Opportunities to work with gifted children in additional education. Work with gifted children in additional education. From work experience. experience and perspectives

An important role in the development of children's giftedness and talent is played by institutions of additional education for children, which can compensate for the lack of teaching load in various creative workshops and associations. In them, the child begins the development of special abilities, forms a special talent.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose the educational field, the profile of the programs, the time of their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account his individual inclinations. The personal-activity nature of the educational process makes it possible to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - the identification, development and support of gifted and talented children. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

When defining work with gifted children, it is necessary to distinguish the main characteristic differences between such concepts as "ability", "giftedness", "talent".

giftedness- this is a unique holistic state of the child's personality, a great individual and social value that needs to be identified and supported; a systemic quality that determines the ability of a person to achieve exceptionally high results in one or more activities in comparison with other people. A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity.

Capabilities are defined as individual personality traits that determine the success of an activity that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, but determine the ease and speed of learning new ways and methods of activity (B.M. Teplov).

Talent- these are innate abilities that ensure high success in activity. In general, one can imagine talent as a combination of the following traits: natural inclinations (anatomical, physical and emotional, i.e. increased sensitivity); intellectual and mental capabilities that allow you to assess new situations and solve new problems; the ability to maintain interest in the object of labor for a long time, i.e. the will and energy of a person; the ability to create new images, fantasy and imagination.

No separate ability may not be sufficient to successfully complete the activity. A person must have many abilities that would be in a favorable combination. A qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities necessary for the successful performance of any activity is called giftedness. The main functions of giftedness are maximum adaptation to the world, environment, finding solutions in all cases when new, unforeseen problems are created that require a creative approach.

Gifted children are special children, and the task of teachers is to understand them, to direct all efforts to transfer their experience and knowledge to them. The educator must understand that these children need support from adults who are called upon to teach them to cope with exorbitant expectations regarding their abilities. In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted and talented children can be distinguished:

individual training or training in small groups on programs of creative development in a certain area;

· work on research and creative projects in the mode of mentoring (usually a scientist, scientist or cultural worker, high-class specialist acts as a mentor);

· part-time schools;

vacation camps, master classes, creative laboratories;

· system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;

· children's scientific-practical conferences and seminars.

Favorable opportunities for additional education are clearly manifested, in particular, in the field of artistic development. Children often come to these institutions whose talents have already begun to unfold. They are motivated to master artistic and creative activities, and this creates conditions for the fruitful development of special skills and knowledge. In additional education, one can use such a powerful resource for the development of giftedness as the unity and interaction of the arts, which in a regular school is difficult to subdivide the content of education by subject. At the same time, this form of work with a gifted child is fraught with serious dangers. It is important not to create a sense of exclusivity in him: both because it may not be confirmed in the future, and because circles and studios are attended not only by especially gifted children, but also by those who simply enjoy doing art, and relations with them should develop harmoniously.

If all these difficulties can be avoided, then the field of additional education becomes extremely significant for the development of a gifted child, preparing him for a professional path. Understanding giftedness as a systemic quality involves considering personal development as the fundamental goal of teaching and educating gifted children.

There are several stages in working with gifted and talented children:

First of all, it is necessary to find gifted children.

· a talented person is talented in many ways, so the child should have the right to choose what subject to study in depth.

· development of a personality-oriented approach to teaching gifted children: talented children always crave something new, more complex, and if their informational hunger remains unsatisfied, they will quickly lose interest in the subject.

at the next stage, it is necessary to develop the psychology of a leader in a gifted child, carefully so that this does not lead to the appearance of "star fever". He should not be shy to show his abilities, not afraid to express his thoughts, if only because they are non-standard and have no analogues.

With regard to the teaching of intellectually gifted children, the leading and basic methods are, of course, creative methods - problematic, search, heuristic, research, project - in combination with methods of independent, individual and group work. They are extremely effective for the development of creative thinking and many important personality traits (cognitive motivation, perseverance, independence, self-confidence, emotional stability and ability to cooperate, etc.).

Such forms as specially organized interactive, design and creative activities should be most effectively included in the work; creativity development trainings; master classes for the development of creative talent; training seminars on the case method; network interaction; research work; competitions, festivals, scientific and practical conferences; self management.

Identification of gifted and talented children is possible using such forms of activity as an analysis of the special successes and achievements of the child; creation of a data bank on talented and gifted children; diagnosing the potential of children using the resources of psychological services.

On the basis of an institution of additional education for children, it is necessary to organize psychological support for the parents of a gifted child; joint practical activities of a gifted child and parents; support and encouragement of parents of gifted children.

The following areas of development of giftedness of children are distinguished, which are also applicable in the system of additional education:

1. Active attitude to the world around. Gifted people are curious, creative, informed, active. The task of adults in this case is to direct the child's energy in a useful direction.

2. Independence. Gifted children eagerly strive for independence, but adults often limit their desire.

3. The arbitrariness of regulating one's behavior. Since everything is easy for gifted children, volitional efforts are minimal. Problems arise when a child needs to force himself to do something that is not interesting, when it is necessary to obey the demands of adults.

4. Organization of an individual style of activity. An individual style of activity is a system of peculiar actions, techniques, methods that a person uses in his activity and behavior.

5. Creation of motivation for development and learning. Needs and motives induce a person to activity, action, activity, make him set goals, tasks and determine ways to achieve them.

Teachers of the system of additional education should be aware of the peculiarities of working with gifted and talented children. Programs for gifted children differ in content, in process, in expected results, and in the learning environment. The development of such programs takes into account that gifted children are able to quickly grasp the meaning of the most important concepts, provisions, principles; have a need to focus on the stakeholders of the problem and understand them deeper; show the ability to notice deep details, features and put forward explanations for the noticed; often anxious, due to their dissimilarity to other children. The behavior and activities of teachers working with gifted and talented children, in turn, must meet certain requirements:

Development of flexible, individualized programs;

Creation of an emotionally safe atmosphere in the team of the association;

Stimulation of the development of mental processes of the highest level in children;

Use of various training and education strategies;

Respect for the personality and values ​​of the pupil and the formation of his positive self-esteem;

Encouragement of creative features and imagination of pupils.

