Read the story of the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari, the adventures of Cipollino. The Adventures of Cipollino. Description of the work. Main characters


In which Cipollone crushed Prince Lemon's leg

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were just unlucky in life.

What can you do: where there are onions, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack slightly larger than a garden seedling box. If rich people happened to find themselves in these places, they wrinkled their noses with displeasure and grumbled: “Ugh, that sounds like a bow!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

One day, the ruler of the country himself, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried whether the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

– What will the prince say when he smells this poverty?

– You can spray the poor with perfume! – suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts to perfume those who smelled of onions. This time the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. The cans contained: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all his relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up and sprayed them thoroughly from head to toe with cologne. This fragrant rain gave Cipollino, out of habit, a severe runny nose. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear the drawn-out sound of a trumpet coming from afar.

It was the ruler himself who arrived on the outskirts with his retinue of Limonov, Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed all in yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell jingled on his yellow cap. The court Lemons had silver bells, and the Limon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells rang incessantly, so that the result was magnificent music. The whole street came running to listen to her. The people decided that a traveling orchestra had arrived.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. They both received a lot of pushes and kicks from those who were pressing from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:

- Back! Siege back!..

Prince Lemon became wary. What is it?

He approached Cipollone, stepping majestically with his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

– Why are you shouting “back”? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they are rushing forward, and you don’t like it, do you?

“Your Highness,” the Senior Chamberlain whispered in the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel.” He needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately one of the Limonchik soldiers pointed a telescope at Cipollone, which was used to observe troublemakers. Every Lemonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

“Your Highness,” he muttered, “but they’ll push me in!”

“And they will do great,” thundered Prince Lemon. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “His Highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for the zealous kicks with which you treat each other.” Push harder, push with all your might!

“But they’ll knock you off your feet, too,” Cipollino tried to object.

But now another Lemonchik pointed a telescope at the boy, and Cipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows did not press too hard on the front rows. But the Senior Chamberlain looked so fiercely at the careless people that in the end the crowd became agitated, like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, old Cipollone spun head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had significant calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the stars of heaven without the help of the court astronomer. Ten Lemon soldiers rushed from all sides at the unfortunate Cipollone and handcuffed him.

- Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away.

Cipollino at that moment was very far from the scene of the incident and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It’s good that he was caught in time,” said the idle talkers. “Just think, he wanted to stab His Highness with a dagger!”

- Nothing of the kind: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!

- Machine gun? In the pocket? This cannot be!

– Don’t you hear the shooting?

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but the crackling of festive fireworks arranged in honor of Prince Lemon.

(Illustrations published by "Detgiz", 1960, artist E. Galeya)

History of creation

The Adventures of Cipollino was created by Gianni Rodari in 1951. The fairy tale became very popular among Soviet readers, who became acquainted with it in 1953, when the Russian translation of the work was published. They say that the work of the Italian communist writer gained fame in the USSR thanks to the efforts of Samuel Marshak, who patronized Gianni Rodari in every possible way. After all, it is he who owns the translations of Rodari’s poems. So in this case: “The Adventures of Cipollino” was published in Russian under the editorship of the same Marshak.

In the 50s of the 20th century in the USSR, the magazine “Funny Pictures” was popular among children and adults. Its main characters were Dunno, Pinocchio and other heroes of Soviet fairy tales known at that time. Soon Cipollino successfully “joined” their ranks. And five years later, a cartoon of the same name was released, which has not lost its relevance today. The images of the characters were successfully played out by director Boris Dezhkin.

In 1973, a screen version of the film “The Adventures of Cipollino” appeared. Gianni Rodari also found a role here: himself, a writer and storyteller. By the way, for many decades the fairy tale was included in the compulsory study program for schoolchildren.

Description of the work. Main characters

The direction of the work is a social fairy tale, which raises a number of problems. Consists of 29 chapters, an epilogue and “Songs” of the heroes.

Main plot

Cipollino, the key character of the work, angered the formidable Senor Tomato. The boy's father accidentally steps on Mr. Lemon's foot. And then he goes to prison. Cipollino faces a task: to help out his father. Friends come to his aid.

