What is the size of the ondulin sheet. How to cut ondulin and its characteristics: sheet dimensions, thickness, usable area and weight of one sheet. Features of the manufacture of ondulin

Sheet material, developed by the French company ONDULINE, has been among the popular materials for arranging roofing for more than half a century. Today, ondulin is produced in many countries of the world, including Russia. Due to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology of the material, the color shades of different batches may vary slightly. In order for the appearance of the roof to be aesthetic, it is recommended to use roofing material from one batch, having previously accurately calculated the required number of sheets.

Characteristics of ondulin

Ondulin is actively used in the construction of capital facilities - residential, commercial and industrial buildings, in the construction of light structures - pavilions, kiosks, sheds, gazebos. Due to its low weight, this sheet material is ideal for repairing old roofs: it can be mounted on top of flat, old roof coverings without fear of unnecessary load on the foundation of the structure. The approximate load of the new flooring will be about 3 kg per 1 m 2.

The manufacturing technology of the material is quite simple: cellulose fiber is pressed into corrugated sheets resembling traditional slate in shape. Then the base is impregnated with bitumen, the top layer of the material is covered with a layer of mineral pigment and cured resins. The small thickness of ondulin makes it easy to install - sheets can be easily lifted onto the roof, cut, used for laying on curved surfaces, since the material bends both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The total area of ​​a standard sheet is 1.9 m 2 .

The benefits of ondulin include:

  • long service life (warranty - 15 years, actual service life - 50 years);
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to moisture and atmospheric influences (heavy wind up to 200 km/h, temperature from -40 to +80°С);
  • high noise absorption coefficient;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to biological destruction, the effects of acids, alkalis, oils;
  • ability to withstand loads up to 300 kg/m 2 .

Ondulin, unlike standard slate, does not contain harmful substances and does not adversely affect health.

Ondulin dimensions

On the Russian market, ondulin, manufactured under license from a French company, usually goes on sale. The length of a standard sheet is 2000 mm, the width is 950 mm, the thickness of the ondulin is 3 mm, the wave height is 36 mm. The permissible error can be +10/-3 mm in length, +5/-5 mm in width, +2/-2 mm in wave height.

Each sheet of ondulin has 10 waves with a width of about 95 mm, which must be taken into account when calculating the material for covering the roof. When installing a horizontal row, it is necessary to overlap one wave wide to ensure the strength and tightness of the flooring. The vertical overlap when laying ondulin on the roof, the slope of which exceeds 15 degrees, must be at least 100-150 mm. As a result, the useful area of ​​one sheet element reaches 1.60–1.64 m 2.

If ondulin is laid on a roof with a small slope, the lateral overlap of the sheet should be 2 waves, and the vertical overlap should be about 200 mm, which requires a special calculation of the usable area of ​​the sheet material.

Before purchasing ondulin, it is important to calculate the roof, taking into account the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet material, so that in the future you do not have to buy products from another batch.

Roofing calculation principles

Gable roofs with a slope angle of 15 degrees or more are the easiest to calculate, each slope of which is a rectangle, and the overlap parameters are standard. In this case, it is required to calculate the roof area and divide it by the usable area of ​​one sheet of ondulin - 1.6 m 2.

If you need to calculate a complex roof, then you need to divide it into separate planes - rectangles and triangles, calculate the coverage area for each plane separately and sum it up, adding 5% for installation waste.

When calculating materials for the roof, one should also take into account the presence of windows in the roof plane, the use of elements such as a valley, a ridge, covering aprons, an eaves gutter, roof ventilation elements and other components of the roofing system. Their presence and quantity affects the calculation of ondulin sheets.

The need for accurate calculations

Obviously, in comparison with the total area of ​​​​a standard sheet element, a difference of approximately 0.3 m 2 is gained from each sheet of ondulin, and if this is not taken into account, the purchased material may not be enough to install the entire coating.

A competent approach to the calculation of ondulin roofing, taking into account the dimensions of the sheet elements, will help to avoid problems associated with the acquisition and delivery of the missing material, which entails not only additional transport costs, but also disrupts the work schedule. In addition, a new batch of ondulin may differ in shade from the existing one, which will worsen the overall appearance of the roof.

Ondulin: sheet dimensions, usable area, ondulin width for the roof

Dimensions of one sheet of ondulin and its technical characteristics. Useful area and working size of ondulin sheets for the correct calculation of the area of ​​the covered roof.

Ondulin roofing price per sheet dimensions and photo

Ondulin roofing is in stable demand in more than 100 countries around the world. The reasons for such popularity are the affordable price and universal sheet sizes.

Ondulin "SMART" - reliable waterproofing and quick installation

Price per sheet: from 392 rubles.

