Tension in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy. Tension in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Is it normal if I don't feel like I'm pregnant early on?

A hard belly during pregnancy is a common occurrence observed in most women in position. Every expectant mother during the period of bearing a child is sensitive to her health, pays attention to every change in her condition. Often she has pain, heaviness in the abdomen, muscle tension. This raises concerns. After all, not every woman knows whether the stomach should be hard or soft during pregnancy.

The causes of a hard belly during pregnancy are physiological processes or pathological changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. To understand why the stomach became hard during pregnancy, in a particular case, only a gynecologist can. A woman should visit him if the hardness persists for a day or more. Depending on the provoking factor, medical treatment may be required or only rest with the exclusion of any physical exertion will be enough.

A woman who has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis should not panic ahead of time. The causes of a hard uterus during pregnancy are well understood, the pathology can be successfully treated. The main thing is to contact a gynecologist in time and strictly adhere to all medical recommendations.

The physiological norm is the temporary appearance of hardness in the lower abdomen at any stage of pregnancy due to filling or overflow of the bladder. Its walls put pressure on the uterus, as a result of which its muscles tense up so that the fetus is not infringed. This condition, sometimes accompanied by moderate pain, is easily eliminated by emptying the bladder.

Other common causes:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs -, adnexitis,;
  • urogenital infections, for example;
  • physical overload;
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders;
  • release of oxytocin during stress, fear, orgasm;
  • abnormal development of the uterus - underdevelopment, bend;
  • a consequence of cardiovascular disease, exacerbated in a pregnant woman;
  • problems with the intestines - flatulence, dysbacteriosis, colitis;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • infections of a bacterial and viral nature - influenza, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • bad habits - alcohol addiction, smoking, drug addiction;
  • a tumor in the abdominal cavity of a benign or malignant nature;
  • long stay in one position, especially during sleep.

Why is a hard belly dangerous in early pregnancy?

The first weeks of gestation is a very important period during which the laying of organs and systems in the embryo takes place. A woman should have more rest, protect herself from stressful situations as much as possible, reduce physical activity, receive positive emotions from listening to music, walking in the fresh air.

If in the early stages of pregnancy the stomach becomes hard, more often this is associated with uterine hypertonicity. A woman with such a problem has a high risk of premature miscarriage, especially with the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting. It is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist, but it is better to call an ambulance. To eliminate the pathological condition, some require bed rest with the use of hormonal and sedatives, others require hospital treatment.

Another reason may be that some people experience after the 20th week of gestation. They are rare and do not occur regularly, usually with a break of 5-6 hours. This condition does not require treatment. More often it is enough to lie in a warm bath, take a walk in the fresh air or drink peppermint infusion.

Why is a hard belly dangerous in late pregnancy?

The abdomen hardens during pregnancy more often in the 3rd trimester, which is associated with the stirring of the grown fetus. Often there is tension in the muscles of the peritoneum in the place where the crumb rests from the inside with the leg.

If bloating appears, and it has hardened, then it is worth reviewing your diet, excluding food that causes fermentation in the intestines. These are grapes, black bread, green beans, cabbage, etc.

In late pregnancy, 2-3 weeks before delivery, the cause of a hard abdomen may be premonitory contractions. They are harmless, occur irregularly, do not dilate the cervix, last no longer than a minute, and go away on their own. So the uterus and the body are preparing for the upcoming birth.

If, during pregnancy, a hard abdomen is accompanied by pain that occurs at regular intervals, while they are shortened, and periods of muscle spasm increase, then, most likely, preterm labor has begun. You need to lie down and immediately call an ambulance.

A normal sign of pregnancy is abdominal firmness at 37-39 weeks, when the baby is considered full term. But the appearance of copious blood discharge should alert the woman, as this indicates the onset of placental abruption.

What to do with tension in the abdominal muscles?

With rarely occurring abdominal hardness, not supplemented by any other symptoms, you should not worry. If the condition does not go away on its own, then it is better to go to bed and relax. Helps regular use for several days of a decoction or infusion of lemon balm and mint.

With a long-term increased tone of the muscles of the uterus and peritoneum, the addition of pain (sometimes radiating to the sacrum or perineum), the appearance of bleeding, symptoms of intoxication and / or dyspeptic disorders, a gynecologist's consultation is necessary.

Measures to prevent uterine hypertonicity and hard abdomen

Every woman during pregnancy at least once, but I heard that she has increased tone of the uterus. And some "lucky ones" hear about uterine tone during pregnancy after each visit to the doctor and I was among them. Let's figure out what is uterine tone how dangerous it can be and what can be done to alleviate the condition.

What is uterine tone?

The uterus of a woman is a muscular organ and, like any other muscle, it contracts and has a tone. The tone can be low, normal and high. If it's about uterine tone, then the tension of the muscles of the uterus is implied - an increased tone. Raise uterine tone during pregnancy signals to a woman that a miscarriage may occur or may begin. Therefore, this issue should not be taken lightly.

How to understand that this is the tone of the uterus?

Accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • Tension and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, resembling contractions;
  • Pain in the pubic and lower back;
  • Hardness to the touch of the abdomen;
  • Sensation as if the uterus were turning to stone;
  • Shortening of the cervix - this can be seen by the doctor during the examination;
  • Bloody issues. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and see a doctor.

Causes of increased tone

Especially dangerous is the tone of the uterus in first trimester of pregnancy and very often on early pregnancy The cause of increased tone can be a hormonal disorder - reduced production of progesterone. In this case, you will be prescribed a course of dufaston or utrozhestan. Also, the cause of the tone may be contractions of the uterus in response to stretching due to the growth of the fetus, toxicosis, premature opening of the cervix, functional disorder of the thyroid gland, Rh-conflict, sexual intercourse. When feeling the abdomen, the tone can also increase, because the uterus is a muscular organ and reacts to physical irritations.

