A warm summer has arrived and a rainy, rainy autumn has arrived. Test work in the Russian language (dictations) (grade 4). II. Free dictation

The proposed tests in the Russian language (dictations, test copying, grammar tasks, work on sentences and texts) will allow the teacher to find out how firmly and consciously students have mastered the material on the topics covered in the first quarter.

2nd class


Purpose of the work– check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling proper names, words with combinations zhi – shi, cha - sha, chu - chu, chk, chn; ability to transfer words.

Option 1

Our groves

Our groves are good. The birches there are beautiful. How many birds there are in the groves! Spotted woodpeckers are knocking. The rooks are screaming. And how the tits whistle! People often go to the grove to listen to the birds singing.

Grammar tasks

1. In words People, walk
variegated, listen.

Option 2


There is a hollow in the old pine tree. A red squirrel lives in a hollow. She often jumps on branches. The squirrel dried the mushrooms. There are large reserves in the nest. There are nuts and cones. This is the animal's food for the whole winter.

Grammar tasks

1. In words squirrel, animal emphasize the letters of soft consonants.
2. Split to hyphenate words: redhead, nuts.


Purpose of the work– identify the ability to copy text without errors.

Option 1

Russian meadows

Russian meadows adorn our native land. Walk through the meadow on a warm day. Admire the wonderful flowers and butterflies. Listen to the buzz of the bumblebee and the bee. Important protect the beauty of the meadows and guard his life inhabitants.

Note: repeat the underlined words syllable by syllable.

Option 2


A cockerel is walking around the yard. There is a red comb on the head. There is a red beard under the nose. Petya's nose is like a chisel. Petya's tail is like a wheel. There are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. With his paws, Petya rakes the pile and calls together the hens and chicks.

I. Text of the educational presentation on the issues.

The hedgehog is sleeping

Grandfather Ivan brought the children to the garden. He showed them a mound of earth under a bush.
This hedgehog dug a hole. He dragged herbs into it and climbed in.
Now the hedgehog is sleeping. He will wake up only in the spring.


1. What did the children see in the garden?
2. What did they learn from grandfather Ivan?
3. Why do you think the grandfather showed the children the hedgehog’s home?

Plan questions and words for constructing answers

1. Where did grandfather Ivan bring the children? ( To the garden.)
2. What did he show them? ( A mound of earth under a bush.)
3. Who dug the hole? ( Hedgehog.)
4. What did he do? ( I got some grass and climbed in.)
5. What does the hedgehog do now? ( Sleeping.)
6. When will he wake up? ( Only in the spring.)

II. Make up 4-5 sentences about the weather today using these words.

Sun, wind, rain, morning, afternoon, evening. It shines, it goes, it blows, it drizzles. Warm, cold, damp.

III. Restore warped text

Exercise. Arrange the sentences to create a coherent story. Write the text in your notebook. Underline familiar spellings.

Her wing was broken.
At home he treated the bird.
In the park, Petya saw a sick crow.
In the spring the crow flew away.
The boy brought the crow home.

3rd grade


Purpose of the work– check the development of the spelling skill of unstressed vowels at the root of a word, a soft separating sign, voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word.

Option 1

Christmas tree

Summer has passed. It rained all week. There is a small Christmas tree hiding at the edge of the forest. The branches of the Christmas tree were fluffy and tender. The top of the head reached towards the light. The rain gave her clean water. The trees threw their bright colors on her. The birch tree covered her with golden leaves. Grow, Christmas tree, and make us happy!

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, identify the parts of speech.
2. Disassemble the words according to their composition small, herringbone, gold.

Option 2

Everything is blooming

A willow blossomed at the edge of the forest. There are no leaves on the tree yet. The branches are all in flowers - in yellow fluffy balls. The whole willow tree looks like a yellow ball. The bees are buzzing. They take the first honey.
By evening it got cold. The ball fell silent. Some bees managed to fly to the hives. Others froze. They don't have the strength to flap their wings. They stayed overnight on the flowers.

Grammar tasks

1. In the first sentence, identify the parts of speech.
2. Write two words with the same root as in the word it's getting cold.