On forums on the Internet, there are often discussions of "andulin roofing" or "andulin". This spelling is not entirely correct: the name comes from the French word "Onduline", respectively, in Russian "Ondulin" also begins with the letter "o".

The first factory for the production of corrugated sheets opened in the suburbs of Paris in 1944, since then the brand name has not changed.

Ondulin SMART is equipped with a special hydraulic lock Smart Lock of two strips extruded along the edges of the sheet. The guide grooves regulate the end overlap and form sealed joints. Factory marking of fixing points facilitates installation.

Ondulin "DIY" - resistance to stress and easy transportation

Price per sheet: from 412 rubles.

DIY corrugated sheets are in the DIY category. The small width simplifies transportation - the material fits easily in the trunk of a car. The higher price per square meter of roofing (compared to Ondulin Smart) is due to the increased number of overlaps. The finished coating is more durable, withstands high wind and snow loads. Ondulin DIY is recommended for areas with a harsh climate.

Ondulin "Tile" - long-term operation and bright color

Price per sheet: from 467 rubles.

In appearance, Ondulin tiles resemble classical counterparts made of ceramics and metal. Graduated toning of individual areas creates the effect of volume, and innovative staining technology ensures color fastness.

The price of Ondulin does not include the cost of branded nails. They are purchased separately, at the rate of 18 fasteners per sheet. When calculating the number of sheets, it is necessary to take into account the angle of the roof slope: the smaller it is, the more overlaps will have to be done. The approximate useful area of ​​​​Ondulin is 1.56 m 2 with a slope of more than 15 degrees, 1.52 m 2 - at 10-15 degrees and 1.29 m 2 - on a flat roof.

Roofing solutions from Ondulin

In appearance, the onduline roof resembles a slate roof. The materials share a wavy profile, color scheme and almost identical size, but the similarities end there. For the manufacture of Ondulin, environmentally friendly materials are used: cellulose fibers, bitumen, polymer resin impregnations, mineral dyes and natural pigments. The trademark line includes three types of roofing sheets - SMART, DIY and Tiles. They differ in size, price and colors.

Roof colors Ondulin

The tint range of DIY and Ondulin tiles is presented in red, brown and green versions. For Smart sheets, another option is provided - black (slate).

Green tile Ondulin

Brown tile Ondulin

Red tile Ondulin

The colors of Ondulin are distinguished by restraint and unobtrusiveness. Matte roofing sheets go well with wooden and brick facades, harmoniously complement the sheathing of plastic and metal siding. Most often, Ondulin is selected to match the main color of the house, but there are also more original ways - a game of contrast and combinations of several shades. The unified sheet profile allows you to combine them in any variation.

Advantages of Ondulin roofing

  • Long service life. The guarantee of water resistance reaches 15 years, but in reality Ondulin lasts 2-3 times longer.
  • Affordable price. To the low cost of the material itself, savings in installation are added. You can handle the laying of corrugated sheets on your own.
  • Light weight. Another point of savings is that for the transportation of Ondulin it is not required to hire transport and pay for the services of movers. The sheets fit in a car and weigh no more than 6.3 kg each.
  • Chemical and biological stability. The material is not afraid of exposure to alkalis and acids, it does not appear fungus.
  • High quality waterproofing. Smart Lock technology is responsible for the absence of leaks, branded nail heads provide additional protection.
  • Silence and comfort. Unlike metal tiles, Ondulin hides the sounds of rain and snowfall. In the attic you can not hear the sound of rain, the steps of birds on the roof and the sound of falling leaves.
  • Ecological purity. When heated, the roof does not emit harmful fumes.

Unfortunately, low-quality fakes have recently appeared on the market, and with them complaints about the deterioration in product performance. When purchasing Ondulin, pay attention to the factory marking of the sheets - each of them is marked with the name of the Onduline trademark, code of the country of origin, batch number and date of manufacture. Bypass establishments selling "andulin roofing" and contact official dealers.

Andulin roofing: Price per sheet, dimensions and photo

Prices per sheet for andulin roofing. Sheet sizes. Photos of roofing material and examples of houses with andulin.

Ondulin sheet dimensions and its overall characteristics

No one goes for building materials at random - this is, at least, unreasonable. Before buying, we always calculate how much you need. So, for example, when choosing ondulin for a roof, the dimensions of the sheet should be clarified in advance. After all, having taken an insufficient amount of material, you can, when buying more, be very upset when you see that the shade from the new batch is not at all the same, well, you don’t want to overpay either. Therefore, in this article we propose to understand what are the dimensions of Ondulin and its additional elements, as well as how to calculate the required amount of this material for the roof of a house.

We measure the sheet of ondulin

The French three-millimeter roofing called ondulin (or euroslate) basically has organic cellulose fibers. For strength and color retention, the material is impregnated with bitumen with special additives.

