Myrtle bloom. Myrtle flower: photo of a houseplant and care for it. Place and lighting for a flower

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis), a myrtle tree is a common inhabitant of the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Azores, the height of the tree in natural habitat is 3-5 meters, and when bred to decorate the interior of a home, the tallest myrtle trees can reach 1 meter. It is an evergreen tree or indoor tree. It has whole leathery leaves, and blooms with white flowers on short racemes.

Among the myrtle species there are 40 species of families. The leaves and shoots of myrtle, processed accordingly, are used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery, due to their high saturation with natural essential oils.

Why is this common myrtle so attractive, especially to poets? F. M. Tyutchev: “Do you know the land where myrtle and laurel grows, Deep and clear is the azure sky arch ...?” V. Ya. Bryusov: “The one who wants to trust in friendship, healing hearts, Let him love the myrtle, the youths a fresh wreath ... The foam-born is not alien, the myrtle in the dark mysteries Bacchus keeps the secret, the god who has passed death.”

A. S. Pushkin in lyceum verses: “... The lips of a young Spanish woman are burning; And the myrtle blows, and the orange breathes. I. A. Bunin: “Theseus fell asleep in a wreath of myrtle and laurel.” In his poetic dedication to the poet E. A. Baratynsky, A. K. Tolstoy wrote: “And where the myrtle rustles over a quiet urn, I will see again, through the dark forests, And the vaults of the rocks, and the sea shine azure, And clear, like joy , heaven?" And these are not all quotation confirmations where the word myrtle is used - this adds a special mystery to ordinary myrtle.

Popular rumor ”attributes to myrtle the ability to bring youth, beauty and health to the house where it is grown. In the customs of many European peoples, the branches and flowers of myrtle were elements of decoration for heroes, were included in the decorations of the bride's wedding dress, and at the birth of daughters they gave the family a myrtle tree, which was considered a symbol of peace and hope, gave confidence in one's strength and supposedly relieved fear. Myrtle trees were often planted near the graves of the dead.

Growing and caring for myrtle

If your choice nevertheless fell on a myrtle tree, then you must approach this with all responsibility. With all its attractive properties, this is a very demanding and sensitive plant: you need to water and feed it in a certain mode, without missing deadlines.

Prefers bright diffused sunlight, although for a short time agrees to direct sunlight. It is better to keep a myrtle tree on the western or eastern window sills, but if there are none in the apartment, then you need to consider shading the window at noon. Lighting through the north window is also acceptable, but will reduce the flowering of the myrtle tree - you will need a phytolamp.

For myrtle, you need to observe a certain temperature regime: in spring and summer within 18-20 warm degrees, and in winter - on a cool loggia, where it should be no lower than 5 and no higher than 10 warm degrees. Otherwise, the myrtle tree may shed its leaves.

The mode of watering myrtle is as follows: from spring to autumn, plentiful - with soft settled water when the topsoil dries; in late autumn and winter - minimally limited, but drying out of the upper part of the soil is unacceptable, as is stagnation of water in the pan. If, however, drying has occurred, then “resuscitation” watering should be as follows: immerse the myrtle with a pot in a container with soft settled water for 10-15 minutes, after which the excess moisture should drain so that it is dry in the pan.

There are requirements for air humidity. During the period of active vegetation and flowering, myrtle needs regular spraying with settled soft or filtered water. In the autumn-winter period, spraying should not be. The dormant period of the myrtle corresponds to its place of residence: on the north side - up to 3 months, and on the southwestern side - no more than one and a half months.

A myrtle tree can grow "shaggy", but it can also be cut to shape, but this should be done by an experienced florist, because side shoots, especially young ones, cannot be cut. The stem of the myrtle tree is not rigid enough. Caution should be taken in pinching its young shoots, which can cause a decrease in the flowering of myrtle.

The approach to the myrtle is not easy. If you settle for a natural-looking myrtle tree, if it grows fast enough, in two years you will have an attractive branched bush. You can achieve abundant flowering of myrtle to the detriment of the development of its lush crown. It is necessary to fertilize myrtle specialized only during the active growing season, which can be bought at a flower shop.

Transplantation and propagation of myrtle

Transplantation for young myrtle plants is required annually. It is produced by the method of conventional transshipment into a larger pot, with new drainage without deepening the stem. It is better to buy a suitable soil in a specialized store, but it is possible to cook it yourself. The mixture should consist of equal parts of soddy soil, river sand, and humus.

Myrtle is able to propagate both by cuttings and seeds in the usual way. In the first case, from January to February and in July, cuttings that have become woody are cut off and rooted in a low container, in soil consisting of soddy and leafy soil with the addition of coarse sand. It is convenient to place a container with seedlings in a plastic bag with several small holes for ventilation, in a shaded place. Rooting of myrtle cuttings will occur in a month - it remains to plant them in the main pot and water them abundantly, avoiding stagnation of water in the pan.

For propagation by seeds, a soil is needed, consisting of peat and river sand in equal proportions. The seeds are simply distributed over the wet surface of the soil and covered with glass, moistened with periodic spraying, at the same time ventilating the greenhouse. Such a greenhouse should be kept at 20 warm degrees. As soon as the seeds germinate and by the end of the second week they have already given two leaves, they should be dived into pots, which are also good to hold in soft plastic greenhouses with an air hole for adaptation and successful rooting of the sprouts.

Ways to control pests and diseases of myrtle

As mentioned above, myrtle is a very whimsical plant that does not allow care errors. Little light - drawn out by thin stems with small pale leaves; excess lighting - the leaves turn yellow and fade; in a dark and hot room, the myrtle will shed its foliage.

Overdrying or waterlogging are two more enemies of myrtle. All these reasons can lead to unwanted leaf fall. If this botanical grief has occurred, proceed immediately to such an operation: cut the shoots with sharp scissors to half; eliminate the cause of this misfortune and continue care in a strictly correct mode. If there was waterlogging, carefully eliminate it, stop watering until the top layer dries, make sure that the pan remains dry all the time and in two weeks, or maybe even earlier, the myrtle will return to its former prosperous life - young leaves will appear

Myrtle also has pests. These are spider mites, coccids and pemphigus. Old myrtle trees are more vulnerable to them, although a young specimen may suffer if the care technology is violated. First, you should try gentle methods of dealing with changing the wrong conditions of care. If a spider mite has appeared, it can simply be washed off with a stream of water. Wash off coccidum and pemphigus with a soft brush with a soapy-alcohol solution (drop a drop of gel for children into vodka).

From everything told about the cultivation of myrtle, one may get an opinion about the excessive capriciousness of this wonderful plant - and rightly so, but the game is worth the candle - a well-groomed myrtle will please the sense of smell with an unusually pleasant and delicate smell, and delicate flowers and a healthy crown will please your sometimes tired look, give peace and home peace. This plant will become a real decoration for anyone ... Myrtle should be "sick"!

Plant myrtle (lat. Myrtus) belongs to the genus of evergreen woody plants of the Myrtle family, the flowers of which contain essential oil. The natural habitats of myrtle are the Mediterranean, the Azores and the north of the African continent.

It is no coincidence that the name of the plant is consonant with the Greek word "myrrh", which means "balm, liquid incense", because it is as a cult attribute that myrtle essential oil has long been used in temples of various concessions.

The legend tells that Adam, expelled from Eden, brought a myrtle flower with him to Earth as a memory of the lost paradise. Many myths, beliefs, traditions, rituals and signs are associated with this plant among different peoples. The myrtle tree has long been considered a symbol of glory, peace and hope.

Our ancestors had myrtle flowers not only for cult, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes, and some preparations from myrtle are still popular today.

But for plant lovers, blooming and fragrant myrtle is an object of admiration and a source of aesthetic pleasure, especially since home myrtle is undemanding in care, and someone who knows how to care for myrtle will easily achieve the optimal shape for a plant that will decorate your home and help preserve To your health.

  • Bloom: in June-July.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight until noon, then - bright diffused light (south, west and east windows).
  • Temperature: in summer - usual for residential premises, in winter - 5-10 ˚C.
  • Watering: in summer - frequent and plentiful, in the cool season, watering is reduced.
  • Air humidity: increased. Daily spraying of the leaves is recommended, especially in the heat.
  • top dressing: from March to August once a week with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • rest period: winter; in cool conditions - up to three months, in normal conditions - a month and a half.
  • Transfer: young plants - annually, adults as needed.
  • pruning: after flowering or early spring.
  • reproduction: cuttings, rarely seeds.
  • Pests: scale insects, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: root rot.
  • Properties: Myrtle leaves are poisonous.

Read more about growing myrtle below.

Myrtle, according to various sources, numbering from forty to one hundred species, in its natural habitat can grow up to three meters in height, and indoor myrtle, under the most favorable conditions, reaches only a meter. Usually myrtle at home is a tree with a round crown 30-60 cm tall.

Small leathery, as if polished myrtle leaves are located on the shoots rarely alternately and oppositely on short petioles, they have an elongated shape, the tops of the leaves are pointed. Flowers, simple or double, either solitary or collected in a brush. The fruit is a nut or berry drupe.

It is curious that myrtle plants include such valuable plants for mankind as tea tree, eucalyptus, clove tree.

Myrtle flower - growing from seeds

How to propagate myrtle seeds at home? At the beginning of spring, myrtle seeds are sown on the surface of a substrate consisting of equal parts of sand and peat, in a container 7-10 cm deep, sprinkled on top with a layer of the same substrate 3-5 mm thick and, covered with glass, kept at a temperature of about 20 ºC, ventilating and moistening the crops, as well as removing condensation from the glass.

Seedlings appear in a week or two, and when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they are dived into the same substrate in individual pots so that the root neck remains above the soil surface. A month after picking, seedlings are fed with nitrogen fertilizer of a weak consistency.

However, amateur breeders should be aware that myrtle grown from seeds:

  • a) will bloom not earlier than in 4-5 years;
  • b) is unlikely to retain varietal characteristics.

In addition, the germination of myrtle seeds sharply decreases after a year of storage, and it is problematic to obtain them, since this will require artificial pollination of the plant.

How to grow myrtle at home

Caring for myrtle at home includes watering, pruning and feeding the plant, as well as creating optimal or at least necessary conditions for it.

Houseplant myrtle prefers southern, western and eastern window sills, indulgent to drafts, temperature extremes and direct sunlight. Moreover, if there is no sun, there will be no flowering of the myrtle.

In summer, myrtle prefers outdoor life, in winter, the plant needs coolness - 5-10 degrees Celsius, and a glazed unheated balcony would be the best place for it.

water myrtle in the warm season, it is necessary abundantly and often, without waiting for the top layer to dry, but excess moisture must be drained from the pan so as not to provoke root rot. Insufficient or infrequent watering can cause the plant to shed its leaves.

With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced, but if the plant winters in a room with working heaters, it will have to be watered as plentifully as in summer.

In addition, it will be necessary to spray the leaves of the plant with water at least once a day, since the myrtle needs high humidity, and you need to remember this in winter, if the temperature in the room with myrtle is above 15 ºC, and in summer. Water for water procedures and irrigation should be separated or passed through a filter.

Once a week or two from March to August, the myrtle needs to be fertilized with fertilizers. If you are growing bonsai from myrtle or you are not interested in its flowering, then feed the plant with a complex fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, but if you want to see the myrtle bloom, then apply fertilizer for flowering plants.

Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period, the duration of which determines the location of the plant: if the myrtle hibernates in the cool or on the northern windowsill, then it can rest for up to three months, and if it is warm and in bright light, then only for a month and a half.

pruning myrtle

Caring for myrtle also involves giving its crown the desired shape. The formation of myrtle depends on what you grow it for. Many people like myrtle in the form of a standard tree with a neat compact crown, but there are people who do not care how the plant looks, as long as it “blooms and smells”.

In any case, one should not get too carried away with pruning the lateral shoots of young plants or pinching them excessively. On the other hand, myrtle grows fast, regenerates easily, and you always have the option to change your plans for how it looks.

The main thing is that the formation of the crown should be done in early spring or after flowering.

