Decorating a display of fruits and vegetables. Expert advice. Visual merchandising in the “vegetables and fruits” department How to design a vegetable department

There is probably not a single person among retail professionals who would consider the “Vegetables - Fruits” category to be simple and easy in every sense. Difficulties are associated not only with the quality of the product, which tends to deteriorate quickly and the seasonality of demand, but also with how the buyer perceives this product. What seems so special about ordinary tomatoes and potatoes? But you need to sell them, and, preferably, sell more and more. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to turn a simple potato into a gold one, although it’s possible (I personally have seen edible gold and silver), but to put secret secrets into practice visual merchandising techniques and it’s very possible to make the “Vegetables and Fruits” department more attractive to customers!

What are the objectives of visual merchandising?

1) Arrange and design the product in such a way that visitors have a desire to buy it.

3) Select equipment that will optimize the work of personnel, while ensuring high-quality presentation and preserving the consumer properties of the product.

Visual merchandising techniques can be applied to absolutely any product category, be it shoe buckles or pineapples with champagne. How does it work in the “Vegetables and Fruits” category?

In general, due to the visual attractiveness of most vegetables and fruits, the work of a visual merchandiser in this category is much simpler than, for example, in “frozen”. Buyers themselves are drawn to bright display cases and boxes. Marketers have noticed that people prefer to shop in those stores where they find the most attractive and high-quality fruits and vegetables. Thus, it turns out that the vegetable department is the face of the grocery store.

Most people make a choice in favor of more expensive vegetables and fruits, guided by their ideas about the benefits of these products. Based on these facts, our task is to ensure an attractive appearance of the fruit and vegetable display. There are several fundamental principles that will help solve this problem:

1) Product quality. It is necessary to remove low-quality goods from the shelves on time, because even among a whole mountain of bright and juicy tomatoes, one rotten one, but in plain sight, can ruin the entire favorable impression.

2) Massive display. Yes, the department of vegetables and fruits should look like a market, or better yet, like an oriental bazaar. The brighter, more massive and diverse your assortment is presented, the greater the desire to study it and delve into the depths of this abundance. However, you shouldn’t go to extremes: piling up mountains of tomatoes and bananas is not the best option, firstly, they are susceptible to mechanical damage, and secondly, the presence of a heap always makes you want to rummage through it. The sad consequences of an influx of buyers are clear to everyone. Therefore, simply full boxes with a top (or containers from a supplier, not the worst option, by the way), installed at an angle, are quite capable of solving the problem of massive display.

3) High-quality commercial equipment. Here's what you shouldn't skimp on. Cooling, humidity, ventilation, strong, clean and well-lit shelves and boxes - what you need! Don’t forget about convenience for staff and maintaining the quality of products: mobile modules on wheels and modular containers in which goods are stored in the warehouse and displayed in the hall - these simple devices will allow you to avoid unnecessary movements from one container to another, and therefore mechanical damage with all the ensuing problems.

5) There are “hot spots” in the hall. These are not conflict zones, this is your way of selling everything that is there at the speed of grandma’s pancakes at the height of Maslenitsa. The ends, shelves at eye level, and those places where the eye first falls when looking at the department from afar - these are the treasured places where everything goes. Reason and, in rare cases, a competent letter from the marketing department will tell you how to manage them.

6) The buyer goes for the “candy”. Not in the sense of confectionery, of course, but in the sense of going after what he came for, and our task is to expand the range of his interests. Well, for example, a person goes to the store to buy potatoes, and often buys bananas too. Russia in general is a country of potatoes and bananas... So, if we display these potatoes and bananas at the entrance to the department, then 90% of buyers will buy what they usually do without going deep into the hall. Do we need it? We need to lure customers inside the department where we have passion fruit and pineapple on display. Therefore, we will place all popular products of almost everyday demand deep into the hall, away from “hot spots”, and indicate them with navigation. But on the way to the treasured potatoes there will be shii-take mushrooms, or oyster mushrooms, depending on your preference, greens, pickles and other joys, without which a modest meal with fried potatoes would be unthinkable.