The following deviations are allowed during the production of standard sheets with ten waves:

  • across the width of the sheet: from -5 to +5 millimeters;
  • along the length of the sheet: from -3 to +10 millimeters;
  • by wave height: from -2 to +2 millimeters.

And now the parameters of the euroslate sheet themselves:

  • Sheet width - 0.95 meters;
  • sheet length - 2 meters;
  • wave crest height - 3.6 centimeters
  • sheet thickness - 0.3 centimeters;
  • sheet weight - 6 kilograms.

During installation, you will also need fasteners with accessories. In addition to specialty nails, cornices, valleys, gables, gutters and eaves fillers, windows and roof fans will be needed. All of them must be taken into account.

Dimensions of additional elements of Ondulin

Determine the right amount of roofing

Usually, these calculations are undertaken by the company that will install the onduline roof. She usually sells it. However, if you want to cover the roof with euroslate yourself, then it will be quite enough to calculate its number of ondulin sizes and school knowledge in mathematics. You just need to present the entire surface of the roof in the form of simple geometric shapes - triangles, rectangles, squares. Having easily calculated the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach, we add them all - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof.

And now the most important thing is to avoid the main mistake by taking “dirty” sizes instead of “clean” ones. Otherwise - not taking into account the margin required to overlap the sheets of ondulin. It is necessary, otherwise the quality of the roof will suffer. Therefore, simply multiplying the length and width, giving a sheet area of ​​1.92 square meters, is not suitable for determining material consumption. After all, about 0.3 square meters from this sheet will go to overlap.

Now more accurate calculations. When the roof is laid, the sheets of ondulin overlap not only in the longitudinal, but also in the transverse direction. In length, the overlap will be from 10 to 15 centimeters, and in width - one wave (9.6 centimeters). We get "clean" dimensions:

With these dimensions of the ondulin sheet, its usable area will turn out to be smaller - from 1.6 to 1.64 square meters. And one more thing: do not forget that the roof will have to be cut along the edge, and 10 percent more material will be needed. From these figures and push off, buying a roof.

Ondulin sheet dimensions and its price

Roofing material ondulin (euro slate) belongs to the category of soft roofing. Sheets of this material are made from organic fibers impregnated with bitumen at high pressure and temperature.

The outer side of the ondulin is covered with dyes and a special resin.

Thanks to this, the material acquires an attractive appearance and additional strength.

Benefits of ondulin

This roofing material has the following advantages:

  • good sound absorption;
  • high strength;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • does not contain asbestos;
  • ease of care;
  • low price;
  • condensation is almost completely absent.

How much does one sheet weigh?

One of the main advantages of ondulin is its low weight. One sheet of ondulin with 10 waves weighs 6.5 kg. For comparison, one square meter of ceramic tiles is approximately 40 kg. Due to this, the process of laying the material is greatly simplified. Even one worker without a partner is capable of lifting sheets and their installation. Ondulin sheets are lightweight and do not create significant pressure on the roof frame. Therefore, it does not need to be amplified.

Ondulin sheet dimensions

A standard size ondulin sheet has a length of 200 centimeters and a width of 96 centimeters. The thickness of the roofing material is three millimeters. However, at the same time, ondulin is not inferior in its rigidity to a metal tile.

photo of ondulin sheets

The wave height of the sheet is 36 millimeters. Also, quite recently, SMART ondulin appeared on the building materials market, the length of which is less than five centimeters.

Ondulin withstands loads up to 960 kg / s per 1 sq. m.

Material strength

Ondulin wave has a fairly high strength. A standard sheet is capable of withstanding pressures over 1800 kPa. This is enough to support a layer of snow during the winter months, as well as the weight of several workers.

Heat resistance of the material

According to the manufacturers, euroslate does not lose its shape and characteristics at temperatures up to 110 degrees Celsius. But not all consumers agree with this. Many argue that the edges of the roofing material melt in extreme heat. It also gives off a special smell.

Euroslate soundproofing

Ondulin coating absorbs noise quite well, the value of which does not exceed 40 dB. When it rains, the noise will not be heard. It should be noted that the parameters of this material may differ depending on the country of manufacture.

Price per sheet

The cost of one roofing sheet is 200-400 rubles. Ridge elements cost 230 rubles, valleys - about 200 rubles, gable profile - from 230 to 250 rubles, cornice filler - from 30 to 50 rubles. The cost of the lining carpet Ondufshesh is in the range from 800 to 900 rubles.

Calculation of the amount of ondulin on the roof

The main mistake when calculating the amount of ondulin per roof is to take into account the real area of ​​​​roofing sheets instead of the useful one. The real area of ​​an ondulin sheet is 1.9 square meters. m. However, the useful area of ​​​​the sheet with a roof slope of 15 degrees is 1.6 sq.m. This difference arises from the fact that ondulin is laid with an overlap in width and length.

