The best ornamental shrubs for the garden. Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for the garden Shrubs or small trees


Subshrubs, shrubs and small trees with small alternate leaves and small bisexual flowers. Corolla 4-5 petals, pink, red or purple. Ovary superior. The fruit is a capsule with small bare or star-shaped seed hairs.

The family has 3 genera and about 125 species. There are over 40 species growing wild in the USSR. They grow mainly in steppes and deserts on saline soils, as well as along the shores of seas and other bodies of water and rocky mountain slopes. Some species are very decorative and are used in landscaping. Others serve to consolidate sand in dry and arid regions of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as in the southeast of the European part of the USSR. They reproduce by seeds, root suckers and shoots from the stump. They are unpretentious to the soil, drought-resistant, light-loving.

The most important is the comb, or tamarix.

Genus Comber, or Tamarix (Tamarix L.)

A genus of shrubs or small trees with thin and long shoots. The leaves are scaly, falling off along with the twigs. The flowers are pink, in long racemes. The fruit is a capsule that opens into three or four valves. The seeds are small, with a hairy tuft. The flowers are honey-bearing.

There are about 100 species in the Grebenshchik genus, 19 of which grow in the USSR. They are confined mainly to the drier parts of river valleys, growing on ancient terraces, along dry stream beds and along river banks, as well as in tugai forests along the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, where they form thickets. They are bred artificially when creating shelterbelts in the steppe regions and strengthening sandy arenas in the semi-desert zone, as well as when landscaping cities in the southeast. The wood is heavy and is used for small crafts.

Loose comb (T. laxa Willd.)

Shrub or tree up to 3-5 m high with dark purple bare shoots. Flowers in dense terminal panicles. The corolla is five-petalled. The loose comb blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in August-September. It grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the southeast of the European part of the USSR, the south of Western Siberia and Central Asia. It is used for afforestation of saline sands and as an ornamental plant grown in gardens and parks somewhat north of its natural range.

Planting ornamental shrubs is a great way to make your site unique. They will fit perfectly into any landscape style. The widest range of both decorative and decorative deciduous crops will allow you to make the necessary choice and create an original composition.

The options for using ornamental shrubs in summer cottages are varied.

The entire diverse community of ornamental shrubs for the garden can be divided into three large groups:

  • beautifully flowering;
  • decorative deciduous;
  • conifers.

Within each group there is a division that takes into account the size of the plants, the ability to retain or lose leaves on the eve of winter, the duration of flowering, frost resistance, and attitude to growing conditions.

Features of growing ornamental shrubs in the garden

Ornamental shrubs are the best option for those who want to improve their summer cottage.

This category of plants is so diverse that it is impossible to give uniform recommendations for all species at once. We can take into account only a few trends and note that when planting different types of ornamental shrubs, they need to be grouped according to the same requirements for soil, lighting, and watering regime. When planting with tapeworms, creating suitable conditions for the plant is much easier. If a composition is created from several types, they should be arranged so that each can show maximum decorativeness.

Flowering shrubs for the garden: list

This is the largest group of ornamental plants. There are many species that can successfully grow and bloom in the middle zone, thanks to their good frost resistance. In the southern regions, where this problem is not acute, the choice of flowering shrubs is even greater. Let's talk more specifically about each type.

Mock orange (jasmine)

This deciduous shrub can often be found in gardens. Its height ranges from 1 to 3 meters. Bell-shaped white flowers with elegant yellow stamens are collected in clusters of 5 to 9 pieces each. The size of the flowers depends on the variety. In some, their diameter does not exceed 2 cm. And in the Akademik Komarov variety they are simply huge - up to 10 cm in diameter.

Jasmine flowering lasts about 3 weeks and begins in early June, but there are also record holders. The Shrenka mock orange blooms the longest, and the Snow Avalanche variety, selected by Vekhova, blooms most profusely.

This is a decoration for any garden.

Terry varieties of jasmine also bloom very beautifully:

  • Ballet of the Moths;
  • Virgin;
  • Ermine Mantle - This variety can bloom for up to 49 days;
  • Moonlight;
  • Blizzard.

Some of them re-bloom in late summer - early autumn.

The aroma of mock orange is familiar to everyone - it is very bright and rich. But there are varieties whose flowers smell like strawberries or pineapple or have no aroma at all.