Purpose of the work– identify the ability to copy from handwritten text, find the boundaries of a sentence and correctly formulate a sentence.


In every folk tale there is a dream: one day my grandfather planted a turnip, it grew big, why did my grandfather so want to grow a big turnip, he had to feed himself, his grandmother, and his granddaughter; the Russian village used to feed on cabbage and turnips; a big, big turnip always made the family happy.


By the sea

There was a storm at night. A strong wind was blowing. The whole house was shaking. The waves roared menacingly.
By morning the storm had subsided. Natasha and Seryozha went to the sea. Natasha picked up a small crustacean from the sand. The waves washed him ashore. He moved his paws weakly. The girl threw the crustacean into the water. He tumbled in the green water and swam away.
There was a fish swimming on its side in the puddle. Seryozha caught her and released her into the sea. Then he found two snails. They are almost dry.
On this day, the children saved many sea animals.

Words for reference: picked it up from the sand, moved it, found it, snails, almost.


1. What happened at night?
2. Where did Natasha and Seryozha go this morning?
3. Who did Natasha save?
4. Who did Seryozha save?

II. Free dictation.


A large beaver crawled onto the shore. The tail is thick and flat, like a shovel. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs.
He examined the young aspen tree, grabbed the trunk with his front paws, and began to gnaw. The beaver worked quickly. The tree collapsed.
The beaver gnawed the branches and dragged them to the water. He moved quickly, deftly. Soon the beaver appeared again and headed towards the tree.
There were hills on the shore. The beavers covered the branches of the trees with mud. These were the homes of beavers.

III. Continue the story from this beginning.

At the circus

On Sunday our whole class went to the circus. There were a lot of kids there. The circus sparkled with lights. The bell called everyone to their seats. Entered the arena... .

4th grade


Purpose of the work- test the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules, put a comma when homogeneous members of a sentence.

Option 1


The warm summer has passed. It's a stormy, rainy autumn. Migratory birds are preparing for a long journey. Swallows are the first to raise the alarm. They feel the cold autumn approaching. The early departure of these birds predicts an early winter.
Flocks of cranes, ducks, and geese will follow them. With a loud cry, our summer guests fly away to warm countries. Have a nice trip!

Grammar tasks

1. In the penultimate sentence, underline the main members.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the sixth sentence. ( Early... .)

Option 2

Autumn has come to the forest. It’s rare now that a hedgehog manages to eat a delicious lunch. The nimble lizards disappeared. It's hard to find bugs and frogs. A hedgehog walks through high hummocks and forest glades.
On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares a warm winter hut for itself. Night and day he drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. Winter will come soon. A heavy snowdrift will cover his hole. I feel good under a deep snowdrift. The hedgehog will sleep all winter until the spring sun.

Grammar tasks

1. In the seventh sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence. Indicate which parts of speech express the subject and predicate.

2. Write out from the text any two adjectives that have the same composition as in the word delicious. (Answer: For example, forest, autumn, snow, …)


Purpose of the work– test the ability to copy text and detect spelling.


1. Read. Write down a description of Nastya’s appearance, and then Mitrasha.

2. Describe the appearance of your friend (girlfriend). Write 3-4 sentences.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Their mother died, their father died during the Patriotic War. The children were very nice.
Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shimmered with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up.
Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only about ten years old. He was stocky, but very dense, with a broad forehead and a wide nape. He was a stubborn and strong boy.


I. Text of the educational presentation.


One day, border guards were walking from a detachment to the outpost. It was getting light. Suddenly something flashed under the thick branches of a huge tree. The border guards carefully approached the tree and saw a small fawn. He looked at people trustingly and with curiosity. No traces of the deer were found. Apparently something happened to her. The border guards took the fawn with them.
At the outpost, the first thing they decided to do was feed him. The baby did not put anything in his mouth. One border guard offered to buy a pacifier, and the fawn greedily began to suck the milk. Everyone's favorite grew quickly and gained strength. He willingly ate the cookies and sweets that the border guards gave him.
The fawn grew up and began to often offend domestic animals. He was sent to a nursery. Border guards often visited him.