These principles, simple at first glance, are the fruit of many years of practical experience of specialists in the field of visual merchandising, marketers and even psychologists (yes, there are such people in retail too). I hope they will help you in effectively organizing your retail space, and for inspiration, I offer several examples of high-quality presentation of fruits and vegetables from global retailers. C1000 - the Netherlands, Whole Foods Market - USA, Mercator - Slovenia.

Fruits and vegetables are not only considered one of the most popular goods for any store, but are also recognized as a real decoration of the room. The level of their consumption has increased significantly in recent years, which is fully explained by the desire for a healthy lifestyle. Accordingly, the popularity of these products among buyers will continue to increase.

The fruits have their own classification:

  • pome fruits (apples, pears, etc.),
  • stone fruits (cherries, plums, etc.),
  • berries (strawberries, currants, etc.),
  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.),
  • tropical (bananas, pineapples, etc.),
  • subtropical (pomegranates, persimmons, etc.),
  • nuts (pistachios, hazelnuts, etc.).

Fresh vegetables are vegetative and fruit:

  1. Vegetative:
    • root vegetables (beets, carrots, etc.),
    • tubers (yams, potatoes, etc.),
    • cabbages (various cabbages),
    • bulbous (onions, garlic, etc.),
    • green and spicy-flavored (dill, lettuce, sorrel, etc.),
    • dessert (asparagus, rhubarb, etc.).
  2. Fruit:
    • tomato (tomatoes, peppers, etc.),
    • pumpkin (watermelons, cucumbers, etc.),
    • pulses (corn, beans, etc.).

Such a variety of assortments needs to be well planned, because the marketing load of the department is extremely high. It should be borne in mind that more than 70% of sales come from apples, tangerines, bananas from fruits and potatoes, carrots, greens from vegetables. It is better to place the fruit and vegetable department in the first part of the hall; dried fruits, live plants and care products for them can also be located next to it.

Maintaining the quality and attractive appearance of products + their display are of particular importance, therefore it is recommended to entrust the conduct of such events to experienced and qualified merchandisers. Independent organization of trade in vegetables and fruits often causes difficulties. And primarily due to the fact that most of them have a low shelf life in the hall.

The general rules for merchandising such goods include:

  • allocating a display area to each type of fruit and vegetable that corresponds to its sales volume;
  • professional selection of places to place each type of product;
  • presentation of popular vegetables and fruits at the most advantageous points;
  • daily maintenance of cleanliness and order in the department;
  • taking into account the seasonal factor of consumption and regular sales;
  • checking the rotation of all fruits and vegetables;
  • providing a sufficiently wide range of bulk and packaged products;
  • packaging of only high-quality vegetables and fruits, as close as possible to the moment of display in the hall;
  • creating convenient conditions for customers to choose from and guaranteeing the constant availability of packaging materials at the point of sale;
  • placement of informative and neat price tags in corporate style and color;
  • stimulating visitors through promotional messages and tastings.

When carrying out visual merchandising in the fruit and vegetable department, the Premier Analytics company does not exclude from attention the special properties of these goods, their seasonality and storage specifics. In addition to competent display of any food and drinks, we also sell

The formation of consumer demand is influenced by many factors. The volume of sales and the speed of turnover depend on whether people come to this store to shop. The faster the goods are sold, the fewer spoiled products there are. This approach is especially relevant when selling fruits. The short shelf life and special requirements for temperature and humidity force us to take into account the slightest nuances that increase the sale of this tasty and healthy vitamin product. The first condition will be the correct display of goods, attracting the buyer’s attention to individual groups and showing all the richness of the assortment.

Types of fruits

If we classify the variety of fruits from a scientific point of view, they are divided into 5 groups:

  • representatives pome groups are represented by apples, this also includes pear and quince;
  • To stone fruit include plum, peach, nectarine, cherry, mango, avocado, olives, dates, persimmons;
  • subtropical group - pomegranate fruits, bananas, pineapples and citrus fruits;
  • berry row - these are seasonal harvests of raspberries, strawberries, grapes, cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries;
  • nut-bearing, such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts.