This is an erect deciduous shrub characterized by beautiful flowering. The color of tubular-bell-shaped flowers is varied: white, yellowish, pink, purple or dark red.

A very popular plant among gardeners due to the decorative nature of the crown.

The three most frost-resistant species:

  • Early weigela blooms when lilacs bloom.
  • Weigela Middendorf blooms from mid-May, the flowers do not fall for a month, and may delight you with repeated flowering in September;
  • Flowering weigela blooms at the end of May, flowering lasts 20 days.

Only their young bushes need thorough shelter. In adults, during frosty winters the tips of unripe shoots freeze. Hybrid varieties of Dutch and Polish origin, of which there are many on sale now, are not highly frost-resistant, so they may not wake up after winter.

Japanese quince

Many people know Japanese quince under the name Chaenomeles. This is a deciduous shrub that blooms in late May early June. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. All this time, the spreading bushes with arched branches are decorated with bright flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. In autumn, hard fruits ripen, looking like small green apples. The main color of the flowers is red-orange, but varieties and hybrids have been created with pink, red, white, and sometimes double flowers. Outside of flowering, the bush is also very beautiful thanks to its glossy green leaves. The height of the plant in the middle zone does not exceed one and a half meters. Japanese quince is very easy to trim, making it an excellent material for low hedges.

An exotic plant that captivates with its beauty and aroma.

Only young plants are suitable for planting. The long tap root is an obstacle to transplanting adult specimens. This shrub is unpretentious and drought-resistant, but with good care, flowering is more abundant.


This is a deciduous shrub, represented by many species and varieties. Its height depends on the type and variety and ranges from 60 cm to 2 m.

Quite a beautiful shrub that can beautifully decorate any garden.

According to the time of flowering, spirea are divided into two groups:

  • early flowering (May - June) - Vangutta, Nipponian, oak-leaved, they bloom on last year's shoots, so they do not need radical pruning;
  • late flowering (July - August) - birch leaf, Billarda, Japanese, Boumalda, Douglas, willow, they bloom on the shoots of the current year and need spring pruning.

Spira flowers are small, collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. Most varieties and species bloom abundantly and for a long time. Many species have white flowers, but there are also varieties with pink and purple flowers.

Spiraea are unpretentious shrubs, but they grow best in lighted areas with loose, fertile and humus-rich soil.


Hydrangea is often called the Queen of the garden. And there is a reason for it. In terms of the size of the inflorescences, only Viburnum Buldenezh can compete with it. Most hydrangeas bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangea is a popular crop for landscaping parks, gardens and personal plots.

The most common types of shrubs.

  • In large-leaved hydrangea, the flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, which have a diameter of up to 20 cm. The height of this species ranges from 60 cm to 2 m. The color of the flowers is varied: white, pink, blue. The vast majority of varieties bloom on last year's shoots. Large-leaved hydrangea is not frost-hardy. To wait for flowering next year, it needs to be covered very carefully.
  • Hydrangea paniculata. This is a completely frost-resistant shrub; it can reach a height of up to 5 meters. The inflorescence is most often pyramidal, up to 30 cm long, the color is white, which in some varieties becomes pink over time.
  • There is a liana-like species - petiolate hydrangea. If there is support, it can climb to a height of up to 25 m. If there is no support, it turns into a ground cover plant. Petiolate hydrangea flowers are white and do not last long.
  • Tree hydrangea is slightly less resistant to winter cold, grows up to 3 meters, and has fluffy spherical inflorescences, usually white. It blooms on the current year's shoots and requires thorough spring pruning.

All hydrangeas are acidophiles. They love acidic soil and watering with acidified water.

Caucasian pear

The plant is widespread in the Caucasus.

In its homeland - in the Caucasus, Armenia and Azerbaijan, this is a majestic tree up to 26 m tall. In the middle zone, the crown does not rise higher than four and a half meters. This is an unpretentious plant that can easily do without watering. In its homeland it is very decorative, especially during the flowering season of white-painted flowers with 5 petals. They are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The Caucasian pear is also good at the time of fruiting, covered in abundance with small round, heavily rusted fruits. But all this beauty can only be seen in warm regions. In the middle zone, the tree does not bloom or bear fruit, and in severe winters it can freeze.


