Do something every day. Better yet, laugh. Forgive someone for something you would never, ever forgive. forgive and let go

Throughout our lives, we do many things, do different things, sometimes even mechanically, without thinking about anything. We live as if we were programmed for several dozen functions, components of a large system. With a brain filtered from advertising, we cannot distinguish between true desires and imposed ones. We want the same as everyone else. So it's easier!

But who said that everyone should want to visit Paris or take their beloved to Venice? Why is it a dream of many to see the pyramids of Giza and walk around Times Square? Aren't there other places? Are there no other desires? Do we all need to want one!?

We decided to move away from the standard platitudes, let go of our imagination and prepared for you a list of what we think are not banal things that need to be done before death. And we think we succeeded. Enjoy!

50 non-banal things to do in your life:

1. Draw your picture

It doesn't matter that it won't be da Vinci's work. Buy a canvas, a frame, an easel, and draw your own picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but you paint a picture

2. Rescue someonesomething life

Donate blood, donate to surgery. Learn to provide quality emergency care, and who knows, maybe you will save someone's life.

3. Donate some of your belongings to the poor or needy

We throw away a lot of unnecessary things in our opinion that others may need.

4. Plant a tree or garden

Even if you don't have a place, you can do it in the park, in the forest. And it doesn't matter that no one can see it and give you a medal. You are doing this for the planet, for the future that we will definitely have if we do this.

5. Adopt a cat or dog from a shelter

Just don't look for a bunch of excuses that you can't do it. You can. You just don't want to. And even if you already have a dog. It's okay, still take and give to someone who does not have them, or who is now single and needs a friend. It's so wonderful to have a pet that will pick you up from work. They will delight your guests, your children. The joy and unconditional love of your pets will always live in your home.

6. Regardless of religion and your views on faith, visit one holy place (or several) that is available to you.

This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after that you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, think about the meaning of life. For those who do not believe in anything at all, well, you can go to the grave of your relatives or acquaintances, those who have already died. Sit there and think that your life here is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it's time to start living and do something worthwhile than buying a new smartphone, watching stupid TV shows, being a consumer, and denying everything.

7. Ask for forgiveness and forgive

Do not be proud and selfish, take courage and ask for forgiveness from those who were offended today, yesterday, a year, two, ten years ago, at school, at university, at a former job. Forgive those who once offended you, and you still remember this and are angry. You will definitely feel better, you will become kinder, this will prolong your life, and you will not fade out because of anger and hatred. Let go of the past. After all, it holds many very tightly. In the end, no one knows what will happen to us tomorrow, and when we will definitely leave this world forever. Let other people not hold a grudge against you, and you do not hold. And yes, do not say that you are not offended by anyone. And that no one has ever offended you, and you do not hold a grudge against these people. Sometimes memories come up and pain, and the burden from them does not allow us to live on, does not allow us to be happy and open to the world.

8. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it!

9. Don't be a consumer and don't be fooled by ads

The main thing here is to understand where your desires are true, and where they are imposed on you from outside.

10. Learn a foreign language and make real friends from the country whose language you have learned.

Each new language is another personality in you. A new language is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Do not leave yourself such pleasure.

11. Travel with coacheserfing

Coaching is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn’t matter which country you go to – there will always be a couple of suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point. Web site:

12. Get a job as a volunteer

What could be better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, show your humanity.

13. Do the one crazy thing you've always been afraid to do.

What's stopping you? Forget about barriers! Only forward!

14. Read a book by Dan Butner and live at least 10 years longer.

You can take any other book that has proven itself. But in this, simple and very effective ways to prolong your life are collected. And this is proved by numerous studies of the oldest long-livers on the planet. Everything is in the book. Live long and well!

15. Learn poetry, learn a beautiful verse

Learn poetry, it's so beautiful! Choose at least one verse that really touched you and memorize it and quote it constantly. I did this with Rudyard Kipling's verse.

16. Live alone for 7 days without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from civilization and means of communication.

Sounds like a feat, really! This is a small feat. Only 7 days, and you can return, already a completely different person. But at the same time, what is 7 days…

17. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts, ideas. And then pass it on to your children or grandchildren so that they get to know you and your inner world better.

I would like to get one from my father or grandfather.