The stone fruit group belongs to the seasonal species. It is unlikely that you will find cherries or plums on store shelves in January. The shelf life of these products is short and there is a risk of rapid spoilage of the goods due to improper transportation and storage conditions.

Berries are rarely included in the assortment for the same reasons. And cranberries, blueberries and other northern berries are more readily purchased by customers in frozen form.

The pome and nut-bearing groups are practically out of season. They retain their taste and presentation for a long time, are less demanding for transportation, are attractive to the buyer, and usually have an affordable price.

Fruit market

Considering the percentage of fruit purchases, it is surprising that everyone’s favorite apples are in second position. And the first place, approximately 25%, is occupied by such a “original Russian fruit” as banana. Oranges and tangerines hold third place, taking leading positions in the winter months.

Pears, grapes, peaches and nectarines are also loved by Russian buyers. The rest of the range accounts for only about 13%. Among them are figs, lemon, kumquat, lime, dates, mango, pineapple. The larger the store, the more varied the fruit baskets and trays will be. Exotic fruits sometimes wait for their buyers for a long time, slowing down the speed of trade turnover. When placing an order, preference is given to the most popular items.

Every year there is a slow but steady increase in the share of fruits in the consumer basket. This is facilitated by affordable prices and increased supplies from imported and domestic manufacturers. The sanctions of European countries played the role of a trigger for the development of Russian farms, and domestic products can be seen more and more often on the shelves.

Buyers also give preference to native apples, looking with distrust at foreign fruits that are too smooth and bright and remembering that “you can’t fool a worm, he eats only natural things.”

In the coming years, further development of the market and an increase in the share of domestic products are expected.

Fruit producers and suppliers

The Russian market is very attractive for foreign partners, who are increasing their supply volumes every year. The following countries are leading:

  • apples and certain varieties of pears are exported from Poland and China;
  • Ecuador and Colombia lead in banana supplies;
  • Morocco, Egypt, Türkiye send large quantities of oranges and tangerines;
  • It is profitable for Turkey and Uzbekistan to work with the export of watermelons and grapes.

When exporting fruits, strict adherence to import rules, sanitary standards and compliance with international standards for the level of pesticides and nitrates is necessary. If violations are detected, the batch of goods is not allowed for sale. Therefore, it is preferable to work with domestic producers: tangerines from Abkhazia, persimmons from Primorye, apples from Russian orchards. This is especially true for berries and watermelons. Cases of poisoning from early watermelons have become more frequent due to the huge amount of fertilizers in them.

Assortment of fruits for a kiosk

The variety of fruits will directly depend on the volume of retail space. A small kiosk or sales tent is limited in display area, so the fruits are placed compactly and arranged in groups to provide the best view and create the effect of product saturation. Preference is given to the most popular positions, the best sellers in the fruit market.

A specialized kiosk offers a wider range, which will certainly include seasonal berries and fruits. For example, cherries, persimmons, several varieties of apples. nuts, some exotic fruits.

It should be taken into account that in such retail outlets the assortment also includes vegetables, so the retail area is divided into several segments.

Assortment of fruits in the "At Home" format store

These stores are much larger than a regular kiosk, but they are also far from a supermarket. Their goal is to provide necessary things and a basic food set. Therefore, fruits are presented in the main, most sold positions, including seasonal groups. For example, persimmon, cherry, apricot. You can find a small section of exotic representatives from different countries: pineapple, lime, kumquat. The display is carried out in the most compact way according to the principle of contrast, but in compliance with product groups.

Grocery supermarket fruit assortment

Large shopping areas are simply created for fruit abundance. Ideally, it should create the impression of an “oriental bazaar”, where most buyer requests can be satisfied. Well-known fruits alternate with exotic specimens, bright colors attract buyers and spur the desire to purchase.

Basic laws of fruit display

The art of effective and selling display of goods lies in arranging the goods in a special way that stimulates the desire to buy.

Fundamental principles:

  • the product must be of high quality; at the slightest defect it is removed from the display case;
  • the massive display encourages you to plunge headlong into this splendor and not leave the collapse empty-handed;
  • high-quality commercial equipment will ensure long-term preservation of fruits;
  • You should make maximum use of “quick sales points” - the ends of the racks and shelves at eye level.