We are more accustomed to seeing fruit honeysuckle. You can enjoy its berries at the beginning of summer. But in the honeysuckle family there are literally only a few varieties with edible berries. All the rest are ornamental shrubs or vines.

Shrub species are winter-hardy. They can grow up to 4 meters and are decorative both during flowering and during the ripening of berries. Shrubs such as Tatarian honeysuckle, Maaka, Maksimovich are quite suitable for hedges. They can also grow as a small tree.

An unpretentious, frost-resistant crop.

Liana-like forms perfectly weave around a gazebo or pergola. The peculiarity of honeysuckles is the unusual shape of the flowers. Their colors are varied, sometimes combined. They often have a pleasant aroma. Among the vines, the most famous are Honeysuckle, Honeysuckle, Brown and Hekrota. There are creeping and dwarf forms of honeysuckle. Their application is rockeries, alpine slides, mixborders.

Most honeysuckles love moist, fertile soil. Different species have an ambiguous attitude towards lighting. Many tolerate partial shade, and some are even shade-tolerant.

Triloba almond (Louisiana)

It's an amazing sight when Louiseania is in full bloom. Delicate pink double flowers completely cover the small tree and look like a pink cloud exuding a wonderful aroma.

Almonds are an ornamental shrub that can be easily grown by a beginning gardener.

If the plant is grafted, it will grow as a tree; in ordinary cultivation, it will grow as a shrub. Its height is small - up to 3 meters. The most remarkable thing is the flowering. The flowers are double, their diameter is up to 3.5 cm. The main color is pink. It's just a pity that it doesn't last long. Immediately after it, young leaves begin to bloom. It is at this time that Louiseania can be pruned to ensure abundant flowering next year.

Louiseania can easily endure frosts down to -30 degrees, but suffers greatly from winter thaws. In this plant, the genetic period of deep dormancy lasts only a month. Therefore, a thaw, which can be long, will cause the flower buds to swell, and if frost follows, it will destroy them.


This is one of the most beautiful and early flowering ornamental shrubs. He comes from the east. The genus of rhododendrons includes almost 600 species, including deciduous, evergreen and intermediate species. Rhododendron is difficult to cultivate. It grows best where the summers are cool and humid and the winters are not too cold. In a continental climate, the plant feels uncomfortable. The florist will have to work hard to tame this capricious little sissy. Most rhododendrons are not frost-resistant; they can survive harsh winters only under thorough shelter. Although there are varieties, for example, Helsinki University or Elite, which can do without it, they are not afraid of frosts down to -35 degrees. Deciduous species are more persistent.

It has received particular love and popularity for its large flowers of different colors.

The corolla of rhododendron flowers is slightly irregular in shape; in most species it is collected in a corymbose inflorescence, but there are species with single or paired flowers. Color palette - almost all colors and shades. In some species, the flowers have a scent.

The height of a bush in different varieties can vary from 40 cm to 2 m. Moreover, their width can be twice as high.

Flowering occurs at the end of May and beginning of June. Some varieties delight with repeated autumn flowering. Most of them bloom late - in the fifth or even seventh year of life. Plants grow very slowly. Rhododendrons are acidophiles and develop well only in acidic soils and when watered with acidified water.

tree peony

These imperial flowers, as they are called in their homeland in China, can become a decoration for any garden. Openwork feathery leaves are decorative throughout the season. Huge flowers, reaching a diameter of 20 cm, are simply mesmerizing. Even if they are not terry, the bush looks very beautiful. And if there are a lot of petals, and besides, they are two-colored, you just can’t take your eyes off it.

Tree peony is popular among many flower connoisseurs.

The height of the plant varies from 1 to 2 meters and depends on the variety. And tree peonies have a huge number of them - the flower has been in cultivation for more than 2000 years. Not all varieties of tree peonies are frost-resistant; they will have to be covered for the winter.

Tree peonies bloom from May to early July. Flowering of each variety lasts up to 3 weeks. This culture is more capricious than herbaceous peonies, but the result is worth any effort.