Additional education" href="/text/category/dopolnitelmznoe_obrazovanie/" rel="bookmark"> additional education, as well as parents of children attending an additional education institution.

Introduction……………………………………………………………….……………...... 4

in the system of additional education of children…………………….…………….. 5

Psychological and pedagogical monitoring of giftedness……………………….…… 10

Diagnostic tools………………………………………………… 11


An important role in the development of children's giftedness and talent is played by institutions of additional education for children, which can compensate for the lack of teaching load in various creative workshops and associations. In them, the child begins the development of special abilities, forms a special talent.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose the educational field, the profile of the programs, the time of their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account his individual inclinations.

The personal-activity nature of the educational process makes it possible to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - the identification, development and support of gifted and talented children. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

gifted child- this is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity, including those of a spontaneous, amateur nature.

Defining work with gifted children, it is necessary to separate the main characteristic differences between such concepts as "ability", "giftedness", "talent".

Capabilities are defined as individual personality traits that determine the success of performing activities that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, but that determine the ease and speed of learning new ways and methods of activity ().

giftedness- this is a unique holistic state of the child's personality, a great individual and social value that needs to be identified and supported; a systemic quality that determines the ability of a person to achieve exceptionally high results in one or more activities in comparison with other people. A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity.

Talent- these are innate abilities that ensure high success in activity. In general, one can imagine talent as a combination of the following features: natural inclinations (anatomical, physical and emotional, i.e., increased sensitivity); intellectual and mental capabilities that allow you to assess new situations and solve new problems; the ability to maintain interest in the object of labor for a long time, that is, the will and energy of a person; the ability to create new images, fantasy and imagination.

No single ability can be sufficient for the successful performance of an activity. A person must have many abilities that would be in a favorable combination. A qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities necessary for the successful performance of any activity is called giftedness.

Main giftedness functions- maximum adaptation to the world, environment, finding solutions in all cases when new, unforeseen problems are created that require a creative approach.

There are the following types of talent:

ü creative talent,

ü academic excellence,

ü artistic talent,

ü musical talent,

ü intellectual talent,

ü literary talent,

ü psychomotor talent,

ü general talent,

ü intellectual talent.

In the system of additional education, the following can be distinguished forms of education gifted and talented children:

Individual training or training in small groups on programs of creative development in a certain area;

Vacation fees, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;

The system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;

Children's scientific-practical conferences and seminars.

Currently, there are no clear definitions of giftedness. The development of methods for determining abilities and giftedness was started in the framework of psychometry, aimed at assessing individual differences and personality traits. Much here was based on the assumption that each individual has certain abilities, psychological properties and personality traits. The aim of psychometry was to develop reliable tools for measuring the degree of certain individual properties or abilities.

In recent years, the working definition of giftedness and talent has become a formula recognizing that an individual may differ in functional or potential abilities in a number of areas of intellectual, academic (success in studies), creative, artistic, in the field of communication (leadership) or psychomotor.

Methods for identifying and assessing a child's abilities

In connection with the theoretical and practical expansion of the concept of "gifted child" and the problem of recognizing gifted and talented children, there is a need to improve the traditionally used methods for identifying young talents. The traditional use of tests for the intellectual and creative abilities of children, as well as tests for assessing their academic performance (achievements) can and should be supplemented by the use of rating scales filled in by teachers, information from parents, observational data and criteria-based testing. When conducting practical research, it must be taken into account that the identification of gifted and talented children is a rather long process associated with the dynamics of their development, and its effective implementation is impossible through any one-time testing procedure.

In working with gifted and talented children, one can single out several stages:

First of all, it is necessary to find gifted children;

A talented person is talented in many ways, so the child should have the right to choose which subject to study in depth;

Development of a personality-oriented approach to teaching gifted children: talented children always crave something new, more complex, and if their informational hunger remains unsatisfied, they will quickly lose interest in the subject;

At the next stage, it is necessary to develop the psychology of a leader in a gifted child, carefully so that this does not lead to the appearance of "star fever". He should not be shy to show his abilities, not afraid to express his thoughts, if only because they are non-standard and have no analogues.

With regard to the education of intellectually gifted children, of course, the leading and main ones are creative methods- problem, search, heuristic, research, design - in combination with methods of independent, individual and group work. They are extremely effective for the development of creative thinking and many important personality traits (cognitive motivation, perseverance, independence, self-confidence, emotional stability and ability to cooperate, etc.).

Most effectively, the work should include such forms as a specially organized interactive, design and creative activity; creativity development trainings; master classes for the development of creative talent; research work ; competitions, festivals, scientific and practical conferences; self management.

Identification of gifted and talented children is possible using such forms activities as an analysis of the special successes and achievements of the child; creation of a data bank on talented and gifted children; diagnosing the potential of children using the resources of psychological services.

Type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it(intellectual, emotional, motivational-volitional spheres):

In practical activities (talented in crafts, sports and organizational);

In theoretical (cognitive) activity (intellectual talent of various types, depending on the subject content of the activity (in the field of natural and human sciences, intellectual games, etc.);

In artistic and aesthetic activities (choreographic, literary and poetic, visual and musical);

In communicative activity (leadership talent, characterized by the ability to understand other people, build constructive relationships with them, lead);

In spiritual and value activities (giftedness, which is manifested in the creation of new spiritual values ​​and serving people).