The fruit segment is located on the right side of the hall or in the center, closer to the cash register area. The proximity to the wine and fizzy drinks department is considered successful. You should not place fruits next to juice racks, they will distract attention from each other.

Large fruits involuntarily attract attention, so the central place should be given to large apples, surrounded by more modest varieties. Be sure to follow the zoning: apples to apples, citruses to citruses.

The principle of contrast in color, shape and size has proven itself to be excellent. This gives rest to the eyes and draws attention to the different product groups. Packaging does not always pay off; it is better to place the fruit in bulk on wide shelves or racks, and place packaging bags nearby. Only fragile fruits are packaged in the tray.

Original layout and bright artistic solutions are welcome, provided that the basic rules are not violated.

The brighter the counters are, the more attention they will attract. The fruit segment is practically the face of the store, so its appearance should strive to be ideal.

High quality of goods, competent display and friendliness of sellers will be the key to the prosperity of the outlet, and people will gratefully come here again and again.

At competent layout products in the Vegetables and Fruits department, you can increase the influx of customers into the store and further stimulate the turnover of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables.

To attract additional customers to the store, you need to create a clear planogram for the vegetable department.

Understanding the features of literate displays of vegetables and fruits, you need to have an understanding of how these products were sold before the advent of the modern trading format. Have you thought about it? That's right! The main format for selling fruits and vegetables came to us from the ancient bazaar.

This sales format is still popular in many countries, including Russia. Based on the experience of market traders, we can improve the display of goods in a modern vegetable department

Let's look at what techniques market traders use:

  • One product name is laid out in a wide display
  • All goods are in bulk
  • Almost always on the market, goods are posted in the direct access of buyers (choose yourself)
  • Market traders display vegetables and fruits so that the stall looks rich and colorful.
  • Market traders ensure that their display items are fresh and beautiful.

Transferring these techniques to a modern basis, we get:

Compact display of vegetables and fruits helps to display the maximum amount of goods in a small area of ​​the vegetable department.

For counter stores, two options are typical: displays in the vegetable department.

Note that in the counter format, display in a regular store display with duplication of goods on the waist line, as well as on racks, for example, with mesh shelves, works perfectly. It is useful to duplicate the product on the front camber.

In this way, the array of product displays will be provided visually, and in addition, a clear organization of the department will be maintained. Inside the refrigerated gastronomic display case, vegetables and fruits are laid out in already packaged form (on a substrate), or in trays, this emphasizes an individual approach to the client, giving him the opportunity to choose goods and buy in bulk.

Another layout option may be considered - a la market collapse.

But note that this option is good for stores offering products for Economy class.

If you have a supermarket or a medium-sized store, then it is best to install a refrigerated slide and camber. This department is traditionally located at the very beginning of the store, which stimulates the turnover of vegetables and fruits and has a positive effect on the overall level of sales in the store.

Rules for displaying vegetables and fruits on a retail display

To attract the attention of a potential buyer to a product display with vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to follow several principles of its design:

The product is placed in such a way that it is clearly visible as customers move and is divided into clear blocks;

The entire assortment is divided according to its type, that is, a vegetable zone, a fruit zone are visually formed and the location of all types of greens and root crops is determined;

Perishable foods should be placed in a refrigerated area;

Products that should be sold in the near future are located at eye level of buyers;

To form a loyal customer relationship, the display must be beautifully designed, equipment and goods must be kept clean.

For decorating and zoning display space
Currently, many products are produced: wicker and plastic baskets, dummies of vegetables and fruits, artificial greenery for decorating walls and commercial equipment.

If the store is focused on the high or middle price segment, it is recommended to use a practical and mobile shelf system, which allows for the most efficient use of retail space and has variable placement in the hall. If necessary, the shelf system can be supplemented with various modules or rearranged in accordance with the needs that arise when placing different types of goods. Therefore, the use of shelf systems allows you to flexibly change the product range and effectively adapt to customer requests.

