Decorating a newborn's room. What should be the design of a children's room for a newborn. General concepts when arranging a children's room

If you are pregnant, then you have probably already thought about what to buy for a newborn.

There are so many plans: to buy clothes, furniture, care products, a stroller ... Oh, and even toys and diapers!

In the children's goods store, eyes widen.

Expectant parents are perplexed looking at the assortment, and sellers are trying to sell more things that are not really needed.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of purchases for the unborn child? How to rationally allocate funds so that not only enough for the necessary things, but also left for cute little things in the form of rattles and beautiful booties?

Sleep or furniture in the children's room.

For a comfortable sleep, the baby needs its own bed.

It could be small cradle, which is useful for a child up to 4-5 months.

It is impractical, because soon you will have to buy a bigger bed, but it looks very cozy and beautiful in the interior of a children's room.

You can also buy classic bed.

Such a bed will serve for about 3 years, because it is a rather large bed, fenced on all sides: which means that it will not be scary to put both a newborn and a three-year-old child in a crib.


Such furniture significantly saves both space in the apartment and the budget: at a relatively low price, you get a changing table, a chest of drawers for things, and a crib.

However, the sleeping place will not last long, because the child will grow up quickly, and the chest of drawers is a priori small for the amount of clothes and diapers that usually goes on the shopping list for a newborn.


Very comfortable and also economical furniture that can be useful for a child from birth to 5 years.

An almost classic crib is transformed into a regular bed (the grill is removed from one or both sides, the bottom is lowered) - and the cradle grows with the child.

There are options for a crib that can become a sofa, but this design is already more expensive.

It is up to the parent to decide which crib to buy, however, the requirements for the bed should be strictly observed:

  1. furniture material must be natural
  2. no toxic coating paints
  3. the bed must be safe
  4. comfortable
  5. and preferably beautiful

Also, you need to buy a high-quality orthopedic mattress for it.

If you can buy the simplest bed, then you can’t save on a mattress for a child.

What to buy for a crib?

  • Crib bumpers or small soft pillows - they will protect the baby from drafts and shocks when he learns to roll over and crawl, and also decorate the bed.
  • 3-4 sets of bed linen preferably in soft colors and with a minimum of drawings on it. The material must be natural (more often it is 100% cotton).
  • Blankets: 1 woolen or down, 1 thin flannelette, which can be replaced with a high-quality children's blanket. The filler of the blanket should not be made of synthetic winterizer - it is toxic to the baby. You won’t need a pillow for up to a year - if you wish, you can put a folded diaper under the baby’s head.
  • Oilcloth or waterproof mattress cover.
  • A night light so that you do not have to turn on the central light to see how the child sleeps.

Bed mobile.

Beautiful musical design with toys rotating on it.

This device will definitely be interesting to the baby, but in the first month he is unlikely to appreciate it - rather, he will be scared or simply not pay attention.

Therefore, it will be possible to buy a mobile later.

Changing table and chest of drawers.

You can buy these things separately, or you can buy a changing chest.

The design of a chest of drawers with a folding top is very convenient, which can be removed when the changing place is not needed and turn it into a regular chest of drawers for things.

On the chest of drawers, you definitely need to buy a changing mat with soft sides and an oilcloth washable surface.

In addition to these must-have items, you can purchase:

  • Bouncer or electric swing
  • Chair for feeding
  • Rack or cabinet for children's supplies.

Necessary things for feeding.

If you plan to breastfeed, you will need almost nothing.

From the minimum set - pacifier bottle, imitating a female breast (Avent has such, for example) and spoon in case you need to give medicine.

breast pump should be purchased only if you plan to constantly leave home and entrust the feeding of the child to relatives or a nanny. Or if you plan to express milk and bottle feed your baby.

With proper breastfeeding and established lactation, you simply will not need it.

Also, if you are concerned about the problem of inverted nipples, you need to buy nipple covers.

For the first time, you may need breast pads. But you should not buy too many of them: when lactation improves, milk will come only at the request of the baby and will not leak.

If for some reason you are unable to provide your child with breastfeeding, you will need to purchase more different feeding devices:

  • 2-3 bottles
  • brush to wash them
  • bottle warmer
  • sterilizer
  • a set of children's dishes (for the future)
  • a thermal bag (if you often leave home with a newborn - to maintain the temperature of the mixture).


For the first months of a child's life, you need to buy a special bath for bathing. But some parents prefer to wash the baby immediately in a large tub.

It is also worth purchasing a water thermometer to determine what the temperature of the water is for bathing a newborn.

Optional, but possible is a bathing slide (it will allow you to comfortably place the child in the bath and free at least one of your hands) and an inflatable bathing circle (however, many children do not like it).

You will also need terry towels with a corner and a soft natural sponge for the body baby.

For the first time, from cosmetics for bathing, you only need a mild soap without sulfates, fragrances and parabens, which is suitable for children from birth and can be used for both body and hair. They will be able to wash the child and wash their hair.

A large number of oils, shampoos, gels is simply useless - this is more of a marketing ploy and a desire to sell more products than a necessity.

Bathing toys will be needed after 4-5 months, when the baby can already sit in the water, and before they are simply not needed.


Choosing clothes for a child is a pleasant and exciting activity not only for mom, but also for dad. Still: tiny blouses and rompers are so cute and beautiful...

However, it should be remembered that the newborn is growing rapidly, and the initial 56 children's size quickly turns into 62, then to 68 and further upwards.

Therefore, in order not to waste money that can be useful for more necessary things, it is worth limiting yourself to the following.

Baby Clothing.

Form a list depending on the time of year that the child was born.

  • Envelope for an extract. This is certainly a beautiful thing, but not the most necessary.
  • The prices for envelopes are high, and it will come in handy only once. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the envelope-blanket, which you can then use to cover the baby on a walk, or you can immediately buy a beautiful walking envelope.
  • Undershirts or blouses (warm and thin, 3-4 pieces each)
  • Sliders 3-4
  • Body with short and long sleeves (one of each type)
  • Slipik or bodysuit (1-2 pieces)
  • Thin and warm hat
  • Socks 1-2 pairs (the baby's foot will grow very quickly, so you can take sizes for growth)
  • Anti-scratches (2 pairs per shift)
  • Warm nights or booties for a walk
  • Suit or overalls for walking. You can use a travel bag.