The degree of formation of giftedness:

Actual giftedness (psychological characteristics of a child with such cash indicators of mental development that are manifested in a higher level of performance in a specific subject area compared to age and social norms);

Potential giftedness (a psychological characteristic of a child who has only certain mental capabilities (potential) for high achievements in a particular type of activity, but cannot realize his capabilities at a given time due to their functional insufficiency). Potential giftedness requires high predictive value of the diagnostic methods used and manifests itself under favorable conditions.

Forms of manifestation of giftedness:

Explicit giftedness (reveals itself in the child's activities quite clearly and distinctly, including under adverse conditions; the child's achievements are obvious);

Hidden talent (manifested in a disguised form). The reasons for the hidden giftedness of the child lie in the mistakes made by adults in his upbringing and development, in the features of his interaction with other people, in the specifics of the cultural environment (mastering the norms of behavior). Identification of children with this type of giftedness is a long process using a set of methods for analyzing the child's behavior, including him in various types of real activities, organizing his communication with gifted adults, and enriching his individual living environment.

The breadth of manifestations in various activities:

General (mental) talent (manifested in relation to various types of activities and acts as the basis of their productivity). Mental activity and self-regulation are its fundamental prerequisites. General giftedness determines the level of understanding of what is happening, the depth of motivational and emotional involvement in the activity, the degree of its purposefulness.

Special talent (manifested in specific activities and is determined in relation to certain areas (poetry, music, painting, mathematics, sports, talent in the field of leadership and social interaction - social talent, etc.).

There are the following development directions giftedness of children, which are also applicable in the system of additional education:

1. Active attitude to the world around. Gifted people are curious, creative, informed, active. The task of adults in this case is to direct the child's energy in a useful direction.

2. Independence. Gifted children eagerly strive for independence, but adults often limit their desire.

3. The arbitrariness of regulating one's behavior. Since everything is easy for gifted children, volitional efforts are minimal. Problems arise when a child needs to force himself to do something that is not interesting, when it is necessary to obey the demands of adults.

4. Organization of an individual style of activity. An individual style of activity is a system of peculiar actions, techniques, methods that a person uses in his activity and behavior.

5. Creation of motivation for development and learning. Needs and motives induce a person to activity, action, activity, make him set goals, tasks and determine ways to achieve them.

Teachers of the system of additional education should be aware of the peculiarities of working with gifted and talented children.

The behavior and activities of teachers working with gifted and talented children, in turn, must meet certain requirements:

ü development of flexible, individualized programs;

ü creating an emotionally safe atmosphere in the team of the association;

ü stimulation of the development of mental processes of the highest level in children;

ü the use of various strategies for training and education;

ü respect for the personality and values ​​of the pupil and the formation of his positive self-esteem;

Encouragement of creative features and imagination of pupils.

The problem of identifying gifted children and adolescents should be reformulated into the problem of creating conditions for the intellectual and personal growth of children in institutions of additional education in order to identify as many children as possible with signs of giftedness and provide favorable conditions for improving their inherent types of giftedness.

Understanding giftedness only as a characteristic of intelligence is not entirely correct. Gifted, unusually developed is not the mind of a person in itself, his personality is gifted. A gifted person is distinguished by a qualitative originality of the psyche, which determines the possibility of achieving exceptionally high (unusual, outstanding) results of activity in comparison with other people.

Thanks to a special mental make-up, gifted children are significantly ahead of their peers, other things being equal.

What features and characteristics do they have? How exactly are they different from their peers?

All gifted children have the following developmental features cognitive sphere:

- Curiosity(cognitive need). The more gifted a child is, the more pronounced his desire for knowledge of the new, the unknown. It manifests itself in the search for new information, in the desire to ask many questions, in unquenchable research activity (the desire to disassemble toys, explore the structure of objects, plants, the behavior of people, animals, etc.).

- Hypersensitivity to problems. Cognition begins with wonder at what is ordinary (Plato). The ability to see a problem where others do not notice anything unusual is an important characteristic of a creative thinker.

- Originality of thinking- the ability to put forward new, unexpected ideas that differ from the widely known, generally accepted, banal ones. It manifests itself in the thinking and behavior of the child, in communication with peers and adults, in all types of his activities (clearly expressed in the nature and themes of independent drawings, writing stories, designing and other products of children's activities).

- Flexibility of thinking- the ability to quickly and easily find new alternative solution strategies, establish associative links and move (in thinking and behavior) from phenomena of one class to others, often distant in content. A high level of flexibility of thinking is a rare phenomenon, so its presence indicates the exclusivity characteristic of gifted children.

- Ease of generating ideas, or fluency of thought. A large number of ideas is typical for a gifted child as a reaction to a problem situation. The emerging ideas may look completely unrealistic at first glance, but upon deep study, they often serve as the basis for fundamentally new approaches. The fluency of thinking can be assessed by the number of options for solving various problems and products of activity (projects, drawings, essays, etc.).

- Ease of association. It manifests itself in the ability to find analogies where they are not traditionally seen. This becomes possible with the ability to see the connections between different events that are far in content. A gifted child is able to perceive connections and relationships between phenomena, objects, events much more productively than ordinary peers, and these connections can be unconventional and unusual.

- High degree of concentration. It manifests itself in a tendency to complex and relatively long-term activities. The child is often absorbed in the activity that interests him so much that it is almost impossible to distract him, and he is able to engage in it for a long time, he can return to it within a few days

- Excellent memory. The child's ability to memorize facts, events, abstract symbols, various signs is the most important indicator of giftedness. Gifted children often surprise others with their ability to memorize. But it should be borne in mind that the advantages of a gifted child are provided not so much by the large amount of information stored in memory, but by the ability to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory.

- Predictive Ability- the ability to present the result of solving a problem before it is actually solved, to predict the possible consequences of an action before its implementation. This ability largely depends on the presence and degree of development of such characteristics of a gifted child as the flexibility of thinking, the ease of generating ideas, and the tendency to solve problems that have many solutions. The integral nature of this property allows us to consider it one of the main ones in determining giftedness. The ability to predict is found not only in solving educational problems, but also extends to a wide variety of manifestations of real life: from predicting the consequences of elementary events to the possibility of predicting the development of social phenomena.