18. Choose one day a week and dedicate it to family and friends

Get together with close friends, relatives, cook some new dish and have a good time. Let this become your tradition.

19. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you. And together, reach it.

You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe you will meet not only a friend to achieve goals, but also a life partner. After all, you will have so much in common

20. Help someone for free, without elevating yourself, without a sense of pride.

For example, a friend and a neighbor or a simple passerby. But only so that no one knows about it and your level of pride does not go off scale from this.

21. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give to passers-by

A trifle, but nice

22. Make a donation to the orphanage with old things from childhood, or a cash contribution or your time.

After all, there are so many deprived of fate in the world who need attention and warmth. Don't be indifferent.

23. Organize or just participate in a flash mob

It can be anything, feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV shows. Although this is now a trend, it will bring a lot of laughter and joy.

24. Find an old photo with your friends, collect them again in the same place and take the same photo but only where you are already adults.

Maybe you haven’t seen some of the friends in your old photo for a dozen years - it will be a great reason to see you again. After all, friends are second, family!

25. Make a family tree at least up to the 10th generation, and preferably more.

You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you. Do it while your old relatives are still alive.

26. If you are a professional in some field, then find yourself a student and teach him all the skills and subtleties of your profession.

Pass on your gift, do not hide it only in yourself, let it walk around the world and make the lives of others easier and better. Become a master for your apprentice.

27. At least once in a lifetime, do not lie, do not be hypocritical for a whole day. Say whatever you think and feel.

Difficult challenge. But try to go beyond, do not be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. Either this day will change your life forever, and you will never again be cunning either in front of others or in front of yourself. It's interesting!

28. Create your inspiration board.

Not to be confused with the visualization board, they are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, celebrate ourselves badly and experience anger, aggression. We all sometimes give up and have no strength to continue to fight and achieve goals. Create a board or poster with photos, drawings, things that 100% and always can cheer you up, inspire you, motivate you and inspire you to believe in yourself.

29. Visit a slaughterhouse, a fur factory and a massive deforestation site.

It is not worth living in illusions, look behind the curtain of these terrible places, these modern concentration camps. After this, you will no longer be the same, no one will be. Unless you have a stone instead of a heart.

30. Visit the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat.

This is a unique monument to human stupidity and shortsightedness. A good example of what not to do and what it can lead to. Don't build your "ChNPP" in your life.

31. Make a gift with your own hands and give to a dear and close person.

Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to make it nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Main attention.

32. Never cheat on your significant other

And don't say that you were in a quarrel then. If you decide to be together, then be responsible for this decision. And if you are not confident in yourself, then there is no need to marry. Just don't make life difficult for yourself or others. Don't hurt people.

33. Throw a surprise party for your loved ones

And it does not matter that you may not have a lot of money. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the value of the gift that matters, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

34. Always give your mom flowers and a card on Mother's Day, March 8, her birthday.

And this is the minimum! Because without her, you wouldn't exist. After all, she gave you life. Forgive her if there is anything for that and do not be angry with her. After all, the moment will come when it will not be, then you will no longer be able to make up for lost time and words.

35. Appreciate your friends

After all, a friend is the most valuable thing you have and will always have. You will need it even more when your children grow up and leave your home, when your parents are gone. And if you have childhood friends, then value them 100 times more, because they loved you and were friends with you long before your high position, your wife / husband, children. Don't exclude them from your life. And if fate has divided you and scattered around the world - find, call, ask for forgiveness and tell about your feelings and the need for their participation in your life.

36. Live a day without electricity at all

Even without a refrigerator =). Another, out of the box, but very useful act. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. If you fail, at least once, this day does not count.

37. Stay a month as a vegetarian

I think after the implementation of point #29 it will be much easier than it seems. Believe me - you will not cause any harm to health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you may like it.

38. Do not visit zoos and circuses

In England, for example, it was forbidden to use animals in performances. So why should you look at these unfortunate captives, rejoice at their tricks, when cruelty in training and inhumane attitude stand behind this. If you want to see wild animals, go on a research trip or just watch amazing films about nature.

39. Set aside EVERY day a small amount for 10 years and with the money collected, together with your friends, do what you always wanted to, but did not have enough money, or visit the place where you always wanted to visit with friends.