Rough plan

1. Border guards found a fawn in the forest.
2. Border guards were caring for a fawn.
3. The fawn was sent to a nursery.

Reference: outpost- military unit providing security; nursery – place for breeding animals.

II. Description essay “My favorite tree.”

Describe your favorite tree as it can be seen from afar, from a great distance.


1. Who does it look like? ( A dancing girl? A hunched old man? For some forest animal? To whom?)
2. What kind of outfit does the tree have? ( What does its crown look like? What do the branches look like? In your arms? Black lightning? On the sleeves of a green dress? For what?)
3. What is your tree doing now? ( Bent over to touch the grass? Frozen in the dance? Leaned back? Reaching for the sky?)

Describe your favorite tree so that everyone would want to see it.

III. Using these adjectives, compose and write down phrases with a noun that has a suitable meaning. Highlight the generic endings of adjectives.


The purpose of the work is to test the ability to detect spelling patterns in a text, write words in the range of learned rules, and use a comma for homogeneous parts of a sentence.

Option 1

The warm summer has passed. It's a stormy, rainy autumn. Migratory birds are preparing for a long journey. Swallows are the first to raise the alarm. They feel the cold autumn approaching. The early departure of these birds predicts an early winter.
Flocks of cranes, ducks, and geese will follow them. With a loud cry, our summer guests fly away to warm countries. Have a nice trip!

Grammar tasks

1. In the penultimate sentence, underline the main members.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the sixth sentence. (Early... .)

Option 2

Autumn has come to the forest. It’s rare now that a hedgehog manages to eat a delicious lunch. The nimble lizards disappeared. It's hard to find bugs and frogs. A hedgehog walks through high hummocks and forest glades.
On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares a warm winter hut for itself. Night and day he drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. Winter will come soon. A heavy snowdrift will cover his hole. I feel good under a deep snowdrift. The hedgehog will sleep all winter until the spring sun.

Grammar tasks

1. In the seventh sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence. Indicate which parts of speech express the subject and predicate.

2. Write out from the text any two adjectives that have the same composition as in word-tasting. (Answer: for example, forest, autumn, snowy, ...)


The purpose of the work is to test the ability to copy text and detect spelling.


1. Read. Write down a description of Nastya’s appearance, and then Mitrasha.

2. Describe the appearance of your friend (girlfriend). Write 3-4 sentences.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Their mother died, their father died during the Patriotic War. The children were very nice.
Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shimmered with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up.
Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only about ten years old. He was stocky, but very dense, with a broad forehead and a wide nape. He was a stubborn and strong boy.


I. Text of the educational presentation.


One day the border guards were walking from a detachment to the outpost. It was getting light. Suddenly something flashed under the thick branches of a huge tree. The border guards carefully approached the tree and saw a small fawn. He looked at people trustingly and with curiosity. No traces of the deer were found. Apparently something happened to her. The border guards took the fawn with them.
At the outpost, the first thing they decided to do was feed him. The baby did not put anything in his mouth. One border guard offered to buy a pacifier, and the fawn greedily began to suck the milk. Everyone's favorite grew quickly and gained strength. He willingly ate the cookies and sweets that the border guards gave him.
The fawn grew up and began to often offend domestic animals. He was sent to a nursery. Border guards often visited him.

Rough plan

1. Border guards found a fawn in the forest.
2. Border guards were caring for a fawn.
3. The fawn was sent to a nursery.

Reference: outpost - a military unit providing security; nursery - a place for breeding animals.

II. Description essay “My favorite tree.”

Describe your favorite tree as it can be seen from afar, from a great distance.

1. Who does it look like? (A dancing girl? A hunched old man? Some forest animal? Who?)
2. What kind of outfit does the tree have? (What does its crown look like? And what do its branches look like? Like hands? Like black lightning? Like the sleeves of a green dress? What?)
3. What is your tree doing now? (Bent over to touch the grass? Frozen in a dance? Leaned back? Reaching for the sky?)

Describe your favorite tree so that everyone would want to see it.

III. Using these adjectives, compose and write down phrases with a noun that has a suitable meaning. Highlight the generic endings of adjectives.