- Appreciation Ability is primarily the result of critical thinking. It implies the possibility of understanding both one's own thoughts and actions, and the actions of other people. The ability to assess provides the child's self-sufficiency, self-confidence, thereby determining his independence, independence and other qualities.

9. Giftedness and age. Development of the creative potential of gifted children / Ed. . M.; Voronezh, 2004.

10. Lord's children: identification, training, development // Pedagogy, 2001. No. 4.

11. Psychological diagnostics: Textbook / Ed. . SPb., 2005.

12. Psychology of giftedness: from theory to practice / Ed. . M., 2000.

13. Working concept of giftedness / Ed. . 2nd ed., expanded. revised M., 2003.

14. Savenkov of children's giftedness. M., 2010.

15. Tunic of creative thinking. Creative tests. SPb., 2002.

16. Tunick, creativity J. Renzulli / // School psychologist. 2004. No. 4.

17. Heller research of giftedness /, K. Perlet, V, Sierwald // Questions of psychology. 1991. No. 2.

18. Cold and methods for identifying gifted children // Giftedness: a working concept. M., 2002.

19., Averina test of creative thinking. Figured form: A manual for school psychologists. M., 1995.

20. Yurkevich of the diagnosis and prognosis of giftedness in the work of a practical psychologist / // School of Health. 1997. No. 1.

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1 Regional State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education "Altai Regional Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth" METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Work with gifted children in the system of additional education. Compiled by: Pavlova V.A., methodologist of KGBU DO "AKDTDiM" Barnaul

2 Guidelines. Work with gifted children in the system of additional education. Compiled by: Pavlova V.A., Annotation: In the methodological recommendations, the concepts of “ability”, “giftedness”, “talent” are divorced. The types of giftedness are classified. The stages and forms of work with gifted children are highlighted. Methodological recommendations are intended for teachers of additional education. 2

3 Guidelines for working with gifted children in the system of additional education. An important role in the development of children's giftedness and talent is played by institutions of additional education for children, which can compensate for the lack of teaching load in various creative workshops and associations. In them, the child begins the development of special abilities, forms a special talent. Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose the educational field, the profile of the programs, the time of their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account his individual inclinations. The personal-activity nature of the educational process makes it possible to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - the identification, development and support of gifted and talented children. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time. When defining work with gifted children, it is necessary to distinguish the main characteristic differences between such concepts as "ability", "giftedness", "talent". Giftedness is a unique holistic state of a child's personality, a great individual and social value that needs to be identified and supported; a systemic quality that determines the ability of a person to achieve exceptionally high results in one or more activities in comparison with other people. A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity. Abilities are defined as individual personality traits that determine the success of an activity that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, but determine the ease and speed of learning new ways and methods of activity (B.M. Teplov). Talent is an innate ability that ensures high success in activity. In general, one can imagine talent as a combination of the following traits: natural inclinations (anatomical, physical and emotional, i.e. increased sensitivity); intellectual and mental capabilities that allow you to assess new situations and solve new problems; the ability to maintain interest in the object of labor for a long time, i.e. the will and energy of man; the ability to create new images, fantasy and imagination. No single ability can be sufficient for the successful performance of an activity. A person must have many abilities that would be in a favorable combination. A qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities necessary for the successful implementation of any 3

4 activities, called giftedness. The main functions of giftedness are maximum adaptation to the world, environment, finding solutions in all cases when new, unforeseen problems are created that require a creative approach. Gifted children are special children, and the task of teachers is to understand them, to direct all efforts to transfer their experience and knowledge to them. The educator must understand that these children need support from adults who are called upon to teach them to cope with exorbitant expectations regarding their abilities. Each child is gifted in his own way, and for the teacher it is more important not to identify the level of giftedness, but the quality of giftedness. The following types of giftedness are distinguished: creative giftedness, academic giftedness, artistic giftedness, musical giftedness, intellectual giftedness, literary giftedness, psychomotor giftedness, general giftedness, intellectual giftedness. In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted and talented children can be distinguished: individual education or education in small groups according to programs of creative development in a certain area; work on research and creative projects in the mentoring mode (as a mentor, as a rule, a scientist, a worker of science or culture, a high-class specialist acts as a mentor); part-time schools; vacation camps, master classes, creative laboratories; system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads; children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars. Favorable opportunities for additional education are clearly manifested, in particular, in the field of artistic development. Children often come to these institutions whose talents have already begun to unfold. They are motivated to master artistic and creative activities, and this creates conditions for the fruitful development of special skills and knowledge. In additional education, one can use such a powerful resource for the development of giftedness as the unity and interaction of the arts, which in a regular school is difficult to subdivide the content of education by subject. At the same time, this form of work with a gifted child is fraught with serious dangers. It is important not to create a sense of exclusivity in him: both because it may not be confirmed in the future, and because circles and studios are attended not only by especially gifted children, but also by those who simply enjoy doing art, and relations with them should develop harmoniously. The other two dangers, unfortunately, often come from educators. The first is the exploitation of the student's extraordinary abilities for the sake of the prestige of the educational institution, which often comes to the detriment of the child. The second is the unconscious desire of the leader to realize himself through the students, which leads to the apparent success of the result due to the leveling of the personal aesthetic experience and the individuality of the children. In both cases, a gifted child turns out to be not an end, but a means for solving the problems of adults. four

