How to create an original aquarium design? Aquarium Decorations: Types, Design Rules Design Aquariums

Naturally, your own, how else, you say. And you'll be wrong.

Today you can order a design from firms that now specialize in this.

But, firstly, this service is very expensive, and secondly, additional equipment will be required for the successful implementation of the idea.

In particular, CO2 systems, specialized lighting for plants, nutrient soil, stones, driftwood and, finally, the plants themselves.

Note that the latter are sometimes much more expensive than fish.

It's good to look at the most incredible aquascapes that the pros have worked on in the photo, and dream of something like this in your aquarium. When you look at a painting by a great artist, don't you say that you can draw just as well now? At least you don't even have paints, brushes, canvas and easel. The same thing happens with aquarium design. Not so simple. Here you need a creative approach, artistic taste and knowledge of some rules of aquascaping.

It is best to try to repeat the design of your aquarium using a ready-made idea. No one will accuse you of plagiarism. Let's try to decide what materials (decorative or natural) we need to make our dreams come true.

  • Natural soil (substrate) with a fraction of 3 mm;
  • Nutrient substrate under the soil for successful plant growth;
  • Properly prepared driftwood, how to do it;
  • natural stones;
  • Aquarium cover with professional lighting for plants, or a branded lamp with the spectrum of lamps that is necessary for successful plant growth;
  • Systems for supplying CO2 to the aquarium;
  • Powerful filtering equipment internal or external;
  • Heater;
  • Thermometer;
  • Black background film.

Let's decide which design touched our soul the most.

Marine aquarium in the apartment

Aquarium sea - the most difficult and expensive option. Its inhabitants are sea fish. They are not bred, but caught in the seas. The water in such an aquarium, of course, is sea, and the stones and corals are not just natural, but alive. The design of a marine aquarium requires special light with a predominance of the blue spectrum and equipment for the life support of marine inhabitants. Aquascapers claim that a marine aquarium with equipment costs 2 times more than a freshwater one.

Do you want pseudo-sea?

Aquarium pseudo-sea. This option is more affordable for arranging in an apartment. It only imitates the seabed. The water in it is ordinary, ours is from the tap, and the fish are freshwater. Most often, a pseudo-marine aquarium is inhabited by American or African cichlids. Artificial corals are used as decorations. Plants, as a rule, are absent here, since cichlids are not indifferent to them. If they don’t gnaw, they will definitely dig it out. Just be prepared for the fact that they spoil the plants. And there, how lucky. Maybe some plants will survive.

plant aquarium

plant aquarium herbalist (not overclocked) is most often found among amateurs. It is characterized by the absence of a system for supplying CO2 to the aquarium, the absence of powerful light (0.5 watts / 1 liter is enough for most plants in it). Liquid fertilizers are not added to the water, they are needed only under the roots of plants. It is possible to use enriched soil for aquarium plants.

Note that the most unpretentious plants grow here: hornwort, elodea, vallisneria, cryptocarinae, anubius, Thai fern and some others. Light-loving plants, including ground cover plants, will not grow in such a herbalist. They need more exalted conditions: bright light, phyto-lamps, CO2, macro and micro fertilizers.

dutch aquarium

To create an underwater garden (overclocked herbalist), you need soil from ADA or Dennerle, specialized lighting, CO2 addition to the water and professional fertilizers developed by manufacturers specifically for aquarium flora. Here you can already talk about aquarium design seriously! If you are able to purchase all these components, then you can organize Dutch herbalist.

nature aquarium

Perhaps the most popular option to date. The idea of ​​creating such an underwater design belongs to the famous Japanese Takashi Amano (photographer and aquascaper). He became the author of a completely new direction in the design of freshwater aquariums.

natural aquariums Amano are definitely masterpieces, they are unique and unparalleled. Anyone who once encountered the incredible beauty of a natural aquarium will recall with a grin how he almost coveted artificial grottoes and plastic plants in a pet store. "No" - to everything artificial and unnatural! "Yes" - to a natural aquarium!

This is an example of my planted aquariums. There are no shells, corals and other nonsense from ceramics in them. Live plants and driftwood.

