How to determine the amount and procedure for paying dividends. You can transfer dividends to the cards of the founders Transfer of dividends to a bank card

If the period for payment of part of the distributed profit of the company is not determined by the charter or the decision of the general meeting of the company's participants on the distribution of profit between them, the specified period is considered equal to 60 days from the date of the decision on the distribution of profit between the participants (clause

In what month does an individual receive dividend income? We answer these questions and provide a sample payment order for 2019 for personal income tax on dividends with an explanation of some aspects of its completion. Dividends that the LLC pays to its individual participants (for example, founders) in 2019 should be calculated, withheld and transferred to budget income tax. Thus, dividends paid to tax residents of the Russian Federation in 2019 are subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13% (clause

Sample payment order for payment of dividends in 2018

Thus, dividends are payments in favor of, for example, the founder of a legal entity. Also, the recipient of dividends can be an organization (for example, an LLC) if it acts as a shareholder (participant) of another organization. There were no changes in this regard in 2017 and 2018.

How to correctly issue a payment order for the payment of dividends in 2018? What are the features of dividend payments to individuals and organizations? What should I write as the purpose of payment? We reveal the basic rules and provide examples of filling out this document.

Is it possible to transfer dividends to the salary card of the founder employee through a “salary project” concluded with the bank?

The procedure for paying dividends is established by the general meeting of shareholders (participants) (clause 3 of Article 42 of the Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ, clause 1 of Article 28 of the Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ). At the same time, the meeting of shareholders must take into account that organizations can receive dividends in cash only to their bank accounts. And citizens - both by bank (upon application) and postal transfer. This procedure is established by paragraph 8 of Article 42 of the Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ. For LLCs, such a restriction is not established by Law No. 14-FZ of February 8, 1998.

There is no special document required to formalize the payment of dividends. Therefore, you can use standard forms that are filled out when paying money from the cash register or when transferring funds from a current account. In addition, an organization can develop a form for processing the payment of dividends independently (clause 4 of article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

Rules for transferring dividends to the founder: payment order, order, protocol

In the case when an organization is created on the basis of authorized capital, it must periodically share its income with those who founded it, as well as shareholders. Actually, dividends are those funds that remain after paying taxes, insurance premiums, salaries and other things. They are the income of shareholders who, through the purchase of shares, invested in the enterprise, and can now receive the part of the profit they deserve.

It is not necessary to endorse this document with a seal, since the signatures placed under the document are sufficient. But if the legal acts of the enterprise themselves contain a mandatory condition for placing a seal on such a document, then this should be implemented.

You can transfer dividends to the cards of the founders

When transferring dividends, the brokerage account is simply increased by the amount of payments due. The transfer period is 25 days from the date of closure of the register. At the same time, the trader can sell the shares at a favorable price even the very next day, while retaining the right to receive dividends.

In order to issue dividends, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of the founders and participants of the organization, in the amount of at least 50% of their total number - only in this case the meeting will be recognized as having taken place. It must be properly recorded, taking into account the opinions of all participants, then a decision must be made indicating to whom and in what amount the money should be transferred as dividends. The basis for the decision is the company’s reporting papers based on the results of financial activities. Based on the decision, an order is then issued on behalf of the director of the enterprise.

Accrual and payment of dividends in accounting entries

Each founder of an enterprise or organization has the right to receive profit from the activities of such an organization. One of the types of profit that a shareholder of a business entity receives is dividends. In this article we will introduce you to the concept of dividends, the specifics of their calculation and payment, as well as standard accounting entries.

Dividends are understood as part of the profit of an enterprise, which is subject to distribution among the founders, participants and other shareholders of the business entity. The size of the payment is determined depending on the share of shares owned by a particular person, as well as on their type.

The procedure for paying dividends to founders of an LLC in 2019

The LLC has the opportunity to choose the frequency of dividend payments to the founders: quarterly, half-yearly or annually - depending on the amount of net profit for each of these periods. Considering that profit is considered an accrual total for the year, its final amount will be known at the end of the tax period, and only then will it be possible to establish the final amount of income possible for payment. Therefore, in order to avoid situations where dividends paid during the year exceed the permissible amount for the year, it is better to distribute them at the end of the year based on the results of the approved annual accounting reports.

Dividends (or income from the use of net profit) are income the receipt of which is available to LLC participants (Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law “On LLC” dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ). Accordingly, to issue such income, it is necessary, first of all, to have net profit. It is determined according to accounting data (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2010 No. 03-11-06/2/147).