Rose hips

Decorative rose hips are the closest relatives of the inimitable roses, but they differ favorably from them in their unpretentiousness and frost resistance. Decorative rose hips have arched hanging branches that are covered with strong and very sharp thorns. The height of the bushes is different, ranging from 1 to 3 m. Flowers can be simple and have 5 petals. There are also those that can have up to 180 of them. Terry species are distinguished by larger flowers. Decorative rose hips reproduce well and have a rich range of colors - white, all shades of pink and crimson. The only drawback for many species is the short flowering period. For most of them it lasts from May to July.

Rose hips have a huge number of medicinal properties and great decorative value.

The wrinkled rosehip is decorated with flowers from June until the very end of autumn. From mid-summer, orange or red fruits are a great addition. The color of the flowers is white, pink, lilac-violet. By crossing wrinkled rosehip with polyanthus rose, large-flowered forms with good frost resistance were obtained.

Like any other plant, ornamental rose hips need watering and fertilizing, and the formation of a bush.

Felt cherry

Felt cherry successfully combines decorativeness and practical use. This distant relative of the common cherry has fruits that are sour and not as tasty, but the harvest is pleasing. In bloom, felt cherry is amazingly beautiful. All shoots are literally covered with small white and pink flowers. True, flowering, starting at the very beginning of May, and sometimes in April, does not last long, and if another variety is not planted nearby, there will be no berries at all - this plant is, for the most part, cross-pollinated.

It will decorate the garden with its amazing flowers and pleasant aroma, and in the summer it will pamper you with delicious berries.

This unusual name is given to the short tree for the pubescence that covers the leaves, shoots and fruits. The height of the felt cherry does not exceed 3 m, so the berries are very convenient to pick. They do not crumble and add decorativeness to the tree. Felt cherry is short-lived; even with good pruning, it does not live more than 20 years. To preserve the plants, it is necessary to carry out treatments against monilial burn, which severely affects them.

Altai wolfweed

The branches sprinkled with flowers look quite interesting.

This relict plant is found in the wild in Altai and the Belgorod region. The height of the deciduous shrub is from one to one and a half meters. In May it blooms with white nail-shaped flowers. Black poisonous berries ripen in July. In nature, it is an endangered species and is listed in the Red Book. The plant has been in cultivation for more than 200 years. The shrub grows well, is unpretentious and frost-resistant.


Cultivated grapes are difficult to classify as ornamental shrubs, except during the ripening of the berries. In many countries, the garden area is decorated with virgin or wild grapes. It also has another name - virgin ivy: small blue berries can form without pollination. But they are not the decoration of the plant. The most important thing in maiden grapes is decorative foliage. In summer, the beautiful palmate leaves are green. With the onset of frost, they turn purple and glow until the leaves fall, bringing bright colors to the dull autumn landscape.

An effective and unpretentious garden decoration.

With the help of maiden grapes you can decorate any unsightly structure or fence. You just have to give him support, and he will very quickly fill the space allotted to him. A dense carpet of leaves has bactericidal properties and inhibits the growth of some pathogens. There are 12 species in the wild grape family. They differ in the shape of the leaves and their size, autumn color, but they are all very decorative. The height that grapes can grow reaches 15-20 m. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, does not need to be removed from its support for the winter.

Ornamental deciduous shrubs for the garden: list

For these ornamental shrubs for the garden, flowering is not the main thing. Their main beauty is in their leaves. They can be unusually colored or have a beautiful original shape


This plant belongs to the rose family. The height of the deciduous shrub varies from 1.5 to 3 m. The plants are well leafy and look voluminous. The bushes are decorative throughout the season. They are very decorated with white or pale pink flowers, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. They appear in June and last for 3 weeks. At the beginning of autumn, the fruits ripen, which look like small red bubbles, which is what gave the plant its name.

Bladderwort is an ornamental shrub with a dense crown.

The leaves of the vesicular carp are large, corrugated, the edges end in teeth. In green-leaved forms they turn yellow in the fall. Red-leaved forms have brighter pink flowers and red leaves in various shades. In the shade, the bright color of the leaves is not so pronounced.

The bladderwort is unpretentious, easily tolerates air pollution, and makes an excellent hedge. It tolerates poor soil, but will be more lush when planted in fertile soil.

Red Japanese maple

They are all very decorative. The flowers of maples are yellow-green and red and give birth to winged seeds, which the trees use to reproduce. The crown of Japanese maples is branched, the leaves are graceful, the branches are twisting. In autumn they turn bright burgundy, cherry, orange or yellow.

