The pumping station pumps water weakly. Do-it-yourself pumping station repair: typical malfunctions and how to fix them. Frequent breakdowns of the water station

The purpose of the pumping station is to supply water to the private sector. The equipment is installed if the central highway does not pass nearby. The rise of water is carried out from a reservoir or a well. In order to save money, do-it-yourself repairs and maintenance are possible.

The composition of the pumping station and the purpose of the parts

Pumping equipment represents nodes connected between failures, these include:

  1. Pump. Its task is to lift water from a reservoir and deliver it through a pipeline to its destination.
  2. Hydraulic accumulator. It is divided into 2 parts by a special elastic partition. One is filled with gas and the other with water. The purpose of the node is to maintain the required level of pressure in the system during a temporary shutdown of the station.
  3. . Its task is to keep the liquid from flowing back when the pump is turned off.
  4. The control unit consists of a pressure gauge and a relay. These devices record the level of pressure in the pipeline and control the operation of the system.
  5. Power supply.

Before turning on the equipment, the relay sets the upper pressure threshold and the lower one. The supply of fluid to the accumulator is carried out until the pressure in it is equal to the set upper indicator. The pump then switches off automatically.

With the opening of the valve, the liquid enters the pipeline from the accumulator, and the pressure begins to decrease. As soon as it reaches the lower value, the relay sends a signal to the pump for the next water injection.

In the event of a continuous flow of liquid, the system does not shut down because the pressure is not able to reach the upper limit.

After turning off the taps, the equipment continues to work in order to reach the upper threshold level, and then turns off. During the next turn on, the pressure starts to rise again.

Problems and malfunctions of pumping stations and their correction

During the operation of water pumps, various breakdowns occur. In order to carry out high-quality repairs of pumping stations, you need to know which nodes most often fail and how to troubleshoot. Whatever equipment is installed for a private house, breakdowns are always typical.

The pumping station does not turn off, does not gain pressure

The reasons are as follows:

  1. Lack of water in the well. This must not be allowed, because there is a risk of engine burnout as a result of overheating. To prevent this from happening, a sensor is required that would give a shutdown command.
  2. Insufficient highway traffic. The reason may be the small diameter of the pipes, blockage or loss of tightness.
  3. Check valve failure. Requires disassembly and troubleshooting.
  4. Filter clogged. It needs to be cleaned or replaced.
  5. Oxidation of relay contacts. The device is removed and cleaned of scale.
  6. Development of the pump impeller. The water stops flowing up. If it is not possible to replace the part, a new pump must be installed.
  7. Low voltage in the network. As a result, the relay does not work. A stabilizer connection is required.

Repair of the pumping station: often included

Frequent switching on will adversely affect the operation of the device. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Small hydraulic accumulator. The use of the accumulated water is proceeding rapidly. Due to its constant shortage, the pump has to turn on more often. To prevent this from happening, it is allowed to connect an additional storage tank.
  2. Incorrectly set relay. Frequent switching on occurs because the resulting pressure in the accumulator is lower than that set on the device.
  3. Check valve failure. There is no overlap of water, the liquid leaves uncontrollably, the voltage of the water flow in the system is constantly decreasing.
  4. Membrane disruption. This leads to a sharp decrease in pressure when the tap is turned on.
  5. Does not hold the accumulator spool nipple. Its replacement is required.

Air in water

The presence of air in the pipeline is a constant phenomenon, but a large amount of it leads to the flow of fluid through the valve in jerks.

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. The water level in the well has dropped and the lower hose is above the surface. To eliminate this reason, you simply need to lower the pipe below so that its lower part is completely covered with water.
  2. Loss of tightness of the pipeline. Air is sucked in through the cracks. All butt joints need to be checked. Found gaps need to be eliminated.

The pump station does not turn on

If the pumping station does not start, then pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Voltage. If the network does not provide the required parameters, the station will not work.
  2. The pump has failed. In this case, it needs to be replaced or repaired.
  3. Break in cord. We need to find this place and close the gap.
  4. Contact oxidation. They need to be cleaned up.

The motor hums, but does not pump water, the impeller does not rotate

The reasons can be both electrical and mechanical in nature.

  1. Low voltage.
  2. Burnout in the terminal block of the capacitor. Determined by the tester and changed if necessary.
  3. Check valve clogged. It needs cleaning.
  4. Impeller jamming. To do this, the pump rises to the surface and an attempt is made to turn the shaft manually. If this fails, the unit is disassembled and the cause of the problem is investigated. In some cases, it is eliminated at home, and sometimes you have to turn to specialists.

Some types of repair work

Depending on the complexity of the breakdown, repairs are carried out by hand or craftsmen are invited for this purpose. Simple tasks include cleaning the filter or clearing a clogged check valve. A more complex repair requires a faulty accumulator. Here you need to have knowledge and experience of similar work.

Replacing the pear accumulator

The first sign of a broken membrane (“pear”) will be a sharp decrease in water pressure. The fluid is supplied with air. The first step is to check the pressure in the accumulator, which should correspond to 1.5 atm. If it is absent, then the membrane is replaced. The order of work is as follows:

  1. The device is disconnected from the network, the water is drained and the flange is unscrewed.
  2. A torn pear is removed, the tank is inspected for rust. If it exists, it must be removed. After that, the container is dried.
  3. Instead of the old pear, a new membrane is installed, and the flange is put in place.

Sometimes happy owners of a well and autonomous water supply of a country house face a problem when water stops flowing from the tap in the house. There can be many reasons why the pump does not pump water from the source. To get rid of this problem, you need to find and eliminate the cause. In our article, we will describe the most common reasons why a pump may not pump water out of a hydraulic structure. In addition, we will give recommendations on how to eliminate them.

For the correct and uninterrupted operation of pumping equipment, two important components are required - water and electricity. If you identify an element that does not allow the unit to work, it will be easier to find the cause.

In order for a well or other hydraulic structure to supply water uninterruptedly, 4 conditions must be met:

  • The source must have water that can be pumped.
  • Proper power supply of pumping equipment (frequency and voltage must correspond to the parameters for which the unit is designed).
  • The pump must be in good working order, that is, its power and performance must be within normal limits.
  • All faucets, filters, valves and piping must be in working order.

Since the water supply system can be used not only for the home, but also for watering the garden, the problem must be looked for in three directions:

  • in a hydraulic structure;
  • inside the house;
  • in the ground.

But it is necessary to act by the method of exception. First, disconnect the supply hose in the caisson. If the liquid flows, then the problem lies in the house or on the main pipeline in the trench. If water does not flow, then the problem should be sought below the ground level in the well or equipment.

If the pump unit is buzzing, but the liquid does not pump, then the problem may be as follows:

  1. An error was made during installation, at the stage of selecting components or during operation.
  2. Sometimes this happens due to power surges or a significant decrease in the amount of water in the source.
  3. An open phase may occur in the internal structure of the electric motor.

Tip: if a previously properly working unit does not pump water, then the reason should be sought in the absence of water or electricity. With new, previously unused equipment, everything will be more complicated. Here the reason can lie anywhere.

Common cause

If your pumping equipment is buzzing, as during operation, but does not pump water from the well, then the reasons may be related to mechanical damage or clogging of the hydraulic structure. To begin with, try to remember what water came out of the tap on the eve of the breakdown.

If a turbid liquid flowed from the tap or the pressure suddenly began to decrease under the standard operating mode of the pumping equipment, then the trouble most likely lies in the well itself. This happens if the hydraulic structure is silted up or clogged. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as well sanding. And it can be called:

  • small algae that live in water;
  • solid impurities brought by the current;
  • shedding of rock from the walls of the tunneling;
  • sand lifted from the bottom of the well by pumping equipment.

All these components can clog the clearance of a hydraulic structure. As a result, first muddy water with sand will come out of the tap, then with air, and then the flow will stop altogether. In this case, the protection against dry running in your pumping equipment may not work.

To fix the problem, you need:

  1. Pull the submersible pump out of the well.
  2. All water from the hydraulic structure is pumped out.
  3. Disinfection of the interior space.
  4. Re-pump out the water. The time for re-pumping depends on the disinfectant used.

After cleaning the well, the pump should start working. But even if this did not happen, you should not hang your nose, because cleaning the hydraulic structure will benefit the quality of the water and the durability of the source.

What to do next?

If cleaning the well did not help, then the following situations may be the causes of the malfunction:

  • failure of mechanical parts of pumping equipment;
  • breakdown in the power supply system;
  • violation of the tightness and integrity of the main pipeline;
  • malfunction of one or more pump control units.