How to pay dividends to LLC founders in 2019: step-by-step instructions

Dividends are the result of the distribution of profits earned by a company over a certain period of time. The total amount is divided among all the founders of the company. In the case of a joint-stock company – between shareholders. But in this article we will only talk about ordinary societies.

We presented the dividend payment scheme to LLC founders in 2019 in the form of convenient step-by-step instructions. There are several stages. After all, until the money due ends up in the owner’s pocket (wallet) or in the owner’s account, it goes through a certain path. Moreover, direct settlements with participants are far from the end of the procedure.

As you can see, there are no problems with obtaining a loan, but there is one caveat. When issuing a loan at zero or minimal interest to the founder, he will have income subject to personal income tax. This income is considered a material benefit, which is interest savings. So, if the founder received money, for example, from a bank, a commission in the form of a certain percentage would have to be withheld from him. And since there is no interest, it means they are saved.

The amount of the repaid loan for the founder is his income, and all income, in addition to personal income tax, is also subject to contributions to extra-budgetary funds. Therefore, approximately 28% of contributions must also be added to the amount of 40,000. Contributions are paid if the founder is a director. If the founder is not on the staff of the organization, contributions for this income are not paid.

Is it possible to transfer dividends to a salary card?

The first method is intended more for professional traders who enter the stock market through the mediation of a broker. They have the right to indicate exactly how they will receive dividends: to a current brokerage account or directly to a bank account. Some brokers only allow the first option to exist.

When transferring dividends, the brokerage account is simply increased by the amount of payments due. The transfer period is 25 days from the moment the register is closed. At the same time, the trader can sell the shares at a favorable price even the very next day, while retaining the right to receive dividends.

Transfer of Dividends to the Founder's Card

It is impossible to distribute dividends in situations such as: Payment of authorized capital Partially Lack of payment of the share of a participant who has decided to leave the Company The LLC shows signs of insolvency (bankruptcy) Or this occurrence affects the distribution of income As for the regularity of income, the period is set by the founders. At the same time, you need to remember: regardless of the accepted period, the payment period cannot exceed 2 months.

Samples of filling out payment orders 2017-2018 Attention Thus, dividends are payments in favor of, for example, the founder of a legal entity. Also, the recipient of dividends can be an organization (for example, an LLC) if it is a shareholder (participant) of another organization.

Dividend payment terms

  1. The net profit of the organization should be determined. To avoid controversial situations with the tax service, accounting statements should be taken as the basis for the determination. Since the decision on payment may not be made in all cases due to certain restrictions, in order to avoid possible claims, it is better to prepare a certificate on the day when the corresponding decision is made, which will confirm that the restrictions in order to carry out the distribution of profits, are missing.
  2. Making a payment decision. It can be accepted every quarter, six months or once a year. However, it is not possible to make a final calculation of net profit only when the financial year ends. The results of activities are approved during the general meeting. During the meeting the following issues are resolved:
    • what share of the profit received is used for payment;
    • how it should be distributed among the members;
    • within what time period the payment must be made.

The founders must agree on what form will be used in each individual case during the general meeting and record this in a protocol decision. For example, you need to know that issuing cash from proceeds received at the cash desk is prohibited. This will only be possible if an amount is deposited into the cash register specifically for these purposes.


If a legal entity is created and operates as a business company (for example, an LLC), it forms an authorized capital (AC) from contributions from participants and, accordingly, distributes earned profits among its shareholders.

Typically, dividends are paid to participants annually, but the law on LLCs (14-FZ), for example, provides for the possibility of distributing profits for other, intermediate periods - once every six months, quarterly.

The decision on the distribution of profits is made by the general meeting of shareholders of the LLC or, as an option, by the sole owner of the business company.

The source of payment of dividends is the net profit of the legal entity - the profit that remains at its disposal after repayment of all obligatory payments.

Guided by the order of the director and the decision of the shareholders, the LLC accountant issues payment orders through which the appointed dividends are transferred to the debit cards of individual participants and the current accounts of legal entity participants.

It is necessary to find out how payment slips are filled out for transferring dividends to cards, what features need to be taken into account when drawing them up.

Is it possible to transfer to a card?

The frequency of dividend payments is determined by the owners of the organization, taking into account the norms of current legislation.

