Flowers for a flower bed - blooming all summer, undersized, annuals, perennials - photo with names, diagram. Flowerbed blooming all summer: we select and plant flowers What flowers to plant in a three-tiered flower bed

Low grades, which, in addition to an aesthetic role, often perform purely practical functions (for example, they cover curb slabs). Consider which undersized flowers are best suited for such a decor, and we will also give the names of the most massive and

Types of undersized garden flowers

When planning to decorate their site, many look at the neighbor's "patches" or listen to the advice of designers. And in the end it turns out that almost the same plants appear in the list of potential "new settlers" of the garden. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at them, for convenience, dividing them into different "age" groups.

Small one-year-olds for flower beds

Ideal for those who are taking their first steps in design. It's simple - in one season you can look at the planted species and leave those that you like. For a couple of years of such a "selection" you can form a chic flower bed. In this regard, it is more profitable to take annual undersized flowers for a flower bed, pleasing to the eye and blooming all summer. Among the variety of such varieties stand out:

  • (or tagetes), growing on any and not requiring frequent watering. An unpretentious plant gives color from the first days of June. Until autumn, yellow or red flowers in the form of baskets (4-6 cm in diameter) are visible, which give the site a warm brightness. Not uncommon and "mixed" color. The best option would be to plant thin-leaved or rejected bushes;

Important! Transplanting during flowering is highly undesirable-there is a risk of destroying the plant.

Did you know? The first flower clock was created almost 300 years ago-gardeners from the Swedish city of Uppsala presented their creation in 1720.

Two-year-old inhabitants of the flower bed

In most cases, such undersized ones are taken to decorate borders, as you can see by looking at the photo, and the names will seem familiar to many. "Top" biennials are:

  • Neat and low (15 cm) bushes enliven the overall look with their yellow or red flowers with a "glamorous" sheen. On each of them, you can count up to 20 narrow petals, which together form a circle of 4-6 cm. But such beauty requires caution - adonis are dangerous for their poison, which is contained in all parts of the plant. If there are children on the site, it is better to refuse landing;

All the species mentioned have one thing in common - the seedlings bloom only in the second year after the seedlings are laid. Most varieties are frost-resistant, and many owners leave them in the ground for the winter. Yes, and there is also some economic benefit: for a couple of years you can forget about buying seeds.

Making flower beds with undersized perennials

A separate topic is low-growing perennials and the selection of "long-playing" varieties for a particular flower bed. Let's make a reservation right away: there are a lot of them, and this somewhat complicates the choice. If you have not had to deal with them before, pay attention to the following types:

Having learned the names of the most popular, consider the fact that perennial undersized varieties are usually divided into two groups: frost-resistant and requiring withdrawal for subsequent wintering in warmth. , and calmly wait for spring in the ground, while , and are more sensitive to temperature changes.

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Having finally chosen the varieties you like, do not rush into the purchase, but make a preliminary “binding”, having considered where exactly the desired ones will grow on your site. Here you will have to take into account the nuances that it is desirable for everyone to know about. Recall the main ones:

  • Climate, light and temperature regimes. One- and two-year-olds are usually planted in the sun or in partial shade. Perennials are quietly accepted in the spreading shade of trees;
  • Humidity. Raw shaded lowlands are far from suitable for all varieties (as well as dry "patches" with moderate watering);
  • The nature and rate of growth. For plants with wide roots of the "creeping" type, the neighborhood with other varieties will be somewhat problematic - the rhizomes can simply interlock. For the formation of a composition in a flower bed, they are better suited with "deep" rooting;
  • Finally, decorative "abilities". In this regard, annual species are preferable, the short "age" of which is compensated by an unusual coloring. Imported hybrid lines stand out in particular.

These are some of the basics that should not be forgotten. But low long-flowering flowers, depending on their “age”, can have both pluses and minuses, so garden perennial and annual varieties should be “sorted out” even before planting. In favor perennials put forward the following arguments:

  • Less labor intensive (no need to dig every year);
  • Frost resistance;
  • Reproduction by division - to obtain new seedlings, it is enough to “cut” an existing bush (again, saving on seeds);
  • Ease of maintenance.
Of the shortcomings, one can only single out the exactingness of some "exotics" and too active growth of the roots, which certain varieties "sin" with. Plants with a growth cycle of 1 or 2 years there are not so many advantages:
  • They are brighter than their "older" neighbors;
  • Seasonal change of seedlings allows you to change the appearance of the flower bed almost every season.
Actually, this is where the advantages of “weather” end. With the minuses it is already more difficult - here is the high cost of seeds, and high labor costs, coupled with sensitivity to the state of the soil and cold weather. Despite this, many successfully combine flowers with different “life spans” in their flower beds.