But in order to understand exactly what the reason is, the submersible unit must be raised to the surface from the well. Then the pump is lowered into a container of sufficient size filled with water and started:

  1. If the engine starts to work when starting, then there is no breakdown in the electrical system. Otherwise, such malfunctions can be suspected. But the search and elimination of the causes of the breakdown of the electrical system should be carried out by an experienced specialist.
  2. It is worth watching a running motor. At the same time, try to visually assess the integrity of all pipelines and hoses. Sometimes the pump does not lift water well due to the fact that the tightness of the hoses is broken, and the pressure in the system has dropped.
  3. But a leak may not be noticed right away, especially if the damage is very small. To make such places more noticeable, the outlet on the hose must be closed by hand. Then the pressure in the pipeline will increase, and jets of spurting water will appear in places of depressurization.

Important: it is better not to seal the damaged hose, but to purchase and replace it with a new one. The thing is that due to the strong pressure, the patches can move away.

If the unit works, but does not pump water

Let's say that there are no problems with the electrical system and the integrity of the hoses, but the water pump still does not pump fluid from the well. To look for the answer to the question why the device does not pump water remains only in the pumping equipment itself. To do this, you can do the following:

  1. First you need to check the filter device and check valve. They may be clogged, so they will need to be cleaned. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace these products or one of them with a new element due to the complete wear of the old part.
  2. The second node to be checked in the BC (household centrifugal) pump is protection against "dry running". The sensor could simply burn out, so the unit began to work in the well without water. This quickly leads to overheating of the motor and failure. It is better not to repair such equipment, but to replace it with a new product. So it will be more reliable and safer to operate the unit in the future.

Common faults

Most often, well owners are faced with a problem when the submersible pump previously worked properly and pumped water, but suddenly the water from the tap stopped flowing. We will list the possible malfunctions that led to this situation, and also tell you what to do:

  1. Significant lowering of the water level in the hydraulic structure. In this case, the water flows normally at first, then it flows weakly and the flow stops altogether. In this case, equipment with a thermal relay or a float mechanism will automatically turn off. Also, protection against "dry running" may work. Usually, such a problem is observed in the summer during a drought, if mistakes are made when digging a well, a well, or their productivity is incorrectly determined. Solution:
    • always use protection against running dry, so you keep the pump in good working order;
    • it is better to drill a well or a well in winter, when groundwater is at the lowest level, then in summer the level will not drop critically;
    • for drilling, contact only professionals;
    • Perhaps the well needs to be cleaned.
  1. The performance of the pumping unit is higher than the debit of the hydraulic structure. In other words, the source does not have time to fill with water, and the pump quickly pumps it out. In this situation, the same thing happens as in the case of dry work. Sensors will work and turn off the pump. This can happen if the pumping equipment is not properly selected, many water intake points are open and the garden is watered at the same time. To fix the problem you need:
    • choose the right pump based on the performance of the well and equipment;
    • when choosing, take into account peak hours of water consumption;
    • do not open all the taps in the house at the same time;
    • the power reserve of the motor should be small.
  1. Weak pressure does not allow you to raise water from the source. This can also happen with the wrong choice of equipment. For example, if a device with a maximum head of 30 m is purchased for a well with a depth of 50 m, then it simply will not be able to raise water to the surface. In this case, you will hear the sound of the operating unit until the thermal relay cuts off the power. To fix the problem, you need to choose the right pump.

Tip: when selecting a unit for pressure, horizontal sections of the pipeline should also be taken into account. At the same time, they are considered in the proportion of 5 to 1, that is, 5 meters of the horizontal are equated to 1 meter of the vertical.

  1. Voltage drop. Many pumps are very sensitive to mains voltage fluctuations. When it falls below 200V, the submersible unit may either not turn on at all, or start up, but sharply reduce the pressure and then stop the water supply. Measuring instruments are needed to detect the problem. You can do the following to fix it:
    • connect the pump to the generator;
    • use a voltage stabilizer or autotransformer.
  1. Clogging of the pipeline, shut-off valves or filtering device on pumping equipment. This often occurs during first start-up or after maintenance, resulting in debris, dust and dirt entering the pipes, clogging the listed parts. Sometimes this happens due to the ingress of debris from the bottom of the hydraulic structure. To deal with the problem is:
    • be careful when assembling new equipment or performing maintenance;
    • lift the pumping equipment to the surface and rinse it, for this the unit must work in a container with water with the check valve removed and without a pipeline.
  1. Disconnection or damage to the pipeline. In this case, gurgling water will be heard from the source. It is necessary to check the connection and integrity of the hose.
  2. Complete failure of pumping equipment. If the sound of a running motor is heard, but you have not found other reasons, then malfunctions with the mechanical parts of the pump can be assumed. It remains to lift the unit to the surface and carry it to the service center.

Pumping stations, like any equipment, are prone to breakdowns. But I am glad that usually, if the pumping station does not work, the reasons lie on the surface and are easily eliminated (or at least they can be identified).

All possible malfunctions of the pumping station have long been known - after all, this equipment is popular and is available in almost every private house. Most of them are eliminated by adjusting or cleaning certain elements and do not require any serious financial costs or knowledge.

Let's see how to repair the pumping station if it suddenly went haywire.

Jerky work

If the water from the tap began to flow intermittently, or if the device began to turn on too often (for this you will have to watch the pump for at least an hour and know what mode it was in before) - this is a clear sign of a hardware problem.

Look for the causes of a malfunction of the pumping station in the accumulator, namely, in its membrane and pressure regulator. In most cases, they are the cause of such problems.

If you are concerned about the question of why the pumping station often works, you should first of all pay attention to the operation of the accumulator.

This happens either due to depressurization of the accumulator housing (in this case, the air pressure inside simply will not be kept at the desired level), or due to depressurization of the membrane, which will also not hold the required pressure inside.

How to act in such cases?

First, let's check the integrity of the membrane. If, by pressing the nipple on the tank, water flows out (and air should have come out), then the camera has definitely leaked. In this case, either we buy a new one (price from 250 to 1000 rubles), or we vulcanize the old one.

How to change the membrane:

  1. Loosen screws and remove flange.
  2. Remove camera.
  3. Install a new working membrane.
  4. Reassemble in reverse order.
  5. Pump air into the chamber.
  6. Adjust pressure.

If the membrane is in order, we pay attention to the second possible “culprit” of the problem - the pressure switch.

The pressure regulator, when clogged with dirt and salt, becomes the reason why the pumping station works jerkily. Fixing this problem is simple: gently clean the relay from adhering dirt. Usually this simple way to repair a household pumping station solves the problem of frequent switching on.

Corrosion of the metal also leads to a malfunction of the household pumping station, due to which damage appears on the accumulator (which means, as mentioned above, the air will leave and the pressure will not be maintained at the required level).

In this case, in order to repair the hydraulic accumulator of the pumping station, carefully inspect the tank body itself, and if there are cracks, use “cold welding” and close the noticed gaps with it.

If corrosion has already hit the body too much, it’s easier not to patch it over, but to buy a new tank. A device with a volume of 24 liters costs about 1500-2000 rubles. A tank of 50 liters will cost about 3,000 rubles. For 100 - about 13-15 thousand.

If the pump starts working when you are not using water (it is very easy and simple to notice at night when the pressure in the water supply system is kept stable, which means that the pump should not work), it means that some connection has been depressurized or a pipe has burst.

Moreover, a breakthrough may not necessarily be serious and noticeable - perhaps somewhere in an inconspicuous place the pipe gave a small leak (along the flange or along the "live" one - it does not matter). This will already be enough for the pressure to be lost.

To eliminate such a malfunction of the water supply pumping station, you should, first of all, identify the problem - walk along the water supply line and check its integrity. If you find a leak, fix it (by tightening the thread on the flange or replacing the burst area).

In case you suddenly cannot fix the problem right away (for example, if a pipe section cannot be turned off without preparation, or if you simply do not know how to do this), you can temporarily eliminate the leak by simply wrapping it tightly with a thick rag. The solution, of course, is ineffective, but it will remove the problem for a while.

The called plumber will search for and fix the problem for at least 500-600 rubles (in case of an urgent call after hours, the amount will increase approximately 2-3 times).

station not working

You turn on the faucet and no water comes out. Or it runs in a constantly weakening stream, which eventually dries up. This means that the pumping station has stopped working.

A possible and most unpleasant reason is that the station's engine burned out. If you smell the characteristic smell of burnt wiring, you will definitely need to repair the pump of the pumping station.

Pumping station repair shops can rewind the winding, but such a service will be quite expensive, and, judging by consumer reviews, after such a procedure, the engine usually runs for about a year.