5 If all these difficulties can be avoided, then the field of additional education becomes extremely significant for the development of a gifted child, preparing him for a professional path. Understanding giftedness as a systemic quality involves considering personal development as the fundamental goal of teaching and educating gifted children. There are several stages in working with gifted and talented children: first of all, it is necessary to find gifted children. a talented person is talented in many ways, so the child should have the right to choose which subject to study in depth. development of a personality-oriented approach to teaching gifted children: talented children always crave something new, more complex, and if their informational hunger remains unsatisfied, they will quickly lose interest in the subject. at the next stage, it is necessary to develop the psychology of a leader in a gifted child, carefully so that this does not lead to the appearance of "star fever". He should not be shy to show his abilities, not afraid to express his thoughts, if only because they are non-standard and have no analogues. With regard to the teaching of intellectually gifted children, the leading and basic methods of a creative nature are problematic, search, heuristic, research, project, combined with methods of independent, individual and group work. They are extremely effective for the development of creative thinking and many important personality traits (cognitive motivation, perseverance, independence, self-confidence, emotional stability and ability to cooperate, etc.). Such forms as specially organized interactive, design and creative activities should be most effectively included in the work; creativity development trainings; master classes for the development of creative talent; training seminars on the case method; network interaction; research work; competitions, festivals, scientific and practical conferences; self management. Identification of gifted and talented children is possible using such forms of activity as an analysis of the special successes and achievements of the child; creation of a data bank on talented and gifted children; diagnosing the potential of children using the resources of psychological services. On the basis of an institution of additional education for children, it is necessary to organize psychological support for the parents of a gifted child; joint practical activities of a gifted child and parents; support and encouragement of parents of gifted children. The following areas of development of giftedness of children are distinguished, which are also applicable in the system of additional education: 1. Active attitude to the world around. Gifted people are curious, creative, informed, active. The task of adults in this case is to direct the energy of the child in a useful direction. 5

6 2. Independence. Gifted children eagerly strive for independence, but adults often limit their desire. 3. The arbitrariness of regulating one's behavior. Since everything is easy for gifted children, volitional efforts are minimal. Problems arise when a child needs to force himself to do something that is not interesting, when it is necessary to obey the demands of adults. 4. Organization of an individual style of activity. An individual style of activity is a system of peculiar actions, techniques, methods that a person uses in his activity and behavior. 5. Creation of motivation for development and learning. Needs and motives induce a person to activity, action, activity, make him set goals, tasks and determine ways to achieve them. Teachers of the system of additional education should be aware of the peculiarities of working with gifted and talented children. Programs for gifted children differ in content, process, expected results, learning environment. The development of such programs takes into account that gifted children are able to quickly grasp the meaning of the most important concepts, provisions, principles; have a need to focus on the stakeholders of the problem and understand them deeper; show the ability to notice deep details, features and put forward explanations for the noticed; often anxious, due to their dissimilarity to other children. The behavior and activities of teachers working with gifted and talented children, in turn, must meet certain requirements: - development of flexible, individualized programs; - creation of an emotionally safe atmosphere in the team of the association; - stimulation of the development of mental processes of the highest level in children; - the use of various strategies for training and education; - respect for the personality and values ​​of the pupil and the formation of his positive self-esteem; - encouragement of creative features and imagination of pupils. The phenomena of children's giftedness and talent are of an integrative nature. The design and implementation of programs for the development of talented and gifted children in the conditions of KGBOU DOD "AKDTDiM" (as a factor in the systemic support of this category of pupils by adults) will not only contribute to the growth of their achievements, but also influence their future life path. 6

7 References: 1. Abakumova E. M. Development of the creative potential of pupils of an additional education institution / E. M. Abakumova // Teacher at school S Azarov Yu. Accelerated identification and development of children's talents. M .: Education of schoolchildren Akimova E. A. Individual education of a gifted child / E. A. Akimova // Teacher at school S Golovanov, V.P. Methods and technology of work of a teacher of additional education: / V.P. Golovanov. M.: Vlados, 2004, 239 p. 5. Gryazeva V.G., Petrovsky V.A. Gifted children: the ecology of creativity. Moscow-Chelyabinsk: IPI RAO, ChGIIK, p. 6. Who is considered gifted? // Headmaster, N. Konopleva. Is it easy to be a child prodigy? // Director of the school from Kutnyakova N.P. We learn to understand children. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, s. 9. Landau E. Giftedness requires courage: Psychological support of a gifted child / Per. with him. A.P. Golubeva; Scientific ed. Russian text by N.M. Nazarov. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. 10. Lebedeva V.P., Teacher about gifted children (a teacher's guide) / Ed. V.P. Lebedeva, V.I. Panova. Moscow: Young guard, p. 11. Leites N.S. Age giftedness of schoolchildren: Proc. allowance for students. higher pedagogical educational institutions. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. 12. Loginova R.N. Creatively gifted children: identification and development / R.N. Loginova // Teacher at school S Matyushkin A.M. Giftedness Mysteries. M., Gifted children: Per. from English. Moscow: Progress, p. 15. Basic modern concepts of creativity and giftedness / Ed. prof. D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya. Moscow: Young guard, p. 16. Working concept of giftedness. 2nd ed., expanded. and reworked. M., s. 17. Rogers K., Freiberg D. Freedom to learn. M.: Meaning, p. 18. Savenkov A. Creatively gifted children: identification and development / A. Savenkov // Teacher at school S Savenkov A.I. Your Child is Talented: Child Giftedness and Homeschooling. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, p. 20. Tamberg Yu.G. The development of the child's creative thinking. St. Petersburg: Speech, p. 21. Ten K. B. Summer camp as a technology for organizing work with gifted children / K. B. Ten // Teacher at school C

