If the dough has not risen, what should I do? Useful tips and tricks. Why the yeast dough did not work out: an analysis of typical mistakes

Surely many of you during baking at least once encountered a problem when the dough stubbornly did not want to rise. Hoping to see a magnificent cake, which is not ashamed to show off to friends, something similar to a flat cake peeked out of the oven. As they say, the first pie is a pancake ... How to make sure that the dough does not fall and the pastries turn out to be lush and ruddy?

According to Gay-Lussac's law, at constant pressure, the ratio of a gas to its temperature is unchanged. talking in simple terms if the temperature rises, then the volume of the gas increases and thus the cake rises. If this does not happen, most likely there was not enough gas in the test. It sounds strange, but it happens in practice.

What should I do to make the dough rise?

So, here are a few tips to help you "lift" your dough.

  1. The oven must be well preheated before you start using it for baking.
  2. There must be enough gas in the test. And this means that the dough to be beaten must be very well and thoroughly beaten. Puff pastry, in turn, is rolled out in the cold so that the butter does not melt.
  3. There should be enough flour in the dough. If the dough is too liquid, the cake will instantly settle in the oven and the culinary masterpiece will be spoiled.
  4. Bake at the temperature indicated in the recipe. Surely whoever wrote it knew what he was talking about.
  5. Do not open the oven too often. When checking the test for readiness, try not to open the oven wide and for a long time. After each such check, add 30-40 seconds to the cooking time.
  6. Do not check if the dough is ready until it has risen evenly. If the dough has risen only at the edges, but not in the middle, this means that the air in it has not warmed up yet.
  7. Check the readiness of the test wooden stick or a toothpick, sticking it into the center of the pie. There the dough is always baked more slowly.
  8. After cooking, leave the cake in the oven for a while, or take it out and cover it with something on top, such as a towel.
  9. Sift the flour well through a sieve. Better twice.
  10. Do not change the temperature during cooking.

So, if you follow at least a few of these tips, your future culinary products will become the decoration of your table, and friends and relatives will want to know your secrets.

Lush yeast dough- is a guarantee of obtaining delicious pastries. And a demonstration of the culinary skills of the hostess. But if it doesn't fit, what should you do? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

How to knead yeast dough?

Not every novice cook succeeds in making yeast dough on the first try. This is due not only to the quality of the products used, but also to the observance of a special technology. For cooking correct test yeast will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of warm milk or boiled water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 vegetable oils;
  • 3 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • 500 grams of sifted wheat flour.

Dissolve yeast in milk or water and leave for half an hour in a warm place. After that, add a chicken egg, salt, vegetable oil and 250 grams of flour. The liquid flour mixture should be allowed to infuse for an hour. Only after that you can add the remaining flour and knead the steep dough. However, many housewives are wondering why the dough does not fit? We will talk about this in more detail.

How much yeast dough is suitable?

In order to prepare a magnificent dough, you need to withstand it for a certain period of time. However, only in a warm environment, the yeast is activated and allows the flour mass to take on an airy form. Typically, this takes 30 to 60 minutes. If the dough does not fit well even after an hour, then this may mean that you incorrectly followed the technology or used low-quality products.

Some experienced housewives they don’t even wait for the dough to rise, but prefer to immediately lay it out on a baking sheet and send it to the oven along with the filling. It should be noted that this approach takes place if you are already masterfully preparing any pastries. After all, it will have time to rise well during cooking and reach the desired shape. However, for beginners, it is better not to use this method, since you can get a thin cake instead of a magnificent cake.

Why won't yeast dough rise?

The first reason for failure in preparing the dough may be expired. The fact is that after the expiration date, this product loses its properties. Therefore, before buying, always check the date of manufacture of the yeast.

Remember that all products used must be at the same temperature (with the exception of milk). Therefore, before mixing the ingredients, leave them for kitchen table. And only after half an hour start preparing the dough. This will give it a uniform consistency.

Take Special attention dough kneading process. At the end, you should get a homogeneous tight consistency. Never leave the dough on the table. Indeed, when aired in air, yeast also loses its properties.

Let's assume you did everything right. But if the yeast dough does not fit - what to do? In this case, you can try to correct the situation.

If the yeast dough does not fit - what to do?