It is often much more profitable to buy a new engine than to repair an old one that has already failed. A new device, depending on the model, can cost about 1000-1500 rubles at least (whereas they will charge about the same for its repair).

Burnt contacts are the next possible reason why the pumping station does not work. The solution is simple: strip them, and the pump will work again.

Such a problem may arise in the country after the winter break, when you try to start the pump in the spring, it refuses to work. The reason is that during a long period of inactivity, the impeller could stick to the body.

You will need to manually turn the impeller. Usually, this simple minor repair of a pumping station for a summer residence will help start the engine.

The station is constantly running.

The problem is as follows: the pumping station is constantly working, the pump pumps water and does not turn off on its own. Pay attention to the pressure gauge - while the pressure is within normal limits.

There are two possible reasons for this "behavior" of the pump:

  1. Insufficient electrical voltage.
  2. The pressure regulator setting is off.

In the first case, the question is the competence of electricians. Although you can determine the problem yourself - check the voltage in the network with a tester. At the same time, keep in mind that it is often lower than the nominal 220V.

In the second case, you need to correct the operation of the regulator by turning a large metal spring in the direction of decreasing pressure. This will help normalize the operation of the pump. Turn the spring slowly - the adjustment on all models is very fine.

For adjusting the relay, the master (if you yourself suddenly could not cope) will take about 500 rubles. The same amount - for its cleaning and checking.

The station works, but the water does not pump

Another very common reason is when the pump simply pumped out water below the level of the lowered hose. This is true if you live in a large house, consume a lot of water, and the well is not very productive. Therefore, if the water has stopped flowing from the tap, immediately pay attention to the water level in the well.

In this case, if the pump worked without water, air got into the system, and this is bad. Repair of water supply pumping stations in this case requires bleeding air from the system through a special hole.

Then you need to wait until the well is full or extend the hose that takes water from it.

A dirty check valve or filter will also prevent the pump from working properly. To eliminate this problem, you need to check their cleanliness and, if necessary, clean the valve and filter from debris adhering to it.

Another reason can be a leak, only a serious one - when the pressure is not just slowly released, but quickly leaves. In this case, however, you will surely be able to quickly detect the problem - after all, the water from such a leak will come with a serious pressure.

As you can see, malfunctions of the pumping station and their elimination do not require special skills, tools, or calling specialists. And only in the most extreme case - a complete breakdown of the engine - will you have to look for a workshop where to repair the pumping station closer to home.

All other problems are eliminated by cleaning and adjustment. Often, new pump station parts are required - it is often easier to buy a new part, since repairing a household pump station will not cost much less.

To avoid problems, the repair and operation of pumping stations must be strictly observed in accordance with the instructions that come with each device.

Station repair (video)

If the pump does not work, first check if there is voltage in the mains. If there is voltage, then your next step should be to check the reliability of the electrical connections. If the pumping station is connected for the first time, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the connections. If these actions do not give results, then one of the possible causes may be a blocked impeller. Before inspecting the pumping station, be sure to turn off the power supply. After that, try to turn the motor shaft. If the impeller is blocked, then you yourself can carefully eliminate this problem of the pumping station. Sometimes the pump may not work if the starting capacitor fails. Such a malfunction is eliminated by replacing the starting capacitor.

Consider a malfunction when a running pump does not pump water. It can be in such cases:

1. The pump does not pump water because there is air in the suction line and housing. To eliminate the breakdown that occurred for this reason, you must first check the tightness of the suction pump, then, after turning off the pump, unscrew the plug from the filler hole so that the air present there comes out. Then you need to add water and start the pump.

2. The same malfunction can also occur for a reason if the water level in the water intake source is too low, and sometimes the suction pipe is simply not installed correctly. To troubleshoot problems that have arisen for the above reasons, it is necessary to check the water level in the source of water intake, and also check whether the installation of the suction pipeline you performed corresponds to the installation scheme given by the manufacturer in the technical documentation for the product.

3. Very often, the above problem occurs in cases where the check valve on the suction pipe is either clogged with dirt or is not working. Clogging of the ejector or ejector nozzle also leads to the same result. These problems are eliminated by cleaning the valve and ejector from obstructions.

A common problem is a decrease in the pressure of the water supply. This can occur in the same cases that are listed in the event of a breakdown of the pumping station, when the pump does not pump water (described above). Elimination methods are the same. But this failure can also occur for other reasons. This problem may be due to incorrectly set pressure. The pressure can be adjusted by raising the level. The same problem occurs when the mains voltage drops. This problem is solved by connecting a voltage stabilizer.

The pump may turn on and off too frequently. If this occurs due to damage to the membrane, the membrane must be replaced. The same problem can occur if the accumulator has low air pressure. You can increase the pressure by pumping air into the accumulator. The required pressure level should be 1.5 atm.

Why won't the pump turn off?

If the pump does not turn off, it is necessary to check whether the pressure switch is set correctly. If the pressure is set too high, the level must be adjusted. The pump may also not turn off due to a drop in the water level, which leads to air entering the suction line. In this case, it is necessary to remove the air (described above). Another pump may not turn off due to the fact that the fiver is clogged, this is due to the hardness of the water. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the pressure switch and clean the passage. (see photo). There is another case when the pump may not turn off: this may be due to the fact that there is somewhere a gap in the line between the valve and the pumping station, as a result of which a leak occurs and the pump cannot pump the necessary pressure. To eliminate, examine the pipeline, remove the valve from the well and check the tightness of the connection. Also, the cause of the malfunction can be quite commonplace - this is a malfunction of the valve itself.

Sometimes, during operation, the engine stops. This is due to engine overheating. In this case, it is necessary to disconnect the pump from the power supply, eliminate the cause of overheating.

Summing up, it must be said that the correct installation of pumping equipment, strict observance of the operating rules and careful attitude are the key to a long service life of your pumping station.

Frequently asked questions about the repair of pumping stations:

I put in a new check valve but I still have water leaking from the pipeline. Why?

1. The check valve must be with a brass stem.

2. Water leakage may be in the pipeline. The pumping station should be installed horizontally to the water inlet into the well or in the pit near the well or in the basement of the house, but a mandatory condition for the horizontal entry of the pipe into the well, any slope is undesirable.

3. Water must be added to the pumping station from the top until the station works

all the same, I will put a new valve due to the fact that during the night I poured 3 times into the system and the water left all the time without connecting the source.

good afternoon, tell me please - I had to disconnect the station (pedrolo) from the well pipe for repair. the non-return valve, as it turned out, is located directly at the station, but it probably isn’t on the pipe. Since the water has left the pipe. The pipe cannot be pulled out, and the station cannot pump water. What do you advise?

The most proven way is to put a check valve in the well, and pour water directly into the fiver. But since you say that it is not possible to lift the pipe from the well, then you can try to put a tap with an American in front of the valve. After installation, it is necessary to disconnect the faucet from the valve, open the faucet and pour water into it. It is best to put some kind of container with water and supply water through the hose to the pipe, it must be borne in mind that the water will immediately go into the well, so when you are sure that the pipe is filled with water, you must immediately turn off the tap to create a vacuum in the pipe, which makes it impossible for water to escape into the well. After, it is necessary to attach the tap to the valve and pour water directly into the station. After we turn on the station and open the tap, the station should start.

thanks for the advice, but not everything is clear. What is an American?

This is the connection that allows you to quickly disconnect the joint

Thank you! I will try.

Good day! wherever there was a possibility of air suction, they eliminated it. ok cleaned it. there is no necessary supply and strong vibration on the discharge line. it should be 12.4 m3 / h, but here it is 9 m3 / h. And the other pumps work fine

I don't know what kind of pump. What firm?

I buy a pedrollo station from my hands. Tell me how in the field to check whether everything is working properly. Thank you in advance for your informative reply.

You can put a bucket and pour water, then connect the station and run a hose or pipe into the bucket for suction and direct the raised water back into the bucket. It turns out a vicious circle and the station can work for quite a long time to check.

Please tell me what to do. During the operation of the pumping station, the pressure indicator is "O", but the pump pumps water while it does not turn off, a small blow to the relay and turns off.

Is it not clear or pumping pressure into the system? Most likely you have a break in the pipeline or the limit switch in the well is clogged.

So it’s not clear, with all this, water flows from the tap with good pressure.

"" when the pumping station is operating, the pressure indicator is "O", but the pump pumps water while it does not turn off, a small blow to the relay and turns off. ""

Most likely you have a clogged relay or fiver, see the article above. Or maybe the gauge just isn't working. Be sure to check the pressure in the receiver, it should be 1.5 atm. You can try to reduce the pressure in the relay to turn off the station, for this you need to slightly loosen the small spring. If this does not help, the pressure switch must be replaced.

thanks for the advice, I'll try it.

