What loads windows 7 RAM. Reducing the consumption of RAM. What are the different types of memory: RAM, physical, video memory

RAM, or as it is also called, physical memory plays an important role in the speed of a computer and laptop. It is its volume that determines the number and "complexity" of simultaneously launched and running programs. The more physical memory, the more programs and games you can run on it.

To date, the minimum comfortable amount of RAM is 4GB. If it is less on your computer, then it is recommended to increase this volume by means of RAM strips to speed up the work.

But sometimes you can observe a situation when, when viewing the amount of consumed physical memory in the task manager, its volume is 90% or more. At the same time, not a single serious program or game is running, and the computer clearly slows down and periodically appears about the lack of virtual memory.

Determine what is loading physical memory?

Faced with a similar situation, the first step is to determine the culprit and find out which program or process consumes the most memory.

To do this, open the task manager by right-clicking on the taskbar, and select "Task Manager" in the menu that opens.

Launching the Task Manager

In it, go to the processes tab and if there is, check the box "Display processes of all users".

Processes tab in Task Manager with enabled sorting of processes by decreasing memory consumption

Now you can clearly see which program consumes the most memory.

Very often, in Windows 7, almost all of the physical memory is consumed by the svchost.exe process. If it is he who eats up all the RAM for you, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with.

In all other cases, just highlight the process that is consuming a lot of RAM and click the End Process button.

It is also worth checking the startup list and from it all unnecessary programs that are automatically loaded with the operating system and take up space in the physical memory of the computer.

For comfortable work at the computer in operating systems Windows 7 and higher


There are a number of programs that are essentially charlatan. All of them promise a miraculous increase in computer speed by freeing up space in the computer's RAM. To understand why this is useless and even harmful, first you need to understand - what is RAM in general?

What is RAM and why is it needed?

RAM(or RAM - R andom A ccess M emory, or RAM - O operative W reminiscent At device) - volatile memory used for temporary storage of instructions and data necessary for the calculations that the processor (or processors) of a computer does. More precisely and in detail about this is described in Wikipedia, and I will focus on the actual problem of free space in RAM.

Note: I am telling as simplified as possible, omitting many terms and features, leaving only the very essence required in the context of my note.

The processor needs RAM to fast access to data that the hard drive cannot provide in any way. Therefore, the program is loaded into RAM at startup - this is the only way the computer can do calculations, driving data to the processor from RAM and back.

In Windows, running programs can be physically located not only “in RAM cards”, but also on the hard disk in a file pagefile.sys This file is called a “paging file” or “swap” (from the English swap).

The idea is this: if a program takes up a lot of memory, part of it is dumped to the hard disk in the swap file, freeing up "living space" for other programs, and if necessary, the data is loaded back into RAM.

Problem is that the difference in speed between RAM and hard drive huge. This can be visually demonstrated like this:

To ensure that only unnecessary data is dumped into the paging file, the Memory Manager works in Windows. It works quite well, thanks to which, on a computer with 512 MB of RAM, you can run programs that take up more than a gigabyte of memory. A typical example is modern versions of Adobe Photoshop, 3DS Max and many other programs for complex calculations. Of course, with such a small amount of RAM, programs will strongly slow down, but work in them at the very least, but possible.

What do memory optimizers do?

I will draw an analogy with drugs for relieving symptoms - they do not treat the cause, they only relieve the symptoms. If a person has the flu, getting rid of a runny nose will not cure him. If the computer slows down and there is not enough free memory, it slows down not because of the occupied memory, but because of an overly resource-intensive program or, for example, overheating.

All optimizers are required show the amount of free space in RAM. And often with red letters and warnings that this negatively affects the speed of the computer. Which is actually not true. If the program needs all the RAM, then it is required for business (calculations) and work fast she will only be if she is given as many places as she asks for.

A typical example of programs that require large amounts of RAM are games. If the game requires 2 gigabytes of RAM, nothing can be done about it. Without the required amount of RAM, it will be problematic to play due to the low frame rate - the game will slow down due to the fact that part of the data will be located on a slow paging file. RAM optimizers create same negative effect.- after the memory is freed, the programs are allocated less memory than they need, which is why the “brakes” again begin.