Make your dream come true, even after 10 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy! I've been postponing for 4 years now.

40. Tell everyone you love and appreciate how much you love and appreciate them.

The simplest, and at the same time, the most difficult of this list. Do it today and write what you felt. Repeat once a month.

41. Have and raise at least two children

You will be good parents!

42. Sew clothes for yourself and, possibly, dress in it.

We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! And more color!

43. Learn some practical skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, woodcarving or bricklaying. In an age where everything can be done with the right hand, holding it on the mouse, this will be a breath of fresh air for you. It's so nice to be able to do something material, even if it's fixing the plumbing.

44. Plant 7 oaks, grow them, and after 20-30 years, cut down, make boards and lay oak parquet in your son's house.

And when your son walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks softly, he will remember that you made this floor for him and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about it

45. Buy yourself a string bag and go grocery shopping with it

It's simple, give up plastic bags and you will be happy.

46. ​​Write real letters and give real cards

I read somewhere that after the era of mankind there will be no information left, since everything is stored electronically. So it may be worth giving real cards to loved ones, writing real letters on paper and printing photos in albums, and not posting them on the wall in social networks. Networks, write sms and e-mails?

47. Make your own personal time capsule and put your message to future contemporaries in it.

Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time

48. Forgive a person for an act that you would never, ever forgive. Forgive and let go!

This is the prerogative of the strong in spirit!

49. Conquer one of your biggest fears! Get taller than him

You will later remember with a smile how you could be afraid of this. Just take a step forward.

50. Unleash your talent

There are no talented people, just not everyone suspects their talents. Your task is to find, nurture and let blossom your talent, your abilities. The main thing here is patience and perseverance!

51. Add your personal item to this list and complete it

The list would not be complete without this item.


P.S. Our book

Sometimes simple changes can make a big difference in your life. Here are ideas for every day that can bring you closer to your own health.

How to start the morning?

  • Drink a liter of water immediately after waking up. Add the juice of half a lemon to it.

  • Work out in the gym, go outside, go to the sauna or try yoga. This is necessary so that water leaves the body with sweat.

  • Devote 10-20 minutes of your time to high-intensity workouts.

  • Drink green vegetable juice, such as cucumber, cabbage, celery, carrot, lime, and ginger.

  • Have a green smoothie for breakfast. It can be prepared with, for example, ripe banana, spinach, apple, ginger and ice.

  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of spirulina, chlorella, or moringa powder to increase the amount of minerals in your body. They are a great addition to a green smoothie.

  • Give up coffee and drink green or herbal tea instead. The caffeine in coffee robs you of energy and increases your response to stress, which affects your overall body health.

  • Your diet should be plant-based. Avoid processed foods, preservatives, and other chemicals.
  • To pump the lymphatic system, jump rope or on a trampoline.

What to do during the day?

  • Meditate for at least 5 minutes during the day.

  • Hug someone. This will promote the release of endorphins - hormones of good mood.

  • Turn off all gadgets for at least one hour.

  • Spend time in nature. For example, you can go for a walk in the park or to the river bank.

  • Drink 2-3 liters of purified water a day to stay hydrated. All functions in the body depend on water.

  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat, such as cookies, ice cream, milk chocolate, donuts, cheesecakes, and more. They cause an imbalance in blood sugar, which leads to diabetes and damage to overall health.

  • Spend time in nature by practicing "grounding", that is, walking barefoot on grass, sand, or mud.

  • Eat a green salad during lunch and dinner.

  • Eat lunch outdoors, not near a computer or TV.

  • For a snack, choose fruits or berries rich in fiber and antioxidants.

How to take care of your body?

  • Coconut oil will make your teeth whiter and your mouth healthier in general. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 10-15 minutes.

  • Practice yoga or stretching for at least 10 minutes a day.

  • Watch your posture, especially when you sit.

  • Take 1-2 grams of activated charcoal. This will help your body get rid of toxins.

  • Sign up for a massage.

  • To avoid toxins that enter the body through the skin, use only natural body care products.

How to take care of mental health?

  • Every day, think about what you can be grateful for in your life.

  • Smile at strangers. This will give a positive boost to your mood.
  • Make someone laugh and have fun with them.