For example, the law on LLC provides that the distribution of profits in a business company can occur once a year (for the previous year), once every six months (for half a year) or, as an option, quarterly.

The meeting of shareholders of the LLC determines specific dates for making payments. If the founders decide to distribute the profits earned by the company for a year, six months or a quarter, dividends must be paid to shareholders on time.

If such terms are not clearly established by the general meeting or the sole owner, dividends are transferred to the LLC participants within sixty days, counted from the moment the appropriate verdict is made. ?

If dividends are paid to LLC shareholders by non-cash transfer of funds to cards and current accounts, the company’s accountant must prepare the appropriate payments and send them to the servicing bank for execution.

The basis for drawing up such payment orders is the proper order of the manager, which is based on the decision of the meeting of shareholders.

If the decision of the founders and the order of the director are missing or executed inappropriately, the accountant does not have the right to transfer dividends to the cards.

It should be understood that the initial and most important document is the decision on the payment of dividends, which is made by the general meeting of shareholders or, alternatively, by the sole owner of the LLC.

If such a decision is made in compliance with all procedures and is correctly recorded, and dividends are not paid on time, the shareholder has the right to go to court to claim the funds due.

It should be noted that among the shareholders of an LLC there can be both individuals (citizens) and legal entities. Any payment orders through which dividends are transferred to shareholders are drawn up according to generally accepted rules.

If the shareholder is an individual, dividends are transferred to his bank debit card. Funds are transferred to legal entities by non-cash transfers to current bank accounts.

How to issue a payment order for transfer?

The payment through which dividends are transferred to the debit card of an individual shareholder is issued in accordance with the requirements established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In order for the servicing bank of a business company to complete the assigned transfer, the payment document submitted for execution must contain the following data (details):

The head of the LLC, as well as its chief accountant, put their signatures (with transcript) in the required fields of this document.

The seal of a legal entity is affixed if its use is provided for by the internal regulations of the business company.

When this payment is submitted to a financial institution for execution, the servicing bank indicates the following information on this document:

  • date of receipt of the payment order by the bank servicing the payer;
  • date of actual debiting of money from the payer’s current bank account;
  • marks from the servicing bank regarding the execution of the assigned transaction.

An important nuance - together with a payment slip for dividend payment to an individual’s card, a payment slip for the transfer of personal income tax from the dividend payment is always drawn up and executed.

The tax on this income is withheld and transferred by the payer of the dividends - the business company - performing the function of a tax agent. About taxation of dividends.

Purpose of payment when paying to an individual

As mentioned earlier, the intended purpose of the payment being made is the most important detail of the payment document, through which the agreed dividends are transferred to the shareholder of the company.

In the field of this detail, it is necessary to indicate that the operation declared for execution is the payment of dividends calculated for a specific period of time (year, half-year, quarter), in accordance with the decision adopted by the general meeting or the sole owner of the business company (indicate the number of the corresponding protocol/ verdict, the date of its preparation).

Download sample

Sample payment order for the payment of dividends to a card to an individual -.

Useful video

The procedure for paying LLC dividends to founders and withholding income taxes can be found in this video:


Payment of appointed dividends is the responsibility of a business company if the corresponding decision has already been made and formalized by shareholders or.

Dividend amounts must be transferred to shareholders in full and within the time limits established by the decision of the LLC participants. The allocated funds are credited by non-cash payment to the bank debit card of the shareholder.

To execute this transaction, the legal entity - the dividend payer - must draw up an appropriate payment order and submit it to its servicing bank.

The payment document is filled out properly - all the necessary details are correctly indicated, including the purpose of the payment being made, which clearly reflects the essence of the operation being performed.

Withholding and timely transfer of personal income tax on dividends paid is the responsibility of the business company performing the task of a tax agent.

Operations of transferring dividends and paying personal income tax on dividend payments are usually carried out by an LLC accountant.

The grounds for the actual execution of dividend payments are the decision of the shareholders (minutes of the general meeting, the verdict of the sole owner), the order of the head of the business company, as well as the payment order to the servicing bank.

The dividend scheme is a universal means of planning salary taxes and fees. Dividends are paid instead of salaries. As a result, insurance premiums are not paid and a reduced personal income tax rate is applied. However, errors in detailing and implementing a scheme often cause more problems than benefits.