If you can't afford a CO2 unit, try doing without it. In this case, we do not need powerful light and daily fertilization. But under the roots of fertilizer - are required. In what form to provide them with plants, you decide. These can be pre-mixed enriched primers from ADA, JBL, Dennerle or Aquael. You will get a stable system and will not know any problems for about a year. After that, the soil will become poorer, the microelements in it will run out, they will have to be added or the soil replaced with a new one.

Story aquariums

And let's leave plot aquariums with sunken ships, broken amformai and painted soil to the children. Although, even kids are better off instilling initially good taste from early childhood. What do you think?

Aquarium decoration

Decorating an aquarium is a worthy and fertile topic for conversation. This is not surprising, because this is a paramount question that people who have just bought an aquarium ask themselves.
Unfortunately, on the Internet this issue, surprisingly, is covered poorly, briefly or fragmentarily. We hope this article will reveal all the aspects and nuances of aquarium design and help you create your own aquarium kingdom.

Due to the volume of this issue, let's divide the article into two sections:

1. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR DESIGNING AQUARIUM: soil, stones, grottoes, driftwood, background, artificial and live aquarium plants, aquarium lighting, shells, castles, ships.

Materials needed for decorating an aquarium

And so, as you know, in order for fish to appear in your house, you need a vessel and water. However, aquarium keeping is not just a banal keeping of fish, it is the creation of a closed ecosystem, imitation of natural conditions for keeping hydrobionts.

Before you think about the design of the aquarium, first of all you need to decide on your desires and those fish that will swim in the pond. And this is very important! Each individual fish needs its own conditions of detention, its own water parameters, and other conditions. And it is under them that you need to build an “aquarium house”, it is from this that you need to build on. For example, if you decide to get African cichlids and at the same time want to see a garden of live aquarium plants in your aquarium, you initially doom yourself to an actual impossible task. The natural habitat of most African cichlids is the rocky banks of the river. Nyasa and r. Tanganiki, there are no plants here - this is a "stone desert". If you put plants in an aquarium with cichlids, they will pull them out and eat them.
Based on the foregoing, we advise you first, to decide on the fish that will live in the aquarium, to study their characteristics and habits, to find out the conditions for their maintenance. And then proceed and think about the design of the aquarium.

We hope that our video materials will be useful to you and encourage you to be creative!

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The soil is one of the most important elements of an aquarium, it is its mood. It is very important to approach the issue of its choice with special attention, because in addition to decorative functions, the soil plays the role of: a substrate for plants, for spawning and fish life, it is a natural aquarium biofilter. It is important to choose the right soil fraction, it is important to choose the required volume of soil, and only then the color of the soil. On our website there is a good article on the selection and selection of soil, we suggest that you read -
Speaking about the decorative properties of the soil, it is recommended to choose a soil of darker tones, so that the bright and light colors of the aquarium bottom do not overshadow the charm and beauty of the “main heroes of the occasion” - fish.


An important technical nuance when decorating an aquarium with stones, grottoes, caves, etc. is the use of non-toxic, non-poisonous materials. If stones, driftwood are selected and made independently, you need to do everything according to the rules and make sure that they do not emit harmful substances into the water. For sure, decorations should not be made of rubber and metal, no paints and enamels!!!
Speaking about the aesthetic part of the framed reservoir, you should always remember that stones, grottoes, driftwood take away useful area in the aquarium - living space. The amount of such decor is calculated based on the volume of the aquarium and the needs of the fish themselves. In addition, it should be borne in mind that large decorative elements are installed at the edges of the aquarium or in the background. Do not put a huge castle in the middle. This is the same as if people put the refrigerator in the middle of the kitchen, and not in the corner. Aquarium is the amphitheater of life!
DECORATION OF AQUARIUM BACKGROUND. The background of the aquarium for the aquarium inhabitants themselves is not so important. In fact, fish can live without it. The background is more important for a person, one might say - this is an "aquarium screen".
About what aquarium backgrounds are, how to make and attach them, see


The power and spectrum of light is important for aquarium plants - it is their source of life. When it comes to decorating an aquarium, the color of the light is important. To date, there is a huge variety of colors for aquarium lamps. Choose according to your taste! Moreover, there are various bottom aquarium lights in the form of volcanoes, lanterns and LED aerators. .


