The main character of the fairy tale is the little prince. "The Little Prince": analysis. "The Little Prince": a work by Saint-Exupery. "The Little Prince" creation story

  • The little Prince
  • Pilot
  • Drunkard
  • Lamplighter
  • Baobab
  • Dealer
  • Switchman
  • Geographer
  • ambitious
  • King
  • Turkish astronomer
  • business man
  • Flower with three petals

The little Prince- the main character of the story, this is a child living on the asteroid B-12 - symbolizes for the writer purity, disinterestedness, a natural vision of the world.

fox- this is a very important character, he helps to reveal the very essence of the philosophy of the whole fairy tale, helps to look into the very depths of the story. And directs the story.

A tamed fox and an insidious snake are important, plot-forming heroes of this work. Their importance in the development of the story cannot be overestimated.

Characteristics of the Little Prince

The little prince is a symbol of a person - a wanderer in the universe, looking for the hidden meaning of things and his own life. The soul of the Little Prince is not shackled by the ice of indifference, deadness. Therefore, the true vision of the world is revealed to him: he learns the price of true friendship, love and beauty. This is the theme of "vigilance" of the heart, the ability to "see" with the heart, to understand without words. The little prince does not immediately comprehend this wisdom. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will look for on different planets will be so close - on his home planet. The little prince is laconic - he speaks very little about himself and his planet. Only little by little, from random, casually dropped words, the pilot learns that the baby flew in from a distant planet, “which is all the size of a house” and is called the asteroid B-612.

The little prince tells the pilot about how he is at war with the baobabs, which take root so deep and strong that they can tear apart his little planet. The first sprouts must be weeded out, otherwise it will be too late, "this is a very boring job." But he has a "firm rule": "... got up in the morning, washed, put himself in order - and immediately put your planet in order." People must take care of the cleanliness and beauty of their planet, jointly protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. The little prince from Saint-Exupery's fairy tale cannot imagine his life without love for gentle sunsets, without the sun. “I once saw the sunset forty-three times in one day!” he says to the pilot. And a little later he adds: “You know ... when it becomes very sad, it’s good to see how the sun goes down ...” The child feels like a particle of the natural world, he calls adults to unite with her. The kid is active and hardworking. Every morning he watered the Rose, talked to her, cleared the three volcanoes on his planet so that they gave more heat, pulled out the weeds ... And yet he felt very lonely.

In search of friends, in the hope of finding true love, he sets off on his journey through other worlds. He is looking for people in the endless desert surrounding him, because in communication with them he hopes to understand himself and the world around him, to gain experience, which he lacked so much. Visiting six planets in succession, the Little Prince on each of them encounters a certain life phenomenon embodied in the inhabitants of these planets: power, vanity, drunkenness, pseudo-science ... The images of the heroes of A. Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince" have their own prototypes. The image of the Little Prince is both deeply autobiographical and, as it were, removed from the adult author-pilot. He was born out of longing for the dying little Tonio, a descendant of an impoverished noble family, who was called the "Sun King" in the family for his blond (at first) hair, and was nicknamed the Lunatic in college for the habit of looking at the starry sky for a long time. The phrase "Little Prince" itself is found, as you probably noticed, in the "Planet of People" (as well as many other images and thoughts). And in 1940, in between battles with the Nazis, Exupery often drew a boy on a piece of paper - sometimes winged, sometimes riding on a cloud. Gradually, the wings will be replaced by a long scarf (which, by the way, the author himself wore), and the cloud will become the asteroid B-612.

Characteristics of Rose from the fairy tale "The Little Prince"

Rosa was capricious and touchy, and the baby was completely exhausted with her. But “on the other hand, she was so beautiful that it was breathtaking!”, And he forgave the flower for its whims. However, the empty words of the beauty, the Little Prince took to heart and began to feel very unhappy. The rose is a symbol of love, beauty, femininity. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence of beauty. But after talking with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content. “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. - You don't want to die for you. Of course, a casual passer-by, looking at my Rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you.