Japanese red maple is a very beautiful, decorative, showy tree.

Japanese maples are represented by three types:

  • palm-shaped; it has an original, strongly cut shape of leaves that retain a crimson color throughout the growing season; the palm-shaped Japanese maple grows slowly;
  • fan; it has strongly dissected leaves resembling fans, the tree is small in height;
  • Japanese.

Based on these basic varieties, hybrid forms have been created that are highly decorative.

Japanese maple loves moist, humus-rich soil that is slightly acidic. Stagnant moisture is detrimental to it. The tree feels best when it receives sunlight in the morning and evening. At midday it should be in the shade.

Japanese maples are not frost-resistant and suffer from both spring frosts and winter frosts. For the winter, the tree needs shelter.


The ease of planting and care has earned the plant the love of gardeners and landscape designers.

This plant is doubly decorative:

  • strongly dissected, corrugated, similar to rowan leaves, but with a sharp tip, the leaves are beautiful at any time of the year; in spring they are pinkish-orange, in summer they are light green, and in autumn they are yellowish-red;
  • from June to August, the plant bears large cone-shaped panicles of yellowish fragrant flowers with long stamens.

The height of the bush is up to 3 meters. It grows very well, can withstand pruning and makes an excellent hedge. Plants can grow in both sun and partial shade. Fieldfare is not picky about soil, but does not tolerate drought well. In central Russia the plant is quite frost-resistant.


This plant is common in nature, but mainly in places with warm climates. Based on wild species, many highly decorative varieties and hybrids have been created. The peculiarity of the plant is the presence of hard spines. The leaves can have a variety of colors, sometimes consisting of several colors. There are species with yellow, purple or red leaves.

Barberry bushes with multi-colored foliage look great in the garden.

The shrub is at its most elegant during flowering, when it is covered with clusters of yellow flowers; in some varieties they have red veins. Barberry berries are also beautiful, but in decorative varieties they are usually unsuitable for food.


Almost all of the 50 species of dereg grow in the Northern Hemisphere. Usually these are shrubs, and only sometimes trees. They can be either deciduous or evergreen.

Derain is preferable to other types of ornamental shrubs.

Derain is decorative at any time of the year:

  • in spring and summer - unusually colored foliage and rather large white flowers;
  • in autumn the color of the leaves becomes pink or burgundy, and white or blue fruits appear in place of the flowers;
  • In winter, brightly colored branches contrast with the snow.

Most often in cultivation you can find white derain. This shrub grows up to 3 meters, has brightly colored branches and green leaves with white spots. Small white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Blooms luxuriantly in the first summer months and repeats flowering in the fall. At this time, you can see both flowers and white fruits with a bluish tint on the bushes.

Derain is unpretentious, able to grow even in the shade, and has excellent resistance to heat and frost.


The most interesting thing about this plant is the original multi-colored fruits hanging on long stalks. Depending on the species, it is a tree or shrub that reaches a height of 2 to 10 m. An interesting form is the dwarf euonymus, which has practically no trunk. Creeping plants consist of arched branches with evergreen long leaves. Fortune's euonymus, as it is called, has green leaves with yellow or white spots.

Euonymus is widely used by gardeners to create a variety of flower arrangements.

Euonymus blooms inconspicuously. Its highly decorative leaves are dark green in summer; in autumn they are painted in all shades of red, orange, purple and yellow. It is not uncommon to have a multi-colored leaf.

Euonymus is poisonous, so all work with it should be carried out only with gloves.

Heart hornbeam

A distinctive feature is light, translucent leaves, shaped like a heart.

This deciduous tree grows up to 15 m high. It has beautiful foliage and unusual fruits, nuts. The silvery bark is deeply cracked. Hornbeam has a very dense spreading crown. Male flowers are long earrings, and female flowers are similar to hop cones; they reach a length of up to 25 cm. Natural habitat is Southeast Asia. In the middle zone it often freezes slightly, after which it grows as a bush. The tree is unpretentious, tolerates shading well, and reproduces easily.

Leafy elm

How do they name this popular type of elm in landscape design?