8 22. Khoroshko N.F., Pedagogical concept of the “School “Intellectually gifted children” // School technologies, S Shumakova N.B. Education and development of gifted children. - M., Yurkevich V.S. Creatively gifted children: identification and development. Types of giftedness / V. S. Yurkevich // Teacher at school S Yakovleva E.L. Guidelines for teachers on the development of students' creative potential / Ed. V.I. Panova. M .: Young Guard p. Appendix Psychological and pedagogical monitoring of giftedness Taking into account the specifics of giftedness in childhood, the most adequate form of identifying the signs of giftedness of a particular child is psychological and pedagogical monitoring. Psychological and pedagogical monitoring used to identify gifted children must meet a number of requirements: 1) a comprehensive assessment of various aspects of the child's behavior and activities, which will allow using various sources of information and covering the widest possible range of his abilities; 2) the duration of the identification process (expanded in time observation of the behavior of a given child in different situations); 3) analysis of the child's behavior in those areas of activity that correspond to the maximum extent to his inclinations and interests; 4) expert evaluation of the products of children's activities; at the same time, one should keep in mind the possible conservatism of the expert's opinion, especially when evaluating the products of adolescent and youthful creativity; 5) identifying signs of a child’s giftedness not only in relation to the current level of his mental development, but also taking into account the zone of proximal development (in particular, in conditions of an enriched subject and educational environment when developing an individualized learning strategy for this child); 6) multiple and multi-stage survey; 7) it is desirable to conduct a diagnostic examination in a situation of real life activity, bringing it closer in the form of organization to a natural experiment; 8) the use of such objective situations that model research activities and allow the child to show maximum independence in mastering and developing activities; 9) analysis of the real achievements of children and adolescents in various subject Olympiads, conferences, sports competitions, creative competitions, etc.; 10) predominant reliance on environmentally valid psychodiagnostic methods that assess the child's real behavior in a real situation, analysis of activity products, observation, conversation. However, an integrated approach to identifying giftedness does not completely eliminate errors. As a result, a gifted child may be "missed" or, on the contrary, a child who is not in any way 8

9 will confirm this assessment in their follow-up (cases of mismatch between diagnosis and prognosis). Labeling “gifted” or “ordinary” is unacceptable, not only because of the danger of errors in diagnostic conclusions. As the psychological evidence convincingly shows, these kinds of labels can have a very negative impact on a child's personal development. So, the procedures for identifying gifted children should be ecologically valid in terms of the specifics of children's giftedness and the uniqueness of the characteristics of a gifted child. It should be emphasized that the available valid methods for identifying giftedness are very complex and require high qualifications and special training. Evaluating a child as gifted should not be an end in itself. The identification of gifted children must be associated with the tasks of their education and upbringing, as well as with the provision of psychological assistance and support to them. In other words, the problem of identifying gifted children and adolescents should be reformulated into the problem of creating conditions for the intellectual and personal growth of children in institutions of additional education in order to identify as many children with signs of giftedness as possible and provide favorable conditions for improving their inherent types of giftedness. 9


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Adopted at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Youth Sports School of the city of Volkhov Protocol 01 dated 04.02.2016. Approved by Order 22 dated March 10, 2016 REGULATIONS ON THE PROCEDURE FOR MONITORING THE DEVELOPMENT OF GIFTED STUDENTS

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UDC 159.9 Galaktionova Yulia Leonidovna Tavakalova Elena Yurievna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Russia. Vladivostok Adaptation of first-year students with a low USE score

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2.2.6. Psychological correction development of recommendations, a program of psycho-correctional or developmental work with students, the implementation of this program, control over its implementation. 3. Responsibility of the educational psychologist

Workshop on the topic: "Working with gifted children, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards in the preschool educational institution" Purpose: to activate the knowledge of preschool teachers on the development of giftedness in preschool children. Increasing professional competence

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of giftedness of schoolchildren at different age stages. Diagnosis of giftedness. Brief description of diagnostic methods of child giftedness Model of giftedness diagnostics

1. Explanatory note. The reality of today in Russian education is expressed in the increased requirements for the universality of knowledge and raising the level of spiritual culture of students for the formation of intellectual


Tkach Tatyana Vasilievna Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Lyceum 14 named after the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation A.M. Kuzmina City of Tambov ORGANIZATIONAL CONDITIONS FOR TRAINING

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Krasnogorbatskaya secondary school" Selivanovsky district Vladimir region "I approve" Director N.V. Ryabov 04.09.2017 PROGRAM

Municipal educational institution secondary school 5 School program "GIFTED CHILDREN" for 2010-2013 Approved at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council Minutes 2 of December 27



PROGRAM "Gifted children" for 2013 2016 Program customer: Parents of students Main developers Administration of the MOU program: "Nikolo-Upskaya School 37" Program goal: 1. Creation of favorable

SYSTEM OF WORK MBOU SOSH v. Tungor with students who have an increased cognitive interest and are capable of creativity One of the main problems of education is the support of giftedness and talent. For school

PASSPORT OF THE PROGRAM "Gifted children" for 2010 2015 Basis for development: Federal target program "Children of Russia", municipal program "Gifted children" Main developers of the program: MOU

PHILOSOPHY OF GREAT. GENESIS OF PROBLEMS OF STUDYING GIFTED Toropygina Elena Sergeevna teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Sosnovskaya secondary school" p. Sosnovka, Kemerovo region PROBLEMS OF GIFTED CHILDREN

Pedagogical project "Model of work with gifted children in primary school" Author: Yalama Nadezhda Fedorovna, primary school teacher of the MAOU secondary school 5 of the highest qualification category If a student from the first

MUNICIPAL BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINGISEP SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 5" ADOPTED at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council protocol 7 dated 06/30/2016. APPROVED by order 118

Talents are hard to recognize, Not everyone can believe in them. Talents need to be brought up, they need to be developed, to believe in them. Anyone who is understanding will be able to recognize a simple truth: Talents can be brought up by a Mentor,

MKU "INFORMATION AND METHODOLOGICAL CENTER" "PSYCHOLOGICAL-MEDICAL-PEDAGOGICAL COMMISSION" "Recommendations for writing a program to support a gifted child" (compiled by Kozlova E.S., teacher-psychologist, chairman