But for me, she is dearer than all of you ... ”Telling this story about Rose, the little hero admits that he did not understand anything then. “On / before it was judged not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks one should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young and did not yet know how to love!” The prototype of the capricious and touching Rose is also well known, this is, of course, Exupery's wife Consuelo - an impulsive Latin American, whom her friends called "the little Salvadoran volcano." By the way, in the original, the author always writes not “Rose”, but “La Aer” - a flower. But in French it is a feminine word. Therefore, in the Russian translation, Nora Gal replaced the flower with a Rose (especially since in the picture it is really a Rose). But in the Ukrainian version, nothing had to be replaced - “la fleur” easily became “kvggka”.

Characteristics of the Fox from the fairy tale "The Little Prince"

Since ancient times, in fairy tales, Fox (not a fox!) Is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of life. The conversations of the Little Prince with this wise animal become a kind of culmination in the story, because in them the hero finally finds what he was looking for. The clarity and purity of consciousness that were lost are returning to him. The fox opens the life of the human heart to the baby, teaches the rituals of love and friendship, which people have long forgotten about and therefore lost their friends and lost the ability to love.

No wonder the flower says ABOUT PEOPLE: "They are carried by the wind." And the switchman in a conversation with the main character, answering the question: where are people in a hurry? remarks: "Even the driver himself does not know this." This allegory can be interpreted as follows. People have forgotten how to look at the stars at night, admire the beauty of sunsets, and enjoy the fragrance of the Rose. They submitted to the vanity of earthly life, forgetting about “simple truths”: the joy of communication, friendship, love and human happiness: “If you love a flower - the only one that is not found on any of the many millionth stars, it’s enough: you look at the sky and feel happy."

And the author is very bitter to say that people do not see this and turn their lives into a meaningless existence. The fox says that the prince for him is only one of a thousand other little boys, just as he is for the prince only an ordinary fox, of which there are hundreds of thousands. “But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... if you tame me, my life will light up like the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others ... ”The Fox reveals to the Little Prince the secret of taming: taming means creating bonds of love, unity of souls. As for the Fox, there were many disputes about prototypes and translation options. Here is what the translator Nora Gal writes in the article “Under the Star of Saint-Ex”: “When The Little Prince was published for the first time, there was a heated argument in the editorial office: is the Fox in the fairy tale or the Fox - again, feminine or masculine?

Some believed that the fox in the fairy tale was Rose's rival. Here the dispute is no longer about one word, not about a phrase, but about understanding the whole image. Even more, to a certain extent - about understanding the whole fairy tale: its intonation, coloring, deep inner meaning - everything changed from this "trifle". But I am convinced that a biographical note on the role of women in the life of Saint-Exupery does not help to understand the tale and is not relevant to the case. I'm not talking about the fact that in French 1e gepars! male. The main thing in the fairy tale Fox is first of all a friend. The rose is love, the Fox is friendship, and the faithful friend of the Fox teaches the Little Prince fidelity, teaches him to always feel responsible for his beloved and for all those close and loved. One more observation can be added. The unusually large ears of the Fox in Exupery's drawing are most likely inspired by the small desert fox Fenech - one of the many creatures tamed by the writer while serving in Morocco.

Author of the reader's diary

Electronic reader's diary

Book Information

Title and author of the book Theme, idea of ​​the book main characters Plot Date of reading
The Little Prince Exupery A. love, friendship, loneliness Little Prince, Pilot, Fox A lonely pilot, whose childhood drawings did not arouse enthusiasm among adults, finds the Little Prince who understands him. The little prince came from a planet called asteroid B-612. The whole planet was the size of a house, and the Little Prince had to take care of it: every day to clean three volcanoes - two active and one extinct, and also weed out the sprouts of baobabs. Disappointed in love, he went on a journey and visited six neighboring asteroids. The seventh was the Earth - a very difficult planet! The little prince made friends only with the snake, the Fox and the pilot. The snake promised to help him when he bitterly regrets his planet. And Fox taught him to be friends. The fox said that only the heart is vigilant - you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes. Then the Little Prince decided to return to his beloved rose, because he was responsible for her. The snake can return everyone to where he came from - she returns people to the earth, and she returned the Little Prince to the stars. The pilot repaired his plane, and his comrades rejoiced at his return. 15.06.2015