Note #1: I'm not saying that the frame rate in games directly depends on the amount of RAM. By installing more RAM in a computer, it will be possible to increase performance only in those programs where the amount of RAM is really important without regard to other more important parameters: processor frequency, video card characteristics, RAM frequency, hard drive speed, etc.

Note #2: Errors occur with programs under the general name " memory leak“, when the program “grows” for no reason and takes up all the memory unnecessarily, but in this case it is necessary to require the developers of this program to fix the error, and not to free the memory by optimizers.

How memory optimizers work

Memory optimization programs (they may have different names - SuperRAM, FreeMemory, Memory Management SuperProMegaEdition, etc.) can free memory in several ways, but all of them are based on the principle of deceiving the Windows Memory Manager:

  1. The program calls the special EmptyWorkingSet() function, which forces all programs to unload "themselves" as much as possible into the swap file.
  2. The program begins to grow uncontrollably in memory, telling the Windows Memory Manager that it needs it for business (I'm talking in metaphors, but this is actually the case), causing the Memory Manager to dump as many programs as possible on the hard drive in a file swap.

The result is always the same: programs start to slow down, but the number of free space in RAM is green and the memory optimization program says that everything is fine. As a result, the user rejoices, opens a window with his favorite program and ... waiting. Because his favorite program is starting slow down a lot. This will be until the program returns "itself" to RAM from the paging file. As a result, the RAM fills up again, the free space indicator again reports that the memory is busy, the user gets angry, starts cleaning the memory, and everything happens in the second (third, fifth, tenth) circle.

Reverse effect - so that the program takes up all the RAM supposedly for fast work - it will not be possible to achieve. I used the word "allegedly" because in the ideal case (when there is enough memory) programs take as much memory as they need and this process cannot be interfered with.. If you intervene in the process, you will get brakes caused by frequent access to the paging file.

Another sad moment: memory optimizers cannot unload unnecessary programs from RAM. We determine their "uselessness" ourselves, everything is arranged differently in a computer. All programs are dumped into the swap file indiscriminately.

Conclusion #1: The release of RAM by optimizers is only to the detriment and reduces performance.

Conclusion #2: You can't judge the speed of a program by how much space it takes up in RAM.

Conclusion #3: if the program takes up a lot of space in RAM, it means that it operates with large amounts of data. Helping her "think" faster is possible only by increasing the amount of RAM, i.e. by putting more RAM cards in the computer. But it won't help if the rest of the PC's specs don't meet the requirements.

In order not to be unfounded, here is a link to similar conclusions with an explanation of the operation of the Windows Memory Manager: here.

How should memory be optimized?

The most obvious way to improve computer performance is to close unnecessary programs. The second is to install more RAM sticks (boards) so that programs “feel more at ease” and work faster. Other ways to speed up the computer, directly related to RAM, no.

I repeat once again: memory optimizers - nonsense in order to make money on gullible users. It's just as stupid to tweak the "hidden memory settings" in Windows, since everything is already set up optimally there after testing on a large number of computers. There are specific moments, but this does not apply to home computers.

About free RAM in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

On the forums, I often see indignant cries (quote): “ I installed Windows 7 (8, 10), looked at the Task Manager, and it says that one and a half gigabytes or all of the RAM is occupied! Windows 7 (8, 10) eats a lot of memory!»

In fact, everything is completely different and there is no reason to be indignant. Quite the opposite: in modern operating systems, free memory is allocated for cache. This is mainly due to the SuperFetch function. Programs run faster thanks to the cache since instead of accessing the hard disk, data is loaded from RAM (see the picture above, the difference in the speed of the hard disk and RAM is written in bold). If some program needs more RAM - cache instantly will reduce its size, giving way to its place. More about this is written on Habrahabr.


  1. The memory does not need to be cleared, because each byte of the volume is used to the maximum effectively.
  2. Forget about memory optimizers - they do not optimize anything, interfering with the cache and other Windows functions.
  3. If a lot of RAM is occupied immediately after turning on the computer, this is absolutely normal and is not the reason for the slow operation of programs. Of course, if autoload is clogged with a dozen or two programs that occupy this very memory, at the same time loading the processor and exploiting the hard disk, braking is a must. Such programs need to be dealt with by deleting them or removing them from startup, and not by clearing the memory with optimizers.