In the first month, the newborn almost does not pay attention to rattles and other toys. But after 3-4 weeks, the baby will be interested in looking at various beautiful objects.

What toys to buy for a child?

  • The very first - rattles-pendants. Until the child can hold objects in his hand, you can hang them on the crib.
  • Then after a few months you will need ring rattles, teethers and rustlers.
  • To develop coordination, you can buy a child bracelet toys or socks with bells.

Mobiles vary in price and configuration. Some are mechanical and some are electronic. The choice is up to you.

But it should be remembered that it is necessary to hang the mobile at a distance of at least 30 cm from the baby's eyes and not above his head, but in front, so as not to provoke the development of strabismus.

Play mat.

The thing is quite controversial. It is needed for 1-2 months, and it is unlikely that you will be able to buy an inexpensive play mat (if you only buy a toy from your hands - but why would you use second-hand children's goods?).

An analogue of a play rug is a crib over which you can hang various soft, rustling toys on strings: both simple and safe.

Electric swing.

They are different in price and device: from inexpensive simple cradles to super gadgets for 20-30 thousand rubles.

Electric swings serve as an excellent helper for parents, keeping the child busy for a while, but it's up to you to buy a swing or not.

They will only come in handy until the child learns to roll over and crawl - then he will get out of them, and this device will become dangerous for the baby.

Other gadgets for a newborn.

These are optional goods, but they are often offered to parents, assuring them that they are indispensable!

Video baby monitor and baby monitor.

These are devices that help you monitor your baby when you are not in the room with him. But in fact, such gadgets are needed if you live in a large house, especially a two-story one. In a familiar apartment, even a large one, you will always hear the cry of a child. And leaving a baby for a long time is not worth it even with a baby monitor.


Fashionable cradle for a newborn. However, buying inexpensive cocoonababy will not work. And it will be useful to a child for a maximum of 1 month. Therefore, think carefully about the acquisition, because its price is in the range of 10-12 thousand rubles. But you can ask for this gadget as a gift.

iTherm. Fashion smart thermometer.

Allows you to measure the child's temperature in real time. It is put on the baby's shoulder like a bracelet and is synchronized with the smartphone. It costs about 5,000 rubles, so it is also a controversial item on the list of necessary purchases for a newborn.

At first glance, the above list for a child is huge! However, everything can be acquired gradually, as needed and possible.

Remember that, first of all, a child needs the love and care of parents - this is paramount for him.

The appearance of a baby in the family is a great and joyful event. For a new family member, you need to prepare a room.

Parents always try to decorate the interior for the child as best as possible: this also applies to the arrangement of the baby's room.

True, they sometimes get too carried away with trifles, leaving important things unattended. What should be in the children's room?

The main difference between a nursery for a recently born baby and ordinary rooms for children is that when it is arranged, the opinion of the child is not taken into account, because the newborn does not care; the environment should be comfortable for his parents.

What should be taken into account when applying?

When creating the interior of a room for a newborn, you need to consider a number of points:

  • it is desirable that the room for the baby is located near the bedroom of the parents. If the child wakes up at night, mom and dad will immediately hear;
  • no need to buy a large number of toys and accessories. Acquire things gradually, as the child grows;
  • make sure that extraneous sounds do not penetrate into the baby's room. Newborns sleep very sensitively, the sound from the TV or noisy neighbors will interfere with the baby’s sleep;
  • kids need a familiar environment: only among familiar things will they be comfortable.

In the first four years, children are very receptive to new information. Let there be a fairy-tale world in the child's room.

Advice. Decorate the room with pictures of animals: this will positively affect the development of the baby.

Make sure that the nursery has enough fresh air, but there are no drafts. Windows need special attention. When a child turns one year old, he will begin to actively explore the space around him. Make sure that the little discoverer does not get injured.

Safety is the main principle of decorating a nursery for a baby: sockets only where necessary, and as high as possible from the floor surface so that the child cannot reach them.


Choose furniture with rounded shapes.

The main piece of furniture in the nursery of a recently born baby is a crib. Sleep takes up most of the time in newborns.

It is best to purchase a wooden crib with a lattice. The safety of the baby will be ensured by high sides. It will be an advantage if the height of the mattress can be adjusted at the crib.

Important! It will be more convenient to lay the baby if one of the sides is lowered.

The bed may have skids or wheels. There are also combined models.

In the first six months, when the baby is not yet able to crawl, a cradle equipped with wheels will come in handy. It is convenient to move such a cradle around the house, and the child will be constantly next to his mother.

The requirements for a mattress for a newborn crib are rigidity and breathability. The best filler for children's mattresses is coconut fiber.

There is no need to close the crib with curtains: they prevent the flow of air. Fabric upholstery on the sides is also not needed, because. they close the view to the child.

Advice. Place the crib in a place where the light is not too bright, away from radiators and drafts.

There is no need for a large amount of furniture: a playpen and small cabinets for storing toys are enough.

In the nursery of a newborn, you can not do without a changing table. It is recommended to put it near the closet where the baby care accessories are located.

Manufacturers offer folding models of changing tables. These tables have shelves for diapers and other baby accessories.

You can also use an overhead changing table. It is installed on the bed and takes up almost no space: this is the best option for small rooms.

The overhead table can also be installed on a chest of drawers. When the baby grows up, and there is no need for a table, you simply remove it.

It will be necessary to purchase a chair for the mother so that she can comfortably feed and rock the child.

Newborns need breast milk. Make sure that the place for feeding is convenient for both the baby and the mother. Give preference to a chair that has soft armrests, and a special stand will also not hurt so that mom can put her feet on it. Additional comfort will provide small pillows.

Important so that the changing table is well lit. Next to it, as an additional source of lighting, you can install a floor lamp.

In the nursery, it is necessary to equip a place to store the baby's things. To do this, you can use the rack; a simple design can be made by hand.

Furniture, like other items in the nursery, should be made of safe materials that do not cause allergies.

Wall decoration

The most suitable color palette for the walls in a newborn's room is colorful small patterns on a light background.

The color scheme of the walls can be universal or combined with the floor.

The most suitable colors for wall decor in the nursery are soft blue, pale pink and mint shades. Cream and noble beige are suitable for both a girl's room and a boy's.

The wall at the head of the bed can be decorated in a brighter color. When the child is in the crib, he will not see this wall, so the bright shade will not interfere with his sleep.