"APPROVED" Director of MBOU Alar secondary school Zhebadaev F.B. September 15, 2016 Order 9.29. dated 09/15/2016 Program of work with gifted children MBOU Alarskaya secondary school for 2016-2018 Explanatory note. 1. Identification

ADOPTED at the pedagogical council Protocol 128 "26" 08 2017 APPROVED Director of KGBOU "Lesosibirsk Cadet Corps" Regulation P.F. Timuk "27" 08 2017 on the psychological and pedagogical support of gifted



Sub-program "Gifted children" Direction: system of support for talented children. Terms of the program implementation: 2010-2015. Basis for development: Federal target program "Children of Russia"

MOUDOD "ASYUN MO "Akhtubinsky district"



Compiled by:

Chervonenko N.N., teacher of additional education

Akhtubinsk, 2010

1. Explanatory note.

The problem of early identification and training of gifted children is the most important in the field of education. The intellectual and economic potential of the city, region and the state as a whole depends on its solution.

Giftedness is understood as a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving better results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright,

obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal

premises for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

An important feature of gifted children is their cognitive need. Cognitive need - primarily for cognitive information, which appears in a variety of forms: the need for impressions, curiosity, purposeful cognitive activity. Gifted children learn willingly and easily, are distinguished by sharpness of thinking, observation, exceptional memory, show versatile curiosity, often go headlong into this or that matter. They are distinguished by the ability to clearly express their thoughts, demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge in practice, and show exceptional ability to solve various problems. Each gifted person is an individual, requiring a special approach. Facilitating the realization of giftedness most often requires the organization of a special environment, including special education, which goes beyond education in a regular school.

It is institutions of additional education that can compensate for the lack of teaching load in various creative workshops and associations. In them, the child begins the development of special abilities, forms a special talent.

Working with gifted children is difficult, but rich in developing ideas - not only for pupils, but also for the teacher.

Additional education of children is focused on mastering the experience of creative activity in the field of practical actions that are of interest to the child on the way to mastery.

The program has been developed in three areas:

Working with students;

Working with parents;

Working with the teaching staff.

Each direction of the program is implemented annually, it is possible to adjust the content, forms and methods of program implementation.

The implementation of the program allows:

- create optimal conditions for the development and realization of the potential abilities of gifted children;

- to acquaint teachers with the psychological traits of children who are distinguished by an extraordinary need for knowledge and productivity of thinking, clearly ahead of their peers in terms of intelligence;

– gain knowledge about the main “components” of general mental giftedness and special types of giftedness;

- to acquaint teachers with the issues of diagnosing the mental giftedness of children;

- to carry out the development of the concept of psychological and pedagogical foundations of giftedness, the identification and training of gifted and talented children and adolescents;

– to form a data bank in various areas of work with gifted children;

- to unite children in joint intellectual and creative activities;

- prepare program and methodological documents and manuals for teachers working with gifted children and their parents;

- to strengthen the material and technical base of MOUDOD ASUN and associations working with gifted children.

The program is relevant and promising for the system of additional education, since gifted children are a creative and intellectual potential for the development of additional education.

2 . Goals and objectives of the program.

The goal of the Gifted Children Program isproviding favorable conditions for improving the system for identifying and supporting gifted children, developing and realizing their potential.

In order to consolidate and further improve the achievements in working with gifted children, the following tasks:

Improving the system for identifying and developing the potential of gifted children in accordance with their abilities;

Strengthening interaction with interested organizations to support gifted and talented children;

Providing advice to parents and teachers working with gifted children, training teachers in the advanced training system;

Acquaintance of teachers with scientific data on psychological

Features and methodological methods of working with gifted children;

Conducting various environmental competitions, intellectual games, olympiads, allowing students to show their abilities.

3. The concept of the program.

The identification of gifted children should begin in creative associations of the first year of study on the basis of observation, the study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, and logical thinking. Working with gifted and capable students, their search, identification and development should become one of the most important aspects of the activities of MEI DOD ASYUN.

Definition of gifted children:

They have higher intellectual abilities, susceptibility to learning, creative possibilities and manifestations compared to the majority;

They have a dominant active, unsaturated cognitive need;

They experience the joy of gaining knowledge, mental labor.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish three categories of gifted children:

Children with an unusually high general level of mental development, other things being equal (such children are most often found in preschool and primary school age).

Children with signs of special mental talent in a certain field of science (teenager image).

Students who for some reason do not achieve success in learning, but have bright cognitive activity, originality of mental make-up, outstanding mental reserves (more common in senior school age).

4. Principles of pedagogical activity in working with gifted children:

- the principle of maximum diversity provided

Opportunities for personal development;

The principle of individualization and differentiation of training;

The principle of creating conditions for the joint work of pupils with

Minimal participation of the teacher;

The principle of freedom of choice by the pupil of additional educational services, assistance, mentoring.

5. Methods of psychological influences that differ when working with gifted children (according to Yu.B. Gatanov):

1. Brainstorming. To implement it, you need to find a problem that has many solutions. It is necessary to value not the quality of the answers, but their quantity, to refrain from criticism and evaluation of ideas until they stop coming. It should be noted that in the first minutes of the brainstorming there may be the largest number of answers, then they begin to come less and less - although it is these last answers that are most often the most original. Then the received answers are discussed - from the point of view of implementation.

2. "Soft competition" is implemented in accordance with the following rules:

Group competitions should be used more frequently than individual competitions;

Competitive activity should not be associated with material rewards, grades in a journal, etc.

Teams must be constantly redistributed so that all children have the opportunity to be among the winners and there are no permanent losers. Criteria for evaluating the performance of teams: the number of ideas and ideas that differ from the rest.

3. Collaboration and cooperation provide an opportunity to learn how to live in a group. They teach mutual understanding, develop leadership abilities, allow less gifted children to experience success by cooperating with more gifted ones. At the same time, it is important that the functions in the group are distributed by the children themselves.