Calculation of ondulin for a roof of complex shape

If the roof has a complex configuration, the calculation of the material is carried out differently. To do this, it is necessary to divide the roofing surface into sections, calculate their areas separately, and then add the areas.

The resulting value will be the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. Next, you need to calculate the number of sheets using the above formula. It is better to buy roofing material with a small margin. The number of nails per sheet of ondulin for the roof is 20 pieces, for a tong - 5 pieces, for a roof ridge - 20 pieces.

Mounting Features

When choosing a crate step for ondulin, one should be guided by the angle of inclination of the roof. If the slope does not exceed 10 degrees, then ondulin sheets should be mounted on a continuous crate made of OSB-boards or plywood.

The overlap in width is 2 waves, and in length - 30 centimeters. If the slope of the roof is 10-15 degrees, then the crate is made of boards or timber.

In this case, the step of the crate should be from 40 to 50 centimeters. The overlap in width is done in one wave, and in length - 20 centimeters. If the slope of the roof slopes is more than 15 degrees, then the pitch of the crate should be 60 centimeters. At the same time, the overlap of roofing sheets in width is done in one wave, and in length - 17 centimeters.

Sheet mounting

First of all, mount the eaves bar. Further along the cornice overhang, the first row of ondulin sheets is laid. The installation of the first sheet is carried out end-to-end with the gable overhang. Also, the sheet should extend beyond the roof eaves by at least 5 cm.

Each sheet of ondulin should be fastened with 20 nails. First of all, fix the corners of the sheet. Next, the lower edge of the ondulin is fixed in each wave. The top and middle of the roofing sheet are fixed in a checkerboard pattern through one wave.

After laying the first row with the required overlap, proceed with the installation of the second strip of material in the same way. It should be noted that even rows (second, fourth, sixth, etc.) must be started from half the sheet.

Installation of the valley and ridge element

At the next stage, a roofing ridge is installed. It is mounted at the junction of two roof slopes. The fastening of the ridge element is carried out with the help of nails (in each wave of euroslate).

Valleys are an element of roofs of complex shape. They are installed at the junction of two roof slopes in the inner corner. Before installing the valley, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing carpet. Laying the valley starts from the bottom up. In this case, it is necessary to observe an overlap of elements of 10-15 centimeters. The amount of overlap should be chosen depending on the slope of the roof slopes.

To fix the grooves, I use special clamps nailed to the roof sheathing. It is not recommended to nail the valleys through with nails.

Sheets of ondulin are laid with an overlap on the grooves and cut off. This is done in such a way that the distance from the center of the valley to the edges is 5 cm on both sides. Filler is laid under the ondulin sheets in advance. Euroslate should be fixed in each wave.

When performing installation work, certain rules must be observed:

  • laying of the material should be carried out at a temperature of -5 to +30 degrees Celsius;
  • it is necessary to control the horizontal installation of roofing sheets;
  • to cut ondulin, you should use a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw;
  • ondulin should not be stretched, as its structure may be damaged in this case.

Ondulin: sheet sizes and other characteristics

Roofing material ondulin (euro slate) is "gaining momentum" in Russia and is increasingly being used on roofs of any type with a slope angle of 5 degrees.

It is easy to install, transport and operate, has unique technical characteristics that you need to get acquainted with even before laying.

Sheet dimensions

The standard dimensions of an ondulin sheet (L * W) are 2 meters by 96 centimeters.

The thickness of the material is 3 millimeters, but its rigidity is not inferior, for example, to a metal tile.

The wave height is 3 centimeters 6 millimeters. Not so long ago, ondulin SMART appeared on sale.

Its length is 5 centimeters shorter.

The weight of an ondulin sheet with ten waves is 6.5 kilograms, its installation is greatly simplified.

Lifting the Euroslate onto the roof and working with it there is within the power of one person, without the help of a partner.

A roof covered with ondulin will not exert strong pressure on the truss system, so there is no need to strengthen it.

The strength of a standard sheet of roofing material is more than 1800 kilopascals.

This is enough to withstand significant snow loads and the weight of several people.

Euroslate is able to withstand loads up to 960 kg / s per 1 square meter of coverage.

Often, only the crate and truss system are destroyed.

Thermal resistance

However, not all consumers agree with them. You can often hear complaints that the edges of the material begin to melt in extreme heat, and a specific smell arises.

Noise isolation

Euroslate absorbs noise well, up to forty decibels.

The rumble of rain on the roof will not be heard.

The characteristics of the material may differ depending on the country in which it is produced.

Check them out in the table.

The cost of roofing material ranges from 200 to 400 rubles.