Newborns do not perceive colors, but when the baby starts to crawl, he wants to touch everything, so it’s good if the finish is with a slight relief: decorate the walls with textured wallpaper.

Grown up kids love to draw, and very often they try to do it on the surrounding surfaces. In such a case, washable wallpaper will come to the rescue, from which it is easy to remove the “creations” of a small artist.

It is desirable to divide the nursery into several zones with different functional purposes, and the easiest way to do this is with the help of color: make the play area brighter, decorate the bed in neutral shades.

You can place accents with the help of turquoise color.

Floor and ceiling

Infants who have not yet learned to walk crawl a lot, which means that the choice of flooring in the nursery must be approached especially responsibly.

It is advisable to use more than one material for the floor in the child's room. In the play area, it is better to lay carpet.

There is an opinion that one of the best options for flooring in a nursery is cork. Such a floor covering is non-slip, it is easy to remove dirt from it, this is a practical option. Cork is soft, warm and hypoallergenic.

Laminate can also be used as a floor covering in a nursery: this material retains heat well and is resistant to moisture. A good solution is natural parquet: such a floor will be warm.

Important! In no case do not use linoleum - this is a slippery coating, besides it is cold and can cause allergies.

The ceiling in the baby's room is the most suitable place to place decorations that contribute to the development of the child. Mounted decorative elements and balls glowing at night are popular. These accessories are recommended to be placed above the crib.


Lighting in a newborn's room should be as natural as possible. Decorate windows with transparent curtains that let in sunlight. In the evening, it is desirable to create diffused light so that the child can play. In the nursery, moderate lighting is needed: not too bright, but not dim.

Experts in the field of child psychology are sure that the interior of the room is very important for the full development of the baby. The task of parents is to make the environment safe. You need to start equipping the nursery before the baby is born: this will allow you to think over the interior design of the children's room to the smallest detail and achieve the best result.

Children's for a boy

There are many design options for a boy's nursery. Most often used classic style.

A room for a newborn boy can also be decorated in a marine theme. This option involves the use of white and blue shades: white will make the blue more expressive. A chocolate shade will complement these colors well.

Accessories will help to emphasize the marine orientation. Decorate the windows with curtains with patterns in the form of anchors, and cover the bed with a bedspread with boats.

Girl's room

Most often, white, pale apricot, pink and other pastel shades are chosen to decorate the interior of a newborn girl. Parents are trying to turn the room into the chambers of a little princess.

A good idea is to decorate the walls with wallpaper with butterflies. On the wall you can hang a mirror resembling a butterfly in shape, pick up curtains with the same pattern.

Very often, a nursery for a newborn girl is decorated in the Provence style. The French style involves the use of a large number of laces and ruffles, delicate shades are welcome, beautiful curtains and a distinctive feature of this design trend are floral patterns. This decor looks just charming.

The Provence-style environment that surrounds a girl from birth will help raise a noble lady.

Another good option for decorating the room of a little princess who has recently been born is the shabby chic style. This design direction is characterized by bizarre patterns, beautiful drapery. The room is decorated in pastel colors, and golden hues add special sophistication to the interior.

Read about how to make it stylish, modern and functional: different approaches to design, different results. See examples in the photo gallery.

How to put the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui? The answer is in the article - in detail, with diagrams and examples.

Styles for decor

There are quite a few styles that are suitable for room design, both for a newborn boy and for a girl.

A modern style is perfect for decorating a baby's room. This style direction involves the use of straight lines and functional pieces of furniture. In such a design, simplicity combined with comfort comes to the fore. Such an environment is unpretentious and practical.

The interior of the nursery, decorated in Art Nouveau style, is distinguished by charm and elegance. The design uses a large number of unusual things that are perfectly combined with each other.

It takes a lot of effort to decorate a newborn's bedroom in modern style, but the result is worth the time and effort.

An unusual option for decorating a room for a baby is the safari style. To create a design in this "African" style, natural wood or materials that skillfully imitate it are used. The decoration is dominated by shades of bed colors and chocolate color. The interior will be complemented by drawings of animals from the distant savannah.

Another suitable direction for children's decor is the English style. The decoration is dominated by rounded shapes. The decor is stiff: a similar design has similar features with retro style. To equip and create an English-style nursery interior, you need to spend a lot of time and make a lot of effort. English decor only at first glance seems simple: in fact, all elements are carefully thought out and form a single composition.

One of the most practical solutions is to design a nursery for a newly born baby in a minimalist style. In such an environment, there is nothing superfluous, all elements are functional.

Take note! The classic style in the interior design of a nursery for a newborn is most popular. Delicate colors are used in the decor, the forms are distinguished by sophistication, every detail is thought out. Such an interior will become the pride of parents.

A good option for decorating a nursery is the loft style. Bright details stand out against a light background, which, in combination with straight lines, visually expand the room. The room seems brighter and more spacious. The baby will soon begin to get acquainted with the environment around him, and he will need a lot of space.

A stylish environment allows you to create a "children's variation" of the Scandinavian style. In the usual version, this style is distinguished by restraint, but bright colors are added to the interior of the nursery, giving tenderness to the decor.

Objects surrounding the baby affect its development. The nursery should have interesting details that will allow him to learn the world around him step by step.

Decorate your baby's room with wood appliqués. You can hang decorative letters and pictures of cute animals on the wall.

Photographs in which happy parents are captured with a baby will help to give the room coziness.


photo gallery

We offer you to draw fresh ideas for decorating the interior of a children's room for a newborn in the photo selection below:

If in a house where they are looking forward to the appearance of a baby, it is possible to allocate a separate room for him, then the question of design and arrangement immediately arises. At the same time, everyone has one or another idea in their head about what a nursery should be like for a newborn - light, clean, in delicate shades, with cute mobiles above the crib. The image of the real Paradise, where the baby sleeps sweetly on a cloud. This is akin to the archetype of happiness that you want to realize in a particular room for your child. On the other hand, there are too many stereotypes that today you can fearlessly move away from and try something original and attractive. Let's go through all the components of a boy's or girl's room together - from styles to objects.

What styles are suitable for a newborn boy's or girl's room?