Home myrtle - transplant

Young plants are transplanted annually, adult myrtles - as needed, which is determined in this way: if the freshly watered soil dries out within a day, then it's time to increase the amount of substrate, and, therefore, a larger pot will be needed. The pot is chosen only a couple of centimeters in diameter wider than the previous one. It is better to transplant in the spring, using the method of transferring a plant from an old container to a new one, since it does not injure the root system.

Reproduction of myrtle

If you want to propagate myrtle, cuttings are the best way to do this, because it allows you to preserve the species and varietal characteristics of the plant. In addition, this is a much more reliable method of propagation than seed, and plants from cuttings bloom faster than those from seeds - in about three years.

Therefore, if you want to grow a myrtle tree at home, you do not need to buy seeds that quickly lose their ability to germinate, just do not hesitate to ask your friends for a stalk after a formative pruning. The best result is given by semi-woody cuttings of the current year.

You can take cuttings from January to February, or in July, and it is better if they are from the lower or middle part of the crown. Remove the lower leaves from a segment of the shoot 8-10 cm long, and shorten the upper ones by a third, and the largest ones by half.

Treat the lower cut with rootstock or heteroauxin and plant for rooting in a mixture of leafy soil (one part) and coarse sand (half part), or sphagnum and sand in the same proportions. It is better to take a low and wide container for rooting, and it is advisable to cover the stalk from above with a glass jar. Rooting occurs at a temperature of 17-20 ºC in a shady place.

From time to time, the jar is removed for ventilation and so that the soil does not turn sour. Usually the roots grow within a month, and the rooted cutting is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 7 cm in the same soil mixture. After a year, transplant it into a container with a diameter of 9 cm in the soil for an adult myrtle and take care of it like an adult plant.

Insects and diseases of myrtle

Myrtle is harmed by mealybugs, whiteflies, scale insects, aphids, thrips and spider mites, which appear as a result of a chronic violation of the rules for keeping the plant.

The first five pests are destroyed by four-time treatment of myrtle with actara or actellik within a month. Spider mites and thrips should preferably be washed off with a shower before treatment with the same actellik.

But rather than poison the myrtle with insecticides, it is better to prevent the invasion of insects by observing very simple rules for caring for the plant.

Myrtle withered

A frequently asked question from our readers: “What to do if the myrtle has dried up?” should sound differently: “What to do so that the myrtle does not dry out?” And the answer to this question is very simple: strictly observe the rules for keeping myrtle.

If myrtle leaves dry up, then you have not taken into account any of the recommendations of plant care experts.

Insufficient air humidity adversely affects the condition of the foliage, especially if in winter the myrtle is in a room with a temperature above 18 ºC, where heaters work, not only heating, but also drying up the air. Myrtle also dries out if you forget to water it.

Remember the rules for caring for a plant and follow them strictly, because it is much easier to prevent the death of a plant by taking preventive measures than to resuscitate it later. Water and spray the myrtle regularly with settled water, keep it on a tray with wet pebbles, but so that the bottom of the pot does not stand in the water.

Myrtle properties

The leaves, young shoots and fruits of myrtle contain essential oil and active substances that have a high antibacterial effect. Soviet scientists have developed a medicinal preparation - myrtle tincture, which is prepared from the mature leaves of the plant.

Both the experience of traditional medicine and modern scientific research confirm that the use of myrtle in the treatment of such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis is highly effective.

Myrtle tincture successfully copes with antibiotic-resistant strains of tubercle bacillus and staphylococcal infection, as well as purulent otitis media and a heavy smoker's cough.

In addition, the drug from the leaves of myrtle is a natural stimulant of important life processes that increase efficiency and endurance to stress, it has no side effects and is prescribed even for children from one year of age. Doctors and botanists recommend keeping myrtle in bedrooms and nurseries because it makes the air in them cleaner and healthier. One plant is able to purify the air of bacteria in a room of 20 square meters. meters.

Myrtle - signs

Myrtle has long been considered a strong amulet. But the plant will fulfill this mission only under two conditions:

  • if it was planted by a woman - the mistress of the house;
  • if the owners of the plant are proud of their myrtle.

The signs of European peoples say: if myrtle grows in a house, there will be peace and love in it, but if the plant dies and is thrown away, happiness will leave this house along with the dead plant. Myrtle is not suitable for offices - he needs a family hearth.

But Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, believing that it dooms young boys and girls living in the house to loneliness.

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis)

In home floriculture, common myrtle (Myrtus communis) is most often grown with a short branched trunk covered with exfoliating scales of red-brown bark. The leaves are green, oval-lanceolate, glossy, leathery, with a pleasant aroma.

The flowers are white or pale pink with protruding stamens, the fruits are red-black berries. Blooms from June to August.

Popular cultivars: "Tarentina" - a compact bush with berries smaller than the original form, but there are much more of them than ordinary myrtle; the variegated variety has a creamy-white pattern along the green leaves.

Myrtle lush (Myrtus apiculata)

Lush myrtle (Myrtus apiculata) is also interesting - a bush or tree with peeling brown bark, under which the trunk is creamy white. The leaves are dark green, elliptical, matte. White single flowers bloom in July-August, black-red fruits are edible.

Myrtle hekven (Myrtus chequen)

- a tree with shiny green leaves with a wrinkled edge. This species is the most stable of myrtles.

Ralph's myrtle (Myrtus ralfii)

- an upright shrub with pinkish flowers and red edible berries. It has a variegated variety with a white-cream border around the edge of the leaves.


What to do if myrtle leaves: dried up and fall off

Myrtle is a wonderful decoration for any apartment and office. In addition to decorativeness, the flower can also boast of healing properties. However, growing myrtle is not easy: flower growers call the drying and falling of its foliage the most common problem. We will find out why myrtle leaves dry, and how to deal with this problem.

Improper maintenance and care

Most often, myrtle suffers and loses its decorative effect due to improper care and maintenance. Next, consider what causes in most cases cause the foliage to dry out.

lack of moisture

The plant needs regular and fairly plentiful watering. The lack of water is not well tolerated by myrtle, and a prolonged lack of moisture can lead to sad consequences.

Usually, the leaves are the first to react to a lack of water: they lose color, turn yellow, turn brown, then begin to dry, curl and eventually fall off. Thus, if measures are not taken in time, the myrtle will dry out completely.

What to do

To resuscitate the plant, dip the pot with it in a container of water for 10-15 minutes. Water through the drainage holes will penetrate immediately to the roots, so the flower can quickly recover.

After water procedures, put the pot on a tray - the water must drain. Stagnation of moisture in a pot is also undesirable: for this reason, the roots of the plant may rot.


Excess moisture can also negatively affect the plant. Stagnation of water in the soil leads to rotting of the root system, one of the symptoms of which is yellowing and wilting of the foliage.

What to do

In this case, the plant will have to be urgently transplanted into dry soil. Remove the myrtle from the old potted substrate and rinse its roots in water. Then you need to inspect the roots and cut off those that have already rotted. Transplant the plant into a new substrate and do not water at first.

Wrong temperature setting

Myrtle requires maintenance at an average temperature regime: + 17-24 degrees. It's summer. In winter, the plant goes into a three-month dormant period, and it is recommended to keep it at a temperature of only + 10-12 degrees.

If myrtle is left in a warm room in winter, this will most likely lead to wilting of its leaves and dropping them.

What to do

In this case, they act simply: the pot of myrtle is transferred to a cooler room. If this is not possible, it is recommended to place the pot on a tray with crushed ice.

Feeding problems

More often, myrtle suffers not from a lack of nutrients, but from the fact that the owner “feeds” it. An excess of nitrogenous minerals is especially dangerous for a plant, since nitrogen in large quantities burns the roots of the plant, leads to wilting and yellowing of the foliage.

What to do

If the problem has already happened, and too much fertilizer has been applied, there is nothing left to do but transplant the myrtle into another pot with clean soil.

Before transplanting, inspect the roots and cut off those that are already touched by burns, blackened: thanks to this measure, it will be possible to reanimate the flower much faster. Then rinse the rhizomes, thereby removing fertilizer residues from them.

Inappropriate lighting

Too intense lighting of the plant can also lead to problems with the leaves. It should be remembered that the myrtle does not tolerate direct sun: intense sunlight can leave burns on the leaves. In the shade, however, it is not recommended to grow peace either. Ideal - diffused lighting

What to do

Move the pot with the plant to where direct sunlight does not fall. Or shade the window so that the leaves do not dry out.


Sometimes the foliage begins to crumble as soon as the plant is brought from the store to the house. The reason in this case is the stress experienced by the plant due to a change of residence. The same effect can be observed after transplanting the myrtle into a new pot.

What to do

In order for the myrtle to quickly adapt to new conditions, leave it alone for a few days. However, it is important to ensure that the flower stays in a shaded place with high humidity. In the created favorable conditions, the flower will be able to overcome its stress much faster.



The pest has a miniature size and a color that masquerades as a shade of leaves. Sometimes black or gray aphids are also found. The pest settles on the wrong side of the leaf and slowly sucks out the juices of the plant. The insect reproduces rapidly: it can form an extensive colony in a short time. The activity of aphids leads to rapid drying, wilting of the leaves of the myrtle.

What to do

spider mite

A small pest that leaves behind white cobwebs: in fact, the insect is found along these cobwebs. The mite itself cannot be seen on the leaves without a magnifying glass.

The tick multiplies in favorable conditions very quickly, growing to huge colonies. If the colony is extensive, the tick can infect nearby plants. It is therefore necessary to start pest control as early as possible.

What to do

To eliminate the already appeared spider mite, it is necessary to use directed insecticides. Well, for the purpose of prevention, maintain high humidity in the room: it is known that the spider mite prefers dry air.


This pest is of particular danger to myrtle, since it is very difficult to get rid of it: the scale insect is resistant to insecticides. The body of the insect is covered with a strong chitinous shell, which protects it from external influences: poison, including.

The harm caused by the pest to the plant is great: the scale insect is able to weaken the myrtle in a short time by sucking the juices out of it. A symptom of the lesion is a sticky coating on the foliage of the plant.

What to do

You can try spraying the plant with Actellik: the scale insect reacts quite strongly to this remedy, and the great honor of the colony may even die.


What to do

Pests caught in the eye can be removed mechanically, and the rest can be disposed of with Aktara.


This pest looks like a miniature white moth, which settles in colonies on the leaves of indoor plants, feeding on their juice. It is not surprising that the myrtle dries quickly after the defeat of the whitefly. The larvae are resistant to chemicals, which makes pest control much more difficult.

What to do

Water for irrigation must be soft, settled. It is strictly forbidden to use hard water from the tap with bleach and metal salts. This can easily lead to problems, including leaf wilt.

Keep the top of the soil always slightly damp. In summer, it is recommended to moisten the soil daily, in winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced.

Keep the plant in abundant but diffused light: this option is most preferable for myrtle. It is ideal to put the pot on the windowsill on the east or west side. If the windows are only south, be sure to shade the plant, at least at noon, so that the tips of its leaves do not dry.

In summer, you can put the plant outdoors: on a balcony, terrace, even take it out into the garden. Staying in the open air will only benefit myrtle, increase its immunity, give strength, enhance decorativeness. If this is not possible, you should at least ventilate the room more often: fresh air is necessary for myrtle.

The plant does not like high temperatures. Myrtle can even completely shed all foliage if it is kept at high air temperatures for a long time.

The frequency of top dressing is once a week during the growing season. It is not necessary to fertilize in winter. It is recommended to use a mineral flower complex, which can be easily purchased at any specialized store.

And to make the plant feel better, when transplanting, choose soils intended for citrus and azaleas. The compositions of these substrates are best suited for myrtle.

We learned why myrtle leaves dry and wither, and how this problem can be eliminated. There can be several reasons for this phenomenon: from poor care to pest damage, and probably a disease. By pinpointing the cause, you can most effectively and quickly fix the problem.


Myrtle tree from the Myrtle family is an evergreen woody plant, whose name is associated with a high concentration of essential oils in flowers - "myrtle" in Greek means "balm". The symbol of peace and hope also has excellent decorative qualities, which require very little time for the grower to maintain.