Yeast flour mixture can be very slow to come up due to non-observance of the sequence of steps in its preparation. So you can wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours. After this time, you will get a lush mass, which will need to be kneaded again with a small amount of flour.

To speed up the process, you can send the yeast dough to a slightly preheated oven in a heat-resistant bowl. If after 5-7 minutes it has not risen, then it is better to cook new portion from higher quality products.

You can also correct the situation at the stage of preparing the dough. If after half an hour the mixture of warm milk and dry yeast has not risen, try adding another 1-2 tablespoons of yeast. It will be impossible to correct the situation with the addition of flour. Such a dough is only suitable for making pasties or flat cakes in a pan.

So, let's sum up. If the yeast dough does not fit - what to do? Use only high quality and fresh products. And be sure to follow the sequence of actions. And after a while you will learn how to cook the right yeast dough, which will become the basis for delicious homemade baking.

Lush yeast dough is the key to obtaining delicious pastries. And a demonstration of the culinary skills of the hostess. But if it doesn't fit, what should you do? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

Video: Well, very tasty - Yeast dough!

How to knead yeast dough?

Not every novice cook succeeds in making yeast dough on the first try. This is due not only to the quality of the products used, but also to the observance of a special technology. To prepare the right yeast dough, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of warm milk or boiled water;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 vegetable oils;
  • 3 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • 500 grams of sifted wheat flour.

Dissolve yeast in milk or water and leave for half an hour in a warm place. After that, add a chicken egg, salt, vegetable oil and 250 grams of flour to the dough. The liquid flour mixture should be allowed to infuse for an hour. Only after that you can add the remaining flour and knead the steep dough. However, many housewives are wondering why the dough does not fit? We will talk about this in more detail.

How much yeast dough is suitable?

In order to prepare a magnificent dough, you need to withstand it for a certain period of time. However, only in a warm environment, the yeast is activated and allows the flour mass to take on an airy form. Typically, this takes 30 to 60 minutes. If the dough does not fit well even after an hour, then this may mean that you incorrectly followed the technology or used low-quality products.

Some experienced housewives do not even wait for the dough to rise, but prefer to immediately lay it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven along with the filling. It should be noted that this approach takes place if you are already masterfully preparing any pastries. After all, it will have time to rise well during cooking and reach the desired shape. However, for beginners, it is better not to use this method, since you can get a thin cake instead of a magnificent cake.

Why won't yeast dough rise?

The first reason for failure in preparing the dough may be expired. The fact is that after the expiration date, this product loses its properties. Therefore, before buying, always check the date of manufacture of the yeast.

Remember that all products used must be at the same temperature (with the exception of milk). Therefore, before mixing the ingredients, leave them on the kitchen table. And only after half an hour start preparing the dough. This will give it a uniform consistency.

Pay special attention to the process of kneading the dough. At the end, you should get a homogeneous tight consistency. Never leave the dough on the table. Indeed, when aired in air, yeast also loses its properties.

Let's assume you did everything right. But if the yeast dough did not fit - what to do? In this case, you can try to correct the situation.

If the yeast dough does not fit - what to do?

Yeast flour mixture can be very slow to come up due to non-observance of the sequence of steps in its preparation. Therefore, you can wrap it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours. After this time, you will get a lush mass, which will need to be kneaded again with a small amount of flour.

To speed up the process, you can send the yeast dough to a slightly preheated oven in a heat-resistant bowl. If after 5-7 minutes it has not risen, then it is better to prepare a new portion from better products.

You can also correct the situation at the stage of preparing the dough. If after half an hour the mixture of warm milk and dry yeast has not risen, try adding another 1-2 tablespoons of yeast. It will be impossible to correct the situation with the addition of flour. Such a dough is only suitable for making pasties or flat cakes in a pan.

Video: How to make yeast dough (like fluff) is very simple

So, let's sum up. If the yeast dough does not fit - what to do? Use only high quality and fresh products. And be sure to follow the sequence of actions. And after a while you will learn how to cook the right yeast dough, which will become the basis for delicious homemade baking.

Attention, only TODAY!

Yeast dough is called unpredictable by many. Today, it makes fluffy and airy buns and pies, and tomorrow it does not rise at all, it remains flat, like a tortilla. How to increase the germination of the test? What to do if the dough does not rise? There are a few simple recommendations, following which, you can get an excellent basis for delicious homemade buns and bread.