To begin with, it is worth deciding what styles we know. It is possible to conditionally distinguish several groups:

  • classic (it all depends on the country and century);
  • provincial (European and American - Provence, country, Mediterranean, etc.);
  • modern (hi-tech, techno, modern, fusion, pop art, etc.);
  • ethnic (for example, Scandinavian, Japanese or African).

Already at this stage, it is clear that the whole house or apartment should bear the imprint of one style or another, so there should be no problems with the choice. However, today many dwell on eclecticism, which allows you to freely combine elements of different styles.

IMPORTANT! There is no style in which it would be impossible to decorate a baby's nursery. It's all about the designer, his taste and sense of proportion.

Let's not be unfounded. Check out a selection of photos proving that African style is suitable for a baby and high-tech. After all, in fact, we choose what is nice to us, adults (you remember that the vision of a newborn allows him at first to distinguish objects only in close proximity). Therefore, it remains to find brands that produce the necessary furniture. If it is available, then the room itself will not be difficult to arrange, you just need to know the zoning rules.

Photo gallery: style ideas in the design of a children's bedroom

Provence in the nursery - the charm of old Europe: light, air and antique furniture Modern high-tech nursery - simple shapes, straight lines, minimalistic play with color The simplicity and functionality of the Scandinavian style is not afraid of bright colors The austerity of the Japanese style in the nursery is fully compensated by sophistication details Noble colors and classic shapes - impeccable taste from infancy Exotic African-style children's room - the romance of traveling without leaving home Country-style newborn room - lots of wood, floral textiles and light colors

If for adults it is still most important to emphasize the design of the gender of the newborn, then the most common themes for boys' nurseries are marine and sports. Psychologists do not recommend making even the slightest hint of aggression in the design, therefore, if cars or robots are used, they are very cartoonish and good-natured.

Girls are usually associated primarily with princesses from fairy tales. Therefore, the design of the room is dominated by a fairy-tale theme and warm colors - pink, golden, peach, beige, white.

How to equip - planning and zoning

Since we are talking about a whole room allocated to a child, we can immediately name several conditions that it must meet: it must have a window for ventilation, which also provides enough natural light during the day, the temperature in the room must be maintained at about 18 degrees, space - be uncluttered, easy to clean.

The space can be divided into 4 zones:

  • feeding and swaddling;
  • parent's rest

Each zone, in addition to the main piece of furniture, contains storage places for things needed to service this zone: bed linen, diapers, skin treatment products, etc. You can not put a bed for the parent, it is needed in case you have to be on duty at the child’s bed, but in such a situation, a crib can also be placed in the parent's bedroom.

For the future, it’s good to immediately plan a play area. After all, the child grows quickly, so it will be needed soon.

Sleeping area

It is good if the crib is used strictly for its intended purpose, that is, only for sleeping. So from the very beginning you accustom the child to falling asleep and to what he plays and eats in other places.

By the way, you should not place it next to heaters and batteries, because otherwise the delicate skin will dry out from excess heat.

But the cold wall behind the bed is also not the best neighborhood. It is better if they are separated by some distance.

For feeding and swaddling the baby

At first, only a mother's chair with armrests can be located in this zone, where breastfeeding or artificial feeding will take place. It could also be a rocking chair. Nowadays, you can use a comfortable U-shaped pillow, which will give comfort during feeding.

In the future, there will also be a chair with a table, at which a grown-up baby will eat.

In addition to the above, it would be nice to place a locker or chest of drawers with the child's things in the same area. It's convenient when you don't have to go anywhere for them.

The changing table will also be located next door. So you will facilitate your daily care of a newborn, when everything is at hand. In the same place, a small shelf is usually nailed above it.

For parent's relaxation

This is a bed or sofa that you can lie down on when you are on duty at the bedside of a child. They should be placed either opposite the crib, or just next to it. The main thing is that the baby is in sight.

For kids games

Despite the fact that this has not yet come to this, it is worth allocating a place in advance. There you will place boxes for toys, however, it can be baskets, boxes. The arena will also stand in this zone.

By the way, for a baby, she will also find a use - place a rug in the play area, with the help of which the child will begin to learn to roll over on his back and on his tummy.

Empty space should be left for future outdoor games.

And a little more space for the rack, where books, pictures, as well as things that the baby should not reach will fit.

IMPORTANT! If the room is small, you can combine zones and use folding pieces of furniture.

Choice of colors

What is the first thing that comes to mind when people are asked about flowers for newborns? Of course, it's pink for girls and blue for boys. And if you are not a fan of the "old school", then it is worth remembering that there are many more colors, and each has delicate, pastel shades.

Although today even the rule of soft, light colors is no longer so categorical. In fact, you can use any color, even black, but you have to do it with taste.

Photo gallery: colors in the interior of the nursery

Red curtains, pale pink walls and a red pattern on the ceiling - an invigorating combination Orange nursery: two tones of orange on the walls, a lot of bright, floral textiles and toys Sunny nursery - gentle yellow almost monochrome, but it is diluted with pale orange textiles Green walls, white furniture , walnut color of the floor - a very natural combination in an ecological nursery Monochromatic walls of light turquoise color are perfectly complemented by light wood furniture Light ultramarine walls are an excellent basis for cheerful pictures. Light furniture gives airiness to the space Noble brown goes well with warm greens and turquoise. The room does not look gloomy Purple walls are in harmony with the light floor and white furniture Pale pink and light gray - a very delicate combination that suits the baby Dark gray walls contrast sharply with white furniture and red textiles Black verticals contrast with the plain green walls - a bold decision

The first step is to decide on the main color that will prevail. When you have decided on it and its saturation (pastel shade, bright or muted), the rest becomes a matter of technique - there are harmonious combinations and disharmonious ones. Usually they are found on the color wheel, but today you can simply use sites that offer ready-made correct color combinations. For example

Let us just draw your attention to the fact that contrasting (complementary) colors are usually used for accents, there should not be many of them in the interior. And even if you prefer white with light color nuances when decorating the walls and ceiling, the room can only come to life due to furniture, decor, curtains, carpets and toys. So there is really a lot of freedom.

Let's consider one option in detail. Take the African design of a newborn's room.

And here's what it looks like in the form of a color palette. It conditionally indicates the proportion of each of the primary colors. You see that yellow (like the color of the savannah) prevails.

And indeed - the walls of the nursery were first painted in this color, and then decorated with a fresco depicting a straw house, palm trees and animals.