book cover illustration

About the author of the book

The French pilot, who died heroically in an air battle with the Nazis, the creator of deeply lyrical philosophical works, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, left a deep mark on the humanistic literature of the 20th century. Saint-Exupery was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon (France), in an aristocratic family of a provincial nobleman. His father died when Antoine was 4 years old. The upbringing of little Antoine was carried out by his mother. A man of unusually bright talent, from childhood he was fond of drawing, music, poetry and technology. “Childhood is a huge land where everyone comes from,” wrote Exupery. “Where am I from? I come from my childhood, as if from some country.” The turning point in his fate was 1921 - then he was drafted into the army and got into pilot courses. A year later, Exupery received a pilot's license and moved to Paris, where he turned to writing. However, in this field, at first he did not win laurels for himself and was forced to take on any job: he traded cars, was a salesman in a bookstore. In 1929, Exupery took charge of his airline's branch in Buenos Aires; in 1931 he returned to Europe, again flew on postal lines, was also a test pilot, and from the mid-1930s. acted as a journalist, in particular, in 1935 he visited Moscow as a correspondent and described this visit in five interesting essays. He also went to war in Spain as a correspondent. At the beginning of the Second World War, Saint-Exupery made several sorties and was presented with an award ("Military Cross" (Croix de Guerre)). In June 1941, he moved to his sister in a zone not occupied by the Nazis, and later moved to the USA. He lived in New York, where, among other things, he wrote his most famous book, The Little Prince (1942, publ. 1943). In 1943 he returned to the French Air Force and took part in the campaign in North Africa. On July 31, 1944, he left the airfield on the island of Sardinia on a reconnaissance flight - and did not return. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, a great writer, humanist thinker, a wonderful patriot of France, who gave his life to the fight against fascism. A master of the exact word, an artist who captured in his books the beauty of the earth and sky and the daily work of people storming the sky, a writer who glorified the desire of people for brotherhood and glorified the warmth of human ties, Saint-Exupery looked with alarm at how capitalist civilization disfigures the souls, with wrote with anger and pain about the monstrous crimes of fascism. And not only wrote. In a terrible hour for France and the whole world, he, a civilian pilot and a renowned writer, sat at the helm of a combat aircraft. A fighter of the great anti-fascist battle, he did not live to see the victory, he did not return to the base from a combat mission. Three weeks after his death, France celebrated the liberation of its land from the Nazi invaders ... `I have always hated the role of an observer - wrote Saint-Exupery during the Second World War. What am I if I don't take part? To be, I must participate`. A pilot and a writer, he continues to `participate` in today's worries and achievements of people, in the battle for the happiness of mankind with his stories.

In 1943, the work of interest to us was first published. Let's talk briefly about the background of its creation, and then we will analyze it. "The Little Prince" is a work, the impetus for writing which was one incident that happened to its author.

In 1935, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was in a plane crash while flying in the direction of Paris-Saigon. He ended up in the territory located in the Sahara, in its northeastern part. Memories of this accident and the invasion of the Nazis prompted the author to think about the responsibility for the Earth of people, about the fate of the world. In 1942, he wrote in his diary that he was worried about his generation, devoid of spiritual content. People lead a herd existence. To return spiritual concerns to a person is the task that the writer set himself.

To whom is the work dedicated?

The story that interests us is dedicated to Leon Werth, Antoine's friend. This is important to note when doing the analysis. "The Little Prince" is a story in which everything is filled with deep meaning, including dedication. After all, Leon Werth is a Jewish writer, journalist, critic, victim of persecution during the war. Such a dedication was not just a tribute to friendship, but also a bold challenge by the writer to anti-Semitism and Nazism. In difficult times, Exupery created his fairy tale story. He fought against violence with words and illustrations, which he manually created for his work.