(Tuesday, 31 March 2015 18:22). it turned out to pump water, but a hemorrhoid came out - when the tank is empty, the station pumps water, but when the pressure drops and the station starts up, it does not pump water and does not turn off until all the water comes out of the tank. , the faucet closed the station threshes, you open the faucet again, wait until the water runs out, then the air is flushed and water flows again, you close the faucet, the tank is pumped and the station turns off) such are the tricks. to the water in the pipe about 8 meters. there is only one pipe 32. I’m already tired of this, since it’s a dacha - let’s go without me - I arrive at the station threshing (it turned out to be the second day) everyone smiles and doesn’t know what to do. I called specialists - they are generally amusing - they came, smoked, offered to drill another well ... well, we sent them to hammer in another place. I would be very grateful for your GOOD ADVICE!

Good afternoon, PLEASE TELL ME, I have not been able to identify the cause of the pump failure for 5 days, the problem is this: not long before the breakdown, the pump pumped low pressure and then refused to work at all, I cleaned it, changed the ceramic seal, checked all the pipes and connections, everything is in order, it either turns on and gives a weak pressure, then in general the engine runs, but the water does not run, what should I do? pump 3 years omnigena with impellers. By the way, today I discovered that the non-return valve does not hold, can it be the fault of all this? I almost forgot, I removed the pump from the pipes and dipped it into the pool, it pumps water well, it builds up pressure, the automation works. But when I connect it to the place it does not work HOW SO ???

Roman, the valve needs to be replaced, it is desirable that the stem in the valve be brass. Most likely you have a break in the pipeline.

Today I bought and installed a new valve, the water in the system does not drain, I just did another experiment, removed the pump and connected the wrong pipe to it, but a hose 15 meters long, so as not to sin on the pipes once again and he tried to pump but the pressure very small and after a minute of work it completely turned off (so now I definitely think that this is the wear of the snail or the impeller, but I don’t understand how it happened in such a short period of time and everything seems to be in order for visual contact. I’m completely confused.

It is difficult to advise you something remotely without seeing the pump. Judging by your description, the impeller is clogged. In general, a woman's stocking must be worn on the pump. If the pump is still buzzing, but does not scroll, then most likely the impeller is clogged with debris, it is necessary to unwind and clean it. If the pump is no longer buzzing, then if you have flown, only a new pump will help you, because repairing the old one will cost as much as a new one.

Good afternoon. The pumping station for some time (five minutes) supplies water from the river, then "sneezes" and stops working. What can be please tell me.

But the fact is that the pump works and the impeller spins, and even pumps water without pipes and hoses but with low pressure, and as soon as I put it on pipes or put on a hose, it either gives out a small trickle or does not pump water at all, but at the same time the impeller spins and the pump itself works good.

Dmitry, most likely your system has aired, you need to fill the station with water. The pipe entry into the station must be horizontal.

The pumping station is buzzing, but it won’t turn on. If you turn the impeller, it starts working. I cleaned the contacts, replaced the capacitor with a new one, the station (as they say) did not stand idle for the whole winter. find the reason. Thank you.

They removed the pumping station to tint it, put it in, now it pumps water with air, sneezes, especially in the morning after a night break. Tell me how to fix?

Most likely you have an air system! It is necessary to add water to the station itself, and thus displace the air. It is also necessary to check the check valve for serviceability and you will be happy and good. Good luck.

Thank you so much!!! I'll tell my husband to check.

If the station does not pump up the necessary pressure, there can only be 3 reasons:

1. There is a leak in the pipeline or a bulb leak or does not hold a check valve.

2. The mesh on the suction of water in the well is clogged.

3. malfunction us. help to fuck the station

When I start the engine, at first it just hums for 10-30 seconds and cannot spin up. and then just starts to swing. and during work, his sound changed, he began to buzz more and louder. please tell me what is the problem

The pumping station stopped turning off (upper pressure was 3). When they started poking around in it, it turned out that the rubber pear was torn. Replaced. Cleaned the pressure switch. Nothing helped. Lowered the pressure to 2.2. Now she quickly pumps up to 2 and for a long time, as if with difficulty, up to 2.2. This is not normal and the pressure is not at all satisfied. What can you advise?

Stavr pump does not turn off, new

Mila, most likely you have a clogged mesh in the suction line, which is located in the well. Also check the check valve. Check the pressure in the tank, between the pear and the tank itself, it should be 1.5 atm

Connected the pumping station (new). Filled with water, turned on. There is no water.

I let the air out, added water. I started it again - there is no water. The air is pumped in, checked the pressure - 2 atm. Say, maybe the reason is that the last 30 cm of the suction pipe is connected to the station with a slight counter-slope, somewhere around 5-7 mm.

It's not a matter of bias! Your check valve does not hold, change to a valve with a brass stem (core)

Tell me, is it necessary to put a check valve on the HC outlet?

A check valve must be installed, if it is not installed, after the station is turned off, the water will flow back into the well, thus the system and the station itself will constantly be aired.

Ivan)) as I understand it, one valve must be installed along the NS and at the exit that goes to the house ... it’s just that most of the pictures on the Internet don’t show this, and the seller who sold the station to me said that it’s not necessary to put a check valve on the exit) .

Tell me, I have such a problem. After opening the tap, there is a normal pressure, then the pressure begins to fall. When the pump is turned on, the pressure returns to normal, after the pump is turned off, the pressure is normal for a while and starts to fall again. Before the pump is turned on, I checked the pressure in the barrel, the norm is 1.5 atm

How would you like the pressure to be without jumping? Then put more receiver on 300 liters and you will be happy.

There is another problem, after rains fine sand appears in the water. I checked the check valve in the well, the mesh is intact, there is still a mesh (filter) in front of the pump. Advise how to get rid of the squeak?

Yes, but the station worked for three years and there were no visible jumps, but now they have begun to appear.

Perhaps you have a very low end of the pipe, try to raise it higher. A woman's stocking can be put on the end of the pipe, in some cases it helps a lot from the penetration of sand. At the expense of jumps, try replacing the pear in the receiver. You can also reduce the difference between off and on stations in the relay.

Hello! I purchased an Elitech CAB 1000H/24 pumping station. The installation was done according to the instructions. I checked the pressure in the tank = 2 atm. The well is 25m deep. About 7m to the mirror. The supply pipe D = 32mm was lowered into the well by 13m - how many pipes were there and lowered (maybe this is not correct?). The filter and valve 1 "(brass) was mounted at the end of the pipe (in the well). The pump is located at the well. Removed air. Turned it on. The pump dialed 3 atm on the pressure gauge. The pump supplies water. a little air). But then the pressure drops (our station turns on), the water barely flows - you can say that it doesn’t exist at all (also with a small amount of air). The pumping station does not gain the required pressure. Close the tap - the station builds pressure. If open the faucet, everything repeats. Checked several times. What could be? Help with advice! Thank you!

hello, please tell me what is the reason for my well 15 meters the pump is released by 12 meters why the pump does not turn off. the hydraulic tank for 50 liters the automation unit dials up to 8 ats. and the pump works further. I don’t have a pressure switch. what is the reason. thanks

Dmitry, I have not yet seen a pumping station that raises water more than 14 meters and gives excellent pressure. I'm surprised she pumps water at all. With such a dive of 13 meters, which is generally not allowed by the manufacturer, read the instructions, no more than 8 meters should be immersed. I would recommend submerging no more than 4 meters under water. The fact is that pumping stations are very sensitive to the depth of the suction line, the lower the end, the less water pressure you get 0.8 bar (atmospheres, kgf / cm2). From experience, I would recommend you to install a deep pump and not a pumping station.

ALEXEY - in your case, you need to install a pressure switch.

The pump does not pump water, because there is air in the suction line and housing. To eliminate the breakdown that occurred for this reason, you must first check the tightness of the suction pump, then, after turning off the pump, unscrew the plug from the filler hole so that the air present there comes out. Then you need to add water to the pumping station and start the pump. If the pump does not start the first time, it is necessary to add water again.

Good afternoon! Tell me please. I have an aquarobot pump, it pumps water from the basement barrel to the house, it works fine, but after a while it stops pumping, after the power is restarted it starts pumping again ... It's annoying, so walking and switching the machine

Vladislav, most likely you have voltage drops because of this, the station is knocked out. Or the idle protection may be activated. In the first case, you can put a voltage stabilizer. In the second, you need to look, maybe you are pumping water out of the well.