However, the plot still needed to be supported in the interior. Therefore, green curtains hang on the windows, repeating the shade of foliage, and the color of upholstered furniture is in harmony with the color of the thatched house.

To complete the picture, only one nuance was needed: something colonial. A chandelier, a wooden armchair and a crib are the elements that match the colonial style. Even such an exotic style can be made quite authentic if you take care of the details.

How to decorate walls, floor and ceiling

The classic option is to leave the ceiling white and stick children's wallpaper with toys on the walls. But what's stopping you from going further? After all, you can draw anything on the wall of any color, or buy a ready-made vinyl application on the wall, or hang pictures. In this case, colorful wallpapers are no longer needed, plain or even paint is enough.

The ceiling can also be involved in the revitalization of the room. For example, you can make a stretch ceiling in advance - there will be no harm from it, and you will choose the color or pattern on it at your discretion.

Many designers tend to somehow "plant" a tree in the nursery.

Most often, this is an application or a drawing right on the wall, but there are also voluminous trees on which it is convenient to hang light bulbs or even toys.

And now in order.


Here's what you should not do in this room, so it's parquet flooring or linoleum. Otherwise, you can choose from any materials that have hygienic certificates. Parquet is not harmful, it's just a pity, but on linoleum (as well as on laminate) you can slip. The choice is better to stop on the material that:

  • not afraid of frequent cleaning;
  • easily replaced;
  • not too expensive;
  • not too brands.

The best option would be a quality cork floor.


When planning the decoration of the walls in the nursery, you should immediately think that the time is not far off when the child gets to them with felt-tip pens, and even earlier he can smear food on them. So the cheaper the coverage and the easier it is to renew, the better for everyone. If you decide to paint the walls, it is better to do it in advance so that all the smells have time to completely disappear. And buy paper wallpapers with a margin - it is possible that you will have to glue the pieces.

In addition to the already mentioned vinyl stickers, you can experiment with coloring wallpapers, 3D or just photo wallpapers, as well as with soft wall panels.


In addition to what has already been said above about ceilings, remember that this is a place for a chandelier. What will she be? Its light should not hit the eyes, and the cost should not be such that you will regret it if a child breaks it in the future.

By the way, a simple white ceiling is quite suitable for projecting stars and other pictures of a projector lamp onto it. This is also a kind of decoration. In addition, multi-colored lamps are at your disposal.

ADVICE! Do not overdo it with the design - the walls, ceiling, curtains and carpet should not be colorful at the same time.


Above, we have already talked a little about furniture, but it's time to consider it in detail.


On sale you will find:

  • regular beds with a fence;
  • cradles;
  • beds with cradles.

Those who are inclined to think about the future can choose a transforming bed. As long as the child is placed in it, it will be his bed, then a small sofa on which to sit comfortably. Many current cribs are made with this in mind, so parents have a lot of choice.

Usually, all baby cribs have wheels so that you can easily transport it from place to place. But it is much easier to move the cradle.

Additional advantages of the crib are removable walls and adjustable bed height.

Choosing the right model is easy when there is already a certainty about the design. As for ergonomics, when buying, you should focus on your height - whether it will be convenient to get the child. The dimensions of the crib are also important - standard or custom. In some cases, it is worth making it to order.

Baby changing table

It is not necessary to buy a separate changing table. If there is not enough space, you can use the overhead model, which is installed on top of the sides of the bed. Or purchase a chest of drawers equipped with a changing area - this way you save space. In the future, the chest of drawers may remain, and you simply remove the upper part. It is important that everything you need is at hand, so you can install a shelf above the changing table. It should also have compartments or shelves for diapers and other items.

Chest of drawers or locker

It stores bed linen, diapers, clothes, consumables. If there is not enough space, you can make wall cabinets or put one pencil case. In any case, a place to store things is useful at any age.

Baby feeding chair

Often, in addition to a chair with armrests, an ottoman for legs is also purchased. There are many models of chairs for mothers, but in the absence of space, they can be neglected and the child can be fed on the already mentioned pillow placed on his knees. It is only important that the feeding place is the same.


The fabrics in the nursery are bed linen and curtains, as well as the carpet on the floor.

Bed linen should be cotton. It should be taken into account that wool can cause allergies, so not all natural materials are welcome in the nursery. Synthetics usually do not cause allergies, but it is worth taking or doing from it only what the child does not constantly come into contact with - for example, curtains. By the way, it is better to make the length of the curtains shorter so that only the window is closed. This is a concern for the future, when the child begins to walk and draw.

Practicality says that textiles are better than those that are easy to wash and easy to iron. As for rugs, they should also be easy to wash, because they will often take a hit on themselves.

Separately, it is worth talking about the color of textiles. In a room with plain walls, you can afford bright textiles, and where wallpaper with drawings is pasted, it is better to prefer a plain fabric or with a low-contrast, simple pattern - polka dots, a cage. Sometimes a colorful carpet and stickers on the walls are enough to make the room bright and attractive.


The light in the newborn's room should be general and point, local. The general light should not hit the eyes, the ceiling of the chandelier should scatter it sufficiently so as not to strain the eyes.

Local light sources should be located near the feeding and changing area. They will be needed so that after a night of feeding or swaddling, the child falls asleep quickly.

IMPORTANT! No light sources should be placed above or near the baby's bed. This also applies to the wall against which the cradle stands.

A night light turned on all night in the baby's room is not needed. He should get used to sleeping in the dark from the very beginning, because it is the darkness that is needed for the production of melatonin.

No light source should be in direct line of sight of the child lying in the crib.

In the future, you will have to make sure that all the lamps in the nursery are stable, and the wires are securely hidden behind decorative panels. Sockets will have to be closed with plugs. And one more thing: so that the lamp does not cause a fire, do not place it next to the curtain.

A good solution is to use dimmable light bulbs. This will save money.


If decoration was considered above as a way of decorating walls and ceilings, now we will talk about utilitarian items, which can also be considered as a kind of decor.

For example, toys. When choosing them, think about how they complement the interior you have created.

And those who are close to creativity are able to turn anything into decor. A small example: a beautiful fabric with a large children's pattern can be used to create a "leitmotif" for decorating a room - part of it will go to sewing bed linen, decorative pillows, and images will be cut out of the rest and used as appliqués on various objects.

