Who is responsible for repairing mailboxes? Norms for installing mailboxes in the entrance Installation of mailboxes in an apartment building

Good afternoon
I would like to know the legitimacy of the actions of the Criminal Code. The fact is that mailboxes were changed in our entrance, the boxes of some apartments are missing, the Criminal Code said that this was due to the debt of these tenants. What is the relationship between mail and utility bills???
Article 7.17. Destruction or damage to another's property
Intentional destruction or damage of someone else's property, if these actions did not cause significant* damage, –
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three hundred to five hundred roubles.
(*In accordance with Note 2 to Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, significant damage to a citizen as a result of the destruction or damage to someone else's property is determined taking into account his property status, but cannot be less than two thousand five hundred rubles)

Cases under this article are authorized to be considered by judges (Article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Protocols on administrative offenses provided for by this Code may also be drawn up by officials of the internal affairs bodies (police) (Article 28.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Article 7.22. Violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings and (or) residential premises
Violation by persons responsible for the maintenance of residential buildings and (or) residential premises of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings and (or) residential premises or the procedure and rules for recognizing them as unsuitable for permanent residence and transferring them to non-residential premises, as well as reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential buildings and (or) residential premises without the consent of the tenant (owner), if the reorganization and (or) redevelopment significantly change the conditions for the use of a residential building and (or) residential premises, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of four thousand to five thousand roubles; for legal entities - from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

* * *
Added on 06/19/2014:
From the letter of the District Prosecutor's Office of the city of Kemerovo dated July 14, 2013 No. 55zh-2011 on the issue of mailboxes and the illegality of the position of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Kemerovo Region with a subsequent reference to:
Thus, based on a systematic interpretation of these norms, common house mailboxes are the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building by virtue of the law, as they are located in the entrances, placed in common areas, interconnected and designed to serve several residential premises.

The position of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Kemerovo Region that if this property is not included by the owners in the composition of the common property, it should not be serviced by the management company, is contrary to the law.

The text of the letter is available only in this resolution, but you can read it:

The choice of a mailbox and the option of its placement for replacement or primary use in the entrance is recommended to be carried out based on the required functionality and compliance with the installation rules.

Mailbox location requirements

    In accordance with Article No. 31 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Postal Communication", mailboxes must be located on the ground floors of apartment buildings.

    According to the provisions of SNiP 31-03 "Residential multi-apartment buildings", the arrangement of a residential building with postal equipment should be carried out in such a way that during its operation and movement of residents in the corresponding intra-house premises, convenience is ensured and the risk of injury is eliminated.

    The installation of mailboxes must satisfy the condition of maintaining the standard width of the passage (staircase - 105 cm, platform - 120 cm), for the purpose of fire safety, the possibility of evacuating people, moving large items (furniture, appliances, building materials, etc.). You should purchase driveway mailboxes with suitable dimensions and optimal depth, the value of which varies from 70 to 190 mm, depending on the model.

Rules for mounting a mailbox

    The site on the wall of the entrance for the canopy of the mailbox should be chosen in such a way that an unhindered approach to it and free opening / closing of the door to receive correspondence is provided.

    Determining the placement height is implemented according to the principle: convenient removal of mail receipts, including from the lowest and highest cells, if a multi-section mailbox is used. For example, a vertical mailbox of five sections is recommended to be installed approximately at a height of 1 meter from the floor.

    The location of the postal block should be carried out taking into account the arrangement of housing and utility communications.

    If there is an instruction from the manufacturer, it is necessary to follow the instructions in it.

    It is necessary to securely fix the metal mailbox on the entrance wall using self-tapping screws or bolts, and if there is no back panel or sides on the product body, make sure that it fits snugly to prevent the documentation from slipping out.

On favorable terms and with a prompt delivery time throughout Russia, it is possible in our company.

In which, in a codified form, contains the rules of law governing, among other things, the issues of carrying out planned current and unscheduled, as well as major repairs of common house property, namely entrances.

In addition, the regulation of the repair of common house property (and entrances are precisely such types of property) is carried out with the help of Gosstroy Resolution No. , and apartment buildings.

In particular, the question of the timing and frequency of various types of repairs is considered in this Decree.

What is included in the repair of the entrance to an apartment building?