There is also a myth that when using Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10, the cache interferes with programs. Allegedly, "when a program needs more RAM, it turns out that it is clogged with cache, brakes appear." Actually this is not true. The cache disappears instantly and program straightaway the required amount of RAM becomes available.

Resizing the paging file, moving it, or disabling it

Also quite common, in some way harmful, advice. There is a good article about this on Habrahabr. I will just give the most important conclusions of that article, adding my own, from personal experience:

  1. Changing the size of the paging file does not make much sense. Theoretically, ideally, you should set the size of the swap file to no more than what the programs you are running need, but the problem is that even if you use the same programs of the same versions day after day, the situations are different (you can run in one browser tab, or maybe a hundred, each with an open game in Flash) and the requirements for available memory will be different - the supposed "ideal" page file size will change from minute to minute. Therefore, it makes no sense to change the size of the page file, since the "ideal size" of the page file changes constantly. It's easier to leave the size determined by the system and not fool yourself.
  2. If you disable the paging file on the system partition(in this case, the swap file can be used on other partitions), memory dump will not work on BSOD errors. Therefore, if the system shows a "blue screen of death", in order to identify the cause of the failure, you will first have to enable the paging file on the system partition, then wait for the failure to repeat. There is only one situation when it is advisable to disable the paging file on the system drive (lose the ability to diagnose) and enable it on another - if two or more are installed on the computer physical hard drives. Moving the paging file to a different physical drive can reduce stuttering due to disk load balancing.
  3. Disabling the paging file (completely, i.e. on all disks) will cause problems and crashes of resource-intensive programs. Believe it or not, even now, with an average of 16 GB of RAM installed in a home PC, there are programs that require more. Personally, I've encountered problems when rendering complex scenes with V-Ray and when working in the GIMP program - these programs are quite voracious in terms of available memory and close when there is not enough of it.
    Note: Obviously, programs usually do not write data to the swap file themselves, the OS does it for them (but there are exceptions). Be that as it may, a disabled swap file cannot be considered part of the normal computer operating mode.
  4. Moving the paging file to a RAM disk(very fast in-memory virtual disk) impractical.
    Firstly, and most importantly, when you start Windows, the RAM disk may be initialized later than the moment when the system needs a swap file. Anything can happen because of this - from BSOD to spontaneous system freezes (I encountered the above when I was testing this idea).
    Secondly, the size of such a paging file will be small - the memory is not rubber. There is a choice - either lack of RAM with a large paging file in memory, or program glitches when there is not enough space in a small paging file. There is no golden mean, because A computer can perform completely different tasks.
    The exception when you can create a large swap file on a RAM disk is if you have 16 GB of RAM or more. However, with this amount of RAM, the paging file is almost never used, it makes no sense to keep it in RAM.
    Thirdly, it just doesn't make sense, because swap is needed to expand virtual memory with a hard drive or SSD.

Clearing the paging file

In the swap file pagefile.sys a variety of confidential information can be stored - for example, pictures from recently opened pages in the browser. This is a normal process due to the peculiarities of how programs work in Windows. If desired, you can enable paging file cleanup when the computer is turned off. However, this tweak will not increase performance in any way, on the contrary, it will seriously slow down the shutdown and restart of the computer.

If you not work with confidential data, better do not include pagefile.sys cleanup.

Availability of more than 4 GB of RAM in Windows

The Internet is literally littered with users' arguments about why 3.5 GB of RAM is available in bit Windows instead of, for example, the installed 4 GB. Many theories, myths, legends were invented. For example, they believe that this is a limitation made by Microsoft, which can be removed. In fact, this is partly true - there is indeed a forced restriction. You just can't take it off. This is due to the fact that on 32-bit systems, drivers and programs can become unstable when the system uses more than four gigabytes of RAM. Drivers for 64-bit Windows are tested more thoroughly, the above-mentioned limitation is not there.

In 32-bit Windows, only 4 GB of RAM is available, in 64-bit Windows there is no such limitation and much more RAM is available - up to 192 GB.