I don’t understand where the well is, if I pump water from a storage barrel. Thank you.

How does water enter the tank?

Why does the pump baffle constantly break. WHERE THE SEALS ARE. Fence diameter 25

Victor, contact a pump repairman. The main breakdowns of pumping stations are discussed here. The device of a deep pump is much more complicated, which requires additional skills and abilities.

I must have asked the wrong question. I don't have a deep pump. The pump is the same as at pumping stations model JS - 60 600W. I use an electronic pressure controller instead of a hydraulic accumulator (since there is a gas column and using a hydro accumulator it was impossible to set the column to the desired temperature of hot water, due to the on-off range) A well 73 meters deep, a casing with a diameter of 50, up to a water surface of 7 meters, an intake set with a dimeter 25, 15 meters in the casing and 7 meters to the shaft with the pump. Of course, it was necessary to put the intake 32, but I could not find a drill for this pipe. The problem is that a crack constantly appears in the cover that stands behind the impeller (in which the oil seals are located), the new one lasts literally for a couple of months. Maybe the pump is starving because of the 25 intake pipe. I installed a vortex pump (there is nothing to break), the pressure for irrigation is rather weak. Tell me the reason, I will be very grateful.

I would recommend submerging no more than 3-4 meters under water. The fact is that pumping stations are very sensitive to the depth of the suction line, the lower the end, the less water pressure you get 0.8 bar (atmospheres, kgf / cm2). Also, pumping stations with a lifting depth of more than 9 meters are not able to give normal water pressure, unless they are injection. I can't say anything about cracks.

Thanks for the advice. I'll try it right now, (I'll write back later). One more question; when immersed 3-4 meters under water, will there be enough water for irrigation? After all, the volume of the well is not like that of a well.

Viktor, in this case, only a deep pump will help you

when the tap is opened, the pressure drops to almost 0.2. The water barely runs. When the tap is closed, it rises to 3, while there is a lot of noise in the pump

Hello! The station "Dzhileks 50/28" stopped turning off, turned off the power at night, started working in the morning, turning off .. Replaced the filter, water stopped pumping in. Water supply through a 20 mm plastic pipe.

Hello again!! I got into the relay .. I took off the cover, pressed a large spring with a screwdriver, it worked, turned it on, the engine worked for a few seconds, then the relay worked again .. It turns on only "insolently" ..

the pump does not pump water what to do. whole membrane

Nikolai, it is difficult to give recommendations without seeing the station, but judging by the above, your pressure switch is clogged or it does not work. Before changing the pressure switch, you should find out if the check valve or pipeline is leaking. It is also necessary to check the pear in the receiver tank.

Vladimir, very little information. It's like saying the car doesn't work, the wheels are inflated, what should I do?

The station sucked air with water. Replaced the knee, did not help. Bought a new station, did not help. I asked an assistant professor who drills wells, he is a dock. He says that the water level has dropped and a new well needs to be drilled. But my water is already at a depth of 2 meters, and the well is at a depth of 7.5 m. Where does the air come from? Who will answer?

I recently bought a Sterwins 53710r station, I put it in the well, everything worked after a while, the water from the well left the station worked, I heard and turned it off, after which, as soon as a little water had accumulated, I turned on the station, it shook the water, I seemed to calm down, but again turning on the station, the water was not flooded she began pumping water into the station

Help, because he is young enough, they installed a pump, installed a hydraulic tank, a battery with protection against dry running, and turned it on. The pressure where it goes for watering is simply gorgeous. We checked it in the house, everything was also gorgeous for 5 minutes, BUT THEN it flows, and practically does not flow, a small trickle. I checked the manometer. 4 atmospheres it turns off 1.5 turns on. Relay factory, what could be !?

Nikolai, Vladimir, if water leaves a well or well, then this is not a problem with the station. IF air enters the station, then in many stations there is protection against idling, if it is not there, the station will still not pump water.

Denis, there is very little information about your case, what is the National Assembly? What are the connection conditions?

There is a deep pump, everything is loaded as expected, on the advice of the master. They tried it in a straight line without a hydraulic tank, the 32nd pipe had a pressure of two meters. We connected the automatic hydraulic tank, put a tee from the tank, for irrigation and the second for the house, the water in the house flows well for 10 seconds, then it almost goes out in a small stream, reaching the droplets. The one that watering pressure is chic and almost does not fall.

What pump, manufacturer? power? What is the depth of submersion of the pump under water? Distance to the water table? Broach from the well to the house? Where is the hydraulic tank installed near the well in the pit or in the house?

please tell me why it pumps water into the station after some time there is no water in the station, it starts pumping water again, because this cannot be, as I understand it, it should work offline

Hello, tell me please, what can be? From the beginning, the pressure switch began to turn off the engine by only 2 bar, then the station stopped working altogether, I concluded that it was necessary to change the pressure switch (the water is very hard), changed it, but now the station does not turn off at all, it dials up to 4 bar and threshes so that I don’t Did you do anything that doesn't help?

Vladimir, your check valve is not holding, or there is a leak in the pipeline.

Ivan, your problem is described in the article. Most likely, your fiver is clogged, because of this the relay does not work.

Thanks to everyone, I decided everything by buying a pressure switch (It is without a button and the adjustment range on it is from 1.5 to 2.8 bar) !!!

Tell me, I disconnected the pump from the mains and after turning on the water does not go. refilled, he spat it back and so on 20 times! Can you tell me the procedure for starting the pump?

The pumping station stopped working. I checked the electricity - yes. I turn on the plug in the socket - silence. There are no sharp smells of burning winding (stopped working yesterday, maybe the smell came out). What to do next?

Rzhachno wrote the smell came out. If the station was on fire, then the smell would have lingered for a long time. Read the article above for the main faults.

Suggest, be kind, why the pump pumps water, if the tap does not turn on, but if you turn it on again, then the pump will be broken. Dyakuyu!

The station stopped pumping up pressure. I changed the bulb and pumped up pressure of 1.5 atm. Still doesn't load. I have an electronic relay against dry running. I tried without it the pump does not pump up. I checked the check valve, everything is normal. Tell me please, what could be the reason?

We have an optima pump. You turn it on for 5 minutes. and it turns itself off, unplug it from the outlet, turn it on, it works again and so on in a circle. Tell me, what could it be?

The station was installed in April 2015, it worked fine until August. In August it stopped pumping water, but it works. Could there be a reason in the condenser? T.K. the check valve is standing, working, the impeller is spinning, there is enough water in the well.


NIKOLAY, most likely your check valve is not holding.

Good afternoon!

Can you suggest! I have a two-horn Expo bar machine. Today they did not see the level of water in the bottle and the machine began to take in air from the surface of the bottle, the tube did not reach the water, then the pressure did not rise. Then we gave the car time to cool down. "come to your senses" for a few hours. They turned it on again, the machine works, but (I don’t know how it’s called correctly) the “bar” on the sensor jumps from 0.9 to 1 every 10-15 seconds. Can you give some advice, maybe some professional measures will help?

Hello! After the water station was idle, a problem arose - pump leakage. When starting, in the area where the pump is connected to the motor below, at first intensively, then water flows in drops. A thin trickle runs from the faucet. How to properly disconnect the pump and what is the problem - in the gasket or in the ceramic-graphite seal of the Belamos station?

From experience, I would like to say that 65% of malfunctions occur due to the fact that the client refuses to read the instruction manual for this device. Beck, if there's air in the station, the pump won't pump. There are also cases when the pipeline is clogged and then cleaning is necessary.

Thanks for the answer!

Our worker did not keep track of when at the point, I always check everything myself. You are right, it is necessary to read, study the instruction.

The pump, fortunately, pumps :) Everything works! But ... "bar" on the sensor jumps from 0.9 to 1 every 10-15 seconds.

Yesterday they called a techie, he said that everything is in order. Why is it jumping? So this is due to the fact that your equipment is located between two passages, in a draft, that is, and, accordingly, there is a temperature drop.

Thinking of calling someone else, just in case.

What is your opinion on the jump?

Thanks, Oleg!

Hello. The trouble is this. The pumping station stopped sucking in water. The valve was changed, zero. We pour water into the hole - from the 2nd connection to the network there is enough water, and it works as usual. We close the pump. .everything on the new one. Even tried another station - the same song.

Natalia, you have a water leak. Perhaps through a valve or maybe a break in the pipeline.

Hello. We bought a new pumping station "Caliber 770" with an ejector, the depth of the well turned out to be only 9 meters, the water column in the well was about 1 meter, the suction hose was 2.5 cm. almost completely lowered to the end, at the end of the hose there is a check valve and then a mesh so that it does not clog. The pressure in the receiver is 1.5-2.0. The voltage is about 225 V.