Basic rules for caring for undersized flowers

Any garden used for decoration needs special care, so undersized annuals and perennial varieties are no exception. Recall the most important points of cultivation. Among them:

  • Proper placement of seedlings. The height is selected so that the shoots do not stretch too much (too “cramped” landing is also undesirable);
  • Timely watering followed by loosening. Roots should be regularly aired, and not taken in a "crust" after wetting. We have to take into account the "varietal" need for moisture - decorative arrays try not to fill in as a whole, but to moisten each bush separately;
  • Cleaning barely appeared, which are absolutely useless in the flowerbed;

Important! When planting long-flowering species, they try to divide so that about 5-6 buds remain on each seedling.

  • Competent fertilizer with complex compositions. You should not abuse the drugs - they will drive the green mass into growth, and the expected flowering can be very modest. The same applies to strong "organics" like unripe manure, which, if applied abundantly, can burn the rhizome;
  • Spraying with effective, but at the same time soft, formulations. Strong mixtures seem to remove pests, but at the slightest “overdose” they will significantly reduce decorative effect;
  • Removal of dry buds and diseased specimens.

Of course, some procedures look laborious compared to the usual ones, but in return you can get an impressive play of colors and tones that well-groomed plants provide. To do this, keep planting dates - bulbous species are placed in the ground during October, while similar varieties are planted in the spring. So achieve the effect of permanent flowering.

The right combination of colors in flower beds

This is the best "pen test" for an amateur landscape designer. After all, it is not enough to stock up on seedlings, you also need to correctly place them on the site, not forgetting to combine varieties by color. It is also necessary to take into account the location of buildings or trees - the light regime depends on them.

The most advantageous look such combinations:

Creating a beautiful flower bed is a real art, here you need to take into account a lot - types of plants, their compatibility, planting features. But an important role in creating a really interesting and luxurious flower bed is played by the scheme according to which flowers are planted. Bright colors of flowers, their height, arrangement in a certain order, form beautiful patterns, making the flower bed a carpet of fresh flowers. Creating a flower bed using a complex scheme and a large number of plants is not easy, but there are flowerbed diagrams for beginners where you can use a few plants and a fairly simple pattern - and the result will surely please you.

The traditional approach to flower bed design is to plant flowers in accordance with the scheme, but it is not uncommon for plants to be planted randomly in groups. Regardless of which approach you choose, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic principles of flower garden design in the following video:

It is not so difficult to create a flower bed on your own - you need to choose a suitable place, pick up flowers and decide on a scheme for planting them. If you want to plant plants in such a way that they form a certain pattern, you need to draw a diagram on a piece of paper, and then transfer the markings to the flower bed.

The simplest option is a round flower bed. You can decorate it as follows - plant a group of tall flowers in the center, for example, a delphinium, plant plants of the same species as a frame around the edges - balsam, flax or pansies (for example), and fill the distance between the center and the edge with flowers that bloom all summer, it can be petunia, pelargonium, marigolds, nasturtium, begonia semperflorens.

Drawing will help a lot in creating a flower bed - you will clearly see how best to arrange the flowers, a color scheme will give a visual idea of ​​​​the appearance of the flower bed

Spectacular flower bed, created according to a simple scheme. A graceful curl resembles a question mark, but it can also be a circle. Two types of plants in a contrasting color, in the center is a raised flower bed, but it is not necessary to make it, you can leave the center green or plant tall plants in it

When you create a scheme, you need to think about the colors and shades that you want to see in the flower garden. Color combinations in a flower bed can be very diverse.

Possible combinations of plants in the flower bed

In a small flower bed, flowers of the same shade look very good, you can use one or more types of plants of different heights, placing the high ones in the center, and the lower ones closer to the edge.