Valleys cost approximately 200 rubles, ridge elements - 230 rubles, cornice filler - 30-50 rubles, gable profile - 230-250 rubles, onduflash lining carpet - 800-900 rubles.

Calculation of ondulin on the roof

The main mistake that is made when calculating the material for the roof is taking into account the real area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheets, and not the useful one.

The actual area covered by one sheet is 1.9 meters (2m x 0.95m).

But useful with a slope of slopes from 15 degrees will be equal to 1.6 meters. Such a spread occurs because the ondulin is mounted with an overlap in length and width.

To determine the number of sheets, use the formula: K = S roof/S usable sheet (ratio).

The formula makes sense if the calculation is done for a gable roof, on which there are no complex geometric transitions and junctions.

The useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet varies depending on the slope of the slopes.

If the slope is in the range from 5 to 10 degrees, then the coefficient is 1.29 (m2).

With a slope of 10 to 15 degrees, it will already be equal to 1.54.

Calculation example

Imagine that the total area of ​​​​the gable roof of your house is 100 square meters.

The useful area that one sheet will cover with a slope of slopes from 15 degrees is 1.6 meters.

Now let's divide 100 by 1.6. We get the number 62.5. Round it up to a whole number. As a result, it is necessary to purchase 63 sheets to cover the entire roof.

If the slopes were located at an angle of 10 to 15 degrees, then the value of 100 would have to be divided by a factor of 1.54, etc.

Roofs of complex shape

When the roof has many slopes adjoining each other, other architectural excesses, the calculation must be carried out differently.

One of the options is this: the entire surface of the roof must be divided into equal sections, and then summarize their area, getting the total.

Mounting Features

The step of the lathing for euroslate depends on the slope of the roof.

So, with a slope of up to 10 degrees, under the roofing material it is necessary to make a continuous crate of plywood or OSB-plate.

Sheets are laid with an overlap in length - 0.3 meters, in width - 2 waves.

With a roof slope of 10 to 15 degrees, a beam or board is taken for the crate, which are mounted in increments of 40-50 centimeters.

Overlap in length -0.2 meters, in width - 1 wave.

When the slope of the roof slopes is more than 15 degrees, the crate is mounted in increments of 60 centimeters with an overlap of 17 centimeters in length and 1 wave in width.

Sheet stacking order

First, a cornice strip is installed.

Then the first row of sheets is mounted along the cornice overhang.

Laying begins on the side of the roof opposite to the prevailing winds.

If the wind often blows from the left, then the installation is carried out on the right.

The first sheet is laid end-to-end with the gable overhang, while its “exit” beyond the cornice must be at least 5 centimeters.

To fasten one sheet, 20 nails are needed.

First, it is fixed in the corners, then its lower edge is attached to each wave.

The center and top of the sheet are "sewn" through the wave in a checkerboard pattern.

The photo shows the process perfectly.

After all the sheets of the first row are laid with the necessary overlap, the second strip is laid in the same way.

The only condition is that the first sheet must be half.

The process is repeated in the fourth, sixth row and so on.

Ridge and valley installation

The next step is the installation of the ridge element.

The skate is laid at the junction of two slopes and fixed with nails in each wave of the ondulin.

Valleys (grooves) are an element of complex roofs. They are mounted at the junction of two slopes in the inner corner.

Previously, a waterproofing carpet is placed under them. Laying starts from the bottom - up.

The overlap of the elements among themselves is 10-15 centimeters, depending on the slope of the slopes.

The grooves are fixed with special clamps that are nailed to the crate.

Ondulin sheets are laid with an overlap on the grooves and cut off from them in such a way that the distance from the edges to the center of the valley is 5 centimeters on both sides.

A filler is preliminarily laid under the sheets. Ondulin is nailed into every wave.

A few tips to make your job easier

When installing ondulin, observe the following rules:

  1. Works are carried out at temperatures from? 5 ° to +30 °;
  2. Always control the horizontal laying of sheets;
  3. Cut sheets with a knife, hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  4. Do not stretch the ondulin so as not to damage the structure of the material.

Benefits of using ondulin

Ondulin has the following advantages:

  1. High sound absorption;
  2. Strength is greater than that of metal tiles, corrugated board;
  3. Ease and simplicity of installation;
  4. Ease of maintenance;
  5. The absence of asbestos in the composition;
  6. Virtually no condensation;
  7. Affordable price.

It is these parameters that make attract the attention of numerous consumers.

Ondulin: calculation for the roof and dimensions, price per sheet

Roofing material ondulin (euro slate): characteristics, sheet size and prices - installation features and sheet laying procedure. The content of the article

ondulin sheets

Ondulin is one of the most popular roofing materials in modern construction. This material was developed by the French company ONDULINE, where it has been produced for over 50 years.