It also has other names - elm, birch bark. This tree can reach a height of 30 m and a diameter of 1.5 m. Its leaves are dense and petiolate. Flowering occurs before the leaves bloom. The flowers are collected in bunches and have a rusty-red perianth. The fruit is a lionfish. At a young age it grows quickly. Can live up to 300 years. In nature it grows in places with a temperate climate. Tolerates drought well and loves sun. It may freeze slightly in the middle zone.

  • The most decorative of the apple trees is considered to be the Niedzwiecki apple tree. This low tree can make an excellent tapeworm. During flowering, it is strewn with red-purple flowers; after the leaves fall, small bright red apples are clearly visible. The apple tree is unpretentious and can be trimmed well. There are other varieties of ornamental apple trees with unusually colored foliage.
  • Among pears, the willow pear stands out as particularly decorative. The leaves have a long and narrow shape and are completely uncharacteristic of this type of tree. Small flowers exude an amazing aroma. There is also a weeping form of the tree.
  • The felt cherry is considered the most attractive and decorative cherry.
  • There are also decorative plums, for example, the Nigra variety, which has black and red leaves. Its dark red fruits are edible. Nessie is also very good, its foliage has a bronze-violet color with a pink border. The Chinese plum is also beautiful, having double rose flowers.
  • Caring for ornamental trees is no different from caring for ordinary fruit crops. They are beautiful on their own and can be an excellent backdrop for other flowering plants.

    Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for the garden

    Among the plants presented in the list, you can find many ornamental flowering frost-resistant shrubs that successfully withstand harsh winters.

    Tolerates severe frosts perfectly!

    You can add to them:

    • Cinquefoil bush, it is sometimes called Kuril tea. Bushes with small foliage from 1 to 1.5 m in height. Flowering is very long, almost throughout the summer. The most common cinquefoil has yellow flowers, but there are varieties with red, pink or white flowers. Cinquefoils are frost-hardy, drought-resistant, and love rich soil and a sunny location.
    • Snowberry. The most beautiful thing about this plant is the fruits that decorate it throughout the winter. These are small balls of white or pink color. The first form best withstands frost. The plants are undemanding to soil, love to grow in the sun, and practically do not get sick.

    Coniferous and evergreen ornamental shrubs

    Among evergreens, there are not many that can withstand harsh winters.

    You can choose any plant of your choice!

    The most persistent of them:

    • Fortune's euonymus;
    • boxwood;
    • some types of rhododendron;
    • holly;
    • cotoneaster horizontal;
    • shiny honeysuckle;
    • Holly mahonia.

    The range of conifers is much wider.

    • Various types of junipers.
    • Cypress trees.
    • Fir.
    • Yew berry.
    • Eastern biota.

    Almost all conifers are lovers of acidic soils. Among their wide variety, you can choose those that love the sun, and those that do well in the shade. Most conifers grow slowly and do not tolerate drought and stagnant water. Some people can burn badly in the bright spring sun and need protection from it.

    A hedge of ornamental shrubs

    A hedge is a great way to protect your area from prying eyes, noise and dust. It is durable and, unlike a fence, does not require repairs. It is enough to simply care for the plants and trim them in time to give the desired shape.

    A hedge is an excellent alternative to a conventional fence.

    Unpretentious shrubs and trees that grow quickly, reproduce easily, withstand frequent pruning, and branch well are suitable for hedges.

    The fence may be high. It requires tall bushes: bladdercarp, hawthorn, white derain, tall spirea, lilac, serviceberry, chokeberry, common barberry. It is from the latter that you can create an absolutely impenetrable green hedge. It will be the same if you plant rosehip bushes in a row.

    A low hedge, the so-called border, can be created from cinquefoil, ornamental barberries, Japanese quince, brilliant cotoneaster, holly mahonia, and boxwood.

    Great combination of plants!

    A very high hedge will be obtained by dense planting of trees: hornbeam, thuja, yew, linden, larch, spruce.

    A hedge can also be mixed; plants with the same growth vigor and similar growth requirements are selected for it.

    In our huge country there are a large number of summer residents who tend their own gardens. However, many of them limit themselves only to flower beds, as they think that growing ornamental shrubs is much more difficult. And in vain!

    After all, many varieties of these plants do not require special daily effort from you to grow.

    So which bush is better to plant in your garden?

    About 1,500 different types of shrubs are grown in Russia. Naturally, each type requires specific care, but what kind of care?