The dividend scheme cannot be used by non-profit organizations. Let us draw attention to the fact that in practice the concepts of “non-profit organization” and government are often confused. In fact, a significant part of commercial organizations are state-owned. Conversely, many private equity-backed firms are not-for-profit. The difference between a commercial and non-profit organization is that the goal of a commercial organization is to make a profit, and a non-profit organization is to achieve other socially useful goals.

A non-profit organization cannot distribute dividends to its own precisely because its goal is not to make a profit. However, according to the law, in a number of cases a non-profit organization can engage in entrepreneurial activities.

For example, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, an autonomous non-profit organization has the right to carry out business activities consistent with its goals.

However, the distribution of profits from such activities is a high-risk undertaking.

Who has the right to apply the dividend scheme

Moreover, at one time the tax authorities denied the possibility of withholding dividends paid to the founders - individuals of the LLC, at a preferential personal income tax rate of 9%. The fact is that the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ does not use the concept of “dividends”. Unlike the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies,” it talks about “distribution of profits between participants.”

At the same time, the Tax Code does not mention the concept of “distributed profit” in the preferential taxation of personal income tax, but speaks specifically about dividends. This means that tax authorities often came to the conclusion, which was not very beneficial for the taxpayer, that tax should be withheld from the distributed profit paid to the individual participant of the LLC, not at a preferential rate.

However, now no one doubts that a personal income tax of only 9% must be paid on profits distributed among individuals participating in a limited liability company.

Dividend scheme may not provide tax savings

The use of a dividend scheme is always beneficial if it is used within a legal entity under a simplified taxation system with a rate of 6% or UTII. But if you pay dividends in a company that is subject to the main tax system, or a simplified one with a rate of 15%, then, on the contrary, tax losses from its application cannot be excluded.

The fact is that you will not be able to count as expenses for the purpose of calculating income tax (single tax) the costs of paying employees and the insurance premiums themselves. If you have more or less reliable forecasts regarding revenue, costs, and an understanding of the size of the payroll for the corresponding year, you can make calculations and understand how economically feasible it is for you to use this scheme.

In addition, it is worth considering that when paying dividends by an enterprise that requires expenses, the taxpayer, as a rule, is trying to achieve two mutually exclusive goals at once. First, reduce profits in order to pay less income tax. Secondly, pay more dividends, which are paid precisely from profits. And this, of course, is impossible to do.

Therefore, from the point of view of tax savings, it is often more profitable to transform the dividend scheme in such a way as to use it as a mechanism for refinancing funds. To do this, it is applied within not one, but two legal entities, one of which, for example, is on the main tax system, and the other necessarily applies the simplified tax system with a tax rate of 6%.

Don't forget to submit your financial statements

Of course, organizations using the general taxation system submit financial statements in any case. But, for example, organizations using a simplified taxation system are exempt from this obligation. However, if a simplified company decides to distribute dividends, its accountant will have to restore accounting records and submit financial statements. The same applies to organizations located on UTII.

The position of the tax authorities regarding the need to maintain accounting records and submit reports for the distribution of dividends has changed several times (see, for example, Letters of the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 15, 2005 No. 03-11-04/2/154, dated March 11. 2004 No. 04-02-05/3/19, dated 01/10/2006 No. 03-11-05/2, dated 06/21/2005 No. 03-11-05/1, dated 12/15/2005 No. 03-11-04/2 /154, Letter of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow dated November 11, 2004 No. 21-09/72969).

However, now it is clear. If you want to distribute profits, you need to restore your accounting records and submit reports to your tax inspector (see Letter of the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 13, 2009 No. 07-05-08/156).

Constituent documents

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 28 of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”, the period and procedure for paying part of the distributed profit of the company are determined by the charter or the decision of the general meeting of LLC participants on the distribution of profit between them.

If there is only one participant in the company, then the possibility of paying dividends, the timing and procedure for their payment must be specified in the charter.

If there are several founders, then the period and procedure for distribution of profits do not necessarily have to be specified in the constituent documents. This may be indicated in the decision of the general meeting of participants.

An exception is the case when dividends are distributed among the company's participants disproportionately to the shares in its authorized capital. In such a situation, such a procedure for distributing profits must be prescribed in the constituent documents (Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”).

If you do not comply with the requirements of corporate standards, the risks will be the recognition of paid dividends as wages and the additional accrual of insurance premiums and personal income tax on it at a rate of 13%.