Today, production facilities are located around the world, incl. and in Russia. Laying involves an accurate calculation of the amount of material needed in order to avoid possible discrepancies in the color scheme from different batches in case of a shortage of material. To make a competent calculation, you need to know the exact size of the ondulin sheet. This is what we'll talk about today.

Material Specifications

In the production of ondulin - the sheet size has certain standards and may have a small error (+10mm / -3 mm in the length of the sheet and + 5 / -5mm in width) from different manufacturers. Standard sizes must comply with:

  • length - 2000 mm
  • width - 950 mm
  • sheet thickness - 3mm
  • wave height — 36 mm (+2/-2 mm)
  • sheet weight - 6 kg

What are the advantages of Ondulin in comparison with other roofing materials?

  • service life - 50 years, water resistance guarantee - up to 15 years
  • wide temperature range of use (from -40 to +80 degrees)
  • withstand loads up to 300 kg per 1 sq.m
  • withstand heavy winds up to 200 km/h
  • absorb rain noise up to 40 decibels (hail, rain)
  • withstand mechanical damage, exposure to acids, alkalis, oils, fungi

Characteristics of the Ondulin sheet depending on the country of manufacture

How much does an ondulin leaf cost?

The price for a sheet of ondulin, although it does not apply to operational or technical characteristics, but this factor is one of the decisive factors when choosing a roofing.

It is worth noting that the cost varies depending on the color palette (ondulin is presented in the following colors: red, black, green and brown). Depending on the margins of the seller and supplier companies, the price of an Ondulin sheet can be from 400 to 500 rubles.

The price of additional elements for ondulin can be:

  • Valleys - from 200 rubles,
  • skate elements - 250 rubles,
  • gable profile - from 250 rubles,
  • lining carpet ONDUFLESH - from 900 rubles

Calculation of ondulin on the roof

If you decide to do it yourself, you may encounter the problem of determining the required amount of material, since only the size of the sheet itself (2 * 0.95 \u003d 1.9 sq.m) is taken into account and gaps for lateral and vertical overlaps are missed.

ATTENTION! Taking into account overlaps, the useful area of ​​ondulin is 1.6 sq.m.

For example, if you need to equip a roof with an area of ​​100 sq.m. and a slope up to 15 0 will require 100 / 1.6 = 63 sheets. But these calculations take place when the equipment is simple without additional architectural elements.

If you are performing calculations at the design stage, you will need knowledge of geometry to calculate the roof area from the projection:

  1. We break the plane into regular geometric shapes (rectangles, triangles, squares)
  2. calculate the area of ​​a single element
  3. We take into account the angle of inclination of the roof (the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bondulin depends on the angle of the slope and can be from 1.3 to 1.6 sq.m.)
  4. Summing up the values

If the projection of the roof is a rectangle and the angle of inclination is 30 degrees, then the area of ​​the roof is equal to the product of the cosine of the angle and the area of ​​the rectangle.

If you didn’t succeed with geometry, you can entrust the calculations to the special Ondulineroof () program. You just need to specify the length and width of the roof slopes and the program will give you the required number of sheets.

Sheet material, developed by the French company ONDULINE, has been among the popular materials for arranging roofing for more than half a century. Today, ondulin is produced in many countries of the world, including Russia. Due to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology of the material, the color shades of different batches may vary slightly. In order for the appearance of the roof to be aesthetic, it is recommended to use roofing material from one batch, having previously accurately calculated the required number of sheets.

Characteristics of ondulin

Ondulin is actively used in the construction of capital facilities - residential, commercial and industrial buildings, in the construction of light structures - pavilions, kiosks, sheds, gazebos. Due to its low weight, this sheet material is ideal for repairing old roofs: it can be mounted on top of flat, old roof coverings without fear of unnecessary load on the foundation of the structure. The approximate load of the new flooring will be about 3 kg per 1 m 2.

The manufacturing technology of the material is quite simple: cellulose fiber is pressed into corrugated sheets resembling traditional slate in shape. Then the base is impregnated with bitumen, the top layer of the material is covered with a layer of mineral pigment and cured resins. The small thickness of ondulin makes it easy to install - sheets can be easily lifted onto the roof, cut, used for laying on curved surfaces, since the material bends both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The total area of ​​a standard sheet is 1.9 m 2 .

The benefits of ondulin include:

  • long service life (warranty - 15 years, actual service life - 50 years);
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to moisture and atmospheric influences (heavy wind up to 200 km/h, temperature from -40 to +80°С);
  • high noise absorption coefficient;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to biological destruction, the effects of acids, alkalis, oils;
  • ability to withstand loads up to 300 kg/m 2 .

Ondulin, unlike standard slate, does not contain harmful substances and does not adversely affect health.