Idle, festive
honorable, respectful
understandable, understandable
glass, glass
spare, thrifty
memorable, memorable

Occupation, dress
vase, plant
wheel, animal
person, gift

1. Dictation No. 1 for the section “Simple sentence with homogeneous members”

Berry addresses

Have you come to the forest to pick berries? Who can tell you their addresses? Ask the forest stumps for the address of the strawberries. Strawberries grow along forest edges, hillocks and clearings.

Find out the blueberry address from the shaggy spruce trees. Blueberries are the berries of spruce forests and pine forests. You will find lingonberries in a pine forest.

Raspberries abundantly populate forest edges, clearings, and ravines. The address of the cranberry is a swamp, green moss rules there. Ripe cranberries do not look like berries, but like red beads.

Strawberries ripen in June, blueberries and raspberries ripen in July, and lingonberries in August. A blueberry bush can live 300 years. Don't uproot the bushes!

(According to N. Nadezhdina)

2. Dictation No. 2 for the section “Complex sentence with conjunctions and, a, but”

Departure of birds.

The warm summer has passed. It's a stormy, rainy autumn. Migratory birds are preparing for a long journey. The swallows are the first to raise the alarm. They feel the approach of cold autumn. The early departure of these birds foretells an early winter. Then flocks of cranes, ducks, geese and other migratory birds fly after them. With a loud cry, either in a school or in a chain, our dear friends fly away to warm countries! Come back to our forests in the spring, and we will be waiting for you!

Grammar task:

1. Parsing the second sentence

2. Morphemic analysis of words: departure, birds

3. Phonetic analysis of words: morning (path)

3. Dictation No. 3 in the section “Syntax and punctuation”

Autumn colors

Autumn did a good job, decorating everything around. Under each tree lie yellow, purple, brown leaves. The sun does not warm, but it shines very brightly. In its rays, raindrops on the grass sparkle like multi-colored diamonds. What beauty in the forest!

The sky is clear and very blue. White clouds slowly float across the sky. The air is fresh and clear.

At the edge of the forest, birch and maple trees stand in golden decoration. A bright wild currant bush is visible from afar. He dressed not in yellow, but in red. How beautiful are the colors of early autumn!

(According to G. Gulyaeva)

4. Dictation No. 4 for the section “Three declensions of nouns. Spelling ь after nouns that sizzle at the end"


The sun was already setting. My uncle and I hit the road. The road to the river went through rye. Everything along the way keeps me busy. A mouse ran by. Somewhere you can hear a bird crying. This is how the owl sings.

Evening. Night is approaching. There is complete silence all around. Only the twitch does not stop and the reeds carry on a quiet conversation with the river.

Let's start fishing. A ruff immediately comes across. I looked and my uncle had a huge bream fighting on his fishing line. There is no need to talk about the little things. She comes across every minute. Midnight comes unnoticed. We go into the hut and spend the rest of the night there.

(According to S. Sladkov)

5. Dictation No. 5 on the topic “Noun”

Wintering of fish

Winter has come. Hedgehogs sleep in their burrows. The bear fell asleep in its den until spring. The frost covered ponds, rivers, and lakes with a thick crust. There is silence under the water. Fish stand at the bottom in large schools. Their heads are turned to one side.

Fish find a wintering place in the fall. Catfish swim in deep places in summer, looking for a suitable hole. He loves to lie in such holes. During the day he sleeps. At night he goes hunting. He will grab a small fish, a crayfish, a frog. In winter, the catfish falls asleep in its shelter. Life in the underwater kingdom lurks until spring.

6. Dictation No. 6 on the topic “Adjective”

Spring is coming

The ringing drops began to knock outside the window, the air became warmer, the snow darkened and settled. The winter days have sped away, but the light frost still won’t get around to running after the winter. He is also trying to scare spring in the morning. In the forest, long spring shadows lay from the trees, and near the trunks, timid arrows of green grass were already rising from under the snow.

Everything breathes in spring. The trees will soon throw out their first catkins. The rooks will arrive. The first ice floes will float down the river. In the meantime, the forest people still leave their autographs in the snow.

But not the long run of winter. Soon spring streams will fill the blue forest with spring murmur.