Such a colorful pretty flower bed can be created using just three plants. 1 - phlox in the background as the highest, 2 - meadow pelargonium, 3 - balsam or pansies

Composition of plants in contrasting colors

The use of shades that occupy the remote positions of the color spectrum will help create an effective contrasting composition. For example, a combination of blue and orange, yellow and purple, burgundy and green.

Two rather simple flower beds of a clear shape without a border. One looks spectacular thanks to the bright flowers of large-flowered begonia, on the other, yellow begonia and a frame of red flowers are combined in contrast.

Composition of flowers of similar shades

A flower bed will look very beautiful, where the shades of flowers smoothly replace each other. For example, pink, blue and lilac or hot pink, red and burgundy.

A flower bed with a predominance of burgundy color, the distance between the zones is filled with colored gravel, which can also be successfully used in the design of flower beds. It also makes it easier to care for different areas, because. you can walk on gravel without damaging the plants

Neutral composition

If you are a fan of bright accents, you can make a discreet, eye-pleasing flower bed in neutral colors - in white and green, green with pink or green with blue. Such a flower bed is visually able to make the space brighter or dilute bright colors where necessary.

Choose as the main colors snapdragons of white or light yellow hue or cornflowers. In combination with tall smooth molucella, you will get a very interesting low-key flower bed.

Four complex design schemes

We have already considered the simplest scheme for planting flowers in a flower bed. Now let's look at schemes for several more complex flower beds.

Round flower beds are usually central. If you have a large open area in front of the house, creating a round flower bed on it will allow the area to look smart. Use plants that bloom at the same time, in spring it can be bulbous, then they can be replaced with summer flowers

Scheme "flower" to create an elegant flower bed. Depending on the size, the central part can be occupied by lawn grass, ground cover plants, a layer of gravel or colored decorative sawdust

All schemes have a common point - the middle space is occupied by lawn grass, that is, these are rather large flower beds. If you want to use this pattern to create a small flower bed, the lawn can be replaced with ground cover plants, which are ideal for creating patterns. As plants for such flower beds, flowers that bloom at about the same time are suitable - daisies, zinnias, alpine forget-me-nots, viola, levkoy.

The “pattern” scheme will allow you to create an original flower bed, a pattern in the form of a wave can also be an independent flower bed on the lawn or along the paths

Oval "royal" flower bed. Her scheme is simple, but it will look great as a front flower bed in front of the house or in the center of the garden.

When you create a scheme, you need to think about the colors and shades that you want to see in the flower garden. Color combinations in a flower bed can be very diverse. There are no clear recommendations for choosing plants for these flowerbed schemes, you can choose where to plant the flowers you like, how best to combine them with each other.

Many modern gardeners, in an effort to decorate their plots in an original way, choose annual and perennial undersized flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable masterpiece flower garden, check out the descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Understand for yourself the criteria for their selection, planting methods, view design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flowerbed of permanent flowering

Types and varieties of undersized plants that bloom all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered undersized. Lovely flower beds are made up of both one variety of such flowers, and using several species. Multi-tiered compositions bordered by miniature flowering specimens and borders with a border of compact bushes look great in summer. Many varieties of perennials are long-flowering, even more among annuals.

Blooming border is gorgeous

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their plots, which:

  1. Quickly (during the landing season) they allow you to ennoble the territory by compiling an excellent composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to pick up specimens for any zones on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile soil and poor.
  3. They do not need special care, top dressing, frequent watering in the summer.
  4. They give space to creative natures for exciting experiments with the annual update of garden design.
  5. Allow correction of oversights in the selection of varieties, colors in the next season.
  6. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners, as they are mostly unpretentious.