At the same time, new problems are brewing in the town: Senor Tomato decides to destroy Pumpkin’s house, which, as it turns out, was built on the master’s territory. Cipollino and his friends help the residents overcome the arrogant Countesses Cherries, the evil Mr. Lemon and the nasty Senor Tomato.

Psychological characteristics of the main characters, personality, character, their place in the work

The following characters are featured in “The Adventures of Cipollino”:

  • Cipollino— onion boy. Brave, kind, charismatic.
  • Cipollone- Father Cipollino. Arrested: he made an “attempt” on the ruler of the country, Prince Lemon, by stepping on his toes.
  • Prince Lemon- the evil ruler of the “fruit and vegetable” country.
  • Countesses Cherries- nasty aunties, mistresses of the village where Cipollino’s friends live.
  • Senor Tomato- Cipollino's enemy. In the fairy tale, this is the countess's housekeeper, Cherry.
  • Count Cherry- nephew of the Countess Cherry, who supports Cipollino.
  • Strawberry- a servant in the house of countesses Vishenok, a friend of Cipollino.
  • Pumpkin- an old man living in a tiny house. Cipollino's friend.

There are also many other heroes in the fairy tale: girlfriend Radish, lawyer Pea, violinist Professor Pear, gardener Onion Leek, rag picker Bean, glutton Baron Orange, blackmailer Duke Mandarin, zoo inhabitants and villagers.

Analysis of the work

“The Adventures of Cipollino” is an allegory tale in which the author tried to show social injustice. In the images of Countess Cherry, Senor Tomato, and Prince Lemon, the Italian large landowners are ridiculed, and under the images of Cipollino and his friends the common people are shown.

Cipollino himself is the embodiment of a leader whom others can follow. With the support of friends and like-minded people, it becomes possible to change the existing order, which does not suit the population. Even among the opposite camp, you can find friends who support the self-respect and interests of ordinary people. In the work, Cherry is depicted as such a hero - a representative of the rich who supports the common people.

“The Adventures of Cipollino” is a fairy tale not only for children. Most likely even for teenagers and adults. She teaches: you cannot tolerate injustice and believe fabulous promises. Even in modern society there is a division into social strata. But humanity, mutual assistance, justice, goodness, the ability to get out of any situation with dignity - exists outside of time.

The Adventures of Cipollino
Gianni Rodari

A fairy tale by the famous Italian writer Gianni Rodari. The hero of Cipollino's story, the onion boy, wanders through a fairyland, protecting the poor and fighting oppressors.




In_which_Cipollone_ crushed_Prince_Lemon_'s_leg

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were just unlucky in life.

What can you do: where there are onions, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack slightly larger than a garden seedling box. If rich people happened to find themselves in these places, they wrinkled their noses with displeasure and grumbled: “Ugh, that sounds like a bow!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

One day, the ruler of the country himself, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried whether the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

– What will the prince say when he smells this poverty?

– You can spray the poor with perfume! – suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts to perfume those who smelled of onions. This time the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. The cans contained: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all his relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up and sprayed them thoroughly from head to toe with cologne. This fragrant rain gave Cipollino, out of habit, a severe runny nose. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear the drawn-out sound of a trumpet coming from afar.

It was the ruler himself who arrived on the outskirts with his retinue of Limonov, Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed all in yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell jingled on his yellow cap. The court Lemons had silver bells, and the Limon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells rang incessantly, so that the result was magnificent music. The whole street came running to listen to her. The people decided that a traveling orchestra had arrived.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. They both received a lot of pushes and kicks from those who were pressing from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:

- Back! Siege back!..

Prince Lemon became wary. What is it?

He approached Cipollone, stepping majestically with his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

– Why are you shouting “back”? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they are rushing forward, and you don’t like it, do you?

“Your Highness,” the Senior Chamberlain whispered in the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel.” He needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately one of the Limonchik soldiers pointed a telescope at Cipollone, which was used to observe troublemakers. Every Lemonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

“Your Highness,” he muttered, “but they’ll push me in!”