Another way to combine space with a common element is decoupage. Those who love this technique can cover furniture with pretty napkins. If you maintain the style, then even heterogeneous objects will be perceived as a whole.

Let's get back to toys. Handmade is always charming. Of course, you will have to take into account the style of the room, but this is within the power of craftswomen. After all, home-made animals and dolls cannot be compared with purchased ones - they are much warmer than the latter.

In general, the nursery opens up space for the imagination of needlewomen - knitted rugs with cheerful colors on the floor, bright acrylic pom-poms as color accents on the walls and furniture ... there are many sources of inspiration. And every thing in the end is an expression of love.

Photo gallery: nursery options for a newborn boy

The subtlest gradation of shades of gray and yellow, plus dominant white A room in beige and cream tones. The furniture is chosen in contrast with dark wood. Variation of the marine theme in the boy's nursery. White furniture against the background of turquoise walls. Bright color accents of green and turquoise textiles Blue furniture against the background of light walls is reinforced by a lampshade and a rug of a similar color Contrasting nursery with dark furniture, beige walls and a white armchair Traditional solution: pastel blue on the walls, white furniture Eco-style nursery for a newborn boy: wood with a pronounced texture on the floor and in furniture, wood pattern on the wall
A very gentle combination of pastel colors with blue as the main color. Small accents of bright color Blue and green on the walls, white furniture and bright accessories The walls of the nursery are painted in different colors, one of which is slate black. Against its background, an old chest of drawers and a classic armchair stand out Warm and cold shades of gray - that's the whole gamut of this calm and strict nursery Zoning with a plasterboard partition - bright light from the window does not disturb the child's sleep Whitened shades of ultramarine on the walls and white furniture - a sterile combination, waiting for bright toys and accessories Greenish gray and cream are the main colors of this cozy nursery Classic style nursery in ivory - pure monochrome, reminiscent of a daggerotype Textiles and accessories add liveliness to this nursery. The light wood of the furniture is in harmony with the blue walls. Upholstered furniture and curtains in one shade of blue, which looks good against the background of beige walls. White furniture complements the range of pastel colors The newborn's bed looks like an island against the background of gray-blue with green walls The dominant green of the walls is balanced by white furniture, blue and yellow complement the cheerful range, and red is given as an accent Walls of rich brown-pink color contrast with white furniture Royal nursery for a girl - with pink walls, an unusual canopy and vertical striped textiles. The mural creates the atmosphere of a spring park in the rain; Tasteful accents of orange, blue and green The backlit wavy red panel brightened and the vinyl decals brought the cream wall to life The peach, pink trim and floral print on the fabric are a great combination for a girly nursery Simple flowers are the leitmotif of the nursery decor with white and pink furniture and pale lilac walls The geometry of the attic is emphasized by different wall decorations, the design key is a play with pink of different intensities Colorful accents noticeably enliven the nursery with white furniture and white walls Classical forms do not overshadow the richness of colors - everything is decided in cream monochrome decorating this nursery. The handwritten inscription enlivens the wall Fantasy on the theme of French classics creates a palace atmosphere in the room of a newborn girl Sharp contrast of cold gray and warm red and orange is balanced by white furniture and white decor on the wall Floral print and pink and white accents made the nursery with gray walls and white furniture cozier Metallic a crib and a round mirror in a massive classic frame are the center of the composition of this nursery in gray and pink tones

The Chinese believe that from birth to six years the child does not yet have a flow of energies different from the parent. So, you are free to focus on your taste in design. The main thing is that the zones that we have already talked about are clearly distinguished.

Regarding the parents' bedroom, the newborn's room should not be directly opposite, but still be nearby.

Do not place the baby's room next to utility rooms. If this is not possible, “fence off” him from them - with a closet, carpet, even a picture will do. And if they are opposite, then you should always close the doors.

In the nursery there should not be any ledges on the ceiling, especially the load-bearing beams.

Nothing should ever be stored under the baby's crib. If you still have drawers, then store in them only what relates to sleep.

And there should be no broken things in the room. Get rid of them right away. As well as those that for a long time have not found a use for themselves.

Design mistakes

Unfortunately, mistakes are not so rare when decorating a nursery. Consider the most typical:

Excess. It can manifest itself in different ways: some forget about the measure when they fill the nursery with toys and things, others - when they spend a lot of money on design, forgetting that the child will sooner or later get dirty, draw something, and he needs this freedom to some extent. ; others, on the contrary, go too far, investing too little, because the cheapest on the market is usually the most unhealthy. The fourth are so fond of thematic design that they turn the room into a theatrical scenery, forgetting that the child is quite capable of doing without entourage, by the power of imagination alone, turning the room today into a pirate ship, and tomorrow into a space one. If only the decor changed as often...

In addition to the above, it can be pointed out that the smallest of the rooms will hardly suit a child for a long time, because children grow quickly and are prone to outdoor games. It is better to immediately allocate more space - then the living room will remain for adults.

The foregoing is enough for you to agree: it is worth starting to prepare a room for a baby from the moment it became known about the pregnancy. After all, there is so much to do: to carry out cosmetic repairs in the room for a newborn, to make a lot of purchases, and how much work remains to be done for imagination! It takes months to do all this. Well, if you have them in stock, and if time is running out, then start now.

Great happiness, great worries. This is how you can describe the birth of a baby in every loving and strong family. At this moment, along with the joy that the birth of an heir or heiress brings, the newly-made parents come to understand that now it is their actions and desires that largely determine how the life of their baby will develop in the future. A particularly important period for any child is the very first years of life, when his dependence on the opinions and actions of the surrounding adults is almost absolute. At this time, the nursery of a newborn is almost the entire familiar world, and the quality of its environment determines whether the baby will grow and develop comfortably and safely.

Understanding this, many parents try to purchase the best pieces of furniture for the nursery, since everything you need can be purchased separately. However, such a choice is far from always so convenient, especially when you consider that a children's room for a boy or girl can be furnished in one fell swoop, simply by purchasing furniture as a set.

What can be included in this kit?