The problem is that the pump works fine at the first start, but if it stands for a few minutes and it stops taking in water, the pressure drops to zero. Bleed the air from the top nut and added water to it. Water went, but the pressure dropped from 3.2 atm. up to 2.5 I had to adjust the pressure switch so that the station turned off. It will stand for 5-10 minutes and again the same story and the pressure drops lower and lower each time. They unscrewed the suction hose with water in it - the valve holds water. How much air can be bled from the pump and where does it come from.

Judging by your description, you are pumping water out of the well, so the station gets air and you have to top up all the time. Watch the water in the well during startup.

Hello! Please tell me if the pumping station will work if the length of the suction line is 10 m, that is, 6 m vertically, the pipe is lowered into the well and somewhere 4 m. It goes in a trench with a slight slope upwards to the station. ? And tell me how to do the first launch! I tried to start something, it didn’t work out, I poured water through the “pyaterik” outlet, it seemed to be completely filled with water, I turned on the water splashed a little and all the stations buzzed with water, though I didn’t install any taps at the end of the outlet, I disconnected the suction line, the valve seemed to keep the water in the pipe, filled it again the water turned on the same thing, it is possible that the air is not released and the system is aired, if so, how to do it right?. Thank you in advance!

Yuri, in the trench the pipe must be strictly horizontal. Water must be poured into the station not into the pit, but into the station itself, through the outlet pipe. To do this, it is necessary to install a crane with an American at the junction of the pipe with the station. See the diagram above in the article!

Hello! I have such a problem: there is a cellar under the house (2m deep, normal ventilation does not rust), a station is installed in it. It worked without problems, at the weekend I decided to change the outlet rubber hose from the fiver to the tap for plastic PP universal diameter 25. I turned off the station, drained the water from the tap, cut off the hose, unscrewed the ruff from the fiver, soldered the wiring around the house, also 25 PP, connected everything to cranes. When it came to the American woman who is screwed to the fiver, I saw that there was no water in it, I added it - she walks, then again and again, after another topping up and tapping on the non-return valve, the water rose. I screwed the American, I turn on the Aona station, it pumps up 1.1 and then it does not raise the pressure and does not turn off. I opened the faucet in the kitchen, opened the faucet at the exit of the station - dropped the water to 0.5 atm, closed the faucet, turn on the station for 5 seconds, turn it off - repeat the procedure, no success in pumping. Everything is sealed on a tow with paste. Decided that the check valve makes my brain, replaced. How is it now correct to pump water and start the station? I don’t have a casing, a plastic hose just comes out of the ground at 32 and is connected immediately to OK, which is screwed to the station. If you pour water into this supply hose, then naturally it just leaves and the water column is not collected. Please help in solving the problem.

Thanks a lot! for advice, I'll definitely listen!

I did not wait for an answer, changed OK, collected the supply and the station itself pumped water from 5 times. But it can’t pump up pressure more than 1.8 atm (for the 5th year it has gone to it, probably wear of something), by adjusting the relay it reached this limit, and the inclusion turned out at 1.5 atm, if you add a little, it catches up to 2 atm and works but does not raise higher. What could break (wear out)? I would like to repair it myself at minimal cost without changing the entire motor. Thanks in advance to anyone who will respond.

The pumping station is buzzing, but it won’t turn on. If you turn the impeller, it starts to work. I cleaned the contacts, replaced the capacitor with a new one, more powerful, when you need to pump water, it buzzes if you turn the impeller to start working, please tell me what could be the problem. Thanks

Timur, the impeller can wedge due to:

1. Capacitor malfunctions

2. Motor winding failure

3. The mains voltage is too low.

Dear site visitors! Many of you give very little information in your problem description! In order to give at least some advice, you need to know:

1. Which pump or station?

2. Pump immersion depth?

3. Depth to the water table?

4. How much water is in the well?

5. Suction line diameter?

6. Where is the receiver located in the house or in the pit?

7. What is the pressure in the receiver tank?

8. What is the mains voltage?

Questions like: "I set up the station and the water pressure is small, what should I do?" - will be deleted.

Good afternoon, dear experts) I already wrote to you (

). it turned out to pump water, but a hemorrhoid came out - when the tank is empty, the station pumps water, but when the pressure drops and the station starts up, it does not pump water and does not turn off until all the water comes out of the tank. , the faucet closed the station threshes, you open the faucet again, wait until the water runs out, then the air is flushed and water flows again, you close the faucet, the tank is pumped and the station turns off) such are the tricks. to the water in the pipe about 8 meters. there is only one pipe 32. I’m already tired of this, since it’s a dacha - let’s go without me - I arrive at the station threshing (it turned out to be the second day) everyone smiles and doesn’t know what to do. I called specialists - they are generally amusing - they came, smoked, offered to drill another well ... well, we sent them to hammer in another place. I would be very grateful for your GOOD ADVICE!

It looks like you have poor water flow to the well.

when installing the station on the suction pipe, two corners, first from the pump, the pipe goes down 30 cm, then horizontally 60 cm and then at an angle of 90 degrees goes into the well, I can’t start the station, this may be the reason or the check valve does not work, but the water in the pipe keeps

the station failed a couple of times: it worked, but did not pump water. turned off. after a few minutes turned on, everything worked. but the next time it also began to buzz, without taking water. after turning on the network, the station does not turn on at all. tension is sufficient. What could be the reason?

if the pumping station has worked without water. the pump may deteriorate. does not gain pressure

For Vova. Voiced 101.

Mav absolutely similar problem.

Even if the crane is constantly opened, after the water is turned on again and the water station is operating in normal mode, it is periodically turned on when the pressure is reached and the lowered stumps are turned on, then there are no problems from the well.

Joke incompetence at the muffs' zdnannyah. On short vistas, the trumpets of the station were blowing in the vibrations, the humic rings can be heard. Try to replace them.

I especially know the inadequacy of the pump to the muff at 1, 2 m, in the area of ​​severe jamming of the pipe exit from the wall. Vitrativ for jokes tyzhden.

Greetings, I have such a problem, the pumping station gave out 3 atmospheres before replacing the check valve, now 1 atmosphere, what is the reason?

I installed a station with a capacity of 1000. The well pipe is clogged at 32. only 10 meters. The level to the water is 4.5 meters. I installed a valve in front of the station, checked it holds. I start the station, periodically bleed the air and add water, all the water is flowing pressure 2 is turned off. Water is collected in a bucket of 10 liters. for 20 seconds. In the morning I open the tap, 4 liters of water are drained, the pressure drops to zero and the station cannot raise the water. And all over again pouring air release already tired of everything, tell me what the malfunction is.

Alexey, everything is clear here that the matter is in the check valve. Install valve with brass stem. Connections must be checked for tightness. Maybe you have a water leak somewhere?

Eugene, most likely you have a bad check valve, you need to check it and replace it if necessary.

There is a centrifugal pump for the well. The water is filled, the engine itself works, but does not pump. The water tank is also not filling up. What could be the problem?

Hello. After replacing the pressure switch, my pump pumps jerkily, often turns on and off, when the water is turned on, the pump turns off. What could be the problem here?

Hello. pump station. pumped up a few atmospheres, then in the house the water runs normally, then if it runs, and the station does not turn on until the feast, do you want to stop running? replace relay?

Hello. The HC vortex worked for half a year, then it was turned off for a week and no water flows. disconnected put it in the tank - it pumps ... the level keeps in the well ... the pressure is 1.5 - there is ... but water can not flow from the pressure switch?

The pumping station turns on by itself every 5 minutes for 3-5 seconds, although all taps are closed. Pressure suddenly drops on the pressure gauge. Where to look for the cause, where to start?

the turret does not turn off, the pressure rushing to 6 and the relay does not turn off the new engine, too, today they replaced the campaign, the old one burned out in the morning for the same reason, which could be

The water cannon "Dzhileks" 60/72, worked for about 3 years, stopped pumping, the capacitor and the electric motor assembly were changed in the service (allegedly water got into the engine). how to check the engine? Looks like the whole engine.

I have a 750 watt taifu station. stopped pumping into the house. stands in a well, depth 4 m + 9.4 m to the mirror, pipe 32 is lowered 2 m into the water i.e. 11.4 from the pump to the well. Prior to that, she had only worked for a year and a half. I changed the valve, changed the pipe, took it apart, everything inside was whole, put everything on the sealant. It pumps only at the mine itself, and then jerks and bulbs slip through. When disassembling and inspecting, I didn’t like the brass impeller, on which the side vortex holes were flattened, as it were. Maybe that's the reason for the power loss. I connected only the top without a tank and hoses, but the result is the same. I need advice.