Ondulin dimensions

On the Russian market, ondulin, manufactured under license from a French company, usually goes on sale. The length of a standard sheet is 2000 mm, the width is 950 mm, the thickness of the ondulin is 3 mm, the wave height is 36 mm. The permissible error can be +10/-3 mm in length, +5/-5 mm in width, +2/-2 mm in wave height.

Each sheet of ondulin has 10 waves with a width of about 95 mm, which must be taken into account when calculating the material for covering the roof. When installing a horizontal row, it is necessary to overlap one wave wide to ensure the strength and tightness of the flooring. The vertical overlap when laying ondulin on the roof, the slope of which exceeds 15 degrees, must be at least 100-150 mm. As a result, the useful area of ​​one sheet element reaches 1.60–1.64 m 2.

If ondulin is laid on a roof with a small slope, the lateral overlap of the sheet should be 2 waves, and the vertical overlap should be about 200 mm, which requires a special calculation of the usable area of ​​the sheet material.

Before purchasing ondulin, it is important to calculate the roof, taking into account the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet material, so that in the future you do not have to buy products from another batch.

Roofing calculation principles

Gable roofs with a slope angle of 15 degrees or more are the easiest to calculate, each slope of which is a rectangle, and the overlap parameters are standard. In this case, it is required to calculate the roof area and divide it by the usable area of ​​one sheet of ondulin - 1.6 m 2.

If you need to calculate a complex roof, then you need to divide it into separate planes - rectangles and triangles, calculate the coverage area for each plane separately and sum it up, adding 5% for installation waste.

When calculating materials for the roof, one should also take into account the presence of windows in the roof plane, the use of elements such as a valley, a ridge, covering aprons, an eaves gutter, roof ventilation elements and other components of the roofing system. Their presence and quantity affects the calculation of ondulin sheets.

One of the most popular universal roofing materials today is ondulin, corrugated sheets made from organic cellulose and treated with bitumen and special compounds that increase strength and protect against fading and exposure to temperature extremes.

The factory dimensions of the ondulin sheet, corresponding to GOST, are 2000 mm long and 950 mm wide, with a thickness of 3 mm and a weight of 6 kg. Permissible error is not more than 2 mm. On a standard size onduline, there are 10 waves 36 mm high.

Despite the fact that the dimensions are constant, ondulin is very technological, bends easily, and due to its low weight it can be used over the old coating.

The advantages include resistance to chemicals, decay, good heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties, moisture resistance and a wide range of colors that allow you to implement various design solutions.

The color of the roof from ondulin is preserved throughout the entire period of operation. With proper installation, the operational period is up to 50 years, with a declared warranty from the manufacturer of 15 years.

Laying ondulin, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties, but requires certain skills and adherence to some nuances. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the slope and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. Calculate the amount of roofing material required and prepare additional fixing building material and special tools.

You can refuse to use insulation, but a waterproofing layer is required. You need to start laying ondulin from the lower layers. All work on the installation of the roof is carried out only at positive temperature indicators using only special roofing nails for fastening, which should be at least 20 per sheet. Despite the fact that this is a fairly soft material, it is better to avoid strong tension on the sheets in order to avoid distortions.

Under the roof of ondulin, a crate is made of wooden slats or boards. Its thickness and appearance are determined based on their slope of the roof.

During installation, the linearity of the joints, both horizontally and vertically, should be strictly observed. Before fastening, make sure that the sheets lie flat and only then carry out the final fastening.

Overlapping in one corner of four sheets at once is not allowed, therefore it is recommended to start the second tier of coverage from half a sheet. The overlap between the tiers should be approximately 15 cm.

And of course, do not forget about the safety rules and follow the technology of roofing, taking into account the properties and characteristics of this building material. Work only in soft shoes, placed during fastening only on the crest of the wave, and not between the waves, carefully fasten.

The style of housing construction and comfort in it depend on the choice of roofing material. A reliable roof over your head, and its well-chosen coating can not only protect you from the weather, but also give the hearth a finished look. Roofing from ondulin, just such an option, it is able to transform your home, withstand severe weather tests.

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In appearance, ondulin is in many ways reminiscent of traditional asbestos-cement slate, which makes it possible to create roofs of traditional styles. Through the use of modern materials and technologies, manufacturers have managed to create very high-quality material at low prices, the cost of roofing with ondulin is one of the lowest. It is not by chance that the new material retained the traditional geometry of the waves; in terms of all physical indicators of bending strength, this is the most successful choice. In addition, the absence of sharp changes in height and bends significantly reduces internal forces and increases the service life.

The material was first produced in France about 50 years ago by the company Onduline, hence the common name used today for this type of roofing. International standards still do not exist, each manufacturer develops its own specifications and tries to adhere to them.

Ondulin roofs - photo

Specific tolerance values ​​depend on the equipment, materials and technology used, but in most cases the deviations do not exceed the following parameters.