“And they will do great,” thundered Prince Lemon. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “His Highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for the zealous kicks with which you treat each other.” Push harder, push with all your might!

“But they’ll knock you off your feet, too,” Cipollino tried to object.

But now another Lemonchik pointed a telescope at the boy, and Cipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows did not press too hard on the front rows. But the Senior Chamberlain looked so fiercely at the careless people that in the end the crowd became agitated, like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, old Cipollone spun head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had significant calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the stars of heaven without the help of the court astronomer. Ten Lemon soldiers rushed from all sides at the unfortunate Cipollone and handcuffed him.

- Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away.

Cipollino at that moment was very far from the scene of the incident and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It’s good that he was caught in time,” said the idle talkers. “Just think, he wanted to stab His Highness with a dagger!”

- Nothing of the kind: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!

- Machine gun? In the pocket? This cannot be!

– Don’t you hear the shooting?

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but the crackling of festive fireworks arranged in honor of Prince Lemon. But the crowd was so frightened that they shied away from the Lemon soldiers in all directions.

Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people that his father did not have a machine gun in his pocket, but only a small cigar butt, but, after thinking, he decided that you still couldn’t argue with the talkers, and wisely remained silent.

Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he began to see poorly - this is because huge tears welled up in his eyes.

- Get back, stupid! – Cipollino shouted at her and clenched his teeth so as not to roar.

The tear got scared, backed away and never showed up again.

In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to imprisonment not only for life, but also for many, many years after death, because Prince Lemon's prisons also had cemeteries.

Cipollino secured a meeting with the old man and hugged him tightly:

- My poor father! You were put in jail like a criminal, along with thieves and bandits!..

“What are you saying, son,” his father interrupted him affectionately, “but the prison is full of honest people!”

– Why are they imprisoned? What bad did they do?

- Absolutely nothing, son. That's why they were jailed. Prince Lemon doesn't like decent people.

Cipollino thought about it.

– So, going to prison is a great honor? - he asked.

- It turns out so. Prisons are built for those who steal and kill, but for Prince Lemon it’s the other way around: the thieves and murderers are in his palace, and honest citizens are in prison.

“I also want to be an honest citizen,” said Cipollino, “but I just don’t want to go to prison.” Just be patient, I'll come back here and free you all!

– Aren’t you relying on yourself too much? – the old man smiled. - This is not an easy task!

- But you'll see. I will achieve my goal.

Then some Limonilka from the guard appeared and announced that the date was over.

“Cipollino,” the father said in parting, “now you are already big and can think about yourself.” Uncle Chipolla will take care of your mother and brothers, and you go to wander around the world, learn some wisdom.

- How can I study? I don’t have books, and I don’t have money to buy them.

– It doesn’t matter, life will teach you. Just keep your eyes open - try to see through all sorts of rogues and swindlers, especially those who have power.

- And then? What should I do then?

– You will understand when the time comes.

“Well, let’s go, let’s go,” Limonishka shouted, “enough chatting!” And you, ragamuffin, stay away from here if you don’t want to go to jail yourself.

Cipollino would have responded to Limonishka with a mocking song, but he thought that it was not worth going to jail until you had time to properly get down to business.

He kissed his father deeply and ran away.

The next day he entrusted his mother and seven brothers to the care of his good uncle Cipolla, who was a little more fortunate in life than the rest of his relatives - he served somewhere as a gatekeeper.

Having said goodbye to his uncle, mother and brothers, Cipollino tied his things in a bundle and, attaching it to a stick, set off on his way. He went wherever his eyes led him and must have chosen the right road.

A few hours later he reached a small village - so small that no one even bothered to write its name on the pillar or on the first house. And this house was, strictly speaking, not a house, but some kind of tiny kennel, which was only suitable for a dachshund. An old man with a reddish beard sat at the window; he looked sadly at the street and seemed to be very preoccupied with something.



“Uncle,” asked Cipollino, “what took it into your head to climb into this box?” I would like to know how you will get out of it!