Two worlds in a story

Two worlds are represented in this story - adults and children, as our analysis shows. "The Little Prince" is a work in which this division is by no means done according to age. For example, a pilot is an adult, but he managed to save a child's soul. The author divides people according to ideals and ideas. For adults, the most important are their own affairs, ambition, wealth, power. And the child's soul longs for something else - friendship, mutual understanding, beauty, joy. The antithesis (children and adults) helps to reveal the main conflict of the work - the opposition of two different value systems: real and false, spiritual and material. It deepens further. After leaving the planet, the little prince meets "strange adults" on his way, whom he cannot understand.

Travel and dialogue

The composition is based on travel and dialogue. The general picture of the existence of humanity losing moral values ​​is recreated by the meeting with the "adults" of the little prince.

The protagonist travels in the story from asteroid to asteroid. He visits, first of all, the nearest, where people live alone. Each asteroid has a number, like the apartments of a modern high-rise building. These figures hint at the separation of people who live in neighboring apartments, but live as if on different planets. For the little prince, meeting the inhabitants of these asteroids becomes a lesson in loneliness.

Meeting with the king

On one of the asteroids lived a king who looked at the whole world, like other kings, in a very simplified way. For him, subjects are all people. However, the king was tormented by this question: "Who is to blame for the fact that his orders are impossible?". The king taught the prince that judging oneself is harder than judging others. Having learned this, one can become truly wise. The lover of power loves power, not subjects, and therefore is deprived of the latter.

The Prince visits the planet of the ambitious

On another planet lived an ambitious man. But vain people are deaf to everything except praise. Only the ambitious loves glory, and not the public, and therefore remains without the latter.

Drunkard's Planet

Let's continue the analysis. The little prince ends up on the third planet. His next meeting is with a drunkard who thinks intently about himself and eventually becomes completely confused. This man is ashamed of what he drinks. However, he drinks in order to forget about his conscience.

business man

The business man owned the fourth planet. As the analysis of the fairy tale "The Little Prince" shows, the meaning of his life was to find something that does not have an owner and appropriate it. A business man counts wealth that is not his: he who saves only for himself might as well count the stars. The little prince cannot understand the logic by which adults live. He concludes that it is beneficial for his flower and volcanoes that he owns them. But the stars do not benefit from such possession.


And only on the fifth planet the main character finds a person with whom he wants to make friends. This is a lamplighter who would be despised by everyone, because he thinks not only of himself. However, his planet is tiny. There is no room for two. The lamplighter is working in vain, because he does not know for whom.

Meeting with a geographer

The geographer, who writes thick books, lived on the sixth planet, which was created in his story by Exupery ("The Little Prince"). The analysis of the work would be incomplete if we did not say a few words about it. This is a scientist, and beauty is ephemeral for him. Nobody needs scientific papers. Without love for a person, it turns out that everything is meaningless - and honor, and power, and labor, and science, and conscience, and capital. The little prince leaves this planet too. The analysis of the work continues with a description of our planet.

Little prince on earth

The last place the prince visited was the strange Earth. When he arrives here, the title character of Exupery's story "The Little Prince" feels even more alone. The analysis of the work when describing it should be more detailed than when describing other planets. After all, the author pays special attention in the story to the Earth. He notices that this planet is not at all home, it is "salty", "all in needles" and "completely dry". It's uncomfortable to live on it. Its definition is given through images that seemed strange to the little prince. The boy notes that this planet is not simple. It is ruled by 111 kings, there are 7,000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7.5 million drunkards, 311 million ambitious people.

The protagonist's journey continues in the following sections. He meets, in particular, with the switchman directing the train, but people do not know where they are going. The boy then sees a merchant who sells anti-thirst pills.

Among the people living here, the little prince feels lonely. Analyzing life on Earth, he notes that there are so many people on it that they cannot feel like one. Millions remain strangers to each other. What do they live for? A lot of people are rushing in fast trains - why? People are not connected by pills or fast trains. And the planet will not become a home without it.