Myrtle tree: description, types and varieties

In the wild, the plant can grow up to 3 meters in height, while indoor representatives of the genus, numbering from 40 to 100 species, do not exceed 1 m. Glossy, oppositely arranged leaf plates are attached to the shoots with short petioles. Flowers exuding a wonderful aroma can be either single or collected in racemose inflorescences.

Among the most popular types are:

  • Myrtle ordinary. The most common variety in indoor floriculture, represented by plants with a branched trunk. Leathery, shiny green leaf plates exude aroma. During the flowering period, which is celebrated in the summer season, snow-white or with a pinkish tint flowers bloom, in the place of which maroon fruits ripen after a while. In flower shops, the variegated form and the compact Tarentina variety are often found.
  • Myrtle is magnificent. Representatives of the species grow in the form of a bush or tree, the trunk of which is covered with exfoliating bark scales. The flowering phase occurs in the second half of summer, when single pure white flowers contrast against the background of green matte leaves.
  • Mirt hekven. The most resistant species, characterized by wrinkled edges of glossy green leaves.
  • Mirt Ralph. Shrub form with erect shoots and pinkish fragrant flowers.

Features of growing at home

The elegance and symbolism of the myrtle tree makes it a desirable inhabitant of city apartments and houses.

However, when bringing a representative of the exotic flora into the home, it is necessary to take into account a number of flower requirements for growing at home:

  • a large amount of light with direct sunlight in the spring;
  • abundant watering and regular spraying;
  • prolonged rest phase;
  • systematic feeding.

myrtle tree care

In order for the plant to give aesthetic pleasure, it is necessary to follow simple rules for the maintenance and care of the culture.

Lighting and location

The flower develops well on the windowsills of the eastern and western sides of the house.

But due to the indulgence of the myrtle tree to direct sunlight, it is permissible to place the pot on the windowsills of the southern windows, where protection from the midday sun is organized only in the heat of summer, when the risk of burns is high. It is worth abandoning the windows of the northern direction, since the future flowering of the “green miracle” depends on the usefulness of the lighting.

Advice! To strengthen the immunity of the plant in the summer, myrtle should be taken out into the fresh air, especially since it quite easily tolerates small drafts.

Temperature regime

In spring and summer, the flower feels great at normal room temperatures, which range from 20 to 25 ° C.

But in winter, in order to get many beautiful flowers next year, it is necessary to ensure that the myrtle tree stays in a cool, bright room at temperatures ranging from 5 to 10 ° C.

An unheated loggia will be a great solution for this period.

Watering and humidity

In the spring and summer, the flower should be watered regularly and plentifully so that the earthen lump is constantly in a slightly moistened state. In winter, when myrtle is kept cool, the volume and frequency of watering is reduced, but the substrate should not be allowed to dry out.

In the phase of active vegetation, the plant must be systematically sprayed.

Important! All water procedures should be carried out with warm, softened water.

Top dressing and fertilizer

From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, the plant is provided with additional nutrition 2-3 times a month.

When top dressing, various fertilizers are used, depending on the goal that the grower seeks to achieve:

  • If bonsai is grown from myrtle, then nitrogen-containing complexes are introduced into the soil.
  • If the goal of cultivation is to obtain a lush flowering plant, then preference should be given to fertilizers for flowering plants with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium.

Pruning and crown shaping

The crown is formed by pruning in the spring after the myrtle reaches the age of three.

Pinching is carried out at any time of the year, except for winter. However, do not overdo it with this procedure: systematic pinching can lead to a decrease in the number of flowers.

Depending on the desired shape, various shoots are cut:

  • To form a bush, the top is cut off, which stimulates branching.
  • To create a standard tree, side shoots are removed.

Transplant at home

Young plants are subjected to the procedure annually. And the signal for transplanting an adult specimen is the drying of an earthen coma within a day after heavy watering.

When transplanting, which is carried out in the spring:

  1. A pot is selected with a diameter of 2 - 3 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. Drainage material is placed at the bottom to prevent stagnation of water in the roots.
  3. A soil mixture is prepared from soddy, humus, peat soil and sand in equal parts.
  4. The flower is transferred to a new container.
  5. The empty space is filled with the prepared substrate.

flowering period

The flowering phase of the plant is observed in the summer season.

To make it regular and lush, you need:

  • provide a long stage of rest;
  • follow all care rules, including free access to fresh air.

The myrtle tree has a pronounced stagnation stage, the duration of which depends on the lighting:

  • When wintering on the northern windowsill, the state of rest can last up to 3 months.
  • If the flower hibernates in bright light, then the phase will be reduced to 1 - 1.5 months.

At this time, watering is reduced, spraying and top dressing are not carried out.

Attention! A long dormant stage is necessary for abundant flowering.

Diseases, pests and methods of dealing with them

A myrtle tree, in violation of the rules for care, can be inhabited by thrips, scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, whiteflies and aphids. If, during examination, harmful insects were noted on the plant, then it is worth treating the culture with an insecticidal solution.

In the case of systematic overflows, the development of gray rot may be noted, which can be cured by transplanting the specimen into a new substrate and normalizing the irrigation regime.

Myrtle tree: reproduction

An exotic flower reproduces both by seed and vegetative methods. Among the latter, the cutting method is the most popular.

Growing a myrtle tree from seeds is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The seedling box is filled with a mixture of leafy earth and sand.
  2. Seeds are distributed over the surface of the substrate and sprinkled with sand.
  3. The container is covered with a film, which is periodically removed for airing and moistening the soil.
  4. After germination, the film is removed.
  5. Seedlings dive into separate pots after the formation of 2 true leaves.

Usually the procedure is carried out in the spring or after flowering:

  1. Cuttings 8 cm long are cut from the shoots of the lower tier.
  2. The cut sites are treated with a growth stimulator.
  3. The cuttings are buried in a mixture of leafy soil with sand and covered with banks, which are systematically removed for ventilation.
  4. Rooting takes place in a dark place for a month.
  5. Rooted plants are planted in separate containers with a diameter of 7 cm.

Why does the myrtle tree dry up?

In order not to witness the drying of the plant and its further death, it is necessary to determine the main reasons why the tree dries.

Among the key factors leading to the drying of myrtle are:

  • Insufficient air humidity. It is necessary to monitor this indicator especially carefully in winter, when the plant hibernates in a living room near heating appliances.
  • Soil moisture deficiency. It is necessary to water an exotic flower regularly and plentifully in order to prevent the earthen coma and the root system of the plant from drying out.

If the grower is faced with a situation where the leaves have dried up, and the trunk is still green. you can try to reanimate the plant:

  • A mini-greenhouse is being built over a dried tree.
  • Branches and soil are systematically sprayed with a solution of a growth stimulator.
  • Periodically, the greenhouse is ventilated, and the substrate is slightly moistened.
  • If the roots are alive, then new shoots will begin to appear.
  • At the beginning of the active growing season, bare branches are cut off.

In different nations, myrtle is endowed with different qualities:

  • Europeans believe that myrtle brings peace and harmony to the hearth. But if the plant dies, then happiness will leave this house.
  • Muslims, on the contrary, refrain from growing a myrtle tree in their homes, since in their culture the plant is considered a "muzhegon".

The myrtle tree is a unique plant.

It is valued not only for its decorative qualities and aroma during the flowering period, but also for the high concentration of essential oils that can protect the room from the development of various viruses.

In our latitudes, myrtle came from the regions of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, so its name in Greek means "incense", and the second name - arrayan - in Arabic means "aromatic". This evergreen plant bears such names for a reason. Even in ancient times, it was noted that myrtle, in addition to decorative, has many useful qualities due to the presence of essential oils that have a strong antimicrobial effect. Arrayana leaves have their healing effect not only as part of medicines and cosmetic preparations, but also simply releasing phytoncides into the air.

Myrtle blooms very beautifully: the whole tree is covered with boiled white flowers, sometimes with a light pinkish tint. But such a spectacle does not always please the eye of the owner, and this happens for several reasons.

Firstly, myrtle is a plant of southern latitudes, so it is used to bright sunlight. At home, the tree will feel most comfortable on the southern windowsill, where it can get plenty of sunbathing. However, from direct rays it is better to shade it with a curtain. Under such conditions, an arrayan will delight you with wonderful flowers, but placed on the western, eastern or northern side, most likely, it will not bloom at all. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the flower does not tolerate any sudden change in light. For example, if you decide to move it from the north side to the south, then you need to do this in several stages, increasing the amount of light gradually, first moving the myrtle to the east or west window sill.

Secondly, the flower has a real need for fresh air. Indeed, in its native lands, it grows on the street all year round, so small drafts for myrtle are not only not dangerous, but even desirable. In the warm season, the plant should generally be kept outdoors if possible: on an open veranda, balcony or in the garden. And then abundant flowering is guaranteed.

Thirdly, this guest from the subtropics constantly requires a humid microclimate, which is provided by regular watering and spraying using soft, preferably rain or melt water. For the winter period, moisture should be reduced to 1 time per week, and spraying can be abandoned if the tree is in a cool room. The optimum temperature for the dormant period should be 8–10 ° C.

Fourth, the crown of a tree is usually formed at the beginning of the growing season, that is, in the spring, but in this case, flowering will definitely not occur. If you want to admire the blooming arrayana, prune it after the flowers have fallen, around August.

Myrtle is a very beautiful and showy plant with fragrant leaves and flowers. The myrtle tree is not the most capricious specimen of the garden fauna, but at the same time it is quite demanding. Care and cultivation of myrtle at home will require a lot of attention and care, as only in caring hands will it reveal its full potential.

The entire aerial part of the myrtle contains a large amount of essential oil, which is used in alternative medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. Myrtle ordinary will become an ornament for many years and decades, not only in the house, but also on the balcony, terrace or garden.

The myrtle tree is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Through various sources, there is evidence that many centuries ago the myrtle plant was grown as an ornamental garden tree. The flower was given great importance in ancient Greece, where it personified innocence, youth and beauty.

Many beliefs and legends are associated with myrtle:

  • in ancient times it was an integral part of the festival in honor of Venus;
  • in the Renaissance, it served as a symbol of youth, marital fidelity and eternal love. Due to this, at present, many believe in the sign that the bride's wedding bouquet should contain a sprig of myrtle, as a sign of a future strong union;
  • there is a superstition that myrtle in the house is a guarantee of a good atmosphere, warm relationships, a friendly family;
  • According to legend, when passing by a myrtle bush, you should pluck a leaf or twig if you want to live for many years and maintain good health and good spirits.

Evergreen myrtle is a tree or shrub from the Myrtle family with white fragrant flowers. Homeland of myrtle land of the Mediterranean zone (North Africa, Southern Europe).
Myrtle is a very slow growing plant, with an annual growth of no more than 10–15 cm.
Myrtle leaves are lanceolate, dark green, opposite, on short petioles. The leaf blades contain myrtle oil. If you look through the sheet at a bright light source, you can see small dots and stripes, they contain oil.

The myrtle flower is axillary, bisexual, has a pleasant smell, five white petals are fixed on a thin pedicel. Common myrtle flowers bloom in June-July. After flowering, edible round or ovoid fruits (berries) of dark or light color with a diameter of 5–8 mm are formed. One berry-fruit contains 10-15 seeds. In the natural environment, the flowers of the plant are pollinated by insects; indoors, the procedure is carried out independently using a brush or cotton swab. The fruits ripen in November-December.

In landscape design, standard plants have recently become popular. A myrtle stem is a way to raise shrubs, give the plant an unusual appearance with a bare, even trunk without a single branch and a lush crown at the top.

Myrtle is a medicinal flower, preparations based on it have a tonic, antiviral, stimulating and antibacterial effect. Like any medicine, myrtle can bring both benefit and harm. Currently, in pharmacies, you can buy a plant extract, which, in fact, is a natural antibiotic. Disinfecting and refreshing the air in the room, the flower carries positive energy, creating a favorable, healthy atmosphere at home. Myrtle-based medicinal preparations are used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

With caution, myrtle should be used by women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the elderly. A myrtle flower pot in the bedroom at the head of the bed can cause insomnia and severe headaches, as a result, it should be placed away from sleeping places.