4. Invaluable activity. The judgment of the teacher, his assessment is postponed until the student himself sees other possible ideas or ways to solve the problem that he was trying to solve, as well as projects and work done by others.

6.Measures for the implementation of the program.

Target : creating conditions for the development of gifted students, improving the quality of their education, expanding opportunities for the development of individual abilities, improving the conditions for social adaptation of students, harmonizing relations in the systems "teacher - gifted student", "gifted student - student", "gifted child - parent".

1. Creation and development of a system for the selection of gifted children through

district olympiads, competitions, festivals, tournaments, etc.

2. Regional competitions of ecological drawings (posters), crafts,

Scientific projects.

3. Participation in regional, All-Russian, international conferences,

Festivals, etc.

4. Participation in regional exhibitions

decorative and applied arts.

5. Participation in the regional and All-Russian forums "Green Planet".

Work plan.




Drawing up a plan for working with gifted children



Participation in competitions (ASUN level)



Participation in the competition of the International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW

November December


Development of programs of individual work with gifted students.


Teachers of additional education, MS

Participation in the correspondence regional environmental competition "For unity with nature"

January February


Participation in the regional correspondence environmental forum "Green Planet"

January February



Diagnostics of teachers' readiness to work with gifted children.


Participation in the regional environmental competition "For unity with nature"




Participation in the regional and All-Russian environmental forum "Green Planet"




Psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for gifted children (OS)

Organization of continuous professional development of teachers working with gifted children




Creation of a data bank of individual psychological characteristics of the OS

During a year

Development of cognitive abilities of gifted students

  1. Social adaptation of gifted children.
  2. The role of the family in the development of cognitive abilities of gifted children.


Organization of monitoring of the development of gifted students.



Creation of a portfolio of gifted children.

during a year

Teachers of additional education

Providing support to all participants of the Gifted Children program.




Teachers of additional education

Conversations with OU parents



Teachers of additional education

7. Forms of work with gifted children:

· Classes, lectures, seminars, trainings;

· Individual work, incl. under the guidance of scientific supervisors;

· Business, psychological and intellectual games;

· Scientific conferences "Young researchers of nature";

· Creative workshops;

· Project activity;

· Contests;

· Exhibitions;

· Individual and group consultations;

«Round tables»;

· Work in libraries with sources;

· Excursions.

8.Expected results of the program


1. Improving the quality of education.

2. Creation of an atmosphere of positive work, its significance in human life, creativity as opposed to the spreading drug addiction, social denial.

3. Expansion of the range of activities to reveal the creative abilities of students.

4. Publication of student research papers.

5. Professional development of teachers working with gifted children.

6. Active involvement of gifted children in additional education.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose the educational field, the profile of the programs, the time of their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. The personal-activity nature of the educational process makes it possible to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - the identification, development and support of gifted children.

Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed deadlines for completion and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted children can be distinguished:

  • 1) training individually or in small groups according to programs of creative development in a certain area;
  • 2) work on research and creative projects in the mode of mentoring (as a rule, a scientist, scientist or cultural worker, high-class specialist acts as a mentor);
  • 3) part-time schools;
  • 4) vacation fees, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;
  • 5) a system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;
  • 6) children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

The family of a gifted child in all cases is directly related to the development of his personality and giftedness. Even outwardly, seemingly unfavorable conditions for development (poor living conditions, insufficient material security, an incomplete family) turn out to be more or less indifferent for the development of abilities, but the characteristics that are especially important for their development, primarily the increased attention of parents, are present in full. (sometimes even exaggerated). No matter how we consider the role and weight of natural factors or the influence of purposeful education and upbringing (school) on the development of the personality and giftedness of the child, in all cases the importance of the family remains decisive.

The experience of observing the families of especially gifted children has allowed psychologists to identify a number of special characteristics that are of fundamental importance for the development of giftedness. These are both positive and negative factors. First consider positive.

In families where gifted children are brought up, there is high value of education , while both parents and grandparents are often highly educated. The intellectual coefficient of the family is a favorable factor that largely determines the development of increased mental abilities of the child.

The main, obligatory characteristic of the family of any especially gifted child is increased, in comparison with ordinary families, attention to the child when the whole life of the family is focused on the child (detocentrism). Although such attention may subsequently become a brake on his spiritual autonomy, however, it is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in the development of outstanding abilities. Often the parents of gifted children are elderly people for whom a child is the only meaning of life. Even more often, especially gifted children are the only children in the family, or at least actually the only ones (the older child has already grown up and does not require attention), and the attention of parents is directed only to this child.

In many cases, it is the parents who begin to teach a gifted child, and often, although not always, one of them becomes a teacher for many years. a true mentor (mentor) of his child in a variety of activities: in artistic and aesthetic, sports, one form or another of scientific knowledge. This circumstance is one of the reasons for fixing certain cognitive or any other interests in the child's personality.

The child-centrism of the family of a gifted child, the fanatical desire of parents to develop his abilities, in a number of cases has its own negative sides. So, in these families there is a certain conniving attitude towards insufficient development of a number of social and, in particular, household skills in a child.

Parents of gifted children show special attention to their child's schooling, choosing textbooks or additional literature for him and consulting with the teacher how best to study them. This circumstance sometimes has negative sides, when parents interfere in the educational process and in some cases even provoke a conflict with the administration and teachers.

In pursuit of high achievements, the parents of a gifted child can act not only as his lawyer, but also as an overseer who makes a convict in a mine or a rowing slave in a galley work hard against their will (recall the history of the relationship between the great violinist Niccolò Paganini and by his father). In addition, comparing the success of your child with similar success of other gifted children, parents are rarely objective and instill this attitude in their child, thereby causing negative emotions in him.

Therefore, work with parents of gifted children is a special direction in the activities of not only a school psychologist, but also teachers working with such children.