But not everything is so simple. Windows 7 Starter(and its counterpart in Vista) does not see more than 2 GB of RAM. This is also a limitation, but not due to unstable software. The fact is that Windows 7 Initial is distributed exclusively on low-power netbooks, in fact, almost free of charge, so it was necessary to distance it from more expensive editions: Home Basic, Home Extended, Ultimate, etc. Some of the limitations of Windows 7 Starter can be lifted, but not the limit of two gigabytes of RAM.

As for the rest of the 32-bit editions of Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8/10: in practice, even less is available to the user - 3.5 GB. The thing is that drivers also have their own addresses, which deprive Windows programs of access to part of the memory of 512 megabytes. There is a patch that allows you to "push" such addresses beyond four gigabytes so that the system begins to use all 4 GB of RAM, but this practically does not make sense:

  • As I wrote above, drivers and programs will not be able to work correctly after such a patch, so the system may start to freeze, give errors, i.e. behave unpredictably.
  • Even if the computer has 8, 16, 32 GB or more RAM cards installed, this will not help to use them in the 32-bit mode of the operating system.

What's the point of having an extra 512MB of RAM available if the system becomes unstable? Here is a good example. You still have to install 64-bit Windows.

Just because you see 4GB of RAM doesn't mean it can be used effectively. The problem is that 32-bit Windows cannot correctly allocate more than 2 GB of physical RAM to a process (program). Many people forget about this - and in vain. It doesn't matter how much RAM is in the computer, if the program cannot be given more than 2 GB of RAM. Example: if a user works in 32-bit Windows with Photoshop on a computer with 4 GB of RAM, Photoshop will be able to use only two gigabytes maximum, the rest of the data will be thrown into the paging file and will start to slow down. It's the same with games.

In fact, only in a 64-bit operating system can programs use the full potential of RAM with a capacity of more than two gigabytes. And that's not all, but only designed to use more than 2 GB of RAM. The situation can again be corrected with the help of appropriate patches in 32-bit Windows, but this does not work with all programs. I repeat: only 64-bit Windows and 64-bit programs running in it are the only way to use the full potential of a large amount of RAM.

Meanwhile, the situation is different with server versions of Windows: much larger amounts of RAM are available there even in 32-bit versions of the OS. Why this happens is explained in the article Pushing the Limits of Windows: Physical Memory by Mark Russinovich.

To show the difference in memory requirements between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, I installed Windows 7 in both bits:

Memory consumption of Windows 7 of both bit depths

Both Windows were installed in the same virtual machines with 2 GB of RAM each. Of the programs, only VMWare Tools are installed (a trial version of the VMWare virtual machine was used). In 32-bit Windows 7, it was highlighted 606 MB, in 64-bit - 766 . Dedicated memory- it's generally all virtual memory occupied by programs and system (in RAM and paging file). The occupied RAM will be less, depending on the programs running.

You may have slightly different values ​​on a freshly installed system, because the systems may be of different editions, with different drivers, etc. But the result will always be the same:

Windows 7 (and 8) 64-bit takes up only about 150 MB more RAM than the 32-bit version.

If you turn to the official page with the system requirements of Windows 7 and Windows 8, you can see that 32-bit Windows 7/8 requires a computer with 1 GB of RAM, and 64-bit requires a minimum of 2 GB. Indeed, if you use 64-bit Windows 7/8 on a computer with 1 GB of RAM, there will be little free memory left, which will reduce the performance of the computer due to a clear lack of RAM. On a scale of 2 gigabytes, the loss of 0.15 part of a gigabyte will already be barely noticeable, but the advantages of a 64-bit system and 64-bit programs will begin to appear.

Conclusion: On a computer with less than 2 GB of RAM, it is more profitable to install 32-bit Windows 7/8/10. On a computer with more than 2 GB of RAM (or equal), nothing prevents the installation of 64-bit Windows 7/8/10.

The advantages of the 64-bit version of Windows 7/8/10 are described above, so I recommend switching to it as soon as possible.

Increasing RAM with ReadyBoost

Here, Microsoft itself introduced confusion at the time of the release of Vista, telling on its official website that with the help of ReadyBoost you can solve the problem with a lack of RAM according to the principle “insert a USB flash drive and expand the amount of RAM”. Actually it is not. With the ReadyBoost technology running, a special file is created on the USB flash drive, where the most frequently used files are copied. Thanks to this, some programs start faster, which partially eliminates the problem of computer freezes, but, unfortunately, does not improve the performance of the system as a whole and, moreover, does not increase the amount of RAM. ReadyBoost allows partially solve problems related to reading a slow hard drive, and nothing more.