  • Read a book that inspires you.
  • Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to learning skills that will help you in your life or career.
  • Clear your workspace. This will help you stay more focused.
  • Create a to-do list that you have put off before and start working on the ones that seem less appealing to you. This will help you move forward and feel more experienced.
  • Arrive to work an hour early and get most of the important tasks in front of you before your co-workers arrive at the office and the phone starts ringing. This way you can get more done and be less stressed throughout the day.

  • Listen to classical music. Research shows that it enhances cognitive function.
  • Dance to your favorite songs.
  • Do some introspection to see if you hold a grudge or a grudge against someone. If so, allow yourself to forgive that person.
  • Develop a 14-hour meal plan. This means that if you have breakfast at 8 am, then dinner should be no later than 6 pm. Research shows that such a plan helps control blood sugar levels, prevent degenerative diseases and burn fat.
  • Take breaks for sleep during the day, but no longer than 30 minutes.

  • Wake up early, for example at 5 or 6 in the morning. This will give you more energy and increase productivity throughout the day.
  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

Adults are well aware that some things, even sometimes quite painful, must be done every day and without any prodding.

Readers of one popular resource have jointly compiled a list of such mandatory daily activities, and we are sharing it with you.

When we are small, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away toys!”. We are getting a little older, but caring parents do not stop their hackneyed record, they just slightly change the repertoire: “Get up, you will be late for classes!”, “Throw cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!”. And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and bewilderedly realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how.

And here comes the following list of mandatory daily activities:

  1. Show your love and appreciation to the people you care about. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.
  2. Spend 10-15 minutes cleaning up. No need to try to immediately clean the whole house, no need to run with a rag for every speck of dust. But a little daily cleaning will allow you to keep your house clean and your head in order.
  3. Drink a glass of water. Already drunk? Repeat!
  4. Take one step towards your goal every day. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows even with small daily efforts to move far enough.
  5. Learn something new. The degradation of the brain begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.
  6. Push-ups. The best exercise to keep your body in proper condition. Instantly raises the tone better than any energy drinks.
  7. Try to praise at least one person every day (of course, deservedly). Thus, completely imperceptibly, you will make 365 people happy during the year. Excellent result!
  8. Arrange for yourself five minutes of silence. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.
  9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through chat, social networks and e-mail, that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.
  10. Meditate, or at least just think about the positive things that are present in your life. Try every night before you go to bed, take a few deep slow breaths, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This combined with exercising in the morning will help you sleep better and be energized throughout the day.
  11. Engage in any type of physical activity. No need to strive for records or blindly follow all the vagaries of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walks, running, swimming, yoga, exercise machines - choose what you like - will drastically change your condition.
  12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.
  13. There are vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary creations from gardens and orchards. A rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously repeat that this is useful.
  14. Spend time outdoors. Walk, ride a bike, walk your dog. In a word, break away from the monitor and ventilate your unfortunate lungs.
  15. Just to say thank you for another day of my life. Each new dawn brings with it the possibility of a new life, and it depends only on us whether we take advantage of this chance.

Approximately such answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question of the actions that each person should do constantly and for the rest of his life.