The myrtle tree is a flowering plant with white fluffy flowers. Myrtle flowering (photo above) is observed throughout the summer and until mid-autumn. Myrtle begins to bloom if the irrigation regime is observed, the place is chosen correctly and there is enough lighting. Probably, myrtle does not bloom due to frequent changes in the location of the flower. If it is constantly rearranged from place to place, the plant does not have time to adapt to changes in lighting. You should gradually rearrange the flower to a new place with brighter lighting.

Too low air humidity, poorly ventilated room - possible reasons for the lack of color of the myrtle tree. With a disease, the plant does not bloom, all its forces are spent on recovery and survival.

plant species

About 40 species are included in the genus myrtle, but only one is grown in room culture - ordinary myrtle. In its natural environment, the myrtle tree is found in North Africa, Western Asia, on the Caribbean islands, on the Mediterranean coast. Many varieties of myrtle are grown in botanical gardens, greenhouses, garden plots and at home. Varieties of myrtle differ in height, shape and color of the leaves, so Luma myrtle reaches 25 meters in height, and mini versions of the myrtle tree grow no higher than 60 cm.

Myrtle ordinary

The most popular is the common myrtle (Myrtus communis) or myrtle communis, also known as indoor myrtle. However, it has not received wide distribution due to low winter hardiness. Prefers shady places and diffused sunlight. In its natural environment, it can be found under the canopy of large trees, in bushes in the Azores, North Africa, and the lands of the Mediterranean zone. In nature, the plant grows up to 2–5 m, in room culture it does not exceed 40–60 cm, rarely up to 1 m.

The trunk is short with dark brown-red bark. Stems are faceted, bare, rounded. Glossy, smooth, lanceolate, leathery leaves up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, arranged oppositely one or three. Due to the presence of essential oil, leaf blades exude a delicate pleasant aroma. Single flowers, up to 2 cm in diameter, with five white, rarely pale pink petals, have a brighter and richer aroma than the leaves.

Flowering begins in June-July in the third year of life. Seeds - black-red berries ripen by the end of October.

The species calmly tolerates a short-term decrease in temperature to -10 ... -12 ° C, with a long stay at lower temperatures it freezes. In the case of complete freezing of the aerial part, in the spring, new shoots grow from the root collar.

Many cultural forms are considered common.


Myrtus variegata

A variety of common myrtle. Variegated variety (Myrtus Variegata) or variegated with beautiful bicolor leaves.

Green, large, oval-elongated leaves with white strokes and streaks along the edges. With a lack of lighting, motley spots turn pale and disappear. The aroma of flowers and leaves is less pronounced compared to ordinary myrtle.


Mirt Hamedafna (marsh)

Myrtle Hamedafna or Cassandra are other names for the marsh myrtle. In nature, it is found exclusively in swampy areas, which is why it got its name. Marsh myrtle is the most resistant to low temperatures. It tolerates snowy winters in central Russia. The shape resembles a low, sprawling shrub 80–100 cm tall with straight branches. Smooth dark green leaves up to 4 cm long.

The flowers form racemose inflorescences in the axils of the leaves. For the cold season, Cassandra drops its leaves. The aerial part of the plant contains toxic substances that are dangerous to animals. Life expectancy is 40–50 years.


myrtle luma

An evergreen tall species of myrtle, in its natural environment reaches 20–25 m in height. The trunk is strongly branched, up to 50 cm in diameter, covered with smooth gray-brown bark. Young branches are pubescent. Leaves up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, opposite, ovate, tapering towards the petiole, the end of the leaf is rounded. Petiole short, no more than 5 mm, covered with hairs. The surface of the leaf is smooth, the upper part of a darker saturated green color compared to the underside. Leaves exude a strong odor.

Myrtle luma blooms profusely, white flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences in the leaf axils. Flowering period October-January. After flowering, a black-violet fruit-berry up to 1.5 cm in diameter is formed, luma myrtle bears fruit from December to March. The tree is winter-hardy, tolerates temperature drops to -7 ... -10 C.

Most often in the natural environment can be found in South America at an altitude of 500-1500 m above sea level, along the banks of rivers and lakes.


Myrtle small-leaved

Dwarf variety of common myrtle. Small-leaved myrtle is covered with small leaves up to 2 cm long. It grows no higher than 60 cm. Very often grown at home.


Myrtle large-leaved

Varietal form of common myrtle with large, opposite leaves up to 5 cm long, with a smooth, glossy surface and a pointed end. The plant can reach 3-4 m in height. Stems are tetrahedral. Large-leaved myrtle has medicinal properties, preparations based on it are used in alternative medicine. It has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

How to care for myrtle at home?

At home, myrtle requires very high-quality and stable care. In addition to the main requirements for temperature, watering, lighting and pruning, the plant needs a dormant period. This is the only major difficulty that may arise when growing a houseplant at home. If the myrtle sheds leaves, this is the first sign of improper care and maintenance.

Despite the capricious disposition, the plant is quite tenacious and hardy, able to recover from freezing and fire, able to live up to 300 years.

Location and lighting

The best option for the plant will be a place with bright diffused light. The flower loves to be outdoors very much, the place in front of the open window will be ideal for the plant. The windowsills of the western and eastern windows are the most successful place for a flower. On the south side, the plant needs protection from intense bright light in the spring and summer.

Without prejudice to the decorative appearance of the myrtle, it can be under the direct rays of the sun for several hours. In the summer, a flower pot is taken out into the open air to a balcony, terrace or garden, a new place should be protected from direct sunlight.


At home, caring for myrtle requires close attention. From the beginning of spring until the dormant period, the plant must be kept at a temperature of +18 ... +20 C. During the dormant period, in winter, the temperature should not be higher than +10 C and not lower than +5 C.

Air humidity

Since the plant comes from southern hot countries, it should provide a slightly higher humidity level than normal, about 60%. At home, the air humidity is quite low, and in winter the air is even drier due to the functioning of the central heating batteries. Plant care consists not only in maintaining water balance, but also in periodically spraying the plant with soft settled or filtered water.


One of the nuances of caring for a capricious plant is the correct stable watering. The soil should always be kept moderately moist. How to water the myrtle correctly so as not to harm the flower? It is necessary to draw up a watering schedule and calculate the required amount of water.

Myrtle is very sensitive to the watering regime and even a single miscalculation (adding too little or too much water) can affect the decorative qualities of the flower. Warm soft settled water should be used.

Do not allow overdrying or waterlogging of the soil. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. As soon as excess water merges into the pan, it is removed, otherwise rotting of the roots can be provoked. When the soil dries out, the pot with the plant is not watered in the traditional way, but placed in a container of water. Complete drying of the earthy coma can lead to the death of the flower, in which case it is almost impossible to reanimate the myrtle.

Soil for planting and transplanting

The optimal soil for planting and transplanting myrtle is chosen from three options.
The first version of the soil for myrtle is an earthen mixture of equal parts of soddy, peat soil, humus and sand. The second option is ordinary greenhouse soil. The third - one part of clay, sod, peat land, humus and ½ part of sand. In this case, you need land with an acidity index in the range of 5–6. To avoid stagnant water, choose a flower container with a sufficient number of holes at the bottom. A good drainage layer of expanded clay, broken bricks or crushed nutshells is provided for the plant.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Myrtle is a finicky plant, so home care needs the closest attention. Myrtle fertilizers are necessary for full growth and lush abundant flowering. As a fertilizer, myrtle should be given only special complex mixtures for indoor or container cultures. Top dressing is applied during the period of active growth every 14 days.

The nutrient mixture should always be liquid. Fertilizer is diluted in warm water and applied only the next day after watering.

Any other types of fertilizers and dressings (organic, mineral, special garden) are not suitable for myrtle.

Winter Care

A characteristic feature of the flower is a long period of rest (hibernation). The duration of the dormant period of the myrtle depends on the location of the flower pot in the room. On windows with a northern orientation, the dormant period is 3 months, on the western and eastern windows about two months, on the south no more than 1.5 months.

Caring for myrtle during hibernation is different from maintaining a flower during the vegetative period. In winter, watering is limited, the plant is not sprayed, the temperature regime is provided within + 5 ... + 10 C. If the temperature regime is violated, the flower is kept in a hotter room, the plant can shed its leaves.

Difficulties in growing

Growing myrtle big and healthy is not an easy task. Many, when buying a flower, soon discover that the plant has a very difficult character. Flaws and errors during cultivation are reflected in the appearance of the flower.

When a pot of myrtle is placed in a shaded place with a lack of light, its leaves begin to turn pale and shrink. What to do in this case? The first step is to move the flower pot to a more lit place. In intense bright light, the leaf plates lose their rich green color, becoming dimmer. With prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the leaves wither, deform, the edges become waviness. If the leaves of the myrtle fall - this indicates a violation of the temperature regime, it is above the permissible.

Myrtle dries and sheds leaves if the irrigation regime is wrong, in case of excess or lack of water in the soil.

If the reason why the myrtle dries is in overdrying or waterlogging of the soil, it is necessary to halve the shoots. When the soil is dry, watering is carried out as in normal mode. If the reason for dropping leaves is waterlogging of the soil, water it with caution, halving the amount of water.

If the soil is very wet, the roots may begin to rot, in which case a transplant is required. The first sign of eliminating the cause of improper care is the appearance of new leaves. In case of overdrying, when the leaves of the myrtle fall, you can reanimate the plant by immersing the flower pot in a container of water. If the myrtle has dried up, completely shed its foliage, the branches have lost their flexibility, then in most cases it will not be possible to save it.

Lack of flowering indicates too frequent pruning and lack of fresh air (more frequent ventilation is needed).

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle is quite calm about pruning and pinching. In its natural environment, the plant has a pyramidal crown shape. To maintain and form the desired shape, the plant needs regular pruning and shearing.

The procedure for the formation of the crown is carried out after "hibernation" before the vegetative period. The shape of the plant can be changed by pinching and cutting off last year's growths, leaving 3-4 buds. This will allow new side shoots to form. If you cut the upper shoot - the flower will bush, pinching the side shoots - the plant takes the form of a crowned tree with a branching crown.

This process stimulates more accelerated tissue healing, growth and adaptation to a new form. During this period, the plant needs additional strength. Immediately after pruning, a full dose of fertilizer is applied, regardless of the main schedule of planned feeding. Fertilizing on schedule and after pruning are two independent procedures, even if there is a difference of several days between them, one should by no means replace the other.

After the spring pruning of the crown, the growth of twigs will increase, the plant will not bloom next summer. For annual flowering, pruning is carried out in summer, after flowering or in winter. A choice should be made between neat branching bushes and a beautifully flowering plant with a natural crown.

Diseases and pests

The evergreen perennial is quite resistant to disease and attack by insect pests. However, with improper maintenance, violation of the temperature regime, water balance, improper lighting, the appearance of diseases and pests on the myrtle is quite likely. Most often, myrtle is affected by scale insects, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, and spider mites.

Signs of damage by various pests:

  • in defeat scab a sticky coating appears on the leaves;
  • a light formation in the form of fluff on leaves and twigs indicates the appearance mealybug;
  • thrips are the cause of the appearance of light spots on the upper side of the sheet and dark ones on the underside;
  • when aphids leaves dry and curl;
  • the formation of a white web on the underside of the leaf indicates the defeat of the flower spider mite.

Planting and reproduction

Myrtle is propagated in two ways - seed and vegetative (cuttings). Both methods give good results, but with the vegetative method, flowering occurs much earlier than with the seed method. Propagation by cuttings is the only method of maintaining cultivars. Reproduction by seeds does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics. Due to slow growth, it will not be possible to quickly grow a large plant.

Many abandon the idea of ​​​​growing myrtle from scratch and acquire an adult flower, since the purchased plant is large enough, with a crown formed. Those who bought myrtle in flower shops receive advice and recommendations from specialists in the care and transplantation after purchase, pruning. Despite the capricious disposition, the plant reproduces well, planting myrtle is quite simple, difficulties arise in ensuring a comfortable, optimal maintenance.