You cannot replace your entire salary with dividends!

Very often, when applying a dividend scheme, the following mistake is made - the sole founder of the company, who is also the sole executive body, receives only distributed profits (dividends). He is not paid any salary at all.

Of course, this path can provide maximum savings. However, this contradicts the position of official departments. According to it, the company is obliged to pay wages to the director - the sole founder of the organization.

Thus, distributed profits (dividends) cannot be the only monetary incentive that the founder receives for his activities. He should be given at least the minimum salary.

In the event that this is the main place of work of such a general director, and it is assumed that he works full time, the salary should not be less than the minimum wage established by law (see Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 06/08/2010 No. 428n).

Make sure you distribute and pay dividends when you are entitled to do so.

Pay dividends on time. Otherwise, tax authorities may also classify them as wages and charge additional taxes on the amounts paid.

Thus, in accordance with the Law “On Limited Liability Companies” and the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” (Article 43), the company does not have the right to make a decision on the distribution of its profits among the company’s participants:

  • until full payment of the entire authorized capital of the company;
  • until payment of the actual value of a share or part of a share of a company participant in cases provided for by law (if we are talking about an LLC) or until the redemption of all shares that must be redeemed in accordance with the law (for joint-stock companies).

General cases

In addition, the laws list general cases when a company does not have the right not only to make a decision on the distribution of its profits (payment of dividends) among participants, but also to pay it if the decision has already been made. In particular:

  • if at the time of making such a decision or at the time of payment the company meets the signs of insolvency (bankruptcy) or if the specified signs appear in the company as a result of their payment;
  • if at the time of such a decision or at the time of payment the value of the company’s net assets is less than its authorized capital and reserve fund or becomes less than their size as a result of their payment (for LLC), or if at the time of the decision or as a result of such actions the value of the company’s net assets will become less than its authorized capital and reserve fund, and the excess of the liquidation value of the issued preferred shares over the par value determined by the charter, or will become less than their size as a result of such a decision (for joint-stock companies);
  • in other cases provided for by federal laws.


In addition, joint stock companies do not have the right to decide on the payment of dividends:

  • for ordinary shares and preferred shares, the amount of dividends for which is not determined, unless a decision has been made to pay the full amount of dividends for all types of preferred shares, the amount of dividends for which is determined by the charter of the joint-stock company;
  • on preferred shares of a certain type, for which the amount of dividend is determined by the company's charter, unless a decision has been made on full payment of dividends on all types of preferred shares, which provide an advantage in the priority of receiving dividends over preferred shares of this type.

If a loss occurs

According to the law, profits can be distributed once a quarter, once every six months or once a year. If you use the first or second option, you need to ensure that you do not have a loss at the end of the year.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the tax authorities will reclassify dividends paid for the first three quarters (for the first half of the year) as wages and additionally charge all taxes, as well as fines and penalties, on it.

Complete the application document

And at the end of the article I would like to draw attention to one more point. Federal Law No. 409-FZ of December 28, 2010 introduced paragraph 4 of Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies,” which concerns the procedure for applying for distributed profits of LLC participants.

However, many lawyers began to interpret this clause in such a way that in order to receive distributed profits, a participant in a limited liability company must apply for it. That is, there must be a separate independent document-appeal.

Of course, one can argue with this point of view. However, given that controversial issues related to new legislation often subsequently become a stumbling block in relations with tax authorities, it would be useful to play it safe and draw up such a document.

Sberbank's salary project is a modern, convenient tool for paying salaries and crediting them to employee accounts in the shortest possible time. The banking tool will help the client company reduce financial costs and labor costs in the process of paying employees. At the same time, the company will be able to take advantage of preferential connection conditions and appreciate the advantages of banking technologies.

What are the benefits of the Sberbank Salary Project for legal entities?

  1. There is no need to pay for the service of cashing the total amount of the company's wages;
  2. Sberbank has provided flexible tariffs for account servicing, crediting funds to a client’s card, as well as providing other services as part of the company’s salary project. The cost is discussed individually;
  3. The procedure for concluding a contract has been simplified. A constructor agreement developed for these purposes will help with this;
  4. Large clients can submit a request to install a Sberbank ATM directly on the premises of the enterprise. Employees will be able to withdraw funds without leaving the premises of the enterprise.

How does the salary project work?