Aquariums can be decorated with shells, castles, ships, divers, skulls, etc. It is not necessary to buy all this in a pet store. Using such decorations, you need to follow only two rules: non-toxicity and safety. Shells should not be sharp, and divers should be made of frankly toxic rubber.


The classic options for decorating an aquarium for fish are:
biotope- such an aquarium is designed for a specific water landscape of a lake or stream.
Dutch, natural- an aquarium, the main place in which is reserved for plants. The most famous Dutch aquariums are created by a mega-aquarist Takashi Amano, here are his works:

Geographical- such an aquarium is designed for a certain region, it contains fish only from this region.
In the vastness of our Motherland, most often you can find an amateur aquarium where the above principles are not respected. In such aquariums, you can often find castles, amphoras, the same divers, skulls, and so on, so on, so on. In addition, there is an entire industry children's aquariums. Here is an example:

There are other directions in the design of the aquarium.
As the saying goes, how many people have so many opinions.

Aquarium pseudo-sea.

Such aquariums are designed and imitate marine aquariums. The prefix "pseudo" indicates that such a reservoir does not contain marine fish. Only entourage is created!
As a rule, brightly colored fish are selected in such an aquarium, which cichlids often have, for example, elo, demanos, parrots, etc. The aquarium itself is decorated with corals, artificial polyps and sea shells.

Dutch aquarium "light option".

An aquarium close to the natural habitat of many fish. It contains live aquarium plants, driftwood, stones, but "in a lightweight form." Such aquariums do not require special knowledge of plant life from the aquarist. Elementary care for them is the key to success and achieving your goals.

Dutch, nature aquarium, herbalist, aquascaping.

These are densely planted aquariums. Imitating all the beauty of freshwater reservoirs. To create such an aquarium, you need knowledge about plants, you need to study the issue of feeding aquarium plants and the use of a CO2 system for an aquarium. Section of the website .

Amateur, children's, thematic aquarium.

Such aquariums are designed according to a certain idea. As a rule, this is a fiction and fantasy of a person.

Making an aquarium is an interesting, but rather complicated process, not only for a beginner, but also for a professional aquarist. It has its own features and recommendations, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before proceeding with the design. Let us consider in more detail the main points and main elements of decor.

The soil in a freshwater aquarium should be dark in color; on a light one, the fish lose their bright color. Choose a suitable substrate and carefully place it on the bottom with a plastic spatula or a cut plastic bottle. If there are plants in the aquarium, sprinkle the bacterial culture before laying the soil. In the future, it will promote the growth of plants. And use several layers of different substrate (sand, coarse and medium gravel). Styrofoam sheets should be placed under heavy decorations or stones. Pour the soil carefully and only into a clean aquarium without water. Make a slight slope towards the front wall. The height of the soil near the rear wall should be 5-7 cm, in some places up to 12 cm, near the front wall - 5 mm -15 mm. It is convenient to use a wooden spatula to level the substrate. If desired, you can make a light strip on dark ground. Before backfilling light gravel or sand, separate the borders of the strip with two sheets of cardboard. Pull them out very carefully. The background in the aquarium can be external and internal. The easiest option is roll film. It is sold in specialized stores by the footage. It comes in different heights and with a variety of patterns. You can also use plastic, paper, cork tiles as an external background, or simply paint the glass in dark colors. The interior background is always set before the aquarium is filled. It is made from special plates that are glued to silicone directly to glass or an additional substrate. This process is longer and requires certain skills, but the result is worth it. Shells are not the best solution for all fish. They contain calcium, affect water hardness and acidity. Any items that you buy at a pet store can be placed in the aquarium. The main thing is that they are made of safe materials (ceramics, clay, porcelain). Don't be afraid to experiment and put things in unnatural positions. As a decor, you can use pipes for supplying drinking water.