Reproduction by cuttings

For this method, cuttings of 6-10 cm are cut from the lower and middle parts of the crown from semi-lignified annual growths. The lower cut is made under the kidney at the place of attachment of the leaf. To minimize moisture loss, part of the leaves on the cuttings are cut off at the base, except for the top ones, which are shortened by half. Pick up wide low containers filled with an earthen mixture of equal parts of leafy earth and sand.

The cuttings are planted in a moist substrate to a depth of 4–6 cm, at a distance of 5–10 cm from each other, sprayed. A box with cuttings is covered with a transparent film or glass to create the effect of a greenhouse. Contain cuttings in a cool room at a temperature of +16 ... +20 C, with diffused light. Periodically, the container is opened for ventilation, in order to avoid rotting of the cuttings.

Rooting of cuttings occurs by the end of the first month. The first sign of successful rooting is the appearance of new leaves. Further, the cuttings are planted in separate flower pots up to 7-10 cm tall with an earthen substrate from equal parts of sand, sod, peat, humus soil. Water young plants abundantly.

The next transplant, into a larger pot, is carried out when the roots of the plant completely fill the flower container.

Myrtle is propagated by cuttings in winter (January-February) and in summer - in July. Myrtle, grown from cuttings, blooms for 3-4 years.

Reproduction by seeds

The process is quite time-consuming and less efficient compared to the vegetative one. To get a new plant from seeds, you need to be patient. Prepare a wide container for sowing, with an earthen mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. Myrtle seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil at a certain distance from each other, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of the substrate. The container is covered with a transparent lid (glass, polyethylene), kept in a warm, bright room at a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 C. Aired daily, removing the lid for 20-30 minutes to avoid acidification of the soil. The soil should be in a moderately wet state, it is highly undesirable to overdry the soil.

The first sprouts when myrtle is propagated by seeds appear by the end of the second week or even earlier.

After the formation of two true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots of the appropriate size. An earthen mixture for picking is prepared from equal parts of sod, peat soil, humus and sand. Stunting after transplantation is common in young seedlings. Adapting to a new place, they begin to grow again.

The next transplant is carried out only after the flower pot is completely filled with horses. In the future, care for young plants is identical to an adult. Grown myrtle from seeds blooms in the fifth year of life.

myrtle seeds


At home, myrtle transplantation is carried out in the spring. Young trees are transplanted annually, then the procedure is repeated if necessary. The first sign that a transplant is needed is the appearance of roots from the drainage holes of the flower pot.

For the myrtle transplant procedure, a more spacious pot is prepared compared to the previous flower container. The edges of the pot should not extend beyond the crown of the plant. It is necessary to remove the entire root system from the pot along with the earthy clod without damage. For this, the flower is not watered for several days. Holding the plant firmly by the base at the roots, turn the pot over and take out the lump with the roots. The lower roots are carefully freed from the ground. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the flower container, sprinkled with earth. The plant is lowered into a pot and covered with soil. It is necessary to ensure that the base of the trunk does not go deep into the soil.

The transplant procedure can stop the growth of the plant; for adaptation, the flower is placed in a warm shaded place.

Myrtle transplant after purchase

After the purchase, the myrtle must be transplanted. Replacing the land with a new one, more nutritious and enriched with nutrients, will benefit the plant and allow it to grow faster.

Before transplanting, it is necessary to carefully monitor the soil moisture - the ideal state is 2-3 days after watering. A dried earthen ball will be easier to pull out of the pot without damaging the root system. When you pull the myrtle out of the pot, be sure to hold it by the bottom of the trunk closer to the ground. If it is difficult for an earthen ball to get out of the pot due to overgrown roots, then you should take a sharp tool (for example, a knife) and gently walk along the walls of the pot.

The pot in diameter should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. Drainage is poured at the bottom (for example, expanded clay), the finished soil is poured and the plant is planted, leaving the root collar on the surface. Then the newly planted plant is abundantly watered, and the remaining water from the pan is drained.

Application in medicine

In alternative medicine, the beneficial healing properties of myrtle have been known since ancient times and are widely used. Due to the presence of a large amount of essential oil and other useful components, myrtle has gained fame as an excellent healer. Myrtle oil is widely used throughout the world, which is used in many areas of medicine. Decoctions, inhalations, lotions and tinctures of myrtle are useful for various ailments, prevention and prevention of diseases and inflammations of the female genital, genitourinary, digestive system, and respiratory organs. From room myrtle at home, you can make decoctions, infusions and tinctures. Essential oil is better to buy in pharmacies.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of myrtle

Plant-based preparations (myrtle oil, tincture, decoction) have:

  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • antitumor;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • and antiviral activity.

The healing properties of myrtle are used for inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, colic), since preparations based on myrtle have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect.

Myrtle oil, as an infusion for external and internal use, is excellent for various seasonal viral and colds. With sore throats, runny nose, sore throat, flu, it is good to be near the plant, because by releasing phytoncides, myrtle destroys pathogenic microbes, increasing immunity and overall body resistance. For colds, it is useful to chew a couple of myrtle leaves several times a day, this will strengthen the immune system and cope with the disease faster.

The soothing and analgesic properties of myrtle essential oil for headaches, migraines are very effective.

The plant can be attributed to natural antibiotics, since it contains myrtilin. Myrtle has a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating effect.


Unique in its healing properties, myrtle has a number of contraindications. Preparations based on it are not advised to use during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, with individual intolerance to oil components, as well as for the elderly.

When planning the location of a flower in an apartment, it is highly recommended not to place a flower pot at the head of the beds. The plant can cause sleep disturbance.

Application in cooking

Common myrtle and its cultural varieties are widely used in different countries with different culinary traditions. It is used as an additive in the preparation of many dishes and drinks. Jam is made from fresh fruits and berries, liquor is made. Dried fruits are added in the production of sausages. Myrtle leaves, along with bay leaves, are added to pickles and marinades. The bark, branches of the tree are used for grilling or bonfire meat and fish, they give the dish a unique flavor. Use the plant as a seasoning for dishes should be careful, in large quantities it gives the dish a bitter taste.

Application in cosmetology

Useful properties of myrtle are widely used in cosmetology. Possessing a tonic, anti-inflammatory, soothing, nourishing, firming effect, myrtle oil is used in various cosmetic preparations. Oil-based creams are great for treating and preventing oily, porous, acne-prone and acne-prone skin. The oil allows you to eliminate and prevent the appearance of rosacea, the appearance of clearly defined blood vessels on the skin of the face. The oil nourishes, moisturizes and evens out skin color, gives it a healthy look, relieves inflammation. Myrtle oil is an indispensable remedy for excessive sweating, seborrhea, weak, brittle and falling hair. Due to the strengthening properties, it is possible to significantly reduce hair loss, strengthen hair follicles, improve their structure and general condition.

Application in landscape design

Common myrtle will perfectly fit into any home interior. Due to its disinfecting properties, it is ideal for children's and playrooms. Myrtle tree with its capricious disposition is suitable only for true lovers of decorative southern plants. At home, with some experience and a good supply of patience, it is possible to form a crown of a certain shape within a few years. Optimal comfortable conditions can turn an evergreen tree into a lush, flowering plant. Currently, in specialized flower shops you can buy myrtle bonsai - a finished, shaped miniature tree.

Myrtle small-leaved

The myrtle tree is one of the most attractive and interesting indoor plants. Pleasant aroma, beautiful flowering, ease of shaping, high decorativeness - myrtle has these advantages. Care at home is organized according to certain rules. You will learn about them from this article.

plant description

The myrtle family is well known among flower growers. In total there are about 10 varieties of myrtle. The plant is native to the Mediterranean. Grows in subtropical climates. Under natural conditions, it is a shrub or tree up to 3 meters high. When grown in an apartment, it reaches 60 cm.

The leaves are small, shiny, leathery, oval, dark green. If you rub them in your hand, they exude a pleasant spicy aroma. The main part of essential oils is concentrated in small veins. The flowers are small, on long stalks, with five petals and many stamens. Color - white or pale pink. The fruits are round small berries of intense blue color.

The subtleties of growing

A full-fledged event is organized in accordance with a number of rules. Myrtle is considered a capricious plant, often refusing to bloom or dropping leaves. Creating optimal conditions for growth and flowering helps to avoid this.

  1. Lighting and location. Easily tolerates direct sunlight, but prefers diffused light. In the heat they shade it. Blooms only when there is sufficient light. The optimal location is the window sills of windows facing west or east. In summer, the flower is moved to fresh air. In winter, they provide full coverage.
  2. Temperature. In the summer season they are kept at 18-20 ° C. In winter, the plant needs coolness. Myrtle is moved to a glazed balcony or loggia with a temperature of at least 6-8 ° C. After a good rest, the myrtle blooms luxuriantly and for a long time. When wintering in a room, the flower is well watered and systematically sprayed. This helps to avoid leaf fall, but does not guarantee flowering.
  3. Humidity. Grows best in high humidity. On spraying with warm, well-settled water, it reacts with the friendly release of new shoots. The need for moisture increases during the period of intensive growth. At this time, the procedure is carried out daily. In addition, humidifiers and trays filled with water are used.
  4. Watering. Water the plant often - as soon as the topsoil begins to dry out. In winter, the need for water is less, but it is impossible to allow the soil to dry completely. Stable soil moisture is maintained all year round. Do not allow stagnation of water at the bottom of the pot.

  5. The soil. Soil for myrtle choose nutritious, not heavy, moderate acidity. A mixture of peat, humus and turf with the addition of sand or perlite is best suited.
  6. Top dressing. During the period of active growth, feeding is frequent - every week. For abundant flowering, fertilizers with a high phosphorus content are chosen. Complex preparations for decorative deciduous crops are regularly used.
  7. Transfer. Until the age of four, the bushes are transplanted annually. Mature trees - once every 3-4 years. The best time is spring, before flowering. When transplanting, do not allow deepening of the root neck. A thick layer of drainage is provided at the bottom of the landing tank. The size of the pot is determined by the diameter of the crown - it should be half the size. Myrtle will not bloom in a large pot.
  8. Cutting and shaping. Myrtle is an indoor flower that is very easy to shape. It tolerates a haircut easily, quickly starts up young shoots. Myrtle pruning is carried out in early spring before the start of active growth. The cropping method depends on the desired result. Throughout the summer, the crown of the plant is adjusted by pinching too long young shoots.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of myrtle is not difficult even for beginner gardeners. Young plants are obtained by cuttings and sowing seeds.


Cuttings are cut twice a year - in the middle of winter or summer. Select semi-lignified branches from the middle or lower part of the crown. The optimal length of the cutting is from 5 to 8 cm. Half of the leaves are removed from the cutting, the remaining ones are cut off by half. The lower cut is dipped in a growth stimulator. A mixture of heteroauxin with 0.25% ascorbic acid gives a good effect. The container is filled with a light substrate of sphagnum and sand. The cuttings are placed in it at a slight angle and covered with a film. A greenhouse with cuttings is placed in a cool, shaded place. At the rooting stage, the temperature is maintained at 16-20 ° C. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, the humidity level is monitored, if necessary, the soil is watered and the cuttings are sprayed. They take root quickly - no longer than a month. Seedlings are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7 cm (an ordinary plastic cup will do). When the roots are completely entwined with a clod of earth, they are transferred to a larger pot. The first flowering is not earlier than 3 years later.


Myrtle from seeds grows more slowly. When using seed collected from the mother plant, the characteristics of the variety may differ. The substrate for germination is a mixture of peat with vermiculite. Before sowing, it is watered with a weak solution of the fungicide. Myrtle seeds are scattered over the surface, covered with a very thin layer of the substrate. The landing container is covered with glass. They maintain the temperature at the level of 18-20 ° C, monitor the soil moisture - it cannot be either overdried or overmoistened. Every day, the glass is removed for a short while, ventilating the greenhouse. When favorable conditions are created, seedlings appear in 1-2 weeks. Dive into separate pots in phase 2 of true sheets. Flowering - not earlier than 5 years of life.

Diseases, problems and pests

Young myrtle rarely gets sick. Mature and old bushes are less resistant to pests and negative factors.