7. Dictation No. 7 on the topic “Spelling unstressed personal endings of verbs”

in spring

The snow has not yet melted from the ground, but spring is already asking for it, the ground is cold. Mud and snow squish underfoot. But how cheerful and affectionate everything is all around! The air is clear and transparent. The sun is shining brightly. And its rays bathe in puddles along with the sparrows. The river swells and darkens. She has already woken up and will soon begin to roar. The trees are bare, but they already live and breathe.

At such a time, it is good to push dirty water in ditches with a broom or shovel, and to launch boats on the water. It’s also good to chase pigeons to the very heights, and tie birdhouses to trees.

All is well at this happy time of year!

(According to A. Chekhov)

8. Dictation No. 8 on the topic “Verb”

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The Pushcha stretches for tens of kilometers. Dense forests give way to fields, swamps, and meadows. In the Pushcha you will meet various species of animals and birds. And among them is the famous Belovezhsk bison.

There are many types of trees in the Pushcha. You walk through a sunny pine forest. The air smells of pine and spruce needles. Suddenly, a white birch tree flashes among the gloomy firs. And here is a round clearing. The sun, flowers and butterflies make the clearing seem bright and cheerful.

Old oak trees grow in the grove. There are giant pine spruces, birches and maples. You walk among them and admire these giants. The heart is filled with pride for our native nature.

(According to N. Delenkovsky)

9. Final control dictation for grade 4

Forest orderlies

Ants are called forest orderlies. They eat harmful caterpillars. Their city is called an anthill. The inhabitants of one anthill eat thousands of caterpillars per day.

Ants drag stems, dry sticks, and twigs into anthills. In good weather they work without rest until late in the evening.

Ants are loosening the ground. This gives the tree roots more air and moisture.

At night on rainy days, ants hide in an anthill. They close all passages and exits.

You can't destroy an anthill. This will kill the entire ant family. Then many harmful caterpillars will appear in the forest. Guys, take care of the anthills!

(From the magazine “Young Naturalist”)

4th grade


Purpose of the work

Option 1


The warm summer has passed. It's a stormy, rainy autumn. Migratory birds are preparing for a long journey. Swallows are the first to raise the alarm. They feel the cold autumn approaching. The early departure of these birds predicts an early winter.
Flocks of cranes, ducks, and geese will follow them. With a loud cry, our summer guests fly away to warm countries. Have a nice trip!

Grammar tasks

1. In the penultimate sentence, underline the main members.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the sixth sentence. (Early... .)

Option 2


Autumn has come to the forest. It’s rare now that a hedgehog manages to eat a delicious lunch. The nimble lizards disappeared. It's hard to find bugs and frogs. A hedgehog walks through high hummocks and forest glades.
On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares a warm winter hut for itself. Night and day he drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. Winter will come soon. A heavy snowdrift will cover his hole. I feel good under a deep snowdrift. The hedgehog will sleep all winter until the spring sun.

Grammar tasks

1. In the seventh sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence. Indicate which parts of speech express the subject and predicate.

2. Write out from the text any two adjectives that have the same composition as in word-tasting. (Answer: for example, forest, autumn, snowy, ...)

4th grade


Purpose of the work - test the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules, put a comma when homogeneous members of a sentence.

Wonderful May

It's a wonderful May day. How nice it is this spring time! The gentle sun illuminated the entire neighborhood. After the warm rain, the fields, meadows and forests were covered with lush greenery. Blue and yellow flowers raised their lovely heads. The earth has put on a colorful outfit. Fragrant brushes have already appeared on bird cherry and lilac. Lilies of the valley and strawberries are blooming near a forest ravine. A nimble squirrel climbed to the top of a tall spruce.
Migratory birds are hurrying home. The forest meets its singers. From early morning until late evening, bird voices do not cease in the forest. Spring sounds rush from the fields and forests.
May is the most elegant and sonorous month of the year.


1. Underline the main parts of the sentence. Indicate the case above each noun.

Option 1 - in the ninth sentence (To the top of the high...).
Option 2 – in the twelfth sentence (From early morning...).

2. Parse the word according to its composition:

Option1- May;
Option 2 - elegant.