Hello! the engine runs more often than before, changed the membrane, and if the station is disconnected from the network, the water leaves the pipe. and yet, no matter how much you pump, the pressure does not rise in any way, but the pump works and pumps, only more often, the pressure is normal, what could be the reason?



Submersible Pedrollo pump with hydraulic accumulator, well 75 meters. After the cable broke and the pump was taken out and re-immersed, the condenser burned out, a new one was installed - now it gives out a pressure of about 0, but it works, it pumps water - it buzzes and turns weakly.

At the output of the capacitor gives a voltage of 160.

Something electrical? Capacitor? Or does the pump need to be pulled out again and taken in for repair?

Tell me, the station pumps up to 2.5 atmospheres for a long time, after opening the tap, the pressure drops and the pump does not have time to pump (slowly pumps) before everything was fine

good night experts need help there is a well 10 meters water in the pipe of this well is turning on the pump the water does not go and tried to release air from the substation no effect no what to do tell me

Pumping station AL-KO HWF 1004 purchased last year,

> connected it somewhere in October and used it until mid-December

> (used in the Leningrad region). Then the cold started

> it was not possible to start the station even after warming up. The water from the pump is not

> leaked. Now, when you turn on the pump, the water does not suck in, the motor is buzzing, and

> when you turn it off, some squelching is heard. how to deal with it?

The pumping station works but does not give a pressure of no more than 2.5, the impeller was replaced by air leakage, it was eliminated everywhere and the engine overheats. Station Rona JETS100.

Tell me please. The problem is this: when the tap is open, when all the water has flowed out. The water seems to run out, but the pump turns on only after a short time, you have to wait for the pump to turn on and start pumping water again.

Pumping station ADP 355, worked properly for 10 years, changed the membrane 2 times, 1 check valve. Water column constant 5.5 meters; the depth of immersion of hoses with an ejector is 16 meters, the depth to the water surface is 10 meters. two hoses with a diameter of 32 mm, 25 mm; the pumping station is located at a depth in a well at a depth of 2 meters; pressure in the receiver 1.4 - 1.5 atmospheres. Problem: when the pump is turned on, pressure is not created in the system, the 32 mm hose is compressed. What I did: Completely replaced the pump, eliminated air leaks in the hoses, changed the pear to a new one, the pressure in the receiver is constant 1.5; I poured water into the hoses and into the pump into the filler plug, turn it on, it abruptly throws out some water, the pressure rises slightly, and then drops to zero in the system, I open the drain plug, air comes out. I add it to full, turn it on, it can suck in water, maybe not, while the 32 mm hose is compressed, it does not shrink by 25.

I think that the issue can be resolved if PVC pipes are installed instead of hoses

changed the pear pumped up the pressure to 1.5, including the pressure is so 1.5 mator hums vada doesn’t go well, why don’t you understand

Tell us, it flooded and the pump was completely in the water, after which it stopped gaining pressure and buzzes when turned on

Why does the pump not turn off from time to time, especially at evening. Could it be because the voltage is weak?

Good afternoon. Tell me what to do, the pump turns on, turns off constantly, in a minute it can turn off and turn on 20 times. But it pumps water. The relay twisted and regulated to no avail, the pressure changed from 1 to 2 atmospheres.

Good day to all ... The situation is as follows. There is a well with a depth of 11 meters, a surface pump is in a pit, up to 7 meters from the water. Previously, the Agidel pump stood, worked properly, but there was not enough power to distill water by 30 meters, and then it completely stopped raising water. They put a more powerful pump, it works, but it drives water with air. They changed stainless steel pipes with connections to HDPE ... this is where the problems started. A new pipe with a check valve at the end does not fit into the casing pipe, OK was placed in front of the pump ... The pump was started, but it delivers water with air, jerkily ... What to do? Maybe it's not possible to set OK like this and where to place the filter then? Thanks in advance...

the motor separately works like normal, but when it starts pumping water it buzzes like a whistle, then the motor turns on and pumps why?

Good afternoon! There is a driving (Abyssinian) well (an inch pipe is clogged by 6.5 meters), the water in the well is at a level of 2 meters from ground level. From the pipe there is a horizontal inch branch, to which the suction 32nd HDPE pipe is attached. The Grundfos JP Basic 2pt pumping station is installed 5 meters from the well. The suction pipe, as expected, has a slight slope from the pump to the well. But the suction pipe in front of the very inlet of the pump had to be turned with HDPE fittings (corners) in a U-shape, because. the pump is installed in the shed with the inlet in the opposite direction from the well (i.e., with the motor towards the well). Pressure pipe - 25th HDPE. The cut-off pressure is set to 2.6 bar. There are check valves at the pump outlet and on the suction pipe (near the outlet from the well pipe). With a fully open analysis of water, the pressure is kept at 1.8 bar and does not rise higher. At the same time, it can be seen that there is air in the mud filter (a transparent liter flask with a mesh cartridge) installed in front of the pump inlet, i.e. the flask is not completely filled with water, and there is a small air gap on top. When the valves are closed, the pump quickly builds up the shutdown pressure. What could be the reason that the pump does not gain more than 1.8 bar? There is enough water in the well. I recently filled a 2-cubic capacity, the water went on with the same pressure of 1.8.

Sergey, you have a small pipe diameter for lifting. If an inch pipe, then this is 25 mm, this is where the reason for the low pressure lies.

laka74, 1 inch pipe (25 NS), driven as a well, matches 32nd HDPE pipe and pump inlet with 1 inch thread.

Good afternoon! The wiring in the pit where the jet100a pump is located burned out, it covered the entire pit and after 2 hours it had not yet weathered, what could be the reason. Haven't filmed yet because I don't know what to do.

I understood what was the matter, the wire with the plug hung under the pipe because of the condensate from this pipe, it shorted and burned out.

Hello, I pump up to 0.2 atm. And it works without stopping, what is the reason ???

Hello! Here is such a problem, the engine is buzzing and not working. I also turned it on from the network and turned everything to no purpose. Pressure is normal. Tell me what to do?

Good afternoon!

The submersible pump starts pumping at 1.2 - the arrow does not rise on the relay. Continues to pump - also no reaction. I close the hydraulic tank - the pressure rises to 3.8 and turns off. I open the hydraulic tank - the pressure drops to 1.3. I washed my hands - the pump turns on again and does not turn off. If the problem is in the hydraulic tank, then what exactly? Tell me please.

Hello! Please help me figure it out. The reason is: I turn on the pumping station, the motor starts to work, but it barely works, it feels like it’s just whining. Water naturally doesn’t run. A minute passes and completely falls silent. , the engine is really old, maybe the reason is in the engine? Thank you. I will be grateful for your help.

Hello. There was such a problem: the station pumps pressure into the HA with the water distribution valve closed (at the same time, the pressure gauge needle jumps - before it only rose). But when the tap is opened, the pressure starts to drop, the station turns on, but the water pressure continues to fall and starts to flow barely and then stops altogether. If the distribution valve is closed, the station builds up a pressure of 3 atm and turns off. Check valve was changed a month ago. I can not understand why the pressure gauge needle rises with a jitter-jumping and not just rises.

The station constantly started pumping, but there was really no water, my wife didn’t have enough dishes to wash, I couldn’t start the washing machine, there wasn’t enough water .... I don’t rummage about it at all ..... When the house was bought, everything worked fine, a year passed and began (((((

Yura, most likely you pumped water out of the well or the water level dropped. This is observed in many, the water goes away!

Hello! Please tell me what can happen with the hydrophore: they changed the pear, pumped up the pressure, changed the valve in the well, put a new one in, poured water into the pipe that goes from the hydrophore to the well to check if the water goes back into the well, does not go away. For a day and a half, the water stood in the pipe, they poured water into the well, they turned it on, everything worked well, literally two days passed, it pumps up 3 am again and does not hold on the sensor, the arrow falls by itself, it turns on, pumps up and turns off.

the station does not create pressure. from the well to the house 20 meters, the depth to the water surface is 9 meters, the immersion of the pipe is 9.5 meters, the diameter of the PE80 pipe is 25 mm

A pump with a hydrophore is connected to a tank with a volume of 5000 liters. It worked perfectly for a year, now when hot water is opened from the boiler, the water flows normally, but the hydrophore turns off and immediately turns back on, because the pressure on the pressure gauge almost does not drop when the hot water is opened. I remove the filter on the sink tap, everything is fine, on a cold tap and with the filter it works fine. It seems as if there is a plug in the line, a blockage ... but no water comes under pressure from the tap ... I disconnected the pump from the line to the house, it sucks from the tank perfectly, pumps it normally and the pressure gauge drops almost to nothing ....