The question of what is included in the list of works on the current repair of entrances according to the standards is of interest to all residents of apartment buildings.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 171. Features of payment of contributions for capital repairs

  1. In the event that a capital repair fund is formed on the account of a regional operator, the owners of premises in an apartment building pay contributions for capital repairs on the basis of payment documents submitted by the regional operator within the time limits established for making payments for housing and utilities, unless otherwise provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. Federation.
  2. In the event that a capital repair fund is formed on a special account opened in the name of a person specified in paragraph 3 of Article 175 of this Code, contributions for capital repairs are paid to such a special account within the time limits established for making payments for housing and communal services. Contributions for capital repairs are paid on the basis of a payment document provided in the manner and on the conditions established by part 2 of Article 155 of this Code, unless other procedures and conditions are determined by a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

What is included in the cosmetic repair of the entrance of an apartment building?
So, to the mandatory work carried out as part of the current repair of entrances, except in cases where such repairs are unscheduled, the following works should be attributed:

  1. Restoration of wall and ceiling coverings, including with full plastering in those places where it is necessary, as well as painting work not only on walls, but also on railings and flights of stairs. Elevator slopes and window frames should also be painted, as well as all panels requiring restoration of the paint layer.
  2. Replacing glass and carrying out the necessary glazing in window and other frames, where the condition of the openings requires it.
  3. Elimination of holes and cracks in partitions, as well as in wall joints.
  4. Insulation of interpanel seams and wall joints, as well as their painting.
  5. Repair of stoves and hearths, if they are common property.
  6. Works aimed at the improvement of the local area.

This list is not exhaustive, and tenants, in agreement with the management company, can supplement the list with their requirements (repair of porch visors, repair of the entrance door, and others).

However, it should be remembered that even unscheduled repairs, classified as current, will not include a sufficiently extensive amount of work, which is associated with a rather short period allotted for its implementation.

Terms and frequency of work performance

Any form of repair, whether current or major, necessarily have their own frequency and timing.

If for the capital due to a more extensive list of works, execution lines are given up to six months, then with the current one everything is much simpler and more difficult at the same time.

The period during which the current repair of entrances must be completed is not specifically specified in the legislation. There is only a reference to the fact that it must be reasonable.

As for judicial practice, it contains a recommendation that such a period should not exceed one month.

Thus, the question remains open regarding the time frame for the completion of the work.

What can not be said about the requirement for the frequency of cosmetic repairs of entrances. However, the Decree of the Gosstroy mentioned earlier, and specifically to this document, states that the term for performing current repairs on a site of an object with an area of ​​​​1000 m2 should be limited to 22 working days, regardless of the complexity of the work.

In the event that the repair is preparatory in the spring-summer period, the period of work is reduced to 5 days, and only 8 days can be prepared for the winter one.

How often should renovations be done at the entrance? What is the frequency of repairing the entrance of an apartment building?

In Decree No. 170, the frequency of current repairs is established depending on the degree of wear and tear of the building and the local conditions in which it is operated. However, article 2.3.4 gives an exhaustive answer about the interval from 3 to 5 years.

Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170
"On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock"

2.3. Organization and planning of current repairs

2.3.4. The frequency of current repairs should be taken within three to five years, taking into account the capitalization of buildings, physical wear and tear and local conditions.

A more precise setting of such terms remains at the joint decision of the tenants and the management company, which is entrusted with such an obligation.

If necessary, the work can be carried out earlier, however, such a decision will need to be justified by the requirements of the conditions created during the operation of the common house property.

What stages does it consist of?

For the current repair, a number of certain stages of repair of the entrance are characteristic, which must be observed.

Their list is obligatory and is determined in accordance with the current legislation in the field of housing legal relations, namely in Annexes 2 and to the Rules and Regulations for the technical operation of the property fund.

This list includes the following actions:

  1. Visual inspection of the premises in order to determine the necessary actions.
  2. Drawing up a list of necessary works and preparation of cost estimates with a detailed breakdown of all items of expenditure.
  3. Conclusion of the contract and purchase of all necessary tools and materials.
  4. Directly perform work on the repair of the premises, one of the first among which should be work to eliminate damage to the waterproofing of the roof of the entrance (despite the fact that these works are included in the list of major repairs, they must also be carried out in the current one).
  5. Evaluation and acceptance of work performed by residents of a particular entrance.

The repair of the premises itself should also consist of separate stages, which will be determined directly by the workers by mandatory agreement with the owners of residential and non-residential premises located in this entrance.