4th grade


Target – test the ability to detect spelling in a text, write words based on learned rules, put a comma when homogeneous parts of a sentence are present.

Option 1


The earth has awakened from a long winter sleep. The young grass glistened. A wave of green fog spread across the wide meadow. The evenings are warm and quiet. The meadows are ringing. A ringing sound floats across the ground, across meadows, and ravines. What's that ringing? A drop of sweet sap rolled down from a birch branch. She fell onto the mirror surface of the pond. The cranes have returned from the warm region. They examined their native swamp with importance. Their joyful song sounded merrily. These days we hear the music of nature everywhere.

Word for reference: prAnd obeyed.

Grammar tasks

1. The sixth sentence should be broken down by member.
2. In the third sentence, indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives.

Option 2


Nice spring in the forest! The birds are singing loudly. Spring streams ring under the trees. The fragrant sticky buds smell like resin. The sun gently warmed the earth. A warm wind ran through the high peaks. The foliage on the trees turned green. Young grass appeared. White and blue snowdrops bloomed in the forest clearings. Voiced nightingales sang over the streams. Busy ants were running over the hummocks. The first bumblebee buzzed. Elks were grazing in the sun.

Words for reference: sounde nyat, on the wayAnd bake, caressO VO .

Grammar tasks

1. Break down the third sentence by member.
2. In the fourth sentence, indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives.


Target: analyze how firmly literate writing skills were developed over three years of study on the topics “Composition of a word”, “Spelling of vowels and consonants in the root of a word”, “Separating Kommersant”.

Autumn has arrived.

The hot summer flew by quickly. It often drizzles lightly. Gray clouds crawled across the sky. The grass in the forest clearing turned red. Autumn leaves float in puddles.

A heap of ants darkens gloomily among the grass. The ants began to retreat to their homes. They rarely crawl out now. Two boletuses grew near an old stump. Mushroom caps looked cheerfully from the grass. A squirrel noticed them. She grabbed one mushroom and disappeared.

Words for reference: outside, noticed.


Target: test the student’s knowledge on the completed topic “Homogeneous members of a sentence”

In the autumn forest.

It was beautiful in the forest at this early hour. There was a quiet noise and the trees swayed. Leaden drops of dew dripped from the leaves. There were already traces of autumn on the moss and grass. There was a pungent smell of damp earth and rotten leaves. Mushrooms peek out from a heap of old leaves, grass, and dead wood. We entered a rare birch forest. And here comes the king of the forest - the porcini mushroom. He stood on a strong leg, wearing a golden-brown hat. The mushroom was very good.

Words for reference: lead, golden brown, heap.


Find a sentence with homogeneous additions in the text, parse it into members, write down phrases.


Target: check how students have mastered the topics “Sentences” and “Homogeneous members of a sentence”

Wonderful time of autumn.

Autumn leaves flew and flew. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated across the mirror-like water. At the edge of the village a horn began to play. It was the shepherd gathering the flock.

I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East is brightening and turning pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to become prettier and straighter. Under the first rays of the sun, droplets of water sparkled and sparkled. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Words for reference: personalAnd ral, slovnO .


1st option. In the 6th sentence, underline the main members, analyze it by composition, indicate the parts of speech.

2nd option. In the 10th sentence, underline the main members, organize it according to its composition, indicate the parts of speech.


Target: check the formation and ability to write unstressed case endings of nouns in singular. number, unstressed vowels in word roots and prefixes.

Friends of the forest.

All year round, the children of our school protect the forest. Before the New Year's holiday, they are on duty on the road. They saved hundreds of forest beauties from death. In spring, Russian birch trees are protected from birch sap lovers. There are many plantings in the forest. The seedlings took root, grew stronger, and grew. It is joyful to look at them, moving from clearing to clearing. There are traces of birds and animals on the snow tablecloth. A mouse came running to the hole. Silence in the forest. Our forest is beautiful. Take care of its beauty!

Words for reference: New Year's, lovers, took root.

Note: warn about commas.


1. Disassemble the second and fourth sentences (according to options). Write out a phrase with a noun from the sentence, indicate its declension and case.