Bright flowerbed of annuals

Fans of perennials refer to the unjustified loss of time, money, and effort in the annual selection of plants for a flower bed, the hassle of seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial undersized flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, make it possible to avoid these worries for several years. But gradually they lose their decorative effect, and once every 5-7 years they have to be updated, while spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds with a special charm, but they do not please with such brightness and variety as annuals. It is also disputable that weeds cannot develop under the mats of perennial plantations. Yes, under thick curtains the germination of weed seeds, the development of emerging weeds is suppressed. But if they have already managed to make their way to the sun, it is much more difficult to destroy them than in the plantings of annuals.

perennial shaving

It is your choice to give preference to annual or perennial flowers, and perhaps a combination of both. In any case, it would be useful to get to know some of their species better.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane- one of the most beautiful annual undersized flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a "mat". In fact, its creeping succulent shoots with peculiar leaves that look like fleshy needles form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various tones can be simple and double, depending on the variety. The most popular are terry species that open buds in early summer and are decorative until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

Motley purslane rug

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, stony soil, does not need top dressing, frequent watering. But he needs the sun: in the shade, the shoots stretch out, become thinner, the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane open only in bright light, which is why it, even planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a rainy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • cloud beater.

Charming Flamenco

And if you are planning to use annual low-growing white flowers for decorating a flower bed, it is difficult to find anything more suitable than a purslane variety with the speaking name White-flowered.

This purslane should be called Snow White

Tagetes (marigolds)- an exceptionally unpretentious undersized flower, which even a child can grow. Marigolds do not require specific soil, regular watering. But for all their non-capriciousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is rare. From the first days of summer to autumn frosts, they delight with bright flowers of various colors in warm tones, which makes the flower bed “sunny” even in bad weather.

Compact bushes are distinguished by two types of marigolds: rejected and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly cute and attractive.

Undersized tagetes in the design of the border
Marigolds rejected
Marigolds thin-leaved

Examples of other long flowering annuals

Petunia- a rather capricious favorite of landscape designers and gardeners in growing, there are many varieties that differ in various shapes and colors. It is possible to distinguish luxurious large-flowered and modestly, but abundantly flowering types of petunias. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rains that are detrimental to terry specimens. But you can also find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become garden favorites.

Butterfly F1 - tenderness itself

Lobelia- these purple, white, and more often blue undersized flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed that comes to life in early summer and fades only by October. Spherical miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes love sunny places with loose, but not very fertile loam-type soil. Timely watering is important in care, especially in hot weather; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly wet.

Lobelia, grade Blue

Calceolaria- an unusual undersized plant that will decorate a flower bed in a shady place. Calceolaria is not just shade-tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated for it. This exotic loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: when water gets on velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative effect.

exotic calceolaria

Iberis grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place, the soil loves light, breathable. It has small fragrant often snow-white inflorescences, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, lilac color. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. Perfectly combined in combined flower beds. For example, the neighborhood of white iberis and small red carnation flowers for a flower bed is a very advantageous option.

Delightful snow-white iberis

carnation annual(Chinese). A charming neighbor of Iberis can please not only with red, but also with pink, white, purple flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Loves the sun, resistant to frost. Being a perennial by nature, it can sometimes overwinter.

Chinese Carnation Scarlett

Beautiful perennials - charming constancy

If one day you successfully pick up perennial species of low-growing long-flowering flowers for a flower bed, you can get rid of spring troubles for its improvement for a number of years and from the first days of summer enjoy the beauty on your site. Various carnations, hardy asters, saxifrage and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

Beautiful flower beds - the visiting card of the site

Astra alpine- a herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for it is openwork penumbra, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, it is the longest in Rosea.

Aster Alpine Rosea

carnation grass- an unpretentious undersized perennial, the dark green of which is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers during the summer month and a half. Along with perennial arabis, pyrethrum, primroses, it can act as beautiful border flowers for edging flower beds or paths.

Carnation grass as a border

Everblooming begonia is rightfully the leader among the flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer. Plantings of begonias blaze with a variety of elegant inflorescences from May-June until late autumn. It can bloom almost all year round if transferred to a warm room for the winter. Exceptionally decorative are not only flowers, but also begonia leaves, pleasing to the eye in shape and color.

Terry Everblooming Begonia

By the color of the leaves, green-leaved, bronze-leaved hybrids are distinguished. The height of undersized bushes, as a rule, is in the range of 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to growing conditions. The soil for the flower bed should be rich in humus, slightly acidic, moisture-intensive, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in summer causes root rot.

About 600 hybrids of ever-flowering begonia are known. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador;
  • Bada bing, bada boom;
  • Senator.