1. Give half of your salary to charity.
2. Never lie in a day.
3. Curtain windows for a week and leave the house only at night.
4. Look at the earth from a balloon.
5. Swim in the ocean.
6. Give a friend a gift for no reason.
7. Pick up a snake.
8. Dance blindfolded.
9. Plant a plant and take care of it.
10. Try to catch a fish with your bare hands.
11. Draw a picture.
12. Sing your favorite song in chorus with someone.
13. Keep a diary for a month.
14. Ask a stranger for help.
15. Make a pilgrimage.
16. Meet the dawn on the street, watch the city wake up.
17. Tell a story to a person with whom you speak different languages.
18. Ride a horse.
19. Don't say "I" throughout the day.
20. Speak in front of an audience of more than 100 people.
21. Spend a day on your own by turning off your phone.
22. Read a book in one sitting.
23. Correspond with a friend in paper letters.
24. Give someone a tour of their hometown.
25. Make a snowman.
26. Ignore your own birthday.
27. Visit Africa.
28. On a starry night, go boating or sit on the beach.
29. Spend a day with children trying to understand them.
30. Live in a hostel for a month.
31. Respond to evil with good.
32. Feed the fish.
33. Practice holding your breath.
34. Without fear to walk on the ice.
35. Learn a poem in a foreign language.
36. Give a handmade item.
37. Live for days without food and drink.
38. Freeze at a randomly selected moment and do not move for 20 seconds.
39. Milk a cow.
40. Look at something through a microscope.
41. Photograph lying down.
42. Walk in the underground labyrinth.
43. Work (for example, in a monastery).
44. Walk across the rope bridge.
45. Go to the bath.
46. ​​Give your loved one a massage.
47. Try to write down everything that happened during the day.
48. Sculpt a figurine of yourself out of clay.
49. Dedicate a poem to a loved one.
50. Take part in a ceremony (for example, a tea party).
51. Adopt a homeless animal.
52. Remove from the phone book all numbers that you do not call.
53. Hug a tree.
54. Clap your hands in mittens.
55. Sleep in a tent.
56. Make peace with your abuser.
57. See the northern lights.
58. Learn to ride a bike.
59. Ride the waves.
60. Conduct a chemical experiment.
61. Do morning exercises for a month.
62. Fly a kite.
63. Take care of the sick.
64. Look at the top of a skyscraper.
65. Do not look at the clock of the day.
66. Visit in.
67. Come up with a fairy tale.
68. Write a plan for the year and break it.
69. Learn to find at least a few constellations in the sky.
70. Climb a tree.
71. Drink from a spring.
72. Cook food on a fire.
73. Enter an abandoned house.
74. Hear live throat singing.
75. Learn the history of your native language.
76. Don't look in the mirror for a week.
77. Walk barefoot on sun-warmed stones.
78. Do something good.
79. Pet an elephant.
80. Try to make your own shoes.
81. Take part in archaeological excavations.
82. Learn to write with both hands.
83. Cross the border on foot.
84. Devote a day to another person.
85. Clean up trash in a forest or park.
86. Douse yourself with cold water.
87. Climb onto the roof of your own house.
88. Try to draw a map of some area.
89. Learn to hold an apple on your head.
90. Lie down on the water of a very salty pond.
91. Find out your family history.
92. Make repairs yourself.
93. Hand feed a horse.
94. Spend a day in the reading room of the library.
95. Smile at the sun.
96. Help a stranger.
97. Visit the factory.
98. Let go of your hair.
99. Walk in your own footsteps.
100. Think about God.

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Childbirth for a woman is both an important event in life and a lot of stress. Girls who have become mothers for the first time often do not know how to behave immediately after childbirth - what to do, how to care for a child, what to eat. So that these questions do not make you nervous in the hospital, you need to know the answers to them in advance.

Feeling good after childbirth

Childbirth is a great stress for the body, the physical process of this process continues for at least a week, although it manifests itself differently in different people. In the early days, pain, abdominal cramps, and malaise are possible - they indicate that they have begun to contract. If the pain bothers you a lot, consult your doctor and take a pain reliever. Bleeding can also be observed, gradually it becomes lighter and weakens. During this period, you need to use sanitary pads.

You can not use tampons after childbirth for bleeding.

It is very important to empty your bladder regularly in the first days after birth, you do not have to endure if you want to go to the toilet. The body has recently accumulated a lot of fluid, and you need to get rid of it, and a full bladder will put pressure on the uterus, causing discomfort.

Be sure to use any free hour to sleep after. This will allow you to relax, gain strength, restore your body faster and easier to endure other possible stresses associated with your well-being and caring for a child. Often, women who have just given birth have a spleen, a dreary mood associated with hormonal changes in the body and a sharp change in lifestyle. Proper nutrition, good sleep and visits to loved ones will quickly get rid of postpartum depression.

Eliminate foods that can cause allergies after childbirth: these are most citrus fruits, chocolate, gourmet fish, cocoa, tropical fruits. You also need to give up onions, garlic, lard, pickles - they worsen the taste of milk. Eat several times a day in small portions.

In the first days after childbirth, you should not drink a lot, so as not to provoke the development of lactostasis - the secretion of too much milk.

