points of the same type and the resistance value itself.

Grounding Device Resistance Test Protocol

In addition to the purpose and parameters of external conditions, as in the previous paragraph, the following information must be entered during the measurement:

  • Type and nature of the soil
  • Soil resistivity
  • Rated voltage of the electrical installation
  • Neutral mode

The measurement results are entered in the table:

  • Place of measurement with indication of the measurement point on the diagram
  • Measured resistance value
  • Seasonality factor
  • Reduced final resistance value

Based on the measurement data, conclusions are drawn and a conclusion is made about the compliance of the obtained values ​​with the requirements of the standards.

As in the previous protocol, a table with the parameters of the measuring instruments is filled in.

Norms, rules and GOSTs for lightning protection - regulatory documents

Learn more about standardization and regulation.

Lightning protection ground resistance

The resistivity of different soils is compared. How does the configuration of the ground conductor and the soil parameter affect the quality of lightning protection grounding? What are the requirements for grounding conductors.

The composition of the lightning protection system according to IEC standards (IEC)

Briefly about what is included in the complex of measures for protection against lightning and thunderstorms according to the International Electrotechnical Commission, as well as interconnected solutions in the field of external and internal lightning protection.

Requirements for elements of external lightning protection

What tests are carried out by elements of lightning protection systems, connecting components, conductors, grounding electrodes? Description of test procedures that simulate the effects of natural weathering and the effects of corrosion on components.

Cost calculation

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Our objects

Lightning protection is a set of measures aimed at reducing the risk of damage or destruction of buildings and premises, transport infrastructure facilities, communications, technological equipment from the effects of atmospheric electricity. In the article we will tell you how the Ministry of Health works, and how to apply for a passport for it.

From this article you will learn:

What is and why lightning protection and grounding are needed

Atmospheric electricity is dangerous because of its unpredictability. Up to 16 million thunderstorms occur annually on the globe, that is, about 44 thousand per day. As a result of a direct lightning strike, destruction of buildings, fires, death of people located at these facilities or in dangerous proximity can occur. It can also result in equipment failure or damage.

The lightning discharge at the breakdown site is approximately 30 kV per 1 cm. Lightning always hits the place where it is easier for charged electrons to propagate. Therefore, the metal tip of the lightning rod will accumulate lightning discharges, for which this is the easiest way.

The most lightning-hazardous period of the year in the Russian Federation is the summer season, mainly July. As a rule, in July, thunderstorms are most frequent, as the height of the clouds increases to 12-14 km above the ground, and because of this, the charge between them increases.

Types of lightning protection

Lightning protection devices (LP) are a way to protect infrastructure facilities that are designed to neutralize a lightning discharge.

The lightning discharges that we see in the window are already the reverse course of lightning. The structure of the MS resembles a ring. A direct strike is a direct contact of a lightning channel with a building or structure, accompanied by the flow of current through it.

There is also a secondary damage associated with the induction of potentials on the metal elements of the structure, equipment, in open metal circuits, caused by close lightning discharges and creating the danger of sparking inside the protected object.

High potential drift - transfer to the protected building or structure through extended metal communications (underground, surface and aboveground pipelines, cables, etc.) of electrical potentials arising from direct and close lightning strikes and creating the danger of sparking inside the protected object.

Lightning protection device

MOH is divided into external and internal. External is an elementary type of protection against electric discharge during a thunderstorm and is designed to intercept lightning and safely lead it to the ground. Thus, at the moment of a direct strike into the object, the lightning protection system must take on the full strength of the lightning discharge current and divert it through the down conductors to the ground circuit, where the energy will safely spread in the ground.

Lightning protection project

An important task in the design of an object is the reasonable choice of the OH system. This is an important part of the construction project from the point of view of the environment, the preservation of buildings and structures, life support facilities and industrial communications from the effects of atmospheric electricity.

It should be noted that in Russia there are standards for the categorization of protected objects and the effectiveness of lightning protection measures.

When designing, methodological guidelines are used, which are given in:

  • RD 34.21.122-87,
  • SO 153 - 34.21.122 - 2003,
  • GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010,


External MZ consists of:

  • lightning rod,
  • lightning rod (down conductor),
  • horizontal ground loop,
  • deep rod grounding.

Installation of lightning protection

The following requirements are imposed on the installation of the ground loop of the PUE:

  • Accessible location of ground electrodes for visual inspection once every six months during the period of the greatest and least freezing of the soil (hot and cold seasons), as well as for opening the soil at least once every 12 years.
  • The strength of the connecting elements - a deep earthing rod must be securely bolted or welded to a horizontal ground loop. The grounding conductor should not crawl out of the ground, since in this case the lightning discharge current will not spread inside the soil, a reverse transformation will occur, the consequences of which will be catastrophic for the MP facility.
  • The level of reliability of devices that act as fuses.
  • Measurement of grounding elements. The measurement must be carried out by accredited electrical laboratories. Insulation resistance protocol is always .

To prepare for installation, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the building and the materials used in the structures, determine the places for installing grounding, lowering down conductors from lightning rods to the ground loop, as well as installing lightning rods. Then the required number of down conductors, lightning rods, ground electrodes, auxiliary elements - holders and fasteners is calculated.