Summing up

  • You can't use RAM optimizers.
  • Touching the memory settings is the same, even if the program has a lot of hints that give a feeling of control over the situation.
  • Free RAM in Windows Vista/7/8/10 is used for good, it's better not to touch this functionality - everything works well, there is practically nothing to improve.
  • If your computer slows down, then this most likely not because of the occupied memory (it is occupied by a useful cache), but because of either a large number of running programs or one program that “takes” everything for itself.

Nothing slows down the system like a lack of RAM. Often, if your memory is loaded to the eyeballs, the system starts to slow down terribly, or even completely freezes when performing a particular task. What to do in this case?

Let's take a look at the steps to follow when loading RAM by 90% or more.

  • First you need to restart your computer. This is done for the simplest reason - if the system slows down, then it will be very difficult to perform certain tasks. Reboot and go to the second point.
  • We check the autorun system for the presence of any garbage. We go "Start" - "Run", enter in the "MSConfig" field, then go to the "Startup" tab and remove as many checkmarks as possible. Ideally, there should be only one checkmark responsible for downloading the antivirus. We restart the computer. Thus, we free up RAM from unnecessary trash that is loaded with the start of the computer.
  • Usually a large piece of RAM is eaten by programs, in particular, such as antivirus, firewall, AutoCAD, office applications. If you are not using a particular program at a certain time, then do not keep it open. Also pay attention to the desktop background, you should not put a picture with a resolution of 2000 pixels if the maximum resolution of your screen is 1280 pixels on the large side.
  • It is also worth checking your computer for viruses, as viruses often hanging in autoruns greatly slow down the system. Update your anti-virus program and scan your system for virus activity.
  • The surest and most expensive way would be to increase the RAM. To do this, you need to open the system unit of the computer and check if there is a free slot where you can put another bar of RAM. If there is, then boldly buy more memory and insert it there. If not, then simply replace the installed bar with a larger bar.

As a result, all actions come down to cleaning the RAM, as well as its expansion. If you have additional funds, then it will not be superfluous to buy a bar of RAM, thereby increasing system performance. If there is no money, then you should simply optimize the system by cleaning the startup of the computer.

Name of the standard Memory type Memory frequency Bus frequency Data transfer per second (MT/s)
PC2-3200 DDR2-400 100 MHz 200 MHz 400 3200 MB/s
PC2-4200 DDR2-533 133 MHz 266 MHz 533 4200 MB/s
PC2-5300 DDR2-667 166 MHz 333 MHz 667 5300 MB/s
PC2-5400 DDR2-675 168 MHz 337 MHz 675 5400 MB/s
PC2-5600 DDR2-700 175 MHz 350 MHz 700 5600 MB/s
PC2-5700 DDR2-711 177 MHz 355 MHz 711 5700 MB/s
PC2-6000 DDR2-750 187 MHz 375 MHz 750 6000 MB/s
PC2-6400 DDR2-800 200 MHz 400 MHz 800 6400 MB/s
PC2-7100 DDR2-888 222 MHz 444 MHz 888 7100 MB/s
PC2-7200 DDR2-900 225 MHz 450 MHz 900 7200 MB/s
PC2-8000 DDR2-1000 250 MHz 500 MHz 1000 8000 MB/s
PC2-8500 DDR2-1066 266 MHz 533 MHz 1066 8500 MB/s
PC2-9200 DDR2-1150 287 MHz 575 MHz 1150 9200 MB/s
PC2-9600 DDR2-1200 300 MHz 600 MHz 1200 9600 MB/s
Name of the standard Memory type Memory frequency Bus frequency Data transfers per second(MT/s) Peak Data Rate
PC3-6400 DDR3-800 100 MHz 400 MHz 800 6400 MB/s
PC3-8500 DDR3-1066 133 MHz 533 MHz 1066 8533 MB/s
PC3-10600 DDR3-1333 166 MHz 667 MHz 1333 10667 MB/s
PC3-12800 DDR3-1600 200 MHz 800 MHz 1600 12800 MB/s
PC3-14400 DDR3-1800 225 MHz 900 MHz 1800 14400 MB/s
PC3-16000 DDR3-2000 250 MHz 1000 MHz 2000 16000 MB/s
PC3-17000 DDR3-2133 266 MHz 1066 MHz 2133 17066 MB/s
PC3-19200 DDR3-2400 300 MHz 1200 MHz 2400 19200 MB/s

The tables indicate exactly the peak values, in practice they may be unattainable.
For a comprehensive assessment of the capabilities of RAM, the term memory bandwidth is used. It also takes into account the frequency at which data is transmitted and the bus width and the number of memory channels.