Baby care after childbirth

If the baby was born healthy and you also feel good, then you will be left in the delivery room for no more than two hours. The newborn is bathed, dressed in diapers and a vest, and examined. The midwife will help you feed your baby for the first time. Don't worry if he can't find it right away - it's an instinctive ability and it's enough to wait a few minutes. Then you will be transferred to the postpartum unit, where after a while they will be given the opportunity to consult with a doctor about.

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The presence of the future father of the child at the birth causes heated debate, and there is no consensus on this matter among both women and men. Ardent opponents of joint childbirth cite arguments such as, for example, the loss of sexual desire in a man. Supporters of the husband’s presence at childbirth argue that, on the contrary, family childbirth strengthens relationships in a couple and causes a man to almost admire a woman who went through torment and gave him a child. All these points of view have the right to exist. One thing is clear: the decision on joint childbirth should be voluntary both on the part of the wife and on the part of the husband - it is senseless and even harmful to persuade or force someone in such a delicate matter. Well, if the decision on the presence of the father of the child at the birth is made, then the woman needs to conduct some preparation for her beloved so that he clearly understands his mission in the maternity hospital.


The main thing that a man should understand is that he did not come to a performance or a show. He came to help, as well as morally support the mother of his child, and he does not even have to directly observe the entire process of childbirth, but simply to be there, hold his wife by the hand, assess her condition and be a link between the woman in labor and the medical staff. Next to a helpless and completely inadequate wife, who has contractions, water breaks, etc. etc., he must remain completely calm and "sober" head.

A man needs to at least briefly study the medical literature in order to represent all the stages of the birth process. You can watch the tutorial in advance. It is very good if you can communicate with friends who have already gone through a similar test. Knowing all the features and nuances, a man will not rush around the maternity ward in hysterics and call doctors every minute, but will be able to calmly control the situation and make the right decisions.

It is necessary to consider how a man can help a woman during labor. Many women in childbirth are helped to relieve suffering by back massage, so the husband should learn massage techniques in advance. A man can help his wife get up and sit down, walk along the corridor, regulate breathing. Some women feel relieved if they hang with their arms around a man's neck and relax while doing so. There are many options, it is worth trying everything that will contribute to an easier flow of contractions. In any case, the presence of a loved one nearby will give the future mother the confidence and calmness that she needs so much in this difficult period.

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Being a normal person and being "average" are not the same thing. A normal person strives for his own goals, has individual character traits, his own view of things. “Middle peasants” are people who are no different from others. Constantly being in a state of "average" threatens with serious personal problems, because you do not develop, do not stand out, try to be "like everyone else" and thus lose valuable time, let life take its course.


You equate your life with your work. If the main goal in life for you is a salary, this is not good. Tying life to work, you become completely dependent on it. Your mood will be determined by the mood inside the office. Your motivation will directly depend on success in the workplace. The work will not last forever, sooner or later you will retire, and then life will remember everything that you lost, wanting to be the “perfect employee”.

You spend too much time on apps and social media. These devices are really handy. They make it easy to communicate with other people. However, most people use them excessively. Just think how much time is wasted when you are on social media. If you don't want to be "average" anymore, kill your addiction to social media and apps.

You always consider yourself busy. You feel like you have too many things to do, so you can neglect dinner with your family or a walk with your loved one. Practice shows that 80% of the time a person spends on completely unnecessary things. Try to think about whether you really need to cope with this task. Maybe the real value for you is completely different things.

You like to gossip. Discussing the perceived shortcomings of other people is a pleasure for many. This happens on a subconscious level, a person just thinks that he is not so bad. Give up this habit. After all, will you be pleased if people start talking about you behind your back?

Tip 5: List of things to do for your husband while you are in the hospital

Childbirth is a responsible, serious moment of your life. During them, every woman needs the support and help of the father of the unborn child. All men are different, there are very economic husbands, and there are those who do not even know where their socks are. But both comrades need to be prepared for the moment of childbirth, because even the most responsible husband can suddenly get confused and miss something. Let's make a list of things they need to do while we're at the hospital.

You will need

  • - a pen
  • - piece of paper


Buy extra baby supplies, things, hygiene items - everything that you did not have time to buy yourself. Of course, it is better that you already have everything ready by the time you go to give birth.

Cover the crib with washed, ironed on both sides bed linen. Lay a disposable diaper on the changing table, and immediately put a garbage bag on the adjacent bucket.