    This depends on the climate of the particular region, the level of shade in your garden and the winds.

    Which shrubs are winter resistant?

    Frost-resistant shrubs that bloom throughout the summer season are especially popular. Such plants are suitable for the harsh climates of our country, because they do not need to be additionally insulated against cold weather.

    Let's look at the most common types of them.

    Lilac is a bush that grows 3 meters in height. Its branches can interfere with the growth of other plants, so lilacs must be pruned promptly and correctly.

    If you are not sure that this bush will survive the cold, you can purchase special varieties for cold climates. For example, "Alice Harding" or "Paul Tyrion".

    Hydrangea is a bush with large inflorescences. It is required to regularly fertilize with magnesium or iron, as well as prune the plant.

    You need to cut off excess shoots in the fall, when the flowering period ends, and in the spring you need to remove the tops of the branches to the upper buds. That is, circumcision is done twice a year.

    Spiraea is a bush that resembles the shape of a cascade due to the heaviness of its flowers. Some can grow up to 2.5 meters high. Therefore, of course, you need to remove the shoots. This should be done immediately after flowering.

    The varieties that gardeners most often grow are “Golden Princess” and “Shirobana” - they are small and, with proper care, grow to about 70 cm.

    Buddleia - a bush that can reach about 3 meters in height. Prune it as soon as it finishes blooming. More suitable for temperate climates. It can withstand cold frosts, but before that it needs to be hilled up and then covered with spruce branches.

    What shrubs love shade?

    Another shrub that is often planted is shade-tolerant. They can be used as decorations not only for the garden, but also for the appearance of your home - this will not harm the growth of the bushes. Below are the most popular plants.

    Weigela is a shrub that grows up to 70–80 cm. The flowers bloom at the end of April and most often bloom until late autumn. Mandatory conditions for flowering: warm weather and shady area.

    Wisteria is a shrub that sometimes reaches a height of 18 meters. Many people use such plants to decorate unfortunate places in the garden. Wisteria blooms from spring to autumn and is accompanied by a rich aroma.

    Deutzia is a small shrub that begins flowering in late spring. If you plant several bushes nearby, you get an interesting composition. But you need to regularly trim branches and shoots to maintain beauty.

    What plants are grown to create hedges?

    For hedges, fast-growing shrubs that do not reach large sizes are best suited. The following are widespread among summer residents.

    Barberry is a bush that creates a difficult-to-pass hedge due to its thorns, and also easily takes its shape thanks to its crown. Treatment does not take much effort: feed no more than once a month, trim the upper branches if necessary, spray periodically.

    Thorn is a bush that sometimes grows up to 3 meters, so it needs to regularly cut off its branches and give it the necessary shape. During the flowering period, sloe smells like almonds.

    Dogwood is a bush that grows up to 5 meters in height. Because of this, it is more often used for external garden fences. The crown of this plant requires regular pruning of branches. The shrub blooms from March to May, but in the summer you can enjoy its berries.

    What shrubs with fruits can be grown in the garden?

    You can probably find raspberries, currants or plums in every summer cottage - these are all fruit bushes.

    If your garden does not allow you to grow large ornamental shrubs, then you can decorate the area with fruit species of plants of different varieties.

    For example, most people think of raspberries as red or pink, but they can also be purple, white or black.

    What are evergreen shrubs good for?

    Evergreens are usually used to create hedges or decorative elements. For this, the bushes listed below are most often used.

    Magnolia is a shrub not exceeding 1 meter in height. Its beautiful leaves can remain on the branches for many years. In the warm season they turn green, and in the cold season they turn copper.

    Honeysuckle is a shrub no more than 50 cm high. It tolerates shady areas well. During the frosty season, it is better to cover honeysuckle.

    Rhododendrons are usually low shrubs. It does not require constant watering and grows well in the shade, but in winter it should be covered with special material.

    How to feed shrubs in the fall?

    Different plants require different care. Some people need iron, others need fluoride, others need something else. But there are general recommendations that are suitable for almost all plants.

    Give the bushes fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. This procedure can be done only once every two years.

    Also, experienced summer residents advise eliminating fertilizing containing nitrogen in the fall - this will only enhance the growth of new branches, and they will die during the first cold weather.

    Photos of ornamental shrubs