- Oh, it's quite easy! - answered the old man. - It’s much more difficult to enter. I would love to invite you over, boy, and even treat you to a glass of cold beer, but there’s no room for the two of you here. Yes, to tell the truth, I don’t even have beer.

“It’s okay,” said Cipollino, “I don’t want to drink... So this is your house?”

“Yes,” answered the old man, whose name was godfather Pumpkin. “It’s true that the house is a bit cramped, but when there’s no wind, it’s nice here.”

It must be said that godfather Pumpkin only completed the construction of his house on the eve of this day. Almost from childhood, he dreamed that he would someday have his own house, and every year he bought one brick for future construction.

But, unfortunately, godfather Pumpkin did not know arithmetic and had to ask the shoemaker, Master Vinogradinka, from time to time to count the bricks for him.

“We’ll see,” said Master Grape, scratching the back of his head with an awl.

- Six seven-forty two... nine down... In short, you have seventeen bricks in total.

– Do you think this will be enough for the house?

– I would say no.

- How to be?

- That's up to you. If you don’t have enough for a house, make a bench out of bricks.

- What do I need a bench for? There are already a lot of benches in the park, and when they are occupied, I can stand.

Master Grape silently scratched with an awl, first behind his right ear, then behind his left, and went into his workshop.

And godfather Pumpkin thought and thought and in the end decided to work more and eat less. So he did.

Now he managed to buy three or four bricks a year.

He became as thin as a matchstick, but the pile of bricks grew.

The people said:

“Look at godfather Pumpkin! You'd think he was pulling bricks out of his own belly. Every time he adds a brick, he loses a kilogram.”

So it went on year after year. Finally the day came when godfather Pumpkin felt that he was getting old and could no longer work. He again went to Master Grape and told him:

- Be so kind as to count my bricks.

Master Grape, taking an awl with him, left the workshop, looked at the pile of bricks and began:

- Six seven-forty two... nine down... In a word, in total you now have one hundred and eighteen pieces.

- Enough for the house?

- In my opinion, no.

- How to be?

- I don’t really know what to tell you... Build a chicken coop.

- Yes, I don’t have a single chicken!

- Well, put a cat in the chicken coop. You know, a cat is a useful animal. She catches mice.

“That’s true, but I don’t have a cat either, and to tell the truth, I haven’t even got mice yet.” For no reason and nowhere...

- What do you want from me? - Master Grape sniffled, fiercely scratching the back of his head with an awl. – One hundred and eighteen is one hundred and eighteen, no more, no less. Right?

- You know better - you studied arithmetic.

Godfather Pumpkin sighed once or twice, but seeing that his sighs were not adding more bricks, he decided to begin construction without further ado.

“I’ll build a very, very small house out of bricks,” he thought as he worked. “I don’t need a palace, I’m small myself.” And if there aren’t enough bricks, I’ll use paper.”

Godfather Pumpkin worked slowly and carefully, afraid to use up all his precious bricks too quickly.

He placed them one on top of the other as carefully as if they were glass. He knew well what each brick was worth!

“This,” he said, taking one of the bricks and stroking it like a kitten, “this is the same brick that I got ten years ago for Christmas.” I bought it with the money I saved for chicken for the holiday. Well, I’ll enjoy the chicken later, when I finish my construction, but for now I’ll do without it.

Over each brick he let out a deep, deep sigh. And yet, when the bricks ran out, he still had a lot of sighs left, and the house turned out to be tiny, like a dovecote.

“If I were a dove,” thought poor Pumpkin, “I would be very, very comfortable here!”

And now the house was completely ready.

Godfather Pumpkin tried to enter it, but his knee hit the ceiling and almost brought down the entire structure.

“I’m getting old and clumsy. We need to be more careful!”

He knelt in front of the entrance and, sighing, crawled inside on all fours. But here new difficulties emerged: you can’t get up without hitting the roof with your head; You can’t stretch out on the floor because the floor is too short, and it’s impossible to turn on your side because it’s cramped. But most importantly, what about the legs? If you climbed into the house, you need to pull your legs inside, otherwise they will get wet in the rain.