What affects the quality of yeast dough?

In order not to correct mistakes already in the process of kneading the dough, you need to check the expiration date in advance and pay attention to the features of using products that are among the ingredients.

How the quality of the test is influenced by the following factors and products:

  1. Yeast. Pressed or dry (active and instant) yeast can be used for the dough. Before kneading, fresh or pressed yeast and active dry yeast must be dissolved in a glass of warm water or milk with the addition of a tablespoon of sugar. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the liquid, you can proceed to the next step in preparing the dough. Instant yeast can be immediately mixed with flour. The expiration date of the yeast is the main condition for a good raising of the dough.
  2. Liquid temperature. Almost all recipes indicate that the yeast is dissolved in warm water, without specifying a specific temperature. In order for the yeast to become active, the temperature of the liquid must be at least 28 and not higher than 38 degrees. In too cold water Yeast does not multiply, but dies in hot water. In any case, if the temperature regime of the liquid is not observed, the dough does not rise.
  3. flour quality. Like other dough ingredients such as eggs and butter, flour should also be at room temperature. A prerequisite is its preliminary screening, during which it is enriched with oxygen. The best dough is made from white wheat flour. Bread made from wholemeal flour or whole grains will never turn out the same fluffy and airy.
  4. Observe the amount of salt and sugar in the recipe. Too much salty dough rises very poorly, and sweets are not always well baked.

If the dough has not risen: what to do with it?

Even if the above conditions are met, force majeure sometimes occurs in the form of an unraised dough. But don't throw it in the trash. Even from it it can turn out good foundation for pizza. However, first you can try make in life recommendations specifically designed for if the dough has not risen.

What to do in such a situation can be described in three tips:

  1. Raise the ambient temperature.
  2. Add yeast.
  3. Knead the dough again, adding a little flour or liquid, depending on their ratio.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

In order for the yeast to become active, it is important to observe the temperature regime of the water, and so that they continue to multiply and contribute to further growth test, this temperature must be maintained. cold room with dry air - this is not the best environment for its growth. So don't be surprised if the dough doesn't rise. What to do in this case?

  1. At the bottom of the oven, preheated to 40 degrees, put a baking sheet with hot water. At the same time, place the container with the dough on the wire rack for average level ovens. A moist and warm environment will help the dough rise.
  2. cook water bath on the stove. Heat to high temperature and immediately extinguish the fire. Put the container with the dough in a water bath until it rises.
  3. Cover the container with the dough with polyethylene and place it near the battery or on the burner. Polyethylene will create the necessary moist environment, and from the outgoing heat, the dough will begin to grow rapidly.

If, after creating the optimal temperature and sufficient humidity, the dough still rises poorly, it means that the yeast has not been activated. In this case, you can try to start the process again.

To do this, a teaspoon of dry yeast is dissolved in a glass of warm water or milk and a tablespoon of sugar is added. When foam appears on the surface of the liquid, you can pour the dough into the dough and mix with the rest of it.

After adding a new dough, a situation may again arise when the pastry does not rise. What to do in this case with temperature regime, everyone understands. But besides this, you may have to add other ingredients, such as flour.

The optimal ratio of flour and liquid as a percentage is 60:40. This means that flour should be approximately 60% and liquid 40%. The dough after kneading should be elastic, slightly sticky to the hands. It is important not to hammer it with excess flour. But sometimes this ingredient can save the situation if the dough has not risen. What to do and how much flour to add depends on the consistency of the dough.

If you add extra yeast dough, the dough will turn out to be too sticky and liquid. In accordance with the optimal ratio of ingredients indicated above, it will be necessary to add flour again and knead well. After that, the container is placed in a warm place, create optimal conditions temperature and humidity and are waiting for a rise.

The dough does not rise in the bread machine: what to do?

Many housewives bake homebaked bread not in the oven, but in the bread maker. But even in this case sometimes yeast dough does not rise well.

What to do with the dough in the bread machine to increase its germination, and why it does not rise:

  1. Insufficient liquid. In order for the dough to rise, it must be elastic and soft. It won't help to fix the situation. a large number of water added to the dough bowl during kneading.
  2. The lid of the appliance may have been opened during kneading and warm air vanished.
  3. Expired yeast or incorrect handling conditions (medium too hot).