Everblooming begonias in a flower bed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Queen;
  • Cocktail;
  • Luchik.

ground covers

Ground cover contenders for a place in the flower garden

Among the undersized perennials, there are many ground cover or carpet flowers for flower beds of continuous flowering. It is useful to get acquainted with several representatives of this group.

Phlox subulate. It is extremely unpretentious, forms curtains up to 10 cm high. It loves the sun and dry land, it is afraid of stagnant water. Already from the beginning of May, for two months it is covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

Phlox subulate

sedum(sedum). Among half a thousand varieties, you can pick up sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. Stonecrop does not need watering, top dressing, hibernates without shelter - isn't it a godsend for summer residents with limited time? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only one of them can make a motley colorful flower bed.

Sedum prominent

Dyusheneya. A fast-growing ground cover, sun-loving, great on any soil. But in order for the Duchenea rug to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. The original leaves and fruits of duchenea are very decorative in summer. However, it is worth remembering that berries, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, are inedible.

Duchenea Indian

aubrieta. Bright representative of carpet, ideal for rock gardens. It can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms for a month and a half from May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. Winters with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that shaving grows aggressively, like duchenea - both of these species can suppress, even survive neighbors.

Aubrieta Light Blue
Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - undersized bushes in a flower bed

In garden design, not only herbaceous plants are often used, but also beautiful trees and shrubs. If you have the idea to use them in landscaping the site, then perennial undersized bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flower bed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will bring an elegant green note to a motley composition. Among them are the following types.

Mini-garden of begonias and conifers

Heather. Evergreen shrub with low growth rate. Needs well-drained moist soil, thrives well in full sun or partial shade. For the winter, it is recommended to mulch and cover it.


Gualteria recumbent. A creeping evergreen ground cover shrub that blooms beautifully in summer, including September. Dark green leaves are very decorative, by winter they become bronze-red. Gualteria prefers partial shade, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, does not tolerate drought.

Gualteria recumbent

creeping willow. Attractive dwarf slow growing shrub with thin, elastic shoots. In early May, before the foliage blooms, it is covered with silvery, and in summer with yellow, earrings. Light and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy soils, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

creeping willow

Cotoneaster Dummer. Dense spreading undersized shrub. In mid-May it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later, the decorativeness of the bush is supported by multiple light red fruits. He loves the sun, partial shade, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant.

Cotoneaster Dummer

Japanese spirea. Compact creeping shrub. Numerous pinkish inflorescences formed in the middle of summer adorn the bushes for a month and a half. Original golden yellow leaves. Spirea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, sun-loving.

Japanese spirea

Juniper horizontal. For a flower bed, dwarf forms are good, for example, the Blue Chip variety. This is a slow-growing conifer with a bluish coloration of dense, prickly needles. Photophilous, undemanding to the soil, frost-resistant.

Juniper horizontal

Planting low-growing flowers that bloom all summer

If you are going to create a colorful, constantly pleasing corner on the site, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed so that they bloom all summer and even part of autumn.

imitation stream

The principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to the arrangement and filling of the future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss such moments:

  1. Before running to the store for seeds of low-growing flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the place of its possible location, study what the illumination and shade are, the characteristics of the soil, and its moisture content. This is necessary for the correct choice of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to design a beautiful flower bed. For your first flower bed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not need special care.
  3. It is important to choose species for one flower garden with similar requirements for growing conditions.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of undersized plants in order to avoid indiscriminate mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of color combinations for flowering plantations. Excessive brightness, variegation are inappropriate, may indicate poor taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organic.
  6. In order for the flower arrangement to look spectacular all summer, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods for it.
  7. When arranging flowers, you need to consider the viewing angle. If the flower bed is viewed from all sides, higher specimens should be placed in the center. If its view is possible from one side, the background should become a place for tall specimens.
  8. To achieve a decent result, a preliminary layout of the flower garden is required with the help of a landscape designer or on your own.

Combinations of bright and white tones are spectacular

Schemes of continuously flowering flower beds

For self-planning of a flower bed since the winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw its plan in detail on paper. The sketch should show:

  • the contours and dimensions of the flower garden on a scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • the distance between them;
  • color scheme (adjust if necessary).