The driftwood in the aquarium looks very beautiful, but they need to be properly prepared. Choose a dense, already dry branch. Any tree will do, with the exception of oak. Oak strongly stains the water. Now clean the driftwood from the remnants of the bark, saw off or break off the excess parts. Boil the branch for 12-24 hours. Change the water periodically. You can add potassium permanganate or salt. Let it cool in the open air and lay it on the bottom of the aquarium. It is better if this is in the process of preparing the aquarium, when there are no plants yet. It is worth noting that any snag will soften the water and give it a slight brown tint.

A day or two after setting up the aquarium and checking the equipment, you can start the first inhabitants (a couple of snails, shrimp or newts). Fish are allowed in no earlier than a week later.

When decorating the interior of your own apartment, an important role is played by the design of the aquarium. Since in a rented room it is, as a rule, rarely seen. An aquarium with live fish has become a symbol of stability and reliability. Thus, it favorably emphasizes the status of owners who have already decided on a permanent place to live. After all, hardly anyone will transport ornamental fish from place to place. In addition, the maintenance of an aquarium requires certain costs, which not every person can decide on. Therefore, we will further consider the design features of an aquarium in a modern house.

Introduction to aquascaping

This term refers to the creation of a picturesque landscape underwater in decorative conditions. Those users who think that to start fish it is enough to pour stones into a glass box and fill it with water, they are deeply mistaken in one thing. Namely, in the aesthetic perception of the final result. An experienced designer, even at the stage of interior design, will ask the owners about the aquarium. It is important to choose not only the fish, but also the style of the tank itself. It must fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room in order to fulfill its role qualitatively. Even if you add plants and various rattles to the stones in an ugly designed aquarium, this will not fix the situation. It will not work for a long time to admire an irresponsible creation.

In addition, many types of aquarium fish require special treatment. In order to somehow compensate them for their natural habitat, it is necessary to take care of worthwhile filling. Artificial materials will look cheap and unattractive. Thanks to the worldwide network, you can find enough information about each of the fish. Some need frequent water changes, others do not need it at all, because they purify it themselves. The choice of plants should also be approached with all responsibility. But the main issue for the owners is the design of the aquarium.

Its aesthetic characteristics should meet the taste preferences of the owners of the house.

There are a huge number of options for how you can organize the design of an aquarium with your own hands. The network also has many examples of design developments that were created by professionals. Even competitions for the best example of aquascaping are regularly held. The first place is often given to those guys whose work really requires skill and patience. In order for the design of the aquarium to allow it to become an integral element of decor, you should be prepared for a laborious process.

Design style

Since there are innumerable design styles, we will highlight only the main ones. These examples are the most popular with users:

Pseudomore. It is characterized by the fact that during the design a high-quality imitation of the seabed is created. For this, all the elements that can be found in the vicinity of the same coral reef (corals themselves, unusual shells, characteristic sand) are used. Freshwater space can be decorated with ceramics, light type soil, pirate accessories. When the design of the tank is ready, it is populated with fish with bright colors. Decorative cichlids can boast of this;

Forced herbalist. The original approach to design was marked by a style with a speaking name. The emphasis in such an aquarium is exclusively on plants. Small fish are either far in the background (a striking example is the haracin family), or they are completely absent. Sometimes they are replaced with shrimp. But the compositions of the green inhabitants of the underwater world should delight the owners. To maintain them in proper condition, CO2 and various additives are used. Additionally decorate the installation with decorative snags and stones;

Small desktop version

Unforced herbalist. The difference between this type of design and the previous one is that a large number of fish are observed here (from characins to cyprinids). At the same time, plants, snags and stones can be no less. This style is designed to mimic the natural habitat for aquarium fish. Decoration in this style can be found in most beginner aquascapers;

Story Aquarium. The most curious style, since it implies unlimited creativity of the owner. The designer can advise him to choose a specific theme that can be realistically implemented. It may be a trivial sunken ship, or it may be a large metropolis under water. There are also exotic options with football fields or railways. Only fantasy dictates to the owners how to fill with accessories in such an aquarium;

Aquarium "Vanguard". It implies a violent combination of colors or an emphasis on one picturesque color. The latter should attract the views of all guests without exception. It is allowed to use all kinds of forms to attract more attention. In order for the fish to feel natural in such an environment, the owners must correctly approach the adjustment of the biological balance;