External causes that entail tension in the muscles of the uterus include the inhalation of harmful chemical fumes, the acute course of viral diseases, and severe physical illness.

Stress and nervous tension can provoke an increased tone of the uterus. If pain is rare, with sudden movements or with a change in posture, then we are talking about natural muscle tension and you should not worry. Often the stomach becomes stiff after the ultrasound procedure, and if nothing bothers you before and after the ultrasound, then everything is in order, it's just such a reaction to the procedure. After the ultrasound, I was always told about increased tone, although I always felt good and there were no uncomfortable conditions. Doctors like to play it safe and can refer you to a hospital, do not neglect their advice and better listen.

If you are often accompanied by a state of tension, then this requires constant monitoring, timely examination and treatment.

How to remove the tone of the uterus

You can relieve spasms on your own by taking an antispasmodic medicine (for example, spazgan or no-shpu), you can also put a candle with papaverine. But in any case, you need to consult a doctor.

It is known that thought is material. And in most cases uterine tone during pregnancy comes from the worries and worries of the expectant mother. The more the expectant mother experiences, the greater the likelihood of an increase in tone. During pregnancy try to think only about the beautiful and good, think about that moment of happiness when you meet your baby.

It is advisable to work out a certain regime during the period, for example, go to bed no later than 23:00, if possible, sleep for at least 9 hours. During pregnancy you need to replace the time at the TV with a walk in the park, try to minimize TV viewing and if you watch, then choose to view information in a positive way.

If you feel that the uterus is a little tense, then try to relax, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and exhale. Imagine something that makes you feel good.

In the evening, after an eventful day, the mom-to-be can pamper herself with a warm bath. The water should be pleasantly warm and never hot. Relaxing essential oils, such as lavender or rose, can be added to the water. You can take a bath for 10-15 minutes. You can also soak up the shower under a stream of warm shower, at the same time you can do a breast massage, so that yours is even more beautiful.

- this is a solvable problem, and if you are preparing for the birth of the most important person, then try to think only positively. Know that everything will be fine!

Women during pregnancy often hear that they have an increased tone of the uterus. A woman's uterus is also a muscular organ, and like any other muscle, it can contract and has its own tone. It can be normal, low or high. When it comes to the tone of the uterus, it means the tension of the muscles of the uterus. Such tension can often signal a woman about a possible miscarriage or premature birth. So this should not be taken lightly.

It happens that after a long walk or a car ride, a woman feels that her stomach has become hard. However, while this is not a reason to worry, since this can be repeated up to five times a day. After all, your uterus also tenses and relaxes, which is quite natural. But if at the same time you feel a pulling, arching pain in the lower abdomen and heaviness in the lower back, then your uterus is in hypertonicity. This state of affairs should not be left unattended, it should be told to the doctor.

Before you go to the hospital, try independent ways to reduce the tone of the uterus. So, lie down, relax your face. Let go of all unpleasant and disturbing thoughts. Lightly stroke your stomach and it will be nice if you talk to the child, because he already hears and understands everything. In general, convey your emotions to your child, let him also feel joy, along with you. There is no need for him to be confused and afraid. And stop being sad, it doesn't suit you!

If you feel tension while walking, then sit down on a bench. Let the muscles of the uterus relax, you will feel better. Help with the tone of the uterus and sedatives and antispasmodics - tincture of valerian, no-shpa, tincture of motherwort or peony. Carry them always with you and prevent the development of hypertonicity.

The uterus should not be subjected to heavy loads. Always stay calm, don't worry. You can't do without the gym - okay, but don't overdo it. It often happens that you have to give up classes. Refrain from sex for a while as the uterus tightens during orgasm.

Make small changes to the menu to help tone the uterus. Let your diet contain as many foods as possible containing magnesium, which is indispensable for muscles. The need for it in a pregnant woman increases as much as four hundred milligrams per day. So eat hazelnuts and almonds, buckwheat and oatmeal, bran bread, green vegetables, beans.

If all of the above did not work, then you should not refuse the advice of a doctor and it is better to lie down for preservation. In order to correctly assess the condition of your uterus, all the necessary examinations will be carried out - blood and urine tests, ultrasound. Treatment of uterine hypertonicity includes taking antispasmodic and sedative drugs, and it may also be necessary to restore the balance of hormones. Even the fact that you will just lie in a hospital will already have a positive effect on your well-being. And you can not get confused and arrange fasting days for yourself. Read, listen to music, relax. The main thing is that peace of mind comes, then muscle tension will also disappear.

If your uterus is under too much stress, then it will not interfere with support. Your doctor may advise you to wear special comfortable pants and a bandage for expectant mothers during pregnancy. You need to choose it according to size so that it does not hamper or hinder movement. Soon you will see for yourself that the stomach is supported and the muscles tense less. So the bandage for pregnant women is an excellent prevention of uterine hypertonicity.

There are a lot of reasons why uterine hypertonicity can occur. This is physical and emotional stress, stress. And it happens that the uterus does not withstand the load and begins to prepare for childbirth ahead of time.

But for the most part, muscle tone depends on the mood of the pregnant woman. Depression and nervous overexcitation lead to the fact that the muscles tense up. Pay attention to yourself: it is worth getting excited, and you already want to lie down to relax.

The child himself does not feel discomfort when the uterus is in good shape. But such a condition is harmful for him, because blood circulation in the placenta is disturbed, and the child receives less nutrients and oxygen. This may slow down its development.