If there was no repair for more than 10 years

Despite the current prevalence of various management companies and other organizations that carry out activities to control the normal state of the common property of apartment buildings or their associations, there are also houses in which the entrance has not been renovated for 20 years.

What to do in this case?

There are several ways to solve the current problem:

  1. Write an official letter on behalf of all owners of premises in such a house with a request to carry out repairs to the management of the management company that serves the house.
  2. In case of refusal for unmotivated reasons, the tenants have the right to apply with the appropriate application to the court so that the management company is obliged by a court decision to carry out all the necessary work.
  3. In the event that the court decision is not executed, you can also apply to the bailiffs for the purpose of initiating enforcement proceedings so that they oblige the management company to carry out repair work on the premises from the point of view of the law.
  4. If none of the proposed options work, change the management company and one of the first clauses of the contract indicate the urgent maintenance of the common house, namely the driveway, property in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

It turns out that unscheduled or early repairs can be obtained. To do this, you only need to competently draw up an application to your management company.

Application form for early maintenance

In the event that the management company requires an application for current repairs, such a document can become one of the main evidence when considering a case of violation of any obligations between the lender and the borrower.

What needs to be included in the document?

  • the title of the document indicates its author with specific details by which it will be possible to contact in the future to clarify the essence of the issue (contacts include a cell phone and e-mail, which must be indicated for mobility of communication with representatives of the management company);
  • the addressee to whom the application is sent (with the exact indication of the legal name and address);
  • the phrase "Statement on the current repair";
  • the text of the application itself with a detailed description of the work required to be performed;
  • date of compilation and signature of the compiler.

The text of the statement itself can be drawn up in a simple written form, but it is necessary to indicate all those objects that should be put in order in order to better arrange in life.

Current repair of entrances - the issue is quite clearly worked out in modern housing law. However, in the event that home maintenance is carried out not by the HOA, but by the management company, it can be quite difficult to get such organizations to perform specific work, despite the fact that their list is clearly defined. In this situation, going to court or changing such an organization will help.

When planning the development of cities and rural settlements, designing, building and reconstructing quarters, microdistricts, other elements of the planning structure, as well as residential buildings, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in accordance with state urban planning standards and rules should provide for the design and construction of buildings , as well as premises for postal facilities.

Land plots intended for the placement of postal facilities are provided in accordance with the land legislation Russian Federation. The provision of land plots for the placement of postal facilities of federal postal organizations is carried out at the request of the federal executive body in charge of managing activities in the field of postal communication, or another body acting on its behalf as the customer of the relevant work, on the basis of project documentation approved in the established okay.

(see text in previous edition)

Land plots for the construction of buildings and structures for railway post offices, mail transportation offices at auto and railway stations, airports, sea and river ports, marinas should be provided in the immediate vicinity of the station buildings, and for the construction of city post offices and postal communication centers - in the central parts of the city, with the provision of conditions for the exchange of postal items delivered by cars, mail cars, aircraft, sea vessels and inland navigation vessels.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 118-FZ of June 26, 2007)

(see text in previous edition)

Placement of postal facilities of federal postal organizations at auto-, railway stations, airports, sea and river ports, marinas is carried out in accordance with technological standards.

State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities provide federal postal organizations with non-residential premises that meet technological standards in existing (or under construction) residential or other buildings in the manner and on conditions determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities.

Subscriber mailboxes are installed by construction organizations on the first floors of multi-storey residential buildings. The costs for the purchase and installation of mailboxes are included in the estimate for the construction of these houses. Representatives of federal postal organizations participate in the work of commissions when commissioning residential buildings. Maintenance, repair and replacement of mailboxes are assigned to the owners of residential buildings or housing maintenance organizations that ensure the safety of residential buildings and their proper use, and are carried out at the expense of the owners of residential buildings.

In areas of low-rise buildings, users of postal services install post boxes at their own expense to receive mail.

Delivery of postal items to organizations located in multi-storey buildings is carried out through mailboxes of strong points installed by these organizations on the first floors of buildings. Installation and maintenance of such cabinets are carried out by the recipients.

Organizations of the federal postal service have the right to free placement of mailboxes on the walls of residential and administrative buildings, in other places convenient for collecting simple letters and postcards.

Placement of foreign organizations at postal facilities is allowed with the permission of the heads of postal organizations, provided that the requirements for the security of storage of postal items and funds and the secrecy of communication are ensured, and also if such placement does not violate the conditions for the provision of postal services.