Biotope Aquarium. The approach to the organization of this type of water world is somewhat similar to the plot style. The only difference is that the natural environment of a particular biotope should be imitated here. This may be the nature of the clayey Ganges, the green Amazon, Lake Baikal, etc. All elements in such an aquarium are selected to match the chosen area: the appropriate soil, plants growing there, aquatic inhabitants. This will favorably emphasize the conceptual taste of the owners of the house;

Aquarium with show fish. The design of the aquarium should be sharpened for a large fish, which needs space and volume. Decorations play a secondary role, since the main focus is on the shape of the fish itself. It can be a knifefish, aravana, etc.;

Industrial Aquarium. If the owners are distinguished by their practicality, then at the expense of design, you can refuse to use decorations and sand. Because the latter tend to get dirty. Instead, you can organize competent aeration with a water supply;

Marine aquarium with living corals "Reef". The beauty of these underwater structures is due to the colorful colors of marine polyps. It is important to remember that they do not tolerate dirty water. In order for corals not to die, a good biobalance should be established. This will adequately simulate the depths of the ocean and the beauty of the coral reef. The content of such a tank will give the interior a respectable look.

Key elements of arrangement

Any painting consists of canvas, brushes and paints. The original combination of the latter can give the most unpredictable results. The same is true for aquascaping. Experts identify a number of key elements:

  1. Background. If the tank is located near the wall of the room, then it is logical to use its surface to organize a decorative background. To do this, colored films or photos of decorations are placed between the wall and the glass wall. However, no one prevents the owner from making a decorative background on their own. You can use various panels, branches, unusual leaves. It will be great if you can place the moss in a narrow space.
  1. Stones. The practical design of the aquarium allows you to perform two functions at once. Since large specimens can serve not only as a decoration of the water area, but also as a reliable shelter for pregnant fish. Granite, basalt and other rocks are used. There are some restrictions on the use of sandstone (limestone), as soft water is not suitable for them. When arranging, you must first cover the bottom with sheets of plastic, and then install stone structures. Only after that you can fill the bottom with the selected soil. This is a precautionary measure against damage to the glass surfaces and the fragile position of the stone structure. When installing the latter, you can adhere to the principle of the golden section, when the structure occupies one or two thirds of the space. Small stones are located in the corners.
  1. Priming. If you plan to use bottom filters, then these technical elements should be installed before backfilling. You should also carefully prepare a place for planting plants. The nutrient substrate will significantly strengthen the surface of the soil, the thickness of which is about 5 cm. To create a high relief, you will need the help of special devices. And in order to ensure the uneven placement of the soil, you should use additional decorative elements.

Plant roots hold the soil well. Without them, it becomes flat over time.

  1. Driftwood. They perform approximately the same role as large stones. Serve for reliable shelter of decorative small fishes. If the owner is engaged in the arrangement on his own, then the snags found should be pre-processed. To do this, boil in salt water for an hour. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wood to get rid of salt residues. After that, the buoyancy of the driftwood should decrease. Otherwise, it will be difficult to place it in the aquarium. Some users attach the weight to the wood material. It will be interesting to look at moss or another plant on its surface.
  1. Plants. An organic aquarium is hard to imagine without live plants. Their ability to harmoniously adjust the balance is highly valued by professionals. To soften the power of stone structures and give naturalness to artificially created space, tall or floating plants are used. Undersized, on the contrary, can enhance the effect of the hardness of the rock. The approach to planting plants should be measured and patient. Immediately put a representative of the flora in the water should not be. It is necessary to gradually prepare it for the new environment, periodically spraying it with aquarium water from the sprayer. Then sequentially the tank is filled with liquid.

Corner aquarium as a room divider

Do-it-yourself design involves creating a harmonious composition from the above elements. It is recommended to immediately follow the advice of experts so that you do not have to redo it later. The beautiful design of the home aquarium creates a lasting impression on guests at home.


During the arrangement of the aquarium, the owners have the right to independently choose the style of its design. A beautiful design is easy to create with your own hands, following the practical advice of professionals. It is important to familiarize yourself with the conditions of keeping certain fish in advance in order to properly prepare the space for life in an artificial reservoir.