You at least check what you throw, the latest version of dws is sewn bad

First things first, DWS has found its last refuge in this repository which has the latest and probably the last versions of this utility. All other resources, including the official and currently abandoned GitHub repository of previous and original developers cannot be trusted anymore for the reasons explained herein later.
Secondly, and now I would like to turn to history, as you all probably know, DWS(abandoned GitHub repository), which stands for Destroy Windows Spying, originally was developed almost solely by a guy who goes by nickname Nummer, with Akita Inu on his avatar, whose Tweeter account named @nummerok was also recently abandoned, who, for quite a some time has been thinking about rewriting the utility from scratch(tweet) until one day he decided to pass it all over to a new developer whom he thought he could trust, whose name was renessans, Twitter account name was @renessans_bz. The developer represented themselves as a Russian based company, RENESSANS LLC, with site renessans.bz, that possesses enough resources(tweet) to continue the development and to take the utility to a whole new level. Since the community trusted Nummer, and despite there were a few, who thought that sweet talks of the new developer among with some noticed nuances like fake physical address of a legal entity, such as a company, just can bring no good, we gave the new developer a chance. After a short period of joint development, during which some minor changes were implemented and one major feature was added, Nummer handed over the control and the development to the new developer and retired. The major feature was the updater, which was supposed to be used later for distribution of malicious pieces of code, but renessans did not come up with anything smarter than polluting his potential botnet with adware malware, which to be said was quickly detected, followed by a tweet from Nummer, but unfortunately at that point he's lost the control already.
Thus, the intentions were revealed and the developer along with his company disappeared, leaving the community with a well-known utility that could not be trusted anymore at then current state. That "s when our good friend known by nickname Wohlstand stepped in to heal the disease by removing the updater and to regain the lost trust, and that"s how two last versions of DWS have seen the light, for Win7 /8/8.1 and for Win10. These versions now are hosted under Wohlstand's repository and can be safely downloaded and used, but keep in mind several things — DWS has not been actively developed for several years already which renders it morally outdated and as such it cannot be used as a proper Windows spying capabilities removal tool; Since DWS is not another tweaker, but as the name suggests is a spying features destroyer, and as such it does not discriminates the applications by actual need to some user, but prevents from any of these applications, known at the time of development to be spying after their users, from contacting their servers and actually removing(destroying) some of them, so don't be surprised that Windows Store, Skype or any other very useful for you application cannot be used anymore, and this is the reason behind one of the rules of this public chat. The source code is published so you can see what utility does and try to revert back manually in case you disabled restore points and thus none were created check the history of this chat since some of very useful apps were restored by others and they have published here the clues.
There were some talks about giving a new life to this project, but none of us have the time needed to commit ourselves to it, not now and not in the foreseeable future, that"s said of course anything and everything can change.
Last thing to be mentioned is our fraternal group that is used as a chat for general subjects for people from here. It "s relatively small audience though, that"s why we want to keep this group clean from other subjects, but DWS.

but if you really want to install DWS, then it's better to use this version with RENESSANS removed (only suitable for Windows 10).

The further the computer industry develops, the more RAM is required for the stable operation of applications. A few years ago, 4 or 8 GB of RAM seemed like a huge figure, which is enough for a stable computer operation even with heavy applications, while now a computer can use 4 GB to perform the simplest tasks - for example, when working with a browser. The “appetites” of application developers for RAM have increased significantly, and at the same time, the operating system has begun to consume significantly more RAM. In this article, we will look at how to reduce the consumption of RAM by system and third-party applications on a computer running the Windows 10 operating system.