  1. Length 200 cm. Length tolerance +10 …-3 mm.
  2. Width 95 cm. American manufacturers produce ondulin 1.22 m wide, Belgian 87 cm. Size fluctuations in width ± 5 mm.
  3. Thickness 2.4–3.5 mm. Thickness fluctuation ±0.2 mm.

The fields of deviations in height and width of the wave depend on their number. All manufacturers sell a set of additional elements in the kit.

Prices for ondulin

Ondulin roofing accessories

For high-quality installation of an ondulin roof, you need to buy additional elements, preferably from an identical manufacturer. The cover kit includes the following items.

  1. Skate. Installed at the junction of two slopes. Depending on the specific manufacturer, the dimensions may vary slightly, but on average the length is 100 cm, the width of one side is 30 cm.

  2. Forceps. Are applied to a pediment and a roofing slope. Approximate dimensions 110×35 cm.

  3. valleys. Are established in places of a break of a pitched roof. Approximate dimensions 100×15 cm.

  4. Filler of open gaps of waves. Mounted on the bottom row of the coating, it prevents snow, rain, birds from getting under the roof. It is made of durable foam rubber, has holes for ventilation.

  5. Apron. Used for sealing roof joints with vertical architectural elements. Most often they are made of plastics, but there are also metal options.

  6. Nails. They are used for fixing individual sheets, they have rubber sealing gaskets.

When calculating the amount of roofing materials, these elements must also be taken into account. How to correctly calculate the amount for a particular roof, we will describe in the article a little lower.

Table. Technical parameters of ondulin from various manufacturers.

Manufacturer's nameLinear parameters and short operating characteristics

Due to the use of pressed cardboard during the production, rigidity has increased, the coating can withstand significant loads. Produced in Germany, can be matte or glossy. Linear dimensions 200×90 cm, thickness 2.5 mm, effective sheet area 1.46 sq. m., total 1.8 sq. m.

Products of an American company, effective area 2.1 sq. m., total 2.5 sq. m. Glossy ondulin has a special additional coating that increases resistance to UV rays. Length 200 cm, width 122 cm sheet thickness 3.5 mm. There are 12 waves on a sheet 25 mm high and 100 mm wide. Weight 8.6 kg, number of colors 12. Warranty 15 years, service life 50 years.

The coating is produced by ASBO Antwerp (Belgium), sheet thickness 2.4 mm, total area 1.84 sq. m., effective 1.54 sq. m., length 200 cm, width 92 cm. Number of waves 10¸ wave width 92 mm, height 32 mm. Sheet weight 5.6 kg.

Dimensions 200×93 cm, thickness 2.4 mm. The total area is 1.86 sq. m., covered 1.57 sq. m. Produced by the Turkish company VTM.

Made in France, sheet dimensions 200×95 cm, thickness 3 mm. The total sheet area is 1.9 sq. m., useful 1.6 sq. m. Wave width 95 mm, height 36 mm, quantity 10. Weight of one sheet 6 kg.

Swiss products 200 cm long and 102/95/87 cm wide. Sheet thickness 2.6 mm, has four colors, 15-year warranty, at least 50 years of use. The number of waves, depending on the size of the sheet 10/14.

An example of calculating the amount of coverage and additional elements

Ondulin is mounted on the crate, the distance between the individual slats depends on the bearing characteristics of the coating, but on average it is 25–30 cm. The more sheets and waves have a lower height, the lower the bending resistance, the closer the slats of the crate should be.

Important! When calculating the amount of materials, the angle of inclination of the slopes of the truss system should be taken into account. At a roof inclination of up to 15°, two sheet waves should overlap, with a larger slope, one wave overlap is sufficient. This dependence eliminates the ingress of snow under the roof. On a flat roof, ondulin is laid only on a continuous crate with mandatory additional waterproofing.

The algorithm for calculating the roof is quite simple; to complete it, you need to know elementary mathematical formulas from the school curriculum. How to calculate the number of sheets and additional elements:

  • draw a sketch of the roof, indicate all dimensions;
  • break the roof into separate elements in accordance with the number and geometric parameters of the slopes;
  • calculate the area of ​​each element;
  • calculate the length of the ridge or ridges, valleys, gables and determine the number of meters of elements, taking into account the length of the overlap;
  • determine the number of sheets of ondulin depending on the angle of inclination;
  • at the rate of at least 20 pieces per sheet, buy special nails.

If during the calculations numbers with tenth values ​​are obtained, then they need to be rounded only upwards. It is better to let a little remain in stock than to have to stop installation work due to lack of materials. During construction, it is even theoretically impossible to accurately calculate building materials, too many factors make their own adjustments. Do not try to count to a square centimeter, it will not bring any savings.