The concept of "standard set of furniture" simply does not exist. Each parent sees the ideal room for their offspring in their own way, the preferences and needs of children vary depending on age and gender, and manufacturers have their own views on the right equipment for a nursery for a girl, boy or newborn. However, there are furnishings that are found in most "ready" sets:

  • Crib. This is the most important part of any furniture set, especially those designed for newborns or very young children. In the first year of life, the crib is almost the whole world for the baby, and it is she who affects the health, restful sleep and good mood of the child, so manufacturers pay maximum attention to it. Depending on the set, this piece of furniture can be designed only for newborns or transform as the child grows. Different models are also equipped with a rocking chair, wheels, special protective pads on the edges that prevent the baby from chewing on the crib, height adjustment of the mattress, and spacious drawers.
  • Children's chest of drawers and wardrobe. It is hard to imagine that any children's room for a newborn could do without capacious devices for storing a lot of things - clothes, underwear and bed linen, diapers, toys and much more, which is indispensable in everyday life. Especially when you consider that these capacious storages are designed taking into account the future location. So, both wardrobes and changing chests are made only from the best and environmentally friendly materials, painted with absolutely safe paints, the fittings installed on them are securely fastened, and all corners are rounded. In addition, wardrobes can have a unique design (for example, rhinestone trim in a girl's nursery), and some models of chests of drawers can be equipped with changing boards or bathtubs.
  • Chair and table. Even if your baby is not yet able to sit, the time when he will need these devices is not far off. Therefore, manufacturers of children's furniture often add them to sets for children of different ages - for the convenience of feeding, educational games, creativity, and even study. However, the characteristics of tables and chairs remain similar regardless of the estimated age. Manufacturers equally care about the stability and convenience of babies, ensure their safety thanks to natural materials and high-quality paints, and also implement original design ideas that are acceptable in both a boy’s nursery and a girl’s room.

Note that the exact characteristics of all the listed pieces of furniture may vary depending on the characteristics of individual sets and manufacturers, as well as the specific wishes of the customer.

Where to buy a set of furniture for the nursery?

If you want to purchase a high-quality set of furniture for a nursery for a girl, a boy or a newborn baby, then the Mouth of a Baby online store is your best choice. We present high-quality furniture from domestic and foreign manufacturers at the lowest prices in Russia, and our customers receive discounts, gifts, free consultations and delivery throughout Moscow and all of Russia.

Come to our catalog and see what we have - you will definitely like something!

Waiting for the appearance of a baby in the family is the most exciting and happiest time. But along with happy moments, expectant parents come with a wave of responsibility and worries about preparing space for their baby. Whether it will be a separate room for a baby or an area in the parent's bedroom - it is necessary to equip a place for a small family member with convenience, practicality, safety and aesthetics that please the eye. Of course, every parent wants their child to be surrounded by a safe, environmentally friendly, beautiful and functional environment. But in order to achieve the maximum reflection of your desires and criteria for the best room for the baby, it is better to start preparing it long before the baby arrives. The more time you have, the more nuances that are important both at first and in the future will be able to be foreseen at the stage of repair, arrangement and decoration.

At first, the child will not have their own color preferences or favorite options for decorating the space, so it is important to focus on an environment that will be convenient and comfortable for parents. If mom and dad are happy and calm, peaceful and satisfied with life, then this mood will definitely be passed on to the baby. For a baby, it is important that the furniture and decoration that surrounds it are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and safe, so that the room does not have sharp corners, retractable and swing mechanisms that pose a threat.

  • the space for the baby should be bright and well ventilated;
  • in addition to natural lighting, it is important to consider options for artificial light sources of various modifications;
  • it would be nice to organize at least partial soundproofing of the room (produced at the stage of preparing surfaces for finishing work);
  • the room should be warm, but not hot (organization of a heating system with the possibility of temperature control);
  • the space should be functional, but not cluttered, it is important to use only the necessary furniture and decor, leaving as much space as possible for the growing baby to play;
  • decoration and furniture materials should be environmentally friendly, not cause allergic reactions and create a warm and cozy interior atmosphere;
  • textile decor of windows should be minimal and easy to clean;
  • similar criteria apply to carpets, which should be easy to clean and occupy no more than a third of the area of ​​the room.

Baby room color palette

From the point of view of creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere in the baby's room, it is necessary to use light, neutral shades, pastel colors. Obviously, such a palette will be an excellent backdrop for furniture and decor. On the other hand, psychologists say that for training the baby's brain and proper development, bright interior elements are needed that can attract a child's eye. For a growing child, it is important to be able to focus on the accent spots of the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, both light, pastel colors and bright, colorful interior elements should be present in the baby's room.

If you are planning to finish the children's room in white, then do not forget about color accents. With the help of bright stickers-stickers, you can not only diversify the interior palette, but also bring an element of the game, fairy tales into the design of the space for the baby. These stickers are easy to remove and replace with more relevant options that match the age and preferences of the growing child.

By choosing beige and sandy shades for arranging a baby's room, you create a favorable atmosphere for rest and relaxation. At first, these color effects will be associated, first of all, with your condition. If the parents are calm and confident, then the child is relaxed.

Furnishing a room for a newborn


For wall decoration, it is better to use safe painting or wallpapering. Paper wallpaper with a vinyl surface will not only create an attractive appearance of the room, but will also prove to be a practical option for wall decoration after a while, when the child begins to walk, and then draw on any surface. You hardly planned to make repairs a year or two after the birth of a child, so it is better to think over the wall decoration with a margin of practicality and functionality that meets the growing needs of your child.

The development of tactile reflexes is extremely important for a small child; with age, this contributes to the improvement of motor skills. Choose wallpapers with a relief surface and the child will be pleased and interested in touching them. It is better to opt for monophonic options. Against their background, any wall decor will look advantageous - from family photos to drawings of your growing artist. In addition, you will not need to worry about whether the print on the walls irritates the baby's eyes.

In addition, you can use staining with the help of special stencils, which are enough in finishing materials stores. A more expensive and unique way to decorate the walls in the room of a small family member is art painting.


In the room for the baby, it is better to abandon the now so popular stretch ceilings. The material with which the finishing is carried out is completely synthetic. It is better to give preference to painting with safe materials. True, for this it is necessary to achieve a perfectly flat ceiling surface either by plastering or by means of suspended structures.


To decorate the floors in the children's room, designers recommend the use of cork material - it is environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, hypoallergenic and safe, easy to clean. True, the appearance of cork flooring may not please all homeowners and may not suit every style of space design. You can also use a high quality laminate - the material cannot be called environmentally friendly in terms of the production method, but the options for allergic reactions to such a coating are becoming less and less every year, due to the improvement in the manufacturing process of floor cladding products.