  • Aphids and shield. Attack the plant with insufficient moisture. Conditions are corrected and treated with anticoccidial agents.
  • Spider mite. Appears when there is insufficient soil moisture. Myrtle is treated with insecticides.
  • Fungi and putrefactive bacteria. Their appearance provokes constant waterlogging of the soil. The plant is transplanted, removing the affected parts.
  • Yellow, dull leaves with curled edges. A sign of excessive lighting.
  • Chopping leaves, stretching stems. The reason is poor lighting.
  • Falling leaves. Increased temperature and dry air in winter or stagnation of water in the root system.

Growing myrtle at home is not easy, but exciting. Having mastered the formation, you can give your myrtle any shape.

Botanical description of myrtle species

It is not difficult to grow myrtle, and even novice amateur flower growers can take care of such a flower. In our country, in addition to the common species, in the conditions of home floriculture, they also prefer to grow indoor Sahara Myrtle flower.

Myrtle ordinary and its varieties

This species is best adapted to keeping at home. A small tree or shrub plant with small glossy leaves and white fragrant flowers has become the basis for breeding several highly decorative and fairly unpretentious varieties and forms that differ in color, size and shape of foliage and flowers:

  • variety "Boethics" or Boetica has large saturated green leaves no more than 70 mm long. The variety is slow growing;
  • variety "Variegata" or Variegata refers to variegated forms with yellow-green leaves;
  • variety "Tarentina" or Tarentina is characterized by the small size of the aerial part. Particularly popular are the variegated varieties of Tarentina Variegata and Tarentina Granada with original creamy fruits;
  • variety "Alhambra" or Alhambra is unpretentious and produces light greenish fruits. The foliage is small, bright green, elongated in shape;
  • variety "Flore Pleno" or Flore Pleno forms quite large and long-lasting external attractiveness, numerous double flowers;
  • variety "Compact" or Compasta belongs to the category of undersized forms that form a dense and fairly dense crown, as well as lush white flowers.

Almost any variety belonging to this species reproduces very easily, and does not require special care conditions from the grower.

Saharan myrtle

Myrtus nivellei grows mainly in the mountainous regions of Tassili n-Ajjer, in the southern part of Algeria and in Chad. This species belongs to the category of endangered plants, therefore protected. A popular shrub endemic with a height of the aerial part of no more than two meters, it is characterized by large size and lanceolate foliage. The length of the leaves does not exceed 40-50mm. Fruits are black.

Signs and superstitions associated with the myrtle tree

The myrtle tree is very popular in many countries as a family happiness plant. It is customary to give such a flower to young married couples in order to strengthen mutual understanding in them. In ancient times, myrtle branches were used to decorate the bride's head. It is also believed that such a decorative culture is able to give its owner unfading beauty and eternal youth.

How to transplant myrtle after purchase

If the plant is sold in the transport soil, then transplantation is a prerequisite for growing. As a nutrient soil substrate for planting, it is desirable to use a mixture based on one part of sod-peat soil and one part of humus-peat soil with the addition of one part of sifted medium-grained sand. A sufficient layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the flower pot. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment of the root system with an earthen clod.

Myrtle breeding methods

Reproduction of decorative perennial, grown in the conditions of indoor floriculture, is carried out by cuttings and using seed material.

Growing from seed

Seeds are sown in a nutritious soil mixture based on one part of sifted sand and one part of peat with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite. The substrate is recommended to be pre-shed with any fungicide. The seed material is carefully distributed over the surface of the nutrient substrate, after which it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

The container with crops is covered with plexiglass or film. Perennial germination should be carried out at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Crops are regularly ventilated and also moistened. With full observance of all requirements, seedlings appear in one or two weeks. Flowering occurs after five years.

Features of growing a myrtle tree (video)

How to propagate myrtle cuttings

Semi-lignified cuttings should be cut for propagation in January or early February, as well as in the middle of summer. Best rooted cuttings cut in the lower or middle region of the crown. The maximum length of the handle should not exceed 80mm. Half of the leaves are cut off completely, which will reduce the evaporation of moisture. Otherwise, the stalk dries up, and its planting is impractical.

The cut section is treated with growth stimulants, after which rooting is carried out in a mixture represented by leafy soil and coarse sand. The temperature regime should be 16-20 ° C. Young plants are pinched to stimulate flowering, which occurs in the third or fourth year.

Myrtle bloom in the house

Decorative perennial enters the flowering phase in early or mid-summer. The flowering of the plant is not only attractive, but also accompanied by a very pleasant aroma.

When and how does a houseplant bloom

Flowers are of the usual or double type, and are located in the leaf axils, singly or collected in racemose inflorescences. A significant part of the flowers bloom, as a rule, in the most sunlit, apical part of the plant.

To get a bloom it is very important not to prune in the spring, as well as to provide the ornamental culture with an influx of fresh air and quality care at all stages of the growing season. If the cultivation technology is not followed, the plant dries out, and there is no flowering.

How to transplant myrtle (video)

Myrtle care at home

So that the myrtle does not dry out and die, retains its decorative appeal for many years, and also pleases the amateur grower with abundant and stable flowering, the plant needs to ensure a comfortable stay and competent care at all stages of the growing season.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

Bright natural lighting is one of the main requirements for growing myrtle in indoor floriculture. Throughout the year, illumination indicators should be at least 6000-8000 lux. A sufficient amount of sunlight guarantees a dense and dense crown., as well as stable and abundant flowering.

It is best to place a flower pot with a plant on the south, southeast and southwest windows, without shading. When grown on the northern windows, there is a strong stretching of the shoots, blanching and falling of the foliage, and the absence of flowering. If necessary, the perennial needs to provide additional illumination with sufficiently powerful, special phytolamps for ten hours.

The temperature regime should be moderately warm in spring and summer, at the level of 18-25°C. Wintering is carried out in a cool room, at a temperature in the range of 5-8 ° C. If in winter the plant is grown at too high a temperature regime, then a partial shedding of leaves is often noted. Among other things, at low temperatures in winter, flower buds are laid.

A very important parameter in the cultivation of home myrtle is the observance of optimal indoor air humidity in the range of 60-65%. With excessive dryness of the air in the room, the crown of the ornamental tree should be sprayed regularly. It is also recommended to sometimes arrange a warm shower for the plant, which allows you to refresh the foliage and remove all accumulations of dust from it.

Features and frequency of watering

Adult ornamental plants need fairly frequent and plentiful irrigation measures. At the stage of activation of the vegetation, the decorative culture is watered immediately after the top layer of soil in the flower pot dries.

In winter, at the dormant stage, the cool temperature regime makes it possible to make irrigation activities more rare. . Important to remember, which is very dangerous for the culture, both waterlogging of the soil and its drying. In the first case, the plant is very often affected by a fungal infection. For irrigation, settled and soft water at room temperature is used.

Top dressing

For the full development of myrtle, the preservation of intensive growth processes and abundant flowering, the perennial must be properly fed. For this purpose, you can use any universal fertilizer suitable for feeding decorative foliage and flowering houseplants. Such fertilizer is diluted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In winter, there is no need to feed the culture.

Pruning and crown shaping

A decorative perennial of any variety tolerates pruning and pinching very well, regardless of the time of year. However, one must take into account the fact that in adult wintering plants that are at rest, only a couple of branches can be cut painlessly.

For actively vegetative specimens that are in the stage of growth and development, cardinal pruning of the crown is perfect. The best time for pruning is spring or the last decade of winter. Cut cuttings can be used to propagate a houseplant vegetatively.

Potential Growing Problems

If it is completely impossible to move a flower pot with indoor myrtle to a room with a low temperature regime, it is necessary to enclose part of the window sill space with ordinary plastic wrap. Among other things, it is very important to systematically spray the leaves from the spray bottle settled water at room temperature. Stretching of shoots is the main sign of a lack of natural sunlight, so the indoor flower will need to be illuminated with special fitolamps.

Reproduction and pruning of myrtle (video)

Myrtle is one of the heat-loving indoor perennials native to the Mediterranean. Such a decorative culture is perfect for interior design, and also has a number of useful properties, which determines its high popularity.

How to properly care for myrtle at home

Myrtle- This is a very interesting plant, part of the corresponding Myrtle family. It grows in the Mediterranean countries with subtropical climatic conditions. In general, the name itself is of Greek origin and comes from the word "incense". This name is explained by the fact that the leaves and flowers of this plant contain essential oils which emit a very pleasant and soothing aroma.

Outwardly myrtle- This is a beautiful small tree with elongated and pointed leaves located opposite. The leaves have a bright green color, their petioles are short.

How to water?

When caring for myrtle, it is very important to ensure regular watering: we must not forget that the plant comes from the subtropics, and therefore loves moisture very much. Along with watering, the tree should be sprayed daily. If the earth is not sufficiently moistened, the plant will begin to turn yellow and dry.

In winter, the rules for watering change somewhat: it is necessary to switch to a moderate mode, i.e. one watering per week. There is also no need for spraying (unless the tree is left in a warm room).


It is best to have myrtle on the south side of the house. In principle, myrtle will grow on the east side, and even on the west. But it is in this place, on the southern windows, that the plant will feel as comfortable as possible and will be able to bloom. At the same time, keep in mind that at noon, especially in summer, the tree should be somewhat shaded. To do this, use a screen or curtain.

Temperature and Humidity

When choosing a temperature regime, the natural habitat of the plant should again be taken into account. For this reason, in summer the optimum temperature is about 22-24 degrees. It will be useful to take the tree out into the garden or onto the balcony. With the constant presence of myrtle in the apartment, do not forget to ventilate the room.

With all this, it is necessary to provide an appropriate level of humidity: in summer it should be quite high.

A little about nutrition

When caring for myrtle, you can safely use complex fertilizers designed for flowering houseplants. In the summer, the optimal feeding frequency is weekly. In winter, this can be done monthly.

Myrtle transplant

Myrtle is a slow growing plant, and therefore it is not recommended to transplant it too often. However, all young trees should be replanted annually, increasing the volume of the pot. Adult plants can be in one pot for about 3-4 years.
The most optimal time for transplantation is the winter period, when the tree is at rest.

The whole transplant process looks like this:

  • It is first recommended to dry the earthen ball, for which do not water for several days. This will make it easier to extract the plant;
  • Then you simply need to turn over the old pot with the plant and carefully pull out the tree, holding it by the base of the trunk;
  • The roots of the plant must be treated with some kind of stimulant, which will improve the survival rate of the myrtle;
  • The new pot is filled with expanded clay. Do not forget about drainage;
  • Then the substrate is prepared. By the way, both during the initial planting and subsequently, the best substrate option is peat and sod land (30% each), as well as humus and river or sifted sand (20% each);
  • The finished substrate is poured into the bottom of the pot;
  • The plant is installed in a new pot, covered with a substrate, leveled;
  • After transplanting, water the myrtle abundantly until water seeps out of the drainage hole;

After all the stages, the tree is transferred to a shaded place.

Reproduction of myrtle

There are two ways of reproduction of myrtle:

  • cuttings;
  • Seeds.

Propagation by cuttings will occur if the soil temperature reaches 25 degrees. This is an extremely important condition.

Reproduction is carried out with the help of apical cuttings.

  • The stalk, which has reached a length of 7-9 cm, must be cut from the side shoot. You can also use a shorter cutting (5-7 cm), but in this case it is necessary to cut it off from the main, but not flowering, shoot. The lower leaves must be removed, and the formed cut should be processed using Kornevin.
  • The next step is planting cuttings. A mixture of sand and peat is ideal for this purpose. The cuttings are placed in this mixture and covered with a loose film on top. The rooting process takes place at room temperature. Its result occurs approximately 2-3 weeks later.

Another breeding option is using seeds. This method has a significant drawback: the seeds germinate for a long time. But many are already familiar with such difficulties and may try to grow myrtle in this way. For propagation by seeds, you need to prepare a substrate consisting of peat and sand. The mixture is also recommended to sprinkle a little soil. The substrate and soil are covered with plastic wrap on top.

For successful germination, two conditions are important:

  • Provide diffused light;
  • Monitor the temperature, which should be maintained at 21 degrees.