Important! It must be borne in mind that undersized perennials, growing, will eventually take up more space - on the plan, and subsequently, when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

Perennial flower garden

By deciding to do the layout of the flower bed yourself, you will save a substantial amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a beginner in design matters, the task may seem daunting, but at first, you can use ready-made diagrams and plans found in gardening books, or offered below. Here, for example, is a scheme for filling a flower bed only with perennials.

Below is a simple flower bed for beginner gardeners, where blue delphinium (1) and red phlox paniculata (2) act as dominant undersized plants. When making a flower bed, they are planted first. In front of them is placed a garden geranium (3) of purple color. Frame the flower garden with a ground cover, a yellow cuff (4).

Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals that bloom all summer for your flower bed, you can use the information about them presented above, as well as study the range of plants presented in the diagrams and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint planting of bulbous, annuals and perennials. Below you can get acquainted with a few more simple schemes.

Scheme of a mixed flower bed of continuous flowering
Landings in pink
Flowerbed of annuals

Ready-made projects are not a dogma; it is not necessary to implement them with the utmost accuracy. You should not give up on your plan if you could not buy the planting material of any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another with similar characteristics, coloring and bring the selected scheme to the ideal. And for creative inspiration, watch short videos.

Shaded flower garden plan

Video: Examples of designing flower beds with undersized flowers

Video: Decoration of flower beds with marigolds

Low-growing flowers, both annuals and perennials, are a wonderful choice for your yard. Do not be afraid to experiment, show imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and create an interesting, original, exemplary composition that you can be proud of all summer.

Many modern gardeners, in an effort to decorate their plots in an original way, choose annual and perennial undersized flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable masterpiece flower garden, check out the descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Understand for yourself the criteria for their selection, planting methods, view design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flowerbed of permanent flowering

Types and varieties of undersized plants that bloom all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered undersized. Lovely flower beds are made up of both one variety of such flowers, and using several species. Multi-tiered compositions bordered by miniature flowering specimens and borders with a border of compact bushes look great in summer. Many varieties of perennials are long-flowering, even more among annuals.

Blooming border is gorgeous

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their plots, which:

  1. Quickly (during the landing season) they allow you to ennoble the territory by compiling an excellent composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to pick up specimens for any zones on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile soil and poor.
  3. They do not need special care, top dressing, frequent watering in the summer.
  4. They give space to creative natures for exciting experiments with the annual update of garden design.
  5. Allow correction of oversights in the selection of varieties, colors in the next season.
  6. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners, as they are mostly unpretentious.

Bright flowerbed of annuals

Fans of perennials refer to the unjustified loss of time, money, and effort in the annual selection of plants for a flower bed, the hassle of seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial undersized flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, make it possible to avoid these worries for several years. But gradually they lose their decorative effect, and once every 5-7 years they have to be updated, while spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds with a special charm, but they do not please with such brightness and variety as annuals. It is also disputable that weeds cannot develop under the mats of perennial plantations. Yes, under thick curtains the germination of weed seeds, the development of emerging weeds is suppressed. But if they have already managed to make their way to the sun, it is much more difficult to destroy them than in the plantings of annuals.

perennial shaving

It is your choice to give preference to annual or perennial flowers, and perhaps a combination of both. In any case, it would be useful to get to know some of their species better.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane- one of the most beautiful annual undersized flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a "mat". In fact, its creeping succulent shoots with peculiar leaves that look like fleshy needles form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various tones can be simple and double, depending on the variety. The most popular are terry species that open buds in early summer and are decorative until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

Motley purslane rug

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, stony soil, does not need top dressing, frequent watering. But he needs the sun: in the shade, the shoots stretch out, become thinner, the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane open only in bright light, which is why it, even planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a rainy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • cloud beater.

Charming Flamenco

And if you are planning to use annual low-growing white flowers for decorating a flower bed, it is difficult to find anything more suitable than a purslane variety with the speaking name White-flowered.

Tagetes (marigolds)- an exceptionally unpretentious undersized flower, which even a child can grow. Marigolds do not require specific soil, regular watering. But for all their non-capriciousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is rare. From the first days of summer to autumn frosts, they delight with bright flowers of various colors in warm tones, which makes the flower bed “sunny” even in bad weather.