Be sure to do a general cleaning: vacuum, wash the floors, wipe the dust, wash the curtains, remove carpets from the children's room.

If there is a humidifier / purifier / air ionizer in the apartment, then let it work for a couple of days. A few hours before meeting you from the hospital, ventilate the room.

Prepare something tasty and healthy. To have enough milk, mom needs to eat very well.

Sterilize baby accessories: nipples, bottles, breast pump, etc. Thoroughly wash the bath after the store.

If possible, take a vacation from work - the first month is the most difficult, and a woman definitely needs help and support.

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To properly prepare for the birth of a child, you need the participation of all family members. If there are already children in the house, also connect them to the preparatory process, just talk to them about this topic in advance so as not to cause jealousy, resistance and aggression.

Useful advice

Explain in detail to your husband what exactly you need to buy, what kind of rag to wash the floor, where the detergent is, and so on. What seems obvious to you and me may be difficult and incomprehensible to them.

So the long-awaited day has come - the day of the birth of your baby. Now you are all in worries and pleasant chores. It is very important not to miss some details that concern you personally.

Most likely, you seriously underestimate the importance of such a pastime. Scientists say that getting out into nature, you reduce stress, become more creative, improve your memory, and in general you become definitely better!

2. Exercise

We all know how important this is, but it's amazing how few people do it regularly. And it would be worth it! Indeed, in addition to the benefits that regular exercise gives to your health, they make you smarter, happier, improve sleep, increase libido, and generally make you proud of yourself. Scientists have proven that regular exercise is one of the secrets to a good life.

3. Spend time with friends and family

Spending time with friends and family is one of the most significant sources of happiness. Personal relationships are much more valuable to us than we think.

Feeling rejected and alone can make you unhappier, dumber, and ultimately lead to premature death. Loneliness leads to heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.

Almost all centenarians, without exception, understand that a healthy social life and relationships are even more important for longevity than regular exercise.

Friends are a sure way to improve your life. Share good news with them and rejoice when it is shared with you - and your relationship will flourish. Do you want to be happier instantly? Do something nice for a friend.

4. Express gratitude

This will make you happier!

It will improve your relationship!

It can make you the best!

It can improve the lives of everyone you care about!

5. Meditate

Meditation can make you happier help find the meaning of life, increase mindfulness, while helping to get rid of anger, anxiety, depression and fatigue. And a good prayer also helps us feel better - even for those who are not particularly religious.

6. Get enough sleep

If you think that you can deprive your body of its sleep, and this will not affect you in any way, you are mistaken. It is difficult for a tired person to be happy. And lack of sleep attracts diseases like a magnet. In addition, it’s not for nothing that they say: “the morning is wiser than the evening” - a decision made after a good sleep often turns out to be much more correct. Lack of sleep makes you more irritable, and you're much more likely to do something you'll regret later. Yes, and good sleep also contributes to the preservation of beauty.

If you have the opportunity to lie down during the day and relax - do it! Even a short nap will help you be more alert and productive at work, improve your learning ability, and clear your mind of negative emotions while enhancing positive ones. So don't hesitate!

7. Challenge yourself

Learning a foreign language will help you hone your mind to razor sharpness. Learning to play a musical instrument will make you smarter. By questioning what you believe in, in the end, you will only strengthen your faith. Well, you can work on strengthening your willpower every day, and sometimes it is much more important for success than pure IQ. Remember - often, looking back at their life path, people most of all regret the lack of education and missed opportunities.

8. Laugh

Those who fight stress with laughter tend to have better immune systems, they are less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, they don't hurt as much when they go to the dentist, and they generally live longer. We have to take laughter the way we do with vitamins – every day. Just remembering something fun can help you improve your relationship. Laughter is not only fun, but also extremely useful.

9. Touch someone

Sometimes a simple touch can help reduce stress, improve teamwork, and help you be more persuasive. Hugs make you happier. Well, healthy sex will help you avoid heart attacks and cancer, improve your immune system and make life longer and richer.

10. Be optimistic

Looking at life with optimism, you become healthier, happier and longer life. Most army psychologists advise this to their wards - after all, optimism also increases morale. And it's always better to be over-confident than under-confident.