It is equally important to form a crown with this method of reproduction:

You need to pinch the sprout at a certain height. Flowering of young plants should be expected in the second or third year.

Those wishing to receive myrtle flowers should know that for this they should not cut the plant in the spring. In general, it is better to postpone pruning until flowering is over.

The flowering period is the beginning and middle of summer, June-July. In order for the flowers to turn out beautiful, two rules must be observed:

  • Provide proper care for the tree;
  • Provide constant access to fresh air for the plant.

Improper care will lead to the development of diseases, and in this case, it will no longer be necessary to talk about flowering. Flowering is not observed even when myrtle is kept in room conditions, where stagnant air is predominant.

The flowers themselves on the tree in question are arranged as follows:

  • Or in the leaf axils singly;
  • Or being collected in a brush.

Petals are usually 4-6, the flowers themselves are simple and double. The main part of the flowers is located in the upper part of the plant, since that is where the best illumination is.

Diseases and pests of myrtle, methods of dealing with them

To begin with, we note that there are no special diseases or serious problems in myrtle. But individual ailments can still sometimes occur.

For example, in conditions of poorly drained soil, a tree may develop root rot. Some problems may arise due to non-compliance with the key rules of care: providing insufficient lighting, poor watering. It is important to always take into account the fact that myrtle is a very whimsical plant, and therefore each condition for its care must be observed as accurately as possible.

Also, the tree is often attacked by insects: it can be thrips, scale insects, spider mites, aphids. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the plant and, if there are any negative signs, carefully examine it for the presence of insects. This requirement is especially relevant in relation to old plants.

If pests were nevertheless found, then it is necessary to purchase the appropriate drug to combat them. It is necessary to use such a tool in strict accordance with the instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Growing Myrtle

Those who grow myrtle quite often have certain questions. We will consider the most common of them, and also try to give the most detailed answers.

  • Myrtle not growing?

The lack of tree growth can be associated with various factors. Here it is necessary, firstly, to take into account that myrtle, in principle, does not grow too fast. In addition, one should not expect active growth from him at the very first stages of development. For the rest, try to provide quality care and feed the plant well.

  • Myrtle not blooming?

The tree will not bloom in several cases. So, if you cut the plant in the spring, then you should forget about flowering this year. There will be no flowers even when the myrtle is kept in a poorly ventilated room.

  • Are myrtle leaves withering?

In winter, myrtle may be left without leaves if the temperature of its content is too high for a dormant period. A similar picture can be observed if the basic rules relating to watering the plant, spraying it and feeding it are not followed. So, the leaves of a tree can wither when water stagnates in the pan. Or maybe, on the contrary, with excessive drying of the soil between waterings. Among other things, the cause of wilting of the leaves can be an excess of sunlight. Therefore, when the first signs of myrtle wilting are found, it is important to move it to a place protected from sunlight, adjust watering and start spraying more often.

  • Is he poisonous?

Myrtle leaves are slightly poisonous. Prolonged exposure to substances contained in the leaves can cause nausea and headaches in the most sensitive people.

Video on caring for myrtle at home

Thus, when caring for myrtle, it is important to understand that this plant does not accept any deviation from the key rules for caring for it. We must not forget about the frequency and abundance of watering, about spraying, about top dressing. It is necessary to provide the plant with an influx of fresh air. Finally, periodically it is necessary to transplant it. By following all the tips and taking into account all the nuances, you can fully enjoy the beauty of this unusual tree.


In ancient times, myrtle was an attribute of the goddess Venus and her three maids - the three graces. During the Renaissance, the evergreen myrtle began to symbolize eternal love, especially marital fidelity.

During the Renaissance, evergreen myrtle began to symbolize eternal love, especially marital fidelity.

The word "myrtle" itself is of Greek origin. Legend has it that the nymph Mirsina, whom Athena herself admired and admired, defeated this supreme goddess of Olympus in a race. Envy overshadowed admiration for her beloved, and Athena killed the nymph in retaliation for hurt pride. But coming to her senses, she was horrified and began to pray for the advice of the Olympian gods, so that they would leave her at least some recollection of Mirsin. The gods took pity, and from the body of the deceased grew graceful, like the nymph herself, a plant - myrtle. According to legend, Aphrodite was crowned with a wreath of myrtle during the famous dispute, thanks to which Paris gave her his apple. Since then, myrtle has become the favorite flower of the goddess of love and beauty, sometimes she even called herself Myrthea. Many myrtle bushes were planted around the temples of Aphrodite, and during the annual festivities in honor of this goddess, everyone was decorated with myrtle wreaths.

Myrtle © Giancarlo Dessì


Bloom: usually summer to mid-autumn.

Growth: myrtle grows rather slowly: annual growth is 10-15 cm.

Light: bright scattered; The plant is able to tolerate a certain amount of sunlight.

Temperature: in spring and summer moderate or slightly below moderate, 18-20°C; during the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at 5°C and no higher than 8-10°C.

Watering: from spring to autumn, regular and abundant (as the upper layer of the substrate dries up), in winter - limited.

Air humidity: from spring to autumn, the plant is sprayed.

Top dressing: from spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized weekly with flower fertilizer.

Pruning: plants tolerate pruning and shearing, so they can be given any shape.

rest period: in winter; the plant is kept in a bright, cool (5-10°C) place, with limited watering.

Transfer: young plants are transplanted every year in the spring, without deepening the base of the trunk into the soil; further transplantation is carried out if necessary after 2-3 years.

Reproduction: The plant is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Myrtle © Forest & Kim Starr


Myrtle loves bright diffused light, tolerates a certain amount of direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At the windows of the south direction in the summer, it is necessary to provide the plant with protection from the midday sun. It can grow on a north window, but flowering will be less plentiful. In winter, myrtle is placed in the most illuminated places.

In summer, the myrtle can be exposed outdoors, to a place where protection from the direct midday sun is provided. The plant should be accustomed to a new level of illumination gradually. Some flower growers bury a pot of myrtle directly into the ground to harden the plant for the summer.

Myrtle loves coolness, in spring and summer it needs moderate or slightly below moderate temperatures (18-20°C). During the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at 5°C and no higher than 8-10°C. At higher than optimal winter temperatures, the plant may shed its foliage.

Myrtle needs an influx of fresh air.

Myrtle is watered from spring to autumn regularly and plentifully (as the top layer of the substrate dries up), in winter it is limited, with soft settled water. In no case should even a short-term drying of the soil be allowed. If, nevertheless, the substrate is dry, apply watering by immersing the pot in a container of water. At the same time, care must be taken that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

You should carefully monitor the humidity of the air. Although under natural myrtle conditions the air humidity rarely exceeds 60%, in rooms with central heating it is usually less than half. From spring to autumn, the plant should be sprayed regularly. For spraying, use only soft settled or filtered water. In winter, when kept cool, the plant is not sprayed.

From spring to autumn, the myrtle is fertilized, as already noted, with a weekly flower fertilizer.

Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period. Depending on the position in the room, the myrtle is at rest from 3 (on the north window) to 1.5 (on the south) months.

Myrtle easily tolerates a haircut, and it can be given a very bizarre shape. Several ways of forming a plant are given: “If myrtle (this is how myrtle was called in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century) is left to itself, then the plant will take the form of a pyramid. If you cut off the upper shoot, then the shape of a bush, if, finally, cut off the side shoots, then the myrtle takes the form of a crowned tree and branches at the top. However, the author advises not to get too carried away with pruning lateral shoots, especially in young plants, since the myrtle stem is not strong enough. Also, do not pinch young shoots too often - this reduces the intensity of flowering. Therefore, when caring for myrtle, you need to decide what is preferable - strongly branching compact bushes or beautifully flowering specimens with a loose crown.

Young plants are transplanted every year in the spring, without deepening the base of the trunk into the soil; further transplantation is carried out if necessary after 2-3 years. The following mixtures are recommended as a substrate: 1) sod-humus-peat soil and sand in equal proportions; 2) ordinary greenhouse soil; 3) clay-soddy-peat-humus soil and sand (1:1:1:0.5). The pH of the substrate should be in the region of 5-6. The bottom of the pot provides a good layer of drainage.

Myrtle © Forest & Kim Starr


Myrtle is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction Myrtle seeds

For sowing, we make a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1 (you can mix peat with vermiculite (1: 1)). The substrate is moistened (you can shed the substrate with a fungicide).

Seeds are distributed over the surface of the substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of the substrate. The container with seeds is covered with glass or a transparent bag (you can use cling film). The temperature is maintained not lower than +18-20°C. Periodically ventilate by removing the shelter. The substrate must be kept moist, try not to overmoisten or overdry.

Seedlings usually germinate in 7-14 days. When the seedlings have two true leaves, they dive into pots of the appropriate size. The substrate is made up of turf land - 1 hour, humus - 1 hour, peat - 1 hour and sand - 1 hour. After transshipment, the seedlings may freeze in growth for a while, after a while they usually start growing again.

By weaving a clod of earth with roots, transshipment is done. Further care - as for adult plants.
Myrtle grown from seeds blooms at 5 years of age.

Reproduction by cuttings

Myrtle is propagated by semi-woody cuttings in January-February and in summer - in July. Cuttings are taken from the lower and middle parts of the crown, the size of the cutting is 5-8 cm; to reduce evaporation, half of the existing leaves are cut off, and the remaining ones are shortened. It is useful to treat the cut with growth stimulants. N. Tsybulya et al recommend using heteroauxin mixed with ascorbic acid (0.25% 0). Root in boxes, bowls, wide low pots in a mixture of leafy soil and coarse sand, or sphagnum and sand in a cool (16-20 ° C) shaded place. The cuttings are watered, sprayed and covered with glass or plastic wrap. Occasionally, the soil is ventilated to avoid rotting of the cuttings and acidification of the soil. Cuttings take root within 20-30 days. Rooted cuttings are planted in 7 cm pots. The substrate is made up of turf land - 1 hour, humus - 1 hour, peat - 1 hour and sand - 1 hour. Watered abundantly. Young plants are pinched to encourage flowering. By weaving a clod of earth with roots, transshipment is given. A plant from cuttings blooms for 3-4 years.



To the genus Myrtle (Myrtus) belongs to 16 to 40 species of the myrtle family. Species of the genus Myrtle are common in North Africa, Western Asia, on the islands of the Caribbean, in Florida (USA), on the Azores, in Europe (Mediterranean region).

In culture, one species is widely known - Myrtle ordinary M. communis.

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis). It grows in the undergrowth of evergreen oaks and pines and in thickets of shrubs in the Mediterranean region, the Azores, North Africa. Trees or shrubs up to 3-4 m tall; shoots 4-sided, finely hairy, rounded, glabrous. Leaves opposite, sometimes collected in 3, ovate, lanceolate, 2-4 (up to 5) cm long and 1-2 cm wide, pointed, leathery, entire, smooth, glabrous, glossy. If you look at a leaf of myrtle in the light, you can see small dots filled with essential oil, thanks to which the plant emits a pleasant aroma. The most fragrant white flowers of the plant. They are medium-sized (up to 2 cm in diameter), five-petalled, located one at a time on long pedicels. Numerous golden stamens give them a special identity.
In nature, myrtle reaches a height of 3-5 m. In culture, the plant is low (about 60 cm), rarely reaches 1 m.

Common myrtle has many cultural forms that differ in leaf position and ability to bloom.

Myrtle © rafael Jimenez

Possible difficulties

If there is not enough light, the stems are stretched, the leaves become smaller and turn pale, in the case of its excess, they fade, turn yellow, the edges curl. In a dark room with a high temperature, the plant sheds its leaves.

The plant suffers greatly due to drying and overflow of the substrate. If the plant has shed its leaves due to overdrying or waterlogging, cut the shoots to half and continue watering (in case of waterlogging, watering is very careful) and spraying. After two weeks, young leaves may appear.

Myrtle © Giancarlo Dessì

If placed too warm and dark, the leaves may fall off. If suddenly the leaves began to fly around from the myrtle, then the matter is in the wrong watering: it is either insufficient or excessive. In this case, it can be recommended to immerse the overdried plant in water, and transplant the waterlogged one. However, most often the plant cannot be saved.