The station does not pump more than two atmospheres, and the water either flows under pressure or stops flowing altogether.

I have such a problem: for 2 years the pumping station worked normally, then it apparently caught air and worked without shutting down for a while, the motor got very hot. After that, the pressure began to rise, already 3.5 atmospheres, the upper shutdown, and the inclusion within 3-3.1 atmospheres. And now, from time to time, the inclusion does not work, I remove the cover of the relay several times with my hands, I click the relay and it works again for a day or two and again it does not turn on. Why does the station not turn on and why did the pressure in the tap increase and the step between switching off and on became so small?

I bought a station but it doesn’t work, the motor just buzzes and doesn’t start when I remove the pump cover, everything works when I assemble the impeller, it wedges and doesn’t want to work, what should I do?

The pump is buzzing but does not pump water into the machine

Hello, I really need your help! The Speroni Hobby Line CAM 40/22 pumping station: the other day it turned off, checked the pear in it for air, disassembled the relay, cleaned the membrane and the area adjacent to it from rust, put it in place, turned it on, it turned off in half an hour, the station turned off again, replaced the clean filter, turned it on . Worked for a day and a half and again turned off and did not turn on. What is the problem? Relay contacts and other connections are in excellent condition.

Help me find the reason - water appeared in the tank - I replaced the pear. A day later I replaced another pear because the same reason is water in the tank. I put the 3rd pear - after 3 days the station turns on and off again often - checked - again there is water in the tank.

Hello. We had a breakdown in the bow station. They did a repair and replaced the membrane. Now we can’t start the station, the pump works, the water doesn’t pump.

tell me please. My tank is broken and air escapes through it .... how can I patch the tank or is it easier to buy a new one?

station svd caliber 1350 W delivered in autumn 2016

I didn’t turn anything with the relay, it costs min 2 max 4 pressure

water in the well does not end pressure everywhere keeps the station pumping up to 3.8 atm

I have a problem

Good wound in me, there was a problem with the compressor, the compressor is working and the tower, but I don’t know what can be done. Please be kind

Might not turn off due to low temperatures.

Please tell me, I turn on the tap, the water runs, then it stops running. I turn off the water switch for a couple of minutes, then turn it on again, the water runs again and again stops after a while. What could it be?

Please tell me what's wrong with my pumping station

1. Knocks out traffic jams (connected through a surge protector, it does not knock out traffic jams)

2. stopped turning on

3.pressure 0

If it knocks out plugs, it means there is a short somewhere. Carefully inspect the engine, the impeller may be jammed, also inspect the relay, it may have been flooded with water.

Such a question! The pump builds up pressure and then does not turn on. Changed the relay to a new one, same story! In order to turn it on, you need to turn off the power and turn it on again.


Such a problem. There is water in the well, but the station does not pump it. They even bought a new station, they thought that was the problem. But history repeated itself. What to do advise?

Hello! Tell me please, what is the reason for the low water pressure? Pedrollo pumping station.

What does the big spring do and what does it do less?

Frequently asked questions about the repair of pumping stations

Why did the pumping station stop working?

Why does the pump turn on and off frequently?

If this occurs due to damage to the membrane, the membrane must be replaced. The same problem can occur if the accumulator has low air pressure.

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Unfortunately, even the most reliable pumping equipment can fail. Among the violations in the work there are serious breakdowns and banal wear of rubbing parts or seals. Correcting the simplest problems can be handled by a home master, but you must admit that even elementary repair operations need to be known how to properly carry out.

We are happy to help you master the difficult work of a home appliance repairer. The article brought to your attention describes in detail all the characteristic types of breakdowns of pumping units. Effective methods for eliminating failures in the operation of water supply installations are given.

Those who wish to repair the pumping station with their own hands will find answers to all questions that arise in such cases. Useful information is supported by step-by-step photo instructions, diagrams and videos.

With the help of a pumping station, you can solve several problems related to water supply:

  • organize the automatic flow of water from the source to the plumbing system of the house;
  • adjust the water pressure in the water supply, bringing it to an acceptable level;
  • protect the water supply system from water hammer;
  • to create some reserve of water in case of problems with water supply.

When troubleshooting a pumping station, it must be remembered that for almost all models of surface pumps, dry-running is categorically not recommended. Before turning on the pump to check its operation, make sure that it is filled with water. If this is not the case, the device must be filled through a special filling hole.

“Dry running”, i.e. work without water, idling, is very dangerous for almost all models of surface pumps. Parts wear out a lot, the motor winding may burn out

#1: Pump is running, no water is flowing

If the pump turns on and you can see (hear) that it is working, but no water enters the tank, you should figure out exactly where this water goes. The first thing to check is . If it got bad, the water just poured back out. If there is water in the intake hose, then the check valve is not to blame for anything, you need to look for another reason.

If the hose is empty, it should be removed and the check valve inspected. It may happen that the pumping station does not pump water at all due to a simple clogging of the valve holes. It is enough to rinse the device so that it starts working correctly again.

Sometimes you need to replace the spring or the entire valve. Of course, after replacing a part or repairing, you should check the operation of individual components of the pumping station, and only then perform the final assembly and start-up of the device.

The check valve is necessary for the normal operation of the pumping station. If its holes are clogged, you just need to disassemble the device and rinse it

If there is water in the intake hose, you need to check all joints and pipes between the pump and the tank for leaks. Perhaps the water simply flows out through a crack or hole. A damaged pipe must be replaced, and a leaky connection must be cleaned, sealed and sealed again.

If the threaded connections of the pumping station become leaky and leak, they must be cleaned and resealed with suitable materials.

There is a third reason why water does not go to the hydraulic tank: the low debit of the water source. This happens if, for some reason, water does not enter the water intake part of the well or well.

This happens, for example, as a result of silting or sanding. Or the pump for the source is chosen incorrectly, it pumps out water too quickly, its reserves do not have time to recover.

How to choose, install and connect for a water intake development is described in the article, which we recommend that you read.

The pump will most likely need to be replaced, there are special models for low flow sources. To increase the flow rate of the well, it makes sense to pump it, i.e. wash away accumulated dirt. To flush the well, a separate pump should be used, and not the one that is equipped with a pumping station.

As an urgent measure, it is sometimes advised to take water from a greater depth, but this recommendation should be used with caution. If the source is sandy, immersing the water intake or submersible pump too deep can lead to contamination of the pumping equipment and its serious damage.

Another possible reason why the pump stopped pumping water is impeller wear. In this case, it will rotate idly. You will have to remove the pump, disassemble it, rinse it, replace the impeller, and possibly the pump housing. Sometimes it's easier to put in a new pump.

If the above “diagnoses” are not confirmed, it makes sense to simply check the voltage in the electrical network. If it is too low, the pump will turn on, but will not be able to supply water. It remains to establish a normal power supply so that the pumping equipment functions again in the desired mode.

#2: The device turns on but does not work

This happens with pumps that have not been used for a long time (for example, in winter). Since the clearance between the impeller and the housing is small, these elements, while stationary, can simply “stick” to each other.

When turned on, the pump will hum properly, but the impeller will remain stationary. In such a situation, the device should be turned off immediately.

The gap between the impellers (impeller) of the pump must be small. If the wheels are worn out, the gap will increase and the performance of the device will decrease, so it is better to replace the wheels with new ones.

To cope with this problem is not difficult, just turn the impeller a couple of times with your hands. If after turning on the pump operation resumed, then the obstacle has been removed.

Of course, before starting operation, a pump that has not been working for some time will not hurt to flush. Sometimes the impeller has nothing to do with it, the capacitor just failed. The damaged item must be replaced.

A burnt condenser is a common cause of breakdowns in a pumping station. It is not difficult to replace it with a new element with suitable characteristics.

#3: The pumping station is jerky

This behavior of technology is most often typical for situations where there are problems with pressure inside the hydraulic tank. First of all, you need to check the behavior of the pressure gauge. If the pump turns off as expected when water enters, but soon there is a sharp drop in internal pressure, the problems should be looked for inside.

Most likely, the membrane in the accumulator has torn. It is easy to verify this: if you open the nipple located on the “air” side of the container, water will flow from it, not air.

The hydraulic tank should be dismantled, carefully disassembled, the damaged membrane removed and replaced with a new one, exactly the same. Trying to somehow repair a damaged liner is usually useless, it will quickly deteriorate again.

The sequence of work on replacing the hydraulic tank membrane is shown in the photo selection:

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