Compact bushes are distinguished by two types of marigolds: rejected and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly cute and attractive.

Examples of other long flowering annuals

Petunia- a rather capricious favorite of landscape designers and gardeners in growing, there are many varieties that differ in various shapes and colors. It is possible to distinguish luxurious large-flowered and modestly, but abundantly flowering types of petunias. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rains that are detrimental to terry specimens. But you can also find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become garden favorites.

Butterfly F1 - tenderness itself

Lobelia- these purple, white, and more often blue undersized flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed that comes to life in early summer and fades only by October. Spherical miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes love sunny places with loose, but not very fertile loam-type soil. Timely watering is important in care, especially in hot weather; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly wet.

Lobelia, grade Blue

Calceolaria- an unusual undersized plant that will decorate a flower bed in a shady place. Calceolaria is not just shade-tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated for it. This exotic loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: when water gets on velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative effect.

exotic calceolaria

Iberis grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place, the soil loves light, breathable. It has small fragrant often snow-white inflorescences, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, lilac color. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. Perfectly combined in combined flower beds. For example, the neighborhood of white iberis and small red carnation flowers for a flower bed is a very advantageous option.

Delightful snow-white iberis

carnation annual(Chinese). A charming neighbor of Iberis can please not only with red, but also with pink, white, purple flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Loves the sun, resistant to frost. Being a perennial by nature, it can sometimes overwinter.

Chinese Carnation Scarlett

Beautiful perennials - charming constancy

If one day you successfully pick up perennial species of low-growing long-flowering flowers for a flower bed, you can get rid of spring troubles for its improvement for a number of years and from the first days of summer enjoy the beauty on your site. Various carnations, hardy asters, saxifrage and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

Astra alpine- a herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for it is openwork penumbra, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, it is the longest in Rosea.

Aster Alpine Rosea

carnation grass- an unpretentious undersized perennial, the dark green of which is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers during the summer month and a half. Along with perennial arabis, pyrethrum, primroses, it can act as beautiful border flowers for edging flower beds or paths.

Carnation grass as a border

Everblooming begonia is rightfully the leader among the flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer. Plantings of begonias blaze with a variety of elegant inflorescences from May-June until late autumn. It can bloom almost all year round if transferred to a warm room for the winter. Exceptionally decorative are not only flowers, but also begonia leaves, pleasing to the eye in shape and color.

Terry Everblooming Begonia

By the color of the leaves, green-leaved, bronze-leaved hybrids are distinguished. The height of undersized bushes, as a rule, is in the range of 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to growing conditions. The soil for the flower bed should be rich in humus, slightly acidic, moisture-intensive, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in summer causes root rot.

About 600 hybrids of ever-flowering begonia are known. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador;
  • Bada bing, bada boom;
  • Senator.

Everblooming begonias in a flower bed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Queen;
  • Cocktail;
  • Luchik.

ground covers

Ground cover contenders for a place in the flower garden

Among the undersized perennials, there are many ground cover or carpet flowers for flower beds of continuous flowering. It is useful to get acquainted with several representatives of this group.

Phlox subulate. It is extremely unpretentious, forms curtains up to 10 cm high. It loves the sun and dry land, it is afraid of stagnant water. Already from the beginning of May, for two months it is covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

Phlox subulate

sedum(sedum). Among half a thousand varieties, you can pick up sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. Stonecrop does not need watering, top dressing, hibernates without shelter - isn't it a godsend for summer residents with limited time? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only one of them can make a motley colorful flower bed.

Sedum prominent

Dyusheneya. A fast-growing ground cover, sun-loving, great on any soil. But in order for the Duchenea rug to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. The original leaves and fruits of duchenea are very decorative in summer. However, it is worth remembering that berries, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, are inedible.

Duchenea Indian

aubrieta. Bright representative of carpet, ideal for rock gardens. It can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms for a month and a half from May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. Winters with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that shaving grows aggressively, like duchenea - both of these species can suppress, even survive neighbors.

Aubrieta Light Blue

Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - undersized bushes in a flower bed

In garden design, not only herbaceous plants are often used, but also beautiful trees and shrubs. If you have the idea to use them in landscaping the site, then perennial undersized bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flower bed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will bring an elegant green note to a motley composition. Among them are the following types.