Friendship with the Fox

After analyzing Exupery's The Little Prince, we found out that the boy is bored on Earth. And the Fox, another hero of the work, has a boring life. Both of them are looking for a friend. The fox knows how to find him: you need to tame someone, that is, create bonds. And the main character understands that there are no shops where you can buy a friend.

The author describes the life before the meeting with the boy, which was led by the Fox from the story "The Little Prince". allows us to notice that before this meeting he only fought for his existence: he hunted chickens, and hunters hunted him. The fox, having been tamed, escaped from the circle of defense and attack, fear and hunger. It is to this hero that the formula "only the heart is vigilant" belongs. Love can be transferred to many other things. Having made friends with the main character, the Fox will fall in love with everything else in the world. The close in his mind is connected with the distant.

A pilot in the desert

It is easy to imagine a home planet in habitable places. However, in order to understand what a house is, it is necessary to be in the desert. Exupery's analysis of The Little Prince suggests this idea. In the desert, the main character met a pilot, with whom he then became friends. The pilot ended up here not only because of a malfunction of the aircraft. He has been enchanted by the desert all his life. The name of this desert is loneliness. The pilot understands an important secret: there is meaning in life when there is someone to die for. The desert is a place where a person feels a thirst for communication, thinks about the meaning of existence. It reminds us that the earth is the home of man.

What did the author want to tell us?

The author wants to say that people have forgotten one simple truth: they are responsible for their planet, as well as for those who have been tamed. If we all understood this, there would probably be no wars and economic problems. But people are very often blind, do not listen to their own hearts, leave their home, looking for happiness far from their relatives and friends. Antoine de Saint-Exupery did not write his fairy tale "The Little Prince" for fun. The analysis of the work carried out in this article, we hope, convinced you of this. The writer appeals to all of us, urging us to carefully look at those who surround us. After all, these are our friends. They must be protected, according to Antoine de Saint-Exupery ("The Little Prince"). This concludes the analysis of the work. We invite readers to reflect on this story for themselves and continue the analysis with their own observations.

The Little Prince is childhood, but at the same time a profound work. Antoine de Saint-Exupery placed in a light and small fairy tale a reflection of the real adult world with its advantages and disadvantages. In places it is satire, myth, fantasy and a tragic story. Therefore, a multifaceted book is liked by both small and large readers.

"The Little Prince" was born during the Great Patriotic War. It all started with the drawings of Exupery, in which he portrayed the same “little prince”.

Exupery, being a military pilot, once got into a plane crash, it happened in 1935 in the Libyan desert. Opening old wounds, memories of the catastrophe and news of the outbreak of the world war inspired the writer to create the work. He thought about the fact that each of us is responsible for the place where he lives, whether it is a small apartment or a whole planet. And the struggle calls into question this responsibility, because it was during that fierce battle of many countries that deadly nuclear weapons were first used. Alas, many people did not give a damn about their home, since they allowed wars to bring humanity to such extreme measures.

The work was created in 1942 in the USA, a year later it became available to the reader. The Little Prince became the final creation of the author and brought him worldwide fame. The author dedicated his book to a friend (Leon Werth), moreover, to the boy that his friend once was. It is worth noting that Leon, who was a writer and critic, being a Jew, suffered from persecution during the development of Nazism. He also had to leave his planet, but not of his own free will.

Genre, direction

Exupery talked about the meaning of life, and in this he was helped by the parable genre, which is characterized by a pronounced morality in the finale, an instructive tone of the story. A fairy tale as a parable is the most common intersection of genres. A distinctive feature of a fairy tale is that it has a fantastic and simple plot, but at the same time it is instructive, helping young readers to form moral qualities, and adults to think about their views and behavior. A fairy tale is a reflection of real life, but reality is presented to the reader through fiction, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The genre originality of the work suggests that The Little Prince is a philosophical fairy tale-parable.

The work can also be attributed to a fantastic story.

The meaning of the name

The Little Prince is a story about a traveler who travels throughout the universe. He does not just travel, but is in search of the meaning of life, the essence of love and the secret of friendship. He learns not only the world around him, but also himself, and self-knowledge is his main goal. It is still growing, developing and symbolizes an immaculate and tender childhood. Therefore, the author called him "small".