An effective way to increase sales is thoughtful placement of price tags. It is necessary to take into account that price tags must be uniformly designed, and at the same time be large enough and bright, noticeable on different types of vegetables and fruits.

When conducting sales in the fruit and vegetable department, you can use information systems. Thanks to their isolated placement, the information on them is well perceived by customers and helps them navigate the store’s assortment. The most commonly used information systems are those with hanging mounts and A4 frames.
to post information. The average length of such an information system is 2 meters; it is appropriate in self-service shopping areas to indicate prices above display windows. Information from the overhead information system is duplicated using a compact holder with a price tag on the edge of the tray or on the back line shelves.

The departments of stores where fruits and vegetables are displayed are often among the most important for small and medium-sized retail outlets, since these products are classified as essential products. The right one is a guaranteed influx of new ones and an effective tool for retaining regular customers.

Marketers analyze ways to stimulate sales, consumer preferences and options for increasing sales revenue related to the display of goods, their location on the sales floor and placement at the exhibition. The RigMart company, which is one of the most experienced suppliers of freezing equipment, including commercial ones, takes into account the recommendations of specialists when selecting a range of equipment. We help our clients select equipment models that, in addition to ensuring internal operation and ease of use, will most fully represent the display of vegetables and fruits and other store goods.

Basic principles of department formation

We will not dwell on general rules. Let’s better remember how goods in this category were sold before the advent of specialized stores. Buyers provided their needs at regular bazaars, which is still quite popular today. There is always a beautiful display of vegetables and fruits that attracts attention.

What are the principles of trading at the bazaar? The product is in immediate access - you can pick it up, smell it, even try it. All products are placed in bulk, which creates the impression of abundance. The counter is always colorful and bright, which inevitably “catches” the eye and stimulates purchase. All products give the impression of freshness and ripeness.

All this can be realized in a modern store. Moreover, with the help of refrigeration equipment, which is supplied by the RigMart company at a favorable price, the correct display of vegetables and fruits is ensured, and their shelf life is increased. The technology allows you to effectively use even small areas of the sales floor, since refrigerated display cases for this type of goods have a vertical design with an increased display area.

Rules for displaying fruits and vegetables

It is necessary to divide the department into zones in which different types of goods are placed. Thus, the entire assortment of root vegetables will be located in one zone, greens in another, and, for example, apples and citrus fruits in a third. This is convenient for both customers and staff whose task is to replenish the exhibition.

The combination of a refrigerated slide and a “camber” is optimal when proper storage conditions are created for perishable products. For supermarkets, it is best to locate the department at the beginning of the sales floor. At the same time, for the most profitable products, the “golden shelf” rule applies - they should be placed approximately at eye level.

The display of vegetables and fruits should be clearly visible even at a quick glance. The most popular category (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets and onions - the so-called “borscht set”) should be nearby so as not to complicate the buyer’s search for them. It is very important to properly design the department and select the equipment that is used for the exhibition.

What does a beautiful display of vegetables and fruits give?

Firstly, it is a guaranteed attraction of attention, which means an increase in sales. Secondly, this is the colorful design of the sales area, including artificial greenery and dummies, which, unlike the products themselves, do not deteriorate. Thirdly, the use of additional equipment (dividers, baskets, trays, etc.) is the convenience of customer service.

Equally important is the correct use of information design, including the presence of price tags and information systems that tell about promotions and discounts. A feature of the domestic market is the love of consumers for large fruits. Their use allows you to create a beautiful display of vegetables and fruits, and play on the cost, increasing the store’s profit.

The principle of contrast, when placement is made taking into account the color characteristics of various products. On the one hand, each of them becomes more noticeable against the background of the others, and on the other, the overall attractiveness of the department and store increases.

You should not thoughtlessly place “hanging” or damaged goods on gold shelves. This may turn off the buyer. It is imperative to ensure that spoiled fruits are immediately removed from display and that all goods are bright and fresh.

Install cheap “used” equipment. It is imperative to select and install refrigeration equipment correctly. You can purchase reliable equipment from a huge range, as well as additionally equip it if necessary, from the RigMart company, the advantages of which have already been appreciated by thousands of customers.