After signing the documents, the company and the bank will organize the issuance of plastic cards to employees, as well as the opening of accounts for each employee. The principle of the project looks like this:

  • The company's accounting department transfers the total amount of wages (monthly fund) to a single bank account opened in the name of the client company.
  • A statement indicating the salary of each employee is provided to the Sberbank branch.
  • Sberbank, within the period specified in the agreement, credits the transferred funds to employees’ salary cards (according to the enterprise statement).

Important! The client company is recommended to register in the "" service. There you can submit statements remotely and independently control the presence of funds in the company account. To interact with a banking institution, an accountant does not have to visit a Sberbank branch.

How to submit information as part of the Salary Project? Instructions for an accountant

You can send salary information remotely. To do this, fill out a form on the Sberbank website indicating all the information about the company:

  • Full name.
  • The total period of activity.
  • Number of employees.
  • Amount of monthly wage fund.
  • Address and telephone numbers of the enterprise.
  • Contact person.

After receiving the documents, the organization is assigned a specific bank employee who will deal with the preparation of documentation and resolving issues that arise during the period of servicing the client company.

Sberbank of Russia has developed a convenient tool for issuing salary cards for individuals. The registration process has become as simple and convenient as possible.

Instructions for registering:

  • The file “Register for opening accounts” is downloaded to your computer. It can only be downloaded from the official website of Sberbank of Russia.
  • All fields in the Register are filled in. Provide information about employees. The “Export” button is pressed.
  • An electronic digital signature (EDS) is affixed to the document, and the Register is sent to Sberbank.


  • Issuing a Sberbank card, the cost of annual maintenance is free.
  • Cash withdrawals from ATMs within the daily limit are free.
  • The card opens an overdraft line with a rate of 20% per annum. In case of delay – 40% per annum.
  • The daily withdrawal limit is set based on the card type (Classic, Gold, Platinum). The Classic card has a daily limit of 50 thousand rubles. Platinum – 1 million rubles.
  • A commission is charged on funds withdrawn in excess of the established limit.

The employee register in the salary project contains the following fields:

  • Employee profile data (full name).
  • Full name of each employee in Latin. This information is filled in automatically after specifying the information in Russian.
  • Date of birth, city of residence, country.
  • Registration address and actual place of residence.
  • Passport data (series, number).
  • A secret code by which a person will be identified.
  • Employee telephone numbers (at least two).
  • The position that the employee holds in the company.
  • Email address (personal).
  • Type of banking product being issued – Salary project (Classic, Gold, Platinum).
  • Information about the bank ( , branch code).

After entering information about employees, the register is exported. For this purpose, there is a corresponding button on the Sberbank website. The document is endorsed with an electronic digital signature of authorized persons of the enterprise and sent to Sberbank.

If changes are made to the instructions, Sberbank will develop new services, and the client company will be automatically connected to them.

Undeniable advantages for employees of the institution:

  • You can issue additional bank cards for relatives and loved ones.
  • Individual clients of the Sberbank salary project will be able to use credit cards, mortgage lending and car loan offers on preferential terms.
  • Employees take part in special offers with discounts from Sberbank partners.
  • Each client will be able to take part in the bonus program "".
  • While staying abroad, bank clients will be able to pay using an international bank card anywhere in the world where products of international payment systems are accepted.
  • , it is enough to make one call to the hotline or to the nearest Sberbank branch and the plastic card will be blocked. Client funds will remain safe.
  • You can access your own funds around the clock. Sberbank has the largest.
  • By accumulating funds on a card account, the client will be able to receive additional income in the form of interest from Sberbank.
  • The “ ” service allows you to receive information about the account status and any movements of funds by sending an SMS message to the client’s mobile phone.
  • Internet banking () will allow you to make transfers at any time of the day, pay for services,. Internet banking service is provided to clients free of charge.

What does a client company need to know before signing a contract?

  • By signing a cooperation agreement, the client agrees to adhere to the public conditions indicated on the company’s website.
  • If changes are made to the terms of provision of the “Salary Project” service, an additional agreement with the client is not signed.
  • Any legislative changes and technological improvements are put into effect for all clients who have signed the Design Agreement. In this case, the additional agreement is not signed.

Sberbank of Russia is constantly improving products for private clients and partner companies. This also applies to the Salary Project. Using the program from Sberbank will significantly simplify the process of paying wages to employees, as well as reduce the company’s expenses to ensure this process.