Installation includes a sequence of operations:

  • installation of holders;
  • installation of lightning rods and laying of conductors;
  • grounding mounting (laying a contour of metal strips or rods into a trench around the building).


After installation, it is imperative to check the grounding resistance, which should not exceed 15 ohms. Then the ground loop will be connected to the common ground loop of electrical installations in the building.

Active lightning protection

In addition to traditional external systems, an active MZ is currently widespread - an installation with a system of preemptive streamer emission.

The principle of operation is based on the prevention of a lightning strike by forming its own artificial streamer, which is directed towards the lightning leader. This effect can be achieved, for example, by installing a parallel chain of capacitors and arresters.

If the lightning leader approaches such a lightning rod, there will be an increase in the electric field strength and a breakdown of the arresters, a spark discharge occurs. The air around is ionized, which contributes to the appearance of ascending streamers, moreover, ahead of the approach of the descending leader. Such an advance interval is the main characteristic of the installation and is indicated in its passport.

This is how an active system works in general terms. Manufacturers claim that the protective zone of such devices significantly exceeds the traditional external MZ system (Franklin rod). However, there is currently no reliable evidence that this system is more effective than the traditional one.

Internal lightning protection system

In addition to the external, which is, in fact, an elementary Franklin rod, there is also an internal MV, which is a complex of protective devices against surges - resistors and inductors. In no way does it replace the external one. The purpose of an SPD is to protect expensive network equipment. SPDs are divided into three types.

It is known that there are direct and indirect lightning strikes. Direct - a lightning strike into a building or into the poles of communication or power transmission lines connected to it. Indirect - occurs due to lightning strikes near communication lines.

Type 1 surge voltage from direct impact. It is usually installed in rural areas with overhead power lines or communications, in buildings with lightning rods or located near high-rise objects (mobile towers, tall trees, etc.).

Type 2 surge voltage from indirect impact. In this case, the stored energy is about 17 times less than the energy of a direct impact.

Type 3 for its survivability requires the use of types 1 and 2 in front of itself and is installed directly next to the consumer. It can be, for example, a regular surge protector such as UPS or a voltage stabilizer.

Passport of lightning protection - sample

The passport is transferred to the owner of the object of protection after the installation of the lightning protection device. It contains a title page, inspection and verification protocols, as well as a diagram with the designation of measurement control points.

Find the sample document on labor protection you need in the Reference system "Labor protection". Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

A sample passport for a grounding device is available in the Guidelines for monitoring the state of the memory (RD 153-34.0-20.525-00).

This document should contain information about the measurements taken. The passport of the grounding device is kept by the person responsible for the operation of the building or by the chief power engineer.

A visual inspection of the grounding device is carried out by the commission of the organization, and the measurement of the ground loop is carried out.

To ensure the long-term safety of the circuit, it is necessary to regularly inspect it, as well as timely repair of bolted or welded joints in accordance with clause 1.2 of the Regulations on the scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of December 29, 1973 No. 279 MDS 13 -14.2000.

Most people who are not very versed in electricity do not understand the importance of installing a system to drain the current produced by atmospheric phenomena. And how to fill out a passport for lightning protection, in general, few people know. Meanwhile, this document is an important condition for ensuring the security of any object.

In accordance with GOST R IEC 62305-2-2010, lightning protection for buildings and structures is mandatory. It should be noted that this applies to both residential and industrial facilities. An important condition is also considered the correct choice of category. The safety of the structure directly depends on this factor. In any case, the lightning protection device consists of certain elements. This is a receiver, grounding devices and a lightning conductor. Correct and competent installation of the system ensures uninterrupted operation.

Lightning protection test

How to check lightning protection for compliance with GOST, qualified specialists of Alef-Em know. In this case, the requirements of the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE) should be taken into account. The main parameters are as follows:

  • accessible location of ground electrodes;
  • strength of connecting elements;
  • the level of reliability and functioning of devices that act as fuses;
  • measurement of grounding elements.

After the verification work has been carried out, it is imperative to draw up an act. Additionally, drawings are attached to it.

Normative documents

Anyone who deals with such devices needs to know what regulatory documents regulate the lightning protection of buildings. There are two main ones: "Instruction for lightning protection of buildings and structures" RD 34.21.122-87 and "Instruction for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications" CO 153-343.21.122-2003. Lightning protection and grounding must be carried out in accordance with the standards published in these documents.

Also in 2011, GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010 “Risk Management. Lightning protection. It should be noted that it consists of two parts. The first provides information about the general principles of lightning protection, and the second tells how to assess the risks.

The conditions that must be taken into account when lightning protection is designed are prescribed in SNiP (sanitary norms and rules).

Checking and inspection of lightning protection devices

When the lightning protection devices are checked and inspected, all changes are made to the passport. This document is mandatory and includes the following:

  • schematic arrangement of elements;
  • data on the introduction of the system into operation;
  • information about grounding elements;
  • indicators of the level of corrosion of devices;
  • resistance values;
  • reporting data in case of inspections and repairs.

All this must be entered when any indicators change. Also, the system must be constantly checked for operability.

Help from professionals

The help of qualified specialists allows you to avoid various errors and inaccuracies in the course of work and inspections, troubleshooting.

Alef-M employees have extensive experience in this field, which allows them to implement even the most complex task competently and promptly. In addition, when performing work, compliance with regulatory documents and established standards is observed.