Why a prince? He is alone on his planet, it all belongs to him. He is very responsible in his role as a master and, despite his modest age, has already learned how to care for her. Such behavior suggests that we have a noble boy in front of us, managing his property, but what should he be called? Prince, because he is endowed with power and wisdom.


The plot originates in the Sahara Desert. The pilot of the plane, having made an emergency landing, meets the same Little Prince who arrived on Earth from another planet. The boy told his new acquaintance about his journey, about the planets he had visited, about his former life, about the rose that was his faithful friend. The little prince loved his rose so much that he was ready to give his life for it. The boy was dear to his house, he liked to watch the sunsets, it’s good that on his planet they could be seen several times a day, and for this the Little Prince only had to move a chair.

One day, the boy felt unhappy and decided to go in search of adventure. Rosa was proud and rarely bestowed her warmth on her patron, so she did not hold him back. During his journey, the Little Prince met: The Ruler, who is confident in his absolute power over the stars, the Ambitious, for whom the main thing is to be admired, the Drunkard, who drinks out of guilt for alcohol abuse, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The boy even met the Business Man, whose main occupation is counting the stars. The little prince encountered the Lantern, who was lighting and extinguishing the lantern on his planet every minute. He also met the Geographer, who in his entire life had never seen anything but his planet. The last location of the traveler was the planet Earth, where he found a true friend. All major events are described by us in the summary of the book for the reader's diary.

Main characters and their characteristics

    To love is not to look at each other, it means to look in the same direction.

    A person must protect his home, and not tear it apart with wars into bloody, lifeless parts. This idea was especially relevant then, during the days of the Second World War. The little prince cleaned up his planet every day to keep the baobabs from rampant. If the world had been able to unite in time and wipe out the National Socialist movement led by Hitler, then the bloodshed could have been prevented. For those who love the world should have taken care of it, and not locked themselves in their little planets, thinking that the storm would pass by. Because of this disunity and irresponsibility of governments and peoples, millions of people have suffered, and the writer calls, finally, to learn to faithfully and responsibly love the harmony that only friendship provides.

    What does it teach?

    The story of the Little Prince is surprisingly heartfelt and instructive. Exupery's creation tells about how important it is to have a true friend nearby and how important it is to be responsible for those whom you "tamed". The fairy tale teaches to love, be friends, warns against loneliness. In addition, you should not lock yourself in your small territory, fencing off the whole world around. You need to get out of your comfort zone, learn new things, look for yourself.

    Exupery also urges the reader to listen not only to his mind in making decisions, but also to his heart, because you cannot see the main thing with your eyes.

    Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The fairy tale "The Little Prince" is the most famous work of A. de Saint-Exupery.
Main part
The work is based on a traditional fairy tale plot.
Characteristics of heroes:
- The little Prince;
- Rose;
- Fox.
People submitted to the vanity of earthly life, forgetting about the joy of communication, friendship, love, human happiness.
The fairy tale "The Little Prince" is the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The salvation of mankind from the coming inevitable catastrophe is one of the main themes of the fairy tale "The Little Prince". This poetic tale is about the courage and wisdom of an artless child's soul, about such important "non-childish" concepts as life and death, love and responsibility, friendship and fidelity. Saint-Exupery takes the traditional fairy tale as a basis. A handsome prince leaves his father's house because of unhappy love and wanders along endless roads in search of happiness and adventure. He tries to gain fame and thereby win the impregnable heart of the princess. Prince Charming is just a child who suffers from a capricious and eccentric flower. All sorts of trials fall to the share of the little prince. In his wanderings, the little prince meets not with fabulous monsters, but with people bewitched, like an evil spell, by selfish and petty passions. But this is only the outer side of the plot. Despite the fact that the Little Prince is a child, a true vision of the world opens up to him, which is inaccessible even to an adult. Yes, and people with dead souls, whom the main character meets on his way, are much worse than fairy-tale monsters. The relationship between the prince and the Rose is much more complicated than the relationship between princes and princesses from folklore tales. After all, it is for the sake of the Rose that the Little Prince sacrifices his material shell - he chooses bodily death. There are two storylines in the story: the narrator and the theme of the world of adults associated with him and the line of the Little Prince, the story of his life.
The little prince is a symbol of a person - a wanderer in the universe, looking for the hidden meaning of things and his own life. The soul of the little prince is not shackled by the ice of indifference, deadness. He opens the true vision of the world: he learns the price of true friendship, love and beauty. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will look for on different planets will be so close - on his home planet. The little prince is laconic - he speaks very little about himself and his planet. Only little by little, from random, casually dropped words, the pilot learns that the baby has arrived from a distant planet, “which is all the size of a house” and is called “asteroid B-612”. The little prince tells the pilot about how he is at war with the baobabs, which take root so deep and strong that they can tear apart his little planet. The first sprouts must be weeded out, otherwise it will be too late, "this is a very boring job." But he has a "firm rule": "... got up in the morning, washed, put himself in order - and immediately put your planet in order." People must take care of the cleanliness and beauty of their planet, jointly protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. The little prince from Saint-Exupery's fairy tale cannot imagine his life without love for gentle sunsets, without the sun. “I once saw the sunset forty-three times in one day!” he says to the pilot. And after a while he adds: "You know ... when it becomes very sad, it's good to see how the sun goes down ...". The child feels part of the natural world. The boy is active and hardworking. Every morning he watered the Rose, talked to her, cleaned the three volcanoes on his planet to give more heat, pulled out the weeds ... And yet he felt very lonely. In search of friends, in the hope of finding true love, he sets off on his journey through other worlds. He is looking for people in the endless desert surrounding him, because in communication with them he hopes to understand himself and the world around him, to gain experience, which he lacked so much. Visiting six planets in succession, the Little Prince on each of them encounters a certain life phenomenon embodied in the inhabitants of these planets: power, vanity, drunkenness, pseudo-science...
The images of the heroes of the fairy tale by A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" have their own prototypes. The image of the Little Prince is autobiographical.
Another hero of the tale is Rose. Rosa was capricious and touchy, and the baby was completely exhausted with her. But “on the other hand, she was so beautiful that it was breathtaking!”, And he forgave the flower for its whims. However, the empty words of the beauty, the Little Prince took to heart and began to feel very unhappy. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence of beauty. But after talking with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content. “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. -
You don't want to die for you. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But for me she is dearer than all of you ... ". Telling this story about a rose, the little hero admits that he did not understand anything at that time. “It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks one should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young and still did not know how to love!” The prototype of the capricious and touching Rose was the wife of a French writer.
Another hero of the fairy tale "The Little Prince" is the Fox. Since ancient times, in fairy tales, Fox has been a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of life. The conversations of the Little Prince with this wise animal become a kind of culmination in the work, because in them the hero finally finds what he was looking for. The lost clarity and purity of consciousness return to him. The fox opens the life of the human heart to the baby, teaches the rituals of love and friendship, which people have long forgotten about and therefore lost their friends and lost the ability to love. People have forgotten how to look at the stars at night, to admire the beauty of sunsets, to experience the pleasure of the fragrance of a rose. They submitted to the vanity of earthly life, forgetting about “simple truths”: the joy of communication, friendship, love and human happiness: “If you love a flower - the only one that is not found on any of the many millionth stars, it’s enough: you look at the sky and feel happy." And the author is very bitter to say that people do not see this and turn their lives into a meaningless existence. The fox says that the prince for him is only one of a thousand other little boys, just as he is for the prince only an ordinary fox, of which there are hundreds of thousands. “But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I'll be the only one for you in the whole world... if you make me
tame, my life will light up like the sun. I will distinguish your steps among thousands of others...”. The fox reveals to the Little Prince the secret of taming: to tame means to create bonds of love, unity of souls.
This is how the heroes of the fairy tale by A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" seem to me.