2. Parse the words according to their composition:
1st option: blinded, with a request.
2nd option: tied, a note.


Target: check the development of the spelling skill of case endings of nouns.

The smell of fresh bread.

Every night the smell of warm bread floated through the village. In the morning, Filka and the guys went to the mill. The wind blew loose clouds across the sky. The naughty man went down to the trees, ran from aspen to aspen, and shook the top of the birch tree. Filka pulled out a loaf of warm bread. Pankrat released his horse. The horse carefully stretched his neck and took the bread from the boy's hands with soft lips.

Everyone was smiling. Only the old magpie sat on the willow tree and chattered angrily. What was she upset about? (K. Paustovsky)

Words for reference: PA nkrat, rA whale, sade on.


  1. Parse the 3rd sentence according to the members of the sentence.

  2. Disassemble the words according to their composition: warm, top.


Target: test the ability to write unstressed endings of adjectives and stressed vowels at the root of a word.


It was an amazing walk. The mother and her sons walked in single file to a distant spring along a narrow path. The cold sky was shining. Magpies chattered loudly in the frosty silence. Squirrels were hiding in the thick cedar branches. The agile animals happily jumped from branch to branch. Under the trees, bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow. A large mountain of snow fell from the top of an old spruce tree. It seemed to Huck that the whole earth was made of tall, dense forest. (A. Gaidar)

Word for reference: dense.


  1. Write down two words with the unstressed vowels being tested, along with the test ones.

  2. Inflect the adjective cold (sky)


Spring autumn?

Target: test the ability to write unstressed case endings of adjectives, prepositions with pronouns, unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

I enter the forest. The first grass sprouted on a dry hillock. Blue coppices are blooming. The buds on the branches burst.

Here is a clearing. It's real autumn here. Young oak trees in yellow autumn foliage. There is a fluffy carpet on the ground. Near an old stump on a thick stalk there is a mushroom with a red cap.

Is it eternal autumn here?

But then a dry leaf fell from a nearby branch. He swayed in the cold air and fell. A tight brown bud opened in place of the leaf. She took refuge under the leaf from the winter cold. (E. Shim)

Quests: In the ninth sentence, find the nouns, indicate both declension and case. Select endings.

Write out three words from the dictation with the unstressed vowel being tested at the root. Write test words.

In the last paragraph, indicate the gender, number, and case of the adjectives. Select endings.


Target: check the distinction between simple sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members; identifying spelling skills of endings of nouns, adjectives, verbs.

High water.

The buds on the lilac, poplar, and birch trees are swollen. The time of rapid snow melting is coming. The ice on the river gets wet and darkens. Not far from the shore, melted windows appeared. You’ll come back in a week and won’t recognize the river. There is water all around. The river woke up, came to life and flooded the bushes near the shore. Water also enters the meadow covered with dry grass. The tops of the stems stick out above the water in a quiet place. Dry leaves, branches, and boards quickly rush past.

Grammar tasks:

1. Above the first word of each sentence, write which sentence: pr. (simple), with one. member (with homogeneous members).

2. Indicate the cases of adjectives and highlight the endings.

3. Highlight the unstressed endings of 3rd person verbs in the singular form.


Target: test the ability to write a text from dictation, including the studied spellings.

Underground hunting.

Truffles are amazing mushrooms. They grow underground. How to find them? An experienced truffle hunter takes a pig or a dog with him. A real hunting dog will not do. Game often flashes through the thicket. Game makes such a dog immediately forget about mushrooms. Poodles, lap dogs, and mongrels are suitable for mushroom hunting. Even cows can search for truffles. Animals tear up the forest floor and bite off part of the tasty mushroom. In Russia, these mushrooms are often called cow bread. In the last century, near Moscow, even tame bears were used to collect truffles! In ancient Rome, these mushrooms were called the food of the gods. Mysterious, rare mushroom! And where? Here in the Moscow region!

Grammar tasks:

1. Write out a sentence with homogeneous subjects from the dictation. Parse this sentence into sentence parts, indicate parts of speech, write down phrases.

2. Disassemble the words according to their composition: mushroom, litter, tear.

3. Explain why truffles were called cow's bread.