Another floor design option is a wooden floor board with a varnish coating. The option is not cheap, but no one doubts the environmental friendliness of natural material, and any style of interior will look harmoniously with a similar floor finish.

One of the most undesirable options for decorating floors in a baby's room is carpet. It is better to replace the solid canvas with small carpets that you can easily clean and take out of the room for airing. Bright small rugs can not only bring color variety to the children's room, but also zone the room, highlighting the play segments of the space.

Baby room furniture

Wooden furniture is a clear favorite for arranging children's rooms. Natural material is environmentally friendly, durable and has an attractive appearance. Unpainted wood furniture brings the warmth of natural material into the atmosphere of the room, creating coziness and comfort.

Crib - a kaleidoscope of ideas

If you have the opportunity not to purchase a crib for growth, but to buy a small cradle first, then be sure to use it. Psychologists say that for the first months of being in the crib, the child needs very little space so that he does not feel a sharp change in his stay, because the mother's stomach was very crowded, the baby was wrapped in warmth from all sides. In a small lullaby, babies sleep more peacefully. In addition, there are a lot of ideas for making a unique design - cradles with a rocking mechanism, equipped with lighting and the ability to turn on quiet, pleasant music.

The original cradle made of wood is not just a place to sleep, but a small house for the baby, creating “protection” from almost all sides. The theme of the starry sky in the performance of the cradle is extended in the decoration of the corner for the baby.

And when the child grows out of a small cradle, and this will happen in six months, he can be moved to a crib, which will last him until the age of two or three years.

A round crib is a unique opportunity to create not only an original, comfortable, but also a safe place for your child to sleep. Of course, this option will not serve you for more than a year, but during this time it will also perform the functions of an arena. In addition, such models create a truly royal look for a room for a little prince or princess.

Metal cribs are strong and durable, they can serve as a bed for more than one generation of children in the family. It is only important, when purchasing a similar model, to make sure that there are no protruding forging parts in the design, that all surfaces are smooth, the decor is smooth and rounded. After all, only the first months the child lies in the crib almost motionless, then he will begin to get up and taste all the surfaces and objects that come across on the way.

Storage systems and changing tables

Open shelving for books and toys is the best option for organizing storage systems from the point of view of safety. Low racks do not have drawers and hinged doors, which create many reasons for minor injuries in young children. The only thing you need to worry about is that the rack must be sufficiently stable and made of environmentally friendly materials.

The changing table, located near the crib, is the perfect furniture pair for arranging a baby's room. A changing place will be more convenient if there are storage systems next to the table - shelves, drawers and cells for placing care products that are important to keep at hand.

A large chest of drawers for baby things is an effective way to think about the future growth of the baby. While he is very tiny and he has few clothes, but children grow very quickly, you will need a constant change of wardrobe and it is better if there are enough storage systems in the baby’s room for such an expansion. A chest of drawers with lots of drawers is a great way to organize all your wardrobe items and baby care products so that you spend as little time as possible looking for the right item.

Built-in storage systems will allow you to create a base for the future, when the baby's wardrobe grows and one small chest of drawers for storing things and accessories will not be enough. You will only have to change the cradle to a crib, and in the future - to a bed for a preschooler and a teenager, and the storage systems will remain the same.

In addition to a bed for a child and storage systems for toys, things and care products. Furniture for parents must be installed in the room for the newborn. Whether it will be a comfortable rocking chair or a small couch, or maybe a full-fledged place to sleep, is up to you. It depends, first of all, on the size of the room and your personal preferences.

If you install a chair near a crib, then do not forget to worry about the source of local lighting. Surely, such a room setting is a temporary option, so it is better to choose a table or floor lamp and not drill holes in the wall to install a sconce.

One of the options for additional furniture is a hanging round chair, which can be mounted both to the ceiling and placed on a stationary tripod. Such a device helps to rock the child without holding him in his arms. Install a comfortable seat for parents next to the hanging chair and facilitate the process of rocking the baby.

Lighting, decor and textile design of the space for a newborn

For window decoration, it is better to give preference to simple textile solutions. It is important that the room for the baby is bright, so it is better to use transparent tulle as curtains or not to curtain the windows at all. You also need to think about a window decoration option that will collect a minimum amount of dust. Choose simple curtains that will be easy for you to wash, give up complex compositions, many folds, ruffles and lambrequins, minimize the presence of various fringes and tassels.

To create the necessary level of artificial light in the baby's room, you will need several light sources. In the crib area, you can use both a hanging chandelier and wall sconces, and in the so-called parent segment, you can install a floor lamp. Make sure that the design of the lighting fixture is stable and safe.

Wall decor is one of the most spectacular ways to diversify the light wall decoration in a newborn room. Family photos in bright frames, paintings depicting fairy-tale characters or cartoon characters - they are easy to change when the child's preferences change as he grows up.

From the point of view of decorating a room for a baby with carpets, it is important not to be zealous. At first, until the child learns to sit and then crawl, you will need a small rug only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crib or changing table, where parents will spend the most time.

Baby area in parent's bedroom

Not everyone has the opportunity and desire to equip a separate room for a newly born baby. If they equip a place for a baby in their bedroom, then most likely they will not make repairs in connection with this event. At the very least, you need to make sure that there are no sources of loud sounds near the crib - a TV and a computer (if any are present in the bedroom). It will be more convenient if, in addition to the crib for the baby, you also install storage systems for children's clothes and care products - the best option would be a chest of drawers with a changing table.

Examples of decorating a room for a newborn boy

It is difficult for us to get rid of the stereotypes that have been developing for many years about the color preferences of boys and girls. No matter how many years the history of interior design counts, they will never stop decorating rooms for boys in blue tones, and for girls in pink. From the point of view of color choice, the small owner of the room is indifferent to the ways of decorating the walls and furnishing the room with furniture in various colors. For a favorable atmosphere in the baby's room, it is important that parents like the decor and the color schemes adopted, then the child will be happy. In the future, he himself will be able to tell about his preferences in colors.

A room for a little princess or all shades of pink in one room

When creating a room plan for a newborn girl, many parents opt for different options for pink and peach. No less popular are all shades of purple as the main color choice for decorating a child's room.

Interior design of a room for a newborn