In any case, the dough can be reanimated. To do this, you need to get it out of the bread machine and knead it with your hands, using the lifting methods proposed above.

This is an unpredictable yeast dough! One time it makes great buns, and another time the dough doesn't even want to rise! Why is this happening?

Yeast dough does not tolerate fuss. Therefore, if the hostess has little time, you can’t take on baking pies from such dough! After all, kneading dough is a kind of ritual. Dough, especially yeast dough, does not tolerate familiarity. It is alive, and when the hostess puts her whole soul into it, she gratefully responds to this.

Yeast dough does not like "one more hand". Therefore, it is advisable for the hostess to avoid assistants, especially during the kneading period.

It is impossible to open windows or a window during all work with yeast dough, as yeast dough is afraid of drafts.

Someone will consider this a fiction, but yeast dough is afraid of even loud conversations, screams and knocks.

Therefore, on the responsibility with which the hostess approaches the kneading of yeast dough, its fermentation and rise depend.

If the hostess simply mixes all the ingredients in a bowl, most likely she will not succeed - the dough will not rise. Because each ingredient needs its own approach.


Yeast can be used both pressed and dry.

But the yeast must be fresh, not expired.

Each type of yeast has its own mixing order with flour.

Pressed yeast must be fed before kneading. This also applies to some dry yeasts. Therefore, be sure to read the information on the packaging, because there are some dry yeast that are mixed directly with flour.

Yeast dissolved in a glass warm water or milk with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar. When the liquid is covered with a cap of foam, you can proceed to the following steps.


Most often, the recipes say that to breed yeast, “you need to take a heated liquid”, believing that the housewives already know everything.

But the fact is that the temperature of water or milk should not be lower than 28-30 °, but not higher than body temperature.

Indeed, in a cold or cool liquid, yeast does not multiply, and the dough does not rise.

And in a very hot liquid, the yeast brews and dies. This means that there will be no fermentation, and the dough will not rise.


Butter in the yeast dough that has not yet risen is placed only in a melted and slightly cooled form, so as not to disturb the fermentation.


Flour should not be cold. Therefore, it must be placed in a warm place in advance.

Yeast dough kneading

If the dough is rich, that is, it has a lot of fat, sugar and eggs, then it is better to put it on a dough.

Steam is made from full volume liquid, yeast and half the norm of flour. The dough turns out to be viscous, like on pancakes. Such a dough rises well in a warm place.

When the dough doubles or triples in size, the rest of the ingredients and flour are added to it.

The dough is well kneaded. The better the dough is kneaded, the more actively it will rise.

Yeast dough cannot be made tight. Such dough does not rise well, and products from it are dense, low and quickly stale.

Without dough, you can put the dough only if there is little muffin in it. For example, for whites. Or if it is kneaded to a weak consistency for deep frying.

Rising yeast dough

In order for the dough to rise well, it is placed for 1.5-2 hours in a warm place, be sure to cover it with a thick towel, lid or plastic bag.

If the room is cold, the dough will not rise! In this case, a bowl of dough is placed on a pan with very hot water. But at the same time, the bottom of the bowl should not come into contact with this water. Otherwise, the yeast will brew, die, and the dough will not rise.

In order for yeast dough products to turn out lush, the dough needs to be kneaded once or twice during the rise, releasing from it carbon dioxide. And let it rise again.

Yeast dough should not be overcooked. After all, it cannot rise indefinitely. And, fully ripe, begins to fall off. If the dough falls, it will not rise again. Products from such a test will turn out sour, flat and hard.

It is necessary to choose the right dishes for kneading yeast dough. If the pan is too spacious, then the dough in such a container spreads, but does not rise.

It is advisable to immediately knead a large amount of dough. When there is a lot of dough, it ferments well and actively.

The excess yeast dough can be folded into a plastic bag, leaving a little room to rise, tie well and put in the freezer. Thanks to this storage, the quality of the dough will not deteriorate. But in the refrigerator, yeast dough can peroxide.

Baking products from yeast dough

Formed products from yeast dough also require proofing. Only then will the baking turn out lush and high.

Less rich yeast dough is baked at more high temperature(220-240°).

Sweet yeast dough is baked at 190-210 ° so that it has time to rise, but it does not burn.