We recommend reading:

Disabling spyware and additional functionality

The Windows 10 operating system is constantly evolving. It introduces new features, some of which are available for the US and European market, but do not work in Russia. At the same time, these functions actively consume computer resources, including RAM, constantly working in the background.

One example to consider is the voice assistant Cortana. She does not speak Russian, while her services work, including in the Russian version of the Windows 10 operating system. By disabling them, you can reduce the consumption of RAM by Windows. There are many other utilities that consume RAM, but are not used by most users: Windows Defender, Windows Updater, Voice Recorder, Xbox, and more.

Also, the Windows 10 operating system is famous for the presence of a considerable number of “spyware” applications. These are processes that collect information about how a user interacts with a computer. The user agrees to the collection of this information after installing the operating system, and they constantly work in the background, consuming RAM. To reduce the load on RAM, it is recommended to disable the so-called telemetry services.

All the programs discussed above can be disabled on your own using the Services utility, optimizing the list of startup processes and rummaging through the Windows 10 settings in order to deactivate unnecessary functions. But it's even easier to do this with the Destroy Windows 10 Spying app.

This application is distributed free of charge. It has a clear interface (there is a Russian language). The application allows you to remove unnecessary system programs from your computer, as well as optimize the operation of services and utilities.

Important: Before using the Destroy Windows 10 Spying application, it is recommended that you create a restore point and make sure that you have a system backup.

It is worth noting that the program in question is able to deactivate the “extra” functionality not only of the Windows operating system itself, but also of the Office 2016 office suite, which also collects user telemetry.

Disabling Superfetch

One of the Windows 10 features that can consume a significant amount of RAM is Superfetch. This service stores information about applications, services, processes, and more in the computer's RAM. On a computer with enough power, it can increase its speed. But with limited RAM, it is better to turn it off.

To disable Superfetch, open the list of Windows services. The easiest way to do this is to enter “Services” in the search. And run the found application.

Find Superfetch services in the list, double-click on it with the left mouse button, and then select the “Disabled” option in the “Startup type” item. Save changes and restart your computer.

Disabling "unnecessary" services

In addition to the “spyware” services discussed above, there are a huge number of various other services running in the background of Windows 10, most of which are never used. At the same time, they consume computer resources, including RAM. To reduce RAM usage by Windows 10, you can disable all (or some) of these services.

May cause problems with the system. The best way is to use the Easy Service Optimizer application. It allows you to suspend the work of “extra” services and processes in a couple of clicks.

Easy Service Optimizer analyzes Window when it starts s, after which it prompts the user to turn off services that she considers “unnecessary”. At the same time, the application offers 3 options for working: safe, optimal and extreme. Depending on the selected option, the number of services to be disabled will change.

To disable services that the program considers inefficient, just click on the “Apply settings to marked services” button from the top, after selecting one of the modes.

Reducing the load on RAM from the browser

One of the main consumers of RAM in a computer is the browser. It does not matter which one - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Yandex Browser, Opera or any other. All of these browsers consume a lot of RAM, largely due to "heavy" sites, but often because of their own processes.

To reduce the consumption of RAM by the browser, you can use the built-in options. Depending on the browser, the list of settings that need to be disabled (or enabled) to reduce RAM consumption changes. For example, in Google Chrome, without losing the quality of the browser, you can disable services for sending information to Google.

The Yandex browser has the settings “Optimize images” and “Unload inactive tabs from memory”. Their activation also allows you to reduce the consumption of RAM.

Do not forget about various external decorations. For example, the animated background that works in Yandex Browser by default also consumes a large amount of RAM. It is worth turning it off if there is a shortage of RAM.

Please note: You can also use some third-party extensions such as OneTab or TabMemFree to optimize your browser experience.

Automatic cleaning of RAM

If even after all the above work on optimizing your computer, the memory is sorely lacking, you can use an application that will forcefully clear the RAM from the stored data. The program that can do this is called Mem Reduct.

After installing the application, the user will always be able to control the consumption of RAM. The lower control panel will constantly display information about the percentage of memory used.

If you need to clear the RAM, you can open the program and click "Clear Memory". Also in the application settings, you can set a “hot key” for instant cleaning of RAM, or set the parameters under which the program will automatically clear the memory, for example, when RAM is loaded above 90% or every hour.