“I see,” thought godfather Pumpkin, “that I can only live in this house sitting.”

So he did. He sat down on the floor, carefully taking a breath, and on his face, which appeared through the window, there was an expression of the darkest despair.

- Well, how are you feeling, neighbor? - Master Grape inquired, leaning out of the window of his workshop.

“Thank you, not bad!..” answered godfather Pumpkin with a sigh.

– Aren’t your shoulders narrow?

- No no. After all, I built the house exactly according to my measurements.

Master Grape scratched the back of his head, as always, with an awl and muttered something incomprehensible. Meanwhile, people gathered from all sides to look at the house of godfather Pumpkin. A whole horde of boys rushed over. The smallest one jumped onto the roof of the house and began to dance, singing:

_Nose_ is _in_the_attic_window!_

- Be careful, boys! - Godfather Pumpkin begged. “You’re going to bring my house down, he’s still so young, new, he’s not even two days old!”

To appease the boys, godfather Pumpkin pulled out of his pocket a handful of red and green candies that he had lying around since I don’t know when, and distributed them to the boys. They grabbed the candies with a joyful squeal and immediately fought among themselves, dividing the spoils.

Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino. CHAPTER 1” by Gianni Rodari to children before bed, so that the good ending of the fairy tale makes them happy and calm and they fall asleep. How charmingly and soulfully the description of nature, mythical creatures and the way of life of the people was conveyed from generation to generation. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them every day in our everyday life. How clearly the superiority of the positive heroes over the negative ones is depicted, how lively and bright we see the former and the petty ones - the latter. The story takes place in distant times or “A long time ago” as people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of the heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they “breathe life” into the creation and the events taking place in it. A small amount of detail in the surrounding world makes the depicted world more rich and believable. The fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino. CHAPTER 1” by Gianni Rodari is certainly necessary to read for free online not by children alone, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

CHAPTER 1: In which Cipollone crushed Prince Lemon's leg

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were just unlucky in life.

What can you do: where there are onions, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack slightly larger than a garden seedling box. If rich people happened to find themselves in these places, they wrinkled their noses with displeasure and grumbled: “Ugh, that sounds like a bow!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

One day, the ruler of the country himself, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried whether the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

- What will the prince say when he smells this poverty?

- You can spray the poor with perfume! - suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts to perfume those who smelled of onions. This time the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. The cans contained: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all his relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up and sprayed them thoroughly from head to toe with cologne. This fragrant rain gave Cipollino, out of habit, a severe runny nose. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear the drawn-out sound of a trumpet coming from afar.

It was the ruler himself who arrived on the outskirts with his retinue of Limonov, Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed all in yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell jingled on his yellow cap. The court Lemons had silver bells, while the Limon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells rang incessantly, so that the result was magnificent music. The whole street came running to listen to her. The people decided that a traveling orchestra had arrived.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. They both received a lot of pushes and kicks from those who were pressing from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:

- Back! Siege back!..

Prince Lemon became wary. What is it?

He approached Cipollone, stepping majestically with his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

- Why are you shouting “back”? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they are rushing forward, and you don’t like it, do you?

“Your Highness,” the Senior Chamberlain whispered in the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel.” He needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately one of the Limonchik soldiers pointed a telescope at Cipollone, which was used to observe troublemakers. Every Lemonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

“Your Highness,” he muttered, “but they’ll push me in!”

“And they will do great,” thundered Prince Lemon. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “His Highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for the zealous kicks with which you treat each other.” Push harder, push with all your might!

“But they’ll knock you off your feet, too,” Cipollino tried to object.

But now another Lemonchik pointed a telescope at the boy, and Cipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows did not press too hard on the front rows. But the Senior Chamberlain looked so fiercely at the careless people that in the end the crowd became agitated, like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, old Cipollone spun head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had significant calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the stars of heaven without the help of the court astronomer. Ten Lemon soldiers rushed from all sides at the unfortunate Cipollone and handcuffed him.

- Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away.