Pests primarily affect old specimens. This is also facilitated by too high air temperatures in winter.

An evergreen shrub, a plant of travelers and a symbol of a happy fate - myrtle - a welcome guest at their summer cottage and at home. In today's article, you will learn how to make myrtle bloom at home, the reasons why myrtle does not bloom, and how to correct care without undesirable consequences for the plant.

Why does myrtle not bloom at home?

The myrtle tree came to our homes from the southern regions, where there is no end to the abundance of sunlight, fresh air and humid climate. There are several care mistakes that prevent myrtle from blooming at home. Let's look at them in detail, then to find a solution, how to make myrtle bloom at home.

- 6 possible reasons:

Problems with the lack of flowering of myrtle, as we found out, are mainly based on improper care or inappropriate growing conditions. What to do to make myrtle bloom at home? You just need to correct what is not suitable for keeping the myrtle tree and enjoy the results.

  • We return myrtle bright lighting at home and extend daylight hours. On hot summer days, we shade from direct sunlight, and the rest of the time we increase the amount of lighting.
  • We spend a dormant period, stopping watering and lowering the air temperature to 8-10 ° C. You need to bring the plant to room temperature 20-23 ° C during the day and 18 ° C at night.
  • The soil mixture for planting myrtle should consist of: peat, humus, soddy soil, sand. Feed regularly with mineral fertilizers.
  • Lack of phosphorus and potassium, as well as an excess of nitrogen, lead to a suspension of flowering. You need to adjust the amount of fertilizer applied.
  • Myrtle should be watered frequently, without over-wetting the soil mixture. Drain excess water, dry the earth in a pot at home, then repeat moistening.
  • Trim the myrtle for flowering and crown formation every year. You can also give a decorative shape at your discretion.

Pinching or how to make myrtle bloom at home

  • Shchitovka;
  • Spider mite;

Proper care - compliance with air humidity and temperature, regular watering, removal of old shoots, inspection- allow you to protect the plant from unexpected diseases. The ancient flower culture itself is happy to decorate the window sill at home, give the florist essential oils from the leaves, decoctions and infusions that strengthen the immune system. Myrtle is also useful indirectly - it fills the house with love and peace, and the owner with happiness and luck. Especially popular with women.


Myrtle care at home


Home myrtle is unpretentious in care. It will take up little space, growing will not be difficult. Ensure timely watering and spraying. The plant loves moisture. During the period of active growth - in spring and summer - the soil should be constantly moist. During this period, it is also desirable to spray the leaves of the myrtle daily. Sometimes you can arrange a warm shower. Use softened settled water for watering and spraying. Reduce watering when temperatures drop. In no case do not allow the earthen coma to dry out, if this happens, then the myrtle begins to dry and fall off.

Excessive watering is another destructive extreme, fraught with root rot. Avoid stagnant water in the pan and pot.


Myrtle likes bright light with some direct sunlight, but at midday it is better to shade a little. If the myrtle tree is constantly kept in the shade, even providing all the other care rules, it will not bloom. Drafts of myrtle are not terrible. On the contrary, air currents will better distribute favorable phytoncides.


The plant will thrive in cool rooms. Suitable moderate or slightly below moderate air temperature (within 18-23 ° C). To get abundant flowering, in winter, provide a cool air temperature within 6-8 ° C. In the absence of such an opportunity, wintering can also be carried out in a warmer room, but with more frequent watering and spraying.

Why does the myrtle shed its leaves?

In winter, during the operation of heating systems, the air becomes warm and dry - this can cause the myrtle leaves to fall off. Do not despair, continue to moderately water the plant and by spring it will be green again. Myrtle, which has undergone a warm winter, most likely will not bloom. In summer, myrtle can be taken out into the open air.

top dressing

For successful growth and good development, indoor myrtle needs to be fed. Apply organic mineral fertilizers once every two weeks. Feeding is not needed during wintering.

How to prune and shape a myrtle crown

In room conditions, ordinary myrtle is usually grown. It tolerates pruning very well. Even if the myrtle does not bloom, the formation of the crown will allow you to grow a beautiful bonsai tree. Do not expose the trunk much, because it is not very durable. Leave as many side shoots as possible. However, if you want the tree to bloom, you should not get carried away with pruning either, otherwise the flower buds will not form.

Cropping myrtle on video:


Home myrtle is able to grow for a very long time, it does not need to be renewed every few years, like many other plants, but it is still necessary to transplant. Do this before the start of active growth - in early spring. Young plants will need an additive every year, adults - as needed (every 2-3 years). A suitable substrate would be a mixture: soddy soil + humus soil + peat + sand, mix in proportions 2:1:1:1. Be sure to lay drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Growing myrtle from seeds

It can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. During seed propagation, varietal characteristics may be lost if the seeds are taken from hybrid bushes. Only fresh seeds germinate well. Rinse the seeds without pericarp in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry.

Plant in pots using light soil. The seeding depth is 0.5 cm. Cover with film or glass to form a greenhouse effect. Place in a warm, well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Air the seedlings regularly, moisten the soil, but do not flood. Expect shoots in 1.5-2 months, with their appearance, the film must be removed. When the seedlings grow up, they dive into separate pots. When reaching a height of 15-20 cm, you need to pinch young shoots, stimulating the growth of new ones. Myrtle grown from seeds will give flowering by the 5th year of life.

Reproduction of myrtle cuttings

It is easier to grow myrtle from stem cuttings. They root very well.

  • Cut cuttings in early summer from the top non-flowering shoots.
  • The cutting should have 3-4 pairs of leaves.
  • Approximately 1 cm of the lower part of the cutting should be immersed in a phytohormone solution and kept for about 2 hours, then rinsed with clean water.
  • Plant the cutting in a moist sand-peat mixture, deepen three knots at an angle of 45-50 °.
  • Cover with plastic wrap or a cut clear plastic bottle and place in a warm, shady spot.
  • Ventilate seedlings. New shoots will appear in about a month.
  • Then the shelter must be removed and placed in a bright place.

In the future, take care of it like an adult plant. Such a myrtle should bloom in 2-3 years.

Video about cuttings of myrtle:

Diseases and pests of myrtle

Myrtle diseases occur due to improper watering. It is important to constantly keep the ground moist, but avoid stagnant water in the flowerpot itself and the pan. Excessive watering can provoke the onset of root rot, which will spread further and the plant will simply die. Due to dry air and insufficient watering, the foliage may turn yellow and fall off, but moderate watering will renew the plant. Also during this period, spider mites can attack. You recognize their appearance by the presence of cobwebs. Leaves, especially from the underside, should be washed with water or a weak solution of tobacco, sprayed with ground sulfur or insecticides should be applied (spraying should be done outdoors).

When scale insects appear on the plant, it can secrete resin, and the leaves and stems become covered with dark spots. The plant can be treated with a soap and tobacco solution. If scale insects have already become clearly visible, soak a swab in vodka or denatured alcohol and remove pests mechanically. Then treat with an insecticide or more sparingly with a soapy solution to completely destroy the larvae.

If the leaves dry up and curl up, most likely, aphids have appeared - small insects of green, black or gray color, located on the lower part of the leaf. They reproduce very quickly. Treat immediately with special preparations that are sold in flower shops.

Types and varieties of myrtle

Myrtle Myrtus communis

The Russian interpretation of the Latin name is Myrtle Communis - an evergreen tree, reaches a height of 50 cm to a meter in room conditions. The leaves are small, glossy, leathery, oblong, arranged oppositely.

Variegated Myrtle Myrtus Variegata

The foliage is variegated, the edges of the leaves are covered with dots and stripes of amber color. The flowers are miniature, beige-white in color with golden stamens, exude a pleasant aroma. Suitable for growing indoors. This species is revered as a symbol of fertility.

Variety Myrtle Hymen - the name was received in honor of the God of the Marriage Union, people call it the happiness of the bride. We honor it as a symbol of youth and beauty. This is an evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 3-5 m in the natural environment, in the room - about 1 meter. The leaves are miniature, lanceolate, emerald color. The flowers are snow-white with a large number of golden stamens, 1.5-2 cm in diameter. At the end of flowering, blue-black berries are formed, which have an intense pleasant aroma.

Large-leaved Myrtle Myrtus macrophylla

It has a powerful antibacterial effect, eliminating pathogenic bacteria, sticks. Helps in the fight against influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis; in the prevention of treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prostatitis.

The plant reaches a height of 3-4 m. Tetrahedral stems are covered with large leaves (up to 5 cm in length). The leaves are glossy, with pointed edges, arranged oppositely. A five-petalled snow-white flower with symmetrical golden stamens.

Myrtus Alhambra Myrtus Alhambra

An excellent ornamental plant, suitable for growing in the wild and at home. The leaves are compacted, with a high content of essential oils. The flowers are small, white, fragrant. Blooms in late spring. After flowering, white fragrant fruits are formed.

Myrtus Tarentina Myrtus Tarentina

Dwarf form of the common subspecies. Small white flowers cover the plant profusely. The leaves are elongated, reach 1.5 cm, the edges are serrated, pointed, painted in emerald color, attached to short petioles. The plant has a fast growth rate. In nature, it grows about 5 m tall, in room conditions - up to 1 meter.

Lemon Myrtle Myrtus lemon

Exudes a pleasant lemon scent. Native to the tropics of Australia. Widely used in cooking. It is used for the manufacture of essential oil, various sauces, dressings, syrups and lemon drinks. Dry leaves are used as a seasoning.

Small-leaved myrtle Myrtus communis microphylla

The small-leaved form of the common myrtle captivates with its unique elegance with many small, densely planted dense leaves, completely covering the crown of the tree. Along with profuse flowering, it makes the myrtle tree a festive decoration for any room.

How to prepare a tincture of myrtle leaves?

Doing it yourself is pretty easy. Take a liter jar, put about 100 g of leaves there and pour 500 g of 60-70% alcohol or vodka. For two weeks, you need to insist the mixture in a dark place. It is advisable to shake the jar daily. Then filter the infusion. For the prevention of diseases 30 minutes before meals, you need to take 20 drops of infusion 3 times a day.

You can benefit from a plant simply by placing it in a room: it will purify the air from various viruses and microbes. It is not recommended to put myrtle in the bedroom. You will surely enjoy the aroma exuded by the tree. Myrtle is ideal for both home and office.

Myrtle is a symbol of a strong, prosperous, friendly family. It will be a great gift for newlyweds and families with experience.

Legends, beliefs about myrtle, its medicinal and other useful properties

An ancient legend says that myrtle was brought from Paradise by Adam. The ancient Greeks considered myrtle sacred. Myrtle was also revered by the Romans, Egyptians, and Jews. Myrtle was considered the ability to restore youth to aging facial skin, and he gave travelers strength and vigor. For Catholics, myrtle is the personification of the spirit of the Virgin Mary, so the peoples of Northern Europe consider it a talisman for a woman. With the birth of a daughter, a myrtle tree was grown, and at her wedding, sprigs of myrtle were used to decorate a veil, a bride's outfit, and a wedding bouquet. That is why myrtle is sometimes called the bride tree.

Myrtle means "balm" in Greek. Its flowers and leathery leaves exude phytoncides - useful substances that can not only protect the plant from diseases, but also purify the air around it, relieve fatigue, and create a positive attitude.

Myrtle essential oil is widely used in medicine and perfumery. Myrtle tincture is rubbed on the face, which refreshes the skin better than any lotion. Myrtle tincture or a decoction of the bark and leaves is used in the treatment of diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, various suppurations and poorly healing wounds are treated.

In ancient times, the fruits of myrtle were infused in wine, considering it a good tonic, a real elixir of health.

Be careful with folk remedies, be sure to consult a doctor. With caution, treatment with myrtle should be used for the elderly and pregnant women.

Dried fruits and leaves are used as a spice. When roasting, smoking, grilling meat or fish, adding a sprig of myrtle will give them a special flavor. Remove leaves after cooking. By the way, clove spice is a product of one of the types of myrtle tree.