Mini-garden of begonias and conifers

Heather. Evergreen shrub with low growth rate. Needs well-drained moist soil, thrives well in full sun or partial shade. For the winter, it is recommended to mulch and cover it.

Gualteria recumbent. A creeping evergreen ground cover shrub that blooms beautifully in summer, including September. Dark green leaves are very decorative, by winter they become bronze-red. Gualteria prefers partial shade, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, does not tolerate drought.

Gualteria recumbent

creeping willow. Attractive dwarf slow growing shrub with thin, elastic shoots. In early May, before the foliage blooms, it is covered with silvery, and in summer with yellow, earrings. Light and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy soils, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

creeping willow

Cotoneaster Dummer. Dense spreading undersized shrub. In mid-May it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later, the decorativeness of the bush is supported by multiple light red fruits. He loves the sun, partial shade, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant.

Cotoneaster Dummer

Japanese spirea. Compact creeping shrub. Numerous pinkish inflorescences formed in the middle of summer adorn the bushes for a month and a half. Original golden yellow leaves. Spirea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, sun-loving.

Japanese spirea

Juniper horizontal. For a flower bed, dwarf forms are good, for example, the Blue Chip variety. This is a slow-growing conifer with a bluish coloration of dense, prickly needles. Photophilous, undemanding to the soil, frost-resistant.

Juniper horizontal

Planting low-growing flowers that bloom all summer

If you are going to create a colorful, constantly pleasing corner on the site, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed so that they bloom all summer and even part of autumn.

imitation stream

The principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to the arrangement and filling of the future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss such moments:

  1. Before running to the store for seeds of low-growing flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the place of its possible location, study what the illumination and shade are, the characteristics of the soil, and its moisture content. This is necessary for the correct choice of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to design a beautiful flower bed. For your first flower bed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not need special care.
  3. It is important to choose species for one flower garden with similar requirements for growing conditions.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of undersized plants in order to avoid indiscriminate mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of color combinations for flowering plantations. Excessive brightness, variegation are inappropriate, may indicate poor taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organic.
  6. In order for the flower arrangement to look spectacular all summer, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods for it.
  7. When arranging flowers, you need to consider the viewing angle. If the flower bed is viewed from all sides, higher specimens should be placed in the center. If its view is possible from one side, the background should become a place for tall specimens.
  8. To achieve a decent result, a preliminary layout of the flower garden is required with the help of a landscape designer or on your own.

Combinations of bright and white tones are spectacular

Schemes of continuously flowering flower beds

For self-planning of a flower bed since the winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw its plan in detail on paper. The sketch should show:

  • the contours and dimensions of the flower garden on a scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • the distance between them;
  • color scheme (adjust if necessary).

Important! It must be borne in mind that undersized perennials, growing, will eventually take up more space - on the plan, and subsequently, when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

Perennial flower garden

By deciding to do the layout of the flower bed yourself, you will save a substantial amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a beginner in design matters, the task may seem daunting, but at first, you can use ready-made diagrams and plans found in gardening books, or offered below. Here, for example, is a scheme for filling a flower bed only with perennials.

Below is a simple flower bed for beginner gardeners, where blue delphinium (1) and red phlox paniculata (2) act as dominant undersized plants. When making a flower bed, they are planted first. In front of them is placed a garden geranium (3) of purple color. Frame the flower garden with a ground cover, a yellow cuff (4).

Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals that bloom all summer for your flower bed, you can use the information about them presented above, as well as study the range of plants presented in the diagrams and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint planting of bulbous, annuals and perennials. Below you can get acquainted with a few more simple schemes.

Ready-made projects are not a dogma; it is not necessary to implement them with the utmost accuracy. You should not give up on your plan if you could not buy the planting material of any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another with similar characteristics, coloring and bring the selected scheme to the ideal. And for creative inspiration, watch short videos.

Shaded flower garden plan

Video: Examples of designing flower beds with undersized flowers

Video: Making flower beds with marigolds

Low-growing flowers, both annuals and perennials, are a wonderful choice for your yard. Do not be afraid to experiment, show imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and create an interesting, original, exemplary composition that you can be proud of all summer.