Cipollino at that moment was very far from the scene of the incident and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It’s good that he was caught in time,” said the idle talkers. “Just think, he wanted to stab His Highness with a dagger!”

- Nothing of the kind: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!

- Machine gun? In the pocket? This cannot be!

- Don’t you hear the shooting?

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but the crackling of festive fireworks arranged in honor of Prince Lemon. But the crowd was so frightened that they shied away from the Lemon soldiers in all directions.

Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people that his father did not have a machine gun in his pocket, but only a small cigar butt, but, after thinking, he decided that you still couldn’t argue with the talkers, and wisely remained silent.

Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he began to see poorly - this is because huge tears welled up in his eyes.

- Go back, stupid! - Cipollino shouted at her and clenched his teeth so as not to roar.

The tear got scared, backed away and never showed up again.

In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to imprisonment not only for life, but also for many, many years after death, because Prince Lemon's prisons also had cemeteries.

Cipollino secured a meeting with the old man and hugged him tightly:

- My poor father! You were put in jail like a criminal, along with thieves and bandits!..

“What are you saying, son,” his father interrupted him affectionately, “but the prison is full of honest people!”

- Why are they imprisoned? What bad did they do?

- Absolutely nothing, son. That's why they were jailed. Prince Lemon doesn't like decent people.

Cipollino thought about it.

- So, going to prison is a great honor? - he asked.

- It turns out so. Prisons are built for those who steal and kill, but for Prince Lemon it’s the other way around: the thieves and murderers are in his palace, and honest citizens are in prison.

“I also want to be an honest citizen,” said Cipollino, “but I just don’t want to go to prison.” Just be patient, I'll come back here and free you all!

- Aren't you relying on yourself too much? - The old man smiled. - This is not an easy task!

- But you'll see. I will achieve my goal.

Then some Limonishka from the guard appeared and announced that the meeting was over.

“Cipollino,” the father said in parting, “now you are already big and can think about yourself.” Uncle Chipolla will take care of your mother and brothers, and you go to wander around the world, learn some wisdom.

- How can I study? I don’t have books, and I don’t have money to buy them.

- It doesn’t matter, life will teach you. Just keep your eyes open - try to see through all sorts of rogues and swindlers, especially those who have power.

- And then? What should I do then?

- You will understand when the time comes.

“Well, let’s go, let’s go,” Limonishka shouted, “enough chatting!” And you, ragamuffin, stay away from here if you don’t want to go to jail yourself.

Cipollino would have responded to Limonishka with a mocking song, but he thought that it was not worth going to jail until you had time to properly get down to business.

He kissed his father deeply and ran away.

The next day he entrusted his mother and seven brothers to the care of his good uncle Cipolla, who was a little more fortunate in life than the rest of his relatives - he served somewhere as a gatekeeper.

Having said goodbye to his uncle, mother and brothers, Cipollino tied his things in a bundle and, attaching it to a stick, set off on his way. He went wherever his eyes led him and must have chosen the right road.

A few hours later he reached a small village - so small that no one even bothered to write its name on the pillar or on the first house. And this house was, strictly speaking, not a house, but some kind of tiny kennel, which was only suitable for a dachshund. An old man with a reddish beard sat at the window; he looked sadly at the street and seemed to be very preoccupied with something.

In which Cipollone crushed Prince Lemon's leg

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were just unlucky in life.

What can you do: where there are onions, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack slightly larger than a garden seedling box. If rich people happened to find themselves in these places, they wrinkled their noses with displeasure and grumbled: “Ugh, that sounds like a bow!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

One day, the ruler of the country himself, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried whether the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

– What will the prince say when he smells this poverty?

– You can spray the poor with perfume! – suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts to perfume those who smelled of onions. This time the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. The cans contained: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all his relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up and sprayed them thoroughly from head to toe with cologne. This fragrant rain gave Cipollino, out of habit, a severe runny nose. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear the drawn-out sound of a trumpet coming from afar.

It was the ruler himself who arrived on the outskirts with his retinue of Limonov, Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed all in yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell jingled on his yellow cap. The court Lemons had silver bells, and the Limon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells rang incessantly, so that the result was magnificent music. The whole street came running to listen to her. The people decided that a traveling orchestra had arrived.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. They both received a lot of pushes and kicks from those who were pressing from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:

- Back! Siege back!..

Prince Lemon became wary. What is it?

He approached Cipollone, stepping majestically with his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

– Why are you shouting “back”? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they are rushing forward, and you don’t like it, do you?

“Your Highness,” the Senior Chamberlain whispered in the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel.” He needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately one of the Limonchik soldiers pointed a telescope at Cipollone, which was used to observe troublemakers. Every Lemonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

“Your Highness,” he muttered, “but they’ll push me in!”

“And they will do great,” thundered Prince Lemon. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “His Highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for the zealous kicks with which you treat each other.” Push harder, push with all your might!

“But they’ll knock you off your feet, too,” Cipollino tried to object.

But now another Lemonchik pointed a telescope at the boy, and Cipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows did not press too hard on the front rows. But the Senior Chamberlain looked so fiercely at the careless people that in the end the crowd became agitated, like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, old Cipollone spun head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had significant calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the stars of heaven without the help of the court astronomer. Ten Lemon soldiers rushed from all sides at the unfortunate Cipollone and handcuffed him.

- Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away.

Cipollino at that moment was very far from the scene of the incident and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It’s good that he was caught in time,” said the idle talkers. “Just think, he wanted to stab His Highness with a dagger!”

- Nothing of the kind: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!

- Machine gun? In the pocket? This cannot be!

– Don’t you hear the shooting?

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but the crackling of festive fireworks arranged in honor of Prince Lemon. But the crowd was so frightened that they shied away from the Lemon soldiers in all directions.

Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people that his father did not have a machine gun in his pocket, but only a small cigar butt, but, after thinking, he decided that you still couldn’t argue with the talkers, and wisely remained silent.

Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he began to see poorly - this is because huge tears welled up in his eyes.

- Get back, stupid! – Cipollino shouted at her and clenched his teeth so as not to roar.

The tear got scared, backed away and never showed up again.

In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to imprisonment not only for life, but also for many, many years after death, because Prince Lemon's prisons also had cemeteries.

Cipollino secured a meeting with the old man and hugged him tightly:

- My poor father! You were put in jail like a criminal, along with thieves and bandits!..

“What are you saying, son,” his father interrupted him affectionately, “but the prison is full of honest people!”

– Why are they imprisoned? What bad did they do?

- Absolutely nothing, son. That's why they were jailed. Prince Lemon doesn't like decent people.

Cipollino thought about it.

– So, going to prison is a great honor? - he asked.

- It turns out so. Prisons are built for those who steal and kill, but for Prince Lemon it’s the other way around: the thieves and murderers are in his palace, and honest citizens are in prison.

“I also want to be an honest citizen,” said Cipollino, “but I just don’t want to go to prison.” Just be patient, I'll come back here and free you all!

– Aren’t you relying on yourself too much? – the old man smiled. - This is not an easy task!

- But you'll see. I will achieve my goal.

Then some Limonilka from the guard appeared and announced that the date was over.

“Cipollino,” the father said in parting, “now you are already big and can think about yourself.” Uncle Chipolla will take care of your mother and brothers, and you go to wander around the world, learn some wisdom.

- How can I study? I don’t have books, and I don’t have money to buy them.

– It doesn’t matter, life will teach you. Just keep your eyes open - try to see through all sorts of rogues and swindlers, especially those who have power.

- And then? What should I do then?

– You will understand when the time comes.

“Well, let’s go, let’s go,” Limonishka shouted, “enough chatting!” And you, ragamuffin, stay away from here if you don’t want to go to jail yourself.

Cipollino would have responded to Limonishka with a mocking song, but he thought that it was not worth going to jail until you had time to properly get down to business.

He kissed his father deeply and ran away.

The next day he entrusted his mother and seven brothers to the care of his good uncle Cipolla, who was a little more fortunate in life than the rest of his relatives - he served somewhere as a gatekeeper.